Lesson Plan in TLE 10

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Lesson plan in TLE 10

Grade level & Section: GRADE 10 DALTON (12:45-1:30 pm) Learning Areas: Caregiving
GRADE 1O RUTHERFORD (2:15-3:00 pm)
Quarter: 3rd Quarter (week 3) Date: March 10, 2023

CONTENT STANDARD The learners demonstrate the understanding in preparing

cold meals, (appetizer, sandwiches, and dessert)

Performance standards The learners independently prepares cold meals

(appetizers, sandwiches, and dessert)

Learning competencies LO 1. Prepare a range of appetizers


a. Identify proper use of tools, equipment, utensils needed in preparing

b. Organize the kitchen utensils according to its classification
II-Subject Matter:
Topic: Prepare Appetizer
Source: K to 12 TLE Grade 10 CAREGIVINGMODULE
Materials: Laptop, Television and Power point presentation
Teacher’s activity Students Activity
A. Preparatory Activity

 Prayer
 Greetings

“Good after noon ma’am”

“Good afternoon class”
“ Yes ma’am”
“Before you take your seats kindly pick up all the
pieces of papers and please arrange your chair”

“ You may now take your seats”

 Checking attendance
“Say present if I call your name” “ Yes ma’am”
(students raise their hand)
“who can tell me what was our lesson last week?”
“Ma’am appetizer is a small serving of foods which can
 Motivation help in increasing the appetite slightly.

“Before I proceed to the next lesson, let’s

answer this activity first.”





 Analysis

What do call those pictures I have shown? Tools, Equipment, Utensils Needed in Preparing
Measuring Utensils
Okay very well said students, so now let’s move on to our
next lesson. Kindly read students.

 Abstraction

Liquid Measuring Cup - This cup is made of

clear glass or plastic. It has lines on
the outside so that you can measure 1 cup or
fractions of a cup. There is a space above the 1-
cup line to prevent spills and a spout to make
pouring easier.

Dry Measuring Cups - These are made of

metal or plastic. They come in nested
sets of ¼-, 1/3-, ½-, and 1-cup sizes and in
metric sets of 50, 125, and 250
milliliters. They are used for measuring items
such as flour, sugar, and
shortening. Unlike the liquid measuring cups,
these are filled to the top edge and
then leveled off with the flat edge of a knife or
Measuring Spoons - These come in sets. They
are held together by a ring, hung on
a rack, or nested together. The spoons are
made of metal or plastic. The most
common sizes are the tablespoon, teaspoon, ½
teaspoon, and ¼ teaspoon.
Metric measuring spoons have 1-, 2-, 5-, 15-,
and 25-milliliter sizes

Timer - This is used to measure the length of

time, up to 1 hour, when food is being
cooked or baked. You set the time by turning the
dial to the pointer on the outside
of the dial. At the end of the time, a bell will ring

Mixing Bowls - These come in sets containing

a small, medium, and a large bowl.
These are made of glass, metal, or plastic.
Bowls with slanted sides are better
than those with straight sides, because slanted
sides make mixing easier.

Mixing Spoon - A spoon is a utensil consisting

of a small shallow bowl, oval or
round, at the end of a handle. A type of cutlery,
especially as part of a place
setting, it is used primarily for serving. Spoons
are also used in food
preparation to measure to mix to stir and to toss

Preparation Utensils

Pastry Bag and Tube/Tips - A funnel like or

cone-shaped cloth or plastic bag
with an open end that can be fitted with metal or
plastic tubes or tips of
varying sizes and designs used for shaping,
piping or decorating with
materials such as cake icing, whipped cream,
duchesse potatoes, and soft

Pastry Brushes - These have bristles either in a

flat shape or bunched
together. The bristles may be plastic nylon or a
natural material. Use a
pastry brush to “paint” liquids or glazes onto
pies, breads, or pastries. It is
also useful for greasing baking pans. You should
have a separate basting
brush for applying fat or other liquid to meat and
poultry during roasting or

Strainer - A strainer is made of medium to fine

metal mesh and is used to
separate solid ingredients from liquids. It can
also be used for washing
berries and small amounts of vegetables

Knives - Knives are among the real essentials

in any kitchen. They come in a
variety of sizes. One knife you will probably use
most often is the paring
knife, which has a blade about 6 or 8
centimeters (2 ½ or 3 inches) long

Cutting Board - This is the only surface on

which you should do cutting or
chopping. These boards protect the countertop,
and keep knives sharp
longer. They come in large and small sizes.
Wooden cutting boards are the
most common, but there are also heavy-duty
plastic ones available. Since
plastic cut boarding can be washed in the
dishwasher, they are more

Can Opener - This should have handles that are

easy to grip and a sturdy
cutting blade so that it will easily open many
different sizes of cans. A
pierce type can opener is useful for opening
juice or milk cans.

Skewer - A pointed wood or metal rod used for

trussing joints of meats and
poultry or for holding meat, fish or pieces of

Skillet - A very heavy, thick bottomed frying pan

used for pan-frying when a
very steady, even heat is needed.

“Do you have any questions, clarifications? Anyone from

the class?
“None ma’am”
Are you sure?

Activity “ yes ma’am”

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