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PE & HEALTH 11 Second Quarter Examination

Name ___________________________________________________________________________ Score: _____________________

Grade & Section: _________________________________________________________________ Date: ______________________
I. A. IDENTIFICATION: Read carefully and identify the correct answer on the box below.

Aerobic Stress Physical Play

Emotional Mental Anaerobic Physical activity play
Physical activity Sports Lifestyle Distress
_______________ 1. Simple and self- reflective activities
_______________ 2. A physical activity requiring skill and physical prowess that governed by set of rules
and regulations.
_______________ 3. It causes nervousness
_______________ 4. Light to moderate- intensity physical activity
_______________ 5. Physical activities which have been a part of our daily routine.
_______________6. High- intensity physical activity that is done in a short duration of time.
_______________7. It causes sleeplessness
_______________8. Defined as any bodily movement that works your skeletal muscles and physical skills.
_______________ 9. An intense play activity that requires substantial energy expenditure.
_______________10. It causes lack of focus
B. Identify the symptoms of stress, whether it is emotional, mental, and physical.
______________11. Aches, pains, tense muscles
______________12. Low- self esteem, loneliness and the feeling of being worthless.
______________13. Disturb mind setting
______________14. Loss of appetite
______________15. Headache
______________16. Lack of focus
______________17. Overwhelming feeling and sometimes uncontrollable experience in relaxing the mind
______________18. Upset stomach, including diarrhea and constipation
______________19. Weak and lesser strength, easily gets cold and infection
______________20. Gets easily ups
II. DIRECTIONS: Read each question carefully and encircle the correct answer.
1. It is a physical activity performed with moderate intensity
A. Aerobic exercise B. Cycling C. Fun Run D. Marathon
2. The signs and symptoms of this problem are noisy breathing, hot flushed skin (may be dry or sweaty), red face and chills or shivering
A. Heat exhaustion B. Heat cramps C. Heat stroke D. Heat Rash
3. It is an abnormal condition of the heart and hearth circulation such as coronary heart disease, arrhythmia or heart-valve defect.
A. Kidney failure B. Heart disease C. Asthma D. Pneumonia
4. Began as family friendly events that promote health and happiness
A. Cycling B. Fun run C. Dancing D. Marathon
5. The signs and symptoms of this problem is the history of exertion like muscle cramps, usually in the muscles used during exercise
A. Heat exhaustion B. Heat cramps C. Heat stroke D. Heat Rash
6. The signs and symptoms of this problem are fast shallow breathing; weakness; dizziness and headaches.
A. Heat exhaustion B. Heat cramps C. Heat stroke D. Heat Rash
7. This refers to metabolic adjustments are done as well as improved tissue insulation
A. Cold acclimation B. Heat syncope C. Heat rash D. Heat exhaustion
8. It is when heat stress exceeds the capacity of the temperature- regulating mechanism.
A. Heat exhaustion B. Heat Rash C. Heat stroke D. Heat Syncope
9. It is a benign condition associated with a red raised rash accompanied by sensations of prickling and tingling during sweating
A. Heat exhaustion B. Heat Rash C. Heat stroke D. Heat Syncope
10. These are the short- course sports programs catering to school children.
A. Summer sports clinic C. Talks, seminars or conferences
B. Sports tournament D. School, club, community or company events
11. When the temperature- regulating mechanism has given up, it is called ___________.
A. Heat exhaustion B. Heat Rash C. Heat stroke D. Heat Syncope
12. It refers to a footrace run or a long- distance race.
A. Cycling B. Football C. Trunk ‘n field D. Marathon
13. It is associated with rapid physical fatigue during exposure to heat
A. Heat exhaustion B. Heat Rash C. Heat stroke D. Heat Syncope
14. When considerable salt is lost in sweat, it is called ____________.
A. Heat exhaustion B. Heat cramps C. Heat stroke D. Heat Rash
15. This is an alarming rise of body temperature, which is an effect of exercising in a very humid environment.
A. Overweight and Obesity B. Heart disease C. Hyperthermia D. Hypothermia
16. Excessively low body temperature, characterized by uncontrollable shivering, loss of coordination, and mental confusion
A. Overweight and Obesity B. Heart disease C. Hyperthermia D. Hypothermia
17. These are the most common type of health and fitness- related organized events.
A. Summer Sports Clinic C. Talks, Seminars or Conferences
B. Sports Tournament D. School, club, community or company events
18. These are usually lecture- based events that cover topics discussed with an audience.
A. Summer Sports Clinic C. Talks, Seminars or Conferences
B. Sports Tournament D. School, club, community or company events
19. This refers to excessive loss of water from the body
A. Dehydration B. Sweating C. Thirst D. Overexertion or Overtraining
20. Is a condition characterized by the excessive accumulation and storage of fat in the body.
A. Overweight and Obesity B. Heart disease C. Hyperthermia D. Hypothermia
21. This refers to the detrimental cause of excessive training
A. Dehydration B. Sweating C. Thirst D. Overexertion or Overtraining
22. It means to move one’s body rhythmically usually with music
A. Cycling B. Singing C. Dancing D. Marathon
23. A physical condition that makes it difficult for someone to breath
A. Asthma B. Coughing C. Heart Disease D. Sweating
24. Is a sensation of dryness in mouth and throat associated with a desire for liquids.
A. Dehydration B. Sweating C. Thirst D. Overexertion or Overtraining
25. It is also called bicycling or biking
A. Cycling B. Singing C. Dancing D. Marathon
26. Help the people to become aware of the different facts and knowledge during different kind of event
A. Adding knowledge C. Correcting wrong practices
B. Raising awareness D. Doing wrong practices
27. These are the importance of participating in an organized event that addresses health recreation issue and concern, except;
A. Adding knowledge C. Correcting wrong practices
B. Raising awareness D. Doing wrong practices
28. It is to clear things out and should be able to do the right way
A. Adding knowledge C. Correcting wrong practices
B. Raising awareness D. Doing wrong practices
29. Attending events make an individual more knowledgeable specially about being healthy
A. Adding knowledge C. Correcting wrong practices
B. Raising awareness D. Doing wrong practice
30. Sunscreen applied to the skin can help prevent many of the damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation.
A. Sunscreen Protection Factor B. Lotion C. Sunscreen Protector Factor D. Sunscreen Protection

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