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M.D. Examination

SeatNo : Candidate's

PsychologicalMedicine (Psychatric) : Branch XII Paper - II (Clinical Psychology including Sociologyetc.) Date : 04-04-2lll, Mondayl Time : 3 Hoursl Instructions : (1) Figure to the rieht indicates fuA marks. (2) Write legrbly (3) Draw diagram wherevernecessary. [Max. Marks : 100

Define abnormality.Criticaly discussit according to various model of causation?


Define psychotherapy to according wolberg. How theseare divided into three groups. 2 0 Describesupportivetherapyin detail.

:'''')-ftscuss the role of family in aetiologyand managementof schizophrenia? ' / i'/,/.V{no was B.F. skinncr.How his therapyis applicablein learning.Treat a patientof a with his principies. obsessive cornpuisivedisorcier .l"5 Write short notes on any two of the following :
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20 20



ity Ifiaherapeutic commun ( c ) Cutture in boundsyndromes India.


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M.D. Examination Psychological Medicine

Candidate's No : l6a Seat

tric) : Branch XII

per - tII
(Psych Date : 06-04-2011,Wednesdayl Time : 3 Hoursl lnstructions : (1) Figureto the right full marks. (2) Write legibly. (3) Draw diagramwherevernecessary. ^ . / Discussmultiple facesof depression. How you will managea patient'ofresistantdepression? t*,{ t')Differential diagnosisand management dementia? of and Mental Health) [Max. Marks


2A 2A 20

of .5*,,.?'What areDSM W TR criteriasfor diagnosis bipolar affectivedisorder.Discussits aetiology \'differential diagnosisandmanagement? .&d

Discussthedpsychodynamic theory of sigmundfreud and anna freud?

S/rite'shortlotes on anv two of the followins:

20 20

.6 ) (' b/y
'(./ )

opiu* dependence Dualsextherapy master johnson of &

Atypical antipsyciiutics. '


NI.D. Examination

Candidate'sSeatNo :

Psychological Medicine ($ychatric) : Branch XII Paper - I Medicine & Neurotogy) Date : 01-04-2011, Fridayl Time : 3 Hoursl Instructions : (1) Figure'to the right indicatesfull marks. [Max. Marks : 100

@ Write legibly."

(3) Drawdiagram wherever necessary. 'activating" of reticular i^ ),-flhat is.thesignificance ascending system the continuum in of 20 / sleepand arousal ?
'.^' What is 'stressdiathesistheory of psychiatric2 disorders.Discuss it in the context of schizophrenia? 'X
..i t/-


Diagramatic display of various connectionsof prefrontal lobes. What will be the effect 20 on behaviouron ablation ? Draw tha pathway of fbcial ne-rn FIow can you assess site of lesion by clinical e. the presentation. Managea patient of bell's palsy ?



5 Write short notes on any two of the following : ,t",_k,u BasalGanglia ) ( b ) Catacholamines ,.'",.-(- ) Liasion psychiatry. c



MJD. Examination

Candidate'sSeatNo :

PsychologicatMedicine (Psychatric) : Branch XII Paper - IV (Modern Trends & RecentsAdvances) [Max. Marks : 1 0 0 '

Date : 08-04-2011,Fridayl Time : 3 Hoursl lnstructions : (1) Figure to the right indicates ful t rnurt rQ) Write legibly,, (3) Draw diagramwherevernecessary.

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VIS treatrnent & VIS with 1o the Criti..ffy discuss focalbrainstimulationapproaches psychiatric ECT -d leucotomv.


andpresent tr):Oiscuss the nationalmental healthprogrammefor India, its aims and objectives of scenano its imptementation. How you will conductpretestand 2+3 - Discussconfidentiality and human right issueof a HIV Patient. / post test counsellingin A.R.T. centreof a districtHospital? ;9{ 5 ? f,or suggestions amendment ' tlie Criticaily <iiscuss mentalhealth a*.1987 & propose,v:ou1 Write short noteson any two of the following : { u ) Borderlinepersonalitydisordet ( b ) Dyslexia ,@) CriminalresPonsibilitY.


20 20

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1 i l6

M.D. Examination .

Candidate'sSeatNo : I 5'L

PsychologicalMediciue (psychatric) : Bnnch XII Paper - I (Neuro-Anatomy Neuro.ftyriologT & Genetics,Medicine & Neurolory) Date : 01-04-2010,Thursdayl [Max. Marks : 100 Time : 3 Hourrl Instructions : (l) Figureto thp right indicates rnad<s. fuU
(2) Write legibly. (3) Draw diagram wherever necessary. (4) AII question carry equal markrs.

l' -

Discuss role of genetic the factorsin causation ofmental disorders. Discussvariousdopaminergic pathwaysin brain andtheir clinical significanc e DiscussvarioustheoriesofAggression.Deliberateon its a.daptive roles. Define adolescence pgberty.Describethe dbvelopmental and challenges and susceptibi iitie! of this period.
Write short notes on any two of the following: c-{a) {bP (c) Chromosome2l REM Sleep Super Ego development

20 20

2' 3.


20 20




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M.D. Examination

Seat Candidate's No : lll-

psychological Medicine (Psychatric): Branch XII Paper- II (Ctinicll Pty' including Sociologyetc') / Time:3Hoursl full Instructions : (1) Figureto theright indicates marks @ WritelegiblY. ncessary' wherever (3) Draw diagram
v.l. Discuss the use of psychotropicsduring pregnancy and lagtation.

[Max. Marks : 100


3. t--J

What arePervasive Developmental Disorders? Discuss clinical features the and aetiologies ChildhoodAutism. of


Describedifferenttypesof suicidalbehaviour. Discuss incidence, its causes riskand assessment.


Discuss clinical syndromes associated Alcohol abuse. with How will you manage a caseof Deliriurntremens. Z0 Write short on anytwo of the followi{g: "91-:r (a) Fuguestates Llb) Narcolepsy .J.e> Metabolic Syndromes



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M.D. Examination

Candidate's No : / i*L Seat


PsychologicatMedicine (Psychatric) : Branch Xff

Date : O7-04-2010, Wednesdayl Tirne : 3 Hoursl Instructions : (1) Figwe to theright indicates marks. full Writetegibly. Q) (3) Draw diagram wherever necessary.

(psychia;ffi;1r Hearth)
[Max. Marks : 100


Discuss Psychiatric the sequelae HeadInjury. of Discuss aetiopathology, the clinical features, course management Alzheimer's and of disease.

Describedifferenttypesof Anxiety disorders. Discuss management Social the of Anxiety disorder. Describe syndrome, the subtypes management Schizo-Affective and of disorders. 5. Write shortnoteson any two'of the folla+ring: personalitydisorder&BY Psychopathic Neurocysticercosis ebf (c). llyponatremia




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M.D. Examina,tion

Candidate'sSeat No :

PrychotogicatMedicine fPsychatnc) : Branch XnI Paper - IV (Modern Trends& Advances) ', Da,tet gg-a4-t0r0,Fridayf Time : 3 Hoursf Instrucfions r (1) Figureto the right indio,ates marlcs. full tJVrite teeibly.Answerto thepoinf. {2) (3) Draw diagram whe,rever nsEss?r,$

lhlax, lVlarks; lO0'

What arpthe linritationsofNosolory in Psy,chiatry. Compare ICD-10 end DSM-IV rhe systems class,ificatbnsof Zg Discussthe.tF-{enl advancesand currentstatus hrfsodStabilizers the manqgsment of in -- --'s of MEodDisorders. '. z0

. 5.

Describethe adrnission Dischar,ge and pnocedures patientsasperthe lVlental forlvtrentaf

Heahh - 1957. Diecuss lrtitations. its g

Write shorlnoteson any two of the following; (a) Mirror Neuroils DisfictMerrtal HealthProgram &\ \ (q) Roteof Neurollia

D.P.M.Examination (Psychiatryl Paper- I
(Psychology, Anatomy & Physiology)

SeatNo : Candidate's

Date : 03-04- [[llrSaturdayl [Max. Marks : 1 0 0 'fime : 3 lloursl Instructions : (l) Figureto the right indicates marks. full (2) Write legibly, no marks are given for the material which can not be read. (3) Answer to the point, irrelevant answerdecreases value of answer. the

Describe theories aggession managementaggressive thc of anrl of behavior. ErikErikson

3. Write shortnotes: a) Ch,ronobiolory
. \

20 20 2A

b) Acetylcholine Writeshortnotes: a) Stages Infantilesexualityin classical of psychoanalysis b) Parietaliobefunctions dysfunctions and

\. ' , 4 .
! '


5. Writeshort notes:



D.P.M;Examination Paper- II Psychiatry

Candidate'sSeatNo l

Date : 06-0420tr0, Tiresdayf Tinre : 3 HoursJ [Max. Marks : 100 "'rnstructions: (1) Figure theright indicates marks. to full (2) write legibly,no marksaregiven for thematerial which cannot be read. (3) Answerto thepoint, ineleva't answer decreases valueof answer. the
.r'. Epidemiologicalstudiesof schizophrenia in India. 2' Management obsessivecompursive of Disorcer 3. \i/rite short notes: a) Anhedonty. b) Akathisia 4. Write short nor.J. a) Dissociativedisorders b) Group tlsy,.chotherapy 5. Write short notes:

a,o #1,,
#l,o @1 , 0 .

D.P.M. Examination Paper - III Psychiatry Neurology

Candidate'sSeatNo :

Thursdayl Date : 08-04-2010, [Max. Marks : 100 Time : 3 lloursl Instructions: (1) Figure therightindicates marks. to full (2) Write legibly,no marksaregivenfor the materialwhich can not be read. (3) Answerto thepoint, irrelevant the answer decreases value of answer.
1. Give classificationand discussdifferential diaguosisof headache.
' i

20 2A 20

epidemiology, slinical features, differentialdiagnosis and, .. 2. Discuss

. management of Dementias. i .

3. Write short notes: a) Enuresis b) Cognitive deficits in Schizopluenia 4. Write short notes: a) Atomoxetine b) EEG 5. Write short notes: '




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