Cross Flow Tower

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ISSN 2393-8471

International Journal of Recent Research in Civil and Mechanical Engineering (IJRRCME)

Vol. 2, Issue 2, pp: (134-135), Month: October 2015 – March 2016, Available at:

Improving The Efficiency of Cooling Tower

Prof Joshi S.P, 2Sorate A.S, 3Veer V.A, 4Shendge M.K, 5Dabhade Y.V

Abstract: Cooling tower are an integral components of many refrigeration systems, providing comfort or process
cooling across a broad range of application. They are the point in the system where heat is dissipated to the
atmosphere throughout the evaporative processes, and are commonly used in industries such as oil refining,
chemical processing, power plants, where process cooling is required. They are also commonly used to provide
comfort cooling for large commercial buildings including airport, office building, conference center, hospital, and
hotel etc. This project concerns with the efficiency improvement of cooling tower. In this project we suggested the
methods to improve the efficiency of cooling tower .The first method is to remove the scaling deposited on the
cooling tower .The another method is to improve the efficiency by improving the water quality by various water
treatment processes. Then we also use the effective fill design than current fill design of cooling tower.
Keywords: Cooling tower, evaporative processes.


Cooling tower water treatment can be both chemical and physical. New physical treatment systems based on
electromagnetic energy are presenting opportunities to manage cooling tower water quality without dependence on
chemical systems. Because of CDPH’s requirements for biocide addition to recycled water used in cooling towers,
combined systems that use physical treatment for corrosion and depositional control and chemical treatment for
microbiological control can provide an effective “hybrid” system
Chemical Treatment:
It is most common for chemical treatment programs to be used for controlling corrosion, deposition, and microbiological
growths. Prior to installing a chemical treatment system, or introducing a new chemical treatment agent, contact your local
fire department’s hazardous materials unit for regulatory, reporting, and permitting requirements.
Corrosion Control (Inhibitors):
Corrosion is an electrochemical process in which metals are oxidized by transferring electron from an anodic site to a
cathodic site. Cathodic inhibitors reduce the amount of cathodic surface available and anodic inhibitors reduce the amount
of anodic surface available. Sometimes both types of inhibitors are needed to prevent corrosion. Phosphates, zinc salts, moly
dates, and polysilicates, while organic nitrogen based compounds (azoles) are copper alloy corrosion inhibitors.
Deposition Control:
Several different types of deposits can form in cooling water systems, necessitating different approaches for control:
Depositional Inhibitor Control focuses on either solubilizing agents to prevent scale from Precipitating or crystal modifiers
to alter the nature of precipitate to prevent adhesion to surfaces.
Dispersants and Surfactants are charged molecules that adsorb suspended solids and cause a mutual repulsion, which keeps
solids as smaller particles.
 Acid, Phosphonates and Water-Soluble Polymers are typical mineral scale inhibitors.
Deposition control is particularly critical in systems with high levels of calcium hardness.
Microbiological Growth Controls:
The hydroxyl radicals, hydrogen peroxide and hypochlorite (bleach), and chlorine gas are oxidizer that kills microbiological
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Paper Publications
ISSN 2393-8471

International Journal of Recent Research in Civil and Mechanical Engineering (IJRRCME)

Vol. 2, Issue 2, pp: (134-135), Month: October 2015 – March 2016, Available at:

growth. CDPH requires the use of microbiological growth controls when recycled water is used for cooling tower
The table below illustrates common conditioning chemicals, their use and their recommended maximum concentrations.
Conditioning Chemical Additives:
Conditioning Chemical Use Recommended Maximum Concentration
Organophosphates (phosphates) Control scaling for steel 20 mg/l as PO4
Orthophosphates, Polyphosphates Inhibit corrosion and control scaling 20 mg/l as PO4
Sodium silicate Inhibit corrosion 100 mg/l as SiO2
Aromatic triazoles Inhibit corrosion 2-4 mg/l
Molybdates Inhibit corrosion 40 mg/l as molybdenum
Non-Oxidizing Biocides such as: Inhibit biological growth See notes
Quaternary amines
Oxidizing Biocides Inhibit biological growth 0.5 mg/l
Physical Treatment (Electromagnetic Systems):
The operating principles of these devices are based on four essential methods of action: electromagnetic signal; interaction
of the induced electric field with colloidal particles; control of microbial populations; and corrosion control. Pulsed-power
systems work by changing how calcium carbonate and other dissolved minerals precipitate from solution. Pulsed power
field activate colloidal nucleation sites in the bulk solution. These activated sites become the preferential nucleation sites for
precipitation. The amorphous precipitate, generated by a pulsed-power system, does not adhere to the pipe wall but remain
with the bulk solution and is removed via blow down and/or side-stream filtration. The systems use colloidal science instead
of inorganic chemistry to control scaling.
Pulsed power systems are a bacteriostatic product rather than a true bactericide. Although the bacteria are not killed, they are
controlled through two mechanisms. The first relates to the well-established effect in water treatment that coagulation and
calcium carbonate precipitation will result in a microbial reduction. The second mechanism involves sub-lethal injury that
controls bacteria even when there is no precipitation occurring. This mechanism is based on the interaction of the low
frequency radiation generated by the pulsing with the bacteria. In California, CDPH requires that biocides be used in cooling
towers with recycled water feed water regardless.
Corrosion inhibition is accomplished indirectly by maintaining sufficient cycles of concentration to force the system into the
alkaline mode at the saturation point of calcium carbonate, which is a cathodic corrosion inhibitor. In this type of water
system, the expected corrosion rate on mild steel is 2 to 5 mils per year (mpy). The Cooling Technology Institute Guideline
WTP-130 lists corrosion rates in cooling towers on mild steel of 2 to 5 mpy as “good” and 0 to 2 mpy as “excellent”. In
many municipal water systems, phosphates or silicates are used as corrosion inhibitors to meet EPA’s copper/lead
requirements. Where these systems are cycled up, the corrosion rate on mild steel is typically less than 2.0 mpy.

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[5] R.S. Khurmi- Refrigeration and Air Conditioning.
[6] C.P. Arora-- Refrigeration and Air Conditioning.
[7] R.K. Rajput-Thermal Engineering.
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