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Year 4 Reasoning Test Set 2 Paper A

total marks

1. a. What number is one thousand more than 4582?

1 mark

b. Calculate a thousand less than 1094

1 mark

2. Compare the numbers three thousand, eight hundred and seventy and three
thousand, eight hundred and seventeen using the correct symbol.

2 marks

3. Use an inverse calculation to check this number sentence: 718 - 372 = 346

2 marks

4. Circle the correct word to complete these sentences:


1 mark

These lines are parallel / perpendicular.

total for
this page

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Year 4 Reasoning Test Set 2 Paper A 2


This line is horizontal / vertical.

1 mark

5. What is forty-seven multiplied by six?

1 mark

6. Jenny weighs some flour. Here are the scales.

a. What is the mass of the flour on the scales 1 mark

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Year 4 Reasoning Test Set 2 Paper A 3

b. Jenny adds 250g of sugar to the scales. Draw the new mass on the face
of the scales.

1 mark

7. 7 × 84 = 588, what is 84 × 7 =
1 mark

8. Write 4
as a decimal:

What fraction is equivalent to 0.5?

1 mark

9. What number is represented by the Roman Numerals LXXIX

Write 32 in Roman Numerals?

1 mark

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this page

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Year 4 Reasoning Test Set 2 Paper A 4

10. Complete this symmetrical figure about the given line of symmetry AB:
Use a ruler

2 marks

11. Darrell leaves home at 7.50am to walk to school. He takes 35 minutes.

What time does Darrell arrive at school?

1 mark

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this page

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Year 4 Reasoning Test Set 2 Paper A 5

12. Lorna has £1.60. She gives a quarter of her money to a charity collection.
How much money does she have left?

2 marks

13. Complete these sequences:

a. 5 4 3

b. -7 -6 -5 2 marks

14. Jacob wants to buy four books. Each book costs £1.20. How much will he pay?

2 marks

total for
this page

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Year 4 Reasoning Test Set 2 Paper A 6

15. Use the correct mathematical symbol to compare these measures:

1.2m 115cm

0.5l 50cl

0.87kg 875g 2 marks

16. A teacher gives the children a times tables test and records the results in a
bar chart.

Number of Children

0 x
1-4 5-8 9 - 12 13 - 16 17 - 20

Test Score

a. Three children scored 17 marks, two children scored 18 marks, one child scored
19 and one child scored 20 marks. Draw the bar on the graph to show the
number of children who scored 17-20 marks. 1 mark

b. How many children scored 13-16 marks?

1 mark

c. How many children scored eight marks or less?

1 mark

total for
this page

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Year 4 Reasoning Test Set 2 Paper A 7

17. Draw a shape on this coordinates grid using the following coordinates:

(3,1) (9,1) (9,7) (3,7)

Use a ruler.

0 2 marks
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

total for
this page

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Year 4 Reasoning Test Set 2 Paper A Answers

Question Answer Marks Notes

1. What number is one thousand more than 4582?

a 5582 1

b 94 1

2. Compare the numbers three thousand, eight hundred and seventy and three thousand, eight hundred and seventeen using
the correct symbol.
2 marks for either correct answer
3870 > 3817 or 3817 < 3870 2 1 mark for correctly writing 3817 and 3870
with incorrect symbol

3. Use an inverse calculation to check this number sentence: 718 – 372 = 446

1 mark for using an appropriate addition,

e.g. 346 + 372 or 372 + 346 = 718
346 + 372 = 718 2
1 mark for correctly adding the addition

4. Circle the correct word to complete these sentences:

a parallel 1

b vertical 1

5. What is forty-seven multiplied by six?

282 1

6. Jenny weighs some flour. Here are the scales.

a 325g 1

b 1

7. 7 × 84 = 588, what is 84 × 7 =

588 1

8. Write 1/4 as a decimal:

0.25 and 2 1 Both correct for 1 mark

9. Write 1/4 as a decimal:

79 and XXXII 1 Both correct for 1 mark

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Year 4 Reasoning Test Set 2 Paper A Answers

Question Answer Marks Notes

10. Complete this symmetrical figure about the given line of symmetry AB:

2 marks for correct answer

1 mark for 1 or 2 mistakes in drawing the
location of the corners of the shape.
Corners should be drawn where the lines
of the grid – allow a small margin of error
(up to 2mm)

11. Darrell leaves home at 7.50am to walk to school. He takes 35 minutes.

accept any accurate way to write the

8.25am or 0825 or 25 minutes past eight 1
correct time

12. Lorna has £1.60. She gives a quarter of her money to a charity collection.

2 marks for correct answer.

1 mark for correctly calculating a quarter of
£1.20 1 £1.60 as 40p, or for correctly subtracting
an incorrect calculation of a quarter of

13. Complete these sequences:

a 2, 1, 0, -1, -2 1

b -4, -3, -2, -1, 0 1

14. Jacob wants to buy four books. Each book costs £1.20. How much will he pay?

2 marks for correct answer

1 mark for a calculation representing the

£4.80 2 multiplication of £1.20 by four, even if it
is as repeated addition, where there is only
one mistake.

15. Use the correct mathematical symbol to compare these measures:

1.2m > 115cm

2 marks for all correct
0.5l = 50cl 2
1 mark for two correct
0.87kg < 875g

16. Use the correct mathematical symbol to compare these measures:

a Bar drawn to 7 on the chart 1

b 10 1

c 6 1

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Year 4 Reasoning Test Set 2 Paper A Answers

Question Answer Marks Notes

17. Draw a shape on this coordinates grid using the following coordinates:
2 marks for correct answer
6 1 mark for three correctly marked points
5 no marks for getting x and y the wrong way
4 round
Allow a small error in drawing the rectangle
3 on the lines.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

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