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Sponsor A Child Through School

Social Media Report

Analytics report for year 2022

The social strategy as of January 2022 was to get more video content which will
help showcase all the impactful work being done at SACTS.
The goal was to attract the three hotbeds of engagement- Gen Z, Millennials,
and Boomers.

Without a savvier approach to representation/content creation, digital presence

will remain as it were.

Before the second quarter began, the best engagement we could garner was a
maximum of 10 likes on Instagram- which only happens after we bombard the
page with build-ups.

Profiles discussed in this report

· SACTS Instagram Profile
· SACTS LinkedIn profile

Table of content
● Cross-channel performance
● Video performance
● Individual channel performance
● Listening
● Key Learning
● Challenges
● Suggestions
● Social media relationship with other media channels
● Action plan
Cross channel performance(LinkedIn
Key Performance Indicator Results

Total engagement(number of likes, 1222

comments, shares)

Net New audience 748

Total posts 137

Total audience 772

Top posts by engagement

From the month of June, we began to lean towards putting out more
reels on Instagram and using the more structured video compilations
for LinkedIn.
Key Performance Indicator (LinkedIn Result
+ Instagram)

Total videos posted 53

Video Impressions 3890

Video views 4199

Video engagement 425

Our LinkedIn strategy was to put informative videos that keep partners,
potential partners, and connections apprised of our impactful activities.

We also resolved to share contents or stories that preach the importance of

living an impactful life.

Primary LinkedIn Metrics

KPI Results

Total Impressions 7740

Total engagement 675

New followers 668

URL clicks 357

Our strategy for Instagram is to push organic content that shows us in
action, repost content from counterparts, share background stories of
consenting beneficiaries and report impact.

We also thought of generating TikTok videos using volunteers to

push content relating to education, SDGs, and other relatable content
tailored to the organization’s mission.

Primary Instagram Metrics

KPI Results

Total Impressions 792

Total engagement 277

New followers 68

Reels views 7763

Reels posted 25

Brand stories 65

Brand posts 96

Video views 119+ 5066 5185

Videos posted 22

Ad Performance LinkedIn
Post( Mr. Biyi Organic discovery Sponsored discovery
Mananagement video)

Impressions 243 10,872

Click through rate 0.8% 0.0%

URL clicks 2 5

Reactions 11 0

Comments 1 0

Shares 2 0

Listening: Topics that are being

discussed in our industry
-Skills acquisition in response to ASUU strike
-Period poverty
-Tech opportunities for children
-Effects of flooding
-Increased learning poverty

- Uncoordinated and Untimely delivery of graphic designs
- Insufficient fun organic content that is suitable for Instagram
- Delayed distribution of media from activities/events

Key Learnings
- Banners don’t get enough traction on Instagram as it does on
- Reels with short captions go a long way
- People are more interested in seeing us do what we do rather
than reading reports on what we have done.
- Leveraging our partners’ social media following like posting
them as WCW/ MCM really boosts our LinkedIn following.
- Holding IG live to discuss value-filled topics, then going live
at events is bound to give us more traction and exposure.
- Banners may not be able to beat reels at gaining traction, but
they can go a long way if done right.
- Create more motion graphics videos.
- Edit our videos in a more professional manner using UNICEF
as inspiration.

● Use a quality phone camera, preferably an iPhone, and
ring light to create content filming the right things, at the
Right angles and at the right time.
● Content creation will be allocated to individuals available
for physical events/locations.
● Get a graphic designer who is keen on branding and can
come up with a design template that’s coordinated

Anyone on the content/management team can help with content


- Bearing in mind that we can’t show the faces of some of the

beneficiaries, other people (volunteers, partners, members) that
can consent to be filmed could be approached as any of their
actions might just become “the content”.

- Impactful content stems from things we do when we are not

on guard. Our passion is communicated more through the
originality of our content and this will require all-around
filming- even for the “inconsequential things”.

While this may be uncomfortable in some regards, we have to

work our way around it.

Looking Forward
- To showcasing all of the organization’s activities ( no matter
how “inconsequential”) in a fresher light.
- To piquing and holding the interest of potential
donors/partners online and offline.
- To gaining massive traction on both Instagram and

What Is Needed
- A good iPhone/ camera
- Volunteers for videos
- A well-seasoned and reliable graphic designer
- A better approach at the video editing.

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