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For: NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety


For: NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety
NEBOSH International Certificate in Construction Health and Safety
NEBOSH International Certificate in Fire Safety and Risk Management

Open Book Examination


Available for 24 hours

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Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0012-ENG-OBE-V1 May22 © NEBOSH 2022 page 1 of 9

Task 1: Actions of a labour inspector

Question 1 (a)
Main function of labour inspector is to ,
 to ensure all the legal standards met by the organisation, this cheese factory
organisation has to comply many legal obligations. Labour inspector has the
duty to ensure they are met.
 Ensure there is no workplace ill-health and work related injury. This factory has
many hazards, for example hazard related to vehicle movement, hazard related to
chemical, hazard related to manual handling and violence when dealing with
customer. This hazard could be turn to harm, to prevent risk arise from these
hazard is his responsibility.
 Make changes in administration to enhance health and safety arrangements. Like
recommendation and updating of risk assessment, recommendation on
developing safe system of work.
 Prevent hazard and risk in the organisation. He has the responsibility to take action
to prevent and reduce the hazard and risk.
 Write inspection report, investigation and enhance the report to higher authority.
 Ensure workers welfare. He need to check check workers welfare in this
organisation, he can whether the workers are provided with welfare facility, such
as toilet, restroom and drinking facility.
 Conduct investigation on any incident and recommend further action.
 Provide guidance and recommendation on health and safety matters.
 Provide formal enforcement action on any violation.

Question 1 (b)
The labour inspector could take various action after the inspection,
 He may take action to prosecute the organisation in the court for the accident. The
cheese factory failed to do arrangements for the task in the organisation.
 Inspector may suggest additional control measures in order prevent re occur and of
accident and near miss. he may suggest issuing of permit work system and ssw
for the milling machine.
 He may prosecute individual in the court .he may do necessary action to prosecute
the individual who is responsible for the accident.
 He may guide regarding the improvements in health and safety in the organisation.
 He may impose penalty for breaching employer obligation. Here the organisation
failed to [protect the workers from the Injury.
 .he may provide formal enforcement notice through warning latter. For
noncompliance of safety standards
 He may give prohibition notice for major noncompliance. which the organization
has to halt the work ,the work can be restarted after make suggested changes

Task 2: Indicators of health and safety culture

Question 2
This organisation has a positive safety culture ,as we can see many indicators for it
 the site manager regularly walk around the implies there is a close can be act as a indicator for a positive safety culture.
 For temporary workers the organisation provide BUDDY enable the
temporary workers to learn correct working methods on the job.
 All recipes are documented ,it helps to create a better cheese product .it prevent
health risk to those who consume it.

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 Organisation ready to expand the storage area and extension to the production
building to increase the storage capacity for the extended orders.
 Risk assessment is done by the management with the input of workers, it implies
that there is worker consultation.
 All the documents are reviewed are reviewed and stored in the office, which show
the organisation update.
 From the scenario we can see that accident rate and incident rate are low .even
though accident and incident are less often occur, records of this usually kept in
their implies that accident and incidents are reported.
 Organisation used give induction training for the temporary workers, during
induction training workers provided with site tour .which helps them for easy
understanding of worksite and a labour procedure.
 All the workers are provided with written information on emergency procedure, first
aid arrangements and a copy of the health and safety policy.
 Health and safety policy is signed by the manger, which indicate that the
organisation have leadership and commitment.
 They are given basic practical training on the correct use of mobile
equipment’s ,that are used in both production and storage area.
 Organisation has concern about the training needs for the permanent workers.
especially about manual handling.
 Organisation conducted investigation on accident. And ready to provide welfare
support for the victim.
 The experience worker and managers hold an emergency meeting to discuss what
need to be in place for the permit work system after the accident. This show their
commitment and leadership.
 There is no worker complaints. organisation encourage worker complaints but no
serous is made
 Organisation listen worker complaints. from the scenario it is clear that the driver of
the milk tanker recently complained struggling of manoeuvre past vehicle parked
at the entrance along the internal road
 The workers helped the injured worker as soon as possible .and provided hospital
treatment. Which show that worker has morale.
 Workers give higher output .the factory getting production rate more than their
target. which show that worker have higher morale.

The above point show that this organisation has positive safety culture

Task 3: Actions following the collapse of the storage racking

Question 3 (a)
It is important to secure any near miss scene because,
 Securing prevent unauthorised entry into wooden shelving rack area. If not secured
people may have chance to enter the site ,will be face some dangerous. There is
a higher likelihood of slip and trip if they enter into the scene. so, in order to
prevent this type of risk it is better to secure the scene..
 Securing the scene will prevent alteration of the scene, alteration may lead to loss
of evidence of the near miss .
 To make others aware about the near miss, so that can arrange their working
procedure according to means they may need to stop their working and
may need to cooperate with the investigation.
 It prevent missing of evidence from the scene. If the area secured there is entry
other than who participate in the investigation. so, no others can take evidence.
such as here the collapsed wooden rack and chees. Can be removed from the
scene if not secured.

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 It enhance staff morale, by seeing a secured scene worker would understood that,
organisation is investigating the investigating the incident
organisation showing their commitment towards health and safety.
 Securing the scene enhance the easiness of first aid procedure. The victim may
need fist aid treatment, by preventing un authorised entry the first aider can give
proper first treatment.

Question 3 (b)
This near miss need to be investigated due to many reasons, they are.
 Conducting investigation on any incident like near miss accident is a legal
requirement. Country law suggest that all the near miss should be investigated
 Investigation helps to identify immediate and root cause. Here the immediate cause
of the near miss due to over load of cheese on the wooden racking. And the root
cause is lack of shelves.
 For claim order to get claim from the insurance company .this
organisation need to submit the investigation report.
 To improve staff morale, by conducting investigation worker may feel that,
organisation value their lives.
 To enable risk assessment reviewed and updated. Through investigation
organisation can identify which part of risk assessment is failed. By so we can
make updates is risk assessments.
 For disciplinary investigating near we are able to identify who is
responsible for the near miss and can be provide disciplinary action against
will be a lesson for others. Disciplinary can be in the form of fines ,suspension or
 For data gathering purpose, investigation reports can be used to develop accidents
statistics, by reviewing accident statistics it is able to understand trends and
 Through near miss investigation it can find preventive measures in order to prevent
re occurrence.
 Investigating of miss prevent financial loss, by implementing proper action plane it
prevent further incident, it may be accident. Accident cost money.
 Investigation record fact of incident. People do not have perfect memory, and near
miss investigation records documents factual evidence for the future
 Investigation prevent enforcement action from enforcement authority. If the near
miss not investigated, organisation may face enforcement actions. Because
conducting investigation is a legal requirement.
 Investigation helps to identify root cause and immediate cause of the
identifying immediate cause and root cause .the organisation can prepare a
effective action plane.
 Investigation identify corrective action to prevent the re-occurrence and prevent it
turn to accident.
 To enhance health and safety culture ,investigation must be done. If investigation
have not done, organisation repeat the same procedure .which may lead to
 Investigation prevent further direct and indirect associated with the accident.
 Investigation enable to know who is responsible the for the action on the action

Task 4: Human factors contributing to the accident with the milling machine

Question 4

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The individual factors which contribute the behaviour of young worker injured while
cleaning the electric milling machine are
 LACK OF COMPETANCY ,the worker lack competency .he is inexperienced,
untrained temporary worker, he is not able to do the cleaning the machine with
out any assistance, he lacks knowledge because he is a young person and that
was his first full time job.
 BAD ATTITUDE, the worker know that he cant do the cleaning process with out his
buddy, even though he started cleaning an lead to accident. He is ready to take
 POOR PERSONALITY:- he was a risk taking person. Even with out his buddy , he
started his cleaning work. he really know that that was risk.
 LACK OF SKILL:- he lack skill to manual handling job. Cleaning is manual handling
work. we know that the temporary worker are not trained against manual handing
 POOR RISK PERCEPTION:-Risk perception can be deteriorated due to many
reason such as,
The worker was under stress to done his job as he can get his home quick.

He is not received good quality training. We know that temporary workers are
not trained well, especially for manual handling.

He was fatigued due to cleaning up the mess in the storage room quickly.
 LACK OF EXPERIENCE:-he is young person aged 17,he not supposed to do the
high risk activity.

 PEER GROUP PRESSURE:-he is young worker he may easily influenced by the

peer group. There were pressure on the group to meet the task.

 EAGERNESS TO DO THE JOB:- he is young person ,he supposed toh show the
willingness to do any critical job. To show the other workers that he cable of doing
such kind of activities.

 MOTIVATION, the bonus that would get if the target reached motivate the worker to
do the unsafe activity

 LACK OF WORKPLACE KNOWLADGE, he not even see any performing the

cleaning task.

 POOR COMMUNICATION, young worker lack communication skill. So that he

didn’t communicate the about the cleaning process to his buddy.

Task 5: Knowledge of emergency procedures

Question 5
The possible reason for a general lack of knowledge about emergency procedure across
the organisation is,
 There is no practical training for the emergency procedure. Every foreseeable
emergencies should be practically trained (mock drill).it help to the effectiveness
during the emergency incident.

 Lack of procedure, there was no emergency procedure. During the accident the
worker have little idea about the emergency procedure.

 Lack of inspection, from relevant authority, if there is inspection the organisation

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could develop the procedure and they would practice the procedure.

 The organisation haven’t faced any emergency organisation never faced
a foreseeable incident so that they didn’t developed any emergency procedure
and never conducted any drills.

 There is was no policy for developing emergency procedure, the organisation failed
to in provision for emergency procedure in the arrangement section.

 The risk assessment never suggested any need of emergency procedure.

Organisation done many risk assessment, but never demands any emergency

 There is no emergency equipment, so that there is no procedure.

 There is no emergency team in the organisation. Organisation has to me team for

to meet the emergency situation.

 Lack of communication, organisation never communicated about the emergency

procedures to workers. The workers is unaware about the emergency procedure.

 Organisation has no provision for emergency training. policy not support to give
emergency procedure training.

 There will be language barrier. The trainer may use language which unknown to the

 Emergency trainer may use jargons, which may be unknown to the worker.

 Information may be ambiguous, due trainer poor quality.

 Background noise may be exist during training.

Task 6: Workers’ responsibilities in the workplace

Question 6
This organisation contravened article 19 of C155 and recommendation 16 of R164.we
can see how they contravened here
 As per ilo article !9 of c155 states that representatives of workers in the
undertaking co-operate with the employer in the field of occupational safety and

This law is contravened here, the worker who try to do the cleaning of milling machine
without the assistance of their buddy. The worker is failed to co-operate with the
employer health and safety standards.
 Article 19 C155 states that workers and their representatives in the undertaking are
given appropriate training in occupational safety and health

 The organisation failed to give proper training for the temporary workers.especially
manual handling training.
 As per article 16 of R164 states that ,take reasonable care for their own safety and
that of other persons who may be affected by their acts or omissions at work.

The injured worker failed protect themselves from the injury ,as he tried to clean
the electrical milling machine without isolation and result in accident.

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 As per article 16 of R!64 states that worker must comply safety instruction and and

The injured worker failed to follow the safety instruction ,he done the cleaning
process with out the close supervision of buddy. The cleaning process suppose to
be done by a close supervision by a buddy.
 A per article 16 of R164Worker must us all safety equipment and not tamper with it.

Worker never used any safety equipment for dismantling and cleaning which lead
to accident. He failed to use lock out tag out.

 As per 16 of R164 states that worker should report any situation which they belive
could be hazard and which they cannot themselves correct.

The worker failed to report cleaning process to his higher authority which is to be
reported. He themselves did the cleaning process and lead to accident.
 As per article 16 of R164Worker must us all safety equipment and not tamper with
Employees failed to use safety equipment and to wear appropriate equipment
when dismantling the electric milling machine
 As per article 19 of C155 states that ,the workers ,in the course of performing their
work ,employees has obligate the fulfilment of employers.

The temporary workers worker contravened the law here, they clean the electric
milling machine without isolation and proper supervision

Task 7: How a permit-to-work system works in practice

Question 7
the essential features for a permit work system to work in practice are as follows,
 The permit document must contain information like ,work location ,work activities
and type of equipment can be in section one (issue)in addition this section
must include date and time of the issue and the duration over permit will open .
By looking to this section a person can identify which is the location of the work
and duration of the permit, in addition what are the activities will be undertaking.
 There should be section for assessment of hazard associated with the job. Through
the section the workers, issuer and receiver understand hazard associated with
the specific job
 There should be person who accept the permit. He will be responsible for all
The work activities in the site. He should sign on the permit stating that permit
accepted by following all the precaution listed on the permit.
 There should be specific person who issue the permit. He is responsible to ensure
that all the precaution is followed by the worker. He should sign on the permit
stating all the precautions have been taken by the worker and the permit is open.
 Permit must contain information about the specific the workers can easily
arrange the PPe before the work commence.
 Permit must show need of any that worker can isolate the in feed and
out feed which may create risk to human life during work.
 Permit work system must identify all suitable control measure for the work in order
to reduce the risk associated with the work.

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 Permit work system should ensure the emergency provision for the task. If it is
cleaning of any machinery .permit work system ensure the emergency procedures
developed and practiced.
 Worker must provide with proper training on permit work system, through the
training they could understand the usage of permit work and importance of permit
work system.
 Permit must have provision for extension of permit duration.
 All the precautions listed on the permit should be communicated to relevant worker.
 Use different colours for different permits, for example for hot work the permit
document supposed to be red and for confine space the permit document
supposed to be green.
 One copy of permit should place always in helps to people refer back on

Task 8: Review of the health and safety management system

Question 8
organisation need to urgently review health and safety management system because,
 Its is a legal requirement. Carrying review of safety management system is part
statutory requirement.
 In order avoid loss of accreditation on ISO,to avoid cancelation of iso accreditation
safety management system should be reviewed
 Accident and near miss enforce a review of safety management system. Here a
worker get injured and wooden shelves that safety management
system should reviewed and updated if it necessary
 Safety management system should be reviewed to check the effectiveness of all
elements of the sms.
 Reviewing is part of safety management system
 If there is any new arrangements introduced ,management system should be
reviewed and updated. This organisation introduced permit work system.
 Review the safety management system helps for continual improvement of health
and safety.
 When any third party demand review of safety management system, such
insurance company can demand review of sms due to the accident.
 Organisation employed addition 30 temporary safety managements
system should be reviewed and updated.
 Organisation set new gaols. They planned to expand their storage facility an rest
facility. New goals and objective need review and updating of safety management
 Reviewing the safety management system improve the morale of workers. If the
organisation reviewed the safety monument system, there will be change in the
key elements .which denote that safety management system is not static will
develop over time. If there is a change it means organisation has leadership and
commitment towards health and safety.

Your total
word count*
* please note that this form already has 0 words (excluding text boxes and footers), which
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Documents and sources For example: course notes, HSG245
of information you used
in your examination

End of examination

Now follow the instructions on submitting your answers in the NEBOSH Open Book
Examinations: Technical Learner Guide. All Open Book Examination guidance documents
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