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Math Test - Calculator

Turn to Section 4 of your answer sheet to answer the questions in this section.

For auestions 1-27, solve each problem, choose the best answer from the choices provided,
and fill in the corresponding circle on your answer sheet. For questions 28-31, solve the
problem and enter your answer in the grid on the answer sheet. Please refer to the
directions before question 14 on hOw to enter your answers in the grid. You may use any
available space in your test booklet for scratch work.

1. The use of calculator is not permitted.
2. All variables and expressions used represent real numbers unless otherwise indicated.
3. Figures provided in this test are drawn to scale unless otherwise indicated.
4. All figures lie in a plane unless otherwise indicated.
5. Unless otherwise indicated, the domain of a given function is the set of all real numbers x
for which flx) is a real number.


A =ar*
C 2Tr
A=(w A-bh -d+b Special Right Triangles

V = {wh V =Tr*h
V-Tr vrh V=(wh

The number of degrees of arc in a circle is 360.

of radians of arc in a circe is 27
The number
The sum of the measures in degrees of the angles of a triangle is 180.

PSAT 10 Practice Test 351

The total profit p, in dollars, from producing car traveled at an average speed of 65 miles per
hour for 4 hours and consumed fuel at a rate of 32
and selling x units of barbecue grill is given by
miles per gallon. If the price of gasoline was $2.79
the function plx) = kr-(b+500), in which k
per gallon, what was the cost of gasoline, to the
and b are constants. When 120 barbecue grills nearest cent, for the four hour trip?
were produced and sold, the total profit was
$I5,000 and when 200 barbecue grills were
produced and sold, the total profit was $27,000. A) $22.67
What is the value of b? B) $24.74

A) 1,850
D) $27.32
B) 2,000

C) 2,250
D) 2,500

Arnold purchased a shirt and a pair of running

shoes. The price of the shirt was s dollars and
the price of the running shoes was 10 dollars less
than twice the price of the shirt. He paid 8% tax
for both the shoes and the shirt. If he paid 50%
of the total purchase pricewith his debit card and

paid the rest with cash, how much cash, in dollars, The table above shows some values of the linear
did he pay in terms of s? function f. Which of the following defines f?

A) 1.08s-3.6

B) 1.62s-5.4
A) f - *
C) 2.16s-7.2
D) 2.7s-9
B) S -

D) f -
352 Section 4

Questions 5 and 6 refer to the following

If 5-n 22, what is the greatest possible value of

A 0n-2)
A) 2

B) 3
The formula above shows the relationship between
A, the measure of each angle of a regular polygon, C) 4
and n, the number of sides of a regular polygon. D) 5

Which of the following expresses the number of

sides in terms of the measure of an angle?

A) n=

B) n360 +y21

C)n=180A- 2 seciqn B.

D) 360

section| D

For which of the following number of sides will

the measure of an angle be 144 degrees?
A graph and a system of inequalities are shown
above. Which section of the graph could represent
all of the solutions to the system?
A) 6
B)8 A) Section A

C) 10 B) Section B

D) 12 C) Section C
D) Section D
PSAT 10 Practice Test 353

Questions 11 and 12 refer to the following

A cubic meter of titanium weighs 4,540 kilograms. information.
How much will 2,000 cubic centimeters of titanium
weigh, in kilograms? (lm=100cm) Danny needs $450 to buy an iPad. He has already
saved $120. He plans to earm the rest of the money
by working at an office supply store. His savings
A) 0.908 can be modeled by the equation y
=9.5x +120.
B) 9.08 in which x represents the number of hours he
worked at the office supply store, and y represents
his total savings.
D) 908

Which of the following best deseribes the meaning

of the number 9.5 in the equation?

A) The number of hours Danny works for the

10 office supply store in one day.

When number n is divided by the result is B) The number of hours Danny works for the
office supply store in one week.
the same as 6 less than 2n. What is the
C) The amount Danny get paid per day from
the office supply store.
value ofn?
D) The amount Danny get paid per hour from
the office supply store.
A) 12
B) 10
C) 8
D) 6
What is the minimum number of hours Danny
needs to work at the office supply store to save

money to buy an iPad?


A) 33 hours
B) 34 hours
C) 35 hours
D) 36 hours
354 Section 4

13 15
Ifthe average (arithmetic mean) of 2, a , and b h4.9+ 40r
is 2x, what is the average of a and b in terms
of x?
The equation above expresses the height h, in
meters, of an object r seconds after it is thrown
A) 2x-1 into the air from the ground with an initial speed
of 40 meters per second. After approximately how
B) 2x-2 many seconds will the object reach its highest
C) ix-1 point?
D) 3x-2
A) 3
B) 4

C) 5

D) 6

If a equals 120 percent of a number, then 40

percent of that number is
The graph of a line on the xy-plane passes
through points (-3.1) and (3.5). The graph of

B) 0.48a a second line contains the point (6,0). If the

two lines are parallel, what is the y-intercept
C) 3a of the second line?
D) 4.8a
C) -3

PSAT 10 Practice Test

17 19
The length and width of a large picture are

respectively 18 inches and 12 inches. If each

dimension is reduced by x inches to make the
ratio of length to width 5 to 3, what is the value y=x+b
of x?
A) 6

B)5 (a,b)
c) 4

D) 3
In the graph above, line y = r + b intersects
the y-axis at point (a,b) and intersects the
r- axis at point (c,d). If the value of b is

-3.5, what is the value of c?

equal to

18 A) 5.5
In a music store, 25% of the compact discs are
B) 7
classical. Out of these, 60% are on sale. If not
more than 450 classical CDs are on sale, what C) 8.5
could be the maximum number of CDs in the
D) 10

A) 2,600

B) 2.800

C) 3,000 20
D) 3,200 If y =krs, in which k is aconstant, and y =-12

when = - 4 . what is the value of y when x=2?

B)- 3
C) 3

D) 6
356 Section 4

2 23

-2,0) (8,0)
In the function above, k is a constant. If
y=f() f-3)=k, what is the value of f-
A) -1

In the xy-plane above, (-2,0) and (8,0) are
the two x- intercepts of the graph of f.If the C)
25 D)
minimum value of f is - which of the
following is the y- intercept of the graph of f?

A) (0,-8)

B) (0,-8

C) (0,-9)
D) (0-9 The value V, in dollars, of an artist's painting
years after it was purchased is given by the

function V) =5,000(4)10. What is the value,

in dollars, of the painting 15 years after it was
22 purchased?
Ste)= -2r* +7x-3)-alx +2)+1
A) $28,000
In the polynomial flx) defined above, a is a
B) $32,000
constant. If flx) is divisible by x, what is the
value of a? C) $36,000

D) $40,000


D) 5
PSAT 10 Practice Test 357

25 | 27
A water tank in the shape of a rectangular prism
has a base length of 6 meters and a base width
of 4 meters. In the morning, 120 cubic meters of
water from the tank was used for planting. In the
afternoon, 125 percent more than the amount of
water used in the morning was pumped into the a

tank. What is the increase in the height of the

water after the water was pumped into the tank, In the right triangle ABC above, which of the
in meters following must be true?

I. sin x'=
II. cos(90-x

III. sin(90-x) =


A) I only
B) II only

C) I and I only
D) I and Ill only



Note: Figure not drawn to scale.

In the figure above, ( || m and r LC. What is

the value of y?

A) 24
B) 28

) 32

D) 36
PSAT 10 Practice Test 359

28 30
Derek paid $82 for one beanie and one mitten.
If the beanie cost $8 more than the mitten, how If x and y are positive integers, r - y :
much did Derek pay for the beanie?
and x+2xy+ y* = what is the value of


29 31
If the slope of a line in the ay-plane that passes

through the points (-1) and (2,6) is what

is the value of b?

In the figure above, the radius of circle O is 3.

The line segment PQ is tangent to circle O
and OR = RP. If the area of the shaded region
is kT, what is the value of k ?

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