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1400 Congressional Rd Ext, Novaliches, Caloocan, Metro Manila

Name: Rochelle Anne L. Motol Rating:

Section: BSIT – 4A Professor: Dr. Ramon S.


Title of Reports: Rizal in Hongkong

I. Objectives

1. To describe Rizal's life in Hong Kong.

2. To learn about Rizal's travel experiences from Europe to Hong Kong.

3. Discuss the reunion of Rizal and his family in Hong Kong.

II. Introduction

Jose Rizal, the Philippine national hero, spent some time in Hong Kong as part of his

travels throughout Europe and Asia. Rizal arrived in Hong Kong on November 20,

1891, and stayed there for about six months until June 20, 1892.

During his stay in Hong Kong, Rizal worked as an ophthalmologist and opened a clinic

that catered to Chinese and British patients. He also became involved in the activities
1400 Congressional Rd Ext, Novaliches, Caloocan, Metro Manila

of the Filipino community in Hong Kong, which at that time was a center for political


Rizal used his time in Hong Kong to continue his political activities in support of the

Philippine independence movement. He wrote articles and essays for La Solidaridad,

a newspaper published by Filipino exiles in Europe, and also continued to correspond

with his fellow Filipino activists.

Rizal also took advantage of his stay in Hong Kong to improve his knowledge of the

Chinese language and culture. He studied Chinese and collected books on Chinese

history and literature, which he would later use in his writings.

Overall, Rizal's stay in Hong Kong was a productive and significant period in his life.

It gave him the opportunity to engage with the Filipino community and further his

political activities, as well as deepen his understanding of Chinese culture and


III. Learning Content

After the publication of El Filibusterismo, Rizal left Europe for Hong Kong and

stayed there for 7 months. He decided to leave Europe because of the following


1. Political differences with Marcelo H. del Pilar and other compatriots in


2. To be near the Philippines and his family

1400 Congressional Rd Ext, Novaliches, Caloocan, Metro Manila

Farewell to Europe

Melbourne Steamer

 Two weeks after the publication of the El Filibusterismo, October 3, 1891, Rizal

left Ghent for Paris where he stayed for a few days to bid good bye to his


 From Paris, he rode a train to Marseilles where he boarded the steamer

Melbourne, bound for Hong Kong.

 He brought with him a recommendation letter given by Juan Luna addressed

to Manuel Camus, a compatriot living in Singapore plus 600 copies of the El

1400 Congressional Rd Ext, Novaliches, Caloocan, Metro Manila

Rizal and the German Ladies

One evening, passengers were having their meals then suddenly, one group of

German ladies are gossiping about the Asian male who is taking his meal quietly who

is Rizal, then, Rizal caught the attention of those ladies and started to listen what were

their talking about. Rizal, was fluent in German so he understood all the words that

the ladies speaking. The fast running steamer encountered a heavy squall and the

door of the room was blown open, the ladies started to make a deal that if Rizal was

going to stand up and close the door they will surely say that Rizal is gentleman.

Without having a word, Rizal rose and closed the door. After what had happened he

spoke to those German ladies in fluent German and the ladies felt very embarrassed

because of what they did, and thereafter, they treated Rizal with admiration and

respect, despite his brown skin, for he was a cultured man.

Rizal's arrival in Hong Kong

Rednaxola Terrace

On November 20, 1891, Rizal arrived in Hong Kong. He was welcomed by the Filipino

residents, Jose Ma. Basa, his old friend. He established his residence at No. 5 D’ Aguilar

Street, No. 2 Rednaxola Terrace. On December 1, 1891, he wrote to his parents asking
1400 Congressional Rd Ext, Novaliches, Caloocan, Metro Manila

permission if he could return home but on the same date, Manuel Hidalgo, his brother

– in – Law, sent him a letter saying that his family is part of the deportation of twenty

five person from Calamba. The content of letter clearly revealed the despair and sorrow

of the Rizal family. Again, he felt the sadness and eagerness to be in the Philippines to

help his family from suffering. It is also stated that Hidalgo was preparing a letter to the

Queen Regent of Spain to secure justice in Calamba and if doesn’t work, he will write

to the Queen Victoria of England appealing for protection.

Family Reunion in Hong Kong

 Before the Christmas of 1891, he was gladdened by the arrival of his father,

brother, and Silvestre Ubaldo (his brother – in – law) in Hong Kong. Not long

afterwards his mother, and sisters Lucia, Josefa, and Trinidad also arrived. A

65 years old mother of Rizal was almost blind because of the brutality that she

suffered from the Spaniards. A year before, Rizal’s mother was arrested on the

flimsy charge that she was not using her surname “Realonda” and despite of

her age and blindness, she was forced by a cruel Spanish officer to walk from

Calamba to Santa Cruz the Capital of Laguna. Fortunately, the Spanish

governor of Laguna pitied her and kindly set her free.

 The Christmas of 1891 in Hong Kong was one of the happiest Yuletide

celebrations in Rizal’s life. For he experienced again the bond with his family.

Ophthalmic Surgeon in Hong Kong

1400 Congressional Rd Ext, Novaliches, Caloocan, Metro Manila

Ophthalmologist Business Card of

Doctor Jose Rizal from Hongkong End

of 19th Century

 To earn a living for himself and his family, Rizal practiced medicine. Dr.

Lorenzo P. Marques helped Rizal to build up a wide clientele. Rizal also

successfully operated his mother’s eye, that able her to read and write


 January 21, 1892 = Rizal wrote to Bluementritt how he practiced as a

doctor. He also wrote how the influenza caued ravages in Europe. Rizal

wished Blumentritt’s family well.

 March 21, 1892 = Mr. Boustead praised Rizal for practicing his medical

profession via letter.

 Dr. Ariston Lin, from Paris, sent a congratulatory letter to Rizal and 2

medical books

Borneo Colonization Project

 Because of the hardship of the Calamba folks under Gov. Gen. Valeriano

Weyler, Rizal conceived the establishment of a Filipino colony in North Borneo

1400 Congressional Rd Ext, Novaliches, Caloocan, Metro Manila

 He planned to move the landless Filipino families to that rich British owned


 On March 7, 1892, Rizal went to Sandakan on board the ship Menon to

negotiate with the British authorities.

Writings in Hong Kong

a. Ang mga Karapatan ng Tao (The Rights of Man)

b. A la Nacion Espanola (To the Spanish Nation), 1891

c. Sa mga Kababayan (To my Country Men)

d. Hongkong Telegraph, whose editor Mr. Frazier Smith

e. Una Visita a la Victoria Goal (A Visit to Victoria Goal)

f. Colonuzation du British North Borneo, par des Familles de Iles Philippines

(Colonization of British North Borneo by Families from the Philippine


g. La Mano Roja (The Red Hand)

h. Constitution and By Laws of the Liga Filipina, 1892

Aims of the La Liga

 Unification of the whole archipelago into a vigorous, compact body

 Mutual protection in every part and necessity

 Defense against all forms of violence and injustice

 Stimulation of instruction, agriculture and commerce

Undertaking of study and application of reforms

1400 Congressional Rd Ext, Novaliches, Caloocan, Metro Manila

Decision to return to Manila

May 1892: Rizal made up his mind to return to Manila. The reasons:

 To confer with Governor Despujol regarding his Borneo colonization project

 To establish the La Liga Filipina in Manila

 To prove that Eduardo de Lete was wrong in attacking him in Madrid that he,

being comfortable and safe in Hong Kong, had abandoned the country’s cause.

 Published in La Solidaridad

 Lete’s attack, which was printed in La Solidaridad on April 15, 1892, portrayed

Rizal as cowardly, egoistic. Opportunistic – a patriot in words only.

Last Hong Kong Letter

 He evidently had a premonition of death because the day after his birthday, he

wrote two letters, sealed and inscribed in each envelope ‘TO BE OPENED


 He gave it to Dr. Marques for safekeeping

 The first letter is addressed to Rizal’s parents, siblings and friends.

 The second letter is addressed to the Filipinos

 June 21, 1892 – another letter was made by Rizal addressed to Gov. Gen.


 In this letter he informed the Governor of his homecoming and placed himself

under the protection of the Spanish government

 Rizal with his sister left Hong Kong for Manila

1400 Congressional Rd Ext, Novaliches, Caloocan, Metro Manila

 They carried a special passport issued by the Spanish consul general in Hong


Rizal Falls into Spanish Trap

 Immediately after the departure of Rizal, the consul general sent a cablegram

to Gov. Despujol that the victim “is in the trap”

 On the same day, a secret case was filed in Manila against Rizal and his

followers for anti-religious and anti-patriotic agitation.

IV. Vocabulary Words

1. Ophthalmologist - Ophthalmologists are doctors who care for patients with

eye conditions. They diagnose, treat and prevent disorders of the eyes and

visual system, using medical and surgical skills.

2. Steamer - This cumbersome quality of early 19th-century steam engines led to

their being used first on ships.

3. Marseilles - Marseille is the capital city of the Bouches-du-Rhône département

in southern France.

4. Spaniards - Spaniards, or Spanish people, are a Romance ethnic group native

to Spain.

5. La Solidaridad - La Solidaridad (The Solidarity) was an organization created

in Spain on December 13, 1888.

6. El Filibusterismo - also known by its English title The Reign of Greed, is the

second novel written by Jose Rizal and the sequel to Noli Me Tangere.
1400 Congressional Rd Ext, Novaliches, Caloocan, Metro Manila

7. Yuletide - is sometimes used as another word for Christmastime—the

Christmas season.

8. Colonization - the action or process of settling among and establishing control

over the indigenous people of an area.

9. Unification - the process of being united or made into a whole.

10. Advocacy - the act or process of supporting a cause or proposal : the act or

process of advocating (see advocate entry 2) something.

V. Post Test

1. The following are the reasons why Rizal left Europe for Hong Kong in 1891,


a. political differences with Marcelo H. del Pilar.

b. his desire to be with his family.

c. political differences with other Filipino expatriates in Spain which

made his life miserable.

d. He just wants a vacation in Hong Kong

2. What steamer did her board on his way to Hong Kong?

a. Zafiro

b. Melbourne

c. Abin

d. Adelaide

3. When did Rizal arrived in Hong Kong?

a. October 20, 1891

1400 Congressional Rd Ext, Novaliches, Caloocan, Metro Manila

b. November 20, 1891

c. November 30, 1892

d. October 30, 1892

4. Who were the Filipino residents that welcomed Rizal upon his arrival in Hong


a. Blumentritt

b. Manuel T. Hidalgo

c. Jose Ma. Basa

d. Paciano

5. Who sent letter to Rizal relating the sad news of the deportation of twenty-

five persons from Calamba?

a. Paciano

b. Blumentritt

c. Manuel T. Hidalgo

d. Silvestre Ubaldo

6. A Portuguese physician who became Rizal’s friend and admirer that helped

him to build up a wide clientele in Hong Kong.

a. Dr. Lorenzo P. Marques

b. Dr. Louis De Wecker

c. Otto Becker

d. Dr. Antonio Ma. Regidor

7. Rizal made up his mind to return to Manila. The decision was spurred by the

following except.
1400 Congressional Rd Ext, Novaliches, Caloocan, Metro Manila

a. to confer with Governor Despujol regarding his Borneo colonization


b. to establish the La Liga Filipina in Manila.

c. to speak with Marcelo H. del Pilar about their political differences.

d. to prove that Eduardo de Lete was wrong in attacking him in Madrid

being comfortable and safe in Hong Kong, had abandoned the country’s


8. When did Rizal decided to return to Manila?

a. June 1892

b. July 1892

c. April 1892

d. May 1892

9. When did Rizal left Ghent for Paris where he stayed for a few days to bid good bye

to his friends?

a. October 3, 1891

b. November 3, 1890

c. September 10, 1894

d. December 12, 1888

10. Major event for during Rizal's Christmas is Hongkong.

a. He established ophthalmology clinic.

b. He met his wife.

c. Family Reunion

d. He celebrates Christmas with his friends.

1400 Congressional Rd Ext, Novaliches, Caloocan, Metro Manila

VI. Summary

Jose Rizal arrived in Hong Kong in November 1891, after being exiled from his

homeland, the Philippines, by Spanish authorities. During his stay in Hong Kong, Rizal

engaged in various activities that were aimed at promoting Philippine independence

and reform. Here's a summary of Rizal's activities in Hong Kong in 1891-1892:

Writing for La Solidaridad: Rizal continued to write articles and essays for the

Filipino nationalist newspaper, La Solidaridad, which was published in Spain.

Corresponding with fellow nationalists: Rizal maintained correspondence with

other Filipino nationalists, such as Graciano Lopez Jaena and Marcelo H. del Pilar,

who were also living in exile in Hong Kong.

Organizing a Filipino community: Rizal helped to organize and unite the Filipino

community in Hong Kong. He established the "La Liga Filipina" association, which

aimed to promote Philippine nationalism and independence.

Teaching and practicing medicine: Rizal worked as a teacher and practiced

medicine in Hong Kong, which helped him to earn a living and support his family.

Planning his return to the Philippines: Rizal hoped to return to the Philippines to

continue his fight for independence and reform.

Overall, Rizal's stay in Hong Kong was a productive period in his life, as he continued

to work towards his goal of achieving Philippine independence and reform.

1400 Congressional Rd Ext, Novaliches, Caloocan, Metro Manila

VII. Conclusions and Recommendations

In conclusion, Rizal's life in Hong Kong from 1891-1892 was a critical period in his

life and the history of the Philippines. During his stay, he continued to work towards

the goal of achieving Philippine independence and reform by writing, teaching, and

organizing fellow Filipinos.

Through his work, Rizal was able to raise awareness about the issues facing the

Philippines and helped to unite the Filipino community towards a common cause.

His establishment of the La Liga Filipina and his continued writing for La

Solidaridad were instrumental in bringing attention to the plight of the Filipino

people and the need for change.

As a recommendation, the legacy of Rizal's life and work in Hong Kong should

continue to be celebrated and remembered by the Filipino people. It serves as a

reminder of the importance of fighting for freedom, justice, and equality and

inspires future generations to work towards these goals.

VIII. Bibliography, Reference, and Author

Chapter 20 Opthalmic Surgeon In Hong Kong


Ophthalmic Surgeon In Hong Kong (1891 – 1892)

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