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ROADMAP™ B2+ Achievement test 2 (Units 3–4)

Listening Grammar
1 Recording 1 Listen to five people talking 4 Complete the sentences using the correct
about people who have had a positive form of the verbs in brackets.
influence on them. Match the person each 1 Anna admitted breaking (break) the speed
speaker talks about with the statements (a–f). limit when she was driving through the village.
Speaker 1 (talking about Trevor) e , ___ 2 The headmaster has promised ____________
Speaker 2 (talking about her grandmother) ___ (improve) the sports facilities at the school.
Speaker 3 (talking about Jerome) ___ 3 She’s considering ____________ (get) a new
Speaker 4 (talking about her tutor) ___ motorbike.
Speaker 5 (talking about Paul) ___ 4 The police officers warned us ____________
a This person doesn’t like to talk about their (not drive) any further down the road.
achievements. 5 I’m hoping ____________ (finish) painting the
b This person made a big effort to overcome their kitchen this week.
difficulties. 6 You’re supposed ____________ (revise) this
c This person helped me learn how to do my job. evening for your exams so you can’t go out.
d This person decided not to go to university. /5
e This person was unable to use parts of their 5 Put the words in the correct order to make
body. sentences.
f This person liked to share their experiences with 1 jeans / He / old / wearing / pair / was / a / dirty / of
others. He was wearing a dirty old pair of jeans.
/5 2 need / woman / to speak / You / there / standing /
the / over / to
2 Recording 2 Listen to the news programme.
Write true (T) or false (F). _______________________________________
1 Dangle have recently opened a new _______________________________________
factory in the north of England. F 3 next / buy / They / expecting / a / are / to / year /
2 Martha Salvador has been found guilty flat
of online fraud. _______________________________________
3 Pupils at the school in Grimpton have _______________________________________
accepted changes to the school rules. 4 me / cup / Chris / favourite / breaking / for /
4 The purpose of the Evergreens project is to blamed / his
provide old people with fruit and vegetables. _______________________________________
5 United and City had the same score at the _______________________________________
end of the first half of the match. 5 arrived / There / any / sandwiches / when / hardly
6 The weather is expected to get worse / were / left / I
this evening. _______________________________________
/5 _______________________________________
6 absolutely / I / top / flowery / adore / beautiful /
3 Recording 2 Listen again and complete the this
notes with one word from each news story.
1 It is possible that a smartphone will be
produced in the new Dangle factory.
2 Victims of the online fraud may be awarded
3 Some pupils in Grimpton believe their
____________.have been decreased by the new
4 In the Evergreens project, older people are
expected to provide youths.
5 United had more ____________.of the ball in the
second half of the match.
6 An overnight drop in temperatures could result in
a certain parts of the country.

© Pearson Education Limited 2020
ROADMAP™ B2+ Achievement test 2 (Units 3–4)

6 Complete the sentences with the words and 4 She really ___ out from the crowd with that bright
phrases in the box. red jacket.
a stands b sits c speaks
even hardly in of on that to
5 I owe a real ___ of gratitude to my brother.
whereby which who with
a debt b price c wealth
1 I’m planning to participate in the next 6 I used to rebel ___ my parents’ decisions when I
London marathon. was a teenager.
2 We’re looking for somebody _______ experience a about b against c away
of working with children. 7 Mr Brown ___ for the defence in a recent court
3 My son, _______ is nearly ten, still won’t make case.
his own bed. a accused b pleaded c testified
4 He’s got several qualities, the most important 8 We really appreciate your hard work. It’s been ___.
_______ which is generosity. a invaluable b irrelevant c pointless
5 I’m sure she didn’t take your phone _______ /7
9 Complete the sentences with the correct
6 Dominic didn’t _______ tell me before he made word. The first letters are given.
his decision to quit his job. 1 We could hear the t h u n d e r s t o r m and see
7 I’m doing an online course _______ you learn the streaks of lightning in the distance.
how to be a better leader. 2 It was blowing a g _ _ _ this morning. Several
8 Nora confessed _______ she hadn’t spoken to trees got blown over in my area.
her mother about going out. 3 Andy tends to act on his own i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
9 My sister has _______ spoken to me since she He won’t ask for help unless he’s really stuck.
moved abroad. 4 She never ties her shoe l _ _ _ _ . I’m surprised
10 The bad weather is expected _______ continue she doesn’t fall over more often.
throughout the weekend. 5 It’s a really s _ _ _ _ _ day. It’s so humid, I can’t
11 I’ve been working in the garden all day, stop sweating.
_______ is why I want to stay in tonight. 6 The player had been taking b _ _ _ _ _ . He had
/10 accepted money to play badly and lose games.
7 My mother gave me a heart-shaped p _ _ _ _ _ _
Vocabulary to hang from my silver necklace.
7 Match the sentence halves. /6
1 The defendant pleaded f Function
2 Frank is still in a bad
3 If you want to burn off some calories, 10 Complete the sentences and questions with
the words and phrases in the box. Then
4 The police are trying to crack
match them with the categories a–e. The
5 My grandmother’s not very on categories may be used more than once.
6 Their star player was sent off for talking
7 The judge awarded him conclude context discussed exactly
8 The government is planning to appeal examine first sum turning
a you should take up running.
1 So, what did I think of the ideas discussed ?
b against the court’s decision.
c way after he fell down the stairs.
2 What I’ll do ____________ is ... then I’ll … ___
d the ball after her accident.
3 So now, if I could ____________ up … ___
e back to the referee.
4 OK, that’s the outline. ____________ now to …
f guilty to all of the charges.
g down on people selling pirated videos.
5 To ____________ , I think we could say that …
h custody of the children.
/7 6 I’d like to ____________ the pros and cons … ___
8 Choose the correct answer, a, b or c to 7 So, what ____________ is the article about? ___
complete the sentences. 8 I’d like to provide some ____________ … ___
1 The majority of voters are in favour b paying a Explaining the structure
lower taxes. b Outlining what will happen
a on b of c with c Asking a question based on the structure in the
2 I think some of my dad’s interest in cars has introduction
rubbed ___ on me. d Explicitly stating that you’re starting or ending a
a up b off c out section
3 Eric ___ me of stealing one of his books. e Introducing the discussion or conclusion
a warned b forgave c accused

© Pearson Education Limited 2020
ROADMAP™ B2+ Achievement test 2 (Units 3–4)

Reading 3 ___
I first got into it as a teenager, but I’d been doing
11 Read an interview with a free runner. Match gymnastics since I was five. I absolutely loved it and I
the questions a–h with the paragraphs 1–9. was forever practising with my friends. The thing
a What made you become involved in Jump for about gymnastics is that you can practise the moves
Joy? wherever you like, so we’d do it in the car park next to
b Is it as dangerous as some people say? my house, or in the playground. Unlike some kids, we
c How did you build a career in free running? never got bored of doing that, so by the time I
discovered free running, I was already pretty good at a
d Where are the best places for free running?
lot of the moves.
e What exactly is free running?
f Tell us a bit more about Jump for Joy. 4 ___
Free running had always been a hobby for me and I
g Where do you see yourself in 10 years’ time?
never imagined making money out of it. Only when an
h When did you realise that you had a talent for advertising agency approached me did I realise I could
free running? make a living from it. First I made a couple of adverts
/7 for sports companies, and that opened doors to the
media and fashion worlds. Since then, the work has
12 Read the interview again. Write true (T) or been varied, from being a stunt double in films to a
false (F). catalogue model, but it pays the bills and allows me to
1 Free running and parkour started at the keep doing what I love.
same time. F
5 ___
2 Free running includes elements of different
Growing up in the inner city, I was aware of the
sports. ___ deprivation and lack of opportunities that some
3 Free runners tend to suffer more injuries children faced. You couldn’t escape it and, because of
than other athletes. ___ that, a lot of kids felt it was pointless to work hard at
4 Jess spent much of her youth doing school, or anything else. That hasn’t changed much
gymnastics. ___ over the years, so I wanted to do something to help
local kids find some focus and avoid the traps of
5 Jess hasn't been able to make a living
despair and hopelessness. Jump for Joy seemed like a
from free running. ___ great way to do that.
6 Jess was worried about the motivation of
local young people. ___ 6 ___
Basically, some local free runners have got together to
7 Jump for Joy is a relatively new project. ___
help young members of the community. Our aim is to
8 Manchester’s Exchange Square is Jess’s teach them ways of channelling their energy and
favourite place for free running. ___ valuable life skills like discipline and creativity. We
9 Jess admits that she may have to give up put on free workshops and events where young people
being an active free runner. ___ can learn about free running and practise in a safe
environment. The project is in its early stages but it’s
already having a positive impact on the lives of local
Jess Russo, 26, is a free runner and community 7 ___
activist, based in Manchester, UK When I’m at home, I love Manchester’s Exchange
Square because that’s where all the local free runners
1 e
hang out and there’s some great street furniture for us
It’s a relatively new sport which has grown out of the
to work with. Of all the places I’ve visited though,
parkour movement. Parkour is a cross between
Lisbon has to be at the top of my list. The city seems to
athletics and gymnastics, which takes place in an urban
be made for free running and there’s a fantastic
environment. It’s all about getting from one point to
community who like to share their ideas and stories.
another in the most efficient way, by running, climbing
and jumping over obstacles such as walls, benches and 8 ___
railings. Free running is based on the same principles I hope to keep free running as long as I can, but as you
as parkour, but with more personal expression. In get older you lose your flexibility, so I doubt I’ll be
practice, that means including gymnastics moves like doing it professionally. Nevertheless, I’d like to be
flips and spins. involved in one way or another, so maybe I’ll set up
my own free-running academy and train the next
2 ___
generation of free runners.
It’s no worse than football or rugby. I’ve known people
who’ve suffered terrible injuries doing those sports.
The thing about free running is that you can hurt
yourself if you haven’t trained properly or if you try to
do something too ambitious. For that reason, free
runners need to be in top physical condition. They also
need to know how to perform basic moves, like
jumping and landing, which will keep them out of

© Pearson Education Limited 2020
ROADMAP™ B2+ Achievement test 2 (Units 3–4)

13 Complete the sentences for developing an
argument in an essay with a phrase in each of
the boxes.

In principle Instead of
While some people argue that

are forced to but in practice the truth is

1 While some people argue that there is already
enough sports in schools, 2_______________
that many children do far too little sport.
3_______________ extending their sports

facilities, schools 4_______________ sell off their

sports fields.
5_______________, pupils should do a minimum

of 60 minutes of exercise a day,

6_______________ they may be getting half that

14 Write an essay either for or against the view
that there should be more emphasis on
physical education in schools. Remember to
build your own argument by undermining the
opposing argument using phrases from the
boxes in Exercise 13.
Write 180–240 words.


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