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published: 03 December 2020

doi: 10.3389/fbuil.2020.573971

Building Information Modeling-Based

Building Energy Modeling:
Investigation of Interoperability and
Simulation Results
Mohamed H. Elnabawi 1,2,3*
College of Engineering, Applied Science University (ASU) (In Partnership With London South Bank University), Eker, Bahrain,
the accuracy
Architectural and (ASE) Department, Faculty of Engineering, October University for Modern Sciences and
Systems Engineering
Arts (MSA), of BIM-based
Cairo, Egypt, 3
The Faculty ofenergy modeling
Engineering, by investigating
October University howand
for Modern Sciences well
ArtsAutodesk’s Revit
(MSA), Cairo, Egypt
(BIM), in conjunction with two of the most used energy modeling programs (BEM)
known as DesignBuilder and Virtual Environment (IES-ve), were integrated in terms
There is increasing need to apply building information modeling (BIM) to low energy
of interoperability, including location and weather files, geometry, construction and
buildings, this includes
materials, buildingoccupancy
thermal zones, energy modeling
operating(BEM). If a building
schedules, and HVACenergy model
can be flawlessly generated from a BIM model, the energy simulation process can be
better integrated within the design, can be more competent, and timesaving. However,
concerns about both the reliability and integrity of the data transfer process and
the interoperability between the BIM and BEM prevent any implementation of BIM-
Edited by: based energy modeling on a large scale. This study addresses the accuracy and
Bao-Jie He,
University of New South integrity of BIM-based energy modeling by investigating how well Autodesk’s Revit
Wales, Australia (BIM), in conjunction with two of the most used energy modeling programs (BEM)
Reviewed by: known as DesignBuilder and Virtual Environment (IES-ve), were integrated in terms
Amir Mahdiyar,
University of Science
of interoperability, including location and weather files, geometry, construction and
Malaysia, Malaysia materials, thermal zones, occupancy operating schedules, and HVAC systems. All
Assed Haddad, misrepresented data during the interoperability process were identified, followed by
Federal University of Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil benchmarking between the BIM-based energy modeling simulation outcomes and the
*Correspondence: actual energy consumption of the case study, to assess the reliability of the process.
Mohamed H. Elnabawi The investigation has revealed a number of interoperability issues regarding the BIM data
[email protected];
[email protected]
input and BEM data interpretation. Overall, BIM-based energy modeling proved to be
a promising tool for sustainable and low energy building design, however, the BIM to
Specialty section: BEM process is a non-standardized method of producing building energy models as it
This article was submitted to
varies from one modeler to another, and the BIM to BEM process. All these might slow
Sustainable Design and Construction,
a section of the journal down any possible application for the process and might cause some uncertainties for
Frontiers in Built Environment the professionals in the field applying it.
Received: 28 July 2020
Keywords: interoperability, building information modeling (BIM), building energy modeling (BEM), building &
Accepted: 19 October 2020
sustaining a research program, energy consumption (EC)
Published: 03 December 2020
Elnabawi MH (2020) Building
Information Modeling-Based Building
Energy Modeling: Investigation of
Interoperability and Simulation
Energy use in buildings is a major contributor to energy consumption due to population increases,
Results. housing stock, and better living standards, and this leads to an expected increase in energy use.
Front. Built Environ. 6:573971. According to the international energy agency (IEA, 2019), global energy demand rose by 2.3% in
doi: 10.3389/fbuil.2020.573971 2018, and is considered to be the fastest growth in the last decade. This energy demand can be

Frontiers in Built Environment | 1 December 2020 | Volume 6 | Article 573971

Elnabawi BEM Energy Performance Test on BIM

tackled by the effective use of energy within a built-up from Revit, as BIM, into DesignBuilder and Virtual Environment
environment, by applying low energy designs and sustainable (IES VE, 2011) as two different BEM tools, were conducted for a
techniques. Such an approach explains the growing demand typical residential building. All the above-mentioned areas were
for the application of building information modeling (BIM) analyzed and the software outcomes were examined against the
for sustainable design, including building energy modeling actual energy consumption measurement for the validity and
(BEM) within the architecture, engineering, and construction efficiency of the process.
(AEC) industries.
While BIM tolerates performance assessment at earlier Review of Interoperability
building stages, such as orientation, the location of material There is increasing demand for interoperability between multiple
properties, and window to wall ratio (Chen et al., 2017; models and tools, especially within the architecture, engineering,
Gao et al., 2019), BEM software tools professionally evaluate and construction (AEC) fields. Interoperability has been defined
building performance in more advanced stages (Jin et al., 2019). in several studies. According to IEEE STD 610.12, it is the
Accordingly, coupling the two models can reduce the effort and ability of two or more systems or components to exchange and
time consumed in generating model geometry and, by assigning use information (IEEE STD 610.12) (Standard 90 Standards
building parameters in the BIM-based BEM model, the data Coordinating Committee, 1990). According to Eastman et al.
exchange and information reliability can be maintained (Chen (2008), interoperability is the ability to exchange data between
et al., 2018). However, existing barriers concerning the lack of applications flawlessly, to achieve a smooth workflow in which
availability of an adequate framework for data exchange, as well the models’ transaction is automated. This unified data exchange
as interoperability, means that the materials or data from the should avoid any possible human error and data repetition, and
BIM for BEM are lacking. According to Forth et al. (2019), the accelerate the reproduction of the model (Eastman et al., 2008;
data input preparations usually have significant errors and costs, Cemesova, 2013). Another definition describes interoperability
such as with the structure geometry and material properties. as the ability to ensure that data generated by any tool can
Moreover, from the architect and designer standpoint, most of be appropriately interpreted by all other tools (Shen et al.,
the available BEM tools are either non-supportive as a design tool 2010; BIEG, 2020). Any misperception or misconnection among
or complicated in the design needs (Gratia and De Herde, 2002; the participating tools can result in interoperability subjects
van Dijk and Luscuere, 2002; Attia and De Herde, 2009; Won and (Bahar et al., 2013). Therefore, the interoperability issues that
Cheng, 2017; Bertin et al., 2020). In this respect, BIM and BEM arise between software result in inconsistent and fragmented
remain separate and segregated, even though they have been data that prohibit the automatic flow of information from one
extensively used in their respective fields. Until recently, more tool to another. Moreover, interoperability should also permit
consideration has been given to the integration of BIM between bidirectional updates and the exchange of data for building
the various disciplines, by providing a single 3D CAD model information; in other words, any modification in one of the tools
containing all appropriate data which can be simply exported to involved in the interchanging process should stream between the
different function-specific software (Eastman et al., 2008). This programs (Kumar, 2008; Moon et al., 2011). However, the only
increases BEM efficiency in facilitating its data input by having possible flow of information is one way, despite the exchange
more scenarios to analyze (Maile et al., 2007; Gao et al., 2019). format being used (Eastman et al., 2008; Kumar, 2008; Moon
The data associated with a BIM file can be easily exported as input et al., 2011).
for the BEM file, to reduce the degree of complexity and amount Interoperability, for a long time, has been limited to geometry
of time consumed in re-drawing the model and adjusting the exchange using a file-based format, such as DXF and IGES, until
simulation settings on BEM (Laine et al., 2007; Gao et al., 2019; the 80s, and with the emerging needs for exchanging semantic
Sarvari et al., 2020). data, new formats have been developed to secure the data and
Previous studies, however, have reported that some variation object model exchange between the different fields. Regarding the
still exists with the interoperability level between the existing BIM and BEM, the IFC (Industry Foundation Class) and gbXML
BEM and BIM, in addition to some data input and amendments (Green Building XML—XML is an eXtensible Markup Language)
being misrepresented during the data exchanging process from are considered the most common data schema responsible for the
BIM to BEM (Ostergard et al., 2016). However, recently, there data exchange process within the industry (Fernald et al., 2018).
have been some new developments in the methods of data Each format has its pros and cons, however. Both formats were
transfer between BIM and BEM from BEM developers, such as developed to enable the interoperability among different software
DesignBuilder and Virtual Environment (IES VE, 2011), the only environments and can be kept up to date for the duration of
BEM tools on the market which created their own plug-ins as a the lifecycle of a building (Dong et al., 2007; Eastman et al.,
way for facilitating the data transfer from Revit. Accordingly, the 2008; Hitchcock and Wong, 2011; Moon et al., 2011; Ramaji
paper aims to assess the most identified areas of interoperability et al., 2020). Despite the developments of all these file formats,
including the quality of data transfer between the BIM and BEM unsuccessful data exchange between BIM and BEM remains
models as recommended by Cemesova et al. (2015) and Gao one of the main issues preventing the extensive application of
et al. (2019). These areas include: (a) location and geometry; BIM-based analysis (Moon et al., 2011; Bynum et al., 2013; El
(b) construction and space; (c) thermal zones; (d) occupancy, Asmi et al., 2015). Thus far, there is no common framework
equipment, and lighting loads; (e) HVAC systems; and, (f) energy or methodology for transferring information between BIM and
simulation. This is in addition to outcomes validation to ensure BEM, and any attempt to make such a transfer is strongly linked
the accuracy of the whole process. In this respect, a data exchange to the experience of the expert (Chen et al., 2018). This has

Frontiers in Built Environment | 2 December 2020 | Volume 6 | Article 573971

Elnabawi BEM Energy Performance Test on BIM

left the field with haphazard rules and methods developed over Building XML (gbXML)-based methods, as the most common
time by certain individuals (Bazjanac, 2008, 2018; Hitchcock and building information exchange schemas (Bahar et al., 2013;
Wong, 2011; Elnabawi and Hamza, 2019). Accordingly, the BIM Fernald et al., 2018; Kamel and Memari, 2019). IFC is object
to BEM process is inconsistent and lacks any standardization, oriented with a top-down structure, and all information is
in that BEM energy modeling results vary from one expert illustrated in an organized approach, whilst gbXML is a bottom-
to another, even if they all shared the same initial building up structure and is easy to comprehend. Compared to IFC,
design data (Maile et al., 2007; Bazjanac, 2008; Hitchcock and gbXML proved to be more suitable for energy modeling among
Wong, 2011; Bahar et al., 2013; Cemesova, 2013; El Asmi scholars and within the industry (Dong et al., 2007; Cheng
et al., 2015). Furthermore, there is ambiguity and uncertainty and Das, 2014; Gao et al., 2019). First of all, gbXML is more
regarding the interoperability between BIM and BEM tools, as comprehensive than IFC when it comes to energy modeling
some critical information may be lost or misinterpreted during where it is capable of transferring the required data such as
the process (Dong et al., 2007; Moon et al., 2011; Gourlis and weather data and ventilation (Cheng and Das, 2014). Secondly,
Kovacic, 2017; Han et al., 2018; Solmaz, 2019). As emphasized IFC identifies spaces similar to that of an architectural model
by USGSA (2015), several BEM tools disregard construction and rather than an energy model, therefore it considers the thickness
mechanical information, or lack the competence to verify the of the elements, while the fact is energy modeling only considers
integrity of the model and completeness after being imported; the thermal properties of virtual thickness as numerical figures.
these interoperability issues usually take place during certain Thirdly, gbXML was developed by Autodesk therefore it has been
phases of the process including, mapping data to the BIM file widely integrated within CAD tools and another engineering
under certain file standards such as IFC or gbXML, mapping programs (Kim et al., 2015). It has been estimated that there
BIM data to a readable file for the BEM tool, and mapping are almost five times as many energy modeling programs which
data to the simulation engine (Kamel and Memari, 2019), support data transferring to gbXML than the ones that support
which can lead to deceptive energy modeling results (Stumpf the IFC format (BuildingSMART, 2016). Overall, gbXML is
et al., 2011; Chen et al., 2018). Therefore, any attempt to better at recognizing the drawing units, building components,
standardize the data exchange process and its mechanism will locations, and building type (Osello et al., 2011; Gao et al., 2019).
significantly save time, reduce errors, and lead to overall process Furthermore, when it comes to BIM-based BEM, gbXML was
improvements (Hitchcock and Wong, 2011; Kamel and Memari, proven to have better performance than IFC (Gao et al., 2019).
Software Selection
Autodesk Revit is a commercially available Computer Aided
Interoperability Review of the Most Related Design (CAD) software that enables the user to follow a BIM
Building Energy Modeling Tools workflow for any AEC project. Revit was chosen both because
There is a growing number of energy simulation programs of its widespread application within the construction industry
available on the market currently (IBPSA, 2019). According to the (AEC, 2013; Kurul et al., 2013) and the fact that it is among
Building Energy Software Tools Directory there might be more the leading BIM software platforms in several academic studies
than four hundred tools as provided by the U.S. DOE in 2017. (Ceranic et al., 2015; Garcia and Zhu, 2015; Han et al., 2018).
Some of these programs are commercial while others are open- Based on the National Building Specification (NBS) in 2014
source. However, only very few of these tools are used in the (NBS, 2014) and 2016 (NBS, 2016), as well as a similar survey
industry and research. Accordingly and based on comprehensive conducted in Canada by the IBC in 2013 (IBC, 2013), Revit is the
reviews including Attia et al. (2012a) and Dubois and Horvat most used tool in the UK and Canada followed by a Computed
(2012), in addition to recent publications for scholars such as Aided Design tool (CAD). It includes, among other features,
Chen et al. (2018), Fernald et al. (2018), Kamel and Memari producing 3D geometry and an energy analysis of the building.
(2019), and Solmaz (2019), regarding the recent trends in the The energy simulation is conducted using Autodesk Insight 360
industry, a short list of the most common BEM tools among all as a Revit plug-in. Autodesk Insight provides whole building
the reviewed papers has been created for further analysis and energy, heating, cooling, day lighting, and a solar radiation
reviews based on the following criteria adopted by Solmaz (2019): simulation, utilizing the EnergyPlus simulation engine (Penttilä,
2006). The BIM practice using Autodesk Revit 2017 is confirmed
• The general properties of the programs such as the
as one of the best procedures for addressing the energy analysis
major capabilities, programming language/platform,
of buildings (Kota et al., 2014).
license, developer/company.
Based on the most used BEM tools review summarized
• Tool integrated design stage, simulation engine,
in Table 1, DesignBuilder was the tool most able to fulfill
interoperability/data exchange, performance
the performance criteria and application, followed by Virtual
criteria, applications/functions.
Environment. In addition to their ability to import and
• Main strengths and limitations, input and output file formats,
export in the gbXML file format (Solmaz, 2019), they are
weather data and validation.
the only BEM tools which claimed to be able to create some
The review is also limited to programs that provide the improvements to facilitate the data exchange from Revit through
functionalities of the BIM-based data import method, including creating their own Revit plug-ins. This plug-in according to
Industry Foundation Classes (IFC)-based methods and Green the vendors should eliminate all the difficulties reported by

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Frontiers in Built Environment |

TABLE 1 | Comparison of selected BEM tools (Han et al., 2018; Solmaz, 2019).

BEM tools Major capabilities Simulation Input data Output data Performance criteria Application

Code/certificate on compliance

Uncertainty sensitivity analysis

Renewable system analysis
Environmental emissions

Energy cost life cycle

Parametric analysis
Life cycle analysis

Cloud computing
CFD analysis


DesignBuilder • Whole building energy simulations EnergyPlus/ gbXML, .dxf, .pdf, CAD:AutoCAD, X X X X X X X X X X X
• Load calculations HVAC system Radiance .bmp, .jpg Microstatio,
selection and sizing SketchUp using
• Parametric and optimization 3-D dxf, .epw,
• Air flow simulation .csv, .tmy, .tmy2
• Ratings and certificates
• Code compliance checking
EDSL-TAS • Whole building energy simulations self .gbXML, .dwg .TSD X X X X X X X X X

• HVAC system selection and sizing

• Parametrics and optimization
• Lighting simulation
• Airflow simulation
• Code compliance checking
• Detailed cost analysis
EnergyPlus • Whole building energy simulations self ifc, gbXML, text ASCII X X X
• Load calculations
• HVAC system selection and sizing
• Lighting simulation
• Air flow simulation
• Code compliance checking
eQUEST • Whole building energy simulations DOE 2.2 gbXML, .dwg, dxf dxf, gbXML, .xls X X X
December 2020 | Volume 6 | Article 573971

Green Building • Whole building energy simulations DOE gbXMLenabled gbXML, VRML X X X X X
Studio (GBS) • Parametrics and optimization 2.2/EnergyPlus BIM or 3D-CAD

BEM Energy Performance Test on BIM

• Energy conservation measures
IES-Virtual • Whole building energy simulations Self & Radiance gbXML, .dxf, .dwg .ve X X X X X X X X X
Environment • Load calculations IES
(IES-VE) • HVAC systems selection and sizing
• Lighting simulation
• Code compliance checking
OpenStudio • Whole building energy simulations EnergyPlus/ .gbXML & .IFC .osm & .IDF X X X X X X X X
• Energy conservation measures Radiance
• Lighting simulation
Elnabawi BEM Energy Performance Test on BIM

TABLE 2 | Interoperability tasks under investigation. d) thermal zones

e) occupancy operating schedule
Interoperability Description
f) HVAC systems.
• Second, determining the accuracy of DesignBuilder and IES-ve
Location The site location of the project
Building orientation
to obtain an energy performance test on the BIM-based model.
Weather file Weather file As stated in Figure 1 below, the initial stage is to identify and
Geometry Building form, spaces, and dimensions model a typical case study geometry, including its typology,
Construction Building envelope materials and thermal characteristics, and all the associated data, as required in
properties Revit, before it is exported with all the attached data to
Thermal zone Zone vs. Space vs. Room DesignBuilder and IES-ve. This is followed by step three,
Occupancy, The occupant density and behavior patterns which is the investigation of the accuracy and type of data
equipment, and Lighting usage
being transferred and interpreted. Before performing energy
modeling for the representative case study as a final step
HVAC HVAC settings
using DesignBuilder and IES-ve, the energy modeling data
can then be compared with the actual energy usage of
the building.
different users of Revit gbXML export procedures, which still
cause errors in the exchange of data between the BIM and Case Study Selection
BEM, and need to be addressed before modeling, as six The reference case study for the research is a prototype residential
out of ten gbXML files were successfully exported to BEM apartment located in a hot, arid climate. The reasons behind
(Hitchcock and Wong, 2011; Moon et al., 2011; Salmon, 2013; selecting this case study include:
Elnabawi and Hamza, 2019). According to the DesignBuilder v5.5 • The existing level of complexity, which includes all the
tutorial (DesignBuilder Revit–gbXML Tutorial, 2019), the plug- investigated issues regarding the exchange of data between the
in simplifies and automates the process, so in general it is best to BIM and BEM, and which in turn serves the main aim of
use it. the study;
DesignBuilder is a commercially available CAD software • The rectangular form of the building should support the
for 3D building modeling for the purpose of energy efficient flawless geometric data transfer using the gbXML format,
design and building operation. It is considered the most since it only accepts rectangular forms (Gourlis and Kovacic,
comprehensive interface for EnergyPlus compared to others 2017; Gao et al., 2019) and this makes the gbXML more
(Maile et al., 2007). Integrated Environmental Solution’s Virtual comprehensive in terms of transferring data related to energy
Environment (IES VE, 2011) is a commercial software as well. simulation (Cheng and Das, 2014), which will assist in
Its analysis includes thermal and comfort solutions, daylighting, obtaining an energy performance test as one of the study aims;
solar studies, egression, and carbon emissions code compliance • The availability of the data from a previous study by Attia et al.
(Leaman et al., 2007). VE uses its own simulation engine (2012b), which investigated occupant behavior, operational
APACHESIM without allowing users any type of access to the schedule, energy consumption rate, and building description.
simulation input source file for a possible inspection or manual This will support one of the aims of the study to have more
modification. Both program’s capabilities, performance criteria, realistic results for validation.
and application are mentioned in Table 1.
Modeling Approach and Settings
METHODOLOGY Following the ideal workflow for BEM tools recommended by
Maile et al. (2007) (Figure 2), the building model was simplified
The study provides a special reflection on the reliability of and the inside spaces and zones identified and labeled in BIM
building data transformation between BEM and BIM for the using Revit 2019. The location was also identified and the
building energy simulation process, therefore the methodology weather file uploaded in Revit, along with all the other required
was designed on two aspects which could serve the study as information to set up a dynamic energy simulation model, such
concluded from the literature review: as construction materials, HVAC system, operation schedule, and
internal loads. The comprehensive model is then exported from
• First, assessing the accuracy of the data being imported Revit as the gbXML format, which acts as a neutral format and
from the BIM (AutoDesk Revit) to BEM tool, including allows the BEM programs to import and read the file with all the
DesignBuilder and IES-ve, through evaluating the following associate data.
interoperability issues (Bahar et al., 2013; Gao et al., 2019) as
presented in Table 2: Building Description
The case study building, as shown in Figure 3, has a total area
a) location and weather file of 122 m2 with a net conditioned area of 60 m2 , representing
b) geometry three rooms per apartment. The typology of the apartment
c) construction and materials consists of three zones, including bedrooms, a living room,

Frontiers in Built Environment | 5 December 2020 | Volume 6 | Article 573971

Elnabawi BEM Energy Performance Test on BIM

FIGURE 1 | Methodology workflow.

FIGURE 3 | A residential unit as a reference case study.

FIGURE 2 | Ideal workflow for BEM tools (Maile et al., 2007).

and there are no openings in the east and west directions.

There is no solar protection for the facades and most wooden
and service zones (kitchen, corridors, and bathroom). The windows are drafty. Table 3 lists the general description of
basic building construction is a reinforced-concrete post and the sample building and certain properties of the construction
beam structure with 0.165 m thick brick infill walls without materials used.
insulation or an airtight building envelope. Windows are single
glazed, transparent, and have 0.003 m thick glass panes. The Annual Electricity Usage
total amount of glass in the north and south facades is Based on an analysis of the billing history of the local electricity
estimated to be between 45 and 35% of the total wall area, utility company for the case study, Figure 4 presents the actual

Frontiers in Built Environment | 6 December 2020 | Volume 6 | Article 573971

Elnabawi BEM Energy Performance Test on BIM

TABLE 3 | Building description. and included in the Revit model. Then, the rooms were placed
to create an analytical model, and from the analytical model
Building description
the data regarding the Green Building XML (gbXML) were
Shape Rectangular (25 × 11 × 18 m)
generated and loaded to DesignBuilder and IES-ve. However,
No. of floors 6 and 2.8 m height per floor
the following settings were adjusted in order to control how this
Aspect ratio 2.3/1
transition occurred.
Apartment description
The “settings—DesignBuilder” toolbar icon is found on the
Volume 366 m3
analysis menu of the Revit software. The general tab was kept
External wall area 110 m2
as the default. The merge tab allows for any settings that might
Roof area 122 m2 have been added during previous work to be retained when using
Floor area 122 m2 the model within DesignBuilder; therefore, this was unchecked,
Windows area 60 m2 otherwise it might open the transferred file and merge it with
Glazing U-value 6.25 W/m2 K a previous DesignBuilder file. However, the merge settings can
Exterior wall U-value 2.5 W/m2 K be useful if one has to work on Revit again after the transfer
Roof U-value 1.39 W/m2 K to DesignBuilder; in this case, one can check the “merge with
Floor U-value 1.58 W/m2 K existing model” options on the DesignBuilder settings dialogue
Single clear glazing Tv = 0.88 to ensure that the previous DesignBuilder settings, if ok, are
Solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC) 0.75 automatically installed with the new merged file. Finally, the Revit
export tab allows for some control over the Revit end of the
transition process. The use room/space volumes were selected,
including complexity with mullions and shading surface, to
generate the gbXML file.
On the other hand, the IES Revit plug-in appeared under
the Add-Ins tab of Revit. According to the IES-ve manual, the
performance analysis can be carried out at any time during the
building design phase, however, the earlier it is conducted the
more this will benefit the final stage. Therefore, based on the
best practice instructions in the manual, for a better simulation
analysis, the physical model needs some preparation including
zone creation which will change the model into an analytical
model, this can be done in Revit using the room and area settings
FIGURE 4 | The actual monthly average electricity consumption of the case to place the rooms and the spaces, in addition to all the other
study. investigated parameters before transferring the model to IES-ve
via the gbXML format. Once the file is ready to be transferred, in
the settings menu, the unit has to be identified in addition to the
quality of the exporting gbXML file. However, since the IES-ve
monthly average electricity consumption with a yearly average Revit plug-in only works with an older version of Revit, and this
consumption of 26.6 kWh/m2 (Attia et al., 2012b). might affect the results, the gbXML file was imported directly to
IES-ve 2019 which allowed us to create the model from the BIM
Occupancy Density and Behavior file option on the start-up page and select geometry plus all data.
According to the established survey, the average apartment
occupancy is about 4–5 persons per unit, with a plug loads
average power intensity of 6 W/m2. The survey also highlighted Description of Interoperability Issues
the occupancy daily patterns and lighting schedules for the air- (a) Location and weather file
conditioned spaces, including the bedrooms and living areas for Identifying the exact location and weather file is the most
main seasons as shown in Figures 5, 6. crucial step for accurate energy simulation, and this explains
why it comes first in the ideal workflow of energy performance
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION simulation (Figure 2). The interoperability issue is to examine
the data transfer integrity of the location and weather file
The BIM to BEM process consists of a three-part BIM tool, identified earlier in Revit before being exported to DesignBuilder
model schema exchange format, and a BEM tool. Interoperability and IES-ve. In the first trial, with the file operating in
issues can arise from any of these parts and are not necessarily DesignBuilder, the location and weather files were different than
limited to the ability of BEM tools to read the input information. indicated in Revit, and even the building type was different.
Regarding the first testing objective, following the data diagram Therefore, a second trial was undertaken, and this time the
for the Revit to BEM transition (Figure 7), all the tested data, pre-exported settings for the gbXML file went through a slight
as mentioned in the methodology and as per the ideal workflow modification by deselecting the “merge with existing file” option
of energy performance simulations (Figure 2), were determined under the merge tab. Then, the file location, including longitude,

Frontiers in Built Environment | 7 December 2020 | Volume 6 | Article 573971

Elnabawi BEM Energy Performance Test on BIM

FIGURE 5 | The occupancy schedules (average) of the case study.

FIGURE 6 | The lighting schedules (average) of the case study.

latitude, and orientation, in addition to the weather file (acquired energy performance simulation, and so it was essential to
from Cairo airport weather station), were all transferred to assess the transfer process of the geometric properties of the
DesignBuilder exactly as identified in Revit using the TMY building model. However, so far there are no guidelines or
format (typical meteorological year). However, it was noticed that recommendations for any method to verify the geometric data
the building type still needed to be re-identified in DesignBuilder. or form, other than the received message in BEM which includes
On the other hand, IES-ve smoothly recognized the location and the number of buildings, blocks, and zones identified after being
weather file for the case study from the first upload. transferred to DesignBuilder (Figure 8). Therefore, the geometry
was visually inspected and the total heights of the building and
(b) Geometry
each floor, as well as some room dimensions, were investigated.
The building geometry and form is also a crucial step, Occasionally these results and this approach are not accurate
after the location and climate, as per the ideal workflow of especially if the model is too complex, therefore, after the

Frontiers in Built Environment | 8 December 2020 | Volume 6 | Article 573971

Elnabawi BEM Energy Performance Test on BIM

IES-ve considers these elements as local shadings as well, and the

reason behind this conflict is that these elements do not have a
proper classification in BIM unlike other spaces.
For further investigation, some modifications have only been
applied to the building shape to investigate the BEM application
capabilities in receiving more complex geometrical free forms
including curves and circular shapes, via the gbXML format
either through plug-ins or direct import into the programs,
as shown in Figure 10. As shown in Figure 11, DesignBuilder
did not recognize some materials on the curved boarder of
the building instead considering them as shading devices and
when analyzing the circular room at the end of the building
DesignBuilder did not recognize the roof parapet or the curtain
wall as a construction material for half of the circular shape
(Figure 12). For the IES-ve, the scenario was worse as the
software did not recognize the right shapes of some elements
which were located on the curve line or the circular room,
some walls were distorted and misshapen, while others were only
recognized as shading devices without any materials and the
circular room only had two floors with curtain walls while the
FIGURE 7 | Data diagram for the Revit to DesignBuilder transition others did not (Figure 13). The results were not surprising, it has
(DesignBuilder Revit–gbXML Tutorial, 2019).
been reported previously in some studies that the gbXML format
will so far only accept rectangular shapes (Gourlis and Kovacic,
2017; Gao et al., 2019). Yet, it is still the best choice when it comes
visual inspection, the gbXML file went through a model viewer to energy simulation compared to the other available formats
known as Aragog, which is certified by Green Building XML. such as IFC (Osello et al., 2011; Gao et al., 2019).
The model checker provides information regarding any missing
(c) Construction and materials
data, entities, and reports related to geometry, weather files, and
materials which help in rectifying the errors in the initial stages of Construction materials are the main factor responsible for
transferring data as presented in Figure 9. The building geometry the energy balance of the building envelope and the overall
was exported successfully without any geometric errors, as the energy modeling. Accordingly, walls, windows, and doors, as
area was the same for each floor, and the number of doors and representatives of the building envelope, were investigated based
windows were well-preserved. One contrast found was that Revit on three levels of data transfer, including the number and order
identified the external walls as one structure starting from the of the building envelope layers and their thermal property values.
ground level until 1 m above the roof slab, but in DesignBuilder The first investigated item was the number of layers and order
the walls were separated based on the belonging spaces, and the of the exterior walls. Although all the construction layers, as
roof parapet was considered as a shading surface. shown in Figure 14, were successfully transferred into both BEM
With reference to the IES-ve, the geometry was successfully programs, DesignBuilder and IES-ve, to comply with the study
imported including the orientation as presented in Figure 10. objectives, more construction layers were added to create a more
Moreover, the IES-ve outperformed DesignBuilder, as it allows complicated building envelope for the sake of a more intensive
for previewing the BIM model before being imported and it investigation. Accordingly, the first discrepancy noted was the
generates an informative report, after the data were imported inability of DesignBuilder to transfer any type of layer with zero
from the BIM, outlining some essential import feedback thickness, such as the membrane in Revit; in DesignBuilder,
representing the area and volume of each room or space, any layer without thickness would in turn have an insignificant
highlighting any errors that occurred as a result of the thermal resistance value.
intersections between the different surfaces. Although the IES-ve successfully imported all the construction materials
geometry was successfully received by IES-ve, by comparing the as a whole including the U-value and R-value as assigned in
volumes of the rooms between the IES-ve and Revit reports, Revit without recognizing the different layers for each type. For
there were slight differences in the room volumes where IES-ve instance, the external wall is a basic wall of 125 mm bricks with
had 10% more volume in what was actually specified in Revit two plastering layers 20 mm each as the outer and inner finish
which with a large project would certainly affect the energy on both sides with a total wall thickness of 165 mm, IES-ve only
consumption calculations. This difference in volume is due to recognized the whole wall as one unit equal to 165 mm including
the uncommon approach of calculating the area and volume all the assigned thermal values in Revit without recognizing
between Revit and IES-ve, the Revit calculation is based on the the layers.
internal distance between the walls while the IES-ve calculates The second discrepancy was related to the window
the area based on the center lines of the walls. Again, similar to types, despite being previously specified in the transfer
what occurred with DesignBuilder regarding the roof parapet, the settings; the degree of complexity should have included

Frontiers in Built Environment | 9 December 2020 | Volume 6 | Article 573971

Elnabawi BEM Energy Performance Test on BIM

FIGURE 8 | DesignBuilder notification, including the number of buildings, blocks, and zones identified after the transfer.

FIGURE 9 | Aragog gbXML model viewer report.

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Elnabawi BEM Energy Performance Test on BIM

FIGURE 10 | IES-ve interface after successfully identifying the geometry file received from Revit including the weather file and spaces names.

FIGURE 11 | The new building shape after being modified in Revit.

the mullions and shading surfaces in generating the two (d) Thermal zones
gbXML files, but the transferred data were missing the
According to the DesignBuilder tutorial, the generation of an
window materials and thermal properties in DesignBuilder
analytical model for energy can only be performed if all the areas
and IES-ve. Therefore, the window materials and thermal
are defined by the room components in the building model, and
properties were re-identified within the two programs. This the entire volume of the building model is included. In Revit,
was in contrast to the thermal properties of the doors, the terms of the zones, spaces and rooms are independent, and
which were only successfully transferred and identified each term has a different function. Zones and spaces are used
in DesignBuilder. to determine the heating and cooling loads and the thermal

Frontiers in Built Environment | 11 December 2020 | Volume 6 | Article 573971

Elnabawi BEM Energy Performance Test on BIM

energy calculation of the building, while rooms are used as there was some inconsistency between the space names identified
a building component which retains the architectural data of by IES-ve with the original file created in Revit (Figure 15), in
the occupied areas. Therefore, all the areas were identified as addition to the 10% increase in the volume as mentioned earlier
rooms, spaces, and zones in Revit. On the DesignBuilder transfer under the geometry section.
“settings” toolbar, the Revit export tab has two options for
(e) Occupancy operating schedule
applying the analytical model (AM) for the room use/space
volumes, which were selected to ensure the smooth transfer of The occupancy schedule was set according to the multifamily
the rooms and spaces between the two programs. Overall, all building type. In Revit, these assumptions are default based on
rooms were successfully exported in DesignBuilder based on the building type, so there are no other possible options than
comparing the number of created spaces in both programs, in selecting the operating schedule from the drop-down menu.
addition to the room volume. The only discrepancy was that However, if the spaces were used as the export category in
some rooms, after being transferred, had different names to the the energy settings, then under the space properties in the
ones created in Revit, and therefore all the room names were energy analysis section, the operating schedule settings can be
reviewed and renamed to match with the original file created in customized for each space based on its function, including the
Revit (Figure 15). The same settings were applied for the IES-ve
imported file; all the spaces have been transferred successfully yet

FIGURE 12 | The modified building shape after being received by

DesignBuilder. FIGURE 14 | The external wall building envelope layers.

FIGURE 13 | The modified building shape after being received by IES-ve.

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Elnabawi BEM Energy Performance Test on BIM

FIGURE 15 | Spaces and zones identification in Revit (left hand-side) and DesignBuilder (right hand-side).

occupancy, lighting, and power schedule (Figure 16). Therefore, DesignBuilder did not recognize the imported data. On the other
the data were customized and exported for DesignBuilder and hand, IES-ve, reassigned all the energy data according to its
IES-ve, which could not maintain the data transfer integrity and HVAC library based on the imported space type. For instance,
started to use their own template to overwrite the imported multifamily space type, as identified in Revit, was assigned under
data. Accordingly, all the data regarding the occupancy operating the predesigned patterns that exist in the IES-ve library such
schedule were re-assigned in DesignBuilder and IES-ve as per as internal gains including multifamily lighting, multifamily
the surveyed data and as shown in Figure 6 and Table 3. occupants, and multifamily equipment. IES-ve verified and re-
DesignBuilder and IES-ve allow more flexibility for users to assigned the imported spaces based on its type and whether it
design their own operating schedule than Revit, which applies matched the type in the IES-ve library, despite the fact that the
any customized operational schedule for the whole year without type of information that accompanied this choice led to the false
allowing the user to differentiate between seasons or weekdays, transition of data. Thus, in order to serve the second aim of the
and in turn this affects the energy analysis results. study regarding the validity of the BIM-based BEM model, to
obtain an energy performance test on the BIM-based model, all
(f) HVAC systems
the data regarding the HVAC system had to be adjusted within
Revit has a very limited list of HVAC systems, and does not DesignBuilder and IES-ve, as shown in Table 4.
allow more than one HVAC system for each building, which
in turn does not serve the different types as per the actual Energy Performance Test Using the
survey where eighty percent of the apartments in the sample BIM-Based Model
had air conditioners (split or window units), serving mainly Additionally, one of the key challenges of BEM tools is to
bedrooms and/or living rooms. Nevertheless, this might be test the accuracy of the representation of the actual energy
adequate for the early stage of the design analysis regarding the performance of the building and reduce the discrepancies
overall energy consumption for different iterations. Therefore, between the modeling energy outcomes and the actual measured
the model was set to export by space in the energy setting data (Hong et al., 2018). Following the European Standard
dialogue, which allows DesignBuilder to perform energy analysis EN 15.603 (DS/EN, 2008) validation procedures for energy
based on specific settings made in each space. Although the modeling, the simulated results were compared against the
data chosen from the Revit drop-down menu were very limited, actual energy consumption of the case study, using dynamic

Frontiers in Built Environment | 13 December 2020 | Volume 6 | Article 573971

Elnabawi BEM Energy Performance Test on BIM

FIGURE 16 | Customized operation schedule.

TABLE 4 | Building HVAC system and lighting description. own calculation engines, such as IES-ve (Dong et al., 2007).
Therefore, the accuracy of the energy simulation is determined
Ventilation and air conditioning
by the ability of the input data to accurately represent the case
COP/EER 2.00/6.8
study. The input data mainly consists of the building geometry,
Outside air (m3 /h per person) 20
internal loads, HVAC systems and components, weather data,
Temperature set point (_C)–adaptive 24
operating strategies and schedules, and simulation specific
Relative humidity set point (%)–adaptive 60
parameters, all of which have been described earlier under the
modeling approach and settings section. In this regard, an energy
Installation power density (W/m2 ): living rooms 17
simulation was performed to verify the accuracy of DesignBuilder
Installation power density (W/m2 ): bedrooms 13 and IES-ve in dealing with all the input data received from
Installation power density (W/m2 ): other 9 Revit such as the geometry, location, and weather file, as well as
Visible trans (VLT) 0.35 all other parameters which revealed some discrepancies during
the data exchange process and had to be reassigned using the
BEM applications such as the construction materials, thermal
zones, HVAC, and occupant operation schedule. The actual
methods for calculating the energy balance and modeling the energy consumption obtained from the billing history of the local
heat transmission through the building envelope, losses or electricity utility company is benchmarked against the energy
gains due to ventilation and solar heat gains in each space modeling results generated from DesignBuilder and IES-ve in
within the building (std. EN ISO 13790:2008). Due to the Figure 17. The modeled energy for both programs performed
nature of the study, using two different BEM applications where a reliable approximation with the observed data. DesignBuilder
each model might use a different approach based on various simulated data were very similar to the actual ones, and yet the
modeling assumptions and input data which impact the software shape shifted slightly toward the lower limits compared to the
application’s capabilities. As most of the BEM tools come under case study reported data, with a deviation of 0.8%. While the
two main groups, the first are applications using energyplus shape composed by IES-ve slightly shifted to the upper limits,
which is one of the most developed set of building simulation with a deviation of 0.93%, this might be due to the 10% increase
algorithm engines developed by the US Department of Energy in the space volume compared to the original BIM model. Still,
(DOE), such as DesignBuilder, while the other group use their both BEM application outcomes were strongly correlated to the

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Elnabawi BEM Energy Performance Test on BIM

TABLE 5 | Summary of overall interoperability issues between Revit and BEM tools.

Revit 2019 DesignBuilder v6 IES-ve 2019

Plugin • The plug-in worked effectively and saved time by • The plug-in was only available for older versions of
directly transferring the file from Revit using the gbXML Revit, however the new IES-ve provided an easy
format and automatically opening DesignBuilder process to export BIM using the gbXML format
automatically under the BIM file option on the
start-up page
Location and weather file • Site location and coordinates are properly imported • Site location and coordinates are properly imported
from the BIM file including the weather file from the BIM file including the weather file
Geometry • Geometry and orientation of the building were • Geometry and orientation of the building were
successfully imported. However, the software did not successfully imported with detailed reports for each
provide detailed guidelines or recommendations for space and volume conditions with more options to fix
any method to verify the geometric data or form any errors
• The model failed to preserve the circular or free • The model created a 10% increase in the space volume
geometric information of the building compared to the original BIM file
• The model failed to preserve the circular or free
geometric information of the building
Construction and materials • The construction layers were successfully transferred. • Only construction type name and the U-values of each
However, DesignBuilder was unable to transfer any construction type were imported successfully without
type of layer with zero thickness identifying the different layers individually
• The window construction materials were not • The windows and doors construction material and
successfully imported thermal properties could not be imported
Thermal zones • All rooms successfully exported into DesignBuilder, in • All the spaces were transferred successfully yet there
addition to the room volume was some inconsistency between the space names
• The only discrepancy was that some rooms, after identified by IES-ve with the original file
being transferred, had different names compared to • In addition to the 10% increase in the space volume
the ones created in Revit
Occupancy operating schedule • DesignBuilder could not maintain the data transfer • IES-ve could not maintain the data transfer integrity
integrity and started to use its own template to and started to use its own template to overwrite the
overwrite the imported data imported data
HVAC systems • DesignBuilder did not recognize the imported HVAC • IES-ve reassigned all the energy data according to its
data HVAC library based on the imported space type despite
the fact that the type of information accompanied with
this choice led to the false transition of data
• All the data had to be reassigned in IES-ve

measured ones and within an acceptable range of deviation since provide better collaboration within the architecture, engineering,
the percentage of differences was <10–20% (Maamari et al., and construction (AEC) industries, yet it is still not a common
2006; Oleiwi et al., 2019). Both programs have been tested and practice. One of the major arguments behind this is the lack
validated by ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 140-2011 for building of recent studies which link the practical side of data handover
thermal envelope calculation and Fabric Load, in addition to between the most widely used programs. Hence, this paper
the TM33 test for energy performance in the UK. However, presents a line-by-line analysis of data handover integrity,
any discrepancies between the measured and simulated energy following the ideal workflow for BEM tools, recommended by
consumption is heavily related to uncontrolled human behavior. Maile et al. (2007), including the main interoperability topics
It is very common for occupants to open windows in an attempt as suggested by Bahar et al. (2013) and discussed by Gao
to adjust the temperature in residential buildings which causes et al. (2019), such as: the location and weather file, geometry,
an extra load for the heating and cooling system and affects the construction and materials, thermal zones, occupancy operating
heat gain or loss in the building (Andersen et al., 2013; D’Oca schedule, and HVAC systems. The data transition between
and Hong, 2014). The same applies for the occupancy, lighting, Revit and DesignBuilder and IES-ve concealed a number of
and power schedule patterns but has a lesser significant effect on interoperability issues regarding the BIM data input and BEM
energy consumption. data interpretation (Table 5). The key findings of the analysis
presented herein can be concluded as follows:

CONCLUSION • The spatial and geometric data were received and interpreted
successfully from Revit as BIM to either DesignBuilder or
There is an increasing need to apply building information IES-ve as the two BEM software applications and with a
modeling (BIM) to low energy buildings, this includes building high degree of accuracy. However, there are no guidelines or
energy modeling (BEM). The seamless data exchange between recommended techniques available to allow the modeler to
different platforms for creating a BIM-based BEM model will validate the accuracy of the geometric data transfer, rather

Frontiers in Built Environment | 15 December 2020 | Volume 6 | Article 573971

Elnabawi BEM Energy Performance Test on BIM

FIGURE 17 | Simulated and actual monthly electricity usage.

than the received notification in DesignBuilder identifying the the exported files were missing the thermal properties of
number of buildings, blocks, and zones. Rather, it is up to each the windows, as identified previously in Revit, although
user to apply a different strategy, such as visual inspection, the thermal properties of the doors were only successfully
or their own techniques, therefore the file went through an identified by DesignBuilder.
Aragog model checker as certified by Green Building XML to • The occupancy schedule in Revit (BIM) is based on a
verify the model before being imported to DesignBuilder to previously assigned assumption according to the building type
rectify any errors in this initial stage. On the other hand, IES-ve selected. While this was customized under the space properties
provides a preview for the BIM model before importing which in the energy analysis section, including the occupancy,
allows the user to fix the geometry from any occurred error lighting, and power schedule, these data were misrepresented
followed by a detailed report regarding each volume and space. or overwritten during the process of data transfer to both the
• DesignBuilder received the gbXML file which contained less BEM software applications, DesignBuilder and IES-ve (BEM).
information regarding the non-geometric data, such as the The occupancy operating schedule had to be re-assigned in the
spaces and rooms, and although all were transferred in two BEM programs which allows more flexibility than Revit, so
the right quantity, DesignBuilder re-identified them with that the modelers could customize their own schedule, which,
different names, and the function of each room had to be in turn, affect the energy analysis results.
re-identified again by the modeler. While IES-ve successfully • The HVAC systems are very limited in Revit as they only allow
identified the received space types as assigned in the BIM one HVAC system for the whole building, which might be
model from Revit, but it did not recognize some of the acceptable for early design stages. Despite the very limited data
preassigned names in the original BIM file in addition assigned in Revit, the transferred data were misrepresented in
to a 10% increase in the space volume compared to the DesignBuilder, while IES-ve tried to assign different types of
original BIM model. The construction materials, including HVAC based on the type assigned by Revit for each space using
the thermal properties, were generally correctly transferred data from the IES-ve library. Therefore, all the data conducted
for both BEM software applications. However, DesignBuilder from the survey regarding the case study had to be assigned
could not identify any type of layer with zero thickness (e.g., again in DesignBuilder and IES-ve to cope with the study
membrane in Revit). While IES-ve did not recognize the objective of validating the energy analysis outcomes.
different layers of the construction materials, as it dealt with • The two BIM-based model simulation outputs were very close
the materials as one unit with a total U-value and R-value to the actual measured data, they were all within the acceptable
despite how many construction layers it contained. Moreover, range of <10–20% (Maamari et al., 2006; Oleiwi et al., 2019).

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Elnabawi BEM Energy Performance Test on BIM

Yet still the day-by-day and hourly data should be analyzed the building life cycle. Therefore, it is crucial to differentiate
to investigate the accuracy and preference of the software for the capabilities of these two approaches. Revit (BIM) does
future research. not provide many options for customization, such as the
operation schedule or HVAC, which might be a very helpful
According to the above-mentioned findings, it can be declared
tool for early design analysis to support decisions such as
that both DesignBuilder and IES-ve are very similar to each
building form, mass, orientation, and fenestration. On the
other in terms of data interpretation, however, the data exchange
other hand, DesignBuilder and IES-ve (BEM) may be the best
between these two BEM software applications and Revit is still
options for a validated energy analysis at the later phases of
not as efficient as expected and each has its own limitations. Both
the project life cycle. Additionally, the data flow between the
BEM applications succeeded in importing the building geometry,
two programs tends to be one-way regardless of the types of
location, and weather file, yet still faced some deficiencies
formatting being used, which means any modification in BEM
in importing some data related to the construction details
cannot be recognized in the BIM model. These limitations
such as missing the thermal properties of the windows or
hinder the process and prevent many professionals in the
not identifying some construction layers. The same applies for
field from applying this integration. In closing, it is worth
occupancy operating schedule and HVAC. Although these items
noting that the main method of reaching the objective of
might seem like a BEM limitation, actually, the tested BEM
synchronizing the BIM to BEM interoperability is still a long
applications provide users with more flexibility to identify and
way ahead. Some of the investigated issues in this paper
create their own operation schedule pattern and their HVAC
still need to be addressed in the future, this paper only
system especially when these two items vary from one building
investigated one building type using single file formatting for
to another and even from one space to another. If there is
data exchange, and there were some areas which still needed
some limitations regarding these two interoperability issues, the
manual intervention at some points within the process. All these
shortage will be in the BIM application represented in Revit,
areas still need further investigation and open the door for
where the operating schedule is based on the building type with
future studies.
no other customized option for the users to design their own
schedule, while for the HVAC, Revit only allows one HVAC
system for the whole building, without providing any other DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT
options such as a mixed HVAC system which is widely used today
in different types of buildings. The raw data supporting the conclusions of this article will be
In conclusion, BIM-based BEM models might be a very made available by the authors, without undue reservation.
reliable tool for sustainable and low energy building design
in the near future, yet the BIM to BEM process is a non- AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
standardized practice that produces building energy models
which vary from one user to another and from one application The author confirms being the sole contributor of this work and
to another. And are still not applicable for every phase of has approved it for publication.

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