ESDIS05161 DMP For DPs Template PDF

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Date: June 23, 2020

ESDIS Library Number: ESDIS05161

Earth Science Data Systems (ESDS) Program, HQ SMD

Data Management Plan (DMP)

Template for Data Producers (DP)

Version 1.1

Washington, DC

National Aeronautics and

Space Administration

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Data Management Plan (DMP) ESDIS05161, Version 1.1
Template for Data Producers Date: June 23, 2020

Earth Science Division (ESD) Data Management Plan (DMP)

Template for Data Producers (DPs)

Each organization funded by NASA to produce, archive and/or distribute data is required to
prepare a Data Management Plan (DMP) at the time of funding and to maintain the DMP as a
living document by reviewing it periodically and ensuring that the plan is up-to-date. To meet
these requirements for all components of the Earth Observing System Data and Information
System (EOSDIS), the Earth Science Data and Information System (ESDIS) Project has
developed templates tailoring the DMPs to the specific types of activities that each component is
required to perform. The attached template can be used by NASA-funded Earth science Data
Producers (DPs) to develop Data Management Plans (DMPs).

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Data Management Plan (DMP) ESDIS05161, Version 1.1
Template for Data Producers Date: June 23, 2020

Change History Log

Revision Effective Date Description of Changes

1.0 1/31/2019 Baseline document
1.1 6/23/2020 Repaired broken links; edited for punctuation and grammar

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Data Management Plan (DMP) ESDIS05161, Version 1.1
Template for Data Producers Date: June 23, 2020

Data Management Plan (DMP) Template for Data Producers (DPs)

Each organization funded by NASA to produce, archive and/or distribute data is required to
prepare a Data Management Plan (DMP) at the time of funding and to maintain the DMP as a
living document by reviewing it periodically and ensuring that the plan is up-to-date. The
requirements calling for DMPs are documented in appropriate sections of NASA Procedural
Requirements (NPR) 7120.5 and 7120.8. NPR 7120.5 applies to Space Flight Programs and
Projects, and NPR 7120.8 applies to Research and Technology Programs and Projects. Data
Management Plans are required to include information on the acquisition, processing, analysis,
distribution and archiving of data. In addition, in February 2014, NASA created a plan titled
“NASA Plans for Increasing Access to the Results of Scientific Research – Digital Scientific
Data and Peer Reviewed Publications”. This plan covers the requirements for NASA funded
researchers – “…all extramural researchers receiving NASA grants, cooperative agreements, and
contracts for scientific research and intramural researchers develop data management plans, as
appropriate, describing how they will provide for the long-term preservation and access of
scientific data in digital format.” In order to meet these requirements for all components of the
Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS), the Earth Science Data and
Information System (ESDIS) Project has developed templates tailoring the DMPs to the specific
types of activities that each component is required to perform.

The purpose of this template is to provide the Data Producers (DPs) with guidance on the content
of DMPs. DP, in the context of this template, refers to those responsible for production of data
delivered to a Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC) for archival and distribution. The data
producer refers to a manager of a data production system: a Science Investigator-led Processing
System (SIPS), Science Data System (SDS), Research and Analysis (R&A) or Application
Program-funded Principal Investigator (PI) controlled system, or a Making Earth System data
records for Use in Research Environments (MEaSUREs) data development program. The
development, maintenance, and management of DMPs are the responsibility of the respective
manager as specified in Table 1.

Table 1: Data Management Plan (DMP) Responsible Parties

Data Producer Responsible Person for DMP Delivery of DMP to for

production and delivery approval
Science Investigator-led SIPS Manager ESDIS SIPS Manager
Processing System (SIPS)
Science Data System (SDS) Project Manager ESDIS Deputy Project
Manager for Operations
Research and Analysis (R&A) Principal Investigator (PI) ESDIS Deputy Project
or Application Program- Manager for Operations

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Data Management Plan (DMP) ESDIS05161, Version 1.1
Template for Data Producers Date: June 23, 2020

funded Principal Investigator

(PI) controlled system
Making Earth System data Principal Investigator (PI) ESDIS Deputy Project
records for Use in Research Manager for Operations
Environments (MEaSUREs)
data development program
Airborne Investigations / Data Manager and Project ESDIS Deputy Project
Campaigns (EVS) -funded Manager Manager for Operations
Principal Investigator (PI)
controlled system

The DPs DMPs are valid for five years and are to be updated as required (either as a result of a
5-year review, at the end of the mission, project or investigation, or with other necessary "off-
cycle" changes). All changes to the DMP must be controlled and assigned a version number. The
delivery destination of the latest ‘working’ copy of the DMP by the data producer is identified in
the third column of Table 1. All DMPs must be coordinated with the affected NASA Earth
Science Division (ESD)-assigned DAAC prior to the ESDIS’ project review. Once reviewed, the
DMP is approved by the ESDIS Point of Contact, and the DMP is returned for signature by the
responsible manager. Once signed, the DMP is cataloged and maintained in the ESDIS Library.

Figure 1 depicts the flow of the DMP through this cycle. Note that the review and update of a
DMP can be initiated at any time deemed necessary. The decision indicated by the rhombus 1.2
implies a requirement to review and update the DMP every 5 years (the “Yes” decision in 1.2),
but the process also provides a path for an ad hoc review (the “No” decision in 1.2) and
modification of the DMP.

This template supersedes the Data Management Template for Science Investigator-led
Processing System (SIPS), Revision 3, September 2016.

Note that if some items of the information called for in this template are available through other
documents or websites, they can be referenced or pointed to with a brief description included in
the DMP.

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Data Management Plan (DMP) ESDIS05161, Version 1.1
Template for Data Producers Date: June 23, 2020

Figure 1: Data Management Plan Process

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Data Management Plan (DMP) ESDIS05161, Version 1.1
Template for Data Producers Date: June 23, 2020

[SAMPLE Title Page]

Data Management Plan (DMP) Title

Version #
[For version # use whole #’s - update after each revision, example 1.0; 2.0]


Prepared under NASA Contract [contract number] – only if applicable

Approved by:
Signature: [<<SIPS>> or <<SDS>> or <<PI-controlled>> or << MEaSUREs >>]
Manager: Date: [mm/dd/yyyy]

1. Introduction

Briefly describe what the [<<SIPS>> or <<SDS>> or <<PI-controlled>> or << MEaSUREs

>>] does and the types of data products it produces.

1.1 Purpose and Scope (of DMP)

1.2 Development, Maintenance and Management Responsibility for the DMP

Example 1. “The [XXX] SIPS is responsible for the development, maintenance, and
management of the DMP. The [XXX] SIPS Manager, [SIPS manager name], has overall
responsibility for the plan and has specific responsibility for approving any changes to the
plan. All changes to the DMP will be controlled.”

1.3 Contextual background of Data Processing System

When did the data processing system (i.e., code implementation used to produce the data
products) come into being (e.g. 2002 to prepare for EOS Aura)? Where is the system
located within its organization (e.g., in xyz Division at GSFC - could show an
organization chart)? What is the time range of data processed (e.g., 2004 to present)?

2. Mission/Investigation and Instrument/Sensor Overview1 [Repeat sections 2 and 3 for

each supported mission/investigation and instrument/sensor, as appropriate]

This section is not needed for MEaSUREs.

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Data Management Plan (DMP) ESDIS05161, Version 1.1
Template for Data Producers Date: June 23, 2020

For <<SIPS>> or <<SDS>>, indicate the missions and instruments from which the data are

For <<PI-controlled >> producers of projects, such as Airborne or Field Campaigns, provide
the in situ and remote sensing instruments and targeted measurements of each platform.

3. Data Product Summary

Indicate the products created from the instrument or sensor data. Include a tabular summary
of the products containing, as appropriate, the following items: platform/instrument, product
design (swath, gridded, etc.), data volume (to nearest GB), parameters/measurements,
temporal and spatial resolution of data product. Describe in the following subsections the
data acquisition, processing, quality plans, and archival processes for the products.

3.1. Data Acquisition

Briefly describe the data source and the acquisition process. Describe the product's original
data source and how the data are acquired. Include all the ancillary data inputs required to
generate the product. Optionally, include a data flow diagram showing the sources of data
needed for product generation.

3.2. Data Processing

Briefly describe the processing activities (i.e., L0-L1A; L1A-L1B; L1B-L2, etc.). What is
the process for developing and vetting ATBDs? What is the process for developing and
integrating science software into the system? Briefly describe plans for reprocessing and the
conditions expected to trigger reprocessing. If there are other documents that describe the
processing and reprocessing activities, point to such documents and provide a summary.
Indicate the data formats and metadata standards followed.

Data formats and metadata standards should follow NASA ESDIS standards as described in
Standards, Requirements and References.

3.3. Data Analysis

Describe the data analysis process and the data producers involved. An example of the
analysis process may include the science team’s or other users’ evaluation of the data and
the feedback provided to data producers regarding the validity and quality of the data.
Describe plans for supporting such activities.

3.4. Data Quality

Describe in detail the plans and processes used for assessing product quality as well as for
collecting, documenting, and conveying to the DAAC the quality information of data
products for which the data producer is responsible. Developing the product QA

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Data Management Plan (DMP) ESDIS05161, Version 1.1
Template for Data Producers Date: June 23, 2020

information, disseminating it to the user community and preserving it is the joint

responsibility of the data producers (including missions, instrument science teams, science
data support teams, and SIPSs/SDSs) and the DAACs. The teams/organizations involved, of
course, depend on the type of mission or project. The description here should include the
division of responsibilities for various data quality related activities among these
groups/organizations. It is essential that users of scientific data products have access to
complete (to the degree to which all knowledge is available at the time) and properly
articulated (i.e., correctly described for the end user to logically understand, discern and
make well-informed decisions) information about the data quality, including known issues
and limitations.

This information will help to inform users about the potential applications of the data
products and prevent data misuse. Therefore, the DMP should include details on the
processes and protocols used for assessing data quality, as well as for capturing, describing,
and conveying information about data quality to the NASA-designated DAACs for
archiving and for distribution to users along with the data products. The recommended
contents for capturing and ensuring data quality for the DMP are provided in the “Data
Quality” Appendix A. It is understood that for major NASA missions, the Cal/Val period is
relied upon to reveal many of the data quality issues and usage limitations of the data. Other
means and methods of extracting and assessing data quality issues are also quite useful for
smaller projects (i.e., those that are not bound by high-level mission science requirements as
defined in a PLRA) such as MEaSUREs, which offer more flexibility in terms of duration
and scope of the quality assessments. Taking into account the dedicated Cal/Val period, as
well as other means of discovering data quality issues, it is important to ensure that data
quality information is continually updated and disseminated in a timely manner throughout
the data lifecycle.

3.5. Data Distribution and Archiving

Indicate the DAAC(s) to which the products will be sent for distribution and archiving. This
section should also address:

Collection of Associated Preservation Content – include plans and processes used for
collecting software, documentation, and related materials indicated in the NASA Earth
Science Data Preservation Content Specification2 to ensure that the contents are captured
before the end of missions/projects that provided the data products to the DAAC. [Status of
collecting such content should be maintained separately from this DMP in collaboration with
the assigned DAAC(s)].

3.6. Data Product Documentation

See NASA Earth Science Data Preservation Content Specification, This document can be
used as a guide to identify content to be preserved as is applicable to individual missions/investigations.

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Data Management Plan (DMP) ESDIS05161, Version 1.1
Template for Data Producers Date: June 23, 2020

Describe plans to provide the following to support the data product release to the public:
ATBDs, User Guides, File specifications, Validation status, Quality documentation (if
available), and Dataset Digital Object Identifiers.


Include a list of references cited in the above sections.


Include a table showing acronyms used in the document and their meanings.

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Data Management Plan (DMP) ESDIS05161, Version 1.1
Template for Data Producers Date: June 23, 2020

Appendix A.
Data Quality

The following provides the list of recommended items to be covered by the Data Quality section
of the DMP (section 3.4 in the template), with brief explanations where needed:

1. General: Describe the process for assuring data quality. Include data flows and
organizations/groups involved in assuring data quality. Provide reference to Interface
Control Documents between organizations that have been or will be developed. Work
with the NASA-assigned DAAC(s), science teams, and/or review boards to provide data
quality information through an existing community-standardized format for describing
quality (e.g., GHRSST GDS-2 model for quality confidence levels, see [A-1]). If a
standard format is not available or applicable for use, consider extending an existing
standard that comes close to your needs. Include documentation clearly explaining the
format to be used and/or consider developing a published and citable standards document
through the ESDIS Standards Office (ESO). In rare instances, a data producer may opt to
create their own standard format; ESO provides a means for reviewing and publishing
new data standards that will become officially recognized NASA standards after

2. Errors/Uncertainties: Indicate how errors/uncertainties in the input data used to produce

the products will be accounted for, minimized through improved calibration (i.e., to meet
the error budget constraints if required for Cal/Val), and/or propagated in higher level
products. (See references [A-2] and [A-3]). Describe the level of detail at which
errors/uncertainties are shown in the products to be delivered – e.g., per data value, per
granule, or at the collection level.

3. Calibration/Validation (Cal/Val): Calibration/Validation is only applicable to missions

and funded projects in which Cal/Val is explicitly mandated. Provide the targeted error
budget that will be used to assess Cal/Val performance. Note that target error budgets are
specified for missions in the Program-Level Requirements' Appendix (PLRA) and can be
cited by the DMP. For PI-provided datasets, this may be more loosely defined by either
the data producer or by the scientific community that functions as the primary targeted
user community. PI-provided datasets that use data from a NASA mission may opt to cite
the PLRA-derived error budget for the applicable mission. Provide the expected duration
of Cal/Val. Also, document the conditions under which Cal/Val activities are expected to
be conducted.

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Template for Data Producers Date: June 23, 2020

4. Ancillary datasets: Describe plans for managing, archiving and distributing the ancillary
datasets that used for QA/QC, Cal/Val, error budget validation, uncertainty
quantification, and uncertainty characterization.

5. Quality Flags/Indicators: Indicate how quality flags and/or indicators are defined and
used in the generated products. The following are provided as general considerations
regarding quality flags/indicators:
● Define and/or create "indicators" to represent the quality of a data product from
different aspects (e.g., data dropout rate of a "sea surface temperature" data product
can be considered as one data uncertainty indicator).
● Ensure that quality flags are related to quantifiable metrics that directly refer to the
usefulness, validity, and suitability of the data. See examples in Table A-1 below.
● Identify quantifiable data quality criteria such as confidence levels and the values of
quality flags, which can be used as criteria for refining search queries.
● Provide quality and measurement state information for Climate and Forecast (CF)
metadata attributes: flag_values, flag_masks, and flag meanings. The choice of
flag_values vs flag_mask will depend on the use case. Generally, flag_values and
flag_masks are not used together, but there are very complex cases in which they may
both be used, as illustrated in CF 1.7 example 3.5 (see above link). In all cases,
flag_meanings is used in conjunction with either flag_masks and/or flag_values.

Below are some definitions and actual examples from existing NASA data:
o flag_values: a set of scalar flag values that represent a quality “state” on a
pixel-by-pixel basis such as data confidence level. The meaning of the
flag_value is deciphered by the flag_meanings attribute.

Example 2. GHRSST example from GDS-2 AMSR-2 L2P Product

§ flag_meanings: 0= no data; 1= bad (near ice/land, sunglint, RFI, edge
of swath, SST out of range, wind > 20m/s, bad quality); 2= bad (rain);
3= useable but diurnal estimate shows warming > 1; 4= useable but
possible error, see l2p_flags bits 9-15; 5= best quality data
§ flag_values: 0b, 1b, 2b, 3b, 4b, 5b

o flag_masks: serve to represent the expressed values of the Boolean conditions

of specific bits described by the flag_meanings attribute; these are often used
to describe known algorithm anomalies.
o flag_meanings: human-readable attributes that describes, as a series of space-
separated unique strings, the unique individual meanings of either the
flag_values or flag_mask Boolean conditions. See Table A-1 for an example
of flag_mask values and flag_meanings used in a SMAP Level 2 product
produced by Remote Sensing Systems (RSS), Inc.
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Template for Data Producers Date: June 23, 2020

● Provide ancillary quality and/or uncertainty flags to facilitate detection of areas that
are likely to contain spurious data (e.g., ice in unexpected places).
● Provide pixel-level uncertainty information where possible and meaningful; provide
the confidence level (e.g., 95%) to indicate the statistical significance of the
uncertainty information.
● Provide data quality variables and metadata along with detailed documentation on
how the variables/metadata are derived and suggestions on how to interpret the
variables/metadata or use them in different applications.
● Provide a definition and description of each data quality indicator, including the
algorithms and datasets used to derive the quality information and a description of
how each quality indicator can be used.

6. Metadata Standards and Compliance: Describe plans for developing data quality-related
metadata in compliance with current standards – ISO 19157 (Geographic information –
Data quality), Climate and Forecast (CF) conventions including those for flags and
indicators, Attribute Convention for Dataset Discovery (ACDD), and ISO 8601 (date and
time). Include plans for ensuring compliance with these standards; for example, by using
an automated compliance checker such as the PO.DAAC Metadata Compliance Checker
(MCC) [A-4] and the EOSDIS Common Metadata Repository (CMR) compliance
checker [A-5].

7. Documentation: Indicate how quality flags/indicators will be documented and conveyed

to DAACs (and users). Show how uncertainty will be documented and how information
will be provided to the DAACs. Include plans for documenting known issues and caveats
for users and consider leveraging DAAC resources to expedite updating and publication
of this information (e.g., Forums, web/email announcements, etc.). See references [A-6]
and [A-7] for examples of how known issues can be conveyed to a DAAC and shown on
the DAAC website. Some of the most useful QA information for data users may be in
journal articles and in various science team member presentations (at conferences or
science team meetings). Those gathering QA information should consider these valuable
sources of information that are fairly easy and inexpensive to collect and maintain.

8. Post-Delivery Actions: Describe plans for informing DAACs (and users) when datasets
are compromised and/or problems are discovered. Also, describe plans for responding to
data quality issues reported by DAACs (and/or users) and discuss plans for updating data
quality documentation when new versions of products are generated. Consider leveraging
DAAC resources for the most expedient and widest dissemination of information (e.g.,
Forums, web/email announcements, etc.).

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Template for Data Producers Date: June 23, 2020

Table A-1: SMAP Example from Level 2 RSS Product

1 no_radiometer_observations_in_cell
2 problem_with_OI
4 strong_land_contamination
8 strong_sea_ice_contamination
16 MLE_in_SSS_retrieval_algo_has_not_converged
32 sunglint
64 moonglint
128 high_reflected_galaxy
256 land_contamination
512 sea_ice_contamination
1024 high_residual_of_MLE_in_SSS_retrieval_algo
2048 low_SST
4096 high_wind
8192 no_valid_imager_wind_speed_available_within_60_minutes_of_SMAP_observation
16384 rain_flag

REFERENCES (to Appendix A)

[A-1] GHRSST Science Team (2010), The Recommended GHRSST Data Specification (GDS)
2.0, document revision 5, available from the GHRSST International Project Office, 2015, pp
[A-2] JCGM 100: 2008. Evaluation of measurement data — Guide to the expression of
uncertainty in measurement.
[A-3] International Organization for Standards (ISO), 1994: Accuracy (trueness and precision) of
measurement methods and results -- Part 1: General principles and definitions. ISO 5725-1:1994.
[A-4] PO.DAAC, Metadata Compliance Checker, (accessed
June 28, 2018)
[A-5] ESDIS Project, Common Metadata repository (CMR) Ingest Application Programming
Interface (API) Documentation,
(accessed June 28, 2018).
[A-6] LP DAAC, SRTMGL3S: NASA Shuttle Radar Topography Mission Global 3 arc second
sub-sampled V003, (accessed June 23, 2020).
[A-7] LP DAAC, Known Issues for MODIS Vegetation Indices Version 6 Products,,
(accessed June 23, 2020).

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Template for Data Producers Date: June 23, 2020

Table A-2: Acronyms and Abbreviations Used

ACDD Attribute Conventions for Data Discovery
AMSR-2 Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2
ATBD Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document
Cal/Val Calibration and Validation
CF Climate and Forecast (metadata conventions)
CMR Common Metadata Repository
DAAC Distributed Active Archive Center
DMP Data Management Plan
DP Data Producer
ESD Earth Science Division
EOS Earth Observing System
EOSDIS Earth Observing System Data and Information System
ESDIS Earth Science Data and Information System
ESO ESDIS Standards Office
EVS Earth Venture Sub-orbital
GB Gigabytes
GDS-2 GHRSST Data Specification version 2.0
GHRSST The Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature
GSFC Goddard Space Flight Center
ISO International Organization for Standards
MCC Metadata Compliance Checker
MEaSUREs Making Earth System data records for Use in Research Environments
MLE Maximum Likelihood Estimate
NPR NASA Procedural Requirement
PLRA Program Level Requirements Appendix
PO.DAAC Physical Oceanography DAAC
QA Quality Assurance/Assessment
QC Quality Control
PI Principal Investigator
R&A Research and Analysis
RFI Radio Frequency Interference
RSS Remote Sensing Systems, Inc.
SDS Science Data System
SIPS Science Investigator-led Processing System
SMAP Soil Moisture Active and Passive
SSS Sea Surface Salinity
SST Sea Surface Temperature

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