Q3 Lesson 7 Vulnerabilities of Different Elements Exposed To Specific Hazards

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Example: Wooden homes are less likely to collapse in

Lesson Vulnerabilities of Different Elements an earthquake, but are more vulnerable to fire.
Exposed to Specific Hazards
7 In physical vulnerability is when hazardous events
occur, normally physical elements are severely
Recognizing the vulnerabilities of different elements damaged. For example, UP Visayas buildings were
exposed to hazard will help the community design to totally destroyed during the super typhoon Yolanda in
formulate strategies on prevention, mitigation, and 2008 leaving the structure totally damaged. Another
immediate response and possible rehabilitations after a example is the decreased in population density like what
major event. happened in Baguio during the 1990 earthquake in
North Luzon when a lot of people were injured and died.

Vulnerabilities of different elements are determined due

to its exposure to particular and specific hazard.
Vulnerability describes the characteristics and
circumstances of a community, system or asset that
make it susceptible to the damaging effects of a
hazard. There are many aspects of vulnerability, arising 2. Social Vulnerability refers to the inability of people,
from various physical, social, economic, and organizations and societies to withstand adverse
environmental factors. Examples may include: impacts to hazards due to characteristics inherent in
• poor design and construction of buildings, social interactions, institutions and systems of cultural
• inadequate protection of assets, values. It is linked to the level of well being of individuals,
• lack of public information and awareness, communities and society. It includes aspects related to
• limited official recognition of risks and levels of literacy and education, the existence of peace
preparedness measures, and and security, access to basic human rights, systems of
• disregard for wise environmental good governance, social equity, positive traditional
management. values, customs and ideological beliefs and overall
Vulnerability varies significantly within a community and collective organizational systems (UNISDR).
over time. This definition identifies vulnerability as a For example:
characteristic of the element of interest (community,
system or asset) which is independent of its exposure. a. When flooding occurs some citizens, such as
However, in common use the word is often used more children, elderly and differently-able, may be
broadly to include the element’s exposure. unable to protect themselves or evacuate if
There are four (4) main types of vulnerability:
b. During typhoon the line of communications were
1. Physical Vulnerability may be determined by cut off when cell sites shutdown or disruption of
aspects such as population density levels, remoteness transport system due to inability of small vehicles
of a settlement, the site, design and materials used for to pass through the flooded areas or unpassable
critical infrastructure and for housing (UNISDR). roads and bridges.
c. With some difficulties in the delivery of services
such as relief goods and medicines, a lot of
problems occurred like shortage of food and
spread of infectious diseases.
Therefore, when social elements were exposed to
hazard, these may lead to disruption of normal
processes and activities in the community.
3. Economic Vulnerability. The level of vulnerability is
highly dependent upon the economic status of
individuals, communities and nations The poor are
usually more vulnerable to disasters because they lack
the resources to build sturdy structures and put other
engineering measures in place to protect themselves
from being negatively impacted by disasters.
Example: Poorer families may live in squatter
settlements because they cannot afford to live in safer
(more expensive) areas.
Level of economic vulnerability is based on the nations.
The poorer the country, the more vulnerable to disasters
because they lack the funds or budgets to build sturdy
structures and put other engineering measures in place
which protect them from being affected by disasters.
So, we can say that Philippines is more vulnerable than
Japan. As an example, the Covid-19 pandemic wherein
the most affected are those who belong to low income
and informal workers. Social and economic vulnerability
can be combined also known as socioeconomic

4. Environmental Vulnerability. Natural resource

depletion and resource degradation are key aspects of
environmental vulnerability.
Example: Wetlands, such as the Caroni Swamp, are
sensitive to increasing salinity from sea water, and
pollution from stormwater runoff containing agricultural
chemicals, eroded soils, etc.
Environmental vulnerability is caused by natural
resources depletion and destruction. Organisms like
humans, animals, and plants are all dependent on the
environment for survival. Human activities like
deforestation, burning of fossil fuels, and kaingin affect
the natural abilities of the environment to protect itself
from any natural hazard due to absence of trees which
may cause landslide and flashfloods. Sometimes the
effects are irreversible.

Quantifying vulnerability is used in estimating how much

mitigation and preparedness measures will be applied.
Computation is based on the previous hazard events
and severity of their effects. Vulnerability can be
expressed as: 0 = lowest degree of vulnerability and 1
as the highest degree. Vulnerability of people is the ratio
of casualties or injured to the total population.
Vulnerability of buildings is expressed as a repair cost or
degree of damage.

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