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International Conference on Advances in Thermal Engineering and Applications IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2054 (2021) 012078 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2054/1/012078

Application of shape memory alloys in engineering – A review

M Balasubramanian 1*, R Srimath 2 , L Vignesh 3 , S Rajesh 4
Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Undergraduate Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
RMK College of Engineering and Technology, Tamil Nadu, India
Corresponding author: [email protected]

Abstract: Shape Memory Alloy is a smart alloy which retains their original shape under
thermomechanical or magnetic variation. Shape Memory Alloy are widely used in different
engineering field because of its superior properties and variety of application. Recent research
of SMA has been applied in the field of Aerospace, Automotive, Biomedical, and Robotics. This
memory effect is due to the presence of austenite and martensite crystalline structures. These
alloys are bio-compatible, lightweight, and also possess a high force-to-weight ratio. Due to this
SMA actuators are very much suitable for soft robotic applications. However, due to high cooling
times during phase change, SMA has small bandwidth and low operating frequencies. This alloy
can replace a sensor as it performs the same work done by sensors or transducer. An extensive
review of history, material characterization, and opportunities of SMA in the engineering field.

Keywords: SMA; Biomedical; Phase change; Alloys

1. Introduction
This alloy is referred to as a smart alloy that can be deformed and returns to its pre-deformed shape
when subjected to temperature change. In general, Shape memory alloys (SMAs) can memorize their
earlier form when triggered by a certain stimulus like thermomechanical or magnetic variation. This
alloy is also called to be memory alloy or smart alloy or muscle wire, Figure 1[1] Recent technology
demands ‘smart’ systems with intelligent functions. To be specific, for the automotive industry:
increased weight directly results in high fuel consumption resulting in high cost of the product. SMA
offers multiple degree of magnitude when compared to traditional materials. Hence, the requirement in
the field of engineering and applications has increased in consumer products and manufacturing
applications. Even though other alloys, low in cost are available in the market, stability, practicability
and thermo-mechanic performance are of concern. Nickel Titanium-based alloys are preferred more for
various applications. Previous studies have showcased the application of this effect in micro-structural
mechanisms and various other engineering fields [2]. In any application, SMA is subjected to cyclic
continuous load to ensure mechanical properties like fatigue, stress-strain effect, and fracture. In this
work, the shape memory materials properties and characterization are also being discussed and how it
will be applied to the engineering field according to its properties.

2. Shape memory alloy

Shape Memory Alloy has unique characteristics such as memory effect, thermomechanical, and
superelasticity. These alloys are good to memorize the process between two transformation phase that

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International Conference on Advances in Thermal Engineering and Applications IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2054 (2021) 012078 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2054/1/012078

is temperature or magnetic field dependent (SME) [3]. Thermomechanical is a property when the smart
material is subjected to large plastic strain, it can recover its original position (shape or size) by applying
heat. Super elasticity is a property that the material is capable to recovers its original form from non-
linear strain instantaneously upon stress removal or load removal [4].

2.1 History of SMA

Initially, in 1930 the shape memory effect was identified. A Swedish physicist by the name, Arne
Olander, identified that gold-cadmium alloys were able to exhibit the effect. Otsuka and Wayman
identified the pseudoelastic behavior of Au-Cd alloy. Similarly, the shape memory effect has observed
in materials like Copper-Aluminium-Nickel alloy in the 1950s. W.Buehler and Wang explored this
effect in a NiTi alloy, which is called as nitinol (Ni-Ti). This Nitinol alloy was first discovered by the
United States Naval Ordinance Laboratory.
Since the 1980s, the utility of Ni-Ti alloy has been in many areas due to the lightweight and more
compact nature. In the 1990s, this technology was introduced in the Shape memory material community
2.2 Phase Transformation in shape memory alloy
Shape memory alloy exists with varied crystal structures in two different phases when it is subjected to
some external factor. SMAs have a simple application of deforming by applying force and recovering
to their original shape either heating to a particular temperature or applying a magnetic field. SMAs can
have six-phase transformations (High phase temperature - austenite and Low phase temperature –
Martensite). The transformation happens by shear lattice distortion. When the Shape Memory alloy is
heated, its temperature get increases and after a certain temperature limit, the martensite structure begins
to transform into an austenite structure. Change of structure happens from austenite to martensite upon
cooling without the application of an external factor. The phase change of martensite to austenite is said
to be forward transformation. The austenite to martensite phase transformation is said to be “reverse
transformation”. In practical, these alloys may be produced by electron beam, Vacuum and plasma
melting but vacuum melting is considered to be the best. Transformation begins at As and ends at Af is
the temperature where the transformation is completed. Reversal to martensite happens during the
cooling process at Ms and ends at Mf temperature [6].

Figure 1. Crystal structures and Phases

International Conference on Advances in Thermal Engineering and Applications IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2054 (2021) 012078 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2054/1/012078

Figure 2. Phase transformation of SMA [4].

In the beginning, the austenite phase starts to deform and changes to twinned martensite. Application of
the load to the materials in the twinned martensitic phase, enables to reverse and detwin the martensite
which causes a change in shape and the deformed configuration under removal of the applied load
(Figure 2). This phenomenon of heating of SMA above Af will result in reverse form phase change and
shape recovery exists and again cooling back to a temperature below Mf will result again in twinned
martensite. This Process of phase transformation from one phase to another is said to be the Shape
Memory Effect, Figure (3-5) [7].

Figure 3. Structural change of SMA [7]

According to the effect, SMAs can be categorized into three characteristics. They are 1) Single-way
shape memory effect 2) Double-way shape memory effect 3) Pseudo elasticity.

International Conference on Advances in Thermal Engineering and Applications IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2054 (2021) 012078 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2054/1/012078

2.2.1 Single-way effect

The material subjected to deformation will retain its deformed shape under cold condition and gets back
to original shape upon heating.
2.2.2 Double-way effect
Memorizing the form at the top and bottom temperatures are referred to as a double way effect. It
provides partial recovery strain produced by one-way SMAs for the materials under consideration.
2.2.3 Pseudo elasticity
After the application of the mechanical type of loading, SMA gets back to the original shape at various
temperatures of austenite and martensite in the absence of a thermal effect.

2.3 Engineering effect of SMA

The shape memory and pseudo effects are the important properties to be reviewed and understood
nowadays [8]. Initially, the alloy is in its parent austenitic phase. Removal of stress will result in a
martensitic phase upon cooling in the twinned form. At higher stress, the martensitic phase is
transformed to a fully detwinned form, which can be observed as large macroscopic strains. Further
heating at lower load, phase change to austenitic phase begins, reaches As, and ends at Af. Due to
inelastic strain, the SMA regains the original form.

Figure 4. Experimental stress-strain temperature.[7] Figure 5. Pseudo-elastic loading paths.[7]

International Conference on Advances in Thermal Engineering and Applications IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2054 (2021) 012078 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2054/1/012078

3.Applications of SMA
Research around the globe is attempted to improve the areas and attributes of SMAs, by improving
identifying new compositions and temperature ranges. So, the intensive research work has to continue
for improving fatigue life and stability of SMA. The most widely used SMA in engineering fields are 1)
Aerospace application 2) Automotive application 3) Biomedical application.
3.1 Aerospace application
This industry is looking for improved materials and solutions for its applications. Wind morphing is a
practical solution that can be met in different conditions [9]. Researchers have brought to light both the
shape memory and pseudoelastic effects in solving industrial problems of aerospace. Implementation of
this technology in fixed-wing aircraft, rotorcraft, and spacecraft has gained importance. It describes the
aerospace application of alloys and the challenges faced by the designer of such a system [10].
SMA coupling of hydraulic lines has impressive application in fighter jets, people gathered their great
interest in aerospace application. Some of the applications are sealers, actuators, vibration-dampers, etc,
Figure (6-7).

Figure 6. SMA airplane wing [1]. Figure 7. Boeing variable chevron [11].

A program was used to develop and demonstrate the shape memory alloys to optimize the performance
of lifting bodies. An SMA tubewas used to initiate wing expansion by twisting. Though the alloy was
able to deliver the required actuation the tube, in particular, was not able to deliver at full effort span
wing. This work was performed by the Air Force Research Lab (AFRL). The Smart and Aircraft and
Marine Propulsion System Demonstration (SAMPSON) program introduced the use of such materials
in modifying the geometry of inlet conditions of different propulsion systems of aircraft. Validation was
done on a full-scale F-15 inlet. First wind tunnels was developed at NASA in which one SMA is set in
opposition to another [11].

International Conference on Advances in Thermal Engineering and Applications IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2054 (2021) 012078 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2054/1/012078

This effect can be used to rotate the inlet cowl to change its cross-section of area. SMA bundles were
loaded in two different directions, heating one bundle resulting in deformation which is used to recover
its original form. After the bundle in heating condition was cooled, the earlier detwinned bundle was
again heated, and actuation occurred in the opposite direction [12-13]. The Adaptive Nozzle made of
SMA is a most developed product which is used to aid noise reduction in gas turbine engines. In aircraft,
SMA thin plates are attached to Ti-6Al-4V alloy. At a high power setting, the hot SMA will actuate and
employ the serration in the air flowing of engines. At low power settings, the engine allows Ti-
component which is passive elastic is used to reset the serration of SMA to returned configuration [14].
3.2 Automotive application
The application of SMA in the automotive actuator is classified as follows. 1) Low power for comfort
2) high power vehicle control 3) high-frequency control. However, the first category is generally most
suitable than the other two categories. Earlier literature has shown wear resistance and bio-compatible
nature of the alloys are best compared to conventional materials [1].
In recent times, manufacturers are eagerly presenting and implementing SMAs in their vehicles. The
pressure control valve which works under thermal expansion is embedded in Mercedez-Benz automatic
transmissions. Manufacturers like Daimler, Mercedes, and Benz produced pneumatic valves with SMA
for their car seats. The SMAs also referred as smart composites and it is being utilized in doing
multifunctional operations.

Figure 8. Emerging General motors SMA [15].

a. Tumble flaps actuator b. Pop-up bonnet

c. Micro-scanner system d. Side mirror actuator
Figure 9. Automotive application [1].

International Conference on Advances in Thermal Engineering and Applications IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2054 (2021) 012078 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2054/1/012078

The application of the concept in automotive batteries is going to be of great challenge. The majority of
applications are easily achievable with NiTi SMA. The SMA actuators have been looked at as a
substitute to electromagnetic actuators in the field of automotive replacing many electronic components.
Due to its capacity to adapt to change, it finds application also in the area of aerodynamics, Figure (8-
9) [15]. Recently, Chevrolet was the first vehicle fitted with an actuator made of SMA to close the trunk
lid. The versatility of SMA actuator also useful in designing the Pantograph and Eagle mirror, Figure
10. The enormous potential of SMAs has been further developed in recent advanced technology by the
designers in design making [1].

Figure 10. Eagle Mirror Prototype.

3.3 Bio-Medical Application
The application of SMA in the bio-medical field can be categorized into three. 1) Orthodontic field 2)
Orthopedic field 3) Vascular field 4) Neurosurgical field. It was introduced in the biomedical field in
1975, by Dr. Andreason of Lowa University. The Usage of Ni-Ti Wires in the buccal cavity at the
austenitic phase has been employed for recent years in dental diagnosis with multi-brackets. These NiTi
wires generate an all-round force for the brackets for good dental movement. SMAs wire also found
application in Palatal arches. Table 1 illustrates the historical developments of alloys in the bio-medical
field, Figure 11.

Figure 11. SMA orthodontic wires and distractors.[16]

International Conference on Advances in Thermal Engineering and Applications IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2054 (2021) 012078 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2054/1/012078

Pseudo elastic behavior of SMA in Orthodontic field, for orthodontic distractors [17]. The Pseudo elastic
effect of the Ni-Ti alloy is also used as a nail in fractured elongated bones. In both Orthodontic and
Orthopaedic treatments, physiotherapy of partially atrophied muscles is exploited through the properties
of SMA materials [18].

Figure 12. SMA plate for mandible fracture.[16] Figure 13. Spinal vertebrae spacer.[16]

Figure 14. Ni-Ti Neurosurgical stent.[16]

Simpon filter was the first ever used vascular instrument in SMA application. NiTi alloys are also used
as a neurosurgical stents. Stents are nets made up of metallic which opens a stenotic vessel that enables
the flow of blood to peripheral tissues. Recently stenotic and cardiac valves were made of this alloy.
Coils, stents, and micro guidewires are also the other applications of this alloy, Figure (12-14) [18]. The
stents treatments aim to recover the flow of blood flow through the narrowed lumen. Because of the
rigidity of SMA coils and stents, they are preferred over the conventional or classical type one. Micro
guide waves are used for positioning the stent [16].

Table 1 Historical development of SMA in the bio-medical field [19].

Year Device
1963 Discovery of nitinol
1971 Orthodonic braces
1983 Nitinol stent
1977 Simon Vena cava filter
1995 Laparoscopic retractor
2000 Abdominal wall lift
2007 Endoscopic bleeding control device
2008 Thin film microtube and stent

International Conference on Advances in Thermal Engineering and Applications IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2054 (2021) 012078 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2054/1/012078

4. Conclusions
Although, there are more than 10000 patents have been published, only three important fields of various
applications are discussed in this paper. After the first successful commercially After 1969, the demands
for SMAs alloy have been drastically increasing day by day. Particularly in the bio-medical application,
there has been a lot of inventions is being introduced to society. Apart from manufacturing applications
like aerospace and automotive; biomedical fields are also introducing new SMA alloys.
Design of SMA for future application is being considered among communities. The new developments
in the area of fabrication and treatment of SMAs are to be more robust while designing any applications.
Introducing the new design approaches and novel applications are also developed in future trends and
finally, the computational models of SMA behavior are studied for further advancements.

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