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Republic of the Philippines Republic of the Philippines

Department of Environment and Natural Resources Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Regional Office No. XI Regional Office No. XI
2nd Floor, EMB-MGB Bldg., 3rd Avenue corner V. Guzman, Brgy 27-C, Davao City 2nd Floor, EMB-MGB Bldg., 3rd Avenue corner V. Guzman, Brgy 27-C, Davao City
Telefax. No.: (+63 82) 222-1968; Tel# (+63 82) 227 9938: E-mail:[email protected] Telefax. No.: (+63 82) 222-1968; Tel# (+63 82) 227 9938: E-mail:[email protected]

CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS Note: Applications with incomplete mandatory

ACCREDITATION OF PROCESSORS, TRADERS, requirements shall not be accepted.
Name:_______________________________________ DEALERS AND RETAILERS IN THE TRADING OF
Address: _____________________________________ MINERALS/ MINERAL PRODUCTS AND BY-PRODUCTS
Date Filed: ___________________________________
MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS Address: _____________________________________
The applicant shall submit at least five (5) sets of the Date Filed: ___________________________________
following mandatory requirements:
1. Duly accomplished application Form (MGB Form 13-1) The applicant shall submit at least five (5) sets of the
following mandatory requirements:
2. Certified copy of the Permit/ Contract of the
1. Duly accomplished application Form (MGB Form 13-1)
Suppliers/sources of minerals/ mineral products/ by-
products or copy of Certificate of Accreditation in case
2. Certified copy of the Permit/ Contract of the
the source of materials is a trader, dealer or retailer.
Suppliers/sources of minerals/ mineral products/ by-
3. DTI Registration products or copy of Certificate of Accreditation in case
the source of materials is a trader, dealer or retailer.
3.1. Corporation, Articles of Incorporation/
3. DTI Registration
Partnership/ Association, By-Laws and
Certificate of Registration, duly certified by
3.1. Corporation, Articles of Incorporation/
the SEC.
3.1.1. Registration Fee: PhP 1,020.00 Partnership/ Association, By-Laws and
Certificate of Registration, duly certified by
the SEC.
3.2.1 Authority of the President/ Chairman of the
3.1.1. Registration Fee: PhP 1,020.00
Board to sign all the documents related to
the application for accreditation in the form
of Notarized Board Resolution signed and 3.2.1 Authority of the President/ Chairman of the
executed by the majority members of the Board to sign all the documents related to
Board. the application for accreditation in the form
of Notarized Board Resolution signed and
3.2.2. Registration Fee: PhP 220.00 executed by the majority members of the
4. Proof of Legal Source or Supply as supported by any of
the following documents: 3.2.2. Registration Fee: PhP 220.00
4.1 Supply Contract/ Agreement with the Permit
Holder/ Contractor/ Accredited Dealer producing the 4. Proof of Legal Source or Supply as supported by any of
specified minerals/ mineral products/ by-products: the following documents:
4.1.1 Registration fee: PhP 1,020.00 4.1 Supply Contract/ Agreement with the Permit
Holder/ Contractor/ Accredited Dealer producing the
specified minerals/ mineral products/ by-products:
4.2 Affidavit executed by a Permit Holder/ 4.1.1 Registration fee: PhP 1,020.00
Contractor/ Accredited Dealer to the effect that it is
willing or currently selling and will continue to sell
or supply the applicant with the minerals/ 4.2 Affidavit executed by a Permit Holder/
mineral products/ by-products specified in the Contractor/ Accredited Dealer to the effect that it is
application: willing or currently selling and will continue to sell
4.2.1 Registration fee: PhP 1,020.00 or supply the applicant with the minerals/
mineral products/ by-products specified in the
4.3. Delivery or Purchase Receipts issued by a
4.2.1 Registration fee: PhP 1,020.00
Permit Holder, Contractor or previously accredited
dealer/ trader;
4.3. Delivery or Purchase Receipts issued by a
4.4. Ore Transport Permit (OTP) or Bill of Lading Permit Holder, Contractor or previously accredited
dealer/ trader;
which clearly indicates that the applicant is the
consignee of a Permittee or a duly accredited dealer/
4.4. Ore Transport Permit (OTP) or Bill of Lading
trader/ shipper.
which clearly indicates that the applicant is the
5. Application Fee: PhP 5,020.00 consignee of a Permittee or a duly accredited dealer/
trader/ shipper.

5. Application Fee: PhP 5,020.00

Checked By: _________________ Date: __________

CK-MMD-10-1 CK-MMD-10-1
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Regional Office No. XI
2nd Floor, EMB-MGB Bldg., 3rd Avenue corner V. Guzman, Brgy 27-C, Davao City
Telefax. No.: (+63 82) 222-1968; Tel# (+63 82) 227 9938: E-mail:[email protected]

Checked By: _________________ Date: __________

Note: Applications with incomplete mandatory
requirements shall not be accepted.

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