semi-detailed-LP-Bias-and-Prejudice (1) G9

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Payao, Justin P.

Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan for English 9


I. Objectives

A. Content Standards

- The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-American literature and other

text types serve as means of preserving unchanging values in a changing world; also
how to use the features of a full-length play, tense consistency, modals, active and
passive constructions plus direct and indirect speech to enable him/her competently
performs in a full-length play.

B. Performance Standards

- The learner competently performs in a full- length play through applying effective
verbal and non-verbal strategies and ICT resources based on the following criteria:
Focus, Voice, Delivery and Dramatic Conventions.

C. Learning Competencies

- Differentiating Biases from Prejudices (EN9LC-IVf-13.3:)

D. Specific Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to:

a) Define bias and prejudice
b) Distinguish a situation where bias/prejudice is present
c) Analogize what bias and prejudice is all about

II. Content
A. Subject Matter: Differentiating Biases from Prejudices
B. Materials:
 K to 12 Curriculum Guide for English (page 214)
 Laptop (powerpoint presentation)
 Youtube video (
C. References:

 Manaher, Shawn. Bias vs. Prejudice: When to Use Each One? What to Consider. 11 Nov.
 Bama. “Bias vs Prejudice: Definition, Types & Disadvantages.” LMS Hero, 7 Nov. 2022,
 Diverse City LLC. “BIAS vs. PREJUDICE.” YouTube, 23 July 2018,

III. Procedures
A. Routine Activities
 Classroom Management
The educator will ask the learners to clean their space, and pick up all the pieces of paper on the
 Prayer
The educator will call someone in the class to lead the prayer.
 Greetings
Before proceeding in the discussion, the educator will greet the learners and ask them a few
questions regarding how their day went so far.

B. Motivation (Pre-Test)
The educator will ask the class to get a ¼ sheet of paper to prepare for their pre-test examination.
This pre-test will determine their background knowledge about the topic and everything about it.
In the powerpoint presentation there are 5 question and he will ask the class to write the letter of
the correct answer. He will give the 5 minutes to answer and the answer key will be revealed in
the powerpoint presentation after that.

• It is unfair to criticize someone that way when he/she has not done you any harm.
• While such judgments are naturally exaggerated, there is no doubt that he takes
the highest place among the poets.
• If you are inexperienced in businesses and have no prior knowledge of trading,
you may need professional advice.
• We must not pander to the unreasonable and irrational prejudices.
• Not everyone is in favor of having vaccinated.

Once they’re done with the pre-test, I’ll be showing a question and that question is “Do you think
that life is fair? Why or why not?” I’ll be picking two students to answer then proceed with the

C. Discussion
The educator will play a 3 minutes video that is related to our lesson. Afterwards, five (5)
questions will be asked to the class. These questions will be flashed in the PowerPoint
presentation one by one. As the question is shown, he will pick a student to recite and form an
Link to the video:

Five Questions

How does the woman in the video define bias and prejudice?

Prejudice is a preconceived notion. Do you believe in this statement? Why and why not?

Bias is a result of a prejudice. Can someone elaborate this statement?

All human beings have bias. Can you provide an example that justifies this statement?

Upon watching the video, can you say that bias/prejudice is a positive concept or a negative one?
Kindly justify your answer.

Bias is a result of a prejudice. Can someone elaborate this


interactive discussion using the answers provided by the student. This will continue until five
questions have been answered.

Now that they’re done answering the questions, he will present a short discussion about the
definition of bias and prejudice. He will choose a student to read the definition of bias and
prejudice then he will further explain it. Through a thorough explanation will make the class
understand fully its meaning.

To end this discussion, the teacher will show a definite example of bias and prejudice. Firstly for
bias the teacher will present a picture of a k-pop group named ‘Twice” with a caption “Can y’all
guess who’s my bias in Twice?” The class will begin to raise their hand to guess my bias in this
certain k-pop group and after they’ve guessed it the educator will reveal the reasons for why that
is her bias. Revealing the reasons will be connected to how the concept of “biases” works. In the
case of prejudice, I’ll be showing a statement that concerns with a specific type of prejudice.
Once I’ve read it I’ll be asking the class why this is considered a prejudice. Learners will raise
their hand and basing on their answer if it has been explained properly then I’ll support his/her
answer but if there’s a few missing details I’ll be calling another learner to provide an answer.

Can y'all guess who's my bias in Twice?

Looking down upon friends with less twitter

followers. (An example of Modern Prejudice)
D. Generalization

The educator will ask the class some questions for them to remind themselves of the

Sample Question:

What is the difference between bias and prejudice?

Are all biases negative? How about prejudice?

Can we be sure that we aren’t bias in everything that we do?

IV. Evaluation


Direction: Read each sentence, then determine whether it defines bias or

prejudice. Write B for bias and P for prejudice.

_____1. It is an opinion or judgment formed without due examination.

_____2. It is a tendency to lean in a certain direction, either in favor of or against
a particular thing.

_____3. It is an irrational hostile attitude, fear or hatred towards a particular

group, race or religion.

_____4. It refers to a preconceived opinion or feeling toward a person based

solely on their affiliation with a group.

_____5. It is often formed when people don’t interact as much with people who
are different from them.

Day 2

I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
- The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-American literature and other text
types serve as means of preserving unchanging values in a changing world; also how to
use the features of a full-length play, tense consistency, modals, active and passive
constructions plus direct and indirect speech to enable him/her competently performs in a
full-length play.

B. Performance Standards
- The learner competently performs in a full- length play through applying effective verbal
and non-verbal strategies and ICT resources based on the following criteria: Focus,
Voice, Delivery and Dramatic Conventions.

C. Learning Competencies
- Differentiating Biases from Prejudices (EN9LC-IVf-13.3:)

D. Specific Objectives
- At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to:
a) Differentiate bias from prejudice
b) Identify the types/form of biases and prejudice in a specific situation
c) Correlate the examples/situations given in real life scenarios
II. Content
A. Subject Matter: Differentiating Biases from Prejudice
B. Materials:
 Laptop (powerpoint presentation)
C. References
 “7 Types of Prejudice and How to Overcome Them.” The Dream Catcher, 30 Dec. 2016,
 Murphy, Nicole. “Types of Bias.” CPD Online College, 10 Nov. 2021,
 “How to Differentiate Biases from Prejudices? | AraLipunan.”,

III. Procedures
A. Routine Activities

 Classroom Management
The educator will ask the learners to clean their space, and pick up all the pieces of paper on the
 Prayer
The educator will call someone in the class to lead the prayer.
 Greetings
Before proceeding in the discussion, the educator will greet the learners and ask them a few
questions regarding how their day went so far.

B. Motivation
The class will start with an icebreaker activity. In the powerpoint presentation there is a
crossword puzzle. The educator will give two numbers per group and in each number there’s a
clue that can help them in finding out the word in their respective numbers. The educator will
give the learners 10 minutes to brainstorm their answers with their groupmates. Afterwards the
educator will ask a representative to write their answers on the board. The educator will reveal a
crossword puzzle with answers on it and the group/s that will get the highest score will have an
additional 2 points for the seatwork activity.
C. Discus
discussion will entirely focus on
differentiating bias from prejudice and the types/forms that it have. The educator will give the
definition of bias then will proceed on showing the words “biased towards and biased against.”
In these two words, the educator will begin to read the definition of the two. Upon reading he
will show an example of it on the powerpoint presentation. He will pick learners that can read
what’s stated in the powerpoint presentation and ask them to elaborate what it’s all
about..Afterwards he will ask two learners to stand up and provide a sentence or an example that
shows “biased towards” or biased against”.

In the case of prejudice, the educator will show some types of prejudice and ask some learners to
pick one and define it. After defining they will be tasked to give an example of it.

Lastly, the educator will show a slide with a question “What differentiate biases from
prejudices?”. He will thoroughly explain it and will ask the students some questions that could
further prolong the discussion.

IV. Evaluation

Direction: Draw a smiley face (  ) if the statement is true and a sad face (  ) if the statement
is false.

________1. Prejudice is the tendency to form an opinion or a prejudgment before acquiring

awareness on a relevant fact regarding a case. On the other hand, a bias is being included or
having an outlook that supports holding or presenting a partial perspective. 😊

_______2. A biased person is one that lacks a neutral perspective. 😊

_______3. A person can develop a prejudice against or towards an individual a gender or a

sexual identity, an ethnic group, a religion, a social class, a theoretical paradigm, species, or
ideologies rooted in a species or an academic domain. ☹

______4. Cognitive biases are repeated, systematic errors of thinking that occur when you
misinterpret information in the world around you. 😊

______5. Bias can develop at any time in an individual’s life. 😊

______6. Conscious biases are beliefs and attitudes that operate outside of a person’s awareness
and control. ☹

______7. Racism isn’t a type of prejudice. ☹

______8. War is one of an after math of having prejudice in the world. 😊

______9. Although biases can sometimes be positive or helpful to the individual, in the majority
of cases, biases will be negative or damaging. 😊

______10. Opinion is usually based on stereotypes relating to the physical characteristics of an

individual or the group they identify with. ☹

V. Assignment
Direction: Read the paragraph and answer the questions that follow. Write your answer in a one
whole sheet of paper.

Joey and Mico have opposing views about Covid-19

vaccines. Joyce believes that Vaccine A is more effective
because it was manufactured by an American
pharmaceutical company. On the other hand, Mico thinks
that Vaccine B is more effective because it comes from


1. What is Joyce’s opinion about Covid-19 vaccine? What about Micos’s?

2. What factor influenced their preference?
3. Do their respective dispositions reflect bias or prejudice? Why?

Day 3

I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
- The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-American literature and other text
types serve as means of preserving unchanging values in a changing world; also how to
use the features of a full-length play, tense consistency, modals, active and passive
constructions plus direct and indirect speech to enable him/her competently performs in a
full-length play.
B. Performance Standards
- The learner competently performs in a full- length play through applying effective verbal
and non-verbal strategies and ICT resources based on the following criteria: Focus,
Voice, Delivery and Dramatic Conventions.
C. Learning Competencies
- Differentiating Biases from Prejudices (EN9LC-IVf-13.3:)
D. Specific Objectives
- At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to:
a) Recall ideas and terminologies that concerns bias and prejudice.
b) Identify situations that show bias and prejudice.
c) Make decisions based on the heaviness of each situation that shows bias and

II. Content
A. Subject Matter: Differentiating Biases from Prejudice
B. Materials:
 Laptop (powerpoint presentation)
 Speaker
 Box with crumpled paper
 Small ball
C. References:

 Alissa, Kristel. “150 Insanely Fun (and Head-Scratching) “Would You

Rather Questions.”” SnackNation, 1 Nov. 2022, Accessed 1 Feb. 2023.

 Murphy, Nicole. “Types of Bias.” CPD Online College, 10 Nov. 2021,

III. Procedures
A. Routine Activities

 Classroom Management
The educator will please the students to clean their space, and pick up all the pieces of paper on
the floor.
 Prayer
The educator will call someone in the class to lead the prayer.
 Greetings
Before proceeding in the discussion, the educator will greet learners and ask them a few
questions regarding how their day went so far.

B. Motivation
The class will start with an icebreaker activity. In the powerpoint presentation a game name is
presented it is called “Stop and Answer!”

 The educator will ask everyone to have a U-shape seating arrangement.

 A song will be played in a speaker, while it is being played a ball will be pass from
different people.
 As the ball is being passed, the learners will sing along with the song.
 The educator will stop the song when he wants to. The person that has the ball while the
song has been stopped will answer the question that is presented in the PPT Presentation.
 The game will continue until five questions have been answered.

Sample Questions

 Biased against has a negative connotation. Is this true or false?

 Prejudice is a preconceived notion/opinion towards a specific group. Is this true or false
 Give me a type of prejudice and explain.
 Anna disregarded the opinion of others that says “Michael Jackson is better than Freddie
Mercury.” because she herself is a die-hard fan of the latter (Freddie Mercury.) Is this an
example of bias or a prejudice?
 Mr. Lacson denied the application form of Mr. Chua beause he is Chinese. Is this bias or
C. Discussion

The discussion will start by showing a picture through a powerpoint presentation. (the person in
the picture is myself when I was in junior high school and it entirely focuses on how I felt the
partiality and prejudice about my height and color.) The educator will simply talk about his
experience on this topic.

Me when I was 15 years old (junior

high school student)
Questions will be shown in the powerpoint presentation and these questions are “How were you
able to determine that you’re already a victim of partiality and prejudice?” and “How did you
resolve/overcome it?” After the educator answered the questions, He will provide a question to
the class and that question is “Who among here has experienced a certain type of bias/prejudice
in their life? If there is, kindly share it to the class.”

This isn’t a mandatory question since it’s about sharing your experience and it’s a sensitive topic.
If there’s someone that wants to share then the educator will let the learner speak.

Once the learner finished sharing his/her experience, the educator will ask the class to applaud
the learner for having the guts and braveness to share their personal story.

D. Generalization

The educator will show five sentences that correlate with the type/form of bias and
prejudice. The learners will raise their right hand if they agree and left hand if they

 Black lives matter.

 Being labeled as a sexist is a good thing.
 Your skin color determines your life ahead of you.
 If you don’t have an experience then you’re not eligible to get a job position.
 Our opinions determine if we are bias or not.

IV. Evaluation
Group Activity (will be presented tomorrow)

Instruction: The criteria will be shown for the upcoming group tasks that need to be performed
the next day.

Criteria Excellent (10) Compentent (7) Needs work (5)

Relevance to the The work presented The work presented The performance task
topic is concise and has was inconsistent in made was not related
connection to the bring up its to the topic and it
topic on hand. relevance. The fails to connect it to
connection can still the given task.
be seen in the
Active Participation Every member of the Some members Every member failed
group participated didn’t participate in to participate in
and made an impact the creation of the making the ouput.
to the performance output and the
task. performance was
Artistic Value The group exhibits The group exhibits Creativity cannot be
creativity and a little bit of seen in the output.
presented a high creativity but failed
quality output. to make a high
quality output.
 As the rubric has been discussed and groups are already formed, the leader will go in
front of the class.
• In front of the class is a box with six (5) pieces of paper crumpled and in that
paper is the topic that they'll be focusing on.
• Once they see what's written in the crumpled paper, they'll begin with the activity.
• The activity is that each group will do what's written on the paper, for example
they picked a crumpled paper with words "school, prejudice and roleplay" now
the task for them is to think of a situation that has an act of prejudice that happens
in school and perform it in a roleplay method.
• 20 minutes will be given to each group for brainstorming and each group will
present their task tomorrow.

Written words in a crumpled paper

 school, prejudice and roleplay

(Think of a situation that has an act of prejudice that often happens in school and
perform it in a roleplay method. It's up to you how you perform your task. You could
have a maximum of 2 examples presented in your roleplay.)

 religion, bias and PowerPoint presentation

(Think of a situation on how bias (partiality) is present in a religion/religious setting.

Make a PowerPoint presentation about it and elaborate the situation/experience that
your group has thought of.)

 gender, bias and poster making

(How often do you observe/see biasedness happens on the concept of gender? Now
your group is assigned to make a poster about biasedness that happens on gender and
explain it.)

 race, prejudice and song making

(Make a song about how prejudice happens with races and ethnicity. You can get the
tunes of your song from other famous or your desired song. You will be performing it
in class.)
 media, bias and spoken poetry

(Make a two stanza poem about media bias and choose a member of your group to
perform your poem in a spoken poetry manner. After performing, kindly explain the
message of your poem.)

V. Assignment

Directions: Identify whether each situation shows bias or prejudice and give a brief explanation
why you chose that answer. (Two (2) points each item. Write your answers in a one whole sheet
of paper.

1. Your neighbor blames teenagers for the increasing number of crime incidents in your
barangay despite the absence of proof.
2. Sam’s aunt is fond of black dogs like her own. She is always friendly and caring to them.
3. A successful businesswoman prefers women employees because she think they are more
4. Your brother only follows people on social media who share the same viewpoints as his.
5. You avoid places where indigenous people live because you think they are dangerous.

Day 4

I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
- The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-American literature and other text
types serve as means of preserving unchanging values in a changing world; also how to
use the features of a full-length play, tense consistency, modals, active and passive
constructions plus direct and indirect speech to enable him/her competently performs in a
full-length play.
B. Performance Standards
- The learner competently performs in a full- length play through applying effective verbal
and non-verbal strategies and ICT resources based on the following criteria: Focus,
Voice, Delivery and Dramatic Conventions.
C. Learning Competencies
- Differentiating Biases from Prejudices (EN9LC-IVf-13.3:)
D. Specific Objectives
- At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to:
a) Create different methods of showing biases and prejudices for school
activity purposes
b) Develop thinking skills that benefits the topic being discussed
c) Produce outputs that concerns the importance of biases and prejudices

II. Content
A. Subject Matter: Differentiating Biases from Prejudice
B. Materials:
 Laptop (powerpoint presentation)
 ¼ sheet of papers (will be use for grading the performance tasks)
C. References

 “Throughout the COVID-19 Crisis, Many Individuals, Particularly Those

from East Asia, Experience Bias and Prejudice from the People They

E...” Quora,



how-would-you-address-the-issue. Accessed 2 Feb. 2023.

III. Procedures
A. Routine Activities

 Classroom Management
The educator will please the students to clean their space, and pick up all the pieces of paper on
the floor.
 Prayer
The educator will call someone in the class to lead the prayer.
 Greetings
Before proceeding in the discussion, the educator will greet learners and ask them a few
questions regarding how their day went so far.
B. Performance Task

Five (5) minutes will be given for the preparation of their performance tasks that will be
presented today. After that preparation time, Forty (40) minutes will be allotted for the
completion of everyone’s performance tasks. A criterion has been shown yesterday and the
educator will use it as a basis for grading their performance tasks. As the groups are performing,
the educator will begin grading them and add necessary comments about their performance tasks
in a ¼ sheet of paper with their group members that were submitted yesterday.

After every group has presented their performance tasks, the educator will reveal their scores and
commend them from their performances.

C. Generalization

A question will be shown in the screen and it’s a question for everyone. That question is “How
will you now protect yourself from the possibility of being a victim of biases and prejudices?”
The educator will pick a person to answer the question.

IV. Assignment

Directions: Throughout the COVID-19 crisis, many individuals, particularly those from East
Asia, experience bias and prejudice from people they encounter. If you were the president of the
country, how would you address the issue? Write your answer in a one whole sheet of paper.

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