Annual Maths 1 QP VIII

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General Instructions:
(i) All the questions are compulsory.
(ii) The question paper consists of 40 questions divided into 4 sections A, B, C, and D.
(iii) Section A comprises of 20 questions of 1 mark each. Section B comprises of 6 questions of 2 marks
each. Section C comprises of 8 questions of 3 marks each. Section D comprises of 6 questions of 4 marks
(iv) There is no overall choice. However, an internal choice has been provided in two questions of 1 mark
each, two questions of 2 marks each, three questions of 3 marks each, and three questions of 4 marks
each. You have to attempt only one of the alternatives in all such questions.
(v) Marks are shown on the right side of the question paper.
1. (a+b)+c=a+(b+c) is called 1
a. Associative law for addition b. Associative law for multiplication
c. Commutative law for multiplication d. Commutative law for addition
2. Size of class 150-175 is 1
a. 150 b. 175 c. 25 d. -25
3. The shifting of terms from one side of an equation to other side is called 1
a. Associativity b. Commutativity
c. Transposition d. Distributivity
4. The factorization of 4y2 -12y+9 is 1
a. (2y+3)2 b. (2y-3)2
c. (3y-2)2 d. (3y+2)2
5. A solid figure with only 1 vertex is a 1
a. Cuboid b. Cylinder
c. Pyramid d. cone
6. The perimeter of a semi-circle of radius 10.5 cm is 1
a. 33 cm b. 43.5 cm c. 54 cm d. 60cm
7. Generalised form of a three-digit number xyz is 1
a. x+y+z b. 100x+10y+z
c. 100z+10y+x d. 100y+10z+z
8. A polynomial having only two terms is called 1
a. Monomial b. binomial
c. Trinomial d. None of these
9. When 7x2y2z2 divide by 14xyz, the quotient is 1
1 1
a. 2 xyz b. 2xyz c. xyz d. 2 x2yz2
10. The amount of region occupied by a solid is called its 1
a. area b. distance c. volume d. None of these
11. Both x and y are said to vary __________ with each other if for some positive number k, xy=k. 1
12. When a die is thrown, the probability of getting an odd number is ________. 1
13. The point at which perpendicular axes intersect each other is known as __________ 1
The x-co-ordinate of a point is also known as its _____________
14. 672-372=(67-37) x (----------) 1
15. The additive inverse of 8 .is ________. 1
16. What is the usual form for 2.3 x 10−10. 1
17. How line graph differs from linear graph ? 1
18. Is it possible to have a regular polygon with measure of each exterior angle as 220 ? Justify your 1
What is the minimum interior angle possible for a regular polygon ? Why ?
19. Differentiate between identity and equation. 1
20. Find the value of (−4)−2 . 1
21. Write the names of four special types of quadrilateral. 2
22. The sum of two numbers is 95. If one exceeds the other by 15, find the numbers. 2
−7 3
What should be added to twice the rational number 3 to get 7 ?
23. Write two standard identities used for finding square of a number 2
24. Simplify 3(4x-5) +3 and find values for (i) x=3 , (ii) x= 2 2
Multiply (x-y) and (3x+5y)
25. A polyhedron has 60 edges and 40 vertices. Find the number of its faces using Euler’s formula. 2
26. Suppose the perimeters of a square and a rectangle are same. Can we say that their areas are also same?
Justify your answer by giving example. 2
27. Using appropriate properties, find 3
2 3 5 3 1
- ×5+2 -5×
3 6
28. Define polyhedron and write name of two polyhedrons. 3
29. Identify the rational number that does not belong with the other three. Explain your reasoning. 3
−5 −1 −4 −7
, , ,
11 2 9 3
Verify that –(-x) =x for x=17
30. For non-zero integers a and b and any integers m and n, write any three laws of exponents. 3
31. Using appropriate identities, evaluate 3
(a) 103 x 104 (b) 9982 (c) 512-492
(a) (7m-8n)2 +(7m+8n)2 (b) (a-b)(a+b)+(b-c)(b+c)+(c-a)(c+a)
32. if 31z5 is multiple of 3, where z is a digit, what might be the values of z ? You will find that there are
multiple values of z. Why is this so ? 3
33. The size of a red blood cell is 0.000007m and the size of a plant cell is 0.00001275m. Compare these two
by writing the cell sizes in standard form. 3
The mass of earth is 5.97 x 10 kg and the mass of moon is 7.35 x 1022 kg. Find the total mass of earth

and moon
34. A car travels with a nonuniform speed. Can we say that the distance covered by the car varies directly
with time ? Justify your answer. 3
35. There are 100 students in a hostel. Food provision for them is for 20 days. How long will this provision
last, if 25 more students join the group ? 4
If the weight of 12 sheets of thick paper is 40 grams, how many sheets of same paper would weigh 212
kilograms ?
36. Draw the graph for the following. 4
Side of square (in cm) 2 3 4 5 6
Area (in cm2) 4 9 16 25 36
Is it a linear graph ?
Draw the graph of a line passing through the points (2,3) and (3,2) and find the co-ordinates of the points
at which this line meets the x-axis and y-axis.
37. Water is pouring into a cuboidal reservoir at the rate of 60 litres per minute. If the volume of reservoir is
108 m3, find the number of hours it will take to fill the reservoir. 4
38. (a) Define the terms (i) Right circular cylinder (ii) Factorization 4
(b) Write the rules of divisibility test by 3 and 5
39. A diagonal of a parallelogram bisects an angle. 4
a. Will it also bisects the other angle ? Justify your answer by drawing a rough sketch of
b. Is it a rhombus ? Give reason
40. The organizers of an essay competition decide that a winner in the competition gets a prize of Rs 100 and
a participant who does not win gets a prize of Rs 25. The total prize money distributed is Rs 3,000. Find
the number of winners, if the total number of participants is 63. 4
The denominator of a rational number is greater than its numerator by 8. If the numerator is increased by
17 and denominator is decreased by 1, the number obtained is 2 . Find the rational number.

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