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Background of the Study

Educational institutions in the Philippines produce millions

of academic graduates in different disciplines every year. The

study aims to provide information about the respondents statuses

in college. Tracing the graduates of that specific school year

will enable the researchers to arrive at a conclusion if the

graduate’s senior high school strands aligns to their courses in

college. At present a number of the study’s respondents already

have jobs and are done with college, some are still in their

academic journey in college. One factor that will affect the

process of this study would be the difficulties in gathering data

or the whereabouts of those respondents. This intends to trace

and provide information of the Humanities and Social Sciences

graduates of the S.Y 2017-2018, therefore the expected result for

this research study would be to see if the respondent’s college

course is aligned to their strand in senior high school.

The strategies used by an institution to educate its

students will be determined within the margin of a tracer study

as this portrays the institution’s efficiency in providing

graduates the exact skills and knowledge needed as they progress

to college. This study will provide insights and notions to the

current senior high school students who applied to the HUMSS

strand as to how effective the said strand will be in equipping

them with the necessary knowledge and skills.

What prompted the researchers to conduct this study is the

relevance of one’s educational attainment which can be earlier

determined by his/her academic progress and high school academic

achievements, with that stated this study will solely focus on

tracing the Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) graduates of

St. Michael Academy School Year 2017-2018. Furthermore the

respondents of the study were chosen specifically as they were

the first pioneers of the k-to-12 curriculum.

Objectives of the Study

Generally, this study intends to know the demographic profile of

high school graduates of 2017-2018 of St. Michael Academy.

Specifically, it aimed to address the following:

1. Identify the demographic profile of the respondents in

terms of:

1.1 age,

1.2 sex,

1.3 civil status, and

1.4 school attended

2. Determine the senior high school curriculum exits of the

respondents as to:

2.1 employment

2.2 higher education

2.3 middle-level skills development

3. Identify the most the most dominant factor that influence

the choice of curriculum exits of the respondents in terms


3.1 job opportunity

3.2 education

3.3 skills and interests

Significance of the Study

This study would be beneficial to the following individuals,

institution and groups:

1. Students. This study would give students the idea of

improving, assessing, and planning for their studies to

become useful in their future jobs or status.

2. Teachers. Educators can use the data to determine the

effectiveness of their teaching strategies.

3. Educational Institutions. This study can provide information

for evaluating education outcomes to be used as material for

improvement and quality assurance of the educational

institutions concerned.

4. Future Researchers. This would serve as a source for future

researchers and studies who share almost the same objectives

and significance as this.

5. Department of Education (DepEd). The study will provide this

agency data of how effective the implementation of the k-to-

12 curriculum to students.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study intends to trace the college course of Humanities

and Social Sciences (HUMSS) graduates if it aligns to their

chosen strand in Senior High School 2017-2018.

This study is focused on determining the demographic

profiles of the Senior High School-HUMMS Graduates of 2017-2018.

Therefore, this study does not involve those who graduated before

and after the school year 2017-2018 in St. Michael Academy. The

study only includes the following parameters that affect the

respondents’ demographic analysis: the demographic profile such

as; age, sex, civil status, course taken, and college attended,

and the achievements received such as; department awardee,

college awardee, and university awardee.

This study will track the academic progress and college

academic achievements of St. Michael Academy Humanities and

Social Sciences (HUMSS) graduates in S.Y. 2017-2018.

The respondents of the study involved the Senior High

School-HUMMS Graduates of St. Michael Academy, Catarman, Northern

Samar in the school year 2017-2018. The researcher used the

complete enumeration and purposive sampling technique to get the

total number of respondents.

This study will be conducted in the school year 2021-2022.

The researchers will use a survey questionnaire as their research

instrument to gather the necessary data for the study.



Related Literatures

One best tool to gauge the effectiveness of a program is

through a tracer study. The tracer study provides feedback as to

the relevance of the program in the world of work. Premised on

this view, this study investigated whether Alaminos City Campus,

operating on its fifth year this 2015 and the ninth campus of

Pangasinan State University (PSU), has been successful in

producing its first batch of graduates vis-à-vis the needs of

employers. Of the six programs of the Campus, only three were

considered, to wit: Bachelor of Secondary Education major in

English (BSE English), Bachelor of Secondary Education major in

Mathematics (BSE Math), and Bachelor of Elementary Education

(BEED). Using a descriptive design, 38 alumni were surveyed

barely a year after college to determine their demographic

profile, employment characteristics, applicability of trainings

received in PSU in their current jobs, and their retrospective

evaluation of their academic programs. Data showed that the

majority of the graduates were females, single, employed as

contractual basic education teachers within Alaminos City, and

whose parents were very influential in their choice of career.

They believed that the skills they learned in PSU were very

useful in their current work. Also, they found their training

very adequate along communication, human relations, leadership,

and problem solving. To assess the overall performance of the

Campus through its first batch of graduates, there be tracer

study which includes the other programs.

J Oboza - Southeast Asian Journal of Science and Technology, 2017 -

Related Studies

A study titled, "Employability and productivity of

graduates- an exploratory analysis of program strengths and

weaknesses "which was purposely conducted to assess the

employability and productivity of the graduates across programs

in aid of policy formulation and curricular enhancement. The

study asked 630 randomly selected respondents from the colleges

of education, engineering, and architecture to respond to a

questionnaire that sought information on the employability and

productivity of the graduates. The findings revealed that the

graduates of Don Honorio Ventura Technological State University

are highly employable, and that a great majority of them have

jobs aligned with their pre-service preparations. The graduates

were found to be highly productive in terms of their perceived

readiness on the requirements of their jobs. In terms of their

performances in licensure examination, the education, civil

engineering, and electronics and communication engineering

graduates performed much higher than the national passing rates,

but not for the electrical and mechanical engineering and

architecture graduates. Some operational strategies and control

mechanisms are deemed exigent to further improve the productivity

of the graduates.

In a highly competitive global marketplace, the academic

preparation of graduates provides them with better job

opportunities and a higher chance of employment. With graduate

studies, one will be more qualified, eligible, and competent to

face new jobs and work assignments, especially when holding

managerial positions. This study generally aimed to trace the

graduates of a State Higher Education Institution in the

Philippines. Specifically, it determined the profile of

graduates, employment status, employability characteristics, the

extent of contribution and applicability of the skills gained,

assessed the graduate program offerings, and recommendations to

improve the services of the Graduate School. The study used a

descriptive research design. The study gathered data from ninety-

two graduates of the three program offerings of the Graduate

School. The questionnaire was used to gather the necessary data

and analyzed using descriptive statistics such as frequency count

and percentage, mean, and rank. Based on the result, graduates

have a very high employability rate. There is a very high

application of the competencies gained by the graduates

specifically on the enhanced academic profession to their

personal and professional growth; there is a very high assessment

of graduates to the graduate program they enrolled in the

College. The graduates recommended the offering of more terminal

programs and improvement of facilities to improve the services of

the Graduate School. With these conclusions, the study recommends

a periodic review of the curriculum and continuous capability

building of professors to make the programs more responsive and

relevant to the needs of the students and the standards and

requirements of the industry.

This tracer study determined the employment status of BS

Computer Science Graduates of LPU from 2004-2009. It also

assessed the relevance of BSCS curricula, knowledge, skills and

work values acquired by the graduates relevant to their

employment; identify the personal and professional

characteristics and job placement of Computer Science graduates

and the school related factors associated with their employment.

The findings of the study served as the basis of the researcher

to improve, update or enhance the curricula of BSCS program to

make this more responsive to the needs of fast changing

technology. There were 85 percent of the surveyed respondents who

were gainfully employed; majority have professional, technical

and supervisory position, landed on their first job related to

their course completed, obtained their first jobs in less than 1

year; stayed in their first job more than 1 year, career

challenge, salaries and benefits are the prime reasons for

changing the job and lack of work experience is the number 1

problem they encountered when looking for a job. Information

Technology and communication skills developed by LPU were

considered very much useful to the present work of the

respondents. Work related values like love for God,

supportiveness, courage, tolerance, and perseverance were also

deemed very much useful to the present employment of the

respondents. The proposed program of the study focused on

academic development, employment opportunity and enhancing

leadership capability of Computer Science graduates. It is

strongly recommended that the graduating students before

graduation must be given ample time to experience pre –

employment examinations and interviews. Faculty development

trainings must be given to the faculty members teaching

professional subjects. As to general Education Subjects,

Mathematics and Language subjects must also be strengthened. All

Offices and Departments must continue to improve their services

towards the attainment of maximum customer satisfaction.


In response to the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) and the

accrediting agencies’ requirement, the researchers realized the
need for San Pedro College (SPC) Graduate School to conduct
tracer studies on their graduates to gauge how well they perform
this role, and how well the college performed in developing the
competencies of its students and preparing them for the world of
work. The study aimed to describe the graduates’ profile,
employment characteristics, transition to employment, impact, and
extent on their personal and professional growth. Moreover, it
also aimed to describe the graduates' overall evaluation of the
degree completed and determine the extent to which the core
values of SPC have influenced the graduates’ personal and
professional growth.

This tracer study utilized the survey research design. The

respondents were graduates of the master’s and doctorate programs
from the years 2015 to 2020. A validated questionnaire which is a
modified version of the tracer study questionnaire from CHED and
the University of Santo Tomas (UST) was used to gather the data.
The majority of the respondents are female, single, and from
Batch 2020. The highest number of graduates are from the master’s
in psychology program which is a non-thesis program. Most
graduates are employed in the private sector, working as full-
time employees that are related to the degree, they earned at SPC
Graduate School. They are currently working within five years,
just starting their careers, and are locally employed. The
majority were not promoted on the job after completing their
degree, and some were promoted, and they have permanent status in
their current employment. The highest monthly income of the
respondents is in the range of 21,000-30,000 Php, and they were
also working while earning their degrees in SPC Graduate School.
Moreover, the results revealed that SPC Graduate School has a
very high impact on the personal and professional growth of the

graduates. The graduates generally regarded that their study
program contributed to their personal and professional growth.
Their overall evaluation of the degree/program they earned at SPC
Graduate School is very good. Lastly, the results revealed that
the SPC core values highly influenced the graduates' personal and
professional growth.

Theoretical Framework

This study will be guided by the tenets of Human Capital

Theory and Career Anchor Theory.

Human capital theory proposed by Greg Beeker, states that

humans can increase their productivity and efficiency through a

greater focus on education and training. Meanwhile, the human

capital refers to a loose term that pertains to the educational

attainment, knowledge, experience, and skills of an employee.

The theory of human capital is relatively new in finance and

economics. It states that companies have an incentive to seek

productive human capital and to add to the human capital of

their existing employees. Furthermore, human capital is the

concept that recognizes labor capital is not homogeneous. The

human capital theory has its three key takeaways: (1) Human

capital the intangible economic value of a worker's experience

and skills. This includes factors like education, training,

intelligence, skills, health, and other things employers value

such as loyalty and punctuality; (2) The human capital theory

posits that human beings can increase their productive capacity

through greater education and skills training; and (3) Critics

of the theory argue that it is flawed, overly simplistic, and

confounds labor with capital (Rose et al., 2021). 1

Furthermore, the human capital theory mainly suggests that

productivity and workforce can be enhanced through literacy and

nurturing of skills and abilities. Human capital qualities

include education, communication skills, people management,

workplace training, problem solving skills, and physical, mental,

and emotional wellbeing.

Another theory that supports this study is the “Career

Anchor theory” that was first proposed by Schein in 1974. Schein

suggested that each and every individual possessed specific and

unique ‘anchors’ - one’s perception of one’s own values, talents,

abilities and motives, which form the basis of individual roles

and development.  A “career anchor” is a combination of perceived

aptitudes, motives and values. The theory argues that people are

usually happier when they can fulfil their preferred ‘anchor’ in

their work or career. These anchors include technical/functional

competence, general managerial competence, autonomy

Ross et al. (2021). “What Is the Human Capital Theory and How Is It Used”. Available:

/independence, security/stability, entrepreneurial capability,

service, pure challenge, and lifestyle.2 Schein further added

that by aligning roles and tasks with individual priorities, it

can help greatly when individuals are planning new objectives and

goals, over both the short and long term. It can also help a lot

when individuals are planning career changes, including taking on

new jobs, moving departments, or when they are offered a


These theories are beneficial to determine the expected

results of the study. This can be of help in gathering enough

truth about the demographic analysis of the Humanities and Social

Sciences (HUMMS) graduates in S.Y. 2017-2018 of the St. Michael

Academy. Their present backgrounds and notions would vary

depending on the previous experiences they have and therefore

resulting to a diverse and changed view of a new context or set-

up. Hence. These theories would serve as exemplary springboards

in pursuit of this study.

Schein. (1975). Career Anchors – Edgar Schein. Available:
Schein. (1970). Career Anchor Theory. Available:

Conceptual Framework

This study will try to identify and analyze the demographic

profiles of Senior High School-HUMMS Graduates in the school year

2017-2018 of St. Michael Academy.

The independent variable of this study includes the

demographic profile of the respondents such as: (1) age; (2) sex

(3) civil status; (4) course taken; and (5) college attended. On

the other hand, the academic awards or honors that the

respondents received in college are the dependent variable of

this research study.

The researchers assert that the senior high school graduates

of HUMSS in S.Y. 2017-2018 of St. Michael Academy who have good

quality features in their demographic profile are competent and

have higher chance of acquiring academic awards in college due to

their Alma matter cultivating and nurturing their knowledge and

skills. In disparity, those alumni who do not possess high

quality features may face difficulties in obtaining academic

awards or honors as some university or private schools require

high-standard requirements especially in scrutinizing the

applicant’s academic backgrounds.


 The Humanities and Social Science (HUMSS) graduates

have aligned college degree to their strand.

Meanwhile, students with above-average or high profile will

have a higher chance of obtaining achievements in college.

Paradigm of the Study

Demographic Analysis on Senior High School-HUMMS

Graduates in S.Y. 2017-2018 of St. Michael Academy

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

 College degree
 Sociodemographic
 Awards

Figure 1: A Schematic Diagram showing the concept of the study

Definition of Terms

Achievements – Conceptually it refers to the significant

achievement—something accomplished with much effort or

expertise.4 Operationally, it refers to an individuals or

student's academic achievements or honors.

Department Award - Conceptually the study of a population based

on criteria such as age, race, and gender.5 Operationally, It is

concerned with the study of demographic data or socioeconomic

information about people.

College Awardee - Conceptually tracer studies are examinations in

which a sample of persons is investigated at one point in time,

then located and studied again at one or more subsequent points

in their life. The key aspect of such investigations is that the

same participants' features are examined at two or more periods

in time.6

University Award – Conceptually an award is something given in

recognition of achievements.

4 Available:
United States Census Bureau, (n.d.). Demographic Analysis (DA). Available:
E. Schiefelbein & J. P. Farrell, (2014, June). Tracer Studies. Available:



Locale of the Study

Figure 2: Map of Catarman, Northern Samar

The researchers will conduct the study inside the campus of

St. Michael Academy, Catarman Northern Samar an OP-Siena School,

It is located on Bonifacio Corner, Quezon Street, Barangay

Acacia, Catarman Northern Samar. St. Michael Academy is a

private, sectarian, Catholic secondary school in Catarman,

Northern Samar, Philippines. It offers academic track with three

strands naming Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

(STEM), Accountancy, Business, and Management (ABM), and

Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMMS).

The researchers selected Saint Michael Academy considering

that the researchers will implement the declared measures or

protocols to prevent any further infection and spread of the

virus. Thus, the institution did not approve and prohibited face-

to-face interaction

Research Design

This is a descriptive study since the researchers will

compare, evaluate, and conclude that one variable is significant

than the other.

The Variables

The variables of this research include the dependent and

independent variables.

The independent variable of the study is the demographic

profile of the respondents such as age, sex, civil status, course

taken and college attended. The dependent variable of this

research study are the achievements of the Senior High School-

HUMMS Graduates received in College. The parameters only include

the following: department awardee, college awardee, and

university awardee.

Population and Sampling

In determining the target population of the respondents for

this study, the researchers will use the complete enumeration

sampling to identify the senior high school graduates and

afterwards determine those who have graduated for the school year

2017-2018 through the use of purposive sampling technique. The

total number of HUMSS graduates is 30.

The Respondents
The respondents of the study will be the 30 senior high

school HUMSS graduates of St. Michael Academy in the school year


They are the most appropriate sample that will provide the

current senior high school students who applied to the HUMSS

strand as an idea of how advantageous the strand would be in

delivering them with the essential information and skills as they

go into college. Furthermore, it will motivate and encourage

students to take relevant career choices that are aligned with

their strand.

Research Instrument

The instrument that will be used in this study is a

researcher-made survey questionnaire.

The questionnaire is to elicit data regarding the

demographic profiles of the high school graduates of the school

year 2017-2018 in St. Michael Academy.

Part 1 of the questionnaire is the demographic profile of

the high school graduates which includes age, sex, civil status,

and occupation.

Scoring and Interpretation

The data which was derived from the research instruments

were scored and interpreted as follows:

Age. This refers to the actual age of respondents. It is

categorized as 26 and below, 27 to 28, 28 to 29, and 30 and


Sex. The respondents were classified as male or female.

Civil Status. This pertains to the respondent’s marital

status or relationship with a significant other. It is classified

as single, married, widowed, separated, and divorced.

Course Taken. This refers to the academic course where the

respondents enrolled in.

College Attended. This refers to the educational

institution where the respondent studies or attends school on a

regular basis, such as a university or a private school.

Department Awardee. It refers to awards or

incentives granted to students by academic departments with funds

administered by the department. These may include tuition, fees,

or housing assistance, as well as stipends or training


College Awardee. This applies to honors conferred in

acknowledgment of exceptional academic achievement. They are

granted to every undergraduate student who achieves the

appropriate level of competency. Students also earn certificates

for various awards.

University Awardee. This refers to academic honors awarded

in honor of great academic success during the course of a

student's academic course for the full year.

Validation of Research Instrument

The research instrument used was researcher-made and did

required validation. The researchers gave the questionnaires to

the assigned validators through email for correction, revision

and evaluation of the parameters that were formulated. Then, the

researchers looked to those that are rejected and thus,

objectively accepted by rephrasing the questions being pointed

out by the validators that need to be revised. This is a content


Data Gathering Procedure

A letter is sent to the school principal online, seeking

permission and approval to conduct a survey in order to collect

the essential data for the study.

A permission letter is also created and sent to the

respondents through email prior to the actual survey to confirm

and adjust the agenda that is approved by everyone to avoid

conflicts of schedule and meet the desired timeline as well. The

day of the actual survey, the respondents were then asked to

answer the survey questionnaire and collect the filled-out

questionnaire from them at the same.

Statistical Treatment of the Data

After the data that had been gathered and collected, all the

information was analyzed and interpreted by the researchers and

therefore be treated to arrive at a reasonable conclusion.

Frequency Distribution. Frequency counts and percentage were

used to describe the demographic profile of the respondents in

terms of age, sex, civil status, chosen career path, academic

standing, and occupation.

P= fn x 100

Mean. The mean was used to measure the average of the

academic standing/status of the respondents in the data set which

are valedictorian, salutatorian, honorable mention, with honors,

and without honors received.


Saint Michael Academy

Member of OP-Siena School System
Catarman, Northern Samar

To our research respondents

Dear Ma’am and Sir,

Greetings of peace!
We, the researchers of Saint Michael Academy – Catarman Grade 12
– Compassion HUMSS is humbly asking your cooperation and participation
of our study.
The data needed of your participation will fulfill our
requirement for the subject Inquires, Investigation and Immersion
Any information related to you and your answers in our survey is
guaranteed confidential for your safety. Thank you! Mabuhay and
blessed be God forever!

Noted by:
Roliyah Diano
Luke Guevara Ms. Lliona Mae S. Lobos,LPT

Jayross Guy Research Adviser

Justine Maun
Arron Montives
Merryl Mora
Jan Timothy Rivas


Noted by: Approved by:

Mr. Ely De Silva Jr., LPT Sr. Mary Ann Allag OP

Academic Coordinator Principal


Saint Michael Academy

Member of OP-Siena School System
Catarman, Northern Samar




Tracer Study Questionnaire

Dear Graduate,

This tracer study is establishing a system of tracing SMA graduates from

batch 2017-2018 and getting feedback regarding the type of work, further

study or other activity you are/were involved in since you completed your

study from Saint Michael Academy - Catarman. The information provided will

assist the institution in planning future educational needs and improve the

course offerings. Results of this tracer study will only be presented in

summary form and individual responses will be kept strictly confidential. We

would, therefore, highly appreciate if you could complete the following

questionnaire and return it to us, at your earliest convenience.

Thank you for your kind cooperation and support.


DIRECTIONS: Kindly write your name within each box comprising one
character each, and also leaving one box for space. Please also check (/) your
corresponding answer to each item.

Name: (Given Name) (Middle Name) (Surname/Family Name)


1.1 Age:

1.2 Sex:

1.3 Civil Status: Single Married

Separated Widowed

2. Educational Background
Year of Graduation from St. Michal Academy: _____
DIRECTION: The following items describe statements about your tertiary
educational background, please check (/) the box that corresponds to your
answer. If answer is not within the choices, please write it on the given
blank after every item.
a. Institution: _________________________

b. Course: Accounting/Finance Art/Design

Business/Bus. Management Communication/Speech
History Journalism/Writing
Physical Education Political Science
Sciences Statistics
Web Design/Development Others, Please specify…

c. Honors/Awards Received:

Dean’s list Honorable mention

Academic Distinction Highest Academic Distinction
Summa Cum Laude Magna Cum Laude
Cum Laude Other, Please specify_____________

e. Professional Examination Passed:

LET (licensure examination for teachers)

Bar Examination
Board Exam
Others, Please specify… ________________________________

DIRECTION: Please put a check (/) on your answer.
3.1 Which of the following best describes your employment status?
Employed/Self Employed Unemployed

3.2 Current gross monthly income

Below ₱10,000
₱10,001 - ₱20,000
₱21,001 - ₱30,000
₱31,001 - ₱40,000
₱41,001 - ₱50,000
₱51,001 - ₱60,000
₱61,001 – ₱70,000
₱71,001 above

3.3 Occupational Classification

Official Government and Special- Managing Proprietor or Supervisor


Organizations Trader or Related Laborer or Unskilled Worker

Worker Technician or Associate

Corporate Executive or Manager Plant

and Machine

Operator and Assembler

IT or Web developer and the like


Professional Teacher

Service Worker

Architect or Engineer

CPA or Lawyer

Other, pls. specify…_________________________

3.4 Present employment status

Permanent Contractual
3.5 Reason for not being employed

4. Skills Acquired
DIRECTION: Put a check on the specific skill/s you have greatly attributed
from the school (SMA);
Communication skills Human relation skills
Leadership skills Critical thinking skills
Others, please specify… __________________________

Signature of the Graduate

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