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Employees and personnel of Larsen & Toubro Limited and its subsidiary and
associate companies (“L&T Group”) have a duty of maintaining the
confidentiality of information received by them in the course of their
employment or engagement. This Confidentiality Policy documents the
confidentiality and non-disclosure duties and obligations of the employees and
personnel of L&T Group.

The employees and personnel of L&T Group will, in the course of their
employment and engagement, become aware of and possess information of
the L&T Group or of third parties disclosed to the L&T Group that is not
generally known. This may include information which if disclosed could
jeopardise the interests of the L&T Group. It may also include commercial
trade secrets disclosure of which could harm the interests of the L&T Group.

All employees and personnel of the L&T Group have a duty to keep such
information strictly confidential and to use it only for the proper purposes in
accordance with the law.


The purpose of this Confidentiality Policy is to lay down the principles that
must be observed by all who work with the L&T Group and have access to
confidential information.

This policy, where relevant, should be read in conjunction with the

appointment letter and/or employment contract applicable to L&T Group
employees and personnel, and other work rules, policies and procedures
applicable to L&T Group employees and personnel.


Confidential information includes any information which is not publicly known.

It can concern technology, business, finance, transaction or other affairs of a
company. It includes information which is commercially valuable such as trade
secrets or business information, as well as personal information.

Examples of confidential information include but are not limited to: any
document, discovery, invention, improvement, patent specification,
formulations, plans, ideas, books, accounts, data, reports, drafts of
documents of all kinds, correspondence, client information, lists and files,
decisions, information about employees, strategies, drawings,
recommendations, designs, office precedents, policies and procedures,
budget and financial information in any form, i.e. physical, electronic, electro-
magnetic or otherwise.
Confidential information to do with unpublished inventions can be particularly
sensitive. Disclosure of an invention before a patent application is filed will
cause irreversible loss of intellectual property rights to the owner of the
invention. Even after a patent application is filed, care must be taken not to
disclose improvements to the invention. Trade secret protection will also be
lost through open disclosure of the secret.


L&T Group expects all of its employees and personnel to handle all
confidential information in a sensitive and professional manner. L&T Group
employees and personnel are under an obligation not to gain access or
attempt to gain access to information which they are not authorised to have.
The L&T Group, however, recognises the importance of an open culture with
clear communication and accountability. The L&T Group wishes to maintain
personal and organisational safety and expects all employees and personnel
to handle confidential information in a way which protects organisational

The purpose of confidentiality is essentially two fold. Firstly it protects

sensitive or confidential information of the L&T Group and its clients and
customers. Secondly, in order for the L&T Group to be effective, L&T Group
employees and personnel must be able to share information and knowledge,
and therefore confidentiality is necessary as a condition of trust.

The best protection against breaches in confidentiality is to keep the number

of employees and personnel who have access to sensitive information to a
necessary minimum.

Intentional, repeated, accidental, or unauthorised disclosure of any

confidential information by any member of staff will be subject to disciplinary
action. Any such disciplinary action will take account of the confidential and
possible sensitive nature of the information and will make sure that in dealing
with it, no further breaches of confidentiality take place.


L&T Group employees and personnel:
• must keep confidential all confidential information;

• may use confidential information solely for the purposes of

performing their duties as an employee of the L&T Group; and

• may only disclose confidential information to persons who are

aware that the confidential information must be kept confidential
and who have a need to know (but only to the extent that each
person has a need to know).
The employee’s and personnel’s obligation of maintaining confidentiality and
non-disclosure does not extend to confidential information that is required to
be disclosed by the employee pursuant to an order of a Court or any statutory
authority. The employee or person will promptly notify the Company of any
such requirement to enable the Company to take necessary action as
deemed fit by the Company in the circumstances.

At the end of the period of employment, L&T Group employees and personnel
must return to the L&T Group:
• all confidential information in material form;

• those parts of all notes and other records in whatsoever form,

based on or incorporating confidential information;

• all copies of confidential information and notes and other

records based on or incorporating confidential information; and

• all of L&T Group property and assets,

in the possession or control of the L&T Group employee or personnel.

The obligation of maintaining confidentiality and non-disclosure will continue

even after the end of the period of employment or engagement in respect of
all confidential information.

Any employee found to be in breach of this confidentiality and non-disclosure

obligation, whilst employed by the L&T Group will be disciplined, and in
serious instances, dismissed. Any ex-employee found to be in breach of this
confidentiality obligation may be subject to legal action being taken against
them, dependent upon the circumstances of the breach, including cancellation
/ withdrawal of any or all benefits if extended to the ex-employee by the

This policy will operate in conjunction with the contract of employment or letter
of appointment for L&T Group employees and personnel.


Confidential information is only to be disclosed on a "need to know" basis,

only when the information is necessary to the employee for performing his or
her employment duties effectively.



• With the written consent of his/her reporting superior of not lower than
Tier 4 and for a particular purpose.
• If the information is required by or under a Court order or of a statutory
authority, the employee or person will promptly notify the Company of
any such requirement to enable the Company to take necessary action
as deemed fit by the Company in the circumstances.

• Where disclosure can be justified for any other purpose. This is usually
for the protection of the public and is likely to be in relation to the
prevention and detection of serious crime. A request for information by
the police must be carefully considered.

The L&T Group employee must be able to justify any decision when
information has been disclosed.

No written document containing confidential information must be left
visible where it can be read by anyone. This includes telephone
messages, computer prints, letters and other documents. All hardware
containing confidential information must be housed in a secure
environment. Security precautions must be taken in accordance with
the L&T Group Policy and Procedures.


Confidential information must not be passed on to members of the

press, or other media communications without the written consent of
his reporting superior of not lower than Tier 4 and for a particular
purpose. All requests from the media must be dealt with under the L&T
Group’s procedure for handling media queries.


All media containing confidential information must be disposed off in a

manner that ensures that information is not disclosed to an
unauthorised person.

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