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TEACHER: Marijela Samac

DATE: 5 October, 2021

TOPIC/teaching contents: Present Simple and Present Continuous; Phrasal verbs
LESSON TYPE: Practice and revision
GOALS: This lesson is designed to serve as a review, giving students the opportunity to
practise the present tenses in English and speak about their future ambitions, jobs and
positive and negative sides of the job.
EXPECTED OUTCOMES: Students will be able to: say what they do in the specific time
of the day, talk about future jobs, describe actions happening at or around the time of
speaking, use phrasal verbs in various contexts.
TEACHING METHODS: Eclectic method
TEACHING MEANS/AIDS: SB p. 8 (ex. 1, 2, 3, 4; Speaking section)


Activity 1: (introduction) Interaction pattern: T-S-T Time: 3 minutes

For a quick review of the present simple, ask students to think of five things they do before
coming to school in the morning. Listen to some of their ideas in open class, paying attention
to accuracy. When students have given you some examples, check usage of the third person s
by asking other students what was said, e.g. What does Marko do in the morning? He has
breakfast, etc.

Activity 2: Interaction pattern: T-S-T Time: 5 minutes

To introduce the present continuous, mime some actions and ask the class to describe what
you are doing. Write an example on the board and draw the attention to the use of to be and
the -ing form to describe actions happening now.

Activity 3: Interaction pattern: T-S-S Time: 7 minutes

Write the following on the board:
I write a letter to my brother every week.
I am writing a letter to my brother.

In open class, ask students to explain the difference between the two sentences (the first
sentence is present simple and refers to a habitual, repeated action; the second is present
continuous and refers to an action taking place at or around the time of speaking). Listen to
their ideas and clarify any misunderstanding.

Activity 4: Interaction pattern: T-S-S Time: 10 minutes

Students complete the exercise and check answers with a partner before open class feedback.
Answers: 1. Reads; watches 2. Is studying 3. Walks; is taking 4. Rains 5. Is running

Activity 5: Interaction pattern: T-S-S Time: 10 minutes

Students complete the exercise 2 putting the verbs in brackets in the correct form. They use
Present Simple or Present Progressive.
Answers: 1. Is 2. Works 3. Isn’t 4. Like 5. Think 6. Are going 7. Lasts 8. Are spending 9.
Want 10. Knows 11. Is packing 12. Loves

Activity 6: Interaction pattern: T-S-S Time: 3 minutes
Students complete exercise 3 matching the sentence parts. They are given the beginnings and
endings of the sentences, and they match them accordingly. Students check answers with a
Activity 7: Interaction pattern: T-S-S Time: 3 minutes
Students complete the exercise 4 in the book. They are given the words in the box and
sentences to complete with the given words. Students check answers with a partner.

Activity 8: Interaction pattern: S-S-T Time: 4 minutes

Students are joined in pairs. They discuss the questions in the speaking section in the book.
Students give answers and ask additional questions. Teacher listen to their conversations and

TEACHER: Marijela Samac
DATE: 5 October, 2021

TOPIC/teaching contents: 1.2 Back to school
LESSON TYPE: New lesson
GOALS: Students will learn new vocabulary related to adjectives for feelings, when and how
to use be like/look like, explain how he/she is feeling about something, develop listening,
reading and writing skills.
EXPECTED OUTCOMES: Students will be able to: talk how they are feeling, use
appropriately new structures and expressions (be like/look like).
TEACHING METHODS: Eclectic method
TEACHING MEANS/AIDS: SB p. 10 and 11 (Ex. 1 and 2, Reading comprehension
section, writing), WB p. 6 Ex. 1.


Activity 1: (introduction) Interaction pattern: T-S-T Time: 3 minutes

To introduce the topic, ask students a few questions, e.g. How do you feel now at the
beginning of a new school year? What do you like most about the beginning of a new school

Activity 2: Interaction pattern: T-S-T Time: 15 minutes

Teacher reads through the text and students listen to carefully and follow. Students underline
the new vocabulary in the book and write down it in notebooks. Students look up the new
words in online dictionaries and write the meanings and synonyms. For practice of new
words, divide the class into pairs for them to practise the dialogue.

Activity 3: Interaction pattern: T-S-T Time: 10 minutes

In open class, ask students how they feel when their team wins a football match/at the end of
a long day at school/during a TV programme/if they fail an exam. Listen to some of their
ideas in open class and write any adjectives for feelings on the board. Students complete the
exercise 1 and 2 in Vocabulary section. Check answers: Happy-anxious, cheerful-upset,
thrilled-frustrated, calm-depressed.

Activity 4: Interaction pattern: T-S-T Time: 11 minutes

Ask students to read the questions in Reading comprehension section. Encourage them to
answer them without referring to the text again. If students are having problems, try to help
them understand the question and motivate them to find the appropriate answer in the text.
Check answers: 1. Students are looking around the school now. 2. The colours are bright and
pleasant. 3. Andy looks tired. 4. He is writing down the table. 5. He has a new neighbour, his
neighbour plays and listens to music all day long, the dog makes noise all night and he cannot
sleep. 6. They have a music class. 7. Andy’s neighbour is talking to Mrs Richards.

Activity 5: Interaction pattern: T-S-S Time: 3 minutes

Students complete the exercise 1 in Workbooks. They check answers with a partner.
Answers: 1. Upset, 2. Thrilled, 3. Anxious, 4. Cheerful, 5. Frustrated, 6. Happy, 7. Depressed,
8. Cheerful.

Activity 6: Interaction pattern: T-S-S Time: 3 minutes
Writing task: Write about your best friend. What is he/she like? What does he/she look like?
This task can be done for homework.

TEACHER: Marijela Samac
DATE: 5 October, 2021

TOPIC/teaching content: 1.3 Let’s win
LESSON TYPE: New lesson
GOALS: Students will learn: reading skills, new vocabulary connected with various types of
sports, phrasal verb take.
EXPECTED OUTCOMES: Students will be able to talk about different types of sports, to
use phrasal verb take in different contexts.
TEACHING METHODS: Eclectic method


Activity 1: (introduction) Interaction type: T-S-T Time: 3 minutes

To introduce the topic, ask students the following questions:
1. Do you practice any sport?
2. Which sports do you like?
3. How often do you practice it?

Activity 2: Interaction pattern: T-S-S Time: 5 minutes

Ask students to read the text. They don’t have to understand everything at this point, they just
read to find the appropriate place for the taken-out sentences from the text. They check
answers with a partner. Answers: 1 B; 2 C; 3 A.

Activity 3: Interaction pattern: T-S-T Time: 15 minutes

Teacher reads through the whole text. Students listen to carefully. For the practice of reading,
divide the class into groups of four to read the text aloud.

Activity 4: Interaction pattern: T-S-T Time: 10 minutes

Encourage the students to read the explanation of the new verbs. The given verbs are phrasal.
Students will learn this new type of verbs for the first time. Motivate them to look for the
examples of the phrasal verb take in the text and discuss the meaning in each context.

Activity 5: Interaction pattern: T-S-S Time: 8 minutes

Students complete the exercise 1 and 2 below the text and the explanation of the phrasal verb
take. Students check answers with a partner. Answers: 1. Place, 2. Up, 3. Part, 4. Up, 5.

Activity 6: Interaction pattern: T-S-S Time: 5 minutes

Students work in pairs. They look at the photos at page 11 of the book and name the sports.
Give them homework.

TEACHER: Marijela Samac
DATE: 5 October, 2021

TOPIC/teaching content: 1.4 Save the planet
LESSON TYPE: New lesson
GOALS: Students will learn new vocabulary connected with the environment, new learning
strategies, develop critical thinking techniques.
EXPECTED OUTCOMES: Students will be able to map the problem, find causes and
consequences of the problem. Students will know how to think in an analytical way and find
their own answers and possible solutions of the issue. Students will understand the problem
TEACHING METHODS: Eclectic method
TEACHING MEANS/AIDS: Pictures, texts, the Internet resources, teaching materials, SB
p. 12.


Activity 1: Interaction pattern: T-S-T Time: 7 minutes

Warm up: As a class or in small groups, students discuss the problems with the
environment. Ask them what problems we are facing in the environment where we live.
Students make a list.
Ask for some groups to feedback to the rest of the class and discuss any interesting ideas
further. This can be discussed in L1 if appropriate. Teacher could write on the board some of
the vocabulary in this unit, e.g. global warming, pollution, climate change, etc. Students
could note down the following words.

Climate change Pollution


Global warming

At this point, teacher can explain the new vocabulary here. New vocabulary:
Climate change-when the weather becomes different
Pollution-when air and water become dirty

Activity 2: Interaction pattern: T-S-T Time: 10 minutes

Ask students to read the text in the textbook at the page 12. Students read the text quickly.
Remind them they don’t have to understand every word in the text at this stage.

Activity 3: Interaction pattern: T-S-S Time: 10 minutes

Divide the class into two groups. Explain to students that they must think of some causes and
consequences of these environmental problems. Draw a tree on the board and show them the
problem, causes and consequences will be presented. This picture can help you.

Consequences:The sun is not safe anymore, rainforests are disappearing, plants and animals
die, increased pollution levels, the lack of fresh water, polluted air and water, temperatures
will continue to rise-deserts will appear, the melting of the ice, more illness
Problems: Pollution, global warming, climate change
Causes: Lots of cars, lots of traffic jams and lots of pollution from the exhaust fumes,
pollution of air and water, garbage, rubbish and litter, plastic bags…

Activity 4: Interaction pattern: T-S-S Time: 10 minutes

Students complete the exercise 1 and 2 below the text at the page 12. Students check the
answers with a partner. Answers: 1. Destroys; 2. Destroys; 3. Destroys; 4. Saves; 5. Save; 6.

Activity 5: Interaction pattern: T-S-T Time: 8 minutes

Writing exercise: Your friends want to fight pollution. Tell them what to do. Make a list.

This exercise can be set for homework. Students read through some examples and think of
the possible ways of fighting against pollution. Students write down their answers and read it
in front of the whole class at the beginning of the next class.

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