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Contract Pricing Models

There are two (2) pricing models:

1. Fixed Price:
 Easy to plan and more predictable than other pricing models.

 A fixed, pre-agreed price per unit is negotiated.

 Advantages for service providers: it is known in advance what will be paid

and what will be delivered.

 Advantages for clients: provides greater cost certainty.

 Disadvantages: several risks with capital requirements and lower


Example: Consider a fixed price contract with a Jay, a web designer to design a
website for your company. His contract may include:

 Designer: Jay
 Service: six-page website
 Price: P250,000

No matter how complex the website is, or how much time it takes to complete,
the price will remain P250,000. Since this is a service the designer always has
available, this price will remain valid indefinitely.

2. Time and Material.

 The price for service is based on the time and material that was used.

 Used when a service is very flexible and it is not predictable in terms of

how much time and material is needed.

 In some cases, a maximum price for the service is negotiated by the

client/ customer to build in some control or safety level.

Example: A homeowner pays a landscaping company an hourly rate to install the

plants he purchases from them.
In practice, it is often a mix of the above mentioned pricing models that is used.
 There are two pricing model: the fixed pricing model and the time and material

 Fixed pricing model is a contract where the client and the contractor agree on
the scope of work, the deadlines, and the amount of budget needed for the
implementation of the project before the process of the development starts.

 Fixed pricing models is easy to plan and more predictable. It provides cost
certainty to the clients and as for service providers, they are aware in advance of
what will be paid and what will be delivered.

 Time and material model is more flexible especially in terms of development

timeframes and budget required.

 The price for service in the Time and Material model is based on the time and
material that was used.

Prepared by:

Jhe Silfavan

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