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Landmark Rules Elder Treetop Lost City

Aer selecting your map and deck Enables an extra building space. e clearing with the Lost City
decide as a group if you’re playing counts as all suits for all purposes.
Removing an enemy building
with 1 or 2 Landmarks.
from the Treetop scores the A craing piece with the Lost City will
Shuffle the Landmark cards and deal player 2VP. Instead of just 1. provide any symbol once.
out the decided number.
Setup Landmarks according to their

Black Market Legendary Forge The Ferry

Once per turn if a player has a Items on this card can only be Once per turn, a player taking a move
piece in the clearing with e craed by using atleast one from the clearing with the ferry can
Black Market they may swap one craing piece in the clearing with move to an adjacent clearing with the
of their cards in hand face-down the Legendary Forge. river, moving the ferry as well.
with a card here. Item card required as well. (is follows the normal move rules.)
When you cra an item from this Aer taking this move, that player
draws one card.
card gain +1VP and draw a card.
On Lake Map
Once per turn, a player taking a
move from the coastal clearing with
the ferry can move to another coastal
clearing, moving the ferry as well.
(is follows the normal move rules.)
Aer taking this move, that player
draws one card.

The Tower
At the end of a player’s Evening, if
that player rules the clearing with
e Tower, that player scores 1VP.
Lost City Elder Treetop Landmark Rules
Setup: Place the Lost City in a random Not recommended for 2 player. Aer selecting your map and deck
clearing with the river, not with or Setup: Place the Elder Treetop in a decide as a group if you’re playing
adjacent to another Landmark. random corner clearing, not with or with 1 or 2 Landmarks.
Flip this card over. adjacent to another Landmark. Shuffle the Landmark cards and deal
Flip this card over. out the decided number.
Setup Landmarks according to their

The Ferry Legendary Forge Black Market

Setup: Place the Ferry in a random Setup: Place the Legendary Forge in a Setup: Place the Black Market in a
clearing with the river or Lake, not random clearing, not with or adjacent random clearing with only 1 building
with or adjacent to another Landmark. to another Landmark. slot, not with or adjacent to another
Flip this card over. Depending on what clearing the Landmark.
Forge was placed in collect the Draw 3 cards without looking at them
corresponding items and place them and place them face down next to this
on this card aer flipping it over. card.
Flip this card over. Flip this card over.

The Tower
Setup: Place the Tower in a random
clearing with a ruin, not with or
adjacent to another Landmark.
Flip this card over.

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