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Jean-Baptiste Morin

Astrologia Gallica

Book Twenty-Four

Progressions and Transits

Translated from the Latin


James Herschel Holden, M.A.

Fellow of the American Federation

of Astrologers

Translator's Preface vn

Book Twenty-Four

Section I. Progressions
Chapter 1. Why the Old Astrologers Introduced Progressions 1
Chapter 2. How Many Modes of Progressions have
been Invented 5
Chapter 3. The Annual, Monthly, and Daily Progressions of
the Old [Astrologers] are Mere Figments of the Imagination 8

Section II. The Transits and Syzygies of the Planets

Chapter 1. How Should the Doctrine of Transits be Made 21

Chapter 2. What Path Previous Astrologers Followed

in Taking Notice of the Virtue of the Stars 22
Chapter 3. Whether the Transits of All the Planets Through
the Individual Places of the Nativity Should be Observed 26
Chapter 4. Whether in an Individual House of the
Nativity any Force Exceeds [that of] the Natal Chart
for Future Accidents of Life 28
Chapters. Whether all the Transits Through the Places of
the Nativity are Effective, or Whether They Alone and
in Some Way Motivate our own Nature to the Effects 36
Chapter 6. Whether the Transiting Planets Determine
the Places of their own Transits, or Whether They are
Determined by Them, and in what Way 39
Chapter 7. Whether the Transits of the Planets through
the Places of the Revolutions should be Looked at 40
Chapter 8. Whether for the Production of all the Effects
Happening to Men, the Transits Agreeing with their

Directions and Revolutions are Necessary, and at what Time 41
Chapter 9. For a Given Direction Presaging a Significant
Event, which Planet's Transit is more Necessary for the
Production of the Effect, and through which Place, so that
the Transit may be Said to be Concordant 43
Chapter 10. In which by many Examples and Observations
the Virtue of Transits and their Actual Efficacy are
Confirmed 48
Chapter 11. [Determining] the Exact time of Events by a
Transit, and Whether their Latitude should be Observed.
The Doctrine Confirmed by Celestial Charts 57
Chapter 12. Whether the Planets act upon the Native
through their own Syzygies Outside of the Places of the
Nativity through which their Transits are Customarily
Made. And How and When 46
Chapter 13. The Aphorisms or Principal Laws of Transits 72
Chapter 14. How from What has been Explained so far,
Events of the Future can be Predicted by the Stars with
Regard to the Kind [of Event], the Year, the Day, and
the Hour 78
Chapter 15. Some Principal Rules of Prudence to be
[Observed] by an Astrologer in Bringing Forth a Useful
Opinion from the Stars 89
Appendix 1. The Equation of Time 103

Index of Persons 105

Bibliography 108

Translator's Preface

Morin's method of making predictions of events in the life of

a particular individual is set forth in the main in four books of the
Astrologia Gallic a, namely Book 21 on Determinations,1 Book 22
on Primary Directions,2 Book 23 on Revolutions,3 and Book 24 on
Progressions and Transits. To understand the method fully, it is
necessary to read all four books, preferably in sequence.

The present Book 24 on Progressions and Transits follows

naturally after Book 23 on Revolutions, since Morin says there that
transits can be used in connection with solar and lunar revolutions
(or returns, as they are called nowadays) to determine the exact
day on which a predicted event will occur.

However, he begins Book 24 with a lengthy diatribe against

what he calls "progressions," by which he means both methods us-
ing equal degrees for years or months and methods using the elab-
orate systems set forth by the Arabian astrologers, some of which,
unbeknownst to him, had been taken from Greek astrology books
that were written during the classical period. These systems are
properly called profections, but that term has fallen into disuse
among modem astrologers, and they are now usually termed sym-
bolic progressions. The more common ones in use today are the

The Morinus System of Astrological Interpretation...Astrologia Gallica/Book
Twenty One (Washington, D.C.: A.F.A., Inc. 1974). Still available.
Astrologia Gallica/Book Twenty-Two/Directions (Tempe, Az.: A.F.A., Inc.,
Astrologia Gallica/Book Twenty-Three/Revolutions (Tempe, Az.: A.F.A., Inc.,

radix system4 and the so-called solar arc5. Aside from these, there
is a little-used system of symbolic progressions called tertiary pro-

Morin's complaint against all of the profections is that they

are not based on anything astronomical—what he calls "true mo-
tion." He does not mention Placidus's Secondary Directions,
which had perhaps not come to his attention, since Morin died only
a few years after Placidus's books were published. His general
complaint against symbolic directions would not have been appli-
cable to secondaries, since they do depend upon "true motions."

Having stated at length his objections to symbolic directions,

Morin sets forth his doctrine of how life events—accidents, to use
the technical term—occur and how they can be predicted. Minor
events can sometimes result from transits alone; but in general,
Morin says that to attempt to predict important events in a native's
life that happen at specific times we must consider several things.
The first of these is the nativity itself, which predicts in a general
way everything that will happen to the Native, the second is its pri-
mary directions, the third is the solar and lunar revolutions and
their directions, and the fourth is the transits. We may perhaps il-
lustrate Morin's explanation of how transits operate by offering an
analogy. The nativity is like a gun of a certain type and caliber. The
directions and revolutions are like shells of a particular type, and
the transits are like the trigger of the gun.

For an event of a particular type to happen in the life of a na-

tive, it must first be indicated in his nativity. Next, it must be made

A "degree for a year" method (actually employing the Naibod measure of
0o59'08" per year), admirably set forth in the book by Vivian Robson, The Radix
System (London: The Stallex Publishing Co., 1930). It also expounds "tertiary di-
Those who use the "solar arc" might assert that it does actually represent the tone
motion of the Sun. And that is true, but applying it to the motion of everything else
in the natal chart is not valid from Morin's point of view, because it is only "true
motion" for the Sun, not for anything else in the chart.

possible by a concordant primary direction, which establishes the
time within plus or minus a year when an event of that type can
happen. But without a concordant solar revolution in one of those
years, the event still cannot happen (or at least only in a very minor
way). More strength is given to the manifestation of the event by
primary directions of the annual revolution and by a concordant lu-
nar revolution. But the final impetus is from a concordant transit.
By analogy then, the general nature of the event is one that could
result from a gun of a certain type and caliber, the possibility of the
occurrence of the event is the loading of a particular type of shell
into the gun, and the actual manifestation of the event is accom-
plished by pulling the trigger.

Thus, we can see why a certain type of direction or revolution

or transit may occur many times in a particular chart without pro-
ducing any noticeable effect. For an effect to occur, there must be a
complete combination of concordant factors. To return to the anal-
ogy of the gun, if we wanted to kill a large animal, we must have a
large caliber gun, and it must be loaded with a heavy caliber shell,
and we must aim the gun precisely, and pull the trigger. If any one
of these actions is not taken, then we will not bring down the ele-
phant. Obviously, pulling the trigger on an unloaded gun will ac-
complish nothing. And this is why a particular transit may occur
numerous times without any noticeable result, but now and then it
does produce a result. And looked at from the other direction, in
order for a certain event to occur in the life of a Native, that event
must first be signified in his nativity. Again by analogy, we cannot
bring down an elephant by firing a B-B gun at it, nor by pulling the
trigger on a gun of whatever caliber loaded with blanks. The for-
mer case corresponds to a weak nativity and the latter to a nativity
with no operative direction and a concordant revolution.

But this is enough to give the Reader the basic idea of Morin's
doctrine. To understand it fully, he must read the text attentively
and think about what he has read. Morin illustrates the procedure
with actual example charts set for the time of significant events in
the lives of several persons. These deserve close scrutiny.

I should mention that Book 24, Section II, Chapters 12-14
were translated previously and published in the Addenda to my
translation of Book 22. But I have revised the earlier translation for
the present work.

The translation itself is fairly literal, but it is less elegant than

Morin's Latin, which has a very extensive vocabulary that I have
not tried to emulate by using uncommon English words. I do waver
between referring to a planet as "it" and as "he" or "she." I have
done this to make the referents as specific in English as they are in
the Latin. And I have preserved some of Morin's astrological
terms that are now obsolescent, such as "accident," "figure," "na-
tivity," "virtue," "revolution," "syzygy," "constitution," etc.
Those who have read my translations of Books 22 and 23 will be
familiar with these. I do not use the term "horoscope" because
Morin uses the Latin word horoscopus only in its original sense of
"ascendant," which I translate uniformly as "ASC." Instead, I
translate nativitas as "nativity," and another term that he uses, gen-
esis, sometimes as "chart" and sometimes as "nativity." I do not
believe that he intended to make a distinction between nativitas
and genesis, but he merely used them as synonyms to avoid the
constant repetition of the same word. It would have been appropri-
ate to have translated another frequent synonym figura as "chart,"
but since this is after all a 17th century work, I thought it better to
render it simply as "figure." The word locus usually means
"place," which can be a house or the cusp of a house, a planet, the
aspect of a planet, or the Part of Fortune. In this book, since he is
frequently referring to transits, revolutions, and directions that
share some similarity and thus coordinate to indicate the same
event, he often uses the Latin word congruus 'agreeable' to indi-
cate that similarity. In my translation of Book 23, I sometimes
translated it as 'conformable' and sometimes as 'concordant';
here, I have usually translated it as 'concordant'. And of course I
have kept the frequently used word Caelum as a technical term
rather than translate it as "sky," and I have also retained Primum
Mobile in its Latin form.

I might also mention that in my translation of Book 22 I trans-
lated the word morbits as "sickness," but in my translation of Book
23 and also here I have translated it as "illness." In American Eng-
lish "sickness" and "illness" are more or less interchangeable, al-
though "illness" is perhaps more formal and consequently less of-
ten used. But in British English "sickness" more often refers to in-
digestion, while "illness" is the generic term.

Furthermore, Morin's printed text often uses the astrological

symbols for the planets, signs, and the Part of Fortune, and some-
times uses them for the aspects. I have not done this; instead, I have
spelled out their names.

Finally, the Reader who takes up this book without having

read the translations of books 21, 22, and 23, will no doubt find it
hard reading. He may then wonder if the translation was properly
done. I can assure him that the Latin text is more difficult to read
than the translation and that without resorting to unlicensed para-
phrase it would be difficult to render it into easy English. Morin
had a thorough command of Latin and had learned to write what
are called "periodic sentences." These are sentences that go on and
on with a dozen or more clauses. (Those who have struggled to de-
cipher Cicero's speeches to the Senate in Third Year Latin will
know what I mean.) I have occasionally broken those monsters
into two or more parts, but usually I have kept them together with a
liberal use of commas, semi-colons and dashes. I have also added
words in brackets here and there and even added some explanatory
footnotes to make the translation more understandable. Still, it is
not easy to read, and the Reader who wants to understand what
Morin was trying to impart to him will from time to time find some
sentences that he will have to re-read and think about. I believe that
if he does that he will understand them, and he will be glad that he
took the trouble to do so.

As practical examples, Morin inserts several charts in this

book that are set for the time at which an important accident oc-
curred in the life of a native. In the associated discussion, reference

is made to the natal horoscope and to solar or lunar revolutions (re-
turns), but those charts are not given, since Morin had included
them in earlier books of the Astrologia Gallica. Most of them are
shown in my translation of Book 23, so I did not think it necessary
to repeat them here.

The charts in this translation are facsimiles of the charts in the

Astrologia Gallica and are therefore in the old square form. The
Reader should note that in the center of the charts the day of the
month and the time in hours are given, both reckoned from the pre-
ceding noon. I have given the date and time reckoned from the pre-
vious midnight below each chart. The times are all stated in Local
Apparent Time. If the Reader wishes to recalculate the charts with
a modem computer, he must first convert the time in LAT to the
equivalent time in Local Mean Time. This can easily be done by
reference to the Equation of Time table in Appendix 1.

Finally, I would like to emphasize what I said at the beginning

of this Preface: Morin's complete method of prediction is set forth
in Books 21 -24 of the Astrologia Gallica. The Reader who tries to
leam it by reading only one or two of those books will not acquire
the whole method but only pieces of it. The method itself is
straightforward in theory but complicated in details. Admittedly,
reading four books to leam how to predict one event seems to be
both daunting and excessive. But the diligent Reader's patience
will be rewarded.

James H. Holden
September 2002




The doctrine of annual, monthly, and daily Progressions of

the significators of a Nativity handed down by Ptolemy in the last
chapter of the Quadripartite and by his commentator Cardan and
approved by all others we have dismissed in the Rudolphine Ta-
bles that we have abbreviated, treating of the Revolutions of the
Sun & the Moon, whose directions we have said should be adopted
in place of progressions. And although we have not set forth there
all the reasons for this sort of a change, still we have said a few
things: for in fact they have seemed to be reasonable and pleasing
to the superior astrologers, so that without controversy they are
received by them. But in this Book and in Book 23. which is on
those same Revolutions and their directions, the whole matter is
[made] very clear & manifest by reasons and experiences, so that
there would seem to be no topic of it remaining in ambiguity, but
that which pertains to the transits of the planets over the places of
the Nativity and the Revolutions, which the Old Astrologers were
accustomed to [consider] to be divisors of times of small virtue.
But that there is certainly inherent in them not a small but a very
great force with regard to the Sublunar things that they particu-
larly q/fect, we not only declare, but we also prove with valid rea-
sons and experiences. Which surely will compel every Reader, stu-
dious in Astrology, to acknowledge, to whom the nature of the ce-
lestial light shall have bestowed something in his own nativity.


Chapter 1.
Why the Old Astrologers Introduced Progressions.

Since Ptolemy and the other Old Astrologers directed only

five significators for the life of the native and all of his accidents,
namely the ASC, the MC, the Sun the Moon, and the Part of For-
tune, having omitted Saturn Jupiter Mars, Venus, [and] Mercury
and [those] were not sufficient for them, they thought that the num-
ber of promissors, which they wished to be dividers of the entire
time of life of the native, ought to be multiplied. Therefore, to the
bodies of the 7 planets & their aspects, they adjoined 60 other
promissors and of course the 5 terms of each sign assigned to those
same Saturn, Mars, Jupiter Venus [and] Mercury,1 the worthless-
ness of which we have revealed elsewhere. And so, from an ex-
cess of promissors, compensating for a deficiency of significators,
to bring about, that in no year might anything significant happen
that could not be said to have been caused by some radical direc-
tion, whether truly or falsely.

But actually, because it is not sufficient to foresee and predict

the year of an accident, but the knowledge of the day of that acci-
dent is particularly required, lest, from blind uncertainty the native
should be concerned about that in vain throughout an entire year,
and because to the Old [Astrologers] there were lacking [any]
ways by means of which they might arrive at that mystery they
introduced progressions for the minute division of time through
equal degrees, about which Ptolemy treats in the last chapter of
Book 4 of the Quadripartite,1, expounding the force for their use

Reading H 9 5 instead of H and 5.
See Book 15, Chapter 13, on the various subdivisions of the signs (translated on
pp. 237-240 of the Addenda to my translation of AG Book 22).
In Robbins's ed. (Locb Classical Library, 1940), Tetrabiblos iv. 10 "Of the Di-

to determine the days of the effects. Therefore, this is the scheme
of the introduction of progressions or processes.4 Moreover,
Cardan in his Commentary5 has only two schemes, with which he
commends Ptolemy's doctrine in this part. The first is "that it
should be judged that he had accepted this opinion from the
Egyptians, and the outstanding prophecies of Thrasybulus about
Tiberius, of Sulla, his son, about Nero and Caligula, of
Ascletarion about Domitian and himself. Since Ptolemy himself
was a very diligent and reliable man; and if [those things] were
noted, it is hardly to be doubted that he had followed their path and
handed them down."7

But to this I reply: That Ptolemy, Book 1, Chapter 9, had re-

vision of Times," in which Ptolemy first defines the planetary rulerships of the
ages of man (called by the Arabs alfridaries), giving in order; age 1-4 to the
Moon, 5-14 to Mercury, 15-22 to Venus, 23-37 to Mars, 38-56 to the Sun, 57-68
to Jupiter, and 69 until the end of life to Saturn. Next he applies what amounts to
zodiacal primary directions to the ASC degree, the Part of Fortune, the Moon, the
Sun, and the MC; and he calls these "general chronocrators." Then he mentions
the "annual chronocrators," which are formed by allowing one year to a sign, the
"monthly chronocrators," allowing one sign to each space of 28 days, and the di-
urnal chronocrators allowing 21/3 days to a sign. And finally, he speaks of the
transits of the planets.
I take the Latin word processus 'advances' to be what are properly called
'profections', but which nowadays arc usually called 'symbolic progressions'.
Jerome Cardan, Claudii Ptolemaei Pelusiensis Libri quatuor De Astrorum
ludiciis cum expos it ione Hieronymi Card an i, Opera omnia (Lyons: Hugnetan &
Ravaud, 1663.10 vols.), vol. 5, pp. 93-368.
The astrologers mentioned by Cardan were in fact Tiberius Claudius Thrasyllus
(d. 36), his son Tiberius Claudius Balbillus (d.c.81), Sulla (mentioned by
Suetonius in his life of Caligula but quite possibly a mistake for Balbillus), and
Asclation (rather than Ascletarion), who was ordered by Domitian to be executed
the day before the latter's predicted murder on 18 September 96. See Frederick H.
Cramer, Astrology in Roman Law and Politics (Philadelphia: The American
Philosophical Society, 1954).
Jerome Cardan, loc. cit, p.363, col. 2. Morin cuts short the last sentence, which
reads in full " is hardly to be doubted that it was necessary that he follow their
path, which had been confirmed by evident predictions," (Words omitted by
Morin in italics.)

jected the doctrine of the Egyptians concerning the terms and had
embraced the Chaldean [doctrine], even though both arc worth-
less, as we have shown in its own place. And at the end of the chap-
ter, he also rejects many other divisions of the signs handed down
by those oriental peoples because they were lacking any physical
reason (he says, but) devised for pretence- therefore, we also are
permitted to reject the doctrine of progressions, if they do not re-
pose upon a physical reason, and since Ptolemy has no reason for
it, he was equally able to reject that as well as the doctrine of those
same Egyptians about the terms, and their other figments, but
which one looks at for those prophecies of the ancients, then
[those] of the more recent men, Francesco Maria of Ferrara9 and
Paris Ceresara10 of Mantua; Cardan proves that they had predicted
the days of the events by equal progressions alone," and that no
other way of predicting was known to those astrologers, since they
handed down their own methods of predicting to their successors

Not true! Ptolemy, Tetrabiblos i. 20 & 21, does complain that the Terms Ac-
cording to the Egyptians lack any obvious rationale, and he says that the sche-
matic version of the Terms According to the Chaldeans is simpler, but he also
says ate that, "Now of these terms, those which are constituted by the Egyptian
method are, as we said, more worthy of credence, both because in the form in
which they have been collected by the Egyptian writers they have for their utility
been deemed worthy of record, and because for the most part the degrees of these
terms are consistent with the nativities which have been recorded by them as ex-
amples." (Robbins's translation)
Francesco Maria was said by Count Henry von Rantzau (1526-1598) to have
predicted the year, day, and hour of his death to Jacopo Piccinino [1420-1465]
(see Lynn Thomdikc History of Magic and Experimental Science (New York:
Columbia University Press 1923-1958. 8 vols.), vol. 6,136. Hereinafter cited as
Paris Ceresara (c. 1466-1532), a juriscon ult and astrologer of Mantua, who
was said by both Stadius (c. 1550-1593) and Tucci to have predicted Cardinal
Alessandro Famese's accession to the papal throne (he became Paul III); and
Pontus de Tyard (1521-1605) relates that Ceresara had made the prediction 12
years before the event, also that he would be in peril of drowning in seven years,
and that he would die after twenty-seven years [which in fact happened, since he
acceded to the throne in 1534 and died in 1559] (sec Thomdike, HMES 5 256).
Jerome Cardan, De Revolutions Annorum. Mensium, et dierum... Chapter 12,
loc. cit, p. 572, col. 2.

and did not illustrate it with examples.

The second scheme of Cardan's is "That everything that is

done here depends on the motion and constitution of the heavens;
and that everything that is seen to be unequal in the sky is referred
to equality. Therefore, since a revolution of the Sun is unequal, the
outcome of things in [those] years cannot be referred to it, but
[rather] to the direction and profcctions through the signs."12

And yet 1 reply: Cardan is greatly deceived when he thinks

that the occurrence of things is not from the unequal motion of the
Sun and the Planets, which appears in the sky, and is true and real,
but is from their equal motion, which is only fictitious13 and in the
intellect, but not in the [real] nature of things, since the equal mo-
tion of the planets was only devised with this end and reduced into
tables, so that from it as an intermediary and from the equations of
the center, their true place may be known, from which alone there
are sublunar effects.

Chapter 2.
Flow many Mode, of Progressions
have been Invented.

Progressions were only devised for one purpose, that with

their help the days of accidents might be determined. Moreover,
when the human intellect, having forsaken the light of reason,
loosens the reins to [accept] fictions, it is marvelous how much it
runs riot in these, as is apparent in this doctrine of progressions, in
which, for finding the day of the very same accident, progressions
Jerome Cardan, Claudii Ptolemaei Pelusiensis..., op. cit., p. 366. cols. 1&2.
This confusing statement means that "equal" motions (such as profections)
should be used for prediction; consequently, solar revolutions, which are irregu-
lar, cannot be used. Morin contradicts this statement in the next paragraph. And
Cardan himself used both profections and solar revolutions, i.e. both "equal" and
"unequal" motions.
The Latin text has fu/itius, where the letter represented by / is uncertain. But I
have conjectured that the word is mispelled and should hc fictitius 'fictitious'.

of a threefold sort have been devised—that is, annual, monthly,
and diurnal—some faster than others, lest of course, the day of the
occurrence eluding one sort, might not evade another; moreover,
there are some progressions (as they will have it) [that are] peram-
bulations of the houses of the nativity, by which significators are
conceived to be brought under the Zodiac according to the succes-
sion of the signs. For in fact the Caelum with respect to the natal
scheme must be looked at in a threefold mode. First indeed, that it
is disposed in the natal scheme itself; and so it should remain im-
mobile. Second, that it is indeed also disposed in that same mode;
but afterwards it is moved by directions and those progressions
above the immobile natal scheme. And finally, third according as
both the Caelum and the planets, by their ordinary motion, are in
fact naturally carried by their own and their common [motion],
they pass through the Caelum observed in the first and second
mode. Furthermore, by direction, they are made [to move] in the
first motion about the poles of the Equator, which is a real motion,
and a true one, as we have said in Book 22. Progressions, however,
are conceived to be made by equal motion about the poles of the
Ecliptic, but they are not made by any true or real motion certainly,
because no Caelum and no Planet moves by such a motion, as will
be made plain below.

If in fact the annual progression is a motion by which a partic-

ular significator runs through precisely 30 degrees of the Zodiac
with equal motion in each year, as if [for example] in the hour of a
nativity the ASC was in 7° 15' of Aries; [then] at the beginning of
the second year, that ASC by this progression was in 7° 15' of
Taurus, and so on. Consequently, by this progression, any
significator in a single day runs through 4'56" or 296" of the Eclip-
tic, by which measure it can be known from a table constructed for
this [measure] in what place in the Ecliptic the significator is situ-
ated on the individual days of the year by this progression.

Moreover, the monthly progression or profection is a much

swifter motion. In fact, they want to divide the tropical solar year

into 13 equal parts, which they call profectional months, each of
which contains 28 days 2 hours 17 minutes; and they say that the
significator of the first of these months runs through the first sign
of the profection of the year, the second goes through the next sign,
and so on, consequently running through 13 signs during the solar
year; and hence it comes about that the significators produced by
the annual and monthly progression, begin and end individual
years with the same point of the Caelum in both progressions.
Moreover, the significator runs through 1 "WCM" per day by this
motion, and there is also a table available for this use, as mentioned

Finally, the diurnal progression is the swiftest of all; namely,

the one in which the monthly profection is again divided into 13
equal parts, which are called profectional days, each of which con-
tains approximately 51 hours 52 minutes, for which there is also a
table. And the first significator (as they will have it) of these days
from the moment of the nativity, or of the revolution, runs through
the sign of the first profectional month, the second day, the sign of
the second month, and so forth. Whence it results, that in the begin-
nings of the individual profectional months there is the same point
of the Caelum for the monthly profection and for its diurnal
significator, which by this motion runs through the individual days
in for which there is also a table.

Next, we would have put here tables of the motion and the use
of them, so that it might be known on what day any particular
significator would come to any promissor by the annual, diurnal,
or monthly progression; or vice versa, it might be deduced to
which promissor any particular significator would come on an en-
tered day. But this is available here and there in [the works of]
Regiomontanus, Schoener, Junctinus, Origanus, and other astrolo-
gers. Besides, moreover, we have undertaken to show that those
progressions are a vain figment [of the imagination], from which it
seems to me that the Student of Astrology should be diverted,
rather than being instructed in that with a major loss of my time.

Chapter 3.
The Annual, Monthly, and Daily Progressions
of the Old [Astrologers/ are Mere Figments
of the Imagination.

Besides, there will be real motions common to the Caelum

and the individual Planets, seeing that they want the cusps of the
figure and the individual Planets to be progressed [as] significators
with such motions; but neither the Caelum, nor the Sun, nor the
Moon, nor the other Planets are borne as a matter of fact by such
equal motions, as is known to all astronomers, and as can be
proved by observations. For the Primum Caelum is not moved
above the poles of the Ecliptic in the succession of the signs. And
although the sphere of the fixed stars is moved thus, nevertheless it
does not communicate its motion to the Primum Caelum, so that
the ASC, the MC, and the places of the Planets seen in the Primum
Caelum, are bome by that same motion. The sphere of the fixed
stars is moved forward by its own motion in the order of the signs
by only one degree in about 71 years—in truth, slower than the an-
nual progression, [which] of course runs through 30 degrees in a
single year. But as for the Planets, these in fact are moved over the
poles of the Ecliptic, but all of them unequally with respect to us on
account of their eccentricities and the inclinations of their orbits to
the Equator; therefore, the progressions of the Old [Astrologers]
are simply a pure figment of the imagination.

Cardan doggedly tried to defend this doctrine of Ptolemy in

his own manner and to commend those progressions just like in the
arena with three schemes, the first two of which we have refuted in
Chapter 1 but the third one is this in Text 85, "That the annual pro-
gression agrees with the motion of the Sun and the motion of Jupi-
ter, and the monthly one with the revolution of the Moon; and fi-
nally, the diurnal one with the space [of time] which the Moon
spends in one sign."14

14 Cardan, loc. Cit, p. 364, col. 2. = Tetrabiblos, iv. 10 (Robbins's translation, p.

455, lines 5-11).

Truly, he is dreaming and confused. For the time of the annual
progression, that is a year, he assimilates to the period of the mo-
tion of the Sun or to the time in which Jupiter stays in a single sign.
And yet, neither does Jupiter run precisely through one sign in a
solar year, nor is it put in charge by nature of measuring a year, nor
does the Sun run through a single sign during its period. And be-
sides, while the annual period is for this reason assimilated to the
whole period of the Sun, but thence to the twelfth part of Jupiter's
period (which is no small confusion), it is left uncertain whether
such a progression takes its powers of acting from the Sun or from
Jupiter15 or from both; therefore, the reasons in this part of
Cardan's [book] are groundless.

Similarly, the profectional month of 28 days 2 hours and 17

minutes is compared to the lunar revolution; and he says that that
month is intermediate between the periodic month of the Moon of
27 days and 8 hours and the synodic month of 29 days and 12
hours. But this is false, for the average of these is 28 days and 10
hours, not indeed 28 days 2 hours and 17 minutes, as Cardan had
put it.

Finally, he compares the profectional day of 51 hours and 52

minutes with the space of time in which the Moon remains in one
sign, when, nevertheless, this is several hours greater, whether you
consider the Moon in the synodic month or in the periodic one.

Someone may say that amongst these progressions and the ac-
tual times of the motions of the planets mentioned above, there is
no very great difference; and consequently they can be admitted.
But truly, which motion is more like the true motion of the Sun ei-
ther in its place or its time than its mean motion that is given in all
the tables and is plainly fictitious? And yet no one has said that the
actual effects of the Sun are from its mean motion, which has no
other force aside from an intellectual one, but only for calculation,

Reading a love 'from Jupiter' rather than a vigesima quinta 'from the

for finding the true motion of the Sun from which are the actual ef-
fects. Finally, the question is not whether the progressions have an
affinity with the times of the motion of the Sun, Jupiter, or the
Moon, but whether any significators, that is the Primum Caelum
and the Planets are truly and actually moved by these even motions
of the progressions above the poles of the ecliptic, because no one
of sound mind has said so. Therefore, one may say that it is neces-
sary that such motions should only be fictitiously attributed to
those significators; and consequently, from such a fictitious mo-
tion, only fictitious effects and not any real effects can arise. They
are, therefore, only games of subtle imagination [played] in num-
bers without any logical reason for [the purpose of] show, as Ptol-
emy was saying above about those figments of the Egyptians and
the Chaldeans; accordingly, it must be cast out from true Astrol-
ogy. And the subtlety in it is that they provided so ingeniously that
in each year from the beginning of the annual revolution, they have
made the annual progression, the monthly and the daily progres-
sion, begin from the same point in the zodiac. I hesitate to say how
ridiculous it is to suppose that any significator of the natal chart
progresses by a fourfold motion in that chart, namely, by the mo-
tion of a radical direction, and then by an annual, monthly, and
daily progression!

One can inquire further why in progressions equal times are

measured by equal arcs of the ecliptic, but in directions by unequal
arcs of time, since there ought to be a uniform measure of time, and
the equator alone is a true, simple, uniform, and natural measure of
time? And then, why is the latitude of the Planets taken into ac-
count in directions, but not in progressions? But neither to these
[questions] nor to many others will anyone return any facts con-
cordant with reason.

And no one should criticize us for determining the precise

times of effects within a year by having introduced in place of pro-
gressions the annual and monthly directions of the revolutions. For
we have done that because it seemed to us particularly absurd to
assign fictitious causes to real effects. Therefore, we have tried

with truly arduous labor to discover the true and natural causes,
which would not only depend upon real fundamentals, but would
also correspond to experience. Which we have proved how truly it
was prescribed by us by numerous examples and calculations in
Book 23; and all posterity will experience it with a grateful mind.
Moreover, that it is shown in Book 23 Chapter 15, that the annual
and monthly directions that have been adopted by us as real mo-
tions are none other than radical, and in truth a measure of time dis-
covered by reason, is proved by experience in the aforesaid exam-
ple ; and all this is confirmed by the uniformity of action of the ce-
lestial bodies through the figures and the directions subordinate to
them, by which from universals to particulars, both the kind of ef-
fects as well as their time is arrived at.

Perhaps it might be said that the annual directions had already

been used by the Old [Astrologers], as we have noted from Cardan
at the beginning of Book 23 Chapter 15. And then the revolutions
of the Moon adopted by us, as is set forth by that same Cardan in
his Book of Revolutions, Chapter 13, when he says: "The Lights re-
turn to their own places in their revolutions."16 Consequently, we
cannot introduce anything new here for us to take pride in.

But I reply first that Cardan in his Book of Revolutions, Chap-

ter 13, rejects the annual directions of the Old [Astrologers], and
he has not disclosed their error nor has he thought up any remedy
for it, but we have provided both in [our] Book 23, Chapter 15.

I reply second that Cardan in Chapter 12 did indeed speak

about the return of the Moon to her radical place in the monthly
revolutions, but he neglected these revolutions [which] had not
been well scrutinized, then because in that same place, doubting

Rather, in Rule 4 of Chapter 11 (loc. cit, p. 570, col. 1), which reads "from this
it may be inferred that only the Sun never forgets his entire disposition, similarly
the Moon, where her return is made from the nativity. Moreover, this i especially
done when the Sun or the Moon have returned to the same place in which they
were in the nativity, for here in the lights it is the return to their own place, if the
Moon is considered, in this manner."

their virtue, he says "where the monthly returns are made from the
nativity," and a little later "if the Moon is considered in this man-
ner," then because in Chapter 13 he sets forth and approves other
revolutions of the Moon, which we have rejected from right causes
in Book 23, Chapter 15. Add [the fact] that no one before us has
propounded directions in the monthly revolution nor the measure
of time for those same directions; whence, their truth has until now
remained hidden and neglected; and we have not done this so that
we might take pride in it, but so that we might serve the truth and
give back the glory to God.

It will seem to be much more difficult to suppress those who

assert that annual, monthly, and daily progressions are indeed
confirmed by the frequent experiences of Astrologers, so that it be-
comes rash to reject them, and [it is] no light symbol of foolishness
or ignorance, especially because they are expounded by Ptolemy
and very much esteemed by his commentator Cardan, who has phi-
losophized about Astrology more than all the other [Astrologers],
and he makes use of them from time to time in his judgments of

But I reply. It can be objected similarly that no less frequent

experiences of Astrologers with the terms of the Planets set forth
by Ptolemy, which we have shown in Book 15, Chapter 13, to be
the most groundless figment [of the imagination]. With regard to
these things about the judgments of years, Cardan is not consistent.
For in his Book on the Judgments of Nativities, Chapter 6,17 he
judges on his own accidents of the year from just the figure of the
revolution, without any directions or progressions. But in his Book
of Nativities at the end of the Quadripartite™ he judges on the
years 53, 54-55, & 56 of his own nativity only from the directions
and progressions, and the ingresses, i.e. the places of the Planets at
the beginning of the solar revolution, without any regard to the fig-

Chapter 6 "The Things signified by Revolutions and the Method of Judging
them According to our own Opinion," loc. cit, pp. 440-443 (1662 ed.)
1 have not found these charts in vol. 5 of the 1662 edition.

ure of the revolution because elsewhere he forbade it—so badly is
he inconsistent, and so groundless and ridiculous does he render
Astrology, when he professes to be using it so indifferently. Then,
in the second nativity at the end of the Quadripartite,19 he even
wants to refer these annual progressions only to the places of the
nativity; and yet he confesses that he is uncertain about the
monthly and daily ones, whether they should be referred to the
places of the radix or to [those of] the annual revolution. Because
Cardan argues doubtfully on their use, he only observed a coinci-
dental truth. But since at the end of the judgment of his own nativ-
ity, he puts down that there happened to himself an accident in-
volving an unexpected and painful illness in the year 1553 on the
20th of November at 2 :30 PM, for which moment he erects a fig-
ure; and [since] he does not prescribe the day of anything else of
this sort, it seems good to subject his judgment about that accident
to an examination here.

First he says that he had previously written that in that year he

would enjoy good health, and so he had been a false prophet to
himself, which in fact I marvel at. For the Sun in the sixth house of
the nativity and even the Moon in the twelfth house, are
significators of illnesses; moreover, the Sun in that year is directed
to the 22nd degree of Sagittarius opposite Saturn, according to
Cardan, but not to 1805r as he badly calculated. Besides, in the
revolution for that year, erected by us and placed here. Mercury
and the Moon are the rulers of the eighth; Mercury, moreover, is in
the twelfth and in the watery sign of Mars, moreover the Moon is
in the sixth, and both of them are afflicted by Mars in the first
house, whose radical place and [that of] the Moon was on the
eighth cusp of that same revolution, therefore, from these [posi-
tions] a violent illness and one with danger or fear of death is

1 suppose that he is referring to the remark Cardan made about the nativity of
Alexander I de' Medici, Duke of Florence, who was bom 7 Feb 1512 according to
Luca Gaurico, Tractatus astrologicus (Venice 1552), the 190lh chart (see NN
527) and was murdered on 5/6 Jan 1537. He was a bastard son of Pope Clement
VII (1478-1534).

H7. Ji

%y Wh
D. H. M. \
i}. it. if* T.A.


Cardan *s 53rd Revolution20

24 September 1553
9:11 AM LAT

plainly signified, as [indeed] it happened. But perhaps Cardan did

not inspect the figure of the revolution, for sometimes he judges
the year from the revolution, and sometimes without it, as we said
above. Therefore, he only attributes that illness to the monthly pro-
gressions of the ASC and the Moon to their oppositions on that
very day and to the transits of the planets through the places of the
nativity at the initial moment of the illness, the figure of which is
shown below.

In which in fact the ASC is in opposition to the radical Venus

and Mercury,2'which along with the Sun were in the sixth,
The RAMC is 14703r not 247031' as it may appear to be.
Morin is referring to the positions of Mercury, Venus, and the Sun that were in
Libra in the 6th house of Cardan's horoscope. That chart is not given here, but it is
shown on p. 195 of my translation of Book 23.

Figure MorbL

U+, i


D. H. M
V>. ». 30. /rsS /

0 Licitudo 44.

Figure of an Illness
20 November 1553
2:30 PMLAT

significators of illnesses; and this was certainly bad, but [even]

worse with the direction of Sun mentioned above, since Satum was
in the twelfth transiting the [radical] Moon,22 and he was square his
own radical place and the radical place of Mars, and in the twelfth
house of the figure, which is per sc [the house] of illnesses. These
transits, therefore, were very bad, and along with them the figure
was also very bad, which here I only want to note in passing, to be
explained more fully at another time, and all these things agreeing
greatly on illness, which Cardan himself experienced with danger
or at least with the fear of death, on account of the Sun and Mars,
rulers of the ASC, the latter of which is in the eighth afflicted by
the square of Satum from the twelfth, and the former afflicted by
the square of Jupiter, ruler of the eighth, from the sixth house.

In Cardan's horoscope, the Moon was located in 11 H 42 in the 1 llh house.

But because he is looking at those progressions, I am espe-
cially looking for the reason why he wanted the day of the effect
to be indicated by the monthly progressions rather than by the an-
nual ones, since the annual ones are prior and more powerful for
the particulars and also for defining the times, as Cardan himself
will have it in his Book of Revolutions, Chapter 8, just as the
monthly ones prevail over the daily ones? Besides, since in that
same Book, Chapter 13, he investigates the days of the events
from the directions of the revolutions that he thought up and were
rejected by me in Book 22, Chapter 15. If those directions were
seen to be true in themselves, what need was there for the pro-
gressions? Or if the latter were true, what need was there for those
directions? The superfluousness of one or the other of the meth-
ods is evident, and consequently confusion in judgments must
arise. Besides, in Cardan's example the ASC in its annual pro-
gression was then in 10 degrees 46 minutes of Virgo, still distant
from the opposition of the radical Moon by more than 10 days;
but the Moon was in 16 degrees and 18 minutes of Cancer, where
nothing was found, and consequently not with annual progres-
sions coinciding with the time; Cardan assumed the monthly ones
to be much swifter, which by chance coincided. And this egre-
gious coincidence (the sort of thing that often happens) can de-
ceive those who do not know that these progressions do not rest
upon any real foundation and are of three sorts, some swifter than
the others; moreover, they still ignore the other real causes,
namely, the directions of the solar and lunar revolutions that we
have explained, which designate the very particular times of the
effects, if not exactly to the day and hour, at least closely, as will
now be plain in this illness of Cardan's, since in fact in the figure
of the annual revolution Mercury and the Moon, are from what
was said above, the significators of illnesses and death and do
therefore act with regard to illnesses, like the promissors in the
annual direction meeting them. Moreover, Mercury according to
the Rudolphine Tables was in the 6th degree of Scorpio with 3 de-
grees and 8 minutes of South latitude, and the altitude of the pole
above its circle of position was 44o30,; therefore, its oblique as-

cension was 22823 which subtracted from the oblique ascen-
sion of the opposition to Saturn in the radix, which is according to
the Rudolphine Tables 20o20, of Gemini with latitude South
(which ascension in the above said altitude is 282^S')24 leaves 54
degrees for the arc of direction, which from the Table of annual di-
rections equals 55 days; moreover, from the beginning of the revo-
lution to the illness was 57 days.25

Similarly, the Moon from the Rudolphine Tables is found in

lO^S' of Taurus with latitude 4036/ South, and the pole is 44 de-
grees above its circle of position; therefore, the oblique ascension
of the opposition to the Moon is 230 degrees, which subtracted
from the opposition to the radical Saturn, [whose] oblique ascen-
sion is 282022, leaves 52° 12' for the arc of direction, [which]
equals 53 days.26

Therefore, the direction of the Moon to the place of the radical

Saturn preceded the illness by around 3 days; and the direction of
Mercury to that same opposition of Saturn preceded the illness by
only 2 days; moreover, the directions of Mercury and the Moon to
the place and the opposition of Saturn in the ecliptic were still
closer to the effect. Wherefore, all of these together produced an
illness in the Native by their own influxes, or they excited the la-

Actually, according to the Rudolphine Tables, Mercury was at about
Scorpio 3S12, and its OA for an altitude of 44w30' was 228051
Reading the Gemini symbol rather than the square symbol in the Latin text The
position of Satum according to the Rudolphine Tables was actually about IS^b'
Gemini 1S35, and the OA of its opposition was 280o26'.
1 calculate for altitude 44o30, Mercury OA 22805r and for the opposition to
Satum OA 280c26'; hence, their difference is 5\035' (as compared with the
54o00, obtained by Morin).
Here, for the stated coordinates of the Moon, the recalculated OA of the Moon
is 230o03/ for an altitude of 44o00,; and its difference firom the recalculated OA
of the opposition to Satum (280o26/) is 50<,23' (as compared to Morin's 50o12').
When converted into days, the previous calculation and this differ from Morin's
figures by 3 and 2 days respectively, but the recalculated figures are still not far
from the actual 57 days to the accident.

tent seeds of it; and they disposed Cardan himself very close to the
threatening effect; but finally, from the above said transits coming
on top [of these], the illness was reduced from potentiality to actu-
ality; it broke out violently and suddenly as it were because of the
strength and malignity of the transits, especially from the concor-
dant situation of the Planets in the figure for the breaking out of the
illness; for the transits are only actual causes, and therefore activat-
ing ones, or ones inducing the forms of the effects; and so it is in all
other things, for nature has a universal method of operating to
which all things are subject.

I omit [the fact] that in the figure of the periodic revolution of

the Moon, which preceded the illness by 7 days,27 erected from the
Ephemerides of Pitatus28 which Cardan himself used in the figure
above, and that to the radical place of the Moon 11042/ of Pisces,
as he himself puts it in his nativity; the Moon and Saturn are con-
joined in the ASC and square Mars ruler of the eighth. And the
ASC with the Moon and Saturn are directed in the monthly mode
on the very day of the illness to the dexter square of the place of the
radical Sun, which, in the 6th house of the radix, was the
significator of illnesses, which direction was very sickly.

Besides, the worthlessness of the progressions will plainly be

more evident for whoever will want to experiment with them,
when he has used the genuine and proper sigmficators of the ef-
fects, whose progressions arc made to concordant promissors, for
he will see that they agree with those effects only rarely and coinci-
dentally, and not always all of them, but now the annual ones now
the monthly ones, and now the daily ones, which cannot be said of
the revolutions and their directions set forth by us in Book 23, and
whose verity anyone will experience in any other examples. And

This lunar revolution occurred a few minutes after 1:00 LMT on 13 November
1553. The Moon and Saturn were rising in Pisces square Mars in Sagittarius in
the MC, and Mars was ruler of the 8th house.
Petrus Pitatns, Almanach novum... (Tubingen: Ulrich Morhard, 1544), an
ephemeris for the years 1551-1556. See Thomdike, HMES 5, pp. 264-265.

consequently, since only by chance is there a concourse of the pro-
gressions at the times of the effects, and since they are not based
upon any real foundation, we are of the opinion that they by rights
ought to be eliminated from Astrology.

And it is not because someone may pretend that the annual di-
rection, whose daily motion is 59', almost equal to the monthly
profection, whose daily motion is 64'04", and similarly the
monthly direction, whose daily motion is 13o10'35", are almost
equivalent to the daily progression, whose daily motion is
and consequently, there is no great difference between
our directions and the progressions of the Old [Astrologers]. For
first, the significator in the annual direction runs completely
through the Zodiac in a solar year; but in the monthly progressions
it runs completely through 13 signs without any reason other than
that it was pleasing to their author. The annual and monthly pro-
gressions for individual years begins from the same point of the
Zodiac; similarly, the significator in the monthly direction in its
monthly period runs through the whole Zodiac completely; but in
the daily progression it runs through 13 signs in a profectional
month - this only from the cause, that in the beginnings of the indi-
vidual profectional months the point of the Caelum of each
significator is the same for the monthly and diurnal profcctions be-
cause it was pleasing to the inventor of these to play with so many
numbers. Second, the directions are by a natural mode related to
the circles of position, but the progressions only to a fictitious and
equal [mode] in the ecliptic; and because these progressions are
only a twelfth part swifter than our directions, and because the lat-
ter proceed unequally, but the former equally, it is no wonder that
sometimes they imitate the true causes, especially in the begin-
nings of years and months. Add [to this] that the same places of the
Sun and the Moon in the ecliptic are directed in revolutions of the
Sun and Moon as those which are advanced monthly and daily by
the progressions, namely the radical places of the Sun and the
Moon. Third [and] finally, because for the annual and monthly di-
rections the significators for directing are chosen only in figures of

the revolutions of the Sun and the Moon. But for progressions the
significators are only taken from the figure of the nativity; there-
fore, the directions that have been adopted by us differ greatly
from the progressions of the Old [Astrologers], concerning which
what has been said so far is sufficient.

The Transits and the Syzygies of the Planets.

Chapter 1.
How Should the Doctrine of Transits be Made.

Even though this doctrine is the last in order in the Theory of

Astrology; that is, it is about the celestial causes both ultimate and
particular of all the effects happening to a man; it is not, however,
the last in nobility, since indeed it embraces all the other preceding
things and is the crown of them, sparkling with the most beautiful
ideas, as will be shown in what follows. Because there are those
not understanding, and there are many who have conceded [only] a
minimum of virtue for the production of effects to transits among
the [other] celestial causes, supposing those [causes] to be rather
from directions or from progressions, which we have rejected in
the first chapter, and not taking note that for any particular effect,
supposing such a one is from celestial causes, the celestial cause
ought to be a particular active one, which schemes of the nativity
and its directions are not, nor are revolutions and their directions,
which, with respect to future accidents at least, are potential causes
subordinated to themselves, as we have said in Books 22 and 23.
Consequently, others are superior to them and more universal,
tending ordinarily to some particular which is entirely active, by
which that which is potential in them is reduced to an action. More-
over, such a cause is the transit of the Planets through concordant
places of the figures, both of the radix and of a revolution, as will
be more fully stated below.

Furthermore, Ptolemy himself commends this doctrine at the

end of the last chapter of the Quadripartite, declaring that the force
of a decree, that is the active force of the stars, the producer of the
effects, begins to shine forth then when concordant transits of the
Planets are made or aspects of the Sun or of the Moon through the
annual or monthly signs; that is those that are occupied by
significators in the annual or monthly progression. But in his Com-

mentary Cardan also wants it to be understood that a diurnal pro-
gression was propounded by that same Ptolemy. But because we
have rejected those progressions as worthless, and seeing that we
were only mentioning those annual and monthly directions that we
have introduced, as we have said in Section 1, Chapter 3; conse-
quently, they must be preferred to those others by the best judg-
ment. For in fact it is absurd to think that any significator in the na-
tal figure is progressed by a fourfold motion in that chart, namely
by the motion of a radical direction, then by an annual, monthly
and daily progression. But enough about this already! Here we
only intend to show that Ptolemy himself discovered a significant
force in transits when they were made through concordant or dis-
cordant places in the nativity, and thus to conclude that the doc-
trine of transits should be manifold, and that there is a significant
force in the transits by body or by aspect of the seven Planets, but
especially of the Sun and the Moon.

Chapter 2.
What Path Previous Astrologers Followed in
Taking Notice of the Virtue of the Stars.

It seems appropriate here to imitate the Prince of Alchemy,

the very wise Isaac Hollandus,29 in Book 20 of his Operum
Mineralium, where in Chapter 98 he learnedly expounds the ways
by which the Old Chemists arrived at a perfect understanding of
the art of transmutation by erecting [theories] and trying [them]

It must be known therefore that it was known by the ancient

Astrologers, [to whom it was] made clear by the light of Philoso-
phy, that not only is the Caelum the active effector of those things
which are already done on things sublunar, but it is also potentially
the effector of those things that are going to be, since they cannot
be done without a concurring Caelum. Moreover, the kinds of fu-

John Isaac Hollandus, a writer on alchemy in the first half of the 17lh century.

turc accidents, such as heat, cold, flood, sterility, pestilence, war,
and similar things, are not made by some particular concourse and
position of the stars, with experience as a witness, but only by
[something] certain and determined, which, since in essence it de-
pends upon the motion of those stars at a definitely determined
time, it then follows that from a particular constitution of the
Caelum it can be conjectured at what time any particular accident
may occur, if we can estimate at what time there will be a con-
course of the stars suitable to producing that [accident].

When, therefore, the Old [Astrologers] from the different

sites of the Planets in the zodiac, diverse among themselves and
combined with the fixed [stars], and with diverse sites of them
and of the whole Caelum with respect to the horizon, they would
judge all these inferior things to be changed, and especially the
more significant changes to happen around the times of the great
conjunctions, of the annual revolutions, of eclipses, and
lunations. It seemed proper to them to erect celestial figures at the
moments of those configurations, and from the contemplation of
these to inquire into the types, causes, and times of impending or
near future changes. And to be sure they were experienced in ob-
serving that the kinds and causes of events depended on the na-
ture and celestial and terrestrial state of the Planets of the pre-
dominating configuration; and the times were determined by the
distances of those rulers from the principal places of the configu-
ration, or from themselves in turn. And consequently, the effects
of that same configuration did not appear at the very moment of
that configuration, except perhaps very rarely, namely when
there is no such distance, since they depend on being done by a
time on account of that distance; but only their seeds are enclosed
in the influences of the stars; then, they are shot into the womb of
Sublunar nature, quickly or slowly to be brought into the light,
according as the aforesaid distance was greater or less. And at
that time to be produced, in which the rulers of the constitution,
discovered by lengthy observations, were transiting through its
principal places by their own motion, or they were applying to

themselves, even though the Planets that held those places at the
moment of that constitution were far away from them at the very
time of the transits. For these reasons, they admired the force of the
transits very much.

Moreover, when they would consider those things in the uni-

versal constitutions of the Caelum and in the changes of sublunar
things, they also began to think about particulars. And since they
knew that man excelled all other things, for whose special grace
the Caelum itself and all the Earth was created, they judged the
prevision of illnesses and other accidents to be very important for
the preservation of that man—to know under what position of the
Caelum and the stars he would be bom. For with the Caelum pos-
ited [as] the cause of the generation and the corruption of sublunar
things, it is reasonably especially fitting that a man is altered or
even corrupted by a [celestial] constitution contrary to that one by
which he was generated, since whatever is preserved by a similar
one is likewise destroyed by a contrary one.

Therefore, having erected a celestial figure at the moment

and place of a nativity, first they learned from it the constitution
of the Native's body, then whether this will be healthy, or the
dangers of illnesses; but afterwards they inquired as to what ill-
nesses and at what time. And in fact they found the kinds and
causes of illnesses, then of other effects, from the natures of the
Planets and signs and their situation in the figure, or they exerted
themselves even more profoundly by defining the times of the ac-
cidents of life. For the simple transits of the Planets through the
principal places of the natal figure were not always producing the
signified accidents, as in universal constitutions, but only on oc-
casion, and [even] that rarely; for if transits alone were sufficient,
since the Moon twelve times in a year is together with Mercury,
Venus, and the Sun; and Jupiter, Saturn, and Mars many times
during [a person's] life transit all the places of the natal figure,
[then] as many times as the transits return, so many times also
would the accidents signified by them return, and yet this was not

discovered to be done. However, they have held it as a thing very
certain that the signified accidents cannot be produced except by
an actually concurring concordant influx of its own efficient
cause; wherefore, they wisely supposed that concordant transits
of the Planets are indeed absolutely necessary [to serve] as ac-
tual influxes for the production of signified events; these, how-
ever, can scarcely produce [those events] unless there is a con-
current cause at a certain time, which however, is determined by
the distance of the significator of the event from one of its
promissors; for they do not doubt that the kind of event depends
on the natures of those [planets] and on both their celestial and
terrestrial state [and] likewise its time determined by the dis-
tance between them.

But nevertheless, they learned by daily observations that that

distance is measured in the equator by the mean daily motion of the
Sun with respect to that circle, which is S^OS",30 so that however
many mean daily motions of the Sun, the promissor by the motion
of the Primum Mobile, or in degrees of the equator, is distant from
the circle of position of the significator, to which by that same mo-
tion it was proceeding in the hour of the nativity—in that same
number of years the effect signified by the concourse of the
significator and the promissor would follow after the nativity.
Consequently, the equation of the years of the Native with the
daily [motions] of the Sun intercepted in that distance,31 by that
cause would be slower, than it would necessarily be with concor-
dant transits concurring.

And then, moreover, having added speculations about the Na-

tive's annual revolutions, in likeness of the years of the world,32
they eventually established for themselves a universal science of
the virtue of the stars on these inferior things. For the very oldest

The so-called Naibod Measure of Time.
The "daily [motions] intercepted m that distance" is an elegant way of saying
"the arc of direction."
The "years of the world" are what we would call "Aries ingresses" today.

Astrologers do not seem to have erected annual revolutions, since
Ptolemy makes no mention of them;33 therefore, such was the
progress of the Old [Astrologers] in the recognition of the virtue of
the stars with regard to general and particular effects.

Chapter 3.
Whether the Transits of All the Planets
Through the Individual Places of the
Nativity should be Observed.

The places of nativities are of two kind , for some arc the
places of significators, namely the places of the 7 Planets, the 12
[house] cusps, and the Part of Fortune, but others arc the places of
promissors, namely the places of the 7 Planets, their aspects, and
antiscions. For each planet in a nativity is simultaneously a
significator and a promissor, looked at diversely, namely a
signifkator of those things to which it was determined by its
bodily position and its rulcrship, but a promissor of those things to
which it was potentially determined by its directions to preceding

Since, therefore, the natal constitution and its directions are,

with respect to the Native, something potential for the future things
[that will happen] to that same Native, which arc indicated by the
significators as well as by the promissors—for such future things
do not pass from potentiality into actuality, or from being in the fu-
ture to an actual existence without the concurrence of actual
causes, which Astrologers have observed in very frequent experi-
ments to be the transits of the Planet acting in accordance with
their own radical signification along with that of the houses in
combination— in general, it follows that since all the Planets make
their transits through the individual places of the nativity, and are
able to combine with the individual [Planets], the transits of all of

This is true. It was apparently one of the 8th century Arabian astrologers who
invented the solar revolution (solar return).

them through the individual places of the nativity must also be
looked at, not only transits by body but also by aspect.

Moreover, it must be noted that just as the effects of directions

are from the Primum Mobile^ therefore their times should be mea-
sured by the ascensions of the promissor in the site of the
signiflcator; thus, the effects of transits are from the second or indi-
vidual motion of the transiting Planets; therefore, the times of the
effects [resulting] from transits should be measured by the individ-
ual motion of the transiting Planets.

Besides, a transiting planet must be considered not with just

any kind of consideration, but there are three considerations that
must be particularly noticed. First, what is its own particular na-
ture, for it is not sufficient to know that a transiting planet is by na-
ture a benefic or a malefic; but one ought to know whether it is Ju-
piter or Venus, or in fact Saturn or Mars, because indeed Jupiter
has one nature and Venus has another, just as Saturn has one and
Mars has another, each one of which moreover acts in accordance
with its own nature. Second, what is its radical determination, for it
will act in a transit according to that. For this reason, the transit of
Mars through the vital places of the nativity, [when it is] deter-
mined to death or to illnesses in the radix, is dangerous to life or to
health. Third, what is the celestial state of the transiting planet at
the time of the transit—that is, is it concordant or non-concordant
with its radical signification, and with the combination of that
which was signified by the place through which it is transiting.
Then, whether it is strong or weak, for [a planet that is] concordant
and strong may act strongly for good or evil, [but one that is]
non-concordant for nothing, especially when it is weak.

And not just those three [things] must be considered in the

case of a transiting Planet, but also the Planet or the cusp of the
house through the place of which it is making its transit at the very
time of the transit. For, since the signs were determined from the
beginning of the world to the natures of the Planets, they act de-
pending on the state of their own rulers, as we have said in Book

20, Section 3, Chapters 2 and 4, so the places of the Caelum in the
radix that were particularly determined by the Planets act on the
Native during the [entire] course of his life depending on the state
of the Planets determining; consequently, the transit of Jupiter
through the ASC of the radix at which time Venus, ruler of the
ASC, is in exile and retrograde, and impedited by the rays of the
malefics, Saturn or Mars, will bring forth very little or even noth-

But from that is deduced this—which is very much worth not-

ing—namely, that if the figure was erected by the Equal [House]
system, or another false one errors will unavoidably occur in
connection with predictions [based] on transits; namely, because
the degrees of the Planets and the cusps will be thought to be in one
house of the figure, when in fact they are in another, and conse-
quently determined otherwise in the radix than he may may think,
who erected the figure in a false system.

Chapter 4.
Whether in an Individual House of the Nativity
any Force Exceeds j that of the j Natal Chart
for Future Accidents of Life.

Although we have already spoken about this matter in Book

20, Section 3, Chapter 5, and then in Book 21, Section 1, Chapter
4, still because there is nothing in Astrology that man's talent
means to hold more equal in admiration than that a planet
transiting a place that was one of the cusps of the natal figure, espe-
cially one of the cardinal cusps, or a place that any Planet held at

The Equal House system had been used by Cardan; and it had al o been adopted
by Morin's contemporary, Nicolas de Bourdin, the Marquess of Villennes (d.
1670). The other "false" systems according to Morin's opinion were the
Alchabitius system and the Campanus system He had denounced all of these in
earlier books of the AG and also in his separate work, Re marques Astrologiques
(Paris: Pierre Menard, 1657), which, like the AG, was published after Morin's
death in 1656.

the hour of the nativity, acts according to the signification of that
same house or to the particular signification of the Planet in the ra-
dix; even though at the very moment of that transit, the other Planet
that occupied that place is absent, and moreover, the consideration
of this effect is the principal foundation of the doctrine of transits,
consequently then, lest anything concerning it be lacking, we may
put here that which will seem to be sufficient for a clearer under-
standing of the virtue of those transits; for we promised [to do] this
in Books 20 and 21.

Therefore, such an effect does not arise from those things be-
cause there remains in that very Caelum the virtue of a previously
located Planet impressed according to its form, either universal
and common to all the world from its own form, or particular, from
the particular situation of the Planet in the figure with respect to the
man who is being bom. Not universal, for through the whole zo-
diac which that Planet traverses, it remains in the same mode; con-
sequently, the observation of those places for transits would be
useless, for it would take on equally the same effect in one and an-
other point of the zodiac, of course because the individual points of
the zodiac would be equal in that sort of virtue; but this disagrees
with experience. But not so the particular mentioned above; for
since all the inhabitants of the earth have the same planet at the
same moment of time in the same point of the Caelum, and yet the
Planet does not effect the same thing in [all] the individual men
then being bom; but in this one it acts on his life, in that one on his
finances, etc.; [and] it would follow all the virtues, or all the partic-
ular modes, of that same Planet impressed according to its form
upon that same point of the Caelum that it can exercise with re-
spect to a [particular] man. Therefore, that virtue that is impressed
is not particular but universal, because in fact all the particulars are
equivalent to the universal. Wherefore, if a transit operates accord-
ing to this virtue impressed according to its form, there will be no
reason why from a transit there would follow in this [particular]
man an effect on his life rather than on his finances, or his honors,
etc., but [the answer] would have to be sought from somewhere

else—see Book 20, Section 3, chapter 5, where it is shown in detail
that the Caelum receives nothing from the Planets according to
their form. But the matter is as follows.

The Primum Mobile is the first and the most universal cause
of all natural effects. But these are not from the Caelum alone, be-
cause of itsel f it is determined to no type of effect; but they are also
from the Planets, by which the Caelum itself was determined uni-
versally to the signs at the beginning of the world, and it is deter-
mined particularly on each day, both by its own motion around the
earth and by the Planets' own motions, as we have said in Book 21,
Chapter 4. And [these effects] are not also from the Planets alone;
for Mars has one effect in Aries, or with Aries, and another in
Taurus; they are, therefore, effects from the mutual concourse of
the Caelum and the Planets. And yet the primacy of efficiency is
due to the Caelum, as the prime cause in physics of all things,
shown by us in Book 14, Section 1, Chapter 1; for as GOD effec-
tively concurred with every created agent, as the first cause of
causes, without which nothing can be done, so the Primum Mobile
(the noblest image of God) concurs with every natural agent, as the
prime physical cause, without which, even with the Sun itself re-
maining along with the other Planets, universal nature would lan-
guish, on account of the formal virtue of the Caelum itself, [which
is] like the mind or the spirit, penetrating, vivifying, and preserv-
ing the whole corporeal world.

Furthermore, even if they are given in these inferiors subjects

passive in form and equal to the rest, the Primum Caelum does not,
however, always effect the same thing in individuals; the same
thing, therefore, does not remain in individuals; for the same re-
maining the same, does the the same thing in the same] however,
the same remains in individuals in nature, or in formal virtue, for
the nature and virtue of the Primum Caelum are immutable, be-
cause it is the prime cause, subordinate to no other effecting agent,
but it does not remain the same in the location of its degrees, for
this is continually varied by the continuous motion of the Caelum
itself, and it is made diverse for individuals by reason of the de-

grees. Therefore, the diversity of the situation of the Caelum itself
with respect to individual men at the moment of birth will be a
cause on the part of the Primum Mobile of the diversity of effects
in those same men—namely, one of whom has Aries in the ASC,
another Taurus, etc.

The same thing must be said about any Planet, which in the
same moment of time is the same for individual sublunar subjects
in nature and in universal virtue, but diverse for them in its situa-
tion; whence, its universal nature determined variously by its situ-
ation with respect to individuals that are being bom, does also in
the same instant of time produce different effects in individuals.
And in addition, it determines the part of the Primum Caelum un-
der which it is seen from the earth to its own nature and virtue, both
[what is] essential from its own nature and accidental from its situ-
ation with respect to the Native, with such great efficacy that that
part of the Caelum itself under which the Sun is seen, is to that very
Native during his whole life like another Sun, and one similarly de-
termined by reason of the house of the figure, as was the Sun itself
in the nativity; whence, it can be said not undeservedly that in that
impression of the celestial constitution, which the Native receives
at birth, the Planet is like a certain mean proportion between the
Caelum and the Native, connecting both of them.

Therefore, since the Primum Mobile and those stars that arc
moving under it, in accordance with the diversity of their own de-
termination with respect to the individual Natives, produce diverse
effects in the individuals; to be sure it follows that of whatever sort
each of them is in body, talents, habits, and luck, such a sort
emerged from the virtue and determination of the celestial bodies
with respect to the moment of his own birth; and having received
the impression of this celestial constitution, the Native incurs sym-
pathy and antipathy with the Caelum, and consequently with uni-
versal nature, so that just as the production of the Native himself
depends upon that constitution, so does his preservation, since it
consists of such a situation of the celestial bodies with respect to
the Native; and it is well affected in turn by the characteristic and

common motion of the Planets. And from this it follows that the al-
teration and corruption of the Native himself will be from a con-
trary constitution or situation of the celestial bodies.

Moreover, a contrary situation can occur in three ways. First,

that the situation of the Caelum is the same, but that of the planets
is contrary—that is, the same degree or sign of the zodiac ascends
above the horizon of the Native that ascended in his nativity, but all
the planets are in opposition to their own radical places. Second,
that the planets are disposed in the Caelum just as they were in the
nativity, but the Caelum is in an entirely opposite mode. Third, that
the situation of both the Caelum as well as that of the Planets is
plainly contrary to their radical situations—and this is the worst of
all. But a subcontrary can happen in just as many modes, and a re-
lated one in just as many; for the situation of the Caelum with re-
spect to the horizon alone is noted, but also the situation of the
Planets with respect to that Caelum, under which they revolve with
their own motions.

Since, therefore, a man may be bom in the middle of ten

sites differing in virtue among themselves, which they have
called houses, through which the celestial bodies pour out all the
kinds of accidents that are appropriate for man, as we have said in
Book 18, Section 1, Chapters 2 & 3 it must be seen in the nativity
of each man how the Primum Caelum may be divided among those
sites, and which are the places both of the divisions of it, and also
of the Planets in it. For of whatever sort were the parts of the
Caelum or the Dodecatemorion,1,(3 and the Planet by body, ruler-
ship, or aspect, occupying each house, the Native receives that sort
of active or passive power for the accidents signified by that house
and that much sympathy with that sort of celestial constitution, so

The Latin has in medio decem siluum 'in the middle of ten sites', but since he
seems to be referring to the twelve houses, perhap we should emend the text to
read in medio duodecim siluum 'in the middle of twelve sites'.
By dodecatemorion he means simply a twelfth part of the Caelum, i.e. one of
the twelve houses.

that however often any change happens in it, that many times also
does a change happen for the Native in the thing or kind of accident
signified by that house; if at least the change of constitution was
concordant with the directions and revolutions, which was men-
tioned above. Moreover, a change happens in the houses of that
constitution in two ways. First, from the motion of the Primum
Mobile, which carries those houses around daily through the indi-
vidual sites. Second, from the motion of the Planets, by which the
Moon once in each month; Mercury, Venus, and the Sun once in
each year; Mars once in two years; Jupiter once in twelve; and Sat-
urn once in 30 years transits those individual places. Moreover, a
change alone of a site with respect to the earth or from the Primum
Mobile is of no efficacy for sublunar changes because it does not
alter the universal nature's force of acting. For, always posited in
the same site among themselves, the universal nature of the stars,
notwithstanding the diumal motion of the Caelum that would
change the force of acting; and consequently remaining the same,
it would always effect the same thing. But by the variation of the
situation of the Planets with respect to the Caelum by their own in-
dividual motions, there happens [to be] in universal nature a diver-
sity of the virtue of acting; for from that variation of situation the
syzygies of the Planets occur among themselves and with the fixed
[stars]—some of them translations from one sign into another,
through which the celestial bodies act in various ways on all these
sublunar things [but] only universally; with the Planets continu-
ously determining with respect to the individuals who are being
bom, the points of the Primum Mobile under which they are seen
from the earth.

But when a Planet transits by its own motion through a point

of the Caelum, already determined by the radix with respect to the
Native to the nature of another Planet, or its aspect, or to a cusp;
and so the transiting Planet comes into the radical place of another
[Planet], the radical constitution of that Native is disturbed, both
the celestial one and the impressed one, on account of the sympa-
thy brought about, even as the universal nature would be disturbed

if, with any one of the 7 Planets removed, another one of a different
nature made up anew were substituted in place of it, especially if
there is a great contrariety either in their natures or in the significa-
tions of the Planet transiting the radical and of the one through
whose radical place it is transiting. For every Planet, led around in
the zodiac by its own motion, retains with respect to the Native so
long as he lives its radical or accidental virtue from its radical de-
termination, and with that it continually acts upon the Native—im-
perceptibly to be sure when it transits through the empty places of
the nativity, that is, those which are not cusps or the places of the
Planets, or the places of aspects in the radical constitution; but per-
ceptibly when it transits through those places or cusps, especially
if the transit is noteworthy and there is a concordant direction and
revolution, as will be stated more fully below. For then from such a
transit an effect signified by a direction of the nativity and [also] by
a revolution is reduced from a potentiality to an actuality—there
having been set in motion the active or the passive causes of that
effect intrinsic to the Native, but extrinsic in the universal nature,
that is in the Caelum or in sublunar things, so that something hap-
pens to the Native of the kind of signification pertaining to the
place through which the transit is [made]. But when some Planet
transits through its own radical location, in that way the effect that
is radically signified by it bursts forth.

Besides, when a Planet transits through some point of the

Caelum already determined by the nativity, it must be seen
whether both determinations, namely the determinations of the
transiting Planet and of the radical point are similar or agreeing in
the same effect with a concordant state of the transiting Planet; for
given this, the effect will be produced immediately, according to
the signification of the place or of the point of the Caelum deter-
mined by the radix, through which it is transiting. But if the deter-
minations were contrary, because the transiting Planet, either by
its own nature, or by its radical signification, were contrary to the
radical determination of the place through which it is transiting,
then damages, impediments, [and] misfortunes are signified. And

with a malefic Planet transiting through a good place, evil rushes
into the good; but with a benefic transiting through an evil [place],
good falls upon the evil.

Moreover, because transiting Planets [alone] are not suffi-

cient for an effect, they are in their own site or that of another with
respect to the earth by the Primum Mobile, but in general it is nec-
essary that it be in its own place or in that of another with respect to
the Primum Caelum; hence it is plainly evident that not only is the
Caelum itself the prime and most efficacious of all the physical
causes, with everything else concurring, but in addition in that
place through which there is a transit the force surviving from the
nativity is the producer at a concordant time of future effects for the
Native. Otherwise, there would be no reason why Mars, ruler of the
eighth, transiting by body or by a malefic aspect through the ASC or
the place of the ruler of the ASC, might rather cause an illness or a
danger to life than when it is transiting through some other degree of
the zodiac. For since effects are apprehended from concordant tran-
sits, it ought to be that the force from these belongs to those. But two
celestial causes concur for a transit, namely that of the transiting
Planet and [that of] the place or part of the Primum Caelum through
which it is transiting. Moreover, the virtue productive of the effect
should not be viewed differently from any other cause; otherwise,
the Planet could either always and everywhere produce the same ef-
fect or always produce it from the same place; or at least it would be
done by the transit of some other Planet; both of which experience
proves to be false. Moreover, it is from the concourse of both causes,
also with experience as a witness; therefore, it is necessary that the
virtue belongs incompletely to both causes viewed separately, but
completely to both concurring together; whence, it is also plain that
each cause concurs in the production of the effect with its own radi-
cal determination, which consequently also still survives in the
transiting Planet, which is most worthy of note.

Besides, it was said above that the Native draws together the
sympathy and antipathy with the Caelum from the impression of
the celestial constitution received at the moment of his nativity,

and then with nature combined, which I want to be extended all the
way, so that it can also be understood with the individual natal con-
stitutions of the Natives, and through them with the Natives them-
selves, or rather with all the sublunar things subordinate to the rul-
ership of the celestial bodies. For it is frequently observed that in
any particular accident signified especially by external causes,
very many causes, among them [those of] various kinds, come to-
gether at the same time—generally very different in motions and
modes—of which not a single one is superfluous for the effect. But
all of them are necessary, so that, with any one of them lacking, it
would seem that the effect could not be produced, as is plain in the
death of Julius Caesar, Henry IV King of France, Gustavus
Adolphus King of Sweden, and in innumerable other cases, which
do not occur by chance (as the ignorant suppose) but by fatal provi-
dence, and they seize men by surprise. But by a single direction,
also with a revolution and a concordant transit in the nativity of an
individual man, so many causes agreeing mutually to be moved to-
ward the effect and to come together at the same time, or through
the Native's own constitution, the wonderful sympathy or antipa-
thy with universal nature, as explained above, and in many nativi-
ties of other men, seem to be naturally impossible, since there does
not appear to be any other natural reason.

Chapter 5.
Whether all the Transits Through the Places of the
Nativity are Effective, or Whether they Alone and in
some Way Motivate our own Nature to the Effects.

That all the transits through the places of the nativity are not
efficacious is proved most evidently by the primary planets, the
Sun and the Moon, [and they are] primary among the other [plan-
ets], for the Sun transits all the houses of the nativity every year
and the Moon every month; and yet effects do not happen to the na-
tive in every year, much less in every month, at least not conspicu-
ous ones with individual significations in his own nativity. There-

fore, there is required a concourse of that later cause, which was
mentioned in Chapter 2, certainly of a direction and a revolution
concordant with a transit; for the effects result from a mutual con-
cord of causes, just as a dissension or contrariety of causes im-
pedes them, so that nothing that is notable and complete is pro-
duced. Therefore, even though the Planets are transiting the places
of the nativity by their own motion, they always do with those
same places whatever they can both by reason of their own nature
and by reason of their own radical determination; consequently,
Venus transiting through the ASC by her own nature alone excites
[the Native] to pleasures and jokes, but more effectively if she was
the ruler of habits or of the fifth [house]; and yet without any direc-
tion and concordant revolution, or at least by one of these concor-
dant with the nativity, it will not cause any notable change in the
Native; but this is only done by transits when concordant direc-
tions and revolutions concur with them.

Moreover, Kepler wanted to define how these transits disturb

our nature, asserting that the Planets and the other celestial bodies
do not actually disturb human nature but only apparently. And
afterwards, he acknowledged that in the natural and animal facul-
ties of a child being bom there is received the constitution of the
Caelum which at the time of its rising was made on his faculties
through the impression by that same Caelum; and from this he will
have it that at the [time of] transits of the Planets through the prin-
cipal places of the nativity the faculty excites itself, as if the images
received in the mind at the moment of birth were true stars coexist-
ing and agreeing or disagreeing with the celestial ones; of course,
he will have a faculty necessarily intent upon observations of the
motions of the celestial bodies, so that throughout the whole life of
the man it regulates its own works, which are the accidents that are
going to be for that man. But we have refuted Kepler's opinion in
Book 21, Section 1, Chapters 4-7, and then in Book 22, Section 3,

The Latin text has non efficienter. sed duntaxat objective, lit. 'not efficiently,
but only objectively', but here I think Kepler meant 'not actually...but only appar-
ently', as I have rendered it.

Chapter 2, to which places we refer the Reader.

On the other hand, we say that all living things make use of a
twofold physical food, that is they feed on what is material, and
they are ruled by what is spiritual; but the spiritual is none other
than Air, since it is impregnated with celestial influences, which
men take in copiously by breathing along with the rest of the ani-
mals. But the celestial influences are noticeably varied with re-
spect to each man, according as the Planets in individual nativities
transit through the principal places of the natal chart, with a con-
current and especially a concordant direction and revolution.
Whence, it is true that the air which, impregnated by those influ-
ences, is drawn in, may move the natural desire of man toward
those things, or to doing those things, or enduring them. For thus at
birth you will come to the first breathing in of the influx of the ce-
lestial configuration [that] is imprinted on the Native, and by
which he is generally endowed, both for the accidents present at
that instant and for future ones during the course of his life.

You will object: It will follow that all those who breathe in
the same air at the time of such a transit are similarly moved to act-
ing or experiencing. But since this is repugnant to experience, not
only in the same region or city, but also in the same dwelling, this
doctrine is therefore absurd.

I reply. What is objected to does not follow. For instance,

from the transit of Mars through the same degree of the zodiac, it
does not follow that all men are similarly affected, but only those
who by reason of their own natal chart have sympathy or antipathy
with Mars and with that degree. So that, if for any Native that de-
gree is his ASC, and Mars is the ruler of his eighth or twelfth, such
a Native will be afflicted by illness or by a danger to his life, but
not another person, who, with such a degree and Mars, did not in-
cur the sympathy or antipathy of life, of illnesses, or of death, al-
though for all of them Mars is in that same degree. For the air itself
is not harmful to all those breathing it, just as Mars transiting
through that degree is not harmful to all of them, although its uni-

versal influx affects all of them. And from this it is plain that those
breathing the same air can be affected through sympathy with the
celestial bodies perpetually acting upon that same air, sometimes
in the same way, and at other times in different ways, or even in a
harmful way.

Chapter 6.
Whether the Transiting Planets Determine the
Place of their own Transits, or Whether They are
Determined by Them, and in what Way.

The planets moved by their own proper motion under the Pri-
mum Mobile actively determine its parts to their own nature with
respect to sublunar things; and in turn, they are determined by the
Caelum, or by its parts, and they act as associates just as was said in
Book 21, Section 1, Chapter 5. Again, therefore, in [the case of]
transits, the transiting Planet and the place through which it transits
determine each other mutually with respect to the native; not indeed
in a simple manner, but with regard to their own prior determina-
tions in the nativity; e.g., Mars ruler of the 8th, transiting through the
places of the ASC and its ruler, determines these not only to the
Martian nature (which is a simple determination), but it also deter-
mines them to death, or to [some] danger to life, namely because
Mars by its own determination in the radix produced the force of
death for the native. Moreover, it cannot exert that force more effec-
tively on the Native than by transiting by body, or by a hostile as-
pect, through the places of the radical figure that are determined to
life, such as the ASC and its ruler are; for the radical places, when
they are determined by a transit to significations contrary to their
radical ones, then a change in the radical signification must be
feared for the Native; and because when Mars acts through a transit,
then by that act its force pours in upon the Native, and consequently,
that transit is rightly judged to be dangerous in which the ASC, the
significator of life, is determined to death by Mars, and in turn Mars,
the anaereta, is determined by the ASC to life.

Similarly, because Mars constantly carries with it not only its
own and essential virtue, but also that which it received from its
radical determination, and it is indifferent to exercising the above
said lethal force in the one or the other mode and in this or that kind
of accident, such as actions, lawsuits, pleasures, etc. Conse-
quently, when it transits through these significators by body or by
harmful aspect, it is determined by individual things according to
its mode or general signification, by which either death or danger
to life can happen. And therefore when it transits through the ASC,
it is determined to exerting lethal or sickening force, involving
temperament, habits, or intelligence; [but] when it transits through
the MC, involving actions, undertakings, or dignity, as happens to
centurions leading their own soldiers to battle [as required] by
duty, and thus with other [cases].

Chapter 7.
Whether the Transits of the Planets through the
Places of the Revolutions should be Looked at.

We explain this, both by experience and by reason. By experi-

ence to be sure, since it will be proved below by many examples
and observations that the Planets will transit through concordant
places of the revolution on the days of their own effects. But by
reason, since in revolutions the Caelum and the Planets are deter-
mined anew with respect to the native to the kinds of effects [indi-
cated] by the houses of the significators in the figure, as we have
said in Book 23, Chapter 6; and they are causes, partly by action
and partly by potential, as in the nativity—namely, by the action of
those things which are impressed celestially upon the native in the
hour of the revolution, in which the Planets actively make their in-
fluxes; but by the potential of those things which by that very im-
pression on the native himself will take place during the year or the
month. But that which the Caelum and those Planets [represent] in
potential in the revolution ought to be reduced to an action from a
cause that is purely active, which is the transits of the Planets.
Therefore, these too must be noted [as they move] through the

principal places of the revolutions, but particularly in the revolu-
tion of the Sun. And especially on those days on which any direc-
tions of the revolutions are completed; but the transits through the
places of the nativity are more effective.

Chapter 8.
Whether for the Production of all the Effects
Happening to Men, the Transits Agreeing with
the Planets, with their Directions and
Revolutions are Necessarg. and at what Time.

Of the effects or changes happening to a man, some are note-

worthy which notably change the state of the native's body, mind,
or fortune, such as marriage, a dangerous illness, a duel, etc; others
are of small [consequence], such as anger, an entertainment, lack
of self-control, etc.; but others are moderate, such as a lawsuit, a
brief illness and recovery, etc., in all of which the facts of the con-
dition and disposition of the native must be had. If in fact, for an
armed robber stealing millions from the public, the theft of ten
thousand might be thought a little thing; [but for one] established
in the highest power near the King, those daily increments of for-
tune which happen are small, which would be great to a man of
middle class status. Also, for someone prone [to be involved in]
quarrels and duels, a duel will not in itself be a significant change;
and the same logic applies to other things that are related to the Na-
tive's character or profession. But indeed for small changes, espe-
cially those concordant with character or profession, a transit alone
can suffice; and that is frequently made known by experience; it is
sufficient for those produced by a lighter cause; but produced by a
great one it is alien to the analogy of cause and effect; and conse-
quently, Venus transiting through the ASC of a voluptuous [per-
son] can by her own nature alone provoke the Native to games,
jokes, and entertainments, but more efficaciously if she were the
ruler of the first or the fifth; and similarly, Mars transiting through
the MC of a chivalrous soldier incites him to undertake some mili-

tary action, especially [if it is] the ruler of the profession. More-
over, moderate changes also require at least the agreement of a rev-
olution; but great changes require in addition the concourse of a
concordant direction. Besides, of the effects happening to a man,
some are momentary, such as a fall, a wound, something unex-
pected, a dignity unhoped-for and unexpectedly conferred; others
are daily, such as a daily [attack of] fever, but [still] others lasting
many days or months, such as an illness leading to death, a quarrel
leading to a duel, a theft leading to the pillory, [or] love to marriage
within days or after some months. Moreover, in these and in all
other effects arising from the Caelum, concordant transits usually
are present, as experience proves; therefore it follows that they are
necessary as a part of the celestial causes, just as the actual causes,
without which also those potential causes of future effects in the
radix and in a revolution are not reduced to an action.

Furthermore, in momentary and daily effects, the concordant

transits are made on the very days of the effects if [while] not
partile, at least differing little from partility—to be sure, because
the force of a transit is great near partility, but greatest when it is
partile to the very degree. But in the effects [lasting] many days or
months, since a notable change in the Native is not accomplished
by celestial causes without the concurrence of an actual cause,
concordant transits arc necessary in the beginnings of these ef-
fects; but it also often happens that there is a concordant transit at
the end, such as on the day of death, of marriage, of the final re-
ceipt of a dignity after many oppositions, etc.; and so this confirms
and strengthens the previous transit at the beginning of the effect
and completes its effect; but sometimes a single transit at the be-
ginning suffices for the effect, on account of the strength of a
benefic or the influx of a malefic that impels the Native to act or to
suffer; and a concordant transit does not appear at the end, such as

The Latin text has si non partiles. saltern apartilitateparum di/ferentes 'if not
partile, at least differing little from partility', which seem awkward at best. Per-
haps we should simply delete non to yield the translation 'if partile [or] at least
nearly partile'.

on the day of death resulting from a long illness. And this often de-
ceives Astrologers with regard to the force of transits, when on the
very day of death they sec that no concordant transit is made, at
least no notable one, for they are paying special attention to the day
on which the effect is completed, when instead attention should be
paid to the day on which it began; for that reason, you should not
neglect the subsequent concordant transits for finding the day on
which the effect will be finished or completed.39

Nevertheless, it should also be noted that transits at the begin-

ning of revolutions are especially effective, namely, since they
agree with the universal constitution, and this, to the degree al-
lowed by the actual causes, they immediately reduce from potenti-
ality to an act, so that there is no need for another actual cause, but
especially in a revolution of the Moon. Therefore, that concordant
transits are necessary for [the manifestation of] directions and rev-
olutions, and especially for when [they manifest], is plain from
what is said above.

Chapter 9.
For a given Direction Presaging a Significant Event,
which Planet's Transit is more Necessary for the
Production of the Effect, and through which Place,
so that the Transit may be Said to be Concordant.

We shall attempt to unravel this burning question. It is certain

that the effect of a direction occurs in that year in which it is com-
pleted if there is a concordant revolution; nevertheless, it cannot be
done without an actual influx from a concordant transit; moreover,
it is a question as to which Planet is appropriate to make a transit
for the actual influx of the effect, whether it should be a
significator, a promissor, or in fact some other? And then, through

Morin seems to be saying that although sometimes only the beginning of a
drawn-out event is indicated by a concordant transit, still the astrologer should
look to see if there i a subsequent concordant transit that might indicate its end.

what place? Should it be the place of a significator, or apromissor,
or in fact some other?

For which it should be noted: First. That any Planet in its own
motion in the zodiac carries around both of its own virtues, namely
an essential one from its own nature and an accidental one from its
own determination with respect to the Native in the figure of his
nativity—that is to say, a perpetually essential one, but an acciden-
tal one that it retains and maintains as long as that Native lives. In-
deed, why not, because every Planet is determined to something
with regard to individual men living in the whole world; it carries
with it with respect to individuals that force to which it was deter-
mined with respect to each one in his radix, so long as that one
lives, without any confusion of so many accidental virtues. More-
over, the bond of connection of each man with the celestial bodies
through his natal constitution is dissolved by his death. And all of
this is remarkable, if there is anything at all in universal nature that
is remarkable, and very similar to God's method of working with
regard to particulars.

Second. There are four principal places in the figure of the na-
tivity in which there is the force to produce the effect of a direction,
that is the places of the significator and the promissor of that direc-
tion, then the places of the rulers of both of those; but the
significator is very often not a Planet, but a cusp, such as the ASC
or the MC, to which it is not suitable to go, but to its ruler.

Third. Planets carrying their own force from their radical de-
termination, almost always act according to that with respect to the
Native, when an opportunity has been given in their own motion
through a transit in concordant places of the figure. But sometimes
they also act only in accordance with their own essential force;
nevertheless, determined to the radical signification of the place
through which the Planet itself is transiting, such as Venus through
the MC, especially being free from the malefics, makes actions
and undertakings fortunate, even if in the radix she had no particu-
lar signification of those things. And given that, any transiting

Planet becomes subordinate to the denotation of the promissor,
namely because it is actively determined to the radical significa-
tion of the place through which it is transiting, and it acts in that re-
gard because that is the denotation of the promissor.

Fourth. A planet under an actual influx by a transit excites ei-

ther the native or the active and passive potentials of external
causes to an effect.

With this understood, I say in general: a transit that agrees in

signification with the direction is necessary for the effect of a di-
rection [to occur]. That is, if the direction signifies an illness or a
dignity, the transit [must] also signify an illness or a dignity. More-
over, the transit of a significator Planet through its own radical
place by body or by an aspect concordant with the direction and
powerful is in agreement; but more in agreement is the transit of
that same [Planet] through the place of the promissor by body or by
aspect, as [said] above; and similarly, the transit of the promissor
Planet through its own radical place is in very strong agreement,
but still more in agreement is its transit through the place of the
significator. But when both the significator and the promissor are
transiting their own radical places at the same time, or when they
are in turn each in the other's place, or when they are together, or
opposing or squaring [each other], or aspecting themselves by
trine according to the quality of the direction, this is beyond doubt
the strongest of all.

But since the significator in directions or its radical significa-

tion submits to the scheme of the subject, but the promissor sub-
mits to the scheme of the one driving the causes, and first is the
transit through the significator, then through the promissor, be-
cause the latter follows, but the former precedes, it is especially
made manifest that the Planet transiting through the significator,
disposes the subject, at least by its act, to the power of the one act-
ing; but transiting through the promissor, it excites the acting cause
to the effect; if, therefore, the significator has transited through its
own radical place, from its doubled determination of that same

subject, radical namely, and due to the transit, the virtue of the
significator with respect to that same subject will be doubled as will
its disposition to the effect, which will burst forth from some inter-
nal cause of the subject, such as from the Native's own virtue, or de-
bility, or temperament, etc.; whence, it is no wonder if in that year
there is any notable direction of the Sun, either lucky or unlucky, on
the very day of the revolution of the Sun, on which day the Sun tran-
sits through its own radical place, that a great good will happen for
some, but for others a great evil, especially when the Sun is in an an-
gle in that revolution and in a concordant site of the Caelum, just as
is read about Emperor Charles V, for whom many notable instances
of good luck happened on the days of his own revolutions.

Similarly, if the promissor transits through its own radical

place, then from that its force and its radical signification is also
doubled, both actually and potentially in the year in which the direc-
tion is actually made; and therefore the force of the acting cause will
be doubled, which will be excited into action along with that transit;
then generally on account of the strength of the one acting the effect
is produced without any disposition of the subject, but from an ex-
ternal cause, as when one is killed or attains some dignity.

But when the significator transits through the place of the

promissor or the other way around, both powers arc increased and
excited, namely the passive [power] of the subject and the active
[power] of the one acting, because then each Planet is determined
to their joint signification by its own transit; and consequently, the
effect is accomplished more certainly and more efficaciously than
before. However, the transit of the promissor through the place of
the significator is the most effective of all for the strength of the
agent and the production of the effect, because the promissor is de-
termined twice towards the same action, namely by the direction
and by the transit; [and] if there is added to those a concordant sta-
tus of the promissor in the revolution, a major effect will follow.
And it should be noted that when the significator transits the
promissor, the subject exposes itself to the effectuation of the ac-
tive cause. But on the contrary, when the promittor transits through

the place of the significator, the active cause applies itself to the
subject, and it occasionally does that unexpectedly.

Minor effects are made when the promissor and the

significator transit through the places of their own rulers or when
those transit through the places of the promissor and the
significator, unless the effect is directed from somewhere else; for
since many [places] are always determined to the same thing, such
as the ASC, its ruler, and the ruler of that ruler, etc., to life, the first
cause is the most efficacious of all, the second less, the third still
less, and the fourth of no efficacy—at least none perceptible—as I
have already said. It should be noticed that the ruler of the
promissor produces its changes, and similarly the ruler of the
significator. But when the transits are not by body, but by the as-
pect of a Planet, the nature of the aspect must be considered and the
house into which it falls, which the transiting Planet is moving
through; for the effect will be a lucky or unlucky one, or one easy
or difficult to be manifested in accordance with the nature of the
aspect, and occasionally on account of the subject and the thing
signified by that house. As if, Saturn, ruler of the eighth of the ra-
dix, came by direction to the Sun, the apheta, and transited through
its square in the twelfth house, but [was] lethal, because Saturn is
the anaereta by its own nature and by its determination on account
of its rulership in the eighth.

Moreover, not only do the effects of a direction burst forth

from the transit of a significator, a promissor, or the ruler of either
one of these through some one of the 4 previously mentioned
places, but also from their transit through other places concordant
with the signification of the direction. As if the Moon, ruler of the
ASC, is directed to a following Mars, but it has transited first
through the place of the ASC or the Sun; or if the ASC itself is di-
rected to Mars, and the ruler of the ASC has transited through the
place of Saturn, ruler of the eighth, [then] illness and dangers to
life are portended. Indeed, the effects of directions also emerge
from the transits of other planets of a concordant signification
through these same 4 places. As if the Sun, ruler of the tenth, is di-

rected to Venus ruler of the second; but Jupiter, ruler of the ninth,
has transited through the place of the Sun, honors and riches from
an ecclesiastical dignity or from an ambassadorship are signified;
for, the significations of riches, splendor, ecclesiastical dignity and
ambassadorship are all related among themselves.

Moreover, in all transits attention must be paid to the Sun and

the Moon, [which are] primary planets and more universal than the
others, namely at what time the transits are made to the 4 above
said places and to the transiting Planet; then, Jupiter and Venus
must be taken into account for good effects, as well as Saturn and
Mars for evil ones, having [considered] the scheme of the radical
determination of the individual [Planets]. For from these the more
prompt or stronger effects are produced. From which it is plain that
the transits of the Planets can be concordant with the effect of a di-
rection in multiple ways.

Chapter 10.
In which by many Examples and Observations
the Virtue of Transits and their Actual Efficacy
are Confirmed.

I could insert here innumerable observations most worthy of

admiration relating to the virtue of transits made by me and by
other Astrologers, both old and new. But because the nativities to
which these pertain would also have to be supplied, it conse-
quently seemed sufficient to defer a fuller proof to a particular
book on the judgments of some selected nativities, which for the
confirmation of the astrological theory that we have established,
we have decided to judge by our method perhaps 100 [nativities],
and to add them at the end of our Astrological Prediction, if GOD
grants us [length of] life for this.40

40 Unfortunately, this did not happen, for Morin died only a few years after writ-
ing these words {Astrologiae nostrae practicae, which I take to be the title of a
book that he had in mind). He had also mentioned in one of the earlier books of
the Astrologia Gallica that he had in mind to write a book on prediction.

And so, Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden, succumbed in
the Battle of Liitzen on 16 November 1632 at around 9 in the morn-
ing. and there was a direction of the radical MC to the 25 th degree
of Scorpio square Saturn from the eighth and to the body of Mars
in the twelfth, then to the square of Jupiter ruler of the ASC from
the second. Moreover, the direction of the MC in the solar revolu-
tion was at 29o40, of Leo, the place of Mars in that same revolu-
tion, and square Saturn. And finally, the direction of the MC in the
lunar revolution was again at 28 degrees of Leo in the eighth
partilcly square Saturn in that revolution. Therefore, there were
those three directions in the worst houses of the figure and abso-
lutely concordant for a violent death.

In fact, on the day of his death, Venus, ruler of the MC of the

radix and of the solar revolution, which in the lunar revolution is
found in the tenth in exile in Scorpio the domicile of Mars was
transiting through the 9th degree of Sagittarius, close to the A SC of
the radix and of the solar revolution, and parti lely [conjunct] by its
place in that revolution with [the fixed star] Cor Scorpionis.41 And
indeed, Saturn, the promissor in those revolutions, was in the 1st
degree of Sagittarius, the place of Mars in the solar revolution, ap-
plying to the radical ASC of that revolution and conjunct Venus.
Mars, moreover, was in the 19th degree of Sagittarius square the
radical Moon, [and] applying to the place of the radical Sun,
which, with the Moon, ruled the eighth of the radix and of the solar
revolution, separating then from Venus. But the Sun, ruler of the
eighth in the three aforesaid figures, and the apheta in the radix and
in the solar revolution, was transiting through the 25th degree of
Scorpio, partilely [conjunct] the radical place of Mars, and square
Saturn and Jupiter in the radix itself; and in fact, Jupiter, ruler of
the ASC of the radix and of the revolution in those same figures,
was by transit in the 20th degree of Taurus, its own [place], and
square the radical Saturn, and also opposite the radical place of
Mars. All these transits, therefore, along with the figures and the

Antares or a Centauri, which was in 4038' Sagittarius—close, but not partile.

directions, were very lethal; but the worst of all was the transit of the
Sun, the apheta. And here, not only do the transits of the significator
occur, namely Venus ruler of the MC, and Saturn with Mars, in their
own squares and the body of the promissors, but others in agree-
ment, as the Sun [being] the apheta, and Jupiter ruler of the ASC.

Constable Lesdiguieres42 began to be ill on 21 August 1626,

when the New Moon occurred in 28 degrees of Leo. And therefore
on that day the Moon was passing from the square of Mars and Sat-
urn to the Sun; moreover, she was the ruler of the radical ASC and
was being directed to her own sinister square, since she was the
apheta, and with a quincunx to Satum following.43 And on the day
of the beginning of his illness, Satum, ruler of the eight in the radix
and [also] in the solar revolution, was in 17 degrees of Virgo
partilely opposite the radical Moon; but Mars, the ruler of Satum,
was in its place in the solar revolution; moreover, the Sun and the
Moon were in trine to the radical Venus; but because she was the
ruler of the twelfth in exile in Aries, she was not able to be of bene-
fit, especially [acting] alone against the unlucky [aspects] men-
tioned above.

Moreover, he died on the 28th of September, when the Moon

was in 5 degrees of Capricorn badly afflicted by the square to Mars
and the Sun, [which were] conjoined in 5 degrees of Libra, the
place of the Moon herself in the solar revolution. Venus, more-
over, ruler of the twelfth of the radix, in the twelfth of the lunar rev-
olution, was in 13 degrees of Scorpio, applying to the opposition of
Mars and the place of Satum [both] radical, which was sufficient
for an old man, especially since in the last lunar revolution the
Moon herself was very gravely afflicted by her opposition to the
Sun and Satum and to Mars almost partilely, from which the old
man received a lethal impression in that month.

The Latin text has his name as Disdiguieres, but it should be Lesdiguieres, so I
have changed it. He was Francois de Bonne, Duke of Lesdiguieres (1543-1626),
who was Constable of France from 1609.
All the aspects in this sentence refer to primary directions in the natal chart.

Cardinal Richelieu, from an acute fever coming on top of a
lengthy illness, from which he was not yet perfectly cured, at
length died on the 4th of December 1642, when his radical ASC
was directed to Jupiter in the eighth. And on that day, Venus, ruler
of the twelfth, the ASC, and the eighth of the radix, was transiting
through the 29th degree of Capricorn square the ASC itself, and
also Jupiter was transiting through the 11th degree of Pisces square
its own radical [place]; and these [were the aspects] of the
significator and the promissor. And in addition in the solar revolu-
tion, the Moon, Saturn, and Jupiter were conjoined in the seventh
opposite the Sun; but in the revolution of the Moon, Saturn, Jupi-
ter, and the Moon were conjoined in the eighth in square to the Sun
and Mercury, rulers of the eighth of the radix; and Saturn was
partilely conjunct the Moon, which is very bad for the life in revo-
lutions of the Moon, but it was even worse than that because that
kind of conjunction was in the eighth, with the Moon being ruler of
the twelfth. Besides, Mars, ruler of the first of the radix was on the
very day of his death in 2 Taurus, his own radical opposition; and
Mercury, ruler of the eighth of the radix, had returned to its own
radical place partilely; and Saturn was in the place of the radical
Moon partilely. Therefore, by so many cruelly conspiring celestial
causes he was overwhelmed, who thought that he could succumb
to nothing terrestrial. But here, not only do the transits concordant
with the significator and the promissor concur, which are Venus
and Jupiter, but also the transits concordant with the other
Planets—namely those which were the significators of life and
death, by nature or by determination or by both.

Lord Tronson began to become ill on the 2nd of October

1642, on which day the direction of the radical ASC was to the sin-
ister square of the Sun; moreover, on that same day, Venus, ruler of
the ASC and the eighth, was on the cusp of the second of the radix,
and Mars was on the cusp of the eighth, partilely opposite, and
square to the radical place of the Moon, which was then in opposi-
tion to the radical Mars, and the latter was opposed in the revolu-
tion of the Sun, but in the revolution of the Moon that immediately

preceded his illness, it was square to the Moon, and Saturn was op-
posed to the Sun, [both of] which were very bad; moreover, he died
on the 8th of December, on which day Venus in the 2nd degree of
Aquarius and Mars in the 2nd degree of Taurus were partilely
square, which must be particularly noted; and again, the Moon was
applying to the opposition of the radical Mars; and the Sun was in
the 17th degree of Sagittarius applying to the radical place of Sat-
urn; and then its square was debilitated; all of which things were
very bad and threatening death.

The Blessed Father Charles de Condren was made Sub-Dea-

con on the 24th of May 1613, in which year the Sun in the first was
directed to the 17th degree of Capricorn, sinister trine to Jupiter,
ruler of the ASC in the ninth. And on that day, the Sun, ruler of the
tenth, along with the Moon in the revolution of the Sun, was
transiting through the 4th degree of Gemini trine the radical MC
and the Moon in that revolution, which was in the 5th degree of Li-
bra, in the place of the MC; but Jupiter was in its own radical place
partilely. And its ruler Mercury was in the 23rd degree of Gemini
opposite the radical Sun; moreover, Venus, ruler of the MC, was in
the 17th degree of Taurus in parti le trine to Jupiter itself; therefore,
all these transits were notable and concordant with an ecclesiasti-
cal dignity.

Moreover, on the following 17th of September he was made a

Deacon. And then the Sun was in the 25th degree of Virgo in the
ninth, partilely square its own radical place, [and] Jupiter, ruler of
the Sun, was in the MC of the radix; but Venus, ruler of that MC,
was in the radical place of Mars in the tenth, which she was ruling;
consequently, these transits were outstandingly concordant.

In the year 1614 on the 17th of September he was made a

Priest, on which day the Sun that was in the first of the radix, and
Mercury, ruler of Jupiter in the ninth in the radix, were partilely
conjoined in the ninth house in parti le square to the Sun; moreover,
the Moon was transiting Jupiter and their opposition; and these
[configurations] were greatly concordant.

In the year 1617 on the 17th of June, he applied to enter into
the Congregation of the Oratory of Jesus, in which year Mars in the
tenth of the radix was directed to Venus, its ruler; and on that very
day it was in the 15th degree of Virgo in the radical place of Jupi-
ter, and the Sun was in the 26th degree of Gemini in its own radical

In the year 1642 on the 6th of January, the holy man died ven-
erably around 6 AM, in which year the Sun, the apheta in the first
house, was directed to the sinister square of the Moon who was in
the twelfth afflicted by the opposition to Saturn. Moreover, he be-
gan to become ill on the 29th of December 1641, on which day the
Moon herself was transiting through the ASC, and Mars [was
transiting] partilely through the place of the radical Moon, and Sat-
urn in the eighth degree of Pisces was square the radical ASC.
Moreover, on the day of his death, Saturn was in partile square to
the radical ASC. And Mars, ruler of the Moon, was in the 6th de-
gree of Sagittarius nearly on that radical ASC; and finally, the
Moon was in opposition to the radical Jupiter, ruler of the ASC; all
of which were portending his demise on that very day, as we had

In the year 1605 on the 9th of July at about eight in the eve-
ning I was wounded on account of a woman. Then in fact the radi-
cal ASC was directed to the sinister square of Venus, followed by a
square to the Sun, ruler of the fifth, and Jupiter, ruler of the eighth,
with which Venus herself was conjoined. And on that day, Mars,
ruler of the radical ASC; Venus, ruler of the first; the Sun, ruler of
the fifth; and Mercury, ruler of the sixth, were conjoined in the rad-
ical place of Mars, and trine the radical Saturn, ruler of the MC in
the twelfth; but Saturn itself was transiting through the eighth
house of the radix [and] square the radical Moon, by which every-
thing was agreeing with the effect and its circumstances and with
the sublunar causes.

In the year 1612 on the 30th of May, I was seized by a severe

and lengthy illness. Then, moreover, the ASC was directed con-

versely to the Moon and Jupiter, significators of illnesses and
death; but directly, they were directed to the 9th degree of Gemini,
not far from the square to Saturn. Moreover, on that same day there
was a great eclipse of the Sun in that very degree, and the Sun and
the Moon were significators of illnesses in the nativity, and Saturn,
also a principal significator of illnesses, was in the radical place of
the Moon, to which it was also partilely conjoined in the preceding
revolution of the Moon; and this was very bad and lethal or at least
very dangerous, as has already been remarked many times above.
But Mars, ruler of the radical ASC, was in the 6th degree of Aries
in the twelfth square his own radical place; and Jupiter, ruler of the
eighth, was partilely in his own place in the revolution of the Sun
in the fifth. By these, therefore, there was excited an illness [that
was] severe, lengthy, and one in which hope for life had been given
up by the physicians.

In the year 1613 on the 9th of May, 1 achieved the Doctorate

in Medicine, in which year the MC was directed to the square of
the Part of Fortune and the partile semi-sextile of Saturn, ruler of
the MC, and Saturn itself was directed to the Part of Fortune. In ad-
dition, moreover, the ASC was conversely directed to the Moon as
well as to Jupiter, ruler of the Sun and Saturn, which [latter] pre-
sided over the MC.

Moreover, on the very day of the effect, Jupiter was in opposi-

tion to the radical Moon and trine the MC; the Sun was in the first
of the radix in sextile to the radical Moon and trine the MC, in
which the Moon was then; and consequently, the Sun, Moon, and
Jupiter were in trine among themselves by syzygy; Saturn, more-
over, was in partile semi-sextile to the ASC; and Venus, ruler of
the Part of Fortune, was in the 29th degree of Aries near the radical

In the year 1615 on the 7th of July, I fell into the danger of a
violent death from a missile thrown at me from [a distance of]
three paces in the Rhine, in which I was swimming for pleasure; in
which year, the radical ASC was directed directly to the square of

Saturn in the ecliptic and conversely to Venus. Moreover, on the
evening of that same day. Mars, ruler of the ASC, was in the 10th
degree of Virgo almost opposite Saturn, and Satum was in the 27th
degree of Aries [conjunct] the radical ASC. Venus, moreover, was
in the 17th degree of Leo quincunx the Moon [being placed] in the
5th house where the quincunxes of Venus, the Sun, Jupiter, Satum,
and the Moon fell. From these things, and because the Sun, ruler of
the fifth is in the twelfth with Satum and Jupiter, ruler of the
eighth, pleasures were almost always dangerous for me with re-
spect to my life or my health. And finally, the Moon was on the
cusp of the eighth with [the fixed star] Cor Scorpii;44 the transits
were therefore very bad.

In the year 1616 on the 1st of January, I underwent another

frightful danger from a fall from my horse from a high place and
submersion [in the river below]. On which day. Mars, ruler of the
radical ASC, and the Sun were conjoined in opposition to the radi-
cal Mars near the MC; the Moon was in Gemini square the radical
Saturn and Moon; Jupiter and Venus were in the eighth of the radix
in another square to Satum and Moon in the radix, and conse-
quently opposed to that Moon by syzygy.

In that same year 1616 on the 16th of April, 1 fell into a severe
and malign illness, at which time the ASC was directed to the
square of Satum with latitude.45 Moreover, on that very day, the
Sun, Moon, and Satum were transiting through the ASC itself.
Mars, ruler of the ASC, was in the 6th degree of Aries square its
own radical place, as [it was] on the 30th of May 1612, on which
day I fell into another very malign illness that was mentioned
above. Moreover, Venus was in the 16th degree of Pisces, the
place of the radical Moon and Satum.

In the year 1629,1 was made Regius Professor of Mathemat-

ics through the assistance of friends. In which year, the MC was di-

The fixed tar Antares or a Scorpii, which was at 4024' Sagittarius.
That is, a mundane square or a square in mundo as it is usually said.

reeled to Mercury, ruler of the second, in the eleventh. I took up the
post on the 30th of June, on which [dayj Saturn, ruler of the MC,
was in its own antiscion and exaltation with Spica Virginis;46
Mars, ruler of the radical ASC, was in the 10th degree of Taurus,
the place of the Part of Fortune; the Sun was in the 9th degree of
Cancer, the place of the radical Mars; Venus, ruler of the first and
of the Part of Fortune, was in the 4th degree of Cancer trine her
own radical [place] and the Sun and Jupiter, [and] near the place of
Mars. Moreover, the Moon was in the 12th degree of Scorpio in the
seventh trine the radical Saturn and Moon; and the undertaking
turned out very fortunately. Moreover, I received letters [authoriz-
ing] my dignity stamped with the royal seal on the following 3rd of
August, on which [day] Saturn was as above; Mars, ruler of the
MC in the revolution of the Sun, was in the 4th degree of Gemini
square the radical Sun and Jupiter; and Mercury was in opposition
to the radical Sun and Jupiter.

In the year 1634 on the 30th of March, I gave a public demon-

stration of the Science of Longitudes. And then the MC was di-
rected to the Sun. Moreover, on that same day, Saturn, ruler of the
MC, was in 21 Sagittarius opposite Jupiter in the revolution of the
Sun, and Jupiter was in 24 Gemini opposite that same Saturn and
almost in the antiscion of the radical Mars; but that Mars, potent
because of its exaltation in the MC of the radix, was in the 13th de-
gree of Virgo opposite the radical Satum and trine the radical MC;
and in fact the Sun and Mercury were in the 10th degree of Aries
square the radical Mars; and finally, the Moon was in the radical
ASC. And indeed all the astronomers testified that that Science
was perfectly demonstrated. But Cardinal Richelieu, with the
treachery and betrayal of my Commissioners, wickedly defrauded
me of the promised prize which the opposition and squares in the
above mentioned transits foreshadowed.

In the year 1642 on the 2nd of November, I was seized by a

lengthy and difficult illness from the direction of the ASC to Mars
The fixed star Spica or a Virginis was at 18o40' Libra and Satum was at 16051'
Libra (or at \6044' Libra according to the Rudolphine Tables).

in the ecliptic.47 And on that day began a revolution of my Moon,
in the figure of which the opposition of the radical Mars was as-
cending; and Saturn, ruler of the ASC, was almost partilely con-
joined to the Moon in the second house, for the Moon is applying
to Saturn, whom she overtook within two hours, at which time the
illness was beginning, even though imperceptibly, for it was only
at about 3 PM that it broke out perceptibly by a rigor. But the Moon
in the figure of her own revolution conjoined or opposed to Saturn
we have already very often said to be very unlucky—how much
more so then with an illness beginning? Here, unless I am mis-
taken, it was caused by that conjunction.

Chapter 11.
I Determining ] the Exact Time of Events by a Transit,
and Whether their Latitude should be Observed. The
Doctrine Confirmed by Celestial Charts.

The highest crown of judicial Astrology, from which the

greater admiration of this science and the more honored fame of
the astrologer arises is to predict the exact time of events to the day
and the hour, which has happened many times not only to me but
also to older Astrologers, as is witnessed by History; and it will be
much more familiar to those of latter days because of the univer-
sality of Astrology, but especially on account of that doctrine of di-
rections and revolutions and also transits already set forth more
precisely and accurately than it ever was before. Moreover, that
time can be conjectured by a variety of ways and can become
known as follows.

First, therefore, when the promissor of the direction and the

planet that is the significator return to their own radical locations in
the year in which the direction is completed, or one of them transits
through the place of the other by body or by a concordant aspect, or
both of them are conjoined in another place, then the effect is de-

That is a conjunction in zodiaco as it is usually said.

pending upon that sort of transit of theirs; for then the force of their
radical determination and its virtue are doubled. Indeed, all the
planets, when they transits their own opposition or square in the ra-
dix, excite their own radical signification to actuality, on account
of the force of that cross in the sky, which Johannes Francus
Offusius writing Against Astrology4* was unable not to admire and

Second. If any planet is transiting partilely through the place

of another, [and] it should happen that both, by conjunction or by
concordant strong aspect, are joined together by syzygies, or at
least the transiting planet is connected with the ruler of the house
through which it is transiting, then the effect will be produced by
such a transit, if it agrees with a direction, for thus the significator
and the promissor aid and excite each other.

Third. If to a direction of the radical ASC to the body, the

square, or the opposition of Saturn, especially when it is the ruler
of the eighth or twelfth house, there is added in that same year a
transit of that same Saturn through the ASC, by its square, or oppo-
sition, but especially by a bodily transit, illness or some danger to
the life is certainly to be feared; but especially if to the transit of
Saturn there is added a transit of Mars to the lights in the sixth, the
eighth, or the twelfth aspecting the powers adversely, or is joined
with them bodily. For then the ASC is very badly afflicted, and
[also] the Native because of the actual influx of the malefics affect-
ing his life. And there is the same logic with the others, for here and
elsewhere we very often set forth a universal doctrine from a par-
ticular case.

Fourth. When a benefic planet is in the MC of the radix or the

ruler of the MC itself is well posited, and in a concordant direction
Probably a reference to the book De divina astrorum facilitate in larvalam
astrologiam (Paris, 1570) 'On the Divine Power of the Stars Against a Bewitched
Astrology'. See Thomdike, HMES 6, pp. 22-24,108-111. Offusius (c. 1500-c.
1565) was a medical doctor who had devised a new system of astrology, and, as
usual, denounced other astrologers who were using traditional systems.
Thomdike gives some details.

and revolution that same planet transits through the ASC of the ra-
dix, or the place of the ruler of the ASC well disposed and very
well configured with that ruler, then some good fortune will come
to the Native in his undertakings or in dignities; for to these [acci-
dents] the MC as well as the ASC arc determined together in the
act, or rather the Native is determined by the ASC and the MC.
And the same logic applies to other things.

Fifth. The status of the Native must be considered, while the

direction and the revolution are in effect, agreeing in a lucky or an
unlucky accident, [and] strong concordant transits are present. For
if someone has a quarrel leading to a duel, in the year of a menac-
ing direction and revolution, and there is a malefic in the eighth of
the radix, at the time when the ruler of the ASC of the radix transits
the place of that malefic or its opposition, a duel will take place and
he will be killed, unless, conscious of the danger, he avoids it, hav-
ing prudently overcome a proclivity of his nature. And the same
logic applies to other things.

Sixth. In the transit of the planets through the radical places, it

must be seen to what the transiting planets and the place through
which they are transiting are determined in the radix. For if both of
them are determined to the same kind of good thing, as when the two
benefics are in the first or the tenth, or they arc determined to good
things of different kinds, such as the ruler of the ASC and the ruler of
the second or the MC, then the transit of one of them through the
place of the other by body or by benefic aspect will be opportune for
a fortunate effect; just as when the Sun in the tenth of the radix tran-
sits the place of Jupiter in the first by body or by trine; but if they
were determined to some kind of evil, as two planets in the eighth or
the twelfth, especially malcfics, or to evils of different kinds, as the
ruler of the eighth and the ruler of the twelfth or one of them to good
and the other to evil, then the transit of one of the malefics through
the place of the other by body or by aspect will be opportune for a
bad effect; moreover, a transit by a benefic aspect will [still] be un-
safe, because Planets determined to evils very often harm more
than the benefic aspects help, especially those [Planets] that are

malefic by nature; as on the contrary, Jupiter and Venus deter-
mined to good things, also help by square or opposition although
not without some difficulty. And the [very] days of the events of
the aforesaid things and others like them can be foreseen.

Seventh. For effects [to eventuate] from transits, not only is it

required that the transits of the Planets are made conformably in
the Caelum, but also that they are made in a concordant location
with respect to the horizon and the Native, for only then do they
produce their effects; and from them the [very] hour of the acci-
dents can be discovered. As the transit of Saturn through the de-
gree of the ASC must be feared, especially in that same hour in
which Saturn rises with that degree in the horizon that the Native is
then occupying, and its transit through the MC, in which hour Sat-
urn will be in the middle of the Caelum\ and [also] its transit
through the place of the Sun, in which hour Saturn is in the circle of
position of the radical Sun; and that hour must also be feared in
which Saturn is in the opposite locations; because indeed it must
be particularly understood about the things signified by those
places of Saturn from the contrary radical determination. For not
only must Saturn's transit through the degree of the radical ASC be
feared, when by its daily motion it will be in the rising point of the
horizon, but also when with that same motion it will transit the
spaces of the first, seventh, eighth, and twelfth houses, which are
inimical to life. And the reasoning is the same about other transits,
good as well as bad, by body or by a concordant aspect.

And from this the reason can be found why the transits of the
Moon, even though they are the most frequent, are nevertheless
rarely effective; namely because on account of the swift motion of
the Moon it can rarely happen that when it transits through the
place of Saturn, the Primum Caelum is at the Native's horizon,49 as
at the hour of his nativity.

The text has ad Horizontem vel Natum 'at the horizon or the Native', which
doesn't make sense. I suppose it should read adHortzontem Nati 'at the Native's
horizon' or something of the sort.

And because this mode is one of the principal ones for discov-
ering the hour of the effect, from those50 observations which we
can offer for the common good, it is pleasing to add here some ex-
amples of it with respect to the natal figures, the revolutions of
which are given in Book 23. And the times of those effects were
known to us down to the hour. For thus, with regard to these same
figures displayed by virtue of the directions, revolutions, and tran-
sits, the truth of the doctrine established by us will be shown more
evidently than it is permitted to anyone to be experienced in [the
writings of] others here and there.

Therefore, Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden began a bat-

tle against the Imperial forces around 9 A.M. on the 16th of No-
vember 1632, and in the beginning of that encounter he was killed.
Moreover, the figure of the Caelum was then as shown below.

Figure of the King's Death

16 November 1632

There is an illegible word {local) in the Latin text. I have assumed that it should
read ill is 'those'.

In fact, the Caelum is disposed as it is in the nativity, the revo-
lution of the Sun, and nearly as in the revolution of the Moon,
which is most worthy of note. Venus, ruler of the MC, the
significator in a lethal direction, was in the ASC, the primary
significator of life, with a violent fixed star,51 besieged by Saturn
and Mars, the anaeretas in this direction, which three planets were
rising in that very hour, with Mars applying to the radical place of
the Sun ruler of the eighth, being partilely in the place of the radi-
cal Mars and square the radical Saturn in the twelfth house, op-
posed to Jupiter, ruler of the ASC, Saturn, Venus, and Mars; more-
over, the Moon, ruler of the eighth, was in exile in partilc trine to
Jupiter and opposite the eighth. Therefore, such an hour was very
bad, and it was portending a lethal warlike action or undertaking,
on the day on which lethal transits were being made.

Cardinal Richelieu passed away on the 4th of December 1642

around noon; and the figure was such as this.

>}o. 10.

D. H. M.
4- o. o. T. A.

Cardinal Richelieu's Death

4 December 1642
noon LA T

Antares or a Scorpii, which was at 4038' Sagittarius.

In which the ASC is opposite the ASC of the revolution of the
Moon; and the radical ASC, the significator in a lethal direction,
was in the eighth in square to Venus, its own ruler, from the
twelfth, which in this figure was ruler of the eighth along with
Mars,52 to whose square she was applying; moreover, Jupiter, the
promissor and anaereta by its own opposition, was in the first in its
own radical square, and conjunct Saturn, ruler of the twelfth and
the ASC, in square to the Sun and Mercury, rulers of the eighth of
the radix, which was then with the Sun in his own radical square;
but Mars, significator of life in the nativity,53 was transiting
through its own opposition, in exile and along with the Moon op-
posed to the eighth, [both of] which [planets] Venus ruled from the
twelfth; therefore, all the planets agreed on the death of this person
at that hour.

The Blessed Father Charles de Condren, died on the first day

of January in the year 1641, at around 6 AM; and the figure of the
Caelum was then like that shown on the next page.

In which the Caelum is disposed as in the nativity and the rev-

olution of the Moon; the Sun, the significator in a lethal direction,
is ruler of the eighth in the first afflicted by the square of Mars,
ruler of the twelfth of the radix and of this figure, transiting
through its own radical opposition; moreover, the Moon square its
own anaereta is found in the eighth afflicted by the opposition of
Saturn, [which] is in partile sinister square to the radical Moon.
Therefore, the transits and the situation of the Planets at that hour
were very bad.

The very noble Lord Tronson, a great friend of the Reverend

Father, died on the 8th of December 1642 at around 9 AM under a
figure of this sort:

Because parts of both Libra and Scorpio are included in the eighth house.
Richelieu's chart as drawn by Morin has the 30th degree of Libra rising, so the
first house consists mainly of Scorpio, whence Morin considers Mars to be the
ruler of the first house.

o D a KL


Father Charles de Condren's Death

1 January 1641

209. o.

D. H. M.
t. 9' o* T.A.

Death of Lord Tronson

8 December 1642
9:00 AM LAT

In which Venus, ruler of the ASC and the eighth of the radix,
and consequently the significator of a lethal direction, is found in
the first afflicted by a square of Mars. But the Sun, the promissor,
and in this figure ruler of the eighth, is found in the twelfth with
Mercury, ruler of the eighth of the radix, which is transiting
through the radical place of Saturn; and both of them are afflicted
by the square of Saturn, ruler of the ASC, which is in the second
with Jupiter, ruler of the twelfth, the Sun, and Mercury; therefore,
there were such transits and situations of the Planets hostile to life,
since even the Moon would then kill.

I myself received a very dangerous wound on the 9th day of

July in 1605 at around 8:24 in the evening, and the figure was like
the following.

a 54.42.


D H M,
4. T A.

Morin Dangerously Wounded

9 July 1605
8:24 PM LA T

In which the ASC of the radix, significator of the direction, is
opposite the eighth,54 and the opposition of the fifth cusp is ascend-
ing;55 moreover, Venus, the promissor square her own [position],
is in the sixth applying to the Sun, ruler of the fifth of the radix and
conjunct Mars and Mercury above the place of the radical Mars,
opposite the MC, and Mercury, ruler of the second and the sixth of
the radix, opposed to the fifth of the radix. But here, Mercury is
ruler of the fifth and the eighth applying to Mars, ruler of the MC;
and there are Mercury conjunct Venus and the Sun in opposition to
Jupiter, rulers of the eight of the radix, cadent and retrograde in the
twelfth, and finally, Saturn is in the eighth of the radix, here op-
posed to the fifth. Therefore, the transits and the situation of the
Planets were threatening death from the things signified by the
fifth because of a woman. But God took pity upon me; and to Him
go my eternal rendering of thanks.

On the 7th day of July in 1615 around 10:20 in the evening, I

underwent the greatest danger of dying and drowning in the Rhine;
and the figure was as follows on the next page.

In which, the ASC, significator in the bad direction of that

year, is found in the first house, and Saturn, promissor by its
square, is transiting through the ASC itself; and the radical place of
Saturn is ascending in a water sign, to which Mars, ruler of the rad-
ical ASC is partilely opposed. Moreover, Jupiter, ruler of the ASC,
is in the eighth also in a water sign under the rulership of Mars in
trine to the Sun and Mercury from the fifth, separating from the
radical place of Mars, also in a water sign. And the Moon ruler of
the Sun and Mercury, is in the eighth with the [the fixed star] Cor
Scorpii.56 Finally, Venus, ruler of the radical first, is found in the

Morin's ASC degree was in 28 Aries; in the chart dawn above Libra is inter-
cepted in the 8th house; consequently the opposition of hi ASC degree does fall
in the 8th.
The 5th cusp of Morin s natal chart was in 2 Leo, and its opposition 2 Aquarius
is in fact rising in the chart shown.
The fixed star Antares or a Scorpii, which was at 4024' Sagittarius.

260. 20,

IO 20 A ■v
Latlf io <?


s. <?

Morin 'a Near Drowning

10:20 PMLAT

3X1. 33.

O %

X Januaiii
T A rri

Morin Fell From His Horse

I January 1616

fifth of the radix and the sixth of this figure in square to Jupiter,
ruler of the eighth of the radix in the eighth of this figure; therefore,
everything was very bad by situation and determination. Praise be
to God! Amen.

On the 1 st of January 1616 at around 2 PMI underwent a terri-

ble, near fatal danger from a fall from my horse from a precipice
and [subsequent] submersion, and the figure was thus [shown on
previous page].

In which the ASC, then the significator of an active and

threatening direction, was in the twelfth of this figure, to which
Saturn, the promissor, was applying by its own square, [which] in
this figure was the ruler of the eighth; Mars, moreover, ruler of the
radical ASC itself, was then in the eighth with the Sun on an oppo-
sition to the radical Mars, and this in square to Saturn badly af-
flicted by sign and house. The ASC of this figure was in sinister
square to the radical Saturn, in which the Moon is found opposed
to Jupiter, ruler of the eighth of the radix, also transiting that house.
All of which things corresponded to a great danger; and because I
experienced that danger due to the malevolence of a fortune-teller,
it must also be acknowledged that the Devil took careful note of
the opportunity from the hours of the stars, and to accommodate
craftily57 his own perverse arts for the destruction of men to the
natural fate that he cannot overrule. But with God's supreme pity
and the most faithful guardianship of my Good Angel, I was in
short miraculously freed [from that danger], for which my soul
will praise the Lord eternally. Amen!

On the 2nd of November 1642 around noon I was seized by a

fever along with a rigor, from which [there resulted] a long and dif-
ficult illness; and the figure was like this.58

57 It seems to me that we should read collide 'craftily' rather than calide'immedi-

ately', and I have so translated it.
In the text, the figure is rotated counter-clockwise by 90°, but I have restored it
to its proper orientation.

In which there ascended the places of Saturn and the Moon of
the radix; and the Moon and Satum were significators of illnesses
in the nativity, here partilely conjunct, and moreover platically



0 1642 o
% Novcmbtis
D. H. M.
cP i. i' o. T.A.

Morin Struck by a Fever

2 November 1642

conjoined to the ASC and to Jupiter, ruler of the eighth of the radix.
The revolution of the Moon had only preceded [this time] by about
two hours. And in fact Mars, ruler of the first, was in exile on the
cusp of the second and opposite the Sun in the eighth, whom Mars
himself ruled. And the Sun and Jupiter were in trine aspect but
harmful on account of their determination to illnesses and death.
Therefore, these circumstances and the situation of the Planets was
unlucky and consistent with illness.

And these [examples] of the exact time of events [deduced]

from transits is sufficient; for from these, all the rest of the things
pertaining to this subject can be easily understood and deduced.

But what consideration should we give to the latitude of the

transiting Planets, I say there is not much necessity to observe it,
at least in the case of the lighter Planets, whose transits are swift,
especially because if the directions to the degrees of longitude of
the promissors are very often valid, as was plain from the forego-
ing, why not also the transits, when it is not necessary for the ef-
fect that they be partile? Nevertheless, the more partilely the tran-
sits are made, the more effective they will be; and the less partile,
the weaker. Consequently, if Mars with southern latitude of 3 de-
grees transits the opposition to the Moon with a northern latitude
of 5 degrees, such a transit will be of little virtue; and to one that
is beyond the orb of virtue of the Planets, there is no noticeable

Chapter 12.
Whether the Planets act upon the Native through
their own Syzygies Outside of the Places of the
Nativity through which their Transits are
Customarily Made. And How and When.

By transiting through the places of the nativity, the Planets

not only produce effects upon the Native or upon things pertain-
ing to him in accordance with their own radical determination, as
was said above but they also act through their mutual syzygies60
outside of those places or in empty houses of the figure—not,
however, outside of that determination, but in accordance with it.
For example, on that day on which the ruler of the ASC and the
ruler of the 8th are conjoined— even in empty houses of the fig-
ure—an illness or a danger to life will occur. Similarly, on that
day on which the ruler of the ASC and the ruler of the MC are

Here Morin is applying orbs to distance in latitude.
That is, through their conjunctions.

conjoined or are in trine aspect, some good fortune will happen
for the Native in his undertakings, actions, or honors.

Besides, effects do not always follow from these syzygies,

but only when they make good the lack of transits, namely if two
things are perceived in them by which they are rendered effec-
tive. First, that the planets constituting the syzygy are badly con-
figured and disposed to an evil effect presignified by the direc-
tions and the revolutions, or61 favorably for good. Second, that
they are made in the house or houses of the radical figure concor-
dant with the effect. If indeed the Planets act through their
syzygies, in accordance with the house or houses of the radical
figure in which the syzygy happens, and the nature or quality of
the syzygies. Moreover, the effect of the syzygy happens on the
very day of the syzygy and often at the very hour; that is, if at that
[time] the Planets constituting the syzygy and rotated by the diur-
nal motion are found in a concordant situation with respect to the
horizon—that is, in concordant houses of the celestial figure that
is then erected. Moreover, the reason why such syzygies are ef-
fective and how is this: because the bodies themselves of the
Planets are causes of the celestial places in the figure of the radix,
since they are determined by those very Planets whose places
they are said to be. And the Planets themselves were also deter-
mined in the radix to this or that kind of accident for the Native
according to their own situation in the figure, [by their] corporeal
[position] and rulership; and they retain their own force on the
Native from such a determination, and they continue to carry that
same efficacy on the Native as long as he lives, as we said in
Chapter 4. Consequently, it results from this that when the rulers
of the ASC and the eighth come together by syzygy—even out-
side the radical places—they nevertheless act upon the Native
himself in accordance with [the nature of] that syzygy and its rad-
ical determination, for it is proper that both of them concur for the
effect [to take place].

The Latin text has & faustepro hono 'and favorably for good', but the & must
be a typographical error for aul 'or'.

Chapter 13.
The Aphorisms or Principal Laws of Transits.

One who is strong in the theory of Astrology can compose in-

numerable particular aphorisms because particulars depend upon
the universals already known from theory. We, therefore, shall
only put here some principal universal aphorisms, from the knowl-
edge of which other aphorisms both universal and particular per-
taining to transits may easily be deduced. Therefore, let it be that:

First. The transits of Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars are more effi-
cacious than the transits of the other planets. For these, being
slower than the others, stay longer in the places through which they
transit, especially if they are stationary; and consequently from
these places they make a more efficacious actual impression on the
Native. And hence it follows that the transits of the Moon (at least
the solitary ones) are of the least virtue of all; for otherwise their
effects would be the most frequent, contrary to experience, but
[those] of Saturn are the greatest of all, especially the stationary or
retrograde ones.

2. The effect of any transit arises from the actual combination

of the radical significations of the transiting Planet and of the place
through which it transits, having taken into account the nature and
analogy of the Planets.

3. The transits of the Planets outside of the places of the nativ-

ity, namely the 12 cusps, the 7 Planets, the Part of Fortune, and their
aspects and antiscions, are of no efficacy with regard to the Native.
For, as the essence of the Native depends upon these [places], so
also do all his changes. And yet, the syzygies of the Planets in empty
houses of the figure are effective, as we have said in Chapter 12.

4. In [evaluating] transits, the bodily place of the transiting

Planet must be noted. For Mars transiting over the cusp of the 7th in
opposition to the ASC more certainly portends lawsuits by reason of
its bodily position than illness by reason of its opposition to the ASC.

5. In every transit, the celestial state of the transiting Planet
must be noted at the time in which it is transiting—namely,
whether it agrees with or is contrary to the effect signified by the
Planet. For the energy of the transiting Planet is increased or di-
minished by that. And its radical latitude and that of the transit
must be noted.

6. During an effect caused by the stars through directions and

transits, the motion of the Moon and of those Planets that are being
judged because of that effect must be diligently observed and how
in the radical figure they may be moved by transits from place to
place of similar or dissimilar signification; then too, how by their
own motion they apply by syzygies to the lights and the Planets of
similar or dissimilar signification either by [their] nature or by
[their] determination. For from this the success and end [result] of
the effects can be discovered.

7. The transits of the Moon through the places of a figure

erected for the beginning of an illness, but especially through its
own square and opposition, are of great virtue, as is established by
experience, and it will be shown, when in the Practice of
Astrology*7 (If GOD grants us time for this [purpose]) we will treat
of the use of Astrology in Medicine. Why then, in a figure erected
for the beginning of any other thing, at any time during [its occur-
rence], will the transits through the places of that figure by the
Moon and the other Planets that signify that thing not be effective?
And this to be sure is of use in the doctrine of elections; but if the
figure of the nativity is at hand, the scheme of that figure will have
to be especially considered in [judging] transits.

8. Since all the Planets act by direction as well as by transit in

accordance with their own radical determination and their own na-
ture, and in the nativity they are determined to some particular
thing, such as life, or to its opposite, such as illnesses and death, or

This is the title of a book that Morin intended to write, but which unfortunately
he did not live to write.

neither to life nor to death, but to some other thing, such as digni-
ties; therefore, in directions and in transits, a promissor Planet de-
termined to life and a benefic and well disposed coming to the
significators of life, but especially the ASC, strengthens the life;
[but] determined to the contrary, it harms the life, or it destroys it;
but, determined to neither of these, it neither helps nor harms, or it
does nothing (at least, nothing significant) affecting the life. Simi-
larly, a Planet transiting through the MC suited to honors by its na-
ture and radical determination, will confer honors; but determined
to the contrary, such as to prisons, exile, [or] death, especially
when it is malefic by nature and badly disposed or inimical to the
MC, will destroy those same things, or it will harm them very
much, or it will impede their occurrence; but when it is determined
to neither of these, it will cause nothing (or at least nothing signifi-
cant) regarding honors, actions, or undertakings, although it can
occasion some accident lightly affecting them in accordance with
its own nature or its radical determination—indeed, to confer or
destroy a dignity is a greater effect than to introduce some trivial
good or evil accident to [an existing] dignity. But major effects re-
sult from greater causes, and minor effects from minor causes,
which are those not determined to any particular thing. And that
same reasoning applies to other things.

9. In transits, not otherwise than in directions, the more ways a

Planet coming to the MC is determined to honors, and is in better
state, both in the radix as well as at the time of the direction and es-
pecially at the time of the transit, the more efficaciously and abun-
dantly it will bring good fortune to the Native in his undertakings
and actions. Just as, if the Sun or Jupiter is the ruler of the MC in
the radix, and at an age concordant with dignities, it is directed as
promissor to the MC, [and] on that day of the year in which the di-
rection is completed, it will transit that same MC [while it is] well
disposed by body or by aspect, especially with a concordant revo-
lution, it will cause some notable good fortune in dignities or un-
dertakings, since it is determined to honors in multiple ways, that
is by nature or analogy, rulership, direction and by a concordant

transit, with a fortunate state. But on the contrary, the more ways
that a Planet transiting the MC is determined against honors, the
more efficaciously will it bring bad fortune to the Native in con-
nection with honors and undertakings; as for example, Saturn in
the twelfth of the radix, inimical to the MC because it occupies the
sign Leo, coming by direction and transit to that same MC, badly
disposed in the radix and at the time of the direction and the transit.
And the same reasoning applies to the other things signified.

10. If two Planets [that are] the same or related in significa-

tion, either by analogy, such as the Sun and Jupiter for honors, [or]
Saturn and Mars for illnesses, or by signification from their radical
determination, or by both, should transit at the same time by body
or by concordant aspect through the same place of the same or re-
lated signification (as above), then their signification and virtue for
the effect will be doubled, and consequently the magnitude of that
effect. But the conjunction of those transiting in that place is stron-
ger than their aspects; especially if it is a conjunction of the lights
or of one of them with another of the Planets. And this aphorism is
plain from many experiences. And therefore, the conjunction of
the Sun and the Moon in the degrees of the malefics in the natal fig-
ure or in their opposite [degrees] must be carefully noted, espe-
cially when both of the lights or one of them rules the first [house];
but a malefic in whose degree there is a conjunction is a
significator of illnesses or death, or it is inimical to the ASC. For
such conjunctions certainly signify illnesses or death when [ac-
companied] by a concordant direction; and the effect begins on the
very day of the conjunction as I have often experienced it.
Similarly, the conjunction of the rulers of the ASC [and] the eighth
of the radix in the eighth of the radix, and especially in the place of
a Planet in the eighth with a lethal direction, is lethal at the time of
that conjunction. And in short, the conjunction of two or more
Planets over the place of another Planet must be very carefully
noted; and it must be seen what these Planets are determined to, so
that a correct judgment of that event may be made; and these [con-
siderations] can be applied similarly to conjunctions made in the

places of good or evil aspects.

11. The transits of two Planets related in their signification, as

[mentioned] above, occurring at the same time through different
places, with the Planets themselves mutually related by nature or
by radical signification (in the same way as the places of the ruler
of the MC and the ruler of the second house, are said to be of a mu-
tually related signification; and the places of the ruler of the
twelfth and the ruler of the eighth), strengthen themselves in turn
for a more violent effect. For two concordant transits are stronger
than one.

12. If there is a cluster of Planets in a particular house, a Planet

transiting through that cluster acts in accordance with its own na-
ture and the nature and determination of each Planet, when it will
transit through their individual places; and from the succession63
of transits, the succession of producing an accident will be discov-
ered, or what other accidents will accompany it.

13. The lights coupled to a transiting Planet by body or by a

concordant aspect, even if they are alien to its analogous or radical
signification, do nevertheless increase the force of the transit. How
much more then will they increase [it] with a related signification?

14. One should take note of the status of the radical places
through which there are transits in revolutions. For if the radical
place of Satum is in the eighth, and Satum is in the twelfth of a rev-
olution, especially [when it is] badly disposed and badly config-
ured in its own radical place, on the day on which the ruler of the
ASC will transit through that same radical place, either an illness
or a danger to the life will occur; but especially, if at the time of the
transit, Mars or Satum or either of the lights should badly aspect
that place. And not only should one pay attention to the state of the
place through which the transit is made, but also [that] of the
transiting Planet itself. For if Mars, transiting through the ASC of

Reading successio 'succession' rather than successus 'success' or 'result'.

the radix, is in the eighth or twelfth of the revolution and also badly
disposed, its transit through the ASC will be very bad.

15. The transit of planets that are conjoined through the de-
gree of a direction of the radix, even an empty [degree]—that is,
one that is not the place of a radical Planet or cusp—is not without
an effect, indeed there will be a notable effect if that transit is of the
conjunction of the lights, and especially with an eclipse.

16. The actual virtue of a transit of the Moon lasts through 6

hours before and after the parti le transit, but in the case of the other
Planets, for one day before and after, by the common agreement of
Astrologers that esteems partile aspects much more than platic.
And yet whenever a Planet by its own orb of virtue covers the place
through which a transit is said to be made, it has a force efficacious
to produce the effect of the Planet, especially the swifter planets,
such as the Moon, which effect is often produced quicker or slower
than the limits given above, because a single transit unequal by it-
self to [producing] an effect, would demand the necessary con-
course of other causes also influencing the act, which occurs either
quicker or slower. And it must be noted that the future effect de-
pends upon a transit, not only with regard to its actual time, but
also with regard to its own nature, mode, and circumstances; for a
transit produces all these things; and consequently they can also be
foreseen from a transit. Moreover, when a bad transit [is in effect,
and] another bad one follows immediately through the same place
in a short interval of time, during a concordant radical direction
and revolution of the Sun, as for example if the transit of Saturn,
ruler of the 12th, through the ASC is succeeded by the transit of
Mars, ruler of the eighth, through that same ASC by body or by
square or opposition, it will be lethal. And you will judge similarly
about the rest of the significations.

17. If a benefic Planet is in the MC of the radix or is its ruler,

and, in a concordant radical direction or revolution of the Sun, or
of the Moon [indicative] for honors, that same benefic transits the
ASC of the radix or the place of its ruler, especially [if it is] well

disposed and powerfully configured with the ruler of the ASC by
syzygy, then good fortune will occur for the Native in dignities or

Chapter 14.
How, from What has been Explained so far,
Events of the Future can be Predicted by the
Stars with Regard to the Kind [of Event],
the Year, the Day, and the Hour.

In this chapter we shall repeat in just a very brief compendium

what was said about this matter in Books 22, 23, and 24.

First, therefore, there must be available the figure of the nativ-

ity exactly rectified, with the true places of the Planets, but espe-
cially [those] of the Sun and the Moon.

2. From Book 22, Section 1, Chapter 9; Section 2, Chapter 3;

and Section 3, Chapters 3 & 4, the year of the completed direction
of each significator to any promissor may be found.

3. From Section 4, Chapters 2 & 3 of that same Book, the kind

of future accident signified by any direction may be deduced.

4. From [the instructions in] Book 23, Chapters 4 & 5, the fig-
ure of the revolution of the Sun may be erected for the year found
above. Then, from Chapter 12, there may be determined from the
agreement or disagreement of the radical figure, the direction, and
the annual revolution of the Sun, whether or not from those three
any effect may be expected in that year, especially one of the kind
discovered above.

5. Having made the hypothesis that an effect may be ex-

pected, and [one] of the kind as discovered above, let there be
made in the annual revolution directions of the concordant
significators, from [the instructions in] Book 23, Chapter 15, both
to the places in that revolution, and especially to those of the radix

concordant with the signified effect; and from these it will be plain
on which days of the year that effect may probably be expected.

6. From [the instructions in] Book 23, Chapter 9, let there be

erected the revolutions of the Moon immediately preceding the
times indicated by the concordant directions in the revolution of
the Sun. And if one of these revolutions closely agrees with the sig-
nified effect, let there be established in it, in accordance with [the
instructions in] Chapter 15, the directions of concordant
significators to concordant promissors, but especially to concor-
dant places in the radix. And in fact, those times of the directions in
both revolutions may coincide down to the last day; [and] they
promise that the effect [will occur] on that day. And a direction in
the revolution of the Moon will also indicate the hour, as can be
seen in Book 23, Chapter 16, for events whose hour is given. And
[this will be] more certain, the more directions concordant with the
effect in both revolutions agree on the same time.

7. But if at that same time concordant transits of the Planets

are also made, from [the information in] Chapters 5,7,8 & 9 of this
Book, there can scarcely be any doubt about the effect signified on
the indicated day; and furthermore, the hour [of the effect] can be
discovered from the transits and the situation of the Planets with
respect to the horizon from [as is explained in] Chapter 11. And
this procedure for predicting future events is the most natural [and]
genuine of all, and the most certain.

But perhaps the following procedure will seem briefer and

more pleasing to some. If a revolution of the Sun agrees with a rad-
ical direction, it may be looked at in the ephemerides what sort of
day it is for the individual days of the revolutions of the Moon, and
what the celestial state of the Planets is [when] compared to the
radical figure and the radical direction. And on the day on which
that state is perceived to be more concordant with that direction, let
the figure of the revolution of the Moon be erected. For if the times
of the concordant directions in both the revolutions of the Sun and
the Moon agree down to the day, [the effect] will be on [that] day

and hour, as the statement was made above.

You will object: this procedure for discovering the state of the
whole year and the true time of events is not only very drawn out,
but also overrun with confusion. For besides the radical directions,
there are also directions of the revolutions that have to be deter-
mined, both of the annual and also the monthly revolutions, and of
the angles as well as of the individual Planets—not only through the
individual places of the radix, but also through the places of the rev-
olution, scattered through the whole zodiac. Moreover, since there
are 10 significators—the ASC, the MC, the Part of Fortune, and the
7 Planets, and among these there are 4 principal aspects, the opposi-
tion, trine, square, [and] sextile, of which the trine, square, and
sextile are duplicated on the right (dexter) and the left (sinister).
Therefore, every signiflcator in a revolution can be directed to 56
places [counting] only the aspects of the Planets in a single figure;
consequently, for the 10 significators in it there are 560 directions
made, just to the aspects of the Planets; to which, if there are added
the 63 directions of those 10 significators to the bodies of the
Planets, [their number] rises up to 623 directions to be determined in
a single figure, such as a revolution of the Sun. And since the direc-
tions of a revolution of the Sun should be determined for those same
significators both for the places of the radix as well as for [those of]
the revolution of the Sun, the 623 must therefore be doubled, mak-
ing 1246 directions to be calculated for a [single] revolution of the
Sun. Therefore, in each revolution of the Moon, both because of it-
self and because of the revolution of the Sun and [the consideration
of] the radical figure, 1869 directions are generated; and conse-
quently, for 12 revolutions of the Moon in a year 22,428 directions64
are generated; to which 1246 [more] must be added for the Sun,
making for the whole year at least 23,67465 directions for the revo-
lutions of the Sun and the Moon, to be determined down to the day,
and also to be judged, so that, with the associated transits that are
also very numerous, the state of the whole year may become

The text has 22,028 by mistake.
The text has 23,2[7]4 by mistake.

known. But if from so great and so confusing a task some Demon
might be able to extricate himself correctly and scientifically, there
is no human who could do it. And consequently, this doctrine is ei-
ther not true, or it must be confessed that judicial Astrology is in-
comprehensible by a human, and therefore he ought to abandon it.

But I reply first. A wolf always seems bigger than he actually

is; and Astrology is indeed the most difficult of the physical sci-
ences, according to the common [saying], A thing that is beautiful
is difficult. However, it should not therefore be laid aside by man,
but it should rather be pursued more avidly with intelligence.

I reply second. In the old or common Astrology, which admits

annual, diurnal, and monthly progressions, then the revolutions of
the Sun and the Moon handed down by Cardan, scarcely fewer op-
erations occur if the individual [factors] in a higher sense are to be
minutely examined and considered; and if the revolutions are to be
separately or absolutely judged without reference to the nativity,
as Cardan himself did in his Book on Revolutions, especially since
he admitted the terms of the Planets.^

1 reply third. In the case of the revolutions of the Sun and the
Moon, not [all of) those aforesaid 10 significators should be di-
rected, but only the principal ones, namely the ASC, the MC, the
Sun in the revolutions of the Sun, and the Moon in the revolutions
of the Moon. And [even] this is not always necessary, but [only]
after it has been perceived from a radical direction falling in some
particular year and with a concordant revolution of the Sun, that
some new effect that is especially noteworthy for good or evil is to
be expected. If the significator of the direction is a cusp, such as the
ASC, [then] the ASC of the revolution will also have to be di-
rected. If it is a Planet, that same Planet will have to be directed in

^ T aking the terms into account would at least double the amount of work, for not
only would the condition of the ruler of a significator's sign have to be consid-
ered, but also the condition of the ruler of the significator's term. Thus Cardan's
procedure would also be more tedious than Morin's, since the latter ignores the

the revolution. But it will always make known much in both the
revolutions of the Sun and the Moon to direct the 4 above said
significators—the ASC, the MC, the Sun, and the Moon—on ac-
count of the Native's great dependence upon them in existing, act-
ing, and experiencing, whether a new direction of the radical
[chart] is completed in that year or not. For a year without a new
radical direction, is not also one without an action or an experience
for the Native. Add [to this] that the previously completed direc-
tion of a radical significator to some promissor lasts [in time] until
its meeting with another promissor, unless the latter differs from
the former by more degrees. Moreover, it will also make known
the Planet to direct either in a revolution of the Sun or of the Moon;
for indeed it is the one that in that revolution is allotted a determi-
nation concordant with what was signified by the radical direction.
So that, if an illness or dignity is signified, it will make it known to
direct a Planet that is found in the revolution in the 12th house or
the 1 Oth, especially if it was also in the 12th or the 10th of the radix,
or if it was the ruler of that house. Besides, the significator that will
be directed in revolutions for an accident only signified by the na-
tivity, or even by a new or recently elapsed radical direction,
should not be directed to all the places of the nativity or the revolu-
tion, but only to those, that is to those promissors, which, from
their own nature and determination in the nativity or in the revolu-
tion, will be more powerful and more concordant to produce that
same accident, whether good or evil. And provided that on those
days that are indicated by those same directions in the years and
months, concordant transits occur, the effects will burst forth on
those very days. An astrologer skilled in the concordance of causes
and effects, will only need a few directions to [know] the state of
the whole year, that is to recognize the Native's principal changes
emanating from the stars in that year.

But since it is certain that effects will never happen, at least

from [the action of] the stars without the actual concourse of con-
cordant transits, or at least [perhaps] very rarely from syzygies, as
was explained in Chapter 12, it will be briefer to note down from

the cphcmcrides the transits of the Planets through the places of the
nativity—those [transits] that are more concordant with the acci-
dent signified, whether good or evil. Then to consider whether any
concordant direction of the revolution of the Sun may fall upon
one of the days indicated by the transits; and this without conjec-
turing, from the comparison of the distance of the promissor from
the significator, with the distance of the indicated day from the first
day of the revolution, before the matter is defined by calculation;
and by not taking in a revolution of the Sun a significator and a
promissor distant by 300 degrees67 for a transit that is made on the
60th day from the beginning of the revolution of the Sun. Having
assumed this, if also in a revolution of the Moon, closely preced-
ing the same day as the transit, any concordant direction falls at
that same time, then there will be no doubt about [the occurrence
of] the effect. And this is a secret of the science, evident neverthe-
less in the figures shown in this book and in Book 23, by means of
which a confident and sagacious Astrologer can advance by the
right path through the densest forest of directions surrounding the
object [of interest].

But lest tyros be deterred in this new doctrine from the search
for the so much desired truth, we shall set forth here for their bene-
fit two of the above said procedures in a systematic method.

First. Direct the principal significators of the annual revolu-

tion—the ASC, the MC, the Sun, the Moon, and the Planet whose
noteworthy radical direction is completed in that year, then their
rulers if it seems to be needful; and dispose the arcs of the individ-
ual directions according to the order of their ascensions in the first
column of a Table made for that year, which is properly called a
speculum for that year.

Second. See on what numbered day from the beginning of the

annual revolution each month begins and at what hour, or what is
the distance in time from the beginning of the [annual] revolution

Reading 300 for :00 in the Latin text.

to the beginning of each month. And having put the names of the
months with that many days and hours cross from the above said
arcs with the approximate same number [of days], as the number
[of days] for each month, in the second column of that same T able;
and so it will then be plain which directions of the year fall in the
individual months.

Third. Having erected the revolutions for the whole year, ar-
range their times similarly in the third column of the above said
Table, that is the month, day, and hour of the beginning of the rev-
olution; and thus it will similarly be plain which directions of the
year fall in the individual revolutions of the Moon.

Fourth. Having prepared this, each annual direction of a par-

ticular signiflcator that is concordant with a radical direction may
be taken, that is, its arc may be taken from the first column of the
Table and it may be reduced to time by the first and second Table
of Directions for revolutions of the Sun68 [given in] Book 23,
Chapter 15 (unless you would prefer from the beginning [of the
listing] to reduce the arcs of the individual annual directions im-
mediately to days, hours, and minutes of the annual revolution,
which individual times arranged in order will be understood to
have been [measured] from the beginning of the annual revolu-
tion). And if the number of the time is the same as the number of
the beginning of any month, that direction will fall at the beginning
of that month; [but] if it is different, subtract from it the nearest
smaller number of the beginning of a month, taken from the second
column; and there will remain the number of days and hour of that
month in which that annual direction will be completed.

Fifth. From the time found, subtract the nearest time of the be-

These tables are on p. 653 of the Astrologia Gallica and are constructed by set-
ting 360 degrees of arc equal to 365.25 days. The reader with a pocket calculator
can turn arc into days by multiplying arc by 1.014583, and days into arc by divid-
ing days by that same constant (or by multiplying days by 0.9856263). (The
fiindameatal equation should be 360 degrees = 365.2422 days, but the difference
is slight.)

ginning oa a revolution of the Moon [as given] in the third column
and there will remain the difference of the two times which, from
the Second and Third Table for the revolutions of the Moon,69 will
give the arc of the equator, which, added to the right or oblique as-
cension of the MC or the ASC, or to the Sun or Moon in the figure
of the revolution of the Moon, will show in the "Tables of Ascen-
sions" of Regiomontanus where the monthly direction of either
one of those significators extends to. If, therefore, a direction con-
cordant with the annual direction is then completed, and then there
is also made a concordant transit of the Planets, the effect signified
by the radical direction will happen at that time or [on that very]
day; which, however, can also happen from a transit concordant
with a single direction of a concordant annual or monthly
revolution—indeed, [it can happen] from a transit alone with a rad-
ical direction and a concordant revolution of the Sun or the Moon,
especially if the transit is a noteworthy and strong. But the more
causes concur, the more certainly and efficaciously the effect is
produced. The same thing may be done, if you like, for the individ-
ual annual directions, whether a new radical direction is completed
in the same year or not. And so the state of the year will be made
perfectly plain if the right judgment is made about the individual

Another and briefer such procedure is [possible] without [the

use of the preceding table. Having taken from the ephemerides the
day of a transit that agrees with the signification of an effective
radical direction, that is, with the radical signification of a concor-
dant nativity, count the number of days completed of the time from

These tables are on p. 657 of the Astrologia Gallica and are constructed by set-
ting 360 degrees of arc equal to 27.325 days. The reader with a pocket calculator
can turn this arc into days by multiplying the arc by 0.0759028, and days into arc
by dividing the days by that same constant (or by multiplying the days by
13.17475.) (The fundamental equation should be 360 degrees = 27.32158 days,
but the difference is slight.)
These tables were included in Regiomontanus's Tabulae directionum
profectionumque... [Tables of Directions and Prefect ions... Very Useful in Nativ-
ities] (Augsburg; Erhard Ratdolt, 1490). Often reprinted.

the beginning of the annual revolution to that same day, and turn
that into degrees of the equator by means of the Second and Third
Table of Directions for revolutions of the Sun, and add that arc to
the right or oblique ascension of the concordant significator, cho-
sen in the figure of the revolution of the Sun, and find the sum in
the tables of right or oblique ascension, and it will then be plain
whether that significator extends to a concordant promissor in the
nativity or in the revolution of the Sun. For if that is the case, there
is a great probablity of a future effect on that very day. But for
greater certainty, reckon the time similarly from the beginning of
the monthly revolution most nearly preceding the day found above
down to that same day, and turn that into degrees of the equator
with the Second and Third Tables of directions for the revolutions
of the Moon. And add that arc to the right or oblique ascension of
the concordant significator, chosen in the figure of the revolution
of the Moon, and find the sum in the Tables of Ascensions as be-
fore, and it will then also be plain whether that significator extends
to a concordant promissor in the nativity or in the revolution of the
Moon. And if this is the case, there is the greatest probablity of a
future effect on that very day.

But if there are many days on which transits take place thus, the
judgment will have to be for the stronger one. For even though an ef-
fect strongly signified by a radical direction may happen on a single
day, not on several days; nevertheless, to hit the goal with the first
arrow in this most difficult science is very difficult for the human in-
tellect, but not impossible; and continual exercise in this procedure
is required to achieve this, along with an uncommon shrewdness of
intellect that is able to discern which of the whole year's transits is
more appropriate and powerful to actuate the potential of a radical
direction, so that [needless] labor may be reduced.

Besides, I don't think there is any need to caution [the Reader]

that if the significators to be directed arc situated in the descending
half of the Caelum,1] the arcs of the equator about which [we

The right side of the chart.

spoke] above will have to be added to the oblique descensions of
those significators for their directions; or (which is easier) the
place diametrically opposite the significator will have to be di-
rected by its ascensions, and the place diametrically opposite the
direction will be obtained; for we suppose that that is sufficiently
known from the doctrine of directions.

Therefore, we will only caution [the Reader] that since the

doctrine we have set forth up to now for directions, revolutions,
and transits is natural and uniform in [both] a nativity and its revo-
lutions and their directions, then it is also true, as was very plainly
shown by the examples given in Book 23. This alone will have to
be relied upon, and the labor must not be spared for [making] the
lunar revolutions for the whole year, especially when a new radical
direction of that year is completed, or it is allotted a determination
in the radix that is of particular moment. For, it will always dis-
close the revolutions of the Moon and their directions to consult ei-
ther for any annual direction or for any concordant transit. And
particular events are known from this; and their investigated times
can be predicted by an astrologer with great labor, because in fact
particular effects not only depend on universal causes but also on
particular ones, which must also be taken into account for those
particular effects.

You will object second. From the doctrine set forth by us

above, the future accidents of the Native cannot be predicted. If in-
deed the radical figure and its directions do not act without revolu-
tions, both of the Sun and of the Moon, and the transits of the
Planets through the places of those 3 figures from what was said
above; and those revolutions must be erected for the place in which
the Native is located at the time of each revolution, either of the
Sun or of the Moon, according to Book 23, Chapters 4 and 9,
which places cannot be known in advance from the nativity. On the
contrary, it can scarcely be known in advance by [even] one year
before the time of any revolution of the Sun; therefore. Astrology
is useless and unreliable for predicting future things.

I reply first. The objection is only applicable to those Natives
who travel at a distance, not to those who remain in their native
place, which are especially women, " or who remain near that

I reply second. From the nativity and the radical directions it

can be known whether the Native is going to travel and at what
time; up till then, revolutions erected for the natal place will be

I reply third. Some journeys are long and some are short.
Those that do not exceed 50 French leagues from the natal place
scarcely make any perceptible change in the influx of revolutions
erected for the natal place, unless from that a difference of ASC's
is produced that exceeds 2 degrees.74 But for revolutions begin-
ning with the Native further distant, especially [with the ASC] in a
different sign, they must be erected for the place where he is; and
thus the future accidents in that year may be known in advance for
him. And it must be noted that a revolution of the Sun, erected for
the place where the Native is, is valid for that whole year, however
far distant he may travel during it, for he carries along with him the
influx newly impressed at the beginning of that revolution, no dif-
ferently than that he carries with him throughout his whole life the
influx received at birth just as it was impressed on him. But the

In Morin's time, women generally stayed at home and did not travel nearly so
much as men
About 125 statute miles, which would be equivalent to some 2.5 degrees of lon-
gitude at 45° N.
A French league was about 25 statute miles; hence. 50 leagues would be 125
miles. In the latitude of Paris, a degree of longitude is equal to about 49.6 miles, so
in the worst case—when the Native was due east or west of his birthplace at the
time of the revolution—the RAMC would be increased or decreased by 2o30' or
so. Again in the worst cas with 0 Capricorn on the Midheaven—such a change
in the RAMC would alter the longitude of the Ascendant by 5.4°. To keep it down
to the 2-degree maximum that Morin mentions, the maximum E or W distance
from the birthplace would have to be restricted to 46 mile or IS'/i French
leagues. But in an average case, this distance would be increased to about 100
miles or 40 French leagues.

revolutions of the Moon will [also] be erected for the place in
which the Native will then be. For just as the revolutions of the Sun
are related to the nativity that they actuate, so the revolutions of the
Moon are related to the revolution of the Sun that they actuate sim-
ilarly. And hence, Astrology cannot be said to be unusable or unre-
liable. Especially because the Native can conjecture for individual
years, and all the more for individual months, where in fact he will
be at the time of the next following revolution of the Sun or of the
Moon. But whoever does otherwise and gives an opinion about the
Native's individual acts throughout the whole course of his life
just from his nativity and its directions, or even with the addition of
revolutions erected only for the place of birth, with that Native
then far away, will certainly be deceived in many things, and more
or less on account of the discrepancy in the revolutional figures
[erected] in different places. For the stars do not influence the Na-
tive except where he is. But let what has already been said about
this suffice.

Chapter 15.
Some Principal Rules of Prudence to be [Observed]
by an Astrologer in Bringing Forth a Useful
Opinion from the Stars.

Judicial astrology as regards its theory is a wisdom than

which nothing in the physical sciences is more sublime, more di-
vine, more worthy of human study, but which in practice requires
so much prudence and circumspection with regard to the particular
man about whom a judgment is to be made, with regard to the Ce-
lestial causes, from which they are derived in essence, to be con-
served, to be changed and corrupted, with regard to the place in
which [the native] is located, with regard to the persons with whom
he happens have some good or evil thing, and with regard to other
things that must be combined in divers fashion, so that in making
judgments on present or future things, neither Medicine, nor Juris-
prudence, nor Political Prudence, deserve to be compared with it.

Therefore, it was not without justice that Cardan said after Book I,
Aphorism 25,75 "It is difficult to judge by those things that have
been written, still more difficult to hand down the art itself, and
most difficult of all to discover that same art," [and] he rightly con-
cludes, "Therefore, Astrology, as it is the most beautiful [art], is
also the most laborious and difficult."

It is not at all surprising then that when judicial [astrology] is

practiced by ignorant persons and sycophants, it is very often ex-
posed to the ridicule, especially of the uninformed, stupidly rant-
ing against that which to them is absolutely unknown; since it may
also sometimes happen [that] a man very skilled in this science,
which has also been set forth purely and truly, can be deceived in
his own judgments, either because he has not surveyed exactly or
weighed everything pertinent to his judgment, or because, having
also considered everything carefully, [his] conclusions are not for
an absolute necessity, especially in things that are subordinate to
the will. And, as I do not deny that I have several times erred (hav-
ing been led astray in particular by the old doctrine), thus frankly 1
am always ready to have detected my errors that have occurred, or
that I have departed from the doctrine I have already set forth; still
less than equal was my proper trusting in that, or that I had devi-
ated from the rules of prudence that I had [normally] observed in
practice. Therefore, lest anyone already properly instructed in the
[doctrine of] Astrology that we have set forth should dash against
those same boulders, we have stated some important rules of pru-
dence necessary for an Astrologer in judgments that it will be most
useful to add here.

First. From the figure of a nativity presented to you whose

time is not really well established either by observation of the stars
or by rectification by means of the Native's accidents, pronounce
nothing with certainty, but only on the hypothesis that the figure is
true, and therefore [the judgments are] doubtful. But, having been

Jerome Cardan, Aphorismorum astronomicorum segmenta septem, Opera
Omnia, p. 30.

given the true time of the nativity, it is proper to pronounce with
certainty about the Native's body, his inclinations and intelligence,
but only probably and conjccturally about his actions and the
events of his fortune.

2. When you have been asked to erect and judge the figure of a
nativity for any person, inquire in connection with this about the
place of his nativity, his sex his race, whether he has both parents
or neither, or of what quality, whether he has brothers or sisters,
whether they are prior [to him] by birth or later, whether he has
married or has devoted himself to an ecclesiastical life, whether he
has children, what is his profession; then, what was his previous
status, and what is his present status. For, when you have been
made more certain about these things, you may know your subject
more perfectly and his disposition with regard to the Celestial in-
fluxes and forces for future accidents. For even though you can76
divine many of those things from the figure alone, nevertheless be-
cause so much will be inquired of the astrologer in the future, it is
preferable to avoid the labor to seek out the past and present things,
for the knowledge of these things is of no small use in [gaining] an
idea of future things. And in this conjectural science, bases of cer-
titude must be procured from every source. Add to these that,
given the time of a nativity, it must be rectified by past accidents.

3. Accidents [affecting] the body and the mind are much more
subject to Celestial causes than are accidents of chance. For this
depends both on the Native's own will and on the will and power
of another, then on laws and on other arrangements of inferior fate.
And consequently, in an accident of chance strongly signified also
by the radix, by a direction, and by a revolution, see what the Na-
tive's status is; for if he was free and a law unto himself, he will be
extrinsically capable [of experiencing] any kind of accident of
chance, cither good, or evil, but if indeed he was an exile, in prison,
cloistered, a servant, sick, [or] powerless, then the accidents of
chance that are incompatible with such a status are impeded, for so

Reading possis rather than pessis.

long as that status or its cause lasts. But, with this taken away, also
without a direction, a change of fortune may occur. And so, those
who were oppressed by the tyrannical power of Cardinal Richelieu
and were sent into exile or into prison, by his death alone obtained
the end of his oppression, and they recovered their former honors.
But the servants of that same Cardinal lost their own honors in his
court. Wherefore, in predicting, the reason for the cause of the
good luck or bad luck for individuals must be taken into account,
otherwise an error can occur if the prognosis is only made from the
figure [made for] the Native.

4. Love and hate disturb the mind and the judgment of the As-
trologer in [making] his predictions, lest he should look at [sev-
eral] individual things and judge [them] impartially to be equal;
[when in fact] they act to lessen the maximum [effect] and some-
what augment the minimum [effect]. And so, the Astrologer
should concern himself solely with the love of truth, for then his
mind is more perfectly disposed to receiving and expounding that
divine motion and light that is required in [making] prophecies.

5. The counsel or judgment of an Astrologer is much more

certain in relation to present things, such as illness, ambition for
[higher] rank, a contract of marriage, a lawsuit,, etc., than in rela-
tion to future things; for in both the latter and the former he sees the
state of the Celestial causes equally well, but in present things he
sees the [immediate] situation of the Native and of his inferior fate,
which he does not see in future things, except perhaps by an ob-
scure conjecture.

6. A particular fate and a particular cause submits to a univer-

sal cause because of that law of nature, by which the stronger over-
comes the weaker; consequently, many in the same ship arc
drowned together, and many are slain in the same battle, [who are]
not exposed to these misfortunes by their own nativities or [which
occur] without an appropriate direction or a revolution. For who
will have said that all those in the same ship who were drowned at
the same hour have charts, directions, and revolutions for that

same kind of death and at that same time? But perhaps if not all the
causes are present, there are some, a chart for this [person], a direc-
tion for that one, a revolution for another, and a transit for still an-
other, and that is a sufficient [cause] in a common or public danger;
which consequently he ought much more to guard against—
[namely] which one of the many causes occurring at the same time
will be the one harmful to himself; but it scarcely seems likely that
of the 100 men perishing by shipwreck at the same time in the
same ship, no one by his own chart is immune to submersion at that
very hour. Therefore, they are perishing from the malign fate of
sailors or of the army of the commander to whom they are subject;
but these are universal causes [inherent in] sailing and battle.

7. From only the chart of a [single] native, you should never

assert anything strongly (at least with any certainty) about an acci-
dent common to him and to another person, such as a lawsuit, a
peace agreement, friendship, marriage, etc., nor about accidents
pertaining to other persons, such as his parents, brothers, spouse,
children, servants, a friend, [or] an enemy, unless you have in-
spected the natal figures of those persons. For common accidents
depend upon a common fate and one appropriate to the other per-
son, more so than [simply] to himself. Wherefore, you may con-
fide sensibly in figures extracted from the Native's figure for other
persons, as we have stated in Book 22, Section 4, Chapter 6, al-
though these also have a close and extraordinary sympathy with
the Native, as is shown there.

8. When you are going to judge about whatever kind of acci-

dent, such as [one involving] ability, habits, riches, honors, etc., in-
spect the house of the figure to which those accidents belong,
namely the first for ability and habits, the second for riches, etc.,
and also those that are associated in the signification, which are the
2nd and the 10th for riches and honors, the 8th and the 12th for ill-
ness and death, and also their opposite [houses]. And judge about
those accidents from the signs and Planets occupying those houses
by body or by rulership, then also by strong aspect; and also from
the nature of a Planet analogous to the accident, having [also]

looked at the celestial and terrestrial state of the Planets as well as
the Native's social status and his profession.

9. Before you render judgment about any sort of future acci-

dent [occurring] either to an old man or to a youth, see whether the
Native is going to live up to a time concordant with that accident
by directions and by his age. For if life is lacking, the other things
[that appear to be] signified, such as dignities, marriage, children,
etc., will be impossible, however strongly they may be signified in
the nativity. And in this respect, many Astrologers of a great name
have very often been deceived, either from inattention or because
they had not recognized the true anaereta or destroyer of life,
which should be determined not only by directions of the
significators of life, but especially by concurrent revolutions con-
cordant with the Sun and the Moon and also with their directions,
in an exactly rectified figure of the nativity.

10. Take care in judgments and predictions, lest you descend

to a particular accident, especially [when judging] from the Na-
tive's figure alone, but go no farther than the kind or type of acci-
dent, as we have said in Book 21, Section 4, Chapters 2 & 3.

11. At the first glance, you may [confidently] say that it is an

unfortunate nativity in which Saturn or Mars or both of them are in
the same degree with the Sun & the Moon, or one of these is be-
sieged by them, or individual malefics are joined to the lights, or
when the Moon is under the Sun beams, or it is conjoined to Mars
or opposed or squared [by it], or when all the Planets are in the 6th,
8th, or 12th, or when Saturn & Mars are in the angles while the Sun
and the Moon are in cadent [houses], or, when the Sun and the
Moon are cadent, other Planets are retrograde, or when the Sun, the
Moon, Jupiter & Venus are all impedited. Wherefore, in such na-
tivities you must beware lest you rashly promise good things.

12. The Sun in the 1st, 10th, and 9th customarily confers great
glory and exceptional honors unless there is a great contrariety
elsewhere [in the chart]. When, therefore, you have seen it in those

houses, do not rush to judgment, but pay attention to its Celestial
state and that of the ruler of the ASC, and if nothing opposes, pre-
dict outstanding things.

13. If you see three Planets in the fiery Triplicity and espe-
cially [if one of them is] the Sun, along with any of the superior
Planets, you can predict great glory and power for the Native if
their determination is in agreement, especially if his lineage is suit-
able [for such things]. But if you have found Mercury in the airy
Triplicity with three other Planets, you can safely promise sublim-
ity of talent.

14. Many Planets in the same house, especially with the Sun
or the Moon or with both, always presages something extraordi-
nary in excess according to the essential significations of that
house, as has happened to me.77

15. The more distinguished and heroic nativities are not just
from the influx of the benefics, but they are also mingled with the
strong influxes of the malefics, whence occur lawsuits, wars, then
victories, by which the nativities are rendered more illustrious.

16. Nativities in which the degree of a closely preceding great

conjunction78 is in the ASC or in the MC, or is occupied by the Sun
or the Moon or the ruler79 of the ASC or the MC, presage the dis-
tinguished sublimity of the Native if other things [in the chart] are
in agreement, especially if that conjunction is made with the muta-
tion of Triplicity.

17. The greatest prudence is required in predicting the Na-

tive's profession, for it depends on either the will of his parents or
on the Native's own talents, or also on the laws and customs of his
native land—as in China, where without royal consent it is not per-
mitted for children to desert their father's profession. Besides, in

Morin had four planets in the twelfth house.
He means a conjunction of Jupiter and Satum.
Reading domino 'ruler' father than dominio 'rulership'.

France where commerce is the foulest of all dignities, the Nobles
are accustomed to destine their children to arms and also some-
times to the Church, only rarely to the Senate because of the im-
mense cost of those dignities. But the Senators commonly destine
their children to the Senate on account of bribes and hereditary
succession, frequently to the Church on account of licit dealings,
more rarely to arms. But the middle class and men of the lowest
rank are not content with their own lot, except for the more sim-
ple-minded ones, but the stronger they are in mind or talent, or the
more powerful in wealth, the more they court for success in arms,
in the Senate, in the Church, in the treasury, according to what tal-
ent is preponderant in each one. And so, the profession should not
always be declared from Planets in the 10th or from its rulers, but
the scheme of the significators of talent and customs must also be
especially considered, that is the Planets in the first or its rulers, es-
pecially if they were with the lights or the ruler of the 10th, for they
often determine natives to a [particular] profession like unto their
own nature. And not only do they select a profession for the Native
concordant with their own talent, but those parents are also careful
to observe very closely the talent of the children, so that they may
make them fortunate with a suitable profession. Therefore, in pre-
dicting the profession, there must be no little consideration of the
[Native's] talent, about which the Old [Astrologers] have said
nothing at all. And since the bodily constitution and the facial ap-
pearance are also due to the impression of the stars, something in-
deed little will come forth from that character to make known a
conjecture of the profession with greater certainty, for military
men and ecclesiastics, but especially monks and nuns, as very of-
ten they are distinguished by an appearance concordant with their
own profession.

18. When the Native and those around him are disposed con-
cordantly in inferior fate to some future effect, more can be pro-
duced from a weak celestial cause than from a strong cause, when
the Native is not disposed as above or is striving against it. And so,
in an intemperate youth, addicted to violent activities, in summer,

and in war, a weak direction causing illness, can stir up a great and
dangerous illness, which a stronger direction will not stir up in an
intemperate elder person and one prudently taken precaution for
himself. But in an intemperate elder person and one exposed to
death, if any sort of direction causing illness occurs with a similar
revolution, do not promise [a continuation of] life or escape [from
illness], especially if he may be be treated by unskilled physicians.
For they emulate all the arts of Mercury before the rest, and they
deliver to Charon the souls of men expelled from their bodies by
[the physicians'] ignorance of medicine.80

19. In [making] a general judgment of a natal figure, the

scheme of the directions must be taken into account—whether
they agree and in a suitable age. But much more in the judgment of
directions, the scheme of the natal figure must be taken into ac-
count—whether it agrees with those directions; namely, because a
direction without the agreement of the nativity can accomplish
nothing, as we have said elsewhere.

20. In any accident that is also strongly signified in the nativ-

ity, pay close attention in the figure to the causes contrary to it. As
for example, if luxury is signified, pay attention to the celestial
causes analogous to chastity; and see whether they are determined
in the first [house] to habits by their location and rulership, or by
connection with Planets in the first, or by rulership of the first; and
weigh both causes, and judge for the stronger with moderation.
And do the same for whatever other kinds of accidents, in the radix
as well as in directions and revolutions.

21. The greatest prudence of this art that must be held to be a

secret: it is, to pronounce boldly about things that are evidently and
strongly signified by the celestial indications and without any
strong contrariety, unless for the thing signified there is in inferior
fate some huge fixed impediment, such as priesthood with respect

Morin disagreed with some of the common practices of his fellow physicians,
such as the bleeding of patients.

to matrimony or military dignity (even though in my own time I
have seen Cardinals, Archbishops, Bishops, and Abbots—for
shame!—also distinguished in military dignities in wars against
[fellow] Catholics), or by castration with respect to the begetting
of offspring, and such like. But to predict only doubtfully about
things that are signified obscurely, weakly, or with notably contra-
riety, or with a meager difference of contrarieties, and to explain
the contrarieties, probably nevertheless by concluding for the
stronger part because of its prominence.

22. When the causes are mutually contradictory for any acci-
dent, such as for death, whether it is for a future natural death or for
a violent one; for a dignity, whether it is for a future military or ec-
clesiastical one, and such like, pay attention to the strength of the
contrary causes; and do not base your conclusion on only one if the
causes are equally strong, as if they were in equilibrium. But con-
clude for both of them in succession, or for a mixture of them. Just
as in the death of Cardinal Richelieu, which was partly a violent
one because of the iron that was often applied, and partly natural,
from an unexpected fever, by which he was finally killed; the con-
trariety of which [arose] from Jupiter in the eighth, but in exile and
with a violent fixed star in square with the lights. And thus many
persons are moved forward in childhood to ecclesiastical dignities
by their parents who arc magnates, [but] who then, excited by the
stimulus of their own nature, having dismissed those dignities,
marry, and strive for judicial or military [dignities]. But where one
part is very weak, conclude only for the other.

23. In the prediction of a future accident, much more attention

must be paid to the celestial causes than to the present status of the
Native, and it must be judged according to them. For it cannot be
known (unless perhaps by a very uncertain conjecture) what sort of
status the Native will have then; moreover, the celestial causes of
that same future accident may be seen, which dispose the Native
and those around him in inferior fate to the future accident by their

This is a reference to the surgery that was performed on the Cardinal.

own virtue. But whoever has done otherwise, will without doubt
be deceived many times.

24. Take care that you do not ever determine the precise time
of an accident from the radix, to be signified [solely] by a radical
direction and an annual revolution, without first considering the
annual and monthly directions, for it is from these [that you can]
determine the precise time; and without considering these, the
transits of the Planets, even concordant ones, often fail, but very
seldom with these.

25. For acquiring notable fame, and for raising on high the
glory of Astrology, you should have many selected nativities [in
your collection]; not only [those] of middle-class and work-
ing-class men, but especially of kings, princes, and magnates of
both sexes exactly erected and rectified. Then, when from a radical
figure, a radical direction, and a revolution of the Sun, you per-
ceive an important good or evil to be strongly signified, according
to the doctrine that we have set forth, without any contrariety that
is of any importance, that very good or evil may boldly be pre-
dicted for that year; either for one person only, whose figure is
available, or also for many others, especially courtiers, if the dan-
ger is absent. Indeed, why not [find] the very day of the accident,
investigated and determined from [the instructions in] Chapter 14,
for the greater glory. And you should not overlook such opportuni-
ties but rather you should diligently watch for them. I was able to
do this very often and very easily, and yet [sometimes] I didn't do
it, because, busied with other tasks, I did not take advantage of
those opportunities; and then, the opportunity having gone away, I
was often sorry, not so much because profit would come from it,
but because glory and praise of Astrology would come from it.
But, having considered it more carefully, it seemed to me that this

The Latin has sipericulum absit 'if the danger is absent (or distant)', or 'ifthere
is no danger'. I am uncertain what Morin meant by these words. We could read
adsit instead of absit, and then it could be translated 'if the danger is there (or

had not happened without divine providence. For if I had been
present, and it was unquestionably as I had predicted, especially
about magnates of the court; not only would a more illustrious
fame have resulted, but over and above that I would have been
overwhelmed at Paris by commands and entreaties for erecting and
judging figures, so that I would never have been able to bring this
work to completion, which, so that I might finally complete it and
make it known to the public for the glory of GOD, I have very of-
ten declined any particular gain from the practice of Astrology,
even from many magnates of both sexes, on account of the lack of
time. But from the science already plainly set forth, a learned as-
trologer who follows my counsel in this part will frequently expe-
rience its outstanding utility with joy.

26. If Saturn is in exile in the 9th in the mobile sign Cancer

and is conjoined to the Part of Fortune in the natal figure, portend-
ing misfortune and disgrace in lengthy travels or outside his home-
land, certainly that will happen at some time unless the Native dili-
gently guards himself; therefore, it is right for him to know that he
is prone to such misfortune. And the misfortune will happen prin-
cipally through revolutions, in accordance with the nature of the
house that Saturn is in. The Most Serene Prince Lord Conde83 had
such a radical constitution. Through many years he was always the
victor and fortunate in war; but in his revolution of the year 1646,
having a direction of the radical MC to the square of Mars, and Sat-
urn on the cusp of the seventh [house] of the annual revolution, ret-
rograde in Taurus, a terrestrial sign, and square to the MC of the ra-
dix, he set out for Spain in the year 1647, and while besieging
Lerida, he was forced to abandon the siege, notwithstanding the
trine of the Sun to Saturn, and Jupiter and Venus in the ninth of the
revolution; and so it caused [him] misfortune in foreign wars, al-
though from that same revolution he was very fortunate in the year
1646 in his siege of the city of Dunkerquc in Flanders. Therefore,
the significations of good and evil must be combined in these and
Louis II of Bourbon, Prince of Conde (1621-1686), the "Great Conde," a fa-
mous and nearly always successful military commander, as Morin says.

not judged solely in accordance with one part.

27. Last and first, and therefore the greatest prudence of all, is
for an Astrologer to have remembered [that] prediction is a work
of future things, than which nothing in Nature is more divine, and
to search with his mind united to God and open with prayers that
He illuminate his mind for distinguishing [the facts] with truth. For
a mind sunk in passions and sins is blind, [and] so unsuited for this
wisdom, so that even a learned Astrologer may be deceived in the
easier judgments, and may often be made ridiculous; what, there-
fore, will he do in more difficult and obscure ones, in which many
[mutually-] contradictory things are signified to him?

End of the Twenty-fourth Book.


The time used in all of the charts in Book 24 is Local Apparent

Time (LAT). To assist the reader who may want to recalculate
some of the charts, I have prepared a table of the Equation of Time
for the year 1625. That year is approximately in the middle of the
time period spanned by the charts. The Equation of Time changes
slowly from year to year, but the table shown below is sufficiently
accurate for dates within 75 years or more before or after 1625.

The argument of the table is the true longitude of the Sun. To

find the value of the Equation of Time locate the solar longitude
that is just before the longitude of the Sun and the one just after;
these are at 5 degree intervals. Interpolate these two values to get
the value for an intermediate longitude. Once found, the Equation
of Time can be rounded off to the nearest whole minute.

Table of tha Equation of Tine for the Year 1625

Sun Eq.T Sun Eq.T Sun Eq.T Sun Eq.T
+7.7 90 +0.9 180 -7.7 270 -0.9
5 +6.1 95 +2.0 185 -9.4 275 +1.6
10 ♦4.5 100 +3.0 190 -11.0 280 +4.0
15 +2.9 105 +4.0 195 -12.4 285 +6.3
20 +1.4 110 +4.8 200 -13.7 290 +8.4
25 -0.0 115 +5.3 205 -14.7 295 +10.2
30 -1.3 120 +5.6 210 -15.4 300 + 11.8
35 -2.3 125 +5.7 215 -15.9 305 +13.1
40 -3.2 130 ♦5.5 220 -16.1 310 ♦ 14.1
45 -3.8 135 ♦ 5.0 225 -15.9 315 +14.7
50 -4.2 140 + 4.3 230 -15.4 320 +15.0
55 -4.3 145 ♦ 3.3 235 -14.5 325 +14.9
60 -4.1 150 +2.1 240 -13.3 330 +14.6
65 -3.7 155 +0.7 245 -11.8 335 +13.9
70 -3.1 160 -0.8 250 -10.0 340 ♦13.0
75 -2.3 165 -2.5 255 -7.9 345 +11.9
80 -1.3 170 -4.2 260 -5.7 350 +10.6
85 -0.2 175 -5.9 265 -3.3 355 +9.2
90 +0.9 180 -7.7 270 -0.9 360 ♦7.7
UfT • LAT ♦ Equation of Tine
LAT » LMT - Equation of tine

Suppose for example that the Sun in a chart is in 23° 19' of

Scorpio. This is equivalent to 233° 19' or 233.3° to the nearest tenth
of a degree. Looking in the table, we find for 230° that the Equa-
tion of Time has the value -15.4, and for 235° the value is -14.5.
The difference is 0.9 and it is decreasing. We want 3.3/5 or 0.67 of
that difference; it will be 0.67 X 0.9 or 0.6., so we subtract that
amount from the figure for 230°, and we have -15.4 reduced by 0.6
or -14.8. That is the value in minutes and tenths of a minute. We
can round it off, and we will say that the approximate value of the
Equation of Time is 15 minutes. Then, if the stated time was 6:05
AM LAT, the equivalent LMT will be 6:05 AM -0:15 or 5:50 AM

Index of Persons

Abbots, 98
Alchabitius, astrologer, 28 n.34
Alexander I, Duke of Florence, 13 n.19
Arabian Astrologers, vii,26 n.33
Archbishops, 98
Asclation, astrologer, 3 n.6
Ascletarion, {see Asclation)
Astronomers, 36
Balbillus, Tiberius Claudius, astrologer, 3 n.6
Bishops, 98
Caesar, Gaius Julius, general and dictator, 36
Caligula, Emperor, 3
Campanus of Novara, mathematician, 28 n.34
Cardan, Jerome, 1-18,4 n.l 1,5 n.12,8 n.14,13 n.19,14 n,21,15
n.22, 28 n.34,81 n.66,90
Cardinals, 98
Catholics, 98
Ceresara, Paris, astrologer, 4
Chaldeans, 4 n.8,10
Charles V, Emperor, 46
Charon, mythological figure, 97
Cicero, Marcus Tullius, orator, statesman, and literatus, xi
Clement VII, Pope, 13 n.l9
Commissioners, 56
Conde, Louis II of Bourbon, Prince of, general, 100
Condrcn, Charles dc, theologian, 52,63,64
Courtiers, 99
Cramer, Frederick H., scholar, 3 n.6
Deacons, 52
Demon, 81
Devil, 41
Domitian, Emperor, 3

Ecclesiastics, 96
Egyptians, 4,10
Elder persons, 97
Famese, Alessandro, Cardinal (see Paul III)
Fortune-teller, unidentified, 68
Francesco Maria of Ferrara, astrologer, 4
Gaurico, Luca, Bishop, astrologer, 13 n.19
Giuntini, Francesco, astrologer, 1
God, 12,30,44,48,66,68,73,100,101
Good Angel, 68
Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden, 36,49,61
Henry IV, King of France, 36
Hollandus, John Isaac, alchemist, 22
Huguetan, Jean Antoine, publisher, 3 n.5
Junctinus (see Giuntini, Francesco)
Kepler, John, astronomer, 37
Kings, 41,99
Lesdiguieres, Francois de Bonne, Duke of, Constable of France, 50
Lower-class men, 96
Magnates, 99
Menard, Pierre, publisher, 28 n.34
Middle-classmen, 41,96,99
Military men, 96
Modem Astrologers, vii,48
Monks, 96
Morhard, Ulrich, publisher, 18n.28
Morin, Jean Baptiste, viii-xi,5 n. 12,14 n.21,28 n.34,43 n.39,48
n.40,63 n.52,65, 66 n.54,55,67,69,73,95 n.77, 97 n.80
Naibod, Valentine, viii n.4,25 n.30
Nero, Emperor, 3
Nobles, 96
Nuns, 96
Offusius, Johannes Francus, physician, 58
Old Astrologers, 1,2,8,11,20,23,26,48,57,96
Old Chemists, 22

Origanus, David, mathematician, 7
Paul III, Pope, 4 n.10
Physicians, 97
Piccinino, Jacopo, condottiere, 4 n.9
Pitatus, Petrus, mathematician, 18
Placidus di Titus, astrologer, vm
Princes, 99
Priests, 52
Ptolemy, Claudius, 1-4,8-12
Rantzau, Henry von, Count, 4 n.9
Ratdolt, Er\\dir&,publisher, 85 n.70
Ravaud, Mzyc knXome, publisher, 3 n.5
Regiomontanus, astronomer, 7,85
Richelieu, Armand du Plessis dc. Cardinal, 51,56,62,63,92,98
Robson, Vivian, astrologer, viii n.4
Robbins, F.E., editor and translator, 2 n.3, 4 n.8,8 n.14
Schoner, Johann, astrologer, 1
Senators, 96
Simple-minded persons, 96
Stadius, Johann, mathematician, 4 n.10
Sub-Deacons, 52
Sulla {see Balbillus, Tiberius Claudius)
Superior Astrologers, 1
Thomdike, Lynn, historian, 4 n.9-10,18 n.28,58 n.48
Thrasybulus {see Thrasyllus, Tiberius Claudius)
Thrasyllus, Tiberius Claudius, astrologer, 3 n.6
Tiberius, Emperor, 3
Tronson, Louis, royal official, 51,64
Tucci, Tucci, astrologer, 4 n.10
Tyard, Pontus de, poet, 4 n. 10
Villennes, Nicolas de Bourdin, Marquess of, 28 n.34
Woman, unidentified acquaintance ofMorin, 53,66
Working-class men, 99


Original Works

Gaurico, Luca
Tractatus astrologicus.
[Astrological Treatise]
Venice: Curtius Troianus Nauo, 1552.

[Green, H.S.]
A Thousand and One Notable Nativities.
London: Modem Astrology, 19157. 2nd ed. rev.

The Book of Notable Nativities.

Chicago: The Aries Press, 1943. repr. in facs. of the 2nd ed

Holden, James Herschel

A History of Horoscopic Astrology.
Tempe, Az.: A.F.A., Inc., 1996. xv,359pp. 21 cm. diagrs. tables

Morin, Jean Baptiste

Longitudinum terrestrium nec non coelestium
nova et hactenus optata scientia...
[The New and Hitherto Hoped for Science of
Terrestrial and Celestial Longitudes...]
Paris: J. Libert, 1634. 4to. 164 pp.

Tabulae Rudolphinae ad meridianum Uraniburgi

supputatae a Joanne Baptista Morino,
accuratum et facile compendium redactae.
[The Rudolphine Tables, Calculated by Jean
Baptiste Morin for the Meridian of Uraniborg, ...
Reduced to an accurate and easy compendium]
Paris: J. Le Brun, 1650. 4to. 117 pp. tables

Remarques astrologiques de Jean-Baptiste Morin,
... sur le commentaire du Centiloque de Ptolomee
mise en lumierepar Messire Nicolas de Bourdin, ...
[The Astrological Remarks of Jean Baptiste Morin
... on the Commentary on Ptolemy's Centiloquy
Published by My Lord Nicolas de Bourdin...]
Paris: P. Menard, 1657. 4to. 168 pp.

Remarques astrologiques/ de Jean-Baptiste Morin

... sur le Commentaire du Centiloque de Ptolemee
ou la seconde partie de I 'Uranie de Messire
Nicolas de Bourdin, marquis de Villennes, etc.
edited by Jacques Halbronn
[with a valuable introduction, notes, and a
bibliography of Morin's works]
Paris: Retz, 1976. repr. of the 1st ed. 303 pp. 20 cm. portr.
facs. tables, biblio.

Astrologia Gallica.
[French Astrology]
The Hague: Adrian Vlacq, 1661. folio. Pref, 784 pp. portr.
diagrs. tables

Tabulae directionum profectionumque...
in nativitatibus multum utiles.
[Tables of Directions and Profections...
Very Useful in Nativities]
Augsburg: Erhard Ratdolt, 1490. 4to.

Thomdike, Lynn
A History of Magic and Experimental Science.
New York: Columbia University Press, 1923-1958. 8 vols.

Translations and Commentaries

Morin, Jean Baptiste

La Theorie des Determinations Astrologiques
de Morin de VilJefranche/conduisant d une
Methode rationellepour I 'Interpretation du Theme
[Morin of Villefranche's Theory of Astrological
Determinations, Leading to a Rational Method for the
Interpretation of the Astrological Chart]
[an abridged translation into French by Henri Selva
(pseudonym) of the Astrologia Gallica, Book 21 ]
Paris: Bodin, 1902. vi, 218 pp. 2 plates
Paris: Editions Traditionelles, 1991. new ed. 224 pp. diagrs.
paper 22 cm.

The Morinus System of Horoscope Interpretation/

Astrologia Gal lie a/Book Twenty-One.
trans, from the Latin by Richard S. Baldwin
Washington: A.F.A., 1974. paper [i-v],109,[l] 23 cm.

Astrologia Gallica/Book Twenty-Two/Directions.

[with excerpts from Books 2, 13, 15, 17, 18, 20,
23, 24, and Jerome Cardan's works]
trans, from the Latin by James Herschel Holden
Tempe, Az.: A.F.A. Inc., 1994. paper xv,292 pp. diagrs. ta-
bles 22 cm.

Astrologia Gallica/Book Twenty-Three/Revolutions.

trans, from the Latin by James Herschel Holden
Tempe, Az.: A.F.A., Inc., 2003. Isted. paper portr. diagrs.
tables 23 cm.
Tempe, Az.: A.F.A., Inc., 2004. 2nd cd. rev. paper portr.
xi,148 pp. diagrs. tables 28 cm.

Astrologia Gallica/Book Eighteen.
[The Strength of the Planets]
trans, from the Latin by Pepita Sanchis Llacer and from her
Spanish version by Anthony Louis LaBruzza
Tempe, Az.: A.F.A., Inc., 2004, paper, 101 pp.

"Jean Baptise Morin's Comments on House Division

in his Remarques Astrologiques"
(House Division III)
trans, from the French by James H. Holden
Journal of Research of the AFA 6, Nos. 1&2 (1991): 19-35
Tempe, Az.: A.F.A., Inc., 1982-

Suetonius, Gaius Tranquillus

The Lives of the Twelve Caesars.
trans, by Joseph Gavorse
New York: Modem Library, 1931. xvi, 361 pp.


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