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Meaning Standard symbol

Problem with adjective use adj

Problem with adverb use adv
Agreement - subject & verb agr
Agreement - pronoun & antecedent agr
Awkward wording awk
Awkward sentence structure awk
Capitalization error cap
Pronoun case error case
Cliched language cliche
Lack of unity in writing coh
Combine sentences combine
Coordination problem coord
Comma splice cs
Strengthen development of writing dev
Dangling modifier dm
Fragment frag
Problem with preposition/prepositional prep
Unclear pronoun reference ref
Run-on ro
Shift in tense or voice shift
Spelling error sp
Subordination problem sub
Verb tense problem tense
Transition needed trans
Verb problem vb
Problem with word choice wc
Problem with punctuation
Close space
Reverse order of letters/words

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