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Reading 5 Form 1V

1 Read Kerry’s blog. Decide if the statements are true (T), false (F) or not mentioned (NM).
Hi! My name’s Kerry, and I want to tell you about my work. I’m a teacher, but I don’t work at a
secondary school and I don’t teach young students. I teach older students. My students are 20 to 40
years old and they come to me to learn English. They want to use English when they work or for
holidays. I love my job, but it isn’t easy! My students have jobs too, and I teach them after work.
There are 15 students in my class. We start lessons at 6.00 in the evening and finish at 9.30. We have a
break at about 7.30 and then we have a drink of tea or coffee. It’s very late when I get home, and I’m
quite tired. In the class, I teach my students about grammar, and they learn a lot of new words in
English. I ask questions and they answer. They speak in English in the class and they do some
homework for the next lesson. Sometimes they do exercises and sometimes they read books. They like
to watch English films and listen to English music at home. I like my students! We talk about TV,
sports and work. My job is really interesting. They speak good English now too. If you want to learn
English, come to my school! It’s very good!

1 Kerry teaches at a secondary school. T/F/NM

2 Her class has five students. T/F/NM
3 They want to learn English for an T/F/NM
4 Kerry doesn’t teach grammar. T/F/NM
5 Sometimes she plays music in the T/F/NM

2 Read the text. Choose the correct alternatives to complete the sentences.
Do you like dancing? What sort of dancing do you like? A lot of people today think that teenagers
today only like modern music and modern dancing, but this isn’t true! Yes, a lot of teenagers like
going to clubs to meet their friends and dance, but some are interested in a new dance hobby.
What is it? Switch on your TV and you can see lots of programmes about dancing. In every
country, there are popular dancing competitions and the dancers are famous people. Every week they
learn a new dance and perform it on the TV show. There are three or four people who watch and
decide which dancers are the best. They win a prize. These dances are often difficult, and sometimes
the dancers fall down! But the programmes are very popular all over the world.
Everyone watches them because they want to see who the winner is. They also watch them now
because they like the dancing. Suddenly everyone wants to learn to dance like them! And now there
are lots of schools where you can learn these different types of dancing! Most of the dances are dances
from different countries and they are difficult to learn, like the Tango from Argentina. But it’s great
fun and it is good exercise too! Come along to our new dancing club and try!

1 Teenagers today like

A to have a lot of friends.
B to change their hobbies often.
C to go dancing.
2 The TV programmes are about
A a new sort of dance.
B the lives of famous people.
C dance competitions.
3 You can see these programmes
A not very often.
B in the USA.
C in many countries.
4 The text is
A an advert.
B a TV review.
C a newspaper article.
3 Read the adverts for three restaurants. Decide which restaurant (A–C) is good for which people (1–
4). One restaurant matches to more than one person.
Green Eating is a new vegetarian sandwich bar and restaurant next to the bank in the town centre.
Our chef is famous and often prepares food on TV. He makes amazing food (but without any meat, of
course). He always uses delicious fresh ingredients for our very interesting and unusual sandwiches!
The food here at Green Eating is not expensive, and you can eat in the restaurant or take the food
away. Are you feeling hungry? Come in and try!
Do you want food that is really BAD for you, but really delicious? You shouldn’t eat our food
every day, but it’s perfect for children’s (or adults’) special days, like birthdays or other parties! Here
at our restaurant, Really Bad!, children can find everything they love! Fast food, burgers, chips, cakes,
chocolate, ice cream ... and more! (There is NO salad on our menu!) Pay £5 and eat everything you
want. See you soon!
Peaches Country Restaurant can give you a wonderful meal. We are not cheap, but our food is very
special, and we have three of the top chefs in the country here! Our restaurant is in the country near a
quiet river and is very romantic. We are not a family restaurant. Young children can’t come, but we
have another restaurant in the next town which is good for families. We’d love to see all of you!
1 David Thomas doesn’t eat meat. ___
2 Sheila Wilson is arranging a birthday for her five-year-old and some friends. ___
3 Peter Banks wants to eat at his office. ___
4 Dan and Jackie are getting married soon. They want a good meal, even if it costs a lot of money.
Reading 5 Form 2V
1 Read Kerry’s blog. Decide if the statements are true (T), false (F) or not mentioned (NM).
Hi! My name’s Kerry, and I want to tell you about my work. I’m a teacher, but I don’t work at a
secondary school and I don’t teach young students. I teach older students. My students are 20 to 40
years old and they come to me to learn English. They want to use English when they work or for
holidays. I love my job, but it isn’t easy! My students have jobs too, and I teach them after work.
There are 15 students in my class. We start lessons at 6.00 in the evening and finish at 9.30. We have a
break at about 7.30 and then we have a drink of tea or coffee. It’s very late when I get home, and I’m
quite tired. In the class, I teach my students about grammar, and they learn a lot of new words in
English. I ask questions and they answer. They speak in English in the class and they do some
homework for the next lesson. Sometimes they do exercises and sometimes they read books. They like
to watch English films and listen to English music at home. I like my students! We talk about TV,
sports and work. My job is really interesting. They speak good English now too. If you want to learn
English, come to my school! It’s very good!

1 Kerry teaches very young students. T/F/NM

2 She teaches at the weekend. T/F/NM
3 Her class starts at half past nine. T/F/NM
4 Her students don’t like grammar T/F/NM
5 Kerry likes her work. T/F/NM
2 Read the text. Choose the correct alternatives to complete the sentences.
Do you like dancing? What sort of dancing do you like? A lot of people today think that teenagers
today only like modern music and modern dancing, but this isn’t true! Yes, a lot of teenagers like
going to clubs to meet their friends and dance, but some are interested in a new dance hobby.
What is it? Switch on your TV and you can see lots of programmes about dancing. In every
country, there are popular dancing competitions and the dancers are famous people. Every week they
learn a new dance and perform it on the TV show. There are three or four people who watch and
decide which dancers are the best. They win a prize. These dances are often difficult, and sometimes
the dancers fall down! But the programmes are very popular all over the world.
Everyone watches them because they want to see who the winner is. They also watch them now
because they like the dancing. Suddenly everyone wants to learn to dance like them! And now there
are lots of schools where you can learn these different types of dancing! Most of the dances are dances
from different countries and they are difficult to learn, like the Tango from Argentina. But it’s great
fun and it is good exercise too! Come along to our new dancing club and try!
People today think that teenagers
A don’t like dancing a lot.
B are always in clubs.
C only like modern dancing.
2 Famous people go on the programmes
A to choose the competition winners.
B to be in the competition.
C to show people how to dance.
3 The dances on the programmes
A are old dances from the past.
B are quite easy to do.
C are from different countries.
4 You can learn these dances
A at special dancing schools.
B at home.
C in the different countries.
3 Read the adverts for three restaurants. Decide which restaurant (A–C) is good for which people (1–4).
One restaurant matches to more than one person.
Green Eating is a new vegetarian sandwich bar and restaurant next to the bank in the town centre.
Our chef is famous and often prepares food on TV. He makes amazing food (but without any meat, of
course). He always uses delicious fresh ingredients for our very interesting and unusual sandwiches!
The food here at Green Eating is not expensive, and you can eat in the restaurant or take the food
away. Are you feeling hungry? Come in and try!
Do you want food that is really BAD for you, but really delicious? You shouldn’t eat our food
every day, but it’s perfect for children’s (or adults’) special days, like birthdays or other parties! Here
at our restaurant, Really Bad!, children can find everything they love! Fast food, burgers, chips, cakes,
chocolate, ice cream ... and more! (There is NO salad on our menu!) Pay £5 and eat everything you
want. See you soon!
Peaches Country Restaurant can give you a wonderful meal. We are not cheap, but our food is very
special, and we have three of the top chefs in the country here! Our restaurant is in the country near a
quiet river and is very romantic. We are not a family restaurant. Young children can’t come, but we
have another restaurant in the next town which is good for families. We’d love to see all of you!
1 Kate Parks is very hungry, but doesn’t have much money. ___
2 Don Chambers likes good food and loves chicken. ___
3 Rita and Mark want a quick snack in town before going to the cinema in the afternoon. ___
4 Linda wants to arrange a special meal for her parents in a quiet place. ___

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