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Checklist Checklist

Retirement Gratuity – 3 Years Lump Sum Claim Retirement Gratuity – 3 Years Lump Sum Claim
(1 Set-2 Copies Each Document) (1 Set-2 Copies Each Document)
A. Letter of Intent addressed to Regional Director (for region A. Letter of Intent addressed to Regional Director (for region
retirees) and Chief BFP (for BFP-NHQ retirees) stating retirees) and Chief BFP (for BFP-NHQ retirees) stating his/her
his/her option to claim their benefits whether in Lump Sum option to claim their benefits whether in Lump Sum or
or Outright Pension Outright Pension
B. Latest Personal Data Sheet (PDS) with latest picture (use B. Latest Personal Data Sheet (PDS) with latest picture (use blue
blue pen for signature and subscribed by Regional Admin or pen for signature and subscribed by Regional Admin or HRMS)
HRMS) C. Duly filled-out ATM Account Information and photocopy of
C. Duly filled-out ATM Account Information and photocopy ATM
of ATM D. Ombudsman Clearance – Original Copy
D. Ombudsman Clearance – Original Copy E. Declaration of Pendency/Non-Pendency of Case from Civil
E. Declaration of Pendency/Non-Pendency of Case from Civil Service Commission – Original Copy
Service Commission – Original Copy - In lieu of items D – Affidavit of Undertaking (with at least 2
- In lieu of items D – Affidavit of Undertaking (with at least guarantors)-for processing purpose only. The claimant still
2 guarantors)-for processing purpose only. The claimant and should submit his/her original copy of ombudsman
still and should submit his/her original copy of ombudsman clearance before the release of his/her retirement claim
clearance before the release of his/her retirement claim F. Retirement Order
F. Retirement Order G. Updated Statement of Service
G. Updated Statement of Service H. Original and Latest Appointment
H. Original and Latest Appointment I. Certificate of Non-Pending Case
I. Certificate of Non-Pending Case (Regional IAS for Region Claimant)
(Regional IAS for Region Claimant) (NHQ IAS for BFP_NHQ Claimant)
(NHQ IAS for BFP_NHQ Claimant)
Computation: (Monthly Pension X 36 Months)
(Monthly Pension X 36 Months)
=__________x_________ =__________x_________

Total Lump Sum Claims = ___________________ Total Lump Sum Claims = ___________________

Checklist Checklist
Retirement Gratuity –3 Years Lump Sum Claim Retirement Gratuity – 3 Years Lump Sum Claim
(1 Set-2 Copies Each Document) (1 Set-2 Copies Each Document)

A. Letter of Intent addressed to Regional Director (for region A. Letter of Intent addressed to Regional Director (for region
retirees) and Chief BFP (for BFP-NHQ retirees) stating retirees) and Chief BFP (for BFP-NHQ retirees) stating his/her
his/her option to claim their benefits whether in Lump Sum option to claim their benefits whether in Lump Sum or Outright
or Outright Pension Pension
B. Latest Personal Data Sheet (PDS) with latest picture (use B. Latest Personal Data Sheet (PDS) with latest picture (use blue
blue pen for signature and subscribed by Regional Admin or pen for signature and subscribed by Regional Admin or HRMS)
C. Duly filled-out ATM Account Information and photocopy of
C. Duly filled-out ATM Account Information and photocopy
of ATM
D. Ombudsman Clearance – Original Copy D. Ombudsman Clearance – Original Copy
E. Declaration of Pendency/Non-Pendency of Case from Civil E. Declaration of Pendency/Non-Pendency of Case from Civil
Service Commission – Original Copy Service Commission – Original Copy
- In lieu of items D – Affidavit of Undertaking (with at least - In lieu of items D – Affidavit of Undertaking (with at least 2
2 guarantors)-for processing purpose only. The claimant guarantors)-for processing purpose only. The claimant still
still and should submit his/her original copy of ombudsman and should submit his/her original copy of ombudsman
clearance before the release of his/her retirement claim clearance before the release of his/her retirement claim
F. Retirement Order F. Retirement Order
G. Updated Statement of Service G. Updated Statement of Service
H. Original and Latest Appointment H. Original and Latest Appointment
I. Certificate of Non-Pending Case I. Certificate of Non-Pending Case
(Regional IAS for Region Claimant)
(Regional IAS for Region Claimant)
(NHQ IAS for BFP_NHQ Claimant)
(NHQ IAS for BFP_NHQ Claimant)
(Monthly Pension X 36 Months)
(Monthly Pension X 36 Months)

Total Lump Sum Claims = ___________________ Total Lump Sum Claims = ___________________

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