Procedures in Drafting Pants

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Front part
1. Trace the outer edge of the L-square and mark the corner point A.
2. From A-B going down is the crotch measurement minus width of the band, and extend point B to the
3. From A-C going down is the knee length minus width of the band, and extend point C to the right.
4. From A-D going down is the length of pants minus width of the band, and extend point D to the right.
5. From B-E is ¼ of the hip II circumference plus 1½ to the right.
6. F is the center of B and E and extend line upward and downward. In line A mark F1, in line C mark F2,
and in line D mark F3.
7. From F1-G is ¾ to the left.
8. From G-F to the right is ¼ of the waist circumference divided by 2.
9. From G-I to the left is ¼ of the waist circumference divided by 2.
10. From E-J is 1½ going inside.
11. 11. From J-K is 1½ upward.
12. From F2-L is ¼ of the knee circumference to the right.
13. From F2-M is ¼ of the knee circumference to the left.
14. From F3-N is ¼ of the bottom circumference to the right.
15. From F3-O is ¼ of the bottom circumference to the left.
Connect point I and B with the use of Hip Curve (out curve).
Connect point B and M with the use of Hip Curve (in curve).
Connect point M and 0 with the use of L-square.
Connect point E and L with the use of Hip Curve (in curve).
Connect point L and N with the use of L-square.
Connect point I and H with the use of L-square.
Connect point H and K with the use of L-square
Connect point K and E Free hand
Connect point O and N with the use of L-square

Back part
1. Trace the Front Pattern.
2. From B-1 going outside is 1 ¼.
3. From F1-2 to the right is 1 ½.
4. From 2-3 upward is 1 ¼, and connect 3-A
5. From 3-4 is to the left is ¼ of the waist circumference plus 1 ½.
6. From K-5 going inside is ½.
7. From E-6 going outside is 1 ½.
8. From L-7 going outside is ½.
9. From M-8 going outside is ½.
10. From N-9 going outside is ½.
11. From O-10 going outside is ½.

Connect point 4 and 1 with the use of Hip Curve (out curve).
Connect point 1 and 8 with the use of Hip Curve (in curve).
Connect point 8 and 10 with the use of L-square.
Connect point 6 and 7 with the use of Hip Curve (in curve).
Connect point 7 and 9 with the use of L-square.
Connect point 4 and 3 with the use of L-square.
Connect point 3 and 5 with the use of L-square
Connect point 5 and 6 Free hand
Connect point 10 and 9 with the use of L-square

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