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Module 3:

🔸Topic selection
🔸 Alignment of topic to students interest and line of works - cathlyn
🔸Topic Coverage-manilyn
🔸ligalities and limitations
🔸 confidentiality and disclosure- Leah Jane C. Morillo



Format of the Case Analysis

I. Introduction
C. Opportunity
D. Threat
III. Statement of the Problem
IV.Alternative Courses of Action
A. ACA #1
B.ACA #2
C. ACA#3
V. Chosen ACA
Best 11 Strategies Involving Students Interest In Learning
Teachers/Parents often spend a lot of time thinking about how to motivate the students and get
them interested in learning. But often, the simplest way is overlooked – involving students in
setting up their own learning space from the ground up. One of the biggest mistakes teachers
and parents can make when it comes to developing good learners is to limit their learning to the
classroom. Often, the school is considered as the primary source of instruction, but the social,
intellectual and academic growth should extend beyond the walls of the classroom, which will
give them wings to fly and soar to new heights! In this article let’s talk about the Best
11 Strategies To Students Interest In Learning!
Here are some tips for including students in the process –

1. Develop A Reading Atmosphere:

It is often observed that students who have a keen interest in reading, develop a love for
learning too because they are want to explore endless possibilities and opportunities.
Reading not only helps them to develop a rich vocabulary, but it also helps them to
process formal communication and concepts. Reading to the child frequently and
having them read aloud will create an atmosphere for reading at home as well as in
school. Let children pick their own book and make it fun for them instead of compulsion.

2. Put The Child In Charge As Much As Possible:

When it comes to education, some kids experience just domination and instruction.
When a child is controlled so much, they often withdraw themselves from learning.
Children should be allowed to have their own learning experience instead of being
regulated all the time. The more control and input the child has in their own learning,
they will become more engaged and motivated to learn.

3. Encourage Open And Sincere Communication:

Encouraging open and sincere communication with the child is the key to make him/her
feel comfortable and share his/her opinion about everything. When they know that their
opinions matter and are taken into consideration, they feel reassured and open up even

4. Focus On Your Child’s Interest:

When learning engages children in what they are interested in, learning becomes fun for
them and they look forward to it. Ask the child which topic interests him the most and
find books related to that topic.
5. Encourage Different Types Of Learning Styles:
Every child has a different style of learning and there is no right or wrong style.
Whichever technique the child is comfortable in learning should be encouraged. There
are seven fundamental styles of learning, such as Visual, Audio, Verbal, Physical,
Mathematical, Social and Solitary.

6. Share Your Enthusiasm For Learning:

When it comes to learning new things, enthusiasm definitely rubs off. Children definitely
get inspired by you and if he/she sees that parents/teachers are enthusiastic about
learning, they follow the same trait. Always tell the child that learning is a journey of
exciting new discoveries. Take every opportunity and discover new information and see
the child follow your footsteps.

7. Game-Based Learning Is The Key:

Game-based learning provides opportunities for deeper learning and development of
cognitive skills. It motivates the children to learn more. When a child is engaged in a
game, their mind experiences the pleasure of learning something new. This is the
biggest factor in team-based learning. We often see the competitive spirit of the child
come out in games and them wat to win it for themselves or the team. They want to
perform at a higher level and outshine everyone. It’s a great way to introduce new
ideas, concepts, and knowledge which motivates the children to learn.

8. Help The Child Stay Organized:

Helping the child to remain organized will definitely go a long way in making him feel
motivated to learn. Children at a young age are a bit disorganized which leads to being
frustrated and worried when they cannot finish their assignment or project on time.
When a child is organized, they feel in control, less overwhelmed and are motivated to

9. Always Celebrate Achievements:

Celebrating and recognizing their achievements, no matter if they are big or small goes
a long way in boosting their morale. It builds a positive environment and keeps them
motivated to learn and challenge themselves to do better. It could be as small as getting
ice cream or appreciating them in front of the whole class.
10. Focus On Strengths:
Children often need that push or nudge which motivates them to perform than the last
time that they did. Instead of focussing on the weakness, make them aware about their
strength and tell them that if they can perform well in one area, they sure have the
potential to shine the brightest.

11. Make Every Day A Learning Day:

Turning every day into a learning day will help the child develop the internal motivation to learn
something new(no matter how small or simple) in the classroom, at home or wherever he may

How To Engage And Inspire Adult Learners

Designing eLearning deliverables that motivate and engage adult learners can be
challenging. However, creating top notch eLearning deliverables that cater to
adult learners comes with its own unique set of challenges. The good news is that
there are a number of tips and techniques that can help you to create meaningful
educational experiences for adult learners, which can be applied to eLearning
courses and online training events.

1. Make it relevant!
Adult learners need to be able to see the relevancy of what they are
learning. How is this eLearning course going to offer them the skill sets
they need to improve their work performance? How is the online
training event you're developing going to give them the information
they need to master a particular task? When designing eLearning
deliverables for adult learners, you have to keep in mind that the
content has to be relevant, or else they will not be able see the real
value in the educational experience you're providing. While you are
writing each block of text or choosing the perfect graphics and images,
think about how these are going to serve the primary learning goals
and objectives.
2. Include activities and assignments that encourage adult learners to explore.
Adult learners accumulate knowledge most effectively when they are
active participants in their own learning process. Design activities or
assignments that encourage them to explore a subject matter on their
own and learn from personal experience. Pose a question or problem
and then ask them to arrive at a solution on their own, or place them in
groups and have them collaborate in order to discuss the issue at length
and benefit from one another's experience and skill sets. When they
acquire knowledge on their own, they get inspired to pursue other
avenues of self study and online education, and to become more fully
engaged in the eLearning environment.
3. Consider the experience and educational background of the adult learners.
Adult learners have typically gathered more life experienced and
accumulated a broader knowledge base than younger students. As
such, when you're designing your eLearning deliverables for adult
audiences, you'll want to take their experience and educational
background into account. In other words, it is of high importance
to assess your audience carefully. What is the highest level of education
they've completed? Which particular tasks are they usually asked to
perform while at work? Do they already know the technical jargon that
is commonly used in their profession?
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4. Offer immediate feedback to allow adult learners to learn from mistakes.

Make the educational experience more powerful and effective by offering
immediate feedback when they make an error, or even when they need to
know about an alternative problem solving approach. This will provide
them with the opportunity to learn from mistakes by catching them at
the moment they occur and seeing the direct consequences of that
error, rather than waiting until the moment of need has passed to offer
invaluable feedback.
5. Integrate emotionally-driven content.
Adult learning audiences often benefit from content that is emotionally-
driven. If they feel emotionally connected to the subject matter, then
they are more likely to be engaged, so that they will actually absorb and
retain the information. Use images and graphics that are powerful and
relevant, as well as written content that evokes a certain feeling. Even
the font you use can convey a certain emotion. Positive emotional
elements can also serve to inspire and motivate learners who may feel
disconnected from the eLearning environment.
6. Emphasize the real-world benefits.
Can you concisely sum up the real world benefits that your eLearning
course or online training event offers to its adult learners? The adult
learners need to be informed of the real world benefits beforehand, and
should be reminded of these benefits periodically. For example, you can
add a side note to every module, explaining how the content will offer
them real world benefits. This will allow them to realize the purpose
behind the educational experience, so that they become motivated and
7. Keep cognitive overload in mind when creating content.
Break your content up into smaller chunks to help avoid cognitive
overload. Avoid using large blocks of text, and opt for bullet points or
numbered lists instead. Also, you may want to consider designing
smaller modules or eLearning courses that focus on specific subject
matters, rather than lengthy eLearning courses that cover a wide range
of topics.
8. Use avatars and storytelling to draw in adult learners.
Avatars can guide adult learners through modules to increase knowledge
comprehension and retention, while storytelling makes the subject matter
more interesting and relatable for them. Keep in mind, that when using
characters or stories, you should add at least a touch of realism in order
to make the content more immersive and effective.
9. Create deliverables that can be completed quickly and conveniently.
Adult learners often learn while they are on-the-go, meaning that they
should be able to access the eLearning deliverables on their mobile devices. By
creating eLearning deliverables that can be completed quickly and
conveniently, you offer them the opportunity to absorb and retain the
information anytime, anywhere and when they need it the most.
10. Remember that practice makes perfect.
Include plenty of practice exercises in your eLearning course to ensure
that adult learners are able to fully absorb and remember the subject
matter. Repetition is key, so develop tasks that require them to repeat
certain steps over and over again and keep on reminding them of the
important key points all throughout the eLearning course.
11. Use aesthetically pleasing design elements.
Aesthetically pleasing eLearning courses and modules can be more easily
assimilated by adult learners, not to mention that can create a more
interactive and visually stimulating experience. Include compelling and
inspiring images, colorful fonts, and graphic elements that help to draw
their attention to the core aspects of the modules.

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