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Buddhism is a faith that was founded by Siddhartha

Gautama (“the Buddha”) more than 2,500 years ago in

India. With about 470 million followers, scholars consider KARMA
Buddhism one of the major world religions. Its practice
Buddhists believe that their actions today will impact
has historically been most prominent in East and
their happiness in the future. This principle is called
Southeast Asia, but its influence is growing in the West.
Many Buddhist ideas and philosophies overlap with those
karma and it encourages Buddhists to be generous,
of other faiths. kind and compassionate towards others. It affects a
Buddhist’s rebirth, as Buddhists attempt to make
Buddhism is both as philosophy and religion. Can be sure every action is right (according to the belief
holistically seen in its jewels or better known as the three known as the Eightfold Path) in order to break the
jewels in Buddhism:
cycle of samsara and be reborn in a higher realm.
1. Buddha - anyone who wishes to become Buddha's
follower first of all know the life of Buddha.
2. Sangha- refers to Buddhist community, a The Buddhist word for compassion is karuna. Being
candidate must show willingness to become part compassionate is part of a Buddhist’s spiritual path,
of this community.
and they attempt to show compassion for everyone
3. Dharma- refers to the teaching or doctrines
in the world who is suffering. Buddhists accept that
taught by Buddha.
there is suffering in the world. Karuna teaches that a
According to Buddha every individual has three Buddhist should care for others even though they are
characteristics: also attempting to overcome their own suffering.

 Suffering (Dukkha) METTA

 Impersonality or unsubstantiality ( Annata)
 Impermanence (Anicca) Metta means loving kindness. Buddhists attempt to
show loving kindness towards others and themselves
The four Noble Truths without expecting anything in return. It is important
1) Life is permeated by suffering (dukkha) to Buddhists to have this selfless attitude as it helps
2) The origin of suffering is craving (tanha) them overcome the Three Poisons, which are
3) Suffering can be eliminated through the ignorance, greed and hatred.
elimination of cravings: and
4) The elimination of suffering is possible
through the Eightfolds Path. The five moral precepts are:

The Eightfold Path is the continuum of the four Noble 1. To refrain from taking life, ie killing any living
Truths. They are as follows: creature.
2. To refrain from taking what is not freely given, ie
1. Right Understanding theft.
2. Right Thought 3. To refrain from misuse of the senses or sexual
3. Right Speech misconduct, ie overindulgence in sex or
4. Right Action committing sexual offences.
5. Right Livelihood 4. To refrain from wrong speech, ie lying or
6. Right Effort
5. To refrain from intoxicants that cloud the mind, ie
7. Right Mindfulness
drugs or alcohol.
8. Right Concentration.
Buddhists do not believe in a deity, so the five precepts
are suggested ways of living rather than commandments
given by a god. A Buddhist must want to behave in a
morally good way in order to achieve enlightenment.


Some key Buddhism beliefs include:

 Followers of Buddhism don’t acknowledge a

supreme god or deity. They instead focus on
achieving enlightenment—a state of inner peace
and wisdom. When followers reach this spiritual
echelon, they’re said to have experienced nirvana.
 The religion’s founder, Buddha, is considered an
extraordinary being, but not a god. The word
Buddha means “enlightened.”
 The path to enlightenment is attained by utilizing
morality, meditation and wisdom. Buddhists often
meditate because they believe it helps awaken
 There are many philosophies and interpretations
within Buddhism, making it a tolerant and
evolving religion.
 Some scholars don’t recognize Buddhism as an
organized religion, but rather, a “way of life” or a
“spiritual tradition.”
 Buddhism encourages its people to avoid self-
indulgence but also self-denial.
 Buddha’s most important teachings, known as The
Four Noble Truths, are essential to understanding
the religion.
 Buddhists embrace the concepts of karma (the
law of cause and effect) and reincarnation (the
continuous cycle of rebirth).
 Followers of Buddhism can worship in temples or
in their own homes.
 Buddhist monks, or bhikkhus, follow a strict code
of conduct, which includes celibacy.
 There is no single Buddhist symbol, but a number
of images have evolved that represent Buddhist
beliefs, including the lotus flower, the eight-
spoked dharma wheel, the Bodhi tree and the
swastika (an ancient symbol whose name means
"well-being" or "good fortune" in Sanskrit).

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