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Basantsing Institute of Science & J. T. Lalvani College of Commerce.

and Sheila Gopal Raheja College of Management.
Common Entrance Exam (JHC-CEE) for admission to FY
Degree (UG) Self Financing Programs for 2022-2023

In continuation to the notice dated 30th April2022, the additional details regarding
the Common Entrance Exam (JHC-CEE) for admission to FY Degree (UG) Self
Financing programs (BAF, BBI, BFM, BMS, BBA, BA(Ad.J), Biotech, BSC-IT, BVoc-SD
& BVoc- TTM) for 2022-2023 is specified hereunder:

Instructions to apply for JHC - CEE:

Applicants are required to read the following step by step instructions guide in order to apply
for JHC - CEE:

1. Go to the below link and register yourself to fill the online form to apply for JHC Common Entrance
Exam(CEE): (link will be activated from 17/5/2022)

2. Fill the form in its entirety and click on 'Next' to proceed towards online payment of test fees.
Note: Please keep the following documents handy as they would be required to be uploaded
while you fill the form:
- Aadhaar Card
- Recent Photo

3. Proceed towards online payment of entrance test fees of Rs. 1000/- (all inclusive).
4. Upon successful payment of the entrance exam fee, a unique application number shall be
displayed and an acknowledgement shall be sent to the registered email id and mobile number.
5. This application number will be your point of reference / identification and shall be needed to
be entered when you take the online entrance exam.
6. You can login anytime to view your submitted entrance exam form and can reach out to us on
the below admission coordinates in case of any queries:
exam / admission related queries:
• Commerce: BVoc TTM:- [email protected]
• Unaided(BMS,BBI,BAF,BFM,BBA,BMM):- [email protected]
• Science : BSc- Biotech :- [email protected]
• Science: BSc-IT and BVoc-Soft. Dev. : [email protected]
• Tech support: [email protected]

Structure of Online Common Entrance Exam (CEE)

Subject Matter Weightag Number Total Total

e of Marks Duration
English 25% 25

Logic, Reasoning & Data 25% 25

Interpretation 100 2 hours

Maths (up to Std Xth Maharashtra 25% 25

State Board)

Current Affairs 25% 25

Syllabus for Online Entrance Exam 2022-23
The entrance examination will primarily check basic aptitude in English, Logical & Visual
Reasoning, Data interpretation, Maths & Current affairs. Entrance test will consist of multiple
choice questions from the following four sections.


• Grammar and Composition

(Usage of prepositions/article/conjunctions, Sentence construction/
correction, Tenses)
• Vocabulary
• Communication Etiquette
• Reading Comprehension

Logic, Reasoning & Data Interpretation

Data Interpretation
• Pie Chart
• Bar graph/ histogram
• Tables
• Line chart/ Line Graph
• Venn Diagram

Logical Reasoning
• Blood Relations
• Number Series/ Alphabet series
• Classification/ Analogy
• Coding/Decoding
• Direction Test
• Seating Arrangement
• Statement & Conclusion(arrangement)

• Measures of central tendency (Mean, Median, Mode, Standard deviation)

• Time, Distance, Speed
• Profit & Loss
• Ratio & Proportion
• Sequence & Series
• Simple & Compound Interest
• Probability
• Fraction & Percentage
• Linear equations
• Sets, Relations and Functions
• Mensuration: Length, Volume, Surface, Area, Shape
• Graphs: lines and plane

Current Affairs

• Civic Issues
• Indian and International Politics
• Business& Economics
• Sports
• Science & Technology
• General Knowledge

1. The word redundant would mean
a. Complicated
b. Superior
c. Decorated
d. Unessential
2. He acted ________ my instructions.
a. in due course
b. understanding
c. according to
d. in favour
3. Choose the correct sequence for the given sentences: (x) of such states. (y) are the
commercial hubs (z) Not all state capital cities.
a. xyz
b. yzx
c. zyx
d. xzy
4. Select the correct word for the term 'paramountcy.
a. Vital
b. Substantial
c. Considerable
d. Supreme
5. Amjad Ali Khan plays _____ sarod with great skill.
a. an
b. the
c. a
d. an or the
6. Choose the correct sentence.
a. I am an Indian resident for over four years now.
b. I have been an Indian resident for over four years now.
c. I am being an Indian resident for over four years now.
d. I was an Indian resident for over four years now.
7. When someone compliments you on your attire, you should____.
a. Talk about the designer of the outfit and how you prefer that particular label for
your work clothes.
b. Simply smile and thank the person for the compliment.
c. Furtively glance at the person to find how can you return the compliment.
d. Ignore the compliment
Reading comprehension
How Scott Neeson came to be rescuing children, abandoned to live like rats among garbage, reads
like a movie script, an irony he can appreciate. In 2003, Neeson, 44, was a high-powered movie
executive dubbed “Mr Hollywood” by the media. He had all the Hollywood trappings – a million-
dollar-plus salary, a Beverly Hills mansion, a 12-meter yacht, a Porsche, a pricey motorcycle and
an SUV. But something was missing. He told a trusted friend, “There has to be more to life than
making movies”. In 2003, he jumped on a plane and set off for a five-week backpacking and
motorcycling trip through Asia. Although Neeson didn’t intend to spend more than a few days in
Phnom Penh, Cambodia, the poverty he saw there, affected him. He visited Phnom Penh’s
notorious garbage dump, home to the country’s poorest. The scene at the dump reduced Neeson to
tears. Hundreds of garbage pickers, including abandoned children sifted through the toxic piles for
recyclable glass, metal or paper, hoping to earn enough to eat. He spotted two little girls in ragged
clothes and covered in black soot and they both smelled horrible. He asked them if he could meet
their mothers and arranged to meet them the next day. The following day, as he sat in a riverside
café in Phnom Penh’s tourist district, two children approached his table. It was the two girls he
had met the earlier day. They were so cleaned up that he didn’t recognize them. He promised their
mothers US$50 a month if they sent both girls to school instead of forcing them to work at the
dump. They agreed. Watching the two girls happily eating an ice-cream – for the first time in their
lives – he asked himself, Is this all it takes to change the lives of two children?

8. Scott Neeson was a ____________ by profession.

a. Actor
b. Movie executive
c. Pilot
d. Social activist
9. Phnom Penh is the name of a(n)
a. Person
b. Country
c. Place
d. Orphanage
10. Which of the following is true about garbage pickers?
a. They enjoy what they do.
b. Garbage pickers earn a lot from their work.
c. Only older people are garbage pickers.
d. They pick garbage in order to survive.


Q1-Q3. The data of 500 students in a coaching institute for JHC CET Exam is given below in the
form of a pie chart. Use this data to answer the following questions.

Q1. The number of students of English is _____________________

(a) 125
(b) 150
(c) 110
(d) 100

Q2. If it is found that there was some mistake in recording the data of students and 2/5 th of the
students of Economics were of commerce, then which subject will have the lowest number of
(a) Computer
(b) Punjabi
(c) Economics
(d) Commerce
Q3. There is a condition that optional class will be organized if there are at least 50 students, then
classes will be organized for
(a) Punjabi, Economics, Hindi
(b) English, Hindi, Economics
(c) English, Hindi, Economics, Commerce
(d) English, Hindi, Economics, Punjabi, Computer
Q4-Q5 Views on YouTube channel from July to December are shown in the graph. Study the
graph and answer the questions given below:

Q4. For how many years have the views risen over the previous month?
(a) 3
(b) 4
(c) 2
(d) 5

Q5. How many views were recorded from August to November?

(a) 105
(b) 135
(c) 150
(d) None of these
Q6-Q8. Study the given graph and solve the questions:

Q6. Total number of people are?

(a) 31
(b) 39
(c) 29
(d) 49
Q7. What is the percentage of people with height between 70-80 feet out of the total persons?
(a) 62.12%
(b) 58.05%
(c) 45.16%
(d) 55.01%

Q8. Find the average height.

(a) 75.24
(b) 81.75
(c) 73.24
(d) 72.10
Q9-Q10. Read the following graph carefully and answer the questions given below:

Q9. How many states have higher proportion of female graduates than male graduates?
(a) 0
(b) 1
(c) 2
(d) 3

Q10. Which state has the highest proportion of male graduates out of its total graduates?
(a) HP
(b) Kerala
(c) Odisha
(d) Punjab
Q.1 This question has a set of statements and conclusion. Check the conclusions on the basis of
the statements and choose the correct option from the following.

Statements: Some locks are numbers.

All numbers are letters.
All letters are words.

(i) Some words are numbers.
(ii) Some locks are letters.

(a) If only conclusion (i) follows.
(b) If only conclusion (ii) follows.
(c) If neither (i) nor (ii) follows.
(d) If both (i) and (ii) follows.
Q.2 Complete the series:
10, 5, 20, 10, 40, 20, ____
(a) 60
(b) 80
(c) 100
(d) 160

Q.3 If in a certain code language, RETURN is written as TERNRU, then how will BRIGHT be

Q.4 Pointing to Varun, Dipti said to Karishma, ‘His mother is the only daughter of your
grandfather’s only son’. How is Karishma related to Varun?
(a) Sister
(b) Mother
(c) Mother-in-law
(d) Daughter
Q. 5 Nishiket went to the post office from his house. He walked for 3km towards west, then
turned right and walked for 6 km. Again, he turned right and walked for 11 km. How far is he
from the starting point?
(a) 12 km
(b) 9.5 km
(c) 10 km
(d) 8 km

Q. 6 A, D, F, Q, and T are sitting in a row. A is to the left of Q and to the right of D. F is to the
right of Q. T is between Q and F. Who is in the middle of the row?
(a) Q
(b) A
(c) D
(d) T

Q. 7 R1H, ____, Q9U, O16K, L25J

(a) R2K
(b) S4L
(c) R5L
(d) None of these

Q. 8 Samar walked for 10 km towards the south and then took a left turn. After travelling 3 km,
he took left turn again and continued for 2 km. Then he again took a left turn and ran for 9 km.
How far is he now from the starting point?
(a) 10 km
(b) 7 km
(c) 15 km
(d) 12 km

Q. 9 Paw: Dog :: Hoof: ______

(a) Horse
(b) Cat
(c) Lion
(d) Tiger

Q. 10 Tiger: India :: Kangaroo: ___________

(a) Pakistan
(b) Nepal
(c) Australia
(d) Sri Lanka


1. Bananas are bought at the rate of Rs. 60 per dozen and sold at Rs. 75 per dozen. Find profit
or loss percentage?
a. 20% Profit
b. no Profit no Loss
c. 25% Loss
d. 25% Profit

2. Observe the given series and find the number in place of '?' .
41, 39, 34, 32, 27, ?
a. 25
b. 22
c. 21
d. 23

3. At what rate of simple interest rate per annum will a sum of money double itself in 4 years?
a. 30%
b. 25%
c. 35%
d. 20%

4. If X:75=70:175, then the value of X is:

a. 25
b. 22
c. 30
d. 35

5. Calculate the area of a square sheet if the side of the sheet is 18cm.
a. 318
b. 345
c. 324
d. 378

6. A pen stand is holding 10 pens. The colours of the pens are 4 red, 5blue, 3 black.
If I randomly take out 3 pens one by one from the stand without replacing
any pens, what is the probability of getting all black pens?
a. 6/720
b. 8/760
c. 4/654
d. 9/228
7. Find the median of the data. 3,1,2,8,7,9,5.

a. 6
b. 5
c. 3
d. 7

8. If A={1,2,3,4} and B={2,3,4,7,8} then A-B=?

a. {1}
b. {7,8}
c. {2,3,4}
d. {0}

9. Walking at the speed of 5 km / hr from his home, a person misses his train by 7 minutes. He
had walked 1 km / hr faster, he would have reached the station 5 minutes before the actual
departure time of the train. Find the distance between his home and the station.
a. 6 km
b. 7 km
c. 8 km
d. 9 km

10. Which of the following is acute angle?

a. 0° < x < 90°
b. y = 90°
c. 90° < z < 180°
d. s = 180°


1. The Special 301 report was made by which one of the following countries?

(a) USA (b) Russia

(c) Canada (d) China

2. The International Dance Day 2022 was observed on _______

(a) 27Th April 2022 (b) 28Th April 2022

(c) 29Th April 2022 (d) 30Th April 2022

3. The 2nd viewing deck in Mumbai is opened at ___________.

(a) Dadar Chowpatty (b) Girgaum Chowpatty

(Charni Road Chowpatty)

(c) Juhu Beach (d) Versova Beach

4. Who has won the 2021 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine?

(a) Karry Mullis (b) Graham Bell

(c) Newton (d) David Julius

5. Who is the founder of Reliance Jio?

(a) Gautam Adani (b) Mukesh Ambani

(c) Adi Godrej (d) Azim Premji

6. Select the Indian IT company

(a) HUL (b) Make My Trip

(c) Infosys (d) Pfizer

7. Who is the first fast bowler in the world to clinch 600 wickets in Test Cricket?

(a) James Anderson (b) Pat Cummins

(c) Jasprit Bumrah (d) Mitchell Starc

8. Who won the 5th World Chess Championship?

(a) Ian Nepomniachtchi (b) Viswanathan Anand

(c) Magnus Carlsen (d) Sergey Karjakin

9. Which of the following is a non-conventional energy source?

(a) Coal (b) Petrol

(c) Wind energy (d) Diesel

10. Who is regarded as the pioneer of atomic energy in India?

(a) A. P. J. Abdul Kalam (b) Homi J. Bhabha

(c) Raja Ramanna (d) HomiSethna

• The link for Online Registration for the Common Entrance Exam (CEE) will be opened on
the 17/05/2022 and will be available for Registration upto 15/06/2022 (6.00 pm).
• The Common Entrance Exam (CEE) to be held online on 25/6/2022.
• The college reserves the right to alter the above schedule if required, which will be notified
on the website.

Jai Hind College, Autonomous

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