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~ -. • · - 0= - e-. , ttr« r-e -r. •, • .

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QP Code ~-238-12' ·:,
-~ ·l -•- . 2
. ------------
QP Code : 23812;
~·----- -
N.B.: (1)
(3 Hours) [Total_·Marks: ,19~~-G ~~
< ,, • 1

t is - -n= 5 tllo:y ;2.0 \.8

c. The goods sold were to be carried first by railway & then by ·ship ·tQ their ultimate
All questions are compulsory
destination. "A" . The seller gave notice to railway company to stop the goods; but it wanoo
(2) Figures of the right indicate marks. -~' . :<"" . :~-- -~" . . I late to prevent their shipment. The seller then gave notice to the ship .owner; before it
., .,,.
arrived at destination "A". The trustee of the bankrupt buyer demanded the goods.
Give reasons/ case law whenever necessary. ·.> ,
i) Will the trustee of the bankrupt buyer get the good~?
, :· I
Ql Answer in 1-2 sentences each
r-<_,, />·', :>:·_.··_::/ , ·'·.
.: '~<·:' .../:": ·.: ii) Can the seller issue a notice to the ship owner.:&·stop·ttie goods in transit? Why?
> ,> , , :>' .;·.· , 2o~rn,arks ,)'
·>. ,:. . ,, ', ..
a. State any 2 rights of surety against the credit& .,~' -~· s; ,'' i ··: :, ./ ,··
; .') · , ' ' . , ... _..:,' <-:_'-' ,' ' -.. : , .. ~.'::
! Q4. Answer any 4 - 48marks
b. Who can exercise general lien ?
,. \, ' .,
(,<. ·:·,~ <'..,",, "-':., ·
.' a. Discuss the contract of guarantee. Discuss 'the. .same. in detail with special reference to
State any four kinds of bailment.
•,. ,-.,:-
' ,:'
. '< •r.' .
. , . :· · -~ .
', ',. ,...·,, , . ·•
<~ : .• :, :' .\. :. · ;,: discharge of surety & compare it with the contract of indemnity .
Definetheterm"bailor"&"bailee". ' . . ,
,,,.,,, ,,'·,;
' '\
·,, ·,:.;<'-:"··
- ., ' .,. ,,. '
b. Explain the various modes of" Termination: o,f'Agency"_. .
e. ,:,) ,,•"-~~ <::.'->>');> ..
Explain partners authority in an emer_g~,ncy. :. :. }">, .:" c. Define pledge & state the rule & exceRtiqt-i~_tQ th.e ,ru\e one can make a valid pledge who ''no
State any two grounds on which th¢ firm _c~_ri'be ,c_b mpµl~orily'dissolve~-> ;>i,. , .• ;
. ' ' ' '. ' ·'>- ., . ' . '\' '. :, - ,. ·~ · ·, ' ·, '
.>., is not the owner of the goods" .... ;- .
What does "future goods" mean under.S~le "Of, ~qods Ac\1.~)o. > _<·>,:t ,;,"./ . .'.
• , >, , ,
, · , ": . " , , ,
,.' ' ;, , .... , , .
' ' .,,.
· ; (. .,.. ,_.. ,
, ,I' .,
. '· ·, .,. ' . > d. Explain the different modes of 'd\~sc;i\~Jito, of, partriership firm '. and . state what are the
Who is a "mercantile agent'' under:the.S;ile pf Gbo'd$,Actf 1930],:· -~>' .::- .-:' ,.<·
h. ·<_.' .:: - <' ' ' .·' ' • ·.). .;,; · , • ., , . '-• ,
. . ' . .., ·, . ' . ~\- .·, .,. :..'· .' . ~: ', , ,, .·, . ,). ·> .. ,_, . . consequences or effects of the-i:li~sb l~tjon-:6f:firtn & state the :~ights of the creditors of after
i. State the circumstances in guar.antee-becomes .inval1di · , ·"·:·. ·--:.-· " ' -'' ..,, dissolutions. •. · / , . ·, ·· ·
. . ' ·, '. . ., ,. , _. -.:. - ., . ._ ,. : , t'
j. Who is the "principal debtor'~?'' · · · · ' ,' ,'-"
. ·, .',:: ~>' ·>.
,. · ·
., :~- ot
e. What are the rights & lia6i11ties.: the minor when .admitted . to the bei;1efits of the
Q2 Short note on any 4 - .. ' . partnership? , .. . , , ,
20 marks f. Who is an ·unpaid seller'' . Di~cuss the riihts,'& cluties:bf:~n),'u npaid seller"?
a. Revocation of continuing·guarantee. ~·-'," '< ,·r--_,: - ,,1 , ' . ' ." '.,:" ,.- ' '
. ', )
b. Discharge of surety.
C. Essentials of a part_nership. .. .
d. Distinguish between .:!'condition" & "warranty'' .
e. Sub- agent ,..:-':;. : : .· ·,: .. · ·. ,·
f. Disti ngui~h blit'w~~r{ ei rtri et~hip & c.o~p~ny. , ;}
'~'~,;:;~~~ '~)}\{-, ;' /
~V?;'haq,,: giv~n::ove_r9- r~t1; fa:t;ilify,~ !9.' !l''. part~~r:Ship{firm & its partners, against firm's fix
' 12 marks
. pe po'siL The: Ra~ner'-~ '.8i.;tfi ~ f ir~<ro~de: ci:Wfa"illt '.in repayment of loan in spite of notices
. given byth e ,b~rik-:· · , · . c: · ' ':' ':: / i • ,., ...... ' .'.:·
,. -,
sl)· .
" '
Can bank exertjse :li~h ·ove r-the fi xed\diposit receipts of the partnership firm? If yes,
,.· ', ,_, • •••• • , \ ,I' -.' ,._ • '
can·t ne .ba ri k.liq1Jida'teth ~-fJ'l<ed .deposit?
, '" ' ' ·v ,·, ,,. _
ii) . · -Presu.ming_the f irm·'ha( two i ep'.arate accounts in the same bank, one is current
, . .atco~,nt.:.c ~n t he bank utili~e -th~ balance in the current account for satisfaction of
~he.over~raft facility_?'
Giv.e Reasons.
b. ''X'' h csJd.s ,a lease:-t rcim' i'.Y'\ ter:m inate on 6 months' notice "Z" an unauthorized person, gives
riotice '. of terminat io n' to !~''. :
l • i) . · .·, ~art th i~ ,1J6ticeibf ;'Z" be rectified by "X"? if yes, Why?
ii) ~rite the esse ntials of a valid ratification. ,' :/'
- mt !:lllaall _,,..... - -~
QP. ~od,e
tJa~:~2:\:. \
2 _ QP Code : 23812
(3 Hours) [Totat Mirks: ,1\)0J Co·n~C-l: --::rr:-- 5 rv\ay 20\ 8
N.B. : (1) ' ' ·: , c. The goods sold were to be carried first by railway & then by ship to their ultimate
All questions are compulsory I
destination, "A". The seller gave notice to railway company to stop the goods; but it was too
(2) Figures of the right indicate marks. late to prevent their shipment. The seller then gave notice to the ship owner; before it
,, ,,
(3) arrived at destination "A". The trustee of the bankrupt buyer demanded the goods.
Give reasons/ case law whenever necessary. ,: · ,,
:; i) Will the trustee of the bankrupt buyer get the goods?
' ' ,s' ' , .,
"' '
,, . ii) Can the seller issue a notice to the ship owner & stop t\)e goods in transit? Why?
' ,_
! ~••·
Ql Answer in 1-2 sentences each ,, ' · ·
) ' .. "
, ., . l Q4
a. State any 2 rights of surety against the creditQr ,:;.' ·.~,:, :·' ;, Answer any 4- 48 marks
Who can exercise general lien? ,,>.,'. ,2\~' , ,·' ,;::· , : , , , a. Discuss the contract of guarantee. Discuss the· .same, in detail with special reference to
C. 5
State any four kinds of bailment. , --"~. ::, ,. · ' ' ; ·, / ' discharge of surety & compare it with the cd~tract of indemnity .
Define the term "bailer"& "bailee". , } , / ,'.' ;:- .,_ '. ., ,, :·; b. Explain the various modes of" Termination; of'Agency".
Explain partners authority in an eme,rg~~cy.'_/ , ) \ . >~)",./':,~' -,,":_;: '.,·· : c. Define pledge & state the rule & exceptiori~_to, ihecrufei'no one-can make a valid pledge who
State any two grounds on which th¢ fi rh°! i:~_n' be:C:o'rn'p\,ilsprily'dj~scilved -:,:·- I is not the owner of the goods" , '
What does "future goods" mean ~'ndl! r Sale:cif Gobel; Act -1§3\:r t .:\t.:;'~, l d. Explain the different modes of :dissolutio n-- of partnership . finn ·'and state what are the
:f~3£1t'.";,/\',{ n-~f~iirrn
h. Who is a "mercantile agent'' unde r,1:h;eS~le of,Gb~'d;,A"ci 1 consequences or effects of the- di~sblut \b ,~, & state -the ri ght~ of the creditors of after
' ' .,.· ,,. ,. '. , ,.· ., .
L State the circumstances in guarantee-b,eco,mes.inyaild, ·o_< ; · :,,> .-, '·
. .. , . ' }. . . '
dissolutions. ' _
i Who is the "principal deb!or".? · ' · ', ,'· ,_,: /.:·
,, .:,,
·>· · ' I
e. What are the rights & Habilfties,;of t_he minor when -admitted . to the bei:iefits of the
h. ')
Q2 Short note on any 4 - .· _:(' ,, 1 partners 1p . , , :, ,- .. ' .,
20 marks I f. Who is an ·unpaid seller", DisCUSf_t QEi ri'g~t s:&.iluties:of:a,ri ''unpaid s~ll~r"?
a. Revocation of contin~iiig'j:ua rantee. . ~' . <. :., ·,.<..
.._,¢ ' )
b. Discharge of surety. ...-- >
C. Essentials of~ part,nership. _
d. Distinguish
:;betvi een.!'cond
,.' ' ..:':..
ition·" & "warranty".
.' '
e. Sub-agent,_.:,·.,·, •: , ·; · ·· :-::
Distin~i~k ~~t'w~~~;Pi f ~e~~~if &, i:fmp~n\ ,,··
• ,> , , · ... ',_'\.. ,·, . . ' ..,_ .•: ' .' ,.· ·,_· .... ; ,
w. Solve' ~r:iy-two'.- ·_ ' , -: .,'. · ., .....- 12 marks
',;-. (.. ' ,.' ....,_ /\~ ' ' . :. .,. ' --;: ,\. _·.•,.- ,. /(' ; .
a. xvz:·h~d_J :iven·: ov~rc!raft• f;i'c,il)ty,, !Q.' ~ : P.~rtii~i:~h1p,'firm & its partners, against firm's fix
, ~ep,6~i_t:, The·p ar$n~t1-~J(tne iiFiJi,lrj~de: a'·def~t\lt--in repayment of loan in spite of notices
, ~iv'en by tfie, b~r\k . ,- , ·- ,_, . , ' ,, . _, .' , . - ,.. .
j j. •··
':-<;an b ank ~l<er~\se li~n ·over-th~ ;fi~~ide~osit receipts of the partnership firm? If yes,
' -c~n th~J,-~ nk:l{qµlda\e d~p'ci~it? tti oi~<l'
ij) _
;Pr~;umi_ng_-t~!!! 1rt~' ~a;;' tw; ~~pa rate accounts in the same bank, one is current
, acc ourit.:ta.ri ihe bank 'utiiize· the balance in the current account for satisfaction of
~he o~erd r~fi: fa~ilii:y? · ·· ·
Giv~ Reas,ons..
b. "X'' hoJds .,a-leasefrom '.'.Y'',.terminate on 6 months' notice "Z" an unauthorized person, gives
notice '.of te rmin,atio,n to !;x:::
. i) · ca'ri't~i~ ·rJ6tit~'t y) 'Z" be rectified by "X"? if yes, Why?
\i) Write -ihe es:i~ntials of a valid ratification.
_ _ ...,_, - . - ..--1 • 4~ - ... ..._ _ _ tifn- .. ·~ t~ , : • ..,--.. - . . . ,...._..,_-=---- ·-,: ---·· -- -
Q.P. Code :18231 . ., Q.P. Code :18231
(Time:3 Hours) LO.rn . , · , :rotal'MarRs':;:"tO~ '..< ·
I . J [~ W, -;f'. ·tr~'Y'\ (_ 2_0 g
(b) Ali received a sum of Rs. 15,000/- (Rupees fifteen thousand :only) as. payment ~or
. ,::,: ,- · .v} ;;. the pipes supplied by Ali, to Swami. Swami requests Ali to acknowledge the receipt
Please check whether you have got the right ques~jdn ,~~p,er, ' 0''· of the said amount. Ali confirms that he has received the-said amount by writing the
N.B. : (i) All questions are compulsory; ' '" > ·' · same on a plain piece of paper and signing below. swami refuses to accept the
(ii) Figures to right indicate full marks. ,' said paper on the ground that the same is not valid and , calls upon Ali to execute
,' '"<. .....
-~r3, the receipt on stamp paper.
1. Answer each of the following questions in 2 (fyi~)
(three) sentence :.
· _,",
20i._: mark's''
\ ,"' - ,' '
(i) Is Swami entitled to ask for the receipt on stamp paper?
a) Define 'chargeable' under the Maharashtra,Stamp ,Act, j'9S8? '- -- '·,, , , · ,, " (ii) Is Ali required to pay any stamp duty? If ye_
s , what kind of stamp is to be used?
b) Explain the meaning of "Planning Authority'.'. ,urid; r the ,Maha~~slit ra ,Regioha],a,nd ;
' .:,,. ' "' ' " ' :- <
Town Planning Act, 1966? ' · ·, (c) Amar, a non-agriculturist, wants to pu(chase arf agricultural plot of land situated at
c) Define 'administrator' under Land Acquisition Ac~. Panchgani, from Antony for settingl~,,ayi:urist resort.
d) Define "Agriculture"? .. (i) Is Amar permitted to purchase tha ,.S?ic! Jand, for setting up of the. tourist resort?
e) Who is a "landless person" under the -Maharashtra Agricultural lands (C~lling _& Why?
Holdings) Act, 1961? '
(ii) Advice Amar on the procedure tQ be followed for setting up the tourist res.ort?
f) Define Superior Holder o(_Maharasht~a Land Revenue Code, 1966
g) Boundary mark
h} 'Improvement' under Maharashtra Land Revenue,Code
i) Cost of Aquisition under Land,Acquisition Act. Q.4 Answer the followii:ig :{any;-four) 48 marks
j) What is the meanin'g of"hazard line"?
(a) Describe the parameters ·tq. be coniidered while' determining compensation for
Q.2 Write short notes,on any 4 (four) oMhe following: acquisition of land under the.Land ~ ~ u(~~ion;Act? ·
20 marks
a) (b) Explain in detail the' legaf. pro\/isio,i pertainfng· ·to , \'Unauthorized development"
Award undeir t he Land Acquisition, Act
under the Maharashtra Regio~al Towr(Plarining_,A;c( 1966?
b) Nistar Patrak
·--: .,
,: -
c) Section'..50; 51 under Maharashtra Land Revenue Code (c) Describe the different · activities pe{mitteq and restricted in the various Coastal
d) Wazib- ul-arz Regulation Zones? ,
e) Admis_sibility of ,i~stru1J1ents\ whi~h- are:·not,.pr6perly stamped under the Bombay
·Stamp Act · ' (d) Explain in detail the provisions'pertaj~ing: to structural repairs under Maharashtra
f) Desc~ibe the _documents,comPLtlsoty.: tp·be registered under the Registration Act, Housing & Area Development Act, 1976i
1908 . . •', .
(e) Describe ·in detail the' prp'cedure of
adjudication and legal provisions pertaining to
instruments not duly star:nped.under the Maharashtra Stamp Act, 1958?
Q.3.Solve .any 2 (two),of the following, with reasons: 12 marks
(f) Discuss the restrictior,is .on ,sale or agricultural land described under the Bombay
(a) Ram, Rahim -and Albert have executed an instrument of partition of a jointly held Tenancy and Agricultur~I Lands Act, 1948?
.property, whereby the said property is partitioned in such a manner that Ram shall
get 3Q% ,of t,he said_prpRertY, Rahim shall get 35% of the said property and Albert
·snalLgeftn~ rl:ln,a}n1~g, 35% of the property.
(i) Is such an instrument of partition to be registered?
( ii \ u,h,.... ; ,... 1: :.. 1-.. 1,.... .f,.....,. ...,,;.,,.....,........_...., + ,....f ,.... +,....m r"\ r-4 1 ah, " " t"',....j,-4 i r'l .... ,-..f ..... ,.... ..+ ;+ i,.... ..... "J
"< . . :' ,.:
' ;'P;G9~l~_
...... :510?,J·
_,,_. ' , ... , . :-- _.'). _tr C,~;'\M'\'\t'\.O ·,o~ \\ <l~~e_ z.01g Q.P .Co<le:51023
_,, _..._ '~- ' . •, '
,/\,1'9t~ffy1_ai;J<i;J91J,f .J Write in brief (any four)
. (3 Hours) · t ., ,<.:.; ""' ,, . •. • . ' -· ,'' ..... ..... ',
a. Poverty and crimes are interrelated comment?
Please check whether you have the right questimq_j~pet ;::{· ·, ... , , . ,; -:,\}>~·
b. Enumerate different schools of criminology?
N.B.: 1) · All questions are compulsory. :···.)') : · ·'_;·f , ·; :'?
2) All questions carry equal marks. . :: - :··,,; _: ·__. ·,;. c. Should capital punishment be abolished? Explain.
r;, ~' :'-. d. Explain various theories ·o f punishment? Which theory d~ you support?
Ql. Answer in not more than two sentences. ,, -" - ·:J :·/·:"2°0',:-': e. Explain in detail the theory of differential Association? .
a. Who are criminals according to Lombroso? f. Explain prison reform in India?
b. What are kinds ofpunislm1ent?
c. What are the reasons for mental disability? . '\ *************"
d . What are the contributing factors for white collar crimes? J
e. What are various causes of crime? •-..' -!
f. State the meaning of criminologv_ -',_o ," .-:< _·.'
g. Vlho is delinquet~t Juvenile? ._.... ., __ ... , .:··"·.: f: ,... ,~-:.:~> ,-;-. _,:•.r:-.:--(/~~f' .. . .
h. State 2 reasons why capital punishment should not ·be\ nflicticlf :'!\:-.~}i: ~'_-; -- ,c•,: .:.,\ft/·~
Define Term Sex Indulirence? - ·,.;:' · ·:· -',;<' _,. 2- :-: J::· •
What is Organized Cri;e" - ·.. · · ,<" °' > '
Q2. Write short notes on (any four) 20
a. Open prison in lndia.
b. Cyber Crime .
c. Interpol
d. Police System.
e. Kleptom an ia.
f. Refom1mi ve theo ry .
Q3. Situational problem (any two) l2
1) A person commi tted rape of seven years -0\d girl and strangulated her to
death. He threw her t-ody im o well to distort of any evidence being left
behind .
What kind ofpunisbm em do you suggest? Why? .
b. Who is probation officer·~
2) Th~re.was a·case in which, was a delay in executing the death sentence
of ari 1ac~u~~_
d, .
·a._ What -, voutd,;be ·proper re\ised decision?
b. Should-.d~t~ii_ ntenced be reduced 10 life Imprisonment?
3) Solitary c:~n~n:~fo~nt of 3 months ,..-as im~~ed on convict and was executed
in one single stretch'?
a. Is this legal? ,;", . .
b. What is pr~per:procedure of solitary confinement'?
P:11,cr / Subjec-1 Code: 3i901 I Jurisprudl'nre.
j Pa~r / Subject Code: 3i901 I Jnrispn,_dcnce.
--:r 6'','\.-\ I).(/)'\ ( \.8 . I
\j__....,, ,·6 NoY- Q_(:) f
QP Code : 23424
QP·Code: 23424 't 2
:, (c) GBV Company Ltd. is a company funned under the Indian Companies Act It
!Time : .3 Hour,;] !Total iVhrks: 100] ij is engaged in the manufacturing and servicing o( agricullural and farm
' 1
N.13 : I .
An swer all questi ons.
Tota\ marks for questions arc indicated in the-right ·end. t (i) Is GBV Company a corporation sole or cof!!Orlll:iein, aggregnte ?
(ii) Discuss the advantages of locorporation.
An s wer all questions in one or n,·o sentences 20 ·'
(aJ Deline Obiter Dicta. ~ 4 - Answer in detail any four : - 48
i (a) Critically examine the Sociological school of jurisprudence. -Highligh~ the
(b) What is subordinate legislation ? ··' contribution made by Roscoe Pound.
(c) Define servitude. i,j
(b) Discuss 'Personality' and examin~'~e-personality of.(i) minors,,(iQ persons
(d) Kelson's contribution to legal theory
of unsound mind and (iii) dead persons·. ...
(e) What are trusts?
l (c) What are the formal and rna_tef iii( sqtirc~s'o flaw ' 7-. Discusidhe' reasons for
(/) What kind of justice is reflectd in Art. 17 of the Indian Constitution?
considering customs as a soorce..of-law.,.
(g) What are positive laws?
(d) Dis~uss the theory tbat Judge~-8/'e l_a winakers.
(h) Explain two important benefits ofstudyingju1isprudence .
(i) Define obligation. (e) Explain Hoth fields analysis·ofrights in widet sense, a
(j) What are right-in-rem ? (f) Critically examine thoi _cOriceP.t-ot-possession. Explain,the different kinds of
2. Vlrite short notes on any four 20
(a) Social enginee1·ing
(b) Customs and usages
( c) Agreements
\d) Functions oJ law (~~)
(e) Kinds of precedents [ ~ :. il--<ITTI \oo
(f) S ources of obligation .
12 = : (~)~ -~
.. ~:~.
' , -- · ·
3. Answer any two :-
, rn ~ - -w.i: 3;ii~"i¾la· ~ ~~
(a) Raja owns a wooden table with draw.ers:'He left itto repair with the carpenter
Sh'yam. Shyam discovered money in one of the drawers and appropriated it
l ;·· -__ , . :-. , ·.:·,~ _, -
was l.
l- ('f,f*:i..rfl
' (3T) felt~ ~-ey;{.~ ~--'ift-
for his own personal use. Raja not aware of the money in the drawer. ~o
Sh yam was punished for theft. - - <hl<JG{l1'i41 ~ d- ::<j)<J>\1~11S <:fiU •
(i) Why is the possession of money not considered to have been
,---, .(q)C~~q :~ ~ - i r . ,~ ...
trnnsferred _to Shyam. alongwith the table ? Explain in the light of
the. elements of possession.
I .. '(#)--, ~'. :~ ,~- :· .
(ii) Distinguisll possession and ownership. (~) ~ .-c/il4¥1-i:,!l( jB./<i~l•U<id <f>Ff ?
(b) A. certain village ha:s_'a custom that every cultivator of the village land is (i) .-:::,:rm ,q;p;f $ ..·i- . ' '
entit\ed to graze his.- 1,att\e on the common pasture. Arjun Singh became a
tenent of a ·plot of ut~c~1ltivated land in the village. He does cultivation and
',! . ($'.1tl"~4f(l9_~~idlff ,~ -~ Jffemn ~?
J (Tr/ ~ ,-if>J'-isr~~?
t\,ere by..acquired an easement to graze his cattle.
(jy'' 'N\i~t kind of easement does Arj·un Singh enjoy ? r-' t~> ~ --t""- ~-·
(_ii") W\,at :.we the rights which cannot be regarded as capable of being
C~'$e\"'\"\.<el"'l.'-S '1 t--.•. (<1)
~ ,
~mrr ,>
Paper / Subject Code: 37902 I Coc11c~ D. Pa per ' Sobi<'c-1 Cod ~: 3T99': I C o ntract II.
CoY'l-t-rn. ct :u:.. l'lov '2-.0 \
13 Hours] (Total Ma rks: 100] 2. A becomes a surety to the firm of "M_L. Moonson- fo r R's conduct as accountant to
Please check whether you have got the right question (l:lper. the firm . The firm's compos ition changes subseque.nt.l y and the name is also altered to
N.B: I. All questions are compulsory. "M. Monsoon & Brothers".
2. Figures of the right indicate marks.
3. Give reasons/ Case laws wherever nece-s sa ry. (i) Will A be bound by his guarantee after the firm's make-over?
(ii) What will be A's liability for B's conduct after this change in the firm?
1. Answer in 1-2 sentences (2 Marks each):- (iii) From which date is the revocation of guarantee effective?
!. Define Bailment as per the Indian Contracts Act, 1872.
2. \Vhat is meant by the term, "act of a firm"? 3. Ram so ld 200 shares to Rohan. Rohan did not pay the price of those shares to Ram .
3. Partnership at will. However, Rohan sold SO shares out of those 200 to Priya la third party) . Rohan also
4. Briefly explain - Partner's authority in an emergency. pledged the remaini ng 150 shares to Ramesh.
5. \Vhat is a "contract of guarantee"? (i) ls Ram e ntitled to a decree against Rohan for the unpaid purchase money of the
6. Define "Lien". How many types of lien are there? shares?
7. What is Agreement to Sell as provided ,mder Sale of Goods Act, 1930? ( ii) Can Ram sue Ramesh to recover the documents and also claim damages?
8. What is meant by-Paymem and deliYery are concurrent conditions?
4. Answer any 4 out of the following 6 (12 Marks each):- · 48
9. Define 'pawnee'. Wben d oes .a pawnee have a right of retainer?
IO. What is the position when there is de! ivery of\-nong quantity of goods? I. Discuss the principre of Caveat Emptor and its exceptions with suitable case laws.
2. Explain how the transfer of title on Sale take place? State with exceptions if any.
2. Short Note on any4 out of the following 6 ( 5 Marks each) 3. What is dissolution of firm? Explain MODES of dissolution ofa firm with relevant case
I. Implied Authority of partner as agent oftl1e firm. la,vs.
2. Distinctjon between Condition and Waqanty with suitable examples. 4. State when can an agent personally enforce contracts and when he can be made
3. Risk prima facie passes with property, personally liable?
4. Rules as to delivery of Goods under Sale of Goods Act, 1930. 5. Elucidate on rights and liabilities of SURETY under The Indian Contract Act, 1872.
5. Duties,and liabilities of a Bailor. 6. \1/hat are the general provisions relattng to registration of partnership firms? ls it
6 .. Munial rights.and liabilities of partners as per The Indian Partnership Act, 1932. compulsory to register a firm? What are the effects of non-registration of a partnership
3. Solve any 2 om.of the following 3 (6 Marks each)
I. ·Dinesh , Esha and .firoz are sureties to X for a sum of Rs. 4.000 lent to Y. There is a
contract between Dinesh, Esha and Firoz that Dinesh. w ould be responsible to the extent
of one-half ( l /2), Esha and Firoz to the extent one-<juarter ( l /4) each in case of any
default in payment by Y. Now Y m akes default in payment to X.
(i) What are Dinesh. Esba an d Firoz called joim.l y"
(ii) What sum of money will Dinesh. Esha and Firoz be each liable to pay?
(iii) Define Co-sureues.
Pape.r / Subject Code: 37903 / Land Laws.
Paper I Subject Code: 37903 / Land Laws.
Lc""J ~\.V N~v• ~oL~
(3 Hours)
Q 3. Solve any two of the following
N.B: (1) All Questions are Compulsory
(2) Figures to right indicate Full Marks
[Tot;,1 Marki;: 100] I 1) Under Section 53 of the Maharashtra Regional & Town Planning Act 1909, the Planning served a
notice upon Shri Jadhav the owner & shri Nikam the occupant of the land. calling upon him to
remove unauthorized development within 1 month of service of notice & to restore land to its
pre-development conditions. Mr. Nikam is in the occupation of land .
a) Is the notice served upon Mr Nikam valid?
b) What is the remedy of the Planning Authority in case.the notice in not complied with?
Ql Answer in two sentences. c) Who is liable for expenses incurred in case of demolition-by the Planning Authority?
1) What is the meaning of the Farming under the Maharashtra Land revenue 1966.
2) Explain the term chargeable under the Bombay Stamp; Act, 1958? 2) Mr. Patnaik appears in the proceedings conducted by special acQuisition ofticer, but reiect the
order of compensation passed on 7th Oct'2013?
3) What is "Warkas Land"?
\ a} What is time limit for taking action against the order?
4) Explain high tide line?
B) What are the legal remed~es available to Mr Patnaik?
5) What does Wajib-ul-arz contain?
6) Who is a 'person i nterested'?
3) Shreeram and Laxman executed an agreement to sell for a lmmo-vable Propert'I situated at
7) State the matters·to be provided,iri,Nistar-Patrak? Ratnagiri
8) How to calcu'iate F.S.I.? a) Is a registratio_l)~f the aforesaid.document compulsof\/?
9) What_are the 'development rights·'under MRTP Act-1960? b) What consegu·enc_e wi{l Laxman will face?, Will this agreement to sale be effecfo,e?
10),Define."Join Fa·mily" under.the B.T-. and ·A.L Act 1948.
Q 4 Answ_e r a~y,fo\ 1r' of thef~llpwing
l } .Explain in cjetajl permiss\b\e activities.under C..R.2. regulation .
2J Explain section 51'& ·section 52 of Maharashtra-Land Revenue Code 1966.
Q 2fWrite.short note: (~ny Four} sJ What .are lane! records? How the purchases are recorded in Form \JII/XII of immo-vable µroµero(?
4) Elucidated the.procedure oi acqu\sition of land for µublic purpose.
1) Sana?,
5) Elql!ain about compulsory regist ration as stated in the Indian Registration f\ct
• :i.), Nistar, Patrak
f ·6) Explain Section 88'& Sectio n &3 & Ml-lf\DA Act-1956.
3) ,Bonafide Industrial Use
4)· Adj~dica! ion
5) . Exception.tci_sec. 1_7 .(1) of Registration Act 1908.
\ - ----------------------------
6) Explaih·the procedure for removal of "unauthorized development" under MRTP.
Paper / Subject Code: 37904 / Anyone or the following. Criminology and Correctionnl Adminisirat.ion. PlrJH.r I Subject Code: 37904 / Anyone or the following. Criminology nnd Correctional All ns
L --ri "/"()\'Y'\O\<yj 'Nov. 20\8
Q.P. Code :16627 Q.P. Code :16627
[Time: Three Hours] (Marks:100] f a,,q Answer any four of the following.
a) Expla in in detail the following
Please check whether you have got the right question paper. i) Nee-classical school.
ii) Positive School.
Answer the questions as per instructions given below. b) Write a detail note on prevention of organised Crime in India .
Q,1 Answer in not more than two sentence. 20
a) What is kleptomania? c) Explain in detail the powers and function of Juvenile Justice Board.
b) What is pathological arson?
c) Define Special home. d) Explain in detail the following.
i) Parole Board
d) What is crime syndicate?
e) Define White Collar Crime. ii) The British Prison System.
f) Any two causes of sexual harassment at work place.
e) Shall death penalty be abolished in India? Why?
g) Define children's home.
h) Define Penology. f) Explain in detail Dr.Lombrozos theory of Born Criminals.
i) What is Prison?
j) Name any two schools of criminology.
Q.2 Write Short Notes (Any Four) 20
a) Probation
b) Organised crime
c) Juvenile delinquency
d) Interpol
e) Psychology of crime
f) Role of police in Crime:Prevention.
Q.3 Solve any two of the following. 12 \
a) Amis'ha was in need_of urgent ·money for h~r medic'al exp_e nses. She earned money by having voluntary Sexual
intercourse with a ;bus1nessman ..She then left pro~tituticin.
' ii
~Whai ,off~nceAhi is h~. ha~e cornmit~ed?:How?
ii) . -Suggest_anytwo ways to curb prostitution in India.
b) Ramu ·shot dead a.n underworld don for the reason that he want a peace in his region. He hate Criminals.
· i) " ~hat•off~nc~ he i~.guilty of?
ii) 'Do you justify his act? Give any two ways to prevent oraganised Crime.
c) Pintu, a 12 year old .hoy left home.because of ill-treatment by his father . He involved himself in criminal

activities: Rahi;,a prostitute.took him to a brothel house.
i) ls·Rani guilty of any offence? How?
ii) Who is a neglected Juvenile?

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