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Mantle, Giyecoke C- 2 <5) onstitertonel law 4 vos AAD : — oy TO 7AB. YOO 9. wean Bl wD) (D) do-it pon conplon, wil mak Elli he ‘eons F Maing “ve Ch the Curt ruled thot the repuirenet wn Acteche, Vill dedion was (4a mel “acheresn fhe unt of Aipcols needeto date ite gal bate forite deste , butin __ihe méntaned! fr. Martner Cale _eyenttg the cy did nat _sfole ike legal ‘bole fie Court offirwed the decision of CA herein it dunt ite petition one, _ fer ne AER tiforweditn that being Presented: 4 (Dinthe tomo Hea v-fenok it dceuted chub fay 10 ovat ecb pr ‘ulages th o certain: tegictohve wiquiry. 7) if fhe quedien or enquiry wiveluet quite _stental or non -delegalle of te prelidert evomple. the prwte of the to presctart fo tater uifo eta foren agreenent: } 2) troond idieceel by acer er pee : sare adigor of Ihe, presides fk re Goratderc x * perctte The Jediasel teat “ic fat. the ad visor must considered tarde the, “dperational Prova nnty "ef Hr frt= | sideyt nm the coe af the Pehtioner ic cordered of On odie urder opescc @_ No te Non= comphance, will no aulliy the deciiton py Fe Mevtinep N= CR the Court sled thot the reprireneits wn Artic ill Section as [4600 mel “icherein fhe Court of Appcole neede-fo adele ite egal bate for ite cession , fukin he Menbmeel Fr: Martine Cale eyentrugh jhe CA did nat _stok ike (egal belie 40 Court affirmed the decision of tf wherein it denied te peli snr, | ftere’ n2 ES Informedion that bering prevented: OQylnte Cow oe Nea’ v- Senak it diccued about fa #0 oval! creative pe wilages tA o.getalire tepictetives wiquiry 2) ) if the question or inguigy vivelues quite i ssextel er non -~delegoble of the pretideyt example. the pave, iE the co preactar fo > ond it iceteceived by ackucer or per tetenstdercd oe ‘geet The pees fobilty cama be fieid elkeabire pevider on the latter fart the provigion thal when o Public. capedy will be pre ES idee the Guection Hour con be requested! by the President fo be done vi_an Executive Seccton - “ 7 Bae PGs! fyecutive + + the: ee iC the umnualy ry uit gti , reticent di prwoed mn Betiele vw SW secon of the (993 Concfation) haweuer it not removed ih (9G Contin, NO, Predident Neyney fquine come ovoid porclble plerder cove "ey wod be filed agewd hun oftey fit fetiue , wi the core Ectrado v- Nesters the: petihoh er (Eetreda): th wake the “Creartive wmmunky o¢ 2 non -cing precdent Ltn) hacer the Court suk thatihe 1 not titled for the sard tran thepro~ -s yen flr execul weary Jor cust ic not a Maattle px dre, peesitent or gE a delle «f the: Predident tocommit comes epeciolly hemes erviet lke et mee Uhre of plunder". the Court further ruled thok-fhe trivial ack of the TH proved mh Reticle ws sfechon MC of the (993 Ganchfuion hewcuer it not removed in (9K Conctiu tion » NO, Predident Neynay Aquino conn avoid potcllle plunder cote. Hho, way be filed agowe hum _oftey fit fenure , wi the cow fttrado v- Derters the petihoner (Ectreda) th whe tie ‘creastive maeniy. of anon -sting predident wretery ther Court ruled thof ihe ie\ net thiithed for the gard: tmniuni beh vedio: forexecuhve momuuiry for cic j¢ net a! monte px tre acheilch % the: President todommit comes expecially hemeus eros he elm he. ttine=of 'Nlundor "the Coart: further ruled thok-she trina! ack of the 2 ok Pretlent c the ee offtels te nek the ‘aef op Stole: a AAV ELOY Shi > Vwi Taleo ease a0? AUD, Ah. Sew wse ne ey ation of A le Wills Sechon Oo (the, 12 64 lonctifution. the extra erdinony Pere me A ess ep\thes Supreme Court fd. d¢-; sou 9 ia Rat. isle atic ieoe pelinéw pb pres he pentinsi imiriton op i Oia oft abo dato\s-1 ky leral\ meaning es.:"We tomnard you hove jithe: daze petition. by\an (dividual agem ¢. manual, or eudo meted. 4. gregic~ Hedda iiferniation belgium hic spercotel ef: aghtc or property Se Che eibefAnpore > Tithe ic io iremedy. 2. an individlsal ig sic [her Ue ibecty ard ee auity ic threseteied orc vibiohed ly Pull, ficial on wediudered price f citizen . (ato erucey isi dtton ot routed: oi Artie Ml dechon Ib o) tet the ameller raul of Sencks oy efne odscurn frond tir dey 40 dey Isinege me Since fore he. Go Senet om the, Hae con Proceed with their buccieté the Wak, fittolene aleo® dofo'-- i Ke ittral veonieg i ta "we domnand you ie ) pelition fy an ws tidieduol again manual or autoncded $regie~ yard cantly ic Pitter rd Violoted by Puble 4ffctal or dundee! Prvole Pitan. Que enue jin diction of pouideo) oi Artie Ml slechon lb (2) St the Smoller. number of Senate. moy odfdne odjaum ford their dey 4 doy businece = Fv SinGe before fhe Go Senate on the Heute can proceed with their busrieté He Senate, Haste Need t hove a quorom, the sroll nunber of-menbers of e~ nate» - on House, moy compel tre abcont_mambere they can alo provicle fer fhe “ Ppropnak conciins for Herp. alten the abicertiin of fei members rte pan ; eile $f Cerave furicdiction of the members + Senate # the feuce ase laid = i deon th the Core. Ff | Aneto v- Cueic> » eae d rf pe! bite (] tort PAN alin Ht pertonmts fo! an - vicenp file fie rein Lpemenhere, op the legislate connet haves Be:bo appointee, tetera foto & os Bea

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