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2022/23 BMG935 CRN 28279 (Sem.

2) - International HRM

Individual Assignment

a) To be submitted/uploaded by midnight on the stated deadline (or earlier),(Deadline to be
confirmed) via the relevant module area on Blackboard Learn
b) Assignments will not be accepted after this time, unless prior approval has been secured from
your Course Director and notified to me in advance.
c) All assignments must be uploaded through the relevant “assignment” link within BlackBoard
Learn, with the file title as your individual name e.g. JoeBloggs.docx

1. You are expected to use on-line and off-line facilities to obtain :
 Academic literature to provide research evidence to support your answers.
 Examples from web sites which support your answers.
2. Your assignment should include at least six relevant references to academic literature (in
addition to any references made to commercial or other reference websites). Any references
cited must be referenced appropriately, using the Harvard Referencing style. The quality of your
references and bibliography will be considered in the assessment process.
3. All published information with regards to organisations which you have used in the preparation
of your assignment, should be included in your appendices.
4. This assessment is NOT a report and therefore doesn’t require an Executive Summary, nor a
Contents/Index page.

This assignment is worth 100% of the overall marks available for this module.

If you have any queries, please contact ????? ?????/, immediately.

Results and feedback will normally be available within 4 weeks of submission (excluding university
holidays), on an individual basis.

Students found plagiarising or engaging in any other forms of cheating, can expect to be penalised
and subjected to university regulations on such matters. Plagiarism detection software will be utilised
for all assignments, alongside other forms of checking for contract cheating offences.

MODULE ASSESSSMENT : This module is 100% coursework assessed and comprises of one
individual assignment. The assessment is to be completed on an individual basis. Full details of the
assessment are available under the “Assignment” tool, within the module area on BlackBoard Learn


The quality of a firm’s talent is central to its ability to learn, innovate, and perform. Having the
right talent, at the right place, at the right time, and at the right price is an important global
issue for every enterprise
Tarique (2022)

1. What are the main motives for MNCs to use international transfers?

2. Why are MNCs increasingly looking for alternative forms of international assignments
and what are the benefits and drawbacks of using short-term international assignments?

Within your analysis, you must provide a number of relevant, organisation-based examples, to
support your theoretical arguments presented. These must be discussed and applied in the context of
the assignment brief, and not just listed or referred to. The assignment must have a wide and visible
application to industry, through the application of appropriate organisational examples. Failure to
apply relevant organisational examples could result in a failure within the module assessment.

Students should be aware that this assignment requires the integration of the major themes of the
module. Student skills such as researching materials, analysing, synthesising and critically evaluating
the application of theory in practice will be assessed. A superior assignment will demonstrate
relevant research skills, analysis and critical evaluation rather than just description.

The word count for this assignment is 3000 words with a +10% margin.

Word Count Penalties

The following penalties will be applied, if submissions go beyond 3000 words :
+10% - no penalty
>10% - 20% = 5% penalty
>20% - 30% = 10% penalty
>30% - 40% = 15% penalty
>40% - 50% = 20% penalty
>50% = maximum mark of 50%

Determining the word count : The permissible word count will primarily originate from content
pages (i.e. the main body of the assignment and exclude title pages/cover sheet, appendices,
bibliographies, reference lists, diagrams/graphs/images/tables.

You must include the appropriate word count on the front cover of your assignment.

Presentation style
1. This assignment must follow at least basic university presentation guidelines. Use at least 1.5
line spacing, size 12 and Ariel font.
2. This assessment is NOT a report and therefore doesn’t require an Executive Summary, nor a
Contents/Index page.
3. It is advised that students avail of the services of Turnitin prior to final submission, to check for
similarity and any potential plagiarism issues.
4. It is advised that students avail of the services of Studiosity prior to final submission.
5. All assignments must display the final word count, on the cover page (excluding all
references /bibliography lists, appendices)

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