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The University of the West Indies

Cave Hill Campus

Faculty of Science and Technology
Department of Computer Science, Mathematics and Physics

COMP0001: Preliminary Computer Science One

Laboratory Exercise Two Part Two

Introduction to Spreadsheet Analysis using MS Excel


Do not delete any extra paragraph breaks in the document unless directed to do so.
Do not perform any extra formatting other than what is directed.
The instructions/directions show text that you type or select as bold text, but this is only so you can see it more easily in
the directions; do not attempt to duplicate this formatting in your answer.
When answering questions, only change what is asked and ACCEPT ALL OTHER DEFAULTS.


COMP0001 – Preliminary Computer Science One – Lab Two, 2016/17 1

NOTE: Complete the following steps in order.
1. Open the 2014 Weather Details workbook and save it as My 2014 Weather Details.
a) Create a Column chart that shows JUST the Month and Average Temperature.
Add any data label to the chart.
Name the chart "Average Temperature (°)".
Place the chart on the active sheet.
Resize the chart to 5" x 9".
b) Create a 3D Pie Chart that shows the JUST the Month and Total Rainfall (").
Place the Chart on a new sheet called "Total Rainfall".
Apply the Style 5 chart style to the chart.
Add the Percentage data labels to the chart.
Explode the "May" Point of the Pie Chart.
Name the chart "Total Precipitation".
Save and close the workbook

2. Open the Student's Grades workbook and save it as My Student's Grades.

s) Calculate the total marks for each student.
t) Calculate the average mark for each student.
u) In cell K8, use the IF formula to calculate which students passed the course. The
overall pass mark is 450. If the mark is 450 or over, display the text "Pass" otherwise
display the text "Fail". Use an absolute reference to the value in cell B5.
v) Format the values in cells B8 to J17 to display two decimal places.
w) Increase the width of columns B through H so that they are 10 points (75 pixels) wide.
x) Merge and center the contents of cell A1 across the cells A1 through K1.
y) Apply the following attributes to A1 through K1:
Font size – 20 pts
Font colour- White, Background 1
Fill colour- Light Blue
z) Change the height of Row 1 to 57 pt (76 pixels)
aa) Middle align cell A1 through K1.
a) Change the margins of the worksheet to 0.10 inches for the top, bottom, left and
right margins.
b) Set up the worksheet so it will print landscape. Save and close the file.
c) Save and close the workbook.

3. Open the December 2014 Income & Expense Report workbook and save it as My
December 2014 Income & Expense Report.
3.1. Navigate to the Profit or Loss worksheet and using 3-D formulas, link the Total
Income and Total Expenses from the Income and the Expenses worksheets
3.2. On the Profit or Loss worksheet, create names for the:
3.2.1. Profit Sharing percentage called Profit_Sharing_Per.
3.2.2. Profit/Loss called Profit_Loss_Amt
3.3. Use an appropriate formula to calculate the profit sharing amount using the values
in C5 and C9.
3.4. Save and close the workbook.

4. Open the Expenses workbook and save it as My Expenses.

4.1. Insert the data on the Expenses sheet into an Excel table.

4.2. Change the table name to: ExpTable

4.3. Create a pivot table on a new worksheet which is based on all the cells that have
been inserted into the new Excel table. Use the pivot table to display the total
tax inclusive amount for each supplier that is included in the source data.

4.4. Rename the new sheet as: Suppliers

4.5. Change the number formatting of the tax inclusive amount so that all the
amounts include thousands separators and two decimal numbers.

4.6. Change the order of the supplier names in column A so that the suppliers are
sorted in a descending order (from Z to A).

4.7. Drill down to the source data that makes up the supplier total for the IAS
Accountants supplier.

4.8. Rename the new sheet as: IAS

4.9. Navigate to the Suppliers sheet and insert a pivot table slicer which is based on
the account code field.

4.10. Filter the pivot table data with the slicer so that the supplier totals for only
expenses that have been allocated to account IS-375 or account IS-390 are
displayed in the pivot table.

4.11. Save and close the workbook.

5. Open the Orders workbook and save it as My Orders.

5.1. Using the range A7:N10799, create a name called Orders.
5.2. In cells E4, F4, G4 and H4, use the Vlookup function to return the Sales Manager,
Product Name, Order Date and Order Amount for the Order ID in cell D4.
5.3. Search for Order ID FA176.
5.4. Save and close the workbook.
6. Open the Customer Account Balances workbook and save it as My Customer Account
6.1. Use Conditional Formatting to format All accounts with balances below zero. Use the
light red fill with dark red text pre-set format.
6.2. Use Conditional Formatting to format All accounts with balances greater
than $10,000.00. Use the green fill with dark green text pre-set format.
6.3. Save and close the workbook.
7. Open the Weekly Stock Prices workbook and save it as My Weekly Stock Prices.
7.1. In cell G4, insert Sparklines for each company quotes for the week.
7.2. Show the:
7.2.1. High Point
7.2.2. Low Point
7.2.3. Negative Points
7.3. Save and close the workbook.
8. Open the Opened Accounts workbook and save it as My Opened Accounts.
8.1. In cells C4, C5, C6 and C7, enter a formula to calculate the number of
accounts opened by account type. Use absolute references where necessary.
8.2. In cells D4, D5, D6 and D7, enter a formula to calculate the total amount by account type. Use
absolute references where necessary.
8.3. Filter the data to show only accounts opened by New Customers.
8.4. Save the filter as a Custom View called 'New Customers'.
8.5. Save and close the workbook.
9. Open the Opened Accounts workbook and save it as November Accounts.
9.1. Using the Subtotal command, add subtotals to show the number of accounts opened by branch.

COMP0001 – Preliminary Computer Science One – Lab Two, 2016/17

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