Performance Task Rubrics

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Amafel Building, Aguinaldo Highway, Dasmariñas, Cavite

Tel. No.: (046)416-6278 ● Telefax: (046)416-0166 ● Mobile No.:+63918-888-6278


Excellent Good Fair Poor
Criteria 5 4 3 2

Clarity of The objectives The objectives The objectives The objectives

Objectives are clearly are mostly are somewhat are unclear
stated and clear and clear and and/or not
aligned with aligned with aligned with aligned with
appropriate appropriate appropriate appropriate
standards. standards. standards. standards.

Content The lesson plan The lesson The lesson The lesson
Knowledge demonstrates plan plan plan
deep content demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates
knowledge and sufficient some content little to no
includes content knowledge and content
accurate and knowledge and includes some knowledge and
relevant includes accurate and includes
information. mostly relevant inaccurate or
accurate and information. irrelevant
relevant information.

Differentiatio The lesson plan The lesson The lesson The lesson
n includes plan includes plan includes plan does not
strategies for some minimal include any
meeting the strategies for strategies for strategies for
needs of diverse meeting the meeting the meeting the
learners, such needs of needs of needs of
as diverse diverse diverse
accommodation learners but learners. learners.
s, modifications, could benefit
and/or from more
extensions. detail or
Amafel Building, Aguinaldo Highway, Dasmariñas, Cavite
Tel. No.: (046)416-6278 ● Telefax: (046)416-0166 ● Mobile No.:+63918-888-6278

Assessment The lesson plan The lesson The lesson The lesson
includes clear plan includes plan includes plan does not
and appropriate assessments assessments include any
assessments that align with that do not assessments,
that align with the objectives align with the or the
the objectives but could objectives assessments
and are varied in benefit from and/or lack are
format. more clarity or clarity or inappropriate.
variety. variety.

Instructional The lesson plan The lesson The lesson The lesson
Strategies includes a plan includes plan includes a plan does not
variety of some effective few effective include any
effective instructional instructional effective
instructional strategies but strategies. instructional
strategies that could benefit strategies.
engage students from more
and support variety or
learning. specificity.

Materials and The lesson plan The lesson The lesson The lesson
Resources includes plan includes plan includes plan does not
appropriate and some few include any
accessible appropriate appropriate appropriate
materials and and accessible and accessible and accessible
resources that materials and materials and materials and
support student resources but resources. resources.
learning. could benefit
from more
variety or
Amafel Building, Aguinaldo Highway, Dasmariñas, Cavite
Tel. No.: (046)416-6278 ● Telefax: (046)416-0166 ● Mobile No.:+63918-888-6278

Organization The lesson plan The lesson The lesson The lesson
and Clarity is well- plan is mostly plan is plan is poorly
organized, easy well-organized, somewhat organized
to follow, and easy to follow, organized and/or
free of errors or and free of and/or contains many
inconsistencies. errors or contains some errors or
inconsistencies errors or inconsistencies
. inconsistencies .

Creativity The lesson plan The lesson The lesson The lesson
demonstrates plan includes plan includes a plan is not
creativity and some creative few creative or creative or
originality in the and original original original.
design and elements but elements.
implementation could benefit
of instructional from more
strategies and innovation or
assessments. risk-taking.


Excellent Good Fair Poor

Criteria 10 8 6 4
Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates
Demonstrates a solid some little to no
deep understanding understanding understanding
understanding of of subject of subject of subject
subject matter matter and matter and matter and
and related related related related
Subject pedagogical pedagogical pedagogical pedagogical
Knowledge practices. practices. practices. practices.
Engages Engages Engages Instructional
students with students with students with delivery is
Instructional clear, concise, mostly clear, somewhat unclear,
Delivery and engaging concise, and clear, concise, unfocused,
Amafel Building, Aguinaldo Highway, Dasmariñas, Cavite
Tel. No.: (046)416-6278 ● Telefax: (046)416-0166 ● Mobile No.:+63918-888-6278

instruction using engaging and engaging and/or

a variety of instruction instruction, ineffective.
effective using a variety but lacks
instructional of effective variety or
strategies. instructional effectiveness
strategies. in instructional
Maintains a
somewhat Fails to
Maintains a safe, maintain a
mostly safe, supportive, safe,
supportive, and supportive,
Maintains a and productive and
safe, supportive, productive classroom productive
and productive classroom environment, classroom
classroom the environment but could environment
environment through the benefit from due to
through effective effective use more effective ineffective use
use of positive of positive use of positive of positive
behavior behavior behavior behavior
Classroom management management management management
Management techniques. techniques. techniques. techniques.
Fails to
Mostly Somewhat assess
effectively effectively student
assesses assesses learning
student student through
Effectively learning learning limited or
assesses through a through inappropriate
student learning variety of limited assessment
through a variety assessment assessment methods
of assessment methods and methods and/or fails to
methods and provides and/or provide
provides timely timely and provides meaningful or
and meaningful meaningful feedback that timely
Assessment feedback to feedback to is unclear or feedback to
and Feedback students. students. untimely. students.
Differentiates Mostly Somewhat Fails to
instruction to differentiates differentiates differentiate
meet the needs instruction to instruction to instruction to
of diverse meet the meet the meet the
learners, needs of needs of needs of
Differentiation including diverse diverse
Amafel Building, Aguinaldo Highway, Dasmariñas, Cavite
Tel. No.: (046)416-6278 ● Telefax: (046)416-0166 ● Mobile No.:+63918-888-6278

accommodation learners but learners but diverse

s, modifications, could benefit lacks learners.
and/or from more effectiveness
extensions. detail or or specificity.
Demonstrates Demonstrates Fails to
mostly some demonstrate
professional professional professional
behavior, but behavior, but behavior,
Demonstrates a could benefit lacks including
high level of from more consistency or consistent
professionalism, attention to effectiveness tardiness, lack
including punctuality, in punctuality, of preparation,
punctuality, preparedness, preparedness, and poor
preparedness, or or communicatio
and effective communicatio communicatio n with
communication n with n with students and
Professionalis with students students and students and colleagues.
m and colleagues. colleagues. colleagues.

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