2-2023 Newsletter

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February 2023

The Holy Spirit Moves - Lifestyles are Changed

Meet Philibert Jeanine. She is a beneficiary in the livestock sector. She is a single mom with 3 children.
Through IFOSuD’s spiritual training, she has accepted Christ as her savior. As usual, after each Farmer Field
School session, the IFOSuD evangelist, Remfort Antoine, would talk with Jeanine about how to be in God’s
will. In November, she came to Remfort and said, “I decided to quit my relations with the father of my
children because we are living in a sinful situation.” Remfort counseled her, “You should not do that
because your partner is the father of your 3 children. On the contrary, you are the one who will pray for
him to come to Jesus. Leaving him alone won’t be the right solution.”

Jeanine insisted that Jesus is not far from coming, and she needed to
get her life right with God. Remfort decided to pray about this situation
and went to talk with Jeannine’s partner about her concern for his
spiritual condition. This week Jeannine came to Remfort with tears
in her eyes telling him the greatest news ever, “My partner agrees to
marry me this December!” So the big announcement is Jeannine and
her partner were married on December 28, 2022 in Léogâne!

Consider praying for this restored family.


A challenge was put out to all the beneficiaries
in the literacy class: the best student by the end
of 2022 would get to read during the 2023
graduation ceremony. Joseph Jean is the name of the beneficiary who will read
the scripture during the celebration!

He is the fastest reader, and he is in his second reading book. He never imagined
himself being able to read. He never misses a literacy class. He even comes to
attend under heavy rain or stormy weather!

Check us out on Facebook! | www.facebook.com/FriendsofIfosud/ | www.friendsofifosud.org | [email protected]

Letter from Labriette Community
In December Friends of IFOSuD supplied a grant of $20,000 to provide 200 families with 3-4 weeks
worth of food. IFOSuD worked with local suppliers and distributed the food supplies. The beneficiaries
were very surprised, as IFOSuD has stressed that they are not an aid organization. One of the groups was
so touched they wrote a letter of gratitude to their Field Monitor, Cangé, and the IFOSuD Pastor, Remfort:

“Hello, Agro Cangé and Brother Remfort,

We take this opportunity to congratulate you for the good work you are doing in the community. I ask
God to protect you in all the ways we have to do during all our activities. We, the Beneficiaries of
LABRIETTE, take this opportunity to congratulate the IFOSuD staff in Haiti and abroad for understanding
the needs we had in this difficult situation in our communities. We didn’t ask for food, because we as
beneficiaries know IFOSuD doesn’t do humanitarian aid. But your love and compassion allowed all
communities to have access to these expensive foods for this Christmas. Thank you for all the projects
IFOSuD put in the communal section of the big mountain (Labriette). We thank IFOSuD for everything it
does with the beneficiaries and what they do in perfect collaboration with us in the community.
We wish a merry Christmas to the IFOSuD staff without distinction.”

Sonia Belange
The Friends of IFOSuD Board and IFOSuD staff would
like to thank everyone for their generous support
in 2022! We were able to send over $200,000 in
money raised and over $400,000 in grant money
received to IFOSuD this year. Thank you so much!!

Hundreds of lives have been positively impacted

through your generosity. In a time when Haiti is
struggling most, when our staff wonders how long
they can continue, you have encouraged and

We have the pleasure to announce the

11th Anniversary Celebration of IFOSuD uplifted them with your prayers and financial support.
and the graduation of beneficiaries
enrolled in our Ag and Business Mèsi anpil! • Thank you very much!
program on March 19th, 2023 at 2:00 PM!

The theme for this year’s celebration is:

“Living in Gratitude in Times of Trial” as
written in Romans 8:28. This celebration
will take place in Léogâne at the local
“Discipleship and Agricultural Training
Center of IFOSuD”.

We covet your prayers for this graduation

to take place as Haiti is still in the midst
of chaos and uncertainty.

Send Checks to: Friends of IFOSuD | P.O. Box 282 | Northwood, ND 58267 | Donate Online: | friendsofifosud.org/give

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