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Skills Programme Title New Venture Creation

NQF Level 2 Credits 32 Duration in days 15 Days

Skills Programme ID
Skills Start Date End Date
Programme Approved
Status 25/10/2026

Last date for enrolment 25/10/2027 Last date for achievement 25/10/2030

Title New Venture Creation

Sub Title Entrepreneurship

NQF Level 2

Duration 15 Days

Credits 32

Quality Assuring Body Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO)

Skills Rationale Youth for Employment Services (YES), is a business-

led NPO which works in partnership with government
and labour to initiate policy in the creation of jobs for
youth. One of the strategies adopted by YES is the
Creation of New Ventures. This skills (learning)
programme supports the New Ventures being created
by young people, especially in rural areas.

The programme will help the trainee to:

• Start, manage, grow and sustain a small business.

• Know him/herself
• Know his/her industry
• Identify market opportunities
• Create business innovation
• Manage finances
• Price goods and services
• Plan and set business goals

Related registered National Certificate: New Venture Creation (SMME),

qualification/s NQF Level 2, SAQA Qual ID: 49648

Purpose The purpose of the skills programme is to prepare

candidates to operate small business.

Learners who acquire this skills programme will be

able to:
Start, manage, grow and sustain a small business.

Content Knowledge component Application component

Topic 1: Being an Topic 1: Calculations and
entrepreneur. Pricing
Topic 2: Know yourself. Topic 2: Basic book
Topic 3: Know your keeping
industry Topic 3: Marketing project.
Topic 4: Identifying Topic 3: Customer service
Market opportunities
Topic 5: Innovation
Topic 6: Customer
Topic 7: Financial and
Cash flow management
Topic 8: Basic business
financial statements
Topic 9: Pricing of goods
and services
Topic 10: Marketing
Topic 11: SMART goals
Topic 12: Business

Minimum entry requirements Grade 9

Exit Level Outcomes Learners will be able to:

• Gather and analyse information for an industry.
• Determine market requirements relevant for
marketing and selling goods and services.
• Determine financial, human and infrastructure
• Manage financial, human and infrastructure
resources of a business.
• Plan for the establishment of business.
• Organise and conduct business activities.
Assessment a) Continuous Assessment
Each topic has integrated multiple-choice questions for
internal formative assessments. A pass for topic
formative assessment is required to move to the next
topic. Assessment are conducted manually or through
e-assessment with sufficient security.

b) Supervised Assessment
Learners will be required to construct a project plan that
demonstrates understanding of all the modules taught.
This will also serve as a business plan for new business
venture or expansion of the micro venture already
engaged in. Assessment are conducted manually or
through e-assessment with sufficient security.
RPL • Learners will gain access to the skills programme
through RPL for Access as provided for in the
QCTO RPL Policy. RPL for access is conducted by
an accredited institution, skills development
provider or workplace accredited to offer that
specific skills programme.
• Learners who have already acquired competencies
of modules of a skills programme will be exempted
from modules through RPL. Such learners will be
awarded credits towards the skills programme.
• Learners who complete this skills programme will
accumulate credits towards the relevant full or part
qualification. The Credit Accumulation and Transfer
(CAT) Policy shall apply to these learners

Work Opportunities and Learners who intend to start a business and those who
further learning intend to improve, stabilise and expand existing small

Further learning can be pursued into NC: New Venture

Creation, NQF Level 2.

Skills Development Provider Facilitator: NQF Level 3 qualification in business

Accreditation Requirements studies.
Assessor: NQF Level 3 qualification in business
Relevant and adequate learning material.
Well-equipped classroom that is OHS compliant/ or on
a digital platform (smart mobile phone and Zero rated
data). Learners can continue do their own learning
independently. In addition, there is some facilitation
done by facilitators on different modules.

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