Graphing Activitysheet

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Name_________________________________________ Period____________ Date______________

Graphing Supply & Demand

Supply Curves: show the relationship between the amount of product available (# of producers willing to sell)
on the x-axis and the price of the product on the y-axis

Demand Curves: show the relationship between the number of consumers willing to purchase a product
(x-axis) and the price of the product (y-axis)

1. Pumpkins at the Farmer’s Market:

A. Supply Curve: There are 4 farmers who would

Price of pumpkins ($)

like to sell their pumpkins at the farmer’s market.
Zero farmers will sell their pumpkins for $0 each. At
$1, 1 farmer will sell his pumpkins. At $2.00, 2
farmers will sell their pumpkins. At $3.00, 3 farmers
will sell their pumpkins. At $4.00, all 4 farmers will
sell their pumpkins.

Label the x-axis and y-axis on the graph to the right,

and plot the numbers given above to create a supply

Producers willing to sell (#)

B. Demand Curve: At $1 per pumpkin, 4 buyers

will purchase pumpkins. At $2 each, 3 people will
buy pumpkins. At $3, 2 people will buy pumpkins.
Price of pumpkins ($)

At $4, 1 person will buy pumpkins. Zero people will

pay $5 for a pumpkin.

Application Questions:
1. Give an example of something that would
increase the demand for pumpkins at the
farmer’s market.

Consumers willing to buy (#)

2. Give an example of what could decrease the available
supply of pumpkins at the farmer’s market.

Utah Agriculture in the Classroom 6

2. Chocolate Milk Chug:

A. Supply Curve: Your school wants to start

selling chocolate Milk Chugs in their vending

Price of Milk Chugs ($)

machines. There are 5 vending companies who have
offered to supply the milk. Zero companies will sell
their Milk Chugs for $0 each. At $0.50, 1 vendor
will sell their Milk Chugs. At $1.00, 2 vendors will
sell their milk. At $1.50, 3 vendors will sell their
milk. At $2.00, all 5 vendors will sell their milk.

Producers willing to sell (#)

B. Demand Curve: At $0.50 per Milk Chug,

5 students will purchase milk. At $1 each,
Price of Milk Chugs ($)
4 students will buy Milk Chugs. At $1.50,
2 students will buy Milk Chugs. At $2, 1 person
will buy Milk Chugs. Zero students will buy Milk
Chugs for $2.50 each.

Consumers willing to buy (#)

Application Questions:
1. What could be done at the school to increase the demand for chocolate Milk Chugs?

2. What would be the ideal price for the Milk Chugs?

Utah Agriculture in the Classroom 7

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