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A. Background of the Study

At present, there are so many people who master more than one language.

The languages which are usually mastered well by people are their mother tongue

or native. People who use two or more languages are called bilingual.

Bilingualism is a worldwide phenomenon. According to the wholistic view, then,

the bilingual is a fully competent speaker-hearer; he or she has developed

competencies (in the two languages and possibly in a third system that is a

combination of the first two) to the extent required his or her needs and those of

the environment.1 When two or more bilingual speaker interacts, they do not use

only one language for their conversation. They often utilize both languages at

different ratios, a phenomenon which is known as code-switching in bilingual


Code switching is including in area of the sociolinguistic field.

Hudson stated that "sociolinguistic is the study of language about society." 2

The phenomenon of code-switching is found in a bilingual society, because

they are usually required to select a particular code whenever they choose to

Francois Grosjean, Studying Bilinguals, (Newyork: Oxford University Press, 2008), 14.
Ronald Wardhaugh, An Introduction to Sociolinguistics, (United Kingdom: Blackwell Publishing,
2006), 13.

speak, and they may also switch from one language to another language.3

Thus, it is likely conduct a study on code-switching by involving the members

of the bilingual society who are supposed to s[1]witch the language. So, code-

switching is when two or more language exists in a community, speakers

frequently switch from one language to another.4 The main code-switching is

to convey messages or information from speaker to listener directly and to

make good communication between them and the one alternative ways to

bilingual of two or more languages in the same conversation.

In an educational environment, Indonesian is the language used to

convey material in the teaching and learning process.. But it is different for

students of Vocational High School in studying English. So it is possible in

the teaching and learning process often code-switching by teachers for giving

information and lesson materials to students. The teacher turns to switch the

language from English to Indonesian when he or she taught English in the

classroom. This topic is based on the researcher’s experience when the

researcher was observing an SMKN 1 Tanjung Raya. The researcher realized

that English teachers used code-switching while teaching the learning process

in the classroom.

Ronald Wardhaugh, An Introduction to Sociolinguistics, (United Kingdom: Blackwell Publishing,
2006), 101.
Sandra Lee Mckay & Nancy H. Hornberger, Sociolinguistics and Language Teaching, (UnitedStatesd
of Amerika: Cambridge University Press, 2009), 56

According to Anita, "code-switching is a daily reality phenomenon

that occurs both inside and outside school."5 So it is natural when it happens

in the teaching and learning process. Code-switching cannot be avoided by the

teacher because the teacher and student are Indonesian people while English is

a foreign language for them. For Indonesian students, it is not easy to master

English because it is not used to communicate in their daily activities. They

use the Indonesian language in their daily communication. So, they will feel

difficult in understanding the lesson if teach the learning process using full


Teachers used code-switching to provide students with opportunities

to communicate and enhance students understanding.6 In speak English

teachers use code-switching during their explanation in their class for

different purposes, for example giving instructions, clarifying new

vocabulary, managing classrooms, etc. Teachers switch also believed to

explain things better or to build rapport with their students. 7Meanwhile the

students have their respective perceptions of understanding the lesson.

As we know that the success of teaching and learning is influenced by

the students' perceptions. Jacob et al. refer to "perception as one of the most
Anita, "Students’ Code Switching In EFL Classroom" (IAIN SMH Banten,2013), 24
Badrul Hisham Ahmad, Kamaruzaman Jusoff, "Teachers’ Code Switching in Classroom Instructions for
Low English Proficient Learners", English Language Teaching, Vol. 2, No. 2, (June 2009), 49.

Muhammad Fareed, Samrin Humayun, Huma Akhtar, "English Language Teachers’ Code Switching in
Class", Journal of Education & Social Science, Vol. 4 No. 1, (2016), 1-2.

important elements underpinning effective teaching and learning."8 If the

teachers know the students’ perceptions, they can modify the language

because teachers have an important role to help students in learning language

and teachers are not only transferring knowledge but also have to understand

what the students need.

The researcher also has done preliminary research about students’

perception of code-switching used by their teacher in the English teaching-

learning process. The respondents are students of class XI in SMKN 1

Tanjung Raya.The researcher did the preliminary research by interviewing

some of the students. As a result of the interview, the researcher found that the

English teachers switch the language, English to Indonesian or conversely.

Overall, the students expressed positive views of this practice indicating that it

is a useful teaching strategy. This practice was perceived to make the students

understand the lesson.

So, it needs to understand how students see the cswitching. Based on

this condition, the researcher was interested in investigating the code-

switching phenomenon in EFL classrooms from the students’ perceptions in

level high school. The researcher conducted a research entitled “Students’

Iskandar, "Students’ Perception on the Use of Facebook as a Discussion Group in Helping Students
Express Ideas Through Written Form", (Thesis, English Education Department, Ar-Raniry State Islamic
University Darussalam, Banda Aceh, 2018), 7," /

Perceptions Of The Usage Code Switching Used by English Teachers in

Grade XI in SMKN 1 Tanjung Raya”

B. Identification of the Problem

Based on the background above, the writer can identify the problems as follow:

1. Code-switching frequently occurred during the language teaching process.

2. The obstacles faced by students with code switching used by English teachers

in understanding the lesson.

3. The functions of code switching were believed to help the students to get the

target language, English.

C. Statement of the Problem

The statement of problems is as follows:

1. What are the functions of teachers’ code-switching?

2. How are the students’ perceptions of code-switching used by English teachers

in the English teaching-learning process?

D. Objective of the Study

Based on the research problems above, the objective of this research are:

1. To identify the function of code-switching practiced by the teachers.

2. To find out the students’ perceptions of code switching used by English

teachers in the English teaching-learning process.

E. Significance of the Study

This research gives some useful information about students’ perceptions of code-

switching used by English teachers. The significance of the research are following:

a. For a researcher

This research can increase the insight into sociolinguistics, especially

code-switching aspect in the teaching learning process.

b. For students

The results of this study are expected to be of direct benefit to students

in giving their perception about the use of code-switching by English teachers.

Therefore the teaching-learning process can run well because in this chance

the students can explain their wants and needs during the learning process.

This is also expected to a contribution as guiding information for linguistic

students who are interested in the study of code-switching.

c. For teachers

This research can help the teachers know about the students’

perception toward code-switching, so the teachers can build good

relationships and communication with their students. It also can be used as

guidance in using code-switching in EFL classrooms.

d. For other researchers

This research can be used as one of the references to conduct other


F. Previous of the Study

In conducting this research, the researcher considers some previous

studies. The first previous was written by Muhammad Fareed, Samrin

Humayun, and Huma Akhtar, (2016) in their journal "English Language

Teachers’ Code Switching in Class." This exploratory study investigated the

perceptions of Pakistani students towards teachers’ code-switching during

English lectures at the tertiary level. The researchers employed a 5-point

Likert scale questionnaire along with 12 open-ended questions to investigate

the perceptions of the students towards code-switching of English language

teachers during lectures. The findings of the study revealed the positive

attitude of the students towards teachers’ code-switching, however, some of


the students were of the view that code-switching by teachers restricts their

exposure to English.9

The second previous was written by Tiara Gardania Rasmita, (2016),

in her thesis on "Code-switching in an EFL Classroom: type, function, and

students; perception." This study investigated the lecturer and students’ types

and functions of code-switching in an EFL college class also Switching in

Class the students’ perception toward classroom code-switching. The study

was conducted at a college in Lampung. This study employed a descriptive

qualitative research design. The data were obtained from a questionnaire to

get the students’ perception toward classroom code-switching. The findings

indicated that the types of code-switching were found in three types:

intersentential switching, tag switching and intra-sentential switching. The

functions of lecturer’s code-switching were found three functions: topic

switch, affective functions, and repetitive functions, then, for the functions of

students’ code-switching there were four functions: equivalence, floor

holding, reiteration, and conflict control. Moreover, for students’ perception

toward classroom code-switching the result was, the students responded

positively. It was revealed from the result of the questionnaire which showed

that the students felt enthusiasm toward classroom code switching or in the

Muhammad Fareed, Samrin Humayun, Huma Akhtar, "English Language Teachers’ Code Switching in
Class", Journal of Education & Social Science, Vol. 4 No. 1, (2016), 1-11.

other hand the students agreed if teaching and learning process in two


The last previous was written by Rustiva Trisulichartini (2014), in her

thesis on " A Study of Code-Switching Used by an English Teacher for a

Bilingual Class at The State Junior High School 22 Surabaya." This study

employed a descriptive qualitative method. She concluded the one English

teacher for bilingual class grade 8A and 8B use three type of the code-

switching. The teacher switched from both English into Indonesian and

Indonesian into English in intra sentential code-switching which were

(63,2%), inter sentential code-switching (21,1%) and tag codes witching

(15,7%). In this study, there are three function of code-switching in bilingual

class. It was found the teacher mostly had repetitive function (58, 4%). Next,

the teacher switched because of the topic of the material (20, 8%), the last, she

had affective function (20, 8%) while doing code- switching. In this study the

researcher found the reasons of code switching used English teacher, there are

repetition used for clarification (50%), interjection (25%), and clarifying the

speech content for the interlocutor (25%).11

Tiara Gardania Rasmita "Code switching in an EFL Classroom: type, function and students
perception", (Thesis, School of Postgraduate Studies English Education Study Program Universitas
Pendidikan Indonesia, 2016)," ", Journal of Education & Social Science, Vol. 4 No. 1, (2016), 1-

Rustiva Trisulichartini "A Study of Code-Switching Used by an English Teacher for a Bilingual Class at
The State Junior High School 22 Surabaya"(Thesis, English Department, Faculty of Letters and
Humanities, State Islamic University Sunan Ampel, Surabaya, 2014),"

From the previous of the study above, the writer discusses about code

switching in the classroom that happen on the grade XI of SMKN 1 Tanjung

Raya. The research focuses on the function of teachers’ code switching and

the students’ perception of code switching used by English teachers.



A. The Concept Of Students’ Perception


1. Definition of Perception

An individual life is never separated from its environment, both the

physical environment and the social environment. Since the individual was

born, since then also the individual is directly connected with the surrounding

world. Start at the same time the individual receives stimuli from outside, and

this relates to perception.

Hornby defines "perception is an idea, a belief or an image people

have as a result of how to see or understand."12 Perception is the process of

selecting, organizing, and interpreting information. Perception constitute the

process that used by people to manage and interpret impression of their sense

to give meaning to their environment.

People may have different perceptions. Each person has his or her

right to have their perceptions as long as it can be proved with the facts.

People that have perception on an object can be positive or negative ways.

Through the perception, people can create relationship with environment. This

relationship is done through their five senses. Those are vision, hearing, taste,

Asih Lestari, "Students’ Perception on the Use of Media in EFL Class", (Thesis, English Education
Department, Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto, Purwokerto,
2018), 4.

smell, and touch. The stimuli can come from other people, events, physical

object, or ideas.13

Goldstein also says that "perception also is conscious sensory

experience," 14
requires past experience because people can identify

something easily if they have seen it earlier compare with people who have

not seen it before. In addition, Walgito has stated that perception which is

begun by the process of feeling, of measuring something which

is also the process of accepting stimuli by individuals through sense organs or

it is also called sensory process.15

Based on the definitions of perception above, it can be concluded that

perception is a process of human thinking about certain phenomenon after

they get the sensation from the environment through the sense of organ. This

research, perception means giving the opinion or message about something


Joseph E. Champoux, Organizational Behavior, 4th ed, (United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis, 2010),
E. Bruce Goldstein, Sensation and Perception, 8th ed, (Canada: Wadsworth Cengage Learning,
2010), 8.

Bimo Walgito, Psikologi Sosial (Suatu Pengantar), (Yogyakarta: ANDI, 1990), 53

2. Factor Affecting Perception

Everyone has different tendency in seeing the same thing. It is because a

number of factors operate to shape and sometimes distort perception. Walgito

says that there are two factors that influence someone’s perception, they are as


a) Internal factors

Internal factor is factor which comes from an individual. It depends on

psychological factor such as: thought, feeling, willingness, needs, attention

and motivation. Every human being has different characteristic and

temperature are also shaped by individuals’ family and environment.

b) External factors

This factor comes outside of an individual. The external factors that

affected someone’s perception are stimulus and environment in

monitoring process. The process of stimulus will through the sense of organ

or receptor such as: sight, sounds, hearing, etc. it can be concluded that the

individual’ sense organ is as a connector between individual and the object in

the world.

Bimo Walgito, Psikologi Sosial (Suatu Pengantar), 54.

In addition, Altman et al. also stated that there are four factors that

influencing perceptions. The first factor which influences perception is

selection of stimuli. A stimulus which is received by person is different with

others because people perceive things differently. People have different

interests toward something.

The second factor is organization of stimuli. People’s perceptions are

influenced by the arrangement of stimuli, so that stimuli should be organized.

Stimuli can be interpreted as meaningful information if there is a

categorization of stimuli and become simpler. It means that every meaningful

information comes from the activities that can effect someone’s behavior.

The third factor is situation. What people perceive toward something

depends on their expectation on situation that they experience. The last factor

is self-concept. A self-concept is the way people perceive about themselves.

Self-concept is important because it can affect people’s perceptions and it can

determine what people perceive and do.17

3. Process of Perception

Perception is the process where message or information enters to

human brain. Through perception, human being continually connects with the

environment. Perception also allows us to take the sensory information and

Steven Altman, Enzo Valenzi, Richard M Hodget, Organizational Behavior: Theory and Practice,
(United Kingdom: Academic Press, Inc. London 1985), 86-90.

make into something meaningfully. Walgito has stated that there are three

process of perception as bellow: 18

a. Stimulus

Perception arises because of the response to the stimulus. The first step

of perceptions is sensation. All of the sensations enter through humans’

senses. Sensation will influence the stimulus.

b. Organization

The stimulus will be transferred by nerve to brain. Then it will be

processed by brain. In this process, human being recognizes the stimulus.

Organization of stimuli stars with people sensory receptors (touch, taste,

smell, sight and hearing), and it transmitted to the brains.

c. Interpretation

People start to interpret on the things that they perceive and organize

in stimulus and organization. In other words, after receive and organize they

can interpret the information and turn it into something that can categories and

given meaning.

Bimo Walgito, Psikologi Sosial (Suatu Pengantar), 53.

4. Students’ Perception

Student is person who is studying at a university or other place of

higher education. 19 Students are the main and the most important resources in

the teaching and learning process. Students can learn from teachers, while

teachers cannot teach without students. All of the learning process always

begins with perception. Jacobs et al refer to "perception is as one of the most

important elements underpinning effective teaching and learning process.

Perceptionis the way stimuli are selected and grouped by a person so that

they can be meaningfully interpreted. It is a person's view of reality.21

People that have perception on an object can be positive or negative

ways. Positive perceptions are individual judgments of an object or

information with a positive view or in as expected from the object perceived

or from existing rules. The emergence of a person's positive perception is

because of individual satisfaction with the object that is the source of

perception. Whereas, negative perceptions are individual perceptions of

certain objects or information with negative views, as opposed to those

expected from perceived objects or from existing rules. The emergence of a

Oxford Learner’s Pocket Dictionary, 4th ed, 441

Iskandar, "Students’ Perception on the Use of Facebook as a Discussion Group in Helping Students
Express Ideas Through Written Form", 7.
Steven Altman, Enzo Valenzi, Richard M Hodget, Organizational Behavior: Theory and Practice, 85.

person's negative perceptions can arise because of the individual's

dissatisfaction with the object that is the source of his perception.

In summary, students’ perception is defined as the student ability to

understand the importance of code switching in expression of their ideas. 22

Students’ perception is the process of preferential treatment of students

toward information they get from an object, in this study is teachers’ code

switch. Furthermore, regarding the use of code switching in teaching and

learning English by teacher in the classroom and the product of the perception

can be positive or negative.

B. Code Switching

1. Definition of Code Switching

Before we discuss about code-switching, we have to know what the

code is. People use a language as a code to communicate to other. Code refers

to any form of speech whether named or unnamed that the society in question

differentiates from other forms.

According to Wardhaugh, "code is the particular dialect or language

one chooses to use on any occasion."23 In the other word, code is a variant of
Marites Quibol Catabay, "Students’ Perception on the Use of Code Switching in English as a Second
Language Class", International Journal of Advanced Reseacrh in Management and Social Science, Vol.
5 No. 4, (2016), 278.

Ronald Wardhaugh, An Introduction to Sociolinguistics, 88.

language that is used by language society depends on background of speaker

and listener and also depends on the situation and condition. The code can be

fickle. It can be code-switching and code-mixing.

There are several definitions of code switching from the experts that

will give the clarity to understand the concept of code switching. Myers-

Scotton defines "code switching as the use of two language varieties in the

same conversation".24 It is to make a clear description or understanding the

language. On the other word, it can be stated that code switching is the

phenomenon of moving the one language variety to another language orally or

written to adapt the different situations. Code-switching can happen because

someone has good understanding of some languages and these variations.

Therefore, people who have no good understanding of language absolutely

cannot switch the code of language.

Wardhaugh stated that "code switching is a process when people are

usually required to select a particular code whenever they choose to speak,

and they may also decide to switch from one code to another or to mix codes

even within sometimes very short utterances and there bycreate a new code."25

Thus, the communication by employing several codes in the conversation is

Carol Myers-Scotton. Multiple Voices: an Introduction to Bilingualism, 239.

Ronald Wardhaugh, An Introduction to Sociolinguistics, (United Kingdom: Blackwell Publishing,
2006), 101.

called code switching. The other explanation from Gardner that "code

switching refer to the use of several languages or dialect in the same

conversation or sentence by bilingual people". 26 It affects practically everyone

who is in contact with more than one language or dialect, to a greater or lesser


Anita also says that "code switching is the practice of the substituting

or alternating two or more language within same utterance into mother

language. Code switching is done to give an easy of acquiring the target

language of the spoken conversation."27

From many definitions above, we can conclude that Code switching is

the situation when people use two or more languages for communication in

their community and they change from one language to other language in the

same situation and topic of conversation.

2. Factors of Code Switching

The using of code-switching is caused by many factors. The factors in

interaction of conversation is influences the meaning in code switching of

Penelope Gardner-Chloros, Code-Switching (New York: Cambridge University Press,2009), 4.

Anita, "Students’ Code Switching In EFL Classroom" (IAIN SMH Banten,2013), 29.

conversation. There are several reasons why bilinguals do code-switching

based on Fisherman in Chaer and Agustine:28

a. Speaker

A speaker often to do codes witching to get advantages from what

he/she codes witched is. Some speakers do code-switching because of their


b. Listener or participant

The listener or participant can be personal or in group. In bilingual

society, someone who speaks in one language may switch the code to his

speech partner who has the same mother language background. It means that

some speakers code-switch to balance their partner’s language skill.

c. Third person

Third person which come from different backgrounds from the speaker

can cause code-switching because third person status also determine which

language that shall be used.

Abdul Chaer dan Leoni Agustina, Sociolinguistic, 108.

d. Topic

Topic of the conversation is one of the dominant factors that causes

code-switching. Discussing from one topic to other topics can cause to do


e. Changing from formal into informal situation

The formal and informal situation happens in the class and out of the

class which depends on the language background of the speakers and partners.

In the formal situation, speech usually delivered formally and seriously. While

in the informal situation, speech usually delivered informally and emotionally

as speaker likes.

3. Functions of Code-Switching in Bilingual Community Context

As code switching is said to occur during the conversation. It means

that there are certain purposes in doing code-switching while speaking. Before

considering the functions of code-switching from the classroom perspective, it

would be appropriate to deal with the use of code switching in its naturally

occurring context, in other terms its functions in the discourse of bilingual


While linguist Holmes provided a more thoroughly explained list of

purposes of code-switching and categorized the functions as follows:29

Lee Yi ling, Ng Yu Jin, Chong Seng Thon, Moh. Ariff Tarmizi, Nurhanis Sahidan, Influence Of an
English Lecturers’ Code Switching Practice on Students’ Confidence in the Subject, Vol. 4 No. 2,

a. Participants

When there is the arrival of a new person in a social situation,

members of the social group will code-switch either to take

positive account of the company of a new member or to exclude the new

member from the group's discussion.

b. Solidarity

The speakers sometimes used code-switch to signal shared ethnicity or

social group with a certain addressed.

c. Status

Speakers alternate the formal or informal standards of a language

based on the status of their addresses. For example, an employee would use a

formal standard when conversing with his superior, but changes to a friendlier

informal standard with his co- workers.

d. Topic

(2013), 228.

The speakers sometimes code switch in order to quote a certain saying

in a culture which meaning cannot be entirely translated into another

language. It is known as switching for referential purpose.

e. Switching for affective functions

Code switching is used to express affective meaning apart from a

referential function. Holmes states that sometimes addressees do not need to

understand the words to receive affective effect because it can be achieved by

local pronunciation

f. Metaphorical switching

This function of code-switching draws on associations of both codes.

Who have high proficiency in more than one code will switch like metaphor

to enrich communication.

g. Lexical borrowing

When a language reflects a lack of vocabulary which can be replaced

by another language, code-switching occurs. This often happens when

speakers fail to find an appropriate word to be used in a second language and

need to borrow from the first language


4. Functions of Teachers’ Code Switching

In teaching learning process, the teachers employ code-switching

strategy as a means of providing students with opportunities to communicate

and enhance students understanding in teachers’ material. Sometimes, the

English teachers were not aware of the function and outcomes of the code

switching process in the classroom. Therefore, in some cases it might be

regarded as a naturally and unconscious behavior. However, it necessarily

serves some basic function which may be beneficial in language learning


The teacher use code switching by starting the lesson in the English

Language and may move into the second language and back. This ensures that

the lesson is as communicative as possible. Actually, According to Sert there

are three functions of teacher code switching;topic switch, affective

functions, and repetitive functions. The classification

is described as follow:

1. Topic switch

In topic switch cases, the teacher alters his/her language according to

the topic that is under discussion. This is mostly observed in grammar

instruction, that the teacher shifts his language to the mother tongue of his

students in dealing with particular grammar points, which are taught at that

moment. At this point it may be suggested that a bridge from known (native

language) to unknown (new foreign language content) is constructed in order

to transfer the new content and meaning is made clear.

2. Affective function

The phenomenon also carries affective functions that serve for

expression of emotions. In this respect, code switching is used by the teacher

in order to build solidarity and intimate relations with the students. In this

sense, one may speak of the contribution of code switching for creating a

supportive language environment in the classroom.

3. Repetitive function

In repetitive function, the teacher uses code switching in order to

transfer the necessary knowledge for the students for clarity. Following the

instruction in the target language, the teacher code switches to native language

in order to clarify meaning, and in this way stresses importance on the foreign

language content for efficient comprehension. However, the tendency to

repeat the instruction in native language may lead to some undesired student


Olcay Sert, The Function of Code Switching in EFL Classrooms, TESL Journal, Vol. XI, No. 8, (August


Based on Sert, there are three functions of teachers’ code switching.

The first is topic switch occurs when the teacher alters his/her language

according to the topic that is under discussion. The second is affective

function used by the teacher in order to build solidarity and intimate relations

with the students. The last is repetitive function used by the teachers to

transfer the necessary knowledge for the students for clarity.

5. Code Switching in EFL Classroom

The phenomenon of code switching consequently presents in second

language classroom. For instance, during the English lesson in a school,

English and first language are frequently switched. Lin in Engku Hariza stated

that classroom code switching as the alternating use of more than one

linguistic code in the classroom by any of the classroom participants such as

teacher and students.31 Gardenia also agree that classroom code switching in

Indonesian classroom context is the use of first language in foreign language

by any of the classroom participants like lecturer, students and lecturer

assistant or lecturer aide and code switching which occurs is between English

to Bahasa (Indonesia) or vice versa.32

Engku Haliza, Engku Ibrahim, dkk., "Code Switching in English as a Foreign Language Classrrom:
Teachers’ Attitude", English Language Teaching, Vol. 6, No. 7 (2013), 140.
Tiara Gardania Rasmita "Code switching in an EFL Classroom: type, function and students;
perception", (Thesis, School of Postgraduate Studies English Education Study Program Universitas
Pendidikan Indonesia, 2016), 15.

Apple in Chaer and Agustina defines that code switching is indication

of shifting language because of situation changing.33 When the teacher knows

the language of the students, whether or not the teacher is a native speaker, the

classroom itself often becomes a code switching situation. The lesson starts in

the first language, or the control of the class takes place through the first

language, or it slips in other ways. In a sense, code switching is natural in the

classroom if the teacher and students share the same languages.34

6. Perceptions of Code Switching

Code switching is very common in English foreign language

classrooms throughout the world these days and students have positive and

negative attitudes towards code-switching of teacher in classroom suggested

that exposure to comprehensible input is necessary for successful language

acquisition. A number of researchers have argued that code switching can be a

useful tool in assisting English languageteaching and learning process. Others

see an opportunity for language development because code switching allows

the effective transfer of information from the senders to the receivers.

Ahmad & Jusof says that code-switching serves as a mean to provide

low proficient learners with the opportunities to communicate and enhance

Abdul Chaer dan Leoni Agustina, Sociolinguistic, 107.

Vivian Cook, Second Language Learning and Language Teaching, (London: Hachette UK Company, 2008) , 179.

understanding of the lecture. 35

If the students cannot understand what has

been mentioned, they will not be comfortable in proceeding with a task or

retain it in their mind. Therefore, EFL classroom teacher sometimes prefer to

use the pupils’ L1 to explain and organize a task and to manage behavior in

the belief that this will facilitate the medium-centered language-related goal of

the lesson.

The use of students’ first language in foreign language classroom

situations is becoming an option, as long as it is limited by the need of the

first language itself. So that the use of L1 in EFL classroom will give benefit

for the students because it gives some access what is being learnt with their

own prior knowledge and experiences.

Jingxia also says that code-switching occur unconsciously by the

teachers and is used as a good strategy in explaining instructions, translating

difficult vocabulary item, Explaining grammar, managingclass, giving

background information, reducing students’ nervousness and facilitating

students’ understanding by quoting others’ words.36

Badrul Hisham Ahmad, Kamaruzaman Jusoff, "Teachers’ Code Switching in Classroom Instructions

for Low English Proficient Learners", English Language Teaching, Vol. 2, No. 2, (June, 2009), 49.

Liu Jingxia, "Teachers’ Code Switching to the L1 in EFL Classroom", The Open Applied Linguistic
Journal, Vol. 3, No. 10, 10-23 (2010).

A survey conducted by Pasaribu (2001) to 265 students from various

private universities in Bogor shows that the majority of the students agree that

Bahasa should be used in the ELT classroom. According to students, the

reasons behind the need of Bahasa in ELT classroom are to make

understanding easier, to give a feeling quietness and to avoid nervousness, to

give comfort and self confidence, to motivate students, to increase

understanding, and to give a feeling of free from stress.37

Some teachers suggested that code-switching is beneficial to relieve

anxious, nervous, frightened, and reluctant students as well as learners with

low self-esteem. Code-switching not only increase student’s comprehension

and application of the material but also provide a positive learning

environment with the help of good student-teacher relationships. Majority of

ESL learners think that they get benefit because of teachers’ code-switching

and it helps in learning a language in a better way. 38

Tiara Gardania Rasmita "Code switching in an EFL Classroom: type, function and students
perception", 31.
Muhammad Fareed, Samrin Humayun, Huma Akhtar, "English Language Teachers’Code Switching
in Class", Journal of Education & Social Science, Vol. 4, No. 1, (2016).



A. The Research Method

In conducting a research, the writer needs the research method for

answer the research question in this research. Sugiyono mentions that "the

research method is the scientific way to get data with the certain goals and

specific function."39 In this research the researcher conducted a descriptive

qualitative research. The problem in qualitative research set focus on the

informant. The informants in educational institutions are principals, teachers,

parents, students, education experts, and others.40 In accordance with the

above explanation, the researcher makes the teachers and students as the main


Qualitative descriptive research design was suitable for this study

because intended to describe a phenomenon and its characteristics. This

research is more concerned with what rather than how or why something was

happened.41Tavokali has stated that "descriptive research attempt to look at

individuals, groups, institutions, method and materials in order to describe

Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Pendidikan, (Bandung: ALFABETA, 2015), 1

Hosesein Nassaji, "Qualitatif and DescriptiveResearch: Data Type Versus Data Analysis", Languange
Teaching Research, Vol. 19, No. 2, (2015), 129.

compare, contrast, classify, analyze, and interpret the entities and the evens

that constitute their various field inquire."42 In short, a descriptive qualitative

research was selected by researcher because to described the phenomenon

happening from the communication done by the English teachers in teaching

learning process. In this research, the researcher concerned to the students’

perceptions of code switching used by English teachers. Particularly to know

the function of teachers’ code switching and the students’ perception toward

teacher’s switching.

B. Informant of the research

The informants in this study are the teachers and students on grade XI

of SMKN 1 Tanjung Raya academic year 2022/2023.Grade XI was chosen

because the students are including the beginner level in learn English. In this

study the teachers and students were nonnative speakers.

In this study, the researcher takes two English teachers on SMKN 1

Tanjung Raya to know the function of teachers’ code switching. They were

chosen because they had particular characteristics such as experiences,

behaviors, and role in teaching. Two English teachers called as T1 and T2

who gave the information needed. In addition the researcher also takes 50

Hossein Tavokali, A Dictionary of Reseacrh Methodology and Statistics in Applied Linguistics, (Iran
Rahman Press, 2012), 160.

students as the respondent on grade XI of SMKN 1 Tanjung Raya to know

how their perceptions on code switching used by their teachers.

C. Technique of Data Collection

Collecting data means identifying and selecting individuals for a study,

obtaining their permission to study them, and gathering information by asking

people questions or observing their behaviors.43 Data collecting technique is an

important step in research, because the aim of the research is to get the data. In

collecting the data, the researcher used three forms of data collecting technique.

The three forms of data collection technique are described below.

1. Classroom Observation

Observation is the process of gathering open-ended, first hand information

by observing people and place at a research site. 44 It means that classroom

observation is needed to find out the functions of code switching employed by

teacher during the teaching and learning process in the classroom.

In this research, the researcher was as non-participant observation.

Non-participant’s observer means that the research is present at the scene of

John W. Creswell, Education Research, 4th ed,(United States of America: Pearson Education, 2012),


action but does not interact or participate.45The observation was conducted

two times for getting some utterances from the teacher in the classroom.

During observation, the researcher recorded the utterance of teacher by

using the tape recorder and at the same time the researcher filled the

observation sheet by giving checklist and written the utterances.

In this research, the researcher used the specification of observation

which modified from Sert. This was intended to know what the functions of

teachers’ code switching practice. The researcher used specification as


Table 3.1 Specification of Observation

Function of Code Switching

No Subject Utterance Topic Affective Repetitive
Switch Functions Functions
1 T1
2 T2

2. Questionnaire

Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Pendidikan, 204.

Questionnaire was used to collect data to analyze the students’

perceptions on their teachers of using code switching. In this research the

researcher uses close-ended questionnaire. According to Nunan "closed

questionnaire is one in which the range of possible responses is determined by

the researcher and the respondents select from or evaluate the options

provided."46 Closed questionnaire also can make ease and speed with which

people can respond to the questionnaire.47

The questionnaire was adapted from (Muhammad Fareed, et al (2016),

Lee Yi Ling et al (2003), Catebay (2016)). The question consists of 17 items,

which used scale likert. According to Sugiyono, "likert scale is used to

measures attitudes, opinions, and perceptions of person or group of people

about social phenomena."48

Likert-Scale values mostly represent 5 responses, such as “strongly

disagree,” “disagree,” “undecided,” “agree,” and “strongly agree”. However,

the researcher did not use neutral or undecided agreement level in order to

avoid the tendency of the participants to mostly choose this value. The middle

category can prevent the participants from making a choice. Therefore the

David and Kathelen, Exploring Second Language Class Room Research, (HEINLE Cengange Learning,
2009), 130.
David and Kathelen, Exploring Second Language Class Room Research, 131.

Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Pendidikan, 134 .

choice in this research questions consisted of four available options; Strongly

Agree (SA), Agree (A) Disagree (D), and Strongly Disagree (SD). Therefore,

there were only four choices in the value as described in table 3.2.

Table 3.2 The Conversation of Questionnaire Scale Value

No Response Scale Value

1 Strongly Agree 4
2 Agree 3
3 Disagree 2
4 Strongly Disagree 1

The questionnaire will distribute to the students in investigating the

students’ perception of code switching used by their teachers.

3. Interview

The researcher also uses the interview to the teachers and students

after did observation and spread out the questionnaire. Interview occur when

researcher ask one or more participant general. 49 Then, Creswell also classify

the interview into four types, those are; one-on-one interview, focus group

interview, telephone interview, and electronic E-mail interview.50 Based on

the types of interview, the researcher uses one-on-one interview. According to

him, one-on-one interview is data collection process in which the researcher

John W. Creswell, Education Research, 217.


asks questions and records answers from only one participant in the study at a


In this research the researcher will takes two teachers and six students

as the respondents. The researcher assumed that six students represent all

members in the class.In this step the researcher uses a recorder to collect the


D. Technique of Data Analysis

Data analysis in qualitative research carried out since before entering

the field, during of the field and after completion of the field. In fact, data

analysis in qualitative research is an ongoing activity that occurs throughout

the investigative process rather than after process.51 In this study the

researcher use observation, questionnaire and the last is interview. Based on

Sugiyono’s book triangulation of techniques, it means that researchers use

different data collection techniques to get data from the same source. 52 There

are some processes in data analysis of this research:

1. Analysis data obtain observation

In doing classroom observation the researcher used observation sheet

and tape recording to documentation utterance from the activity in the

classroom. Tape recorder obtained from classroom observation was replayed

Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Pendidikan, 336

and transcribed. From the transcription, code switching found was categorized

into each functions based on the theories of Sert. Based on observation, the

research will find the data about the functions of teachers’ code switching.

2. Analysis of data obtained from questionnaires

The data obtained from questionnaires were used to answer the

research. The data were used to know students’ perception towards teachers

code switching. The questionnaires collected from the students were counting

every answer of the questionnaire to determine the frequency. To counting the

percentage, the researcher used formula:53 p = f/n×100%


p = Percentage

F = Frequency of Respondents

N = Number of Participants 100% = Constant Value

The last is describing the data from the questionnaire. From the steps

above, students’ perception towards teacher’s code switching was explained.

3. Analysis of data obtained from the interview

The data obtained from students’ interview were used to cross-check

the data obtained from the observation and questionnaire. Tape recording also
Anas Sudjiono, Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan, (Jakarta: Raja Grafindon Persada, 2019),

obtained from the interview sessions was replayed and transcribed. From the

transcription, functions of teacher’s code switching during the teaching and

learning activity in classroom were identified. From the transcription of the

interview sessions also the students’ perceptions towards teacher’s code

switching was explained.

E. Triangulation

In conducting this research, data triangulation will be used.

Triangulation of the data is one of the ways to check the credibility of the

data. According to Noble and Heale, in Bans-Akutey research triangulation

refers to the process that helps increase the reliability and validity of the


After gaining the data, triangulation will be needed in order to proof

whether or not the proposed research data is credible. The data which will

have been collected through different data collection techniques will be

compared to each other. It purposes to see how accurate the data is. Students

conducted to get the data which can be used to make sure about the result of

observation and questionnaire. The observation was done more than one time.

It means that time triangulation was employed in this research. By applying

these triangulations, the researcher expected the result of this research was

Bans-Akutey, A., Tiimub, B.M. 2021. Triangulation in Research. Academia Letters: ReseacrhGate.
DOI: 10.20935/AL33922

accurate because the data was collected more than one time and more than one

data method.


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