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Materials/Self Learning
Modules based instruction in MAPEH 8 - MUSIC
paired with MELC-Based
Quality Assured Learning
Activity Sheet (LAS)
Quarter _ 4_ Week _1_

Name: _____________________________Grade and Section: ________________________

Teacher: ___________________________Date Submitted: ___________________________

The learner…
MELC 1: Identifies musical characteristics of selected Asian musical theatre through video films or live
performances (MU8TH-IV-a-g-2)
MELC 2: Describes the instruments that accompany Kabuki, Wayang Kulit, Peking Opera (MU8TH-Iva-g-2)
MELC 3: Describes how a specific idea or story is communicated through music in a particular Asian
musical theatre (MU8TH-IVb-h-3)
Lesson/Topic: Musical Theater and Festivals of Asia
References/Sources: Music and Arts of Asia Learner’s Module Page No. 147 – 151

Objectives/ Subtasks: Identify musical characteristics of selected Asian musical theatre through video films
of live performances
Key Concepts:
Activity No.: _______ Characteristics of Asian Musical Theater
Title:_______________________________________ 1
Day: ________

 Japan is rich in culture and tradition:
Ikebana, Sakura, Noh and Kabuki.
 Kabuki is one of the traditions that is very
popular until today
 Is the traditional form of theater which began
at the end of the 16th century.
 Became the most successful theater
entertainment in the red light districts of the
great cities
 Is considered the most important Japanese
contribution to World Theater
 PENTATONIC SCALE – the pattern is mainly developed by using the pentatonic
style adopted mainly from China. This style is mostly used in the performances of
noh and kabuki.


1. Ipponchōshi or the continuous pattern – used in speeches building up to an explosive
climax in the aragoto (oversize, super natural rough hero) style, it requires an
extraordinary breath-control that only few experts succeed in achieving.
2. Nori technique – adapted from the chanting of jōruri, implies a very sensitive capacity of
riding the rhythms of the shamisen (string instrument), declaiming each accompaniment.
3. Yakuhari technique – the subtle delivery of poetical text written in the Japanese metrical
form of alternating seven and five syllabus.

 Chinese theater traditionally was considered as the
highest form of arts in China.
 PEKING OPERA is also known as the Beijing opera.
Still follows traditional Chinese arts in stressing
meaning, rather than precise actions.
 A stylized Chinese form of opera dating from the late
18th century, in which speech, singing, mime, and
acrobatics are performed to an instrumental
 Each role has its prescribed vocal timbre and pitch, and syllables are often drawn out
with regards to conversational usage in order to maintain the appropriate rhythm.
 Even spoken passages are governed by strict rhythms and tempos.
 Chanted and sung passages are freely inserted into spoken monologues or dialogues.
 Lines are rendered in an extremely stylized manner.
 The opera artist’s goal is to make every performance exceptionally beautiful in every
movement they will make.
 The Peking opera has two main styles of music: Erh-huang and His-p’l. These
styles are very similar and the only difference is the key.

 Shadow Puppet Theater is a well-known Indonesian
theater popular not only in ther own country but
spread in several countries around the world.
 WAYANG KULIT (in Central Java) is one of the oldest
continuous traditions of storytelling in the world
which includes the use of puppet materials and
background musical accompaniment to make it
interesting to the audience
 Wayang is an Indonesian and malay word for
“theater”. When the term is used to refer to kinds of
puppet Theater, sometimes the puppet itself is referred to as wayang.
 Kulit means skin and refers to the leather construction of the puppets that are carefully-
cut into a very fine tools and supported with carefully-shaped buffalo horn handles and
control rods.
 The use of voice interchangeably is the main ability of a dalang to give more life to a
different character.
- Is the puppeteer. Characterized by his being creative, humorous, and flexible.
- Manipulates the puppets, sings, and taps out signals to the orchestra.
- Speaks the parts of all the characters
- The dalang is the chief performer who told a story to the accompaniment of
gamelan ensemble
Note: If you have an internet connection at home, you may watch and listen to:
Japanese Theater: KABUKI in this link
Chinese Theater: PEKING OPERA in this link
Indonesian Theater: WAYANG KULIT in this link
If you don’t have internet connection at home, you may get a copy of the song from your teacher during the
distribution of the LAS. Bring a flash drive or cellphone.
Directions: In the diagram below, cite at least three words or group of words that describes the musical
characteristics of Asian Musical Theater.


How can you

describe the musical
characteristics of
musical theater base
on the video?


The learner…
MELC 1: Identifies musical characteristics of selected Asian musical theatre through video films or live
performances (MU8TH-IV-a-g-2)
MELC 2: Describes the instruments that accompany Kabuki, Wayang Kulit, Peking Opera (MU8TH-Iva-g-2)
MELC 3: Describes how a specific idea or story is communicated through music in a particular Asian
musical theatre (MU8TH-IVb-h-3)
Lesson/Topic: Musical Theater and Festivals of Asia
References/Sources: Music and Arts of Asia Learner’s Module Page No. 147 – 151

Objectives/ Subtasks: Describe the instruments that accompany kabuki, Wayang Kulit, Peking Opera;
Describe how a specific idea or story is communicated through music in a particular Asian musical
Activity No.: _______
2 Title:_______________________________________
Instruments that Accompany Kabuki Day: ________

KABUKI is a unique and genuine expressions of the Japanese spirit and culture.
They mirror taste and ideals of different social classes, in profoundly different environments and
Dances and Movements are accompanied by shamisen music collected and popularized a number
of aspects from all previous forms of Japanese music.


 Gagaku – classic court music imported from China during the 18 th century
 Kagura – performed in Shinto shrines
 Nō – chant derives from shōmyō, the sophisticated and rich tradition of Buddhist
 Nagauta
- is a love song which reached a golden age in the first half of the 19 th century as
dance music for the henge mono (quick-change piece)
- is very flexible, can be performed by one shamisen or by an entire orchestra of
20 musicians
 10 are shamisen players
 while other play flutes


Shamisen – is a plucked stringed

instruments. Its construction follows a
model similar to that of a guitar or a banjo,
employing a neck, and strings stretched
across a resonating body. The neck of the
shamisen is fretless, and is slimmer that
of a guitar or banjo

Kotsuzumi (small drum) – used in

kabuki performances. It is placed on the
right shoulder.

Fue – is a Japanese word for bamboo

flute, and refers to a class of flutes native
to Japan. Fue come in many varieties,
but generally high-pitched and made of
bamboo called shinobue.

Otsuzumi (waist drum) – also known as

the Okowa, is an hourglass-shaped
Japanese drum. It is larger version of the
tsuzumi or kotsuzumi and is used in
traditional Japanese theater and folk

Taiko (stick drum) – is a Japanese drum

that comes in various sizes and is used to
play a variety of musical genres.
Activity 2

A. Directions: Identify at least three musical instruments found in the video given in activity 1 and
describe each.
Musical Instruments Description

B. Directions: Picture Interpretation. Describe the performance of Kabuki shown in the picture. How
do the actors and actresses perform on stage? Write your comments on the space provided.


The learner…
MELC 1: Identifies musical characteristics of selected Asian musical theatre through video films or live
performances (MU8TH-IV-a-g-2)
MELC 2: Describes the instruments that accompany Kabuki, Wayang Kulit, Peking Opera (MU8TH-Iva-g-2)
MELC 3: Describes how a specific idea or story is communicated through music in a particular Asian
musical theatre (MU8TH-IVb-h-3)
Lesson/Topic: Musical Theater and Festivals of Asia
References/Sources: Music and Arts of Asia Learner’s Module Page No. 147 – 151

Objectives/ Subtasks: Describes the instruments that accompany kabuki, Wayang Kulit, Peking Opera;
Describes how a specific idea or story is communicated through music in a particular Asian musical
Activity No.: _______
3 Title:_______________________________________
Instruments that Accompany Peking Opera Day: ________

 It comprises about 8 musicians sitting on tools in the far corner of the stage.
 Each performances performance in a Peking opera begins with the ta-lo and siao-lo, a
small and large gong and cymbals.
 In some performances, they also start with a single skin drum or kettle drum.
 The conductor usually sits in the center of the orchestra and creates tempo with this drum.


CHORDOPHONE: Violen – like

Hu-ch’in - is a two-stringed violen- Bu-ch’in – is also a two-stringed
Key like instrument that is held upright
Concepts: violen-like instrument that has a
against the knee more graceful sound

CHORDOPHONE: Guitar – like

Yue-ch’in – is a four – stringed San-sien – is a three –
moon guitar stringed instrument

Pipa – is similar to lute

with four strings


Ta-lo & Siao-lo – gongs; Tan-pi-ku – kettle drum;

signify the beginning of used to create the tempo
the performances of the performance


Ti-ts – cross flute; Siao - recorded flutes;

usually played along usually played along
singing singing

Sona – trumpet; announces

prosperous occasions (victories,
good news, etc.)

Activity 3

A. Directions: Identify the given instruments and classify each using the Hornbostel-Sachs
B. Directions: Picture Interpretation. Describe the performance of Peking Opera shown in the picture.
How do the actors and actresses perform on stage? Write your comments on the space provided.


The learner…
MELC 1: Identifies musical characteristics of selected Asian musical theatre through video films or live
performances (MU8TH-IV-a-g-2)
MELC 2: Describes the instruments that accompany Kabuki, Wayang Kulit, Peking Opera (MU8TH-Iva-g-2)
MELC 3: Describes how a specific idea or story is communicated through music in a particular Asian
musical theatre (MU8TH-IVb-h-3)
Lesson/Topic: Musical Theater and Festivals of Asia
References/Sources: Music and Arts of Asia Learner’s Module Page No. 147 – 151

Objectives/ Subtasks: Describe the instruments that accompany kabuki, Wayang Kulit, Peking Opera;
Describe how a specific idea or story is communicated through music in a particular Asian musical
Activity No.: _______
4 Title:_______________________________________
Instruments that Accompany Wayang Kulit Day: ________

The Music: GAMELAN

Gamelan Ensemble is comprised mainly by bronze percussion instruments

augmented by other percussion instruments, strings and a flute.
The dalang sings the mood songs (suluk) at regular intervals during performances.
Suluk are never accompanied by the full gamelan ensemble
Often a single instrument accompanies the singer, never more than three or four.
Saron – xylophone of heavy
bronze bars

Gender – bronze xylophone with

resonance chambers beneath

Bonang – set of bronze bowls

Gong and Kempul – hanging


Gambang – wooden xylophone

Kenong and Ketuk – single

inverted bronze bowl
Rebab – two-stringed fiddle

Suling – Flute

Kendang – horizontal drum beat

with the fingers on both ends

Tjelempung – a zither thirteen

double strings


A. Directions: Modified True or False. Write T if the statement is true and F if it is false, then change
the underline word/s to make the statement correct. The first one is done for you.

F – three-stringed A. Rebab is a two-stringed fiddle.

_______________1. Suluk are always accompanied by the full gamelan ensemble.
_______________2. Gamelan Ensemble is comprised mainly by bronze percussion instruments.
_______________3. Kendang vertical drum beat with the fingers on both ends.
_______________4. Tjelempung a zither fifteen double strings.
_______________5. Gender is bronze xylophone with resonance chambers beneath.
B. Directions. Picture Interpretation. Describe the performance of Wayang Kulit shown in the picture.
How do the actors and actresses perform on stage? Write your comments in the space provided.

________________________________________ ang_kulit.jpg
Key to Correction
Wayang Kulit is an Indonesian art form, in which two-diemnsional leather puppets are made to cast
Activity 1. A. onto a screen lit from behind.


 Chanting  Strict rhythm and tempo  Creative
 Flowy  Dramatic plays  Flexible
 Extra0rdinary Breath  Intensify all kinds of  Traditional performing
control tone arts
Activity 2.A
 Shamisen – is a plucked stringed instruments
 Peking opera
Kotsuzumi features
(small four
drum) main role
– placed types,
on the rightsheng (gentlemen), dan (women), jing (rough men), and
 chou
Fue –(clowns). Performing
a Japanesse troupes
word for often
bamboo have
flute, andseveral
refers of
to each variety,
a class as native
of flutes well astonumerous
Japan. secondary
 and
drum) – also known as the okowa, is an hourglass-shaped Japanese drum
 Taiko (stick drum) – Japanese drum that comes in various sizes and is used to play a variety of musical
Activity 2.B.

Activity 3.A
1. Hu-ch’in – chordophone
The 2. Tan-pi-ku
peple – idiophone
that appear in kabuki are grouped into several categories such as age, occupation and role in
3. Yue-ch’in – chordophone
the story, and the acting techniques, costumes, wigs, make and other aspects are also categorized.
4. Sona – aerophone
5. Siao – aerophone
Activity 3.B

Activity 4.A
1. F – never
2. T
3. F – horizontal
4. F – thirteen
5. T
Activity 4.B

Prepared by:


SST – I, Pilar National Agricultural High School SST – I, San Joaquin National High School
Teacher Writer Teacher Write

Checked by:

QAT/Language Editor


QAT/Content Editor QAT/Content Editor

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