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Original Appellate neous Total

Vumber of cases on dockets. _ __ — 15 1, 758 2, 429 4, 202

?ases disposed of_ _ 5 1, 433 1, 971 3, 409

Remaining on dockets. _ _ 10 325 458 793

Cases disposed of —Appellate Docket:

By written opinions 105
By per curiam opinions or orders , 206
By motion to dismiss or per stipulation (merit cases) 1
By denial or dismissal of petitions for certiorari 1,121
Cases disposed of —Miscellaneous Docket
By written opinions ,
By denial or dismissal of petitions for certiorari 1,759
By denial or withdrawal of other applications 121
By granting of other applications ,
By per curiam dismissal of appeals 36
By other per curiam opinions or orders 22
By transfer to Appellate Docket 30

dumber of written opinions 88

Number of printed per curiam opinions 21
Number of petitions for certiorari granted ( Appellate ) 73
Number of appeals in which jurisdiction was noted or post-
poned (Appellate) 46
Number of admissions to bar 3,965

Court convened October 6, 1969, and adjourned June 29,
1970 1 and 510
Court recessed to attend President's State of Union
Message 211
Justice Hugo L. Black's Birthday, noted. Comments by the
Chief Justice 252
Reed, J., Designated and assigned to U.S. Court of Claims. 295

GENERAL— Continued
Clark, J.
Designated and assigned to USCA-7 424
Designated and assigned to USCA-2 424
Designated and assigned to USCA-9 , 485
Designated and assigned to U.S. District Court for
the Northern District of California 485
Retirement of John F. Davis, Clerk; Remarks of Chief
Justice (June 8, 1970) ,
Appointment of E. Robert Seaver, Clerk (June 8, 1970) 447
Appointment of Mr. Rowland F. Kirks, Director of Ad-
ministrative Office of the United States Courts (June 8,
1970) , 447
Presentation of Justice Blackmun before Court by Attorney
General ,
Blackmun took oath
Justice of office (June 9, 1970) 457
Remarks of Chief Justice 457
Allotment of Justices to Circuits.— 457^58

Motion to dismiss granted for failure to docket case within
time prescribed by Rule 13 of the Rules of this Court
(681, 805, 854, 1022) , 169, 215, 220, 234
Motion to file brief, as amicus curiae, granted provided the
size of the print and pages of his brief is made to con-
form with requirements of Rule 39 (1) (4)-(305) 198
Amendments to Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure
ordered and Chief Justice authorized to transmit to
Congress (March 31, 1970) Amendments to Rules of

Civil Procedure for the USDC ordered and Chief J ustice

authorized to transmit to Congress (March 31, 1970)
Black, J., and Douglas, J., disapprove a portion of the
latter and dissent from the action of transmittal 315
Rules of Supreme Court amended June 15, 1970, effective
July 1, 1970 470
Rules of the Supreme Court promulgated June 12, 1967,
rescinded 470

Appeal dismissed without statement of a reason (1776
Misc.) , . 418

APPEALS — Continued
Additional questions posed by Court (305, 1155, 837) 13,
498, 499
Extension of time to docket appeal from U.S. District
Court granted, time for docketing appeal extended to
date when appeals from a later decree by the same court
are required to be docketed, or if no appeals is noted, until
a certain later date. (No. ) 73
Appeal under 18 U.S.C. 3731 from U.S. District Court dis-
missed for want of jurisdiction (305) 492
Dismissed for want of a final judgment (68) 272
Judgment vacated and case remanded so that Court may
enter fresh judgment from which a timely appeal may be
taken to the Court of Appeals (1568) 496
Appeal dismissed for want of properly presented federal
question (1525 Misc.) 497
Order postponing further consideration of the question of
the jurisdiction to the hearing of the case on the merits
revoked (330) 82

Motion of amicus curiae to argue orally, denied (39, 135, 305,
399, 927, 565, 730, 1189) __ 10, 106, 198, 199, 235, 300, 498, 499
Motion for leave to participate in oral argument as amicus
curiae denied unless respondents cede to it part of their
time for argument (52) 10
Motion by Solicitor General to argue orally as amicus
curiae granted (59, 2 Misc.)__, 10, 11
Motion of amicus curiae to argue orally granted (266,
153) 11, 198
Oral argument, as amicus curiae, by special leave of the
Court (15, 34, 59, 60, 2 Misc., 153, 445, 829, 175, 59, 387,
896,1149,13) 46,
50, 62, 103, 156, 249, 279, 281, 282, 284, 361, 377, 381,
Argued pro se for appellants (39) 46
Counsel advised that Justice Brennan will participate, even
though absent, on basis of record, brief, and the tape of
oral argument (632) 64
Respondent's brief to come after oral argument (60) 104

ARGUMENT— Continued
Motion for leave to argue pro hac vice granted (53, 71, 249,
300, 628, 830) 11, 74, 107, 171, 315, 345
Argument pro hac vice by special leave of Court ( 53, 628 ) 151,
Solicitor General invited to file brief and participate in oral
argument (175) 137
Cases restored to calendar for reargument (53, 75; 41, 59,
46 21, 50, 84, 179 730 4, 6, 11, 20, 265, 266, 565, 1149) ___
198, 370, 464, 498
Argument postponed by reason of absence of a quorum
(221) 209
Motion for two attorneys to participate in oral argument
and additional time for oral argument, denied (696) 300
Memorandum to come after oral argument (269) ,

Motion for appointment of new counsel, denied (40) 10
Motion for leave to argue pro hac vice granted (53, 71, 249,
300, 628, 830) 11, 74, 107, 171, 315, 345
Argument pro hac vice by special leave of Court ( 53, 628 ) _ _ 151,
Motion for appointment of counsel under Criminal Justice
Act, granted (189) ,
Appointment of Counsel by the Court (189, 270; 727; 84;
403; 830; 730; 387; 1142; 595; 1250; 642; 1389; 1389,
1302; 900; 1633) 11,
74, 86, 138, 160, 171, 215, 228, 235, 333, 345, 370,
397, 448, 498
Disbarment of counsel (149 Misc., 1382 Misc., 1922 Misc.) 12,
301, 449
Suspension and rule to show cause issued (1382 Misc., 1922
Misc.) 138, 315
Order of Court appointing counsel for petitioner revoked,
new counsel appointed (1389) , 397

Typewritten supplemental brief authorized (632) 4
Typewritten brief ordered filed (40) 10
Solicitor General invited to file brief (214, 125, 236, 240
[within.30 days], 692, 1633) 11, 11, 13, 160, 171, 498
448-439—71 2

Motion to strike brief of appellee, denied (11) 85
Motion to strike reference to agency reports and to order
Clerk to redeliver material not in evidence, denied
(1093) 256
Motion to file in this case an amicus brief filed in an earlier
case denied (13) , 85
Brief for respondent's to come after oral argument (60) 104
Motion to file supplemental brief after argument granted
(74) 255
Motion to file reply brief after argument, granted (2
Misc.) 293
Motion to amend petition or to file supplemental brief
granted (1019 Misc.) ,
Memorandum to come after argument (269) 377

Motion for leave to file supplement to petition for certiorari,
granted (220 Misc., 1019 Misc.) 12, 311
Certiorari granted as to some petitioners and dismissed as to
others (480 Misc.) 16
Order granting certiorari revoked (212, 524, 1337, 1195
Misc.) 45, 113, 394, 455
Motion to reinstate petition denied (353, October Term
1968) 52
Motion to enlarge scope of review denied (13) 53
Writs dismissed as improvidently granted (40, 731, 74, 127
[without prejudice to further appropriate proceedings] _ 135,
231, 287, 428
Moot by reason of death of one respondent. Judgment
vacated as to him and remanded to USDC with direc-
tions to dismiss petition for writ of habeas corpus as
moot (153) ,__ — 135
Motion to stay effectiveness of order denying certiorari and
petition for rehearing denied (391) 150
Motion for leave to file petition for writ of certiorari out
of time granted (628) -,— 161
Grant limited by Court to specified questions (43 Misc., 665
Misc., 1468 Misc., 33 Misc.) 13, 256, 371, 477
Motion to dismiss petition for writ of certiorari, as to de-
ceased, granted (18 Misc.) i
. 273

Motion for leave to amend petition in 375 Misc. granted
(531 Misc.) 470


Motion of respondents to reassess costs in case granted (573,
October Term 1968) 9
Motion to ret ax costs denied (553) 476
Motion to proceed as veteran granted (428) 89
Motion for allowance of attorney's fees denied without
prejudice to submission of motion for such relief to Dis-
trict Court (1420) 464

Motion for leave to file petition for writ of habeas corpus
denied. Papers treated as writ of certiorari; writ of
certiorari denied (608 Misc.) 81
Application for temporary injunctive order granted (944) _ 157
Motion for stay of temporary injunction granted pending
timely filing and disposition of appeal: Provisions for
various contingencies (No. No.
, ) 160, 497
Application for stay denied by equally divided court (No.
) 417
Motion for leave to file petition for writ of mandamus
denied without prejudice to right of petitioner to apply
to appropriate state court for relief sought (1463 Misc.) _ 454
Application for stay of deployment granted (No. ) — 475
Application for stay denied with leave to renew, if trial on
obscenity vel non has not commenced by August 3, 1970,
unless delay beyond that date occasioned by appellee
(No. ) i 498


Judgment to issue forthwith (632; 972,944) 83, 192
Judgment vacated and case remanded to Supreme Court of
Ohio for such proceedings as that court may deem
appropriate (31) 131
Petition for rehearing or in the alternative, for clarification
of judgment denied (632) 150


Judgment affirmed without prejudice to the right of ap-
pellants to seek modification of District Court's decree
as circumstances may require (30) 196
Dissenting opinion on denial of petition for writ of cer-
tiorari (687, 1011, 621, 1978 Misc.) 215, 479, 467, 509
Motion to implement judgment denied ( 153 Misc. ) 476
Judgment vacated and case remanded so that District Court
may enter fresh judgment from which a timely appeal
may be taken to the Court of Appeals (1568) 496

Further consideration of suggestion of mootness postponed
to hearing of case (31) 10
Revocation of orders entered (212, 330, 524, 1337, 1195
Misc.) 45, 82, 113, 394, 455
Motion to expedite granted (2384 Misc. ; 915, 917, 921, 914,
916, 920, 1038, 1057) 509, 221
Motion to expedite deferred (1713) 500
Motion to advance granted (1136,1598, 1753) 224, 459, 503
Motion to advance denied without prejudice to renewal fol-
lowing filing of statement as to jurisdiction (No. ) 227
Motion to defer consideration denied (1144 Misc., 1481, 476,
1618) 269, 467, 484, 503
Motion to transfer denied (No. ) ,
Justice Marshall took no part in consideration or decision
of matters on order list . 443

Special Master appointed (Honorable Albert B. Maris)
(35 Orig.) 448
Motion for the appointment of Special Master, granted
(Honorable Robert Van Pelt) (36 Orig.) 433
Special Master's report received and ordered filed (33
Orig.) ,
Special Master's report adopted (33 Orig.) 251
Motion for leave to file a bill of complaint denied (37
Orig.) 218
Motion to accelerate time for filing response denied (37
Orig.) 218


Motion for leave to file bill of complaint denied (38 Orig.,
39 Orig.) 224
Motion for leave to file original action denied (No. ) 433
Motion for leave to file bill of complaint under original
jurisdiction denied (No. ) 9
Decree entered (18 Orig., 33 Orig.) 476, 487
Motion for leave to file a bill of complaint granted (36
Orig., 40 Orig.) 255, 464
Report of Special Master is received and ordered filed.
Time fixed for exceptions, if any, with supporting briefs,
and reply to be filed ( 18 Orig. ) 272

Motion to substitute parties granted (241, 300) ,235, 370
Motion to dismiss petition as to deceased petitioner granted
(18 Misc.) 273
Judgment vacated and case remanded for findings as to
whether or not petitioner is in fact an indigent and pro-

ceeding in good faith pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1915 (1969

Misc.) . 496


Motion to use record and appendix in Case No. 73, October

Term 1967, granted (669) 178
Motion to use record in 325, October Term 1967, granted
(573) 243
Motion to file additional record granted (513) 220
Motion to redeliver material not in evidence and which had
been lodged with court, denied (1093) 256
Motion to strike references to agency reports denied
(1093) 256
Motion to enlarge the record granted (1142) 301
Application to remove seal from record or permit reference
in briefs to sealed material granted (977) 434
Motion for leave to supplement record postponed to hearing
of case on merits (1337) 476
Motion to strike portions of designation of record post-
poned to hearing the case on merits (1337 ) 476
Motion to file supplemental exhibit granted (811) 223


Respondent requested to file response to petition for rehear-

ing within 30 days (1279, October Term 1968) 9
Motion for leave to supplement petition for rehearing
granted (476) 484

Call of the Argument Calendar suspended for the Term on
May 4, 1970 394
Order fixing adjournment date 487
Final order, June 29, 1970 510


MONDAY, OCTOBER 6, 19 69 1


Present Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice

Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice

Stewart, Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice Marshall.

The Chief Justice said

"I have the honor to announce that the 1969 Term of the Supreme
Court of the United States is now convened.-

Admissions to the Bar

Allan Charles Fork, of Washington, D.C., Kenneth Michael Byrum,

of Bakersfield, Calif., Allan S. Mason, of Fresno, Calif., Arnold Levin,
of Beverly Hills, Calif., Richard Herman Jenkins, of Washington,
D.C., Robert Franklin Sagie, of Hagerstown, Md., James Wallace
Kerr, Jr., of Dallas, Tex., and Arthur John O'Donnell, of Chicago, 111.,
on motion of Mr. Solicitor General Erwin N. Griswold James Lewis ;

Mann Cromer, of Columbia, S.C., on motion of Mr. J. Strom Thur-

mond; Arnold Luther Wood, Jr., of El Monte, Calif., on motion of
Mr. Charles E. Wiggins; Reagan R. Huffman, of Marshall, Tex., on
motion of Mr. Richard C. White; Alvin A. Fein, of Cleveland, Ohio,
on motion of Mr. Charles A. Vanik Wyman C. Lowe, of Atlanta, Ga.,

on motion of Mr. Benjamin B. Blackburn.

Joseph Samuel Rachlin, of West Hartford, Conn., on motion of Mr.
Thomas J. Meskill Adele T. Weaver, of Miami Beach, Fla., on mo-

tion of Mr. Claude Pepper Theodore Epstein, Jr., of Denver, Colo., on


motion of Mr. Byron G. Rogers C. Timothy Hopkins, of Idaho Falls,


Idaho, on motion of Mr. Orval Howard Hansen Jerry J. Dunlap, of


Oklahoma City, Okla., on motion of Mr. Page Belcher Louis Robert ;

Pearlman, of Phoenix, Ariz., on motion of Mr. John J. Rhodes;

Henry J. Monahan, of Washington, D.C., on motion of Judge Edward
M. Curran; Grace K. Banoff, of Albany, N.Y., on motion of Mr. Dan-
iel M. Friedman; Joseph P. Busch, Jr., of Los Angeles, Calif., on

motion of Mr. Thomas H. Kuchel; Madge W. Kretsch, of Indian-

apolis, Ind., on motion of Mr. William D. Ruckelshaus Leon Lewitt,;

of Beverly Hills, Calif., on motion of Mr. Philip R. Ehrenkranz Jo- ;

seph Lawrence Sax, of Washington, D.C., on motion of Mr. George

Kaufmann; George E. Martz, of Indianapolis, Ind., on motion of
Mr. Frank A. Nelson Edwin F. Lark, of Charles Town, W. Va., on

motion of Mr. Reginald B. Jackson Oscar Goldberg, of Philadelphia,


Pa., Harry O. Hinz, of Milwaukee, Wis., and Patrick B. O'Brien, of

New York, N.Y., on motion of Mrs. Jean E. Simpson; John Eddy,
390-27S— 69 1

of Des Moines, Iowa, Harley A. Whitfield, of Des Moines, Iowa, and

Marvin A. Iverson, of Des Moines, Iowa, on motion of Mr. William
Allen Whitfield Howard L.
; Neuhaus, of Omaha, Neb., on motion of
Mr. Richard P. Nelson Eugene T. Hackler,
of Olathe, Kans., on mo-
tion of Mr. John D. Logs don John P. Sullivan,
; of Seattle, Wash., on
motion of Mr. John Robert Ewers; Luis F. Gomez, of San Juan,
P.R., on motion of Mr. Howard F. Cerny; Lewis D. Clarke, Jr., of
Waukegan, 111., on motion of Mr. Robert C. Findlay Robert N. Levin,

of Washington, D.C., on motion of Mr. Steven Koplan.

L. Lee Humphries, of Long Beach, Calif., and Robert G. Rogers,
of Placentia, Calif., on motion of Mr. Harry John Staas; Edward E.
Cubberley, of Washington, D.C., on motion of Mr. J. Anthony Moran
Joseph V. Ferrino, of Winthrop, Mass., on motion of Mr. Joseph R.
Gorman; William Forest Carroll, of Clendenin, W. Va., on motion of
Mr. James Harvey Coleman; Arthur W. Ayers, Jr., of Red Lodge,
Mont., Robert J. Brooks, of Broadus, Mont., and Charles F. Moses,
of Billings, Mont., on motion of Mr. Robert C. Ayers; Jon K. Hol-
combe, of Syracuse, N. Y., on motion of Mr. Irwin Goldbloom Oscar ;

J. Green, of Cleveland, Ohio, on motion of Mr. S. Neil Hosenball;

Michael L. Leventhal, Jr., of Chicago, 111., on motion of Mr. Stephen
Paul Goldman; Theodore R. Mitchell, of Window Rock, Ariz., on
motion of Mr. Richard Schifter Harold L. VanVoorhis, Jr., of Des

Moines, Iowa, on motion of Mr. James T. Stovall Phil B. Hammond,


of Phoenix, Ariz., on motion of Mr. Phil Delano Butler; James M.

Mclntyre, of Halethorpe, Md., on motion of Mr. Norman F. Summers
Theodore Rosenberg, of Brooklyn, N.Y., on motion of Mr. Frank A.
Elizabeth L. R. Armstrong, of Lake Jackson, Tex., Rebecca L.
Bradley, of Denver, Colo., Anna Weiss Carton, of Baltimore, Md.,
Claire K. Cates, of Sebring, Fla., Marjorie M. Childs, of San Fran-
cisco, Calif., Eve Cohen, of Los Angeles, Calif., Ann Crisp, of Dallas,
Tex., Ruth Rayner Debord, of Dallas, Tex., Sophia Ann De Bruin,
of Kansas City, Mo., Margaret Angela Deeds, of Washington, D.C.,
Mary Alice Duffy, of Philadelphia, Pa., Sara M. Duffy, of Philadel-
phia, Pa., Lura Clark Ethridge, of Jackson, Miss., Marie G. Garrett,
of Washington, D.C., Nettabell Edith Girard, of Washington, D.C.,
Ida M. Greenblatt, of Dallas, Tex., Elizabeth F. Gruen, of Great
Neck, N.Y., Elizabeth Guhring, of Washington, D.C., Ruth Church
Gupta, of San Francisco, Calif., Carole Jo Hanzes, of North Olmsted,
Ohio, Alice K. Henry, of South Euclid, Ohio, Mildred E. Kamine,
of Denver, Colo., Irene M. Kotulic, of Cleveland, Ohio, Marie A. Pa-
lumbo, of Chicago, 111., Joann Peters, of Dallas, Tex., Mary Kathryn
Ryan, of Cleveland, Ohio, Nanette E. L. M. Sands, of Suffern, N.Y.,
Anne H. Schneider, of Jackson, Tenn., Jettie Pierce Selvig, of San
Francisco, Calif., Ardis A. Smith, of Detroit, Mich., Ketherine Eliza-

beth Dailey Storey, of Houston, Tex., Virginia O. Tackett, of Little

Eock, Ark., Ruth Gentry Talley, of Bogalusa, La., Elizabeth Tennery,
of Rockville, Md., Dorothy G. Turkel, of Detroit, Mich., Hortense E.
Zalosh, of Chicago, 111., and Rose S. Zetzer, of Baltimore, Md., on mo-

tion of Mrs. Maurine Howard Abernathy, were admitted to practice.

Adjourned until Monday, October 13, 1969, at 10 o'clock.

The clay call for Monday, October 13, 1969, will be as follows Nos.

14, 62, 33, and 15.



Present: Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice
Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. J ustice Brennan, Mr. Justice Stew-
art, Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice Marshall.

Certiorari Granted Denied

No. 632. Beatrice Alexander et al., petitioners v. Holmes County

Board of Education et al. and

No. 713. Holmes County Board of Education et al., petitioners, v,

Beatrice Alexander et al. Motion of The Lawyers' Committee for
Civil Rights Under Law for leave to file a brief, as amicus curiae, in
No. 632 granted. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit in No. 632 granted and cross-
petition in No. 713 denied. Case No. 632 set for oral argument on
Thursday, October 23. Case will be heard on the certified imprinted
record as well as the printed briefs already on file and typewritten
copies of any further briefs the parties may desire to submit. The
typewritten brief of counsel for the petitioners shall be on file by
Friday, October 17, and the typewritten briefs, or briefs, of the re-
spondents shall be on file by Wednesday, October 22.

390-278-69 2
MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1969 5


Present: Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice
Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice
Stewart, Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice Marshall.

Admissions to the Bar

Elise Brookfield Heinz, of Arlington, Va., Alice R. Keel, of Los

Angeles, Calif., Robert S. Thompson, of Tampa, Fla., Daniel J. Sul-
livan, of Sacramento, Calif., Roy Albert Hoff, of LaMirada, Calif.,
Maurice P. Raizes, of Chicago, 111., Allan L. Blair, of Chicago, 111.,
James J. Barta, of St. Louis, Mo., Mary Elizabeth Armstrong De
Watlington, of San Juan, P.R., Seth Frederick Kaminsky, of New
York, N.Y., Samuel Rabinove, of New York, N.Y., and Phillip H.
Holm, of Chicago, 111., on motion of Mr. Solicitor General Erwin N.
Griswold; Alfred R. Sundberg, of St. Paul, Minn., and Richard J.
Simdberg, of Minneapolis, Minn., on motion of Mr. Clark MacGregor
Robert Brunsell, of San Francisco, Calif., on motion of Mr. Jerome R.
Waldie; James L. Hafele, of Peoria, 111., on motion of Mr. Abner
Joseph Mikva James F. Bingham, of Stamford, Conn., on motion of

Mr. Thomas J. Meskill James H. Pipkin, Jr., of Washington, D.C.,


Shannon H. Ratliff, of Austin, Tex., and Lee A. Freeman, Jr., of

Chicago, 111., on motion of Mr. William Ramsey Clark Raymond D. ;

Williamson, Jr., of San Francisco, Calif., and Raymond D. William-

son, of San Francisco, Calif., on motion of Mr. Thomas H. Kuchel.
David Wendel Foerster, of Jacksonville, Fla., on motion of Mrs.
Fred M. Vinson, Jr.; Donald Autrey Randall, of Lyons, Ga., and
Thomas Malone Sharpe, of Lyons, Ga., on motion of Mr. Wilbur D.
Sparks; Lee A. Albert, of New York, N.Y., on motion of Mr. John J.
Loflin, Jr. Robert Taylor Carlisle, of Jackson, Miss., and James El-

liott Williams, of Florence, Miss., on motion of Mr. Wm. Ephraim

Cresswell Stanley Walsh, of San Francisco, Calif., on motion of Mr.


Clark Leroy Fauver; Travis H. Clark, Jr., of Greenwood, Miss., on

motion of Mr. Joseph E. Donahue; Burrell Dean Johnston, Jr., of
Austin, Tex., and James Henry Doyle, of Austin, Tex., on motion of
Mr. Vincent W. Ambrose L. Barry Costilo, of Washington, D.C., on

motion of Mr. Francis X. Baytagh; Edwin S. Weiner, of Shaker

Heights, Ohio, on motion of Mr. William HcHenry Hoiles Gerald ;

Herbert Popkin, of Boston, Mass., on motion of Mr. George Kauf-

390-278—69 3
MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1969 6

maun; James Michael Bailey, of Silver Spring, Md., on motion of

Mr. Allen A. Sperling; Daniel William Louis Fessler, of Oheyenne,
Wyo., on motion of Mr. Richard J. Speltz Terry G. Fewell, of Fort

Wayne, Ind., on motion of Mr. Richard R. Sigmon; James Truman

Stovall, Jr^ of Montgomery, Ala., on motion of Mr. J ames T. Stovall,
III David Lench, of New York, N.Y., on motion of Mr. Malcolm S.

Mason; Robert L. Russel, of Colorado Springs, Colo., on motion of

Mr. Carroll E. Multz Gearry Lloyd Knight, Jr., of Arlington, Va.,

on motion of Mr. Allen Kirkpatrick.

Edwin Augustus Colby, of Canton, Mass., on motion of Mr. John
Randolph Davis; James J. Loeffler, of Houston, Tex., on motion of
Mr. Everett Hutchinson; Alan J. Littau, of New York, N.Y., and
Lewis Rosenberg, of New York, N.Y., on motion of Mr. James M.
Henderson; Robert Walker Thomas, of Washington, D.C., on motion
of Mr. Harry Protas Donald E. Mullen, of Bowie, Md., on motion

of Mr. Peter McKenzie Stockett, Jr.; Steve Enich, of Milwaukee,

Wis., on motion of Mr. Joseph Bradley Blake; Peter E. Sitkin, of
San Francisco, Calif., and Steven Jay Antler, of San Francisco, Calif.,
on motion of Mrs. Elizabeth Palmer Charles O. Fisher of Westmin-

ster, Md., and Donald James Gimore, of Westminster, Md., on motion

of Mr. Alfred Long Scanlan Frank Feuille IV, of El Paso, Tex.,

on motion of Mr. Herbert H. George William R. Holland, of Akron,


Ohio, Paul W. Vale, of Akron, Ohio, and Bruce Howard Wilson, of

Akron, Ohio, on motion of Mr. Wayne K. Hill Sid J. WTdte, of Monti-

cello, Fla., on motion of Mr. Jack F. White, Jr.; and Charles F.

Crowell, of Dennis, Mass., Arthur T. King, of Belmont, Mass., James
P. Murray, of Newton, Mass., Norman Ostroff, of Boston, Mass.,
Edmund M. Pitts, of Boston, Mass., Paul Victor Salter, of Boston,
Mass., Martin L. Saradjian, of Boston, Mass., and John D. Simeone, of
Walpole, Mass., on motion of Mr. Edward M. Dangel, were admitted
to practice.
The Chief Justice
"Today's orders of the Court have been certified by the Chief Jus-
tice, filed with the Clerk, and will not be announced orally."

Opinions per Curiam

No. 123. Spalding Laundry & Dry Cleaning Company, appellant,

v. Department of Revenue, Commonwealth of Kentucky. Appeal from
the Court of Appeals of Kentucky. The motion to dismiss is granted
and the appeal is dismissed for want of a substantial federal ques-
tion. Opinion per curiam.

No. 132. Duffy Storage and Moving Co., et al., appellants, v.

The City and County of Denver et al. Appeal from the Supreme Court
of Colorado. The motion to dismiss is granted and the appeal is dis-
missed for want of a substantial federal question. Opinion per curiam.
MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1969 7

No. 136. Gettig Equipment Corp., et al., appellants, v. Board of

Zoning Appeals, City of Cleveland, et al. Appeal from the Supreme
Court of Ohio. The motion to dismiss is granted and the appeal is
dismissed for want of jurisdiction. Treating the papers whereon the
appeal was taken as a petition for writ of certiorari, certiorari is de-
nied. Opinion per curiam.

No. 142. Abe Furman, appellant, v. City of New York, et al.

Appeal from the Court of Appeals of New York. The motion to dismiss
is granted and the appeal is dismissed for want of jurisdiction. Treat-

ing the papers whereon the appeal was taken as a petition for writ
of certiorari, certiorari is denied. Opinion per curiam.

No. 171. Imperial Refineries of Minnesota, Inc., appellant, v. City

of Rochester. Appeal from the Supreme Court of Minnesota. The ap-
peal is dismissed for want of a substantial federal question. Opinion
per curiam. The Chief Justice took no part in the consideration or
decision of this case.

No. 191. Frank Ristuccia et ux., appellants, v. Earl Adams et al.

Appeal from the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Cir-
cuit. The appeal is dismissed for want of jurisdiction. Treating the
papers whereon the appeal was taken as a petition for writ of cer-
tiorari, certiorari is denied. Opinion per curiam.

No. 199. Wilfred R. Wheeler, appellant, v. Vermont. Appeal from

the Supreme Court of Vermont. The motion to dismiss is granted
and the appeal is dismissed for want of a substantial federal ques-
tion. Opinion per curiam.

No. 204. Jewel W. Jordan, appellant, v. Arizona ex rel. Gary K.

Nelson, Attorney General. Appeal from the Supreme Court of Ari-
zona. The motion to dismiss is granted and the appeal is dismissed for
want of a substantial federal question. Opinion per curiam.
No. 215. Bernard Shapiro, Commissioner of Welfare, State of Con-
necticut, appellant, v. Edna Solman et al. Appeal from the United
States District Court for the District of Connecticut. The motion to
affirm is granted and the judgment is affirmed. Opinion per curiam.

No. 238. Clinton D. Bradesku, appellant, v. Ilene M. Bradesku.

Appeal from the Supreme Court of Ohio. The appeal is dismissed for
want of jurisdiction. Treating the papers whereon the appeal was
taken as a petition for writ of certiorari, certiorari is denied. Opinion
per curiam .

No. 261. Maine et al., appellants, v. Michael Edward Shone. Ap-

peal from the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit.
The motion of the appellee for leave to proceed in forma pauperis is
granted. Judgments of Court of Appeals and United States Dis-
MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1969 8

trict Court for the District of Maine vacated and case remanded to
United States District Court for the District of Maine with directions
to dismiss the case as moot. Opinion per curiam.

No. 279. James R. Hagan et al., appellants, v. Ronald Reagan, Gov-

ernor of California etal., Appeal from the United States District

Court for the Northern District of California. Judgment affirmed.

Opinion per curiam.
No. 306. Interco Incorporated, appellant, v. Arny Rhoden, Chair-

man of the Mississippi State Tax Commission. Appeal from the Su-
preme Court of Mississippi. The motion to dismiss is granted and the
appealis dismissed. Opinion per curiam.

No. 308. Charles L. Kellar, appellant, v. Jasper Neal et ux. Ap-

peal from the Supreme Court of Nevada. The motion to dispense with
printing the jurisdictional statement is granted. The appeal is dis-
missed for want of jurisdiction. Treating the papers whereon the ap-
peal was taken as a petition for writ of certiorari, certiorari is de-
nied. Opinion per curiam.
No. 320. William M. Hiyane et al., appellants, v. The House of

Vision, Inc. Appeal from the Supreme Court of Illinois. The motion
to dismiss is granted and the appeal is dismissed for want of jurisdic-
tion. Treating the papers whereon the appeal was taken as a petition
for writ of certiorari, certiorari is denied. Opinion per curiam.

No. 324. Susan Butler Shikara, appellant, v. Maryland Casualty

Company. Appeal from the United States Court of Appeals for the
First Circuit. The motion to dispense with printing the jurisdictional
statement is granted.The appeal is dismissed for want of jurisdiction.
Treating the papers whereon the appeal was taken as a petition for
writ of certiorari, certiorari is denied. Opinion per curiam.

No. 177, Misc. Helen Bernard, appellant, v. New York City Em-
ployees' Retirement System et al. Appeal from the Appellate Division
of the Supreme Court of New York, First Judicial Department. The
motions to dismiss are granted and the appeal is dismissed for want of
a substantial federal question. Opinion per curiam.

No. 264, Misc. Cleveland Louis Sellers, Jr., petitioner, v. United

States.On petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. Motion for leave to proceed in forma
pauperis and petition for writ of certiorari granted. Judgment vacated
and case remanded to the United States District Court for the
Northern District of Georgia for further consideration in light of
Alderman v. United States, 394 U.S. 165. Opinion per curiam.
No. 268, Misc. James Whitley, appellant, v. New York. Appeal
from the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of New York,
MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1969 9

First Judicial Department. The appeal is dismissed for want of a sub-

stantial federal question. Opinion per curiam.
No. 272, Misc. Ray Charles Stoeckle, appellant, v. Wisconsin. Ap-
peal from the Supreme Court of Wisconsin. The appeal is dismissed
for want of jurisdiction. Treating the papers whereon the appeal was
taken as a petition for writ of certiorari, certiorari is denied. Opinion
per curiam.
No. 336, Misc. Marvin Puryear, appellant, v. Frank S. Hogan,
District Attorney, etc., et Appeal from the Court of Appeals of

New York. The motion to dismiss is granted and the appeal is dis-
missed for want of jurisdiction. Treating the papers whereon the ap-
peal was taken as a petition for writ of certiorari, certiorari is denied.
Opinion per curiam.
Orders in Pending Cases

No. 573, October Term, 1968. National Labor Relations Board,

petitioner, v. Gissel Packing Company, Inc., et al. The motions of re-
spondents Gissel Packing Co., Inc. and Hecks, Inc. to reassess costs
in this case are denied. The motion of respondents General Steel Prod-
ucts, Inc. and Crown Flex of North Carolina, Inc., to reassess costs in
this case is granted and no costs are assessed against those respond-
ents. Gissel Packing Co., Inc. is assessed cost of $2705.24 and Hecks,
Inc. is assessed costs of $1981.06. The Chief Justice took no part in the
consideration or decision of these motions.

No. 1279, October Term, 1968. United States, petitioner, v. Ideal

Basic Industries, Inc.The respondent is requested to file a response to
the petition for rehearing within thirty days. Mr. Justice White and
Mr. Justice Marshall took no part in the entry of this order.
No. . Roy Anderson, plaintiff, v. Luigi Raimondi, as and for
The State of Vatican City. The motion for leave to file a bill of com-

plaint under the original jurisdiction is denied.

No. . Howard B. Levy, petitioner, v. Jacob J. Parker, Warden

of the United States Penitentiary, Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, and Stan-
ley R. Resor, Secretary of the Army. The application for bail granted
by Mr. Justice Douglas pending action by this Court is continued
pending disposition of the case by the United States District Court for
the Middle District of Pennsylvania. Mr. Justice Marshall took no
part in the consideration or decision of this application.

No. 15. Clarence DeBacker, appellant, v. Homer Brainard, Sheriff

of Dodge County, Nebraska. The motion of The National Council of
Juvenile Court Judges for leave to file a brief, as amicus curiae, is

390-278—69 4
MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1969 10

No. 19. The First National Bank in Plant City, Plant City, Florida,
petitioner, v. Fred O. Dickinson, Jr., etc., et al. and ;

No. 34. William B. Camp, Comptroller of the Currency, petitioner,

v. Fred O. Dickinson, Jr., etc., et al. The motion of The First National
Bank of Gainesville, Georgia, et al., for leave to file a brief, as amici
curiae, is granted.

No. 25. Frederick T. Zuber et al., petitioners, v. Russell Allen et al.

No. 52. Clifford M. Hardin, Secretary of Agriculture, petitioner, v.
Russell Allen et al. The motion of Lorton Blair et al. for leave to file

a brief, as amici curiae, is granted. The motions of the respondents for

additional time for oral argument and to postpone the oral argument
are denied. The motion of the State of Vermont for leave to participate
in oral argument, as amicus curiae, is denied, unless the respondents
cede to it part of their time for argument. Mr. Justice Stewart would
grant the motion of State of Vermont. The Chief Justice and Mr. Jus-
tice Marshall took no part in the consideration or decision of these

No. 31. Paul M. Brockington, appellant, v. James A. Rhodes,

Governor of Ohio et al. Further consideration of the suggestion of
mootness by certain appellees is postponed to the hearing of the case.
No. 32. National Labor Relations Board, petitioner, v. J. H. Rutter-
Rex Manufacturing Company, Inc. et al. The motion of the Amalga-
mated Clothing Workers of America, AFL-CIO, for leave to par-
ticipate in the oral argument is denied.

No. 33. Paul E. Sullivan et al., petitioners, v. Little Hunting Park,

Inc. et al. The motion of the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith

et al. for leave to file a brief, as amici curiae, is granted.

No. 39. Richard Hall et ux., appellants, v. Harriet Beals, Clerk and
Recorder of El Paso County et al. The motion of the Bipartisan Com-
mittee on Absentee Voting for leave to participate in the oral argu-
ment, as amicus curiae, is denied.
No. 40. James Conway, petitioner, v. California Adult Authority
et al.The motions of the petitioner for an injunction and for the
appointment of new counsel are denied. The typewritten brief sub-
mitted by the petitioner is ordered filed.

No. 41. The Choctaw Nation and the Chickasaw Nation, petitioners,
v. Oklahoma et al. ; and
No. 59. The Cherokee Nation or Tribe of Indians in Oklahoma,
petitioner, v. Oklahoma et al. The motion of Wilkinson, Cragun and
Barker for leave to file a brief, as amicus curiae, is granted. The
motion of the Solicitor General for leave to participate in the oral
MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1969 11

argument, as amicus curiae, granted and 20 minutes are allotted


for that purpose. Twenty additional minutes are allotted to counsel

for the respondents.

No. 50. North Carolina, appellant, v. Henry C. Alf ord ; and

No. 268. Charles Lee Parker, petitioner, v. North Carolina. The
motion of Albert Bobby Childs et al. for leave to file a brief, as amici
buriae, is granted.

No. 53. Sara Baird, petitioner, v. State Bar of Arizona. The mo-
tion of Peter D. Baird for leave to argue, pro hoc vice, is granted.

No. 81. Rector Simmons, Jr., et ux., appellants, v. West Haven

Housing Authority
No. 265. Gladys Boddie et al., appellants, v. Connecticut et al.

No. 266. Delia Mae Sanks et al., appellants, v. Georgia et al. The
motion of the State of Connecticut for leave to participate in the oral
argument, as amicus curiae, in support of the judgment in No. 81 is
granted. The motion of the National Legal Aid and Defender Associ-
ation in No. 81 for leave to file a brief, as amicus curiae, is granted.
The motion of The Center on Social Welfare Policy and Law et al.,
for leave to hie a brief, as amici curiae, is granted.

No. 85. Association Data Processing Service Organization,

William B. Camp, Comptroller of the Cur-
Inc., et al., petitioners, v.
rency of the United States, et al. The motion of the Sierra Club for
leave to file a brief, as amicus curiae, is granted.

No. 125. Martin Marietta Corporation, petitioner, v. Judith S.

Feder et al. The Solicitor General is invited to file a brief expressing
the views of the L^nited States.

No. 214. TV Pix, Inc., et al., appellants, v. Resse H. Taylor, Jr.,

et al. The Solicitor General is invited to file a brief expressing the
views of the United States.

No. 189. James Minor, petitioner, v. United States. The motion for
the appointment of counsel under the Criminal Justice Act is granted,
and it is ordered that Phylis Skloot Bamberger, of New York, New
York, be appointed to serve as counsel for the petitioner in this

No. 270. Robert M. Brady, petitioner, v. LTnited States. The motion

for the appointment of counsel is granted, and it is ordered that Peter
J. Adang, Esquire, of Albuquerque, >7ew Mexico, be appointed to
serve as counsel for the petitioner in this case.

No. 2, Misc. Stephen S. Chandler, United States District Judge

for the Western District of Oklahoma, petitioner, v. Judicial Council
MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1969 12

of the Tenth Circuit of the United States. The motion of Carl L.

Shipley for leave to file a brief, as amicus curiae, is granted. The mo-
tion of the Solicitor General for leave to participate in the oral argu-
ment, as amicus curiae, is granted and 30 minutes are allotted for that
purpose. Thirty additional minutes are alloted to counsel for the peti-
tioner. The case is removed from the current argument list and it is
ordered that briefs and oral arguments be presented by counsel for
the parties. Mr. Justice Marshall took no part in the consideration
or decision of this order.

No. 149, Misc. In the Matter of the Disbarment of Thomas W.

Sullivan. It having been reported to the Court that Thomas W. Sulli-
van, of Montgomery, Alabama, has been disbarred from the prac-
tice of thelaw by the Supreme Court of the State of Alabama; and
this Court by order of April 28, 1969, having suspended the said
Thomas W. Sullivan from the practice of the law in this Court and
directed that a rule issue requiring him to show cause why he should
not be disbarred.
And it appearing that the said rule was duly issued and served
upon the respondent, who has filed a return; now, upon considera-
tion of the rule to show cause and the return aforesaid
It is ordered that the said Thomas W. Sullivan be, and he is
hereby, disbarred, and that his name be stricken from the roll of
attorneys admitted to practice in this Court.

No. 220, Misc. Earnest Norman, petitioner, v. United States. The

motion of the petition for leave to file a supplement to the petition for
certiorari is granted.

Appeals —Jurisdiction Noted or Postponed

No. 84. United States, appellant, v. Milton C. Jorn. Appeal from

the United States District Court for the District of Utah. Motion of
appellee for leave to proceed in forma pauperis granted. In this case
probable jurisdiction noted and case placed on the summary calendar.

No. 103. United States, appellant, v. Armour & Company et al.

Appeal from the United States District Court for the Northern Dis-
trict of Illinois. In this case probable jurisdiction noted and case
placed on the summary calendar.

No. 179. William P. Rogers, Secretary of State, appellant, v. Aldo

Mario Bellei. Appeal from the United States District Court for the
District of Columbia. In this case probable jurisdiction noted and
case placed on the summary calendar.

No. 131. Edmund P. Danclridge, Jr., Chairman of the Maryland

State Board of Public Welfare, Linda Williams
et al., appellants, v.
MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1969 13

et a!.Appeal from the United States District Court for the District
of Maryland. Motion of appellees for leave to proceed in forma
pauperis granted. In this case probable jurisdiction noted and case
placed on the summary calendar. Case set for oral agrument with
No. 540 in which certiorari granted today.
No. 185. Augie Keetz, Commissioner of Fish and Game for Alaska
et ah, appellants, v. John Bozanich et al. Appeal from the United
States District Court for the District of Alaska. In this case prob-
able jurisdiction noted and case placed on the summary calendar. Case
set for oral argument with No. 301 in which jurisdiction was noted

No. 236. William Evans, etc., et al., appellants, v. Tillye Corn-

man et al. Appeal from the United States District Court for the District
of Maryland. In this case probable jurisdiction noted and case placed
on the summary calendar. The Solicitor General is invited to file

a brief expressing the views of the United States.

No. 301. Loren J. Pike, etc., appellant, v. Bruce Church, Inc. Ap-

peal from the United States District Court for the District of Arizona.
Motion of Western Growers Association for leave to file brief, as
amicus curiae, granted. In this case probable jurisdiction noted and
case placed on the summary calendar. Case set for oral argument with
No. 185 in which jurisdiction was noted today.
No. 305. United States, appellant, v. John Heffron Sisson, Jr.
Appeal from the United States District Court for the District of Mas-
sachusetts. Further consideration of the question of jurisdiction in
this casepostponed to the hearing of case on the merits. Case placed on
the summary calendar and set for oral argument with No. 76 in which
certiorari granted today. In addition to the questions presented on
the merits, counsel are requested to discuss in their briefs and oral
arguments, not only the issue of jurisdiction under the "arresting a
judgment'' subdivision of 18 U.S.C. § 3731, but also the questions of
whether jurisdiction exists under either the "motion in bar" subdi-
vision or the "decision * * * setting aside or dismissing" subdivision
of 18 U.S.C. § 3731.

No. 43, Misc. Donald J. Vale, appellant, v. Louisiana. Appeal from

the Supreme Court of Louisiana. Motion for leave to proceed in forma
pauperis granted. Further consideration of question of jurisdiction in
this case postponed to the hearing of case on the merits and review
limited to the search and seizure question. Case transferred to the
appellate docket and placed on the summary calendar.

390-27S— 69
I o
MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1969 14

Certiorari Granted

No. 74. Clifford Taggart et al., petitioners, v. Weinacker's, Inc.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Alabama
granted and case placed on the summary calendar.
No. 88. United States, petitioner, v. W. G. Reynolds et ux. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Sixth Circuit granted and case placed on the summary calendar.

No. 104. United States, petitioner, v. Estate of Thomas S. Donnelly,

writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Sr., et al. Petition for
Appeals for the Sixth Circuit granted and case placed on the summary

No. 108. The Colonnade Catering Corp., Petitioner, v. United

United States Court of
States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
Appeals for Second Circuit granted and case placed on the sum-
mary calendar.

No. 231. International Longshoremen's Association, Local 1416,

AFL-CIO, petitioner, v. Ariadne Shipping Company, Limited, et al.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the District Court of Appeal of
Florida, Third District, granted and case placed on the summary

No. 234. Henry J. Czosek et al., petitioners, v. John R. O'Mara et al.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Second Circuit granted and case placed on the summary

No. 282. United States, petitioner, Maclin P. Davis et ux. Peti-


United States Court of Appeals for

tion for writ of certiorari to the
the Sixth Circuit granted and case placed on the summary calendar.

No. 300. James Tooahimpah Tate et al., petitioners, v. Walter J.

Hickel, Secretary of the Interior for the United States, et al. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Tenth Circuit granted and case placed on the summary calendar.
No. 395. United States, petitioner, v. M. O. Seckinger, Jr., etc. Pe-
United States Court of Appeals for
tition for writ of certiorari to the
the Fifth Circuit granted and case placed on the summary calendar.

No. 75. In the Matter of the Application of Martin Robert Stolar,

petitioner. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of
Ohio granted. Case placed on the summary calendar and set for oral
argument immediately following No. 53.
No. 76. Elliott Ashton Welsh, II, petitioner,
v. United States. Pe-
United States Court of Appeals for the
tition for writ of certiorari to
Ninth Circuit granted and case placed on the summary calendar.
MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1969 15

Case set for oral argument with No. 305 in which further consideration
of question of jurisdiction was postponed today.
No. 153. Daniel McMann, Warden, et al., petitioners, v. Wilbert
Koss et al. Motion of respondents for leave to proceed in forma pauperis
granted. Petition for writ of certiorari to United States Court of
Appeals for the Second Circuit granted and case placed on the sum-
mary calendar. Case set for oral argument with No. 212 in which
certiorari was granted today.

No. 212. David Earl Trammell, petitioner, v. Alabama. Petition

for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals of Alabama granted
and case placed on the summary calendar. Case set for oral argument
with No. 153 in which certiorari was granted today.
No. 221. Walter J. Hickel, Secretary of the Interior, petitioner,
v.The Oil Shale Corporation et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to
the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit and case
placed on the summary calendar. Mr. Justice White and Mr. Justice
Marshall took no part in the consideration or decision of this petition.
No. 230. H. K. Porter Company, Inc., etc., petitioner, v. National
Labor Relations Board et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit
granted and case placed on the summary calendar. Mr. Justice Mar-
shall took no part in the consideration or decision of this petition.

No. 540. Julia Rosado et al., petitioners, v. George K. Wyman, etc.,

et al.Application for stay presented to Mr. Justice Harlan, and by
him referred to the Court, denied. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit and to ex-
pedite granted and case placed on the summary calendar. Case set for
oral argument with No. 131 in which probable jurisdiction was noted

No. 51, Misc. Robert Dean Dickey, petitioner, v. Florida. Motion

for leave to proceed in forma pauperis and petition for writ of cer-
tiorari to the DistrictCourt of Appeal of Florida, First District,
granted. Case transferred to the appellate docket and placed on the
summary calendar.
No. 53, Misc. Donald Bachellar et al., petitioners, v. Maryland.
Motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis and petition for writ
of certiorari to the Court of Special Appeals of Maryland granted.
Case transferred to the appellate docket and placed on the summary

No. 69, Misc. Archie William Hill, Jr., petitioner, v. California.

Motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis and petition for writ
of certiorari to the Supreme Court of California granted. Case trans-
ferred to the appellate docket and placed on the summary calendar.
MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1969 16

No. 480, Misc. Kenneth R. Jones et al., petitioners, v. State Board

of Education of and for the State of Tennessee et al. Motion for leave
to proceed in forma pauperis and petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit granted, as to
Case trans-
petitioner, Jones. Certiorari denied as to other petitioners.
ferred to appellate docket and placed on the summary calendar.

Certiorari Denied

No. 77. James Russell HasMn, petitioner, v. The Superior Court

of California, County of Orange (Patricia Noreen Haskin, real party
in interest) . Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of
California, Fourth Appellate District, denied.

No. 80. Louis A. Heyd, Jr., Sheriff, Parish of Orleans, Louisiana,

petitioner, v.Robert L. Brown and William J. Hadrick. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth
Circuit denied.

No. 89. Lester Nehring, petitioner, v. Empresa Lineas Maritimas

Argentinas et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 92. American Empire Insurance Company of South Dakota
et al., petitioners, v.Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland.
Petition for writ of certiorari to United States Court of Appeals for
the Fifth Circuit denied.

No. 94. John J. Pyne, petitioner, v. United States. Petition for writ
of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh
Circuit denied.

No. 97. Charles Bussie, petitioner, v. Illinois. Petition for writ of

certiorari to the Supreme Court of Illinois denied.

No. 98. Long Beach Banana Distributors, Inc., et al., petitioners, v.

Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company et al. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the United States of Appeals for the Ninth
Circuit denied.

No. 105. Northeastern Consolidated Company, petitioner, v. United

States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 106. Campbell Soup Company, petitioner, v. International
Association of Machinists, District No. 8, AFL-CIO. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 110. Ruth Snyder et al., petitioners, v. Walter J. Hickel, Sec-
retary of Interior. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit denied.
MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1969 17

No. 111. Wyman C. Lowe, petitioner, v. Charles L. Weltner. Pe-

tition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals of Georgia denied.
No. 112. George W. Dotson, petitioner, v. Bertha Duty. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 113. Southwestern Portland Cement Company, petitioner, v.
National Labor Relations Board. Petition for writ of certiorari to
the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.

No. 114. Standard Fruit and Steamship Company, petitioner, v.

United Fruit Company and United States. Petition for writ of certi-
orari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit

No. 115. A. R. Industries, petitioner, v. Superior Court of the

State of California for the County of Sacramento. Petition for writ
of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California, Third Appellate
District, denied.

No. 118. Dean Julious Walsh, petitioner, United States. Peti-

tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Fourth Circuit denied.

No. 120. Frank R. Franko, petitioner, v. Mahoning County Bar

Association. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of
Ohio denied.
No. 126. Watsco, Inc., petitioner, v. Henry Valve Company. Pe-
tition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 130. S. W. Asher, petitioner, v. Indiana. Petition for writ of
certiorari to the Supreme Court of Indiana denied.

No. 133. Walter S. Cooper, petitioner, v. Leslie Salt Company et al.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of California

No. 134. In the Matter of the Application of Walter Marvin, Jr.,

petitioner. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of
New Jersey denied.
No. 137. Charles Francis DeNarvaez, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Second Circuit denied.

No. 138. Paul O. Johnson, petitioner, v. United States. Petition for

writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Eighth Circuit denied.

390-27S—69 6
MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1969 18

No. 140. Christopher Jackinan et al., petitioners, v. J ohn M. Bodine

et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of New
Jersey denied.

No. 141. Thomas T. Tagawa, petitioner, v. Maui Publishing Com-

pany, Ltd. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of
Hawaii denied.
No. 144. David R. Babb, petitioner, v. Ray Marelli, etc. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 145. Roxanne Tannehill, petitioner, v. Thomas W. Roberts et al.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of Louisiana,
Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 147. Everett W. Granderson, Jr., petitioner, v. Orleans Parish
School Board. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court
of Louisiana denied.

v. The Exchange Na-

No. 149. Sidney P. Abramson, petitioner,
tionalBank of Chicago et al. and ;

No. 208. Exchange National Bank of Chicago, petitioner, v. Sidney

P. Abramson et al. Petitions for writs of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit denied.
No. 150. Harry F. Berggren & Sons, Inc., petitioner, v. National
Labor Relations Board. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit denied.

No. 151. Ronald Martin and Roger Wolf, petitioners, v. United

United States Court of
States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 152. Angelus Funeral Home, petitioner, v. Commissioner of
Internal Revenue. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 154. Jesse Gay, petitioner, v. United States. Petition for writ
of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Cir-
cuit denied.

No. 155. Leo Neiwirth, petitioner, v. Hydrocarbon Chemicals, Inc.,

et al., and
No. 217. Samuel S. Starr et al., petitioners, v. Hydrocarbon Chem-
Petitions for writs of certiorari to the United States
icals, Inc., et al.

Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit denied.

No. 156. Lee W. Tauferner United States. Pe-
et ux., petitioners, v.
tition for writ of certiorai to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Tenth Circuit denied.
MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1969 19

No. 157. Valleydale Packers, Inc., of Bristol, petitioner, v. Na-

tionalLabor Relations Board. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 159. Crown Machine & Tool Co., petitioner, v. T> & S Industries,
Inc., et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.

No. 162. Marie P. Richard, petitioner, v. Travelers Insurance Co.

et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Louisiana

No. 163. William A. Agoranos, petitioner, United States. Peti-


tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Fifth Circuit denied.

No. 165. Mojave Uranium Company, petitioner, v. Mesa Petroleum

Company. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Utah

No. 167. Richard Wayne Hart et al., petitioners, v. United States.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Tenth Circuit denied.
No. 168. Marion J. Belveal et al., petitioners, v. Socony Mobile Oil
Corporation et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Civil
Appeals of Texas, 8th Supreme Judicial District, denied.
No. 170. Preferred Insurance Company, etc., petitioner, v. James L.
Bentley, Insurance Commissioner of Georgia, et al. Petition for writ
of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Georgia denied.
No. 174. William Sheiner, petitioner, v. United States. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Sec-
ond Circuit denied.
No. 176. John Ike Griffith, petitioner, v. Board of Commissioners
of theAlabama State Bar. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Su-
preme Court of Alabama denied.
No. 178. K-S-H Plastics, Inc., petitioner, v. Carolite, Inc., et al.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Ap-
peals for the Ninth Circuit denied.

No. 184. Thomas W. Sullivan, petitioner, v. Board of Commis-

Alabama State Bar. Petition
sioners of the for writ of certiorari to the
Supreme Court of Alabama denied.
No. 186. Iowa Public Service Company, petitioner, v. Iowa State
Commerce Commission et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit denied.
MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1969 20

No. 192. Marvin C. Mesch, petitioner, v. United States. Petition

for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Tenth Circuit denied.
No. 193. William A. Thorne, Receiver, Atlas Lumber & Door Co.,
petitioner, v. Aetna Life Insurance Company. Petition for writ of
certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Cir-
cuit denied.

No. 195. Lawrence D. Sullivan, petitioner, v. Commissioner of In-

ternal Revenue. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 197. Robert Foye O'Neal, petitioner, v. United States. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Fifth Circuit denied.

No. 203. Robert A. Moses and Richard P. Moses, etc., petitioners, v.

The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company. Petition for writ of
certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit

No. 205. Tennessee Valley Sand & Gravel Company, petitioner, v.

Bobby Joe Crafton. Petition for writ of certiorari to the LTnited States
Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 209. Maryland Casualty Company, petitioner, v. The Rush
Street Rugby Shop, Ltd., et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 213. Mark L. France, Trustee, etc., petitioner, v. Union Bank
and Savings Company. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States of Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied.

No. 216. George W. Chapman, Inc., petitioner, v. Robert E. Shenk

et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 220. Jefferson Standard Life Insurance Company, petitioner,
v.United States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 222. Jack G. Buncher d/b/a The Buncher Company, peti-
tioner, v. National Labor Relations Board. Petition for writ of cer-
tiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit

No. 223. Ellen Goett, etc., petitioner, v. Union Carbide Corpora-

tion etal. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of

Appeals for the Fourth Circuit denied.

No. 224. Theodore J. Gotthelf et ux., petitioners, v. Commissioner
of Internal Revenue and ;
MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1969 21

No. 293. Commissioner of Internal Revenue, petitioner, v. Sara N.

Gotthelf Petitions for writs of certiorari to the United States Cdurt of

Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.

No. 228. Tri-Wall Containers, Inc., petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States of Claims denied.

No. 229. Vance A. Dobbins, Jr., and Jerry Calvin Smith, petition-
United States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
ers, v.
Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 232. Peter Ross, petitioner, v. Illinois. Petition for writ of
Court of Illinois, First District, denied.
certiorari to the Appellate

No. 233. Donald Simon, petitioner, v. United States. Petition for

writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 237. Bishop Collins, petitioner v. Washington. Petition for
Supreme Court of Washington denied.
writ of certiorari to the

No. 243. Texas Oil & Gas Corp. et al., petitioners, v. Phillips Pe-
troleum Company. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit denied.
No. 246. Samuel Eugene Patterson, petitioner, v. Indiana. Petition
Supreme Court of Indiana denied.
for writ of certiorari to the

No. 247. Jesse Earl Miller, petitioner, v. United States. Petition

for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Eighth Circuit denied.
No. 251. Magnetic Heating Corporation et al., petitioners, v. Julius
E. Foster. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.

No. 252. Julio Dejoris, petitioner, v. United States. Petition for

writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth
Circuit denied.

No. 253. Durwood O. Phillips et ux., petitioners, v. Bill C. Latham.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Civil Appeals of Texas,
11th Supreme Judicial District, denied.
No. 254. John E. Acuff, petitioner, v. United States. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth
Circuit denied.

No. 255. William A. Wax, petitioner, v. Frank J. Pate, Warden.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Seventh Circuit denied.

39 0-278— 69 7
MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1969 22

No. 256. William T. McCluskey, Jr., petitioner, v. Norfolk and

Western Railway Company. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 257. General Metal Products Company, petitioner, v. National
Labor Relations Board. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.

No. 258. Odessa H. Knauff, etc., et al., petitioners, v. Utah Con-

struction& Mining Co. et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit denied.
No. 259. Saab Aktiebolag (formerly Svenska Aeroplan Aktiebola-
get (Saab) ), petitioner, v. Mergenthaler Linotype Company. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Second Circuit denied.
No. 262. Willett Wilson, petitioner, v. City of Port Lavaca, Texas,
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
et al. Petition for
Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 263. Leroy Crumley, alias Leo Crumley, petitioner, v. Alabama.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals of Alabama

No. 264. Gordon S. Miller et ux., petitioner, v. William B. Camp,

Comptroller of the Currency of the United States, et al. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Third
Circuit denied.

No. 272. David Bernard Barash, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-

United States Court of Appeals for
tition for writ of certiorari to the
the Second Circuit denied.

No. 273. Ceferino Perez Carril, petitioner, v. United States. Peti-

tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Second Circuit denied.

No. 274. Ransom Melvin Ketron, petitioner, v. Tennessee. Petition

for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Tennessee, Eastern
Division, denied.

No. 276. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, pe-

titioner, v.National Labor Relations Board. Petition for writ of cer-
tiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit

No. 277. Kenneth Wayne Knaack and Milton Segoviano, peti-

United States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
tioners, v.
States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied.
MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 19 69 23

No. 278. Ridgewood Management Company, Inc., petitioner, v.

National Labor Relations Board. Petition for writ of certiorari to
the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.

No. 280. City of Detroit et al., petitioners, v. Ambassador Steel

Company et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals
of Michigan denied.

No. 281. John J. Tyne, Jr., petitioner, v. Commissioner of Internal

Revenue. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 283. The John Klann Moving and Trucking Company, peti-
tioner, v National Labor Relations Board. Petition for writ of cer-
tiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit

No. 286. Felix Canova, petitioner, v. The Travelers Insurance Com-

pany. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Ap-
peals for the Fifth Circuit denied.

No. 289. Milton Margoles, petitioner, v. United States. Petition for

writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 294. Southeastern Canteen Co., et al., petitioners, v. Commis-
sioner of Internal Revenue. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 295. Wheeler- Van Label Company, Subsidiary of Stecher-
Traung-Schmidt Corporation, petitioner, v. National Labor Rela-
tions Board. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court, of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 297. Purer & Company and Phillip Purer, petitioners, v.
Aktiebolaget Addo and Addo Machine Company, Inc. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth
Circuit denied.

No. 298. Herbert M. Rosenthal et al., petitioners, v. Harry A. Ash,

Trustee, etal. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States

Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied.

No. 299. Dorothy C. Regan, petitioner, v. United States. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 302. Paul Brown Maynard, petitioner, v. United States. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Ninth Circuit denied.

No. 303. Gaston Turner, petitioner, v. Mississippi. Petition for writ

Supreme Court of Mississippi denied.
of certiorari to the
MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1969 24

No. 309. Edward H. Breen, petitioner, v. Otis Elevator Company

et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Louisiana

No. 311. The Washington Terminal Company, petitioner, v. Alonzo

W. Taylor. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit denied.

No. 312. Joel Simon Meyers, petitioner, v. United States. Petition

for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Second Circuit denied.
No. 313. Donald Kalish, petitioner, v. United States. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 314. Florence M. Barnes et al., petitioners, v. Commissioner of
Internal Revenue. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 315. Robert D. Hayes, petitioner, v. United States et al. Pe-
United States Court of Appeals for
tition for writ of certiorari to the
the Seventh Circuit denied.

No. 317. B. F. Diamond Construction Company, Inc., et al., peti-

National Labor Relations Board. Petition for writ of certi-
tioners, v.
orari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ffith Circuit

No. 319. Richard W. Croughan, Michael J. Murphy,

petitioner, v.
Police Commissioner of the City of New
York. Petition for writ of
certiorari to the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of New
York, Second Judicial Department, denied.
No. 322. Montecatini Edison S.p.A., petitioner, v. E. I. du Pont de
Nemours & Company. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit denied.

No. 323. J. D. McCarthy, petitioner, v. United States. Petition for

writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth
Circuit denied.

No. 325. Raymond Franco, petitioner, v. United States. Petition for

writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth
Circuit denied.

No. 327. Walter Sher, petitioner, v. New York. Petition for writ of
Court of Appeals of New York denied,
certiorari to the

No. 328. Stuyvesant Insurance Company, petitioner, v. United

States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Eighth Circuit denied.
MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1969 25

No. 332. Gerard E. Berne, petitioner, v. Government of the Virgin

Islands. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Third Circuit denied.
No. 333. Nicholas Panaccione, petitioner, v. United States. Peti-
tition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Third Circuit denied.

No. 334. Robert E. Boenker, petitioner, v. Ohio. Petition for writ

of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Ohio denied.
No. 336. James H. McKee, petitioner, v. Nebraska. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Nebraska denied.
No. 339. Danny Roy Shoemaker, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-
tition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Ninth Circuit denied.

No. 341. Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, Inc., petitioner, v.
Donald W. Buttrey, etc. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied.

No. 342. The Exchange National Bank of Atchison, petitioner, v.

The Hibernia National Bank of New Orleans. Petition for writ of
certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Cir-
cuit denied.

No. 344. Joseph Kandall, petitioner, v. United States. Petition for

writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Claims denied.

No. 345. Amalgamated Transit Union, Local Division 1338, et al.,

petitioners, v. The Dallas Public Transit Board et al. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the Court of Civil Appeals of Texas, 5th Supreme
Judicial District, denied.

No. 346. Hickman Garment Company, petitioner, v. National Labor

Relations Board. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 348. Clara L. Washington, petitioner, v. Golden State Mutual
Life Insurance Company. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Su-
preme Court of Texas denied.
No. 350. J. Willison Smith, Jr., et ux., petitioners, v. Pennsylvania
Public Utility Commission et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, Middle District, denied.
No. 351. McKinley Durham and Lucious Patterson, Sr., petitioners,
v.United States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 353. R. G. Barry Corporation, petitioner, v. National Labor
Relations Board. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
890-278 —69 8
MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1969 26

No. 354. Calvert Allen Lacy, petitioner, v. United States. Petition

for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 356. Willie Kirk and Ted Perry, petitioners, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Sixth Circuit denied.

No. 359. Yachim G. Holochuck, petitioner, v. United Aircraft

Corp. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Ap-
peals for the Second Circuit denied.

No. 361. Russell Bynum Proctor, petitioner, v. Marion King-

Proctor. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Superior Court of Penn-
sylvania, Philadelphia District, denied.

No. 364. John W. Campbell, petitioner, v. F. W. Gooch, Jr., Capt.,

U.S.N. Commander, Philadelphia Naval Shipyard, et al. Petition for

writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Third
Circuit denied.

No. 365. Brann & Stuart Company, petitioner, v. Consolidated Sun

Ray, Inc. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Penn-
sylvania, Eastern District, denied.

No. 366. Carl W. Spahr and William A. Kaiser, petitioners, v.

United States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.

No. 367. Edmor Properties, Inc., petitioner, v. Metropolitan Dade

County, Florida. Petition for writ of certiorari to the District Court
of Appeal of Florida, Third District, denied.

No. 370. George E. Farrell, etc., et al., petitioners, v. Piedmont

Aviation, Inc., et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.

No. 371. John S. Barnes Corporation, petitioner, v. National Labor

Relations Board. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 372. New York State Liquor Authority, petitioner, v. Finn's
Liquor Shop, Inc. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Ap-
peals of New York denied.
No. 377. Anthony S. Noga, petitioner, v. United States. Peti-

tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Ninth Circuit denied.

No. 380. William F. Sanford, petitioner, v. Commissioner of In-

ternal Revenue. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1969 27
No. 385. Order of Railway Conductors and Brakemen et al., peti-
Company. Petition for writ of certiorari
tioners, v. Clinchfield Kailroad
to the United States Court of Appeals for the Sxith Circuit denied.

No. 405. John L. Lodwick, Jr., petitioner, v.United States. Pe-

tition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Eighth Circuit denied.

No. 416. L. E. Riffe, petitioner, v. Wilshire Oil Company of Texas.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Tenth Circuit denied.

No. 479. Leonard Simasko, petitioner, v. Township of Harrison,

Macomb County. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of
Appeals of Michigan denied.
No. 491. E. E. Morgan, petitioner, v. United States Fidelity &
Guaranty Company. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme
Court of Mississippi denied.
No. 47. The Tobacco Institute, Inc., et al., petitioners, v. Federal
Communications Commission et al.
No. 43. National Association of Broadcasters et al., petitioners, v.
Federal Communications Commission et al.
No. 49. American Broadcasting Companies, Inc., petitioner, v. Fed-
eral Communications Commission et al. ; and
No. 51. National Broadcasting Company, Inc., petitioner, v. Fed-
eral Communications Commission et al. Petitions for writs of cer-
tiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the District of
Columbia Circuit denied. The Chief Justice took no part in the con-
sideration or decision of these petitions.

No. 107. Stasia Y. Hayman, petitioner, v. Commissioner of Inter-

nal Revenue. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit denied. The Chief
Justice took no part in the consideration or decision of this petition.

No. 219. Reies Lopez Tijerina et al., petitioners, v. United States.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Tenth Circuit denied. The Chief Justice took no part in the
consideration or decision of this petition.

No. 56. Charles Edmundson and Roy Hamilton, petitioners, v. Ten-

W. Preston Battle. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
nessee ex rel.
Supreme Court of Tennessee, Western Division, denied. Mr. Justice
Douglas is of the opinion that certiorari should be granted.
No. 122. Jesse Freeman et al., petitioners, v. The Gould Special
School District of Lincoln County, Arkansas, et al. Petition for writ
of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth
MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1969 28

Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion that certiorari

should be granted.
No. 169. Ames Nowell, petitioner, v. Marguerite Lovelett Nowell.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Connecticut.
Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion that certiorari should be

No. 177. Oliver Eosenberg et al., petitioners, v. Marie Minichiello,

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
etc., et al.

Appeals for the Second Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the
opinion that certiorari should be granted.

No. 181. Cecil E. Shifflett et al., petitioners, v. Edward Minor et al.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals of Maryland

denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion that certiorari should
be granted.

No. 194. Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade et al., peti-

tioners, v. Attorney General of the United States et al. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Dis-
trict of Columbia Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion
that certiorari should be granted.

No. 198. Philip Hirschkop, petitioner, v. Virginia. Petition for

writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia
denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion that certiorari should be

No. 211. Broadway Enterprise, Inc., petitioner, v. Liquor Control

Commission of Ohio. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme
Court of Ohio denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion that
certiorari should be granted.

No. 227. City of Audubon Park, Kentucky, et al., petitioners, v.

American Airlines, Inc., et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied. Mr.
Justice Douglas is of the opinion that certiorari should be granted.

No. 244. Ernestine W. Hunt, petitioner, v. Arizona. Petition for

writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Sixth Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion that
certiorari should be granted.

No. 260. Gulf Oil Corporation et al., petitioners, v. United States

et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Third Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the
opinion that certiorari should be granted.

No. 291. United Mine Workers of America, petitioner, v. River-

side Coal Company, Inc. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1969 29

States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied. Mr. Justice
Douglas is of the opinion that certiorari should be granted.
No. 296. Thomas Kadlec et al., petitioners, v. Illinois Bell Tele-
phone Company. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Douglas
is of the opinion that certiorari should be granted.

No. 335. Louise Burdine Eschmann, petitioner, v. It. Kirk Mover

et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Louisiana

denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion that certiorari should

be granted.
No. 373. Herbert S. Schwartzman, petitioner, v. New York. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals of New York de-
nied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion that certiorari should be

No. 437. Louis L. Atkins, petitioner, v. Greenville Shipbuilding

Corporation. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Douglas
is of the opinion that certiorari should be granted.

No. 61. C. Murray Henderson, Warden, petitioner, v. George Mon-

roe Pryor. Motion of respondent for leave to proceed in forma
pauperis granted. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 248. Koss E. Herold, M.D., Director of Dannemora State Hos-
pital Dannemora, New York, petitioner, v. Boy Schuster. Motion of
respondent for leave to proceed in forma pauperis granted. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Second Circuit denied.
No. 326. David N. Myers, Superintendent, State Correctional In-
Edwin Gockley. Motion of respondent for leave
stitution, petitioner, v.
to proceed in forma pauperis granted. Petition for writ of certiorari
to the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit denied.

No. 91. Louie L. Wainwright, Director, Division of Corrections,

petitioner, v. Nicholas Cappetta. Motions of respondent for leave to
proceed in forma pauperis and for leave to file a pro se brief in opposi-
tion to petition for certiorari granted. Petition for writ of certiorari to
the LTnited States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.

No. 99. Jane Levin, etc., petitioner, v. Great Western Sugar Com-
pany et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Third Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the
opinion that certiorari should be granted. Mr. Justice White took no
part in the consideration or decision of this petition.
MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1969 30

No. 109. Henry Dorsey, petitioner, v. National Association for the

Advancement of Colored People et al. Petition for writ of certiorari
to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
Mr. Justice Marshall took no part in the consideration or decision of
this petition.

No. 116. Joseph E. Lifschutz, M.D., petitioner, v. Superior Court

of California in and for the County of San Mateo. Motions of Cali-
fornia State Psychological Association; American Psychiatric Asso-
ciation ; and National Association for Mental Health for leave to file

briefs, asamicus curiae, granted. Petition for writ of certiorari to

the Supreme Court of California denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of
the opinion that certiorari should be granted.

No. 119. George Laris, petitioner, v. Pennsylvania. Petition for

Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, Western Dis-
writ of certiorari to the
trict, denied. Mr. Justice Douglas and Mr. Justice Brennan are of the
opinion that certiorari should be granted.

No. 180. Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen, pe-

titioner, v.Bangor and Aroostook Railroad Company et al. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
District of Columbia Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the
opinion that certiorari should be granted. The Chief Justice and
Mr. Justice Marshall took no part in the consideration or decision of
this petition.

No. 202. Sam

Joseph Battaglia, petitioner, v. United States. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to theUnited States Court of Appeals for
the Seventh Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion
that certiorari should be granted. Mr. Justice Marshall took no parf
in the consideration or decision of this petition.

No. 207. Walter W. Meek, petitioner, v. Arizona. Petition for writ

Appeals of Arizona denied. Mr. Justice
of certiorari to the Court of
Black and Mr. Justice Douglas are of the opinion that certiorari should
be granted.

No. 218. Louis Vernell, petitioner, v. Florida ex Richard E.


Gerstein, etc. Petition for writ of certiorari to the District Court of

Appeal of Florida, Third District, denied. Mr. Justice Black and Mr.
Justice Douglas are of the opinion that certiorari should be granted.

No. 304. Dorothy Fay Duffy, etc., petitioner, v. James H. Wharton,

etc.Motion to dispense with printing petition granted. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals of Maryland denied.

No. 368. Raymond Thomas Ward, petitioner, v. Pennsylvania New

York Central Transportation Company et al. Motion to dispense with
MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1969 31

printing petition granted. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United

States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 316. Diana Kearney Powell, petitioner, v. National Savings
and Trust Company. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeas for the District of Columbia Circuit denied.
The Chief J ustice and Mr. J ustice Marshall took no part in the con-
sideration or decision of this petition.

No. 363. Lawrence S. Ingoglia, petitioner, v. Harold M. Spitzer.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals of New York
denied. Mr. Justice Black is of the opinion that certiorari should be

No. 26, Misc. Ollie Lee Brooks, Jr., petitioner, v. Lawrence E. Wil-
son, Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the LTnited States
Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 36, Misc. Wallace Dean Cline, petitioner, v. Nevada, etc., et al.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals

for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 40, Misc. Nicholas Anthony Vitale, petitioner, v. Missouri. Pe-
Supreme Court of Missouri denied.
tition for writ of certiorari to the

No. 41, Misc. Reginald A. Soolook, petitioner, v. Alaska. Petition

Supreme Court of Alaska denied.
for writ of cert iorari to the

No. 42, Misc. Richard Allen Cornelius, petitioner, v. John C.

Burke, Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court
of Wisconsin denied.

No. 46, Misc. Cason L. Scheimer, petitioner, v. Harold V. Field,

Superintendent, California Men's Colony. Petition for writ of certio-
rari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit

No. 54, Misc. Pedro Crispin, petitioner, v. New York. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of
New York, First Judicial Department, denied.
No. 55, Misc. Wayne A. Russell et al., petitioners, v. Minnesota. Pe-
tition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Minnesota denied.

No. 56, Misc. George Harrison Flynn, petitioner, v. United States.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the LTnited States Court of Appeals
for the Third Circuit denied.
No. 57, Misc. Charles Lucas, petitioner, v. Robert W. Duggan, Dis-
trictAttorney, et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme
Court of Pennsylvania, denied.
MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1969 32

No. 58, Misc. Jasper Kodel Walker, petitioner, v. Walter E. Craven,

Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.

No. 61, Misc. Larry Harold Gunning, petitioner, v. California. Pe-

Supreme Court of California denied.
tition for writ of certiorari to the

No. 62, Misc. Johnnie L. Dal ton, etc., petitioner, v. California. Pe-
tition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of California denied.

No. 65, Misc. William Smith and Austin Carter, petitioners, v.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of
Illinois. Il-
linois denied.

No. 67, Misc. Albert G. Hintz, petitioner, v. Clarence T. Gladden,

Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 68, Misc. Allen Gates, petitioner, v. New York. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of
New York, First Judicial Department, denied.
No. 70, Misc. Kobert E. Young, petitioner, v. Florida. Petition for
Supreme Court of Florida denied.
writ of certiorari to the

No. 75, Misc. In re Dennis P. Fletcher, a Juvenile, petitioner. Peti-

tion for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals of Maryland denied.
No. 83, Misc. Wilbert Haywood, petitioner, v. United States ; and
No. 139, Misc. Elmer Jessup, petitioner, v. United States. Petitions
for writs of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Second Circuit denied.
No. 90, Misc. Wayne Ellsworth Conley, petitioner, v. United
States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 91, Misc. Charles Twist, petitioner, v. S. Eedeker et al. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Eighth Circuit denied.
No. 93, Misc. William Heirens, petitioner, v. Frank J. Pate,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 94, Misc. Charles Lenwood Butler, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 95, Misc. Jack Virgil Caffey, petitioner, v. Missouri. Petition
Supreme Court of Missouri denied.
for writ of certiorari to the
MONDAY, OCTOBEB 13, 1969 33

No. 96, Misc. In the Matter of Barbara Lynn Johnson et al., peti-
tioners. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Wash-
ington denied.
No. 97, Misc. Mel Eddie Edwards, petitioner, v. Lou V. Brewer,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of
Iowa denied.
No. 98, Misc. G. W. Carroll, petitioner, v. George J. Beto, Director,
Texas Department of Corrections. Petition for writ of certiorari to
the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.

No. 100, Misc. Jose Roclriquez, petitioner, v. Earl Coke, Secretary

of the Agriculture and Service Agency of California, et al. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of California denied.

No. 101, Misc. Joseph De Rosa, petitioner, v. J. Edwin LaVallee,

Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 102, Misc. Willie George Boyd, petitioner, v. Florida. Pe-
Court of Appeal of Florida,
tition for writ of certiorari to the District
First District, denied.

No. 106, Misc. Jay Ed Miller, petitioner, v. United States. Petition

for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 107, Misc. Thomas Leroy Yough, petitioner, v. New Jersey.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of New Jersey

No. Ill, Misc. Keith G. Dosskey, petitioner, v. California. Petition

for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California, Fourth
Appellate District, denied.
No. 114, Misc. Wilmer Austin, petitioner, v. Alabama. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth
Circuit denied.

No. 130, Misc. Edward Allen Mead, petitioner, v. Alaska. Petition

for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Alaska denied.
No. 131, Misc. Wallace E. Bard, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-
tition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Sixth Circuit denied.

No. 153, Misc. Bobby H. Pursley, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-

tition for writ certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Fourth Circuit denied.
MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 19 69 34

No. 154, Misc. Robert Jewell Landman, Sr., petitioner, v. Virginia

writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
et al. Petition for
Appeals for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 155, Misc. David Davis, petitioner, v. New York. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Second
Circuit denied.

No. 158, Misc. Harold Lee Jones, petitioner, v. Otis L. Brown,

Director, Department of Welfare and Institutions. Petition for writ
of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth
Circuit denied.

No. 161, Misc. Kenneth O'Larry Glenn, petitioner, v. Oklahoma.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Criminal Appeals of
Oklahoma denied.
No. 163, Misc. Clifford C. Stewart, petitioner, v. California. Pe-
tition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Ninth Circuit denied.

No. 164, Misc. Edward W. Moore, petitioner, v. Oklahoma. Pe-

tition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Criminal Appeals of Okla-
homa denied.
No. 165, Misc. Thurlow Belk, petitioner, v. North Carolina. Pe-
Supreme- Court Of-^uiXliJGayolma
tition for writ of certiorari to the
denied. OS
Coorr ov -Hpp^cis, 4tD-C» rcu f i

No. 166, Misc. James E. Eowles, petitioner, v. David N. Myers

et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Ap-
Appeals for the Third Circuit denied.
No. 167, Misc. Gloria J enkins, petitioner, v. Illinois. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Illinois denied.

No. 169, Misc. McKenzie Davis, petitioner, v. John C. Burke,

Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 170, Misc. Harold B. Lutchin, petitioner, v. County Court of
Outagamie County, Wisconsin, et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to
the Supreme Court of Wisconsin denied.

No. 171, Misc. Clarence H. Bagby, petitioner, v. California et al.

Supreme Court of California
Petition for writ of certiorari to the

No. 172, Misc. J oseph P. Gerardi, petitioner, United States. Pe-

tition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Ninth Circuit denied.
MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1969 35

No. 173, Misc. Joseph P. Gerardi, petitioner, v. Secretary of

Health, Education and Welfare. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 175, Misc. Bobby R. Cox, petitioner, v. Illinois. Petition for
writ certiorari to the Supreme Court of Illinois denied.
No. 176, Misc. Charles Patterson, petitioner, v. Louie L. Wain-
wright, Director, Florida Division of Corrections. Petition for writ
of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Cir-
cuit denied.

No. 180, Misc. Ronnie Roberts, petitioner, v. Illinois. Petition for

Supreme Court of Illinois denied.
writ of certiorari to the

No. 181, Misc. Anthony DeAngelis, petitioner, v. United States.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Third Circuit denied.

No. 182, Misc. Fred Jones, petitioner, v. Richard A. Harewood,

Judge. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 184, Misc. Herman Yvonne Risenhoover, petitioner, v. Cali-
fornia. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Cali-
fornia denied.

No. 185, Misc. Alvin Ray Huff, petitioner,v. United States. Pe-
tition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Fifth Circuit denied.

No. 186, Misc. Alfred Jones, petitioner, v. California. Petition for

writ of certiorari to the ourt of CAppeal of California, Second Ap-
pellate District, denied.

No. 188, Misc. Grady Smith, petitioner, v.Edward M. Fay, War-

den. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 189, Misc. Spencer Grant Wolff, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Seventh Circuit denied.

No. 190, Misc. Maria Mercedes Chavez-Martinez, petitioner, v.

United States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 191, Misc. John M. Fellabaum, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the W&&k Circuit denied.
No. 192, Misc. William Leroy Ewing, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Tenth Circuit denied.
MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1969 36

No. 193, Misc. Michael Bindulski, petitioner, v. Virginia. Petition

Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia
for writ of certiorari to the

No. 194, Misc. Andrew Douglas Green, petitioner, v. California.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California,
Second Appellate District, denied.
No. 195, Misc. Loren Blackwell, petitioner, v. John C. Burke,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 196, Misc. Stanley Perkins, petitioner, v. John T. Deegan,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 198, Misc. Eric L. Montgomery, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Eighth Circuit denied.
No. 199, Misc. Delano Grant, petitioner, v. California. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California, Second Appel-
late District, denied.

No. 202, Misc. L. T. Fields, petitioner, v. Vincent R. Mancusi,

Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals of
New York denied.
No. 204, Misc. Ralph Leroy Klingler, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Eighth Circuit denied.
No. 205, Misc. Victor C. Piacentile, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 206, Misc. Eugene Atkins, petitioner, v. Florida. Petition for
Supreme Court of Florida denied.
writ of certiorari to the

No. 208, Misc. James Rogers, petitioner, New York. Petition

for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals of New York denied.
No. 211, Misc. James L. Forella, petitioner, v. Harold W. Follette,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 213, Misc. Russell P. Saia, petitioner, v. United States;
No. 214, Misc. Alfred Sarno, petitioner, v. United States; and
No. 285, Misc. Arthur J. Freije, petitioner, v. United States. Peti-
tions for writs of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the First Circuit denied.
MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1969 37

No. 216, Misc. James Watson, petitioner, v. Florida. Petition for

writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Florida denied.
No. 218, Misc. John Cunningham, petitioner, v. Joseph R. Brierly,
Superintendent, State Correctional Institution. Petition for writ of
certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit

No. 221, Misc. David C. Luse, petitioner, v. Warden, Nevada State

Prison. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Nevada


No. 222, Misc. Ramon Feliciano, petitioner, v. New York. Petition

for writ of certiorari to the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court
of New York, First J udicial Department, denied.
No. 223, Misc. Edward Heilman, petitioner, v. United States. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Seventh Circuit denied.

No. 224, Misc. Joseph C. Erhart, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-

tition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Second Circuit denied.

No. 225, Misc. Johnny Banks, petitioner, v. Walter E. Craven,

Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Cali-
fornia denied.

No. 227, Misc. John Fioravanti, petitioner, v. Howard Yeager,

Principal Keeper, New Jersey State Prison. Petition for writ of cer-
tiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit

No. 228, Misc. Dorcy Smith, petitioner, v. New York. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals of New York denied.
No. 233, Misc. Joe Arthur Zappia, Jr., petitioner, v. Arizona. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals of Arizona denied.
No. 234, Misc. Kenneth James Wells, petitioner, v. Walter E.
Craven, Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 236, Misc. William Bryant, petitioner, v. Maryland. Petition

for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 238, Misc. Rubin F. Needel, petitioner, v. Palmer C. Scafati,
Superintendent. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the First Circuit denied.
MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1969 38

No. 241, Misc. Theodore Bias Luna, petitioner, v. California. Peti-

tion for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California, Fifth
Appellate District, denied.
No. 243, Misc. Alice T. Rodes, petitioner, v. Municipal Authority
of theBorough of Milford. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit denied.

No. 245, Misc. Anthony J. Costello, petitioner, v. New Jersey. Peti-

Supreme Court of New Jersey denied.
tion for writ of certiorari to the

No. 248, Misc. Charley Washington, petitioner, v. Michigan. Peti-

tion for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Michigan denied.

No. 249, Misc. Robert Foster, petitioner, v. United States. Petition

for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 250, Misc. J. D. Booker, petitioner, v. United States. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 253, Misc. Billy Joe Jackson, petitioner, v. United States. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Eighth Circuit denied.
No. 255, Misc. Hugh P. Dreelan, petitioner, v. Chief Disbursing
Officer,Federal Reserve Bank, Boston, Massachusetts. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the First
Circuit denied.

No. 256, Misc. George Clarke, petitioner, v. S. Redeker, et al., etc.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals

for the Eighth Circuit denied.
No. 270, Misc. William A Burke, petitioner, v. Harold V. Langlois,

Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of

Appeals for the First Circuit denied.
No. 271, Misc. James Harrison Collins, petitioner, <o. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Ninth Circuit denied.

No. 273, Misc. James E. Jackson, petitioner, v. Warden, Menard

Branch, Illinois State Penitentiary. Petition for writ of certiorari to
the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied.

No. 275, Misc. Milton Bloombaum, petitioner, v. United States.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fourth Circuit denied.

No. 277, Misc. Renee G. Liebendorfer, petitioner, v. James F.

Gayle. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of
Louisiana, Third Circuit, denied.

No. 279, Misc. Louis Teplitsky, petitioner, v. Bureau of Compen-

sation, U.S.Department of Labor. Petition for writ of certiorari to
the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.

No. 282, Misc. Robert P. Nieto, petitioner, v. California. Petition

for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California, Second
Appellate District, denied.
No. 287, Misc. Charles Raymon Oden, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fifth Circuit denied.

No. 289, Misc. Charles Henry Bishop, Jr., petitioner, v. H. T. Huff,

etc. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Georgia

No. 292, Misc. David J. Davis, petitioner, v. Otis L. Brown, Direc-

tor, Department of Welfare and Institutions. Petition for writ of
certiorari to the LTnited States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Cir-
cuit denied.

No. 295, Misc. Rolla A. Bass, petitioner, v. United States. Petition

for writ of certiorari to the Linked States Court of Appeals for the
Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 296, Misc. Verstell Willis, petitioner, c. United States. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the LTnited States Court of Appeals for
the Fifth Circuit denied.

No. 301, Misc. Paul Marquez, petitioner, v. Walter E. Craven,

Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Cali-
fornia denied.

No. 303, Misc. Richard E. Jones, petitioner, v. Pratt & Whitney,

Inc., et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the First Circuit denied.
No. 304, Misc. Anthony C. Cuty, petitioner, v. New York. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Second Circuit denied.
No. 308, Misc. Henry Thomas Shipp, petitioner, v. United States.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals

for the Fourth Circuit denied.

No. 311, Misc. Carmine Lombardi, petitioner, v. Harold W. Fol-

Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States

Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.

No. 313, Misc. Cho Po Sun, petitioner, v. United States. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Second Circuit denied.
MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 19 69 40

No. 315, Misc. Amos United States. Peti-

S. Tinker, petitioner, v.
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the District of Columbia Circuit denied.
No. 318, Misc. Rudolph Kuffin, petitioner, v. Vincent E. Mancusi,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 321, Misc. Sebastian Rossilli, petitioner, v. New York. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court
of New York, Second Judicial Department, denied.

No. 322, Misc. Ernest Bowles, petitioner, v. New York. Petition

for writ of certiorari to the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court
of New York, Third Judicial Department, denied.
No. 334, Misc. Robert Richardson, petitioner, v. Otis L. Brown,
Director, Department of Welfare and Institutions. Petition for writ
of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth
Circuit denied.

No. 350, Misc. Virgil Franklin Ryder, petitioner, v. United States.

Petition for writ of certiorari to theUnited States Court of Appeals
for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 370, Misc. Dennis Michael Czap, petitioner, v. United States.
United States Court of Appeals
Petition for writ of certiorari to the
for the Third Circuit denied.
No. 377, Misc. Clifton Gregory, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-
tition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the District of Columbia Circuit denied.

No. 398, Misc. Burgess Melvin Carson, petitioner, v. United

States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 424, Misc. Richard F. Caver ly and James S. Rizek, petitioners,
c. United States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit denied.
No. 427, Misc. John Harry Bully, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 483, Misc. Frederick E. Lewis, petitioner, v. American Fed-
eration of County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Third Circuit denied.

No. 507, Misc. Christopher Hughes, petitioner, v. United States.

United States Court of Appeals
Petition for writ of certiorari to the
for the Second Circuit denied.
MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1969 41

No. 4, Misc. John Edward Daugherty, petitioner, v. California,

Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California,
Fourth Appellate District, denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the
opinion that certiorari should be granted.
No. 74, Misc. Tomasa Hernandez, petitioner, v. Texas. Petition for
I writ of certiorari to the Court of Criminal Appeals of Texas denied.
Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion that certiorari should be granted.

No. 207, Misc. Franklin Henry Chaney,

petitioner, v. United
United States Court of
States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the
opinion that certiorari should be granted.

No. 374, Misc. George A. Curry, petitioner, v. Ohio. Petition for

writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Ohio denied. Mr. Justice
Douglas is of the opinion that certiorari should be granted.

No. 44, Misc. Gurthie A. Mayes and Charlie G. Garner, petitioners,

v. Jessie J. McKeithen et al. Motion of the Louisiana Trial Lawyers
Association for leave to file brief, as amicus curiae, granted. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Louisiana denied.

No. 104, Misc. Lawrence Doyle Conklin, petitioner, v. Louie L.

Wainwright, Director, Division of Corrections. Petition for writ of
certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit
denied. Mr. J ustice Douglas is of the opinion that certiorari should be
granted, judgment of United States Court of Appeals vacated and
i case remanded to that Court for a ruling on the merits.

No. 230, Misc. Chester R. Newman, petitioner, v. United States.

f Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
I for the District of Columbia Circuit denied. The Chief Justice took
no part in the consideration or decision of this petition.
No. 434, Misc. Ezekial Dominguez, petitioner, v. United States
v. United States. Peti-
No. 436, Misc. Alfonso Chavez, petitioner,
United States Court of Appeals for
tions for writs of certiorari to the
the Tenth Circuit denied. The Chief Justice took no part in the con-
: sideration or decision of these petitions.

No. 247, Misc. Charles Clarence Hamilton, petitioner, v. Alabama.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Alabama
denied. Mr. Justice Marshall took no part in the consideration or de-

cision of this petition.

No. 314, Misc. Ernesto A. Miranda, petitioner, v. Arizona. Pe-

tition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Arizona denied.
Mr. Justice Marshall took no part in the consideration or decision of
this petition.
MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1969 42

No. 316, Misc. Ciro M. Caruso, petitioner, v. United States. Peti-

United States Court of Appeals for
tion for writ of certiorari to the
the Second Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Marshall took no part in the
consideration or decision of this petition.

Leave to File Petitions for Writs of Habeas Corpus Denied

No. 252, Misc. Max Richard Hiller, petitioner, v. P. J. Ciccone,

Director, Medical Center for Federal Prisoners and

No. 317, Misc. Louis Ludwik Furtak, petitioner, v. Vincent R.

Mancusi, Warden. Motions for leave to file petitions for writs of habeas
corpus denied.

Leave to File Petitions for Writs of xLm&SiP'CuRi' un Denied

No. 201, Misc. Pete C. Gallegos, petitioner, v. Arizona ex rel. Frank

A. Eyman, Warden. Motion for leave to file petition for writ of man-
damus and for other relief denied.

No. 437, Misc. George E. Farrell, Administrator, etc., et al., peti-

Wyatt, United States District Judge for the South-
tioners, v. Inzer B.
ern District of New York. Motion for leave to file petition for writ of
mandamus and/or prohibition denied.

Rehearings Denied

No. , October Term, 1968. In the Matter of Sherman H.

Skolnick, petitioner;
No, — , October Term, 1968. In the Matter of E. J. Albright,
No. 200, October Term, 1968. Ben H. Frank, petitioner, v. United
No. 216, October Term, 1968. Patrick G. Martone, appellant, v.

Cecil Morgan et al.;
No. 548, October Term, 1968. Roderick Jenkins, appellant, v.
John Julien McKeithen et al.;
No. 573, October Term, 1968. National Labor Relations Board,
i petitioner, v. Gissel Packing Company, Inc., et al.
No. 670, October Term, 1968. Fred Banks, petitioner, v.
I California;

No. 770, October Term, 1968. Ted Steven Chimel, petitioner, v.
No. 995, October Term, 1968. Ross Howard, petitioner, v. United
No. 1089, October Term, 1968. Benjamin Levinson and Frank-
linMortgage Corporation, petitioners, v. United States;
MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1969 43

No. 1162, October Term, 1968. Danica Enterprises, Inc., peti-

tioner, v. Commissioner of Internal Eevenue;
No. 1163, October Term, 1968. Frank Smith, petitioner, v.
United States ;

No. 1244, October Term, 1968. Radio Corporation of America,,

petitioner, v. SCM Corporation
No. 1253, October Term, 1968. Bernard Wilson, petitioner, v.
United States ;

No. 1266, October Term, 1968. Walter Dlutz, petitioner, v. Fed-

eral Trade Commission
No. 1278, October Term, 1968. Charles R. Armstrong, petitioner,
v. United States
No. 1351, October Term, 1968. Harry S. Stonehill and Robert.
P. Brooks, petitioners,v. United States

No. 1355, October Term, 1968. Blumcraft of Pittsburgh, etc., pe-

titioner, v. Citizens and Southern National Bank of South Carolina
et al.

No. 1373, October Term, 1968. Nathan Wechsler, petitioner, v.

United States and;

No. 1381, October Term, 1968. Joseph N. Tooni et al., petitioners,

v. Eugene Zuckert, Secretary of the Air Force. Petitions for rehearing
denied. The Chief Justice took no part in the consideration or deci-
sion of these petitions.

No. 624, October Term, 1968. Clyde A. Perkins, petitioner, v.

Standard Oil Company of California. Petition for rehearing denied.
The Chief Justice and Mr. Justice Harlan took part in the considera-
tion or decision of this petition.

No. 1029, October Term, 1968. John J. DeLury, etc., et al., appel-
lants, v.City of New York. Motion for leave to file petition for re-
hearing denied. The Chief Justice took no part in the consideration or
decision of this motion.

No. 1276, October Term, 1968. William H. Roberts, petitioner, v.

William J. McDonald et al. Petition for rehearing denied. The Chief
J ustice and Mr. Justice Brennan took no part in the consideration or
decision of this petition.

No. 224, Misc., October Term, 1968. Frank Sturm, petitioner, v..

California Adult Authority et al.

No. 550, Misc., October Term, 1968. Ralph Cooper, Jamison, pe-
titioner v. United States
No. 984, Misc., October Term, 1968. John Paul Anderson, appel-
lant, v. South Carolina;
MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1969 44

No. 1097, Misc., October Term, 1968. Robert Harris, petitioner v.


No. 1172, Misc., October Term, 1968. Thomas Ruppert, peti-

ioner, v. J. Edwin LaVallee, Warden;
No. 1282, Misc., October Term, 1968. Donald A. Cavanaugh, pe-
titioner,'*;. California;
No. 1424, Misc., October Term, 1968. Robert L. Barbee, peti-
ioner v. Texas;
No. 1554, Misc., October Term, 1968. Harry William Theriault,
petitioner, v. United States;
No. 1587, Misc., October Term, 1968. Gerald D. Peterson and
Louis A. Derringer, petitioners, v. United States;

No. 1642, Misc., October Term, 1968. Carroll M. House, appel-

ant, v. United States et al.

No. 1726, Misc., October Term, 1968. Dallas O. Williams, peti-

ioner, v. United States.
No. 1765, Misc., October Term, 1968. Joseph L. DeLevay, peti-
:ioner, v. Edwin L. Raynolds, etc.;
No. 1787, Misc., October Term, 1968. Leo W. Charland, peti-
tioner, v. Norge Division, Borg- Warner Corporation, et al.
No. 1794, Misc., October Term, 1968. Huey R. Lee, petitioner, v.
No. 1827, Misc., October Term, 1968. Mary M. Brown et al., peti-
tioners, v. Bethania Hospital, et al.;

No. 1841, Misc., October Term, 1968. Nealy J. Buchanon, peti-

iioner, v. Michigan;
No. 1868, Misc., October Term, 1968. Mae Frances Neal et al., pe-
tioners, v. Saga Shipping Co., S. A., et, al.

No. 1880, Misc., October Term, 1968. Mike Waldo Simmons, pe-
titioner, v. United States.
No. 1900, Misc., October Term, 1968. Salvatore Rispo, Jr., peti-
tioner, v. Pennsylvania;
No. 1922, Misc., October Term, 1968. William Ray Chase, peti-
tioner, v. Pennsylvania
No. 1937, Misc., October Term, 1968. Jack Kamsler, petitioner, v.
Frank J. Pate, Warden, et al. ; and
No. 1956, Misc., October Term, 1968. Louis Ludwik Furtak, pe-
tioner, v. New York. Petitions for rehearing denied. The Chief Justice
took no part in the consideration or decision of these petitions.
No. 887, Misc., October Term, 1968. Thomas Henry Robinson,
Jr., petitioner, v. United States. Motion for leave to file second petition
MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1969 45

for rehearing denied. The Chief Justice took no part in the considera-
tion or decision of this motion.

Term, 1968. Cleveland L. Sellers, Jr., pe-

No. 979, Misc., October
Melvin E. Laird, Secretary of Defense, et al. Petition for re-
tioner, v.
hearing and for other relief denied. The Chief Justice took no part in
the consideration or decision of this petition.

No. 1574, Misc., October Term, 1968. Rocco Salvatore Lupino,

petitioner, v. Jack Young, Warden. Motion of Minnesota Civil Lib-
erties Union for leave to file brief, as amicus curiae, granted. Petition

for rehearing denied. The Chief Justice took no part in the considera-
tion or decision of this motion and petition.

No. 1610, Misc.,October Term, 1968. Charles Delgado, peti-

tioner, v. United States. Motion for leave to file petition for rehearing
denied. The Chief Justice took no part in the consideration or decision
of this motion.
Oral Argument

Mae Wheeler et al., appellants, v. John Montgomery, etc.,

No. 14.
Argued by Mr. Peter E. Sitkin for the appellants and by Mrs.
et al.

Elizabeth Palmer for the appellees.

No. 62. J ack E. Goldberg, Commissioner of Social Services of the

City of New York, appellant, v. John Kelly et al. Argued by Mr.
John J. Loflin, Jr., for the appellant and by Mr. Lee A. Albert for
the appellees.

al., petitioners, v. Little Hunting Park,

No. 33. Paul E. Sullivan et
Argued by Mr. Allison W. Brown, Jr., for the petitioners
Inc., et al.

and by Mr. John Charles Harris for the respondents.

No. 15. Clarence DeBacker, appellant, v. Homer Brainard, Sheriff
ofDodge County, Nebraska. One and one half hours allowed for oral
argument. Argument commenced by Mr. William G. Line for the ap-
pellant and continued by Mr. Richard L. Kuhlman for the appellee.

Order in Pending Case

No. 212. David Earl Trammell, petitioner, v. Alabama. The order

entered today granting certiorari is hereby revoked.

Adjourned until tomorrow at 10 o'clock.

The day call for Tuesday, October 14, 1969, will be as follows Nos. :

15, 39, 35, 17, and 21.

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 19 69 46


Present Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice

Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice Stew-
art, Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice Marshall.

Admissions to the Bar

Gerald M. Quiat, of Denver, Colo., on motion of Mr. Byron G.

Eogers; Charles A. Chartier, of Junction City, Tenn., on motion of
Mr. Keith G. Sebelius; Harris Elliott Coleman, of Vienna, Va., on
motion of Mr. William Vollis Alexander, Jr.; Timothy Geddes
Greene, of Alexandria, Va., on motion of Mr. Hamer H. Budge;
Robert Duane Linder, of Oelwein, Iowa, on motion of Mr. Clifford
A. Dougherty; Charles E. Patterson, of Kansas City, Mo., on mo-
tion of Mr. Charles R. Larouche Edward DeWitt III, of Falmouth,

Mass., on motion of Mr. Charles Emment Lucey; Bernard Robert

Baker, of Colorado Springs, Colo., on motion of Mr. Carroll E.
Multz; Frank Dodcl Smith, Jr., of Cartersville, Ga., on motion of
Mr. John W. Coggins; Craig M. Armstrong, of Ottawa, 111., on
motion of Mr. Michael Schneiclerman James Roy Lindley, of Killeen,

Tex., on motion of Mr. John Franklin O'Neal George J. Moscarino,


of Cleveland, Ohio, on motion of Mr. William M. Hoiles; Hollis T.

Cordray, Jr., of Houston, Tex., on motion of Mr. James Edwin Smith;
Jerome James Shea, Jr., of Huntington Beach, Calif., on motion of
Mr. John E. Boice, Jr.; Fred S. Pegler, of Omaha, Neb., and Arthur
Samuel Raznick, of Omaha, Neb., on motion of Mr. Joseph Bernard
Axelman; Jerome P. McGranaghan, of Oneida, N.Y., on motion of
Mr. Max N. Edwards; James Watt Moorman, of Washington, D.C.,
on motion of Mr. Bruce Terris and Reicl Merritt, of Lawrenceville,

Ga., on motion of Mr. Alfred L. Evans, Jr., were admitted to practice.

Oral Argument
No. 15. Clarence DeBacker, appellant, v. Homer Brainard, Sheriff
of Dodge City, Nebraska. Argument continued by Mr. Richard L.
Kuhlman for the appellee, by Mr. Alfred L. Scanlan for the National
Council of Juvenile Court Judges, as amicus curiae, by special leave
of Court, and concluded by Mr. William G. Line for the appellant.
No. 39. Richard Hall et ux., appellants, v. Harriet Beals, Clerk and
Recorder of El Paso County, et al. Argued by Mr. Richard Hall for
the appellants, pro se. and by Mr. Bernard R, Baker for the appellees.

8<)0 -278— 69 9
TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 19 69 47

No. 35. Hugh Bryson, petitioner, v. United States. Argued by Mr.

Richard Gladstein for the petitioner and by Mr. Francis X. Beytagh
for the respondent.
No. 17. United States, appellant, v. James D. Knox. Argued by Mr.
Mervyn Hamburg for the appellant and by Mr. J. Edwin Smith for
the appellee.
Adjourned until tomorrow at 10 o'clock.
The day call for Wednesday, October 15, 1969, will be as follows:
Nos. 21, 189, 271, 190, and 19 (and 34).



Present: Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice
Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice Stew-
art, Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice Marshall.

Admissions to the Bar

Ralph Spencer Annear, of Alexandria, Va., on motion of Mr. Quen-

tin N. Burdick; Will iam Barrett Gunter, of Gainesville, Ga., on
motion of Mr. Phil M. Landrum John Vernon Rainbolt II, of Cor-

dell, Okla., on motion of Mr. Graham Purcell Kathryn E. Biggs, of


Wheat on, Md., and Charles E. Bo wen, of Wheat on, McL, on motion
of Judge Kathryn J. Shook; John Devereaux Johnston, Jr., of New
York, N. Y., on motion of Mr. Lawrence Gerald Wallace Arthur E. ;

Parker, of Birmingham, Ala., on motion of Mr. Wendell Wilkie Mitch-

ell Emanuel Becker, of New York, N.Y., on motion of Mr. Victor H.

Kramer; Robert J. Castellani, of Atlanta, Ga., and J. Robert Cole-

man, of Atlanta, Ga., on motion of Mr. Alfred L. Evans, Jr. Homer C. ;

Bittiker, of Kansas City, Kans., and Victor M. Rocha, of Kansas

City, Mo., on motion of Mr. James J. Murphy George E. Duncan, of

Beaumont, Tex., on motion of Mr. Ross O'Donoghue Robert LeRoy ;

Bennett, of Falls Church, Va., on motion of Mr. Lawrence R. Houston

Jerome E. Hemry, of Oklahoma City, Okla., on motion of Mr. William
Boys Harmon, Jr. Robert A. Maddocks, of Hudson, Ohio, on mo-

tion of Mr. Samuel C. Klein: and David Arthur Diamond, of New

York, N.Y., on motion of Mr. William E. Hellerstein, were admitted
to practice.
Oral Argument

No. 21. A. L. Dutton, Warden, appellant, v. Alex S. Evans. Argued

by Mr. Alfred L. Evans, Jr., for the appellant and by Mr. Robert B.
Thompson for the appellee.
No. 189. James Minor, petitioner, v. United States. Argued by
Mrs. Phylis Skloot Bamberger for the petitioner and by Mr. Peter L.
Strauss for the respondent.
No. 271. Michael Buie, petitioner, v. United States. Argued by Mr.
David A. Diamond for the petitioner and by Mr. Joseph J. Connolly
for the respondent.

No. 190. James Turner, petitioner, v. United States. Argued by Mr.

Josiah E. DuBois, Jr., for the petitioner, by Mr. Steven R, Rivkin
for Cleveland Burgess, as amicus curiae, and by Mr. Lawrence G.
Wallace for the respondent.
890-278—69 10

Adjourned until tomorrow at 10 o'clock.

The day Thursday, October 16, 1969, will be as follows Nos,
call for :

19 (and 34), 25 (and 52), and 29.



Present Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice

Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice

Stewart, Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice Marshall.

Admissions to the Bar

James B. Allen, of Gadsden, Ala., on motion of Mr. Wendell Wilkie

Mitchell; Carl Michael Brophy, of Medford, Oreg., on motion of
Mr. John R. Dellenback; Edwin H. Amidon, Jr., of Shelburne, Vt.,
on motion of Mr. James M. Jeffords Lloyd L. Duxbury, Jr., of Mc-

Lean, Va., and Daniel N. Lempres, of Oakland, Calif., on motion

of Mr. Richard N. Little; James J. McNamara, of Evanston, 111.,
and William E. Nodine, of Clearwater, Fla., on motion of Mr. James
van R. Springer; Frank A. Lane, of Miami, Fla., and George Oles
Mitchell, of Miami, Fla., on motion of Mr. James E. Mitchell; Der-
rill E. Yaeger, of Corona, Calif., on motion of Mr. C. Emerson

Duncan II; William E. Trautman, of San Francisco, Calif., on

motion of Mr. Karl J. Uebel R. William Spinn, of Brenham, Tex.,

on motion of Mr. Richard Charles Spinn Scott Cameron Whitney,


of Washington, D.C., on motion of Mr. Brian Christian Elmer; T.

Gorman Reilly, of New York, N.Y., on motion of Mr. Frederick
Simpich; Justin A. Gross, of San Francisco, Calif., on motion of
Mr. David S. J. Brown; Joseph H. Redmon, of Redding, Calif., on
motion of Mr. Robert Raymond Redmon; Richard S. Homer, of
Chicago, II]., on motion of Mr. Allen H. Gardner; Louis Draper
Harrington, of Silver Spring, Md., on motion of Mr. Oliver Ellis
Stone; and Ronald Lee Russell, of Alliance, Ohio, on motion of Mr.
Donald H. Dalton, were admitted to practice.

Oral Argument
No. 19. The First National Bank in Plant City, Plant City, Florida,
Fred O. Dickinson, Jr., etc., et al. and
petitioner, v. ;

No. 34. William B. Camp, Comptroller of the Currency, petitioner,

v. Fred O. Dickinson, Jr., etc., et al. One hour and forty minutes al-
lowed for oral argument. Argued by Mr. James van R. Springer and
Mr. Robert S. Edwards for the petitioners, by Mr. William Reece
Smith, Jr., for the respondents and by Mr. James F. Bell for the
National Association of Supervisors of State Banks, as mnicus curiae,
by special leave of Court.

390-278—69 11

No. 25. Frederick T. Zuber et al., petitioners, v. Russell Allen et al.

No. 52. Clifford M. Hardin, Secretary of Agriculture, petitioner, v.
Russell Allen et al. Argued by Mr. Daniel M. Friedman and Mr.

Lawrence D. Hollman for the petitioners, by Mr. Charles Patrick

Ryan for the respondents and by Mr. Edwin H. Amidon, Jr., for the
State of Vermont, as amicus curiae.

Adjourned until Monday, October 20, 1969, at 10 o'clock.

The day call for Monday, October 20, 1969, will be as follows : Nos.
29, 9 (and 16), 23, and 30.

MONDAY, OCTOBER 20, 19 69 52


Present Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice

Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice Stew-
art, Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice Marshall.

The Chief Justice said

"Today's orders of the Court have been certified by the Chief Jus-
tice, filed with the Clerk, and will not be announced orally."

Opinions Per Curiam

No. 404. Rufus Beacham, appellant, v. Martin Braterman et al.

Appeal from the United States District Court for the Southern Dis-
trict of Florida. The motion to affirm is granted and the judgment is

affirmed. Opinion per curiam. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion

that probable jurisdiction should be noted.
No. 267, Misc. Arthur Odell Whiddon, petitioner, v. United
States. On petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. Motion for leave to proceed in
forma pauperis and petition for writ of certiorari granted. Judgment
vacated and case remanded to the United States District Court for
the Eastern District of Texas for resentencing. Opinion per curiam.

Orders in Pending Cases

No. 353, October Term, 1968. Elijah White Ratcliff, petitioner,

v. E. Ivan Bruce and Truman Blocker, Jr. The motion to reinstate
petition for writ of certiorari is denied. The Chief Justice took no
part in the consideration or decision of this motion.
No. . James Horelick and Sandra Adickes, petitioners, v.
New York. The application for stay presented to Mr. Justice Douglas,
and by him referred to the Court, is denied.
No. . William Eensler Nolan,
petitioner, v. United States.
The application for reduction in bail presented to Mr. Justice Douglas,
and by him referred to the Court, is denied.
No. 33, Original. State of Arkansas, plaintiff, v. State of Tennes-
see. The Report of the Special Master is received and ordered filed.
Exceptions, if any, with supporting briefs, to the Report of the Spe-
cial Master may be filed by the parties on or before December 4, 1969.
Reply briefs, if any, to such exceptions may be filed on or before Jan-
uary 3, 1970.

390-278—69 12
MONDAY, OCTOBER 20, 19 69 53

No. 13. William L. Maxwell, petitioner, v. O. E. Bishop, Superin-

tendent, Arkansas State Penitentiary. The motion of petitioner to
enlarge the scope of review is denied.
No. 66. Anghel Goldstein aka Andrei Pietraru et al., appellants,
v.Joseph A. Cox et al. The motion of Wolf, Popper, Eoss, Wolf &
Jones for leave to file a reply brief, as amicus curiae, is granted.
No. 131.Edmund P. Dandridge, Jr., Chairman of the Maryland
State Board of Public Welfare, et al., appellants, v. Linda Williams
et al. and

No. 540. Julia Rosado et al., petitioners, v. George K. Wyman, etc.,

et al. The orders setting these cases to be argued together are hereby

No. 135. Frederick Walz, appellant, v. Tax Commission of the City
of New York. The motion of Madaly Murray O'Hair et al. for leave to
file a brief, as amid curiae, is granted.

Certiorari Granted

v. Sheldon A. Key, Trustee. Pe-

No. 402. United States, petitioner,
United States Court of Appeals
tition for writ of certiorari to the
for the Seventh Circuit granted and case placed on the summary
No. 412. Fred W. Woodward et al., petitioners, v. Commissioner of
Internal Revenue. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit granted and case placed
on the summary calendar .

No. 413. Greenbelt Cooperative Publishing Association, Inc., et al.,

petitioners, v. Charles S. Bresler. Petition for writ of certiorari to
the Court of Appeals of Maryland granted and case placed on the
summary calendar.
No. 441. Robert I. Toussie, petitioner, v. United States. Petition
United States Court of Appeals for the
for writ of certiorari to the
Second Circuit granted and case placed on the summary calendar.

Certiorari Denied

No. 212. David Earl Trammell, petitioner, v. Alabama. Petition

Court of Appeals of Alabama denied.
for writ of certiorari to the
Roy Gerber, petitioner, v. The First National Bank of Ne-
No. 307.
vada, and
etc. ;

No. 431. El Banco, Inc., et al, petitioners, v. The First National

Bank of Nevada, etc. Petitions for writs of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
MONDAY, OCTOBER 20, 19 69 54

No. 338. Grace Grove Sappington and Lilliam Grove Shank, etc.,

United States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the

petitioners, v.
United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 375. Paul C. Ware, petitioner, v. Minnesota. Petition for writ
Supreme Court of Minnesota denied.
of certiorari to the
No. 391. John O'C. Fitzgerald and Charles F. Marino, petitioners,
v. Lee A. Freeman et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United

States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 392. Billy Joe Tant and John Ted Jenkins, petitioners, v.
United States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 396. Clifton H. Meisinger et ux., petitioners, v, William Scully
I et ux. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Tenth Circuit denied.
No. 398. Components, Inc., petitioner, v. Western Electric Com-
pany, Incorporated. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit denied.
No. 410. John Odean Cass and Homer Kay Prevette, petitioners,
v. United States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States

Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit denied.

No. 427. Defiance Industries, Inc., et al., petitioners, v. Deborah
Tanzer et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
\ of Appeals for the Third Circuit denied.
No. 433. P. S. Seymour-Heath, petitioner, v. United States et al.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 78. Yam Sang Kwai, petitioner, v. Immigration and Nat-
uralization Service. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit denied.
Mr. J ustice Douglas is of the opinion that certiorari should be granted.
No. 275. Ernest Werner Loos, petitioner, v. Immigration and Nat-
uralization Service. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Douglas
isof the opinion that certiorari should be granted.
No. 349. Salvato J. Silverio, petitioner, v. Municipal Court of the
City of Boston and City of Medford. Petition for writ of certiorari to
Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts denied. Mr. Justice Douglas
is of the opinion that certiorari should be granted.
No. 393. Cleveland Board of Education, petitioner, v. Pearl E.
Masheter, Director of Highways, State of Ohio. Petition for writ
of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Ohio denied. Mr. Justice Douglas
is of the opinion that certiorari should be granted.
MONDAY, OCTOBER 2 0, 19 69 55

No. 424. FMC Corporation, petitioner, v. Paper Converting Ma-

chine Co., et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Douglas
isof the opinion that certiorari should be granted.
No. 200. Louisville & Nashville Railroad Company et al., pe-
titioners, v. National Mediation Board et al. and ;

No. 206. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, petitioner, v. Na-

tional Mediation Board et al. Petitions for writs of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit
denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion that certiorari should
be granted. The Chief Justice took no part in the consideration or de-
cision of these petitions.
No. 240. Joseph Covello, petitioner, v. United States. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Sec-
ond Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Marshall took no part in the con-
sideration or decision of this petition.
No. 381. Donald D. Spencer, petitioner, v. United States. Mo-
tion to dispense with printing petition granted. Petition for writ of
certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Cir-
cuit denied.
No. 654. Clay E. Hunter, petitioner,v. Ohio ex rel. Roy E. Miller
et al.Motion of petitioner for leave to intervene granted. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Ohio denied.
No. 117, Misc. Henry Porter, petitioner, v. United States. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the United Court of Appeals for the Fifth
Circuit denied.
No. 120, Misc. Eobert John Wolcott, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Tenth Circuit denied.
No. 178, Misc. Charlie L. Taite, petitioner v. W. Clyde Busbee et al.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Florida denied.
No. 209, Misc. Isabelino Alamo, petitioner, New York. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals of New York denied.
No. 215, Misc. Robert G. Nicholson and Jimmy D. Maddox, pe-
Nebraska. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme
titioners, v.
Court of Nebraska denied.
No. 246, Misc. Cleophas Austin, petitioner, v. Louis S. Nelson,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 300, Misc. J. C. Gable, petitioner, v. Oklahoma. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the Court of Criminal Appeals of Oklahoma
MONDAY, OCTOBER 2 0, 19 6,9 56

No. 302, Misc. Walter F. Keyes, petitioner, v. Walter Dunbar et al.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 331, Misc. Raymond Moreno, petitioner, v. California. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California,
Fourth Appellate District, denied.
No. 339, Misc. Stanley Fink, petitioner, v. New York. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals of New York denied.
No. 340, Misc. Bennett V. Cook, petitioner, v. Walter E. Craven,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 346, Misc. Freddie Williams, petitioner, v. M. E. Schneckloth.
Supreme Court of California denied.
Petition for writ of certiorari to
No. 348, Misc. Umbert M. Pisani, Jr., petitioner, v. Warden, Mary-
land Penitentiary. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 355, Misc. Joseph R. Castruita, petitioner, v. California. Pe-
Supreme Court of California denied.
tition for writ of certiorari to the

No. 360, Misc. Joseph H. Gerardi, petitioner, v. Carolyn and Sarah

Sipos. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of Cali-
fornia Second Appellate District, denied.
No. 361, Misc. Herbert F. Steigler, petitioner, v. Superior Court
of the State of Delaware, in and for New Castle County, et al. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Delaware denied.
No. 366, Misc. Horace Teasley, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-
tition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 378, Misc. Peter Pagan, petitioner, v. J. Edwin LaVallee, War-
den. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Ap-
peals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 379, Misc. Delbert Chris Clark, petitioner, v. John W. Turner,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit denied.
No. 381, Misc. John J. Pepitone, petitioner, v. H. V. Field, Super-
intendent, California Men's Colony. Petition for writ of certiorari to
the Supreme Court of California denied.
No. 387, Misc. Robert A. Conti, petitioner, v. Superior Court for
the County of Los Angeles et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the

Supreme Court of California denied.

No. 388, Misc. Melvin Daniel, petitioner, v. Daniel McMann, War-
den. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Ap-
peals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 244, Misc. Gerald Glen Boyden, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
MONDAY, OCTOBER 2 0, 19 69 57

for the Ninth Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Marshall took no part in the
consideration or decision of this petition.
No. 338, Misc. Richard Gambale, petitioner, v. Massachusetts. Pe-
tition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Judicial Court of Massa-
chusetts denied. Mr. Justice Black and Mr. Justice Douglas are of the
opinion that certiorari should be granted.

Leave To File Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus Denied

No. 92, Misc. Frank B. W. Davidson, petitioner, v. California Adult

Authority et al. Motion for leave to file petition for writ of habeas
corpus denied.

Leave To File Petition for Writ of Mandamus Denied

No. 356, Misc. Ex parte Jack Kamsler, petitioner. Motion for leave
to file petition for writ of mandamus denied.

Rehearing Denied

No. 574, October Term, 1968. United States, petitioner, v. Estate

al. Petition for rehearing denied. The
of Joseph P. Grace, deceased, et
Chief Justice and Mr. Justice Stewart took no part in the considera-
tion or decision of this petition.

Recess Order

The Court will take a recess from Monday, October 27, 1969, until
Monday, November 10, 1969.

Admissions to the Bar

Eichard Frank Miller, of Pasadena, Calif., Milton Nason, of Berke-

ley, Calif., Donald Ray Philbin, of Oklahoma City, Okla,, Willis
S. Carpenter, Jr., of Dallas, Tex., and Edwin Dale Heath, Jr., of
Erwin N. Griswold
Dallas, Tex., on motion of Mr. Solicitor General
Fred Howard Tolan, of Seattle, Wash., on motion of Mr. Warren G.
Magnuson; Alice Ann Booher, of Indianapolis, Ind., on motion of
Mr. William G. Bray Robert Neil Dempsey, of Alexandria, Va., on

motion of Mr. William H. Dempsey, Jr.

Lon Kile, of Hugo, Okla., on motion of Mr. Thomas Dunn Finney,
Jr.; Richard Fletcher Calhoun, of Montgomery, Ala., and Walter
Sanderson Turner, of Montgomery, Ala., on motion of Mr. Leslie
Hall; David Bruce Shine, of Kingsport, Tenn., on motion of Mr.
Donald M. Murtha Gwendolyn H. Gregory, of Denver, Colo., on mo-

tion of Mr. Robert C. Mardian Theodore Joseph Collins, of St. Paul,


Minn., on motion of Mr. Lome Dale Maclver Richard Taylor Cub-;

MONDAY, OCTOBER 20, 19 69 58

bage, of Chicago, 111., R. Paul Tj ossein, of Seattle, Wash., and James

Robert Walker, of St. Paul, Minn., on motion of Mr. Lloyd L. Dux-
bury, Jr.; Francis J. Vaas, of Boston, Mass., on motion of Mr.
Francis W. Mclnerny Daniel Lund, of New Orleans, La., and Henry

J. Read, of New Orleans, La., on motion of Mr. Herbert A. Bergson

Kenneth Murray, of Detroit, Mich., and Brownson Murray, of De-
troit, Mich., on motion of Mr. Arthur B. Hanson; Paul L. Larsen,
of Las Vegas, Nev., on motion of Mr. James Henry Duffy; Jim
Zegeer, of Alexandria, Ya., on motion of Mr. Joseph A. DeGrandi;
Bernard Martin Goodman, of Easton, Pa., on motion of Mr. Albert
Jerome Goodman.
Sim W. Goodall, of Memphis, Tenn., on motion of Mr. Richard T.
Yery; Lazar Lowinger, of Boston, Mass., on motion of Mr. George
Kaufmann; Chauncey F. Kingsley, of Bronxville, N.Y., on motion
of Mr. Emmett Leon Sheehan John David Hagerman, of Houston,

Tex., on motion of Mr. Everett Hutchinson John Morton Mailer, of


Los Angeles, Calif., on motion of Mr. Lyndol L. Young E. Eugene ;

Tucker, of Hayward, Calif., on motion of Mr. Francis Raymond

Hammill; and John L. Harmer, of Glendale, Calif., on motion of
Mr. Jesse R. Smith, were admitted to practice.

Oral Argument

No. 29. The

Detroit and Toledo Shore Line Railroad Company, pe-
Linked Transportation Union. Argued by Mr. Francis M.
titioner, v.
Shea for the petitioner and by Mr. Richard R. Lyman for the re-

No. 9. Nacirema Operating Co., Inc., et al., petitioners, v. William

H. Johnson et al. and ;

No. 16. John P. Traynor and Jerry C. Oosting, Deputy Commis-

sioners, petitioners, v. William H. Johnson et al. One hour and forty
minutes allowed for oral argument. Argued by Mr. Randall C. Cole-
man and Mr. Solicitor General Griswold for the petitioners and by
Mr. Ralph Rabinowitz and Mr. John J. O'Connor, Jr., for the
No. 23. Calvin Turner et al., appellants, v. W. W. Fouche et al.
Argued by Mr. Michael Meltsner for the appellants and by Mr. Alfred
L. Evans, Jr., for the appellees.

Adjourned until tomorrow at 10 o'clock.

The day call for Tuesday, October 21, 1969, will be as follows : Nos.
30, and 28 (38, 43 and 44).

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 19 69 59


Present Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice

Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice Stew-
art, Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice Marshall.

Admissions to the Bar

William Henry Braun, of Lafayette, Ind., on motion of Mr. Birch

Bayh; Harry J. Lehman, of Cleveland, Ohio, on motion of Mr. Louis
Stokes R. T. Shankweiler, of Fort Lauderdale, Fla., on motion of Mr.

J. Herbert Burke; Robert C. Cannada, of Jackson, Miss., on motion

of Mr. Albioun F. Summer H. McKinley Marlow, Jr., of Nashville,

Term., on motion of Mr. Charles E. Pledger, Jr. William Morey Weis- ;

field, of Seattle, Wash., on motion of Mr. Walter I. Horlick James H. ;

Knecht, of Pasadena, Calif., on motion of Mr. David Walker Rich-

mond; La Von Eugene Billings, of Red Oak, Iowa, and Stephen C.
Robinson, of Des Moines, Iowa, on motion of Mr. David Kammerman
Bruce B. Wilson, of Philadelphia, Pa., on motion of Mr. Richard W.
McLaren Howard Roy Dressner, of New York, N. Y., on motion of

Mr. David Ginsburg Patrick Gerald Geraghty of Centerville, Va., on

; ,

motion of Mr. Nathaniel H. Goodrich Renee J. Roberts, of New York,


N.Y., and Asa D. Sokolow, of New York, N.Y., on motion of Mr.

Joseph DeFranco Steven Martin Katz, of Silver Spring, Md., Morton

H. Press, of Rockville, Md., and Marvin M. Waldman, of Rockville,

Md., on motion of Mr. Sol Friedman; and Arthur S. Friedman, of
Chappaqua, N.Y., and Lester J. Tanner, of Yonkers, N.Y., on motion
of Mr. Harold Ungar, were admitted to practice.

Oral Argument

No. 30. Willie Carter, Sr., et al., appellants, v. Jury Commission

of Greene County, Alabama, et al. Argued by Mr. Norman C. Amaker
for the appellants and by Mr. Leslie Hall for the appellees.

No. 28. United States, appellant, v. Interstate Commerce Com-

mission et al.;

No. 38. Charles E. Brundage et al., appellants, v. United States

et al.;

No. 43. City of Auburn, appellant, v. United States et al. ; and

No. 44. Livingston Anti-Merger Committee, appellant, v. Interstate
Commerce Commission et al. Four hours allowed for oral argument.
Argument commenced by Mr. Richard W. McLaren for the appellants
390-278—69 13
TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1969 60

and continued by Mr. Louis B. Dailey and Mr. Valentine B. Deale for
the appellants and by Mr. Fritz R. Kahn and Mr. Hugh B. Cox for
the appellees.

Adjourned until tomorrow at 10 o'clock.

The day call for Wednesday, October 22, 1969, will be as follows:
Nos. 28 (38, 43, and 44), 31, 32, and 41 (and 59).



Present: Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice
Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice
Stewart, Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice Marshall.

Admissions to the Bar

John P. Dosland, of Moorhead, Minn., on motion of Mr. Clark

MacGregor; D. J. Sposeto, of San Jose, Calif., and James F. Peacock,
of Inglewood, Calif., on motion of Mr. Don Edwards; Milan A. Jaksic,
of Cleveland, Ohio, Howard Marvin Rossen, of Cleveland, Ohio, and
Wilton Sherman Sogg, of Cleveland, Ohio, on motion of Mr. Charles
A. Vanik; Benjamin B. Sheerer, of Cleveland, Ohio, on motion of Mr.
Louis Stokes; John J. O'Hara, of Covington, Ky., on motion of Mr.
M. G. Snyder William Julius Monroe, of Oklahoma City, Okla., on

motion of Mr. George Tony Blankenship Clyde L. Johnson, of Okla-


homa City, Okla., on motion of Mr. David Ferber David M. Foster, ;

of Jacksonville, Fla., and Frank X. Friedmann, of Jacksonville, Fla.,

on motion of Mr. Dennis G. Lyons Clyde C. Houston, of Anchorage,

Alaska, on motion of Mr. Ray R. Murdock John G. Premo, of Western


Springs, 111., and Don F. Clark, of Los Angeles, Calif., on motion of

Mr. John S. Roberts, Jr.; Richard Lee Kuersteiner, of Tallahassee,
Fla., on motion of Mr. Stanley Suydam Harold Joseph Minton, of

North Hollywood, Calif., on motion of Mr. Nathan Rubey Lawrence ;

J. Bernard, Jr., of Washington, D.C., on motion of Mr. William

Theodore Pierson, Jr. Don R. Le Due, of Madison, Wis., on motion of

Mr. Richard W. Galiher; and Nathan A. Gibson, of Oklahoma City,

Okla., Sidney M. Groom, Jr., of Edmond, Okla., Varley H. Taylor,
of Oklahoma City, Okla., and Judson S. Woodruff, of Oklahoma City,
Okla., on motion of Mr. M. D. Kirk, were admitted to practice.

Oral Argument

No. 28. United States, appellant, v. Interstate Commerce Com-

mission et al.
No. 38. Charles E. Brundage et al., appellants, v. United States
et al.
No. 43. City of Auburn, appellant, v. United States et al. and ;

No. 44. Livingston Anti-Merger Committee, appellant, v. Inter-

state Commerce Commission et al. Argument continued by Mr. Hugh
390-278—69 14

B. Cox, by Mr. Fred H. Tolan and by Mr. K. K. Merrill for the appel-
lees,by Mr. Bichard W. McLaren for the appellants and concluded
by Mr. Valentine B. Deale for the appellants.
No. 31. Paul M. Brockington, appellant, v. James A. Rhodes,
Governor of Ohio, et al. Argued by Mr. Benjamin Sheerer for the
appellant and by Mr. Robert D. Macklin for the appellees.
No. 32. National Labor Relations Board, petitioner, v. J. H. Rutter-
Rex Manufacturing Company, Inc., et al. Argued by Mr. Arnold
Ordman for the petitioner and by Mr. Henry J. Read for the
No. 41. The Choctaw Nation and the Chickasaw Nation, petitioners,
p.Oklahoma et al. and

No. 59. The Cherokee Nation or Tribe of Indians in Oklahoma,

petitioner, v. Oklahoma et al. Two hours and forty minutes allowed for
oral argument. Argument commenced by Mr. Lon Kile for the pe-
titioners and continued by Mr. Peyton Ford for the petitioners and
by Mr. Louis F. Claiborne for the United States, as amicus curiae,
by special leave of Court.

Adjourned until tomorrow at 10 o'clock.

The day call for Thursday, October 23, 1969, will be as follows : Nos.
41 (and 59), and 632.

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2 3, 19 69 63


Present Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice

Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. J ustice Stewart, Mr. Justice White,
and Mr. Justice Marshall.

Admissions to the Bar

Eobert Brewster Clark, of Brewster, Mass., on motion of Mr. Ed-

ward W. Brooke Louis H. Cosho, of Boise, Idaho, John Joseph Eeed,

of Alexandria, Va., and John B. Tacke, of Washington, D.C., on mo-

tion of Mr. Frank Church Joseph Z. Marks, of Des Moines, Iowa, on

motion of Mr. Neal.E. Smith; Anthony DeCristoforo, Jr., of Sacra-

mento, Calif., Lorenzo E. Tapia, Jr., of Albuquerque, 1ST. Mex., Kelsey
Daniel Bartlett, of Toledo, Ohio, and Aaron Lional Tilton, of Mil-
waukee, Wis., on motion of Mr. Louis Fenner Claiborne; George La
Forrest Bailey, of Smyrna, Ga., on motion of Mr. Duane L. Faw;
Herman Cowan Glazier, Jr., of Rolling Fork, Miss., William B.
. Compton, of Meridan, Miss., and Robert Elijah Covington, Jr., of
Quitman, Miss., on motion of Mr. Albioun F. Summer; William
Stephen Crain, of West Memphis, Ark., on motion of Mr. Floyd Lee
Williams; Michael Richard Berz, of Kankakee, 111., on motion of
Mr. Seymour S. Guthman; Deborah M. Cole, of New York, N.Y.,
on motion of Mr. Jack Greenberg Andrew C. Wilcoxen, of Muskogee,

Okla., on motion of Mr. Earl Boyd Pierce Barry Albert, of Oklahoma


City, Okla., on motion of Mr. Henry B. Taliaferro, Jr.; Joseph A.

Marino, of Glenn Dale, Md., on motion of Mrs, Lenore G. Ehrig;
Nick G. Zegrea, of Parkersburg, W. Va,, on motion of Mr. Oliver H.
Bassuener; Wallis LeRoy Campbell, of Denver, Colo., on motion of
Mr. Enser W. Cole, Jr. Ernest LeRoy Autrey, of Texarkana, Ark.,

on motion of Mr. C. William Taylor; Paul Willard Hammack, Jr.,

of Annandale, Va,, on motion of Mr. Lloyd D. Young.
Robert Piatt, of Bethesda, Md., on motion of Mr. George J. Leibo-
witz June Bushart Norris, of Washington, D.C., and James L. Norris,

Sr., of Washington, D.C., on motion of Mr. Jay W. Glasmann; Brian

J. O'Neill, of Pacific Palisades, Calif., and William Kaplan, of San

Francisco, Calif., on motion of Mr. Edward Aloysius White; and

Herbert B. Lebovitz, of Pittsburgh, Pa., and Robert Alan Lebovitz,
of Pittsburgh, Pa., on motion of Mr. Robert Bernard Bowytz, were
admitted to practice.

390-278—69 15

Oral Argument

No. 41.The Choctaw Nation and The Chicasaw Nation, petitioners,

v. Oklahoma et al. and;

No. 59. The Cherokee Nation or Tribe of Indians in Oklahoma, pe-

titioner, v. Oklahoma et al. Argument continued by Mr. Louis F.
Claiborne for the United States, as amicus curiae, by special leave
of Court and concluded by Mr. M. Darwin Kirk for the respondents.
No. 632. Beatrice Alexander et al., petitioners, v. Holmes County
Board of Education et al.
The Chief Justice said
"Mr. Greenberg, I overlooked advising you and your co-counsel
and friends that Mr. Justice Brennan is unavoidably detained, but
he will participate in the case on the basis, of course, of the entire
and the tape recording of the oral arguments. Excuse
record, the briefs,
me for not having clarified that right at the outset."
Argued by Mr. Jack Greenberg for the petitioners, by Mr. Louis F.
Oberdorfer for the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law,
as amicus curiae, and by Mr. Jerris Leonard, Mr. A. F. Summer and
Mr. John C. Satterfield for the respondents.

Adjourned until Monday, October 27, 1969, at 10 o'clock.

MONDAY, OCTOBER 2 7, 1,9 69 65


Present Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice

Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. Justice Stewart, Mr. Justice White,
and Mr. Justice Marshall.

Admissions to the Bar

Roger A. Vaughan, Jr., of Tampa, Fla., Michael I. Schwartz, of

Tallahassee, Fla., Cornelius Alfred Heeker, III, of White Plains,
N.Y., Don K. Pettus, of Orrick, Mo., Douglas L. Hokenstad, of Fair-
bury, Nebr., Eric Corbett Williams, of New York, N.Y., and Fabian G.
Palomino, of New York, N.Y., on motion of Mr. Solicitor General
Erwin N. Griswold; H. Richard Chew, of Arlington, Va., on motion
of Mr. Edward M. Kennedy Don Paul Baclgiey, of Seattle, Wash.,

and Irwin L. Treiger, of Seattle, Wash., on motion of Mr. Warren G.

Magnuson; Alfred Lehtonen, of Austin, Tex., on motion of Mr. J.
Strom Thurmond Mark J. Levinson, of Boston, Mass., on motion of

Mrs. Margaret M. Heckler; Duane A. Bartsch, of Portland, Oreg.,

Lawrence Y. Smart, of Portland, Oreg., and Merritt J. Wilson, of
Salem, Oreg., on motion of Mr. Wendell Wyatt Carlton Pierce Mad- ;

dox, of Jacksonville, Fla., S. Strome Maxwell, of Jacksonville, Fla.,

and Donald Gilbert Nichols, of Jacksonville, Fla., on motion of Mr.
Charles E. Bennett; Hugh M. Miller, of Houston, Tex., on motion of
Mr. Robert R. Casey; Robert H. Remaklus, of Cascade, Idaho, on
motion of Mr. Orval Howard Hansen Robert L. Reinke, of Richmond,

Ind., on motion of Mr. David W. Dennis Otto E. Simon, of Mobile,


Ala., and James Cooke Wood, of Mobile, Ala., on motion of Mr.

Bernard Dunau.
Donald N. Malawsky, of New York, N.Y., Mark Arthur Loush,
of Detroit, Mich., and James Ewing Sims, of Houston Tex., on motion
of Mr. Walter P. North; Henry Eliot Nichols, of Bethesda, Md., on
motion of Mr. Michael A. Schuchat Haskell C. Freedman, of Boston,

Mass., and John R. Martzell, of New Orleans, La., on motion of Mr.

James van R. Springer; Charles Byron Wolfe, Jr., of Chicago, 111.,
on motion of Mr. Charles R. Johnston; Frances Clark Barrie, of
Washington, D.C., on motion of Mr. Robert M. Dougherty Robert L. ;

Bevan, of Kansas City, Mo., on motion of Mr. Bernard Fensterwold,

Jr. Mariana Roe a Shulstad, of Arlington, Va., and Scott Ellsworth

Little, of Phoenix, Ariz., on motion of Mr. Paul McLennan Roca;

J osiah Hillerman Blackmore II, of Columbus, Ohio, on motion of Mr.
Sheldon I. Cohen; Charles L. Fonarow, of Los Angeles, Calif., and

390-278— G9 10
MONDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1969 66

Richard E. Sobelle, of Los Angeles, Calif., on motion of Mr. George

Miron; John A. Gates, of Sacramento, Calif., on motion of Mr.
Louis P. Maniatis; Florence Bernstein, of Los Angeles, Calif., on
motion of Mr. Dean Sharpe Cornell D. Cornish, of Port Jefferson,

N.Y., on motion of Mr. Roland Alfred Anderson William T. Clague,


of Glenn Echo, Md., on motion of Mr. Lenox G. Cooper Stephen A.


Bauman, of Los Angeles, Calif., on motion of Mr. Robert Jordan

Wager; Erwin S. Solomon, of Hot Springs, Va., on motion of Mr.
David Nelson Sutton, Jr. Warren W. Rice, Jr., of Greenbelt, Md., and

Leonard W. Shea, of Coral Gables, Fla., on motion of Mr. Daniel J. B.

Bierman John Francis Lallo, of Westerly, R.L, and John P. Toscano,

Jr., of Westerly, R.L, on motion of Mr. James Henry Duffy Kirk W.


Weinert, of Washington, D.C., on motion of Mr. Herf M. Weinert;

Daniel Aronson, Jr., of Burlingame, Calif., on motion of Mr. E. K,
Gubin Robert M. Fox of Los Angeles, Calif., on motion of Mr. H,

Raymond Cluster.
Timothy J. McCarthy, of Providence, R.L, on motion of Mr. James
H. Duffy; Irving Francis Gregory, II, of Framingham, Mass., on
motion of Mr. Raymond Bergan; Delane C. Carpenter, of Tucson,
Ariz., and Anthony B. Ching, of Tucson, Ariz., on motion of Mr.
Edward B. Berger; Leonard S. Sands, of Los Angeles, Calif., on
motion of Mr. Abe Levy Thomas Richard Phillips, of Chicago, 111.,

on motion of Mr. John W. Gray Weymon H. Forrester, of Gaines-


ville, Ga., Claude O. Garvin, of Gainesville, Ga., Wm. R, Gignilliat, Jr.,

of Gainesville, Ga., James A. Glenn, Jr., of Gainesville, Ga., Wm.

Hammon Johnson, Jr., of Gainesville, Ga., Kenneth R. Keene, of Cleve-
land, Ga., James E. Palmour, III, of Gainesville, Ga., George B. Ram-
say, Jr., of Toccoa, Ga., Joe B. Sartain, Jr., of Gainesville, Ga., Ray-
mond F. Schuder, of Gainesville Ga. Douglas E. Smith, of Gainesville,
Ga., J. Douglas Stewart, of Gainesville, Ga., Robert B. Struble, of
Toccoa, Ga., C. Frank Strickland, Jr., of Gainesville, Ga., and Edmund
A. Waller, of Gainesville, Ga., on motion of Mr. Phil M. Landrum
Jacob W. Abraham, of New York, N.Y., Melvin Beinart of New York,
N.Y., James David Butler, of Jersey City, N.J., Morris M. Cahen, of
New York, N.Y., Jack Dashosh, of New York, N.Y., Donald L.
Ferguson, of New York, N.Y., Stephen F. Gordon, of New York,
N.Y., Edward R. Hughes, of New York, N.Y., Robert E. Juceam, of
New York, N.Y., George Kalkines, of New York, N.Y., Martin I.
Kaminsky, of New York, N.Y., Robert L. King, of New York, N.Y.,
Michael S. Landes, of New York, N.Y., James M. La Rossa, of New
York, N.Y., Baldwin Maull, Jr., of New York, N.Y., Donald Paragon,
of New York, N.Y., Earl A. Rawlins, of New York, N.Y., William
MONDAY, OCTOBER 2 7, 1969 67

Roth, of New York, N.Y., and Richard H. Troy, of New York, N.Y.,
on motion of Mr. Johnnie McKeiver Walters.
Lloyd Anderson, of Worcester, Mass., Nicholas G. Anderson, of
Worcester, Mass., Richard J. Baker, of West Boylston, Mass., Russell
F. Bath, Jr., of Worcester, Mass., Peter L. Bell, of Worcester, Mass.,
William E. Bernstein, of Worcester, Mass., Henry G. Bowen, of Fitch-
burg, Mass., John H. Campbell, of Hardwick, Mass., S. Anthony Ca-
prera, of Southbridge, Mass., Dominic A. Caronna, of Worcester,
Mass., Joseph J. Cariglia, of Worcester, Mass., Charles E. Cashman,
Jr., of Fitchburg, Mass., Gregory Lazar Chiriaco, of Worcester, Mass.,
Christopher Christopher, of Worcester, Mass., Francis Ward Conlin,
of Worcester, Mass., Thomas X. Cotter, of Worcester, Mass., Clement
T. Desautels of Worcester, Mass., Thomas J. Donahue, Jr., of Worces-
ter, Mass., Edwin P. Dow, of Rutland, Mass., Janet Rowe Dugan,
of Athol, Mass., Irvin E. Erb, of Fitchburg, Mass., John White Fel-
lows, of Boylston, Mass., Stephen A. Ferguson, of Worcester, Mass.,
Conrad W. Fisher, of Worcester, Mass., Robert Joseph Gallagher, of
Westboro, Mass., Joanne Marie Garabedian, of Worcester, Mass.,
Joseph A. Gattoni, of Milford, Mass., John Gazourian, of Clinton,
Mass., Andre A. Gelinas, of Fitchburg, Mass., Andrew A. Godimis, of
Worcester, Mass., Macey J. Goldman, of Worcester, Mass., Calvin C.
Gould, of Worcester, Mass., Harold D. Gould, Jr., of Worcester, Mass.,
Morris N. Gould, of Clinton, Mass., Gerald J. Helfenbein, of Worces-
ter, Mass., Rauni V. Helin, of Fitchburg, Mass., John E. Keenan,

Jr., of Worcester Mass., John G. Kottis, of Uxbridge, Mass., Robert R.

LaFortune, of Winchendon, Mass., William J. LeDoux, of Worcester,
Mass., Thomas J. Lynch, Jr., of Uxbridge, Mass., Leo P. McCabe, of
Holden, Mass.
A. Warren McDougal, of Brookfield, Mass., John K. McGuire, of
Worcester, Mass., Joseph E. McGuire, of Worcester, Mass., Margaret
Smith McLean, of Worcester, Mass., Terence J. McLean, of Worcester,
Mass., Charles H. Meloche, Jr., of Spencer, Mass., Arnold J. Miller, of
Philadelphia, Pa., John M. O'Connor, of Fitchburg, Mass., Robert
Norman Peters, of Worcester, Mass., Richard M. Plotkin, of Athol,
Mass., William C. Rauscher, of Worcester, Mass., Michael J. Ravelli,
of Worcester, Mass., George J. Robinson, of Webster, Mass., Richard
A. Robinson, of Worcester, Mass., John L. Roncone, Jr., of Leom-
inster, Mass., Brian Rowe, of Westminster, Mass., Eugene L. Rubin,
of Worcester, Mass., Jacob Sack, of Worcester, Mass., Richard J.
Sarapas, of Worcester, Mass., Robert B. Shumway, of Worcester,
Mass., Henry O. Smith, of Shrewsburg, Mass., John L. Sousa, of
Worcester, Mass., Frank N. Stone, of Worcester, Mass., Henry C.
Walker, of Upton, Mass., Amos E. Wasgatt, Jr., of Worcester, Mass.,
and Robert J. Whipple, of Worcester, Mass., on motion of Mr. Ed-
MONDAY, OCTOBER 2 7, 19 69 68

ward M. Kennedy; Kobert A. Abrams, of Newark, N.J., Frank P.

Addas, of Jersey City, N.J., Stephen F. Agocs, of Trenton, N.J.,
Frederick H. Allen, of Hasbrouck Heights, N.J., Richard A. Amdur,
of Asbury Park, N.J., Paul E. Anderson, of Perth Amboy, N.J.,
Thomas A. Argyris, of Newark, N.J., Charles Armbruster, of Jersey
City, N.J., Paul R. Auchter, of Atlantic City, N.J., Howard L.
Ballen, of Montclair, N.J., Martin M. Barger, of Red Bank, N.J.,
Charles A. Bartlett, of Hackensack, N.J., William G. Bassler, of Red
Bank, N.J., Lawrence E. Bathgate, of Lakewood, N.J., Gerald J.
Batt, of Vineland, N.J., William M. Baumgartner, Jr., of Moores-
town, N.J., George Avery Beckmann, of Hackensack, N.J.
Frank J. Benasutti, ofArdmore, Pa., Edward G. Bennett, of Avon
By The Sea, N.J., James Huntting Bennett, of Montclair, N.J.,
Allan S. Berger, of Union, N.J., Daniel Stoler Bernstein, of Scotch
Plains, N.J., Andrew T. Berry, of Newark, N.J., Anthony M. Bezich,
of Collingswood, N.J., Arthur J. Blake, of Jersey City, N.J., Francis V.
Bonello, of Asbury Park, N. J., Peter T. Bongiorno, of Paterson, N.J.,
Alexander W. Booth, of Jersey City, N.J., Salvatore A. Brancato, of
Newark, N.J., Martin J. Brenner, of Jersey City, N.J., Joseph Louis
Brescher, Jr., of Elizabeth, N.J., William G. Brigiani, of Metuchen,
N.J., Sheldon Bross, of Newark, N. J., Arnold E. Brown, of Englewood,
N.J,, James B. Brown, Jr., of Old Bridge, N.J., William F. Brown, of
Moorestown, N. J., Warren Paul Bruder, of Kenilworth, N.J., Anthony
T. Bruno, of Red Bank, Robert Jay Buckalew, of Hackensack,

N.J., John F. Butler of Hackensack, N.J., Henry J. Byrne, of Jersey
City, N.J., Edward J. Cahill, of Closter, N.J., Michael D. Capizola,
I of Vineland, N.J., Frank A. Carlet, of Clifton, N.J., James J. Casby,
Jr., of Camden, N.J.. Richard J. Casey, of Kingston, N.J., Michael J.

Cernigliaro, of Asbury Park, N.J., George M. Chamlin, of West Long
Branch, N.J., Harold Christoffersen, of Trenton, N.J., Leonard A.
Cinaglia, of Camden, N. J., Roger S. Clapp of New Vernon N.J. and ;

Roger A. Clapp, of Middletown, N.J., on motion of Mr. Charles I.

William J. Cook, of Camden, N.J., Alan J. Cornblatt, of Asbury
Park, N.J., Lawrence F. Costill, Jr., of Camden, N.J., Leonard A.
Coyle, of Trenton, N.J., Samuel A. Curcio, of Hammonton, N.J.,
Henry J. Daaleman, of Elizabeth, N.J., Jay F. Dailey, of Mountain-
side,N. J., Harry J. Del Plato, of Belleville, N. J., Donald R. Del Monte,
of Morristown, N.J., Benjamin M. Del Vento, of East Orange, N.J.,
Michael DeMarrais, of Ridgefield Park, N.J., Robert W. Dempsey, of
Fort Lee, N.J., Harold I. Dolgoff, of Bloomfield, N.J., William A.
Dreier, of Plainfield, N.J., John F. Dumont, II, of Newton, N.J.,
Martin L. Duyk, of Edison, N. J., Thomas F. Dwyer, Jr., of Clark, N. J.,
Howard A. Ebright, of Paterson, N. J., Neil D. Edwards, of Whippany,
N.J., Richard D. Ehrlich, of Burlington, N.J., Louis Eisenstein, of
MONDAY, OCTOBER 2 7, 19 69 69

Palisades Park, N.J., Richard W. Engelbart of Fort Lee, N. J., Arthur

W. Eriksen, of Millington, N. J., Gerald C. Escala, of Englewood, N. J.,
George B. Esposito, of Somerville, N.J., S. Sally Mytelka-Esposito, of
Manville, N.J., Edward Evans, of West Caldwell, N.J., John Ford
Evans, Jr., of Woodstown, N.J., Paul Kemper Evans, of Chatham
Township, N.J., Julius J. Feinson, of Perth Amboy, N.J., Joseph
Fisch, of Somerset, N.J., Harry V. Fisher, of Bloomfield, N.J., Gerald
A. Flanzbaum, of Plainfield, N.J., George W. Fleming, of Washing-
ton, N.J., Russell Fleming, Jr., of Milltown, N.J., Stephen J. Foley,
of Asbury Park, N.J., Jerome J. Forman, of Mount Holly, N.J.,
Charles Frankel, of Ashbury Park, N.J., John A. Fratto, of Cherry
Hill, N.J., Elmer Friedbauer, of Passaic, N. J., Richard E. Friedman,
of Jersey City, N.J., Norman Friedman of Morristown, N.J., John J.
Gaffey, of East Orange, N. J., S. Thomas Gagliano, of Oceanport, N.J.
Joseph J. Galfy, Jr., of Irvington, N.J., George L. Garrison, of
Clifton, N.J., Robert E. Gaynor, of New Brunswick, N.J., William H.
Gazi, of Middlesex, N.J., Stephen A. Geffner, of Hackensack, N.J.,
Willard Geller, of Perth Amboy, N.J., Frederick S. Gillespie, of
Kearny, N.J., Peter J. Giovine, of Toms River, N.J., and Marjorie
Girth, of Washington, D.C., on motion of Mr. Daniel L. Golden Mi- ;

chael Gold, of Flemington, N. J., Abraham Goldfarb, of Toms River,

N.J., Morris Goldin, of Rockaway, N.J., Gerald Goldman, of Passaic,
ST. J., C. Martin Goodall, of Red Bank, N. J., Sidney H. Grad, of Tren-

ton, N.J., John J. Greco, of Riverdale, N.J., James Greenburg of Cam-

den, N. J., Murray Greiman, of Jersey City, N. J., Alan M. Grosman, of
Newark, N.J., Marlene Gross, of Trenton, N.J., Robert R. Guida, of
Wood-Ridge, N. J., Thomas M. Guiney, of Clifton, N. J., Alfred Haber,
of Fort Lee, N.J., Robert M. Hanlon, of Asbury Park, N.J., Eugene
M. Haring, of Newark, N.J., David C. Harper, of Bridgeton, N.J.,
Benedict W. Harrington, of Carteret, N. J., John Doland Harrington,
of Hackensack, N.J., Allan M. Harris, of Paterson, N.J., Harvey
G. Hartman, of Keyport, N. J., Gerald E. Haughey, of Medford, N.J.,
James M. Havey, of Toms River, N.J., Robert T. Healey, of Haddon-
field, N.J., Daniel J. Healy, of Avon, N.J., William A. Hegarty, of

Morristown, N.J., Robert E. Hendricks, of Bound Brook, N.J., Isaac

Henkoff, of Upper Montclair, N. J., Robert F. Henn, of Midland Park,
N.J., Donald Paul Hetchka, of Clifton, N.J., A. C. Reeves Hicks, of
Lawrenceville, N.J., Henry A. Hill, Jr., of Princeton, N J., William
David Hill, of Willingboro, N.J.
Kenneth B. Hixson, of Newark, N.J., Garret A. Hobart IV, of
Morristown, N. J., George H. Hohweiler, of Cherry Hill, N. J., J ay M.
Hollander, of Woodbridge, N. J., Warren W. Homan, of Penns Grove,
N.J., Adele T. Hommell, of Sussex, N.J., Adrien B. Hommell, of Sus-
sex, N. J., Ruth Epstein-Honig, of Waldwick, N. J., Irwin A. Horowitz,

390-278—69 17
MONDAY, OCTOBER 2 7, 19 69 70

of Newark, N. J., Joseph A. Horowitz, of Perth Amboy, N. J., Samuel C.

Inglese, of Metuchen N.J., Edward J. Insley, of Scotch Plains, N.J.,
Joseph E. Irenas, of Newark, N. J., Arthur Jacob, of Hackensack, N. J.,
John F. Jennings, of Short Hills, N.J., George W. Johnson, of Dover,
N. J., Irwin Kanengiser, of Lake Hiawatha, N. J., and Barry L. Kantor,
of Morristown, N.J., on motion of Mr. Joseph T. Grause Herbert C.

Kaplan, of Carteret, N.J., William John Kearns, Jr., of Willingboro,

N.J., Thomas F. Kelaher, of Toms Eiver, N.J., Joseph H. Kenney, of
Camden, N.J., Matthew M. Keshishian, of Orodell, N.J., Nathan S.
Kirsch, of Hackensack, N.J., Steven Z. Kleiner, of Bridgeton, N.J.,
Martin S. Koch, of Perth Amboy, N. J., Milton Kosene, of Fair Haven,
N. J., Harry B. Kotler, of Elizabeth, N.J., Joel P. Kraemer, of Orange,
N.J., Kobert H. Kraus, of Westfield, N.J., Daniel H. Krivit, of
Bethesda, Md., Eichard A. Kurland, of River Vale, N.J., Howard W.
Kushner, of Toms River N. J., John J. Lack, of Camden, N. J., Frank M.
Lario, Jr., of Camden, N.J., Harold Leib, of Clifton, N.J., Frank
Lerner, of West Caldwell, N. J., Gerald Levy, of Dover, N. J., Stanton
L. Levy, of East Brunswick, N.J., Robert S. Lewis, of Medford Lakes,
N.J.,Milton D. Leibowitz, of Tenafly, N.J., Chester K. Ligham, of
East Orange, N.J., Charles A. Little, of Camden, N.J., Louis H. Litt-
man, of Toms River, N.J.
Frank J. D. Lloyd, of Hackensack, N.J., Floyd F. Lombardi, of
Jersey City, N.J., Joel D. Lowinger, of Millburn, N.J., Daniel J.
Lyons, Jr., of Trenton, N.J., John F. Lyons, of Hackensack, N.J.,
John M. Mackenzie, of Elizabeth, N.J., Stephen J. Magura, of Jersey
City, N.J., August Maffei, of Whippany, N.J., Howard Mahany, Jr.,
of Little Silver, N.J., Lawrence E. Maisel, of Newark, N.J., Allan
Maitlin, of Newark, David N. Manuel, of Moorestown, N.J.,
Joseph of Boonton, N.J., Frederick W. Margaritell,
J. Maraziti, Jr.,
of Brielle, N.J., Joseph N. Marotta, Jr., of Fort Lee, N.J., Francis A.
Mastro, of Basking Ridge, N. J., T. Brent Mauro, of Toms River, N. J.,
John F. McCann, of Ridgefield Park, N. J., Leo H. McCarthy, of Rum-
son, N.J., Francis X. McDermott, of Westfield, N.J., Albert F. Mc-
Gee, Jr., of Atlantic City, N.J., Dennis L. McGill, of Jersey City,
N.J., Thomas F. McGuire, of Haddonfield, N.J., Joseph R, McMahon,
of Rum son, and Kenneth D. McPherson, of Jersey City, N.J.,
on motion of Mr. William P. Reiss David K. Marx, Jr., of Rockaway,

N.J., James E. Masteron, of North Caldwell, N.J., Mitchell Melnikoff,

of Newark, N.J., William R. Miller, of Irvington, N.J., Richard A.
Mink, of Union, N. J., Mario A. Monaco, of Edison, N. J., Arthur Mon-
tano, of Haddonfield, N.J., David J. Monyek, of New Brunswick,
N.J., Martin D. Moroney, of Newark, N.J., Alan R. Moskin, of Fort
Lee, N.J., Leonard W. Moss, of Pennsauken, N.J., Robert Muir, Jr.,
MONDAY, OCTOBER 2 7, 19 6«9 71

of Mendham, N.J., William P. Murphy, of Brick Town, N.J., Wil-

liam J. Murray, of Jersey City, N.J., Merritt Lee Murry, of Wash-
ington, D.C., Eobert Carey Neff, of Little Silver, N.J., Ernest E.
Nuzzo, of Newark, N.J., Jeremiah J. O'Callaghan, of Jersey City,
N. J., James F. O'Connor, of Jersey City, N. J., Richard T. O'Connor,
of Freehold, N.J., Jeremiah D. O'Dwyer, of Westfield, N.J., James S.
Oliver, of Chester, N.J.
Edward A. Olson, of Hackensack, N. J., George E. Padgett, of Short
N. J., Ned J. Parsekian, of Eidgewood, N. J., Stephen B. Patrick,
of Northfield, N.J., Carlos Peay Jr., of Eidgewood, N.J., Eobert A.
Pennachio, of Englewood, N.J., Stanley T. Perlowski, of Old Bridge,
N.J., Louis M. Perry, of Lakewood, N.J., Joel L. Pitman, of Living-
ston, N.J., Frank A. Pizzi, Jr., of New Providence, N.J., Philip H.
Pohl, of Wayne, N. J., Michael A. Posnock, of Linden, N. J., Marion D.
Powers, of Mantoloking, N.J., N. Patrick Quirk, of Cresskill, N.J.,
Eobert C. Eafano, of South Eiver, N. J., Joseph E. Eaziano, of Wayne,
N.J., Charles H. Eecht, of Plainfield, N.J., Arthur H. Eeeve, of Engle-
wood, N.J., James C. Eichardson, of Watchung, N.J., James P. Eich-
ardson, of Chatham, N. J., Theodore S. Eidgway, of Atlantic City, N. J.,
Howard A. Eoberts, of Middletown, N.J., Frederick M. Eollenhager,
of Morristown, N.J., Frederick W. Eose, of Newark, N.J., George D.
Eosenthal, of Paterson, N.J., Eobert P. Eospond of Maplewoocl, N.J.,
Vincent S. Eospond, of Bloomfield, N.J., Paul W. Eoss, of Newfound-
land, N.J., Eobert E. Eoss, of Trenton, N.J., Leonard Eothman, of
Englewood, N.J., and Alfonse E. Eusso, of Closter, N.J., on motion of
Mr. T. Girard Wharton; Theodore D. Parsons, Jr., of Eed Bank, N.J.,
Daniel J. Eussel, of Elizabeth, N.J., John E. Eutledge, Jr., of Beach-
wood, N.J., Eichard J. Ryan, of Hillsdale, N.J., Marvin A. Sachs, of
Newark, N.J., William Sachs, of Bayonne, N.J., Joseph J. Salerno, of
Clifton, N.J. Eichard M. Salsburg, of Deal, N. J., Eichard J. Schachter,
of Somerville, N.J., Arthur Lionel Schatten, of East Brunswick, N.J.
Arthur E. Schmauder, of Basking Eidge, N. J., Herbert J. Schneider,
Jr., of Sea Girt, N.J., Erwin C. Schnitzer, of Newark, N.J., Michael
D. Schottland, of West Long Branch, N.J., Lawrence S. Schwartz, of
Belleville, N.J., Leonard E. Schwartz, of Livingston, N.J., Harold
Seide, of Hoboken, N.J., Irwin B. Seligsohn, of Newark, N.J., Er-
nest N. Sever, of Burlington, N. J., Eichard James Shackleton, of Ship
Bottom, N.J., Eichard G. Sharkey, of East Orange, N.J., Thomas
F. Shebell, Jr., of Asbury Park, N.J., Francis X. Sheehen, of Living-
ston, N.J., John Sheehy, of Jersey City, N.J., Marian V. Eooney-
Sheehy, of Jersey City, N.J., Howard Siegel, of Teaneck, N.J., Peter
M. Siegel, of New Brunswick, N. J., Orion J. Silverman, of Lakewood,
N.J., Nathan Eoyce Silverstein, of Newark, N.J., Eobert H. Simandl,
of Livingston, N. J., David E. Simon, of Newark, N. J., Gary N. Skoloff
MONDAY, OCTOBER 2 7, 19 69 72

of West Orange, N.J., James H. Smith, of Red Bank, N.J., Louis A.

Smith, of Burlington, N.J., William S. Smith, of West Caldwell,
N.J., Sanford Soren, of Willingboro, N.J., Max Spinrad, of West
Orange, N.J., Howard Springer, of Jersey City, N.J., Norman H.
Springer, of Eatontown, N.J., Joel M. Steinberg, of Maplewood,
N. J., Richard R. Stout, of Allenhurst, X.J., Alan C. Sugerman, of As-
bury Park, N.J., Henry A. Supplee, of Ridgewood, N.J., John W.
Surgent, of Clifton, N.J., Robert J. Sussman, of Bloomfield, N.J.,
Alan B. Tarr, of Jersey City, N.J., Robert W. Taylor, of Hoboken,
X.J., David C. Thompson, of Bloomfield, N.J., Robert J. Tiedemann, of
Lynclhurst, N.J., Ann Wilkin Trombadore, of Bound Brook, N.J.,
Raymond R. Trombadore, of Bound Brook, N.J., Thomas K. J.
Tuso, of Vineland, N.J., Theodore L. Van Winkle, of Rutherford,
N.J., Michael D. Varbalow, of Cherry Hill, N.J., and Vincent L.
Verdiramo, of Jersey City, N.J., on motion of Mr. Philip Dean
Harold Chipperson, of East Orange, N.J., Florence Schwartz Da-
vidow, of Millville, N.J., Judah P. Davidow, of Millville, N.J., Her-
bert M. Heaney, of Basking Ridge, N.J., Herbert C. Heim, of Toms
River, X. J., Stanley Romer Katz, of Deal, N.J., Arthur J. Murphy, of
Fort Lee, N.J., John E. Nemetz, Jr., of Clifton, N.J., Edward L.
Picone, of Kendall Park, N. J., Eugene T. Radcliff e, of Medford Lakes,
N.J., Robert L. Shear, of Plainfield, N.J., Bertram Siegel, of Wood-
cliffe Lake, N.J., Joel D. Siegal, of Newark, N.J., Dermot P. Slevin,

of Hazlet, N.J., Richard D. Sutton, of Toms River, N.J., Robert E.

Tarleton, of Chatham, N.J., M. Allan Vogelson, of Camden, N.J.,
Brooks Von Arz, of Fair Haven, N.J., Mortimer Wald, of East
Orange, N. J., Alan R. Waldman, of Salem, N. J., James A. Waldron, of
Trenton, N.J., Thomas E. Walsh, Jr., of Newark, N.J., David A.
Waters, of Jersey City, N.J., Marvin Waxman, of East Orange, N. J.,
Meyer Weinberg, of Newark, N.J., John E. Weinhofer, of Somerville,
N.J., Richard Joel Weiner, of Jersey City, N.J., David A. Vreinstein,
of Ocean Township, N.J., Stephen S. Weinstein, of Morristown, N. J.,
Frank A. Welt, of Elizabeth, N.J., Frank S. Wexler, of Lyndhurst,
N.J., Melvin S. Whitken, of Elizabeth, N.J., Henry J. Williams, of
Perth Amboy, N.J., Maurice L. Williams, of Cranford, N.J., James
Lawrence Wilson, of Surf City, N.J., Morris Wiseman, of Cherry
Hill, N.J., Alan L. Wohl, of Somerville, N.J., Nelson Wolf, of Eliz-
abeth, N.J., John H. Yaugh, Jr., N.J., Robert E. Young, of Newark,
N.J., and Frank N. Yurasko, of Somerville, N.J., on motion of Mr.
Charles I. Bertini, were admitted to practice.
MONDAY, OCTOBER 2 7, 1 9 6'9 73

The Chief Justice said

"Today's orders of the Court have been certified by the Chief Justice,
with the Clerk, and will not be announced orally."

Opinions Per Curiam

No. 374. Haywood Washum, d/b/a Los Angeles- Yuma Freight

Lines, et al., appellants, v. United States et al. Appeal from the United
States District Court for the District of Arizona. The motions to
affirm are granted and the judgment is affirmed. Opinion per curiam.
No. 419. Ei chard S. Simpson, petitioner, v. Union Oil Company
of California. On petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. Petition for writ of certiorari
granted on the question of whether the principles in Simpson v. Union
Oil Go. should be made prospective in the present litigation, and denied
on the other questions tendered. Judgment reversed and case remanded
to the United States District Court for the Northern District of Cali-
fornia for further proceedings in conformity with the opinion of
this Court. Opinion per curiam. Opinion by Mr. Justice Black con-
curring in part and dissenting in part. Mr. Justice Stewart would
deny the petition for certiorari. Mr. Justice Harlan took no part in the
consideration or decision of this case.
No. 430. Arthur L. Cox, Successor Guardian of Aquilla Redditt,
appellant, v. Tennessee, etc., et al. Appeal from the Supreme Court of

Tennessee, Western Division. The appeal is dismissed for want of

jurisdiction. Treating the papers whereon the appeal was taken as a
petition for writ of certiorari, certiorari is denied. Opinion per curiam.

Orders in Pending Cases

No. Providence and Worcester Railroad Company, appel-


lant, v. United States et al. The motion of the Providence and

Worcester Railroad Company, now known as Providence and Worces-
ter Company, for an extension of time to docket its appeal from the
judgment of the United States District Court for the Southern Dis-
trict of New York entered on the 28th day of April, 1969, is granted
and the time for docketing said appeal is extended to the date when
appeals from the decree by said court dated September 11, 1969, are
required to be docketed, or, if no appeal is noted, until December 15,

No. Julius S. Moskowitz, appellant, v. James M. Power et, al.


The application for a temporary restraining order presented to Mr.

Justice Harlan, and by him referred to the Court, is denied.
No. . Grove Press, Inc., petitioner, v. Donald C. Brockett, in-
dividually and as County Prosecutor, et al. The application for a
390-278—69 18
MONDAY, OCTOBER 2 7, 1969 74

temporary stay presented to Mr. J ustice Douglas, and by him referred

to the Court, is denied.

No. . Nicolo Licata, petitioner, v. United States. The petition

for rehearing presented to Mr. Justice Douglas, and by him re-

ferred to the Court, from his denial of bail is denied. The Chief Jus-
tice took no part in the consideration or decision of this petition.
No. . Richard Lome Hunt, Frank A. Eyman,
petitioner, v.
Warden, The petition for rehearing presented to Mr. Justice
et al.
Douglas, and by him referred to the Court, from his denial of habeas
corpus is denied. The Chief J ustice took no part in the consideration
or decision of this petition.
No. 71. David Earl Gutknecht, petitioner, v. United States. The
motion of Michael E. Tigar for leave to argue, pro hac vice, is granted.
No. 632. Beatrice Alexander et al., petitioner, v. Holmes County
Board of Education et al. The motions of the National Education As-
sociation and the Tennessee Federation of Constitutional Govern-
ment for leave to file briefs, as amicus curiae, are granted.
No. 674. Henry I. Siegel Co., Inc., petitioner, v. National Labor
Relations Board et al. The application for stay presented to Mr.
Justice Douglas, and by him referred to the Court, is denied. The Chief
Justice took no part in the consideration or decision of this application.
No. 727. Donald J. Vale, appellant, v. Louisiana. The motion of
the appellant for the appointment of counsel is granted and it is
ordered that Eberhard P. Deutsch, Esquire, of New Orleans, Louisiana,
a member of the Bar of this Court be, and he is hereby, appointed to
serve as counsel for the appellant in this case.
No. 147, Misc. John Buford Slaughter, petitioner, v. California
The petition for rehearing presented to Mr. Justice Douglas, and
et al.
by him referred to the Court, from his denial of an injunction is
Appeals —Jurisdiction Noted or Postponed

No. 330. United States, appellant, v. Noel Stanley Eisdorfer. Ap-

peal from the United States District Court for the Eastern District of
New York. Further consideration of the question of jurisdiction in this
case is postponed to the hearing of the case on the merits and placed on
the summary calendar.
No. 369. American Farm Lines, appellant, v. Black Ball Freight
Service et al. ; and
No. 382. Interstate Commerce Commission, appellant, v. Black Ball
Freight Service et al. Appeals from the United States District Court
for the Western District of Washington. In these cases probable juris-
diction noted. Cases consolidated and a total of one hour allotted for
oral argument.
MONDAY, OCTOBER 2 7, 19 6-9 75

No. 399. Daniel Rowan, d/b/a American Book Service, et al., ap-
pellants, v.United States Post Office Department et al. Appeal from
the United States District Court for the Central District of California.
In this case probable jurisdiction noted and case placed on the sum-
mary calendar.
No. 85, Misc. In the Matter of Samuel Winship, appellant. Ap-
peal from the Court of Appeals of New York. Motion for leave to pro-
ceed in forma pauperis granted. In this case probable jurisdiction
noted. Case transferred to appellate docket and placed on the sum-
mary calendar.
Certiorari Granted

No. 403. United States, petitioner, v. Gerritt Johannes Van

Leeuwen. Motion of respondent for leave to proceed in forma pauperis
and petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Ap-
peals for the Ninth Circuit granted. Case placed on the summary

No. 445. Standard Industries, Inc., petitioner, v. Tigrett Indus-

Petition for writ to the United States Court of Ap-
tries, Inc., et al.

peals for the Sixth Circuit granted and case placed on the summary
Certiorari Denied

No. 58. Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen, pe-

& Eastern Railway Company. Petition for
titioner, v. Elgin, Joliet
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 352. John N. Stice, petitioner, v. State Board of Bar Exam-
iners of the State of Kansas. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
Supreme Court of Kansas denied.
No. 355. Talmadge Hayer et al., petitioners, v. New York. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals of New York denied.
No. 360. Rudolph M. Mancuso, etc., petitioner, v. Arnold Guy
Fraiman, etc. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals
of New York denied.
No. 378. Kenneth L. Beal, petitioner, v. Portsmouth Salvage Com-
pany, Incorporated. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme
Court of Appeals of Virginia denied.
No. 394. Charlie Delia, petitioner, v. Court of Common Pleas of
Cityahoga County et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 407. Martis C. Scalf petitioner, v. John E. Bennett, Warden.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals

for the Eighth Circuit denied.
MONDAY, OCTOBER 27, 196i9 76

No. 408. Louise M. Scudder, petitioner, v. Commissioner of In-

ternal Revenue. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 415. Louis Harry Parker, petitioner, v, Virginia. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia denied.
No. 417. Ernest Lee Gordon, petitioner, v. Ohio. Petition for writ
of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Ohio denied.
No. 422. The California Company et al., petitioners, v. Fred
Kuchenig. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 423. William Ezria Powell, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-

tition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 425. John v. Frank Standidge. Peti-
R. Hughes, petitioner,
Supreme Court of Louisiana denied.
tion for writ of certiorari to the

No. 429. Brotherhood of Railway, Airline and Steamship Clerks,

Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employes, petitioner, v. The
Atchison, Topeka and Santa Re Railway Company et al. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 285. The Federal Broadcasting System, Inc., petitioner, v.
Federal Communications Commission and ;

No. 532. Star Television, Inc., et al., petitioners, v. Federal Com-

munications Commission et al. Petitions for writs of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit
denied. The Chief Justice took no part in the consideration or de-
cision of these petitions.

No. 386. International Association of Machinists, District Lodge

94,AFL-CIO, et al., petitioners, v. National Labor Relations Board
et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to theUnited States Court of Ap-
peals for the District of Columbia Circuit denied. The Chief Justice
took no part in the consideration or decision of this petition.
No. 329. Vincent R. Mancusi, Warden, petitioner, v. Burton N.
Pugach. Motion of respondent for leave to proceed in forma pauperis
granted. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Second Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Marshall took no
part in the consideration or decision of this motion and petition.
No. 357. General Telephone Company of California et al., peti-
tioners, v. Federal Communications Commission et al; and
No. 450. National Association of Regulatory Utility Commission-
ers, petitioner, v. Federal Communications Commission et al. Petitions
for writs of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
District of Columbia Circuit denied. The Chief Justice and Mr. Justice
Douglas took no part in the consideration or decision of these petitions.
MONDAY, OCTOBER 2 7, 1 9 6/9 77

No. 397. Clarence Houston Holding, petitioner, v. Willo Puckett

Holding. Motion to dispense with printing petition granted. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia
No. 406. John R. Woodward, III, petitioner, v. Edward Lawson
et al.Motion to dispense with printing petition granted. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Georgia denied.
No. 110, Misc. Chester L. Oughton, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 127, Misc. Vincent Gendron and Paul Baykowski, petitioners,
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Il-
v. Illinois.
linois denied.

No. 128, Misc. Rudolph Ruffin, petitioner, v. New York. Petition

for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals of New York denied.
No. 129, Misc. Charles P. Lainhart, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 135, Misc. Roger S. Bandy, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-
United States Court of Appeals for
tition for writ of certiorari to the
the Eighth Circuit denied.
No. 144, Misc. Eddie Taylor, Jr., petitioner, v. California. Pe-
tition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California, Sec-
ond Appellate District, denied.

No. 146, Misc. James E. Gaclson, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-

tition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the District of Columbia Circuit denied.
No. 150, Misc. Vernon Manning, petitioner, v. New York. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the Appellate Division of the Supreme
Court of New York, Second Judicial Department, denied.
No. 305, Misc. Harold Richard Ross, petitioner, v. Robert H.
Finch, Secretary of Department of Health, Education and Welfare.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 320, Misc. Raymond Leon Jackson, petitioner, v. United
States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 327, Misc. Frank Finley, petitioner, v. Walter E. Craven,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 329, Misc. William Joseph McGurrin, petitioner, v. John
Shovlin et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit denied.
MONDAY, OCTOBER 2 7, 19 69 78

No. 342, Misc. James P. H. Mitchell, petitioner, v. C. J. Fitzharris,

Warden, et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 344, Misc. Marie Baucum Hunt Oil Com-
Scott, petitioner, v.
pany. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Louisiana
No. 359, Misc. Herbert Cornitcher, petitioner, v. William A.
Dwyer, Jr., et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit denied.
No. 362, Misc. Howard Eugene Eaton, petitioner, v. United States.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals

for the Fifth Circuit denied.

No. 363, Misc. Gilbert E. Lazaroff, petitioner, v. United States.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 385, Misc. Arthur Wartson, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-
tition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 386, Misc. James Nelson Coleman, petitioner, v. William D.
Salisbury, Superintendent, Chillicothe Correctional Institute. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Sixth Circuit denied.

No. 392, Misc. Earl F. Mink, petitioner, v. U.S. District Court for
the Western District of Michigan et al. Petition for writ of certiorari
to the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 393, Misc. Thomas Davis, Jr., petitioner, v. United States. Pe-
tition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 394, Misc. Joseph Eaymond Webster, petitioner, v. J. D. Cox,
Superintendent, Virginia State Penitentiary. Petition for writ of
certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Cir-
cuit denied.

No. 395, Misc. W T

illiam Gilreath, petitioner, v. Frank A. Eyman,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 397, Misc. Memmon Lawrence, Jr., petitioner, v. California.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California,
First Appellate District, denied.

No. 399, Misc. Carroll Welch, petitioner, v. Florida. Petition for

of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Florida denied.

No. 403, Misc. George Taylor Padgitt, petitioner, v. California.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California,
Second Appellate District, denied.

MONDAY, OCTOBER 2 7, 19 69 79

No. 404, Misc. Antonia Llabora Thomas, petitioner, v. California.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California,
Fourth Appellate District, denied.
No. 406, Misc. Hector Semidey, petitioner, v. C. L. McKendrick,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 407, Misc. Leroy Mason, petitioner, v. Florida. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the District Court of Appeal of Florida, Second
District, denied.

No. 410, Misc. Daniel Bolish, petitioner, v. James F. Maroney,

Superintendent, State Correctional Institution. Petition for writ of
certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit
No. 413, Misc. Alfred Eugene Stone, petitioner, v. Oklahoma. Pe-
Court of Criminal Appeals of Okla-
tition for writ of certiorari to the
homa denied.
No. 414, Misc. Alfred Eugene Stone, petitioner, v. Oklahoma. Pe-
Court of Criminal Appeals of
tition for writ of certiorari to the
Oklahoma denied.
No. 415, Misc. Ernest Pena, petitioner, v. George J. Beto, Director,
Texas Department of Corrections. Petition for writ of certiorari to
the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 418, Misc. Robert Palmer, petitioner, v. J. Edwin LaVallee,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 419, Misc. Charles Bates, petitioner, v.New York. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals of New York denied.
No. 422, Misc. George Leroy Stedtnitz, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 433, Misc. Tommy Thompson, petitioner, v. Nevada. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Nevada denied.
No. 443, Misc. Jose McDonald, petitioner, v. New York. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Appellate Term of Supreme Court of New
York, First Judicial Department, denied.
No. 444, Misc. Eichard Floyd DeVoe, petitioner, v. T. E. Duncan,
State Attorney, etc. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme

Court of Florida denied.

No. 445, Misc. Eichard E. Wallace, petitioner, v. Alfred T. Bundle,
Superintendent. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit denied.
MONDAY, OCTOBER 2 7, 19 6.9 80

No. 447, Misc. Patrick F. X. McGucken, petitioner, v. United

States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Claims denied.
No. 455, Misc. Bradford Mandoza Sylvia, petitioner, v. California.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California,
Second Appellate District, denied.
No. 459, Misc. Elmer S. Edwards, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-
tition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 461, Misc. Alfred Lewis, petitioner, v. Daniel McMann, War-
den. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Ap-
peals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 464, Misc. Gary Kichard Williams, petitioner, v. United
States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 470, Misc. Grady V. Boutwell, Jr., petitioner, v. Curtis M.
Simpson, Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 473, Misc. Donald Gene Walker, petitioner, v. Louie L. Wain-
wright, Director, Division of Corrections. Petition for writ of cer-
tiorari to the LTnited States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit
No. 474, Misc. Auston James, petitioner, v. New York. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court
of New York, Second Judicial Department, denied.
No. 476, Misc. Robert Miller Young, petitioner, v. Ira M. Coiner,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 478, Misc. Stephen Fink, petitioner, v. Louis Heyd, Criminal
Sheriff of the Parish of Orleans. Petition for writ of certiorari to
the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 479, Misc. Paula Arguello de Vargas, petitioner, v. Immigra-
tionand Naturalization Service. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 482, Misc. Marion Herndon, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-
tition forwrit of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 493, Misc. Charles Nelson, petitioner, v. Warren Pinto, Su-
perintendent. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Third Circuit denied.
No. 496, Misc. James Edward Toliver, petitioner, v. California.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California,
Third Appellate District, denied.
MONDAY, OCTOBER 2 7, 19 69 81

No. 521, Misc. Henry Gerald Liley, Jr., petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 522, Misc. Larry D. Dearman, petitioner, v. Kansas. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Kansas denied.
Mo. 527, Misc. Emmett J. Stebbins, petitioner, v. State Farm Mu-
tual Automobile Insurance Co. et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to
the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Cir-
cuit denied.

No. 553, Misc. Leslie Carl Fuller, petitioner, v. United States.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 621, Misc. William Raymond Chontos, petitioner, v. United
States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 641, Misc. Robert Bradford Murphy, petitioner, v. Frederick
Johnson, Clerk, United States District Court. Petition for writ of
certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit
No. 730, Misc. Robert B. Murphy et ux., petitioners, v. U.S. Com-
missioner of Detroit, Michigan, et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to
the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 763, Misc. Robert Bradford Murphy, petitioner, v. United
States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 358, Misc. Thomas Clifford Warnock, petitioner, v. Donna Mae
Warnock. Petition for writ of Court of Appeal of
certiorari to the
California, First Appellate District, denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is
of the opinion that certiorari should be granted.
No. 426, Misc. Guy A. Duval,petitioner, v. United States. Petition
United States Court of Appeals for the
for writ of certiorari to the
Ninth Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Marshall took no part in the con-
sideration or decision of this petition.
No. 518, Misc. Bill Harvey Dukes, petitioner,v. United States. Pe-

United States Court of Appeals

tition for writ of certiorari to the
for the Ninth Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Marshall took no part in
the consideration or decision of this petition.

Leave To File Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus Denied

No. 608, Misc. Arthur Baker, petitioner, v. George J. Beto, Direc-

tor,Texas Department of Corrections, et al. Motion for leave to file
petition for writ of habeas corpus denied. Treating the papers sub-
mitted as a petition for writ of certiorari, certiorari is denied.
MONDAY, OCTOBER 2 7, 1969 82
Order in Pending Case

No. 330. United States, appellant, v. Noel Stanley Eisdorfer. The

order entered today postponing further consideration of the question
of jurisdiction to the hearing of the case on the merits is hereby re-

Adjourned until Monday, November 10, 1969, at 10 o'clock.

The day call for Monday, November 10, 1969, will be as follows:
Nos. 42, 45, 46, and 37.



Present :Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice
Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice
Stewart, Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice Marshall.

Per Curiam Opinion

No. 632. Beatrice Alexander et al., petitioners, v. Holmes County

Board of Education et al. On writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. Order issued on August 28,
1969, vacated and case remanded to Court of Appeals for further
proceedings in conformity with the opinion of this Court. Judgment
shall issue forthwith. Opinion per curiam.

ann-9.7R_ftrt 1«
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 19 &9 84

it tfa $\tynmt dfourt of the Wmtd j&tatB

Present: Mr. Ohief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice
Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice Stew-
art, Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice Marshall.

The Chief J ustice said

"Today's orders of the Court have been certified by the Chief Jus-
tice, filed with the Clerk, and will not be announced orally."

Opinions Per Curiam

No. 343. Boston and Maine Railroad et al., appellants, v. United

States et al. Appeal from the United States District Court for the

District of Massachusetts and ;

No. 480. Arizona Corporation Commission et al., appellants, v.

United States et al. and

No. 497. Union Pacific Railroad Company et al., appellants, v.

United States et al. Appeals from the United States District Court
for the District of Nebraska. The motions to affirm are granted and
the judgments are affirmed. Opinion per curiam.

No. 434. Tilden W.

Johnson, appellant, v. State Bar of California
et al. Appeal from the Court of Appeal of California, Second Appel-

late District. The appeal is dismissed for want of jurisdiction. Treat-

ing the papers whereon the appeal was taken as a petition for writ of
certiorari, certiorari is denied. Opinion per curiam.

No. 439. National Labor Relations Board, petitioner, v. Clark's

Gamble Corporation, etc., et al. On petition for writ of certiorari to
the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit. Petition for
writ of certiorari granted, judgment vacated, and case remanded to
the Court of Appeals for further consideration in light of National
Labor Relations Board v. Gissel Packing Co., Inc., 395 U.S. 575.
Opinion per curiam. Mr. Justice Douglas dissents.
No. 451. Transportation Unlimited of California, Inc., appellant,
v.United States et al. Appeal from the United States District Court
for the Central District of California. The motions to affirm are
granted and the judgment is affirmed. Opinion per curiam.
No. 453. Charles L. Jolly, appellant, v. Morgan County J unior
al. Appeal from the Supreme Court of Colorado.
College District et
The motion to dismiss is granted and the appeal is dismissed. Opin-
ion per curiam.

390-278—69 20
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 19 69 85

No. 474. Melvin Krafft, appellant, v. New York. Appeal from

the Court of Appeals of New York. The appeal is dismissed for want
of jurisdiction. Treating the papers whereon the appeal was taken
as a petition for writ of certiorari, certiorari is denied. Opinion per
No. 482. Maryland National Insurance Company et al., appellants,
v. The Seventh Judicial District Court of Oklahoma County, Okla-
homa, et al. Appeal from the Supreme Court of Oklahoma. The appeal
is dismissed for want of jurisdiction. Treating the papers whereon the

appeal was taken as a petition for writ of certiorari, certiorari is

denied. Opinion per curiam.

No. 502. Yale Stein, appellant, v. Illinois et al. Appeal from the
Supreme Court of Illinois. The motion to dismiss is granted and the
appeal is dismissed for want of jurisdiction. Treating the papers
whereon the appeal was taken as a petition for writ of certiorari, cer-
tiorari is denied. Opinion per curiam.

No. 615, Misc. William King, appellant, v. Milton Greenblatt et al.

Appeal from the United States District Court for the District of
Massachusetts. The motion to affirm is granted and the judgment
is affirmed. Opinion per curiam.

No. 632, Misc. Richard Henry Clinton, appellant, v. California.

Appeal from the Supreme Court of California. The appeal is dis-
missed for want of jurisdiction. Treating the papers whereon the
appeal was taken as a petition for writ of certiorari, certiorari is
denied. Opinion per curiam.
No. 686, Misc. Robert K. Zwicker, appellant, v. Wisconsin. Ap-
peal from the Supreme Court of Wisconsin. The motion to dismiss
is granted and the appeal is dismissed. Opinion per curiam. Mr.

Justice Douglas is of the opinion that probable jurisdiction should

be noted.
Orders in Pending Cases

No. 1173, October Term, 1968. Harley D. Jones, appellant, v.

State of Illinoisby its Electoral Board. The motion to require State
and Local Officials promptly to conduct an election for Office of Lieu-
tenant Governor of Illinois is denied. The Chief Justice took no part in
the consideration or decision of this motion.

No. 11. George Samuels et al., appellants, v. Thomas J. Mackell,

District Attorney, et al. The motion of appellants to strike brief of ap-
pellee Mackell is denied.
No. 13. William L. Maxwell, petitioner, v. O. E. Bishop, Superin-
tendent, Arkansas State Penitentiary. The motion of Gerald H. Gott-
lieb et al. for leave to file the amici curiae brief in the base of Boykin
v. Alabama, No. 642, Oct. Term, 1968, in this case, is denied.
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 19 69 86

No. 84. United States, appellant, v. Milton C. Jorn. The motion

of the appellee for the appointment of counsel is granted, and it is

ordered that Denis K. Morrill, Esquire, of Salt Lake City, Utah, be,
and he is hereby, appointed to serve as counsel in this case.
No. 540. Julia Rosaclo et al., petitioners, v. George K. Wyman,
etc., et al. The motion of People for Adequate Welfare for leave to
file a brief, as amicus curiae, is granted.
No. 429, Misc. Victor Frank Szijarto, petitoner, v. Elmer J. Ober-
hauser et al. The application for bail presented to Mr. Justice Brennan,
and by him referred to the Court, is denied.

Appeal —Jurisdiction Noted

No. 560, Misc. Genever Lewis et al., appellants, v. John Mont-
gomery, Director of the State Department of Social Welfare of State
of California, et al. Appeal from United States District Court for the
Northern District of California. Motion of appellants for leave to
proceed in forma pauperis granted. In this case probable jurisdiction
noted. Case transferred to the appellate docket and placed on the
summary calendar.
Certiorari Granted

No. 175. Petsonella Moragne, etc., petitioner, v. States Marine

al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Lines, Inc., et
Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit granted and case placed on the
summary calendar.
No. 440. National Labor Eelations Board, petitioner, v. Eaytheon
Company et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit granted and case placed on the
summary calendar.
No. 477. Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company, petitioner, v.
Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. Petition for writ of
certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit
granted and case placed on the summary calendar. Mr. Justice Mar-
shall took no part in the consideration or decision of this petition.

No. 81, Misc. Frank Chambers, petitioner, v. James F. Maroney,

Superintendent, State Correctional Institution. Motion for leave to
proceed in for-ma pauperis and petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit granted. Case
transferred to the appellate docket and placed on the summary
Certiorari Denied

No. 146. C. V. (Buster) Kern et al., petitioners, v. William Whirl.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fifth Circuit denied.
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 19 69 87

No. 187. A& S Tropical, Inc., petitioner, v. Hiram Walker, Inc.,

et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 245. Carol Derrington, petitioner, v. City of Portland. Pe-
tition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Oregon denied.

No. 290. Winton M. Blount, Postmaster General, petitioner, v.

United Federation of Postal Clerks, AFL-CIO, et al. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Dis-
trict of Columbia Circuit denied.

No. 310. United States for the use of Audley Moore & Son, peti-
tioner, v.General Insurance Company of America. Petition for writ
of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth
Circuit denied.
No. 400. Walter G. Fowler et al., petitioners, v. City of Charlottes-
ville et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Corporation Court of
Charlottesville of Virginia denied.
No. 438. Sears, Roebuck and Co., petitioner, v. Thomas M. Han-
et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 442. Elizabeth L. Conrad, petitioner, v. Graf Bros., Inc., et al.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals

: for the First Circuit denied.
No. 443. Continental Insurance Company, petitioner, v. National
Labor Relations Board. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 446. Herbert Lang et al., petitioners, v. Robert J. Thompson
writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Illinois
et al. Petition for
No. 448. Farmers' Cooperative Compress, petitioner, v. United
Packinghouse, Food and Allied Workers International Union, AFL-
CIO, et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit denied.
No. 452. Donald Lee Hale, petitioner, v. United States. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 454. Dante Martire, petitioner, v. Laborers' Local Union 1058
et al. Petition forwrit of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Third Circuit denied.
No. 455. Frank Onesti, petitioner, v. United States. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Seventh Circuit denied.
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1'9 69 88

No. 459. James Terrell Knight, petitioner, v. United States ; and

No. 460. Elmer Samuel Chapman and James Terrell Knight, peti-
tioners, v.United States. Petitions for writs of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 461. Hevi-Duty Electric Company, etc., petitioner, v. National
Labor Relations Board. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 463. J ack D. J ohnson, petitioner, v. Nova F. Stucker, Superin-
tendent of the Kansas State Industrial Reformatory. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Kansas denied.
No. 465. Edward Serzysko, petitioner, v. The Chase Manhattan
Bank. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 466. St. Helena Parish School Board et a!., petitioners, v.
Lawrence Hall et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 467. Robert R. Kaufman, petitioner, v. The Association of the
Bar of the City of New York. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of New York, First Judi-
cial Department, denied.

No. 468. Seguros Tepeyac, S. A. Compania Mexicana de Seguros

Generales, petitioner, v.James L. Jernigan. Petition for writ of cer-
tiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit
No. 469. National Labor Relations Board, petitioner, v. Pepsi-Cola
Buffalo Bottling Company et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, denied.
No. 470. Lawrence J. v. United States. Pe-
Conversano, petitioner,
tition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Third Circuit, denied.
No. 471. George W. Lynch, petitioner, v. Indiana. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Indiana denied.
No. 472. In the Matter of Laurence Semel, Bankrupt, petitioner.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Third Circuit denied.
No. 473. Lyn-Bev Development, Inc., petitioner, v. Commercial Na-
tionalBank, etc., et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of
Appeal of California, Fourth Appellate District, denied.
No. 478. Louis Sachs and Ralph Sachs, petitioners, v. United
States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Eighth Circuit Court denied.

390-278—69 21
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 19 69 89

No. 481. Noble Drilling Corporation, petitioner, v. Clyde J. Smith.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 483. Atlantic Richfield Company et al., petitioners, v. W. O.
Hilton et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Civil Ap-
peals of Texas, 12th Supreme Judicial District, denied.
No. 485. Samuel Galewitz et ux., petitioners, v. Commissioner of
Internal Eevenue. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 487. Kobert Wilkerson et al., petitioners, v. Waterford Park,
Inc., et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of
Appeals of West Virginia denied.
No. 489. L. C. Shelton et al., petitioners, v. City of Chicago et al.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Illinois
No. 492. Sailors Haven Fire Island, Inc., petitioner, v. United
States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 493. Albert Snyder, petitioner, v. United States. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth
Circuit denied.
No. 494. Teressa Cole, etc., petitioner, v. Sunray DX Oil Company
et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Oklahoma
No. 501. William Waltz Howell, petitioner, v. Maryland. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals of Maryland denied.
No. 182. The Security Sewage Equipment Company, petitioner, v.
Edwin F. Woodle. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court
of Ohio denied. Dissenting opinion by Mr. Justice Black.
No. 362. Kollo Reeves, petitioner, v. Pacific Far East Lines, Inc.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Oregon denied.
Dissenting opinion by Mr. Justice Black with whom Mr. Justice
Brennan joins.

No. 428. Leonard S. Brown, Jr., petitioner, v. Frank D. Hardin

et al.Motion for leave to proceed as a veteran granted. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
District of Columbia Circuit and for other relief denied.

No. 447. Vernon O. Barnett, petitioner, v. Texas. Petition for writ

of certiorari to the Court of Criminal Appeals of Texas denied. Mr.
Justice Douglas is of the opinion that certiorari should be granted.
No. 488. Arthur G. Popp et ux., petitioners, v. Frederic C. Eber-
lein et al. Motion to dispense with printing petition granted. Petition
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 19 69 90

for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 490. James M. Sinclair, Jr., petitioner, v. Anna Eoza Bough-
ton. Motion of respondent for leave to proceed in forma pauperis
granted. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United State Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 499. Federal Trade Commission, petitioner, v. Textile and
Apparel Group, American Importers Association, et al. ; and
No. 500. National Knitted Outerwear Association et al., petit-
tioners, v. Textile and Apparel Group, American Importers Associa-
tion, et al. Petitions for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit denied. The Chief
Justice took no part in the consideration or decision of these petitions.
No. 6, Misc. William A. Lassiter, petitioner, v. California. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California, First
Appellate District, denied.
No. 8, Misc. Robert Virgil Yarnal, petitioner, v. Pennsylvania.
Supreme Court of Pennsylvania,
Petition for Avrit of certiorari to the
Western District, denied.
No. 78, Misc. Rex Sterling, petitioner, v. Frank J. Pate, Warden.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United Slates Court of Appeals
for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 108, Misc. Alfred Moore, petitioner, v. New York. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals of New York denied.
No. 115, Misc. Chester Lee Clift, petitioner, v. Kansas. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Kansas denied.
No. 118, Misc. William R. Geraway, petitioner, v. Massachusetts.
Petition for w^rit of certiorari to the Supreme Judicial Court of Mas-
sachusetts denied.
No. 119, Misc. Laurence Ray Yant, petitioner, v. Terrill A. Wil-
son, Judge, etc. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals
of Kentucky denied.
No. 121, Misc. Patrick Ralph Rizzo, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 132, Misc. Michael Joseph McDermott, petitioner, v. Kansas.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Kansas denied.
No. 133, Misc. Charles Edward Lewis, petitioner, v. Max P. Frye,
Warden, et al. Petition for Avrit of certiorari tothe Supreme Court
of Illinois denied.

No. 141, Misc. William R, Nolan, petitioner, v. United States Dis-

trict Court for the District of Kansas et al. Petition for writ of cer-
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 19 69 91

tiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit
No. 142, Misc. Sherman T. Mullen, petitioner, v. California. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of California denied.
No. 147, Misc. John Buford Slaughter, petitioner, v. California
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Ap-
et al. Petition for
peals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 251, Misc. Wilfredo Rodriguez, petitioner, v. New York. Pe-
tition for writ of certiorari to the Appellate Division of the Supreme
Court of New York, Fourth Judicial Department, denied.
No. 291, Misc. Moses Pearsall, Jr., petitioner, v. Florida. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of Florida, First District,
No. 349, Misc. Alton Sanders, petitioner, v. Mississippi. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Mississippi denied.
No. 368, Misc. William Robert. Bowen, petitioner, v. Arizona. Pe-
tition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Arizona denied.
No. 371, Misc. John Wayne White, petitioner, v. California. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California, Second
Appellate District, denied.
No. 396, Misc. Ellis Eaton, United States. Peti-
Jr., petitioner, v.
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Eighth Circuit denied.
No. 401, Misc. Peter D. Bogart and June Bogart, petitioners, v.
California. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 430, Misc. Placido Amalfitano, petitioner, v. J. Edwin La-
Vallee, Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 439, Misc. Gilmer Swain, petitioner, v. David R. Barfield,
Recreation Director, etal. Petition for writ of certiorari to the

United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit denied.

No. 442, Misc. Mark New York. Petition
J. Clancy, petitioner, v.
for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Second Circuit denied.
No. 448, Misc. William J. Adams, an individual, trading as Vita-
min Products Co. of Maryland, petitioner, v. United States. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 451, Misc. Dawud Sabu Hakeem, petitioner, v. California.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California,
Second Appellate District, denied.
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 19 69 92

No. 452, Misc. Edward A. Timmons, petitioner, v. Walter E.

Craven, Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme
Court of California denied.
No. 460, Misc. Arthur G. Abel, petitioner, v. George J. Beto. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the Court of Criminal Appeals of
Texas denied.
No. 485, Misc. Ronald Dean Pittman, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Tenth Circuit denied.
No. 487, Misc. Ben Odes, petitioner, v. City of Chicago. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 489, Misc. John Wayne Kemplen, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 491, Misc. James Hardison, petitioner, v. United States. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Second Circuit denied.
No. 492, Misc. Will Bowen, petitioner, v. J. Edwin LaVallee,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 497, Misc. Adell Henderson, petitioner, v. Warden, Frank J.
Pate, etc., et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States

Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied.

No. 501, Misc. Phil Gray, petitioner, v. Michigan. Petition for writ
Supreme Court f Michigan denied.
of certiorari to the
No. 502, Misc. Jerry Delfred Jarrett, petitioner, v. Ben Britt et al.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals

for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 504, Misc. Donald Raymond Johnson, petitioner, v. United
States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 508, Misc. Robert A. Howard, petitioner, v. Roger B. Cop-
Warden, etc., et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
inger, Jr.,
United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 511, Misc. Jacques Roberts, petitioner, v. New York. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Appellate Division of the Supreme
Court of New York, Second Judicial Department, denied.
No. 523, Misc. Clarence Elmon Waldo, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Sixth Circuit denied.

390-278—69 22
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1969 93

No. 530, Misc. Charles P. Bourassa, petitioner, v. United States.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Tenth Circuit denied.
No. 539, Misc. George Gonzales Lugo, petitioner, v. California.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California,
Second Appellate District denied.
No. 540, Misc. Robert Courtney, petitioner, v. O. E Bishop, Super-
intendent, Arkansas State Penitentiary. Petition for writ of certiorari
to the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit denied.
No. 541, Misc. Richard Ryan, petitioner, v. John T. Deegan,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 543, Misc. Edward H. v. Marcel LaFlamme.
Milne, petitioner,
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Vermont
No. 544, Misc. Edward H. Milne, petitioner, v.Shell Oil Company.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Vermont
No. 554, Misc. Hezekiah Wenstley, petitioner, v. Daniel McMann,
Warden, et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 555, Misc. Gerald Glen Boyden, petitioner, v. Jesse W. Cur-
United States District Judge. Petition for writ of certiorari to the

United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.

No. 562, Misc. Phyllis Kennelly, petitioner, v. Richard E. Davis.
Supreme Court of Florida denied.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the
No. 563, Misc. George Lee, petitioner, v. United States. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 573, Misc. Harold Morefield, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-
tition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 576, Misc. Walter Raymond Demes, petitioner, v. California.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of California
No. 578, Misc. Gilbert Gonzales Gonzales, petitioner, v. California.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California,
Fourth Appellate District, denied.
No. 580, Misc. James D. Burton, petitioner, v. G. P. Lloyd, Super-
intendent, California Correctional Institution. Petition for writ of
certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 19 69 94

No. 585, Misc. Billy Williams, petitioner, v. Nevada. Petition for

writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Nevada denied.
No. 588, Misc. John Chisholm, petitioner, v. New York. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals of New York denied.
No. 590, Misc. Daniel B. Duran et al., petitioners, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 591, Misc. Willie Eobert Davis, petitioner, v. Paul J. Gernert
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Ap-
et al. Petition for
peals for the Third Circuit denied.
No. 592, Misc. Eobert Gary Collette, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 598, Misc. Alex James Palmiter, petitioner, v. California. Pe-
Court of Appeal of California, First
tition for writ of certiorari to the
Appellate District, denied.
No. 601, Misc. Joseph H. Milani, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-
tition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 602, Misc. Robert Summers Neely, Jr., petitioner, v. United
States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 604, Misc. James Gwin, petitioner, v. C. Murray Henderson,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 605, Misc. Charles Tomaiolo, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-
United States Court of Appeals
tition for writ of certiorari to the
for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 609, Misc. Gregorio Victor Villahermosa, petitioner, v. United
United States Court of
States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 612, Misc. Clyde Bass, petitioner, v. North Carolina et al.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals

for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 613, Misc. Joe Louis Howard, petitioner, v> New York. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals of New York denied.
No. 623, Misc. Dorothy G. Restrepo, petitioner, v. Florida Supreme
Court. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Florida
No. 624, Misc. William Thomas, petitioner, v. Washington. Peti-
Supreme Court of Washington
tion for writ of certiorari to the
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1969 95

No. 626, Misc. James Valentine, petitioner, v. Ohio. Petition for

writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Ohio denied.
No. 627, Misc. Kalph Martinez, petitioner, v. Arthur L. Oliver,
et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 628, Misc. Arthur Kudick, petitioner, v. Melvin Laird, Secre-
tary of Defense, et Petition for writ of certiorari to the United

States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.

No. 642, Misc. Almars Elksnis, petitioner, v. United States. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Second Circuit denied.
No. 643, Misc. Thomas J. Cobb, petitioner, v. John C. Burke. Pe-
tition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 644, Misc. Peter Franklin, petitioner, v. Thomas Shortman
et al. Petition forwrit of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 646, Misc. William G. Holland, petitioner, v. John Nasou,
Medical Director, et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit denied.
No. 647, Misc. Paul Arthur Winn et al., petitioners, v. United
States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Tenth Circuit denied.
No. 650, Misc. Curtis Wright, petitioner, v. United States. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 654, Misc. Garland William Boggus, petitioner, v. United
United States Court of
States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 662, Misc. Stacy Sanford Holley, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fifth Circuit denied.

No. 664, Misc. Joseph Kichard Clark, petitioner, v. United States.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 666, Misc. George Willie Hobbs, petitioner, v. Elza Brantley,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 667, Misc. Moses Conyers, petitioner, v. Ross E. Herolcl, Di-
rector, Dannemora State Hospital et al. Petition for writ of certiorari
to the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 19 69 96

No. 668, Misc. Gerald D, Peterson, petitioner, v. United States.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Eighth Circuit denied.
No. 669, Misc. Ann Steinlauf, petitioner, v. California. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of California denied.
No. 671, Misc. Wilbur Norton Rockerfeller, petitioner, v. Arizona.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals of Arizona
No. 680, Misc. Merton A. Chase, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 689, Misc. Kenneth Wayne Adams, petitioner, v. Minnesota.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Eighth Circuit denied.
No. 690, Misc. John Wesley Sanford et al., petitioners, v.United
States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 691, Misc. Paul V. Winters, Jr., petitioner, v. United States
et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Ap-
peals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 694, Misc. Earl F. Mink, petitioner, v. Raymond G. Buchkoe,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Michi-
gan denied.
No. 695, Misc. Milton Martin, petitioner, v. United States et al.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the District of Columbia Circuit denied.
No. 696, Misc. Nathaniel Hall, petitioner, v. John T. Deegan,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 697, Misc. Howard T. Lints, petitioner, v. New York. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the Appellate Division of the Supreme
Court of New York, Third Judicial Department, denied.
No. 702, Misc. Ben Brown, petitioner, v. Harold R. Swenson,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Mis-
souri denied.
No. 711, Misc. Robert Daniel Harkins, petitioner, v. California,
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California,
First Appellate District, denied.
No. 712, Misc. Robert Halpern, petitioner, v. Harold W. Follette,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 19 69 97

No. 728, Misc. Sam Morales Garza, petitioner, v. Walter E. Craven,

Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 735, Misc. John J. Fepitone, petitioner, v. California et al.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of California

No. 741, Misc. Waldyslaw Sleziak, etc., petitioner, v. Alaska. Pe-
tition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Alaska denied.
No. 751, Misc. Augustine R. Tisnado, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 752, Misc. Joseph Jakalski, petitioner, v. Attorney General
of the United States et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 754, Misc. Arthur John Watkins, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 755, Misc. James Wilson, petitioner, v. Thomas J. MacBride,
etc. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Ap-
peals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 756, Misc. Albert Louis Thibadoux, petitioner, v. New York.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Second Circuit denied.
No. 761, Misc. John Marcus, petitioner, v. John T. Deegan, War-
den. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Ap-
peals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 771, Misc. Thomas Mulligan, petitioner, v. New Jersey et al.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals

for the Third Circuit denied.
No. 774, Misc. In re John Kevin Sancrant et al., petitioners. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Ohio denied.

No. 775, Misc. Stanley Steven Fleischman, petitioner, v. United

States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 800, Misc. James Henry Leysith, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 801, Misc. Joseph Stancato, etc., et al., petitioners, v. Service
Bureau Corporation, etc. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Su-
preme Court of California denied.
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 19 69 98

No. 806, Misc. Willie Richmond, petitioner, v. Vincent R. Mancusi,

Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 807, Misc. Moscow Minor, petitioner, v. J. D. Cox, Superin-
tendent, Virginia State Penitentiary. Petition for writ of certiorari
to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 812, Misc. Cleveland Stuart, petitioner, v. Coral Gables Fed-
eralSavings & Loan Association. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
Supreme Court of Florida denied.
No. 814, Misc. Lloyd Lee Broadnax, petitioner, v. California et al.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California,

Third Appellate District, denied.
No. 837, Misc. Robert Lewis, petitioner, v. New Jersey. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Third Circuit denied.
No. 893, Misc. John William Powers, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the First Circuit denied.
No. 933, Misc. Jack C. Massengale, petitioner, v. Commissioner of
Internal Revenue. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 324, Misc. J ohnny Crawford, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fifth Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Stewart is of the opinion
that certiorari should be granted.
No. 510, Misc. Gerald Cachoian, petitioner, v. John N. Mitchell,
Attorney General. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit denied. Mr.
Justice Marshall took no part in the consideration or decision of
this petition.

No. 818, Misc. Kenneth Wood, petitioner, v. United States. Peti-

tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Fifth Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Marshall took no part in the
consideration or decision of this petition.
No. 687, Misc. James C. Long, petitioner, v. United States. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the District of Columbia Circuit denied. The Chief Justice took no
part in the consideration or decision of this petition.
No. 731, Misc. John Joseph O'Connor, petitioner, v. Charles
Kodgers. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit denied. The Chief
Justice took no part in the consideration or decision of this petition.
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 19 69 99

Leave To File Petition for Writ of Certiorari Denied

No. 453, Misc. Florentino Enemas Sierras, petitioner, v. United

States. Motion for leave to file petition for writ of certiorari denied.

Leave To File Petitions for Writs of Habeas Corpus Denied

No. 584, Misc. Frederic W. West, petitioner, v. G. Perry Lloyd,

Superintendent, California Correctional Institution, et al.
No. 595, Misc. Clyde McGarry, petitioner, v. Carl Hocker,
No. 610, Misc. Linville Thompson, petitioner, v. North Carolina
No. 698, Misc. George Walter Meek, petitioner, v. Don R. Thomas,
Judge, etc., et al. and ;

No. 810, Misc. Billy Watkins, petitioner, v. V. Lee Bounds, Com-

missioner of Correction of the North Carolina Department of Cor-
rection. Motions for leave to file petitions for writs of habeas corpus

Leave To File Petitions for Writs of Mandamus Denied

No. 701, Misc. Richard E. Walsh, petitioner, v. U.S. District Court

for the Eastern District of California et al. Motion for leave to file

petition for writ of mandamus and/or prohibition denied.

No. 843, Misc. William Frederick Wendt, Jr., petitioner, v. S.
Hugh Dillin et al. Motion for leave to file petition for writ of manda-
mus denied.
Rehearings Denied

No. 496, October Term, 1967. Wien Alaska Airlines, Inc., peti-
tioner, v.United States and ;

No. 313, Misc. October Term, 1968. Joe Garrison Smith, petition-
er, v. United States. Motions for leave to file petitions for rehearing

denied. The Chief Justice took no part in the consideration or de-

cision of these motions.

No. — . Roy Anderson, plaintiff, v. Luigi Raimondi, as and for

The State of Vatican City. Petition for rehearing denied.

Admissions to the Bar

Abraham A. Dash, of Bowie, Md., James Charles Borra, of Bowie,

Md., Nicholas G. Schoonbrood, of San Francisco, Calif., Michael J.
Virga, of Sacramento, Calif., Martin Stein, of Los Angeles, Calif.,
Eose Deeb Kitchen, of Tallahassee, Fla., Edward Deal Lewis, of
Palm Beach, Palmer W. Collins, of Indian Harbour Beach,
Fla., Kobert G. Mahony, of Chicago, 111., Stanley I. Greenberg, of St.
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 19 69 100

Louis, Mo., Richard Michael Cahill, of Washington, D.C., Samuel H.

Reis, of New York, N.Y., John Nicoll, of Washingtonville, N.Y., Jose
C. Aponte, Jr., of San Juan, P.R., David Daniel Hoff, of Seattle,
Wash., Norman Gold Axe, of Los Angeles, Calif., Michael C. Hone,
of San Francisco, Calif., and Harold Sobel, of Trumbull, Conn., on
motion of Mr. Solicitor General Erwin N. Griswold Joseph R. Quinn,

of Denver, Colo., on motion of Mr. Bryon G. Rogers Margaret Hunter


Pierce, of Washington, D.C., on motion of Mr. Jerome K. Kuyken-

dall; John H. Blake, of Los Angeles, Calif., on motion of Mr. Richard
N. Little; Bernard G. Heinzen, of Minneapolis, Minn., on motion of
Mr. William H. Dempsey, J r. Roger Louis Waldman, of New York,

N.Y., on motion of Mr. Marvin Schwartz John M. Wolslegel, of Ot-


tawa, 111., on motion of Mr. Craig M. Armstrong; Carl G. Parker, of

St. Petersburg, Fla., and Howard P. Ross, of St. Petersburg, Ala., on
motion of Mr. Anthony S. Battagiia, Sr. Donald Earl Hamilton, of

Oklahoma City, Okla., and John J. Yanskey, of Canton, Ga., on mo-

tion of Mr. Norris Shealy Rowland A. Morrow, of Baltimore, Md.,

on motion of Mr. James Joseph Kearney John L. Boeger, of St. Louis,


Mo., on motion of Mr. Sidney M. Glazer Clarence H. Dicus, of Kan-


sas City, Mo., on motion of Mr. William J. Burrell; Robert E. Clem-

ency, of Milwaukee, Wise, on motion of Mr. James E. Cockfield;
Harold T. Boone, of Pittsburgh, Pa., on motion of Mr. James F. Con-
way; Leonard W. Fruchter, of Irvington, N.J., on motion of Mr.
David Jerchower; James H. Anderson, Jr., of Baltimore, Md., on mo-
tion of Miss Lola Boswell; Chauncey Eskridge, of Chicago, 111., on
motion of Mr. Jesse O. Dedmon, Jr.; Stanford E. Parris, of Alexan-
dria, Va., and Ronald W. Tydings, of Fairfax, Va., on motion of Mr.
Roy A. Swayze; and Richard K. Bank, of Scarsdale, N.Y., Lawrence
S. Seuferer, of Ankeny, Iowa, David K. Fromme, of Kansas City,
Kans., Edwin L. Gage, of Enid, Okla,, James S. Mathews, of Suffolk,
Va,, Benjamin G. Porter, of Madison, Wise, and William R, Stein-
metz, of Milwaukee, Wise, on motion of Mr. Edwin P. Wasinger,
were admitted to practice.

Oral Argument

No. 42. Howard Ross and Bernard Ross, as Trustees for Lena
Rosenbaum, petitioners, v. Robert A. Bernhard et al. Argued by Mr.
William E. Haudek for the petitioners and by Mr. Marvin Schwartz
for the respondents.

No. 45. Anderson's-Black Rock, Inc., petitioner, v. Pavement Sal-

vage Co., Inc. Argued by Mr. Alan W. Borst for the petitioner and
by Mr. Walter J. Blenko, Jr., for the respondent,
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 19 69 101

No. 46. United States, petitioner, v. James A. White. Argued by

Mr. Will R. Wilson for the petitioner and by Mr. John L. Boeger
for the respondent.
No. 37. Delia Hadley et al., appellants, v. The Junior College Dis-
trict ofMetropolitan Kansas City, Missouri, et al. One and one half
hours allowed for oral argument. Argued by Mr. Irving Achtenberg
for the appellants and by Mr. William J. Burrell and Mr. Louis C.
DeFeo, Jr., for the appellees.

Adjourned until Wednesday, November 12, 1969, at 10 o'clock.

The day call for Wednesday,
November 12, 1969, will be as follows
Nos. 79, 40, 55, and 60.



Present Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice

Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice

Stewart, Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice Marshall.

Admissions to the Bar

Eobert Marshall Redding, of Annandale, Va., on motion of Mr.

Robert W. Packwood Lowell P. Weicker, Jr., of Greenwich, Conn.,

on motion of Mr. Thomas J. Meskill Charles H. Livaudais, of Chal-


mette, La., and Robert Joseph Klees, of Chalmette, La., on motion of

Mr. Patrick T. Caffery; William H. Alexander, of Atlanta, Ga., on
motion of Mr. James M. Nabrit III William D. Roth, of Lakeland,

Fla., on motion of Mr. George Georgieff Charles M. Cork, of Macon,


Ga., on motion of Mr. Frank Cater Jones David H. Spiller of Toledo,


Ohio, on motion of Mr. Jerold S. Solovy Timothy Schuyler Elliott,


of New York, N.Y., and Guy Frederick Miller, of Annandale, Va., on

motion of Mr. Robert James Moore; Karl Stephen Mayer, of San
Francisco, Calif., and Marshall Lee Small, of San Francisco, Calif.,
on motion of Mr. John T. Murphy Herbert Seth Cannon, of New

York, N.Y., Steven J. Kumble, of New York, N.Y., and Neil Under-
berg, of New York, N. Y., on motion of Mr. Herbert F. Roth Leonard ;

M. Bernard, Jr., of Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., and James F. Jordan, of

Bethesda, Md., on motion of Mr. David Alan Scott and Baldomero ;

Collazo-Salazar, of San Juan, P.R., Manuel Correa-Calzada, of San

Juan, P.R., Ismael H. Herrero, Jr., of San Juan, P.R., James H.
Broadhurst, of Austin, Tex., and Alfred W. Walker, of Austin, Tex.,
on motion of Mr. Albert E. Arent, were admitted to practice.


No. 15. Clarence DeBacker, appellant, v. Homer Brainard, Sheriff

of Dodge County, Nebraska. Appeal from the Supreme Court of Ne-
braska. Appeal dismissed. Opinion per curiam announced by Mr.
Chief Justice Burger. Dissenting opinion by Mr. Justice Black. Dis-
senting opinion by Mr. Justice Douglas.

Oral Argument
No. 79. Sandra Adickes, petitioner, v. S. H. Kress and Company.
Argued by Mrs. Eleanor Jackson Piel for the petitioner and by Mr.
Sanford M. Litvack for the respondent.
390-278—69 23 ....

No. 40. James Conway, petitioner, v. California Adult Authority

ex al.Argued by Mr. Charles S. Ralston for the petitioner and by Mr.
xlrlo E. Smith for the respondents.

No. 55. Willie Wade, Jr., petitioner, v. Lawrence E. Wilson,

Warden, et al. Argued by Mr. Marshall L. Small for the petitioner
and by Mr. John T. Murphy for the respondents.
No. 60. E. S. Evans et al., petitioners, v. Guyton G. Abney et al.
One and one-half hours allowed for oral argument. Argument com-
menced by Mr. James M. Nabrit, III, for the petitioners and continued
by Mr. Louis F. Claiborne for the United States, as amicus curiae, by
special leave of Court and by Mr. Frank C. Jones for the respondents.

Adjourned until tomorrow at 10 o'clock.

The day Thursday, November
call for 13, 1969, will be as follows:
Nos. 60, 64, 57, 24, and 63.

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 196 9 104


Present Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice

Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice

Stewart, Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice Marshall.

Admissions to the Bar

Robert G. Simpson, of Portland, Oreg., on motion of Mr. Robert W.

Packwood; Raul IT. Castro, of Tucson, Ariz., on motion of Mr.
Morris K. Udal] Joseph A. Jeffrey, of Perth Amboy, N.J., on motion

of Mr. Edward J. Patten Richard Kazuyuki Hikawa, of Chicago, 111.,


on motion of Mr. Louis Fenner Claiborne Robert Gene Duncan, of


Kansas City, Mo., Lewis Edward Pierce, of Kansas City, Mo., and
Gene E. Voigts, of Jefferson City, Mo., on motion of Mr. Clark M.
Clifford; Samuel W. Barr, of Detroit, Mich., on motion of Mr. Wilbur
D. Sparks; William MacFarland Culbertson, of Alexandria, Va., on
motion of Mr. George Nelson Heil, Jr. George W. Crowley, of Boston,

Mass., on motion of Mr. Gideon Franklin Roth well, IV; Henry C.

Neilds, of Boston, Mass., on motion of Mr. W. Brown Morton, Jr.
Cyrus A. Field, of Fergus Falls, Minn., and Irving Lloyd Swanson,
of Elbow Lake, Minn., on motion of Mr. Wallace Edward Brand;
John E. Loomis, of Milwaukee, Wis., on motion of Mr. Jerold S.
Solovy; Jeffrey A. Filman, of New York, N.Y., on motion of Mr.
Arnold I. Shure Orville Steele Swank, of Lombard, 111., on motion

of Mr. Thomas E. Chilcott John G. Stifler, of Chicago, 111., on motion


of Mr. Albert E. Jenner, Jr. Conrad A. Bradshaw, of Grand Rapids,


Mich., on motion of Mr. Richard Roland Sigmon; Earl Jay Van

Gerpen, of Atlanta, Ga., on motion of Mr. William C. O'Kelley;
Leslie Harold Levinson, of Gainesville, Fla., on motion of Mr. Gardner
Wise Beckett, Jr. Carl Larsen Taylor, of Washington, D.C., on motion

of Mr. Francis L. Casey, Jr. Allen C. K. Clark, of Washington, D.C.,


on motion of Mr. George P. Lamb Vincent V. Dent, of Houston, Tex.,


on motion of Mr. David Walker Richmond and John Richard Scalzo,


of Omaha, Nebr., on motion of Mr. Harold S. Harrison, were ad-

mitted to practice.
Oral Argument

No. 60. E. S. Evans et al., petitioners, v. Guyton G. Abney et al.

Argument continued by Mr. Frank C. Jones for the respondents and
concluded by Mr. James M. Nabritt, III, for the petitioners. Brief for
respondents to come.
890-278—69 24

No. 64. Elmer E. Mills and Louis Susman, petitioners, v. The Elec-
tric Autolite Company et al. Argued by Mr. Arnold I. Shure for the
petitioners and by Mr. Albert E. Jenner, Jr., for the respondents.
No. 57. Bob Fred Ashe, petitioner, v. Harold R
Swenson, War-
den.Argued by Mr. Clark M. Clifford for the petitioner and by Mr.
Gene E. Voigts for the respondent.
No. 24. Joseph Waller, Jr., petitioner, v. Florida. Argued by Mr.
Leslie H. Levinson for the petitioner and by Mr. George Georgieff
for the respondent.

Adjourned Monday, November 17, 1969, at 10 o'clock.

The day Monday, November 17, 1969, will be as follows:
call for
Nos. 63, 66, 50, and 268.
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 19i69 106


Present Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice

Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice

Stewart, Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice Marshall.

The Chief Justice said:

"Today's orders of the Court have been certified by the Chief
Justice, filed with the Clerk, and will not be announced orally."

Opinions Per Curiam

No. 509. Richard Lawrence and James Orange, appellants, v.

City of Chicago. Appeal from the Supreme Court of Illinois. The
motion to dismiss is granted and the appeal is dismissed for want of
jurisdiction. Treating the papers whereon the appeal was taken as
a petition for writ of certiorari, certiorari is denied. Opinion per
curiam. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion that probable jurisdic-
tion should be noted.
No. 526. Dan Sheridan O'Leary, III, et al., appellants, v. Ken-
tucky. Appeal from the Court of Appeals of Kentucky. The
motion to dismiss is granted and the appeal is dismissed for want
of jurisdiction. Treating the papers whereon the appeal was taken
as a petition for writ of certiorari, certiorari is denied. Opinion per
curiam. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion that probable juris-
diction should be noted.

Orders in Pending Cases

No. -. Ronald A. Stewart, appellant, v. United States. The ap-

plication for a stay of removal pending appeal presented to Mr.
Justice Douglas, and by him referred to the Court, is denied. The
Chief Justice took no part in the consideration of this application.
No. 85. Association of Data Processing Service Organizations, Inc.,
William B. Camp, Comptroller of the Currency of
et al., petitioners, v.
the United States, et al. The motion of the petitioners for additional
time for oral argument is denied.
No. 135. Frederick Walz, appellant, Tax Commission of the City of
New York. The motion of the National Jewish Commission on Law
and Public Affairs, for leave to file a brief, as amicus curiae* is granted.
The motion of the Society of Separationists, Inc., et al. for leave to
participate in the oral argument, as amid curiae, is denied.
1390-273—69 25
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 19 69 107

No. 249. Clemon Barlow et al., petitioners, v. B. L. Collins, etc.,

The motion of Harold Edgar for leave to argue pro hac vice is
et al.
No. 520. City of Sheridan et al., appellants, v. United States et al.
The motion to advance is denied.

Certiorari Granted

No. 476. Sears, Roebuck and Co., petitioner, v. Carpet, Linoleum,

Soft Tile and Resilient Floor Covering Layers, Local Union No. 419,
AFL-CIO, et al. Motion of the American Retail Federation for
leave to file brief, as amicus curiae, granted. Motion of the Terminal
Freight Handling Company et al., for leave to file brief, as amicl
United States
curiae, granted. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit granted and case placed on
the summary calendar.
No. 524. Louis Carlos, petitioner, v. New York. Petition for writ of
certiorari to theCourt of Appeals of New York granted and case
placed on the summary calendar.

Certiorari Denied

No. 239. Vincent Colletti and Smile Guajardo, petitioners, v.

Illinois. Petition forwrit of certiorari to the Appellate Court of Il-
linois, Second District, denied.

No. 340. Bernie Ludwig, petitioner, v. Florida. Petition for writ

of certiorari to the District Court of Appeal of Florida, Third Dis-
trict, denied.
No. 486. Curtis Brawner, petitioner, Lamont Smith, Warden.
v. S.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Georgia
No. 503. Harold Sawyer and Sam Ehrenberg, petitioners, v. Illi-
nois. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Illi-

nois denied.
No. 505. Jack W. Jernigan, petitioner, v. United States. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 506. Baker Oil Tools, Inc., petitioner, v. Kiva Corporation.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 507. Bay Sound Transportation Co., et al., petitioners, v.
United States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 19 69 108

No. 510. Florida Citrus Exposition, Inc., et al., petitioner, v. Hun-

Company et al. and
gerf ord Construction ;

No. 588. Hungerford Construction Company et al., petitioners, v.

Florida Citrus Exposition, Inc., etc. Petitions for writs of certiorari
to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.

No. 511. The Prudential Insurance Company of America, peti-

tioner, v. NationalLabor Eelations Board. Petition for writ of certi-
orari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit
No. 512. Leigh T. Bowie et al., petitioners, v. Board of County
Commissioners of Howard County et al. Petition for writ of certi-
orari to the Court of Appeals of Maryland denied.
No. 514. Cesar Arturo Ramirez, petitioner, v. United States Im-
migration and Naturalization Service. Petition for writ of certi-
orari to the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Co-
lumbia Circuit denied.
No. 517. James F. Luman, petitioner, v. Hans G. Tanzler, Jr.,
et al. Petition forwrit of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 518. Joseph Hendler, by Abraham Hendler, father and next
friend, et al., petitioners, v. Miriam Wolozin et al. Petition for writ of
certiorari to the Appellate Court of Illinois, First District, denied.

No. 519. In the matter of Jerome Bricker, petitioner. Petition for

writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals of New York denied.
No. 521. Guido Fidanzi, petitioner, v. United States. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 523. Tri- Valley Growers, etc., petitioner, v. Federal Trade
Commission. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 525. Donald F. Welling, petitioner, v. Norma A. Welling. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the Appellate Court of Indiana denied.
No. 196. Carl E. Eckerstrom, petitioner, v. H. V. Field, Superin-
tendent, California Men's Colony, et Motion to dispense with print-

ing petition granted. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme

Court of California denied.
No. 292. Milford Fuller, petitioner, v. Arkansas. Petition for writ
of certiorari to theSupreme Court of Arkansas denied. Mr. Justice
Douglas is of the opinion that certiorari should be granted.
No. 432. A. Eobert Ray, petitioner, v. City of Prichard, Alabama.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals of Alabama
denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion that certiorari should be
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 19 69 109

No. 522. Erich Spillman, petitioner, v. United States. Petition for

writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth
Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion that certiorari
should be granted.
No. 122, Misc. Edward Allen Mead, petitioner, v. Morgan M.
Grude. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 138, Misc. John Zack Mitchell, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 369, Misc. Henry Clay Monts, petitioner, v. C. Murray Hen-
derson, Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 376, Misc. Frank O. Alonzo, petitioner, v. Alabama. Petition
Supreme Court of Alabama denied.
for writ of certiorari to the
No. 416, Misc. Martin Sostre, petitioner, v. Bruce Jensen, Agent
of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics. Petition for writ of certiorari to
the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 468, Misc. Donald H. Hallock, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 520, Misc. James Almond, petitioner, v. United States. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 536, Misc. Ralph C. Mathewson, petitioner, v. Henry C. Mc-
Grath, Trustee. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit denied.
No. 552, Misc. Marguerite A. Amass, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 558, Misc. Elbert Roscoe Walden et al., petitioners, v. United
States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 561, Misc. Hubert Geroid Brown, aka H. Rap Brown, etc., pe-
United States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
titioner, v.
States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 565, Misc. Carl Gregory Witt, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 572, Misc. Benjamin Raysor, petitioner, v. Pennsylvania. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Third Circuit denied.
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 196$ 110

No. 574, Misc. Almars Elksnis, petitioner, v. United States. Peti-

tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Second Circuit denied.
No. 634, Misc. Carroll Lee Smith, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Tenth Circuit denied.
No. 638, Misc. Edward Frye, petitioner, v. Pennsylvania. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, Western
District, denied.

No. 693, Misc. Paul Helsel, petitioner, v. Gus Harrison, Director,

Michigan Department of Corrections. Petition for writ of certiorari
to the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.

No. 703, Misc. Kenneth Lee Windes, petitioner, v. United States.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Ap-
peals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 714, Misc. Harry William Theriault, petitioner, v. United
United States Court of
States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 723, Misc. Delia A. Lico, petitioner, v. Immigration and Nat-
uralization Service. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 739, Misc. Bryant Oscar Pearce, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 740, Misc. Norma M. Melf a and Joseph F. Lucke, petitioners,
p. A. S. Afoell Company. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court
of Appeals of Maryland denied.
No. 745, Misc. Nathan Moore, petitioner, v. New York. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court
of New York, First Judicial Department, denied.
No. 746, Misc. Nat Villiam Wright, petitioner, v. North Carolina
Supreme Court of North Carolina
Petition for writ of certiorari to the
No. 764, Misc. Robert Freeman, Jr., petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Tenth Circuit denied.
No. 767, Misc. Eobert T. Haston, petitioner, v. California. Petition
I for writ of certiorari to the Superior Court of California, County of
Los Angeles, denied.
No, 796, Misc. William Henry Tudor, petitioner, v. California.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals of California,
Fifth Appellate District, denied.

390-278—469 26
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17. 19 69 111

Xo. 798, Misc. E. Lewis Ferrell, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-

tition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the District of Columbia Circuit denied.
Xo. 817, Misc. Joseph Felice Burge, petitioner, v. Texas. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Court of Criminal Appeals of Texas
Xo. 821, Misc. Roger S. Bandy, petitioner, v. United States Parole
Board. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit denied.
Xo. 822, Misc. Peter E. Rodriguez, petitioner, v. Walter E. Craven,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
Xo. 823, Misc. Thomas E. Young, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-

tition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the District of Columbia Circuit denied.
Xo. 826, Misc. George Columbus Roland, petitioner, v. California.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California,
Fifth Appellate District, denied.
Xo. 829, Misc. James Hoey Fear, petitioner, v. R. K. Johnson,
Warden, et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit denied.
Xo. 832, Misc. Xazario Soto Lopez, petitioner, v. California. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California,
Second Appellate District, denied.
Xo. 833, Misc. John J. Barrett, petitioner, v. Daniel J. McMann,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
Xo. 834, Misc. John R. Carman, petitioner, v. New York. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court
of Xew York, Second Judicial Department, denied.
Xo. 835, Misc. Lee Roy Ortiz, petitioner, v. J. E. Baker, Warden.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Tenth Circuit denied.
Xo. 836, Misc. Jack Frank Adams, petitioner, v. California. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California,
Second Appellate District, denied.
Xo. 839, Misc. Jack Ward, petitioner, v. California. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth
Circuit denied.
Xo. 844, Misc. George Smith,Jr., and Johnny B. Rozier, Jr., pe-
titioners, United States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United

States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit denied.

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 19 69 112

No. 848, Misc. L. G. Euderer, petitioner, v. Eugene W. Meyer et al.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Eighth Circuit denied.
No. 850, Misc. Thomas Ludlow, petitioner, v. New Jersey. Peti-
Supreme Court of
tion for writ of certiorari to the New Jersey denied.
No. 857, Misc. James L. Jefferson, petitioner, v. Peerless Pumps
Hydrodynamic, etc. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 882, Misc. William J. Henderson, petitioner, v. Pennsylvania
writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Pennsyl-
et al. Petition for
vania, Western District, denied.
No. 913, Misc. Charles Spain, petitioner, v. New York. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals of New York denied.
No. 917, Misc. Edgar J. Dewey, petitioner, v. New York. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court
of New York, Fourth Judicial Department, denied.
No. 409, Misc. Kahmid Solomon, petitioner, v. Vincent E. Man-
cusi,Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Douglas
is of the opinion that certiorari should be granted.
No. 538, Misc. Eobert Dewey Hilbrich, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Seventh Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Marshall took no part in
the consideration or decision of this petition.

Leave To File Petitions for Writs of Habeas Corpus Denied

No. 533, Misc. Jimmie Lee Klines, petitioner, v. C. J. Fitzharris

et al.

No. 758, Misc. Henry V. Wolenski, petitioner, v. John P. Shovlin,

No. 841, Misc. Fred Hayes, petitioner, v. Louie L. Wainwright,
Director, Division of Corrections of Florida;
No. 889, Misc. Jack Lee Park, petitioner, v. California Adult
Authority et al. and ;

No. 906, Misc. Eichard Garner, petitioner, v. Howard Yeager,

Warden, et al. Motions for leave to file petitions for writs of habeas
corpus denied.
No. 877, Misc. David W. Wion, petitioner, v. J. T. Willingham,
Warden. Motion for leave to file petition for writ of habeas corpus
and for other relief denied.
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 19 6'9 113

Leave To File Petition for Writ of Mandamus Denied

No. 713, Misc. Emil C. Gross, petitioner, v. Judges of the United

States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit. Motion for leave
to file petition for writ of mandamus denied.

Eehearings Denied
No. 847, Misc., October Term, 1967. Peter D. Bogart, petitioner,
v. California. Motion for leave to file petition for rehearing denied.
The Chief J ustice took no part in the consideration or decision of this
No. 353, October Term, 1968. Elijah White Ratcliff, petitioner,
v.E. Ivan Bruce and Truman Blocker, Jr. Petition for rehearing from
denial of motion for reinstatement of petition for writ of certiorari
denied. The Chief Justice took no part in the consideration or decision
of this petition.
No. 948, Misc., October Term, 1968. Leonard F. Murray, peti-
tioner, v. John W. Macy, Jr., etc., et al. Motion for leave to file petition
for rehearing and for other relief denied. The Chief Justice took no
part in the consideration or decision of this motion.
No. 119. George Laris, petitioner, v. Pennsylvania;
No. 229. Vance A. Dobbins, Jr. and Jerry Calvin Smith, peti-
tioners, v. United States
No. 313. Donald Kalish, petitioner, v. United States:
No. 324. Susan Butler Shikara, appellant, v. Maryland Casualty
No. 332. Gerard E. Berne, petitioner, v. Government of the Virgin
No. 93, Misc. William Heirens, petitioner, v. Frank J. Pate, War-
No. 106, Misc. Jay Ed Miller, petitioner, v. LTnited States;
No. 166, Misc. James E. Bowles, petitioner, v. David N. Myers
et al.;
No. 176, Misc. Charles Patterson, petitioner, v. Louie L. Wain-
wright, Director, Florida Division of Corrections; and
No. 250, Misc. J. D. Booker, petitioner, v. United States. Petitions
for rehearing denied.
Recess Order

The Court will take a recess from Monday, November 24, 1969,
until Monday, December 8, 1969.

Order in Pending Case

No. 524. Louis Carlos, petitioner, v. New York. The order entered
today granting petition for writ of certiorari is hereby revoked.
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1969 114

Admissions to the Bar

Harold Gordon Featherstone, of Miami, Fla., Howard N. Pelzner,

of Miami, Fla., Seymour H. Dussman, of Washington, D.C., Thomas
H. Henderson, Jr., of Birmingham, Ala., John R. Tarrant, of Alex-
andria, Va, and Walter L. Abbey, of Dallas, Tex., on motion of Mr.
Solicitor General Erwin IS". Griswold; Shunichi Kimura, of Hilo,
Hawaii, on motion of Mrs. Patsy Takemoto Mink; Stuart G. Hayns-
worth, of Houston, Tex., Clarence F. Kendall II, of Houston, Tex.,
and Arthur E. W. Barrett, Jr., of Houston, Tex., on motion of Mr.
Bob Casey; William K. Courtney, of Temple, Tex., on motion of
Judge Byron George Skelton; Jerry Clay Cude, of Oklahoma City,
Okla., on motion of Mr. Brice Wilson Rhyne; Irwin J. Prince, of
Indianapolis, Ind., on motion of Mr. William D, Ruckelshaus Stephen

Chesnoff, of New York, 1ST. Y., on motion of Mr. Michael V. DiSalle

Herzl S. Eisenstadt, of Brooklyn, N.Y., on motion of Mr. John M.
Bradley Charles A. Tarter, of Birmingham, Ala., on motion of

Mr. Robert Lester Weinberg; Herbert S. Stanek, of San Jose, Calif.,

on motion of Mr. Joseph Forer; Ronald H. Usem, of Minneapolis,
Minn., on motion of Mr. Harry S. Littman John Breed Newhall, of

Boston, Mass., on motion of Mr. Matthew Wilson Goring; John H.

Reuber, of Mason City, Iowa, and Harold R. Winston, of Mason
City, Iowa, on motion of Mr. David Kammerman Doris R. Bray, of

Greensboro, N.C., Norman B. Smith, of Greensboro, N.C., Jacob L.

Safron, of Raleigh, N.C., Maurice Westbrook Home, of Raleigh,
X.C., Jean A. Benoy, of Raleigh, N.C., Thomas Jefferson Bolch, of
Raleigh, N.C., and James Dale Shepherd, of Raleigh, X.C., on motion
of Mr Samuel J. Ervin, Jr. Richard F. Carr, of Orange, Calif., on

motion of Mr. Mumson IT. Lane Robert X. Cleaves, of Los Angeles,


Calif., and Peter J. Adang, of Albuquerque, N. Mex., on motion of

Mr. Joseph J. Lyman; Gerald Eisenberg, of Brooklyn, N.Y., Louis
Gerstman, of Queens, N.Y., and Ira Milton Margolis, of New York,
N.Y., on motion of Mr. Herbert L. Jacobson; Edwin W. Cummer, of
Sarasota, Fla., Thomas M. Gallen, of Bradenton, Fla., Charles Stuart
Landers, of Bradenton, Fla., John C. Manson, of Bradenton, Fla.,
Jackson D. Miller III, of Bradenton, Fla., Thomas W. Stewart, of
Bradenton, Fla., and Isaac E. Whisnant, of Bradenton, Fla., on
motion of Mr. Edwin B. Patterson; and Hugh E. DeLozier, Jr., of
Maryville, Tenn., Stuart F. Dye, of Knoxville, Tenn., Houston M.
Godclard, of Maryville, Tenn, Rufus Benjamin Hailey of Sevierville,
Tenn., H. Dennis Jarvis, Jr., of Seiverville, Tenn., John K. King, of
Knoxville, Tenn., Charles Bailey Lewis, of Knoxville, Tenn., L. Clure
Morton, of Knoxville, Tenn, George Wager Morton, Jr., of Knox-
ville, Tenn., Claude K. Robertson, of Knoxville, Tenn., John B.
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 19 69 115

Waters, Jr., of Seiverville, Tenn., and William Dale Young, of Mary-

ville, Tenn., on motion of Mr. Howard H. Baker, Jr., were admitted
to practice.
Oral Argument

No. 63. United States, petitioner, v. W. M. Webb, Incorporated,

Argued by Mr. Solicitor General Griswold for the petitioner and
et al.
by Mr. Joseph J. Lyman for the respondents.
No. 66. Anghel Goldstein aka Andrei Pietraru et al., appellants, v~
Joseph A. Cox et al. Argued by Mr. John E. Vintilla f or the appel-
lants and by Mr. Daniel M. Cohen for the appellees.
No. 50. North Carolina, appellant, v. Henry C. Alford. Argued by
Mr. Jacob L. Safron for the appellant and by Mrs. Doris R. Bray
for the appellee.
No. 268. Charles Lee Parker, petitioner, v. North Carolina. Argued
by Mr. Norman B. Smith for the petitioner and by Mr. Jacob L.
Safron for the respondent.

Adjourned until tomorrow at 10 o'clock.

The day call for Tuesday, November 18, 1969, will be as follows
Nos. 270, 85, 73, and 82.

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1969 116


Present Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice

Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice

Stewart, Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice Marshall.

Admissions to the Bar

Karl Mattlage, of Waco, Tex., on motion of Mr. Ealph W. Yar-

borough; David Charles Laxson, of Hilo, Hawaii, on motion of
Mr. Clark MacGregor; John H. Hollands, of Buffalo, N.Y., on motion
of Mr. John Lord O'Brian; Bernard Newman, of Beverly Hills,
Calif., Bert M. Gross, of Minneapolis, Minn., and Felix M. Phillips,
of Minneapolis, Minn., on motion of Mr. Joseph J. Connolly Allan J.

Topol, of Washington, D.C., on motion of Mr. William H. Allen;

Virginia Kay burn Gates, of North Little Bock, Ark., on motion of
Mr. Floyd Lee Williams; Jerome Feldman, of Chicago, 111., on
motion of Mr. Edward Kaplan; Seymour A. Gopman, of Miami
Beach, Fla., on motion of Mr. Louis Sherman Norman B. Alverson,

of Alexandria, Va., on motion of Mr. Thomas A. Nelson, Jr.; and

William L. Goldman, of Bethesda, Md., on motion of Mr. Harry C.
Alberts, were admitted to practice.

Oral Argument

No. 270. Kobert M. Brady, petitioner, v. United States. Argued

by Mr. Peter J. Adang for the petitioner and by Mr. Joseph J. Con-
nolly for the respondent.
No. 85. Association of Data Processing Service Organizations, Inc.,
William B. Camp, Comptroller of the Currency
et al., petitioners, v.
of the United States, et al. Argued by Mr. Bert M. Gross for the
petitioners and by Mr. Alan S. Rosenthal for the respondents.
No. 72. John Henry Coleman and Otis Stephens, petitioners, v.
Alabama. Argued by Mr. Charles Tarter for the petitioners and by
Mr. David W. Clark for the respondent.
No. 82. Lee Arthur Hester, petitioner, v. Illinois. Argued by Mr.
Marshall Kaplan for the petitioner and by Mr. Joel M. Flaum for
the respondent.

Adjourned until tomorrow at 10 o'clock.

The day call for Wednesday, November 19, 1969, will be as follows
Nos. 249, 135, 540, 65, and 71.

390-278—69 27


Present Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice

Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice

Stewart, Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice Marshall.

Admissions to the Bar

David H. Call, of Fairbanks, Alaska, on motion of Mr. Ted Stevens

John W. Witt, of San Diego, Calif., and Eoger Swire Woolley, of
Rancho Santa Fe, Calif., on motion of Mr. Hale Boggs Sylvia Cohen ;

Shapiro, of Boston, Mass., on motion of Mrs. Margaret M. Heckler;

Fred Elias George, of Canton, Ohio, on motion of Mr. Frank T. Bow
Charles L. Harrington, of Butte, Mont., on motion of Mr. Arnold
H. Olsen; Edith Irene Spivack, of New York, N.Y., and Eugene
Margolis, of New York, N.Y., on motion of Mr. James Lee Rankin;
Richard Edwin Herndon, of San Francisco, Calif., on motion of
Mr. Peter L. Strauss; William W. Gobrecht, of Cincinnati, Ohio,
and Brian T. Solan, of Whittier, Calif., on motion of Mrs. Jean E.
Simpson; Carolyn A. Cochrane, of St. Paul, Minn., on motion of
Mr. John A. Cochrane; Archie Samuel Oddi, of Finleyville, Pa,, on
motion of Mr. Gordon S. Parker; Lapsley Walker Hamblen, Jr.,
of Lynchburg, Va., on motion of Mr. Glenn A. Mitchell and Stephen ;

Howard Abramowitz, of Stony Brook, N.Y., on motion of

Mr. Floyd Sarisohn, were admitted to practice.

Oral Argument

No. 249. Clemon Barlow et al., petitioners, v. B. L. Collins, etc.,

et al. Argued by Mr. Harold Edgar for the
petitioners, pro hac vice,
by special leave of Court, and by Mr. Peter L. Strauss for the
No. 135. Frederick Walz, appellant, v. Tax Commission of the
City ofNew York. Argued by Mr. Edward J. Ennis for the appellant
and by Mr. J. Lee Rankin for the appellee.
No. 540. Julia Rosado et al., petitioners, v. George K. Wyman, etc.,
et al. Argued by Mr. Lee A. Albert for the petitioners and by Mr.
Philip Weinberg for the respondents.
No. 65. Timothy J. Breen, petitioner, v. Selective Service Local
Board No. 16, Bridgeport, Connecticut, et al. Argued by Mr. Emanuel

390-278 —69 28

Margolis for the petitioner and by Mr. William Ruckelshaus for the

Adjourned until tomorrow at 10 o'clock.

The day Thursday, November 20, 1969, will be as follows
call for
Nos. 71, 86, 87, and 101 (and 102).
j 20, 1969 119


Present Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice

Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice

Stewart, Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice Marshall.

Admissions to the Bar

David William Enoch, of Colorado Springs, Colo., on motion of

Mr. Peter H. Dominick; William A. Foster, of West Palm Beach,
Fla., on motion of Mr. Paul G. Rogers; Allan Dishongh, of Little
Rock, Ark., on motion of Mr. David H. Pryor; Alvin R. Wohl, of
Sacramento, Calif., on motion of Mr. Robert L. Leggett George W.

Tedder, Jr., of Fort Lauderdale, Fla., and Martin F. Avery, Jr., of

Fort Lauderdale, Fla., on motion of Mr. J. Herbert Burke; Sidney
G. Baucom, of Salt Lake City, Utah, Robert Gordon, of Salt Lake
City, Utah, Harrison Loesch, of Montrose, Colo., and Bryce E. Roe,
of Salt Lake City, Utah, on motion of Mr. Richard M. Schmidt, Jr.;
Leonard F. McGee, of River Forest, 111., Leonard F. McGee, Jr., of
Mt. Prospect, 111., and Robert Butler McGee, of River Forest, 111.,
on motion of Mr. Joseph F. Spaniol, Jr.; Jerry P. Rhoads, of
Henderson, Ky., and Norton Woodrow Pusey, of Hampton, Ya., on
motion of Mr. Joseph Edward Donahue Earl L. Tyner, of Wash-

ington, D.C., on motion of Mr. Donald Robert Dunner; James B.

Werner, of San Francisco, Calif., on motion of Mr. Herman M. Levy;
John R. Stark, of Washington, D.C., on motion of Mr. George J.
Leibowitz; Sheldon Stuart Lustigman, of New York, N.Y., on mo-
tion of Mr. Solomon H. Friend Chester A. Bruvold, of Minneapolis,

Minn., on motion of Mr. Melvin L. Wulf James Block Zagel, of


Chicago, 111., on motion of Mr. Sidney M. Glazer; Richard T. Farrell,

of Brooklyn, N.Y., on motion of Mr. Burton B. Roberts; Orin Douglas
Stenstrom, of Sanford, Fla., on motion of Mr. William Y. Chappell,
Jr.; Clifford T. Coomes, of Louisville, Ky., on motion of Mr. Joseph
L. Lenihan; Robert E. Bateman, of Burley, Idaho, and G. Joseph
Weller, of Atlanta, Ga., on motion of Mr. Edwin R. Fischer; and
Benedict C. Cosimano, of Washington, D.C., Mark L. Goldstein, of
Chicago, 111., Bernard Rane, of Chicago, 111., and Eugene W. Ward,
of Nashville, Tenn., on motion of Mr. Gordon P. MacDougall, were
admitted to practice.
390-278—69— —29
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2 0, 1969 120

Oral Argument

No. 71. David Earl Gutknecht, petitioner, v. United States.

Argued by Mr. Michael E. Tigar for the petitioner, pro hoc vice, by
special leave of Court, and by Mr. William D. Kuckelshaus for the
No. 86. Melvin Morales, petitioner, v. New York. Argued by Mr.

Eicharcl T. Farrell for the petitioner and by Mr. Burton P. Eoberts

for the respondent.
No. 87. United States, petitioner v. Lelord Kordel and Alfred
Feldten. Argued by Mr. Lawrence G. Wallace for the petitioner and
by Mr. Solomon H. Friend for the respondents.
No. 101. City of Chicago et al., appellants, v. United States et al.

No. 102. City of Chicago et al., appellants, v. United States et al.

Argued by Mr. Gordon P. MacDougall and Mr. Howard E. Shapiro

for the appellants and by Mr. James W. Hoeland for the appellees.

Adjourned until Monday, November 24, 1969, at 10 o'clock.

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1'969 121


Present: Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice
Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice
Stewart, Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice Marshall.


Wm. L. Dickey, of Sioux Falls, S. Dak., Myles J. Ambrose, of New

York, N.Y., Robert V. Mclntyre, of Washington, D.C., Morris M.
Pallozzi, of Baltimore, McL, Leonard Lehman, of Bethesda, Md.,
Marvin M. Amernick, of Baltimore, Md., Harvey B. Fox, of Balti-
more, Md., Bernard J. Fritz, of University Park, Md., Morgan Led-
yard Tenny, of Garrett Park, Md., and Hubbard Lee Yolenick, of
Rockville, Md., on motion of Mr. Justice Tom C. Clark Alice Patricia

Frohman, of Washington, D.C., Ellen Lee Park, of Washington, D.C.,

Homer L. Garrott, of Los Angeles, Calif., Jeffrey Michael Cohen, of
Miami, Fla., Lee Eugene Boeke, of Iowa City, Iowa, John A. Gardiner,
of Washington, D.C., John H. Fenniman, of New York, N.Y., and
James Albert Wilson, of Dayton, Ohio, on motion of Mr. Solicitor
General Erwin N. Griswold Maurice E. Shaffer, of Harrisburg, Pa.,

J. Scott Calkins, of Harrisburg, Pa., and Thomas R. Balaban, of

Harrisburg, Pa., on motion of Mr. Albert W. Johnson; Robert A.
Giannasi, of Washington, D.C., on motion of Mr. Norton J. Come;
Alan Douglas Childs, of Cleveland, Ohio, and Torrey N. Foster, of
Cleveland, Ohio, on motion of Mr. Walter A. Slowinski, Jr. Ralph J.

Schwarz, Jr., of New York, N.Y., on motion of Mr. Stanley L. Temko ;

Richard B. Wickersham, of Harrisburg, Pa., on motion of Mr. Richard

, L. Hirshberg John C. Danforth, of Jefferson City, Mo., on motion

of Mr. Robert J. Kutak Samuel Harry Depew, of Severna Park, Md.,


on motion of Judge M. Bruce Morgan.

James Lawton Robertson, of Greenville, Miss., and George Douglas
Abraham, of Greenville, Miss., on motion of Mr. Peter McKenzie
Stockett, Jr. Margaret Maie Wheltle, of Baltimore, Md., and Thomas

Earle Rosser, of Baltimore, Md., on motion of Mr. Albert F. Wheltle;

Marvin Levine, of Santa Barbara, Calif., on motion of Mr. A. L.
Wirin; Michael P. D'Amato, of New York, N.Y., Robert J. Didato, of
Brooklyn, N.Y., William A. Gallagher, of New York, N.Y., Richard
Samuel Nadler, of New York, N.Y., Benjamin Jules Rosof, of New
York, N.Y., Morris J. Saltzman, of New York, N.Y., and Samuel
Willner, of Bronx, N. Y., on motion of Mr. Laurence H. Axman Ruf us

Calhoun Young, Jr., of Coronado, Calif., and Daniel B. Ventres, Jr., of

390-278—69 30
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2 4, 1<9 69 122

Hopkins, Minn., on motion of Mr. Duane L. Faw Frank G. Schlegel,


of San Francisco, Calif., and Alfonso Z. Gonzales, of Sacramento,

Calif., on motion of Mr. Vincent W. Ambrose A. Robert Cherin, of

Washington, D.C., and Gerald S. Eourke, of Washington, D.C., on

motion of Mr. Thomas M. P. Christensen; Eugene Meyers, of New
York, N.Y., on motion of Mr. Stuart Evan Seigel; Robert Patrick
Forrestal, of Washington, D.C., on motion of Mr. Jerome W. Shay;
Gregory Buckingham Beggs, of Chicago, 111., on motion of Mr. Albert
Huntington Pendleton; Stephen H. Knee, of Maplewood, N.J., Ed-
ward N. Lippincott, of Montclair, N.J., Barry A. Osmun, of Chat-
ham, N.J., and William S. Tucker, Jr., of Summit, N.J., on motion
of Mr. Richard J. Congleton Doris F. Ulman, of Spring Valley, N.Y.,

Frank P. Barone, of Suffern, N.Y., Harvey Stephen Barr, of Spring

Valley, N.Y., and Paul H. Rivet, of Orangeburg, N.Y., on motion of
Mr. Melvin Spaeth Robert J. Alf ton, of Minneapolis, Minn., Donald

Stephen Farley, Jr., of Minneapolis, Minn., Roger H. Frommelt, of

Minneapolis, Minn., John S. Hale, of Minneapolis, Minn., Reymond F.
Kirkman, III, of Minneapolis, Minn., Barry M. Lazarus, of Minne-
apolis, Minn., James J. Schumacher, of Minneapolis, Minn., Roger U.
Stageberg, of Minneapolis, Minn., Arthur D. Walsh, of Minneapolis,
Minn., Robert B. Whitlock, of Minneapolis, Minn., David B. Eide, of
Bloomington, Minn., Lane C. Fridell, of St. Paul, Minn., Mitchell Lee
Lathrop, of Los Angeles, Calif., Luke L. Melchert, of Waconia, Minn.,
James E. Ross, of Detroit, Mich., and Paul Wohl, of Falls Church, Va.,
on motion of Mr. Donald D. Chapman.
Eugene J. Anastasio, of Scranton, Pa., Louis F. Del Duca, of
Carlisle, Pa., Elaine Mary Kalenevitch, of Hershey, Pa., James B.
Pannebaker, of Middletown, Pa., Richard C. Angino, of Harrisburg,
Pa., Edward T. Baker, of Harrisburg, Pa., Floyd M. Baturin, of
Harrisburg, Pa., Irwin Benjamin of Harrisburg, Pa., Harry Leroy
Bricker, Jr., of Harrisburg, Pa., William W. Caldwell, of Harris-
burg, Pa., Edward S. Finkelstein, of Harrisburg, Pa., Jerome Thom-
as Foerster, of Harrisburg, Pa,, Anthony J. Gianf orti, of Harrisburg,
Pa., Harry Benjamin Goldberg, of Harrisburg, Pa., Joseph Page
Hafer, of Harrisburg, Pa., Henry E. Harner, of Harrisburg, Pa.,
Samuel C. Harry, of Harrisburg, Pa., Ronald Martin Katzman, of
Harrisburg, Pa., Richard L. Kearns, of Harrisburg, Pa., William John
Kerpan, of Harrisburg, Pa., James Hartley King, of Harrisburg, Pa.,
Arthur A. Kusic, of Harrisburg, Pa,, Robert D. Meyers, of Harris-
burg, Pa., Francis J. O'Gorman, Jr., of Harrisburg, Pa., Carroll F.
Purdy, Jr., of Harrisburg, Pa., K David Rahal, of Harrisburg, Pa.,
James H. Rowland, Jr., of Harrisburg, Pa,, Herbert G. Rupp, Jr.,
of Harrisburg, Pa,, F. Lee Shipman, of Harrisburg, Pa,, William
Trickett Smith, of Harrisburg, Pa., Carl B. Stoner, Jr., of Harris-
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 19 69 123

burg, Pa., Patrick Timothy Sullivan, of Harrisburg, Pa., James K.

Thomas, of Harrisburg, Pa., Albert J. Tomalis, Jr., of Harrisburg,
Pa., Richard D. Walker, of Harrisburg, Pa., Carl G. Wass, of Harris-
burg, Pa., John Gordon Williams, of Harrisburg, Pa., Norman M.
Yoffe, of Harrisburg, Pa., and Merrill A. Yohe, Jr., of Harrisburg,
Pa., on motion of Mr. J ames W. Evans and Nick Dane Hansen, of

Washing-ton, D.C., E. Elizabeth Lutz, of Washington, D.C., Edward

Everett Pigg, of Temple, Ariz., Charles Edward Williams, of Wash-
! ington, D.C., Christian John Achstetter, of Bethesda, Md., Harry
Beckhoff, of Silver Spring, Md., Francis J. Elward, of Annapolis,
Md., Harold T. Flanagan, of Silver Spring, Md., Sarah A. W. Garrett,
of Annapolis, Md., Ross C. Hall, of Bethesda, Md., Reka Potgieter
Hoff, of Bethesda, Md., George H. Jelly, of Silver Spring, Md.,
Anthony Manzanares, Jr., of Camp Springs, Md., St. Clair Reeves,
of College Park, Md., Raymond J. Schuman, of Silver Spring, Md.,
Paul Julien Sude, of Camp Springs, Md., Sidney A. Winborne, of
Potomac, Md., John L. Withers, of Chevy Chase, Md., Alan L. Gosule,
of Brookline, Mass., Richard Lewis Haight, of Boston, Mass., Ernest
James Wright, of Brockton, Mass., Paul Shearman Allen, of Water-
town, N.Y., Marvin Edward Brave, of New York, N.Y. Victor John
Chao, of New York, N.Y., Arnold Jay Gould, of New York, N.Y.,
Robert Kraft, of Brooklyn, N.Y., Ernesto V. Luzzatto, of New York,
N.Y., Michael Anthony Menillo, of New York, N. Y., Wolfgang H.
Otto, of New York, N.Y., Donald Schwartz, of Forest Hills, N.Y.,
Ernest Honecker, of Chatham, N.J., Arthur Yellin, of East Bruns-
wick, N.J., Kenneth L. Travis, of Cincinnati, Ohio, William B. Katz,
of Philadelphia, Pa., D. Alden Newland, of Pittsburgh, Pa., Roger
Allen Baker, of Arlington, Va., Avery B. Cousins, of Annandale, Va.,
John R. Moodie, of Falls Church, Va., Christopher James Ray, of
McLean, Va., Nancy Messick Ray, of McLean, Va., Neal E. Sheldon,
of Alexandria, Va., and Cornelius C. Shields, of Fairfax, Va., on
motion of Mr. K. Martin Worthy, were admitted to practice.
The Chief Justice said:
"Today's orders of the Court have been certified by the Chief
Justice, filed with the Clerk, and will not be announced orally."

Certiorari Denied

No. 117. Albert E. Wallace, Jr., petitioner, v. Albert B. Wallace.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Georgia denied.
No. 530. Frank Sarelli, petitioner, v. Illinois. Petition for writ
of certiorari to the Appellate Court of Illinois, First District, denied.

No. 531. Occidental Life Insurance Company of California, pe-

Bob LeRoy's, Inc. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
titioner, v.
United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 19 69 124

No. 534. Carvel Corporation, petitioner, v. Robert J. Griswold,

Trustee, et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the First Circuit denied.
No. 537. Transamerican Freight Lines, Inc. and Ralph Carbone,
petitioners, v. New York on Complaint of John Gillies. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals of New York denied.
No. 538. Robert B. Miller, petitioner v. Alice L. Miller. Petition
Supreme Court of Connecticut denied.
for writ of certiorari to the
No. 541. Mississippi-Alabama State Fair, petitioner, v. Mississippi
State Tax Commission. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme
Court of Mississippi denied.
No. 543. Charles W. Posey, petitioner, v. Clark Equipment Com-
pany. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 545. The Clarksdale Municipal Separate School District et al.,
Rebecca E. Henry et al. Petition for writ of certiorari
petitioners, v.
to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.

No. 547. Carnation Company, petitioner, v. General Foods Cor-

poration, Inc. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 548. Leon Nash, petitioner, v. United States Petition for writ
of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Second
Circuit denied.
No. 549. William K. Buscaglia, etc., et al., petitioners, v. Liberty
National Bank and Trust Company. Petition for writ of certiorari
to the Court of Appeals of New York denied.

No. 554. John T. Chambers, petitioner, v. W. M. Beauchamp, etc.,

et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of New
Mexico denied.
No. 121. Gabe Pressman, petitioner, v. City of Plainfield, New
Jersey, et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Superior Court

of New Jersey, Appellate Division, denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is

of the opinion that certiorari should be granted.
No. 158. Charles E. Sulton et ux., petitioners, v. Frank R. Schoen
et al.Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Fourth Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of
the opinion that certiorari should be granted.
No. 318. Fannie Lou Hamer et al., petitioners, v. Sam J. Ely, Jr.,
United States Court of
et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the
opinion that certiorari should be granted.
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2 4, 11969 125

No. 533. J. D. Cox, Superintendent, Virginia State Penitentiary,

petitioner, v.James Lee Jones and William Ipoek. Motion of re-
spondents for leave to proceed in forma pauperis granted. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 550. Lois D. Jackson et vir., petitioners, v. General Motors
Corporation, Oldsmobile Division. Motion to dispense with printing
petition granted. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court
of Tennessee, Western Division, denied.
No. 160, Misc. Calvin Winston Jackson, petitioner, v. California.
Supreme Court of California
Petition for writ of certiorari to the
No. 179, Misc. James Brown, Jr., petitioner, v. Louie L. Wain-
wright, Director, Florida Division of Corrections. Petition for writ
of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Florida denied.
No. 467, Misc. Leroy Sims, Jr., petitioner, v. Ward Lane, Warden.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Linked States Court of Appeals
for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 495, Misc. Sylvester Lockhart, Jr., petitioner, v. Charles A.
Hoenstine, etc. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Third Circuit denied.
No. 526, Misc. Robert Frank Stewart, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 534, Misc. Robert Borrege, petitioner, v. Beatrice Gabba, etc.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeal
of California, Third Appellate District, denied.

No. 586, Misc. Kenneth J. Rome, petitioner, v. Robert H. Finch,

Secretary, Health, Education & Welfare. Petition for writ of
certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit
No. 597, Misc. Jeff J. Jelinski, petitioner, v. United States. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 618, Misc. Keith P. Ayers, petitioner, v. P. J. Ciccone, Di-
rector,United States Medical Center for Federal Prisoners. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Eighth Circuit denied.
No. 631, Misc. Luis Moreno Lizarraga, petitioner, v. G. V. Under-
wood, Maj. General, Commanding Officer, Fort Bliss, Texas, et al. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Fifth Circuit denied.

390-278—69 31
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2 4, 119 69 126

No. 633, Misc. Robert Camacho, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-

tition for writ of certiorari tothe United States Court of Appeals for
the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 639, Misc. Gilbert David McEvers, petitioner, v. Washington.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Washington
No. 653, Misc. Joseph Arrington, petitioner, v. E. L. Maxwell,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 658, Misc. Glenn Lane, petitioner, v. Albert Pucci et al. Peti-

tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 659, Misc. Arthur McFadden, petitioner, v. Director of De-
partment of Public Safety, Springfield, Illinois. Petition for writ of
certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh
Circuit denied.
No. 681, Misc. Michael Nus, petitioner, v. Texas. Petition for writ
lof certiorari to the Court of Criminal Appeals of Texas denied.
No. 684, Misc. Dean J ones, a.k.a. Dean Alexander, petitioner, v.
Ohio. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals of Ohio,
First Appellate District, denied.

No. 688, Misc. Claude Slaughter, petitioner, v. Texas. Petition for

writ of certiorari to the Court of Criminal Appeals of Texas denied.
No. 732, Misc. Douglas L. Rhodes, petitioner, v. Arizona. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Arizona denied.
No. 733, Misc. Melvin Emmanuel Simons, petitioner, v. Frank J.
Pate, Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 743, Misc. James E. Dickerson, petitioner, v. Michigan. Pe-
writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Michigan denied.
tition for

No. 757, Misc. John W. Shuford, Jr., petitioner, v, Vincent R. Man-

cusi, Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 762, Misc. Leroy M. Foreman, petitioner, v. J. D. Cox, Super-
intendent, Virginia State Penitentiary. Petition for writ of certiorari
to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 773, Misc. Roberto Power Benthiem, petitioner, v. United
; States DistrictCourt for the District of Puerto Rico. Petition for writ
lof certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the First Cir-
cuit denied.
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2 4, 19 6 9 127

No. 782, Misc. Frank Wolff, petitioner, v. Jay Foley. Petition for

writ of certiorari to the Courtof Appeal of California, Second Appel-

late District, denied.

No. 785, Misc. Albert Charles Wessling, petitioner, v. John E.

Bennett, Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit denied.
No. 819, Misc. Anna B. Kovach, etc., petitioner, v. Lyman W.
Noyes writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of
et al. Petition for
California, Second Appellate District, denied.
No. 852, Misc. John L. Robinson, petitioner, v. Illinois. Petition for
Supreme Court of Illinois denied.
writ of certiorari to the
No. 853, Misc. Jack Allen Barber, petitioner, v. Oklahoma. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the Court of Criminal Appeals of
Oklahoma denied.
No. 856, Misc. Albert Roger Bahr, petitioner, v. Lou V. Brewer,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Iowa
No. 858, Misc. William Winegar, petitioner, v. Michigan. Petition
Supreme Court of Michigan denied.
for writ of certiorari to the
No. 861, Misc. Shelton Watkins, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-
tition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the District of Columbia Circuit denied.
No. 863, Misc. Gene Parton, petitioner, y. Frank Newell, Sheriff,
Hamilton County, Tennessee. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 871, Misc. Russell Jack Ballard et al., petitioners, v. Sarah
Hughes. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 879, Misc. Willie Neal, Jr., petitioner, v. California. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California, First
Appellate District, denied.
No. 880, Misc. Albert Mintzer, petitioner, v. David I. Shivitz, as
Trustee, etc. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 883, Misc. Raymond Earl Sheer, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 886, Misc. John Vasquez, Jr., on behalf of Charles T. Vidal,
Eugene S. Jones, Superintendent. Petition for writ of
petitioner, v.
certiorari to the Supreme Court of California denied.
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2 4, 19 69 128

No. 914, Misc. Douglas Hoag, petitioner, v. Louis S. Nelson, War-

den.Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of California

No. 920, Misc. Robert Joe Robins, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 922, Misc. Juanito M. Manoloto, petitioner, v. Immigration
and Naturalization Service. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 952, Misc. David Ernest Speller, petitioner, v. J. D. Cox,
Superintendent, Virginia State Penitentiary. Petition for writ of
certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth
Circuit denied.
No. 956, Misc. Donald Hilbert, petitioner, v. Daniel McMann, War-
den. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Ap-
peals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 957, Misc. Harold Hoyt Tucker, petitioner, v. George J. Beto,

Director, Texas Department of Corrections. Petition for writ of cer-

tiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit
No. 959, Misc. John Edward Daugherty, petitioner, v. United
States et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 961, Misc. William H. Kendrick, petitioner, v. California et al.
Supreme Court of California
Petition for writ of certiorari to the
No. 962, Misc. James Burks, petitioner, v. Frank J. Pate, Warden.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 971, Misc. Francis Lee Jones, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-

tition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 978, Misc. Albert Lonzo Cantrell, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Eighth Circuit denied.
No. 979, Misc. Jose Manuel, petitioner, v. Isabel C. Manuel. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California, First
Appellate District, denied.
No. 984, Misc. Charles Bates, petitioner, v. New York. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Second District denied.
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2 4, 1969 129

No. 993, Misc. Clemmie Lewis, petitioner, v. Vincent R. Man-

cusi,Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 997, Misc. William B. Bennett, petitioner, v. California. Pe-
tition for writ of certiorari to the Superior Court of California,
County of Sacramento, denied.
No. 1002, Misc. Edward M. Hector, petitioner, v. California. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of California denied.

I No. 1005, Misc. Robert K. Domer, petitioner, v. P. G. Smith,

Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the jSifertfe.. Circuit denied.
No. 1014, Misc. Eugene Virgil Hunt, petitioner, v. Walter E.
Craven, Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Apppeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1016, Misc. James Morris Fletcher, petitioner, v. James F. Ma-
roney, Superintendent, State Correctional Institution. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Third
Circuit denied.
No. 514, Misc. William B. Richardson, petitioner, v. S. S. Sokol,
Commissioner of Accounts, Fiscal Service, Treasury Department.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Third Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion
that certiorari should be granted.
No. 651, Misc. Dan Wanamaker, petitioner, v. Pennsylvania. Pe-
tition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania,
Eastern District, denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion that
certiorari should be granted.

No. 859, Misc. John Paul Anderson, petitioner, v. South Carolina.

Motion to defer consideration of petition for writ of certiorari denied.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of South Carolina

Leave To File Petitions for Writs or Habeas Corpus Denied

No. 887, Misc. Jack Lee Park, petitioner, v. Louis S. Nelson, War-
den, et al.

No. 989, Misc. Rubin Sterngass, petitioner, v. W. W. Fitzpatrick,

Warden and ;

No. 1049, Misc. Charles Sanders, petitioner, v. John T. Deegan,

Warden. Motions for leave to file petitions for writs of habeas corpus
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2 4, 19 69 130

Leave To File Petition for Writ of Mandamus Denied

No. 293, Misc. Ealph B. Bowman, Jr., petitioner, v. George A.

Kropp et al. Motion for leave to file petition for writ of mandamus
Rehearings Denied

No. 1042, October Term, 1968. Jasper C. Gould et ux., petition-

ers, v. American Water Works Service Co., Inc., et al.; and
No. 1355, October Term, 1968. Blumcraft of Pittsburgh, etc., pe-
titioner, v. Citizens and Southern National Bank of South Carolina
et al. Motions for leave to file second petitions for rehearing denied.
The Chief Justice took no part in the consideration or decision of these

No. 177. Oliver Eosenberg et al., petitioners, v. Marie Minichiello,

etc.,et al.
No. 191. Frank Eistuccia et ux., appellants, v. Earl Adams et al.
No. 199. Wilfred E. Wheeler, appellant, v. Vermont
No. 263. Leroy Crumley, alias Leo Crumley, petitioner, v. Ala-
No. 264. Gordon S. Miller et ux., petitioners, v. William B. Camp,
Comptroller of the Currency of the United States
No. 312. Joel Simon Meyers, petitioner, v. United States;
No. 348. Clara L. Washing-ton, petitioner, v. Golden State Mutual
Life Insurance Company
No. 364. John W. Campbell, petitioner, v. F. W. Gooch, Jr., Capt.
U.S.N., Commander, Philadelphia Naval Shipyard, et al.
No. 83, Misc. Wilbert Haywood, petitioner, v. United States;
No. 98, Misc. G. W. Carroll, petitioner, v. George J. Beto, Director,
Texas Department of Corrections
No. 243, Misc. Alice T. Eodes, petitioner, v. Municipal Authority
of the Borough of Milf ord
No. 295, Misc. Eolla A. Bass, petitioner, v. United States; and
No. 483, Misc. Frederick E. Lewis, petitioner, v. American Fed-
eration of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO. Peti-
tions for rehearing denied.

No. 171. Imperial Eefineries of Minnesota, Inc., appellant, v. City

of Eochester. Petition for rehearing denied. The Chief Justice took
no part in the consideration or decision of this petition.
No. 316. Diana Kearny Powell, petitioner, v. National Savings and
Trust Company. Petition for rehearing denied. The Chief Justice and
Mr. Justice Marshall took no part in the consideration or decision
of this petition.
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2 4, 1969 131


No. 31. Paul M. Brockington, appellant,v. James A. Rhodes, Gov-

ernor of Ohio, et Appeal from the Supreme Court of Ohio. Judg-

ment vacated and case remanded to the Supreme Court of Ohio for
such proceedings as that court may deem appropriate. Opinion per
curiam announced by Mr. Chief Justice Burger.
No. 39. Richard Hall et ux., appellants, v. Harriet Beals, Clerk and
and Recorder of El Paso County, et al. Appeal from the United States
District Court for the District of Colorado. Judgment vacated and
case remanded to the United States District Court for the District
of Colorado with directions to dismiss the cause as moot. Opinion per
curiam announced by Mr. Chief Justice Burger. Dissenting opinion
by Mr. Justice Brennan. Dissenting opinion by Mr. Justice Marshall
with whom Mr. Justice Brennan joins.

Adjourned Monday, December 8, 1969, at 10 o'clock.

The day Monday, December 8, 1969, will be as follows Nos.
call for :

81, 266, 265, and 53.

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1969 132


Present Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice

Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice

Stewart, Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice Marshall.

No. . Paul Adams et al., plaintiffs, v. The Board of Eegents of

the State of Florida et al. The application for a writ of injunction
presented to Mr. Justice Douglas, and by him referred to the Court,
is denied.

No. 879. County of Santa Barbara et al., petitioners, v. Robert

J. Malley et al. The application for injunction pending appeal, pre-
sented to Mr. Justice Douglas, and by him referred to the Court, is
denied. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Douglas and Mr.
Justice Harlan took no part in the consideration or decision of this
application and petition.

390- 278—69—32
MONDAY, DECEMBER 8, 19 69 133


Present Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice

Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. Justice Brenran, Mr. Justice

Stewart, Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice Marshall.

Admissions to the Bar

Edward F. Lowry, Jr., of Phoenix, Ariz., Melvin K. Najarian, of

San Francisco, Calif., James Kent Jeanblanc, of Franklin Grove,
111., Jerome J. Segal, of Saint Paul, Minn., and Eobert D. Gary, of
Lorain, Ohio, on motion of Mr. Solicitor General Erwin N. Griswold;
Joseph J. Binsfeld, of Milwaukee, Wis., and Edward A. Dudek, of
Milwaukee, Wis., on motion of Mr. Jerris Leonard; James J. Mc-
Gowan, Jr., of New York, N.Y., and C. Max Vassanelli, of Washing-
ton, D.C., on motion of Mr. Alexander Pirnie; Melvyn Loren Medan-
sky, of Chicago, 111., and Earl Trevis Medansky, of Chicago, 111., on
motion of Mr. Abner Joseph Mikva Charles C. W. Atwater, of Balti-

more, Md., on motion of Mr. Crombie J. D. Garrett; Ernest C.

Hornsby, of Tallassee, Ala., on motion of Mr. Wendell Wilkie Mit-
chell; Arthur B. LaFrance, of Phoenix, Ariz., and Joanne S. Faulk-
ner, of New Haven, Conn., on motion of Mr. Francis Xavier Dineen
Leonard C. Koldin, of Syracuse, N.Y., on motion of Mr. Thomas E.
Kennedy; Robert Leslie Hirtle, Jr., of Rocky Hill, Conn., on motion
of Mr. F. Michael Ahern George S. H. Sharratt, Jr., of Olathe, Kans.,

on motion of Mr. George A. Williams Harold Roy Fisher, of Boston,


Mass., on motion of Mr. John A. Dudley Robert Stephen Chamblee, of


Dallas, Tex., on motion of Mr. Richard Grosgebauer Billy Ray Snow, ;

of Fort Worth, Tex., on motion of Mr. George L. Powell; Richard

Campbell Foster, of Washington, D.C., on motion of Mr. James P.
Timony; Carlisle Blalock, of Dallas, Tex., on motion of Mr. Edward
G. Fenwick, Jr.; Harold L. Hall, of Little Rock, Ark., on motion
of Mr. J. Winston Bryant Clarence R. Cook., Jr., of Los Angeles,

Calif., on motion of Mr. Clarence T. Kipps, Jr. W. Kerby Bowling,


of Memphis, Tenn., on motion of Mr. William G. Allen; Thomas

Michael Foster of Ft. Meyers, Fla., on motion of Mr. John A.
Richard A. Derham, of Seattle, Wash., on motion of Mr. Ralph
Adam Fine; Charles Westbrook Murphy, of Bethesda, Md., on mo-
tion of Mr. Charles S. Murphy; Henry L. McConnell, of Oklahoma
City, Okla., on motion of Mr. E. Tillman Stirling; Joseph Francis
Jaskiewicz, of McLean, Va., on motion of Mr. Garland T. Thompson
William P. Harris, of Lynchburg, Va., on motion of Mr. Raymond
390-278—69 33
MONDAY, DECEMBER 8, 19 69 134

K. Dickey; John W. Keffer, of Amarillo, Tex,, on motion of Mr.

Ethelbert Warfield; Thomas D. Morgan, of Champaign, 111., on
motion of Mr. Frank A. Bartimo; James A. Penta, of Boston, Mass.,
on motion of Mr. George Kaufmann; Paul G. Ulrich, of Phoenix,
Ariz., on motion of Mr. Joseph P. Frank; Scott John Meyer, of
Arlington Heights, 111., on motion of Mr. Donald H. Dalton Lorenzo ;

W. Jacobs, Jr., of Washington, D.C., on motion of Mr. Coolidge N.
McCants; Leonard Morse Trosten, of Washington, D.C., on motion
of Mr. William T. England; Eaymond Anthony DiLuglio, of Ja-
maica, N.Y., and Howard L. Kaplns, of Clifton, N.J., on motion of
Mr. Karl J. Uebel Martin G. Castillo, of Los Angeles, Calif., Howard

Gershan, of Los Angeles, Calif., and Norman J. Kaplan, of Los An-

geles, Calif., on motion of Mr. Leonard Garment Michael D. Paclnos,

of Atlanta, Ga., Charles Mitchell Kidd, of Atlanta, Ga., A. Joseph

Nardone, Jr., of Atlanta, Ga., on motion of Mr. Alfred L. Evans, Jr.;
and Lowell L. Sewell, of Chicago, 111., on motion of Mr. John A.
Berry, were admitted to practice. * .

Opinions -^-w ;;

No. 189. James Minor, petitioner, v. United States ; and

No. 271. Michael Buie, petitioner, v. United States. On writs of
certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Second
Circuit. Judgments affirmed. Opinion by Mr. Justice White. Dis-
senting opinion by Mr. Justice Douglas with whom Mr. Justice Black
joins in No. 189. Mr. Justice Black and Mr. Justice Douglas dissent

in No. 271.

No. 35. Hugh Bryson, petitioner, v. United States. On writ of

United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.
certiorari to the
Judgment affirmed. Opinion by Mr. Justice Harlan. Dissenting opin-
ion by Mr. Justice Douglas with whom Mr. Justice Black joins.

No. 17. United States, appellant, v. James D. Knox. Appeal from

the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas.
Judgment reversed and case remanded to the United States District
Court for the Western District of Texas for further proceedings in
conformity with the opinion of this Court. Opinion by Justice Harlan.
Dissenting opinion by Mr. Justice Douglas with whom Mr. Justice
Black joins.
No. 45. Andersoirs-Black Rock, Inc., petitioner, v. Pavement Sal-
vage Co., Inc. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Ap-
peals for the Fourth Circuit. Judgment reversed and case remanded
to theUnited States District Court for the Southern District of West
Virginia for further proceedings in conformity with the opinion of
this Court. Opinion by Mr. Justice Douglas. Mr. Chief Justice Burger
took no part in the decision of this case.
MONDAY, DECEMBER 8, 19 69 135

No. 86. Melvin Morales, petitioner, v. New York. On writ of

Court of Appeals of New York. Judgment vacated
certiorari to the
and case remanded to the Court of Appeals of New York for further
proceedings not inconsistent with the opinion of this Court. Opinion
per curiam announced by Mr. Chief Justice Burger. Mr. Justice Black
dissents and would affirm.
No. 40. James Conway, petitioner, v. California Adult Authority
et al. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
1 the Ninth Circuit. Writ of certiorari dismissed as improvidently
granted. Opinion per curiam announced by Mr. Chief Justice Burger.
The Chief Justice said
"Today's orders of the Court have been certified by the Chief Justice,
with the Clerk, and will not be announced orally."

Opinions Per Curiam

No. 153. Daniel McMann, Warden, et al., petitioners, v. Wilbert

Ross et al. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Second Circuit. Upon consideration of the suggestion of moot-
ness by reason of death of respondent, Ross, judgment as to Ross,
vacated and remanded to the United States District Court for the
Eastern District of New York with directions to dismiss petition for
writ of habeas corpus as moot. Opinion per curiam.
No. 524. Louis Carlos, petitioner, v. New York. On petition for
writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals of New York. Petition for
writ of certiorari granted, judgment reversed, and case remanded to
Court of Appeals of New York for further proceedings not incon-
sistent with the opinion of this Court. Opinion per curiam, The Chief
Justice and Mr. Justice Harlan are of the opinion that certiorari
should be denied. However, case having been taken for review, they
,would affirm judgment upon the premises stated in Mr. Justice Har-
lan's separate opinion in Roth v. United States, 354 U.S. 476, 496
(1957), and in his dissenting opinion in Memoirs v. Massachusetts, 383

jU.S. 413,455 (1966).

No. 539. The National Small Shipments Traffic Conference, Inc.,
et al., v.Middlewest Motor Freight Bureau et al. Appeal from the
United States District Court for the District of Minnesota. The mo-
tions to dismiss are granted and the appeal is dismissed for want of
! jurisdiction. Opinion per curiam.

No. 542. International Nickel Co., Inc., appellant, v. City of Ba-

yonne. Appeal from the Supreme Court of New Jersey. The motion to
dismiss is granted and the appeal is dismissed for want of a substan-
tial federal question. Opinion per curiam.
MONDAY, DECEMBER 8, 19 69 136

No. 552. Albert Shanker, etc., et al., appellants, v. J. Lee Rankin,

etc.Appeal from the Court of Appeals of New York. The motion to
dismiss is granted and the appeal is dismissed for want of a sub-
stantial federal question. Opinion per curiam. Mr. Justice Black and
Mr. Justice Douglas are of the opinion that probable jurisdiction
should be noted.
No. 563. The House of Seagram, Inc., appellant, v. State Liquor
Authority et al. Appeal from the Court of Appeals of New York. The
motion to dismiss is granted and the appeal is dismissed for want of
jurisdiction. Treating the papers whereon the appeal was taken as a
petition for writ of certiorari, certiorari is denied. Opinion per curiam.
Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion that probable jurisdiction should
be noted.
No. 580. John A. Ambrose and Frances P. Himmelfarb, appellants,
v.David I. Wells et al. Appeal from the LTnited States District Court
for the Southern District of New York. The motion to dismiss is
granted and the appeal is dismissed for want of jurisdiction. Opinion
per curiam.
No. 582. Millard Gooding, Warden, appellant, v. Johnny C.
Wilson. Appeal from the LTnited States District Court for the Northern
District of Georgia. The motion of appellee for leave to proceed in
forma pauperis is granted. The motion to dismiss is granted and the
appeal is dismissed for want of jurisdiction. Opinion per curiam.
J. Perk, Cuyahoga County Auditor, appellant, v.
No. 590. Ealph
Ohio ex John T. Corrigan, Prosecuting Attorney of Cuyahoga

County, Ohio. Appeal from the Supreme Court of Ohio. The motion
to dismiss is granted and the appeal is dismissed for want of a sub-
stantial federal question. Opinion per curiam. Mr. Justice Douglas
is of the opinion that probable jurisdiction should be noted.
No. 593. Louis Balthazar et ux., appellants, v. Mari Ltd., et al.
Appeal from the United States District Court for the Northern Dis-
trict of Illinois. The motions to affirm are granted and the judgment is
affirmed. Opinion per curiam. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion
that probable jurisdiction should be noted.

No. 599. New Orleans Chapter, Associated General Contractors

•of America, Inc., appellant, v. United States. Appeal from the United
States District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana. The mo-
tion to affirm is grantedand the judgment is affirmed. Opinion per
curiam. Mr. Justice Black is of the opinion that probable jurisdiction
should be noted.
No. 611. Mississippi Power & Light Company, appellant, v. Capital
Electric Power Association. Appeal from the Supreme Court of Mis-
sissippi. The motion to dismiss is granted and the appeal is dismissed
for want of a substantial federal question. Opinion per curiam.

No. 617. United Fuel Gas Company, appellant, v. Charles H.

Haden Tax Commissioner of West Virginia. Appeal from the Su-
preme Court of Appeals of West Virginia. The motion to dismiss is
granted and the appeal is dismissed for want of jurisdiction. Treating
the papers whereon the appeal was taken as a petition for writ of cer-
tiorari, certiorari is denied. Opinion per curiam.

No. 72, Misc. Willie B. Foster, appellant, v. E. B. Caldwell, Super-

intendent, Georgia Industrial Institute. Appeal from the Supreme
Court of Georgia. The motion to dismiss is granted and the appeal is
dismissed for want of jurisdiction. Treating the papers whereon the
appeal was taken as a petition for writ of certiorari, certiorari is de-
nied. Opinion per curiam.

No. 620, Misc. Dovie Carl Mathis, appellant, v. Louis S. Nelson,

Warden. Appeal from the Supreme Court of California. The motion to
dismiss is granted and the appeal is dismissed for want of jurisdiction.
Treating the papers whereon the appeal was taken as a petition for
writ of certiorari, certiorari is denied. Opinion per curiam.
No. 816, Misc. James F. Huesdash, appellant, v. E. B. Haskins,
Superintendent, London Correctional Institution. Appeal from the Su-
preme Court of Ohio. The appeal is dismissed for want of jurisdiction.
Treating the papers whereon the appeal was taken as a petition for
writ of certiorari, certiorari is denied. Opinion per curiam.
No. 1017, Misc. Howard Neu Ingram, Jr., appellant, v. California.
Appeal from the Court of Appeal of California, Second Appellate
District. The appeal is dismissed for want of jurisdiction. Treating
the papers whereon the appeal was taken as a petition for writ of cer-
tiorari, certiorari is denied. Opinion per curiam.

Orders in Pending Cases

No. . Joe J. B. O'Neil, petitioner, v. Louis S. Nelson, Warden.

The application for release on personal recognizance is denied.
No. . Robert Durham et ux., appellants, v. Independence
Homes, Inc. The application for stay and approval of supersedeas
appeal bond presented to Mr. Justice Douglas, and by him referred
to the Court, is denied.

No. . John K. Snyder, petitioner v. John Minor Wisdom et al.

The motion for leave to file application for mandamus remedy is
No. 175. Petsonella Moragne, etc., petitioner, v. States Marine
Lines, Inc., etal. The Solicitor General is invited to submit a brief,

as amicus curiae, and to participate in the oral argument. The parties

and the Solicitor General are requested to brief, in addition to other

390-278—69 34
MONDAY, DECEMBER 8, 19 69 138

issues presented, the question of whether The Harrisbwrg, 119 U.S.

199, should be overruled.
No. 403. United States, petitioner, v. Gerritt Johannes Van
Leeuwen. The motion of the respondent for the appointment of
counsel is granted, and it is ordered that Craig G. Davis, Esquire,
of Bellingham, Washington, be, and he is hereby, appointed to serve
as counsel for the respondent in this case.

No. 817. Domenic N. Mastrippolito, petitioner, v. United States.

The application for bail presented to Mr. Justice Marshall, and by
him referred to the Court, is denied.
No. 1382, Misc. In the Matter of Disbarment of William D.
Edwards. It is ordered that William D. Edwards of Columbus, Ohio,
be suspended from the practice of law in this Court and that a rule
to show cause issue, returnable within forty days, requiring him to
show cause why he should not be disbarred from the practice of
law in this Court.

Appeal —Jurisdiction Noted

No. 565. Charles Batchelor, Chief of Police, City of Dallas, et al.,

appellants, v. Brent Stein.Appeal from the United States District
Court for the Northern District of Texas. In this case probable juris-
diction noted. Case placed on summary calendar and set for oral
argument immediately following Nos. 11, 20, and 4.

Certiorari Granted

No. 528. United States, petitioner, v. Hilton Hotels Corporation.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Seventh Circuit granted. Case placed on the summary cal-
endar and set for oral argument immediately following No. 412.
No. 529. Fred T. Mackey, petitioner, v. United States. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Sev-
enth Circuit granted. Case placed on the summary calendar and set
for oral argument immediately following No. 8.
No. 595. Louis S. Nelson, Warden, petitioner, v. John Edward
George. Motion for respondent for leave to proceed in forma pauperis
granted. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit granted and case placed on the sum-
mary calendar.
No. 606. William Allen. Motion of respondent
Illinois, petitioner, v.
for leave to proceed in forma pauperis granted. Petition for writ of
certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh
Circuit granted and case placed on the summary calendar.
MONDAY, DECEMBER 8, 19 69 139

No. 323, Misc. Johnny Williams, petitioner, v. Florida. Motion

for leave to proceed in forma pauperis and petition for writ of cer-
tiorari to District Court of Appeal of Florida, Third District, granted.
Case transferred to the appellate docket and placed on the summary
Certiorari Denied

No. 337. Gennero Galtieri, petitioner, v. Florida. Petition for writ

Court of Appeal of Florida, Third Dis-
of certiorari to the District
trict, denied.
No. 390. Commissioner of Internal Revenue, petitioner, v. Guard-
ianAgency, Inc., et al. and

No. 561. Local Finance Corporation et al., petitioners, v. Com-

missioner of Internal Revenue. Petitions for writs of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 555. Joseph F. Schindelar, petitioner, v. David L. Michaud
et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Tenth Circuit denied.
No. 556. Southern California Edison Company, petitioner, v.
United States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 559. Cornell Richardson, petitioner, v. South Carolina. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of South Carolina
No. 560. Russell O. Law, petitioner, v. Joint Checker Labor Re-
lationsCommittee, San Francisco, et al. Petition for writ of certiorari
to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 562. Leonard DeLue et al., petitioners, v. The Public Utilities
Commission of Colorado et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
Supreme Court of Colorado denied.
No. 564. Violet Rose Foy, etc, petitioner, v. Ed Taussig, Inc., et al.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Louisiana
No. 566. Joseph A. White, Jr., et ah, petitioners, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Claims
No. 568. J. E. Wilson, petitioner, v. State Bar of Georgia et al.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Georgia
No. 571. William Davis, petitioner, v. United States. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Seventh Circuit denied.
MONDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1969 140

No. 572. James Kendall Clancy, petitioner, v. The First National

Bank of Colorado Springs. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit denied.
No. 574. United Bonding Insurance Company, petitioner, v. De-
velopment Corporation of America, Inc. Petition for writ of cer-
tiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit
No. 575. James R. Sewell, petitioner, v. Ohio. Petition for writ of
Supreme Court of Ohio denied.
certiorari to the
No. 576. John J. Fahey, petitioner, v. United States. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth
Circuit denied.
No. 578. Antonio Corallo, petitioner, v. United States; and
No. 620. Henry Fried and S. T. Grand, United
Inc., petitioners, v.
States. Petitions for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 579. Curtiss-Wright Corporation, petitioner, v. Braniff Air-
ways, Inc. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 581. Charles Hoffman, Jr., petitioner, v. United States. Pe-
tition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 583. D. B. Anders, petitioner v. Commissioner of Internal
Revenue. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Tenth Circuit denied.
No. 584. Michael Allen Schmitt, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-
tition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 586. Robert W. Stanley, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-
tition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 587. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, pe-
titioner, v. National Labor Relations Board. Petition for writ of
certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh
Circuit denied.
No. 589. Raymond Charles Curiale, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 594. Faye S. Ferguson, petitioner, v. James Walter Fountain.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Texas denied.
No. 602. Robert E. Gollaher et al., petitioners, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Ninth Circuit denied.
MONDAY, DECEMBER 8, 19 69 141

No. 604. Helen Weber, petitioner, v. Ralph Aoki, Trustee. Peti-

tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 605. The Beacon Journal Publishing Company, petitioner, v.
Akron Typographical Union No. 182 et al. Petition for writ of cer-
tiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit
No. 608. Arnold Cornman, petitioner, v. United States. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Claims denied.
No. 609. William Clayton Pierce, petitioner, v. United States. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 610. Neil S. Mackay, petitioner, v. Buell A. Nesbett et al. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 612. Claresa F. Armstrong Brown, petitioner, v. Commercial
National Bank of Peoria, as Trustee, et al. Petition for writ of Cer-
tiorari to the Supreme Court of Illinois denied.

No. 614. Joseph Richard Wick, petitioner, v. United States. Peti-

tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 615. Textile Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO, peti-
tioner, v.The Schwarzenbach-Huber Company et al. Petition for writ
of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Second
Circuit denied.
No. 618. Clifford Gowdy, petitioner, v. United States. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth
Circuit denied.
No. 376. Amalgamated Transit Union, Local Division 1309, et al.,
petitioners, v.San Diego Transit Corporation. Motion to dispense
with printing petition granted. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 613. John C. Van Houten, petitioner, v. Ray Arthur Ralls et al.
Motion to dispense with printing petition granted. Petition for writ
of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Cir-
cuit denied.

No. 544. Dexter C. Shoultz, petitioner, v. Melvin Laird, Secretary

of Defense, et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Black
and Mr. Justice Douglas are of the opinion that certiorari should be

390-278—69 35
MONDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1969 142

No. 558. Houston H. Feaster, etc, et al., petitioners, v. United

States et Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court

of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Marshall took
no part in the consideration or decision of this petition.
No. 569. The New Mexico State Game Commission, petitioner, v.
Walter J. Hickel, Secretary of Interior, et al. Petition for writ of
certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth
Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion that certiorari
should be granted.
No. 585. Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen
Seaboard Coast Line Eailroad Company et al.
et al., petitioners, v.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fifth Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion
that certiorari should be granted.
No. 597. Frank Conroy, petitioner, v. Miami Beach, Flor-
City of
ida. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Florida
denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion that certiorari should
be granted.
No. 598. The Founding Church of Scientology of Washington,
D.C., etal., petitioners, v. United States. Petition for writ of certiorari

to the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia

Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion that certiorari
should be granted.
No. 616. Robert L. Hatchett, Jr., petitioner, v. C. W. Williams.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Civil Appeals of Texas,
FirstSupreme Judicial District, denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the
opinion that certiorari should be granted.
No. 749. Daniel J. Motto, petitioner, v. United States. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Sec-
ond Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion that cer-
tiorari should be granted.

No. 99, Misc. Lilliam Flowers, petitioner, v. Nebraska. Petition

for writ of certiorari to the Separate Juvenile Court of Douglas
County, Nebraska, denied.
No. 210, Misc. Robert Edward McClindon, petitioner, v. Califor-
nia. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California,
Fourth Appellate District, denied.
No. 232, Misc. John Pipinos, petitioner, v. William Peek, etc., et
al.Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Washington
No. 337, Misc. John Conte, petitioner, v. Connecticut. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Connecticut denied.
MONDAY, DECEMBER 8, 19 69 143

No. 343, Misc. Fitzgerald Lovell, petitioner, v. Government of the

Virgin Islands. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit denied.
No. 408, Misc. Walter McDaniel, petitioner, v. United States. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 432, Misc. Luis Surita, petitioner, v. J. Edwin LaVallee,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 454, Misc. Robert Sylvester Ray, petitioner, v. North Caro-
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Ap-
lina. Petition for
peals for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 456, Misc. Bobby Franklin Endicott, petitioner, v. West Vir-
ginia. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Appeals
of West Virginia denied.
No. 458, Misc. Joseph W. DiSilvestro, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 466, Misc. James E. Duckett, petitioner, v. Arthur A. Mar-
shall, etc., et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 469, Misc. Hallett Howard Anderson, petitioner, v. Clay Cir-
cuit Court et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court
of Indiana denied.
No. 494, Misc. Roger S. Bandy, petitioner, v. United States At-
torney General et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit denied.
No. 506, Misc. Alex Keys, petitioner, v. Merle R. Schneckloth,
Superintendent, California Conservation Center. Petition for writ of
certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Cir-
cuit denied.

No. 516, Misc. James Brown, petitioner, v. United States; and

No. 593, Misc. Henry Venning et al., petitioners, v. United States.
Petitions for writs of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 519, Misc. Howard J. Fields, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-
tition for writof certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 524, Misc. Benjamin Brown, petitioner, v. Warren Pinto,
Superintendent, Rahway Prison Farm. Petition for writ of certiorari
to the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit denied.

No. 525, Misc. William B. Edmondson, Sr., petitioner, v. United

States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 532, Misc. Robert L. Moore, petitioner, v. Louis S. Nelson,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 537, Misc. Lynward James Daye, Jr.,petitioner, v. North
Carolina. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of North
Carolina denied.
No. 542, Misc. William Luther Elkins, petitioner, v. Asa Kelley,
Director, StateBoard of Corrections, et al. Petition for writ of certi-
orari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit
No. 545, Misc. Ernest O. Wing, Jr., petitioner, v. Howard Yeager,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Tnited States
L Court of
Appeals for the Third Circuit denied.
No. 546, Misc. Lanier Allison Ramer, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 548, Misc. Valentine Rodriquez, Jr., petitioner, v. Louis S.
Nelson, Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 549, Misc. Wilford Hullon Dimsdle, petitioner, v. Oklahoma.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Criminal Appeals of
Oklahoma denied.
No. 550, Misc. Donald Eugene Cipolla, petitioner, v. Kansas. Pe-
Supreme Court of Kansas denied.
tition for writ of certiorari to the

No. 559, Misc. C. F. Pruess, Sr., Executor, et al., petitioners, v.

Walter Hickel, Secretary of the Interior. Petition for writ of certiorari
to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.

No. 564, Misc. Carl R. Chase, petitioner, v. Allan L. Robbins,

Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the First Circuit denied.
No. 566, Misc. Walter McDonald, petitioner, v. George Kropp,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.

No. 571, Misc. Raymond Morales Alvarez, petitioner, v. Cletus J.

Fitzharris, Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme
Court of California denied.
No. 594, Misc. Robert E. Williams, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Claims
MONDAY, DECEMBER 8, 19 69 145

No. 606, Misc. Amos Harold Rathburn, petitioner, v. Ohio. Peti-

tion for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Ohio denied.
No. 611, Misc. John J. Pepitone, petitioner, v. California et al.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of California

No. 614, Misc. Doyle Ray Skinner, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Eighth Circuit denied.
No. 617, Misc. A. D. Allison, petitioner, v. United States. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
! the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 619, Misc. William El. v. United States. Pe-
Huff, petitioner,
tition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the District of Columbia Circuit denied.
No. 635, Misc. Howard Clayton Swann, Jr., and Thomas Frank-
lin Swann, petitioners, v. United States. Petition for writ of certiorari

to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 637, Misc. Wayne Fong, petitioner, v. United States. Petition

for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 661, Misc. Neal Simpson Webb, petitioner, v. Texas. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Court of Criminal Appeals of Texas
No. 670, Misc. Thomas Darrell Camp, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 675, Misc. Sammy Gene Kirk, petitioner, v. United States.
/Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Sixth Circuit denied.

No. 676, Misc. Charles Martin Harris, petitioner, v. California.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California,
Second Appellate District, denied.
No. 677, Misc. Robert Edward Cook, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Third Circuit denied.
No. 682, Misc. Shariand Reeves Gaston, petitioner, v. Texas. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the Court of Criminal Appeals of Texas
No. 683, Misc. William Terry Johnson, petitioner, v. Virginia.
Supreme Court of Appeals of
Petition for writ of certiorari to the
Virginia denied.
MONDAY, DECEMBER 8, 19 69 146

No. 710, Misc. William Horace Decker, petitioner, v. United

States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 715, Misc. Oliver Wendell Robinson, petitioner, v. George A.
Kropp, Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 720, Misc. Ralph Tudela, petitioner, v. Florida. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the District Court of Appeal of Florida, Third
District, denied.

No. 734, Misc. Donald D. Barnes, petitioner, v. Florida. Petition

for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 742, Misc. Richard Mendoza, petitioner, v. California. Peti-
Supreme Court of California denied.
tion for writ of certiorari to the

No. 744, Misc. Bernard Joseph Birbeck, petitioner, v. California.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California,
Second Appellate District, denied.
No. 750, Misc. LeRoy Shorter, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-
tition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 759, Misc. Curtis Lamar Timmons, petitioner, v. Florida.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the District Court of Florida, First
District, denied.

No. 760, Misc. James Edward Hall, petitioner, v. United States.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 765, Misc. James Powell Rabon, petitioner, v. Frank A. Ey-
man, Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 772, Misc. Nancy Jewell Cross, petitioner, v. John A. Bruning,
County Clerk, et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 776, Misc. Jessie Rivera Duarte, petitioner, v. H. V. Field,
Superintendent. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 781, Misc. Frank Dvorsky, petitioner, v. United States. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Claims denied.
No. 791, Misc. William Murray, petitioner, v. Pennsylvania et al.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals

for the Third Circuit denied.
No. 793, Misc. Earl F. Mink, petitioner, v. George A. Kropp, War-
den. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
MONDAY, DECEMBER 8, 19 69 147

No. 803, Misc. Richard Allen Swan, petitioner, v. Jack Young,

Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit denied.
No. 805, Misc. Peyton Ralph Rech, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Tenth Circuit denied.
No. 815, Misc. Eugene Walker, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-

tition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the District of Columbia Circuit denied.
No. 820, Misc. John F. Lang, petitioner, v. Maryland. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals of Maryland denied.
No. 842, Misc. Marion Stevenson, petitioner, v. Nelson A. Rocke-
feller,Governor, et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 845, Misc. Edward Allen, petitioner, v. J. Edwin LaVallee,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 846, Misc. David James Rose, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 849, Misc. Charles F. Bedford, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Eighth Circuit denied.
No. 855, Misc. Nathaniel McGuirk, petitioner, v. Illinois. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Appellate Court of Illinois, First District,
No. 864, Misc. Neal Earl Harlin, petitioner, v. Lou V. Brewer,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Iowa
No. 866, Misc. Charles Resseguie, petitioner, v. Harold W. Fol-

Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States


Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.

No. 867, Misc. Donald Clarke, petitioner, v. New York. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court
of New York, First Judicial Department, denied.
No. 873, Misc. Paul Turpyn, petitioner, v.New York. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals of New York denied.
No. 875, Misc. Paul A. Smogor, petitioner, United States. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 884, Misc. Eulice Stallings and William Earl Wilson, peti-
tioners, v. United States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied,
MONDAY, DECEMBER 8, 19 69 148

No. 891, Misc. Robert C. Wright, petitioner, v. Lou V. Brewer,

Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Iowa
No. 892, Misc. Kenneth O. Pollard, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorai to the United States Court of Appeals
for the District of Columbia Circuit denied.
No. 894, Misc. Robert Walker, petitioner, v. Frank Willie et al.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 899, Misc. Michael J. Riley, petitioner, v. B. J. Rhay, Super-
intendent, Washington State Penitentiary. Petition for writ of cer-
tiorari to the Supreme Court of Washington denied.

No. 900, Misc. Truman Adonis Williams, petitioner, v. United

States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 901, Misc. Refugio Reese Huerto, petitioner, v. California.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California,
Second Appellate District, denied.
No. 902, Misc. Phillip Weinshenker, petitioner, v. Florida, Peti-
Court of Appeal of Florida,
tion for writ of certiorari to the District
Third District, denied.
No. 903, Misc. Harry Beck, petitioner, v. California. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth
Circuit denied.
No. 905, Misc. Frank W. Scott, petitioner, v. H. V. Field. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of California denied.
No. 911, Misc. Michael L. Sullivan, petitioner, v. California. Pe-
tition for writof certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California,
Fourth Appellate District, denied.
No. 977, Misc. Charles Watkins, petitioner, v. Pennsylvania et al.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Third Circuit denied.
No. 981, Misc. David William Cox, petitioner, v. California. Pe-
Court of x^ppeal of California, Sec-
tition for writ of certiorari to the
ond Appellate District, denied.
No. 987, Misc. Nelson Tobe Hodge, petitioner, v. Lake F. Russell,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
: Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 991, Misc. Bruce Walter Leikett, petitioner, v. J. D. Cox,
Superintendent, Virginia State Penitentiary. Petition for writ of
certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Cir-
cuit denied.
MONDAY, DECEMBER 8, 19 69 149

No. 999, Misc. Eddie M. Harrison, petitioner, v. United States.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the District of Columbia Circuit denied. ^
No. 1009, Misc. Prentice F. Day, petitioner, v. Eay H. Page, o H
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of q
Appeals for the Tenth Circuit denied. ^n
No. 1024, Misc. John S. Austin, petitioner, v. United States. Peti- p£
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for w a>
the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1032, Misc. James Roland King and Leonard John demons, £
petitioners, v.United States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the jjj,

United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied. H*

No. 1060, Misc. John D. Wade, petitioner, v. Howard D. Yeager, (T>

Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of rt

Appeals for the Third Circuit denied.
^ §
No. 335, Misc. Ruffin George et ux., petitioners, v. Ora Bertrancl 7?
et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Louisiana H» 3
denied. Mr. Justice Douglas
is of the opinion that certiorari should [Z
be granted.
g ^
No. 513, Misc. Thomas Stasilowicz, petitioner, v. New Jersey. Pe- *
tion for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of New Jersey de-
nied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion that certiorari should be tj*

No. 517, Misc. Franklin Nial Castle, petitioner, v. United States. g*
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Ninth Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion that q
certiorari should be granted. ?
No. 616, Misc. Richard John Migliore and Jacqueline Mingo, peti-
tioners, v. United States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United a>

States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied. Mr. Justice JJ
Douglas is of the opinion that certiorari should be granted.
No. 656, Misc. Alfred D. Arellanes, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ, of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Ninth Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Marshall took no part in the
consideration or decision of this petition.
No. 716, Misc. Herman E. Miller, petitioner, v. George J. Beto,
Director, Texas Department of Corrections. Petition for writ of cer-
tiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth and for
other relief denied.
No. 797, Misc. Nancy J ewell Cross, petitioner, v. Municipal Court
of San Francisco et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit and for other relief
MONDAY, DECEMBER 8, 19 69 150

Leave To File Petitions for Writs or Habeas Corpus Denied

No. 440, Misc. Jimmy Darnell, petitioner, v. R. J. Moseley,

No. 932, Misc. James Henry Eisenhardt, petitioner, v. United
No. 936, Misc. Ben Hitchcock, petitioner, v. Frank A. Eyman,
Warden, et al. ;

No. 1105, Misc. William Grady North, petitioner, v. George J.

Beto, Director, Texas Department of Corrections
No. 1110, Misc. Kermith George Mullis, petitioner, v. Louie L.
Wainwright, Director, Florida Division of Corrections and ;

No. 1116, Misc. James R. Jenkins, petitioner, v. United States.

Motion for leave to file petitions for writs of habeas corpus denied.

Leave To File Petitions for Writs of Mandamus Denied

No. 600, Misc. Charles Hall and Nathaniel Harvey, petitioners, v.

Oliver J. Carter, United States District Judge, et al. Motion for leave
to file petition for writ of mandamus denied.

No. 919, Misc. The New Mexico State Game Commission, peti-
United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit et al.
tioner, v.
Motion for leave to file petition for writ of mandamus denied. Mr.
J ustice Douglas is of the opinion that the motion should be granted.

Rehearings Denied

No. 1279, October Term, 1968. United States, petitioner, v. Ideal

Basic Industries, Inc. Petition for rehearing denied. Mr. Justice White
and Mr. Justice Marshall took no part in the consideration or decision
of this petition.
No. 415. Louis Harry Parker, petitioner, v. Virginia;
No. 428. Leonard S. Brown, Jr., petitioner, v. Frank D. Hardin
et al.
No. 344, Misc. Marie Baucum Scott, petitioner, v. Hunt Oil Com-
No. 623, Misc. Dorothy G. Restrepo, petitioner, v. Florida Supreme
Court and;

No. 752, Misc. Joseph Jakalski, petitioner, v. Attorney General of

the United States et al. Petitions for rehearing denied.
No. 391. John O'C. Fitzgerald and Charles F. Marino, petitioners,
v. Lee A. Freeman et al. Motion to stay effectiveness of order denying

certiorari and petition for rehearing denied.

No. 632. Beatrice Alexander et al., petitioners, v. Holmes County
Board of Education et al. Petition for rehearing, or in the alternative,
for a clarification of judgment, denied.
MONDAY, DECEMBER 8, 19 69 151

Recess Order

The Court will take a recess from Monday, December 15, 1969, until
Monday, January 12, 1970.

Oral Argument

No. 81. Rector Simmons, Jr., et ux., appellants, v. West Haven

Housing Authority. Argued by Mr. Francis X. Dineen for the appel-
lants and by Mr. F. Michael Ahern for the State of Connecticut, as
amicus curiae, in support of judgment.
No. 266. Lelia Mae Sanks et al., appellants, v. Georgia et al. Argued
by Mr. Michael D. Padnos for the appellants and by Mr. Alfred L.
Evans, Jr., for the appellees.
No. 265. Gladys Boddie et al., appellants, v. Connecticut et al.
Argued by Mr. Arthur B. LaFrance for the appellants and by Mr.
Raymond J. Cannon for the appellees.
No. 53. Sara Baird, petitioner, v. State Bar of Arizona, Argu-
ment commenced by Mr. Peter D. Baird for the petitioner pro hac vice,
by special leave of Court.

Adjourned until tomorrow at 10 o'clock.

The day call for Tuesday, December 9, 1969, will be as follows:
Nos. 53, 75, 131, 188, and 2, Misc.

TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 19 69 152


Present Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice

Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice

Stewart, Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice Marshall.

Admissions to the Bar

Wayne Thomas San Antonio, Tex., on motion of

Menclicino, of
Mr. O. C. Fisher Richard
; Wallach, of New York, N. Y., on motion
of Mr. William F. Ryan; Roland Tague, of Oklahoma City, Okla.,
on motion of Mr. Brice Wilson Rhyne Richard F. Locke, of Boston,

Mass., George J. McCartin, Jr., of Red Bank, N.J., and Dulaney L.

O'Roark, Jr., of St. Petersburg, Fla,, on motion of Mr. Joseph E.
Donahue Jerry Slater, of New York, N.Y., on motion of Mr. Michael

Robin Juviler; Michael Hagner McConihe, of Washington, D.C.,

on motion of Mr. Arthur B. Hanson Donald E. Shely, of Detroit,

Mich., on motion of Mr. Robert L. Gilliat Robert Lawrence Lieff of

; ,

San Francisco, Calif., on motion of Mr. Arthur Jordan Levine; Benja-

min P. Wasserman, of Culver City, Calif., on motion of Mr. Louis
Pabst Poulton; Daniel Lewis, of Milwaukee, Wis., on motion of
Mr. Daniel O. Omer Harold H. Leeper, of Oklahoma City, Okla., on

motion of Mr. Oscar Wayman Holmes; Herbert Hershal Brown, of

Oak Park, Mich., on motion of Mr. Carl E. Bagge; James J. Faris,
of Alexandria, Va., on motion of Mr. Kenneth R. Haskins; Malvine
Nathanson, of New York, N.Y., on motion of Mr. Isadore Nathanson;
Robert Owen Rogers, of Palm Beach, Fla., on motion of Mr. Richard
S. Rodin; John Walton Hicks, Jr., of Dallas, Tex., on motion of Mr.

Hugh G. Hart, Jr. Alice Daniel, of New York, N.Y., and Melvin S.

Schwarzwald, of Cleveland, Ohio, on motion of Mr. William E. Heller-

stein; and Thomas Nichols Biddison, Jr., of Baltimore, Md., James
L. Bundy, of Baltimore, Md., Robert A. Di Cicco, of Towson, Md.,
Stanford Donald Hess, of Baltimore, Md., Henry Robbins Lord, of
Baltimore, Md., Richard G. McCauley, of Columbia, Md., Francis X.
Pugh, of Baltimore, Md., Joseph R. Raymond, of Baltimore, Md.,
Clarence W. Sharp, of Baltimore, Md., and Wilbur E. Simmons, Jr.,
of Baltimore, Md., on motion of Mr. Robert Francis Sweeney, were
admitted to practice.

390-278—69 ,36
TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 19 69 153


No. 9. Nacirema Operating Co., Inc., et al., petitioners, v. William

H. Johnson et al. and No. 16, John P. Traynor and Jerry C. Oost-

ing, Deputy Commissioner, petitioners, v. William H. Johnson et al.

On writs of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Fourth Circuit. Judgments reversed and cases remanded to the United
States District Court for the District of Maryland and the United
States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia respectively
for further proceedings in conformity with the opinion of this Court.
Opinion by Mr. Justice White. Dissenting opinion by Mr. Justice
Douglas with whom Mr. Justice Black and Mr. Justice Brennan join.
No. 25. Frederick T. Zuber et al., petitioners, v. Russell Allen et
al. ; and
No. 52. Clifford M. Hardin, Secretary of Agriculture, petitioner, v.
Russell Allen et al. On writs of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. Judgment affirmed.
Opinion by Mr. Justice Harlan. Dissenting opinion by Mr. Justice
Black with whom Mr. Justice White joins. The Chief Justice and
Mr. Justice Marshall took no part in the consideration or decision of
this case.

No. 101. City of Chicago et al., appellants, v. United States et al.;

No. 102. City of Chicago et al., appellants, v. United States et al.
Appeals from the United States District Court for the Northern Dis-
! trict of Illinois. Judgment reversed and cases remanded to the United

States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois for further
proceedings in conformity with the opinion of this Court. Opinion
by Mr. Justice Douglas.
No. 29. The Detroit and Toledo Shore Line Railroad Company,
United Transportation Union. On writ of certiorari to
petitioner, v.
the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit. Judgment
affirmed. Opinion by Mr. Justice Black. Opinion by Mr. Justice
Harlan with whom Mr. Chief Justice Burger joins concurring in
part and dissenting in part.
No. 19. The First National Bank in Plant City, Plant City, Florida,
petitioner, v.Fred O. Dickinson, Jr., etc., et al. and ;

No. 34. William B. Camp, Comptroller of the Currency, petitioner,

v. Fred O. Dickinson, Jr., etc., et al. On writs of certiorari to the United

States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. Judgment affirmed.

Opinion by Mr. Chief Justice Burger. Dissenting opinion by Mr. Jus-
tice Douglas. Dissenting opinion by Mr. Justice Stewart.
TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 19 69 154

Oral Argument

No. 53. Sara Baird, petitioner, v. State Bar of Arizona. Argu-

ment continued by Mr. Mark Wilmer for the respondent and con-
cluded by Mr. Peter D. Baird for the petitioner, pro hoc vice, by
special leave of Court.

No. 75. In the Matter of the Application of Martin Robert Stolar,

petitioner.Argued by Mr. Leonard B. Boudin for the petitioner and
by Mr. Robert D. Macklin for the respondent.
No. 131. Edmund P. Dandridge, Jr., Chairman of the Maryland
State Board of Public Welfare, et al., appellants, v. Linda Williams
et al. Argued by Mr. George W. Liebmann for the appellants and by
Mr. Joseph A. Matera for the appellees.
No. 188. Robert Baldwin, appellant, v. New York. Argued by Mr.
William E. Hellerstein for the appellant and by Mr. Michael R. Juvi-
ler for the appellee.

Ajourned until tomorrow at 10 o'clock.

The day call for Wednesday, December 10, 1969, will be as follows
No. 2, Misc.



Present: Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice
Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice
Stewart, Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice Marshall.

-Admissions to the Bar

Fred Selan, of Beverly Hills, Calif., Eugene M. Frese, of Wash-
ington, D.C., and Charles A. DeGrandpre, of Manchester, N.H., on
motion of Mr. Solicitor General Erwin N. Griswold; George Kent
Edwards, of Juneau, Alaska, on motion of Mr. Ted Stevens Allan ;

E. Koritzinsky, of Manitowoc, Wis., and Daniel Leon Shneidman, of

Milwaukee, Wis., on motion of Mr. Gaylord Nelson; James E. Mann,

of Greenville, S.C., Marshall W. Abercrombie, of Laurens, S.C.,

and Thomas M. Spence, of Laurens, S.C., on motion of Mr. Eobert
Grier Stephens, Jr. Eichard J. Herbert, of Phoenix, Ariz., on mo-

tion of Mr. Morris K. Udall Arthur Stephen Penn, of New York,


N.Y., on motion of Mr. Bruce A. Burns; James Laurence Eose, of

Topeka, Kans., on motion of Mr. Carl Larsen Taylor Eobin Madison

Demouth, of Chicago, 111., on motion of Mr. Augustus G. Douvas
William Marvin Cohen, of Fairfax, Va., on motion of Mr. George
Eichard Hyde Donald Peter Arvnavas, of Washington, D.C., and

J. Edward Goff, of Toledo, Ohio, on motion of Mr. Eichard Allen

Bartl Eoger M. Whelan, of Silver Spring, Md., on motion of Mr.

Charles Alfred Docter and Jerry W. Cavaneua, of Searcy, Ark.,


; Eandolf H. Aires, of Los Angeles, Calif., Martin E. Jacobs, of

Beverly Hills, Calif., Eonald W. Anteau, of Los Angeles, Calif.,
Norman Westphal Busse, of San Francisco, Calif., John Cramer,
of Los Angeles, Calif., David Chase Linehan, of Los Angeles, Calif.,

Eichard M. Mosk, of Los Angeles, Calif., Alvy P. Moore, of Glendale,
Calif.,James Maxwell Orendorff, of Los Angeles, Calif., James S.
I Place, of Los Angeles, Calif., Dwight Theodore Eandall, Jr., of Los
! Angeles, Calif., Eobert Michael Simpson, of Los Angeles, Calif.,
Daniel Zipser, of Los Angeles, Calif., and Marshall S. Zolla, of Los
Angeles, Calif., on motion of Mr. Donald D. Chapman, were admitted
to practice.

390-278—69 37

Oral Argument

No. 2, Misc. Stephen S. Chandler, United States District Judge

for the Western District of Oklahoma, petitioner, v. Judicial Council
of the Tenth Circuit of the United States. Argued by Mr. Thomas
J. Kenan for the petitioner, by Mr. Carl L. Shipley, as amicus curiae,
by Mr. Charles Alan Wright for the respondent and by Mr. Solicitor
General Griswold for the United States, as amicus curiae, by special
leave of Court.

Adjourned until Monday, December 15, 1969, at 10 o'clock,

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13, 19 69 157


Present Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice

Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice

Stewart, Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice Marshall.

Opinion Per Curiam

No. 944. Robert Carter et al., petitioners, v. West Feliciana Parish

School Board et al. On application for temporary injunctive order.
The application for a temporary injunctive order is granted and the
judgment of the Court of Appeals is vacated in part. The respondents
are directed to take no action delaying a schedule to implement on or
before February 1, 1970, desegregation plans of Department of
Health, Education, and Welfare and the respondents are directed
to file a response to the petition for certiorari on or before January 2,
1970. Opinion fer curiam.

390-278—69 38
MONDAY, DECEMBER 15, 19 69 158


Present: Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice
Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice Stewart, Mr. Justice White,
and Mr. Justice Marshall.

Admissions to the Bar

N. Kommel Bondoc, of San Francisco, Calif., Dyson William Cox,

William John Currer, Jr., of Los Angeles, Calif.,
of Redlands, Calif.,
Thomas Schneider, of Berkeley, Calif., and Carl Leonard Stern, of
Washington, D.C., on motion of Mr. Solicitor General Erwin N. Gris-
wold John I. Bradshaw, Jr., of Indianapolis, Ind., on motion of Mr.

Birch Bayh Marlow W. Cook, of Louisville, Ky., Charles Woodford


Rolph, of Lexington, Ky., and Edward M. Steutermann, of Louisville,

Ky., on motion of Mr. Fred M. Goldberg James G. Head, of Chicago,

111., and Edward C. Purcell, of Chicago, 111., on motion of Mr. John

N. Erlenborn; Cornelius Elwood Toole, of Chicago, 111., and Manly

Whitman Mumford, of Chicago, 111., on motion of Mr. Abner Joseph
Mikva John C. Hughes, of Phoenix, Ariz., on motion of Mr. John J.

Rhodes; Bruce Earl Schultheis, of Washington, D.C., on motion of

Mr. Howard W. Pollock; Arthur L. Schwartz, of New York, N.Y.,
on motion of Judge Oscar H. Davis John James Cain, of Houston,

Tex., on motion of Mr. Walter I. Horlick George W. Healy III, of


New Orleans, La., and Leonard S. Ungar, of New Orleans, La., on

motion of Mr. Hale Boggs.
Raymond J. Dwyer, of Miami, Fla., and Edward A. Perse, of
Miami, Fla., on motion of Mr. Kahl K. Spriggs; Charles Edward
Parker, of Santa Ana, Calif., on motion of Mr. Robert Newton Reid
Carol Suzanne Agin Kipperman, of Washington, D.C., and Lawrence
I. Kipperman, of Washington, D.C., on motion of Mr. Ralph Winkler

Shiro Kashiwa, of Washington, D.C., on motion of Mr. Walter

Kiechel, Jr.; Robert Gail Perry, of Charleston, W. Va., on motion
of Mr. Steven M. Umin; John Alfred Hutter, Jr., of Chicago, 111.,
on motion of Mr. Earl R. Stanley John Downing Cooke, of Chicago,

111., and Frank Joseph McLoraine, of Chicago, 111., on motion of

Mr. Charles W. Mander; Paul A. Lenzini, of Centralia, 111., on

motion of Mr. Martin L. Friedman; Andrea M. Alcarese, of Balti-
more, Md., on motion of Mr. Joseph P. Alcarese John Charles Bierley,

of Tampa, Fla., on motion of Mr. Donald Knox DuVall; Elihu

Inselbuch, of New York, N.Y., on motion of Mr. Philip Werner
Amram; Perry W. Merchant, of West Hartford, Conn., on motion
390-27S— 69 39
MONDAY, DECEMBER 15, 19 69 159

of Mr. Wallace T. Ward; E. K. McFadden, of Glen Rock, N.J., on

motion of Mr. Albert Foreman Sheldon W. Farber, of Norristown,

Pa., on motion of Mr. Richard Joseph Sincoff; G. Joseph Bertain,

Jr., of San Francisco, Calif., on motion of Mr. Joseph Eugene Keller
Matthew Ely Jaife, of Chevy Chase, Md., on motion of Mr. Irving
Jaffe; Bailin L. Kuch, of Essex, Vt., on motion of Mr. Frank Neu-
hauser; Ralph Dobbins York, of Nashville, Tenn., on motion of
Mr. Jeter Seeborn Ray; Bertram H. Berg, of Cincinnati, Ohio,
on motion of Mr. William J. Dammarell; George J. Luberda, of
Beverly Hills, Mich., on motion of Mr. William P. Cassedy; Robert
E. Keltner, of Parkersburg, W. Va., on motion of Mr. Nick G. Zegrea ;
James F. Fitzpatrick, of Washington, D.C., on motion of Mr. Melviu
Spaeth; and William Herbert M. Greene, of San Francisco, Calif.,
on motion of Mr. Dayton M. Harrington, were admitted to practice.


No. 32. National Labor Relations Board, petitioner, v. J. H. Rutter-

Rex Manufacturing Company, Inc., et al. On writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. Judgment re-
versed and case remanded to the Court of Appeals for further pro-
ceedings in conformity with the opinion of this Court. Opinion by
Mr. Justice Marshall. Dissenting opinion by Mr. Justice Douglas with
whom Mr. Chief Justice Burger and Mr. Justice Harlan join.
No. 33. Paul E. Sullivan et al., petitioners, v. Little Hunting Park,
Inc., et al. On writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Appeals of
Virginia. Judgment reversed and case remanded to the Supreme

CouiL uf Appeals of Virginia for further proceedings not incon-^

sistent with the opinion of this Court. Opinion by Mr. Justice Doug-^? j^*
las announced by Mr. Justice Black. Dissenting opinion by Mr. Jus- 1^
tice Harlan with whom Mr. Chief Justice Burger and Mr. Justice c_) h«
White join. n ^
h« n
The Chief Justice said o o
"Today's orders of the Court have been certified by the Chief Jus-
with the Clerk, and will not be announced orally."
tice, filed
O o
Opinions Per Curiam i-i

O nj

No. 603. Robert L. Dowell, an infant, etc., et ah, petitioners, v. £L h.


Board of Education of the Oklahoma City Public Schools et al. On 1 1


petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals O 03

for the Tenth Circuit. Petition for writ of certiorari granted, judg-
ment vacated, and case remanded to the Court of Appeals for further jj. 'q
proceedings in conformity with the opinion of this Court. Opinion^ C
per curiam. H» rt

MONDAY, DECEMBER 15, 19 69 160

No. 625. Reuben Carlton et al., appellants, v. Doyle Conner, as

Commissioner of Agriculture, State of Florida. Appeal from the Su-
preme Court of Florida. The motion to dismiss is granted and the
appeal is dismissed for want of a substantial federal question. Opin-
ion per curiam.
Orders in Pending Cases

No. . Garrett Byrne etc., appellant, v. Serafim Karalexis

et al. The motion by the
for a stay of the temporary injunction issued
United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts pre-
sented to Mr. Justice Brennan, and by him referred to the Court, is
granted pending the timely filing and disposition of an appeal. Should
such an appeal not be filed, this stay is to expire automatically. Should
such an appeal be timely docketed, this stay is to continue pending
the Court's action on the jurisdictional aspect of the case. In the event
the appeal is dismissed or the judgment below is summarily affirmed,
this stay is to expire automatically. Should the Court note probable
jurisdiction of the appeal or postpone further consideration of the
question of jurisdiction to the hearing on the merits, this stay is to
remain in effect pending the issuance of the judgment of this Court.
Dissenting opinion by Mr. Justice Douglas. Opinion by Mr. Justice
Black. Opinion by Mr. Justice Stewart.
Xo. ——— Charles Howard Schmid, Jr., petitioner, v. Frank

A. Eyman, Warden. The application for a write of habeas corpus

presented to Mr. Justice Marshall, and by him referred to the Court,
is denied.
No. . William G. Petuskey et al., appellants, v. Calvin L.
Rampton et al. The motion for a further extension of time to docket
an appeal is granted.
No. 74. Clifford Taggart et al., petitioners, v. Weinacker's, Inc.
The motion of the American Federation of Labor and Congress of
Industrial Organizations for leave to file a brief, as amicus curiae,
is granted.
No. 240. Joseph Covello, petitioner, v. United States. The So-
General is requested to file a response to the petition for rehear-
ing within thirty days. Mr. Justice Marshall took no part in the
entry of this order.
No. 830. Frank Chambers, petitioner, v. James F. Maroney, Su-
perintendent, State Correctional Institution. The motion for the ap-
pointment of counsel is granted, and it is ordered that Vincent J.
Grogan, Esquire, of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, a member of the Bar
of this Court, be, and he is hereby, appointed to serve as counsel for
the petitioner in this case.
MONDAY, DECEMBER 15, 19 69 161

No. 1178, Misc. Adai Leser, petitioner, v. United States The

et al.
application for bail presented to the Chief Justice, and by him re-
ferred to the Court, is denied.

Certiorari Granted

No. 515. United States et al., petitioners, v. Gifford-Hill- American,

writ of certiorari to the United States Court
Inc., et al. Petition for
of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit granted and case placed on the sum-
mary calendar.
No. 628. Daniel Jay Schacht, petitioner, v. United States. Motion
I for leave to file petition for writ of certiorari out of time granted. Pe-

tition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Fifth Circuit granted and case placed on the summary calendar.
\ Th^ Chief Justice, Mr. Justice Stewart and Mr. Justice White would
deny motion for leave to file petition out of time.

Certiorari Denied

No. 409. James B. Wilkinson, Commonwealth's Attorney for the

City of Richmond, Virginia, et al., petitioners v. Tyrone, Inc., et al.
I and
No. 418. Tyrone, Inc., et al., petitioners, v. James B. Wilkinson,
Commonwealth's Attorneys for the City of Richmond, Virginia, et al.
Petitions for writs of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 421. Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Railway Com-
pany et al., petitioners, v. City of Saint Paul. Petition for writ of cer-
tiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit
No. 462. William Scott, Jr., petitioner, v. The Ohio Citizens Trust
Company. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals of
Ohio, Lucas County, denied.
No. 464. Steven Hamilton et al., petitioners, v. The Municipal
Court for the Berkeley-Albany Judicial District. Petition for writ
of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California, First Appellate
District, denied.

No. 591. Roy Curtis Cleveland, petitioner, v. Illinois. Petition for

writ of certiorari to the Appellate Court of Illinois, Second District,
No. 592. John R, Floyd, petitioner, v. City of Rockford, Illinois.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Appellate Court of Illinois, Sec-
ond District, denied.
MONDAY, DECEMBER 15, 19 69 162

No. 596. Harry K. Illman, petitioner, v. Toledo Bar Association.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Ohio denied.
No. 600. Thomas Bambulas, petitioner, v. Illinois. Petition for
Supreme Court of Illinois denied.
writ of certiorari to the
No. 619. Manchester Band of Porno Indians, Inc., petitioner, v.
Alfonso J. Zirpoli, Judge, United States District Court for the North-
ern District of California. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 622. Emilio Pizzarello, petitioner, v. United States et al.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals

for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 624. Kay Smith Transport Company, petitioner, v. George
P. Shultz, Secretary of Labor, United States Department of Labor.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 626. David H. Farley, petitioner, v.H. Nickell Kramer, etc.,
et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Appeals
of West Virginia denied.
No. 629. Clarence White, South Carolina. Pe-
Jr., petitioner, v.
tition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of South Carolina
No. 631. David Carliner etal., petitioners, v. Commissioner of the

District ofColumbia et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United

States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit denied.
No. 633. Robert J. Muller, Sr., and Frank Muller, petitioners, v.
Oklahoma. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Criminal
Appeals of Oklahoma denied.
No. 634. John Frederick Weersing, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 635. Elizabeth Elaine Craig, etc., petitioner, v. United States
et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 636. City of Newark, petitioner, v. The Port of New York
Authority. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of
New Jersey denied.
No. 638. Leo Crumley, petitioner, v. Tennessee. Petition for writ
of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Tennessee, Middle Division,
No. 640. John J. Scarselletti, petitioner, v. Aetna Casualty &
Surety Company. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court
of Pennsylvania, Eastern District, denied.

390-278—69 40
MONDAY, DECEMBER 15, 19 69 163

No. 166. Maurice H. Sigler, Warden, petitioner, v. Robert William

Losieau. Motion of respondent for leave to proceed in forma pauperis
granted. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Eighth Circuit denied. Dissenting opinion by Mr.
Chief Justice Burger with whom Mr. Justice Stewart joins.
No. 456. Eeies Lopez Tijerina and Jerry Noll, petitoners, v.
United States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit denied. The Chief Justice took
no part in the consideration or decision of this petition.
No. 458. Charles Johnson et al., petitioners, v. Massachusetts. Pe-
Supreme Judicial Court of Massa-
tition for writ of certiorari to the
chusetts denied. Mr. Justice Black and Mr. Justice Douglas are of the
opinion that certiorari should be granted and judgment reversed.
No. 607. The Daily Press, Inc., petitioner, v. United Press Inter-
national etal. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court

of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Black and Mr.
Justice Douglas are of the opinion that certiorari should be granted.
No. 641. United Air Lines, Hilary D. Thomas,
Inc., petitioner, v.
i Court of
as Executrix, etc., et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
Appeals of New York denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion
that certiorari should be granted.
No. 109, Misc. Lee Clyde Lambright, petitioner, v. Walter E.
Craven, Warden, et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 284, Misc. George F. Madkins, petitioner, William I. O'Neil

et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Wisconsin
No. 325, Misc. Donald Henderson, petitioner, v. California. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California, Third
Appellate District, denied.
No. 353, Misc. Richard Joseph Berg, petitioner, v. California.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Appellate Department of the
Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles, denied.
No. 367, Misc. Joseph Kagan, petitioner, v. Merle R. Schneckloth,
Superintendent. Petition for writ of certiorari to the LTnited States
Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 438, Misc. Enoch Dickinson, petitioner, v. Eay D. Bridges,
Sheriff. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 446, Misc. Marvin E. Barnett, James McQueen, Kenneth
Crigler and Juan Franklin, petitioners, v. Arnold E. Pontesso, etc., et
al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals

for the Tenth Circuit denied.

MONDAY, DECEMBER 15, 19 69 164

No. 449, Misc. John Kenyatta, petitioner, v. Virginia. Petition

Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia
for writ of certiorari to the
No. 475, Misc. Frank O. Alonzo, petitioner, v. Board of Com-
Alabama State Bar. Petition for writ of certiorari to
missioners of the
the Supreme Court of Alabama denied.
No. 505, Misc. Jon Carlton and Ann Carlton, petitioners, v. Rich-
ard E. Gerstein, Stated Attorney. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 557, Misc. William Robert Pence, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 569, Misc. In the Matter of Robert Edward Lipscomb, peti-
tioner. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 587, Misc. Thermon Gantt, a.k.a. Gizmo Gantt, petitioner, v.
United States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 648, Misc. Patricia Carnegie, petitioner, v. Connecticut. Peti-
Supreme Court of Connecticut denied.
tion for writ of certiorari to the
No. 663, Misc. Billy George Evans, petitioner, v. California. Peti-
Supreme Court of California denied.
tion for writ of certiorari to the
No. 673, Misc. C. L. Moss, petitioner, v. United States. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Third Circuit denied.
No. 725, Misc. Charles F. Ferrara, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Third Circuit denied.
No. 736, Misc. Edward Withridge, petitioner, v. New York. Pe-
tition for writ of certiorari to the Appellate Term of the Supreme
Court of New York, First Judicial Department, denied.
No. 794, Misc. Marion Dean Johnson, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 862, Misc. James H. Williams, petitioner, v. J. D. Cox, Super-
intendent, Virginia State Penitentiary. Petition for writ of cer-
tiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit
No. 876, Misc. Franklin M. Archie, petitioner, v. New Mexico.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Tenth Circuit denied.
MONDAY, DECEMBER 15, 19 69 165

No. 924, Misc. Gerald E. Gowdy, petitioner, v. Ralph H. Tahash,

Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Min-
nesota denied.
No. 964, Misc. Gilmer C. Swain, petitioner, v. North Carolina.Pe-
tition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 965, Misc. Robert E. Garner, petitioner, v. Florida. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Florida denied.
No. 985, Misc. Robert Bee Hutchinson, petitioner, v. California.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of California
No. 990, Misc. Americo Lluveras, petitioner, v. New York. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the Appellate Division of the Supreme
Court of New York, First Judicial Department, denied.
No. 1042, Misc. Willie Dozie, petitioner, v. Wisconsin. Petition
Supreme Court of Wisconsin denied.
for writ of certiorari to the
No. 1043, Misc. Albert Mintzer, petitioner, v. John T. Deegan,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Appellate Division of
the Supreme Court of New York, Second Judicial Department, denied.
No. 1046, Misc. Elvin Graham, petitioner, v. United States. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the District of Columbia Circuit denied.
No. 1047, Misc. Charles Alston, petitioner, v. Harold WT Follette,

Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court

of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1068, Misc. Robert Jewell Landman, petitioner, v. United
States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1077, Misc. John Joseph Heslip, petitioner, v. New Jersey.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Third Circuit denied.
No. 1086, Misc. Luis Morales, petitioner, v. Walter E. Craven,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.

No. 1089, Misc. Fred Hallowell, petitioner, v. Louis Nelson, War-

den. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Cali-
fornia denied.
No. 1135, Misc. William B. Scanlan, petitioner, v. H. V. Field. Pe-
United States Court of Appeals
tition for writ of certiorari to the
for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1141, Misc. Dale Leroy Daniels, petitioner, v. Louis S. Nelson,
Warden, et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
MONDAY, DECEMBER 15, 19 69 166

No. 1142, Misc. Marion Stevenson, petitioner, v. Vincent R. Man-

cusi, Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 636, Misc. Jerry Paul Pritchard, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fourth Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion
that certiorari should be granted.

Leave To File Petitions for Writs or Habeas Corpus Denied

No. 1162, Misc. Louis Sogoian, petitioner, v. Walter E. Craven,

No. 1182, Misc. David Joseph Rawls, petitioner, v. Olin G. Black-
well, Warden;
No. 1216, Misc. Robert Edd Loney, petitioner, v. L. V. Brewer,
No. 1251, Misc. Orville Gene Vinson, petitioner, v. Arizona et al.;
No. 1253, Misc. David Howard Collins, petitioner, v. United
States. Motions for leave to file petitions for writs of habeas corpus

Leave To File Petition for Writ of Mandamus Denied

No. 988, Misc. Frank Waltz, petitioner, v. John F. Davis. Motion

for leave to file petition for writ of mandamus denied.

Rehearing Denied

No. 748, October Term, 1968. Thornton A. Jenkins, petitioner,

v. Delaware. Petition for rehearing denied. The Chief Justice took
1 no part in the consideration or decision of this petition.

Adjourned until Monday, January 12, 1970, at 10 o'clock.

The day call for Monday, January 12, 1970, will be as follows:
Nos. 74, 84, 104, and 231.



Present: Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice
Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice Stew-
art, Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice Marshall.

No. 944. Kobert Carter et al., petitioners, v. West Feliciana Parish

School Board et al. The motion for emergency reconsideration of
granting of injunctive order is denied.

390-278—69 41
MONDAY, JANUARY 12, 1970 168


Present Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice

Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice Stew-
art, Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice Marshall.

Admissions to the Bar

Don Michael Anthony, of Pasadena, Calif., Donald Hamilton Nor-

man, of Fort Lauderdale, Fla., A. T. Walsh, of Chicago, 111., John E.
Fielding, of Chicago, 111., and Fredric Mendelsohn, of Milwaukee,
Wise, on motion of Mr. Solicitor General Erwin N. Griswold Charles

Kinney Cranston, of Anchorage, Alaska, on motion of Mr. Howard

W. Pollock; David M. Butowsky, of Laurel, Md., on motion of Mr.
Walter P. North; Dino De Concini, of Tucson, Ariz., and Dennis De
Concini, of Tucson, Ariz., on motion of Mr. Stewart L. Udall; Sam-
uel Newman, of Boston, Mass., on motion of Mr. George Kaufmann ;

James P. Shea, of Buffalo, N.Y., on motion of Mr. William Foley;

Robert T. Boyd, of Forest Hills, N.Y., and Joseph F. Ryan, Jr., of
Levittown, N. Y., on motion of Mr. Russell Taylor Weil George Nel-

son Van Fleet, Jr., of Philadelphia, Pa., on motion of Mr. George

Nelson Van Fleet John J. Sullivan, of New York, N.Y., and Alfred

A. Lohne, of New York, N.Y., on motion of Mr. Daniel Hutten-

brauck; Sesto Enrico Vecehi, of Canandaigua, N.Y., on motion of
Mr. James F. Sams; George B. WikofT, of Port Arthur, Tex., on
motion of Mr. Eugene Francis Peters Dennis Thomas Koromzay, of

Washington, D.C., and Walter Bruce Laessig, of Chevy Chase, Md.,

on motion of Mr. Isaiah Guyman Martin; Lawrence M. Cohen, of
Evanston, 111., on motion of Mr. Gerard C. Smetana Richard Allan

Ellison, of Syracuse, N.Y., on motion of Mr. Josel Joseph Rabin;

John Marshall Wellborn, of New York, N.Y., on motion of Mr. H.
Douglas Weaver; Charles D. Sheldon, of Long Beach, Calif., on mo-
tion of Mr. Sideny A. Cherniss, Jr. Donald Leonard Horowitz, of

Washington, D.C., on motion of Mr. Ralph Adam Fine; Edmond G.

Psaltis of Rockville, Md., on motion of Mr. Dermont Michael Owens

Peter Lucian Constantino, of Waterbury, Conn., and F. Patrick
Zailikas, of Waterbury, Conn., on motion of Mr. Vincent J. Fuller;
and Gwendolyn B. Crockett, of Baton Rouge, La., and Doris Falken-
heiner, of Baton Rouge, La., on motion of Miss Lillian C. McLaurin,
were admitted to practice.

390-278—70 42

MONDAY, JANUARY 12, 197 0 169

The Chief Justice said:

"Today's orders of the Court have been certified by the Chief Jus-
tice, filed with the Clerk, and will not be announced orally."

Opinions Per Curiam

No. 100. New York, appellant, v. United States et al. Appeal from
the United States District Court for the Northern District of New
York and ;

No. 520. City of Sheridan et al., appellants v. United States et al.

Appeal from the United States District Court for the District of
Wyoming. The motions to affirm are granted and the judgments are
affirmed. Opinion per curiam.

No. 656. American Smelting and Refining Company, appellant v.

The County of Contra Costa et al. Appeal from the Court of Appeal of
California, First Appellate District. The motion to dismiss is granted
and the appeal is dismissed for want of a substantial federal question.
Opinion per curiam.
No. 662. Joseph Bonomo and Leonard A. Civill, appellants, v.
Ernest C. Jones. Appeal from the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania,
Western District. The motion to dismiss is granted and the appeal is
dismissed for want of jurisdiction. Treating the papers whereon the
appeal was taken as a petition for writ of certiorari, certiorari is de-
nied. Opinion per curiam.

No. 681. Jerome Fishkin et al., appellants, v. United States Civil

Service Commission et Appeal from the United States District

Court for the Northern District of California. The appeal is dismissed

for failure to docket the case within the time prescribed by Rule 13.
Opinion per curiam' Mr. Justice Black and Mr. Justice Douglas are of
the opinion that probable jurisdiction should be noted.
No. 703. Local 1497, National Federation of Federal Employees,
et al.,appellants, v. City and County of Denver et al. Appeal from
the United States District Court of the District of Colorado. The mo-
tion to dismiss is granted and the appeal is dismissed for want of juris-
diction. Opinion per curiam.
No. 706. In the Matter of Paul R. Reed, appellant. Appeal from
the Supreme Court of Delaware. The motion to dismiss is granted and
the appeal is dismissed for want of a substantial federal question.
Opinion per curiam.
No. 714. Jack R. SAvain Board of Adjustment
et al., appellants, v.
I of the City of University Park, Texas, et Appeal from the Court

of Civil Appeals of Texas, Fifth Supreme Judicial District. The mo-
tion to dismiss is granted and the appeal is dismissed for want of juris-
diction. Treating the papers whereon the appeal was taken as a peti-
tion for writ of certiorari, certiorari is denied. Opinion per curiam.
MONDAY, JANUARY 12, 19 70 170

No. 715. Nancy P. Lyon, appellant, v. Houston I. Flournoy, as

Controller of the State of California, et al. Appeal from the Court of
Appeal of California, Third Appellate District. The appeal is dis-
missed for want of a substantial federal question. Opinion per curiam.
No. 722. Michael Schiavone & Sons, Inc., appellant, v. United
States.Appeal from the United States District Court for the District
of Massachusetts. The motion to dismiss is granted and the appeal is
dismissed for want of jurisdiction. Opinion per curiam.
No. 738. Bryce U. Graham, appellant, v. Alabama. Appeal from
the Court ofAppeals of Alabama. The motion to dismiss is granted
and the appeal is dismissed for want of jurisdiction. Treating the
papers whereon the appeal was taken as a petition for writ of certi-
orari, certiorari is denied. Opinion per curiam.
No. 741. The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company,
et al., v. United States et al. Appeal from the United States
District Court for the Northern District of Illinois. The motions to
affirm are granted and the judgment is affirmed. Opinion per curiam.
No. 748. John Schwegmann, Jr., appellant, v. The Louisiana Sta-
dium and Expedition District, et al. Appeal from the Supreme Court
of Louisiana. The motion to dismiss is granted and the appeal is dis-
missed for want of jurisdiction. Treating the papers whereon the
appeal was taken as a petition for writ of certiorari, certiorari is de-
nied. Opinion per curiam.

No. 787, Misc. Ex parte Jeanne Carrington, petitioner-appellant.

Appeal from and on petition for writ of certiorari to the Appellate
Division of the Supreme Court of New York, First Judicial Depart-
ment. The motion to dismiss is granted and the appeal is dismissed for
want of jurisdiction. Petition for writ of certiorari denied. Opinion
per curiam.
No. 897, Misc. Philip S. Ariel, appellant, v. Massachusetts. Appeal
from the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts. The motion to
dismiss is granted and the appeal is dismissed for want of jurisdiction.
Treating the papers whereon the appeal was taken as a petition for
writ of certiorari, certiorari is denied. Opinion per curiam. Mr. Jus-
tice Douglas is of the opinion that certiorari should be granted.

No. 974, Misc. Gilbert A. Sanchez, appellant, v. New Mexico. Ap-

peal from the Supreme Court of New Mexico. The motion to dismiss
is granted and the appeal is dismissed for want of a substantial federal
question. Opinion per curiam.
No. 1123, Misc. Carol Doyle et al., appellants, v. Thomas J.
O'Brien, Chief of Police of Somerville, Massachusetts, et al. Appeal
from the United States District Court for the District of Massachu-
The motion to affirm is granted and the judgment is affirmed.

Opinion per curiam.

MONDAY, JANUARY 12, 19 70 171

Orders in Pending Cases

No. John Michael Coffey, petitioner, v. Walter E. Craven,


Warden. The petition for reconsideration of the denial of bail by Mr.

Justice Douglas, and by him referred to the Court, is denied.
No. . Gerald E. Signorelli, petitioner, v. Andrew T. Malleck. The
application for a restraining order presented to Mr. Justice Douglas,
and by him referred to the Court, is denied.
No. 74. Clifford Taggart et al., petitioners, v. Weinackers, Inc.
The motions of the American Retail Federation and the Homart De- ;

velopment Company for leave to file briefs, as amicus curiae, are

No. 53. Sara Baird, petitioner, v. State Bar of Arizona and ;

No. 75. In the Matter of the Application of Martin Robert Stolar,

petitioner. These cases are restored to the calendar for reargument.

No. 230. H. K. Porter Company, Inc., etc., petitioner, v. National

Labor Relations Board et al. The motion of the United Steelworkers
of America for leave to participate in the oral argument is granted
and 15 minutes are allotted for that purpose. An additional 15 min-
utes is allotted to counsel for the petitioner. Mr. Justice Marshall took
no part in the consideration or decision of this motion.
No. 234. Henry J. Czosek et al., petitioners, v. John R. O'Mara
et al. The motion of the respondents for permission for two attorneys

to participate in the oral argument is granted.

No. 300. James Tooahimpah Tate et al., petitioners, v. Walter J.

Ilickel,Secretary of the Interior for the United States, et al. The
motion of Richard B. Stone for leave to argue pro hac vice is granted.
The motion of respondent, Dorita High Horse, to remove this case
from the summary calendar is denied. However, 15 additional minutes
are allotted to each side in this case.
No. 692. The Public Service Commission of Wyoming et al., peti-
tioners, v. Tri-State Generation & Transmission Association, Inc. The
Solicitor General is invited to file a brief, expressing the views of the
United States.
No. 730. Archie William Hill, Jr., petitioner, v. California. The
motion for the appointment of counsel is granted and it is ordered
that Joseph Amato, Esquire, of Palos Yerdes Estates, California, be,
and he is hereby, appointed to serve as counsel for the petitioner in
this case.

Appeals —Jurisdiction Noted

No. 696. Law

Students Civil Rights Research Council, Inc., et al.,
appellants, v. Lowell Wadmond et al. Appeal from the United States
District Court for the Southern District of New York. In this case
MONDAY, JANUARY 12, 19 70 172

probable jurisdiction noted. Case placed on the summary calendar

and set for oral argument immediately following- No. 75.

No. 726. Charlene Mitchell et al., appellants, v. Joseph L. Dono-

van, etc., et al. Appeal from the United States District Court for the

District of Minnesota. In this case probable jurisdiction noted and

case placed on the summary calendar. Mr. Justice Harlan is of the
opinion that further consideration of the question of jurisdiction
should be postponed to the hearing of the case on the merits.

Certiorari Granted

No. 387. California, petitioner, v. John Anthony Green. Motion of

respondent for leave to proceed in forma pauperis granted. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of California granted and
case placed on the summary calendar.
No. 661. Hellenic Lines Limited et al., petitioners, v. Zacharias
Ehoditis. Motion of The Royal Greek Government for leave to file
a brief, as amicus curiae, granted. Motion of the Union of Greek Ship-
owners et al., for leave to file a brief, as amici curiae, granted. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to theUnited States Court of Appeals for
the Fifth Circuit and case placed on the summary calendar.
No. 678. James G. Nash et al., petitioners, v. LTnited States. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to theUnited States Court of Appeals for
the Fifth Circuit granted and case placed on the summary calendar.
No. 768. The Boys Markets, Inc., petitioner, v. Retail Clerk's
Union, Local 770. Petition for writ of certiorari to the LTnited States
Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit granted and case placed on
the summary calendar.
Certiorari Denied

No. 242. Albert Perez, petitioner, v. California. Petition for writ

of certiorari to theSupreme Court of California denied.
No. 379. William Dennis Lemke, petitioner, v. City of Newport
News, Virginia. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court
of Appeals of Virginia denied.
No. 504. William Donaldson, petitioner, v. Illinois. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the Appellate Court of Illinois, First District,
No. 567. William O. Mettler and Eleanor Mettler, petitioners, v.
California. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of
California, Fourth Appellate District, denied.
No. 627. Dorwin Marine, petitioner, v. United States. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Seventh Circuit denied.

390-278—70 13
MONDAY, JANUARY 12, 1970 173

No. 643. Vincent J. Frilette and Paul B. Weisz, petitioners, v.

Charles Newton Kimberlin, Jr., et al. Petition for writ of certiorari
to the United States Court of Customs and Patent Appeals denied.

No. 644. Southern Bailway Company, petitioner, v. City of Knox-

ville. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Ten-
nessee, Eastern Division, denied.

No. 645. Sydney N. Floersheim, etc., petitioner, v. Federal Trade

Commission. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 646. Arizona ex rel. Edgar Merrill, Sheriff of Apache County,
petitioner, v. Wayne Turtle, Sr. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 648. Hammond Milling Company et al., petitioners, v.United
States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 650, The Human Engineering Institute, Inc., petitioner, v. the
Welch Scientific Company. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 651. First National Bank of Lincolnwood, petitioner, v. Car-
roll et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 652. Penrod Drilling Company, petitioner, v. Sam H. John-
son et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 657. Fred N. Acker, petitioner, v. United States. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 658. Local No. 380, International Union, Allied Industrial
Workers of America, AFL-CIO, petitioner, v. National Labor Rela-
tionsBoard et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 659. Robert Cerrito, petitioner, v. United States. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 660. Hyman R. Weiner, petitioner, v. Cuyahoga Community
College District et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme
Court of Ohio denied.
No. 665. Brush-Moore Newspapers, Inc., dba The Portsmouth
Times, petitioner, v. National Labor Relations Board. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 667. Patton Manufacturing Company et al., petitioners, v.
Everett W. Kimerling, Trustee in Bankruptcy for Patton Manufac-
MONDAY, JANUARY 12, 19 70 174

luring Company, Bankrupt. Petition for writ of certiorari to the

United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 671. Presto Manufacturing Company, petitioner, v. National
Labor Relations Board et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit
Xo. 673. Glen and Mohawk Milk Association, Inc., petitioner, v.
Don J. Wickham, etc. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of
Appeals of New York denied.
Xo. 680. Kurt Fiedler, petitioner, v. Xew York. Petition for writ
of certiorari to the Court of Appeals of Xew York denied.
Xo. 682. General Electric Company, petitioner, v. National Labor
Relations Board et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Linked
States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit denied.
Markham Advertising Company, Inc., et al., petitioners,
Xo. 684.
v.George D. Zahn et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Ignited
States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
Xo. 685. James Leo Harris, Jr., petitioner, v. Pennsylvania Turn-
pike Commission. Petition for writ of certiorari to the LTnited States
Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit denied.
Xo. 686. Cyril Maxwell Bugden, petitioner, v. Mary Jean C. Bug-
den. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Georgia
Xo. 689. Wayne Boyles, petitioner, v. Mississippi. Petition for writ
of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Mississippi denied.

Xo. 690. James Talcott, Inc., petitioner, v. Ivor B. Clark Co., Inc.,
et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Lmited States Court of
Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
Xo. 691. Earl S. Baird, petitioner, v. Lmited States, Petition for
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Sec-
ond Circuit denied.
Xo. 695. Ana Sirbu and Elena Sirbu Maniu, petitioners, v. Jennie
Sirbu. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Ohio
Xo. 697. Eleanor G. Morton et al., partners t/a Pennbrook Milk
Company, petitioners, v. National Dairy Products Corporation. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Third Circuit denied.
No. 698. John J. Scott et al., petitioners, v. United States. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Seventh Circuit denied.
MONDAY, JANUARY 12, 19 70 175

No. 699. Joseph Anthony Licansi, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-

tition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 700. The Bassick Company et al., petitioners, v. David E. Blake
et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Ap-
peals for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 702. A. H. Belo Corporation (WFAA-TV;, petitioner, v.
National Labor Belations Board. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the Firth Circuit denied.
No. 704. James S. Pyle, Jr., petitioner, v. Ohio. Petition for writ
Supreme Court of Ohio denied.
of certiorari to the
No. 707. Pennaluna and Company, Inc., et al., petitioners, v. Se-
curities and Exchange Commission. Petition for writ of certiorari to
the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 708. Eobert Sacks, petitioner, v. United States. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 709. Freddie Thomas, Jr., petitioner, v. Peterson Marine Serv-
ice, Inc. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 710. First National City Bank of New York, petitioner, v.
American Fire and Casualty Company. Petition for writ of certiorari
to the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit denied.

No. 711. W. P. Taylor et al., petitioners, v. Dealers Transport

Company et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 712. George L. Smith, petitioner, v. United States. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 716. John E. Leslie et ux., petitioners, v. Commissioner of
Internal Eevenue. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 717. Central of Georgia Eailway Company, petitioner, v.
Brotherhood of Eailroad Trainmen et al. Petition for writ of certiorari
to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.

No. 718. Iris S. Bessman and David S. Bessman, d.b.a. Bessman

Insurance Agency, petitioners v. Jesse E. Bacalis. Petition for writ of
! certiorari to theSupreme Court of Michigan denied.
No. 719. John A. Wright et ux., petitioners, v. Dade County. Pe-
tition for writ of certiorari to the District Court of Appeal of Florida,
Third District, denied.
MONDAY, JANUARY 12, 19 70 176

No. 720. Herman Bauer, petitioner, v. Stern Finance Company

et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Iowa
No. 721. John S. Wynn, Jr., et ux., petitioners, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Third Circuit denied.
No. 723. Archie L. Wainwright, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-
United States Court of Appeals for
tition for writ of certiorari to the
the Tenth Circuit denied.
No. 724. James Theodore Swindler, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 733. Merchants National Bank and Trust Company of Indian-
apolis, petitioner, v. Professional Men's Association, Inc., et al. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 734. White Consolidated Industries, Inc., petitioner, v. Allis-
Chalmers Manufacturing Company. Petition for writ of certiorari to
the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit denied.
No. 740. Mike Cantrell, petitioner, v. City of Oklahoma City. Pe-
Court of Criminal Appeals of Okla-
tition for writ of certiorari to the
homa denied.
No. 744. Dorothy H. Eossi, petitioner, v. Earl A. Fletcher. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
District of Columbia Circuit denied.
No. 745. Cox's Food Center, Inc., petitioner, v. Eetail Clerks Union,
Local No. 1653, et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme
Court of Idaho denied.
No. 747. Melvin Andre Taylor, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-
United States Court of Appeals for
tition for writ of certiorari to the
the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 750. Gerson Nagelberg, petitioner, v. United States. Petition
United States Court of Appeals for the
for writ of certiorari to the
Second Circuit denied.
No. 751. Frank Mazzochi, Jr., petitioner, v. New York. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court
of New York, First Judicial Department, denied.
No. 754. Polymers, Inc., petitioner, v. National Labor Belations
Board. Petition for writ of certiorari to the- LTnited States Court of
Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 755, Minneapolis Park Board, petitioner, v. Minnesota. Pe-
tition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Minnesota denied.

390-278—70 44
MONDAY, JANUARY 12, 1970 177

No. 757. John S. Carroll, petitioner, v. United States District

Court for the District of Colorado. Petition for writ of certiorari to
the United States Court of Appeal for the Tenth Circuit denied.
No. 758. Joel Rubin, petitioner, v. United States. Petition for writ
of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Cir-
cuit denied.

No. 759. Public Service Company of Indiana, Inc., et al., petition-

David A. Hamil, Administrator of the Rural Electrification Ad-
ers, v.
ministration, et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 763. Indianola Municipal Separate School District et al., pe-
United States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
titioners, v.
States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 764. Fowler Manufacturing Company, petitioner, v. H. H.
Gorlick, et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States

Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.

No. 765. Arturo Ortiz Toro, petitioner, v. Julio E. Geraldino, Inc.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Puerto Rico
No. 769. Thomas D. Wyatt, petitioner, v. Carl Hocker, Warden.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 822. Herbert Basan, petitioner, v. United States
No. 825. Harry P. Hutul, petitioner, v. United States and ;

No. 826. Vito Lombardi, petitioner, v. United States Petitions

for writs of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 26. Russell Allen et al., petitioners, v. Clifford H. Hardin,
Secretary of Agriculture, et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Cir-
cuit denied. The Chief Justice and Mr. Justice Marshall took no part
in the consideration or decision of this petition.

No. 160. John T. Hopper and Joe A. Woodward, petitioners, v.

Louisiana. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of
Louisiana denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion that certiorari
should be granted.
No. 546. David H. Heine, petitioner, v. New Hampshire. Petition
for writ of certiorari to theSupreme Court of New Hampshire denied.
Mr. J ustice Douglas is of the opinion that certiorari should be granted.
No. 653. Betty Lou Jones, petitioner, v. City of Birmingham. Pe-
Court of Appeals of Alabama denied.
tition for writ of certiorari to the
Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion that certiorari should be granted.
MONDAY, JANUARY 12, 19 70 178

No. 668. Timothy J. Boroski, petitioner, v. United States. Petition

for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Sixth Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion that
certiorari should be granted.
No. 766. Joseph P. Kauffman, petitioner, v. Secretary of the Air
Force. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit denied. Mr. Justice
Douglas is of the opinion that certiorari should be granted.
No. 420. J. Edward Jones, petitioner, v. Evelyn S. Jones et al.
Motion to dispense with printing petition granted. Petition for writ
of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh
Circuit denied.
No. 639. Leon Berkman, petitioner, v. United States. Motion to
dispense with printing petition granted. Petition for writ of certiorari
to the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 495. Louie L. Wainwright, Director, Division of Corrections,
Florida, Petitioner v. William L. Barton. Motion of respondent for
leave to proceed in forma pauperis granted. Petition for writ of cer-
tiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit
No. 647. Noel Hunt McKoberts,
petitioner, v. United States. Peti-
United States Court of Appeals for
tion for writ of certiorari to the
the Ninth Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Marshall took no part in the
consideration or decision of this petition.
No. 693. Arnold F. Habig and Jerome M. Schroering, petitioner,
v.United States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Marshall
took no part in the consideration or decision of this petition.
No. 739. Z. T. Osborn, Jr., petitioner, v. United States. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth
Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Marshall took no part in the consideration
or decision of this petition.
No. 669. John Buffalo, Mahoning County Bar
Jr., petitioner, v.
Association. Motion and appendix in No. 73, October
to use record
Term, 1967, granted. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme
Court of Ohio denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion that cer-
teriorari should be granted. Mr. Justice Stewart took no part in the
consideration or decision of this motion and petition.
No. 674. Henry I. Siegel Co., Inc., petitioner, v. National Labor
Relations Board et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit denied.
The Chief Justice took no part in the consideration or decision of this
MONDAY, JANUARY 12, 19 70 179

No. 752. Harold Matzner and Dorothe Matzner, petitioners, v. Gor-

don H. Brown, Jr., etc. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit denied. Mr. Justice
Brennan took no part in the consideration or decision of this petition.
No. 63, Misc. Cecil Moore, petitioner, v. California. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of California denied.
No. 124, Misc. Glenn R. Bryant, petitioner, v. California. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of California denied.
No. 151, Misc. Robert Henry Wane, petitioner, v. California. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of California denied.
No. 162, Misc. Jack Lee Park, petitioner, v. California Adult Au-
thority et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 217, Misc. Harold A. Vaughn, petitioner, v. California. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California, Fourth
Judicial District, denied.
No. 259, Misc. Louis Samuel Cotton, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Tenth Circuit denied.
No. 515, Misc. Charles Earnest Nicholls, petitioner, v. Illinois.
Supreme Court of Illinois denied.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the
No. 551, Misc. Roscoe Brown, aka Sam Morris, petitioner, v.
LTnited States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 672, Misc. Abner Junior Stephens, petitioner, v. Virginia. Peti-
Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia
tion for writ of certiorari to the
No. 726, Misc. Ronald J. Rakshys, petitioner, v. Pennsylvania.
Supreme Court of Pennsylvania,
Petition for writ of certiorari to the
Eastern District, denied.
No. 748, Misc. George Chromiak, petitioner, v. Harold V. Field.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 770, Misc. Aclolfo Madrid, petitioner, v. Arizona. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals of Arizona denied.
No. 777, Misc. Donald A. Broadhead, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Seventh Circuit denied.

No. 799, Misc. Donald Forrest Williams, petitioner, v. United

States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
MONDAY, JANUARY 12, 19 70 180

No. 804, Misc. Hilda Oblatore, petitioner, v. Albert Kobert Brau-

ner. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of

Appeals for the Eighth Circuit denied.
No. 809, Misc. Kichard Black, petitioner, v. United States. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 831, Misc. Loy Lavator Baker, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 840, Misc. Marcelo Vivero and Cef erino Gordon, petitioners,
v.United States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 872, Misc. Charles Kuble Sisk, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-
United States Court of Appeals for
tition for writ of certiorari to the
the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 874, Misc. Joseph Swift, petitioner, v. New York. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of
New York, Second Judicial Department, denied.
No. 888, Misc. Andrew Green, petitioner, v. Frank J. Pate,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 918, Misc. Thomas Owen Norman, United
Jr., petitioner, v.
States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 935, Misc. James Joseph Culotta, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 939, Misc. Anthony Brill et al., petitioners, v. Ohio. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Ohio denied.
No. 951, Misc. William Anthony, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-
United States Court of Appeals for
tition for writ of certiorari to the
the Third Circuit denied.
No. 966, Misc. Norman Allen Gibson, petitioner, v. Washington.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Washington
No. 967, Misc. Troy Lee Webb, petitioner, v. George J. Beto, Di-
rector,Texas Department of Corrections. Petition for writ of certi-
orari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit
No. 968, Misc. Fred C. Ronstadt, petitioner, v. California. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California, Sec-
ond Appellate District, denied.
MONDAY, JANUARY 12, 19 70 181

No. 972, Misc. Douglas Morrill Kelley, petitioner, v. United States.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 973, Misc. Walter William Johnson, petitioner, v. United
States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 982, Misc. Dwight Jaegers, petitioner, v. California. Petition
\ for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California, Second
Appellate District, denied.
No. 983, Misc. John Paul Smith, petitioner, v. California. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California, Second
Appellate District, denied.
No. 986, Misc. Nathan Elmont Eli, petitioner, v. California. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of California denied.
No. 994, Misc. Wayne G. v. United States. Peti-
Marvel, petitioner,
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 996, Misc. Milton Tellis, petitioner, v. Carl Hocker, Warden.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1003, Misc. Philip B. Chambers and Gladys Chambers, peti-
Company. Petition for writ of certiorari
tioners, v. Colonial Pipeline
i to the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 1004, Misc. Herbert D. Stevens, petitioner, v. Louis Nelson,
Warden, et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1008, Misc. Anthony F. Maroscia, petitioner, v. The Dispatch
Printing Co. et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 1011, Misc. Ellis Eaton, petitioner, v. United States. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Eighth Circuit denied.
No. 1013, Misc. Floyd Leroy Laughlin, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1023, Misc. Howard Allen Logan, petitioner, v. New York.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals of New York
No. 1025, Misc. Robert James Miller and Peter Wiljo Jarvi, pe-
Louisiana. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme
titioners, v.
Court of Louisiana denied.
MONDAY, JANUARY 12, 1970 182

No. 1026, Misc. Stephen Conover, petitioner, v. Ross E. Herolcl,

M.D., Director, Dannemora State Hospital. Petition for writ of cer-
tiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit
No. 1028, Misc. Marvin Phillips, petitioner, v. California. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California, Second
Appellate District, denied.
No. 1029, Misc. John Lee Arnold, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-
tition for writ of certiorari to theUnited States Court of Appeals
for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1031, Misc. Richard Owens, Jr., petitioner, v. New Jersey.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of New Jersey
No. 1033, Misc. William Joseph Cooper and Robert Paul Murfitt,
petitioners v.New Jersey. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Su-
preme Court New Jersey denied.
No. 1036, Misc. Frances O. Warriner, petitioner, v. Marilyn Fer-
nandez, etc., et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the District Court

of Appeal of Florida, Third District, denied.

No. 1039, Misc. George D. Rogers, petitioner, v. California Adult
Authority et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court
of California denied.
No. 1040, Misc. Kelsey D. Bartlett, Guardian, etc., petitioner, v.
Thomas Hollopeter. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme
Court of Ohio denied.
No. 1041, Misc. Joseph Weldon Roberts, petitioner, v. Alaska. Pe-
Supreme Court of Alaska denied.
tition for writ of certiorari to the

No. 1044, Misc. Samuel Corrado and Dorothy Corrado, petition-


ers, v.Providence Redevelopment Agency et al. Petition for writ of

certiorari to the Supreme Court of Rhode Island denied.

No. 1056, Misc. Eleanor Lee, petitioner, v. United States. Petition

for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 1057, Misc. James Raymond Neal, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1058, Misc. Steve Czako, petitioner, v. James F. Maroney,
Superintendent. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit denied.
No. 1065, Misc. Richard Holland, petitioner, v. Ira M. Coiner,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of
Appeals of West Virginia denied.
MONDAY, JANUARY 12, 1970 183

No. 1067, Misc. William Smith, Jr., petitioner, v. Louis S. Nelson,

Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1070, Misc. Oscar Floyd Wharton, petitioner, v. Sherman H.
Crouse, Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit denied.
No. 1071, Misc. Bunchie White, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-
United States Court of Appeals for
tition for writ of certiorari to the
the Tenth Circuit denied.
No. 1072, Misc. Winfield H. Lyon, Jr., petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 1073, Misc. Mickey Joe McAlvain, petitioner, v. Arizona. Pe-
Supreme Court of Arizona denied.
tition for writ of certiorari to the

No. 1075, Misc. Billy W. Stephens, petitioner, v. H. V. Field, Su-

perintendent. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1081, Misc. Petronila Gabriel et vir, petitioners, v. Immigra-
tionand Naturalization Service. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 1082, Misc. Lewis E. Johnson, petitioner, v. Thomas Sard,
D.C. Board of Parole, et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit denied.
No. 1083, Misc. Louis Ortega, petitioner, v. Superior Court of Cali-
fornia,County of Los Angeles. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
Supreme Court of California denied.
I No. 1084, Misc. George G. Gross, petitioner, v. Walter E. Craven,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1087, Misc. Nancy Mitchell, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-
tition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 1088, Misc. Willie Charles Hill, petitioner, v. Walter E.
Craven, Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1090, Misc. Lewis Thomas Rogers, North
Jr., petitioner, v.
Carolina. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of North
Carolina denied.
No. 1093, Misc. Robert Hamilton, petitioner, v. Alabama. Peti-
United States Court of Appeals for
tion for writ of certiorari to the
the Fifth Circuit denied.
MONDAY, JANUARY 12, 19 70 184

No. 1099, Misc. Dwight Boone, etc., et a!., petitioners, v. George

K. Wyman, Commissioner, etc., et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to
the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1100, Misc. James A. Haynes, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-
United States Court of Appeals for
tition for writ of certiorari to the
the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 1104, Misc. William Joseph McGurrin, petitioner, v. John
Shovlin, Superintendent, Fairview State Hospital, et al. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Third
Circuit denied.
No. 1106, Misc. Michael Chupich, petitioner, v. Illinois. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 1109, Misc. William Francis Collins, petitioner, v. United
States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 1114, Misc. Ramiro Reyes, Jr., petitioner, v. California. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California, Second
Appellate District, denied.
No. 1115, Misc. John Ronald Blankenship, petitioner, v. Willard
Norvell, Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 1117, Misc. Johnny Lee Anthony, petitioner, v. New York.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Appellate Division of the Supreme
Court of New York, Fourth Judicial Department, denied.
No. 1119, Misc. Russell Walters, petitioner, v. J. D. Cox, Superin-
tendent, Virginia State Penitentiary. Petition for writ of certiorari to
the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 1120, Misc. Joseph Saunders, petitioner, v. Michigan Parole
Board. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Michi-
gan denied.
No. 1121, Misc. Charles E. Evans, petitioner, v. H. C. Cupp, War-
den. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Ap-
peals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1122, Misc. Earnest Edward Newlin, petitioner, v. Superior
Court of Arizona, County of Maricopa, et al. Petition for writ of
certiorari to the Supreme Court of Arizona denied.
No. 1125, Misc. Harry Rogers, petitioner, v. Wilbur J. Schmidt,
Secretary, Wisconsin Department of Health & Social Services. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Seventh Circuit denied.
MONDAY, JANUARY 12, 19 70 185

No. 1127, Misc. Edward Blake Taylor, petitioner, v. Elmer O.

Cady, Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court
of Wisconsin denied.
No. 1128, Misc. Raymond E. Johns, petitioner, v. Louis S. Nelson,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1130, Misc. Wallace Dean Cline, petitioner, y. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 1131, Mise. Ben Brown, petitioner, y. R. W. Keith. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Eighth Circuit denied.
No. 1134, Misc. Sam Gilmore, petitioner, y. Walter E. Craven,

Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of

Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1136, Misc. Warren Gabriel Huskey, petitioner, y. Walter E.
Craven, Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1143, Misc. James F. Grix, petitioner, v. Ross E. Herold, Di-
rector, Dannemora State Hospital. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1145, Misc. Richard X. Rountree, petitioner, v. California. Pe-
tition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California, Sec-
ond Appellate District, denied.
Xo. 1148, Misc. Josh McDaniels, petitioner, v. California. Petition
Court of Appeal of California, Second
for writ of certiorari to the
Appellate District, denied.
Xo. 1153, Misc. Henry A. Parrish, petitioner, v. George J. Beto,
Director, Texas Department of Corrections. Petition for writ of cer-
tiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit
Xo. 1157, Misc. Earl F. Mink, petitioner, y. W. Wallace Kent,
Judge. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
Xo. 1160, Misc. William Cagle, Jr., petitioner, v. P. J. Ciccone,
Director, U.S. Medical Center for Federal Prisoners. Petition for writ
of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth
Circuit denied.
Xo. 1233, Misc. Raymond Seward, Jr., petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fourth Circuit denied.
MONDAY, JANUARY 12, 19 70 186

No. 1242, Misc. Earl F. Mink, petitioner, v. Gns Harrison, Direc-

tor of Michigan Corrections. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 1257, Misc. Harvey Hamilton Flemming, petitioner, v. Louie
L. Wainwright, Director, Division of Corrections. Petition for writ of
certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit
No. 1276, Misc. Antony Pergolizzi et ah, petitioners, v. New Jer-
writ of certiorari to the Superior Court of New Jersey,
sey. Petition for
Appellate Division, denied.
No. 11, Misc. Albert Haden, petitioner,
v. United States. Petition
United States Court of Appeals for the
for writ of certiorari to the
Seventh Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion that
certiorari should be granted.
No. 20, Misc. Robert L. Smith, petitioner, v. United States. Peti-

tion for writ of certiorari to theUnited States Court of Appeals for the
Second Circuit. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion that certiorari

should be granted.
No. 27, Misc. Kevin McLean, petitioner,
v. United States. Petition
United States Court of Appeals for the
for writ of certiorari to the
Second Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion that
certiorari should be granted.
No. 49, Misc. Frank Andrews, petitioner, v. United States. Peti-
United States Court of Appeals for
tion for writ of certiorari to the
the Sixth Circuit denied, Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion that
certiorari should be granted.

No. 64, Misc. George Carrigan, petitioner,

v. United States. Peti-
United States Court of Appeals for
tion for writ of certiorari to the
I the First Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion that

certiorari should be granted.

No. 86, Misc. Paul Handy Nunley,
petitioner, v. United States. Pe-
i United States Court of Appeals
tition for writ of certiorari to the
! for the Tenth Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion
that certiorari should be granted.
No. 157, Misc. Janet Irene King, petitioner, v. California. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California, Second
Appellate District, denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion that
certiorari should be granted.

No. 391, Misc. James Elmer Swift, petitioner, v. Commandant,

U.S. Disciplinary Barracks, etc. Petition for writ of certiorari to

the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit denied.
Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion that certiorari should be granted.
MONDAY, JANUARY 12, 19 70 187

No. 428, Misc. William Goocle, petitioner, v. Milton Sommers. Pe-

tition forwrit of certiorari to the Baltimore City Court of Maryland
denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion that certiorari should
be granted.
No. 707, Misc. William R. Baird, petitioner, v. Massachusetts. Pe-
tion for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Judicial Court of Massa-
chusetts denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion that certiorari
should be granted.
No. 708, Misc. Delores Barnes, petitioner, v. New Jersey. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of New Jersey denied.
Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion that certiorari should be granted.
No. 898, Misc. H. Rap Brown, petitioner, v. Maryland and/or
Ira Johnson, Sheriff, Dorchester County. Petition for writ of certio-
rari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit
denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion that certiorari should
be granted.
No. 975, Misc. Charles Thessen, petitioner, v. Alaska. Petition for
Supreme Court of Alaska denied. Mr. Justice
writ of certiorari to the
Douglas is of the opinion that certiorari should be granted.
No. 896, Misc. Norvin G. Maloney, Jr., petitioner, v. E. I. cluPont
de Nemours & Co., Inc. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit denied.
Mr. Justice Stewart and Mr. Justice White took no part in the con-
sideration or decision of this petition.
No. 995, Misc. William T. Carr, petitioner,
v. United States. Peti-
United States Court of Appeals for
tion for writ of certiorari to the
the District of Columbia Circuit denied. The Chief Justice took no
part in the consideration or decision of this petition.
No. 1124, Misc. Jesse Eugene Dearinger, petitioner, v. United
States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Marshall took no
part in the consideration or decision of this petition.

Leave to File Petitions for Writs of Habeas Corpus Denied

No. 1074, Misc. Benn Hall, Jr., petitioner, r. John W. Wingo,

Warden; and
No. 1264, Misc. Armando Maisonave, petitioner, v. Louie L. Wain-
wright, Director, Florida Division of Corrections. Motions for leave
to file petitions for writs of habeas corpus denied.
No. 1178, Misc. Adai Leser, petitioner, v. United States et al. Mo-
tion for ]eave to file petition for writ of habeas corpus denied. Mr.
Justice Marshall took no part in the consideration or decision of this
MONDAY, JANUARY 12, 1970 188

Leave to File Petitions eor Writs of Mandamus Denied

Xo. 262, Misc. Roland R. Poggi, petitioner, v. Wm. P. Gray, Judge,

U.S. District Court for the Central District of California and ;

No. 310, Misc. Roland R. Poggi, petitioner, v. Wm. P. Gray, Judge,

United States District Court for the Central District of California.
Motions for leave to file petitions for writs of mandamus denied.

Retiearings Denied

Xo. 1190, Misc., October Term, 1067. Charles F. Ware, petitioner,

v. Paul H. Preston, etc., et al. Motion for leave to file second petition
for rehearing denied. The Chief J ustice took no part in the considera-
tion or decision of this motion.

Xo. 40. James Conway, petitioner, v. California Adult Authority

et al

Xo. 340. Bernie Ludwig, petitioner, v. Florida;

Xo. 434. Tilden W. Johnson, appellant, v. State Bar of California
et al.

Xo. 480. Arizona Corporation Commission et al., appellants v.

United States et al.
Xo. 497. Union Pacific Railroad Company et al., appellants, v.
United States et al.
Xo. 507. Bay Sound Transportation Co. et al., petitioners, v.
United States ;

Xo. 554. John T. Chambers, petitioner, v. W. M. Beauchamp, etc.,

et al. ; and
Xo. 583. D. B. Anders, petitioner, v. Commissioner of Internal
Revenue. Petitions for rehearing denied.
Xo. 368. Raymond Thomas Ward, petitioner, v. Pennsylvania Xew
York Central Transportation Company et al. Motion for leave to file
petition for hearing denied.
Xo. 160, Misc. Calvin Winston Jackson, petitioner, v. California;
Xo. 602, Misc. Robert Summers Xeely, Jr., petitioner, v. United
Xo. 632, Misc. Richard Henry Clinton, appellant, v. California ;

Xo. 658, Misc. Glenn Lane, petitioner, v. Albert Pucci et al.

Xo. 781, Misc. Frank Dvorsky, petitioner, v. United States:
Xo. 782, Misc. Frank Wolff, petitioner, v. Jay Foley
Xo. 843, Misc. William Frederick Wendt, Jr., petitioner, v. S. Hugh
Dillin et al.

Xo. 866, Misc. Charles Resseguie, petitioner, v. Harold W. Fol-

lette, Warden
Xo. 959, Misc. John Edward Daugherty, petitioner, v. United
States et al.
MONDAY, JANUARY 12, 19 70 189

No. 978, Misc. Albert Lonzo Cantrell, petitioner, v. United States

No. 1016, Misc. James Morris Fletcher, petitioner, v. James F.
Maroney, Superintendent, State Correctional Institution. Petitions for
rehearing denied.
No. 999, Misc. Eddie M. Harrison, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for rehearing denied. The Chief Justice took no part in the
consideration or decision of this petition.

Oral Argument

No. 74. Clifford Taggart et al., petitioners, v. Weinackers, Inc.

Argued by Mr. Bernard Dunau for the petitioners and by Mr. Shayle
P. Fox for the respondent.
No. 84. United States, appellant, v. Milton C. Jorn. Argued by Mr.
Louis F. Claiborne for the appellant and by Mr. Denis R. Morrill for
the appellee.

No. 104. United States, petitioner, v. Estate of Thomas S. Don-

nelly, Sr., et al. Argued by Matthew J. Zinn for the petitioner and
by Mr. Daniel N. Pevos for the respondents.
No. 282. United States, petitioner, v. Maclin P. Davis et ux. Argued
by Mr. Solicitor General Griswold for the petitioner and by Mr. Wil-
liam Waller for the respondents.

Adjourned until tomorrow at 10 o'clock.

The clay call for Tuesday, January 13, 1970, will be as follows:
Nos. 185, 301, 234, and 231.

TUESDAY, JANUARY 13, 197 0 190


Present Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice

Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice

Stewart, Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice Marshall.

Admissions to the Bar

William J. Moran, of Anchorage, Alaska, on motion of Mr. Howard

W. Pollock; Henry T. Reath, of Philadelphia, Pa., on motion of Mr.
Endicott Peabody; Douglas J. Maloney, of San Rafael, Calif., and
Albert E. Butler, of Jesup, Ga., on motion of Mr. Brice Wilson
Rhyne; John Phillip Ryan, of Milwaukee, Wis., on motion of Mr.
Graham W. McGowan Richard McLaughlin Leslie, of Miami, Fla.,

on motion of Mr. William H. Allen Robert Boochever, of J uneau,


Alaska, on motion of Mr. Seth W. Morrison Richard F. Griffin, of


Buffalo, N. Y., and Courtland R. LaVallee, of Buffalo, N. Y., on mo-

tion of Mr. James P. Shea; and John Andrew Church, of Salinas,
Calif., and Robert Marble Hinrichs, of Salinas, Calif., on motion of

Mr. J acob Abramson, were admitted to practice.


No. 55. Willie Wade, Jr., petitioner, v. Lawrence E. Wilson,

Warden, et al. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. Judgments of the Court of Appeals
and the District Court vacated and case remanded to the United
Court for the Northern District of California for fur-
States District
ther proceedings not inconsistent with the opinion of this Court.
Opinion by Mr. Justice Brennan. Dissenting opinion by Mr. Justice
Oral Argument

No. 185. Augie Reetz, Commissioner of Fish and Game for Alaska,
et al., appellants, v. John Bozanich et al. Argued by Mr. Charles K.
Cranston for the appellants and by Mr. Robert Boochever for the

No. 301. Loren J. Pike, etc., appellant, v. Bruce Church, Inc.

Argued by Mr. Rex E. Lee for the appellant and by Mr. Jacob Abram-
son for the appellee.
No. 234. Henry J. Czosek et al., petitioners, v. John R. O'Mara
et al. Argued by Mr. Richard R. Lyman for the petitioners and by

390-278—70 45
TUESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1970 191

Mr. James P. Shea for respondent employees and Mr. Richard F.

Griffin for the respondent railroad.

No. 231. International Longshoremen's Association, Local 1416,

AFL-CIO, petitioner, v. Ariadne Shipping Company, Limited, et
al. Argued by Mr. Seymour M. Waldman for the petitioner and by

Mr. Richard M. Leslie for the respondents.

Adjourned until tomorrow at 10 o'clock.

The day call from Wednesday, January 14, 1970, will be as follows
Nos. 300, 395, 88, and 441.



Present :Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice
Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice Stew-
vrt, Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice Marshall.

Admissions to the Bar

John Groover Kennedy, Jr., of Savannah, Ga., on motion of Mr.

Paul Leonard O'Brien; Barry V. Freeman, of Los Angeles, Calif.,
on motion of Mr. Earl Kintner Jacob W. Heller, of New York, N.Y.,

3ii motion of Mr. Murray I. Gurf ein and Eugene M. Whitacre, of


Lawrenceville, X.J., on motion of Mr. Roland A. Linger, were ad-

mitted to practice.
Oral Argument

No. 300. James Tooahimpah Tate Walter J.

et al., petitioners, v.
Hickel, Secretary of the Interior for the United States, et al. One
and one half hours allowed for oral argument. Argued by Mr. Omer
Luellen for the petitioners, by Mr. Richard B. Stone for respondent,
Secretary of Interior, pro hac vice, by special leave of Court, and by
Mr. Houston Bus Hill for respondent, Dorita High Horse.
No. 395. United States, petitioner, v. M. O. Seckinger, Jr., etc.
Argued by Mr. James van R. Springer for the petitioner and by Mr.
John G. Kennedy for the respondent.
No. 88. United States, petitioner, v. W. G. Reynolds et ux. Argued
by Mr. Shiro Kashiwa for the petitioner and by Mr. Erwin S. Solo-
mon for the respondent.
No. 441. Robert I. Toussie, petitioner, v. United States. Argued

by Mr. Murray I. Gurfein for the petitioner and by Mr. Francis X.

Beytagh for the respondent.
Orders of the Court certified by the Chief Justice and filed with
the Clerk:
Opinion per Curiam

No. 944. Robert Carter et al., petitioners, v. West Feliciana Parish

School Board et al. and ;

No. 972. Derek Jerome Singleton et al., petitioners, v. Jackson

Municipal Separate School District et al. On petitions for writs of
certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Cir-
cuit. Petition for writ of certiorari granted, judgments reversed and
cases remanded to the Court of Appeals for further proceedings in
conformity with the opinion of this Court. Judgments shall issue

390-278—70 46
WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14, 19 70 193

forthwith. Opinion fer curiam. Concurring opinion by Mr. Justice

Harlan with whom Mr. Justice White joins. Mr. Justice Black, Mr.
Justice Douglas, Mr. Justice Brennan, and Mr. Justice Marshall ex-
press their disagreement with the opinion of Mr. Justice Harlan,
joined by Mr. Justice White. Separate memorandum by The Chief
Justice and Mr. J ustice Stewart.

Orders in Pending Cases

No. 944. Robert Carter et al., petitioners, v. West Feliciana Parish

School Board et al.

No. 972. Derek Jerome Singleton et al., petitioners, v. Jackson

Municipal Separate School District et al. and ;

No. 1003. West Feliciana Parish School Board et ah, petitioners, v.

Kobert Carter et al. The motion of the Louisiana Teachers Association

for leave to file a brief, as amicus curias, is granted.

Certiorari Denied

No. 1027. Jackson Municipal Separate School District et al., peti-

tioners, v. Derek Jerome Singleton et al. Petition for writ of certio-
rari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit

No. 1042. Hinds County School Board United

et al., petitioners, v.
States et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 1003. West Feliciana Parish School Board et al., petitioners, v.
Robert Carter et al. Motion to dispense with printing petition granted.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fifth Circuit denied.

Adjourned until tomorrow at 10 o'clock.

The day call for Thursday, January 15, 1970, will be as follows:
Nos. 108, 230, and 179.

THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 1970 194


Present Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice

Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice

Stewart, Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice Marshall.

Admissions to the Bar

Edward Horowitz, of Washington, D.C., and Maurice Jacques

Attie, of Calif., on motion of Mr. Jerome Feit Thomas
Los Angeles, ;

P. Luscher, of Pittsburgh, Pa., Paul Kichard Obert, of Pittsburgh,

Pa., and William Alvah Stewart III, of Pittsburgh, Pa., on motion
of Mr. Donald C. Winson; Arlene Tuck Ulman, of Washington, D.C.,
on motion of Mr. Leon Ulman; Benjamin P. Bonelli, of San Rafael,
Calif., on motion of Mr. Herbert Pittle; Max M. Goldberg, of Wash-
ington, D.C., on motion of Mr. Nathan Rubey Frederick J. Bellaman,

of Washington, D.C., on motion of Mr. Joseph Francis Jaskiewicz;

James John Casey, of Hyattsville, Mcl., on motion of Mr. Lawrence
Charles Miller; Frank R. Ortisi, of East Detroit, Mich., on motion
of Mr. Edgar G. Merson; Gene I. Mesh, of Cincinnati, Ohio, on
motion of Mr. John Franklin O'Neal Martin Jack Leavitt, of Detroit,

Mich., on motion of Mr. Nahum Litt, were admitted to practice.

Oral Argument
No. 108. The Colonnade Catering Corp., petitioner, v. United
States.Argued by Mr. O. John Rogge for the petitioner and by
Mr. Jerome Feit for the respondent.
No. 230. H. K. Porter Company, Inc., etc., petitioner, v. National
Labor Relations Board et al. One and one half hours allowed for
oral argument. Argued by Mr. Donald C. Winson for the petitioner,
by Mr. Lawrence M. Cohen for the Chamber of Commerce of the
United States, as amicus curiae, by Mr. Norton J. Come for respondent
National Labor Relations Board and by Mr. George H. Cohen for
respondent United States Steelworkers of America, AFL-CIO, by
special leave of Court.

No. 179. William P. Rogers, Secretary of State, appellant, v. Aldo

Mario Bellei. Argued by Mr. Joseph J. Connolly for the appellant
and by Mr. O. John Rogge for the appellee.

Adjourned until Monday, January 19, 1970, at 10 o'clock.

The day call for Monday, January 19, 1970, will be as follows:
Nos. 33 Orig., 730, 731, and 778.

390-278—70 47
FRIDAY, JANUARY 16, 19 70 195


Present :Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice
Jouglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice
tewart, Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice Marshall.

No. 458. Charles Johnson et al., petitioners, v. Massachusetts. The

pplication of Joseph M. Palladino, Sr., to stay the effectiveness of
le order denying petition for certiorari as to him, presented to Mr.

ustice Brennan and by him referred to the Court, is denied. Mr. Jus-

ce Black, Mr. Justice Douglas, and Mr. J ustice Stewart are of the

pinion that the application should be granted.

390-278—70 4S
MONDAY, JANUARY 19, 197 0 196


Present: Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice
Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice
Stewart, Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice Marshall.

Admissions to the Bar

Scott E. Schoenfeld, of Washington, D.C., Gerson Marks, of Bev-

Ewing Pettitt, of Fresno, Calif., Frank J.
erly Hills, Calif., Blaine
Habershaw, of Miami, Fla., Richard Stansbury Zahn, of Baltimore,
Mel., Norman Allan Mandel, of Reston, Va., William Slater Allen,
Jr., of Providence, R. I., and Robert Eugene McLaughlin, of Arling-
ton, Va,, on motion of Mr. Solicitor General Erwin N. Griswold;
Harold F. Hanser, of Billings, Mont., and John Bradley Chickering,
of Tucson, Ariz., on motion of Mr. Lee Metcalf Homer Eugene Bos-

tick, of Macon, Ga., on motion of Mr. John James Flynt, Jr. Louis

P. Gray III, of Stonington, Conn., on motion of Mr. Jerris Leonard

Shrader R. Miller, of Louisville, Ky., and Richard M. Trautwein, of
Louisville, Ky., on motion of Mr. Edward M. Steutermann; Rena K.
Uviller, of New York, N.Y., on motion of Mr. H. Richard Uviller;
John Buford Grier, of Rock Hill, S.C., on motion of Mr. Robert
Miller Ward; Heard H. Sutton, of Memphis, Tenn., on motion of
Mr. Harry W. Laughlin, Jr.; Edward Bernard Hopper II, of In-
dianapolis, Ind., on motion of Mr. Sigmund J. Beck; Arland Thomas
Stein, of Pittsburgh, Pa., on motion of Mr. Eugene Franklin Buell
Joseph Amato, of Palos Verdes Estates, Calif., on motion of Mr.
Ronald Marc George; C. Hayes Cooney, of Nashville, Tenn., and
Robert Hassler Roberts, of Byrdstown, Tenn., on motion of Mr.
Thomas E. Fox Thomas Baron Lief, of Venice, Calif., on motion of

Mr. Robert L. Randall Thomas E. Patton, of Washington, D.C., on


motion of Mr. Arthur John Keeffe; and Peter Kent Spriggs, of Ox-
ford, Miss., on motion of Mr. Joseph Forer, were admitted to practice.


No. 30. Willie Carter, Sr., et al., appellants, v. Jury Commission

of Greene County, Alabama, et al. Appeal from the United States Dis-
trict Court for the Northern District of Alabama. Judgment affirmed
without prejudice to the right of the appellants to seek modification
of the District Court's decree as circumstances may require. Opinion
by Mr. Justice Stewart. Concurring opinion by Mr. Justice Black.
Opinion by Mr. J ustice Douglas dissenting in part.

390-278—70 49
MONDAY, JANUARY 19, 197 0 197

No. 23. Calvin Turner et al., appellants, v. W. W. Fouche et al.

Appeal from the United States District Court for the Southern Dis-
trict of Georgia. Judgment vacated and case remanded to the United
States District Court for the Southern District of Georgia for further
proceedings in conformity with the opinion of this Court. Motion of
the appellees grand jurors to dismiss the appeal as to them is granted.
Opinion by Mr. Justice Stewart.
No. 71. David Earl Gutknecht, petitioner, v. United States. On
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth
Circuit. Judgment reversed and case remanded to the Court of Appeals
for further proceedings in conformity with the opinion of this Court.
Opinion by Mr. Justice Douglas. Mr. Chief Justice Burger concurs in
the result reached by the Court generally for the reasons set out in the
separate opinion of Mr. Justice Stewart. Mr. White joins the opinion
of the Court insofar as it holds that Congress has not delegated to the
President the authority to promulgate the delinquency regulations in-
volved in this case. Concurring opinion by Justice Harlan. Opinion by
Mr. Justice Stewart concurring in the judgment.

The Chief Justice said:

"Today's orders of the Court have been certified by the Chief
Justice, filed with the Clerk, and will not be announced orally."


No. 288. First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Provi-

dence, appellant, v. Fred M. Langton, Tax Administrator. Appeal
from the Supreme Court of Rhode Island. The motion to dismiss is
granted and the appeal is dismissed for want of jurisdiction. Treating
the papers whereon the appeal was taken as a petition for writ of
certiorari, certiorari is denied. Opinion per curiam. Mr. Justice Douglas
is of the opinion that probable jurisdiction should be noted.

No. 414. The Maryland and Virginia Eldership of the Churches of

God et al., appellants, v. The Church of God at Sharpsburg, Inc., et al.
Appeal from the Court of Appeals of Maryland. The motion to dismiss
is granted and the appeal is dismissed for want of a substantial federal

question. Opinion per curiam. Concurring opinion by Mr. Justice

Brennan with whom Mr. Justice Douglas and Mr. Justice Marshall

No. 496. Alfred Tennyson Cowgill, appellant, v. California. Ap-

peal from the Appellate Department of the Superior Court of Cali-
fornia, County of Los Angeles. The motion to dismiss is granted and
the appeal is dismissed. Opinion per curiam. Concurring opinion by
MONDAY, JANUARY 19, 19 70 198

Mr. Justice Harlan with whom Mr. Justice Brennan joins. Mr. Justice
Douglas is of the opinion that probable jurisdiction should be noted.
No. 663. Camillo Molinaro, appellant, v. New Jersey. Appeal from
the Supreme Court of New Jersey. The appeal is dismissed. Opinion
per curiam. Mr. Justice Douglas concurs in the result.
No. 770. Julius S. Moskowitz, appellant, v. James M. Power et al.
Appeal from the Court of Appeals of New York. The motion to dis-
miss is granted and the appeal is dismissed for want of a substantial
federal question. Opinion per curiam.

No. 808. Edward L. Blincoe et ux., appellants, v. Philip E. Watson,

Assessor, et al. Appeal from the Court of Appeal of California, Sec-
ond Appellate District. The motion to dispense with printing the
jurisdictional statement is granted. The appeal is dismissed for want
of jurisdiction. Treating the papers whereon the appeal was taken as
a petition for writ of certiorari, certiorari is denied. Opinion per

Orders in Pending Cases

No. . Orlando Bosch Avila, petitioner, v. United States. The

application for bail pending appeal presented to Mr. Justice Black,
and by him referred to the Court, is denied.
No. 41. The Choctaw Nation and The Chickasaw Nation, petition-
ers, v. Oklahoma et al. and ;

No. 59. The Cherokee Nation or Tribe of Indians in Oklahoma,

petitioner, v. Oklahoma et al. and ;

No. 46. United States, petitioner, v. James A. White. These cases

are restored to the calendar for reargument.
No. 153. Daniel McMann, Warden, et al., petitioners, v. Willie
Richardson et al. The motion of the District Attorney of New York
County for leave to participate in the oral argument, as amicus curiae,
is granted and a total of 30 minutes is allotted for that purpose. Coun-

sel for the respondents are allotted an additional 30 minutes.

No. 175. Petsonella Moragne, etc., petitioner, v. States Marine

al. The motion of Nathan Baker for leave to file a brief,
Lines, Inc., et
as amicus curiae, is granted. The motion of American Trial Lawyers
Association for leave to file a brief, as amicus curiae, is granted.
No. 221. Walter J. Hickel, Secretary of the Interior, petitioner, v.
The Oil Shale Corporation et al. In this case 45 minutes are allotted
to each side for oral argument. Mr. Justice White and Mr. Justice
Marshall took no part in the consideration or decision of this order.
No. 305. United States, appellant, v. John Heffron Sisson, Jr. In
this caseone hour is allotted to each side for oral argument. The mo-
tion of Frank P. Slaninger for leave to dispense with printing the
MONDAY, JANUARY 19, 1970 199

amicus curiae brief is denied. The motion to file a brief, as amicus

curiae, will be granted provided the size of the print and pages of his
brief is made to conform with the requirements of Rule 39 (1) and (4)
of the Rules of this Court, The motion of Los Angeles Selective Serv-
ice Law Panel for leave to participate in oral argument, as amicus
curiae, is denied.

No. 399. Daniel Rowan, dba American Book Service, et al., ap-
pellants, v. United States Post Office Department et al. The motion
of The Direct Mail Advertising Association, Inc., for leave to par-
ticipate in oral argument, as amicus curiae, is denied.

No. 730. Archie William Hill, Jr., petitioner, v. California. The

motion of Keith C. Monroe for leave to file a brief, as amicus curiae,
Is granted.
Appeal —Jurisdiction Noted

No. 156, Misc. Willie E. Williams, appellant, v. Illinois. Appeal

from the Supreme Court of Illinois. Motion for leave to proceed in
forma pauperis granted. In this case probable jurisdiction noted, case
transferred to the appellate docket and placed on the summary
Certiorari Granted

No. 655. Joseph Thomas Mulloy, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-

United States Court of Appeals for
tition for writ of certiorari to the
the Sixth Circuit granted and case placed on the summary calendar.

Certiorari Denied

No. 125. Martin Marietta Corporation, petitioner, v. Judith S.

Feder et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 771. Milton J. Baumel et al., petitioners, v. Leonard Rosen
et al ; and
No. 881. Leonard Rosen et al., petitioners, v. Milton J. Baumel
et al. Petitions for writs of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 773. United States, petitioner, v. Missouri Pacific Railroad
Company. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States of Ap-
peals for the Eighth Circuit denied.
No. 775. Narragansett Racing Association, Inc., et al., petitioners,
v.Frank E. Berman et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit denied.
No. 776. Williams-McWilliams, Inc., et al., petitioners, v. Alfred
M. Massey. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
MONDAY, JANUARY 19, 1970 200

No. 777. Seven Slot Machines et al., petitioners, v. Kansas. Pe-

tition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Kansas denied.
No. 779. Local 282, Brotherhood of Teamsters,
Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America, petitioner, v.
National Labor Relations Board. Petition for writ of certiorari to
the United States of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 780. Arnold H. Bruner et al., petitioners, v. Republic Supply
Company. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 784. Joseph Schreiber and David Goldberg, etc., petitioners, v.
American Safety Table Company, etc. Petition for writ of certiorari
to the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.

No. 785. George W. Shankey, Jr., et al., petitioners, v. Leonard C.

Staisey et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court
of Pennsylvania, Western District, denied.
No. 786. Leo Zubkoff, petitioner, v. United States. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Second Circuit denied.
No. 790. Ruth M. Saville, petitioner, v. Bank of America, etc. Pe-
United States Court of Appeals for
tition for writ of certiorari to the
the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 791. A. J. Young et ux., petitioners, v. Indiana. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Indiana denied.
No. 792. John A. Kunzman et al., petitioners, v. Union Pacific
Railroad Company. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme
Court of Colorado denied.
No. 795. Retail Store Employees Union, Local 954, petitioner, v.
The LaSalle & Koch Company. Petition for writ of certiorari to
the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 796. Sammey Gordon Randolph, Jr., petitioner, v. California.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California,
Second Appellate District, denied.

No. 797. Louisiana Industries, Inc. and Louisiana Lightweight

Aggregate Company, a Division of Texas Industries, petitioners, v.
National Labor Relations Board. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 799. Willie J. Ambers, petitioner, v. United States. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth
Circuit denied.
No. 800. United Benefit Life Insurance Company, petitioner, v.
James L. McCrory. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit denied.

390-278—70 50
MONDAY, JANUARY 19, 1970 201

No. 802. Harold Konigsberg, petitioner, v. John N„ Mitchell, At-

torney General, et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 803. Perry B. Ward, petitioner, v. Paul M. Differding et al.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Appellate Court of Indiana denied.
No. 806. Jeff Fort, petitioner, v. Illinois. Petition for writ of certi-
orari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit
No. 807. The National Foundation, petitioner, v. City of Fort
Worth. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 810. State Board of Equalization of the State of California,
petitioner v. Montgomery Ward & Co., Incorporated. Petition for writ
of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California, First Appellate
District, denied.

No. 384. Presbyterian Church in the United States et al., petition-

ers, v.Mary Elizabeth Blue Hull Memorial Presbyterian Church et al.
Motion to use record in No. 71, October Term, 1968, granted. Motion
of William P. Thompson, Stated Clerk of the General Assembly of
the United Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, et al.,
for leave to file a brief, as amici curiae, granted. Motion of the Right
Reverend John E. Hines, Presiding Bishop of the Protestant Epis-
copal Church in the United States for leave to file a brief, as amicus
curiae, granted. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court
No. 772. James T. Benn, petitioner, v. Julius Sankin et al. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
District of Columbia Circuit denied. The Chief Justice took no part
in the consideration or decision of this petition.

No. 793. Jim Garrison, etc., petitioner, v. Walter Sheridan and

Richard Townley. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied. The Chief Justice
took no part in the consideration or decision of this petition.
No. 781. John J. Gibbons, petitioner, v. United States District
Court for the District of Nevada. Petition for writ of certiorari to
the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied. Mr.
Justice Black and Mr. Justice Douglas are of the opinion that certi-
orari should be granted.
No. 783. Susie Frances Butler, petitioner, v. City of Winter Gar-
den. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Florida
denied. Mr. Justice Black is of the opinion that certiorari should be
MONDAY, JANUARY 19, 1970 202

No. 787. Lawrence B. Velvel, etc., petitioner, v. Richard M. Nixon,

President, et al. Motion to dispense with printing petition granted.
Petition for writ of certiorari to theUnited States Court of Appeals
for the Tenth Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion
that certiorari should be granted.
No. 789. Walker Oil Company, Inc., et al., petitioners, v. Hudson
Oil Company of Missouri, Inc. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied. Mr.
JusticeDouglas is of the opinion that certiorari should be granted.
No. 143, Misc. Flossie Bullock, petitioner, v. Warden, Westfield
State Farm for Women. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 203, Misc. Tommie J. Beasiey, petitioner, v. County Court,
Kenosha County. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court
of Wisconsin denied.

No. 235, Misc. York Porter, petitioner, v. California. Petition for

writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California, Second Appel-
late District, denied.
No. 278, Misc. Charles Pennington, petitioner, v. Frank J. Pate,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 352, Misc. Allen P. Green, petitioner, v. C. J. Fitzharris,
Superintendent, Correctional Training Facility. Petition for writ of
certiorari to the Supreme Court of California denied.
No. 372, Misc. Solomon Vann, J r., petitioner, v. Vincent E. Man-
cusi, Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals

of New York denied.

No. 384, Misc. Guy D. Jaquish, petitioner, v. H. V. Field, Superin-
tendent, California Men's Colony. Petition for writ of certiorari to
the Supreme Court of California denied.
No. 402, Misc. Hector Pacheco, petitioner, v. Carl G. Hocker, War-
den. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Ap-
peals for the Ninth Circuit denied.

No. 423, Misc. Clair D. Sullivan, petitioner, v. Frank A. Eyman,

Warden, et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of
Arizona denied.
No. 465, Misc. Joe Gonzales, petitioner, v. California. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California, Second Ap-
pellate District, denied.

No. 498, Misc. Robert D. Copas, petitioner, v. John C. Burke, War-

den. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Wiscon-
sin denied.
MONDAY, JANUARY 19, 19 7 0 203

No. 599, Misc. Louis L. Schwartz, petitioner, v. Victory Con-

tainer Corp. and Edwin F. Radin. Petition for writ of certiorari to
the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.

No. 660, Misc. Gary W. Meeks, petitioner, v. C. J. Fitzharris,

Superintendent, Correctional Training Facility. Petition for writ of
certiorari to the Supreme Court of California denied.

No. 717, Misc. Lawrence H. Child, petitioner, Maine et al. Peti-

tion for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court Maine denied.
No. 727, Misc. Clemon Blanchey, Jr., petitioner, v. Washington
et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Wash-

ington denied.
No. 729, Misc. Stephen Luther Evans, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Third Circuit denied.
No. 749, Misc. Louis Brow, Jr., petitioner, v. Michigan. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Michigan denied.
No. 828, Misc. James William Gibbs, petitioner, v. Bob Turner
et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Criminal Appeals

of Oklahoma denied.
No. 925, Misc. Allen Bell, Jr., petitioner, v. North Carolina. Pe-
tition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 926, Misc. Henry Campbell, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-
tition forwrit of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 928, Misc. Ronald Lee Smith, petitioner, v. Georgia. Petition
Supreme Court of Georgia denied.
for writ of certiorari to the

No. 929, Misc. Harold M. Hemminger, petitioner, v. Kansas. Pe-

tition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Kansas denied.
No. 931, Misc. Edward Ray Stacy, petitioner, v. Charles Van
Curen, Superintendent, Lebanon Correctional Institution. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Ohio denied.
No. 947, Misc. Mike Serrato Cuevas, petitioner v. California. Pe-
tition forwrit of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California,
Fourth Appellate District, denied.
No. 948, Misc. Octaviano Sanchez, petitioner, v. H. V. Field, Su-
perintendent. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of
California denied.
No. 949, Misc. Robert Reilly, petitioner, v. Florida. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the District Court of Appeal of Florida, Third
District, denied.
MONDAY, JANUARY 19, 197 0 204

No. 1048, Misc. William DePalma, petitioner, v. United States.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1050, Misc. Floyd Kay Gearing, petitioner, v. Texas. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Court of Criminal Appeals of Texas
No. 1052, Misc. Russell Dean Kleinhans, petitioner, v. Donna
Kleinhans. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of
Wisconsin denied.
No. 1062, Misc. Jack and Ethel Gittlemacker et al., petitioners, v.-
County of Philadelphia, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, et al. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Third Circuit denied.
No. 1066, Misc. Theodore Lawler, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-
United States Court of Appeals for
tition for writ of certiorari to the
the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 1102, Misc. William A. Young, petitioner, v. Richard A. Mc-
Gee, Administrator, et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1111, Misc. Antoni Mitchelson, petitioner, v. Daniel McMann,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1171, Misc. Earl T. Penrice, petitioner, v. California Adult
Authority. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1277, Misc. Steven X. Washington, Jr., petitioner, v. Louie L.
Wainwright, Director, Florida Division of Corrections. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth
Circuit denied.
No. 1312, Misc. Vernon Thompson, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 1316, Misc. John McFadden, petitioner, v. Illinois. Petition
Supreme Court of Illinois denied.
for writ of certiorari to the
No. 1368, Misc. Leland Eugene Wenner, petitioner, v. United
United States Court of
States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
Appeals for the Eighth Circuit denied.
No. 281, Misc. Lloyd E. Dupree, petitioner, v. Illinois. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Illinois denied. Mr. Justice
Black is of the opinion that certiorari should be granted.
MONDAY, JANUARY 19, 19 70 205

Leave To File Petitions for Writs of Habeas Corpus Denied

No. 868, Misc. Clarence Edward Poteet, petitioner, v. Alfred T.

Bundle, Superintendent, State Correctional Institution; and
No. 1442, Misc. Ernest Watkins, petitioner, v. John W. Wingo,
Warden. Motions for leave to file petitions for writs of habeas corpus

Leave To File Petitions for Writs of Mandamus Denied

No. 226, Misc. Safeguard Mutual Insurance Company, petitioner,

v. Abraham L. Freedman, Judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for
the Third Circuit, et al. and

No. 699, Misc. Roy Ross, Jr., petitioner, v. Gus Harrison, Director,
Michigan Corrections and Prisons, et al. Motions for leave to file peti-
tions for writs of mandamus denied.

Rehearings Denied

No. 19. The First National Bank in Plant City, Plant City, Florida,
Fred O. Dickinson, Jr., etc., et al.
petitioner, v.
No. 612. Claresa F. Armstrong Brown, petitioner, v. Commercial
National Bank of Peoria, as Trustee, et al.
No. 505, Misc. Jon Carlton and Ann Carlton, petitioners, v, Rich-
ard E. Gerstein, State's Attorney
No. 569, Misc. In the Matter of Robert Edward Lipscomb, peti-
tioner ;

No. 594, Misc. Robert E. Williams, petitioner, United States

No. 1086, Misc. Luis Morales, petitioner, v. Walter E. Craven,
Warden. Petitions for rehearing denied.

Recess Order

The Court will take a recess from Monday, January 26, 1970, until
Tuesday, February 24, 1970.

Oral Argument

No. 33, Original. State of Arkansas, plaintiff, v. State of Ten-

nessee. Argued by Mr. Don Langston for the plaintiff and by Mr.
Heard H. Sutton for the defendant.
No. 730. Archie William Hill, Jr., petitioner, v. California. Argued
by Mr. Joseph Amato for the petitioner and by Mr. Ronald M. George
for the respondent.
MONDAY, JANUARY 19, 19 70 206

No. 731. Kenneth R. Jones, petitioner, v. State Board of Educa-

tion of and for the State of Tennessee et al. Argument commenced by
Mr. Reber F. Boult, Jr., for the petitioner and continued by Mr. Rob-
ert H. Roberts for the respondents.

Adjourned until tomorrow at 10 o'clock.

The day call for Tuesday, January 20, 1970, will be as follows:
Nos. 731, 778, 76, and 305.

TUESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1970 207


Present :Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice
Douglas, Mr. J ustice Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice Stew-
irt, Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice Marshall.

Admissions to the Bar

Tully Matteau Bond, Jr., of Macon, Ga., on motion of Mr. John

Tames Flynt, Jr. Richard C. Lindberg, of Chicago, 111., on motion of

Ir. Munson H. Lane; William T. Ward, of Washington, D.C., on

notion of Mr. Franklin C. Roller; William Meriwether Bowen, of

Beaufort, S. C, on motion of Mr. Joab Mauldin Dowling; Theodore
i. Scott, of Chicago, 111., on motion of Mr. Lewis Stanton Garner,
fr. Alvin John Huss, Jr., of St. Paul, Minn., on motion of Mr. Charles

)'Connell Wilbur II. Mathesius, of Trenton, N.J., on motion of Mr.


Robert G. Maysack; Herbert Arthur Rosenthal, Jr., of Washington,

).C, on motion of Mr. Howard S. Boros James R. Kinzer, of Dallas,

?ex., on motion of Mr. Henry Martin Shine, Jr.; George D. Ilaim-

>augh, Jr., of Columbia, S. C, on motion of Mr. Marshall T. Mays;

nd John Murdoch Crane, of Dover, Del., and Kent Clyde Dugmore,
f Anchorage, Alaska, on motion of Mr. Alexander J. Palenscar, Jr.,

ere admitted to practice.


No. 190. James Turner, petitioner, v. United States. On writ of

ertiorari to theUnited States Court of Appeals for the Third Cir-
uit. J udgment affirmed as to Counts 1 and 2 and reversed as to Counts

and 4 and case remanded to the United States Court of Appeals for
be Third Circuit for further proceedings in conformity with the
pinion of this Court. Opinion by Mr. Justice White. Concurring
pinion by Mr. Justice Marshall. Dissenting opinion by Mr. Justice
Hack with whom Mr. Justice Douglas joins.
No. 64. Elmer E. Mills and Louis Susman, petitioners, v. The
Electric Autolite Company et al. On writ of certiorari to the United
ItatesCourt of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit. Judgment vacated
nd case remanded to the Court of Appeals for further proceedings in
onformity with the opinion of this Court. Opinion by Mr. Justice
larlan. Opinion by Mr. Justice Black concurring in part and dis-
puting in part.

390-278—70 51
TUESDAY, JANUARY 2 0, 19 70 208

Oral Argument

No. 731. Kenneth R. Jones, petitioner, v. State Board of Educa-

tion of and for the State of Tennessee et al. Argument continued by
Mr. Robert H. Roberts for the respondents and concluded by Mr. Reber
F. Boult, Jr., for the petitioners.
No. 778. In the Matter of Samuel Winship, appellant. Argued by
Mrs. Rena K. Uviller for the appellant and by Mr. Stanley Buchs-
mum for the appellee.
No. 76. Elliott Ashton Welsh, II, petitioner, v. United States.
Argued by Mr. J. B. Tietz for the petitioner and by Mr. Solicitor
general Griswold for the respondent.
No. 305. United States, appellant, v. John Heffron Sisson, Jr.,
Argument commenced by Mr. Solicitor General Griswold for the ap-
pellant and continued by Mr. John G. S. Flyn for the appellee.

Adjourned until tomorrow at 10 o'clock.

The day call for Wednesday, January 21, 1970, will be as follows:
S os. 305, 221, 402, and 728.



Present: Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice
Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice Stew-
art. Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice Marshall.

Admissions to the Bar

George W. Shaffer, Jr., of Washington, D.C., James L. McBricle,

of Los Angeles, Calif., Anthony V. Nizetich, of San Pedro, Calif.,
Frank P. Christian, of San Antonio, Tex., and Norman H. Birnkrant,
of Detroit, Mich., on motion of Mr. Solicitor General Erwin N. Gris-
wold; Lamar Alexander, of Maryville, Tenn., and Thomas Glover
Roberts, of New Orleans, La., on motion of Mr. Howard H. Baker,
Jr. Eugene W. Lewis III, of Detroit, Mich., on motion of Mr. John

Lord O'Brian; Louis Frey, Jr., of Winter Park, Fla., on motion of

Mr. William R. Cramer; Welclon W. Moore, of Rolla, Mo., on motion
of Mr. Richard H. Ichord; Gary Morris Caylor, of Costa Mesa,
Calif., on motion of Mr. James B. Utt Edward R. Becker, of Phila-

delphia, Pa., on motion of Mr. Robert L. Kunzig; R. H. Ewert, of

Chicago, 111., on motion of Mr. Peter N. Chumbris; Alan R. Watts,
of Anaheim, Calif., on motion of Mr. C. Emerson Duncan II William

B. Adams, of Portland, Oreg., on motion of Mr. Nelson J. Cooney

Otis Klar, of Dallas, Tex., on motion of Mr. Dan R. Anders; George
Cline Bond, of Pasadena, Calif., on motion of Mr. Enser W. Cole;
Alfred W. Offer, of San Antonio, Tex., on motion of Mr. Charles T.
Kappler James H. Mosley of Denver, Colo., on motion of Mr. Rich-
; ,

ard Woodward Hulbert; and Richard E. Crouch, of Arlington, Va.,

on motion of Mr. Mark H. Woolsey, were admitted to practice.

Oral Argument

No. 305. United States, appellant, v. John Heffron Sisson, Jr.

Arugment continued by Mr. John G. S. Flym for the appellee and
concluded by Mr. Solicitor General Griswold for the appellant.

No. 221. Walter J. Hickel, Secretary of the Interior, petitioner, v.

The Oil Shale Corporation et al. Argument postponed by reason of
absence of a quorum.

No. 402. United States, petitioner, v. Sheldon A. Key, Trustee.

Argued by Lawrence G. Wallace for the petitioner and by Mr. Sig-
mund J. Beck for the respondent.

390-278—70 52


No. 728. Robert Dean Dickey, petitioner, v. Florida, i^rgued by

Mr. John D. Buchanan, Jr., for the petitioner and by Mr. George R.
Georgieff for the respondent.

Adjourned until tomorrow at 10 o'clock.

The day call for Thursday, January 22, 1970, will be as follows:
Nos. 399 and 236.
THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1-970 211


Present Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice

Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice Stew-
art, Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice Marshall.

Admissions to the Bar

John Rowland Cook, of Austin, Tex., Boe W. Martin, of Fort

Worth, Tex., and Ed J. Polk, of Dallas, Tex., on motion of Mr. Ralph
W. Yarborough; Milton Jay Davidson, of Woodland Hills, Calif.,
and Lynn George Truesdell III, of Minneapolis, Minn., on motion
of Mr. Jerome R. Waldie; Hugh G. Head, Jr., of Atlanta, Ga., on
motion of Mr. Benjamin B. Blackburn; Dean Martin Larson, of
Sheridan, Wyo., on motion of Miss Nettabell Edith Girard Charles ;

Dickinson Hawley, of Washington, D.C., on motion of Mr. David

Aldrich Nelson; William A. Smith, of Lander, Wyo., on motion of
Mr. Dudley D. Miles; Alan E. Greenfield, of Miami, Fla., on motion
of Mr. John H. Dorsey Thomas W. Yoder, of Fort Wayne, Ind., on

motion of Mr. Melvin Spaeth H. Dennis Erwin, of Erwin, Tenn., and


Harry W. Lawrence, of Johnson City, Tenn., on motion of Mr. Wade

Hampton Hargrove, Jr.; D. Nick Caparoale, of Omaha, Nebr., and
Keith I. Frederick, of Omaha, Nebr., on motion of Mr. Alan D. Mc-
Arthur Thomas R. Maher, of Alexandria, Va., and David M. Bullock,

of Nashville, Tenn., on motion of Mr. Howard L. Kaplus; and John

H. Bradbury, of Seattle, Wash., and Thomas Frank Paul, of Seattle,
Wash., on motion of Mr. Emanuel Fein, were admitted to practice.

Oral Argument

No. 399. Daniel Rowan, dba American Book Service, et al., appel-
United States Post Office Department et al. Argued by Mr.
lants, v.
Joseph Taback for the appellants and by Mr. William D. Ruckelshaus
for the appellees.

No. 236. William Evans, etc., et al., appellants, v. Tillye Cornman

et al. Argument commenced by Mr. Robert F. Sweeney for the appel-

The Court took a recess at eleven thirty for the purpose of attending
a joint session of Congress of the United States to hear the Presi-
dent's address on the State of the Union and reconvened at 2 o'clock.

390-278—70 5.3
THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1970 212

No. 236. William Evans, etc., et al., appellants, v. Tillye Cornman

et al.Argument continued by Mr. Robert F. Sweeney for the appel-
lants and concluded by Mr. Richard Schifter for the appellees.

Adjourned until Monday, January 26, 1970, at 10 o'clock.

MONDAY, JANUARY 2 6, 19 70 213


Present: Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice
)ouglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice
Stewart, Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice Marshall.

Admissions to the Bar

William Lee Whittaker, of Denver, Colo., Preston B. Lewis, Jr., of

Waynesboro, Ga., John S. Detlor, of Seattle, Wash., and Kobert Wayne
buckles, of Hampton, Va., on motion of Mr. Louis Fenner Claiborne
\Ibert Randolph Hausauer, of Bismarck, N. Dak., and Hugh John
lelly, of Washington, D.C., on motion of Mr. Quentin N. Burdick
)ean R. Dalke, of Beatrice, Nebr., on motion of Mr. Carl T. Curtis
Villiam Henry Huber, of Cleveland, Ohio, Sheldon R.Jaffery, of
Cleveland, Ohio, Paul G. Klein, of 'Cleveland, Ohio, Norman E.
Jclntyre, of Cleveland, Ohio, and George C. Zuoco, of Cleveland,
)hio, on motion of Mr. Charles A. Vanik James Covington Parham,

lr., of Greenville, S.C., and C. Thomas Wyche, of Greenville, S.C.,

>n motion of Mr. James R. Mann Kennett Hobbs, of Lubbock, Tex.,

m motion of Mr. George Mahon; Mitchell J. NewDelman, of

hoenix, Ariz., on motion of Mr. John J. Rhodes Richard Earl Grif-

in, of Crossett, Ark., on motion of Mr. William Vollie Alexander,

lr.; Charles F. Kelley, of Lansing, Mich., on motion of Mr. Wilbur

). Sparks Carol Grace Crissman, of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, on motion


)f Mr. William W. Crissman ;Walter E. Graham, of Arlington, Va.,

>n motion of Mr. Vincent W. Ambrose; Richard G. Randolph, of

kn Mateo, Calif., on motion of Mr. David St. John Brown;

VTathias E. Mone, of New York, N.Y., and Lawrence Evans Scott,
)f Los Angeles, Calif., on motion of Mr. Donald J. Mulvihill George ;

Flynn Bowie, of Columbia, S.C., on motion of Mr. Daniel Lewis;

Joseph M. Shortall, of Hartford, Conn., on motion of Mr. Paul
Arthur Nejelski; Walbert H. Kennedy, of Decaturville, Tenn., on
notion of Mr. Paul H. Cullinan Donald C. Stevens, of Fairfax, Va.,

)n motion of Mr. Dexter S. Odin; Roger M. Fritchie, of Baton

Rouge, La., on motion of Mr. Joseph M. Kittner.

James L. Neust adt, of Washington, D.C., on motion of Mr. Raymond
T. Malloy Robert Van Raalte Dalenberg, of Chicago, 111., and L. Bow

Pritdhett, of Chicago, 111., on motion of Mr. Thomas Richard Phillips

'jeorge Frederick Baum, Jr., of Dallas, Tex., and Fredric J. Zisk, of
New York, N.Y., on motion of Mr. Robert Stephen Chaimblee; Daniel
Francis Minahan, of Arcadia, Calif., and William J. O'Keefe, of New
Haven, Conn., on motion of Mr. Eugene Adams Keeney and Anthony ;

J. Bonf anti, Sr., of New Orleans, La., Mary Lou Bosiljevac, of Omaha,

390-278—70 >54
MONDAY, JANUARY 2 6^ 19 70 214

Bart J. Carroll, J r., of Chicago, 111., Kenneth. Charles Crawford,


of Charlottesville,Va., William G. Eckhardt, of Charlottesville, Va.,

Terry E. Devlin, of Bismarck, N. Dak., Herbert M. Flemming, of Dal-
las, Tex., David Alan Fontanella, Sr., of Stafford Springs, Conn.,
Leroy F. Foreman, of Omaha, Nebr., James H. Granger, of Austin,
Tex., Eupert Plaster Hall, of Sinton, Tex., Walter Eugene Herkeri-
lioff, Mann, of Holliday, N. Dak.,
of Los Alamos, N. Mex., Eichard G.
John Martens, of Hooker, Okla., Joe Dixon Miller, of Concord,
NC., Charles H. Mitchell, of Orange, Tex., Ealph D. Pinto, of New
York, N.Y., Leonard E. Piotrowski, of Cleveland, Ohio, Thomas Mc-
Cargo Eankin, of Eeidsville, N.C., Paul H. Eay, of Fayetteville, N.C.,
Stanley David Eoss, of Columbus, Ohio, John T. Sherwood, Jr., of
Fort Lauderdale, Fla., Daniel Wayne Shimek, of Two Eivers, Wise,
ind Carroll Jay Tichenor, of Salem, Oreg., on motion of Mr. Kenneth
J. Hodson, were admitted to practice.


No. 66. Anghel Goldstein aka Andrei Pietraru et al., appellants, v.

Joseph A. Cox et al. Appeal from the United States District Court for
he Southern District of New York. Appeal dismissed for want of jur-
sdiction. Opinion by Mr. Justice Marshall. Dissenting opinion by Mr.
Justice Douglas with whom Mr. Justice Black joins.

No. 60. E. S. Evans Guyton G. Abney et al.

et al., petitioners, v.
3n writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Georgia. Judgment
iffirmed. Opinion by Mr. Justice Black. Dissenting opinion by Mr.

Justice Douglas. Dissenting opinion by Mr. Justice Brennan. Mr. Jus-

ice Marshall took no part in the consideration or decision of this case.

No. 65. TimothyBreen, petitioner, v. Selective Service Local

3oard No. 16, Bridgeport, Connecticut, et al. On writ of certiorari to
lie United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. Judgment

reversed and case remanded to the Court of Appeals for further pro-
ceedings in conformity with the opinion of this Court. Opinion by Mr.
Justice Black. Concurring opinion by Mr. Justice Harlan. Concurring
)pinion by Mr. Justice Brennan. Opinion by Mr. Justice Stewart with
svhom Mr. Chief Justice Burger joins concurring in part.

The Chief Justice said :

"Today's orders of the Court have been certified by the Chief Justice,
iled with the Clerk, and will not be announced orally."

Opinions Per Curiam

No. 743. Maurice H. Sigler, Warden, petitioner, v. Darrel F.

Parker. On petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
)f Appeals for the Eighth Circuit. Petition for writ of certiorari
MONDAY, JANUARY 2 6>, 1970 215

granted, judgment vacated, and case remanded to the Court of Appeals

for further proceedings in conformity with the opinion of this Court.
Opinion per curiam. Dissenting opinion by Mr. Justice Black with
whom Mr. Chief Justice Burger joins. Dissenting opinion by Mr.
Justice Douglas.
No. 805. Bernard Shapiro, Commissioner of Welfare, State of Con-
necticut, appellant, v. Jane Doe. Appeal from the United States Dis-
trictCourt for the District of Comiecticut. The motion of appellee for
leave to proceed in forma pauperis is granted. The motion to dismiss
is granted and the appeal is dismissed for failure to docket the case

within the time prescribed by Rule 13. Opinion per curiam. Dissenting
opinion by Mr. Justice Black with whom Mr. Justice Douglas joins.

Orders in Pending Cases

No. — Delwright T. Dyman, petitioner,

. v. United States. The appli-

cation for bail presented to Mr. Justice Douglas, and by him referred
to the Court, is denied.
No. —
Arsenio Augusto Araya-Murchio, petitioner, v. United

States. The application for reduction in bail pending trial presented

to Mr. Justice Douglas, and by him referred to the Court, is denied.

No. 387. California, petitioner, v. John Anthony Green. The mo-

tion of the respondent for the appointment of counsel is granted, and
it is ordered that E. Barrett Prettyman, Jr., Esquire, of Washington,

D.C., a member of the Bar of this Court, be, and he is hereby, ap-
pointed to serve as counsel for the respondent in this case.
No. 445. Standard Industries, Inc., petitioner, v. Tigrett Industries,
The motion of respondents to remove this case from the
Inc., et al.
summary calendar is denied.
No. 944. Robert Carter et al., petitioners, v. West Feliciana Parish
School Board et and al. ;

No. 972. Derek Jerome Singleton et al., petitioners, v. Jackson

Municipal Separate School District et al. The motion of the Governor
of the State of Florida for leave to intervene and to recall the
judgments is denied.

Certiorari Denied

No. 687. Ralph Ginzburg et al.,Barry M. Goldwater.

petitioners, v.
Petition for writ of certiorari to theUnited States Court of Appeals
for the Second Circuit denied. Dissenting opinion by Mr. Justice Black
with whom Mr. Justice Douglas joins. The Chief Justice took no part
in the consideration or decision of this petition.
No. 798. Louis Edelman, petitioner, v. United States. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Second
MONDAY, JANUARY 2 6, 1970 216

Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion that certiorari

should be granted.
Rehearings Denied

No. 944. Robert Carter et al., petitioners, v. West Feliciana Parish

School Board et al. ; and
No. 1003. West Feliciana Parish School Board et al., petitioners, v.
Kobert Carter et al. Petition for rehearing denied.
No. 972. Derek Jerome Singleton et al., petitioners, v. Jackson
Municipal Separate School District et al. Petitions for rehearing of
The Board of Public Instruction of Alachua County, Florida, and The
Board of Public Instruction of Bay County, Florida, denied.

Recess Order

The order as to sessions entered January 19, 1970, is amended to

provide that the Court will take a recess from Monday, January 26,
1970, until Monday, February 2, 1970, and from that date until Mon-
day, February 24, 1970.

Adjourned until Monday, February 2, 1970, at 10 o'clock.

TUESDAY, JANUARY 27, 19 70 217


Present Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice

Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice

Stewart, Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice Marshall.

Orders in Pending Cases

No. . Joseph Arthur Zicarelli and Robert Basile Occhipinti,

petitioners, v. New Jersey; and
No. . Anthony Russo, petitioner, v. New Jersey. The applica-
tions for stay presented to Mr. Justice Douglas, and by him referred
to the Court, are denied.

390-278—70 55
WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 2 8, 19 70 218


Present Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice

Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice

Stewart, Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice Marshall.

Opinion per Curiam

No. 37, Original. State of Florida, plaintiff, v. State of Alabama

et al. Onmotion for leave to file bill of complaint. The motion to
accelerate the time for filing responses is denied. The motion for leave
to file the bill of complaint is denied. Opinion per curiam.

390-278—70 56
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1970 219


Present: Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice
Douglas, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice Stewart, Mr. Justice
White, and Mr. Justice Marshall.

Admissions to the Bar

Ivor Lusty, of Seattle, Wash., on motion of Mr. Solicitor General

Erwin N. Griswold Miriam Naveira-De Rodon, of San Juan, P.R., on

motion of Mr. John T. Rigby Harold Gordon Trabold, of Jamaica,


N.Y., on motion of Mr. George J. McCartin Howard S. Sussman, of


New York, N. Y., on motion of Mr. Lloyd D. Young Robert Theodore


Clark, Jr., of Chicago, 111., and John Trimmer Weise, of Chicago,

111., on motion of Mr. Robert M. Scott; and Gerald Horace Manges,

of New York, N.Y., on motion of Mr. Robert Jordan Wager, were

admitted to practice.

No. 42. Howard Ross and Bernard Ross, as Trustees for Lena
Rosenbaum, petitioners, v. Robert A. Bernhard et al. On writ of cer-
tiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit.
Judgment reversed and case remanded to the Court of Appeals for
further proceedings in conformity with the opinion of this Court.
Opinion by Mr. Justice White. Dissenting opinion by Mr. Justice
Stewart with whom Mr. Chief Justice Burger and Mr. Justice Harlan

No. 28. United States, appellant, v. Interstate Commerce Com-

mission et al.

No. 38. Charles E. Brundage et al., appellants, v. United States

et al.

No. 43. City of Auburn, appellant, v. United States et al.; and

No. 44. Livingston Anti-Merger Committee, appellant, v. Inter-
state Commerce Commission et al. Appeals from the United States
District Court for the District of Columbia. Judgment affirmed.
The stay heretofore granted by this Court pending disposition of
these appeals is vacated. Opinion by Mr. Chief Justice Burger. Mr.
Justice Douglas took no part in the decision of these cases.

The Chief Justice said

"Today's orders of the Court have been certified by the Chief Jus-
with the Clerk, and will not be announced orally."
tice, filed

390-27S— 70 57
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1970 220

Opinions Per Curiam

TV PIX, Inc., et al., appellants, v. Reese H. Taylor, Jr.,

No. 214.
et Appeal from the United States District Court for the District of

Nevada, Motion of the National Association of Regulatory Utility

Commissioners for leave to file a brief, as amicus curiae, granted. Mo-
tion for leave to file motion to dismiss or affirm granted. The motion to
affirm is granted and the judgment is affirmed. Opinion per curiam.

No. 832. Harry E. Johnson et al., appellants, v. Daniel H. Wasser-

man Appeal from the Supreme Court of Ohio. The motion to
et al.
dismiss is granted and the appeal is dismissed for want of jurisdic-
tion. Treating the papers whereon the appeal was taken as a petition
for writ of certiorari, certiorari is denied. Opinion per curiam.
No. 836. Deborah Dickey Kirk, appellant, v. The Board of Regents
of the University of California. Appeal from the Court of Appeal of
California, First Appellate District. The motion to dismiss is granted
and the appeal is dismissed for want of a substantial federal question.
Opinion per curiam.
No. 854. Yale Stein, appellant, v. Martin G. Luken, etc., et al. Ap-
peal from the Supreme Court of Illinois. The appeal is dismissed
for failure to docket the case within the time prescribed by Rule 13.
Opinion per curiam.
No. 919. Providence and Worcester Company, appellant, v. United
States etal. Appeal from the United States District Court for the

Southern District of New York. Judgment affirmed. Opinion per

curiam. Mr. Justice Marshall took no part in the consideration or
decision of this case.

Orders in Pending Cases

No. . Robert F. Cullen, petitioner, v. Howard Yeager. The ap-

plication for bail presented to Mr. Justice Brennan, and by him
referred to the Court, is denied.
No. 477. Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company, petitioner, v.
Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. An additional thirty
minutes is allotted to each side in this case. Mr. Justice Marshall
took no part in the consideration or decision of this matter.

Appeals —Jurisdiction Noted or Postponed

No. 513. In the Matter of Dan A. Spencer, appellant. Appeal from

the Supreme Court of Louisiana. Motion of appellee, Judge R. B.
Williams, to file additional record granted. Further consideration of
the question of jurisdiction postponed to the hearing of the case on
the merits.
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 19 70 221

No. 915. The New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad Com-
pany First Mortgage 4% Bondholders Committee, appellant, v.
United States et al.

No. 917. Manufacturers Hanover Trust Company, etc., appellant,

v. United States et al. and

No. 921. The Chase Manhattan Bank, N. A., etc., appellant, v.

United States et al. Appeals from the United States District Court
for the Southern District of New York and ;

No. 914. The New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad Com-
pany First Mortgage 4% Bondholders Committee, Petitioner, v.
Richard Joyce Smith, etc., et al.
No. 916. Manufacturers Hanover Trust Company, etc., petitioner,
v. United States et al. ;

No. 920. The Chase Manhattan Bank, N. A., etc., petitioner, v.

Penn Central Company et al.
No. 1038. Penn Central Company, petitioner, v. Manufacturers
Hanover Trust Company, etc., et al. and ;

No. 1057. United States et al., petitioners, v. The New York, New
Haven and Hartford Railroad Company First Mortgage 4% Bond-
holders Committee et al. Motion to expedite granted. In Nos. 915,

917, and 921 probable jurisdiction noted. In Nos. 914, 916, 920,
1038, and 1057, petitions for writs of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit granted. Cases consolidated
and a total of three hours allotted for oral argument. The bond-
holders and the New Haven trustee shall file their main briefs by
February 26, 1970, and the briefs of Penn Central, the United States,
the Interstate Commerce Commission, and the States of Connecticut
and New York shall be filed by March 18, 1970. Mr. Justice Marshall
took no part in the consideration or decision of these matters.

Certiorari Denied

No. 753. Louis A. Sabatino, etc., petitioner, v. Curtiss National

Bank of Miami Springs and ;

No. 959. Curtiss National Bank of Miami Springs, petitioner, v.

Louis A. Sabatino, etc. Petitions for writs of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 813. Rose Ellen Schroeder, petitioner, v. The Prudential In-
surance Company of America. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 815. Morgan L. McCabe, petitioner, v. United States. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 816. Lodges 1746 and 743, International Association of Ma-
chinistsand Aerospace Workers, AFL-CIO, petitioners, v. National
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1970 222

Labor Relations Board et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the

United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit
No. 817. Domenic N. Mastrippolito, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 819. William Edward Ware et al., petitioners, v. Royal Indem-
nity Corporation et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit denied.
No. 821. Melvin Willis Hargrave, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-
tition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 827. The Cherokee Laboratories, Inc., et al., petitioners, v.
Ruby Pierson, etc. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit denied.
No. 831. Lawrence Zirinsky, petitioner, v. James L. Sheehan
et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Ap-
peals for the Eighth Circuit denied.
No. 834. Sidney A. Grayson, petitioner, v. United States. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 838. Lindsey J, Williams et al., petitioners, v. Wisconsin Barge
Line, Inc. j
No. 839. Wisconsin Barge Line, Inc., petitioner, v. Lindsey J. Wil-
liams et al. Petitions for writs of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied.

No. 840. Seymour J. Laoob, petitioner, v. United States. Petition

for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 849. Harry Brook, petitioner, v. United States. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth
Circuit denied.
No. 850. C & P Plaza Department Store, Division of C & P Shop-
ping Center, Inc., petitioner, v. National Labor Relations Board et al.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 855. Louisiana and Arkansas Railway Company, petitioner, v.
Missouri Pacific Railroad Company et al. Petition for writ of certiorari
to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.

No. 857. Isaac T. Mitchell et ux., petitioners, v. Commissioner of

Internal Revenue. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied.
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 19 70 223

No. 811. Lloyd Nelson, petitioner, v. United States. Motion of

petitioner to file a supplemental exhibit granted. Petition for writ of

certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit
No. 818. Hawaiian Oke and Liquors, Ltd, petitioner, v. Joseph E.
Seagram and Sons, Inc., et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied. Mr.
Justice Black, Mr. Justice Douglas, and Mr. Justice White are of the
opinion that certiorari should be granted.
No. 820. The New York State Broadcasters Association, Inc., et al.,
United States et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
petitioners, v.
United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied. Mr.
Justice Black and Mr. Justice Douglas are of the opinion that cer-
tiorari should be granted.

No. 823. Linda Williams et al., petitioners, v. George Kimbrough

writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Ap-
et al. Petition for
peals for the Fifth Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opin-
ion that certiorari should be granted. Mr. Justice Marshall took no
part in the consideration or decision of this petition.
No. 824. Angela Walker, etc., et al., petitioners, v. County School
Board of Brunswick County, Virginia, et al. Petition for writ of
certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit
denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion that certiorari should
be granted. Mr. Justice Marshall took no part in the consideration or
decision of this petition.
No. 841. Sylvania Electric Products, Inc., petitioner, v. County
Broadcasting System. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit denied. Mr. Justice White
is of the opinion that certiorari should be granted.

No. 846. Don Weston et al., petitioners, v. United States. Motion to

dispense with printing petition granted. Petition for writ of certiorari
to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 918. Providence and Worcester Company, petitioner v. Eichard
Joyce Smith, etc. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied. Mr. J ustice Marshall
took no part in the consideration or decision of this petition.

Leave To File Petition for Writ of Mandamus Denied

No. 1197, Misc. Adam Clayton Powell, petitioner, v. George L.

Hart, Jr. Motion for leave to file petition for writ of mandamus de-
nied. The Chief Justice took no part in the consideration or decision
of this motion.
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1970 224

Rehearings Denied

No. 1121, October Term, 1967. Leonard A. Peto, petitioner, v»

Madison Square Garden Corporation et al. Motion for leave to file sec-
ond petition for rehearing denied. The Chief Justice took no part in
the consideration or decision of this motion.
No. 576. John J. Fahey, petitioner, v. United States;
No. 599. New Orleans Chapter, Associated General Contractors of
America, Inc., appellant, v. United States;
No. 618. Clifford Gowdy, petitioner, v. United States
No. 360, Misc. Joseph H. Gerardi, petitioner, v. Carolyn and Sarah
No. 517, Misc. Franklin Nial Castle, petitioner, v. United States;
No. 772, Misc. Nancy Jewell Cross, petitioner, v. John A. Bruning,
County Clerk, et al. Petition for rehearing denied.

Opinions Per Curiam

No. 38, Original. State of Alabama, plaintiff, v. Robert Finch, in

hiscapacity as Secretary of the United States Department of Health,
Education and Welfare, and John N. Mitchell, in his capacity as
Attorney General of the United States. On motion for leave to file
bill of complaint. The motion for leave to file bill of complaint is

denied. Opinion per curiam.

No. 39, Original. State of Mississippi, plaintiff, v. Robert Finch,

individually and in his capacity as Secretary of United States De-
partment of Health, Education and Welfare, and John N. Mitchell,
individually and in his capacity as Attorney General of the United
States. On
motion for leave to file bill of complaint. The motion for
leave to of complaint is denied. Opinion per curiam. Mr. Jus-
file bill

tice Harlan took no part in the consideration or decision of this

Orders in Pending Cases

No. . Edgar D. Whitcomb, Governor of the State of Indiana,

appellant, v. Patrick Chavis et al. The emergency application for a

stay of thejudgment of the United States District Court for the South-
! ern District of Indiana presented to Mr. Justice Marshall, and by
him referred to the Court, is granted pending the timely filing and
disposition of an appeal.
No. 1136. Deborah A. Northcross et al., petitioners, v. Board of
Education of the Memphis, Tennessee, City Schools, et al. The motion
to advance is granted and the brief or briefs opposing the petition for
writ of certiorari shall be filed on or before February 16, 1970.
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 19 70 225

Certiorari Granted

No. 963, Misc. Joseph Elkanich, petitioner, v. United States. Mo-

tion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis and petition for writ of
certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Cir-
cuit granted. Case transferred to the appellate docket, placed on the
summary calendar, and set for oral argument immediately following
No. 269.

Adjourned until Tuesday, February 24, 1970, until 10 o'clock.

The day call for Tuesday, February 24, 1970, will be as follows
Nos. 606, 153, and 413.


Present Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice

Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice

Stewart, Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice Marshall.

Orders in Pending Cases

No. . Francis Albert Sinatra, petitioner, v. New Jersey State

Commission of Investigation et al. The application for stay pending
appeal to the United States Court of Appeals is denied. Mr. Justice
Black, Mr. Justice Douglas, and Mr. Justice Marshall are of the
opinion that the application should be granted. Mr. Justice Brennan
took no part in the consideration or decision of this application.

No. . National Bank of Cornelia, Cornelia, Georgia,

petitioner, v. W. M.
Jackson, Superintendent of Banks of Georgia,
et al. The application for stay of the order of the United States Dis-
trict Court for the Northern District of Georgia, presented to Mr.
Justice Black and by him referred to the Court, is denied.

390-278—70 58
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 19 70 227


Present : Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice
Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice
Stewart, Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice Marshall.

Orders in Pending Cases

No. School District of Greenville County, etc., et ah, petition-


ers, v.Elaine Whittenberg et ah The application for a temporary

stay presented to the Chief Justice, and by him referred to the Court,
is denied.
No, Edgar D. Whitcomb, Governor of the State of Indiana,

appellant, v. Patrick Chavis et ah The emergency motion to vacate

or modify the stay order of February 2, 1970, is denied. The motion
to advance is denied without prejudice to its renewal following the
filing of the statement as to jurisdiction. Mr. Justice Douglas dissent-
ing from the denial of the motion to vacate or modify the stay order
of February 2, 1970
"After a trial on June 17 and 18, 1969, a three-judge District Court
entered an order on July 28, 1969, in which it held the multi-member
districting provisions of the present Indiana apportionment statutes
unconstitutional as they applied to Marion County, Indiana. The
State was given until October 1, 1969, to enact statutes redisricting
the State so as to correct the constitutional infirmity. Upon the State's
failure to enact such statutes, the District Court, on December 15,
1969, entered an order establishing legislative districts in the State.
This Court, on February 2, 1970, granted a stay of the District Court's
December 15 order pending the filing and disposition of an appeal
from that order.
"The appellees have now filed a motion to vacate the stay. I would
grant the motion. The constitutionality of the present Indiana appor-
tionment scheme was thoroughly briefed and argued in the three-
judge District Court below. There is no reason to disturb the order
of that court pending the disposition of the appeal by this Court. The
date for the commencement of filing for the November 1970 election
to the General Assembly is February 24, 1970. The State contends that
without a stay it will be forced to conduct the forthcoming election
under the reapportionment plan of the District Court. By granting
the stay, however, this Court has equally forced the appellees to go
through the election under the present scheme which was held uncon-

390-278—70 59
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 19 70 228

stitutional by the District Court. Under these circumstances, I see

no reason to stay the order of the District Court."
No. 1142. Joseph Elkanich, petitioner, v. United States. It is

ordered that Charles A. Miller, Esquire, of Washington, District of

Columbia, a member of the Bar of this Court, be, and he is hereby,
appointed to serve as counsel for the petitioner in this case.

TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1970 229


Present Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice

Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice

Stewart, Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice Marshall.

Orders in Pending Cases

No. —— . School District of Darlington County et al., petitioners,

v. Theodore Whitmore Stanley et al. The application for a temporary
stay, presented to the Chief Justice and by him referred to the Court,
is denied.
No. In the Matter of the Application of Francis N. Rosen-
baum, Jane C. Rosenbaum, and Goodwin, Rosenbaum & Meacham.
The application for a stay, presented to the Chief Justice and by him
referred to the Court, is denied.

390-278—70 60
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1970 230


Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. J ustice

Present :

Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice

Stewart, Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice Marshall.

Admissions to the Bar

Clarence H. Featherson, of Washington, D.C., William P. Eyan, of

Springfield,111., Robert L. Freedman, of Potomac, Md., David Hackett

Souter, of Weare, N.H., Pat Richard Mercurio, of North Valley

Stream, N.Y., Joseph Russell Cruciana, of Charlotte, N.C., Henry
Valdespino, of San Antonio, Tex., and Charles E. White, of River
Falls, Wise, on motion of Mr. Louis Fenner Clairborne ; Beresf ord
Lee Church, Jr., of Little Rock, Ark., Harry B. Colay, of Magnolia,
irk., David Loy Hale, of Little Rock, Ark., and James R. Howard, of
Little Rock, Ark., on motion of Mr. David H. Pryor; John J. Dunn,
of El Cerrito, Calif., on motion of Mr. Jerome Russell Waldie; Carl
V. Bruggeman, of Toledo, Ohio, and James M. Tuschman, of Toledo,
Ohio, on motion of Mr. Thomas Ludlow Ashley Leo Freedman, of

Pasadena, Tex., on motion of Mr. Reginald C. Harmon; William

Pollack, of Passaic, N.J., on motion of Mr. Max Kampelman Roland

S. Barcume, of Newport Beach, Calif., on motion of Mr. Rufus King;

Paul W. Wildman, of Los Angeles, Calif., on motion of Mr. St. John

Barrett; Williard I. Silverberg, of Hagerstown, Md., on motion of
Mrs. Elizabeth S. Denny; Lawrence A. Porcari, of Yonkers, N.Y., on
motion of Mr. Francis C. Reed William C. Donnino, of New York,

N.Y., Lewis Richard Friedman, of New York, N.Y., and Bennett

Lewis Gershman, of New York, N.Y., on motion of Mr. Michael
Robin Juviler; William Yates Farnsworth, of Alexandria, Va., and
Glen Richard Goodsell, of Alexandria, Va., on motion of Mr. Noel
Thompson John J. Carmody, Jr., of Washington, D.C., and Donald

L. Herskovitz, of Washington, D.C., on motion of Mr. John J.

Des Moines, Iowa, on motion of Mr.
C. Carleton Frederiei, of
David Kammerman; W. Bitner Browne, of Springfield, Ohio, on
motion of Mr. John A. Mclntire; Gordon David Coplein of New
York, N.Y., on motion of Mr. Jay Morton Cantor; Thomas More
McCulloch, of Wheeling, W. Va., on motion of Mr. Weston Harris
Grimsley; H. Reed Harris, of Chicago, 111., on motion of Mr. Joel
Flaum; John G. Gill, Jr., of Washington, D.C., on motion of Mr.
John Alfred Terry; Milton A. Levenfeld, of Chicago, 111., and Rich-
390-278—70 61
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1970 231

rd M. Kates, of Chicago, 111., on motion of Mr. Gary Nathan Calkins,

r.; Donald P. Cooney, of Dubuque, Iowa, on motion of Mr. Law-
ence Bernard, Jr. Jack N. Shears, of Ponca City, Okla., on motion

if Mr. William A. Mikesell, Jr. John Butler Hirsch, of Chicago, 111.,


m motion of Mr. Morten Harrison Wilner; and Philip L. Burton,

if Seattle, Wash., Harry Dreis, of St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, Neil

il. Herring, of Los Angeles, Calif., Alan L. Hirshman, of New York,

f.Y., Ralph H. Johansen, of Berkeley, Calif., James A. King, of

lonolulu, Hawaii, Irving Meyers, of Chicago, 111., Eric W. Schmidt,

>f New York, N.Y., Rudolph Schware, of Denver, Colo., Herbert

irnold Schwartz, of Carmel, Calif., and Carol Krauthamer Smith,

>f Los Angeles, Calif., on motion of Mrs. Doris Brin Walker, were

admitted to practice.

No. 234. Henry J. Czosek et al., petitioners, v. John R. O'Mara

t al. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
he Second Circuit. Judgment affirmed. Opinion by Mr. Justice White,
klr. Chief Justice Burger would dismiss the writ as improviclently
No. 87. United States, petitioner, v. Lelord Kordel and Alfred
^eldten. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
or the Sixth Circuit. Judgment reversed and case remanded to the
^ourt of Appeals for further proceedings in conformity with the
ipinion of this Court. Opinion by Mr. Justice Stewart. Mr. Justice
31ack took no part in the decision of this case.
No. 88. United States, petitioner, v. W. G. Reynolds et ux. On
vrit of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth
Circuit. Judgment vacated and case remanded to the United States
District Court for the Western District of Kentucky for further pro-
ceedings in conformity with the opinion of this Court. Opinion by
tfr. Justice Stewart. Dissenting opinion by Mr. Justice Douglas with

vhom Mr. Justice Black joins.

No. 731.Kenneth R. Jones, petitioner, v. State Board of Education
)f and for the State of Tennessee et al. On writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit. Writ dismissed
is improvidently granted. Opinion per curiam announced by Mr. Chief

Justice Burger. Mr. Justice Black, for the reasons set out in the opinion
tnd others stated in his dissent in Tinker et al. v. Des Moines Inde-
pendent Community /School District et al., 393 U.S. 503, 515-526, would
iffirm the judgment below. Dissenting opinion by Mr. Justice Douglas

ivith whom Mr. Justice Brennan joins.

TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 19 70 232

The Chief Justice said:

"Today's orders of the Court have been certified by the Chief
Justice, filedwith the Clerk, and will not be announced orally."

Opinions Per Curiam

No. 70. Kolf J. Kolden, petitioner, v. Selective Service Local Board

fa. 4, Beltrami County, Minnesota. On petition for writ of certiorari
o the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit
George M. Chaikin, petitioner, v. Selective Service System
No. 73.
x>cal Board No. 66, et al. On petition for writ of certiorari to the
Jnited States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit;

No. 164. Lawrence E. Faulkner, petitioner, v. Melvin E. Laird, as

Secretary of Defense, et al. On petition for writ of certiorari to the
Jnited States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit;
No. 183. David Osher, Local Board
petitioner, v. Selective Service
fa. 6, Valley Stream, New York, et al. On petition for writ of certi-
>rari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit
No. 331. Michael J. Kraus, petitioner, v. Selective Service System
jocal 25 et al. On petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
]ourt of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit; and
Marc Belding Anderson et al., petitioners, v. Lewis B.
No. 449.
ffershey, National Director, Selective Service System, et al. On peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for

he Sixth Circuit. Petitions for writs of certiorari granted, judg-

nents vacated and cases remanded Court of Appeals
to the respective
:or Breen v. Selective Service Board,
further consideration in light of
596 U.S. 460. Opinion per curiam. Mr. Justice Harlan would reverse

udgments and remand on the basis of his separate opinion in Breen

v. Selective Service Board, 396 U.S. 468, and the Court's opinion in
lutknecht v. United States, 396 U. S. 295.
No. 226. Bernard V. Sussman, petitioner, v. United States. On peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for

ihe Fourth Circuit. Petition for writ of certiorari granted, judgment

vacated, and case remanded to the Court of Appeals for further con-
sideration in light of Turner v. United States, 396 U.S. 398. Opinion
per curiam.

David Barner Troutman, petitioner, ^.United States. On

No. 623.
petition forwrit of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Eighth Circuit. Petition for writ of certiorari granted, judg-

ment vacated and case remanded to the Court of Appeals for further
consideration in light of Guthnecht v. United States, 396 U.S. 295.
Opinion per curiam.
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1970 233

No. 411, Misc. John Wesley Battiste, petitioner, v. United States.

On petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fifth Circuit. Motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis
and petition for writ of certiorari granted. Judgment vacated and
case remanded to the Court of Appeals for further consideration in
light of Gutknecht v. United States, 396 U.S. 295. Opinion per curiam.

No. 861. United States, petitioner, v. Efrain Santos et al. ; On peti-

tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Seventh Circuit. The motion of respondent Ward for leave to pro-
ceed in forma pauperis is granted. Petition for writ of certiorari
granted, judgment vacated, and case remanded to the Court of Appeals
for further consideration in light of Buie v. United States, 396 U.S.
87. Opinion per curiam.
No. 873. United States, petitioner, v. Sheldon G. Perlman. On peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Seventh Circuit, Petition for writ of certiorari granted, judgment
vacated, and case remanded to the Court of Appeals for further con-
sideration in light of Buie v. United States, 396 U.S. 87. Opinion per

No. 864. Robert P. Burruss et al., appellants, v. Woodrow W.

Wilkerson, State Board of Election, et al. Appeal from the United
States District Court for the Western District of Virginia. The motion
to affirm is granted and the judgment is affirmed. Opinion per curiam.

Mr. Justice Douglas and Mr. Justice White are of the opinion that
probable jurisdiction should be noted and the case set for oral

No. 866. George K. Wyman, Individually and as Commissioner of

the State of New
York, Department of Social Services, appellant, v.
Ossie Bowens et al. Appeal from the United States District Court for
the Northern District and the Southern District of New York and ;

No. 874. John Lascaris, Individually and as Commissioner of the

Onondaga County Department of Social Services, appellant, v. Ossie
Bowens etc. Appeal from the United States District Court for the
Northern District of New York. The motion of the appellees for leave
to proceed in forma pauperis is granted. The motions to affirm are

granted and the judgments are affirmed. Opinion per curiam. The
Chief Justice, Mr. Justice Black, and Mr. Justice Harlan are of the
opinion that probable jurisdiction should be noted and the cases set
for oral argument.

No. 880. Chemical Leaman Tank Lines, Inc., et al., appellants, v.

United States et al. Appeal from the United States District Court for
theSouthern District of Mississippi. The motions to affirm are granted
and the judgment is affirmed. Opinion per curiam.


No. 912. Contractors Cargo Co.^ appellant, v. United States et al.

Appeal from the United States District Court for the Central District
of California. The motions to affirm are granted and the judgment is
affirmed. Opinion per curiam.

No. 937. United States, appellant, v. James William Wiernick.

Appeal from the United States District Court for the Northern Dis-
trict of Illinois. Judgment vacated and case remanded to the United

States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois for further
consideration in light of Buie v. United States, 396 U.S. 87. Opinion
per curiam.
No. 982. Robert W. Turner et al., appellants, v. Cecil D. Clay et al.
Appeal from the Supreme Court of South Carolina. The motions to
dismiss are granted and the appeal is dismissed for want of a sub-
stantial federal question. Opinion per curiam.

No. 988. Pre-Fab Transit Co., appellant v. United States et al.

Appeal from the United States District Court for the Southern
District of Illinois. The motions to affirm are granted and the judg-
ment is affirmed. Opinion per curiam.
No. 997. Associated Truck Lines, Inc., et
al., appellants, v. United

Appeal from the United States District Court for the

States et al.
Western District of Michigan. The motions to affirm are granted and
the judgment is affirmed. Opinion per curiam.

No. 1008. Clifford J. Locke, appellant, v. California. Appeal from

the Court of Appeal of California, First Appellate District. The ap-
peal is dismissed for want of jurisdiction. Treating the papers where-
on the appeal was taken as a petition for writ of certiorari, certiorari
is denied. Opinion per curiam.
No. 1009. Corlon C. Keller, appellant, v. Department of Alcoholic
Beverage Control of the State of California. Appeal from the Court
of Appeal of California, Second Appellate District. The appeal is dis-
missed for want of jurisdiction. Treating the papers whereon the ap-
peal was taken as a petition for writ of certiorari, certiorari is denied.
Opinion per curiam.
No. 1022. United States, appellant, v. Donald Joseph Cotton et al.
Appeal from the United States District Court for the Eastern District
of Wisconsin. The motion of the appellee for leave to proceed in forma
pauperis is granted. The motion to dismiss is granted and the appeal is
dismissed for failure to docket the case within the time prescribed by
Rule 13. Opinion per curiam. Mr. Justice Douglas dissents.
No. 1077. James P. Kelly et ux., appellants, v. Mountain States
Telephone & Telegraph Company. Appeal from the Supreme Court of
Idaho. The motion to dismiss is granted and the appeal is dismissed for
want of jurisdiction. Treating the papers whereon the appeal was
390-278—70 62
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2 4, 1970 235

aken as a petition for writ of certiorari, certiorari is denied. Opinion

oer curiam.
Orders in Pending Cases

No. . John K. Snyder, petitioner, v. Edwon O. Ware, III. The

application for injunction is denied.

No. 75. In the Matter of the Application of Martin Robert Stolar,

petitioner. The motion of the petitioner to remove this case from
the summary calendar is denied.
Margaret Curry, etc., petitioner, v. P. D. Marchessini, Inc.,
No. 241.
et al.The motion to substitute Sidney L. Raskin, Executor of the
Estate of Margaret Curey, deceased, in place of Margaret Curry, as
the party petitioner is granted.

No. 476. Sears,Roebuck and Co., petitioner, v. Carpet, Linoleum,

Soft Tile and Resilient Floor Covering Layers, Local Union No. 419,
AFL-CIO, et al. The motion of the respondent Union for leave to
participate in the oral argument is granted and a total of one and
one half hours is allotted for oral argument for the entire case.

No. 595. Louis S. Nelson, Warden, petitioner, v. John Edward

George. The motion of the respondent for the appointment of counsel
is granted and it is ordered that George A. dimming, Jr., Esquire, of

San Francisco, California, be, and he is hereby, appointed to serve

as counsel for the respondent in this case.

No. 696. Law Students Civil

Rights Research Council, Inc., et al.
y. Lowell Wadmond et al. The
motion of the appellants to remove
this case from the summary calendar is denied.

No. 829. Genever Lewis et al., appellants, v. Robert Martin, Di-

rector of the State Department of Social Welfare of State of Cali-

fornia, et al. The motion of the Center on Social Welfare Policy and
Law et al. for leave to file a brief, as amici curiae, is granted.

No. 927. Johnny Williams, petitioner, v. Florida. The motion of

Virgil Jenkins for leave to participate in the oral argument, as
amicus curiae, is denied.

Appeals —Jurisdiction Noted

No. 670. Ernest Perkins et al., appellants, v. L. S. Matthews, Mayor

of the City of Canton, etAppeal from the United States District

Court for the Southern District of Mississippi. In this case probable

jurisdiction noted and case placed on the summary calendar.

No. 1066. City of Phoenix, Arizona, et al., appellants, v. Emily Ko-

lodziejski. Appeal from the United States District Court for the
District of Arizona. In this case probable jurisdiction noted and case
placed on the summary calendar.
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2 4, 19 70 236

No. 896. George K. Wyman, etc., et al., appellants, v. Edna Roth-

itein et al.Appeal from the United States District Court for the
southern District of New York. Motion of appellees for leave to
>roceed in forma pauperis granted. In this case probable jurisdiction
toted and case placed on the summary calendar.

George K. Wyman, Individually and as Commissioner

No. 977.
if New York, Department of Social Services, appellant,
the State of
\ Barbara James, etc. Appeal from the United States District Court

or the Southern District of New York. Motion of appellee for leave

o proceed in f orma pauperis granted. In this case probable jurisdic-
ion noted and case placed on the summary calendar. Application for
tay denied. The Chief Justice and Mr. Justice Black are of the
pinion that the stay should be granted.

Certiorari Granted

No. 891. Monitor Patriot Co., et al., petitioners, v. Roselle A. Roy,

tc. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of New

lampshire granted and case placed on the summary calendar.
No. 947. George A. Rosenbloom, petitioner, v. Metromedia, Inc.
'etition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals

or the Third Circuit granted and case placed on the summary cal-

No. 1033. Samuel J. Abate, etc., et al., petitioners, v. Paul F.

lundt et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals
f New York granted and case placed on the summary calendar.
No. 388. United States, petitioner, v. Roosevelt Hudson Harris,
lotion to dispense with printing brief for respondent granted. Peti-
ion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
lie Sixth Circuit granted and case placed on the summary calendar.
Labor Relations Board, petitioner, v. Local 825,
No. 557. National
nternational Union of Operating Engineers, AFL-CIO and ;

No. 570. Burns and Roe, Inc., et al., petitioners, v. Local 825, In-
ernational Union of Operating Engineers, AFLr-CIO. Petitions for
mts of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Third
Circuit granted. Cases consolidated and a total of one
and one half
ours allotted for oral argument.

No. 642. Lawrence E. Wilson, Warden, petitioner, v. Veron Atch-

iy. Motion of respondent for leave to proceed in forma pauperis
ranted. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
appeals for the Ninth Circuit granted and case placed on the summary
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2 4, 1970 237

Certiorari Denied

No. 95. Peter D. Schweitzer et al., petitioners, v. Clerk for the City
of Plymouth et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme
Court of Michigan denied.
No. 235. Ricardo Perez Goitia, petitioner, v. United States. Peti-

tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the First Circuit denied.

No. 321. Wilma DiBello Giddens, petitioner, v. Oklahoma. Petition

for writ of certiorari to the Court of Criminal Appeals of Oklahoma

No. 358. James Riley, Jr., and Frank Marshall, petitioners, v.

United States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.

No. 411. Carlton Draper, petitioner, v. United States. Petition

for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Seventh Circuit denied.

No. 746. Donald Lester James et al., petitioners, v. United States;

No. 851. Harvey Hutton Hutchins, petitioner, v. United States.
Petitions for writs of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 845. Woodrow Yokum, petitioner, v. United States. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 848. Ronald Ames Mayersohn, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 852. Hyman Sternman, petitioner, v. United States. Petition
for writ of certiorari to theUnited States Court of Appeals for the
Sixth Circuit denied.

No. 853. Federal Trade Commission, petitioner, v. Columbia

Broadcasting System, Inc., et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to
the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 858. George O. Downes, petitioner, v. Michigan. Petition for
Supreme Court of Michigan denied.
writ of certiorari to the

No. 859. Historic Smithville Inn et al., petitioners, v. National

Labor Relations Board. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit denied.

No. 860. Russell Morton Brown, petitioner, v. Edward Oliver

Lamb and Dispatch, Inc. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit denied.
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2 4, 19 7 0 238

No. 862. J. D. Cox, Superintendent of the Virginia State Peniten-

Joseph P. Wood. Petition for writ of certiorari to
tiary, petitioner, v.

the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 865. Hun Chak Sun, aka Jack Sun, petitioner, v. Immigration
and Naturalization Service. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 867. Theodore E. Mowen, petitioner, v. Illinois. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the Appellate Court of Illinois, First District,
No. 868. Connell Eice & Sugar Co., Inc., petitioner, v. Houston
Belt & Terminal Eailway Company. Petition for writ of certiorari
to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 869. Felix Walls, petitioner, v. United States. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth
Circuit denied.
No. 871. Norman F. Dacey, petitioner, v. The Florida Bar, Inc.,
et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 872. Quality Chevrolet Company, Inc., petitioner, v. Commis-
sioner of Internal Eevenue, Petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit denied.
No. 875. Johnny B. Dapper, petitioner, v. California. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of California denied.
No. 876. James Campione, petitioner, v. United States. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 877. Tampa Phosphate Eailroad Company, petitioner, v. Sea-
board Coast Line Eailroad Company. Petition for writ of certiorari
to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 878. Joe M. Crevasse, Jr., Sheriff of Alachua County, Florida,
petitioner, v. Carol W. Thomas. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 883. Harry J. Coman, petitioner, v. Chief Counsel of the Ju-
dicialInquiry on Professional Conduct, Nassau County. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of
New York, Second Judicial Department, denied.
No. 884. Philip Berrigan United States. Pe-
et al., petitioners, v.
tition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 885. Mary Moylan United States. Peti-
et al., petitioners, v.
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Fourth Circuit denied.

390-278-^70—-— 63
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2 4, 1970 239

No. 887. Salvadore Joseph Ferino, petitioner, v. United States.

Petition forwrit of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 888. Thomas Edward Hanley, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 890. Jerome B. Bluhm, petitioner, v. United States. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 892. Magna Oil Corporation et al., petitioners, v. Philip B.
No. 926. Dudley E. Binyon, petitioner, v. Philip B. Bateson. Pe-
titions for writs of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for

he Fifth Circuit denied.

No. 894. Mose Reed, petitioner, v.M/V Foylebank, etc., et al.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 898. Francis D. White United States.
et ux., petitioners, v.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 899. Community Funding Corporation, petitioner, v. Superior
Court of California for the County of Los Angeles. Petition for writ of
sertiorari to the Court of Appeal of California, Second Appellate
District, denied.
No. 901. United Bonding Insurance Company, petitioner, v. Ash-
wood Construction Company et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to
the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 903. Bernard Food Industries, Inc., petitioner, v. The Dietene
Company. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 904. Continental Oil Company et al., petitioners, v. The Lon-
don Steam- Shipowners' Mutual Insurance Association, Ltd. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Fifth Circuit denied.

No. 906. Sara Blum,

petitioner, v. Tenth District Committee of
the Virginia StateBar. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme
Court of Appeals of Virginia denied.
No. 908. Mary Green et al., petitioners, v. The American Tobacco
Company. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 909. John M. Holahan, petitioner, v. Albert G. Keynolds,
Trustee. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2 4, 19 70 240

No. 910. Ernest Edwin Stone, petitioner, v. North Dakota et al.

'etition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of North Dakota

No. 913. Earl Missler, petitioner, v. United States. Petition for writ
f certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth

ircuit denied.

No. 925. Morton Globus et al., petitioners, v. Law Kesearch Serv-

:e, Inc., et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
'ourt of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 930. Franklin W. Baumgartner et al., petitioners, v. Gulf Oil
Corporation. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of
lebraska denied.

No. 931. Martin Lemlich, petitioner, v. United States. Petition for

Tit of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth
'ircuit denied.
No. 934. Wylie Manufacturing Company, petitioner, v. National
,abor Kelations Board. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
itatesCourt of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit denied.
No. 935. The Kiverside Press, Inc., petitioner, v. National Labor
delations Board. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
'ourt of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 940. Stephen J. Olah, petitioner, v. Garvis L. Sams et al. Pe-
ition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Georgia denied.
No. 941. Wilbert H. Friend and Friend and Company, petitioners,
. H. A. Friend and Company, Inc. Petition for writ of certiorari to
tie United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.

No. 943. Continental Can Company, Inc., petitioner, v. Crown Cork

: Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Seal, Inc.
"ourt of Appeals for the Third Circuit denied.

No. 946. Barbara Sellars, etc., petitioner, v. Logan Towing Com-

)any, Inc. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
»f Appeals for the Eighth Circuit denied.

No. 948. Jim Fair, petitioner, v. Fred O. Dickinson, Jr., as Comp-

roller of the State of Florida. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
Supreme Court of Florida denied.
No. 950. Eussell Hamlett, petitioner, v. New Jersey. Petition for
mt of certiorari to the Superior Court of New Jersey, Appellate
division denied.

No. 951.James C. Hawkins and Kaymond Melvin Shelby, peti-

ioners, v.United States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 19 70 241

No. 953. Sears, Roebuck and Company, et al., petitioners, v. James

R. Horton et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit denied.
No. 954. John A. Hutter, Jr., et al., petitioners, v. City of Chicago.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Illinois denied.
No. 957. Eugenio Hernandez, petitioner, v. New York. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the Court ofAppeals of New York denied.
No. 958. S. E. Nichols-Dover, Inc., et al., petitioners, v. National
Labor Relations Board. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit denied.
No. 962. South Bay Daily Breeze, etc., petitioner, v. National Labor
Relations Board. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 969. Irvin Rapoport, petitioner, v. Rose Rapoport aka Joan
Sirott. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 970. Neeta Webb, petitioner, v. Robert E. Nolan. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth
Circuit denied.
v. Leon Phillip Belous. Petition
No. 971. California, petitioner,
Supreme Court of California denied.
for writ of certiorari to the
No. 973. Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers International Union
AFL-CIO, petitioner, v. National Labor Relations Board et al. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 975. Operating Engineers Local Union No. 3, et al., petitioners
v.B. R. Burroughs. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 976. Saul Shapiro, petitioner, v. California. Petition for writ
of certiorari to the Appellate Department of the Superior Court of
California, County of Los Angeles, denied.
No. 978. M. S. Chambliss, petitioner, v. Coca-Cola Bottling
Company et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 979. Fred W. Phelps, petitioner, v. State Board of Law
Examiners. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Gourt of
Kansas denied.
No. 983. Edwin Harling, petitioner, v. United States. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth
Circuit denied.
No. 986. Fred Joseph White, petitioner, v. Oklahoma. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the Court of Criminal Appeals of Oklahoma
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 19 70 242

No. 987. Alabama-Tennessee Natural Gas Coompany, petitioner,

Federal Power Commission et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to
ie United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 989. Sol Siegel et ux., petitioners, v. City of Los Angeles. Pe-
tion for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California,
econd Appellate District, denied.
No. 990. Henry Dutra George, petitioner, v. California. Petition
>r writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California, First
ppellate District, denied.

No. 993. Thomas Piccini, petitioner, v. United States. Petition for

rit of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
3cond Circuit denied.
No. 994. Seymour Pollack, petitioner, v. United States. Petition
>r writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
ifth Circuit denied.

No. 996. PSG Co. et al., petitioners, v. Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fen-
ir & Smith, Inc. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
ourt of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1000. Noble Drilling Corporation et al., petitioners, v. Versie
imble. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
ppeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 1004. A. C. Suhren et al., petitioners, v. United States. Petition
>r writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
ifth Circuit denied.
No. 1005. Zayre of Georgia, Inc., et al., petitioners, v. City of
Marietta el al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
ourt of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 1007. Marvin J. Morse, petitioner, v. D. A. Hindman et al.
etition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
>r the Tenth Circuit denied.
No. 1013. James C. Winston, petitioner, v. Prudential Lines, Inc.
etition for writ of certiorari to the L^nited States Court of Appeals
>r the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1014. Owen B. Lampman et al., petitioners, v. United States
istrictCourt for the Central District of California et al. Petition
>r writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
inth Circuit denied.

No. 1015. Local United Papermakers and Paperworkers,

FL-CIO, CLC, United States et al. Petition
et al., petitioners v.
)r writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
ifth Circuit denied.
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2 4, 19 70 243

No. 1018. Kobert G. Gordon, petitioner, v. Shephard A. Spunt. Pe-

tition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the First Circuit denied.
No. 1019. George Bravos et al., petitioners, v. Illinois. Petition for

writ of certiorari to the Appellate Court of Illinois, First District,


Xo. 1024. Cimarron Coal Corporation, petitioner, v. District No.

23, United Mine Workers of America, et al. Petition for writ of cer-
tiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit

Xo. 1025. The Laidlaw Corporation, petitioner, v. National Labor

Relations Board. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied.
Xo. 1028. SCM Corporation, petitioner, v. Advance Business Sys-
tems & Supply Company.Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit denied.

Xo. 1034. William Calm, District Attorney for Nassau County,

New York, Bethview Amusement Corp. et al.
et al., petitioners, v.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Second Circuit denied.
Xo. 1039. Local 300, United Industrial Workers of America, etc.,
petitioner, v.Marriott In-Flite Services Division of Marriott Cor-
poration. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.

Xo. 1065. Allen Levair Jordan and Alvina Lajan Johnson, peti-
tioners, v. United States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
Xo. 96. Joe A. Trujillo, petitioner, v. United States. Motion to dis-
pense with printing petition granted. Petition for writ of certiorari
to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth
Circuit denied.
Mr. Justice Black and Mr. Justice Harlan would grant the petition
of certiorari,vacate the judgment of the Court of Appeals and re-
mand to that court for further consideration in light of Leary v.
United States, 395 U.S. 6 (1969). See Street v. New York, 394
576, 586 (1969) ;
Stromberg v. California, 283 U.S. 359 (1931).
Xo. 573. J ames A. Watts and Walter B. Blue, petitioners, v. Seward
School Board et al. Motion to dispense with printing the petition and
to use record in No. 325, Oct. Term, 1967, granted. Petition
for writ
of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Alaska denied. Mr.
Douglas is of the opinion that certiorari should be granted.
No. 694.
Carmine Panico and Carlie DiPietro, petitioners, v. United
States.Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
Appeals for the Second Circuit denied. Mr. Justice
Marshall took no
part in the consideration of decision of
this petition.
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2 4, 1970 244

No. 725. Joseph F. Schipani, petitioner, v. United States. Petition

for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Second Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Marshall took no part in the
consideration or decision of this petition.
Kaymond A. O'Connor et ux., petitioners v. Commissioner
No. 886.
of InternalKevenue. Motion to substitute John K. O'Connor, Execu-
tor of the Estate of Raymond A. O'Connor, deceased, in place of
Kaymond A. O'Connor, as a party petitioner, granted. Petition for
writ of Certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Second Circuit denied.
No. 897. Walter A. Younge, petitioner, v. State Board of Registra-
tion for the Healing Arts. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Su-
preme Court of Missouri denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion
that certiorari should be granted.

No. 923. James Lee Hilgeneck, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-

tition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Sixth Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion that
certiorari should be granted.
No. 932. National Association of Theatres Owners et al., peti-
tioners, v. Federal Communications Commission et al. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Dis-
trict of Columbia Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opin-
ion that certiorari should be granted.
No. 933. Russell Troutman et al., petitioners, v. Donald Rums-
feld, Director, Office of Economic Opportunity, et al. Petition for writ
of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Cir-
cuit denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion that certiorari
should be granted.
No. 955. David Goldwasser, petitioner, v. Robert C. Seamans, Jr.,
Secretary of the Air Force, et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit
denied.Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion that certiorari should
be granted.

No. 985. Stephen Dennison, petitioner, v. New York. Petition for

writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals of New York denied. Mr.
Justice Douglas is of the opinion that certiorari should be granted.
No. 1001. Auther Larnce King and James Albert King, petitioners,
v. United States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Douglas
is of the opinion that certiorari should be granted.

No. 1016. Evening News Association et al., petitioners, v. Patricia

Arber et al. and ;
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2 4, 19 70 245

Xo. 1021. John H. Stahlin and Paul D. Bagwell, petitioners, v.

'atricia Arber et al. Petitions for writs of certiorari to the Supreme
'ourt of Michigan denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion that
ertiorari should be granted.
Air Line Pilots Association, International et al., peti-
No. t9frl.
ioners, v. Northwest Airlines, Inc. Petition for writ of certiorari to
lie United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit denied.
Ir. Justice Douglas is of the opinion that certiorari should be granted.

No. 1079. Grover G. Alexander, petitioner, v. Maine. Petition for

, rit of certiorari to theSupreme Judicial Court of Maine denied. Mr.
ustiee Douglas is of the opinion that certiorari should be granted.
Xo. 924. Levisa Stone Corporation et Elkhorn
al., petitioners, v.
Itone Company, United
Inc. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
states Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied. Mr. Justice
ilack is of the opinion that certiorari should be granted and the
udgment reversed. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion that certio-
ari should be granted.
Xo. 939. Robert L. Wagner, petitioner, v. United States. Motion
o dispense with printing petition granted. Petition for writ of certi-
rari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit

Xo. 1006. Cecil R. Eeed, petitioner, v. Walter J. Hickel, Secre-

ary of the Department al. Motion to dispense with
of the Interior, et
Tinting petition granted. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.

No. 952. Pennsylvania, petitioner, v. Jon E. Yount. Motion of

espondent for leave to proceed in forma pauperis granted. Petition
or writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, Eastern
District, denied.
Xo. 968.Howard D. Yeager, Warden, petitioner, v. Herbert James
)aley. Motion of respondent for leave to proceed in forma pauperis
granted. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
>f Appeals for the Third Circuit denied.

Xo. 1047. Daniel McMann, Warden, petitioner, v. Joel Smith.

Motion of respondent for leave to proceed in forma pauperis granted.
etition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
or the Second Circuit denied.
Xo. 1074. DanielMcMann, Warden, petitioner, v. Leroy Vander-
Motion of respondent for leave to proceed in forma pauperis

Panted. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of

Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.

No. 995. Air Line Pilots Association, International, petitioner, v.

iedmont Aviation, Inc. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
TUESDAY, EEBRUARY 2 4, 1*9 70 246
States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit denied. Mr. Justice
31ack and Mr. Justice White are of the opinion that certiorari should
)e granted.
No. 1023. United States, petitioner, v. Myron L. Gordon, United
States District Judge for the Eastern District of Wisconsin. Motion
>f respondents Cotton etal. for leave to proceed in forma pauperis
granted. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied. The Chief Justice and Mr.
lustice Stewart are of the opinion that certiorari should be granted.
No. 19, Misc. Horace Eugene Turner, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
or the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 24, Misc. William Taylor, petitioner, v. United States. Peti-
ion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
he Sixth Circuit denied.

No. 28, Misc. Joe E. Cortez, petitioner, v. United States. Petition

or writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the-
ftnth Circuit denied.

No. 34, Misc. Hilton Shilow, petitioner, v. Louisiana. Petition for

mt of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Louisiana denied.
No. 37, Misc. Kenneth J ordan Brown, petitioner, v. United States,
'etition for writ of certiorari to theUnited States Court of Appeals
or the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 47, Misc. Walter William Johnson, petitioner, v. United States,
'etition for writ of certiorari to theUnited States Court of Appeals
or the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 79, Misc. Elba Luisa Morales, petitioner, v. United States,
'etition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
or the Second Circuit denied.
No. 89, Misc. Jose FelixNandin, petitioner, v. United States; and
No. 125, Misc. Jose Cazares-Bamirez, petitioner, v. United States.
^titions for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
or the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 116, Misc. Fred Davis, petitioner, v. United States. Petition
or writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Seventh Circuit denied.

No. 347, Misc. Fairley Blakney, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-

ition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
or the District of Columbia Circuit denied.
No. 450, Misc. Ale jo Matos, petitioner, v. United States. Petition
or writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
econd Circuit denied.
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2 4, 1'970 247

No. 488, Misc. James Ballentine, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-

titionfor writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Second Circuit denied.
No. 547, Misc. Lonzo Nutter, petitioner, v. United States. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States of Appeals for the
Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 915, Misc. Chin Dan Fook, aka George Yount, petitioner, v.
United States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 980, Misc. Albert Arciniaga, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-
tition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1341, Misc. Raymond LeRoy Rolling, petitioner, v. United
States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States of Appeals
for the Fifth Circuit denied.

No. 23, Misc. Webster Bivens, petitioner, v. United States. Peti-

tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Second Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Marshall took no part in the
consideration or decision of this petition.

Leave To File Petition for Writ or Mandamus Denied

No. 1492, Misc. Joseph F. Schipani, petitioner, v. United States.

Motion for leave to file petition for writ of mandamus, prohibition, and
for other relief denied. Mr. Justice Marshall took no part in the con-
sideration or decision of this motion.

Rehearings Denied

No. 344, October Term, 1963. John Ormento, petitioner, v. United

States. Motion for leave to file petition for rehearing denied. The
Chief Justice and Mr. Justice Marshall took no part in the considera-
tion or decision of this motion.
No. 1109, October Term, 1968. Edna Weed, petitioner, v. Owen
Bilbrey, Sr., et al.Motion for leave to file second petition for rehear-
ing denied. The Chief Justice took no part in the consideration or
decision of this motion.
No. 9. Nacirema Operating Co., Inc., et al., petitioners, v. William
H. Johnson et al. and

No. 16. John P. Traynor and Jerry C. Oosting, Deputy Commis-

sioners, William H. Johnson et al.
petitioners, v.
No. 32. National Labor Relations Board, petitioner, v. J. H. Rut-
ter-Rex Manufacturing Company, Inc., et al.

No. 458. Charles Johnson et al., petitioners, v. Massachusetts;

TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2 4, 19 70 248

No. 591. Roy Curtis Cleveland, petitioner, v. Illinois ;

No. 592. John R. Floyd, petitioner, v. City of Rockf ord, Illinois

No. 625. Reuben Carlton et al., appellants, v. Doyle Conner, as
Commissioner of Agriculture, State of Florida and ;

No. 640. John J. Scarselletti, petitioner, v. Aetna Casualty &

Surety Company. Petitions for rehearing denied.
No. 240. Joseph Covello, petitioner, v. United States. Petition for
rehearing denied. Mr. Justice Marshall took no part in the considera-
tion or decision of this petition.
No. 613. John C. Van Houten, petitioner, v. Ray Arthur Ralls et al.
Motion to dispense with printing motion for leave to file petition for
rehearing granted. Motion for leave to file petition for rehearing

No. 1476, Misc. October Term, 1967. Angel Mora Zaragoza, peti-
tioner, v. United States. Petition for rehearing denied. The Chief
Justice took no part in the consideration or decision of this petition.
No. 224, Misc. October Term, 1968. Frank Sturm, petitioner, v.
California Adult Authority Motion for leave to file second
et al.
oetition for rehearing denied. The Chief Justice took no part in the
consideration or decision of this motion.

No. 172, Misc. Joseph P. Gerardi, petitioner, v. United States;

No. 173, Misc. Joseph P. Gerardi, petitioner, v. Secretary of
Health, Education and Welfare
No. 536, Misc. Ralph C. Mathewson, petitioner, v. Henry C.
VIcGrath, Trustee
No. 888, Misc. Andrew Green, petitioner, v. Frank J. Pate,
No. 979, Misc. Jose Manuel, petitioner, v. Isabel C. Manuel;
No. 986, Misc. Nathan Elmont Eli, petitioner, v. California ;

No. 1003, Misc. Philip B. Chambers and Gladys Chambers, peti-

tioners, v. Colonial Pipeline Company
No. 1084, Misc. George G. Gross, petitioner, v. Walter E. Craven,
harden and ;

No. 1153, Misc. Henry A. Parrish, petitioner, v. George J. Beto,

director, Texas Department of Corrections. Petitions for rehearing

No. 812, Misc. Cleveland Stuart, petitioner, v. Coral Gables Federal

Wings & Loan Association. Motion for leave to file petition for
ehearing denied.
No. 896, Misc. Norvin G. Maloney, Jr., petitioner, v. E. I. duPont
e Nemours & Co., Inc. Petition for rehearing denied. Mr. Justice
Stewart and Mr. Justice White took no part in the consideration or
'ecision of this petition.
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 197 0 249

Oral Argument

No. 606. Illinois, petitioner, v. William Allen. Argued by Mr. Joel

I. Flaum for the petitioner and by Mr. H. Eeed Harris for the


No. 153. Daniel McMann, Warden et al., petitioners, v. Willie

lichardson et al. Two
hours allowed for oral argument. Argued by
liss Brenda Soloff for the petitioners, by Mr. Michael E. Juviler
or the District Attorney of New York County, as amicus curiae, by
pecial leave of Court, and by Mrs. Gretchen White Oberman for the

No. 413. Greenbelt Cooperative Publishing Association, Inc., et al.,

etitioners, v. Charles S. Bresler. Argument commenced by Mr. Eoger

l. Clark for the petitioners.

Adjourned until tomorrow at 10 o'clock.

The day call for Wednesday, February 25, 1970, will be as follows
os. 413, 403, 369 (and 382), and 412.



Present: Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr.

Justice Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Jus-
tice Stewart, Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice Marshall.

Admissions to the Bar

S. Kingdon, of Bethesda, Md., Wayne W. Freeman, of May-
Ky., Theodore I. Smolker, of New York, N.Y., Joseph Michael

Quinlan, of Hempstead, N.Y. William Walter Rittenhouse of Borger,

Tex.,Craig G. Davis, of Bellingham, Wash., and Donald J. Horo-
Wash., on motion of Mr. Solicitor General Erwin N.
witz, of Seattle,
Griswold; Richard H. Hoch, of Nebraska City, Nebr., Miles W. John-
ston, Jr., of Lincoln, Nebr., and William A. Wilson of Lincoln, Nebr.,
on motion of Mr. Carl T. Curtis; Robert H. Macy, of Springfield. Va.,
on motion of Mr. Page Belcher; William S. Fly, of Victoria, Tex.,
on motion of Mr. John Young; Thomas Cameron, of Waco, Tex., and
Ferdinand Peter Herff II, of San Antonio, Tex., on motion of Mr.
0. C. Fisher; John Sidney White, Jr., of Baton Rouge, La., on motion
of Mr. Patrick T. Caffery; Zbigniew Stanley Rozbicki, of Hartford,
Conn., on motion of Mr. Thomas J. Meskill Richard Lee Slater, of

Athens, Ohio, on motion of Mr. Vincent W. Ambrose Stephen Charles


Shamberg, of Chicago, 111., on motion of Mr. Seymour Guthman;

James Oliver Burnett, of Fayetteville, Ark., on motion of Mr. Floyd
Lee Williams; Nick L. Laird, of Fort Worth, Tex., on motion of Mr.
Richard A. Bartl; Charles Saxon Ausley, of Tallahassee, Fla., and
Charles Graham Carothers, of Tallahassee, Fla., on motion of Mr. D.
Frederick McMullen; Frank A. Wilkinson, of Orlando, Fla., on mo-
tion ofMr. Curtis B. Goff Charles E. Carrell, of Rapid City, S. Dak.,

on motion of Mr. Harold O. Lovre, and C. Martin Berman, of Lewis-

ton, Maine, on motion of Mr. Norman L. Meyers, were admitted
to practice.

No. 108. The Colonnade Catering Corp., petitioner, v. United
States. On
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Second Circuit. Judgment reversed and case remanded to the
Court of Appeals for further proceedings in conformity with the
opinion of this Court. Opinion by Mr. Justice Douglas. Dissenting
opinion by Mr. Chief Justice Burger with whom Mr. Justice Black
and Mr. Justice Stewart join. Dissenting opinion by Mr. Justice Black
with whom Mr. Chief Justice Burger and Mr. Justice Stewart join.

390-278— 70 64
WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2 5, 197 0 251

No. 185. Augie Reetz, Commissioner of Fish and Game for Alaska,
et al., appellants, v. John Bozanich Appeal from the United
et al.
States District for the District of Alaska. Judgment vacated and case
remanded to the United States District Court for the District of
Alaska for further proceedings in conformity with the opinion of
this Court. Opinion by Mr. Justice Douglas.

No. 37. Delia Hadley et al., appellants, v. The Junior College Dis-
trictof Metropolitan Kansas City, Missouri, et al. Appeal from the
Supreme Court of Missouri. Judgment reversed and case remanded
to the Supreme Court of Missouri for further proceedings not incon-
sistentwith the opinion of this Court. Opinion by Mr. Justice Black.
Dissenting opinion by Mr. Justice Harlan with Mr. Chief Chief Jus-
tice Burger and Mr. Justice Stewart join. Dissenting opinion by Mr.

Chief Justice Burger.

No. 33, Original. State of Arkansas, plaintiff, v. State of Tennessee.
On bill of complaint. Exceptions of the State of Arkansas overruled

and the Report of the Special Master adopted. Hon. Gunnar H. Nord-
bye is appointed Commissioner in this case with power to engage and
supervise a competent surveyor, or surveyors, to survey the boundary
line as recommended in the Master's Report. Opinion per curiam an-
nounced by Mr. Chief Justice Burger. Decree entered.

Oral Argument
No. 413. Greenbelt Cooperative Publishing Association, Inc., et al.,
petitioners, v.Charles S. Bresler. Argument continued by Mr. Abra-
ham Chasanow for the respondent and concluded by Mr. Roger A.
Clark for the petitioners.
No. 403. United States, petitioner, v. Gerritt Johannes Van
Leeuwen. Argued by Mr. Solicitor General Griswold for the petitioner
and by Mr. Craig G. Davis for the respondent.
No. 369. American Farm Lines, appellant, r. Black Ball Freight
Service et al. ; and
No. 382. Interstate Commerce Commission, appellant, v. Black
Ball Freight Service et al. One hour and forty minutes allowed for
oral argument. Argued by Mr. Joseph A. Califano, Jr., for appellant
American Farm Lines, by Mr. Arthur J. Cerra for appellants Inter-
state Commerce Commission and the United States and by Mr. Wil-
liam H. Dempsey, Jr., for the appellees.

Adjourned until tomorrow at 10 o'clock.

The day call for Thursdav, February 26, 1970, will be as follows
Nos. 412, 528, 127, and 440.

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 19 70 252


Present Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice

Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice

Stewart, Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice Marshall.

The Chief Justice said

"Before addressing ourselves to the regular duties of the Court, I
have a privilege accorded me by my colleagues, or I should say six
of them, and it is a privilege which gives me a great, great pleasure.
"This Court commonly does not take note of birthdays of Justices,
but our Brother, Justice Hugo Black, is a very uncommon man. There-
fore, we will break whatever precedents may be in the way to note

today the birthday he will have tomorrow.

"There isno need, of course, to speak of the work of Justice Black
as a member of this Court or his impact on our times and on our coun-
try. That record is written in very nearly 100 volumes of this Court's
United States Keports.
"Today we simply wish to take note, so that it may be recorded on
Court of the profound esteem and the very deep
the journal of the
and warm affection that each of us bears for this very remarkable
"We wish you, Mr. Justice Black, many, many more years of the
kind of health and vigor and wisdom with which the Lord so richly
endowed you.
"In short, Happy Birthday, Sir. And, I may add, I am authorized
by the Court to say this is unanimous there are no dissents."

Admissions to the Bar

Sherman Unger, of Cincinnati, Ohio, on motion of Mr. Eichard G.

Kleindienst; Eobert J. Stamps, of New Orleans, La,, on motion of
Mr. Hale Boggs; Burton M. Apker, of Phoenix, Ariz., on motion of
Mr. John J. Ehodes; Scott Edward Jarvis, of Topeka, Kans., on mo-
tion of Mr. Joe Skubitz; Eobert E. Kopp, of Washington, D.C., on
motion of Judge Arnold Eaum; Darryl B. Deaktor, of Philadelphia,
:Pa., Archibald Kreiger, of Paterson, N.J., Herman Gordon, of
ton, Tex., James Eobert McKissick, of Houston, Tex.,
and John
William Kercheval, II, of Fairfax, Va., on motion of Mr. Anthony
Gr. Amsterdam; Jerry S. Cohen,
of Washington, D.C., on motion of
Mr. Wilbur D. Sparks Eichard Nichols, of Miami, Fla., on motion

of Mr. Warren E. Miller; Ealph A. Eeal, of Deal Park,

N.J., on mo-

390-278—70 65

tion of Mr. Samuel J. L'Hammedieu, Jr. Seymour H. Patt, of Reno,


Nev., on motion of Mr. James H. Duffy E. Leonard Kane, of Lexing-


ton, Mass., and Alfred C. Phillips, of Lexington, Mass., on motion

of Mr. Charles H. Eesnick J. Glenn Hahn, of Kansas City, Mo., on

motion of Mr. David Richmond John B. Speight, of Cheyenne, Wyo.,


on motion of Mr. Richard Arnold Mullens Robert P. Baine, Jr., of


St. Louis, Mo., and John P. Ossenfort, of St. Louis, Mo., on motion
of Mr. John B. Busch; William B. Irvin, of Los Angeles, Calif., on
motion of Mr. Gerard D. Reilly; Rollin Khoury, of Waco, Tex., on
motion of Mr. John F. O'Neill George Maywood Scott, of Spencer,

W. Va., on motion of Mr. Gordon P. MacDougall Kermit Murl Beal, ;

of Lawrence, Kans., on motion of Mr. John Wayland Cooper Robert ;

Thomas Cunningham, Jr., of Washington, D.C., on motion of Mr. J.

Ralph King Raymond P. Neal, of San Francisco, Calif., on motion

of Mr. Claude Leon Callegary Peter Anthony Greene, of Washing-


ton, D.C., on motion of Mr. Donald Macleay Chester G. Ball, J r., of


Arlington, Tex., on motion of Mr. Frank E. Schwelb; Marvin H.

Dukes, of Beaufort, S.C., on motion of Mr. William Meriwether
Bowen; and Harvey Black, of Washington, D.C., on motion of Mr.
Milton I. Lewis, were admitted to practice.

Oral Argument

No. 412. Fred W. Woodward et al., petitioners, v. Commissioner of

Internal Revenue. Argued by Mr. Donald P. Cooney for the peti-
tioners and by Mr. Johnnie McK. Walters for the respondent.
No. 528. United States, petitioner, v. Hilton Hotels Corporation.
Argued by Mr. Johnnie McK. Walters for the petitioner and by Mr.
Milton A. Levenf eld for the respondent.
No. 127. William Monks, petitioner, v. New Jersey. Argued by Mr.
Anthony G. Amsterdam for the petitioner and by Mr. Archibald
Kreiger for the respondent.
No. 440. National Labor Relations Board, petitioner, v. Raytheon
Company et al. Argued by Mr. Richard G. Kleindienst for the peti-
tioner and by Mr. Charles H. Resnick for the respondents.

Adjourned until Monday, March 2, 1970, at 10 o'clock.

The day call for Monday, March 2, 1970, will be as follows : Nos.
445, 729, and 477.

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1970 254


Present: Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice
Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice Stew-
art, Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice Marshall.

Opinions Per Curiam

No. 515. United States et al., petitioners, v. Gifford-Hill-American,

Inc., et al. On writ of certiorari to the United States Courts of Appeals
for the Fifth Circuit. Judgment vacated and case remanded to the
Court of Appeals with instructions to dismiss the mandamus proceed-
ings as moot. Opinion per curiam.
No. 992. New York Feed Company, Inc., et al., appellants, v. How-
ard R. Leary, etc., et al. ; and
No. 998. Milky Way Productions, Inc., et al., appellants, v. How-
E. Leary, etc., et al. Appeals from the United States District Court
for the Southern District of New York. The motions to affirm are
granted and the judgments are affirmed. Opinion per curiam. Mr.
Justice Douglas is of the opinion that probable jurisdiction should be
noted and cases set for oral argument.
No. 1062. Robert Durham et ux., appellants, v. Independence
Homes, Inc. Appeal from the Supreme Court of Illinois. The motion to
dispense with printing the jurisdictional statement is granted. The mo-
tion to dismiss is granted and the appeal is dismissed for want of
jurisdiction. Treating the papers whereon the appeal was taken as
a petition for writ of certiorari, certiorari is denied. Opinion per
No. 1218. Ralph Moody Hall, appellant, v. Elmer C. Baum, etc.
Appeal from the Supreme Court of Texas. The appeal is dismissed
for want of a substantial federal question. Opinion per curiam.
No. 200, Misc. Elias Lujan, appellant, v. California. Appeal from
the Supreme Court of California. The motion to dismiss is granted
and the appeal is dismissed for want of jurisdiction. Treating the
papers whereon the appeal was taken as a petition for writ of cer-
tiorari, certorari is denied. Opinion per curiam.

No. 535, Misc. C. T. Shaffer, appellant, v. Claude Lee Bridges,

«tc.Appeal from the United States District Court for the Southern

390-278—70 60
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2 7, 19 70 255

District of Mississippi. The motion of the appellant for leave to pro-

ceed in forma pauperis is granted. The motion to dismiss is granted

and the case is dismissed as moot. Opinion per curiam,

No. 579, Misc. Oran Murray Young, petitioner, v. United States.
On petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Ap-
peals for the Eighth Circuit. Motion for leave to proceed in forma
pauperis and petition for writ of certiorari granted. Judgment vacated
and case remanded to the Court of Appeal for further proceedings
in conformity with the opinion of this Court. Opinion per curiam.
The Chief Justice is of the opinion that certiorari should be denied.
No. 992, Misc. Susan Marie Parker, petitioner, v. United States. On
petition for writ of certiorari to theUnited States Court of Appeals
for the Tenth Circuit. Motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis
and petition for writ of certiorari granted. J udgment vacated and case
remanded to the Court of Appeals with instructions to dismiss the
appeal as moot. Opinion per curiam.
No. 1225, Misc. Ethel Mae Matthews et al., appellants, v. J. J.
Little,City Clerk of the City of Atlanta. Appeal from the United
States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia. The
motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis is granted. The motion
to dismiss is granted and the appeal is dismissed as moot. Opinion
per curiam.
Orders in Pending Cases

No. — . Richard P. Mucie, petitioner, v. Missouri. The application

for bail presented to Mr. Justice Douglas, and by him referred to the
Court, is denied.
No. — Harvey Lee Davis, petitioner^ v. Selective Service Board

Number 30 of Texas. The application for stay of induction presented

to Mr. Justice Black, and by him referred to the Court, is denied.
No. 36, Original. State of Texas, plaintiff, v. State of Louisiana.
The motion for leave to file a bill of complaint is granted and the
State of Louisiana is allowed sixty days to answer.
No. 74. Clifford Taggart et al., petitioners, v, Weinacker's, Inc.
The motion for leave to file a supplemental brief, after argument, is
No. 1147. H. Neil Kelley, Jr., petitioner, v. United States. The
application for bail presented to Mr. Justice Douglas, and by him
referred to the Court, is denied.
No. 1192. Joseph Arthur Zicarelli, appellant, v. The New Jersey
State Commission of Investigation. The application for bail is denied.
Mr. Justice Brennan took no part in the consideration or decision of
this application.
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 19 70 256

Appeal —Jurisdiction Noted

No. 1093. United States, appellant, v. Phillipsburg National Bank

and Trust Company et al. Appeal from the United States District
Court for the District of New Jersey. The motion to strike references
to agency reports and to order clerk to redeliver material not in
evidence which has been lodged with the court and the motion to
advance are denied. In this case probable jurisdiction noted and case
placed on the summary calendar.

Certiorari Granted

No. 675. Joseph Charles Usner, petitioner, v. Luckenbach Overseas

Corporation et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit granted and case placed
on the summary calendar.
No. 942. Kevin L. Donaldson fka Merton H. Sweet, petitioner, v.
United States et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit granted and case
placed on the summary calendar.
No. 630, Misc. Ealph Piccirillo, petitioner, v. New York. Motion
for leave to proceed in forma pauperis and petition for writ of cer-
tiorari to the Court of Appeals of New York granted. Case trans-
ferred to the appellate docket and placed on the summary calendar.
No. 665, Misc. Isiah Kelford, petitioner, v. Commandant, U.S.
Disciplinary Barracks, Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas. Motion for leave
to proceed in forma pauperis and petition for writ of certiorari to
the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit granted
limited to retroactivity and scope of 0^ Callahan v. Mntivil 8h\i<v$ y
395 U.S. 258. Case transferred to the appellate docket and placed
on the summary calendar.

Certiorari Denied

No. 856. Carl A. Vergari, District Attorney of Westchester County,

New York, petitioner, v. 208 Cinema, Inc., et al. Petition for writ of
certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Cir-
cuit denied.

No. 928. Louis J. Gnotta, petitioner, v. United States et al. Pe-

tition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Eighth Circuit denied.
No. 929. John Robert Tucker, petitioner, v. United States. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 1020. Gershon L. Lewis, petitioner, v. United States. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Ninth Circuit denied.
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1970 257

No. 1030. Hugh H. Wilson Corporation, petitioner, v. National

Labor Relations Board. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit denied.
No. 1035. Keith McCormick, petitioner, v. Oklahoma. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the Court of Criminal Appeals of Oklahoma
No. 1044. Georgia Highway Express, Inc., petitoner, v. National
Labor Relations Board et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit
No. 1048. Murray Friedlander, petitioner, v. United States. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Third Circuit denied.
No. 1050. Lee E. Tarvestad and George A. Wyum, petitioners, v.
United States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit denied.
No. 1052. Groendyke Transport, Inc., petitioner, v. National Labor
Relations Board. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit denied.
No. 1056. Stuart Scherr and Steven Goodman, petitioners, v. Uni-
versalMatch Corporation et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1103. American Steamship Owners Mutual Protection and
Indemnity Association, Inc., petitioner, v. Arthur L. Liman, etc. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1106. Dymo Industries, Inc., et al., petitioners, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1124. Betty Pittman Warwick, petitioner, v. Barry S. Segan.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 736. V. Lee Bounds, Commissioner of Correction, petitioner, v.
Marion Frank Crawford. Motion of respondent for leave to proceed
m forma pauperis granted. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 762. United States, petitioner, v. Tommy Hiett. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth
Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Stewart and Mr. Justice White are of the
opinion that certiorari should be granted.
No. 999. Carl Reynolds Shelton, petitioner, v. Ohio. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Ohio denied. Mr. Justice
Douglas is of the opinion that certiorari should be granted.
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2 7, 19 70 258

No. 1061. Floyd Featherston, petitioner, v. John Mitchell, Attorney

General of the United States, et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to
the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied. Mr.
Justice Douglas is of the opinion that certiorari should be granted.
No. 1010. Jim A. Phipps et ux., petitioners, v. United States. Mo-
tion to dispense with printing petition granted. Petition for writ of
certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit

No. 1045. The Jupiter Corporation, petitioner, v. Federal Power

Commission et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit denied. The
Chief Justice took no part in the consideration or decision of this

No. 1054. Tidewater Construction Corporation, etc., et al., peti-

ioners, v. Edward E. Duke. Motion of respondent to dispense with
printing brief in opposition granted. Petition for writ of certiorari to
:he Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia denied.

No. 137, Misc. William Hemphill, petitioner, v. Illinois. Petition

for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Illinois denied.

No. 148, Misc. Robert Jewell Landman, Sr., petitioner, v. Vir-

ginia Board of Welfare and Institutions. Petition for writ of cer-
tiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit

No. 152, Misc. Leland Ferree, petitioner, v. Max P. Frye, Warden.

Supreme Court of Illinois denied.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the
No. 197, Misc. Harold Lloyd, petitioner, v. Frank J. Pate, Warden.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 220, Misc. Earnest Norman, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-
for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 260, Misc. Louis Ludwik Furtak, petitioner, v. New York. Pe-
tition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Second Circuit denied.
No. 263, Misc. Francis S. Caha, petitioner, v. Nebraska. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Nebraska denied.

No. 265, Misc. Jackson Carter, petitioner, v. California. Petition

Court of Appeal of California, Second
for writ of certiorari to the
Appellate District, denied.
No. 266, Misc. Emmett Henry, petitioner, v. United States. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Sixth Circuit denied.

390-278—70 67
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 19 70 259

No. 269, Misc. David Robinson, petitionerr, v. Patrick N. Bolsinger,

Prothonotary. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit denied.
No. 276, Misc. Anna Louise Daugherty, etc., petitioner, v. Seaboard
Coast Line Railway Company, etc. Petition for writ of certiorari to
the Court of Appeals of Georgia denied.
No. 280, Misc. Charles Kenny, petitioner, v. Harold W. Follette,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 283, Misc. Louis Ludwik Furtak, petitioner, v. Vincent R. Man-
cusi,Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 286, Misc. Joseph Cerrato, petitioner, v. New York. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals of New York denied.
No. 326, Misc. Ronald Jerome Redding, petitioner, v. South Caro-
lina. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of South
Carolina denied.
No. 328, Misc. Pearly Wilson, petitioner, v. Paul J. Gernert, Chair-
man, et al. Petition for writ of certiorari
to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Third Circuit denied.
No. 341, Misc. Malcolm R. Schlette, petitioner, v. California Adult
Authority et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court
of California denied.
No. 345, Misc. David C. Gibbs, petitioner, v. California. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California, Second
Appellate District, denied.
No. 357, Misc. Claude Johnson, petitioner, v. Oklahoma. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Court of Criminal Appeals of Oklahoma
No. 405, Misc. Anthon Jay Rodgers, petitioner, v. Nebraska. Peti-
Supreme Court of Nebraska denied.
tion for writ of certiorari to the
No. 417, Misc. Albert H. Carter, petitioner, v. Robert Seamans, Jr.,
Secretary of the Air Force. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 457, Misc. Kenneth Webb, petitioner, v. Ohio. Petition for writ
Supreme Court of Ohio denied.
of certiorari to the
No. 462, Misc. Caswell Lathan, Jr., petitioner, v. New York. Pe-
Appellate Division of the Supreme
tition for writ of certiorari to the
Court of New York, First Judicial Department, denied.
No. 463, Misc. Jesse M. Cummings, petitioner, v. Mississippi. Pe-
Supreme Court of Mississippi
tition for writ of certiorari to the
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2 7, 19 70 260

No. 472, Misc. Andres Gonzalez, petitioner, v. Harold V. Field.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California,
Second Appellate District, denied.
No. 477, Misc. Robert K. Bennett, petitioner, v. United States Dis-
trict Court, Eastern District of Michigan. Petition for writ of certi-
orari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit
No. 500, Misc. Jack Luckey, petitioner, v. Illinois. Petition for
Supreme Court of Illinois denied.
writ of certiorari to the
No. 512, Misc. Robert Flores, petitioner, v. Walter E. Craven, War-
den. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Ap-
peals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 528, Misc. Lorenzo Catanzaro, petitioner, v. Vincent R. Man-
cusi,Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 529, Misc. Robert Lee Gawne and William Thomas Banks, pe-
United States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
titioners, v.
States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 568, Misc. John J. Pepitone, petitioner, v. California et al. Pe-
tition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of California denied.
No. 570, Misc. Ernest J. Bolognese, petitioner, v. Joseph F. Ma-
zurkiewicz, Superintendent, State Correctional Institution. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Third Circuit denied.
No. 575, Misc. Eugene Johnson, petitioner, v. California. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California, First Ap-
pellate District, denied.
No. 577, Misc. George Vasquez, petitioner, v. Walter E. Craven,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Cali-
fornia denied.
No. 640, Misc. James T. Kearney, Jr., petitioner, v. John W. Macy,
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
Jr., etc. et al.
of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 674, Misc. In the Interest of L. G., a minor child, petitioner.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the District Court of Appeal of
Florida, Fourth District, denied.
No. 679, Misc. Roy Alphonso Smith, petitioner, v. J. D. Cox, Super-
intendent, Virginia State Penitentiary. Petition for writ of certiorari
to the Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia denied.
No. 724, Misc. Joseph Bernard Morse, petitioner, v. California.
Supreme Court of California
Petition for writ of certiorari to the
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2 7, 1970 261

No. 737, Misc. Francisco S. A. Ignacio and Antonio S. A. Ignacio,

petitioners, v.People of the Territory of Guam. Petition for writ of
certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Cir-
cuit denied.

No. 753, Misc. Ell Johnson, United States.

Jr., etc., petitioner, v.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the First Circuit denied.

No. 766, Misc. Joseph Garcia, petitioner, v. California. Petition

Supreme Court of California denied.
for writ of certiorari to the
No. 768, Misc. Emmett W. Sapp, petitioner, v. Calif ornia Adult
Authority et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court
of California denied.
No. 769, Misc. Ismael Perea, petitioner, v. United States. Petition
United States Court of Appeals for the
for writ of certiorari to the
Tenth Circuit denied.
No.792, Misc. Norman Dale Callison, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
! for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 802, Misc. Malcolm E. Schlette, petitioner, v. California Adult
Authority et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court
of California denied.

No. 813, Misc. Paul Banks, petitioner, v. United States. Petition

for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Second Circuit denied.
No. 916, Misc. Linwood Gray, petitioner, v. Maryland. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals of Maryland denied.
No. 921, Misc. Connie Harris, petitioner, v. J. D. Cox, Superin-
tendent, Virginia State Penitentiary. Petition for writ of certiorari
to the Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia denied.
No. 923, Misc. Paul Edward Anderson, petitioner, v. Walter E.
Craven, Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 927, Misc. Lonnei James Fry, petitioner, v. Michigan. Petition
Supreme Court of Michigan denied.
for writ of certiorari to the
No. 940, Misc. Thomas Graves, petitioner, v. J. D. Cox, Super-
intendent, Virginia State Penitentiary. Petition for writ of certiorari
to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 941, Misc. Dennis Glenn Scanlan, petitioner, v. Ohio. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Ohio denied.

No. 944, Misc. John Junior Amsley, petitioner, v. West Virginia

Racing Commission et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit denied.
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2 7, 197 0 262

No. 945, Misc. Robert H. Toulson, petitioner, v. California. Peti-

tion for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California, Sec-

ond Appellate District, denied.
No. 946, Misc. Jimmy Snowden et al., petitioners, v. United States;
No. 1000, Misc. Billy Wayne Posey and Cecil Ray Price, peti-
tioners, v. United States and

No. 1021, Misc. Sam Holloway Bowers, United

Jr., petitioner, v.
States. Petitions for writs of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 950, Misc. Harry E. Carey, petitioner, v. Alfred T. Bundle,
Superintendent. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit denied.
No. 953, Misc. George Herbert, petitioner, v. J. Edwin LaVallee,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 958, Misc. Darrell James Brown, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 970, Misc. Eobert Michael Brigante, petitioner, v. Superior
Court of California for the County of Los Angeles. Petition for writ
of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California, Second Appellate
District, denied.

No. 976, Misc. Eoosevelt Stevenson, petitioner, v. New York. Peti*

tion for writ of certiorari to the Appellate Division of the Supreme
Court of New York, Fourth Judicial Department, denied.
No. 1018, Misc. Madison Stein, petitioner, v. Kansas. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Kansas denied.
No. 1020, Misc. Charles A. Buhl, petitioner, v. George J. Beto,
Director, Texas Department of Corrections. Petition for writ of cer-
tiorari to the Court of Criminal Appeals of Texas denied.

No. 1027, Misc. Fred M. Chamberlain, petitioner, v. Michigan.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals of Michigan
No. 1035, Misc. Robert F. Urbano, petitioner, v. Board of Man-
agers of the New Jersey
State Prison. Petition for writ of certiorari
to the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit denied.

No. 1037, Misc. Gerald Jennes Emerson, petitioner, v. Minnesota.

Supreme Court of Minnesota
Petition for writ of certiorari to the

390-278—70 68
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2 7, 1970 263

No. 1038, Misc. Jerry Erving, Sr., petitioner, v. Maurice Sigler,

Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
)f Appeals for the Eighth Circuit denied.

No. 1061, Misc. James Nelson Coleman, petitioner, v. Marion J.

Koloski, Superintendent, Chillicothe Correctional Institute. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 1076, Misc. John J. Pepitone, petitioner, v. California et al.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of California

No. 1078, Misc. Robert Francis Urbano, petitioner, v. Arizona.
Supreme Court of Arizona denied.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the
No. 1079, Misc. Leon Morris Hendrix, petitioner, v. City of Seattle
et al.Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Wash-
ington denied.
No. 1080, Misc. James Maxey, petitioner, v. Indiana. Petition for
Supreme Court of Indiana denied.
writ of certiorari to the
No. 1091, Misc. In the Matter of the Application of Eonald L.
Reece, petitioner. Petitioner for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1094, Misc. Rubin Carter and John Artis, petitioners, v. New
Supreme Court of
Jersey. Petition for writ of certiorari to the New
J ersey denied.
No. 1097, Misc. Eugene Lee Bell, petitioner, v. Missouri. Petition
Supreme Court of Missouri denied.
for writ of certiorari to the
No. 1107, Misc. James T. LeVier, petitioner, v. Kansas. Petition
Supreme Court of Kansas denied.
for writ of certiorari to the
No. 1108, Misc. Margie Alvarez, petitioner, v. Immigration and
Naturalization Service; and
No. 1129, Misc. Ligaya de Guzman, petitioner, v. Immigration and
Naturalization Service
No. 1139, Misc. Rosita R. Ceballos, petitioner, v. Immigration and
Naturalization Service; and
No. 1140, Misc. Carmela de Ramos, petitioner, t>'. Immigration and
Naturalization Service. Petitions for writs of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 1147, Misc. Lee Bradford Smith, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fifth Circuit denied.

No. 1150, Misc. Robert Roberts, petitioner, v. Joseph L. Carter,

Judge, et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit denied.
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2 7, 19 70 264

No. 1151, Misc. Eonny L. Bryan, petitioner, v. Liberty Mutual In-

surance Company. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 1156, Misc. Herbert A. Thompson, petitioner, v. Warden,
Maryland Penitentiary. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 1164, Misc. Frank Llanusa, petitioner, v. New York. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Appellate Term of the Supreme Court
of New York, First Judicial Department, denied.
No. 1166, Misc. Walter Weems, Jr., petitioner, v. H. W. Follette,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1168, Misc. Charles W. Pope, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-
tition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Eighth Circuit denied.
No. 1169, Misc. Glenn E. Bryant, petitioner, v. Walter E. Craven
et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1174, Misc. Alvines Eichards, Jr., petitioner, v. California
Adult Authority. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1 175, Misc. Martin B. Zide, petitioner, v. Louie L. Wainwright,
Director, Division of Corrections. Petition for writ of certiorari to
the Supreme Court of Florida denied.
No. 1186, Misc. Jorge Humberto Bastidas Castro, petitioner, v.
United States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the First Circuit denied.
No. 1187, Misc. Earl F. Mink, petitioner, v. Michigan Department
of Corrections. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court
of Michigan denied.
No. 1190, Misc. Cruz Eamirez, petitioner, v. Frank A. Eyman,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1191, Misc. Cecilia Ylagen, petitioner, v. Immigration and
Naturalization Service. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 1192, Misc. Leonor V. Matutina, petitioner, v. Immigration
and Naturalization Service. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 1193, Misc. Sinclair Johnson, petitioner, v. Lamont Smith,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1970 265

No. 1194, Misc. Toribio Salazar, petitioner, v. California Depart-

ment of Corrections, et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1198, Misc. Charles Joseph, petitioner, v. J. Edwin LaVallee,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1199, Misc. Dawn Elaine Brown et al., petitioners, v. Dixie
Herlong Chastain et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 1204, Misc. Ronald Keith George, petitioner, v. Lake F.
Russell,Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 1205, Misc. Robert S. Kelem, petitioner, v. United States. Peti-
United States Court of Appeals for the
tion for writ of certiorari to the
Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1207, Misc. William Dorris Rogers, petitioner, v. United
States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Tenth Circuit denied.
No. 1218, Misc. George Lebosky, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Third Circuit denied.
No. 1220, Misc. Edward M. Sturgis, petitioner, v. Warden, Mary-
land Penitentiary. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Spe-
cial Appeals of Maryland denied.

No. 1221, Misc. William J. Sanders, petitioner, v. United States;

No. 1223, Misc. Joseph Russell Buschkotter, petitioner, v. United
States. Petitions for writs of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 1222, Misc. Lawrence Rensing, petitioner, v. Harold W. Fol-
lette,Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1226, Misc. Herbert Ely, petitioner, v. Nelson Rockefeller,
Governor, et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1227, Misc. Carl Clark, petitioner, v. George A. Kropp, War-
den. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Ap-
peals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 1228, Misc. Harold Bryan Johnson, petitioner, v. California.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California,
Second Appellate District, denied.
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2 7, 1970 266

No. 1231, Misc. Calvin C. Campbell, petitioner, v. Louie L. Wain-

wright, Director, Florida Division of Corrections. Petition for writ
of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth
Circuit denied.
No. 1234, Misc. James Henry, petitioner, v. United States. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Second Circuit denied.
No. 1235, Misc. Jose Antonio Koybal, petitioner, v. G. P. Lloyd,
Superintendent, California Correctional Institution. Petition for writ
of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth
Circuit denied.
No. 1236, Misc. Bishop Williams, petitioner, v. John. T. Deegan,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1237, Misc. James Mueller, petitioner, v. Walter E. Craven,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1239, Misc. Weldon Walter Norman, petitioner, v. Raymond
K. Proounier, Director, Department of Corrections. Petition for writ
of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth
Circuit denied.
No. 1261, Misc. Leslie M. Phillips, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 1262, Misc. Minnie D. Craig, petitioner, v. Robert H. Finch,
Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare. Petition for writ of
certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit
No. 1263, Misc. Joseph Purcell Hunt, petitioner, v. Walter E.
Craven, Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court
of California denied.
No. 1266, Misc. Jerald Dee Sartain, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Tenth Circuit denied.
No. 1268, Misc. Israel Fersner, petitioner, v. United States. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 1269, Misc. Terrance Michael Sanchez, petitioner, v. Iowa
State ParoleBoard et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme
Court of Iowa denied.
No. 1270, Misc. Earl F. Mink, petitioner, v. Howard T. Ziel, Clerk,
U.S. District Court. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2 7, 19 70 267

No. 1275, Misc. Cresencio Sanchez, petitioner, v. United States.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Tenth Circuit denied.
No. 1278, Misc. Earl F. Mink, petitioner, v. Raymond J. Buchkoe,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 1280, Misc. Thomas J. Flint, petitioner, v. Louie L. Wain-
wright, Director, Florida Division of Corrections. Petition for writ of
certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit
No. 1281, Misc. Sherman H. Skolnick, petitioner, v. Mayor and
City Council of Chicago et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 1287, Misc. Everett George Fritzberg, petitioner, v. Louie L.
Wainwright, Director, Florida Division of Corrections. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth
Circuit denied.
No. 1290, Misc. Ralph Bowers Baxter, Jr., petitioner, v. Hawaii.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Hawaii denied.
No. 1297, Misc. Oscar Shipp, petitioner, Walter E. Craven,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1311, Misc. Leroy Hood, petitioner, v. Harold V. Field. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1317, Misc. Jerome B. Freeman, petitioner, v. Ohio. Petition
Supreme Court of Ohio denied.
for writ of certiorari to the
No. 1320, Misc. Robert G. Paluch, petitioner, v. New York. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the Appellate Division of the Supreme
Court of New York, Fourth Judicial Department, denied.
No. 1335, Misc. William A. Burke, petitioner, v. John F. Sharkey,
Acting Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the First Circuit denied.
No. 1364, Misc. Albert Sumner Tucker, petitioner, v. United
States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1375, Misc. Robert Allen Walton, petitioner, v. Harry E.
Russell, Superintendent, State Correctional Institution. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Third
Circuit denied.
No. 1401, Misc. Louis Ludwik Furtak, petitioner, v. New York.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals of New York
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2 7, 19 70 268

No. 1408. Jacob J. Gordon, petitioner, v. National Broadcasting

Co., Inc. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.

No. 1432, Misc. James E. Wallace, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-

tition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 1441, Misc. Richard Watts, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-
tition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1443, Misc. Dominick Saffioti, petitioner, v. Martin P. Cather-
wood, Industrial Commissioner of New York. Petition for writ of cer-
tiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit
No. 1457, Misc. Kobert Garrett Caldwell, petitioner, v. United
States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1475, Misc. Clarence Brown, petitioner, v. Koger B. Copinger,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit denied.

No. 1483, Misc. Thelma Eetha Bills, petitioner, v. United States.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1508, Misc. William Wayne Hammond, petitioner, v. Georgia.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Georgia
No. 1529, Misc. Kobert Simpson, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-
tition forwrit of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 145, Misc. Anthony Bruno, petitioner, v. Ross E. Herold, Di-
rector,Dannemora State Hospital. Petition for writ of certiorari to
the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
Mr. Justice Marshall took no part in the consideration or decision
of this petition.

No. 1196, Misc. Francis Henry Bloeth, petitioner, v. J. Edwin La-

Vallee, Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Marshall
took no part in the consideration or decision of this petition.
No. 1230, Misc. Charles Tomaiolo, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-
tition forwrit of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Second Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Marshall took no part in the
consideration or decision of this petition.
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2 7, 19 70 269

No. 183, Misc. Freddie Jackson, Jr., petitioner, v. Illinois. Peti-

tion for writ of certiorari to the Appellate Court of Illinois, First
District, denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion that certiorari
should be granted.
No. 254, Misc. Charles E. Thomas, petitioner, v. Kentucky. Pe-
Court of Appeals of Kentucky de-
tition for writ of certiorari to the
nied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion that certiorari should be
No. 484, Misc. Charles J. Crosby, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-
tition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fifth Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion
that certiorari should be granted.

No. 808, Misc. Gonzalo K. Eeyes, petitioner, v. Richard Kelly, as

Judge of the Circuit Court of the Sixth Judicial Circuit in and
for Pasco County, Florida. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
Supreme Court of Florida denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the
opinion that certiorari should be granted.
No. 1030, Misc. Delbert Winston Jones, petitioner, v. Texas. Pe-
tition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Criminal Appeals of
Texas denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion that certiorari
should be granted.
No. 1144, Misc. John Paul Anderson, petitioner, v. South Carolina.
Motion to defer consideration denied. Petition for writ of certiorari
to the Supreme Court of South Carolina denied.

Leave To File Petitions for Writs of Habeas Corpus Denied

No. 1015, Misc. James W. Dawson, petitioner, v. Harold V.

Field, Superintendent, California Men's Colony;
No. 1296, Misc. Carlton H. Lester, petitioner, v. Georgia; and
No. 1324, Misc. Joseph White, petitioner, v. Harold J. Cardwell,
Warden. Motions for leave to file petitions for writs of habeas corpus

Leave To File Petitions for Writs of Mandamus Denied

No. 290, Misc. Richard Keith Chance and Gary Dell Banta, peti-
United States District Court for the District of Arizona,
tioners, v.
et al.;

No. 333, Misc. James W. Dawson, petitioner, v. Harry W. Kerr,

Chairman, Adult Authority of California, etc.; and
No. 1126, Misc. Pearly Louis Wilson, petitioner, v. William J.
Nealon, United States District Judge for the Middle District of
Pennsylvania. Motions for leave to file petitions for writs of manda-
mus denied.
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1970 270

Rehearings Denied

No. 190. James Turner, petitioner, v. United States

No. 656. American Smelting and Refining Company, appellant, v.

The County of Contra Costa et al.

No. 657. Fred N. Acker, petitioner, v. United States;
No. 681. Jerome Fishkin et al., appellants, v. United States Civil
Service Commission et al.

No. 20, Misc. Robert L. Smith, petitioner, v. United States

No. 918, Misc. Thomas Owen Norman, Jr., petitioner, v. United
States; and
No. 931, Misc. Edward Ray Stacy, petitioner, v. Charles Van
Curen, Superintendent, Lebanon Correctional Institution. Petitions
for rehearing denied.
No. 602, Misc. Robert Summers Neely, Jr., petitioner, v. United
States.Motion for leave to file second petition for rehearing denied.
No. 744, Misc. Bernard Joseph Birbeck, petitioner, v. California.
Motion for leave to file petition for rehearing denied.

MONDAY, MARCH 2, 1970 271


Present Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. J ustice Black, Mr. J ustice

Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice

Stewart, Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice Marshall.

Admissions to the Bar

Gilbert Howard Carter, of Nevada, Mo., Michael Charles Farrar,

of Waterbury, Conn., Eugene Brian McCarthy, of Scarsdale, N.Y.,
Edward Samuel Christenbury, of Washington, D.C., and Mark W.
Perrin, of Cameron, Tex., on motion of Mr. Solicitor General Erwin
N. Griswold Stewart Mills Duff, of Swarthmore, Pa., J ohn William

Kane, Jr., Norman Thompson, of Paoli,

of Thornton, Pa., Kenneth
Pa., and Joseph L. Cox, of Mission, Kans., on motion of Mr. Hugh
D. Scott, Jr. Allan A. Rubin, of Bethesda, Md., on motion of Mr.

Marx Leva Jay S. Linderman, of San Francisco, Calif., on motion


of Mr. Daniel A. Rezneck; Peter H. Gems, of Charlotte, N.C., on

motion of Mr. Hugh Q. Alexander; Paul H. DeLaney, Jr., of Pom-
pano Beach, Fla., on motion of Mr. George D. Webster; Robert J.
Eck, of St. Louis, Mo., on motion of Mr. Ralph W. Kalish John P. ;

Everett, J r., of New Orleans, La., on motion of Mr. John J. Flynn

Burton Alan Amernick, of Rockville, Md., on motion of Mr. William
D. Hall; Jerry Kronenberg, of Chicago, 111., on motion of Mr.
Lawrence M. Cohen Henry Michael Kelleher of Scituate, Mass., and

Daniel E. Matthews, of Buffalo, N.Y., on motion of Mr. Thomas W.

Kennedy Lewis A. Hurwitz, of Midford, Conn., Martin L. McKee-

ver, of Milford, Conn., William J. Meuser, of Milford, Conn., and

John J. Ronan, of Milford, Conn., on motion of Mr. Robert M. Glen-
non and Richard H. Stern, of Washington, D.C., on motion of Mr.

Lawrence Gerald Wallace, were admitted to practice.


No. 301. Loren J. Pike, etc., appellant, v. Bruce Church, Inc. Ap-
peal from the United States District Court for the District of Arizona.
J udgment affirmed. Opinion by Mr. Justice Stewart.
No. 230. H. K. Porter Company, Inc., etc., petitioner, v. National
Labor Relations Board et al. On writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. Judg-
ment reversed and case remanded to the Court of Appeals for further
proceedings in conformity with the opinion of this Court. Opinion
by Mr. Justice Black. Concurring opinion by Mr. Justice Harlan.
390-278—70 69
MONDAY, MARCH 2, 19 70 272

Dissenting opinion by Mr. Justice Douglas with whom Mr. Justice

Stewart joins. Mr. Justice White took no part in the decision of this
case. Mr. Justice Marshall took no part in the consideration or decision
of this case.
I. Toussie, petitioner, v. United States. On writ of
No. 441. Eobert
certiorari to theUnited States Court of Appeals for the Second Cir-
cuit. Judgment reversed and case remanded to the Court of Appeals

for further proceedings in conformity with the opinion of this Court.

Opinion by Mr. Justice Black. Dissenting opinion by Mr. Justice
White with whom Mr. Chief Justice Burger and Mr. Justice Harlan

The Chief Justice said

"Today's orders of the Court have been certified by the Chief Jus-
with the Clerk, and will not be announced orally.-'
tice, filed

Opinions Per Curiam

No. 68. Harry Laikind, appellant, v. Attorney General of the State

of New York. Appeal from the Court of Appeals of New York. The
motion to dismiss is granted and the appeal is dismissed for want of a
final judgment. Opinion per curiam. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opin-
ion that further consideration of the question of jurisdiction should
be postponed to the hearing of the case on the merits.
No. 1069. Thomas K. Gilhool et al., appellants, v. Chairman and
Commissioners, Philadelphia County Board of Elections, et al. Appeal
from the United States District Court for the Eastern District of
Pennsylvania. The motions to affirm are granted and the judgment is
affirmed. Opinion per curiam.

No. 1087. Bruce Kozerowitz, appellant, v. A. J. Stack et al. Appeal

from the Supreme Court of Florida. The motion to dismiss is granted
and the appeal is dismissed for want of jurisdiction. Treating the pa-
pers whereon the appeal was taken as a petition for writ of certiorari,
certiorari is denied. Opinion per curiam.

No. 1181. Lester G. Maddox et al., appellants, v. Ben W. Fortson,

Jr., et al.Appeal from the Supreme Court of Georgia. The motions
to dismiss are granted and the appeal is dismissed for want of juris-
diction. Treating the papers whereon the appeal was taken as a peti-
tion for writ of certiorari, certiorari is denied. Opinion per curiam.

Orders in Pending Cases

No. 18, Original. State of Illinois, plaintiff, v. State of Missouri.

The Report of the Special Master is received and ordered filed. Excep-
MONDAY, MARCH 2, 19 70 273

lions, if any, with supporting* briefs may be filed on or before June 1,

1970. Reply such exceptions may be filed on or before
briefs, if any, to
July 15, 1970.
No. 18, Misc. Leo Robert Forcella and Victor R. Funicello, peti-
tioners, v. New Jersey. The motion to dismiss the petition for writ of
certiorari as to the deceased petitioner, Forcella, is granted.

Appeals —Jurisdiction Noted

No. 788. Winton M. Blount, Postmaster General of the United
States, etal., appellants, v. Tony Rizzi d/b/a The Mail Box. Appeal

from the United States District Court for the Central District of Cali-
fornia. In this case probable jurisdiction noted and case placed on the
summary calendar.
No. 782. Phillip Morris et al., appellants, v. Hiram Schoonfield,
Warden, et al. Appeal from the United States District Court for the
District of Maryland. In this case probable jurisdiction is noted. Case
placed on the summary calendar and set for oral argument immedi-
ately following No. 1089.
No. 812. United States et al., appellants, v. The Book Bin. Appeal
from the United States District Court for the Northern District of
Georgia. In this case probable jurisdiction noted. Case placed on the

summary calendar and set for oral argument immediately following

No. 788.
Certiorari Granted

No. 1058. Ida Phillips, petitioner, v. Martin Marietta Corporation.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fifth Circuit granted and case placed on the summary calendar.

Certiorari Denied

No. 870. Anthony DeLyra, petitioner, v. United States

No. 966. Frank Lloyd Parks, petitioner, v. United States;
No. 980. Frank Crisona, petitioner, v. United States and ;

No. 981. John DeLyra, petitioner, v. United States. Petitions for

writs of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Sec-
ond Circuit denied.
No. 945. Claude S. Gossett et al., petitioners, v. United States and

No. 991. Edward M. Claridge et al., petitioners, v. United States.

Petitions for writs of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 949. John Patrick Dunn, petitioner, v. United States. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Fourth Circuit Denied.
MONDAY, MARCH 2, 19 70 274

No. 961. Russell Deal et al., petitioners, v. Milo W. Nelson et al.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Illinois

No. 964. Randolph Erwin Rosenson, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 967. Estate of Hutchen Upshaw, Ardenia Upshaw, Adminis-
Commissioner of Internal Revenue. Peti-
tratrix, etc., petitioner, v.
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 1012. Serbian Eastern Orthodox Congregation of "St. George",
Elizabeth, N.J., et al., petitioners, v. Serbian Eastern Orthodox

Congregation of "St. George," Elizabeth, N.J. (Diocese for Eastern

States of America and Canada), et al. Petition for writ of certiorari
to the Superior Court of New Jersey, Appellate Division, denied.
No. 1053, E. K. Bearden and Ernest W. Crumb, petitioners, v.
Oklahoma. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Criminal
Appeals of Oklahoma denied.
No. 1059. Bernard J. Chubet, United States. Peti-
Jr., petitioner, v.
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Eighth Circuit denied.
No. 1060. Fishel Products Co., etc., petitioner, v. Commodity Credit
Corporation et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1063. Charles E. Burns, Jr., et al., petitioners, v. Board of
Supervisors of Fairfax County, Virginia. Petition for writ of cer-
tiorari to the Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia denied.
No. 1071. Harold Konigsberg, petitioner, v. Pasquale J. Ciccone,
Director of Medical Center, Springfield, Mo., et al. Petition for writ
of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth
Circuit denied.
No. 1085. Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc., petitioner, v. Omer
Poos, Chief Judge of the United States District Court for the Southern
District of Illinois. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 1091. Avern Trust et al., petitioners, v. John W. Clarke, et al.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 1102. Loyd C. Yeargin, petitioner, v. Hamilton Memorial Hos-
pital et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of
Georgia denied.
MONDAY, MARCH 2, 1970 275

No. 1116. E. M. Whittenton, Inc., et al., petitioners, v. Paul W.

Neighbors, Jr., et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme
Court of Florida denied.
No. 1126. Universal Marine Corporation et al., petitioners, v.
Encyclopaedia Britannica Inc. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1131. Strick Chambers, petitioner, v. Road District No. 505 of
Tangipahoa Parish, Louisiana, et al. Petition for writ of certiorari
to the Supreme Court of Louisiana denied.

No. 1139. Harold Konigsberg, petitioner, v. New York. Petition

for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Second Circuit denied.
No. 1152. John Dwain Dugger, petitioner, v. United States. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Eighth Circuit denied.
No. 1163. United Mine Workers of America, petitioner, v. Tennes-
see Consolidated Coal Company et al. Petition for writ of certiorari
to the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 907. United States, petitioner, v. 959.68 Acres of Land in
Mercer County, Pennsylvania. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit denied. Mr.
Justice Douglas is of the opinion that certiorari should be granted.
No. 1067. Philip W. Wright, petitioner, v. Virginia. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia de-
nied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion that certiorari should be
No. 1064. General Electric Company, petitioner, v. National Labor
Eelations Board et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied. Mr. Justice
Marshall took no part in the consideration or decision of this petition.
No. 1078. John T. McClain, petitioner, v. United States. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Ninth Circuit denied. Mr. J ustice Black, Mr. Justice Harlan, and Mr.
Justice Brennan would grant petition for certiorari, vacated judg-
ment of the Court of Appeals and remand to that Court for further
consideration in light of Leary v. United States, 395 U.S. 6 (1969) See .

Street v. New York, 394 U.S. 576, 586 (1969) Stromberg v. California,

283 U.S. 359 (1931).

No. 625, Misc. Gilberto Lugo-Baez, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Eighth Circuit denied.

390-278—70 70
MONDAY, MARCH 2, 19 70 276

No. 1132, Misc. Robert Gary Dessureault, petitioner, v. Arizona.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Arizona de-

No. 1154, Misc. Charles T. McCaulley, petitioner, v. California.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1158, Misc. Lloyd R. Travnikoff, petitioner, v. Roland Wood,
Superintendent, California Rehabilitation Center. Petition for writ
of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth
Circuit denied.
No. 1161, Misc. LeRoy Towles, petitioner, v. Frederick G. Reincke,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1163, Misc. Melvin Daniel, petitioner, v. John L. Zelker, Acting
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals of
New York denied.
No. 1185, Misc. Betti Jane Newhouse, petitioner v. John Misterly,
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Sheriff. Petition for
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1212, Misc. Thomas E. Jones, petitioner, v. James M. Hare,
Secretary of State of Michigan, et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to
the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 1219, Misc. Jerome Gore, petitioner, v. Alabama. Petition for
Appeals of
writ of certiorari to the Court of Alabama denied.
No. 1286, Misc. Charlie Collins, petitioner, v. L. M. White Con-
tracting Co. et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court
of Arizona denied.

No. 1302, Misc. Eulogio Ramiro Clausell, petitioner, v. United

States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1305, Misc. Calvin Barnes, petitioner, v. Ohio. Petition for writ
of certiorari to theCourt of Appeals of Ohio, Cuyahoga County,
No. 1333, Misc. Frank Di Filippo, petitioner, v. New York. Peti-
Appellate Division of the Supreme
tion for writ of certiorari to the
Court of New York, Second Judicial Department, denied.
No. 1334, Misc. William E. Knuckles, petitioner, v. Joseph R.
Brierley, Superintendent. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit denied.
No. 1337, Misc. L. C. Berry, petitioner, v. Walter E. Craven, War-
den. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of California
MONDAY, MARCH 2, 19 70 277

No. 1389, Misc. Donald L. McEntire, petitioner, v. United States.

Petition for write of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Eighth Circuit denied.
No. 1392, Misc. Frank Marrone, petitioner, v. Alaska. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Alaska denied.
No. 1395, Misc. Wayne Edward Butler, petitioner, v. David P.
Henry, Administrator. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 1407, Misc. Frank De Clara, petitioner, v. William C. J ohnston,
etc.Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Ap-
peals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1414, Misc. James Jackson, petitioner, v. New Jersey. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Superior Court of New Jersey, Appel-
late Division, denied.

No. 1422, Misc. Frank Tornabene and Sam Elia, petitioners, v.

United States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 1428, Misc. John A. Dominguez, petitioner, v. California. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California,
Second Appellate District, denied.
No. 1439, Misc. Gus Feist, Jr., petitioner, v. Walter E. Craven,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1444, Misc. Leon A. Jasko, petitioner, v. Director, Patuxent
Institution. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 1459, Misc. J ames Robert Cook, petitioner, v. Superintendent
of the Virginia State Penitentiary. Petition for writ of certiorari to
the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 1473, Misc. Anastacio Calmenate, petitioner, v. Frank S.
Hogan et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1474, Misc. Mayo Goff, petitioner, v. United States. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Claims denied.
No. 1476, Misc. J ames T. Carter, petitioner, v. New York. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court
of New York, Fourth Judicial Department, denied.

No. 1477, Misc. Sally D. Dear, petitioner, v. Ealph C. Dear. Peti-

tion for writ of certiorari to the Appellate Court of Illinois, Second
District, denied.

No. 1479, Misc. Leslie Edward Williams, petitioner, v. United

States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
MONDAY, MARCH 2, 19 70 278

No. 1481, Misc. Alexander Plasencia and Manuel Gomez, peti-

tioners, v. United States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 1486, Misc. Gerald Pops Brown, petitioner, v. Florida. Petition
Court of Appeal of Florida,
for writ of certiorari to the District
Third District, denied.
No. 1487, Misc. Elmer C. Davis, petitioner, -v. United States. Peti-

tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Tenth Circuit denied.
No. 1488, Misc. Bert Daniel Stark, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1491, Misc. Henry P. Bryant, petitioner, v. Harold W. Follette,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1285, Misc. Vincent Joseph O'Connor, petitioner, v. United
United States Court of
States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion
that certiorari should be granted.
No. 1330, Misc. Fred Harris Brooks, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Sixth Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion that
certiorari should be granted.

No. 1482, Misc. Donathan Garvin Kemp,

petitioner, v. United
United States Court of
States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the
opinion that certiorari should be granted.
No. 1614, Misc. Crispin Santos, petitioner, v. New York. Petition
Court of Appeals of New York denied. Mr.
for writ of certiorari to the
Justice Douglas is of the opinion that certiorari should be granted.
No. 1390, Misc. Hotel, Motel and Club Employees Union Local 6,
petitioner, v.George P. Shultz, Secretary of Labor. Petition for writ
of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Second
Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Marshall took no part in the consideration
or decision of this petition.

Leave To File Petition for Writs of Habeas Corpus Denied

No. 1517, Misc. David Dennis, petitioner, v. L. L. Wainwright,

Director, Florida Division of Corrections ; and
No. 1518, Misc. Walter Scott Dinkins, petitioner, v. Olin G. Black-
well, Warden. Motions for leave to file petitions for writs of habeas
corpus denied.
MONDAY, MARCH 2, 19 70 279

Rehearings Denied

No. 1256, Misc. October Term, 1968. Sadie L. Campbell, petitioner,

v.United States. Motion for leave to file second petition for rehearing
denied. The Chief Justice took no part in the consideration or decision
of this motion.
No. 805. Barnard Shapiro, Commissioner of Welfare, State of
Connecticut, appellant, v. Jane Doe. Petition for rehearing denied.
No. 631. David Carliner et al., petitioners, v. Commissioner of the
District of Columbia et al. Motion for leave to file petition for re-
hearing denied.
No. 928, Misc. Ronald Lee Smith, petitioner, v. Georgia. Petition
for rehearing denied.
Recess Order

The Court will take a recess from Monday, March 9, 1970, until
Monday, March 23, 1970.
Oral Argument

No. 445. Standard Industries, Inc., petitioner, v. Tigrett Industries,

Inc., et al.Two hours allowed for oral argument. Argued by Mr.
I. Walton Bader for the petitioner, by Mr. Lawrence G. Wallace for

the United States, as amicus curiae, by special leave of Court, by Mr.

Ralph W. Kalish for the respondents and by Mr. Sidney Neuman for
the American Patent Law Association, as amicus curiae.
No. 729. Donald Bachellar et al., petitioners, v. Maryland. Argued
by Mr. Anthony G. Amsterdam for the petitioners and by Mr. H.
Edgar Lentz for the respondent.
No. 477. Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company, petitioner, v.
Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. Argument commenced
by Mr. Frank X. Friedmann, Jr., for the petitioner and continued by
Mr. Dennis G. Lyons for the petitioner.

Adjourned until tomorrow at 10 o'clock.

The day call for Tuesday, March 3, 1970, will be as follows : Nos.
477, 476, and 829.

TUESDAY, MARCH 3, 1970 280


Present Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice

Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice

Stewart, Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice Marshall.

Admissions to the Bar

A. G. Shone, of Butte, Mont., on motion of Mr. Arnold H. Olsen

E. Patricia Herron, of Richmond, Calif., on motion of Mr. Jerome R.
Waldie; J. Mont joy Trimble, of Lexington, Ky., on motion of Mr.
John C. Watts; Mack Gerald Fleming, of Anderson, S.C., on motion
of Mr. Phil M. Landrum; John Ward Boult, of Tampa, Fla., and
Dewey R. Villareal, Jr., of Tampa, Fla., on motion of Mr. Cody Fow-
ler; Lloyd B. Hamilton, of Placerville, Calif., on motion of Mr. Brice
Wilson Rhyne; Peter Frese Rousselot, of Washington, D.C., and
Richard B. Ruge, of Washington, D.C., on motion of Mr. E. Barrett
Prettyman, Jr. Vincent J. Apruzzese, of Newark, N. J., on motion of

Mr. Dominick Manoli; John H. Whatley, of Pasadena, Calif., on

motion of Mr. Robert C. Mardian; Elsa R. Kaufman, of Bethesda,
Md., Richard David Kaufmann, of Washington, D.C., and Jeffrey
Mark Glosser, of Washington, D.C., on motion of Mr. N. Alfred Pas-
ternak; Lawrence T. Hoyle, Jr., of Philadelphia, Pa., on motion of
Mr. Aaron M. Fine; Lawrence Irwin Ferguson, of Dallas, Tex., on
motion of Mr. Graham W. McGowan; David C. G. Kerr, of Tampa,
Fla., on motion of Mr. Robert A. Saltzstein and Lawrence Baruch

Dvores, of Elizabeth, N.J., on motion of Mrs. Barbara A. Bowman,

were admitted to practice.

No. 63. United States, petitioner, v. W. M. Webb, Incorporated,

et al.On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Fifth Circuit. J udgment reversed and case remanded to the Court
of Appeals for further proceedings in conformity with the opinion of
this Court. Opinion by Mr. Justice Harlan.
No. 85. Association of Data Processing Service Organizations, Inc.,
et al., petitioners, v. William B. Camp, Comptroller of the Currency
of the United States et al. On writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit. Judgment reversed and
case remanded to the United States District Court for the District of

390-278—70 71
TUESDAY, MARCH 3, 19 70 281

Minnesota for a hearing on the merits. Opinion by Mr. Justice Douglas.

Opinion by Mr. Justice Brennan with whom Mr. Justice White joins
concurring in the result but dissenting from the Court's treatment
of the question of standing to challenge agency action, in this case
and in No. 249, post.
No. 249. Clemon Barlow et al., petitioners, v. B. L. Collins, etc.,
et al. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fifth Circuit. Judgments of the Court of Appeals and of the
United States District Court for the Middle District of Alabama
vacated and case remanded to the United States District Court for
the Middle District of Alabama for a hearing on the merits. Opinion
by Mr. Justice Douglas. Opinion by Mr. Justice Brennan with whom
Mr. Justice White joins concurring in the result but dissenting from
the Court's treatment of the question of standing to challenge agency
action, in this case and in No. 85, ante.

Oral Argument

No. 477. Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company, petitioner, v.

Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. Argument continued by
Mr. Dennis G. Lyons for the petitioner, by Mr. Allan Milledge for the
respondents and concluded by Mr. Dennis G. Lyons for the petitioner.
No. 476. Sears, Roebuck and Co., petitioner, v. Carpet, Linoleum,
Soft Tile and Resilient Floor Covering Layers, Local LTnion No. 419,
AFL-CIO, et al. Argued by Mr. Gerard C. Smetana for the petitioner,
by Mr. Dominick L. Manoli for respondent National Labor Relations
Board and by Mr. David S. Barr for respondent Union.
No. 829. Genever Lewis et al., appellants, v. Robert Martin, Di-
rector of the State Department of Social Welfare of State of Califor-
One and one half hours allowed for oral argument. Argument
nia, et al.
commenced by Mr. Anthony G. Amsterdam for the appellants and
continued by Mr. Francis X. Beytagh for the LTnited States, as amicus
curiae, by special leave of Court.

Adjourned until tomorrow at 10 o'clock.

The day Wednesday, March
call for 4, 1970, will be as follows : Nos.
829, 927, 175, and 727.

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4, 1970 282


Present Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice

Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice

Stewart, Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice Marshall.

Admissions to the Bar

Jesse J.McCrary, Jr., of Miami, Fla., on motion of Mr. Earl Fair-

cloth; Harold B. Judell, of New Orleans, La., on motion of Mr.
Daniel L. O'Connor; Floyd Leon Reed, of Heber Springs, Ark., on
motion of Mr. John Patrick Baker; Marshall Medoff, of Boston,
Mass., on motion of Mr. Francis Xavier McLaughlin; and Shelia
Hermes Marshall, of New York, N.Y., and James O'Malley, Jr., of
New York, N.Y., on motion of Mr. Leonard Morse Trosten, were
admitted to practice.
Oral Argument
No. 829. Genever Lewis et al., appellants, v. Robert Martin, Di-
rector of the State Department of Social Welfare of State of Cali-
fornia, et al. Argument continued by Mr. Francis X. Beytagh for the
United States, as amicus curiae, by special leave of the Court, and con-
cluded by Mr. Jay S. Linderman for the appellees.
No. 927. Johnny Williams, petitioner, v. Florida. Argued by Mr.
Richard Kanner for the petitioner and by Mr. Jesse J. McCrary, Jr.,
for the respondent.

No. 175. Petsonella Moragne, etc., petitioner, v. States Marine

al. One and one half hours allowed for oral argument.
Lines, Inc., et
Argued by Mr. Charles Jay Hardee, Jr., for the petitioner, by Mr.
Louis F. Claiborne for the United States, as amicus curiae, by special
leave of Court, and by Mr. Dewey R. Villareal, Jr. and Mr. David
C. G. Kerr for the respondents.
No. 727. Donald J. Vale, appellant, v. Louisiana. Argument com-
menced by Mr. Eberhard P. Deutsch for the appellant and continued
by Mrs. Louise Korns for the appellee.

Adjourned until tomorrow at 10 o'clock.

The day call for Thursday, March 5, 1970, will be as follows: Nos.
727, 41 (and 59), and 103.

390-278—70 72
THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 19 70 283


Present: Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice
Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice
Stewart, Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice Marshall.

Admissions to the Bar

Elmer O. Friday, Jr., of Fort Myers, Fla., and Carl F. Ellwanger,
of Stuart, Fla., on motion of Mr. Paul G. Kogers; Harold L. Summer-
field, of Chicago, 111., and John A. Summerfield, of Chicago, 111.,

on motion of Mr. Abner Joseph Mikva John W. Sturgis, of Portland,


Maine, on motion of Mr. Peter N. Kyros; Eobert L. McCurley, Jr., of

Gadsden Ala., on motion of Mr. Tom Vevill; John L. Cravens, of
Oklahoma City, Okla., Timothy D wight Leonard, of Oklahoma City,
Okla., and James E. Slater, of Oklahoma City, Okla., on motion of
Mr. George Tony Blankenship; Alpheus Varner, of Poteau, Okla.,
and John Edward Van Eschen, of Greene, Iowa, on motion of Mr.
Earl Boyd Pierce; William John Goldenblum, of New York, N.Y., on
motion of Mr. Steven Arthur Winkelman Clarence K. Harris, of

Indianapolis, Ind., and James E. McDonald, Jr., of Columbia, S.C.,

on motion of Mr. Daniel O. Omer; Henry James McCluskey, Jr., of
Dallas, Tex., on motion of Miss Sarah Eleanor Brown; Malin E.
McAmis, of New York, N.Y., on motion of Mr. Edwin E. McAmis;
Otto Joseph Hetzel, of Washington, D.C., on motion of Mr. William
H. Brown III; William L. Kaplan, of Silver Spring, Md., on mo-
tion of Mr. Karl George Feissner Jay Wilson Maynard, of Bronx-

ville, N. Y., on motion of Mr. Eobert Laurie Mitchell William John;

Janklow, of Flandreau, S. Dak., and James G. Abourezk, of Kapid

City, S. Dak., on motion of Mr. Thomas G. Shack, Jr., and Jerrold
A. Fadem, of Los Angeles, Calif., on motion of Mr. Frank Cummings,
were admitted to practice.

Oral Argument

No. 727. Donald J. Vale, appellant, v. Louisiana. Argument con-

tinued by Mrs. Louise Korns for the appellee and concluded by Mr.
Eberhard P. Deutsch for the appellant.
No. 103. United States, appellant, v. Armour & Company et al.
Argued by Mr. James van E. Springer for the appellant and by
Mr. Herbert A. Bergson for the appellees.
No. 41. The Choctaw Nation and the Chickasaw Nation, petition-
ers, v. Oklahoma et al. and ;

390-278 —70 73
THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 19 70 284

No. 59. The Cherokee Nation or Tribe of Indians in Oklahoma,

petitioner, v.Oklahoma et al. One and one-half hours allowed for oral
reargument. Eeargued by Mr. Lon Kile and Mr. Peyton Ford for the
petitioners, by Mr. Louis F. Claiborne for the United States, as
amicus curiae, by special leave of Court, and by Mr. G. T. Blanken-
ship and Mr. M. Darwin Kirk for the respondents.

Adjourned until Monday, March 9, 1970, at 10 o'clock.

MONDAY, MARCH 9, 1970 285


Present Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan,

Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice Stewart, Mr. Justice White, and Mr.
Justice Marshall.

Admissions to the Bar

D. Joseph Spada, of Los Angeles, Calif., Allen H. McCreight, of

Meridian, Miss., Winston Vaughan Morrow, Jr., of Garden City, N.Y.,
Frierson M. Graves, Jr., of Memphis, Tenn., Jimmy Leroy Tallant,
of Springfield, Va., Christopher Tappan Bayley, of Seattle, Wash.,
and Keith Chunn, Jr., of Houston, Tex., on motion of Mr. Solicitor
General Erwin N. Griswold Melvin Shinn, of Honolulu, Hawaii, on

motion of Mr. Hiram L. Fong Finis E. St. J ohn, Jr., of Cullman, Ala.,

on motion of Mr. Tom Bevill; Eichard F. Patton, of Bay Village,

Ohio, on motion of Mr. William E. Minshall William Lacey Mauck, of

Springfield, Mo., and Michael W. Hodges, of St. Louis, Mo., on motion

of Mr. Peter N. Kyros James E. White, of New Castle, Ind., on mo-

tion of Mr. David W. Dennis Gary J. Greenberg, of New York, N. Y.,


on motion of Mr. William Ramsey Clark Eichard Gordon Kinney, of


Chicago, 111., on motion of Mr. Peter N. Chumbris; Timothy J.

Plealey, of New York, N.Y., Irene Balogh Smart, of Canton, Ohio,
Charles E. Smart, of Canton, Ohio, and Borden Bowne Price, of
Berkeley, Calif., on motion of Mr. Samuel J. L'Hommedieu, Jr. Tidal

B. Henry, Jr., of New York, N.Y., and John Nielsen, of Port Chester,
N.Y., on motion of Mr. C. Frank Eeifsnyder; George Poindexter
Hewes, III, of Jackson, Miss., on motion of Mrs. Elizabeth S. Denny;
C. Lacey Compton, Jr., of Woodbridge, Va., on motion of Mr. John
K. Meagher; David E. Gebhart, of Cincinnati, Ohio, and Abraham
D. Goldberg, of Cincinnati, Ohio, on motion of Mr. Eobert Stephen
Chamblee; James F. Shumate, Jr., of Falls Church, Va., on motion
of Mr. George L. J. Dalf eres Frank Dawson Hall, of Miami, Fla., on

motion of Mr. George F. Smith, Jr. Francis Ralph Matera, of New


York, N. Y., on motion of Mr. Donald Cef aratti, Jr. Charles Patrick

Eevoile, of Kensington, Md., on motion of Mr. Stephen E. Fleck;

Victor W. Ewen, of Louisville, Ky., and William A. MacKenzie, of
Louisville, Ky., on motion of Mr. James Francis Gordy Grover John-

son Gregory, of Clifton Forge, Va., on motion of Mr. Eobert F. Guth-

rie; John Pasquale Bruno, of Phoenix, Ariz., on motion of Mr. Ronald
Earl Madsen; James Hugh Martin, of New Orleans, La., on motion
of Mr. Clarence J. Martin; Ben C. White, of Arlington, Va., on

390-278—70 74
MONDAY, MARCH 9, 19 70 286

motion of Mr. Thomas E. Harrison; Eobert Kenneth Mihalek, of

Cleveland, Ohio, on motion of Mr. George ."Raymond Jones; Parker
M. Nielson, of Salt Lake City, Utah, on motion of Mr. John M.
Bradley; Stephen Jones, of Enid, Okla., on motion of Mr. J. Mark
Trice; Leo E. Green, of Bowie, Md., on motion of Mr. James John
Stapleton and Francis H. Allenza, of Washington, D.C., John A. Bell,

Jr., of Washington, D.C., Arthur P. Byrne, of Washington, D.C., Ethel

C. Ellison, of Washington, D.C., Robert B. Lucas, of Washington,
D. C., Joseph H. White, of Washington, D.C., Charles J. Bartlett, of
Silver Spring, Md., Paul R. Boesch, of Bethesda, Md., Chaim David
Goldberg, of Silver Spring, Md., Libby P. Grossman, of Bowie, Md.,
Sondra Renee Linden, of Bethesda, Md., Herbert E. Muse, of Balti-
more, Md., David F. Polatsek, of Silver Spring, Md., Richard B.
Talley, of Silver Spring, Md., Sanford A. Witkowski, of Chevy Chase,
Md., June W. Auerbach, of Arlington, Va., Louise B. Crosby, of
Herndon, Va., Tom L. Davis, of Springfield, Va., William Edward
Grossman, of Springfield, Va., Frederick W. Mowatt, of Arlington,
Va., Lewis Edward Berry, Jr., of Houston, Tex., Martha Florence
Day Burks, of Tuscaloosa, Ala., Leslie J. Carson, Jr., of Philadelphia,
Pa., Jean Margaret Cookingham, of Ithaca, N.Y., Newton S. Davidow,
of Boston, Mass., Donald M. Day, of Council Bluffs, Iowa, Carmine
Fiorentino, of Atlanta, Ga., Paul I. Grady, of Boston, Mass., William
T. Graham, of Winston Salem, N.C., Willie Earl Griggs, of Fort
Worth, Tex, Robert S. Kenison, of Manchester, N.H., Thomas P.
Loftus, of New York, N.Y., Daniel F. Martini, of Shamokin, Pa.,
and Norman C. Roettger, Jr., of Fort Lauderdale, Fla., on motion of
Mr. Sherman Unger, were admitted to practice.


No. 231. International Longshoremen's Association, Local 1416,

AFL-CIO, petitioner, v. Ariadne Shipping Company, Limited, et al.
On writ of certiorari to the District Court of Appeal of Florida,
Third District. J udgment reversed and case remanded to the District
Court of Appeal of Florida, Third District, for further proceedings
not inconsistent with the opinion of this Court. Opinion by Mr. Justice
Brennan. Concurring opinion by Mr. Justice White with whom
Mr. Chief Justice Burger and Mr. Justice Stewart join.
No. 395. United States, petitioner, v. M. O. Seckinger, Jr., etc. On
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth
Circuit. Judgment reversed and case remanded to the United States
District Court for the Southern District of Georgia for further pro-
ceedings in conformity with the opinion of this Court. Opinion by Mr.
Justice Brennen. Dissenting opinion by Mr. Justice Stewart with
whom Mr. Chief Justice Burger and Mr. Justice Douglas join. Mr.
Justice Marshall took no part in the consideration or decision of this
MONDAY, MARCH 9, 19 70 287

No. 74. Clifford Taggart et al., petitioners, v. Weinacker's, Inc.

On writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Alabama. Writ dis-
missed as improvidently granted. Opinion per curiam announced by
Mr. Justice Black. Mr. Justice Black and Mr. Justice Harlan would
hold under San Diego Building Trades Council v. Garmon, 359 U.S.
236, that the State's jurisdiction in this case is pre-empted by the
National Labor Relations Board's primary jurisdiction over labor
disputes. Concurring opinion by Mr. Chief Justice Burger. Separate
memorandum by Mr. Justice Harlan.

Mr. Justice Black said:

"Today's orders of the Court have been certified by Mr. Justice
Black, filed with the Clerk, and will not be announced orally."

Certiorari Denied

No. 814. Richard D. Irwin et ux., petitioners, v. Dempsey-Tegeler

& Co., Inc. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 833. Eugene Hairston, petitioner, v. Frank J. Pate, Warden,
et al.Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Ap-
peals for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 847. Arthur Acunto, et al., petitioners, v. United States; and
No. 902. Dominick DiNorscio and Ralph Masciloa, petitioners, v.
United States. Petitions for writs of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 963. District Counsel of Painters No. 16 of Alameda, Marin,
Contra Costa, Napa, Solano, Yolo, Placer, Sacramento, Nevada, El
Dorado and Sierra Counties, petitioner, v. Painters Union Local 127
et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1043. Paul Barsaloux, petitioner, v. United States. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 1073. Ford M. MacElvain and Robert C. MacElvain, etc., pe-
and Exchange Commission. Petition for writ of
titioners, v. Securities
certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit
No. 1084. Robert Gabler, petitioner, v. Illinois. Petition for writ
of certiorari to the Appellate Court of Illinois, Second District,
No. 1086. City of Miami Beach, petitioner, v. Nathan N. Manilow
et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Florida
and the District Court of Appeal of Florida, Third District, denied.
MONDAY, MARCH 9, 19 70 288

No. 1088. Theresa Leah Thompson et al., petitioners, v. Edward

J. Boyle, Judge, etc. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 1092. Eon Paul, petitioner, v. Colorado State Board of Law
Examiners. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of
Colorado denied.
No. 1096. Robert Irving McWilliams, petitioner, v. California. Pe-
Court of Appeal of California, Sec-
tition for writ of certiorari to the
ond Appellate District, denied.
No. 1097. John J. Torello, petitioner, v. Illinois. Petition for writ
of certiorari to the Appellate Court of Illinois, First District, denied.
No. 1098. Louis Parker, petitioner, v. Cargill, Inc. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth
Circuit denied.
No. 1108. Penelope E. Chart, etc., et al., petitioners, v. Wisconsin.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Wisconsin
No. 1110. Clover Company, Inc., et al., petitioners, v. General
Agency, Inc., of Penna., et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 1119. Carmen O. Herrero et al., petitioners, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1147. H. Neil Kelly, Jr., petitioner, v. United States. Pe-
tition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
r the District of Columbia Circuit denied.
No. 1154. Earl Larsen Kesler, petitioner, v. California. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Appellate Department of the Superior
Court of California, County of Los Angeles, denied.
No. 159, Misc. George Albert Curry, petitioner, v. Louis S. Nelson,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 168, Misc. Charles Broeckel, petitioner, v. LaMoyne
Superintendent, Marion Correctional Institution. Petition for writ
of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Cir-
No. 351, Misc. Thomas Jackson, petitoner, v. California. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of California denied.
No. 655, Misc. Donald Barnes Bradley, petitioner, v. Kentucky.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals of Kentucky
MONDAY, MARCH 9, 1970 289

No. 969, Misc. Sam E. Hibbitt, petitioner, v. New York. Petition

for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Second Circuit denied.
No. 1170, Misc. Emily McLaughlin, petitioner, v. Massachusetts
et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the First Circuit denied.
No. 1173, Misc. Charles Major Wilson, petitioner, v. California.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California,
Second Appellate District, denied.
No. 1217, Misc. Fernando Escarcega, petitioner, v. California.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California,
Second Appellate District, denied.
No. 1224, Misc. Alfred Gonzague, petitioner, v. New York. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals of New York
No. 1243, Misc. Evoy Lee Grant, petitioner, v. Walter E. Craven,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1245, Misc. Frank Timothy Collins, petitioner, v. United
States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 1247, Misc. Loamont Allman, petitioner, v. Harry Silberglitt,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1252, Misc. Willie Charles Hill, petitioner, v. Walter E.
Craven, Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court
of California denied.
No. 1254, Misc. Nicholas Guido, petitioner, v. Illinois. Petition
Supreme Court of Illinois denied.
for writ of certiorari to the
No. 1283, Misc. Francisco Cepero Alers, petitioner, v. Municipal-
ity ofSan Juan. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the First Circuit denied.
No. 1288, Misc. Phillip Joseph Hanig, petitioner, v. J. D. Cox,
Superintendent, Virginia State Penitentiary. Petition for writ of cer-
tiorari to the L^nited States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit
No. 1292, Misc. Henry B. Gilmore, petitioner, v. Walter E. Craven,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1294, Misc. Dana Dodrill, petitioner, v. West Virginia. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Fourth Circuit denied.
MONDAY, MARCH 9, 19 70 290
No. 1307, Misc. Jay Burton Jones, petitioner, v. Walter E. Craven,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1319, Misc. Kichard Lee Trevathan, petitioner, v. United
States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 1348, Misc. John B. Sanders, Jr., petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 1393, Misc. Edward F. Baker, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1434, Misc. Frank Moore, petitioner, v. Arizona. Petition for
Supreme Court of Arizona denied.
writ of certiorari to the
No. 1495, Misc. Louie Chacon, petitioner, v. Louis S. Nelson,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1540, Misc. Josh McDaniels, petitioner, v. Peter J. Pitchess,
Sheriff, et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1558, Misc. Auther G. Barkley, petitioner, v. Commissioner of
Internal Eevenue. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1206, Misc. Margaret E. Gruver, petitioner, v. Secretary of
Health, Education, and Welfare. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
Lhiited States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit
denied. The Chief Justice took no part in the consideration or decision
of this petition.
No. 1303, Misc. Joseph S. Robinson, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the District of Columbia Circuit denied. The Chief Justice took
no part in the consideration or decision of this petition.
No. 1448, Misc. Gussie Goldsmith, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the District of Columbia Circuit denied. The Chief Justice took
no part in the consideration or decision of this petition.
No. 1506, Misc. Linton K. Mordecai, petitioner, v. United
States. Petition for writ of certiorari to theUnited States Court of
Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit denied. The Chief Jus-
tice took no part in the consideration or decision of this petition.

Leave To File Petitions for Writs or Habeas Corpus Denied

No. 1400, Misc. Joseph E. Edge, petitioner, v. S. Lamont Smith,

Warden and;
MONDAY, MARCH 9, 19 70 291

No. 1585, Misc. Everett Shepherd, Jr., petitioner, v. John W.

Wingo, Warden. Motions for leave to file petitions for writs of habeas
corpus denied.

Leave To File Petition for Writ or Mandamus Denied

No. 1314, Misc. Johnnie Clifford McDowell, petitioner, v. Nathan
J. Paulson, Clerk. Motion for leave to file petition for writ of man-
damus denied.
Rehearings Denied

No. 1285, October Term, 1968. Detroit Vital Foods, Inc., peti-
tioner, v. United States and

No. 687. Ralph Ginzburg et a!., petitioners, v. Barry M. Gold-

water. Petitions for rehearing denied. The Chief Justice took no part
in the consideration or decision of these petitions.

No. 714. Jack R. Swain et al., appellants, v. Board of Adjustment

of the City of University Park, Texas, et al. Petition for rehearing

Adjourned until Monday, March 23, 1970, at 10 o'clock.

Opinion per Curiam

No. 1136. Deborah A. Northcross et al., petitioners, v. Board of

Education of the Memphis, Tennessee, City Schools, et al. On petition
for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Sixth Circuit. Petition for writ of certiorari granted. Holding that
the Court of Appeals erred in the respects listed in the opinion, the
Court of Appeals' order of remand of December 19, 1969, is affirmed
with directions that the District Court proceed promptly to consider
! the issues before it and to decide the case consistently with Alexander

v. Holmes Comity Board, and the case remanded to the United States

District Court for the Western District of Tennessee for that purpose.
The order of the Court of Appeals of January 12, 1970, denying in-
junctive relief is affirmed. The motion for injunction pending cer-
tiorari in this Court is denied. The judgment shall issue forthwith.
Opinion per curiam. Opinion by Mr. Chief Justice Burger concurring
in the result. Mr. Justice Marshall took no part in the consideration
or decision of this case.

Order in Pending Case

No. The Upjohn Co., petitioner, v. Robert H. Finch, Secretary
of Health, Education, and Welfare, et al. The application for a stay,
presented to Mr. Justice Stewart and by him referred to the Court,
is denied. Mr. Justice Stewart took no part in the consideration or
decision of this application.
MONDAY, MARCH 16, 19 70 292


Present Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice

Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice Stew-
art, Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice Marshall.

Opinions Per Curiam

No. 679. Jonathan O. Cole, Superintendent, Boston State Hos-

Lucretia Peteros Richardson; and
pital, et al., appellants, v.
No. 774. Lucretia Peteros Richardson, appellant, v. Jonathan O.
Cole, Superintendent, Boston State Hospital, et al. Appeals from
the United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts.
Judgment vacated and cases remanded to the United States District
Court for the District of Massachusetts to determine whether these
cases have become moot. Opinion per curiam. Opinion by Mr. Justice
Harlan concurring in the result with whom The Chief Justice joins.
Dissenting opinion by Mr. Justice Douglas.
No. 737. United States, appellant, v. Paul Ogle. Appeal from
the United States District Court for the Southern District of
Indiana. Judgment dismissing Count 1 of the indictment under 26
U.S.C. § 4742(a) reversed and as to Count 2 of the indictment under
26 U.S.C. § 4744(a)(1) affirmed and case remanded to the United
States District Court for the Southern District of Indiana for trial
on Count 1. Opinion per curiam.
No. 1046. Edmond J. Hamilton and John L. Datenhoff, appellants,
v. John J. McKeithen, Governor of Louisiana. Appeal from the Su-

preme Court of Louisiana. The motion to dismiss is granted and the

appeal is dismissed for want of a substantial federal question. Opinion

per curiam.
No. 1090. Arnold Paul Tryon, appellant, Iowa. Appeal from
the Supreme Court of Iowa. The motion to dismiss is granted and the
appeal is dismissed for want of jurisdiction. Treating the papers
whereon the appeal was taken as a petition for writ of certiorari, cer-
tiorari is denied. Opinion per curiam.

No. 1100. Northern Freight Lines, Inc., et al., appellants, v.

I United States et al. Appeal from the United States District Court
for the Northern District of Georgia. The motions to affirm are granted
and the judgment is affirmed. Opinion per curiam.
No. 1121. City of New York, appellant, v. United States et al.;


390-278—70 75

MONDAY, MARCH 16;, 1#70 293

No. 1122. Marshall B. Grossman et al., appellants, v. Automobile

Manufacturers Association, Inc., et al. Appeals from the United
States District Court for the Central District of California. In No.
1121, the motion to affirm is granted and the judgment is affirmed.
In No. 1122, the motion to dismiss is granted and the appeal is dis-
missed for want of jurisdiction. Opinion per curiam.
No. 1360, Misc. Anthony K. Martin-Trigona, appellant, v. State
Board of Law Examiners of Illinois. Appeal from the Supreme Court
of Illinois. The appeal is dismissed for want of jurisdiction. Treating
the papers whereon the appeal was taken as a petition for writ of
certiorari, certiorari is denied. Opinion per curiam.

No. 1391, Misc. Michael E. Bratcher, petitioner, v. Melvin S.

Laird, Secretary of Defense, et al. On petition for writ of certiorari

to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. Motion
for leave to proceed in forma pauperis and petition for writ of cer-
tiorari granted. Judgment vacated and case remanded to Court of
Appeals for further consideration in conformity with the opinion of
this Court. Opinion per curiam.

Orders in Pending Cases

No. James E. Swann et al., petitioners, v. Charlotte-Meck-


lenburg Board of Education et al. The motion to vacate the order

of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit and
to reinstate the order of the United States District Court for the West-
ern District of North Carolina presented to Mr. Chief Justice Burger,
! and by him referred to the Court, is denied.
No. . Shaw International Theatres, Inc., petitioner, v. Munici-
pal Court for the San Jose-Milpitas Judicial District, County of
Santa Clara, State of California et al. The application for a stay of
the action by the Municipal Court for the San Jose-Milpitas Judicial
District, presented to Mr. Justice Douglas and by him referred to
the Court, is denied.
No. 1210. South Hill Neighborhood Association, Inc., et al., pe-
titioners, v. George Romney, Secretary of United States Department
of Housing and Urban Development, et al. The application for an
injunction, presented to Mr. Justice Stewart, and by him referred to
the Court, is denied.
No. 2, Misc. Stephen S. Chandler, United States District Judge
for the Western District of Oklahoma, petitioner, v. Judicial Council
of the Tenth Circuit of the United States. The motion for leave to file
a reply brief, after argument, is granted.
MONDAY, MARCH 16, 19 70 294

Appeals —Jurisdiction Noted

No. 735. Edgar D. Whitcomb, Governor of the State of Indiana,

appellant, v. Patrick Chavis et al.

No. 761. John C. Ruckelshaus et al., appellants, v. Patrick Chavis

et al. ; and
No. 1198. Edgar D. Whitcomb, Governor of the State of Indiana,
appellant, v. Patrick Chavis et Appeals from the United States

District Court for the Southern District of Indiana. In these cases

probable jurisdiction noted. Cases consolidated and a total of one
and one half hours allotted for oral argument.

Certiorari Granted

No. 1117. Zenith Radio Corporation, petitioner, v. Hazeltine Re-

search, Inc. Motion to use record in No. 49, October Term, 1968,
granted. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Seventh Circuit granted and case placed on the sum-
mary calendar.
Certiorari Denied

No. 882. Boston & Providence Railroad Development Group, pe-

titioner, v. Charles W. Bartlett, Trustee, et al. Petition for writ of
certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit

No. 1095. Richard B. Mensen, petitioner, v. Baltimore & Ohio

Railroad Company. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme
Court of Illinois denied. Mr. Justice Black and Mr. Justice Douglas are
of the opinion that certiorari should be granted.

No. 1111. Augustine L. Ranjel et al., petitioners, v. City of Lan-

sing et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied. Mr. J ustice Douglas is of the
opinion that certiorari should be granted.
No. 1296. Palmer W. (Pete) Norris et al., petitioners, v. Alabama
Republican State Executive Committee et al. Motion to expedite
consideration of the petition for certiorari granted. Petition for writ
of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Alabama denied.

No. 784, Misc. George Cuadrado, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-

tition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1006, Misc. Gilbert M. Palos, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-
tition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Fifth Circuit denied.
MONDAY, MARCH 16, 19 70 295

No. 1137, Misc. Irving Jones, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-

United States Court of Appeals for
tition for writ of certiorari to the
the Second Circuit denied.
No. 261, Misc. Thomas H. Enneking and Theodore J. Helfenbein,
petitioners, v. Florida. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme
Court of Florida denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion that
certiorari should be granted.

Assignment Order

An order of the Chief Justice designating and assigning Mr. Jus-

tice Eeed (Ketired) to perform judicial duties in the United States
Court of Claims beginning March 12, 1970, and ending March 12,
1970, and for such further time as may be required to complete un-
finished business, pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 294(a), is ordered entered

on the minutes of this Court, pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 295.

MONDAY, MARCH 23, 1970 296


Present Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice

Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice

Stewart, Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice Marshall.

Admissions to the Bar

Arnold S. Malter, of Los Angeles, Calif., Francis B. Boone, of

San Francisco, Calif., William H. Pivar, of Lancaster, Calif., Jasio
Spiegelman, of Los Angeles, Calif., John Aubrey Mann, of Jackson-
ville, 111., Joel S. Greenberg, of Pittsfield, Mass., Walker B. Comegys,

of Wenham, Mass., Sigmune A. Beras, of Southfield, Mich., Alexan-

der D. Perinoff, of Southfielcl, Mich., Peter T. Straub, of St. Louis,
Mo., Phillipe E. Shapiro, of New York, N.Y., James Koss Haffey, Jr.,
of Cleveland, Ohio, Donald Nolan JafTe, of Cleveland, Ohio, David
Lee Hobson, of Springfield, Ohio, William J. Quackenbush, of Waco,
Tex., Robert Edward Goodman, of El Paso, Tex., James Thomas
Pinto, of Houston, Tex., Cecil Eugene Reinke, of Galveston, Tex.,
Bernard Echt, of Los Angeles, Calif., Sydney Halem, of Los Angeles,
Calif., and Giedon Kanner, of Los Angeles, Calif., on motion of
Mr. Solicitor General Erwin N. Griswold; Terence Hanley, of
Bremerton, Wash., Bruce Gene Martin, of Bremerton, Wash., and
Harding Thomas Roe, of Tacoma, Wash., on motion of Mr. Henry M.
'Jackson; Kingsley A. Jarvis, of Norristown, Pa., on motion of
Mr. Hugh D. Scott, Jr. Raymond H. Thornton, Jr., of Sheridan, Ark.,

Emon A. Mahony, of El Dorado, Ark., and Emon A. Mahony, Jr., of

El Dorado, Ark., on motion of Mr. John L. McClellan; James Way-
land Markel, of Winter Park, Fla., and Fred Anderson Vaught, Jr.,
| of Winter Park, Fla., on motion of Mr. Louis Frey, Jr.; Randall
| Avon Buice, of Perry, Ga., Roy Newton Coward, of Warner Robins,
Ga., Tom W. Daniel, of Perry, Ga., and David P. Hulbert, of Perry,
Ga., on motion of Mr. Jack Thomas Brinkley Robert Quentin Keith,

of Beaumont, Tex., on motion of Mr. Jack Brooks; Edward A.

Hoifman, of Beverly Hills, Calif., on motion of Mr. Richard T. Hanna.
Alden J. Fulkerson, of San Diego, Calif., on motion of Mr. Charles
E. Wiggins; Monroe Silverman, of Stamford, Conn., on motion of
Mr. Thomas J. Meskell Herbert Karl Sloane, of Salt Lake City, Utah,

and James Hardy Payne, of Stamford, Tex., on motion of Mr. Alex-

ander J. Palenscar, Jr. Andrew Stephen Krulwich, of Washington,

D.C., on motion of Mr. Daniel A. Rezneck; Richard F. Runkle, of

Los Angeles, Calif., on motion of Mr. R. Harrison Pledger, Jr.; Fred
MONDAY, MARCH 2 3, 19 70 297

L. Johnston, Jr., of Hanford, Calif., on motion of Mr. Harlan Hagen;

T. Lindsay Moore, Jr., of Miami, Fla., and William H. Traylor, of
Atlanta, Ga., on motion of Mr. Lawrence Speiser; John Roderick
Heller III, of Washington, D.C., and Howard Gerson Kristol. of
New York, N.Y., on motion of Mr. John H. Pickering; John E. Cas-
sidy, Jr., of Peoria, 111., and John Galvin, of Chicago, 111., on motion
of Mr. Daniel L. O'Connor Elihu William Goldin, of Middlesex, N.J.,

on motion of Mr. Stephen Joel Paradise; Mary Ellen Crowley, of

Cheyenne, Wyo., and Tosh Suyematsu, of Cheyenne, Wyo., on motion
of Mr. William Henry Harrison; Tommy Hawk, of Portland, Oreg.,
on motion of Mr. Harold S. Larsen; Grover Aubret Gore, of Shallotte,
N.C., on motion of Mr. Hugh Alexander; Donald Ray Overton, of
Normal, 111., on motion of Mr. Charles C. Collins; John E. Nolan,
of Oakland, Calif., on motion of Mr. Cecil A. Beasley, Jr. Robert L.

Chase, of New York, N.Y., and Ridgeway Whittemore, of La Jolla,

Calif., on motion of Mr. Philip J. Yazbeck; Samuel H. Sherman, of
Los Angeles, Calif., on motion of Mr. Donald Statland; Edward
Joseph McArdle, of Saginaw, Mich., on motion of Mr. Robert P. Mc-
Ardle; Marvin G. Goldman, of New York, N.Y., on motion of Mr.
Richard M. Merriman; Francis R. Stradling, of Santa Ana, Calif.,
on motion of Mr. David Warner; William Carleton Gifford, of Alex-
andria, Va., on motion of Mr. John Charles Reid; Paul Taylor, of
Binghamton, N.Y., on motion of Mr. Sylman I. Euzent; Emery H.
Rosenbluth, Jr., of Orlando, Fla., on motion of Mr. Walter A. Nice-
wicz; Kirby Ensign Brant, of Milwaukee, Wise, and Donald Ross
Patterson, of Overton, Tex., on motion of Mr. Emory C. Smith.
John G. Poles, of New York, N.Y., and Christ Stratakis, of New
York, N. Y., on motion of Mr. Stanley O. Sher Elihu Inselbuch Leifer,

of Washington, D.C., on motion of Mr. Laurence J. Cohen Charles H.


McLaughlin, Jr., of Chambersburg, Pa., on motion of Mr. Mauel

Davis; Richard Bernard Levitt, of Los Angeles, Calif., on motion
of Mr. Lyman Guettel Friedman; Robert E. Meldman, of Milwaukee,
Wise, on motion of Mr. Louis L. Meldman Donald Taylor Senter-

fitt, of Orlando, Fla., on motion of Mr. Clark Crane Yogel Stephen


J. Werber, of New York, N. Y., on motion of Mr. Ephraim Jacobs and :

Benjamin Friedler, of Long Beach, N.Y., Sydney Friecller, of Island

Park, N.Y., David Thomas Gray, of Portsmouth, N.H., Francis W.
Joynt, of Cornwall-on-Hudson, N. Y., John Kenyon McGuirk, of Corn-
wall, N.Y., Enoch M. Overby, III, of Hattiesburg, Miss., Placido
Frank Pappalardo, of Rochester, N.Y., Richard Arthur Peterson, of
Stillwater, Minn., Robert Thomas Pope, of Decatur, Ga., and James
Hartman Watz, of Buffalo, N. Y., on motion of Mr. Gustave F. Jacob,
were admitted to practice.
MONDAY, MARCH 23, 19 70 298


No. 104. United States, petitioner, v. Estate of Thomas S. Don-

On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
nelly, Sr., et al.
Appeals for the Sixth Circuit. Judgment reversed and case remanded
to the Court of Appeals for further proceedings in conformity with
the opinion of this Court. Opinion by Mr. Justice Marshall. Concur-
ring opinion by Mr. Justice Harlan. Dissenting opinion by Mr. Jus-
tice Douglas with whom Mr. Justice Brennan and Mr. Justice Stewart

No. 282. United States, petitioner, v. Maclin P. Davis et ux. On

writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth
Circuit. Judgment reversed and
case remanded to the United States
District Court for the Middle District of Tennessee for dismissal of
the complaint. Opinion by Mr. Justice Marshall. Dissenting opinion
by Mr. Justice Douglas with whom Mr. Justice Brennan joins.
No. 62. Jack K. Goldberg, Commissioner of Social Services of the
City of New York, appellant, v. John Kelly et al. Appeal from the
United States District Court for the Southern District of New York.
J udgment affirmed. Opinion by Mr. Justice Brennan. Dissenting opin-
ion by Mr. Chief Justice Burger with whom Mr. Justice Black joins in
this case and in No. 14, post. Dissenting opinion by Mr. Justice Black.
Dissenting opinion by Mr. Justice Stewart in this case and in No. 14,

No. 14. Mae Wheeler et al., appellants, v. John Montgomery, etc.,

et al.Appeal from the United States District Court for the Northern
District of California. Judgment reversed and case remanded to the
United States District Court for the Northern District of California
for further proceedings in conformity with the opinion of this Court.
Opinion by Mr. Justice Brennan. Mr. Justice Black, for the reasons
set forth in his dissenting opinion in No. 62, ante, dissents and would

affirm the judgment below. Dissenting opinion by Mr. Chief Jus-

tice Burger with whom Mr. Justice Black joins in this case and
in No. 62, ante. Dissenting opinion by Mr. Justice Stewart in this
case and in No. 62, ante.

No. 403. United States, petitioner, v. Gerritt Johannes Van Leeu-

wen. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Ninth Circuit. Judgment reversed and case remanded to the Court
of Appeals for further proceedings in conformity with the opinion
of this Court. Opinion by Mr. Justice Douglas.

The Chief J ustice said

"Today's orders of the Court have been certified by the Chief Jus-
with the Clerk, and will not be announced orally."
tice, filed
MONDAY, MARCH 2 3, 19 70 299

Opinions Per Curiam

No. 128. Arnold Tours, Inc., et al., petitioners, v. William B.

Camp et al. On petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the First Circuit. Petition for writ of certiorari
granted, judgment vacated and case remanded to the Court of Appeals
for further consideration in conformity with the opinion of this
Court. Opinion per curiam.
No. 347. David G. Cain et al., appellants, v. Kentucky. Appeal
from the Court of Appeals of Kentucky. Judgment reversed and case
remanded to the Court of Appeals of Kentucky for further considera-
tion not inconsistent with the opinion of this Court. Opinion per
curiam. Dissenting opinion by Mr. Chief Justice Burger. Dissenting
opinion by Mr. Justice Harlan.
Makah Indian Tribe, etc., appellant, v. Washington. Ap-
No. 922.
peal from the Supreme Court of Washington. The motion to dismiss
is granted and the appeal is dismissed for want of a substantial federal

question. Opinion per curiam.

No. 1055. Earl V. Hogan, appellant, v. Lloyd E. James, Sr.,
et ux.Appeal from the Court of Appeals of Maryland. The appeal is
dismissed for want of jurisdiction. Treating the papers whereon the
appeal was taken as a petition for writ of certiorari, certiorari is
denied. Opinion per curiam.
No. 1107. Burton Marks, appellant, v. Chief of Police of the City
of Los Angeles et al. Appeal from the Court of Appeal of California,
Second Appellate District. The motion to dismiss is granted and the
appeal is dismissed for want of jurisdiction. Treating the papers
whereon the appeal was taken as a petition for writ of certiorari, cer-
tiorari is denied. Opinion per curiam.

No. 1130. Capital Southwest Corporation et al., appellants v.

Eobert S. Calvert, Comptroller of Public Accounts of the State of
Texas, et al. Appeal from the Court of Civil Appeals of Texas, Third
Supreme Judicial District. The motion to dismiss is granted and the
appeal is dismissed for want of a substantial federal question. Opinion
per curiam.
No. 1137. Louis L. Freidman, appellant, v. New York. Appeal
from the Court of Appeals of New York. The motion to dismiss is
granted and the appeal is dismissed for want of a substantial federal
question. Opinion per curiam.
No. 1182. Morton K. Ohlson et al., appellants, v. Kenneth Phillips
et al. Appeal from the United States District Court for the District
of Colorado. The motion to affirm is granted and the judgment is af-
firmed. Opinion per curiam.
MONDAY, MARCH 23, 19 70 300

No. 943, Misc. Luis Felipe Sanchez, petitioner, v. United States.

On petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Ap-
peals for the Fifth Circuit. Motion for leave to proceed in forma pau-
peris granted. Petition for writ of certiorari granted, insofar as it
seeks review of the judgment of the Court of Appeals affirming peti-
tioner's conviction on Count 3 of the indictment charging a violation
of 26 U.S.C. § 4704. Judgment with respect to Count 3 vacated and
case remanded to the United States District Court for the Southern
District of Florida with directions to dismiss Count 3 of the indict-
ment. Petition for writ of certiorari is otherwise denied. Opinion per
No. 1374, Misc. George L. Ginger, appellant, v. Frank J. Kelley,
Attorney General of Michigan, et al. Appeal from the United States
Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit. The appeal is dismissed for
want of jurisdiction. Treating the papers whereon the appeal was-
taken as a petition for writ of certiorari, certiorari is denied. Opinion
per curiam.
No. 1403, Misc. Genevieve Fullerton Nieder, appellant, v. Helen
M. Fullerton et al. Appeal from the Supreme Court of New Jersey.
The motion to dismiss is granted and the appeal is dismissed for want
of jurisdiction. Treating the papers whereon the appeal was taken as
a petition for writ of certiorari, certiorari is denied. Opinion per

Orders in Pending Cases

No. . John Richard Haag, et al., petitioners, v. Frank M. Jor-

dan, Secretary of State, California, et al. The application for a
temporary injunction presented to Mr. Justice Douglas, and by him
referred to the Court, is denied.
No. . petitioner, v. J. Edwin LaVallee, War-
Bernard Spindel,
den. The application for bail presented to Mr. Justice Douglas, and
by him referred to the Court, is denied.
No. 565. Frank Dyson, Chief of Police, City of Dallas, et al., appel-
lants, v. Brent Stein. The motion of Stanley Fleishman for leave to
participate in the oral argument, as amicus curiae, is denied.
No. 696. Law
Students Civil Rights Research Council, Inc., et al.,
appellants, v. Lowell Wadmond et al. The motion of the appellants
for permission for two attorneys to participate in the oral argument
and for additional time for oral argument is denied.
No. 726. Charyene Mitchell et al., appellants, v. Joseph L. Dono-
van, etc., et al. The motion of the appellants to remove this case from
the summary calendar is granted and 45 minutes is allotted to each

No. 735. Edgar D. Whitcomb, Governor of the State of Indiana,

appellant, v. Patrick Chavis et al.

390-278 —70r—r—77
MONDAY, MARCH 23, 19 70 301

No. 761. John C. Ruckelshaus et al., appellants, v., Patrick Chavis

et al. ; and
No. 1198. Edgar D. Whitcomb, Governor of the State of Indiana,
al. The order of the Conrt of March 16,
appellant, v. Patrick Chavis et
1970, is revoked. In No. 1198 probable jurisdiction is noted and the
case is placed on the summary calendar.
No. 1093. United States, appellant, v. Phillipsburg National Bank
and Trust Company et al. The motion of the appellees to remove this
case from the summary calendar is granted.
No. 1142. Joseph Elkanich, petitioner, v. United States. The mo-
tion of the petitioner to enlarge the record is granted.
No. 1382, Misc. In the Matter of the Disbarment of William
I). Edwards.
having been reported to the Court that William D. Edwards
of Columbus, Ohio, has been disbarred from the practice of law by
the Supreme Court of Ohio, and this Court, by order of December
8, 1969, having suspended the said William D. Edwards from the
practice of law in this Court and directing that a rule issue requiring
him to show cause why he should not be disbarred;
And it appearing that the said rule was duly issued and served
upon the respondent, and that the time within which to file a return
to the rule has expired and no return to the rule having been filed;
It is ordered that the said William D. Edwards be, and he is
hereby, disbarred from the practice of law in this Court and that
his name be stricken from the roll of attorneys admitted to practice
before the Bar of this Court.

Appeals —Jurisdiction Noted or Postponed

No. 900. United States, appellant, v. Fred Fancher. Appeal from

the United States District Court for the District of South Dakota. In
this case probable jurisdiction noted and the case placed on the sum-
mary calendar.
No. 905. Grove Press, Inc., et al., appellants, v. Maryland State
Board of Censors. Appeal from the Court of Appeals of Maryland.
In this case probable jurisdiction noted and case placed on the sum-
mary calendar.
No. 1221. Wisconsin, appellant, v. Norma Grace Constantineau.
Appeal from the United States District Court for the Eastern District
of Wisconsin. In this case probable jurisdiction noted and case placed
on the summary calendar.
No. 1082. United States, appellant, v. Thomas William Weller.
Appeal from the United States District Court for the Northern Dis-
trict of California. The motion to remand is denied. Further con-
MONDAY, MARCH 23, 1970 302

sideration of the question of jurisdiction in this case postponed to the

hearing of the case on the merits and case placed on the summary
No. 1149. Garrett H. Byrnes, etc., et al., appellants, v. Serafim
Karalexis et al. Appeal from the United States District Court for
the District of Massachusetts. The motion to vacate the order of this
Court of December 15, 1969, is denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the
opinion that the motion should be granted. In this case probable juris-
diction noted. Case placed on the summary calendar and set for oral
argument immediately following No. 905.

Certiorari Granted

No. 835. National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc., peti-

tioner, v. Securitiesand Exchange Commission et al. Petition for writ
of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the District
of Columbia Circuit granted and case placed on the summary calendar.
The Chief Justice took no part in the consideration or decision of this

No. 843. Investment Company Institute et al., petitioners, v. Wil-

liam B. Camp, Comptroller of the Currency, et al. Petition for writ
of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the District of
Columbia Circuit granted. Case placed on the summary calendar and
set for oral argument immediately following No. 835. The Chief Jus-
tice took no part in the consideration or decision of this petition.

No. 1125. Clarence Williams, petitioner, v. United States. Petition

for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Ninth Circuit granted. Case placed on the summary calendar and set
for oral argument immediately following No. 1142.

Certiorari Denied

No. 129. Industrial National Bank of Khode Island, petitioner, v.

The Wingate Corporation and ;

No. 225. William B. Camp, Comptroller of the Currency, peti-

tioner, v. The Wingate Corporation. Petitions for writs of certiorari
to the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit denied.
No. 794. Fred W. Burdette, Sr., petitioner, v. Tennessee. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Tennessee, Middle Divi-
sion, denied.

No. 1017. Kaymond Alfred Beaudine, petitioner, v. United States.

Petition for a writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fifth Circuit denied.
MONDAY, MARCH 2 3, 19 70 303

No. 1036. Baker Commodities, Inc., petitioner, v. Commissioner

of Internal Revenue. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1037. Likins-Foster Honolulu Corp., et al., petitioners, v. Com-
missioner of Internal Revenue. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit denied.
No. 1051. Cullen Huckaby, petitioner, v. United States. Petition

for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 1094. Russell Harold Sitton et ux., petitioners, v. United States
et al.Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Ap-
peals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 1112. Chestnut Hill Company et al., petitioners, v. City of
Snohomish. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of
Washington denied.
No. 1120. Associated Pipeline Contractors, Inc., et al., petitioners,
v.Alvin E. Davis. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States

Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.

No. 1123. McEwen Manufacturing Company, petitioner, v. Na-
tional Labor Relations Board writ of certiorari to
et al. Petition for
the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Cir-
cuit denied.

No. 1132. Nebel Towing Company, Inc., et al., petitioners, v. Olym-

pic Towing Corporation. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 1133. Earl Larsen Kesler, petitioner, v. Department of Motor
Vehicles, State of California. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
Supreme Court of California denied.
No. 1135. Victor Muscat and R. L. Hufnnes, Jr., petitioners, v.
Norte & Co. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1138. Thomas B. McGuire and Andrew Pogan, petitioners, v.
William E. Schuyler, Jr., Commissioner of Patents. Petition for writ
of certiorari to the United States Court of Customs and Patent Ap-
peals denied.
No. 1143. Midwestern United Life Insurance Company, petitioner,
I v.Tora C. Brennan. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 1144. Thomas G. Somlo et al., petitioners, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Seventh Circuit denied.

MONDAY, MARCH 23, 19 70 304

No. 1146. American Art Industries, Inc., petitioner, v. National

Labor Relations Board. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 1148. Richard Blair, petitioner, v. City of Fargo et al. Peti-

tion for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of North Dakota

No. 1150. Maggie Mae Green et al., petitioners, v. Chris L.
Wheeler, State Engineer for State of Oregon. Petition for writ of
certiorari to the Supreme Court of Oregon denied.

No. 1156. Glenn W. Hall, petitioner, v. United States. Petition for

writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Sec-
ond Circuit denied.
No. 1160. L. B. Foster Company, petitioner, v. National Labor
Relations Board. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1162. Richard Mather Boardman, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the First Circuit denied.
No. 1197. Nolan Carter, Jr., Trustee in Bankruptcy, petitioner, v.
Commercial Bank of Middlesboro, Kentucky. Petition for writ of
certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit
No. 1204. Leon Madole, petitioner, v. Oklahoma ex rel. Depart-
ment of Highways of the State of Oklahoma. Petition for writ of
certiorari to the Supreme Court of Oklahoma denied.

No. 1206. William Minor Patrum, Jr., petitioner, v. City of

Greensburg, Kentucky. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 475. George Jones, Jr., petitioner, v. Jesse Victor Hopper, etc.,
et al.Motion of the National Education Association for leave to file
a brief, amicus curiae, granted. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit denied. Mr.
Justice Douglas and Mr. Justice Brennan are of the opinion that
certiorari should be granted.

No. 732. Catherine Johnson, petitioner, v. United States. Petition

for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Sixth Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Marshall took no part in the consid-
eration or decision of this petition.
No. 974. United States, petitioner, Michael Francis Agius. Mo-
tion of respondent for leave to proceed in forma pauperis granted.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fifth Circuit denied. The Chief Justice, Mr. Justice Stewart

390-278—70 78
MONDAY, MARCH 23, 19 70 305

and Mr. Justice White are of the opinion that certiorari should be
No. 1080. James Edward Jones, petitioner, v. James E. Gierach.
Motion to dispense with printing petition granted. Petition for writ
of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Illinois denied.
No. 1104. In the Matter of Neil S. Mackay, petitioner. Motion to
dispense with printing petition granted. Petition for writ of certiorari
to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
Mr. J ustice Douglas is of the opinion that certiorari should be granted.
No. 237, Misc. Gordon James Moses, petitioner, v. Arizona. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Arizona denied.
No. 306, Misc. Herbert D. Stevens, petitioner, v. H. V. Field, Su-
perintendent, California's Men's Colony. Petition for writ of certiorari
to the Court of Appeal of California, Second Appellate District,
No. 435, Misc. James T. Pope, petitioner, v. City and County of
Philadelphia et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit denied.
No. 499, Misc. Clarence Commander, petitioner, v. H. V. Field.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of California
No. 581, Misc. Walter H. Daniels, petitioner, v. Harold W. Fol-

Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States


Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.

No. 607, Misc. Thomas Keller White, petitioner, v. United States
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 721, Misc. David T. Felton, petitioner, v. Alfred T. Rundle,
Superintendent. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit denied.
No. 779, Misc. Fernando Serrano, petitioner, v. New York. Peti-

tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Second Circuit denied.
No. 824, Misc. Donald Carroll Peters, petitioner, v. California.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California,
Second Appellate District, denied.
No. 838, Misc. Roy Griffin, Jr., petitioner, v. Walter E. Craven,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of
California denied.
No. 865, Misc. James L. Stewart, petitioner, v. Lou V. Brewer,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of
Iowa denied.
MONDAY, MARCH 2 3, 19 70 306

No. 942, Misc. Ivy Dell Crockrell, petitioner, v. Iverna Carter. Pe-
tition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1045, Misc. Hugh K. Conway and George M. Lebosky, peti-
tioners v.United States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit denied.
No. 1085, Misc. Lowell LeRoy Early, petitioner, v. United States
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Tenth Circuit denied.
No. 1092, Misc. Thomas Pearson and Jimmy Thornell, petition-
ers, v. Florida. Petition for writ of certiorari to the District Court of
Appeal of Florida, Third District, denied.
No. 1149, Misc. Joseph John Jakubiak, United
Jr., petitioner, v.
States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1159, Misc. Waymon Austin Wynn, petitioner, v. United
States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Tenth Circuit denied.
No. 1211, Misc. Paul Lorenzo Hernandez Castillo, petitioner, v.
Supreme Court of
California. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
California denied.
No. 1215, Misc. Joyce L. Talley et al., petitioners, v. M
A & Con-
struction Co., Inc. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court
of Alabama denied.
No. 1246, Misc. Silas Elwood York, petitioner, v. J. D. Cox, Su-
perintendent, Virginia State Penitentiary. Petition for writ of cer-
tiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit
No. 1250, Misc. Jerome Blair Freeman, petitioner, v. Ohio. Peti-
Supreme Court of Ohio denied.
tion for writ of certiorari to the
No. 1256, Misc. Howard Merle, petitioner, v. The North Carolina
Mutual Life Insurance Company. Petition for writ of certiorari to
the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 1259, Misc. Eoger M. Williams, petitioner, v. California Adult
Authority et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1265, Misc. Gladys Perez Malo, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1284, Misc. Theodore James Weinreich, petitioner, v. United
States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
MONDAY, MARCH 23, 1970 307

No. 1298, Misc. Thomas Neil Mundy, petitioner, v. C. Murray Hen-

derson, Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 1299, Misc. Robert Watson, petitioner, v. Common Pleas
Court, Philadelphia. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit denied.
No. 1300, Misc. Donald Ray Bennett, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 1315, Misc. Ben Rasnick, petitioner, v. California. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California, First Appellate
District, denied.
No. 1327, Misc. Douglas Stiltner, petitioner, v. B. J. Rhay, Super-

intendent, Washington State Penitentiary, et al. Petition for writ

of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Washington denied.
No. 1328, Misc. Don Finis Chandler et al., petitioners, v. Martha
Gummer Massa et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 1329, Misc. Owen Maxwell Frye, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 1332, Misc. David Michael Rehfield, petitioner, v. United
States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1339, Misc. Robert G. Feldt, petitioner, v. Harold W. Follette,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1340, Misc. Jack Virgil Caffey, petitioner, v. Missouri. Peti-
Supreme Court of Missouri denied.
tion for writ of certiorari to the
No. 1343, Misc. Lawrence C. Pope, petitioner, v. Clarence Fergu-
Judge, et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme
son, District
Court of Texas denied.
No. 1346, Misc. John Christopher Lynch, petitioner, v. California.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California,
Second Appellate District, denied.
No. 1349, Misc. Danny Ray Owens, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 1350, Misc. Jerry Spencer Diamond, petitioner, v. Louis S.
Nelson, Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court
of California denied.
MONDAY, MARCH 23, 19 70 308

No. 1351, Misc. Leroy Williams, petitioner, v. Harold W. Follette,

Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1353, Misc. Robert F. Freeman, petitioner, v. George A.
Kropp, Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 1354, Misc. John Allen, petitioner, v. California. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth
Circuit denied.
No. 1355, Misc. Levi Gill, petitioner, v. James D. Cox, Superin-
tendent, Virginia Stale Penitentiary. Petition for writ of certiorari
to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 1356, Misc. Eddie Pool, petitioner, v. California. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California, Second Appel-
late District, denied.

No. 1359, Misc. Robert Fukumoto, petitioner, v. United States.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1361, Misc. Harold Brown, petitioner, v. United States. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 1362, Misc. William D. Cardenas, petitioner, v. California
Adult Authority. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court
of California denied.
No. 1363, Misc. Albert Earl Moodyes, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Eighth Circuit denied.
No. 1372, Misc. Douglas Stiltner, petitioner, v. B. J. Rhay, Super-
intendent, Washington State Penitentiary, et al. Petition for writ of
certiorari to the Supreme Court of Washington denied.
No. 1373, Misc. Joseph Grant, Jr., petitioner, v. California. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of California denied.
No. 1376, Misc. James Junior Sullivan, petitioner, v. Virginia.
Supreme Court of Appeals of
Petition for writ of certiorari to the
Virginia denied.
No. 1377, Misc. Thomas Norman Bradley, petitioner, v. Walter E.
Craven, Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1378, Misc. Julius Dwaine Perry, Sr., petitioner, v. James E.
(Bill) Decker, Sheriff, Dallas County, Texas. Petition for writ of
certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit
MONDAY, MARCH 23, 19 70 309

No. 1384, Misc. William Walter Eosse, petitioner, v. United States.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1386, Misc. Lumumba Abdul Shakur et al., petitioners, v.
George F. McGrath, Commissioner of Correction. Petition for writ of
certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Cir-
cuit denied.

No. 1387, Misc. Calvin Snipe, petitioner, v. United States. Petition

for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1404, Misc. Jesse W. Connor, petitioner, v. Louie L. Wain-
wright, Director, Florida Division of Corrections. Petition for writ of
certiorari to the District Court of Appeal of Florida, First District,
No. 1405, Misc. William Leon McClure, petitioner, v. Walter E.
Craven, Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1426, Misc. Frank J. Brown, Jr., petitioner, v. Lewis J.
Charles, etc. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of
Wisconsin denied.
No. 1446, Misc. George Alexander Shorts, petitioner, v. J. Edwin
LaVallee, Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1447, Misc. Wilbur Carter, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-
United States Court of Appeals for
tition for writ of certiorari to the
the Third Circuit denied.
No. 1453, Misc. George Jacob Hess, petitioner, v. Frank A. Ey-
man, Warden, et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme
Court of Arizona denied.
No. 1455, Misc. Walter Manier, petitioner, v. William S. Neil,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 1458, Misc. Robert C. Woods, petitioner, v. Michigan. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Michigan denied.
No. 1480, Misc. Rawlin Galloway, petitioner, v. New York. Pe-
tition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals of New York
No. 1484, Misc. Lindsey Stewart, petitioner, v. Chicago Housing
Authority. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of
Illinois denied.

No. 1493, Misc. George Williams, petitioner, v. Iowa State Board

of Parole et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court
of Iowa denied.
MONDAY, MARCH 23, 19 70 310

No. 1499, Misc. Kelsey D. Bartlett, petitioner, v. Ohio. Petition

Supreme Court of Ohio denied.
for writ of certiorari to the
No. 1501, Misc. Eugene M. Palumbo, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 1502, Misc. Vincent Cerullo, petitioner, v. Harold W. Follette,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1505, Misc. James Brook, petitioner v. Family Court of the
State of New York, County of Broome. Petition for writ of certiorari
to the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.

No. 1511, Misc. Louis Damien Hughes, petitioner, v. California

Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of California
et al.
No. 1527, Misc. Eddie Gene Dil worth, petitioner, v. California.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California,
Fifth Appellate District, denied.
No. 1550, Misc. Billy Austin Bryant, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 1559, Misc. Joseph Coast, Jr., petitioner, v. New York. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the Appellate Division of the Supreme
Court of New York, Fourth Judicial Department, denied.
No. 1583, Misc. Edward Dunnings, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1603, Misc. Hubert Dale Smith, petitioner, v. Illinois. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Appellate Court of Illinois, Second
District, denied.

No. 1604, Misc. James Michael Grimm, petitioner, v. Maryland.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Special Appeals of
Maryland denied.
No. 1613, Misc. Herschel W. Bohannon, petitioner, v. United
States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit denied.
No. 1636, Misc. Richard Browne, petitioner, v. Pennsylvania. Pe-
Superior Court of Pennsylvania
tition for writ of certiorari to the
No. 1663, Misc. Felix Rosario, petitioner, v. United States. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Second Circuit denied.
No. 589, Misc. Clarence Trammell, petitioner v. New York. Pe-
Court of Appeals of New York de-
tition for writ of certiorari to the
MONDAY, MARCH 23, 19 70 311

nied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion that certiorari should be

No. 1593, Misc. George Combs, petitioner, v. J. E. LaVallee, War-
den. Petition for writ of certiorari to theUnited States Court of Ap-
peals for the Second Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opin-
ion that certiorari should be granted.
No. 1630, Misc. Hallie Robinson, petitioner, v. Missouri. Petition
Supreme Court of Missouri denied. Mr. Jus-
for writ of certiorari to the
tice Douglas is of the opinion that certiorari should be granted.

No. 1019, Misc. Howard C. Good, petitioner, v. United States. Mo-

tion for leave to amend petition or in the alternative to file a supple-
mental brief granted. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.

Leave To File Petitiox for Writ of Certiorari Denied

No. 1607, Misc. Time, Inc., petitioner, v. Vial J. Blanke, Sr. Mo-
tion for leave to file petition for writ of certiorari denied. Mr. Justice
Douglas is of the opinion that the motion for leave to file should be

Leave To File Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus Dexled

No. 420, Misc. Anderson B. Norsworthy, petitioner, v. H. V. Field,

No. 429, Misc. Victor Frank Szijarto, petitioner, v. Elmer J. Ober-
hauser et al.

No. 1547, Misc. Eugene Virgil Hunt, petitioner, v. Walter E.

Craven, Warden
No. 1596, Misc. Larry Warren Jackson and Santa A. Liberatore,
petitioners, v. Edward Sheya, Judge, et al. and :

No. 1625, Misc. A. Z. Handsford, petitioner, v. Olin G. Blackwell,

Warden. Motions for leave to file petitions for writs of habeas corpus

Leave To File Petition for Writ of Maxdamus Dexled

No. 1260, Misc. Louis C. White, petitioner, v. Barbara Padula,

Deputy Probation Officer, et al. Motion for leave to file petition for
writ of mandamus denied.

Rellearixgs Dexled

No. 883, Misc. October Term, 1967. Ray Elbert Parker, petitioner,
v. Maryland et al. Motion for leave to file third petition for rehearing
MONDAY, MARCH 23, 19 70 312

denied. The Chief Justice took no part in the consideration or deci-

sion of this motion.
No. 808. Edward L. Blincoe et ux., appellants, v. Philip E. Wat-
son, Assessor, et al.

No. 818. Hawaiian Oke and Liquors, Ltd., petitioner, v. Joseph E.

Seagram and Sons, Inc., et al.
No. 834. Sidney A. Grayson, petitioner, v. United States
No. 840. Seymour J. Lacob, petitioner, v. United States
No. 854. Yale Stein, appellant, v. Martin G. Luken, etc., et al.

No. 1014. Owen B. Lampman et al., petitioners, v. United States

District Court for the Central District of California et al.
No. 1020. Gershon L. Lewis, petitioner, v. United States;
No. 559, Misc. C. F. Pruess, Sr., Executor, et al., petitioners, v.
Walter Hickel, Secretary of the Interior
No. 947, Misc. Mike Serrato Cuevas, petitioner, v. California;
No. 1036, Misc. Frances O. Warriner, petitioner, v. Marilyn
Fernandez, etc., et al.
No. 1212, Misc. Thomas E. Jones, petitioner, v. James M. Hare,
Secretary of State of Michigan, et al. and ;

No. 1364, Misc. Albert Sumner Tucker, petitioner, v. United

States. Petitions for rehearing denied.

No. 610. Neil S. Mackay, petitioner, v. Buell A. Nesbett et al. Mo-

tion to dispense with printing petition granted. Motion for leave to
file petition for rehearing denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion

that the motion for leave to file should be granted.

No. 23, Misc. Webster Bivens, petitioner, v. United States. Petition
for rehearing denied. Mr. Justice Marshall took no part in the con-
sideration or decision of this petition.
No. 235, Misc. York Porter, petitioner, v. California. Motion for
leave to file petition for rehearing denied.
No. 1124, Misc. Jesse Eugene Dearinger, petitioner, v. United
States. Motion for leave to file petition for rehearing denied. Mr. Jus-
tice Marshall took no part in the consideration or decision of this
Kecess Order

The Court will take a recess from today until Monday, March 30,

The day call for Monday, March 30, 1970, will be as follows Nos. :

914 (through 917, 920, 921, 1038 and 1057) and 595.
MONDAY, MARCH 30, 1970 313


Present : Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice
Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice Stew-
art, Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice Marshall,

Admissions to the Bae

Maynard D. Davis, of Los Angeles, Donald L. King, of Bev-

erly Hills, Calif., Robert M. Takasugi, of Los Angeles, Calif., Kenneth
C. Deacon, Jr., of St. Petersburg, Fla., William L. Penrose, of St.
Petersburg, Fla., LeRoy
C. Hobbs, of Atlanta, Ga., Robert A. Navid,
of Park Forest, Gerald Richard Slutsky, of Skokie, 111., Murray

Westler, of Chicago, 111., Paul O. Hertwig, of Terre Haute, Ind., David

English Carmack, of Brunswick, Md., F. Allen Graham, of Detroit,
Mich., D. J. Watters, Jr., of Detroit, Mich., James A. Curley, of Ar-
lington, Va., John J. Burke, of San Juan, P.R., Robert R. Lavercombe,
of Cincinnati, Ohio, James W. Casner, of North Canton, Ohio, Gustave
W. Zielasko, of Canton, Ohio, and Palma King Huggins, of Conway,
S.C., on motion of Mr. Solicitor General Erwin 1ST. Griswold; Neil
Sutherland Mackay, of Anchorage, Alaska, on motion of Mr. Howard
W. Pollock; Horace J. McAfee, of New York, N.Y., on motion of Mr.
Whitney North Seymour; Mitchell Dean Franks, of Sarasota, Fla.,
James C. Lane, Jr., of Honolulu, Hawaii, John J. Pallam, of Cleve-
land, Ohio, and Charlie C. Watkins, of Manassas, Va., on motion of
Mr. Joseph E. Donahue; Mayme F. Spencer, of Evanston, 111., and
Eugene Crane, of Evanston, 111., on motion of Mr. Reginald B. Jack-
son; David Nicholls Montague, of Hampton, Va., on motion of Mr.
E. Sclater Montague Martin A. Beatty, of Winona, Minn., on motion

of Mr. Lloyd L. Duxbury, Jr.

Joseph F. Dugan, of Providence, R.I., on motion of Mr. DaCosta
V. Mason Morton Herbert, of Hollywood, Calif., on motion of Mr.

Robert Ira W^axman; Bertil O. Nygaard, of Minneapolis, Minn., on

motion of Mr. John J. Flynn Harvey J. Goldschmid, of New York,

N. Y., on motion of Mr. Roswell B. Perkins William Edward Searson ;

III, of Boston, Mass., on motion of Mr. Walter H. Mayo III Robert ;

S. Cushman, of Chicago, 111., on motion of Miss Any Ruth Mahin;

Cherie A. Gaines, of San Francisco, Calif., on motion of Mr. E. Clinton
Bamberger, Jr.; Kenneth Richard Sommer, of Buffalo, N.Y., on
motion of Mr. George A. Garvey Frederick H. Rosenfeld, of Phoenix,

Ariz., on motion of Mr. Paul G. Rosenblatt Herbert Joseph Bell, of ;

Downers Grove, 111., on motion of Mr. John Philip Carlson; David

MONDAY, MARCH 30, 19 70 314

Ross Pitkin, of San Diego, Calif., on motion of Mr. Thomas Leo

Stapleton; Herman Fisher, of Charleston, S.C., on motion of Mr.
George Morris, Jr. John P. Kurtock, of Normal, 111., on motion of

Mr. Charles C. Collins; C. Alex Rose, of Louisville, Ky., on motion of

Mr. Edward M. Steutermann; Elmer E. Johnston, Jr., of Everett,
Wash., on motion of Mr. Thomas F. Field Frederiea Roller Lombard,

of Philadelphia, Pa., and Arthus Jan Lombard, of New York, N.Y., on

motion of Mr. Joseph Laurent Scharff Anthony U. Leitner, of North

Hollywood, Calif., and Alan Kalker, of Berkeley, Calif., on motion of

Mr. Lawrence Speiser Eugene Chovanes, of Philadelphia, Pa., Ron-

ald Ervais, of Philadelphia, Pa., Louis William Fryman, of Phila-

delphia, Pa., Sidney B. Klovsky, of Philadelphia, Pa., Benjamin
Kuby, of Philadelphia, Pa., Paul N. Minkoff, of Philadelphia, Pa,,
and Elias Magil, of Philadelphia, Pa., on motion of Mr. Harry S.
Wender, were admitted to practice.


No. 402. United States, petitioner, v. Sheldon A. Key, Trustee.

On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Seventh Circuit. Judgment reversed and case remanded to the Court
of Appeals for further proceedings in conformity with the opinion
of this Court. Opinion by Mr. Justice Marshall. Concurring opinion by
Mr. Justice Douglas.

The Chief Justice said

"Today's orders of the Court have been certified by the Chief Justice,
filed with the Clerk, and will not be announced orally."

Opinions Per Curiam
No. 718, Misc. Peter Craycroft, petitioner, v. William E. Farrell,
etc., et al. On petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court "5

of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. Motion for leave to proceed in forma
pauperis, and petition for writ of certiori granted. Judgement va- ~J
cated and case remanded to the Court of Appeals for further consider- £
ation in conformity with the opinion of this Court. Opinion per
No. 1381, Misc. Robert Ritchie Johnston, Jr., and Ralph Eugene Jo

Fuller, appellants, v. Hawaii. Appeal from the Supreme Court of Ha- ^ /

waii. The appeal is dismissed for want of Ju ri s diction. Trea ting ik& ^J
papers whoroon the appeal w as4a kon a s a-^petit4en-^or w^it-of certi
erari, oorti o rari-io d e nied. Opinion per curiam.
1970 315


Amendments to Subdivisions (a) and (c) of Rule 30 and sub-

division (a) of Rule 31 of the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure,
ordered and the Chief Justice authorized to transmit the amendments
to the Congress. Amendments to subdivision (a) of Rule 5, sub-
division (h) of Rule 9 and Rules 26, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36 and
37, and subdivision (d) of Rule 45, subdivision (a) of Rule 69, and
Form 24 of the Rules of Civil Procedure for the United States Dis-
trict Courts, ordered and the Chief Justice authorized to transmit
the amendments to the Congress.
Mr. Justice Black and Mr. Justice Douglas disapprove of the
Amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure relating to
Discovery, and dissent from the action of the Court in transmitting
them to the Congress.

Orders in Pending Cases

No. . Donald E. Harris, petitioner, v. United States. The ap-

plication for bail is denied.
No. 628. Daniel Jay Schacht, petitioner, v. United The mo-
tion of the respondent for additional time for oral argument is
granted and 45 minutes is allotted to each side. The motion of David
H. Berg for leave to argue pro hac vice is granted.
No. 670. Ernest Perkins et al, appellants, v. L. S. Matthews, Mayor
of the City of Canton, et al. The motion of the appellants to advance
oral argument is denied.
No. 1066. City of Phoenix, Arizona, et al., appellants, v. Emily
Kolodziejski.The motion to dispense with printing amici curiae brief
by Elizabeth M. Axtell et al. is granted.
No. 1922, Misc. In the Matter of Disbarment of Earl W. Allison.
It isordered that Earl W. Allison of Columbus, Ohio, be suspended
from the practice of law in this Court and that rule issue, returnable
within forty days, requiring him to show cause why he should not
be disbarred from the practice of law in this Court.

Appeal —Jurisdiction Noted

No. 1325, Misc. Caesario Jimenez et al., appellants, v. Eugene Naff,

Yakima County Auditor, Appeal from the United States Dis-
et al.
trict Court for the Eastern District of Washington. Motion for leave
MONDAY, MARCH 3 0, 19 70 316

to proceed in forma pauperis granted. In this case probable jurisdic-

tion noted, case transferred to the appellate docket and placed on
the summary calendar.

Certiorari Granted

No. 1072. Amalgamated Association of Street, Electric Railway

and Motor Coach Emloyees of America, etc., et al., petitioners, v.
"Wilson P. Lockridge. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme
Court of Idaho granted and case placed on the summary calendar.
No. 1178. United States, petitioner, v. District Court in and for
the County of Eagle and State of Colorado et al. Petition for writ of
certiorari to the Supreme Court of Colorado granted and case placed
on the summary calendar.
No. 1179. George Ramsey and Leon Nunley, dba Leon Nunley Coal
Company, et al., petitioners, v.United Mine Workers of America.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Sixth Circuit granted and case placed on the summary
Certiorari Denied

No. 1105. ABC Air Freight Company, Inc., et al, petitioners, v.

Civil Aeronautics Board et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1109. Mary Virginia Slade, General Guardian of Robert El-
kins and Mark David Brooks, petitioner, v. Louisiana Power and
Light Company. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 1129. Mark E. Administrator of the Estate of Bernard
Robert Slater et al. Petition for writ of
J. Stoffel, et al., petitioners, v.
certiorari to the Appellate Court of Indiana denied.

No. 1134. Darwin Earl Schultz, petitioner, v. Melvin R. Laird,

al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
Secretary of Defense, et
States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit denied.
No. 1140. King Radio Corporation, Inc., petitioner, v. National
Labor Relations Board. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit denied.
MONDAY, MARCH 30, 19 70 317

No. 1153. Samuel C. Cashio, petitioner, v. United States. Petition

for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 1157. J. D. Cox, Superintendent of the Virginia State Peni-
tentiary, petitioner, v. Russell Judas Nelson. Petition for writ of
certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Cir-
cuit denied.

No. 1159. Carl J. Simon et al., petitioners, v. United States. Peti-

tion for writof certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1164. Eldridge Pete Bishop, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-
tition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Tenth Circuit denied.
No. 1165. Johnson E. Fomby and Harold White, petitioners, v.
Georgia. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals of
Georgia denied.
No. 1166. Wendell Carter, petitioner, v. Illinois. Petition for writ
Appellate Court of Illinois, Second District,
of certiorari to the

No. 1167. George J. Roux, petitioner, v. New Orleans Police De-

partment. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of
Louisiana denied.
No. 1168. Gerald E. Signorelli, petitioner, v. Andrew T. Malleck,
Lt. Commander. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1173. United Marine Division, Local 333, National Maritime
Union, AFL-CIO, petitioner, v. National Labor Relations Board.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Second Circuit denied.
Nio. 1174. Elder-Beerman Stores Corp., petitioner, v. National
Labor Relations Board. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.

No. 1175. The Founding Church of Scientology, petitioner, v.

United States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Claims denied.

390-278—70 80
MONDAY, MARCH 30, 19 70 318

No. 1177. Geraldine Dufon, petitioner, v. Wilbur Curtis Com-

pany, Inc., et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 1180. Todd Shipyards Corporation, petitioner, v. Mastan Com-
pany, Inc., et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit denied.
No. 1183. Isidore Engelman, petitioner, v. William Calm, as Dis-
trictAttorney of the County of Nassau, State of New York, et al.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1185. Jolm Meredith Tayler, petitioner, v. Thessa Marie Tay-
ler.Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals of Mary-
land denied.
No. 1186. Southfield Police Officers Association et al., petitioners,
v. City of Southfield et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
Supreme Court of Michigan and the Court of Appeals of Michigan
No. 1193. Harold L. Burke et al., petitioners, v. Thomas C. Hunt,
Conservator and Trustee of North Central Fire & Casualty Co. et al.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Minnesota
No. 1220. Mat Cumic, petitioner, v. Wayne Harold Knott et al.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California,
Second Appellate District, denied.
No. 889. Kenneth L. Hardy et al., Koland E. Mat-
petitioners, v.
thews, Jr. Motion of respondent for leave to proceed in forma pau-
peris granted. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit denied. The
Chief Justice, Mr. Justice Stewart, and Mr. Justice White are of the
opinion that certiorari should be granted.
No. 1076. Shirley I. McBride, Administrator, petitioner, v. United
States. Motion to dispense with printing petition granted. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Appellate Court of Illinois, First District,
No. 1194. John C. Stewart, petitioner, v. Waterman Steamship
Corporation et al. Motion to dispense with printing petition granted.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fifth Circuit denied.

No. 1158. Thomas F. Johnson, petitioner, v. United States. Peti-

tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Fourth Circuit denied. Mr. Justice White and Mr. Justice Marshall
took no part in the consideration or decision of this petition.
MONDAY, MARCH 30, 19 70 319

No. 1201. George William Crocker, petitioner, v. United States.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Eighth Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion
that certiorari should be granted.
No. 274, Misc. George C. Kiley, petitioner, v. New Jersey. Petition
Supreme Court of New Jersey denied.
for writ of certiorari to the
No. 425, Misc. Melvin L. Burnett, petitioner, v. Sherman H.
Crouse, Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit denied.
No. 747, Misc. Michael Williams, petitioner, v. Daniel McMann,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Appellate Division of
the Supreme Court of New York, Fourth Judicial Department, denied.
No. 790, Misc. Louis D. Ponce, petitioner, v. California. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 934, Misc. Paul Linwood Napper, petitioner, v. Virginia. Pe-
Supreme Court of Appeals of Vir-
tition for writ of certiorari to the
ginia denied.
No. 1010, Misc. William W. Thompson, petitioner, v. New Jersey.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Superior Court of New Jersey,
Appellate Division, denied.
No. 1034, Misc. Carlos Ortiz, petitioner, v. New York. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals of New York denied.
No. 1059, Misc. Gerald Thomas Casper, petitioner, v. Lillie C.
Huber et al. Petition for writ of certiorai to the Supreme Court of
Nevada denied.
No. 1064, Misc. James Austin Brown, petitioner, v. Walter E. Cra-
ven, Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of
California, denied.
No. 1118, Misc. John van Geldern, petitioner, v. Superior Court
of theCounty of Ventura. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court
of Appeal of California, Second Appellate District, denied.
No. 1146, Misc. LeEoy L. Early, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-
tition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Tenth Circuit denied.
No. 1165, Misc. Alfredo Ortiz, petitioner, v. New York. Petition
Court of Appeals of New York denied.
for writ of certiorari to the
No. 1167, Misc. Marion Parker Duke, petitioner, v. John W.
Wingo, Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
MONDAY, MARCH 3 0, 19 70 320

No. 1180, Misc. James Bullock, petitioner, v. Harold W. Follette,

Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1184, Misc. Powell Johnson, petitioner, v. Harold W. Follette,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1208, Misc. Ozzie Jamerson, petitioner, v. William F. Delhey
et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 1229, Misc. Harry A. Young, petitioner, v. United States
Bureau of Prisons et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1248, Misc. Charles Francis Frazier, petitioner, v. United
States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 1301, Misc. Everett W. Gross and L. Mary Gross, petitioners,
v. United States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit denied.
No. 1352, Misc. Eugene Frank Irons, petitioner, v. Vincent R.
Mancusi, Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1357, Misc. Orlando C. Alexander, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 1365, Misc. Robert Lee Minchew, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fifth Circuit denied.

No. 1370, Misc. James Edward Sutton, petitioner, v. Walter E.

Craven, Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1371, Misc. Steve Lawrence Stevenson, petitioner, v. Califor-
nia. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of Califor-
nia, Second Appellate District, denied.

No. 1380, Misc. Robert W. Jackson, petitioner, v. Missouri. Peti-

tion for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Missouri denied.
No. 1383, Misc. Earvin S. Wright, petitioner, v. Sherman H.
Crouse, Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit denied.
No. 1396, Misc. George William Bruton, petitioner, v. United
States, Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Eighth Circuit denied.
MONDAY, MARCH 3 0, 1970 321

No. 1410, Misc. Kenneth Sailer, petitioner, v. Walter E. Craven,

Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1412, Misc. Tony Yaldez, petitioner, v. Walter E. Craven,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1417. Misc. Aubrey Clark Baker, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Sixth Circuit denied.

No. 1430, Misc. John C. Wagner, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-

tition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1433, Misc. Lawrence Jack Williamson, petitioner, v. Arizona.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Arizona denied.
-No. 1435, Misc. Robert F. Urbano, petitioner, v. News Syndicate
Co., Inc. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1437, Misc. Rudolph Taylor, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-
tition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1440, Misc. Alfred James Gary, petitioner, v. Harold W. Fol-
lette,Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1490, Misc. Arden Renee Cale, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Sixth Circuit denied.

No. 1503, Misc. Augustus Hunt, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-

tition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Third Circuit denied.
No. 1512, Misc. Lloyd Leon Davis, petitioner, v. California. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California, First
Appellate District, denied.
No. 1516, Misc. Phillip Ralph Segura, petitioner, v. California,
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California,
Second Appellate District, denied.
No. 1520, Misc. In the Matter of Pinney Realty Co., Inc., Bank-

rupt Jacob J. Gordon, petitioner. Petition for writ of certiorari to
the LTnited States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit denied.
No. 1532, Misc. Ruchell Magee, petitioner, v. D. Whittaker,
Sheriff, et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
MONDAY, MARCH 3 0, 1970 322

No. 1533, Misc. Elijah Richardson, petitioner, v. Lonie L. Wain-

wright, Director, Florida Division of Corrections. Petition for writ
of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Cir-
cuit denied.

No. 1552, Misc. Willie D. Heard, petitioner, v. United States. Pe<

tition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the District of Columbia Circuit denied.
No. 1557, Misc. John Williams, petitioner, v. Harold V. Field, etc.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1578, Misc. Earl F. Mink, petitioner, v. James Hare, Secretary
of State of Michigan. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme
Court of Michigan denied.
No. 1582, Misc. Douglas Stiltner, petitioner, v. B. J. Rhay, Super-
intendent of the Washington State Penitentiary et al. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Washington denied.
No. 1609, Misc. Abner Blaine Colangelo, petitioner, v. United
States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 1645, Misc. John L. Edwards, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
tition for
the District of Columbia Circuit denied.
No. 1662, Misc. Eugene Carter, petitioner, v. United States. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the District of Columbia Circuit denied.
No. 1677, Misc. Clifton Leon King, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 1689, Misc. James William Saunders, petitioner, v. California,

Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of California


No. 1388, Misc. Francis T. Lemieux, petitioner, v. Allan L. Rob-

bins,Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the First Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is
of the opinion that certiorari should be granted.

Rehearings Denied

No. 731. Kenneth R. Jones, petitioner, v. State Board of Education

of and for the State of Tennessee et al.
No. 897. Walter A. Younge, petitioner, v. State Board of Registra-
tion for the Healing Arts
MONDAY, MARCH 3 0, 19 70 323

No. 933. Russell Troutman et al., petitioners, v. Donald Rums-

feld, Director, Office of Economic Opportunity, et al.

No. 978. M. S. Chambliss, petitioner, v. Coca-Cola Bottling Com-

pany et al.
King and James Albert King, petitioners,
No. 1001. Auther Larnce
v.United States
No. 1065. Allen Levair Jordan and Alvina Lajan Johnson, peti-
tioners, v. United States
No. 1079. Grover G. Alexander, petitioner, v. Maine; and
No. 1175, Misc. Martin B. Zide, petitioner, v. Louie L. Wain-
wright, Director, Division of Corrections. Petitions for rehearing
No. 602, Misc. Robert Summers Neely, Jr., petitioner, v. United
States. Motion for leave to file third petition for rehearing denied.

Recess Order

The Court will take a recess from Tuesday, March 31, 1970, until
Monday, April 6, 1970, on which date it will recess until Moday, April
20, 1970.
Oral Argument

Nos. 914, 915, 916, 917, 920, 921, 1038, and 1057. New Haven
Inclusion Cases. Three hours allowed for oral argument. Argued by
Mr. Whitney North Seymour for the Manufacturers Hanover Trust
Company, by Mr. Lester C. Migdal for the First Mortgage 4% Bond-
holders Committee, by Mr. Joseph Auerbach for Richard Joyce Smith,
Trustee of the Property of the New York, New Haven and Hartford
Railroad Company, et al., by Mr. Leonard S. Goodman for the United
States and the Interstate Commerce Commission and by Mr. Hugh
B. Cox for the Penn Central Company.

Adjourned until tomorrow at 10 o'clock.

The day Tuesday, March 31, 1970, will be as follows: Nos.
call for
595, 628, and 1066.

TUESDAY, MARCH 31, 19 70 324


Present Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice

Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice

Stewart, Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice Marshall.

Admissions to the Bar

William Boone Eley, of Riverside, Calif., on motion of Mr. Solicitor

General Erwin N. Griswold; John M. Heeter, of Indianapolis, Ind.,
on motion of Mr. Abner Joseph Mikva; Roland J. Duguay, of St.
Johns, Mich., on motion of Mr. Lewis George Meacler Reid Franklin

Holbrook, of Kansas City, Kans., on motion of Mr. James F. Senechal

Robert Joseph Backstein, of Phoenix, Ariz., and Alan Knight Polley,
of Phoenix, Ariz., on motion of Mr. Rex E. Lee Fred C. Fenton, of

Los Angeles, Calif., and Donald R. Luckham, of Los Angeles, Calif.,

on motion of Mr. J erome Ian Chapman Sandra Gayle Nye, of Oak

Park, 111., and Stephen C. Haas, of Evansville, Ind., on motion of

Mr. Robert Jay Nye and Alan Grindberg, of Bismarck, N. Dak., on

motion of Mr. Hugh John Kelly, w ere admitted to practice.


No. 778. In the Matter of Samuel Winship, appellant. Appeal
from the Court of Appeals of New York. Judgment reversed and
case remanded to the Court of Appeals of New York for further
proceedings not inconsistent with the opinion of this Court. Opinion
by Mr. Justice Brennan. Concurring opinion by Mr. Justice Harlan.
Dissenting opinion by Mr. Chief Justice Burger with whom Mr.
Justice Stewart joins. Dissenting opinion by Mr. Justice Black.

v. William Allen. On writ of certiorari

No. 606. Illinois, petitioner,
to theUnited States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit. Judg-
ment reversed and case remanded to the Court of Appeals for further
proceedings in conformity with the opinion of this Court. Opinion
by Mr. Justice Black. Concurring opinion by Mr. Justice Brennan.
Separate opinion by Mr. Justice Douglas.

Oral Argument
No. 595. Louis S. Nelson, Warden, petitioner, v. John Edward
George. Argued by Mrs. Louise H. Renne for the petitioner and by
Mr. George A. Cumming, Jr., for the respondent.

.'390-278—70 81
TUESDAY, MARCH 31, 19 70 325

No. 628. Daniel Jay Schacht, petitioner, v. United States. One and
one half hours allowed for oral argument. Argued by Mr. David H.
Berg for the petitioner, pro hac vice, by special leave of Court, and
by Mr. Solicitor General Griswold for the respondent.
No. 1066. City of Phoenix, Arizona, et al., appellants, v. Emily
Kolodziejski.Argued by Mr. Rex E. Lee for the appellants and by
Mr. Fred H. Eosenfeld for the appellee.

Adjourned until Monday, April 6, 1970, at 10 o'clock.

FRIDAY, APRIL 3, 19 70 326


Present : Mr. Chief J ustice Burger, Mr. J ustice Black, Mr. Justice
Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice
Stewart, Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice Marshall.

Orders in Pending Cases

No. —— Board of Public Instruction, Manatee County, Florida,

et al., appellants, v. Caroline Harvest et al. The application for a
stay and for other relief, presented to the Chief Justice and by him

No. —
referred to the Court,

United States
. Louisville
et al.
is denied.
Nashville Railroad Company, appellant,
application for a stay of the order of
March 19, 1970, of the United States District Court for the Northern
pending appeal, presented to Mr. Justice Marshall
District of Illinois
and by him referred to the Court, is granted. Mr. Justice Douglas
dissents from the grant of the stay of the District Court's order.

390-278—70 82
MONDAY, APRIL 6, 19 70 327


Present Mr. Chief J ustice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice

Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. Justice Stewart, Mr. Justice White,
and Mr. Justice Marshall.

Admissions to the Bar

John Oscar Ostenso, of Washington, D.C., John R. Kinsinger, of

Las Vegas, Nev., Frank J. Waldburger, of Fort Dodge, Iowa, Philip
B. Austin, of Lexington, Ky., H. Philip Howorth, of Nashua, N.H.,
and Arnold K. Mytelka, of Milburn, N.J., on motion of Mr. Solicitor
General Erwin N. Griswold; William Thomas Birmingham, of
Phoenix, Ariz., on motion of Mr. Richard D. Kleindienst Frank G.

Cooley, of Meeker, Colo., Robert Lee Kessler, of Denver, Colo., and

Richard Hege Simon, of Englewood, Colo., on motion of Mr. Gordon
Allott; Louise Jayne, of Portland, Oreg., and Chester S. Kurzet, of
Portland, Oreg., on motion of Mr. Robert W. Packwood; Stephen
S. Boynton, of Falls Church, Va., on motion of Mr. Ernest F. Hollings
Robert W. Twigg, of Spokane, Wash., on motion of Mr. Thomas
Stephen Foley Kevin Patrick Connelly, of Wheaton, 111., on motion

of Mr. John N. Erlenborn; Gordon Lee Walgren, of Bremerton,

Wash., on motion of Mr. Floyd V. Hicks; Thomas Lumbard, of
Washington, D.C., on motion of Judge J. Edward Lumbard, Jr.,
Chester J. Halicki, of Chicago, 111., and Edward P. Rice, of Albany,
H.Y., on motion of Mrs. Jean Elyse Simpson; Henry A. Harmon,
of Des Moines, Iowa, Lyle Lee Simpson, of Des Moines, Iowa, James
David McNeill, III, of Baton Rouge, La., Thomas A. Luebbers, of
Cincinnati, Ohio, and Louis L. Meier, Jr., of Bethesda, Md., on motion
of Mr. Vincent W. Ambrose Donald E. Cope, of Washington, D.C.,

on motion of Mr. Rufus King; James D. McKinney, of Memphis,

Tenn., W. James McAnelly, Jr., of Dallas, Tex., and John H. Chiles,
of Houston, Tex., on motion of Mr. John J. Flynn; William Huger
Hardie, Jr., of Mobile, Ala., on motion of Mrs. Jessie H. Bartlett;
Roderick Gregory McDougall, of Phoenix, Ariz., and James Robert
Redpath, of Scottsdale, Ariz., on motion of Mr. Paul G. Rosenblatt.
Joseph Donald McCarty, of Shreveport, La., on motion of Mr.
Francis H. Caskin 3rd; Thomas B. Thorpe, of Dallas, Tex., on mo-
tion of Mr. N. Alex Bickley Barbara B. Gregg, of Syracuse, ELY.,

on motion of Mr. Joel Joseph Rabin; Kenneth Leigh Parker, of

Beaumont, Tex., on motion of Mr. Eugene Francis Peters; Joseph
B. Donovan, of New York, N.Y., on motion of Mr. Paul A. Lenzini;
Percy L. Julian, Jr., of Madison, Wise, on motion of Mr. Robert
390-278 — 70 83
MONDAY, APRIL 6, 1970 328

Bloom Kussell A. Garman, Jr., of Washington, D.C., on motion of


Mr. John H. Quinn; William H. Smith, Jr., of Columbia, S.C., on

motion of Mr. Stephen F. Owen, Jr. Thomas Zack, of Vienna, Va.,

on motion of Mr. William R. Bauer Carol Ruth Silver, of Berkeley,


Calif., and Don. B. Kates, Jr., of Berkeley, Calif., on motion of Miss

Cherie A. Gaines; Edward F. O'Keefe, of Pound Ridge, N.Y., and
John Arthur Fridolin Feldmann, of Westport, Conn., on motion of
Mr. Marshall J. Deutsch; William P. O'Mahoney, of Kokomo, Ind.,
on motion of Mr. Robert M. O'Mahoney W. Dan Bretz, of Kokomo,

Ind., James Robert Butcher, of Kokomo, Ind., John T. Grimes, of

Kokomo, Ind., Ralph L. Helms, of Kokomo, Ind., Elwood Haynes
Hillis, of Kokomo, Ind., George Arthur Hopkins, of Kokomo, Ind.,
Vernard Leonell Johnson, of Kokomo, Ind., Courtney Myron Kerwin,
of Kokomo, Ind., Nick N. Kodrea, Jr., of Kokomo, Ind., Edward S.
Mahoney, of Kokomo, Ind., Charles W. Newell, of Kokomo, Ind.,
Joseph J. Scionti, of Kokomo, Ind., Thomas J. Simmons, of Kokomo,
Ind., Robert S. Whitehead, of Kokomo, Ind., and David Howard
Williams, of Kokomo, Ind., on motion of Mr. William D. Ruckelshaus.
Leonard Flank, of Huntsville, Ala., Robert Sellers Smith, of Hunts-
ville, Ala., Peter Hylen Smurr, of Sacramento, Calif., Thomas P.

Murphy, of Norwalk, Conn., Kurt Berlin, of Washington, D.C., Don

W. Crockett, of Washington, D.C., Vito Joseph DiPietro, of Washing-
ton, D.C., Rose F. Drucker, of Washington, D.C., Raymond P. Flynn,
of Washington, D.C., David Lawrence Gibson, of Washington, D.C.,
Lester Herbert Goldberg, of Washington, D.C., William Grobman,
of Washington, D.C., William W. Hancock, of Washington, D.C.,
Richard C. Hotvedt, of Washington, D.C., Louis S. Hillman, of
Washington, D.C., Arthur Hintze, of Washington, D.C., Edward
Lippert, of Washington, D.C., Robert J. Nealon, of Washington,
D. C., Joseph J. Strassman, of Washington, D.C., Charles Norton
Van Doren, of Washington, D.C., Thaddeus Van Ware, of Washing-
ton, D.C., John C. Wagner, of Washington, D.C., Franklyn C.
Weiss, of Washington, D.C., Alan Lawrence Rolnick, of Atlanta, Ga.,
Tempa Marshall, of Honolulu, Hawaii, Leonard D. Charles, of Chi-
cago, 111., James Nicholas Gramenos, of Chicago, 111., David W.
Pelkey, of Chicago, 111., Calvin S. Pfeffer, of Chicago, 111., Lawrence
E. Sheppard, of Overland Park, Kans., James R. Alliston, of New
Orleans, La., Louise Dumas, of Lisbon Falls, Me., Gus Chambers,
of Baltimore, Md., Stanley G. Feinstein, of Bowie, Md., Robert J.
Freehling, of Bethescla, Md., Howard M. Friedman, of Silver Spring,
Md., Joseph Gallo, of Rockville, Md., Arthur Greenberg, of Ellicott
City, Md., John J. Grossbaum, of Bethescla, Md., Gerson B. Kramer,
of Silver Spring, Md., Wm. Donald Moran, of Baltimore, Md., Jack C.
Nielsen, of Rockville, Md., Sylvan H. Sack, of Baltimore, Md., Arnold
Lee Sarasky, of Silver Spring, Md.. Joseph R. Sesso, of Kensington,
MONDAY, APRIL 6, 19 70 329

Md., William Joseph Spotten, of Baltimore, Md., Robert W. Siegel, of

Huntington Woods, Mich., Daniel Barber Bickford, of Boston, Mass.,
William A. Waldron, of Boston, Mass., Ernest Zanville Adelman, of
Kansas City, Mo., Robert Chadwick, of Jackson, Miss., Carl Preston
Rose, of Rocky Mount, N.C., James Clifford Adams, of New York,
N.Y., Richard Adelman, of New York, N.Y., Richard B. Appleton,
of New York, N.Y., Robert Lewis Forst, of New York, N. Y., Marilyn
Mulcahy, of New York, N.Y., Margaret Elizabeth Demer, of Garfield
Heights, Ohio, Milton Edwin Gilbert, of Dayton, Ohio, Robert Samuel
Barker, of Pittsburgh, Pa., Dean J. Barron, of Malvern, Pa., Leonard
M. Sagot, of Philadelphia, Pa., Frank P. Savoldi, of West Middlesex,
Pa., George Lee Bensley, of Memphis, Tenn., Richard W. Buhrman,
of Chattanooga, Tenn., Dale M. Quillen, of Nashville, Tenn., Ira
Frank Simmons, of Halls, Tenn., Robert A. Gritta, of Fort Worth,
Tex., Gary L. Christensen, of Alexandria, Va., James Coley Ethridge,
of Arlington, Va., Barry D. Hersh, of Alexandria, Va., Frederick
James Lees, of Alexandria, Va., Michael Andrew Reilly, of Arlington,
Va., Joseph Reymann, Jr., of Alexandria, Va., Lester Strenger, of
McLean, Va., Donald Roger Tindal, of Arlington, Va., Thomas Nor-
man Tomashek, of Alexandria, Va., Noel E. Bergeron, Jr., of Chip-
pewa Falls, Wis., and John E. Stout, of St. Thomas, V.L, on motion
of Mr. Solicitor General Erwin N. Griswold.
J. Howard McEniry, Jr., of Bessemer, Ala., Robert Allen Slonaker,
of Phoenix, Ariz., Calrence Edward Blair, of Compton, Calif., Robert
Allen Neher, of San Marino, Calif., Graham A. Ritchie, of Los An-
geles, Calif., Samuel Siegel, of Paramount, Calif., John Spencer
Thomas, Jr., of Fresno, Calif., Dean Andrews, of Fort Lauderdale,
Ma., Joseph X. DuMond, Jr., of Orlando, Fla., James V. Davis, of
Albany, Ga., Jack Holmes Usher, of Savannah, Ga., Paul Devens, of
Honolulu, Hawaii, Louis Ancel, of Glencoe, 111., James M. P. D'Am-
ico, of Chicago, 111., Marvin J. Glink, of Chicago, 111., Ronald M.
Glink, of Chicago, Sheldon W. Reagan, of Kankakee, 111., Jack

M. Siegel, of Wilmette, 111., William H. Taube, of Kankakee, 111., John

S. Teschner, of Villa Park, 111., George W. LTnverzagt, of Villa Park,

111., James Robert Arnold, of Fort Wayne, Ind., Donald L. Gray, of

Whiting, Ind., John F. McKinney, Jr., of Des Moines, Iowa, James P;

Buchele, of Topeka, Kans., John Dekker, of Wichita, Kans., Robert E.
Dammeyer of Annapolis, Md., Martin Hertz, of Crofton, Md., Joseph
W. Hoy, of Glen Burnie, Md., Phillip F. Scheibe, of Glen Burnie,
Md., Ira J. Wagonheim, of Gambrills, Md., Cornelius T. Finnegan,
Jr., of Lowell, Mass., and Harry Pavan, of Quincy, Mass., on motion

of Mr. James Lee Rankin; Donald C. Neitzel, of Southgate, Mich.,

George Weible, of Grand Rapids, Mich., Robert E. Weiss, of Flint,
Mich., George V. Johnson, of Minneapolis, Minn., Lawrence W. Bos-
chert, of St. Charles, Md., James S. Cottingham, of Independence,
MONDAY, APRIL 6, 19 70 330

Mo., Herbert C. Hoffman, of Kansas City, Mo., Joseph B. Moore, of

Clayton, Mo., John F. Nangle, of Clayton, Mo., Kichard F. Provaz-
nik, of Richmond Heights, Mo., Aaron A. Wilson, Jr., of Kansas City,
Mo., Earl P. Gripentrog, of Las Vegas, Nev., Louis P. Caroselli of
Jersey City, N.J., Lynn D. Smith, Jr., of Albuquerque, N. Mex.,
Oakley Gentry, Jr., of Freeport, N.Y., John A. Mastrella, of Roches-
ter, N.Y., John R. Parrinello, of Rochester, N.Y., Charles L. Willis, of
Rochester, N.Y., Robert F. Wood, of Rochester, N.Y., Darl L Fowler,
of Greensboro, N.C., Cicero P. Yow, of Wilmington, N.C., Donald
Kennedy Barclay, of Cleveland Heights, Ohio, G. Del Bates, of Cleve-
Harold J. Craig, of Lakewood, Ohio, Clarence Lewis James,
land, Ohio,
Jr., of Cleveland, Ohio, Keith Lawrence, of Cleveland, Ohio, Francis
Charles Restivo, of Toledo, Ohio, Curtis L. Culver, of Tulsa, Okla.,
Alexander Endy, of Coatesville, Pa., Morris D. Rosen, of Charleston,
S.C., Jack L. Crellin, of Salt Lake City, Utah, Conrad Blount Mat-
tox, Jr., of Richmond, Va., LaRue Van Meter, of Falls Church, Va.,
J. Mercer White, Jr., of Richmond, Va., John J. Fleming, of Milwau-
kee, Wis., Thomas Edward Hayes, Jr., of Milwaukee, Wis., Burton
A. Scott, of Kenosha, Wis., John P. Harris, of Seattle, Wash., and
J ack Dow Emery, of Casper, Wyo., on motion of Mr. Charles Sylvanus
Cyril Abramson, of Detroit, Mich., George B. Adastik, of Grand
Rapids, Mich., Julius E. Allen, of Detroit, Mich., Steven N. Andrews,
of Birmingham, Mich., Adam P. Angelas, of Detroit, Mich., Michael
Batchik, of Pontiac, Mich., Frederick B. Bellamy, of Detroit, Mich.,
William E. Bolle, of Troy, Mich., David Bortman, of Detroit, Mich.,
Joel M. Boyden, of Grand Rapids, Mich., Wm. N. Bradford, South-
field, Mich., Joseph J. Burtell, of Dearborn, Mich., William L. Caha-

lan, of Detroit, Mich., W. Leo Cahalan, of Detroit, Mich., William

O. Cain, of Detroit, Mich., Donald A. Campbell, of Detroit, Mich.,
Dominick R. Carnovale, of Detroit, Mich., Clinton C. Carter, of De-
troit, Mich., Michael L. Carter, of Lapeer, Mich., Raymond R. Cashen,
of Roseville, Mich., Dannis O. Cawthorne, of Manistee, Mich., Ger-
ald T. Celeskey, of Detroit, Mich., Daniel M. Clark, of Detroit, Mich.,
Joseph B. Clark, Jr., of Lincoln Park, Mich., Joseph S. Cohen, of
Southfield, Mich., Gerald J. Connolly, of Northville, Mich., Michael
J. Connor, of Detroit, Mich., Richard E. Cooley, of Flint, Mich., Wil-
liam P. Cooney, of Detroit, Mich., Ronald L. Cornell, of Mount Cle-
mens, Mich., H. Dale Cubitt, of Bad Axe, Mich., George H. Cully, of
Trenton, Mich., Dale J. Devlin, of Detroit, Mich., Thomas A. Dinning,
of Detroit, Mich., Luvenia D. Dockett, of Detroit, Mich., Jesse B.
Eggleton, Jr., of Detroit, Mich., Catherine E. Emerson, of Detroit,
Mich.,Morton H. Eskin, of Southfield, Mich., James W. Francis, of
Detroit, Mich.,Kenneth P. Frankland, of Lansing, Mich., James N.
Garber, of Plymouth, Mich., Motton C. Goldberg, of Livonia, Mich.,
MONDAY, APRIL &, 19 70 331

Frederick B. Gold, of Detroit, Mich., Leo Gottfurcht, of Ferndale,

Mich., GeraldWard Groat, Jr., of Detroit, Mich., Kenneth S. Halsey,
of Mount Clemens, Mich., Norman C. Harhat, of Lansing, Mich., Mi-
chael Charles Hechtman, of Oak Park, Mich., John J. Holden, of
Detroit, Mich., Oskar M. Hornbach, of Lansing, Mich., Philip G.
Ingraham, of Royal Oak, Mich., Ives Jackson, of Muskegon, Mich.,
J. Paul Janes, of Mt. Pleasant, Mich., Louis G. Jarboe, of Rogers City,
Mich., George E. Jones, Jr., of Traverse City, Mich., David R. Kaplan,
of Southfield, Mich., Peter Karapetian, of Detroit, Mich., Wilfred
J. Kasko, of Birmingham, Mich., William Rufus Kelley, of Ann Ar-
bor, Mich., William C. Kemper, of St. Johns, Mich., Earl F. Kotts,
of Detroit, Mich., James E. Lacey, of Detroit, Mich., Donald I. La-
kind, of Southfield, Mich., Clarence Laster, Jr., of Detroit, Mich., A.
David Laudani, of Harper Woods, Mich., A. Bart Lewis, of South-
field, Mich., Robert B. Locke, of St. Joseph, Mich., Robert W. Luoma,

of Lansing, Mich., Arthur G. Lyon, Jr., of Coldwater, Mich., Robert

H. Martin, of Detroit, Mich., Thomas J. McCallum, of Mount Clemens,
Mich, Charles T. McGorisk, of Detroit, Mich., Edward G. McNamara,
Jr., of St. Ignace, Mich., William A. Meadlock, of Southfield, Mich.,

William C. Mikelait, of Mt, Clemens, Mich., Morris Milmet, of Detroit,

Mich., David Morris, of Kalamazoo, Mich., and John A. Mundell,
Jr., of Detroit, Mich., on motion of Mr. Philip A. Hart.
Elbert E. Nance, Jr., of Detroit, Mich., Paul F. O'Connell, of Mt.
Pleasant, Mich., Paul J. O'Reilly, of Mount Clemens, Mich., Richard
J. Padzieski, of Dearborn, Mich., Tat Parish, of St. Joseph, Mich.,
H}nnan Parker, of Detroit, Mich., Jeannette A. Paskin, of Detroit,
Mich., Edward K. Pedersen, of Birmingham, Mich., Angelo A. Pento-
lino, of Detroit, Mich., Neill T. Peters, of Detroit, Mich., Joseph B.
Pfister, of Detroit, Mich., Marcel C. Phillips, of Dearborn Heights,
Mich., Robert Pisarski, of Grosse Pointe Park, Mich., Gerald A. Poehl-
man, of Detroit, Mich., John F. Potvin, of Grosse Pointe Park, Mich.,
Charles A. Pratt, of Kalamazoo, Mich., Harold M. Provizer, of South-
field, Mich., J. William Read, of Grosse Pointe Farms, Mich., Leroy

M. Rebar, of Detroit, Mich., Robert A. Reuther, of Grosse Pointe Park,

Mich., Thomas P. Rockwell, of Grosse Pointe Woods, Mich., Sydney
L. Ruby, of Birmingham, Mich., Don G. Schatzberg, of Detroit, Mich.,
pari F. Schier, of Detroit, Mich., Abe A. Schmier, of Detroit, Mich.,
Carl J. Schoemer, of Brighton, Mich., Eric H. Selby, of Grosse He,
Mich., James V. Sheridan, of Roseville, Mich., Richard A. Shulaw, of
Owosso, Mich., Charles E. Silky, Jr., of Muskegon, Mich., Michael F.
Simon, of Southfield, Mich., Stanley H. Slazinski, of Detroit, Mich.,
Terry J. Smith, of Grand Lodge, Mich., Warren R. Snyder, of East
Lansing, Mich., Vincent F. Stapley, of Jackson, Mich., Leonard
Teicher, of Southfield, Mich., LeeRoy H. Temrowski, of Grosse Pointe,
Mich., Norman H. Tendler, of Detroit, Mich., Joseph H. Thibodeau, of
390-278—70 84
MONDAY, APRIL 6. 1970 332

Lansing, Mich., Robert R. Thompson, of Livonia, Mich., Joseph John

Trogan, of Saginaw, Mich., Samuel A. Turner, of Detroit, Mich.,
Walter A. Urick, of Hart, Mich., Rex M. Valentine, of Detroit, Mich.,
Harold E. Vanden Bossche, of Detroit, Mich., Allan E. Vander Ploeg,
of Whitehall, Mich., Irving M. Weiner, of Oak Park, Mich., David
J. Wood, of Birmingham, Mich., William A. Wood, Jr., of Detroit,
Mich., William P. Wright, of Paw Paw, Mich., Patrick H. Young, of
Paulding, Ohio, Lawrence P. Zatkoff of Grosse Pointe Woods, Mich.,

and Norman L. Zemke, of Detroit, Mich., on motion of Mr. Robert

P. Griffin, were admitted to practice.


No. 57. Bob Fred Ashe, petitioner, v. Harold R. Swenson, War-

den. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Eighth Circuit. Judgment reversed and case remanded to the
Court of Appeals for further proceedings in conformity with the
opinion of this Court. Opinion by Mr. Justice Stewart. Concurring
opinion by Mr. Justice Black. Concurring opinion by Mr. Justice
Harlan. Concurring opinion by Mr. Justice Brennan with whom Mr.
Justice Douglas and Mr. Justice Marshall join. Dissenting opinion by
Mr. Chief Justice Burger.
No. 131. Edmund P. Dandridge, Jr., Chairman of the Maryland
State Board of Public Welfare, et al., appellants, v. Linda Williams
et al. Appeal from the United States District Court for the District
of Maryland. Judgment reversed and case remanded to the United
States District Court for the District of Maryland for further pro-
ceedings in conformity with the opinion of this Court. Opinion by Mr.
Justice Stewart. Concurring opinionby Mr. Justice Black with whom
Mr. Chief Justice Burger joins. Concurring opinion by Mr. Justice
Harlan. Dissenting opinion by Mr. Justice Douglas. Dissenting
opinion by Mr. Justice Marshall with whom Mr. Justice Brennan

No. 540. Julia Rosado et al., petitioners, v. George K. Wyman,

On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
etc., et al.

for the Second Circuit. Judgment reversed and case remanded to the
Court of Appeals for further proceedings in conformity with the
opinion of this Court. Opinion by Mr. Justice Harlan. Concurring
opinion by Mr. Justice Douglas. Dissenting opinion by Mr. Justice
Black with whom Mr. Chief Justice Burger joins.
No. 24. Joseph Waller, Jr., petitioner, v. Florida. On writ of
Court of Appeal of Florida, Second District.
certiorari to the District
Judgment vacated and case remanded to the District Court of Ap-
peal of Florida, Second District, for further proceedings not incon-
sistent with the opinion of this Court. Opinion by Mr. Chief Justice
MONDAY, APRIL &, 1970 333

Burger. Mr. Justice Black joins the opinion of the Court, but never-
theless adheres to the views expressed in his dissenting opinion in
Bartkus v. Illinois, 359 U.S. 121, 150 (1959), and Ablate v. United
States, 359 U.S. 187, 201 (1959). Concurring opinion by Mr. Justice

The Chief Justice said

"Today's orders of the Court have been certified by the Chief
Justice, filed with the Clerk, and will not be announced orally."

Per Curiam Opinion

No. 1190. Madalyn Murray O'Hair et al., appellants, v. Thomas

O. Paine et al. Appeal from the United States District Court for the
Western District of Texas. The motion to dismiss is granted and the
appeal is dismissed for want of jurisdiction. Opinion per curiam.

Orders in Pending Cases

No. 1117. Zenith Radio Corporation, petitioner, v. Hazeltine Re-

search, Inc. The motion to advance is denied.
No. 1250. Isiah Relford, petitioner, v. Commandant, U.S. Disci-
plinary Barracks, Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas. The motion of the peti-
tioner for the appointment of counsel is granted and it is ordered that
Judson W. Detrick, Esquire, of Denver, Colorado, be, and he is hereby,
appointed to serve as counsel for the petitioner in this case.
No. 1905, Misc.W. H. Pat O'Bryan, petitioner, v. Frank J. Bat-
United States District Judge, etc. The application for a stay pre-

sented to Mr. Justice White, and by him referred to the Court, is denied.
Mr. Justice Marshall took no part in the consideration or decision of
this application.
Certiorari Granted

No. 1244. A. T. Gordon et al., petitioners, v. Granville H. Lance

et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Appeals
of West Virginia granted and case placed on the summary calendar.
No. 657, Misc. Richard Mayberry, petitioner, v. Pennsylvania.
Motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis and petition for writ of
certiorari to the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, Western District,
granted. Case transferred to the appellate docket and placed on the
summary calendar.
Certiorari Denied

No. 1101. William Grasso, petitioner, v. LTnited States; and

No. 1224. Ralph "Whitey" Tropiano, petitioner, v. United States.
Petitions for writs of certiorari to the United States Court of Ap-
peals for the Second Circuit denied.
MONDAY, APRIL 6, 1970 334

No. 1169. Alfred S. Calabrese and John M. Delzoppo, petitioners,

v.United States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 1184. Lena S. Tunnell, Executrix, etc., petitioner, v. Edwards-
ville Intelligencer, Inc.Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme
Court of Illinois denied.
No. 1187. Frank A. Eyman, Warden, petitioner, v. Joseph Alvin
Schantz. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1196. William A. Porter et al., petitioners, v. W. Francis
Wilson et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1203. John Di Domenico, petitioner, v. United States. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 1205. Donald Bauer, petitioner, v. Illinois. Petition for writ
of certiorari to the Appellate Court of Illinois, Second District,
No. 1207. C. G. Willis, Inc., etc., petitioner, v. Latham B. Hewlett.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 1209. John L. Brown and Cleveland Johns, petitioners, v.
United States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 1215. James Rodney Jones, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-
United States Court of Appeals
tition for writ of certiorari to the
for the Tenth Circuit denied.
No. 1216. Kenneth George Montos, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 1222. Matt Koehl et al., petitioners, v. Stanley R. Resor, Sec-
retary of the Army, et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 1228. W. R. Grimshaw Company, petitioner, v. Martin Wright
Electric Company. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Apepals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 1229. Harvey Franklin Farmer, petitioner, v. Superior Court
of the State of California, in and for the County of Alameda (Great
Northern Railway Company, real party in interest) Petition for writ

of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California, First Appellate

District, denied.
MONDAY, APRIL 6, 1970 335

No. 1238. Elam Reamuel Temple, petitioner, v. The North Caro-

lina StateBar. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals
of North Carolina denied.
No. 1240. Helen K. Groves, petitioner, v. J. Deaver Alexander.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals of Maryland
No. 1242. Dennison Manufacturing Company, petitioner, v. Na-
tional Labor Relations Board. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit denied.
No. 1252. Chester D. Wyrick et al., petitioners, v. City of Mary-
ville et al.Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of
Tennessee, Eastern Division, denied.
No. 1295. Daniel L. Kayser and Leighton W. Kayser, petitioners,
v. The Cleveland Clinic Foundation. Petition for writ of certiorari
to the Supreme Court of Ohio denied.
No. 984. J ames Ray Love, John Taylor et al. Peti-
petitioner, v.
tion for writ of certiorari to theUnited States Court of Appeals for
the Sixth Circuit denied. The Chief Justice is of the opinion that
certiorari should be granted.
No. 1099. Bangor and Aroostook Railroad Company et al., peti-
tioners, v.Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the District of Columbia Circuit denied. The Chief Justice and Mr.
Justice Marshall took no part in the consideration or decision of
this petition.

No. 1202. James Harold Isenring, petitioner, v. United States.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Seventh Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion
that certiorari should be granted.

No. 1210. South Hill Neighborhood Association, Inc., et al., peti-

tioners, v. George Romney, Secretary of United States Department
of Housing and Urban Development, et al. Motion of the National
Trust for Historic Preservation in the United States for leave to
file a brief, as amicus curiae, granted. Petition for writ of certiorari

to the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion that certiorari should be
No. 1223. Karl H. Meyer, petitioner, v. City of Chicago. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Illinois denied. Mr.
Justice Douglas, Mr. Justice Brennan and Mr. Justice Marshall are
of the opinion that certiorari should be granted.
No. 140, Misc. Dwight DeWitt Robison, petitioner, v. California.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California,
First Appellate District, denied.
MONDAY, APRIL 6, 19 70 336

No. 629, Misc. Kichard Canales, petitioner, v. California. Peti-

Court of Appeal of California, Sec-
tion for writ of certiorari to the
ond Appellate District, denied.
No. 692, Misc. James Charles Smith, petitioner, v. North Carolina.
Supreme Court of North Carolina
Petition for writ of certiorari to the

No. 789, Misc. Walter Ryan, petitioner, v. George A. Kropp, War-

den. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the sixth Circuit denied.
No. 795, Misc. Richard R. Murillo, petitioner, v. Walter E. Craven,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of
California denied.
No. 904, Misc. Vincent Raymond Sharpe, petitioner, v. United
States. Petition forwrit of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 1155, Misc. James Robert Blakley, petitioner, v. Iowa. Peti-
tion for Supreme Court of Iowa denied.
writ of certiorari to the
No. 1179, Misc. Sylvester G. Perez, petitioner, v. H. V. Field. Pe-
tition forwrit of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Ninth Circuit denied.

No. 1203, Misc. Eugene Thurman, petitioner, v. United States.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the District of Columbia Circuit denied.
No. 1282, Misc. George A. Schmid, petitioner, v. California. Pe-
tition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of California

No. 1308, Misc. Edward Polhill, petitioner, v. New York. Peti-

writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals of
tion for New York denied.
No. 1309, Misc. Robert Blackman, petitioner, v. Pennsylvania. Pe-
tition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Third Circuit denied.

No. 1331, Misc. Danny Mack Martin, petitioner, v. California.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California,
Fifth Appellate District, denied.
No. 1366, Misc. Welton Vanhook, petitioner, v. Chief Justice
Roger J. Traynor et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1367, Misc. Joseph Kauffman, petitioner, v. Joseph R. Brierley,
Superintendent. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
2ourt of Appeals for the Third Circuit denied.
Ho. 1369, Misc. Francis Hugh Larkin, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the First Circuit denied.
MONDAY, APRIL 6, 19 70 337

No. 1394, Misc. Richard B. Hendrickson, petitioner, v. United

States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Third Circuit denied.
No. 1398, Misc. Ronald Huel Cole and Jerry Franklin Rollins,
petitioners, v.United States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 1402, Misc. Milton Jerome Willard, petitioner, v. United
States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 1415, Misc. Cornelius Lucas, petitioner, v. Vincent R. Man-
cusi,Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1424, Misc. Elijah Caudill, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-
tition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 1427, Misc. William George Knaub, petitioner, v. R. W. Meier,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1431, Misc. Claude Davis, petitioner, v. New York. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court
of New York, First Judicial Department, denied.
No. 1461, Misc. Jo Ann Lyons, petitioner, v. Wilbur R. Johnson
et al. Petition for write of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1469, Misc. Thomas Norman Briggs, petitioner, v. Texas et al.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Texas denied.
No. 1470, Misc. Jesse Lee Hollins, petitioner, v. J effie Biggs et al.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 1472, Misc. James Peoora, petitioner, v. Illinois. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the Appellate Court of Illinois, First District,

No. 1489, Misc. Do vie Carl Mathis, petitioner, v. Louis S. Nelson,

Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1494, Misc. David F. Viands, Jr., petitioner, v. J. D. Cox,
Superintendent, Virginia State Penitentiary. Petition for writ of cer-
tiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit

No. 1513, Misc. Vincent R. Lynch, petitioner, v. United States.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Second Circuit denied.
MONDAY, APRIL 6, 19 70 338

No. 1521, Misc. Delma Kay Perry, petitioner, v. C. Murray Hen-

derson, Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 1523, Misc. Mack Tarango Corral, petitioner, v. California.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California,
Third Appellate District, denied.
No. 1526, Misc. Willie Edmond Posey, petitioner, v. California.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California,
Fourth Appellate District, denied.
No. 1528, Misc. Joseph T. Servey, petitioner, v. Harry E. Eussell,
etc.Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Ap-
peals for the Third Circuit denied.
No. 1535, Misc. James R. Alaway, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1537, Misc. Russell T. Halliday, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the First Circuit denied.
No. 1538, Misc. Boyd A. Veenkant, petitioner, v. Commissioner of
Internal Revenue. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 1565, Misc. Martin Francis Xavier Casey et al., petitioners, v.
United States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 1580, Misc. James Cansler, petitioner, v. United States. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Seventh Circuit denied.

No. 1584, Misc. Angel Manuel Davila, petitioner, v. New York.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the Apellate Division of the Supreme
Court of New York, Second Judicial Department, denied.
No. 1591, Misc. John W. Riley, petitioner, v. William D. Mc-
Kesson. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1610, Misc. Cleon Robbins, petitioner, v. Illinois. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Sev-
enth Circuit denied.
No. 1626, Misc. Levigne Jernigan, petitioner, v. Florida. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the District Court of Appeal of Florida, Third
District, denied.

No. 1644, Misc. Louis DeBour, Jr., petitioner, v. New York. Pe-
writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals of New York de-
tition for
MONDAY, APRIL 6, 19 70 339

No. 1661, Misc. Ernest Esco Mooney, petitioner, v. United States.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Eighth Circuit denied.
No. 1686, Misc. Clinton W. Delespine, petitioner, v. George J.
Beto, Director, Texas Department of Corrections. Petition for writ
of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Cir-
cuit denied.

No. 1687 Misc. David Lawrence, petitioner, v. Louie L. Wain-

wright, Director, Florida Division of Corrections. Petition for writ of
certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit
No. 1471, Misc. Bill Smith, petitioner, v. Mississippi. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Mississippi denied. Mr.
Justice Marshall took no part in the consideration or decision of this

No. 1600, Misc. Willard Wilson Wood, petitioner, v. United States.

United States Court of Appeals
Petition for writ of certiorari to the
for the Tenth Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Marshall took no part in
the consideration or decision of this petition.

Leave To File Petitions for Writs of Habeas Corpus Denied

No. 1498, Misc. Eobert Allen Ray, petitioner, v. United States

DistrictCourt for the Western District of Pennsylvania;
No. 1500, Misc. Arthur Odell Whiddon, petitioner, v. R. I. Moseley,
Warden, et al. and

No. 1651, Misc. Harold D. McKee, petitioner, v. Michigan. Motion

for leave to file petitions for writ of habeas corpus denied.

Leave To File Petition for Writ of Mandamus Denied

No. 1634, Misc. Harvey Franklin Farmer, petitioner, v. Superior

Court of California, County of Alameda. Motion for leave to file
petition for writ of mandamus denied.

Rehearings Denied

No. 736. V. Lee Bounds, Commissioner of Correction, petitioner, v.

Marion Frank Crawford
No. 845. Woodrow Yokum, petitioner, v. United States
No. 877. Tampa Phosphate Railroad Company, petitioner, v. Sea-
board Coast Line Railroad Company
No. 894. Mose Reed, petitioner, v. M/V Foylebank, etc., et al.
No. 898. Francis D. White et ux., petitioners, v. United States
No. 994. Seymour Pollack, petitioner, v. United States;
MONDAY, APRIL 6, 19 70 340

No. 1010. Jim A. Phipps et ux., petitioners, v. United States

No. 1053. E. K. Bearden and Err^st W. Crumb, petitioners, v.
No. 946, Misc. Jimmy Snowden et al., petitioners, v. United States
No. 1000, Misc. Billy Wayne Posey and Cecil Ray Price, petition-
tioners, v. United States and

No. 1021, Misc. Sam Holloway Bowers, Jr., petitioner, v. United

No. 1144, Misc. John Paul Anderson, petitioner v. South Caro-
No. 1190, Misc. Cruz Ramirez, petitioner, v. Frank A. Eyman,
No. 1283, Misc. Francisco Cepero Alers, petitioner, v. Municipality
of San Juan
No. 1297, Misc. Oscar Shipp, petitioner, v. Walter E. Craven,
No. 1443, Misc. Dominick Saffioti, petitioner, v. Martin P. Cath-
erwood, Industrial Commissioner of New York; and
No. 1474, Misc. Mayo Goff, petitioner, v. United States. Petitions
for rehearing denied.

No. 395. United States, petitioner, v. M. O. Seckinger, Jr., etc.

Petition for rehearing denied. Mr. Justice Marshall took no part in
the consideration or decision of this petition.

No. 766. Joseph P. Kauffman, petitioner, v. Secretary of the Air

Force and ;

No. 1044, Misc. Samuel Corrado and Dorothy Corrado, petition-

ers, v. Providence Redevelopment Agency et al. Motion for leave to
file petitions for rehearing denied.
No. 1006. Cecil R. Reed, petitioner, v. Walter J. Hickel, Secre-
tary of the Department of the Interior, et al. Motion to dispense with
printing petition for rehearing granted. Petition for rehearing denied.

Adjourned until Monday, April 20, 1970.

The day call for Monday, April 20, 1970, will be as follows Nos. :

387, 655, 661, and 678.

Order in Pending Case

I No. 1387. David I. Wells, appellant,

v. Nelson A. Rockefeller, Gov-
ernor of the State of New
York, et al. The motion to expedite and
advance and for a temporary restraining order is denied.

MONDAY, APRIL 20, 1970 341


Present Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice

Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice Stew-
art, Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice Marshall.

Admissions to the Bar

Monte K. Marshall, of Sarasota, Fla., Philip Taliaferro, of Erlan-

ger, Ky., Robert H. Quinn, of Boston, Mass., Natalia McLaughlin
Koselka, of Adrain, Mich., Harvey A. Koselka, of Adrain, Mich.,
John A. Gale, of Omaha, Neb., Philip Allen Lacovara, of Cedar Grove,
N.J., John C. Fleming, Jr., of New York, N.Y., Samuel Huntington,
of Bethesda, Md., and Joseph Januszkiewicz, of Akron, Ohio, on mo-
tion of Mr. Solicitor General Erwin N. Griswold John W. Byrnes, of

Green Bay, Wise, and Charles Ellis Kuehn, of Green Bay, Wise, on
motion of Mr. Vernon W. Thomson Clarence Archie Decker, of Den-

ver, Colo., on motion of Mr. Byron G. Rogers Robert Paul Will, Jr.,

of Winthrop Harbor, 111., on motion of Mr. Robert McClory Joel J.;

Sprayregen, of Chicago, 111., on motion of Mr. Abner Joseph Mikva

William H. Hedlund, of Portland, Oreg., on motion of Mr. Wendall
Wyatt; Walter G. Arnold, of Jacksonville, Fla., on motion of Mr.
Charles E. Bennett; Richard Floyd Davisson, of Anderson, Ind., on
motion of Mr. David W. Dennis; C. George Deukmejian, of Long
Beach, Calif., and Kenneth Duane Lyders, of Ventura, Calif., on mo-
; tion of Mr. Paul N. McCloskey, Jr. Francis Sarguis, of Santa Bar-

bara, Calif., on motion of Mr. Thomas H. Kuchel Vivian Sue Shields,


of Sheridan, Ind., on motion of Mr. William D. Ruckelshaus; Harold

I. Apolinsky, of Birmingham, Ala., and Joseph S. Bluestein, of Bir-

mingham, Ala., on motion of Mr. Marx Leva James Nelson Dearien,


of Dallas, Tex., and John Lancaster Estes, of Dallas, Tex., on motion

of Mr. Theodore George Gilinsky; Edward Vernon Sparer, of New
York, N.Y., on motion of Mr. Peter Sheridan Smith; Roland Clovis
Lewis, of Jackson, Miss., on motion of Mr. Wm. Ephraim Cresswell.
John Nelson Stafford, of Seattle, Wash., on motion of Mr. Frank
A. Nelson Robert F. Middleton, of Nevada, Mo., on motion of Mr.

Charles Alvin Miller; Richard House Kyle, of White Bear Lake,

Minn., John Robert McAllister III, of Arlington, Va., and Allan R.
Plumley, Jr., of Arlington, Va., on motion of Mr. Reginald Harrison
Pledger; Jerry Vanzant Walker, of Houston, Tex., on motion of Mr.
John C. Wyatt; Clayton Theodore Hyman, of Allentown, Pa., on mo-
tion of Mr. Phil B. Hammond Harvey Weissbard, of Orange, N. J., on

motion of Mr. Daniel E. Isles William Leonard Thompson, of Ra-


390-278—70 85
MONDAY, APRIL 20, 19 70 342

leigh, N.C., on motion of Mr. Hugh Alexander; James Kozelek, of

Columbus, Ohio, on motion of Mr. Lawrence Speiser Robert J. Leigh, ;

of Washington, D.C., on motion of Mr. Byron Edward Harrison Ron- ;

ald A. Jensen, of Madison, N. J., on motion of Mr. Jack Schuman H. ;

Roger McPike, of San Francisco, on motion of Mr. Robert L.

Maier; John Bowden Thomas, of Charleston, S.C., and Richard G.
Dusenburg, of Florence, S.C., on motion of Mr. Stephen S. Boynton
James Moore Dort, of San Diego, Calif., on motion of Mr. Henri F.
Rush, Jr. Joseph Brandeis Stahl, of New Orleans, La., on motion of

Mr. Leopold Stahl; Clarence Addison Brimmer, Jr., of Rawlins,

Wyo., on motion of Mr. William Henry Harrison Gerald J. Hennessy, ;

of New York, N.Y., and Edwin K. Reid, of New York, N.Y., on mo-
tion of Mr. Anthony N. Zock and Charles Robert Franzen, of Houston,

Tex., and Timothy Thorne Templin, of Houston, Tex., on motion of

Mr. G. Kibby Munson, were admitted to practice.


No. 412. Fred W. Woodward et al., petitioners, v. Commissioner

of Internal Revenue. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit. Judgment affirmed. Opinion by Mr.
Justice Marshall.

No. 528. United States, petitioner, v. Hilton Hotels Corporation,

i On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the

Seventh Circuit. Judgment reversed and case remanded to the United

States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois with di-
rections to dismiss the complaint. Opinion by Mr. Justice Marshall.
No.729. Donald Bachellar et al., petitioners, v. Maryland. On
Court of Special Appeals of Maryland. Judg-
writ of certiorari to the
ment reversed and case remanded to the Court of Special Appeals of
Maryland for further proceedings not inconsistent with the opinion of
this Court. Opinion by Mr. Justice Brennan.

No. 369. American Farm Lines, appellant, v. Black Ball Freight

Service et al. ; and
No. 382. Interstate Commerce Commission,
appellant, v. Black
Ball Freight Service et Appeals from the United States District

Court for the Western District of Washington. Judgment reversed

and cases remanded to the United States District Court for the West-
ern District of Washington for further proceedings in conformity
with the opinion of this Court. Opinion by Mr. Justice Douglas.
Dissenting opinion by Mr. Justice Brennan with whom Mr. Justice
Stewart and Mr. Justice White join.
No. 829. Genever Lewis et al., appellants, -v. Robert Martin, Direc-
Department of Social Welfare of State of California,
tor of the State
MONDAY, APRIL 2 0, 19 70 343

Appeal from the United States District Court for the Northern
et al.
District of California.Judgment reversed and case remanded to the
United States District Court for the Northern District of California
for further proceedings in conformity with the opinion of this Court.
Opinion by Mr. Justice Douglas. Dissenting opinion by Mr. Justice
Black with whom Mr. Chief Justice Burger joins. Dissenting opinion
by Mr. Chief Justice Burger.
No. 445. Standard Industries, Inc., petitioner, v. Tigret Indus-
On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
tries, Inc., et al.

Appeals for the Sixth Circuit. Judgments affirmed by an equally

divided Court. Opinion per curiam announced by Mr. Chief Justice
Burger. Dissenting opinion by Mr. Justice Black with whom Mr. Jus-
tice Douglas joins.

The Chief Justice said

"Today's orders of the Court have been certified by the Chief Jus-
with the Clerk, and will not be announced orally."
tice, filed

Opinions per Curiam

No. 553. Burton G. Hackney, Commissioner of Public Welfare of

Texas, et al., appellants, v. Margarita Machado et al. Appeal from

the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas.
Judgment vacated and case remanded to the United States District
Court for the Western District of Texas for further consideration in
conformity with the opinion of this Court. Opinion per curiam. The
Chief Justice, Mr. Justice Black, and Mr. Justice Stewart dissent.
No. 742. United States, appellant, v. Donald Simon. Appeal from
the United States District Court for the Western District of Wis-
consin. Judgment vacated and case remanded to the United States
District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin with instruc-
tions to reinstate count 1 of the indictment, charging a violation of
26 U.S. C. § 4742 (a). Opinion percu mam.
No. 828. John Montgomery et al., appellants, v. Ernestine Kaiser
et al.Appeal from the United States District Court for the Northern
District of California. Judgment vacated and case remanded to the
United States District Court for the Northern District of California
for further consideration in conformity with the opinion of this Court.
Opinion per curiam. Mr. Justice Douglas, Mr. Justice Brennan, and
Mr. Justice Marshall are of the opinion that the judgment should be

No. 1002. George Rivera Satana, petitioner, v. Texas. On petition

Supreme Court of Texas. Petition for writ
for writ of certiorari to the
of certiorari granted, judgment vacated, and case remanded to the
MONDAY, APRIL 2 0, 19 70 344

Supreme Court of Texas for further consideration not inconsistent

with the opinion of this Court. Opinion per curiam. The Chief Justice
and Mr. Justice Stewart dissent for the reasons set forth in the dis-
senting opinion of the Chief Justice in In the Matter of Samuel Win-
ship, 397 U.S. 375. Mr. Justice Black dissents for the reasons set forth
in his dissenting opinion in In the Matter of Samuel Winship, 397
U.S. 377.
No. 1049. George Gable, dba Book Sales Co., appellant, v. Her-
bert T. Jenkins, Chief of Police of the City of Atlanta. Appeal from
the United States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia.
Judgment affirmed. Opinion per curiam. Mr. Justice Black and Mr.
Justice White are of the opinion that probable jurisdiction would be
noted and the case set for oral argument. Mr. Justice Douglas took
no part in the consideration or decision of this case.
No. 1225. John K. Snyder, appellant, v. Edwin O. Ware III et al.
Appeal from the United States District Court for the Western District
of Louisiana. Judgment affirmed. Opinion per curiam.
No. 1239. John Giagnocavo, appellant, v. Bucks Comity Commis-
sioners,Joseph Canby, Walter Farley, Charles Meredith III. Appeal
from the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, Eastern District. Motion to
dispense with printing jurisdictional statement granted. The motion
to dismiss is granted and the appeal is dismissed for want of a sub-
stantial federal question. Opinion per curiam.
No. 1255. Spartan's Industries, Inc., et al., appellants, v. Texas.
Appeal from the Supreme Court of Texas. The motion to dismiss is
granted and the appeal is dismissed for want of a substantial federal
question. Opinion per curiam.

No. 1271. Sundaco, Inc., et al., appellants, v. Texas et al. Appeal

from the Court of Civil Appeals of Texas, Eleventh Supreme Judicial
District. The motion to dismiss is granted and the appeal is dismissed
for want of a substantial federal question. Opinion per curiam.
No. 1335. Eugene Sand & Gravel, Inc., appellant, v. Raymond N.
Lowe Appeal from the Supreme Court of Oregon. The appeal
et al.
is dismissed, it appearing that the judgment below rests upon an

adequate state ground. Opinion per curiam.

No. 471, Misc. Clarence Jackson et al., appellants, v. Department
of Public Welfare of the State of Florida et al. Appeal from the
United States District Court of the Southern District of Florida.
Motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis granted. Judgment
vacated and case remanded to the United States District Court for
the Southern District of Florida for further consideration in con-
formity with the opinion of this Court. Opinion per curiam. The
Chief Justice, Mr. Justice Black and Mr. Justice Stewart dissent.
MONDAY, APRIL 2 0, 19 70 345

No. 1478, Misc. Richard S., etc., appellant, v. City of New York.
Appeal from the Court of Appeals of New York. Motion for leave
to proceed in forma pauperis granted. Judgment vacated and case re-

manded to the Court of Appeals of New York for further considera-

tion not inconsistent with the opinion of this Court. Opinion per
curiam. The Chief Justice and Mr. Justice Stewart dissent for the
Chief Justice in In
reasons set forth in the dissenting opinion of the
the Matter of Samuel Winship, 397 U.S. 375. Mr. Justice Black dis-
sents for the reasons set forth in his dissenting opinion in In the
Matter of Samuel Winship, 307 U.S. 377.

Orders in Pending Cases

No. . Claude R. Kirk, Jr., Governor, et al., appellants, v.

United States and Caroline Harvest et al. The motion to transfer
is denied.

No. . Angelo DeCarlo et al., petitioners, v. United States. The

application for bail presented to Mr. Justice Douglas, and by him
referred to the Court, is denied.

Lawrence E. Wilson, Warden, petitioner, v. Veron Ateh-

No. 642.
ley. The motion of the respondent for the appointment of counsel
is granted, and it is ordered that Charles A. Legge, Esquire, of San

Francisco, California, a member of the Bar of this Court, be, and he

is hereby, appointed to serve as counsel for the respondent in this case.
No. 830. Frank Chambers, petitioner, v. James F. Maroney, Super-
intendent, State Correctional Institution. The motion of Carol Mary
Los for leave to argue pro hac vice on behalf of the respondent is


Samuel J. Abate, etc., et al., petitioners, v. Paul F. Mundt

No. 1033.
The motion of the petitioners to remove this case from the sum-
et al.

mary calendar is granted and 45 minutes is allotted to each side for

oral argument.
Appeal —Jurisdiction Noted

No. 1189. Alton J. Lemon et al., appellants, v. David H. Kurtzman,

as Superintendent of Public Instruction of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, et al. Appeal from the United States District Court

for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. In this case probable juris-

diction is noted and the case is placed on the summary calendar. Mr.
Justice Marshall took no part in the consideration or decision of
this order.
MONDAY, APRIL 20, 19 70 346

Certiorari Granted

No. 1070. California, petitioner, Jonathan Todd Byers. Mo-


tion of the respondent for leave to proceed in

forma pauperis granted.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of California
granted and case placed on the summary calendar.
No. 1251. Port of Boston Marine Terminal Association et al., peti-
tioners, v. Rederiaktiebolaget Transatlantic. Petition for writ of cer-
tiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit
granted and case placed on the summary calendar.
No. 1289. Hazel Palmer et al, petitioners, v. Allen C. Thompson,
Mayor, City of Jackson, et al. Motion of James Moore et al., for leave
to file a brief, as amici curiae, granted. Petition for writ of certiorari to
the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit granted and
case placed on the summary calendar.
No. 1302. Robert IT. Finch, Secretary of Health, Education, and
Welfare, petitioner, v. Pedro Perales. Motion of respondent for leave
to proceed in forma pauperis granted. Petition for writ of certiorari
to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit granted
and case placed on the summary calendar.
No. 1544, Misc. In re Barbara Burrus et al., petitioners. Motion
for leave to proceed informa pauperis and petition for writ of cer-
tiorari to the Supreme Court of North Carolina granted. Case trans-
fered to the appellate docket and placed on the summary calendar.

Certiorari Denied

No. 1114. American Oil Company, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-

tition forwrit of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 1118. Melvin Douglas Williams, petitioner, v. Maryland. Pe-
tition forwrit of certiorari to the Court of Special Appeals of Mary-
land denied.
No. 1141. Neila A. Autenrieth et al., petitioners, v. Joseph M. Cul-
len, District Director of Internal Revenue Service et al. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth
Circuit denied.
No. 1161. Nelson Lee Burnett, petitioner, v. City of Houston,
Texas. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Texas
No. 1188. The Seeburg Corporation, petitioner, v. Jean J. Min-
thorne et ux. ; and
MONDAY, APRIL 2 0, 19 70 347

No. 1235. Jean J. Minthorne et ux., petitioners, v. The Seeburg

Corporation et al. Petitions for writs of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1199. Deep Welding, Inc., petitioner, v. Sciaky Bros., Inc. Pe-
tition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 1213. United Bonding Insurance Company, petitioner, v. Nor-
folk Dredging Company, etc., et al. Petition for writ of certiorari
to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.

No. 1214. Ralph F. DeLeo, petitioner, v. United States. Petition

for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
First Circuit denied.
No. 1219. William A. Giordano, etc., petitioner, v. United States
et al. Petition forwrit of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Eighth Circuit denied.
No. 1226. Ronald Belousek, petitioner, v. Illinois. Petition for writ
of certiorari to the Appellate Court of Illinois, First District, denied.
No. 1227. International Union of Operating Engineers, Local No.
Fair Employment Practice Commission of
12, et al., petitioners, v.
the State of California et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
Court of Appeal of California, Second Appellate District, denied.
No. 1230. Luke Thorington et al., petitioners, v. William E.
Schuyler, Jr., Commissioner of Patents. Petition for writ of certio-
rari to the United States Court of Customs and Patent Appeals
No. 1231. Henry William Saunders, petitioner, v. California. Peti-
Court of Appeal of California, Fifth
tion for writ of certiorari to the
Appellate District, denied.
No. 1232. Staub Cleaners, Inc., et al., petitioners, v. National Labor
Relations Board. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1234. General Foods Corporation, petitioner, v. Perk Foods
Company. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 1237. Deerbourne Civic and Recreation Association et al., pe-
City of Richmond. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
titioners, v.
Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia denied.
No. 1241. Daniel Construction Company, Inc., petitioner, v. Na-
tionalLabor Relations Board. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 1243. Richard V. Caiello, petitioner, v. United States, Petition
for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Second Circuit denied.
MONDAY, APRIL 2 0, 19 70 348

No. 1246. J ames W. Rankin, petitioner, v. Florida et al. Petition

for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 1248. Maurice D. Carroll, petitioner, v. The New York, New
Haven & Hartford Railroad Company. Petition for writ of certiorari
to the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit denied.

No. 1256. Cincinnati Window Cleaning Company et al., peti-

tioners, v. Thomas B. Walker, Trustee. Petition for writ of certiorari
to the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 1257. Richard L. Schlegel, petitioner, v. United States. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Claims denied.
No. 1258. Robert Larry Adams, petitioner, v. Melvin R. Laird,
Secretary of Defense. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit denied.
No. 1259. Harry W. Huck, petitioner, v. Berta Fossleitner. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania,
Western District, denied.
No. 1260. Cone Mills Corporation, Union Bleachery Division, peti-
tioner, v. National Labor Relations Board. Petition for writ of cer-
tiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit

No. 1261. L. R. (Loren) Gajewski and Mervin Gajewski, peti-

United States et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
tioners, v.
United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit denied.
No. 1262. Carl Blum, petitioner, v. Great Lakes Carbon Corp.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fifth Circuit denied.

No. 1264. Yale Stein, etc., petitioner, v. Hugh E. McGuigan, etc.,

et al.Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 1265. Donald J. Angelini, etc., petitioner, v. Illinois Bell Tele-
phone Company et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 1266. Bernice H. Hughes, etc., petitioner, v. Great Northern
Railway Company. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme
Court of Montana denied.
No. 1268. H. M. Silverstein and Continental Illinios National
Bank and Trust Company, Co-Executors, etc., petitioners, v. United
States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 1272. Cleveland Johns, petitioner, v. United States. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Fifth Circuit denied.
MONDAY, APRIL 2 0, 1970 349

No. 1275. Pacific Car and Foundry Company, petitioner, v. United

States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
]S o. 1279. John J. McGrath, petitioner, v. William J. Kirwan,

Superintendent of the Division of New York State Police. Petition

for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals of New York denied.
No. 1280. Paul Gilliland, petitioner, v. William Koch, etc., et al.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals

for the Tenth Circuit denied.
No. 1286. Robert Anthony Spicer and Joseph Hanion, petitioners,
v. New York. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Appellate Divi-

! sion of the Supreme Court of New York, Fourth Judicial Department,

No. 1293. Everett H. Reagon, petitioner, v. Indiana. Petition for
Supreme Court of Indiana denied.
writ of certiorari to the
No. 1294. Farrell Lines Incorporated, petitioner, v. Titan Indus-
trialCorporation. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1313. Subversive Activities Control Board, petitioner, v. Simon
Boorda et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit denied.
No. 1318. Perfect Fit Industries, Inc., petitioner, v. Glen Mfg.

Inc. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Ap-

peals for the Second Circuit denied.

No. 1320. Mary
Louise Gripkey, petitioner, v. Sisters of Charity
of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied,

No. 1336. Eugene Sand & Gravel, Inc., petitioner, v. Raymond N.
Lowe et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of
Oregon denied.
No. 692. The Public Service Commission of Wyoming et al., peti-
tioners, v. Tri-State Generation & Transmission Association, Inc. The
motion of the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commission-
ers for leave to file a brief, as amicus curiae, is granted. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth
Circuit denied. The Chief Justice and Mr. Justice Stewart are of the
opinion that certiorari should be granted.
No. 844. United States, petitioner, v. Henry Falk. Petition for
of certiorari to theUnited States Court of Appeals for the Sixth
I Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Black and Mr. Justice White are of the
! opinion that certiorari should be granted.

390-278—70 87
MONDAY, APRIL 20, 19 70 350

No. 1041. Hans Kramm, petitioner, v. Workmen's Compensation

Appeals Board et al. Motion to dispense with printing petition grant-
ed. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of California
No. 1292. Jose Cassiagnol et al., petitioners, v. United States.
Motion to dispense with printing petition granted. Petition for writ
of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth
Circuit denied.
No. 1172. New Mexico, petitioner, v. Paulina Paul. Motion of re-
spondent for leave to proceed in forma pauperis granted. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals of New Mexico denied.
No. 1276. Saul Birnbaum, petitioner, v. United States. Petition

United States Court of Appeals for the

for writ of certiorari to the
Second Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Marshall took no part in the con-
sideration or decision of this petition.
No. 307, Misc. Jesus Mendibles Valenzuela, petitioner, v. Arizona.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals of Arizona
No. 811, Misc. Curlee M. Thompson et al., petitioners, v. City of
Athens, Texas. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 930, Misc. Charles W. Dennis, petitioner, v. California et al.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals

for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1063, Misc. Elmo Williams, petitioner, v. L. J. Pope. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1202, Misc. Ernest Staten, petitioner, v. United States. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1210, Misc. William Philly Morgan, petitioner, v. United
States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit denied.
No. 1321, Misc. James Jackson Nailor, petitioner, v. Walter E.
Craven, Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1322, Misc. James Burney, petitioner, v. Edward Weinheld,
United States District Judge for the Southern District of New York.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1323, Misc. Jack L. Dougherty, petitioner, v. Court of Ap-
peal of California, First Appellate District, denied.
MONDAY, APRIL 20, 19 70 351

No. 1326, Misc. Raymond Dale Cameron, petitioner, v. Sherman

H. Crouse, Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit denied.
No. 1358, Misc. Howard Ellsworth Armpriester, aka Guy B. Arm-
priester, petitioner, v. United States. Petition for writ of certiorari
to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 1411, Misc. William A. Bram, petitioner, v. New York. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the Appellate Division of the Supreme
Court of New York, Second Judicial Department, denied.
No. 1418, Misc. Benny Corpos, petitioner, v. California. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California, Third
Appellate District, denied.
No. 1420, Misc. Ralph Coolack, petitioner, v. New Jersey. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Superior Court of New Jersey, Appel-
late Division, denied.

No. 1421, Misc. Anthony Ellsworth Dearinger, petitioner, v. B. J.

Rhay, Superintendent, Washington State Penitentiary. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth
Circuit denied.
No. 1423, Misc. Malcolm R. Schlette, petitioner, v. California
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of California
No. 1429, Misc. Jack Edwin Deeper, Jr., petitioner, v. A. A. Birz-
galis, etc. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Mich-
igan denied.
No. 1436, Misc. Charles J. Juliano, petitioner, v. H. J. Cardwell,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 1438, Misc. Ison Beams, Administrator, etc., petitioner, v.
United States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit denied.
No. 1445, Misc. Aristomenis Theodore, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the First Circuit denied.
No. 1449, Misc. Nathaniel Goodwin, Jr., petitioner, v. Nebraska.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Nebraska
No. 1456, Misc. John P. Hazel, petitioner, v. United States. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the District of Columbia Circuit denied.
No. 1462, Misc. Franklin Delano Wood, petitioner, v. H. S. Card-
well,Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
MONDAY, APRIL 2 0, 19 70 352

No. 1464, Misc. Bernard Goloty, petitioner, v. Martin P. Cather-

wood, Industrial Commission. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of New York, Third Judical
Department, denied.
No. 1466, Misc. James Edward Hinton, petitioner, v. Colorado.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Colorado
No. 1485, Misc. Arthur Keller Wickware, petitioner, v. Kentucky.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals of Kentucky
No. 1507, Misc. Jack D. McConnell, petitioner, v. Washington et
al.Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Ap-
peals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1509, Misc. Joseph Maniscalco, petitioner, v. J. Edwin La-
Vallee,Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1510, Misc. Edward Weis, petitioner, v. New York. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court
of New York, Third Judicial Department, denied.
No. 1515, Misc. Marion Stevenson, petitioner, v. Vincent E. Man-
cusi,Warden, Petition for writ of certiorari to the Appellate Divi-
sion of the Supreme Court of New York, Fourth Judicial Depart-
ment, denied.
No. 1519, Misc. Marion Burton, petitioner, v. J. D. Cox. Superin-
tendent, Virginia State Penitentiary. Petition for writ of certiorari to
the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 1522, Misc. Walter George Arnett, petitioner, v. California.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California,
Fourth Appellate District, denied.
No. 1524, Misc. Raymond D. Malak and William Yates, petitioners,
v. United States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States

Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.

No. 1530, Misc. Ira Richard Lowe, Jr., petitioner, v. Illinois. Peti-
Supreme Court of Illinois
tion for writ of certiorari to the denied.
No. 1534, Misc. Theodore E. Lowe, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 1542, Misc. Calvin Winston Jackson, petitioner, v. Louis S.
Nelson, Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1546, Misc. David Cummings, petitioner, v. New York. Peti-
Appellate Division of the Supreme
tion for writ of certiorari to the
Court of New York, First Judicial Department, denied.
MONDAY, APRIL 20, 1970 353

No. 1548, Misc. Walter L. Hangsleben, petitioner, -v. Illinois. Peti-

Supreme Court of Illinois denied.
tion for writ of certiorari to the
No. 1549, Misc. Willie R. Hardison, petitioner, v. Carl Hocker,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1551, Misc. Lillian Reis, petitioner, v. E. Wilson Purdy, etc.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 1553, Misc. Earl F. Mink, petitioner, v. Ralph M. Freeman,
Judge, etc. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court

of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.

No. 1555, Misc. Frank Bendar, petitioner, v. New Jersey. Petition
Supreme Court of New Jersey denied.
for writ of certiorari to the
No. 1560, Misc. Willie Williams, petitioner, v. Ohio et al. Petition
Supreme Court of Ohio denied.
for writ of certiorari to the
No. 1561, Misc. Carthonia Crawford, petitioner, v. J. D. Cox, Su-
perintendent, Virginia State Penitentiary. Petition for writ of cer-
tiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit
No. 1562, Misc. Norman Mastrian, petitioner, v. Minnesota. Peti-
Supreme Court of Minnesota denied.
tion for writ of certiorari to the

No. 1566, Misc. Dale Joaquin Jennings, petitioner, v. Walter E.

Craven, Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1569, Misc. Paul E. Rhodes, petitioner, v. Norval Houston
et al. Petitionfor writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Eighth Circuit denied.
No. 1570, Misc. Douglas R. Bailey, petitioner, v. California. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California, First
Appellate District, denied.
No. 1581, Misc. Odis Vonn Baker, petitioner, v. California. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California, Third
Appellate District, denied.
No. 1588, Misc. Wade Ladd, petitioner, v. South Carolina et al.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 1594, Misc. John J. White, petitioner, v. Maine et al. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the First Circuit denied.
MONDAY, APRIL 2 0, 19 70 354

No. 1595, Misc. William Guy King, petitioner, v. Ray H. Page,

Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Criminal
Appeals of Oklahoma denied.
No. 1597, Misc. Paul Grear, petitioner, v. Harold J. Card well,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 1599, Misc. Albert Haykel, petitioner, v. California. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California, Fourth
Appellate District, denied.
No. 1605, Misc. James Barclay, petitioner, v. California. Petition
Appeal of California, First Ap-
for writ of certiorari to the Court of
pellate District, denied.
No. 1606, Misc. William R. Cinnamon, petitioner, v. X-Railway
Express Co. et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 1611, Misc. Phillip Edward Greene, petitioner, v. B. J. Rhay,
Superintendent, Washington State Penitentiary. Petition for writ of
certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
No. 1615, Misc. Edward H. Kerner et al., petitioners, v. Ciba Cor-
poration. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of New
Jersey denied.
No. 1617, Misc. Francis S. Carpentier, petitioner, v. Walter E.
Craven, Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court
of California denied.
No. 1618, Misc. Daniel Ross, petitioner, v. North Carolina. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of North Carolina
No. 1621, Misc. Paul G. Fraser, petitioner, v. New York. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals of New York denied
No. 1622, Misc. John Oliver, petitioner, v. Alfred T. Rundle, Su-
perintendent, State Correctional Institution. Petition for writ of cer-
tiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit
No. 1623, Misc. James Leak, petitioner, v. H. W. Follette, Warden.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1624, Misc. Hershall A. Carroll, petitioner, v. Clerk of the
Eighth Judicial District Court of Nevada et al. Petition for writ of
certiorari to the Supreme Court of Nevada denied.
MONDAY, APRIL 2 0, 1970 355

No. 1627, Misc. Heyward Speaks, petitioner, v. Joseph R. Brier-

ley,Superintendent, State Correctional Institution. Petition for writ
of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Third
Circuit denied.
No. 1628, Misc. Arthur Rumney, petitioner, v. New Hampshire,
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of New Hamp-
shire denied.
No. 1629, Misc. Jessie Banks, petitioner, v. Ira M. Coiner, Warden.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 1633, Misc. Pearly Wilson, petitioner, v. Patrick N. Bolsinger,
Prothonotary, et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit denied.
No. 1637, Misc. Thomas N. Cole, petitioner, v. New York. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Second Circuit denied.
No. 1638, Misc. George Taylor, petitioner, New Jersey. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Superior Court of New Jersey, Appellant
Division, denied.
No. 1639, Misc. Reather Cummings, petitioner, v. J. D. Cox, Su-
perintendent, Virginia State Penitentiary. Petition for writ of cer-
tiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit
No'. 1640, Misc. Carlos Lujan Chasco, petitioner, v. California. Pe-
tion for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California, Sec-
ond Appellate District, denied.
No. 1641, Misc. Mickey H. Weiss, petitioner, v. Olin G. Blackwell,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 1646, Misc. John Patrick Haslam, III, petitioner, v. United
States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1648, Misc. Cristobal Gonzales Castro, petitioner, v. United
States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1649, Misc. John Paul Masters, Jr., petitioner, v. Iowa. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Iowa denied.
No. 1650, Misc. Robert Isaac Quinn, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 1652, Misc. Wigberto Carballo, petitioner, v. New York. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the Appellate Division of the Supreme
Court of New York, First Judicial Department, denied.
MONDAY, APRIL 2 0, 19 70 356

No. 1653, Misc. Joseph Caronia, petitioner, v. John T. Deegan,

Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1655, Misc. John Kaup, petitioner, v. California. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California, First Appel-
late District, denied.

No. 1656, Misc. Judson Broadus-Bey, petitioner, v. United States.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 1657, Misc. Antonio Cavanillas Ponce, petitioner, v. Cali-
fornia. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of
California, Fourth Appellate District, denied.
No. 1659, Misc. Katlry Lou Evans, petitioner, v. Florida. Petition
Court of Appeal of Florida,
for writ of certiorari to the District
Third District, denied.
No. 1660, Misc. William J. Maxwell, petitioner, v. Southern Chris-
tianLeadership Conference et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 1664, Misc. Forrest Wayne Hayes, petitioner, v. Joseph F.
Snyder. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 1666, Misc. Thomas Mixon, petitioner, v. Peim Stevedores,
Inc. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Ap-
peals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1667, Misc. Thomas F. Budd, petitioner, v. Frank I. Madigan,
Sheriff. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1671, Misc. William F. Turpin, petitioner, v. Ohio. Petition
Supreme Court of Ohio denied.
for writ of certiorari to the

No. 1672, Misc. David Herman Primous, petitioner, v. United

States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 1675, Misc. James Mitchell, petitioner, v. California. Petition
Court of Appeal of California, Fourth
for writ of certiorari to the
Appellate District, denied.
No. 1676, Misc. Clifford E. Prewitt, petitioner, v. Arizona ex rel.
Frank A. Eyman, Warden, et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, denied.
No. 1680, Misc. John Addison North, petitioner, v. Hoyt C. Cupp,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of
Oregon denied.
MONDAY, APRIL 2 0, 19 70 357

No. 1684, Misc. Kenneth Peebles, petitioner, v. United States.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 1690, Misc. Leroy Nash, petitioner, v. Frederick Reincke,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1692, Misc. Anthony Schiro, petitioner, v. J. D. Cox, Super-
intendent, Virginia State Penitentiary. Petition for writ of certiorari
to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 1696, Misc. Maria Lento, petitioner, v. Delaware, Lackawanna
& Western Railroad Company. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1699, Misc. Thomas H. Taylor, petitioner, v. Robert H. Finch,
Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare. Petition for writ of
certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Cir-
cuit denied.

No. 1700, Misc. Ernest W. Laitinen, petitioner, v. Washington.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Washington
No. 1701, Misc. Frank O'Connel, petitioner, v. Illinois. Petition
Supreme Court of Illinois denied.
for writ of certiorari to the

No. 1703, Misc. Anthony Cartano, petitioner, v. United States.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the First Circuit denied.

No. 1704, Misc. RaymondCarabello, petitioner, v. Parole Board

of the State of NewYork. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1706, Misc. Freddie R. Moore, petitioner, v. United States
et al.Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1707, Misc. Charles Daniels, petitioner, v. New York. Peti-
Appellate Division of the Supreme
tion for writ of certiorari to the
Court of New York, First Judicial Department, denied.
No. 1708, Misc. David Lyle Fryer, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Eighth Circuit denied.
No. 1710, Misc. Eugene Hopkins, petitioner, v. California. Peti-
tion for write of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California,
Second Appellate, District, denied.
No. 1713, Misc. Charles R. Miller, petitioner, v. California. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California, Sec-
ond Appellate District, denied.
MONDAY, APRIL 20, 19 70 358

No. 1714, Misc. Vincente Antonetty, petitioner, v. New York. Pe-

Appellate Division of the Supreme
tition for writ of certiorari to the
Court of New York, Fourth Judicial Department, denied.
No. 1715, Misc. James Edward McGee, petitioner, v. Missouri.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Missouri
No. 1720, Misc. William W. Stewart, petitioner, v. Department
of Corrections et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 1721, Misc. Richard J. Stuart, petitioner, v. H. Yeager, Prin-
cipal Keeper, New Jersey State Prison, et al. Petition for writ of
certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit
No. 1722, Misc. Marguerite Benson, petitioner, v. Prentice Hall,
Inc. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Ap-
peals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1726, Misc. James Thomas Cox, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 1727, Misc. James P. Rondinone, petitioner, v. Frederick G.
Reincke, Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1729, Misc. Johnnie L. Dalton, petitioner, v. Walter E. Craven,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1731, Misc. Raymond L. Tucker, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the District of Columbia Circuit denied.
No. 1732, Misc. Clarence Sloan, petitioner, v. Louie L. Wain-
wright, Director, Florida Division of Corrections. Petition of writ
of certiorari to the District Court of Appeal of Florida, Fourth Dis-
trict, denied.
No. 1733, Misc. Jesse Samuels, petitioner, v. Maryland. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Court of Special Appeals of Maryland
No. 1735, Misc. Troy Johnson, petitioner, v. Walter E. Craven,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1736, Misc. Michael J. McNamara, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the First Circuit denied.
MONDAY, APRIL 2 0, 1970 359

No. 1738, Misc. John B. Gordon, petitioner, v. Fred W. Bright

et al.Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Ap-
peals for the Tenth Circuit denied.
No. 1739, Misc. Clarence Tate, Jr., petitioner, v. United States,
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 1740, Misc. Henry E. Hansen, petitioner, v. Elmer O. Cady,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 1765, Misc. Paul DeMario, petitioner, v. Illinois. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the Appellate Court of Illinois, First District,
No. 1766, Misc. Virginia L. Seipel, petitioner, v. Illinois. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Appellate Court of Illinois, Fourth Dis-
trict, denied.
No. 1767, Misc. Fred Williams, petitioner, v. New Jersey. Petition
Supreme Court of New Jersey denied.
for writ of certiorari to the
No. 1787, Misc. Jacqueline Marie Terry, petitioner, v. Louise
Keefe, Estate of Jacob H. Hotopp, deceased. Petition for writ of
certiorari to theSupreme Court of Florida denied.
No. 706, Misc. Marco A. Orlando, petitioner, v. New Jersey. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of New Jersey denied.
Mr. Justice Black is of the opinion that certiorari should be granted.
No. 1564, Misc. Donovan Edward Ruby, petitioner, v. United
States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Claims denied. Mr. Justice Marshall took no part in the considera-
tion or decision of this petition.

No. 1665, Misc. Charles Evans, petitioner, v. United States. Peti-

United States Court of Appeals for
tion for writ of certiorari to the
the Eighth Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Marshall took no part in the
consideration or decision of this petition.
No. 1575, Misc. Carl D. Pettyjohn, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the District of Columbia Circuit denied. The Chief Justice took no
part in the consideration or decision of this petition.
No. 1742, Misc. Bobby Lewis, petitioner, v. United States. Petition
United States Court of Appeals for the
for writ of certiorari to the
District of Columbia Circuit denied. The Chief Justice took no part
in the consideration or decision of this petition.
MONDAY, APRIL 20, 1970 360

Leave To File Petitions for Writs of Habeas Corpus Denied

No. 1103, Misc. Kichie Sonny Rando, petitioner, v. George J. Beto,

Director,Texas Department of Corrections;
No. 1598, Misc. Louis C. Bush, petitioner, v. Walter E. Craven,
No. 1616, Misc. Levie M. Burgess, petitioner, v. George A. Kropp,
No. 1619, Misc. Elmer A. Merrill, petitioner, v. Robert L Moseley,
Warden, et al.
No. 1673, Misc. Gregory McFall, petitioner, v. Warden, Queens
House of Detention for Men
No. 1702, Misc. Cleophas Austin, petitioner, v. C. J. Fitzharris,
No. 1744, Misc. George A. P. Dunleavy, petitioner, v. Louie L.
Wainwright, Director, Florida Division of Corrections
No. 1761, Misc. Carl George Smith, Jr., petitioner, v. Charles M.
Rodgers, Superintendent, District of Columbia Jail;
No. 1794, Misc. John Kaup, petitioner, v. Howard Comstock, Su-
perintendent, Sierra Conservation Center;
No. 1810, Misc. Jesse Rodriguez, petitioner, v. Russell Lash,
No. 1880, Misc. Everett Shepherd, Jr., petitioner, v. John W
Wingo, Warden and ;

No. 1883, Misc. Fred J. Wellnitz, petitioner, v. Ray H. Page,

Warden. Motions for leave to file petitions for writs of habeas corpus

Leave To File Petitions for Writs of Mandamus Denied

No. 1556, Misc. Willie S. Lee, petitioner, v. Pomsette Circuit,

Arkansas, et al. Motion for leave to file petition for writ of mandamus
No. 1454, Misc. Bobby Lewis, petitioner, v. Chief Judge, United
States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit;
No. 1576, Misc. Carl D. Pettyjohn, petitioner, v. Edward A. Tamm
et al. and

No. 1620, Misc. Elroy Lewis, petitioner, v. United States. Motions

for leave to file petitions for writs of mandamus denied. The Chief
Justice took no part in the consideration or decision of these motions.
No. 1574, Misc. Douglas Stiltner, petitioner, v. Judges of the Su-
preme Court of Washington et al. Motion for leave to file petition
for writ of mandamus and/or habeas corpus denied.
MONDAY, APRIL 2 0, 19 70 361

Leave To File Petition for Writ of Prohibition Denied

No. 1712, Misc. Michael David Scott, petitioner, v. Indiana Parole

Board et al. Motion for leave to file petition for writ of prohibition
Eehearings Denied

No. 964. Eandolph Erwin Eosenson, petitioner, v. United States;

No. 1012. Serbian Eastern Orthodox Congregation of "St. George,"
Elizabeth, N.J., et al., petitioners, v. Serbian Eastern Orthodox
Congregation of "St. George", Elizabeth, N.J. (Diocese for Eastern
States of America and Canada) et al. ,

No. 1046. EdmondJ. Hamilton and John L. Datenhoif, appel-

lants, v. John J. McKeithen, Governor of Lonsiana
No. 1078. John T. McClain, petitioner, v. United States; and
No. 1111. Augustine L. Eanjel et al., petitioners, v. City of Lans-
ing et al. Petitions for rehearing denied.
No. 1064. General Electric Company, petitioner, v. National Labor
Eelations Board et al. Petition for rehearing denied. Mr. Justice
Marshall took no part in the consideration or decision of this petition.
No. 529, Misc. Eobert Lee Gawne and William Thomas Banks,
petitioners, v. Lmited States;
No. 1161, Misc. LeEoy Towles, petitioner, v. Frederick G. Eeincke,
No. 1205, Misc. Eobert S. Kelem, petitioner, v. United States;
No. 1256, Misc. Howard Merle, petitioner, v. The North Carolina
Mutual Life Insurance Company; and
No. 1483, Misc. Thelma Eetha Bills, petitioner, v. United States.
Petitions for rehearing denied.
No. 1041, Misc. Joseph Weldon Eoberts, petitioner, v. Alaska; and
No. 1091, Misc. In the Matter of the Application of Eonald L.
Eeece, petitioner. Motions for leave to
file petitions for rehearing

Oral Argument

No. 387. California, petitioner, v. John Anthony Green. Two hours

allowed for oral argument. Argued by Mr. William E. James for the
petitioner, by Mr. Solicitor General Griswold for the United States,
as amicus curiae, by special leave of Court and by Mr. E. Barrett
Prettyman, Jr. for the respondent.
MONDAY, APRIL 2 0, 1970 362

No. 655. JosephThomas Mulloy, petitioner, v. United States.

Argued by Mr. Robert Allen Sedler for the petitioner and by Mr.
Joseph J. Connolly for the respondent.

Adjourned until tomorrow at 10 o'clock.

The day Tuesday, April 21, 1970, will be as follows: Nos.
call for
661, 678, 726, and 768.

TUESDAY, APRIL 21, 1970 363


Present Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice

Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice

Stewart, Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice Marshall.

Admissions to the Bar

Ealph T. Smith, of Alton, 111., Thomas J. Benda, of Lisle, 111., and

Edwin L. Douglas, of Wheaton, 111., on motion of Mr. John N. Erlen-
born Robert T. Stafford, of Rutland, Vt., and Robert Edward West,

of Rutland, Vt.,on motion of Mr. Garner E. Shriver; Royden A.

Keddy, of Portland, Me., on motion of Mr. William D. Hathaway;
Robert C. Strodel, of Peoria, 111., on motion of Mr. Thomas F. Rails-
back Homer Arnett, of Kalamazoo, Mich., on motion of Mr. Edward

Hutchinson; Geo. B. Culpepper, Jr., of Fort Valley, Ga., William

Grady Morris, of Atlanta, Ga., and Terry Richard Hutchins, of Max-
ton, N.C., on motion of Mr. Matthew J. Zinn Jay Harlan Davison, of

Covina, Calif., on motion of Mr. Raymond F. Body Bruce McLaugh-


lin, of Miami, Fla., on motion of Mrs. Ellen Lee Park Thomas Em-

mett Wilson, of Tucson, Ariz., on motion of Mr. Paul G. Rosenblatt

H. Ridgely Bullock, Jr., of New York, N.Y., and Peter Whitridge
Williams, of New York, N.Y., on motion of Mr. Arthur M. Becker;
Paul Eugene Miller, of Washington, D.C., on motion of Mr. Henry
Halvor Jones, Sr., Ira Hersey Pearce, of Alexandria, Va., on motion
of Mr. Frederic L. Pearce John D. Maharg, of Los Angeles, Calif.,

on motion of Mr. Robert Putnam Will Courtland Kennard Townsend,


Jr., of Rockville, Md., on motion of Mr. John Palmer Arness; John

Walter Rapp, Jr., of Mt. Carroll, 111., on motion of Mr. Robert G.

Mahony Michael L. Glaser, of Potomac, Md., on motion of Mr. Don-

ald E. Bilger; Arthur J. Prindle, of Nyack, N.Y., on motion of Mr.

Julien Martin Cornell; Harry F. Day, Jr., of Arlington, Va., on mo-
tion of Mr. Donald H. Dalton; Jon S. Hanson, of Brookfield, Wise,
and William G. Walton, of Cheyenne, Wyo., on motion of Mr. Richard
A. Edwards and Robert M. Dohrmann, of Los Angeles, Calif., and

Laurence David Steinsapir, of Los Angeles, Calif., on motion of Mr.

Kenneth M. Schwartz, were admitted to practice.

390-278 —70 88
TUESDAY, APRIL 21, 197 0 364

Oral Argument

No. 661. Hellenic Lines Limited et al., petitioners, v. Zacharias

Rhoditis. Argued by Mr. James M. Estabrook for the petitioners and
by Mr. Joseph B. Stahl for the respondent.
No. 678. James G. Nash et al., petitioners, v. United States.
Argued by Mr. Harold I. Apolinsky for the petitioners and by Mr.
Matthew J. Zinn for the respondent.
No. 726. Charlene Mitchell et al., appellants, v. Joseph L. Dono-
van, etc., et al. One and one half hours allowed for oral argument.

Argued by Mr. Lynn S. Castner for the appellants and by Mr. Richard
H. Kyle for the appellees.
No. 768. The Boys Markets, Inc., petitioner, v. Retail Clerk's
Union, Local 770. Argument commenced by Mr. Joseph M. McLaugh-
lin for the petitioner.

Adjourned until tomorrow at 10 o'clock.

The day call for Wednesday, April 22, 1970, will be as follows Nos.

768, 1089, 782, 267, and 269.

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2 2, 19 70 365


Present Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice

Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice Stew-
art, Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice Marshall.

Admissions to the Bar

Jo Betsy Lewallen, of Austin Tex., on motion of Mr. Justice Tom C.

Clark; Stephen Charles Wolfe, of Tulsa, Okla., on motion of Mr.
Page Belcher; William Clifford Rountree, of Washington, D.C., on
motion of Mr. John Dellenback; Roy Prewitt, of Lonoke, Ark., S. Da-
vid Rosenson, of Beverly Hills, Calif., and Jerry D. Barker, of
Houston, Tex., on motion of Mr. Floyd Lee Williams; Samuel D.
Dawkins, Jr., of Houston, Tex., on motion of Mr. Vincent M. Am-
brose; Michael R. Klein, of Washington, D.C., on motion of Mr. Louis
Oberdorfer; T. Thornton Murray, of Baltimore, Md., and Roger
Curtis Duncan, of Baltimore, Md., on motion of Mr. George L.
Russell, Jr.; Welton B. Whann, of La Jolla, Calif., and Gary H.
Wiles, of La Jolla, Calif., on motion of Mr. George Cabell Busick;
Frederick Lovell Bergert, of Springfield, Va,, and James Nelson
Dresser, of Fairfax, Va,, on motion of Mr. W. Brown Morton, Jr.;
William C. Brafford, Jr., of Dayton, Ohio, on motion of Mr. William
T. Estabrook; Wm. Hammond Thomas, of Washington, D.C., on
motion of Mr. Paul R. Webber III James O. Ebbeson, of Sturgeon

Bay, Wis., on motion of Mr. George Browning III Norman Lef stein,

of Washington, D.C., on motion of Mrs. Barbara A. Bowman.

Stephen Daily Susman, of Houston, Tex., on motion of Mr. Everett
Hutchinson; Jane Adams Finn, of Chevy Chase, Md., on motion of
Mr. Herbert E. Hoffman; Morton Efram Friedman, of Chicago, 111.,
on motion of Mr. Joel M. Flaum; William Hale Merrill, of Bloom-
field Hills, Mich., on motion of Mr. Philip F. Zeidman Peter G. Rich,


of Portland, Me., on motion of Mr. Bruce S. Lane; Thomas Rees

Williams II, of Buffalo, N.Y., on motion of Mr. Michael J. McMor-
row; William G. Reynolds, Jr., of Richmond, Va., on motion of Mr.
Carl Stephen Rauh Harvey Warren Levin, of Lynn, Mass., on motion

of Mr. Reuben B. Robertson III Paul Dominic Doherty, of Boston,


Mass., on motion of Mrs. Rita Doherty Hornyak; Henry L. Bayles, of

New York, N.Y., on motion of Mr. Sigmund Timberg; John M.
Greaney, of Springfield, Mass., and George C. Keady, Jr., of Spring-
field, Mass., on motion of Mr. Richard Hildreth Barbara Schneider

Stokes, of New York, N.Y., and Richard H. Stokes, of New York,

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2'2, 1970 366

N.Y., on motion of Mr. Walter J. Myskowski; Bernard Arluck, of

Brooklyn, N.Y., Michael David Rose, of Cincinnati, Ohio, and Charles
P. Barnes II, of Cape Elizabeth, Me., on motion of Mr. Eugene F.
Bogan; William Carter Cowardin, Jr., of Newport News, Va., Mark
Thomas Finch, of Gulfport, Miss., Christopher Lane, of Yonkers,
N.Y., Robert Emmett McFarlane, Jr., of Kansas City, Mo., James F.
Nooney, of Maumee, Ohio, and Marlin David Reid, Jr., of Dayton,
Ohio, on motion of Mr. Gordon A. Ginsburg; and J. Lee Perry, of
Atlanta, Ga., and John A. Sligh, Jr., of Atlanta, Ga., on motion
of Mr. Mathew Robins, were admitted to practice.

Oral Argument

No. 768. The Boys Markets, Inc., petitioner, v. Retail Clerk's

L^nion, Local 770. Argument continued by Mr. Kenneth M. Schwartz
for the respondent and concluded by Mr. J oseph M. McLaughlin for
the petitioner.
No. 1089. Willie E. Williams, appellant, v. Illinois. Argued by
Mr. Stanley A. Bass for the appellant and by Mr. James R. Thomp-
son for the appellee.
No. 782. Phillip Morris et al., appellants, v. Hiram Schoonfield,
Warden, et al. Argued by Mr. Robert G. Fisher for the appellants
and by Mr. George L. Russell, Jr., for the appellees.
No. 267. Dennis Mullene Moon, petitioner, v. Maryland. Argued
by Mr. Robert Anthony Jacques for the petitioner and by Mr. Edward
F. Borgerding for the respondent.

Adjourned until Monday, April 27, 1970, at 10 o'clock.

The day call for Monday, April 27, 1970, will be as follows: Nos.
269, 830, 896, and 1093.

MONDAY, APRIL 27, 1970 367

nyxtmt dfcurt of &t Wtutwl $Mt%

Present Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice

Doug-las, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice

Stewart, Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice Marshall.

Admissions to the Bar

Walter Victor Dorle, of St. Paul, Minn., Walter T. Thompson, of

Chicago, 111., William S. Little, Sr., of Baltimore, Md., Lawrence D.
McGovern, of New York, N.Y., Michael G. Kelly, of Willows, Md.,
Joe Neal Cagle, of Hickory, N.C., Thomas J. Lombardi, Sr., of Can-
ton, Ohio, William H. Candler, of Norfolk, Va., George I. Vogel, II,
of Roanoke, Va., and J ames C. Morntt, of Wilder, Idaho, on motion
of Mr. Solicitor General Erwin 1ST. Griswold John Carroll Stophel,

of Chattanooga, Tenn., on motion of Mr. Howard H. Baker, Jr.

Barry R. Weiss of Los Angeles, Calif., on motion of Mr. James C.
Corman; Regina Lydia Whitaker, of Hot Springs, Ark., on motion
of Mr. David H. Pryor Peter J. Johnson, of Benton Harbor, Mich.,

on motion of Mr. Edward Hutchinson Elmer Eugene Palmer, of Aus-


tin, Tex., on motion of Mr. Will Wilson; Virginia D. Fenton, of

Newark, N.J., Thomas David Hogan, of Newark, N.J., and Michael

S. Waters, of Newark, N.J., on motion of Mr. Robert B. Meyner;
William Thomas Bodoh, of Cleveland, Ohio, Thomas G. Roderick,
of Cleveland, Ohio, and David A. Thomas, of Cleveland Heights,
Ohio, on motion of Mr. William M. Hoiles; Gerald Brissman, of New
York, N.Y., on motion of Mr. Dominick Manoli; Herman S. Palarz,
of Beverly Hills, Calif., on motion of Mr. Fulton M. Brylawski Wil- ;

liam E. Butler, II, of Cambridge, Mass., on motion of Mr. Lome Dale

Maclver; Henry R. Barksdale, of Pensacola, Fla., and Henry Clay
Mitchell Jr., of Pensacola, Fla., on motion of Mr. Richard R. Para-
dise; Patricia Horan Latham, of Washington, D.C., and Richard S.
Seltzer, of Philadelphia, Pa., on motion of Mr. Philip Loomis.
Daniel M. Rosenblum, of New York, N.Y., on motion of Mr. Louis
Rosenman Sidney M. Bach, of New Orleans, La., on motion of Mr.

Philip F. Zeidman; Richard H. Brown, Jr., of New York, N.Y., on

motion of Mr. Russell Taylor Weil; Frank Hay Bass, Jr., of St.
Petersburg, Fla., on motion of Mr. Stanley Albert Brandimore Joseph

O'Bryan Martin, Jr., of Nashville, Tenn., on motion of Mr. Stephen

Deaderick Potts; George C. (Neil) Dixon, of Shreveport, La., and
Herschel M. Downs, of Shreveport, La., on motion of Mr. Thomas
L. C. Vail; Burton H. Patterson, of El Paso, Tex., on motion of

390-278—70 90,
MONDAY, APRIL 2 7, 19 70 368

Mr. C. Frank Reifsnyder; James L. Dow, of Carlsbad, N. Mex., on

motion of Mr. James W. Knapp John All Burgess, of Montpelier, Vt.,

on motion of Mr. Eugene A. Jenkins Francis E. Hickey, of Rockford,


111., on motion of Mr. John Philip Carlson; Alan L. Swartz, of

Providence, R.I., on motion of Mr. James H. Duffy Robert D. Patrick, ;

of Evansville, Ind., on motion of Mr. William G. Greif Clifford K. ;

Thompson, Jr., of Piedmont, Calif., on motion of Mr. Albert W.

Harris, Jr. James Joseph McHugh, of Floral Park, N.J., on motion

of Mr. Francis A. O'Connell; James Duncan O'Mara, of Washing-

ton, D.C., on motion of Mr. David Bennett Elroy Harris Wolff, of

Washington, D.C., on motion of Mr. John E. Robson; John J.

McAleese, Jr., of Philadelphia, Pa., on motion of Mr. William J.
Curtin; Richard M. Fishkin, of Hackensack, N.J., on motion of
Mr. Jerrold M. Fleisher; Robert M. Wechsler, of Stamford, Conn.,
on motion of Mr. Robert Jordan Wager Jason H. Floyd, of Gulf

port, Miss., on motion of Mr. Peter McKenzie Stockett, Jr.; and

Dean Ames McCallum, of Baltimore, Md., and Robert B. Seeley, of
Baltimore, Md., on motion of Mr. Richard P. Delaney, were admitted
to practice.

No. 41. The Choctaw Nation and the Chickasaw Nation, petition-
ers, v. Oklahoma et al. ; and
No. 59. The Cherokee Nation or Tribe of Indians in Oklahoma,
petitioner, v. et al. On writs of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit. Judgments reversed
and cases remanded to the Court of Appeals for further proceedings
in conformity with the opinion of this Court. Opinion by Mr. Justice
Marshall. Concurring opinion by Mr. Justice Douglas. Dissenting
opinion by Mr. Justice White with whom Mr. Chief Justice Burger
and Mr. Justice Black join. Mr. Justice Harlan took no part in the
consideration or decision of these cases.
No. 300. Julia Tooahnippah (Goombi), et al., petitioners, v.
Walter J. Hickel, Secretary of the Interior for the United States,
et al. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Tenth Circuit. Judgments reversed and case remanded to the
Court of Appeals with directions to reinstate the judgment of the
United States District Court for the Western District of Oklahoma.
Opinion by Mr. Chief Justice Burger. Mr. Justice Black would affirm
the judgments below for the reasons set forth by Court of Appeals in
this case, 407 F. 2d 394, and in Heffelman v. Udall, 378 F. 2d 109
(C.A. 10th Cir. 1967). Concurring opinion by Mr. Justice Harlan.
No. 82. Lee Arthur Hester, petitioner, v. Illinois. On writ of
Supreme Court of Illinois. Writ of certiorari dis-
certiorari to the
MONDAY, APRIL 2 7, 19 70 369

missed as improvidently granted. Opinion per curiam announced by

Mr. Chief Justice Burger. Mr. Justice Douglas, Mr. Justice Brennan
and Mr. Justice Marshall dissent.
No. 476. Sears, Roebuck and Co., petitioner, v. Carpet, Linoleum,
Soft Tile and Resilient Floor Covering Layers, Local Union No. 419,
AFL-CIO, et al. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Tenth Circuit, Judgment vacated and case remanded
to the United States District Court for the District of Colorado with
directions to dismiss the complaint as moot, Opinion per curiam an-
nounced by Mr. Chief Justice Burger.

The Chief Justice said

"Today's orders of the Court have been certified by the Chief Justice,
filed with the Clerk, and will not be announced orally."

Opinions Per Curiam

No. 863. United States, petitioner, v. Howard Eugene Rowell. On

petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Eighth Circuit. Motion of respondent for leave to proceed in
forma pauperis granted. Petition for writ of certiorari granted,
judgment vacated and case remanded to the Court of Appeals for
further consideration in light of Buie v. United States, 396 U.S. 87.
Opinion per curiam.
No. 1171. The First National Bank of Santa Fe, appellant, v.
The Commissioner of Revenue of the State of New Mexico. Appeal
from the Court of Appeals of New Mexico. The motion to dismiss
is granted and the appeal is dismissed for want of a substantial fed-

eral question. Opinion per curiam.

No. 1323. Garden State Transit Co., Inc., appellant, v. United

States et al. Appeal from the United States District Court for the

District of New Jersey. The motion to affirm is granted and the

judgment is affirmed. Opinion per curiam.
No. 1112, Misc. Shirley Lampton and Luethel Williams, etc., ap-
pellants, v. Garland L. Bonin, etc, et al. Appeal from the United
States District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana. Motion
for leave to proceed in forma pauperis granted. Judgment vacated
and case remanded to the United States District Court for the Eastern
District of Louisiana for further consideration in conformity with
the opinion of this Court. Opinion per curiam. The Chief Justice and
Mr. Justice Black dissent for the reasons set forth in Mr. Justice
Black's dissenting opinion in Rosado v. Wyman, 397 U.S. .
MONDAY, APRIL 2 7, 1970 370

Orders in Pending Cases

No. 21. A. L. Dutton, Warden, appellant, v. Alex S. Evans;

No. 50. North Carolina, appellant, v. Henry C. Alford;
No. 84. United States, appellant, v. Milton C. Jorn; and
No. 179. William P. Bogers, Secretary of State, appellant, v. Aldo
Mario Bellei. These cases are restored to the calendar for reargument.
No. 300. J ames Tooahimpah Tate, et al., petitioners, v. Walter J.
Hickel, Secretary of the Interior for the United States, et al. The mo-
Tooahnippah (Goombi), Administratrix, in
tions to substitute Julia
the place of James Tooahimpah Tate, deceased, former Administra-
tor of Estate of Frankie Lee Tooahnippah, deceased, and Estate of
Viola Atewooftakewa (Tate), deceased, as a party petitioner, are
No. 905. Grove Press, Inc., et al., appellants, v. Maryland State
Board of Censors. The motion of the International Film Importers
& Distributors of American, Inc., for leave to file a brief, as amicus
curiae, is granted. Mr. Justice Douglas took no part in the considera-
tion or decision of this motion.

No. 1058. Ida Phillips, petitioner, v. Martin Marietta Corpora-

tion. The motion of the National Organization for Women for leave
to file a brief, as amicus curiae, is granted.

No. 1149. Garrett H. Byrne, etc., et al., appellants, v. Serafim

Karalexis et al. The motions of the National General Corp. et al. and ;

the American Civil Liberties LTnion et al., for leave to file briefs, as
amici curiae, are granted. Mr. Justice Douglas took no part in the
consideration or decision of these motions.
No. 138j9. Eichard May berry, petitioner, v. Pennsylvania. The
motion of the petitioner for the appointment of counsel is granted,
and it is ordered that Ralph S. Spritzer, Esquire, of Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, a member of the Bar of this Court, be, and he is hereby,
appointed to serre as counsel for the petitioner in this case.

Appeals —Jurisdiction Noted or Postponed

No. 1155. United States, appellant, v. Milan Vuitch. Appeal from

the United States District Court for the District of Columbia. Further
consideration of the question of jurisdiction in this case is postponed
to the hearing of the case on the merits.
No. 1270. Winton M. Blount, Postmaster General of the United
States, appellant, v.National Association of Letter Carriers. Appeal
from the United States District for the District of Columbia. In this
case probable jurisdiction is noted and the case is placed on the sum-
mary calendar.
MONDAY, APRIL 2 7, 19 70 371

Certiorari Dimim> G£A*orED

No. 1309. Time, Incorporated, petitioner, v. Frank Pape. Petition

for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the
Seventh Circuit granted and case placed on the summary calendar.
No. 1468, Misc. Harold Whiteley, petitioner, v. Warden of the
Wyoming State Penitentiary. Motion for leave to proceed in forma
pauperis and petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit granted limited to the issue of the
constitutionality of the arrest and search. Case transferred to the
appellate docket and placed on the summary calendar.

Certiorari Denied

No. 1151. James Buchanan Duke, petitioner, v. United States.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 1200. Vincent Charles Teresa, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 1212. ElmwT ood Properties, Inc., et a!., petitioners, v. Mur-
ray Conzelman et al. Petition for wT rit of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 1233. Hutter Northern Trust et al., petitions, v. Milton Haen
et al. Petition forwrit of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 1236. Edward H. Montoney et al., petitioners, v. Russell
Cramer, Zoning Inspector, et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
Supreme Court of Ohio denied.
No. 1263. John T. Smith, Jr., petitioner, v. Virginia. Petition for
writ of certiorari to theSupreme Court of Appeals of Virginia denied.
No. 1285. Jane W. Parham, petitioner, v. Barbara Lillian Georgia
Kaiser, as Executrix of Estate of Henry J. Kaiser, Jr., et al. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California, First Ap-
pellate District, denied.

No. 1300. Atomic Oil Company of Oklahoma, Inc., et al., peti-

tioners, v.Bardahl Oil Company et al. Petition for writ of certiorari
to the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit denied.

No. 1303. Mary Louise Gripkey, petitioner, v. A. Gerty, M. D.,

et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of Cali-
fornia, Second Appellate District, denied.
No. 1305. Clinton Johnson, petitioner, v. United States. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Ninth Circuit denied.
390-278—70 91
MONDAY, APRIL 2 7, 1-97G 372

No. 1306. William M. Damiseh, petitioner, v. Dan B. Withers,

Jr., et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 1307. New Orleans Stevedoring Company, etc., petitioner, v.
United States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Claims denied.
No. 1308. Philadelphia Local No. 8 of the International Alliance
of Theatrical Stage Employes and Moving Picture Machine Opera-
tors of the United States (and Canada, petitioner, v. Joseph P. Kelsey.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Third Circuit denied.

No. 1312. Loctite Corporation, petitioner, v. Broadview Chemical

Corporation. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1314. Thomas J. Haggerty, petitioner, v. United States. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 1324. National Building Corporation, petitioner, v. Bendix
Corporation et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals f or the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 1325. Harry Granader, etc., petitioner, v. Public Bank et al.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 1332. Eexall Chemical Company, etc., petitioner, v. National
Labor Relations Board. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 1344. Nishan Paul and Irma Feder, petitioners, v. Dade
County, Florida, et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 1245. School District of Greenville County, etc., et al., peti-
tioners, v.Elaine Whittenberg et al. Motion to dispense with printing
petition granted. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 1287. William B. Aberson, petitioner, v. United States. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Second Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion that
certiorari should be granted. Mr. Justice Marshall took no part in
the consideration or decision of this petition.
No. 1298. Joan S. Neff, Administratrix, petitioner, v. United

United States Court of

States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. The Chief Justice
took no part in the consideration or decision of this petition.
MONDAY, APRIL 2 7, 19 70 373

JNo. 1316. Morris Berman, petitioner, v. Board of Elections, City

of New York, et al. Motion of The Rabbinical Alliance of America
for leave to file a brief, as amicus curiae, granted. Petition for writ
of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Second
Circuit denied.
No. 1176, Misc. Eobert Knox, petitioner, v.Louis S. Nelson, War-
den. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1293, Misc. Rodney Huckabay, petitioner, v. Superior Court,
Los Angeles County. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of
Appeal of California, Second Appellate District, denied.
No. 1451, Misc. Loren Blackwell, petitioner, v. Elmer O. Cady,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the LTnited States Court
of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 1452, Misc. Benjamin Jerrel Brown, petitioner, v. Walter E.
Craven, Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1536, Misc. Leo Glanders, petitioner, v. California. Petition
Court of Appeal of California, Third
for writ of certiorari to the
Appellate District, denied.
No. 1539, Misc. Fred Parshay, petitioner, v. Michigan. Petition
Supreme Court of Michigan denied.
for writ of certiorari to the

No. 1541, Misc. Borbala Kerkai, petitioner, v. Immigration and

Naturalization Service. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit denied.
No. 1601, Misc. Donald Allen Kiger, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 1608, Misc. John O. Hunter, petitioner, v. Harold W. Fol-
lette, Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1631, Misc. Irving Eugene Ney, petitioner, v. California et
al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals

for the Ninth Circuit denied.

No. 1632, Misc. Per ley Louis Wilson, petitioner, v. Secretary of

the United States Navy. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit denied.
No. 1647, Misc. Buddy R, Earnhart, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the District of Columbia Circuit denied.
No. 1674, Misc. James Smiley, petitioner, v. New York. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court
of New York, First Judicial Department, denied.
MONDAY, APRIL 2 7, 1970 374

No. 1679, Misc. Raniiro Hernandez Balderrama, petitioner, v.

United States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 1682, Misc. Robert B. Wilkerson, petitioner, v. Walter E.
Craven, Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1691, Misc. Joseph Elmer Hammond, petitioner, v. United
States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 1694, Misc. Bruce E. Miller, petitioner, v. Henry Wade et al.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 1697, Misc. James X. Conway, petitioner, v. Raymond L.
Procunier, Director of Corrections. Petition for writ of certiorari to
the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1698, Misc. John Edward Daugherty, petitioner, v. Walter E.
Craven, Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1717, Misc. Vernon Murphree, petitioner, v. Mississippi. Peti-
Supreme Court of Mississippi denied.
tion for writ of certiorari to the

No. 1718, Misc. Jesse James Gilbert, petitioner, v. United States.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1746, Misc. James Williams, petitioner, v. New Jersey. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of New Jersey denied.

No. 1747, Misc. Henry Ruiz Martinez, petitioner, v. California.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California,
Second Appellate District, denied.
No. 1749, Misc. Arnold Fernandez, petitioner, v. Harold V. Field,
Superintendent, California Men's Colony. Petition for writ of cer-
tiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
No. 1750, Misc. Teddy Patterson, petitioner, v. South Carolina et
al.Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of South
Carolina denied.
No. 1751, Misc. Louis Zuckerman, petitioner, v. Rita L. Tatarian
et al.Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the First Circuit denied.
No. 1753, Misc. Pete G. Gallegos, petitioner, v. Arizona et al.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals

for the Ninth Circuit denied.
MONDAY, APRIL 27, 19 70 375

No. 1754, Misc. Tommy Glass, petitioner, v. George J. Beto, Di-

rector, Texas Department of Corrections. Petition for writ of certi-
orari to the Court of Criminal Appeals of Texas denied.
No. 1755, Misc. Barry Wayne Brown, petitioner, v. J. D. Cox,
Superintendent, Virginia State Penitentiary. Petition for writ of
certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Cir-
cuit denied.

No. 1756, Misc. Roland Davis, petitioner, v. Harold W. Follette.

Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1757, Misc. David Norman Bushnell, petitioner, v. California.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California,
First Appellate District, denied.
No. 1758, Misc. Lyman A. Moore, petitioner, v. Illinois. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 1759, Misc. Chester E. Baran, petitioner, v. New York. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the Appellate Division of the Supreme
Court of New York, Fourth Judicial Department, denied.
No. 1760, Misc. William C. Witherspoon, petitioner, v. Illinois
et al.Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 1762, Misc. Jerry 1 L. Keane, petitioner, v. John D. Cucurello.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Connecticut
No. 1763, Misc. Richard A. Lauchli, Jr.,petitioner, v. United
States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 1769, Misc. Ermal Brown, petitioner, v. Illinois. Petition for
Supreme Court of Illinois denied.
writ of certiorari to the
No. 1777, Misc. Hazel Hood, petitioner, v. David F. Rice et al.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals of Georgia
No. 1780, Misc. Fred Dale Cragg, petitioner, v. California. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California, Fourth
Appellate District, denied.
No. 1795, Misc. Margaret Walker, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
f or the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 1823, Misc. Clifford H. Middleton, petitioner, v. United
States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit denied.

MONDAY, APRIL 2 7, 19 70 376

No. 1825, Misc. Carl Lovano, petitioner, v. United States. Petition

for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Second Circuit denied.
No. 1838, Misc. David W. Wion, petitioner, v. United States. Peti-

tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the District of Columbia Circuit denied.
No. 1852, Misc. John Mc Williams, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of ceritorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Eighth Circuit denied.

Leave To File Petitions for Writs of Certiorari Denied

No. 1985, Misc. Cowles Communications, Inc., petitioner, v.

Joseph L. Alioto and Judge Bruce R. Thompson. Motion for leave to
file petitions for writs of certiorari denied. Mr. Justice Douglas took

no part in the consideration or decision of this motion.

Leave To File Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus Denied

No. 1939, Misc. LeRoy Thomas Garrett, petitioner, v. Lou V.

Brewer, Warden, et al. Motion for leave to file petition for writ of
habeas corpus denied.
Rehearings Denied

No. 282. United States, petitioner, v. Maclin P. Davis et ux.

No. 573. James A. Watts and Walter B. Blue, petitioners, v.
Seward School Board et al.
No. 794. Fred W. Burdette, Sr., petitioner, v. Tennessee;
No. 1208, Misc. Ozzie Jamerson, petitioner, v. William F. Delhey
et al.
No. 1532, Misc. Ruchell Magee, petitioner, v. D. Whittaker,
Sheriff, et al. ; and
No. 1661, Misc. Ernest Esco Mooney, petitioner, v. United States.
Petitions for rehearing denied.
No. 732. Catherine Johnson, petitioner, v. United States. Petition
for rehearing denied.Mr. Justice Marshall took no part in the con-
sideration or decision of this petition.
No. 882. Boston & Providence Railroad Development Group, peti-
tioner, v.Charles W. Bartlett, Trustee, et al. Petition for rehearing
and for other relief denied.

Recess Order

The Court will take a recess from Monday, May 4, 1970, until
Monday, May 18, 1970,
MONDAY, APRIL 27, 19 70 377

Oral Argument

No. 269. Earl Price, petitioner, v. Georgia. Argued by Mr. Allyn

M. Wallace for the petitioner and by Mr. Mathew Kobins for the
respondent. Memorandum to come.

No. 830. Frank Chambers, petitioner, v. James F. Maroney, Super-

intendent, State Correctional Institution. Argued by Mr. Vincent J.
Grogan for the petitioner and by Miss Carol Mary Los for the re-
spondent, pro hac vice, by special leave of Court.
No. 896. George K.Wyman, etc., et al., appellants, v. Edna Roth-
One hour and forty minutes allowed for oral argument.
stein et al.
Argument commenced by Mr. Philip Weinberg for the appellants and
continued by Mr. Edward Sparer for the appellees and by Mr. Peter L.
Strauss for the United States, as amicus curiae, by special leave of

Adjourned until tomorrow at 10 o'clock.

The day call for Tuesday, April 28, 1970, will be as follows : Nos.
896, 1093, 513, and 4.

TUESDAY, APRIL 28, 1970 378


Present: Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice
Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice
Stewart, Mr. J ustice White, and Mr. Justice Marshall.

Admissions to the Bar

H. Jackson Sillcocks, of New York, N.Y., on motion of Mr. Jacob

Javits Roger Henry Dusberger, of Western Springs, 111., Stanley G.

Mazaroff, of Washington, D.C., and Lee M. Miller, of Silver Spring,

Md., on motion of Mr. Joseph Da vies Ty dings; Lawrence Peter
Cohen, of Peabody, Mass., on motion of Miss Beatrice Rosenberg;
John J. Gaudio, of Denver, Colo., on motion of Mr. Thomas M.
Stewart William M. Mufatti, of East Longmeadow, Mass., on motion

of Mr. Frank L. Neuhauser Irving Bilton, of Chicago, 111., on motion


of Mr. Dean H. Bilton; Richard R. G. Hobson, of Fairfax, Va., and

Robert Dennis McArver, of Fairfax, Va., on motion of Mr. Arthur
P. Scibelli; and Robert Jackson Russell, of Montgomery, Ala., on
motion of Mr. Hall M. Christensen, were admitted to practice.

Oral Argument

No. 896. George K. Wyman,

etc., et al., appellants, v. Edna Roth-

stein et al. Argument continued by Mr. Peter L. Strauss for the

United States, as amicus curiae, by special leave of Court, and con-
cluded by Mr. Philip Weinberg for the appellants.
No. 1093. United States, appellant, v. Phillipsburg National Bank
and Trust Company et al. Argued by Mr. Daniel M. Friedman for
the appellant and by Mr. Philip L. Roache, Jr., and Mr. Robert B.
Meyner for the appellees.
No. 513= In the Matter of Dan A. Spencer, appellant. Argued by
Mr. Melvin L. Wulf for the appellant and by Mr. Neil Dixon for the

Adjourned until tomorrow at 10 o'clock.

The day call for Wednesday, April 29, 1970, will be as follows: Nos.
4,6, 11 (and 20), and 7.

390-278-70 92
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 19 70 379


Present Mr. Chief J ustice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice

Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice

Stewart, Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice Marshall.

Admissions to the Bar

Benjamin No vie off, of Lincoln, Neb., on motion of Mr. Carl T.

Curtis Richard G. Wilson, of Long Beach, Calif., on motion of Mr.

Craig Hosmer; Dallin H. Oaks, of Chicago, 111., on motion of Mr.

Francis X. Beytagh; David Robert Macdonald, of Chicago, 111., on
motion of Mr. Walter A. Slowinski Harry Waldemar Dahl, of Des

Moines, Iowa, on motion of Mr. David Kammerman William R. Ken- ;

nedy, of Monterey, Calif., on motion of Mr. Murdaugh Stuart Madden

Vincent F. De Cain, of Kensington, Md., on motion of Mr. James
Hoagland French; Grady Harve Click, Jr., of Paris, Tex., on motion
of Mr. John Michael Quinlan George R. Baffa, of Falls Church, Va.,

on motion of Mr. St. John Barrett; George R. Nock III, of San

Rafael, Calif., on motion of Mr. Albert W. Harris, Jr. Monica Gal- ;

lagher, of Washington, D.C., on motion of Mr. Frank E. Schwelb;

Joseph J. Previto, of New York, N. Y., on motion of Mr. Albert Henry
Kirchner; Frank P. Maggio, of Rockford, 111., and Charles F.
Thomas, of Rockford, 111., on motion of Mr. John Duff Matthews and ;

Charles Rocco Laurie, of Cleveland, Ohio, on motion of Mr. Weston

Harris Grimsley, were admitted to practice.

Oral Arguaiext

No. 4. Evelle J. Younger, appellant, v. John Harris, Jr., et al.

Reargued by Mr. Albert W. Harris, Jr., for the appellant and by Mr.
A. L. Wirin for the appellees.
No. 6. John S. Boyle, Chief Judge of the Circuit Court of Cook
County, Illinois, et al., appellants, v. Lawrence Landry et al. Reargued
by Mr. Dean H. Bilton for the appellants and by Mr. Ellis E. Reid
for the appellees.

No. 11. George Samuels et al., appellants, v. Thomas J. Mackell,

District Attorney, et al. ; and
No. 20. Fred Fernandez, appellant, v. Thomas J. Mackell, District
Attorney, et al. One and one half hours allowed for reargument. Re-
390-278 —70 93
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 1970 380

argued by Mr. Victor Kabinowitz and Mrs. Eleanor Jackson Piel for
the appellants and by Mr. Frederick J. Ludwig and Mrs. Maria L.
Marcus for the appellees.

No. 7. Lester Gunn et al., appellants, v. University Committee to

End the War in Viet Nam et al. Reargument commenced by Mr. David
W. Louisell for the appellants.

Adjourned until tomorrow at 10 o'clock.

The day call for Thursday, April 30, 1970, will be as follows: Nos.
7, 565 and 1149.

THURSDAY, APRIL 3 0, 19 70 381


Present: Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice
Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice Stew-
art, Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice Marshall.

Admissions to the Bar

Ronald Ray Frauenshuh, of Paynesville, Minn., on motion of Mr.

Clark MacGregor; Melvin Arnold Coffe, of Denver, Colo., on motion
of Mr. Byron G. Rogers E. Fulton
; Brylawski, of Washington, D.C.,
on motion of Mr. Fulton M. Brylawski Herbert S. Swartz, of Brook-

line, Mass., on motion of Mr. Nathan Lewin Merrill Shields Finnell,


of Holliday, Tex., on motion of Mr. Ira Hersey Pearce Richard M. ;

Bertsch, of Cleveland, Ohio, and A. S. Johnston, III, of Biloxi, Miss.,

on motion of Mr. James J. Clancy and Richard Stephen Arkow, of

Bayside, N.Y., Gordon B. Fields, of Portland, Oreg., William C. Lan-

ham, of Birmingham, Ala., Erik Christian Larsen, of Winter Park,
Fla., Ronald L. Naquin, of New Orleans, La., Richard Paul Noland,

of Houston, Tex., Robert Kelly Raulerson, of DuPont, Ga., and David

W. Schoenberg, of Chicago, 111., on motion of Mr. Robert Stephen

Poydasheff, were admitted to practice.

Oral Argument

No. 7. Lester Gunn et al., appellants, v. University Committee to

End the War in Viet Nam et al. Reargument continued by Mr. David
W. Louisell for the appellants, by Mr. Sam Houston Clinton, Jr., for
the appellees and concluded by Mr. David W. Louisell for the

No. 565. Frank Dyson, Chief of Police, City of Dallas, et al.,

appellants, v. Brent Stein. Argued by Mr. Lonny F. Zweiner for the
appellants and by Mr. David R. Richards for the appellee.
No. 1149. Garrett H. Byrne, etc., et al., appellants, v. Serafim
Karalexis et al. One hour and forty minutes allowed for oral argu-
ment. Argued by Mr. Robert H. Quinn for the appellants, by Mr.
Francis X. Beytagh for the United States, as amicus curiae, by spe-
cial leave of Court, and by Mr. Nathan Lewis and Mr. Edward de
Grazia for the appellees.

Adjourned until Monday, May 4, 1970, at 10 o'clock.

The day call for Monday, May 4, 1970, will be as follows: No. 13.
390-278—70 94
MONDAY, MAT 4, 1970


Present Mr. Chief J ustice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice

Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice

Stewart, Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice Marshall.

Admissions to the Bar

William Maston Boyd, of McKinney, Tex., and John Edward

Gay, of McKinney, Tex., on motion of Mr. Justice Tom C. Clark;
Mark L. Kosen, of Yonkers, N. Y., Joseph P. Pamelia, Jr., of Spring-
field, Mass., Stanley M. Lewis, of Plainfield, N.J, Paul Christopher

Saunders, of Washington, D.C., Joseph Leo Tierney, III, of West

Islip, N.Y., William Johnson Waggoner, of Charlotte, N.C., Joel S.
Moskowitz, of Cincinnati, Ohio, Richard Lawrence Norton, of Cin-
cinnati, Ohio, Sylvan P. Reisenfeld, of Cincinnati, Ohio, and Udo
H. Specht, of Pampa, Tex., on motion of Mr. Solicitor General Erwin
N. Griswold; Clark R. Mollenhoff, of Washington, D.C., and Wm.
C. Hemphill, of Clarincla, Iowa, on motion of Mr. Jack Miller Thom-;

as R. Bay less, of Lakeland, Fla., William Franklin Casler, of St.

Petersburg, Fla,, William E. Henson, Jr., of Tampa, Fla., Charles
Parkhill Mays, Jr., of Lakeland, Fla., and Robert Perry Murray, of
Lakeland, Fla., on motion of Mr. Spessard Holland; M. Marlene
David, of Arlington, Va., on motion of Mr. Roman L. Hruska; Chil-
ton Bryan, of Houston, Tex., on motion of Mr. Bob Casey; Frederic
C. Tausend, of Seattle, Wash., on motion of Mr. Brock Adams;
Willard D. Dover, of Fort Lauderdale, Fla,, on motion of Mr. Louis
Frey, Jr. Guy Brinkley, of Piggott, Ark., on motion of Mr. William

Vollie Alexander, Jr. Larry Francis Hobbs, of Morrison, Colo., and


Leonard Norton Waldbaum, of Denver, Colo., on motion of Mr. Don-

ald G. Brotzman Joseph Paul Des Pres, of Niagara Falls, N. Y., and

Richard H. Scalzo, of Niagara Falls, N.Y., on motion of Mr. Henry

P. Smith 3rd Neil D. MacKerron, of Bridgton, Me., on motion of Mr.

Peter N. Kyros; Arnold Taylor, of Covington, Ky., on motion of

Miss Alice L. O'Donnell.
Marna Susan Tucker, of Washington, D.C., on motion of Mr. E.
Barrett Prettyman, Jr. John Charles Carlson, of Wenatchee, Wash.,

on motion of Mr. Stewart French Willis Hannawalt, of San Fran-


cisco, Calif., and Vivian Hannawalt, of San Francisco, Calif., on

motion of Mr. Noble McCartney Robert Dean Smith, III, of Little


Rock, Ark., on motion of Mr. Joe E. Purcell; Edward M. Borges,

of San Juan, P.R., on motion of Mr. Walter A. Slowinski William;

McDowell Hill, of Conroe, Tex., on motion of Mr. Fritz-Alan Korth ;

390-278—70 95
MONDAY, MAY 4, 19 70 383

George W. Ferguson, Jr., of Charlotte, N.C., on motion of Mr. Mait-

land Guy Freed Barry I. Goldman, of Los Angeles, Calif., on motion

of Mr. Plato E. Papps William

; J. Bunch, of Aurora, 111., and Stanley
Ayers Weller, of Lisle, 111., on motion of Mr. Stanton P. Sender Don

Michael Huckabay, of Little Rock, Ark., on motion of Mr. Thomas

Jefferson Gentry Thomas L. Zebert, of Jackson, Miss., on motion of

Mr. Wm. Ephriam Cresswell; Philip Pickett Pendergrass, of Oak-

dale, Calif., on motion of Mr. Jack W. Bain; Vincent Raymond
O'Neill, of Washington, D.C., on motion of Mr. John Damian Valenti
Raymond G. Leffler, of BriarclifF Manor, N.Y., on motion of Mr.
Michael R. Klein Allan R. Cole, of Cleveland, Ohio, and Stephen D.

Kahn, of Washington, D.C., on motion of Mr. Jerry M. Hamovit;

W. Preston Germain, of Pittsburgh, Pa., on motion of Mr. Ezra G.
Benedict Fox; Richard E. Burns, of New York, N.Y., on motion of
Mr. Bruce A. Burns; Donald Bryson Roe, of Oak Ridge, Tenn., on
motion of Mr. Justinus Gould Glen N. Armitage, of Ballston Lake,

N.Y., on motion of Mr. Andrew J. McGarraghy; Emanuel Nadliii,

of Dayton, Ohio, on motion of Mr. Franklin C. Salsbury Richard E.

Erwin, of Ventura, Calif., and Joseph G. Glass, of Louisville, Ky.,

on motion of Mr. Glen R. Murphy Robert S. Beer, of Rochester, N. Y.,

on motion of Mr. Samuel Dash Salem J. Rogers, of Fort Lauderdale,


Fla., on motion of Mrs. Dorothy H. Moore Sherman Peter Gorshel,


of Lynnfield, Mass., on motion of Mr. Warren M. Davison; William

Barnabas McHenry, of New York, N.Y., on motion of Mr. Conrad
Kenneth Harper.
Wm. Jarrel Smith, Jr., of Pamap, Tex., on motion of Mr. John
Page Marshall Joseph Clinton Sumner, Jr., of Rome, Ga., on motion

of Mr. John W. Davis; Golden W. Robbins, of Salt Lake City, Utah,

on motion of Mr. William H. Henderson; Alan S. Goldberg, of
Miami, Fla., Martin J. Harty, of Chicago, 111., George Michael Rup-
pert, of Arlington, Va., Thomas H. Kirkpatrick, of Washington,
D.C., Albert James Riedinger, of Washington, DC, Simon Littman,
of Silver Spring, Md., Arthur Lowy, of Bethesda, Md., Floyd M.
Phillips, of New Carrollton, Md., Barney Riley Putnam, Jr., of
Columbia, Md., and Ronald Wartow, of Baltimore, Md., on motion
of Mr. Paul Gerald Dembling Mary Goeke Backsman, of Cincinnati,

Ohio, Robert Louis Bucciere, of Cincinnati, Ohio, Joseph Edward

Collins, of Cincinnati, Ohio, Richard Barry Dusterberg, of Cincin-
nati, Ohio, Aloysius J. Goeke, of Cincinnati, Ohio, Earl J. Goldsmith,
Jr., of Cincinnati, Ohio, Emil Carl Farkas, of Cincinnati, Ohio, Al-

bert R, Fingerman, of Cincinnati, Ohio, Peter J. McCarthy, Jr., of

Cincinnati, Ohio, Vernon W. McDaniel, of Cincinnati, Ohio, Braden
A. Mechley, of Cincinnati, Ohio, Mary Ann Overholt, of Cincinnati,
Ohio, John Hall Rice, of Hamilton, Ohio, Robert L. Schwartz, of
Cincinnati, Ohio, William Thomas Sheffield, of Cincinnati, Ohio,
MONDAY, MAY 4, 19 70 384

Walter Francis Smith, of Cincinnati, Ohio, Eugene J. Utz, of Cin-

cinnati, Ohio, Lee J. Vesper, of Cincinnati, Ohio, Harold Wagner, of
Cincinnati, Ohio, Arthur Howard Williams, of Cincinnati, Ohio, and
Martin Maurice Young, of Cincinnati, Ohio, on motion of Mr. Solicitor
General Erwin N. Griswold; Richard C. Anthony, of Los Angeles,
Calif., Peter Thomas Galiano, of Burlingame, Calif., Donald H. Wol-
lett, of Davis, Calif., Martin A. Gould, of West Hartford, Conn., Theo-

dore G. Frankel, of Atlanta, Ga., R. W. Deffenbaugh, of Springfield,

111., Robert R. Arnold, of Wichita, Kans., Ward Dunham Martin, of

Topeka, Kans., Frank G. Chapman, of Gardiner, Me., Robert H. Chan-

in, of Silver Spring, Md., Walter S. Levin, of Baltimore, Md., David
Rubin, of Silver Spring, Md., Theodore W. Swift, of Lansing, Mich.,
Harvey I. Wax, of Southfield, Mich., Clinton J. Hall, of Minneapolis,
Minn., Donald L. James, of St. Louis, Mo., Daniel T. Rabbitt, J r., of
St. Louis, Mo., Cassel R. Ruhlman, Jr., of Trenton, N.J., Jack B. Mid-
dleton, of Manchester, N.H., Richard R. Rowley, of Albany, N.Y.,
Daniel J. Chapman, of Bismarck, N. Dak., Lewis F. Adler, of Harris-
burg, Pa,, Clarence C. Morrison, of Harrisburg, Pa., Owens T. Cobb,
of Columbia, S.C., Charles F. Burns, of Austin, Tex., J ames Ed-
ward Betts, of Richmond, Va., George M. Mack, of Seattle, Wash.,
Richard L. Cates, of Madison, Wis., Robert C. Kelly, of Madison, Wis.,
Richard Perry, of Milwaukee, Wis., and Charles E. Graves, of Chey-
enne, Wyo., on motion of Mr. Robert P. Griffin.
Lawrence David Breck, of Pittsburgh, Pa. Marshall J. Conn, of
Pittsburgh, Pa., Joseph Michael Coyle, of Pittsburgh, Pa., John
Louis Doherty, of Pittsburgh, Pa., William J. Engel, of Pittsburgh,
Pa., Marion K. Finkelhor, of Pittsburgh, Pa., Larry P. Gaitens, of
Pittsburgh, Pa., Edward I. Goldberg, of Pittsburgh, Pa., Victor P.
Gottschall, of Pittsburgh, Pa., Henry Gusky, of Pittsburgh, Pa., Ed-
ward A. Heights, of Pittsburgh, Pa., Charles W. Hergenroeder, Jr., of
Pittsburgh, Pa., Thomas H. M. Hough, of Pittsburgh, Pa., Michael
B. Kaleugher, Jr., of Pittsburgh, Pa., Leo J. Kelly, of Pittsburgh, Pa.,
Daniel Krause, of Pittsburgh, Pa., James Craighead Kuhn, Jr., of
Pittsburgh, Pa., Alexander Heilman Lindsay, of Pittsburgh, Pa.,
Frank J. Lucchino, of Pittsburgh, Pa., Joseph Manion Ludwig, of
Pittsburgh, Pa., Owen B. McManus, Jr., of Pittsburgh, Pa., William
A. Meyer, Jr., of Pittsburgh, Pa., Howard A. Minsky, of Pittsburgh,
Pa., John Howard Neely, of Pittsburgh, Pa., Maurice A. Nernberg,
Jr., of Pittsburgh, Pa., Lawrence B. Niemann, of Pittsburgh, Pa.,

Daniel Patch, of Pittsburgh, Pa., Joseph S. Rosenbaum, of Pittsburgh,

Pa., Robert Deane Rowley, Jr., of Pittsburgh, Pa., Richard C. Sea-
mans, of Pittsburgh, Pa., Alan H. Sperling, of Pittsburgh, Pa., Wil-
liam G. Sutter, Jr., of Pittsburgh, Pa., William F. Swanson, Jr., of
Pittsburgh, Pa., Benjamin E. Thomas, Jr., of Pittsburgh, Pa., Andrew
C. Van Gorder, of Pittsburgh, Pa., James Victor Voss, of Pittsburgh,
MONDAY, MAY 4, 19 70 385

Pa., George Michael Weis, of Pittsburgh, Pa., Nancy Welfer, of Pitts-

burgh, Pa., Thomas C. Wettach, of Pittsburgh, Pa., Joseph A. Wil-
liams, of Pittsburgh, Pa., and Lester E. Zittrain, of Pittsburgh, Pa., on

motion of Mr. Solicitor General Erwin N. Griswold.

Miriam D. Balanoff, of Chicago, 111., John J. Bresingham, of
Oak Forest, 111., Ronald Buikema, of South Holland, 111., John R.
Davis, of Chicago, 111., Harry Edward De Bruyn, of Evergreen
Park, 111., Arthur E. Dillner, of Dolton, 111., William F. Donahue,
of Harvey, 111., Cedric N. Forbes, of Harvey, 111., Bruce G. Hillstrom,
of Chicago, 111., Michael Hinko, of South Holland, 111., Daniel L.
Hughes, of Flossmoor, 111., Peter H. Huizenga, of Western Springs,
111., Richard S. Jemilo, of Chicago Heights, 111., Gerald Karwoski,

of Glenwood, 111., John R. Krupa, of Chicago Heights, 111., Lawrence

Lawless, of Park Forest, 111., Anthony J. Lepore, of Hinsdale, 111.,
Jeffrey Allan Malak, of Calumet City, 111., George M. Marovich, of
South Holland, 111., Dwain D. Marsh, of Harvey, 111., William K.
Murphy, of Homewood, 111., Frank M. Ozinga, of Evergreen Park,
111., Richard J. Petrarca, of Chicago Heights, 111., Henry C. Piel, of

Harvey, 111., Edwin J. Richardson, Jr., of Dolton, 111., Maurino R.

Richton, of Chicago Heights, 111., John Franklin Rosch, of Hinsdale,
111., Cheater J. Stasack, of Dolton, 111., John Merrill Van Der AA,

of South Holland, 111., Stanley A. Wilczynski, Jr., of Chicago Heights,

111., Quentin H. Wood, of Park Forest, 111., and Ralph H. Young,

of Riverdale, 111., on motion of Mr. John N. Erlenborn; Joel Ronald

Ax, of New York, N.Y., Irwin Bernstein, of New York, N.Y., Albert
W. Cornachio, of New York, N.Y., Gene Crescenzi, of Bronx, N.Y.,
Irving Damast, of Spring Valley, N.Y., Dinah M. Davis, of New
York, N.Y., Alfred F. M. de Prado, of Yonkers, N.Y., Frank J.
Durkin, of Bronx, N.Y., Minna J. Edelman, of Bronx, N.Y., Samuel I.
Edelman, of Bronx, N.Y., Herbert J. Feuer, of Bronx, N.Y., Joseph T.
Flynn, of New York, N.Y., Harry Fogier, of New York, N.Y., Dimi-
trios C. Fotopoulos, of New York, N.Y., Abraham C. Frydman, of

Scarsdale, N.Y., Gerald Philip Goldsmith, of New York, N.Y., Alf red
Geisinger, of New Rochelle, N.Y., Erwin Greenwald, of New York,
N.Y., Bernard Halfond, of Bronx, N.Y., Lawrence Halfond, of New
York, N.Y., Stuart Halpern, of New York, N.Y., Norman Harris,
of San Francisco, Calif., Julian M. Kleban, of New York, N.Y.,
Martin B. Klein, of Bronx, N.Y., Seymour Landau, of Bronx, N.Y.,
Arlindo D. Lenti, of New York, N.Y., Murray Richman, of Bronx,
N.Y., Joaquin Rivera, of New York, N.Y., John B. Segall, of San
Mateo, Calif., Alexander J. Severi, of Bronx, N.Y., Charles J. G.
Spiegel, Jr., of New York, N.Y., Marvin Stillman, of Queens, N.Y.,
John J. Sulger, of New York, N.Y., and Samuel P. Tolisano, of
Bronx, N.Y., on motion of Mr. Jacob H. Gilbert.
MONDAY, MAY 4, 19 70 386

Michael Bard, of Marblehead, Mass., Leonard C. Jacques, of Detroit,

Mich., Joel D. Landry, of Providence, R.I., Orville E. Pitts, of Mil-
waukee, Wis., Werner G. Puppa, of Union City, N.J., Michael A.
Sileo, Jr., of Richardson, Tex., Frederick Bertram Haig Bartlett, of
Washington, D.C., John Y. P. Billings, of Wallingford, Conn., Donald
Jules Boday, of Washington, D.C., Edward Calvin Golumbic, of
Washington, D.C., Eileen Ardyce Hansen, of Washington, D.C.,
Erskine H. Hatfield, of Washington, D.C., Anthony C. Morella, of
of Washington, D.C., Anna Mary Paniczko, of Washington, D.C.,
Stephen J. Smith, of Washington, D.C., Gerald W. Vesper, of Wash-
ington, D.C., George H. Williams, of Washington, D.C., Stacy L.
Williams, of Washington, D.C., John Edward Becker, of Takoma
Park, Md., Abraham Brooks, of Silver Spring, Md., Bobby Ray Gay,
of Oxon Hill, Md., Ronald G. Kane, of Rockville, Md., Harry Kranz,
of Bethesda, Md., Bruce Magazine, of Silver Spring, Md., Stuart
Irwin Schwartz, of Laurel, Md., Clarence J. Von Drehle, of Bethesda,
Md., Daniel B. Wiegers, of Rockville, Md., John R. Barber, of Arling-
ton, Ya., John Chevalier, Jr., of Alexandria, Ya., Thomas H. Dameron,
of Alexandria, Ya., Hampton Davis, of Yienna, Ya., Brian Joseph
Donnelly, of Arlington, Ya., Martin Fogel, of Arlington, Ya., Bonnie
L. Gay, of McLean, Ya., William Jan Gay, of McLean, Ya., Clyde J.
Hampton, Jr., of Alexandria, Ya., Lee B. Holmes, of Springfield, Ya.,
Yirgil H. Jeffries, of Yienna, Ya., William Russell Murphy, of
Manassas, Ya., Marion Parsons, Jr., of Springfield, Ya., Richard A.
Peterson, of McLean, Ya., Wayne "B" Stone, Jr., of Arlington, Ya.,
William T. Stone, of Williamsburg, Ya., and Charles Edward Taylor,
of Fairfax, Ya., on motion of Mr. B. J. Tennery, were admitted to
No. 270. Robert M. Brady, petitioner, v. United States. On writ of
certiorari to theUnited States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit.
Judgment affirmed. Opinion by Mr. Justice White. Mr. Justice Black,
while adhering to his belief that United States v. Jackson, 390 U.S.
570, was wrongly decided, concurs in the judgment and in substantially
all of the opinion in this case. Opinion by Mr. Justice Brennan with

whom Mr. Justice Douglas and Mr. Justice Marshall join concurring
in the result in this case and dissenting in No. 268, post.

No. 153. Daniel McMann, Warden, et al., petitioners, v. Willie

Richardson et al. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Second Circuit. Judgments vacated and case re-
manded to the Court of Appeals for further proceedings in conformity
with the opinion of this Court. Opinion by Mr. Justice White. Mr.
Justice Black, while still adhering to his dissent in Jackson v. Denno,
378 U.S. 368, 401-423, concurs in the Court's opinion and judgment

390-278- 70 96
MONDAY, MAY 4, 19 70 387

in this case. Dissenting opinion by Mr. Justice Brennan with whom Mr.
Justice Douglas and Mr. Justice Marshall join.
No. 268. Charles Lee Parker, petitioner, North Carolina. On
writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals ofNorth Carolina. Judg-
ment affirmed. Opinion by Mr. Justice White. Concurring opinion by
Mr. Justice Black. Opinion by Mr. Justice Brennan with Mr. Justice
Douglas and Mr. Justice Marshall join dissenting in this case and
concurring in the result in No. 270, ante.
No. 135. Frederick Walz, appellant, v. Tax Commission of the
City of New York. Appeal from the Court of Appeals of New York.
Judgment affirmed. Opinion by Mr. Chief Justice Burger. Concur-
ring opinion by Mr. Justice Brennan. Separate opinion by Mr. Justice
Harlan. Dissenting opinion by Mr. Justice Douglas.
No. 399. Daniel Rowan, dba American Book Service, et al., appel-
United States Post Office Department et al. Appeal from the
lants, v.
United States District Court for the Central District of California.
Judgment affirmed. Opinion by Mr. Chief Justice Burger. Concurring
opinion by Mr. Justice Brennan with whom Mr. Justice Douglas

No. 513. In the Matter of Dan A. Spencer, appellant. Appeal from

the Supreme Court of Louisiana. Judgment affirmed by an equally
divided Court. Opinion per curiam announced by Mr. Chief Justice

The Chief Justice said

"Today's orders of the Court have been certified by the Chief Jus-
with the Clerk, and will not be announced orally."
tice, filed

Opinions Per Curiam

No. 893. Bell Lines, Inc., et al., appellants, v. United States et al.
Appeal from the United States District Court for the Southern Dis-
trict of West Virginia. Judgment affirmed. Opinion per curiam.

No. 1288. Tex Tan Welhausen Company et al., petitioners, v. Na-

tional Labor Eelations Board. On petition for writ of certiorari to
the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. Petition for
writ of certiorari granted, judgment vacated and case remanded to
the Court of Appeals for further consideration in light of H. K. Porter
Co., Inc., v. National Labor Relations Board, 397 U.S. 99. Opinion
per curiam. Mr. Justice Douglas dissents to the remand.
No. 1379. Nelson A. Eockefeller, Governor of the State of New
York, et al., appellants, v. Catholic Medical Center of Brooklyn and
Queens, Inc., Division of St. Mary's Hospital, et al. Appeal from the
MONDAY, MAY 4, 1970 388

United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York.
Judgment vacated and case remanded to the United States District
Court for the Eastern District of New York so that it may enter a
fresh decree from which timely appeal may be taken to the Court of
Appeals. Opinion per curiam. Mr. Justice Douglas concurs in the

No. 1345, Misc. Kuth J. Jefferson et al., appellants, v. Burton Gr.

Hackney, Commissioner of the State Department of Public Welfare,
et al. Appeal from the United States District Court for the Northern
District of Texas. Motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis
granted. Judgment vacated and case remanded to the United States
District Court for the Northern District of Texas for further con-
sideration in light of Rosado v. Wyman, 397 U.S. 397. Opinion per
Orders in Pending Cases

No. 1033. Samuel J. Abate, etc., et al., petitioners, v. Paul F.

Mundt et al. The motion to advance is denied.
No. 1058. Ida Phillips, petitioner, v. Martin Marietta Corpora-
tion. The motion of Human Eights for Women, Inc., for leave to file a
brief, as amicus curiae, is granted.

Appeal —Jurisdiction Noted

No. 134, Misc. James Palmer, appellant, v. City of Euclid, Ohio.

Appeal from the Supreme Court of Ohio. Motion for leave to pro-
ceed in forma pauperis granted. In this case probable jurisdiction
noted. Case transferred to the appellate docket and placed on the
summary calendar.
Certiorari Granted

No. 1373. Ocala Star-Banner Company et al., petitioners, v.

Leonard Damron. Petition for writ of certiorari to the District Court

of Appeal of Florida, First District, granted. Case placed on the
summary calendar and set for oral argument immediately following
No. 891.
No. 1383. William Ward Ehlert, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-
of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
tition for writ
the Ninth Circuit granted and case placed on the summary calendar.
No, 380, Misc. Eugene Griffin r etc., et al., petitioners, v. Lavon
Breckenridge et al. Motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis
and petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Ap-
peals for the Fifth Circuit granted. Case transferred to the appellate
docket and placed on the summary calendar.
MONDAY, MAY 4, 19 70 389

Certiorari Denied

No. 1284. Sidney Fleck et al., petitioners, v. Cleveland Bar Asso-

writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
ciation. Petition for
Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 1319. Albert Shlom, petitioner, v. United States. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Sec-
ond Circuit denied.
No. 1321. Nathan Greenberg, petitioner, v. Anna Shirley Burglass
Dunker. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of
Louisiana denied.
No. 1327. Joyce Cordner Olpin et al., petitioners, v. Ideal National
Insurance Company et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit denied.
No. 1328. The Belt & Terminal Realty Company et al., petitioners,
v. John B. Hopkins et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Su-
preme Court of Ohio denied.
No. 1329. G. Wray Gill et al., petitioners, v. Edwin B. Duncan
et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of Louisi-
ana, Fourth Circuit, denied.
No. 1333. Reuben Lenske et al., petitioners, v. Sidney Steinberg
et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1334. Erich O. Grunebaum et al., petitioners, v. Commissioner
of Internal Revenue. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1337. Bernard M. Decker, United States District Judge, et al.,
petitioners, v. Harper & Row Publishers, Inc., et al. Petition for writ
of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh
Circuit denied.
No. 1339. Nancy Tomakin Copeland, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1352. Walter V. Tyminski, petitioner, v. United States. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1354. Fred E. Yyse and William Krolick, petitioners, v. Rob-
ert 0. Lowery, as Fire Commissioner of the Fire Department of the
City of New York, et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court
of Appeals of New York denied.
No. 1366. Michael Porter Leavy, petitioner, v. United States. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Ninth Circuit denied.
MONDAY, MAY 4, 19 70 390

No. 1254. E. B. &

A. C. Whiting Company, petitioner, v. Gilbert
Shaw writ of certiorari to the United States of
et al. Petition for
Appeals for the Second Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice
Douglas and Mr. Justice White are of the opinion that certiorari should
be granted.
No. 1322. Mesilla Valley Flying Service, Inc., petitioner, v. Cessna
Finance Corporation. Motion to dispense with printing petition
granted. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of New
Mexico denied.
No. 1326. Alaska, petitioner, v. Walter J. Hickel, Secretary of
the Interior, et al. Motion of The Alaska Federation of Natives for
leave to file a brief, as amicus curiae, granted. Petition for writ of
certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Cir-
cuit denied.

No. 830, Misc. Richard Logan McFarland, petitioner, v. United

States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 1200, Misc. Francis Marino, petitioner, v. Pennsylvania. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania,
Eastern District, denied.
No. 1244, Misc. Edward Herman Smith, petitioner, v. Florida. Pe-
tition forwrit of certiorari to the District Court of Appeal of Florida,
Third District, denied.
No. 1497, Misc. Roy Marx, petitioner, v. J. Edwin LaVallee, War-
den. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1568, Misc. William Howard Woods, petitioner, v. Ohio. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to theSupreme Court of Ohio denied.
No. 1709, Misc. Earl F. Mink, petitioner, v. The Upjohn Com-
pany. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Michigan
No. 1719, Misc. Thomas Clayton McMurry, petitioner, v. Ken-
tucky et al. Petition or writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.

No. 1723, Misc. James W. Strickland, petitioner, v. North Caro-

lina et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 1725, Misc. Roberta E. Nissley, Administratrix of the Estate
ofKenneth N. Nissley, deceased, petitioner, v. The Pennsylvania Rail-
road Company. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of
Pennsylvania, Eastern District, denied.
MONDAY, MAY 4, 19 70 391

No. 1734, Misc. Eugene Lassiter, petitioner, v. United States Pos-

tal Department et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit denied.
No. 1737, Misc. Thomas Frank Carroll, petitioner, v. William S.
Neil,Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 1745, Misc. Edward James Durham, petitioner, v. California.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of California
No. 1748, Misc. Robert L. Wilson, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 1770, Misc. Robert C. Harris, petitioner, v. P. J. Ciccone, Di-
rector, Medical Center for Federal Prisoners. Petition for writ of cer-
tiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit
No. 1771, Misc. Robert O. Gilmore, Jr., petitioner, v. California
et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Ap-
peals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1774, Misc. Richard Richeson, petitioner, v. Sheriff of Coles
County, Illinois, et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme
Court of Illinois denied.
No. 1781, Misc. Raymond W. Epperson, petitioner, v. Maryland.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Special Appeals of
Maryland denied.
No. 1790, Misc. Bernard Stroble, petitioner, v. Vincent R. Man-
cusi, Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1791, Misc. John W. Shuford, petitioner, v. Stenographer
Clerk, City of Buffalo. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Ap-
pellate Division of the Supreme Court of New York, Fourth Judicial
Department, denied.
No. 1807, Misc. Dale W. DeMille, petitioner, v. Phyllis Erickson.
Supreme Court of Utah denied.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the
No. 1811, Misc. Jerry Spencer Diamond, petitioner, v. United
States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1812, Misc. Sammy Carrillo, petitioner, v. New Mexico. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals of New Mexico
No. 1813, Misc. Arthur E. Small, Jr., petitioner, v. United States
Board of Parole. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit denied.
MONDAY, MAY 4, 19 70 392

No. 1814, Misc. Anthony Alfredo Reserva, petitioner, v. Cali-

fornia. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of Cali-
fornia, Fourth Appellate District, denied.
No. 1815, Misc. John F. Beltowski, petitioner, v. Jack G. Young,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Eighth Circuit denied.
No. 1817, Misc. Victor D. Vaughn, petitioner, v. Missouri. Peti-
Supreme Court of Missouri denied.
tion for writ of certiorari to the

No. 1833, Misc. Eoger Johnson, petitioner, v. Michigan. Petition

Supreme Court of Michigan denied.
for writ of certiorari to the
No. 1843, Misc. Harry A. Lehman, III, petitioner, v. New Jersey.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Superior Court of New Jersey,
Appellate Division, denied.
No. 1845, Misc. William Francis Collins, petitioner, v. United
States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit denied.
No. 1850, Misc. Noel Windle Holt Alexander, petitioner, v. United
States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 1854, Misc. Larry Edward Stead, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Eighth Circuit denied.
No. 1856, Misc. John Beckett, petitioner, v. New Jersey. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Superior Court of New J ersey Appellate

Division, denied.
No. 1858, Misc. Luis Morales, petitioner, v. Walter E. Craven,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1860, Misc. Thomas Sherrod, petitioner, v. Warden, Maryland
House of Correction. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 1863, Misc. Francisco Guerrero, petitioner, v. George J. Beto,
Director, Texas Department of Corrections. Petition for writ of
certiorari to the Court of Criminal Appeals of Texas denied.

No. 1865, Misc. Donald Wayne Dishman, petitioner, v. C. J. Fitz-

harris, Superintendent, California Training Facility, et al. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of California denied.
No. 1868, Misc. Michael George Vladika, petitioner, v. Paul J.
Gernert,etc. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Third Circuit denied.
No. 1879, Misc. Rosa Eeyes-Mezo DePolanco, petitioner, v. United
States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
MONDAY, MAY 4, 19 70 393

Leave To File Petitions for Writs of Habeas Corpus Denied

No. 1189, Misc. Freddie Lee Pitts and Wilbert (Slingshot) Lee,
petitioners v. Louie L. Wainwright, Director, Florida Division of
Corrections, et al. ; and
No. 1861, Misc. Anderson B. Norsworthy, petitioner, v. Harold
V. Field, Superintendent. Motions for leave to file petitions for writs
of habeas corpus denied.

Leave To File Petitions for Writs of Mandamus Denied

No. 1797, Misc. L. G. Kuderer, petitioner, v. James H. Meredith,

Judge and;

No. 1862, Misc. L. G. Ruderer, petitioner, v. Eoy W. Harper,

Judge and;

No. 1808, Misc. Gerald Setzer, petitioner, v. United States District

Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Motions for leave to
file petitions for writs of mandamus denied.

Rehearing Denied

No. 1328, October Term, 1968. Betty Levin et al., petitioners, v.

Missouri Pacific Railroad Company and;

No. 1333, October Term, 1968. Rose Slay ton et al., petitioners, v.
Missouri Pacific Railroad Company. Motion for leave to file petition
for rehearing denied. The Chief Justice took no part in the considera-
tion or decision of this motion.

No. 1900, Misc., October Term, 1968. Sal vat ore Rispo, Jr., peti-
Pennsylvania. Motion for leave to file a second petition for
tioner, v.
rehearing denied. The Chief Justice took no part in the consideration
or decision of this motion.

No. 347. David G. Cain et al., appellants, v. Kentucky

No. 852. Hyman Sternman, petitioner, v. L'nited States
No. 1182. Morton K. Ohlson et al., appellants, v. Kenneth Phillips
v. Oklahoma ex rel. Department
No. 1204. Leon Madole, petitioner,
of Highways of the State of Oklahoma and ;

No. 1238. Elam Reamuel Temple, petitioner, v. The North Caro-

lina State Bar. Petitions for rehearing denied.
No. 825. Harry P. Hutul, petitioner, v. LTnited States. Motion for
]eave to file petition for rehearing denied.

No. 1332, Misc. David Michael Rehfield, petitioner, v. United

States. Petition for rehearing denied.
MONDAY, MAT 4, 19 70 394


It is ordered that the call for the calendar, except for special as-
signments, be suspended for the term upon the conclusion of the argu-
ments in the case listed for hearing this week.

Oral Argument

No. 13. William L. Maxwell, petitioner, v. O. E. Bishop, Superin-

tendent, Arkansas State Penitentiary. Two hours allowed for re-
argument. Reargued by Mr. Anthony G. Amsterdam for the peti-
tioner, by Mr. Don Langston for the respondent and by Mr. Albert
W. Harris, Jr., for the State of California, as amicus curiae, by special
leave of Court.

No. 1337. Bernard M. Decker, United States District Judge, et al.,

petitioners, v.Harper & Row, Publishers, Inc., et al. The order entered
today denying certiorari is hereby, revoked. The petition for a writ of
certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Cir-
cuit it granted and the case is placed on the summary calendar.

Adjourned until Monday, May 18, 1970, at 10 o'clock.

THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1970 395


Present Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice

Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice

Stewart, Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice Marshall.


No. Garrett H. Byrne, petitioner, v. P.B.I.C., Inc., et al.


The stay heretofore issued by the United States District Court for the
District of Massachusetts staying its injunction dated May 6. 1970,
is extended through May 22, 1970.

390-278—70 97
MONDAY, MAY 18, 1970 396


Present : Mr. Chief J ustice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice
Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice
Stewart, and Mr. Justice White.


No. 440. National Labor Relations Board, petitioner, v. Raytheon

Company et al. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. J udgments reversed and case remanded
to the Court of Appeals for consideration of the petition for enforce-
ment on its merits. Opinion by Mr. Justice Marshall announced by
Mr. Justice Stewart.
No. 413. Greenbelt Cooperative Publishing Association, Inc., et al.,

petitioners, v. Charles S. Bresler. On writ of certiorari to the Court

of Appeals of Maryland. Judgment reversed and case remanded to the
Court of Appeals of Maryland for further proceedings not inconsistent
with the opinion of this Court. Opinion by Mr. Justice Stewart. Con-
curring opinion by Mr. J ustice White. Mr. Justice Black with whom
Mr. Justice Douglas joins, concurs in the judgment of the Court for
the reasons set out in Mr. Justice Black's concurring opinion in New
York Times Co. v. Sullivan 376 U.S. 254, 293 (1964) in his concurring

and dissenting opinion in Curtis Publishing Co. v. Butts, 388 U.S.

130, 170 (1967), and in Mr. Justice Douglas' concurring opinion in
Garrison v. Louisiana, 379 U.S. 64, 80 (1964).
No. 678. James G. et al., petitioners, v. United States. On
United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth
writ of certiorari to the
Circuit. Judgement reversed and case remanded to the Court of Ap-
peals for further proceedings in conformity with the opinion of this
Court. Opinion by Mr. Justice Douglas. Dissenting opinion by Mr.
Justice Black with whom Mr. Justice Stewart joins.

The Chief Justice said

"Today's orders of the Court have been certified by the Chief Justice,
filed with the Clerk, and w ill not be announced orally."

xIppeals —Dismissals and Affirmances

No. 1145. Joseph Inzitari, appellant, v. Connecticut. Appeal from
the Supreme Court of Connecticut. The appeal in this case is dismissed

390-278—70 98
MONDAY, MAY 18, 19 70 397

for want of jurisdiction. Treating the papers whereon the appeal was
taken as a petition for writ of certiorari, certiorari is denied.

No. 1338. James Franklin, appellant, v. S. George Fukuoka, Judge.

Appeal from the Supreme Court of Hawaii. The appeal in this case is
dismissed for want of jurisdiction. Treating the papers whereon the
appeal was taken as a petition for writ of certiorari, certiorari is

No. 1343. Edward L. Blincoe et ux., appellants, v. J ean F. Forsythe.

Appeal from the Court of Appeal of California, Second Appellate
i District. Motion to dispense with printing jurisdictional statement
granted. The appeal in this case is dismissed for want of jurisdiction.
Treating the papers whereon the appeal was taken as a petition for writ
of certiorari, certiorari is denied.

No. 1828, Misc. Genevieve Fullerton Nieder, appellant, v. Helen M.

Fullerton etal. Appeal from the Supreme Court of New Jersey. The

appeal in this case is dismissed for want of jurisdiction. Treating the

papers whereon the appeal was taken as a petition for writ of
certiorari, certiorari is denied.

No. 1387. David I. Wells, appellant, v. Nelson A. Rockefeller,

Governor of the State of New York, et al. Appeal from the United
States District Court for the Southern District of New York. The judg-
ment in this case is affirmed.

Orders in Pending Cases

No. 1302. Robert H. Finch, Secretary of Health, Education and

Welfare, petitioner, v. Pedro Perales. The motion of the respondent for
the appointment of counsel is granted, and it is ordered that Richard
Tinsman, Esquire, of San Antonio, Texas, a member of the Bar of
thisCourt, be, and he is hereby, appointed to serve as counsel for the
respondent in this case.
No. 1389. Richard Mayberry, petitioner, v. Pennsylvania. The
order of this Court dated April 27, 1970, appointing Ralph S. Spritzer,
as counsel for the petitioner in this case ishereby revoked. It is ordered
that Curtis R. Reitz, Esquire, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, a member
of the Bar of this Court, be, and he is hereby, appointed to serve as
counsel for the petitioner in this case.

Appeals —Jurisdiction Noted

No. 1083. Atlantic City Electric Company et al., appellants, v.

United States et al. Appeal from the United States District Court for
the Southern District ofNew York and ;

No. 1283. Alabama Power Company et al., appellants, v. United

States et al. Appeal from the United States District Court for the
MONDAY, MAY 18, 19 70 398

District of Columbia. In these cases probable jurisdiction is noted.

Cases consolidated and a total of one and one half hours allotted for
oral argument. Mr. Justice Douglas took no part in the consideration
or decision of this order.
No. 1370. Dennis Coates et al., appellants, v. City of Cincinnati.
Appeal from the Supreme Court of Ohio. In this probable jurisdiction
noted and case placed on the summary calendar.

Certiorari Denied

No. 1282. The Kodeo Cowboys Association, Inc., et al., petitioners,

v. Robert Wegner. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States

Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit denied.

No. 1290. James A. Murray and Edith B. Murray, Partners, dba
Nassau China Company, petitioners, v. Roy W. Harper, Judge, etc.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Eighth Circuit denied.
No. 1291. Billy G. Sayne, petitioner, v. Eugene S. Shipley, Chief,
Police Division, Canal Zone Government. Petition for writ of cer-
tiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit

No. 1297. Emerson Electric Co., et al., petitioners, v. J. R. Fulton

et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Ap-
peals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 1299. In the Matter of Philip Weinstein, petitioner. Petition
Supreme Court of Oregon denied.
for writ of certiorari to the

No. 1341, Ray H. Page, Warden, petitioner v. Frank Naceo Mar-

tin. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Ap-

peals for the Tenth Circuit denied.

No. 1342. Yakima Tribal Court et al., petitioners, v. Alvin Settler

et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Ap-
peals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1345. James D. Sullivan, petitioner, v. Edward J. Choquette
et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Ap-
peals for the First Circuit denied.

No. 1349. William Simon, petitioner, v. United States. Petition for

writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth
Circuit denied.

No. 1350. Edward E. Matosky, petitioner, v. United States. Peti-

tion forwrit of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Seventh Circuit denied.
MONDAY, MAY 18, 19 70 399

No. 1355. John V. Wademan, petitioner, v. New Jersey. Petition

for writ of certiorari to the Superior Court of New Jersey, Appellate
Division, denied.

No. 1357. Frank Lindsey, petitioner, v. New Mexico. Petition for

writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals of New Mexico denied.
No. 1360. Shearn Moody, Jr., petitioner, v. Flying Saucers, Inc.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 1363. Peter Niven Kiger, petitioner, v. United States. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Second Circuit denied.
No. 1365. John Lookretis, petitioner, v. United States. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh
Circuit denied.

No. 1368. Harold Konigsberg, petitioner, v. United States. Petition

for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Third Circuit denied.
No. 1372. Leo Feist, Inc., et al., petitioners, v. Apollo Records N. Y.
Corp. et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1374. Martin A. Beatty, petitioner, v. Ranolph K. Ellings
et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Minnesota

No. 1378. Bishop Processing Company, petitioner, v. United States.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 1381. Clarence W. Hendrickson, petitioner, v. Indiana. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Indiana denied.
No. 1382. William C. Dean, petitioner, v. United States. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1384. Butell Robinson et al., petitioners, v. Transcontinental
Gas Pipeline Corporation. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.

No. 1386. Donald J. Miller, petitioner, v. New York Stock Ex-

change et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1388. Wheaton Glass Company, petitioner, v. George P. Shultz,
Secretary of Labor, United States Department of Labor. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Third Circuit denied.
MONDAY, MAY 18, 19 70 400

No. 1393. D. H. Overmyer Warehouse Company, Inc., petitioner,

v.Max L. Kuniansky. Petitioner for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 1402. Preferred Risk Mutual Insurance Company, petitioner, v.
Lydia Martin et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme
Court of Pennsylvania, Eastern District, denied.
No. 1403. Edward Bruske, petitioner, v. Judith A. Arnold. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Illinois denied.

No. 1413. Costas Theodoropoulos et al., petitioners, v. Thompson-

Starrett Company, Inc., et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1433. Nathan Zusman, petitioner, v. Oregon. Petition for writ
Court of Appeals of Oregon denied.
of certiorari to the
No. 601. Donald L. Warner, etc., et al., petitioners, v. Kewanee
Machinery & Conveyor Co. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied. Dissenting opin-
ion by Mr. Justice Black with whom Mr. Justice Douglas joins.

No. 1304. Darlington County School District et al., petitioners, v.

Theodore Whitmore Stanley et al. Motion to dispense with printing
petition granted. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 1377. Annette Hartmann et vir, petitioners, v. United States.
Motion to dispense with printing petition granted. Petition for writ
of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth
Circuit denied.
No. 1331. California, petitioner, v. Kenneth T. McGrew. Motion of
respondent for leave to proceed in forma pauperis granted. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of California denied.

No. 1415. George J. Beto, Director, Texas Department of Correc-

Leport Walton. Motion for respondent for leave to
tions, petitioner, v.
proceed in forma pauperis granted. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 1351. Deering Milliken, Inc., petitioner, v. Koratron Company,
Inc. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Douglas took no part
in the consideration or decision of this petition.

No. 1361. National Capital Airlines, Inc., petitioner, v. Civil Aero-

nautics Board et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit denied. Mr.
JusticeDouglas took no part in the consideration of decision of this

No. 136, Misc. Earnest Meadows, petitioner, v. North Carolina. Pe-

tition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Fourth Circuit denied.
MONDAY, MAY IS, 19 70 401

No. 400, Misc. Booker T. Hillery, Jr., petitioner, v. Louis S. Nel-

son, Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 954, Misc. K-obert E. O'Connell, petitioner, v. New Jersey. Pe-
tition forwrit of certiorari to the Supreme Court of New Jersey
No. 1240, Misc. Willie Lee Williams, petitioner, v. James D. Cox,
Superintendent, Virginia State Penitentiary. Petition for writ of cer-
tiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit
No. 1531, Misc. Booker T. Hillery, Jr., petitioner, v. California.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1573, Misc. Clifford D. Tedder, petitioner, v. Ray H. Page,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Criminal
Appeals of Oklahoma denied.
No. 1705, Misc. Joseph T. Kelley, petitioner, v. Daniel McMann,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1772, Misc. Barney McKnight, petitioner, v. California. Peti-
Court of Appeal of California, Third
tion for writ of certiorari to the
Appellate District, denied.
No. 1778, Misc. Esther Austin, petitioner, v. City and County of
Denver, Colorado. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court
of Colorado denied.

No. 1784, Misc. Wayne Douglas Stork, petitioner, v. United States.

LTnited States Court of Appeals
Petition for writ of certiorari to the
for the Tenth Circuit denied.
No. 1796, Misc. James Henry Green et al., petitioners, v. Alaska.
Petition for writ of certorari to the Supreme Court of Alaska denied.
No. 1798, Misc. Alexander J. Muszalski, petitioner, v. Harold V.
Field, Superintendent, Petition for writ of certiorari to the Lmited
States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1799, Misc. Philip M. Rice, petitioner, v. United States. Peti-
tion for wirt of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Fifth Circuit denied.

No. 1800, Misc. Elias Favela, petitioner, v. LTnited States Immigra-

tionand Naturalization Service. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1802, Misc. James Frederick Jones, petitioner, v. Lake F.
Russell,Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
MONDAY, MAY 18, 19 70 402

No. 1804, Misc. Bert C. Cushway, petitioner, v. State Bar of

Georgia. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of
Georgia denied.
No. 1805, Misc. J oseph E. Faustin, petitioner, v. United States
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Ap-
et al.
peals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1816, Misc. John A. Rutkowski, United States.
petitioner, v.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 1824, Misc. Clarence N. Cline, petitioner, v. Missouri. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Missouri denied.
No. 1831, Misc. Glenn Leroy Miller, petitioner, v. Louis S. Nelson,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1832, Misc. William Stanbridge, petitioner, v. New York. Peti-
tion forwrit of certiorari to the Court of Appeals of New York

No. 1834, Misc. Alfonso Urtado, petitioner, v. George J. Beto,

Director, Texas Department of Corrections. Petition for writ of cer-
tiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit

No. 1837, Misc. William Tahl, petitioner, v. California. Petition

for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of California denied.
No. 1840, Misc. Lloyd Lancaster, Jr., petitioner, v. Carl Hocker,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of
Nevada denied.
No. 1842, Misc. Willie C. Moore, petitioner, v. J ames D. Cox,
Superintendent, Virginia State Penitentiary. Petition for writ of cer-
tiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit

No. 1847, Misc. Marion Stevenson, Vincent R. Man-

petitioner, v.
cusi,Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Appellate Division
of the Supreme Court of New York, Fourth Judicial Department,

No. 1853, Misc. Joe Stallings, petitioner, v. South Carolina. Peti-

tion for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of South Carolina

No. 1855, Misc. James Alvin Brooks, petitioner, v. United States.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 1864, Misc. Gerard Peabody, petitioner, v. George H. Boldt,
United States District Judge. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
MONDAY, MAY 18, 19 70 403

No. 1866, Misc. Thomas M. Lutz, petitioner, v. United States. Peti-

tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Third Circuit denied.
No. 1867, Misc. William Sonny Thompson, petitioner, v. Texas.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Criminal Appeals of
Texas denied.
No. 1870, Misc. Lula Stevens, Administratrix, et al., petitioners,
v. Midwest Emery Freight Systems, Inc. Petition for writ of cer-
tiorari to the Supreme Court of Ohio denied.

No. 1871, Misc. Richard Gerzin, petitioner, v. Texas. Petition for

writ of certiorari to the Court of Criminal Appeals of Texas denied.
No. 1872, Misc. Porter D. White, petitioner, v. Dorothy Hegerhorst
et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1877, Misc. Richard Lee Parks, petitioner, v. California et al.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of California


No. 1881, Misc. Patricia Carnegie, petitioner, v. Ellis C. Mac-

Dougall, Commissioner of Corrections, et al. Petition for writ of cer-
tiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit

No. 1884, Misc. Phillip E. Duckett, petitioner, v. United States.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the District of Columbia Circuit denied.
No. 1885, Misc. James S. Stinson, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-
tition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
che Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1887, Misc. Lawrence Braico and Ronald Routa, petitioners, v.
United States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 1888, Misc. Peter P. DeCesare, petitioner, v. New Jersey et al.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals

for the Third Circuit denied.
No. 1890, Misc. Scotty Shirley Hanks, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Tenth Circuit denied.
No. 1894, Misc. Gail Hendrickson, petitioner, v. Washington. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals of Washington,
Division III, denied.
No. 1895, Misc. Walter W. Nugent, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Sixth Circuit denied.
MONDAY, MAY 18, 19 70 404

No. 1897, Misc. Charles Edward Harmon, petitioner, v. Maryland.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 1898, Misc. Alvin P. Schwarts, petitioner, v. Montana Board
of Pardons. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of
Montana denied.
Xo. 1899, Misc. Calvin Robinson, petitioner, v. California. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California, Fifth
Appellate District, denied.
No. 1900, Misc. Eugene Mitchell Price, petitioner, v. J. D. Cox,
Superintendent, Viriginia State Penitentiary. Petition for writ of
certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Cir-
cuit denied.

No. 1901, Misc. Milton Jerome Willard, petitioner, v. United States

et al.Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 1902, Misc. Robert Dee Moore, petitioner, v. Maryland. Peti-
Court of Special Appeals of Maryland
tion for writ of certiorari to the
No. 1908, Misc. Clarence Wasser, petitioner, v. Ohio. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Ohio denied.
Xo. 1910, Misc. Eobert L. Cowan, petitioner, v. Vincent R. Man-
cusi, Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1911, Misc. Benedetto Romeo, petitioner, v. Daniel McMann,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1912, Misc.Tommy Leroy Bacon, petitioner, v. Louis S. Nel-
son, Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1915, Misc. Ellis Salem George, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1917, Misc. Louis G. Ruderer, petitioner, v. Lnited States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Claims
No. 1920, Misc. Nelson Crespo, petitioner, v. United States. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1924, Misc. Adolph Joseph Olinde, petitioner, v. United
States ; and

390-278—70 100
MONDAY, MAY 18, 1970 405

No. 1931, Misc. Ramon Zatrain Vasquez, petitioner, v. United

States. Petitions for writs of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1929, Misc. Roy Braswell Sherman, petitioner, v. United
States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 1934, Misc. Daniel Olson, petitioner, v. California Adult Au-
thority. Petition forwrit of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1936, Misc. Frank G. Kaupp, petitioner, v. J. R. Kennedy,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1962, Misc. Francis E. Young, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Eighth Circuit denied.

No. 1982, Misc. Ronald E. Dale, petitioner, v. United States et al.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Military
Appeals denied.
No. 52, Misc. Jerry Lee Steinhauer, petitioner, v. Florida. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Florida denied. Mr.
Douglas is of the opinion that certiorari should be granted.

Leave To File Petitions for Writs or Mandamus Denied

No. 912, Misc. James Brooke, petitioner, v. James T. Foley, Chief

Judge, LTnited States District Court for the Northern District of New
No. 1782, Misc. Lane Dell Daniels, petitioner, v. Richard H.
Chambers, Judge, et al. and ;

No. 1869, Misc. Thomas Theodore Smith, petitioner, v. Supreme

Court of Ohio et al. Motions for leave to file petitions for writs of
mandamus denied.

Leave to File Petition for Writ or Prohibition Denied

No. 1905, Misc. W. H. Pat O'Bryan, petitioner, v. Frank J. Bat-

tisti, United States District Judge, etc. Motion for leave to file peti-
tion for writ of prohibition and/or mandamus denied.

Reecearings Denied

No. 24. Joseph Waller, Jr., petitioner, v. Florida;

No. 131. Edmund P. Dandridge, Jr., Chairman of the Maryland
State Board of Public Welfare, et al., appellants, v. Linda Williams
et al.
MONDAY, MAY 18, 19 70 406

No. 606. Illinois, petitioner, v. William Allen; and

No. 1223. Karl H. Meyer, petitioner, v. City of Chicago. Petitions
for rehearing denied.

No. 995. Air Line Pilots Association, International, petitioner, v.

Piedmont Aviation, Inc. Motion for leave to file petition for rehearing

No. 528, Misc. Lorenzo Catanzaro, petitioner, v. Vincent K. Man-

cusi, Warden
No. 904, Misc. Vincent Raymond Sharpe, petitioner, v. United
No. 1103, Misc. Richie Sonny Rando, petitioner, v. George J.
Beto, Director, Texas Department of Corrections
No. 1309, Misc. Robert Blackman, petitioner, v. Pennsylvania
No. 1435, Misc. Robert F. Urbano, petitioner, v. News Syndicate
No. 1494, Misc. David F. Viands, Jr., petitioner, v. J. D. Cox,
Superintendent, Virginia State Penitentiary
No. 1552, Misc. Willie D. Heard, petitioner, v. United States ; and
No. 1676, Misc. Clifford E. Prewitt, petitioner, v. Arizona ex rel.

Frank A. Eyman, Warden, et al. Petitions for rehearing denied.

No. 435, Misc. James T. Pope, petitioner, v. City and County of
Philadelphia et al. Motion for leave to file petition for rehearing

No. 1390, Misc. Hotel, Motel and Club Employees Union Local 6,
petitioner, v. George P. Shultz, Secretary of Labor. Motion for
eave to file petition for rehearing denied. Mr. Justice Marshall took
10 part in the consideration or decision of this motion.
No. 1443, Misc. Dominick Saffioti, petitioner, v. Martin P. Cather-
vood, Industrial Commissioner of New York. Motion for leave to file
econd petition for rehearing denied.

Recess Order

The Court will take a recess from today until Monday, May 25,

Admissions to the Bar

James A. Carey, of Chicago, 111., Albin Dommermuth, of Naper-

Joseph D. Gannon, of Chicago, 111., William H. Leigh, of
ille, 111.,

hicago, 111., William J. Walsh, of Chicago, 111., Bernard F. Conway,

f Morristown, N. J., Francis J. Kudolph, of New York, N.Y., Monte
Angler of New Eochelle, N.Y., Patricia A. Vance, of Akron, Ohio,
liarles O. Ham, Jr., of Oklahoma City, Okla., Robert E. Hoblit, of
'dessa, Tex., William A. Imhoff, of Arlington, Va., and Frederick
MONDAY, MAY 18, 19 70 407

0. Frederickson, of Seattle, Was., on motion of Mr. Solicitor General

Erwin N. Griswold Larry Michael VanHoozer, of Memphis, Tenn.,

D. Calvin Sincock of Pekin, 111., and David Andrew Dycus, of Wash-

ington, D.C., on motion of Mr. Howard H. Baker, Jr.; Francis A.
Danahy, of Arlington, Mass., on motion of Mr. Charles McCurdy
Mathias; Jerard S. Weigler, of Portland, Oreg., on motion of Mr.
Robert W. Packwood; William Prospere DeMoulin, of Denver, Colo.,
on motion of Mr. Byron G. Rogers Oliver Wendell Hall, Jr., of Ben-

ton, Ark., on motion of Mr. David Pryor; John Preston Ward, of

Indianapolis, Ind., on motion of Mr. Andrew Jacobs, Jr. James E.

Hunter, of Phoenix, Aria., on motion of Mr. John J. Rhodes; Leo

K. Foran, of Dearborn Heights, Mich., on motion of Mr. William D.
Ford; Melvin M. Engel, of Houston, Tex., on motion of Mr. Bob
Casey; Jerold Ira Horn, of Peoria, 111., on motion of Mr. Thomas
F. Railsback; William D. Gagley, of Cheyenne, Wyo., on motion of
Mr. Spark M. Matsunaga Richard Dorw}m Greene, of Denver, Colo.,

on motion of Mr. Donald G. Brotzman Victor D. Goering, of Hutch-


inson, Kans., on motion of Garner E. Shriver Thomas Abell Collins,


of Lexington, Ky., on motion of Mr. John C. Watts; Delno Gene

Kanode, of Cypress, Calif., on motion of Mr. Charles Edward Wig
gins; Stephen Morton Seelig, of Stamford, Conn., on motion of Mr.
Norvell P. Weicker, Jr. Thomas Paul Joseph, Jr., of Portland, Oreg.,

and Robert W. McMenamin, of Portland, Oreg., on motion of Mr.

Wendell Wyatt.
John Hugh Caress, of Indianapolis, Ind., Hymen A. Cohen, of
Indianapolis, Ind., William Crips Moore, of Indianapolis, Ind., Jere-
miah E. Murphy, Jr., of Indianapolis, Ind., G. Richard Pile, of Rush-
ville, Ind., Joseph Rabb, of Indianapolis, Ind., and David A. Steck-

beck, of Indianapolis, Ind., on motion of Mr. William D. Ruckelshaus;

James Vincent Carroll, III, of Houston, Tex., James O. Newman, of
Cincinnati, Ohio, and Charles Andrew Graham, of Topeka, Kans.,

on motion of Mr. Vincent W. Ambrose James Clark Henry, of Lake-

wood, Colo., David Lee Morton, of Loganport, Ind., Charles Edwin

Hammond, of Osage City, Kans., Dennis Lynn Olson, of Albert Lea,
Minn., Anthony P. Ingrao, of Bellerose, N.Y., and Joe Ramirez, of
Robstown, Tex., on motion of Mr. Gordon A. Ginsburg; John Alfred
Bremer, of Shelbyville, Ind., Charles Talmadge Rose, of Ft. Worth,
Tex., and Peter A. Quist, of Bismarck, N. Dak., on motion of Mr. Ira
Pearce; Gerald Lewis McVey, of San Francisco, Calif., on motion of
Mr. David Carliner R, Mitchell S. Boyd, of San Francisco, Calif., on

motion of Mr. Alan Cowan Furth John Andrew Koskinen, of New


Haven, Conn., on motion of Mr. Robert Jordon Wages; William

Shores Price, of Houston, Tex., on motion of Mr. Everett Hutchinson
Mary Louise Berry of Los Angeles, Calif., and Robert Emmett Mur-
MONDAY, MAY 18, 19 70 408

ray, of Santa Ana, Calif., on motion of Mr. Robert W. Berry William ;

Joseph Howder, of Alexandria, Va., on motion of Mr. Earl H. Davis

Clifford Lincoln Sadler, of Grosse Pointe Shores, Mich., on motion of
Mr. Robert Vincent Sloan; Thomas B. Simarall, of Gulf port, Miss.,
on motion of Mr. Wm. Ephriam Cresswell John P. Keegan, of New-

ark, N. J., on motion of Mr. Paul R. Dean Richard R. Edmister, of


Arlington, Va., on motion of Mr. Warren Daley Quenstedt; Robert

Dale Jones, of Austin, Tex., on motion of Mr. John Rowland Cook;
Stephen W. Porter, of Washington, D.C., on motion of Mr. Richard B.
Ruge; Roger B. Sledd, of Lexington, Ky., on motion of Mr. Paul F.
Douglass Mervin Norman Glow, of Los Angeles, Calif., on motion of

Mr. George Kaufman.

Bruce P. Saypol, of Brooklyn, N.Y., and David Ira Goldblatt, of
New York, N.Y., on motion of Mr. Arthur M. Saypol Herman M. ;

Braude, of Washington, D.C., and Francis J. Pelland, of Springfield,

Va., on motion of Mr. Marvin P. Sadur Henry J. Savelkoul, of Albert

Lea, Minn., on motion of Mr. Lloyd L. Duxbury, Jr. John M. Court,


of Harwood, Md., on motion of Mr. Thomas M. Raysor; William

Louis Atteberry, of Springfield, Ohio, on motion of Mr. William Mc-
Henry Hoiles; Patsy Caples Abelle, of New York, N.Y., on motion
of Mr. Alva Jerry Butler; Frank F. Flegal, of Glendale, Calif., on
motion of Mr. David I. Shapiro Charles S. Desmond, of Buffalo, N.Y.,

on motion of Mr. J. David Mann, Jr. LeRoy M. Rice, of Minneapolis,


Minn., on motion of Mr. Marcus B. Finnegan; Paul E. O'Connell, Jr.,

of New York, N.Y., and Lawrence F. Scinto, of New York, N.Y., on
motion of Mr. Charles B. Cannon; Edison Jerome Nunez, Jr., of
Alexandria, Va., on motion of Mr. Edward Scheidenhelm Harold ;

Stanford Yost, of Paden City, W. Va., on motion of Mr. John L. Finn

John Carl Smuck, of Washington, D.C., on motion of Mr. Cecil A.
Beasley, Jr.; Manny Pokotilow, of Philadelphia, Pa., on motion of
Mr. Donald Allen Kaul; Donald C. Dahlgren, of Seattle, Wash., on
motion of Mr. Henry Cashen; Frederick E. Moss, of Jackson, Miss.,
on motion of Mr. Robert E. Bateman; William Cecil Townsend, of
Washington, D.C., on motion of Mr. James J. Shanley David S. Lake,

of Washington, D.C., and Martin A. Levitin, of Scarsdale, N.Y., on

motion of Mr. Paul G. Zurkowski William E. Scent, of Paducah, Ky.,

and Dandridge F. Walton, of Paducah, Ky., on motion of Mr. Robert

Dolon Peloquin; Larry Alster Pulkrabek, of Lancaster, Pa., and
Alpha Earl Mays, of Lancaster, Pa., on motion of Mr. Robert Stark
Trigg; Arthur J. Blank, Jr., of New York, N.Y., and Alexander E.
Rugani, of New York, N. Y., on motion of Mr. Russell Taylor Weil.
Thomas J. Brady, of Livonia, Mich., Charles W. Chandler, of
Livonia, Mich., David E. Chapper, of Detroit, Mich., Owen J. Cum-
mings, of Livonia, Mich., Loren P. Goodman, of Livonia, Mich., Eu-
MONDAY, MAY 18, 19 70 409

gene S. Hoiby, of Livonia, Mich., John J. McCann, of Livonia, Mich.,

Bernard Patrick McClorey, of Livonia, Mich., Jerry Raymond, of
Livonia, Mich., Bill J. Bobbins, of Detroit, Mich., and Russel C.
Wells, ofBirmingham, Mich., on motion of Mr. Philip A. Hart; Irvin
Becker, of Torrance, Calif., Richard S. Beske, of Belleville, 111., James
M. Bryne, of St. Louis, Mo., Edward C. Cody, of St. Louis, Mo.,
Donald A. Doheny, of St. Louis, Mo., Harold C. Gaebe, Jr., of St.
Louis, Mo., Juaquin Gallego, of Troy, Mo., Richard Andrew Gep-
hardt, of St. Louis, Mo., David Haskin, of St. Louis, Mo., William
Robert Hirsch, of St. Louis, Mo., Robinson M. Jordan, of St. Louis,
Mo., Vernon T. Kelly, of St. Louis, Mo., Charles E. Kopman, of Rich-
mond Heights, Mo., James J. Milligan, of St. Louis, Mo., John T.
Murphy, Jr., of St. Louis, Mo., Robert Douglas Pickle, of St. Louis,
Mo., David L. Rapp, of St. Louis, Mo., Francis L. Ruppert, of St.
Louis, Mo., Donald L. Schlapprizzi, of St. Louis, Mo., Anthony J.
Sestric, of St. Louis Mo., John P. Sullivan, of St. Louis, Mo., William
Franklin Trent, Jr., of St. Louis, Mo., Robert W. Van Dillen, of St.
Louis, Mo., Lawrence O. Willbrand, of St. Louis, Mo., Herbert Wol-
kowitz, of St. Louis, Mo., and Marvin O. Young, of St. Louis, Mo., on
motion of Mr. William Leonard Hungate; Christ A. Anagnost, of
Saginaw, Mich., William S. Bovill, of Saginaw, Mich., Robert E.
Bright, of Saginaw, Mich., Robert G. Chaklos, of Saginaw, Mich.,
Richard Clifford, of Chesaning, Mich., Donald E. Cline, of Saginaw,
Mich., Robert B. Currie, of Saginaw, Mich., John Davidson, of Sag-
inaw, Mich., Francis B. Drinan, of Saginaw, Mich., Stuart E. Fox, of
Saginaw, Mich., William E. Jungerheld, of Saginaw, Mich., William
C. Hoffmann, of Saginaw, Mich., Jack E. Kerr, of Saginaw, Mich.,
Leonard H. LeFevre, of Saginaw, Mich., Fred Martin, Jr., of Saginaw,
Mich., Harold W. Martin, of Saginaw, Mich., Gary R. McDonald, of
Saginaw, Mich., Joseph R. McDonald, of Saginaw, Mich., Robert J.
Moskal, of Saginaw, Mich., Achilles J. Tarachas, of Saginaw, Mich.,
Fred G. Theuer, of Saginaw, Mich., and Maurice L. van Benschoten,
of Saginaw, Mich., on motion of Mr. James Harvey.
George F. Adams, of New York, N.Y., Oleg Edward Alber, of New
York, N.Y., Edward B. Alderman, of Syracuse, N.Y., Murray Aaron
Appel, of New York, N. Y., Barry S. Augenbraun, of New York, N.Y.,
Richard J. Barber, Jr., of Rye, N.Y., Marvin R. Baum, of Buffalo,
N.Y., William P. Bellas, of Buffalo, N.Y., Raphael Berger, of Brook-
lyn, N.Y., Vincent G. Berger, Jr., of Hauppauge, N.Y., Howard Edwin
Berman, of Yonkers, N.Y., George G. Bernhard, of Pawling, N.Y.,
Frederic Martin Bowne, of New York, N.Y., William B. Braatz, of
Cold Spring, N.Y., Harold D. Brathwaite, of Bronx, N.Y., Folger
Brink, of New York, N. Y., Harry L. Brown, of Warsaw, N.Y., Ronald
Wayne Bullock, of Greene, N.Y., Edward O. Burke, of Phoenix,
MONDAY, MAY 18, 19 70 410

Ariz.,Alan S. Burstein, of Syracuse, N.Y., John R. Carey, of New

York, N.Y., Frank O. Casaceli, of Rochester, N.Y., John J. Ceparano,
of East Setauket, N.Y., Anthony J. Cerrato, Jr., of Yonkers, N.Y.,
Angelo Victor Chini, of Syracuse, N. Y., Carolyn Mary Chini, of Syra-
cuse, N.Y., John P. Chwalek, of Oswego, N.Y., Roy E. Colicchio, of
Rochester, N.Y., Seymour L. Colin, of New York, K.Y., Anthony
F. Correri, of Mineola, N.Y., John R. Coughlin, of New York, N.Y.,
Charles Raymond Cuddy, of Mattituck, N.Y., Wilbur Kramer Cuddy
III, of Corning, N.Y., Cecelia B. Cutler, of New York, N. Y., Kenneth
B. Cutler, of New York, N.Y., Andrew P. Dachnowicz, of New York,
N.Y., Thomas Victor Dadey, of Syracuse, N.Y., Alfonse J. Damico,
of Syracuse, N.Y., Albert D'Antoni, of New York, N.Y., Irwin Nat
Davis, of Buffalo, N.Y., Peter F.DeGaetano, of New York, N.Y.,
James R. Digby, of Syracuse, N.Y., David M. Dobin, of Lawrence,
NY., John Sewall Donovan, of Syracuse, N.Y., Richard B. Dopkins,
of Buffalo, N.Y., Seymour Dubbs, of New City, N.Y., Stephen V.
Dubin, of Bellmore, N.Y., Sidney Eagle, of N.Y., David Effron, of
Poughkeepsie, N.Y., Eugene Eisenberg, of Merrick, N.Y., Anthony
Frank Endieveri, of Syracuse, N.Y., Elliott M. Epstein, of Jericho,
N.Y., Harvey A. Eysman, of New York, N.Y., Michael A. Feit, of
Schenectady, N.Y., Stanley G. Fields, of New York, N.Y., James
Joseph Finnerty, Jr., of New York, N.Y., William James Florence,
Jr., of Yorktown Heights, N.Y., George Hamilton Forman, of Buf-

falo, N.Y., Neil M. Frank, of New York, N.Y., Paul Friedman, of

New York, N. Y., Jay D. Harris, of New York, N.Y., Thomas Laverne,
of Rochester, N.Y., Francis EdwardO'Brien, of Suffolk, N.Y., John
E. Philippone, of Rochester, N.Y., and Richard M. Rosenbaum, of
Rochester, N.Y., on motion of Mr. George C. Couglin.
Paul R. Frank, of New York, N.Y., Gary B. Franklin, of Copiague,
N.Y., B. Walter Freeman, of New York, N.Y., Mark G. Fresco, of
New York, N.Y., Harvey K. Friedland, of Brooklyn, N.Y., Alan G.
Friedman, of New York, N.Y., Joseph N. Friedman, of J amaica, N.Y.,
Stephen A. Fritz, of St. James, N.Y., Murry P. Gaiman, of Wood-
ridge, N.Y., Frances C. Galloway, of Scarsdale, N.Y., John H. Gallo-
way, III, of Scarsdale, N.Y., William H. Gardner, of Buffalo, N.Y.,
Bernard Garfinkel, of Rochester, N. Y., Gerald J. Garner, of Harrison,
N.Y., Jack L. Gardner, of Jersey City, N. J.. Joseph Gelb. of Newlett,
N.Y., Paul A. Germain, of Manlius, N.Y., Anthony R. Giambalvo, of
Syosset, N.Y., Egidio R. Giuntini, of White Plains, N.Y., Leo Glass,
of Monticello, N.Y., John W. Glavin, of Rochester, N.Y., Jack D.
Glazer, of Copiague, N.Y., John E. Glenn, of Albany, N.Y., Harold W.
Goble, of Amagansett, N.Y., Abraham Goldes, of New York, N.Y.,
William Goldman, of Auburn, N.Y., Gerald Gordon, of New York,
N.Y., Leon Greenberg, of South Fallsburg, N.Y., Hugh C. Gregg II,
MONDAY, MAY 18, 19 70 411

of Syracuse, N.Y.,Jon Michael Grogan, of Evanston, 111., Gerald J.

Grossman, of Mamaroneck, N.Y., Joseph S. Guadagnino, of Rochester,
N.Y., Frank A. Gulotta, Jr., of Woodbury, N.Y., William C. Halter,
Jr., of NewYork, N.Y., James R. Harvey, of Canadaigua, N.Y.,
Robert J. Hecker, of White Plains, N.Y., Patrick W. Hennessey, of
Wantagh, N.Y., Israel Hoffman, of New York, N.Y., Peter A. Hop-
kins, Jr., of Syracuse, N.Y., Rubin Huffman, of New York, N.Y.,
David Norman Hurd, of Rome, N.Y., Jacob G. Israel, of Buffalo,
N.Y., Ronald H. Jensen, of Buffalo, N.Y., David Brian Julie, of
New York, N.Y., John B. Justice, of Albany, N.Y., Stuart J. Justice,
of Albany, N.Y., F. Warren Kahn, of Niagara Falls, N.Y., Richard
S. Kahn, of Westfield, N.J., Melvin M. Kazdin, of New York, N.Y.,
John M. Keegan, of Garden City, N.Y., Thomas William Keegan, of
Albany, N.Y., John T. Kerrigan, of New York, N.Y., George H.
Kingsley, Jr., of Norwood, N.J., Bengt H. Kjellgren, of New York,
N.Y., Gerald M. Kleinbaum, of New York, N.Y., Paul Kramer, of
Soyosset, N.Y., Jesse I. Krauss, of Brooklyn, N.Y., Joseph W. Kiefer,
of Santurce, P.R., and Herbert Kronish, of New York, N.Y., on motion
of Mr. Harold Tompkins.
Stuart Carl Kruter, of New York, N.Y., Robert Krutman, of
Woodridge, N.Y., George R, LaCava, of Rochester, N.Y., Marvin S.
Lava, of Commack, N.Y., Joseph J. Lawton, Jr., of Syracuse, N.Y.,
Burton Ledina, of Monticello, N.Y., Hugh J. Leitch, of Babylon,
N.Y., Richard W. Lent, of New Paltz, N.Y., Gerald Peter Lepp, of
New York, N.Y., Arthur Lawrence Lessler, of East Brunswick, N.J.,
Hubert Levy, of Port Jervis, N.Y., Joel F. Levy, of Spring Valley,
N.Y., Robert G. Leyden, of Albany, N.Y., Richard Morton Lieb, of
New York, N.Y., Martin I. Lipnack, of Monticello, N.Y., Emmanuel J.
Lotato, of Yonkers, N.Y., Lucian L. Lodestro, of Falconer, N.Y.,
Joseph P. Lombardi, of Mount Vernon, N.Y., William E. Lotz, of
Mineola, N.Y., Robert G. Lucas, of Hollis Park Gardens, N.Y., Wil-
liam F. Lynn, of Syracuse, N.Y., John S. Manley, of Ilion, N.Y.,
Charles Marks, of New York, N.Y., Elliott Fred Marinstein, of Troy,
N.Y., Raymond F. Marinelli, of Albany, N.Y., Elihu Saul Massel, of
New York, N.Y., Richard N. Matties, of Binghamton, N.Y., Sheldon
May, of Brooklyn, N.Y., Martin J. Mayblum, of Forest Hills, N.Y.,
Edmund A. McCarthy, of Little Falls, N.Y., John F. McDonough, Jr.,
of Liverpool, N. Y., William Frank McGowan, of Geneva, N. Y., J ames
P. McGrath, of Oswego, N.Y., David L. Mclntyre, of Lockport, N.Y.,
Roger R. McKay, of New York, N.Y., Edward F. McLaughlin, of
Rome, N.Y., Francis X. McNelis, of New York, N.Y., Bernard J.
Meislin, of New York, N.Y., Julius H. Michaels, of Rochester, N.Y.,
Regina R. Moore, of Tarrytown, N.Y., Jeffrey B. Morris, of New
York, N.Y., Arthur Morrison, of New York, N.Y., William J. Muliins,
MONDAY, MAY 18, 19 70 412

Jr., of Buffalo, N.Y., Marvin A. Newman, of Monticello, N.Y., C.

Burton Newman, of Lyons, N.Y., Henry C. Nickelsen, Jr., of Smith-
town, N. Y., Anthony C. Noto, of Rochester, N. Y., Edwards C. O'Boyle,
Jr., of Mount Kisco, N.Y., Ann Lovvett O'Connor, of Monsey, N.Y.,
Donald J. O'Connor, of Binghamton, N.Y., Frederick J. O'Donnell,
of Ilion, N.Y., John O'Keefe, of Nassau, N.Y., Gary Flanner Olsen, of
Mattituck, N.Y., Thomas A. Palmer, of Bellmore, N.Y., Frank R.
Parlato, of Buffalo, N.Y., Raymond J. Pauley, of Rochester, N.Y.,
Martin F. Payson, of New York, N.Y., Perry Pazer, of New York,
N.Y., Eli A. Pearson, of Syracuse, N. Y., David C. Pelton, of Rochester,
N.Y., Herbert C. Pentz, of Pelham, N.Y., Russell T. Perla, of Amherst,
N.Y., Elmer D. Pette, of New York, N.Y., Seymour Pienkny, of North
Babylon, N.Y., Edward K. Pincus, of New York, N. Y., John A. Porco,
of Carmel, N. Y., Zamira Evalyn Portnoy, of New York, N. Y., David A.
Pravda, of New York, N.Y., Edward O. Provenzano, of Rochester,
N.Y., John Francis Rausch, of Albany, N.Y., Arthur Rathjen, of Roch-
ester, N.Y., George J. Razis, of Flushing, N.Y., James B. Reap, of

White Plains, N.Y., Herschel L. Reingold, of Buffalo, N.Y., Jerome L.

Reinstein, of New York, N.Y., Wilfrid E. Rhodes, of Elmira, N.Y.,
James W. Richards, of Rush, N.Y., Carl Rosen, of New York, N.Y.,
Harold Rosen, of New York, N.Y., Robert F. Rosen, of New York,
N.Y., Alexander Myers Rosenfeld, of Brooklyn, N.Y., Benjamin
Rubenstein, of Yorktown Heights, N.Y., Joel Henry Sachs, of New
York, N.Y., Linnel Sacks, of Albany, N.Y., Charles B. Sakofsky, of
South Fallsburg, N.Y., Eleanor Thomas Schacht, of New York, N.Y.,
Stanley J. Scher, of New
York, N.Y., Joseph T. Schmidt, of Wood-
haven, N.Y., Henry Schneider,of New York, N.Y., Willard Schop, of
Monticello, N.Y., Richard B. Schwartz, of Mineola, N.Y., Raymond L.
Sciarrino, of Mount Morris, N.Y., Richard Shapiro, of White Plains,
N.Y., Norman Shaw, of New York, N.Y., Barry M'. Shulman, of
Syracuse, N.Y., Peter Lewis Sill, of New York, N.Y., Robert Thomas
Skipworth, of Rochester, N.Y., Herbert T. Slade, of Camillus, N.Y.,
John G. Smith, of Oneida, N.Y., David A. Solomon, of Schenectady,
N.Y., Anthony M. Sortino, of Rochester, N.Y., Edward J. Spires, of
Rochester, N.Y., William B. Stammer, of New York, N.Y., Stanley
Stein, of New York, N.Y., William J. Steinbrecher, of Garden City,
N.Y., Alfred L. Streppa, of Rochester, N.Y., David Suarez, of New
York, N.Y., Mortimer A. Sullivan, Jr., of Buffalo, N. Y, Thomas C. C.
Sung, of New York, N.Y., Raymond J. Sweeney, Jr., of Syracuse, N.Y.,
Sheldon Tabak, of New York, N.Y., Stanley Tarnell, of Bronx, N.Y.,
Sydney L. Teibel, of Buffalo, N.Y., Peter T. Tierney, of New York,
N.Y., Ferdinand Tremiti, of Oswego, N.Y., Patrick Lawrence Vaccaro,
of New York, N.Y., and William L. Vondohlen, of Rochester, N.Y., on
motion of Mr. Richard A. Barber.
MONDAY, MAY 18, 19 70 413

Joseph Abraham, of Buffalo, N. Y., Charles Zachary Abuza, of New

York, N. Y., John E. Adamson, Jr., of Buffalo, N.Y., Lewis E. Alperin,
of Mount Vernon, N. Y., Kobert Anthoine, of New York, N. Y., Anthony
0. Arcuni, of Chappaqua, N.Y., Jeffrey A. Austin, of Menands, N.Y.,
Ian Cameron Baillie, of New York, N.Y., August J. Bardo, Jr., of
Katonah, N.Y., William C. Barrett, of Ithaca, N.Y., Patrick J.
Barton, of Babylon, N. Y., Sigmund Bass, of Patchogue, N. Y., Gerrard
Bennett, of Garden City, N. Y., Paul M. Bernstein, of New York, N.Y.,
Bruce H. Berry, of New York, N.Y., James W. Better, of Nivervil]e,
N.Y., Daniel W. Bishara, of Lewiston, N.Y., Isaac Blachor, of West
Hempstead, N.Y., Warren J. Black, of New York, N.Y., Alvin Brent
Blacksburg, of Flushing, N.Y., John Iverson Boswell, of New York,
N.Y., Deyan Ranko Brashich, of New York, N.Y., David H. Brind, of
Geneva, N.Y., William A. Brownjohn, of Whitestone, L.I., N.Y.,
Frederick A. Burke, of West Seneca, N.Y., Robert L. Burkwit, of
Rochester, N.Y., John J. Caslin, Jr., of New York, N.Y., William F.
Cavanagh, Jr., of Westbury, N.Y., James E. Cheeks, of New York,
N.Y., Stanley A. Cohen, of New York, N.Y., Bernadette Coomaras-
wamy, of Sharon, Conn., Raymond J. Cothran, of Londonville, N.Y.,
William E. Crosby, III, of New York, N. Y., Sheldon Cutler, of Pough-
keepsie, N.Y., John Burnette Dawson, Jr., of Mineola, N.Y., Norman
Delman, of Staten Island, N.Y., William A. De Ponceau, of Kenmore,
N.Y., Robert H. Diedolf, of Patchogue, N.Y., Richard A. Dienst, of
New York, N.Y., Walter J. Donovan, of Woodhaven, N.Y., Carroll
Edward Dubuc, of Port Washington, N.Y., George Thomas Dunn, of
Syracuse, N.Y., Peter L. Durk, of New York, N.Y., Saul L. Eagle, of
Bronx, N.Y., Charles S. Edwards, of Fayetteville, N.Y., Thomas J.
Egan, of Central Valley, N.Y., Lester Esterman, of Greenwich, Conn.,
Jacob J. Epstein, of Jeffersonville, N.Y., Philip A. Erickson, of James-
town, N.Y., Marilyn Walsh, of New York, N.Y., Thomas Michael
Ward, of Buffalo, N.Y., Edwin A. Wasxkiewicz, of Utica, N.Y.,
Stephen Aaron Weingrad, of New York, N.Y., William J. Weiss, Jr.,
of Buffalo, N.Y., Samuel R. Whiting, of Delmar, N.Y., Sidney IT.
Willig, of Staten Island, N.Y., Joseph Worona, of Poughkeepsie, N. Y.,
and Henry L. Zweig, of New York, N.Y., on motion of Mr. Harold
Harry A. Ezratty, of San Juan, P.R., Arthur Fein, of New York,
N.Y., John J. Ferguson, of White Plains, N.Y., Kenneth Joel Finger,
of New York, N. Y., William L. Finger, of New York, N. Y., John W.
Finely, Jr., of New York, N.Y., Francis X. Flannery, of Bronxville,
N.Y., Neal Forman, of Brooklyn, N. Y., Paul F. Frank, of Springville,
N.Y., Richard G. Freidin, of New York, N.Y., John William Ful-
reacler, of Rochester, N.Y., David Fund, of New York, N.Y., Robert

Edward Gale, of Syracuse, N.Y., Anthony John Garramone, of LTtica,

MONDAY, MAY 18, 19 70 414

N.Y., Joseph C. Genovese, of Brewster, N.Y., Jacob Gerstein, of New

York, N.Y., Joel Charles Glanstein, of New York, N.Y., Burnett C.
Gladstone, of Rockville Center, N.Y., Bernard Goldberg, of New
York, N. Y., Gerald N. Goldberg, of New York, N. Y., Alfred Sherman
Goldfield, of New York, N.Y., Marshall S. Goldman, of White Plains,
N.Y.,Richard Goldsweig, of Bronxville, N.Y., Donald Grajales, of
New York, N.Y., Norman W. Grant, of Hastings-on-Hudson, N.Y.,
George R. Grasser, of Buffalo, N.Y., D. Mordecai Greenberg, of Ro-
chester, Donald E. Greenholz, of Armonk, N.Y., Edwin
Torrey Grimes, of New York, N.Y., Joseph Richard Guardino, of
New York, N.Y., Melvyn Henry Halper, of New York, N.Y., William
N. Hart., of New York, N.Y., Joel Curtis Herge, of New York, N.Y.,
Thomas George Hertel, of New York, N.Y., Neil Hesson, Jr., of
Eound Lake, N.Y., John E. Higgiston, Jr., of Manhasset, N.Y., Lyle
B. Himebaugh, Jr., of Jamestown, N.Y., Richard David Huttner,
of New York, NY., Roy S. Israel, of Bronx, N.Y., Melvyn L. Jacoby,
of Patchogue, N. Y., E. Stewart Jones, Jr., of Troy, N. Y., Franklin A.
Josef, of Manlius, N.Y., Alan H. Joseph, of Kew Gardens, N.Y., John
Joseph Joyce, of New York, N.Y., Martin D. Joyce, of Richmond Hill
N.Y., Diran M. Kaloostian, of New York, N. Y., Martin David Kane,
of New York, N.Y., Norman Donald Kantor, of New York, N.Y.,
Alvin I. Kaplan, of San Francisco, Calif., Carl Eliot Kaplan, of New
York, N. Y., Francis W. Keane, of New York, N. Y., Michael S. Keiser,
of Livingston Manor, N.Y., Norman Kellar, of Kingston, N.Y., Roy
Wheatley King, of Rochester, N.Y., Eugene F. Kingston, of Hampton
Bays, N.Y, Richard Martin Klein, of Huntington, N.Y., and Sergei
Nicholas Klimow, of Binghamton, N.Y., on motion of Mr. Richard
A. Barber.
William Robert Kohler, of Garrison, N.Y., Stuart R. Kramer, of
Rego Park, N.Y., Sanford C. Kulick, of Buffalo, N.Y., Howard L.
Kushner, of Niagara Falls, N.Y., Mortimer M. Lerner, of New York,
NY., Stanley J. Levy, of New York, N.Y., Bruce R. Lieberman, of
New York, N.Y., Albert Palmer Leoning, Jr., of New York, N.Y.,
Ira D. London, of Cedarhurst, N.Y., George Henry Lowe, of New
York, N.Y., John William Lyttle, Jr., of New York, N.Y., Joseph
Bruce MacDonald, of Schenectady, N.Y., Carl P. Maltese, of Com-
mack, N.Y., Joel Eugene Marans, of New York, N.Y., Martin Marcus,
of Poughkeepsie, N.Y., Thomas M. Marshall, of New York, N.Y.,

Armour Emerson Martin, of New York, N.Y., Louis J. Martine, of

New York, N.Y., Francis E. Martin, of New York, N. Y., John T.
McLoughlin, of White Plains, N.Y., Harold Messing, of New York,
N.Y., Stanley Messinger, of Mount Vernon, N.Y., Peter J. Michel, of
New York, N.Y., Daniel W. Millman, of Roslyn, N.Y., James R,
Moffatt, of Mineola, NlY., Edward F. Mullaney, of Mahopac, N.Y.,
MONDAY, MAY 18, 19 70 415

Nancy K. Munson, of Huntington, N.Y., Daniel Maurice Murphy,

of New York, N. Y., Casear J. Naples, of Albany, N.Y., Howard Nat-
ter, of New York, N.Y., Robert S. Newman, of New York, N.Y.,

George Henry Nicols, of Brooklyn, N.Y., Joseph A. Nitti, of Great

Neck, N. Y., Maurice F. O'Connell, of Irvington, N. Y., Irving Olaik, of
Brooklyn, N.Y., Edward A. Onders, of Westbury, N. Y., Gerald Orseck,
of Liberty, N. Y., Philip J. O'Shea, of Buffalo, N. Y., Arthur L. Penzel,
of New Rochelle, N. Y., Bernard Perlman, of New York, N.Y., Arcan-
gelo J, Petricca, of Lackawanna, N.Y., Robert G. Pierce, of New

York, N.Y., Albert H. Pinsky, of Rochester, N.Y., William F. Plun-
kett, Jr., of Tarrytown, N.Y., Emmett W. Poindexter, of New York,

N.Y., Ronald W. Pott, of Syracuse, N.Y., Robert S. Raum, of New
York, N. Y., John H. Reilly, Jr., of New York, N.Y., Stanley B. Reiter,
of Binghamton, N.Y., E. Allan Riebesehl, of New York, N.Y., Charles
Rindner, of Levittown, N.Y., Vincent R. Rippa, of New York, N.Y.,
Gerald A. Robbie, of New York, N.Y., Thomas J. Romans, of New
York, N.Y., Daniel M. Rosen, of Briarcliff Manor, N.Y., Marvin J.
Rosenthal, of Rochester, N.Y., Herbert Rosenstein, of New York, N.Y.,
Christopher T. W. Ross, of Buffalo, N.Y., Milton Ross, of Albertson,
N.Y., Robert A. Rubin, of New York, N.Y., Joseph Michael Ryan, of
New York, N.Y., Kenneth W. Salaway, of Kew Gardens, N.Y., Alan
Leslie Schlang, of Flushing, N.Y., Paul R. Scott, of New York, N.Y.,
Allan S. Sexter, of Hewlett, N.Y., Joel A. Sharon, of San Mateo,
Calif., Robert Sharon, of NewYork, N.Y., Donald P. Sheldon, of
Buffalo, N.Y., Heywood Shelley, of New York, N.Y., Stuart S.
Sherman, of New York, N.Y., Howard A. Sieven, of Armonk, N.Y.,
Robert Silk, of New York, N. Y., Bernard S. Silverman, of Bay Shore,
N.Y., Sidney B. Silverman, of New York, N.Y., Philip I. Silverstein,
of New York, N.Y., Andrew J. Simons, of Westbury, N.Y., Theodore
Smolar, of Bronx, N.Y., Arthur Herbert Sobel, of Lawrence, N.Y.,
Steven R. Sosnov of New York, N.Y., William V. Spelman, of York-
town Heights, N.Y., Edward H. Spencer, of New York, N.Y., Jack
Stein, of Holliswood, N.Y., Robert Joseph Stein, of Buffalo, N.Y.,
Dennis Strom, of New York, N.Y., Michael J. Suhalla, of Buffalo,
N.Y., Eric P. Sullivan, of Rockville Centre, N.Y., John Joseph Sut-
ter, of Mineola, N.Y., Harold Sussman, of Liberty, N.Y., Jerome

Thier, Newtonville, N.Y., John K. Thompson, of New York, N.Y.,

Milton Tischler of Monroe, N. Y., Dominic A. Tortorice, of New York,
N.Y., Thomas F. Tracy, of Albany, N. Y., Gerard Trippe, of Brooklyn,
N.Y., Robert Ross Troup, of Pleasantville, N. Y., Frederick G. Turner,
:>f Clinton, N.Y, Arthur F. Vedder, of East Syracuse, N.Y., John
D. Viener, of New York, N.Y., Alfred A. Volkman, of Patchogue,

N.Y.,Leonard Wacksman, of New York, N.Y., Sydney Clarence Wal-

New York, N.Y., Monroe M. Wallace, of New York, N.Y.,
decker, of
Morton Werbel, of Brooklyn, N.Y., James Keith Weeks, of Syracuse,
MONDAY, MAY 18, 19 70 416

N.Y., David Charles Weisberg, of Patchogue, N. Y., Daniel A. Whalen,

of Albany, N.Y., Harry E. White, Jr., of New York, KY, Theodore F.
Whitmarsh, of New York, N.Y., Stephen L. Wilson, of Mineola, N.Y.,
Frederick E. Winkler, of New York, N.Y., Donald J. Wisner, of Ro-
chester, N.Y., Jack Wohl, of New York, N.Y., Stuart Malcolm Wolf, of
New York, N.Y., Philip C, Wood, of Syracuse, N.Y., Frank E. Yan-
nelli of Mineols, N.Y., Stanley N. Young, of New York, N.Y., and
Hyman J. Zacks, of New York, N.Y., on motion of Mr. Harold
Andrew H. Avedisian, of Paducah, Ky., Robert L. Beck, of Cin-
cinnati, Ohio, Joel C. Bender, of New York, N. Y., Frank J. Bennardo,
of Yonkers, N.Y., Charles Thomas Bistany, of Yonkers, N.Y., Irene
Borys, of New York, N.Y., Herbert E. Cohen, of Albany, N.Y., J.
Neil Devine, of Potsdam, N.Y., Kevin C. Feury, of Baltimore, Md.,
Bartley F. Flaherty, of Floral Park, N.Y., Ira H. Freeman, of New
Rochelle, N.Y., Moey Leo Friedman, of Schroon Lake, N.Y., Michael
H. Fury, of Pearl River, N.Y., Herbert L. Gatewood, of Elnora, N.Y.,
Arthur L. Gellert, of Poughkeepsie, N.Y., Harvey M. Greene, of New
York, N.Y., Norman Greenberg, of New York, N.Y., Joseph W.
Greenberger, of New York, N.Y., Robert Alan Huf jay, of Eastchester,
N.Y., Wayne C. Jaeschke, of Ossining, N.Y., Joseph A. Kennedy, of
Pearl River, N.Y., Francis C. LaVigne, of Massena, N.Y., Stanley
Leyden, of Kingston, N.Y., John Lezdey, of Washington, D.C., Wil-
liam R. Mackey, of Marblehead, Mass., Robert L. Maider, of Glovers-
ville, N. Y., Jean Matusinka, of Los Angeles, Calif., Leonard J. McCue,

of Newburgh, N.Y., Anthony J. Monteleone, of Ardsley, N. Y., Francis

H. Neverett, of Chazy, N.Y., Francis J. O'Connor, of Monsey, N.Y.,
Russell H. Perry, of Dallas, Tex., Paul William Pickell, of New York,
N.Y., Edward Rappaport, of Gloversville, N.Y., David L. Riebel, of
Waterford, N. Y., Martin Satloff, of Brooklyn, N.Y., Alvin J. Schif rin,
of New York, N.Y., H. Andrew Schlusberg, of Gloversville, N.Y.,
Roger A. Schultz, of New York, N. Y., Stanley J. Silverberg, of Great
Neck, N.Y., Alfred Sklaver, of Yorktown Heights, N.Y., Howard R,
Slonim, of New York, N.Y., Joel David Tenenbaum, of Brooklyn,
N.Y., Thomas Benbow Trumpy, of Providence, R.I., Amedeo H.
Volpe, of Schenectady, N.Y., William M. Westhoff, of Wayne, Pa.,
Gary Yeldezian, of Upper Saddle River, N.J., Arnold N. Zelman, of
Buffalo, N.Y., Irwin Zemen, of Santurce, P.R., Marvin Zevin, of
Mineola, N.Y., George M. Zimmerman, of Buffalo, N.Y., Martin H.
Zuckerman, of Forest Hills, N.Y., David G. Zuckerman, of Forest
Hills, N.Y., and Victor Zuckerman, of Voorheesville, N.Y., on motion
of Mr. Richard A. Barber, were admitted to practice.

Adjourned until Monday, May 25, 1970, at 10 o'clock.

FRIDAY, MAY 22, 1970 417


Present Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice

Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice

Stewart, Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice Marshall.


No. — Garrett H. Byrne, petitioner, v. P.B.I.C., Inc., et al. The


application for a stay is denied by an equally divided Court. The

Chief Justice, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice Harlan and Mr. Justice
Stewart would grant the stay.

390-278—70 101
MONDAY, MAY 2 5, 19 70 418


Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice

Present :

Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice

Stewart, and Mr. Justice White.

The Chief Justice said

"Today's orders of the Court have been certified by the Chief Jus-
tice, filed with the Clerk, and will not be announced orally."

Opinion Per Curiam

David L. Daniel, Director, Cook County Department of
No. 1211.
Public Aid, etal., appellants, v. Clara Goliday et al. Appeal from the

United States District for the Northern District of Illinois. Judgment

vacated and case remanded to the United States District Court for
theNorthern District of Illinois for further proceedings in conformity
with the opinion of this Court,Opinion per curiam. The Chief Justice,
Mr. Justice Black and Mr. Justice Stewart dissent.

Appeals —Dismissals
No. 1267. Janet Stotland et al., appellants v. Pennsylvania. Appeal
from the Superior Court of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia District. The
appeal dismissed for want of a substantial federal question. Dissent-

ing opinion by Mr. Justice Douglas. Mr. Justice Brennan took no part
in the consideration or decision of this case.
No. 1449. Samuel Cohen et ux, appellants, v. Wilmington Housing
Authority. Appeal from the Supreme Court of Delaware. The appeal
is dismissed for want of jurisdiction. Treating the papers whereon the

appeal was taken as a petition for writ of certiorari, certiorari is


No. 1776, Misc. Reies Lopez Tijerina et al., appellants, v. Virgil

Henry et al. Appeal from the United States District Court for the
District of New Mexico. The appeal is dismissed. Dissenting opinion
by Mr. Justice Douglas. The Chief Justice took no part in the consid-
3ration or decision of this case.

390-278—70 -102
MONDAY, MAY 2 5, 19 70 419

Orders In Pending Cases

No. 1058. Ida Phillips, petitioner, v. Martin Marietta Corporation.

The motion of The American Civil Liberties Union for leave to file
a brief, as amicus curiae, is granted.
No. 1405. Willie S. Griggs et al., petitioners, v. Duke Power Com-
pany. The Solicitor General is invited to file a brief expressing the
views of the United States. Mr Justice Brennan took no part in
the consideration or decison of this order.

Certiorari Granted

No. 1392. International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Ship-

builders, Blacksmiths, Forgers and Helpers, AFL-CIO, petitioner, v

George W. Hardeman. Petition for writ of Unitedcertiorari to the

States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit granted limited to
Questions 1 and 3 presented by the petition which read as follows:
"1. Whether a federal court in a Section 102 proceeding reviewing

in expulsion of a member by a union may apply a standard of review

thereby the court substitutes its own
factual findings and interpreta-
tions and by-laws for those of the union.
of the union's constitution
"3. Whether the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, pre-

empts an action brought under Section 102 of the Labor-Management

Reporting and Disclosure Act wherein a former union member,
iaiming wrongful expulsion, does not seek restoration of member-
ship rights but claims damages for an alleged loss of employment due

to the union's alleged failure to refer him to employers." Case placed

m the summary calendar.
Certiorari Denied

No. 1127. Leo Weiss and Fifi Belondon, petitioners, v. Wyoming

ix rel. G. Joseph Cardine, etc. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
Supreme Court of Wyoming denied.
No. 1128. Fifi Belondon, petitioner, v. City of Casper. Petition for
-vrit of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Wyoming denied.
No. 1253. Joseph Ferrara, petitioner, v. Illinois. Petition for writ
)f certiorari to the Appellate Court of Illinois, Second District,

No. 1340. Herman Gordon, United States. Petition

petitioner, v.
"or writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
ftfth Circuit denied.
MONDAY, MAY 2 5, 19 70 420

No. 1346. Lanrao, Inc., petitioner, v. United States. Petition for

writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth
Circuit denied.

No. 1375. Texas Eastern Transmission Corporation, petitioner, v.

Federal Power Commission et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 1395. The Detroit and Toledo Shore Line Railroad Company,
petitioner v. Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 1396. Allan Maurice Glazerman, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the LTnited States Court of Appeals
for the Tenth Circuit denied.
No. 1397. 677.50 Acres of Land in Marion County, Kansas, et al.,
United States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
petitioners, v.
United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit denied.
No. 1398. Aloe Creme Laboratories, Inc., petitioner, v. Milsan, Inc.,
et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 1399. Richard M. Brough, petitioner, v. The Board of Educa-
tion of Millard County School District et al. Petition for writ of
certiorari to the Supreme Court of Utah denied.

No. 1401. Betty Jean Pingatore et vir, petitioners, v. Montgomery

Ward and Company, Inc. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 1404. Tennessee Corporation, petitioner, v. Seaboard Coast
Line Railroad Company. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 1410. Moultrie Manufacturing Company et al., petitioners, v.
Tennessee Fabricating Company dba TFC Co. Petition for writ of
certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit

No. 1412. Indiana General Corporation, petitioner, v. Krystinel

Corporation and ;

No. 1423. Krystinel Corporation, petitioner, v. Indiana General

Corporation. Petitions for writs of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1420. Joseph F. Young, petitioner, v. Ada M. Scott, etc., et al.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals

for the Fourth Circuit denied.
MONDAY, MAY 2 5, 19 70 421

No. 1424. Aloe Creme Laboratories, Inc., petitioner, v. American

Aloe Corporation. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 1447. Terrell Machine Co., petitioner, v. National Labor Rela-
tionsBoard. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit denied.

No. 1473. Monogram Models, Inc., petitioner, v. National Labor

Relations Board. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 1474. Benjamin H. Adamowski et al., petitioners, v. George W.
Jayne. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Appellate Court of Illi-
nois, First District, denied.
No. 1400. Edward L. Cofone et al., petitioners, v. United States.
Motion to dispense with printing petition granted. Petition for writ of
certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit

No. 1406. Norman F. Dacey, etc., petitioner, v. New York County

Lawyers' Association. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied. Mr. Justice
Douglas took no part in the consideration or decision of this petition.
No. 1500. Walter E. Craven, Warden, petitioner v. Forrest Silva
Tucker. Motion of respondent for leave to proceed in forma pauperis
granted. Petition for writ of certiorati to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 31, Misc. Louis McCloud, petitioner, v. Alfred T. Bundle,
Superintendent, State Correctional Institution. Petition for writ of
certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Cir-
cuit denied.
No. 77, Misc. Oscar Leon Rosen, petitioner, v. Harold W. Follette,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 231, Misc. Nelson Canacly, petitioner, v. Harold W. Follette,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 556, Misc. Calvin Ray Reed, petitioner, v. Harold V. Field,
Superintendent, California Men's Colony. Petition for writ of cer-
tiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit

No. 1306, Misc. George Taylor, petitioner, v. J. D. Cox, Super-

intendent, Virginia State Penitentiary. Petition for writ of certiorari
MONDAY, MAY 2 5, 19 70 422

to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 1586, Misc. Virgil L. Limbaugh, petitioner, v. Alabama. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals of Alabama denied.

No. 1589, Misc. Manuel Rolon, petitioner, v. New York. Petition

for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals of New York denied.
No. 1654, Misc. Hugh P. Nicholson, petitioner, v. Alabama. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Alabama denied.
No. 1685, Misc. Virgil Lee Evans, petitioner, v. City of Detroit
et al.Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 1695, Misc. George Edward Smith, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1724, Misc. Edward Wilson, petitioner, v. United States. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the District of Columbia Circuit denied.
No. 1728, Misc. Jo Ann Downs, petitioner, v. Alabama. Petition
for writ of certiorario to the Court of Appeals of Alabama denied.

No. 1818, Misc. William McHenry, petitioner, v. Michigan State

Parole Board. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United Stales
Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 1820, Misc. Ralph Thompson, petitioner, v. New York. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the Appellate Division of the Supreme
Court of New York, Second Judicial Department, denied.
No. 1821, Misc. David F. Viands, Jr., petitioner, v. Otis L. Brown,
Director, VirginiaDepartment of Welfare and Institutions. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 1822, Misc. Albert Leroy Peterson, petitioner, v. Missouri. Pe-
writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Missouri denied.
tition for

No. 1827, Misc. Ernest F. Williams, petitioner, v. Harold W. Fol-

Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Appellate Division

of the Supreme Court of New York, Second Judicial Department,


No. 1839, Misc. Virge Bolden, petitioner, v. R. I. Moseley, Warden.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Tenth Circuit denied.
No. 1841, Misc. Robert McOlendon, petitioner, v. Jacob J. Parker.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Third Circuit denied.
390-278—70 103
MONDAY, MAY 2 5, 1970 423

No. 1844, Misc. Eugene H. Tinsley, petitioner, v. United States.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the District of Columbia Circuit denied.
No. 1849, Misc. James Davis, petitioner, v. Walter E. Craven. Pe-
Supreme Court of California denied.
tition for writ of certiorari to the
No. 1859, Misc. Bobby Frank Cannon, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1875, Misc. Robert Fullen, petitioner, v. New York. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court
of New York, Fourth Judicial Department, denied.
No. 1876, Misc. Jerome Rosenberg, petitioner, v. Vincent R. Man-
cusi,Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1878, Misc. Joseph Jerome Koebrich, petitioner, v. Walter E.
Craven, Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1914, Misc. John Joseph O'Connor, petitioner, v. J. Elwood
Clement, etc. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit denied.

No. 1927, Misc. Guiseppe Lasalandra, petitioner, v. United States.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals

for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1935, Misc. Clarence Clayton Golf, petitioner, v. James F.
Pfau, Trustee. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit denied.
No. 1943, Misc. Vivian Wy cliff Buie, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fifth Circuit denied.

No. 1950, Misc. Jesse James Cantrell, petitioner, v. California

Adult Authority. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court
of California denied.

No. 1973, Misc. Don v. United States. Petition

B. Cook, petitioner,
for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 1975, Misc. Eddie Anthony Lloyd, Jr., petitioner, v. Nevada.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Nevada

No. 1990, Misc. Robert A. Grimes, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-

MONDAY, MAY 2 5, 19 70 424

tition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the District of Columbia Circuit denied.
No. 2033, Misc. Sherill E. Penney and George C. Hendricks, pe-
titioners, v. United States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.

Leave To File Petitions for Writs or Habeas Corpus Denied

No. 1979, Misc. Joe Allen Payne, petitioner, v. Carl Hocker,

No. 2067, Misc. Charles Eugene McCartney, petitioner, v. Superior
Court, San Bernardino County, California, et al. and ;

No. 2109, Misc. Carl David Gardner, petitioner, v. California et al.

Motions for leave to file petitions for writs of heabeas corpus denied.

Rehearings Denied

No. 1436, Misc. Charles J. Juliano, petitioner, v. H. J. Cardwell,

No. 1615, Misc. Edward H. Kerner et al., petitioners, v. Ciba
No. 1738, Misc. John B. Gordon, petitioner, v. Fred W. Bright
et al. ; and
No. 1823, Misc. Clifford H. Middleton, petitioner, v. United States,
Petitions for rehearing denied.

Except for Nos. 1211, 1267, 1392 and 1776, Misc., Mr. Justice
Marshall took no part in the consideration or decision of the matters
on this order list.
Assignment Orders

An order of the Chief Justice designating and assigning Mr. J ustice

Clark (Retired) to perform judicial duties in the United States Court
of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit beginning May 26, 1970, and end-
ing May 28, 1970, and for such further time as may be required to
complete unfinished business, pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 294(a), is
ordered entered on the minutes of this Court, pursuant to 28 U.S.C.

An order of the Chief Justice designating and assigning Mr. J ustice

Clark (Retired) to perform judical duties in the United States Court
MONDAY, MAY 2 5, 19 70 425

of Appeals for the Second Circuit beginning October 13, 1970, and
ending October 16, 1970, and for such further time as may be required
to complete unfinished business, pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 294(a), is
ordered entered on the minutes of this Court, pursuant to 28 U.S.C.
Eecess Order

The Court will take a recess from today until Monday, June 1, 1970.

Admissions to the Bar

Francis B. Toler,Jr., of Compton, Calif., Emile Grossman, Berke-

ley, Calif.,Ralph Wilson Nimmons, Jr., of Jacksonville, Fla., Everett
Royce Richardson, of Jacksonville, Fla., Ronald Glenn Hagstrom,
of Oak Park, 111., William Judson Doss, of Monticello, 111., Richard B.
Sadler, III, of Alexandria, La., Peter A. Ciambotti, of Lake Charles,
La., Joseph R. Nolan, of Boston, Mass., Seymour Tillman, of Spring-
field, Mass., George A. Penry, of Alexandria, Va., Benjamin S.

Horack, of Charlotte, N.C., Niki Z. Schwartz, of Cleveland, Ohio,

Larry G. Montague, of Los Angeles, Calif., and Thomas F. Ging, of
Arlington, Va., on motion of Mr. Solicitor General Erwin N. Gris-
wold; Alfred S. Cox, of Phoenix, Ariz., and Donald Frederick Daugh-
ton, of Phoenix Ariz., on motion of Mrs. Lorna E. Lockwood John ;

Winslow Thatcher, of Portsmouth, Ohio, on motion of Mr. William B.

Saxbe Donald Alexander Browne, of Bridgeport, Conn., and Joseph

T. Gromley Jr., of Monroe, Conn., on motion of Mr. Lowell P. Weic-

ker, Jr.; Ronald Edward Luna, of Bay City, Tex., on motion of Mr.
John Young; Kenneth Ziftren, of Los Angeles, Calif., on motion of
Mr. James C. Corman Evan E. James, of Buffalo, X.Y., on motion of

Mr. Eugene Gressman Gilberto M. Cardenas, of Washington, D.C.,


on motion of Mr. Walter A. Slowinski Marvin S. Davis, of Washin-


ton, D.C., James F. Whitescarver, Jr., of Annandale, Va., Franz F.

Opper, of Washington, D.C., and Nelson Shechtel, of Bowie, Md., on

motion of Mr. Alexander J. Brown, Jr. Edward Berman, of Hono-

lulu, Hawaii, on motion of Mr. David S. Nahm Ephraim Margolin, ;

of San Francisco, on motion of Mr. Lawrence Speiser Elliott

Calif., ;

J. Cherry, of Philadelphia, Pa., on motion of Mr. George N. Van

Fleet, Jr. Billy Jenkins Jordan, of Columbus, Miss., on motion of


Mr. Peter McKenzie Stockett, Jr. Donald A. Gralla, of Los Angeles,


Calif., and Martin C. Pachter, of Beverly Hills, Calif., on motion of

Mr. George Miron John L Keller, of Harroclsburg, Ky., on motion

of Mr. Arther L. Quinn Tamara J. Wall, of Washington, D.C., on

MONDAY, MAY 2 5, 19 70 426

motion of Mr. Hugh J ohn Kelly Norman Krivosha, of Lincoln, Neb.,


on motion of Mr. Lee C. White Moreland G. Smith, Jr., of Arlington,


Va.,on motion of Mr. Alexander Akerman, Jr.

Alfred L. Capra, of Denver, Colo., on motion of Mr. Jason Dryer;
Robert Frederick Kneipp, of Washington, D.C., on motion of Mr.
Hubert B. Pair; James J. Cromwell, of Rockville, Md., on motion of
Mr. John P. Arness: Leslie Lawrence Ogg, of Washington, D.C., on
motion of Mr. Timothy Geddes Greene; John C. Bartlett, of Reno,
Nev., on motion of Mr. Michael Klein Wayne J. Davies, of Seattle,

Wash., on motion of Mr. Edward H. McDermott Robert E. Duncan, ;

of Kensington, Md., on motion of Mr. Albert L. Berman; Paul J.

Polking, of Breda, Iowa, on motion of Mr. Harry D. Kemples Bruce ;

F. Fein, of Chevy Chase, Md., on motion of Mr. Aaron R. Fodiman ;

Joseph Lane Morthland, of Yakima, Wash., on motion of Mr. Charles

M, Soller; Barry Nakell, of Chapel Hill, N.C., on motion of Mr.
Hugh Q. Alexander Herminoe K. Brown, of Los Angeles, Calif., on

motion of Mr. Louis M. Brown Belden G. Bly, Jr., of Saugus, Mass.,


on motion of Mr. George Kaufmann; William J. Cunningham, Jr., of

Buffalo, N.Y., on motion of Mr. John C. Harrington; James G.
Sampas, of Chevy Chase, Md., on motion of Mrs. Betty Murphy;
Marian P. Opala, of Oklahoma City, Okla., and Samuel A. Townley,
of Oklahoma City, Okla,, on motion of Mr. DeVere Pierson Edwin K. ;

Allentown, Pa., on motion of Mr. Herbert Sharfman;

Kline, Jr., of
Richard Hugh Goldwyn, of Tulsa, Okla., on motion of Mr. Sol F.
Goldwyn; Thomas L. Freytag, of Washington, D.C., on motion of
Mr. Nick Dane Hansen George H. Hartman, of Brooklyn, N. Y., and

Aaron Weitz, of New York, N.Y., on motion of Mr. Charles Kooz-

man; Joseph Donald Cummings, of New Carrollton, Md., and
Lawrence Mitchell Whitfield, of Falls Church, Va., on motion of Mr.
Robert G. Rue.
Gilbert Abramson, of Philadelphia, Pa., Charles Hillel Baron, of
Philadelphia, Pa., Harry P. Begier, Jr., of Philadelphia, Pa., Jerome
N. Berenson, of Philadelphia, Pa., Albert C. Braslow, of Philadel-
phia, Pa., Peter W. Brown, of Charlestown, Pa., Allen L. Feingold,
of Philadelphia, Pa., Samuel Walter Foulkrod III, of Media, Pa.,
Charles Winslow Frampton, of Philadelphia, Pa., Mayer Horwitz, of
Philadelphia, Pa., Sheridan Philip Hunt, Jr., of Philadelphia, Pa.,
William Morris Labkoff, of Philadelphia, Pa., Melvin Lashner, of
Philadelphia, Pa., Paul Maleson, of Philadelphia, Pa., John Hender-
son McNeill, of Bryn Mawr, Pa., Philip C. Patterson, of Philadel-

phia, Pa., Joan B. Duncan Riley, of Philadelphia, Pa., Joseph Roehm

MONDAY, MAY 2 5, 19 70 427

Siegert, Jr., of Philadelphia, Pa.,Alan David Silverman, of Phila-

delphia, Pa., Robert
Silverman, of Philadelphia, Pa., Arthur
Sonstein, of Philadelphia, Pa., Burton K. Stein, of Philadelphia,
Pa., Jacob Trachtman, of Philadelphia, Pa., Walter B. Udell, of
Philadelphia, Pa., Anthony F. Visco, Jr., of Philadelphia, Pa., Lewis
A. Walder, of Philadelphia, Pa., Joel Weisberg, of Philadelphia, Pa.,
David S. Winston, of Philadelphia, Pa., and Morris H. Wolff, of
Philaedlphia, Pa., on motion of Mr. Solicitor General Erwin N.
Alvin Apfelberg, of New York, N.Y., Louis Davenport Bailey,

of New York, N.Y., Saul Bershadker, of New York, N.Y., Edna

Janet Berry, of New York, N. Y., Neil A. Boyer, of Washington, D.C.,
Michael Barry Dickman, of Chevy Chase, Md., Melvin Dubinsky, of
New York, N.Y., Frances G. Eisenstein, of Washington, D.C., Ernest
K. Field, of Great Neck, N.Y., Stanley Fremont, of Grand View-on-
Hudson, N.Y., Irving Gerstman, of Brooklyn, N.Y., Harold Paul
Goldman, of New York, N.Y., Thomas B. Graham, of New York,
N.Y., Eleanor Greenwald, of Jenkintown, Pa., Harold Goldfarb, of
New York, N.Y., John A. Guy, of Adamstown, Md., Henry M. Plafer,
of New York, N. Y., Harry E. Hoffman, of Teaneck, N. J., Leo Howard,
of New York, N.Y., Asa W. Jennings, of Darien, Conn., Bernard S.
Kanton, of New York, N.Y., Sidney S. Korzenik, of New York, N.Y.,
Joseph Meyers, of San Francisco, Calif., Dorothy Gilson Morris, of
Chevy Chase, Md., Stanley Newman, of Reston, Va., Bernard Oxman,
of Washington, D.C., Stewart G. Pollock, of Mendham, N.J., Donald
Lloyd Roth, of Potomac, Md., Forrest E. Stewart, of Washington,
D.C., Eleanor R. Schwartz, of Arlington, Va., on motion of Mr. Rob-
ert W. Packwood and Robert Bolon Barnhouse, of Baltimore, Md.,

John H. Crabb, of Washington, D.C., Julia S. Graham, of Scarsdale,

N.Y., Gerald W. Keil, of West Orange, N.J., Barrett G. Kreisberg,
of White Plains, N.Y., Andrew L. Levy, of Croton-on-Hudson, N.Y.,
Melvin Geoffrey Luce, of North Babylon, N.Y., Wallace S. Nathan,
of New York, N.Y., Renee Modry, of New York, N.Y., Marcia K.
Marshall, of New York, N.Y., Arnold Marshall, of New York, N.Y.,
Vincent A. Marsicano, of New York, N. Y., Norman C. Morse, of Staten
Island, N.Y., Matthew G. Nizza, of Garden City, N.Y., Joseph
! Pomeranz, of New York, N.Y., Lloyd I. Roos, of New York, N. Y., Sail
J. Sidoti, of West Hempstead, N. Y., Simon Silver, of New York, N. Y.,

Melvin R, Simensky, of Brooklyn, N.Y., Gertrude Caminez Solez, of
Bronxville, N.Y., Joseph Stern, of Montclair, N. J., Arthur J. Stevens,
of New York, N.Y., John M. Stolfi, of Massapequa, N.Y., Howard
Jesse Weiss, of New York, N.Y., and Seymour C. Yuter, of Briarcliff
MONDAY, MAY 2 5, 19 70 428

Manor, N.Y., on motion of Mr. Jacob Javits, were admitted to


No. 628. Daniel Jay Schacht, petitioner, v. United States. On writ

of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Cir-
cuit. Judgment reversed and case remanded to the Court of Appeals

for further proceedings in conformity with the opinion of this Court.

Opinion by Mr. Justice Black. Concurring opinion by Mr. Justice
Harlan. Opinion by Mr. Justice White with whom Mr. Chief Justice
Burger and Mr. Justice Stewart join concurring in the result.
No. 728. Robert Dean Dickey, petitioner, v. Florida. On writ of
certiorari to the District Court of Appeal of Florida, First District.
Judgment reversed and case remanded to the District Court of Ap-
peal of Florida, First District, with directions to vacate the judgment
appealed from and discharge petitioner from custody and from fur-
ther proceedings arising out of the charges on which that judgment
was based. Opinion by Mr. Chief Justice Burger. Concurring opinion
by Mr. Justice Harlan. Concurring opinion by Mr. J ustice Brennan
with whom Mr. Justice Marshall joins.
No. 127. William Monks, petitioner, v. New Jersey. On writ of
certiorari to theSuperior Court of New Jersey, Appellate Division.
Writ dismissed as improvidently granted without prejudice to any
further appropriate proceedings below. Opinion per curiam announced
by Mr. Chief Justice Burger. Dissenting opinion by Mr. Justice
Marshall with whom Mr. Justice Douglas joins.

No. 1472. Nationwide Theatres Investment Co., et al., petitioners,

v.James E. Thompson et al. The application for a stay presented to
Mr. Chief Justice Burger, and by him referred to the court, is denied.
Mr. Justice Marshall took no part in the consideration or decision of
this application.

Adjourned until Monday, June 1, 1970, at 10 o'clock.

THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1970 428a


Present : Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. J ustice Black, Mr. Justice
Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice
Stewart, Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice Marshall.


No. 2263, Misc. Hugh J. Addonizio, petitioner, v. George H. Bar-

low, Judge of the United States District Court for the District of
New Jersey. The application for a stay presented to Mr. Justice Bren-
nan, and by him referred to the Court, is denied. Mr. Justice Black and
Mr. Justice Marshall took no part in the consideration or decision of
:his application.

MONDAY, JUNE 1, 19 70 429


Present Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice

Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice Stew-
art, and Mr. Justice White.

Admissions to the Bar

Gavin D. Lit wilier, of Rifle, Colo., Fred Warren Bennett, of Wash-

ington, D.C., John O. Harper, of Washington, D.C., James M. Meade,
of Orlando, Fla., George Don Bitter, of Ocala, Fla,, Albert G. In-

gram, of Augusta, Ga., Jerry Pech, of Chicago, 111., William Alan

Bean, of Elmhurst, 111., Richard Henry Goss, of Chicago, 111., Jon-
athan Thomas Howe, of Chicago, 111., Richard F. Hahn, of Indian-
apolis, Ind., Martin E. Greenblatt, of Boston, Mass., Vernon J. An-

drews, of Lansing, Mich., William J. Stapleton, of Lansing, Mich.,

Lawrence M. Magdovitz, of Clarksdale, Miss., Louis O. Nelson, of
Kansas City, Mo., Jerry J. Kaufman, of Las Vegas, Nev., Edwin F.
Delano, of New
York, N.Y., Andrew L. Sichenze, of Brooklyn, N.Y.,
John Eugene, of Metuchen, N. J., James William Jordan, of Columbus,
Ohio, William Monteith O'Bryan, of Kingstree, S.C., Carl Joseph
Roof, of Columbia, S.C., Donald M. Barnett, of Houston, Tex., Brent
Lawrence Burg, of Houston, Tex., John Gano, of Houston, Tex.,
Joseph D. Jamail, of Houston, Tex., Richard P. Hogan, of Houston,
Tex., Arthur E. Moers, Jr., of Houston, Tex., Joseph Hastings Schley,

Jr., of Amarillo, Tex., William J. Stradley, of Houston, Tex., Thomas

i. Tarpey, of Houston, Tex., Jack R. Clanton, of Richmond, Va., Wil-

iam A. Dervishian, of Richmond, Va., Pano J. Liatos, of Richmond,

\fa., Alexander Zaharias Matzanias, of Richmond, Va., Lewis T. Mc-

Daniel, of Richmond, Va., Demitrios Basiliou Pantele, of Richmond,

Va., Walter J. Scott, of Annandale, Va., and Richard R. Smause, of

Richmond, Va., on motion of Mr. Justice Tom C. Clark.

Jack Irving Esensten, of Palos Verdes Estates, Calif., Allan Bruce
Streller, of Los Angeles, Calif., William F. Blews, of St. Petersburg,
? la.,
Thomas John Moriarty, of Springfield, Mass., Edward R.
Aeichek, of Cleveland, Ohio, Thomas H. Denney, of Salem, Oreg.,
Tary L. Boland, of Guymon, Okla., and Alexander B. Cook, of Alex-
ndria, Va., on motion of Mr. Erwin N. Griswold; Jim K. Choate,
f Dallas, Tex., and James Otis Kelly, III, of Dallas, Tex., on motion

f Mr. Ralph W. Yarborough; James Richard Calloway, of New

"astle, Del., and Russell M. Coombs, of Silver Spring, Md., on

lotion of Mr. John L. McClellan; Richard L. Schultz, of Topeka,

£ans., Daniel Ray Ferry, of Nevada, Mo., and Stephen H. Romines, of

390-278—70 104
MONDAY, JUNE 1, 19 70 430

Arlington, Va., on motion of Mr. Richard H. Ichord Ronald P. Alwin,


of Chicago, and Melvin Bert Goldberg, of Chicago, 111., on motion


of Mr. Abner Joseph Mikva; William M. Brinton, of San Francisco,

Calif., on motion of Mr. Godfrey L. Munter Robert C. Huntley, Jr.,

of Pocatello, Idaho, on motion of Mr. John A. Carver, Jr. Robert


B. Clarke, of Two Rivers, Wis., on motion of Mr. Joseph E. Dona-

hue; Robert T. Finn, of Lincoln, Nebr., on motion of Mr. Peter N.
Chumbris; Roger V. Barth, of Buffalo, N.Y., on motion of Mr.
Johnnie M. Walters; James Lloyd Davis, Jr., of Jackson, Miss., and
Robert J. Murphy, Jr., of Louisville, Ky., on motion of Mr. Roy R.
Bartlett John T. Abernethy, of Washington, D.C., on motion of Mrs.

Alice Brandeis Popkin; Edward L. Leavitt, of San Diego, Calif.,

and Joseph William Blocker, of Placentia, Calif., on motion of Mr.
Michael Patrick Murray; Samuel Philip Gunther, of New York,
N.Y., on motion of Mr. Abraham M. Stanger; Edward Louis Stock
Arkema, of Chicago, 111., on motion of Mr. Joseph L. Nellis James ;

Michael O'Neill, of Washington, D.C., on motion of Mr. William E.

O'Neill; Hans W. E. Seltmann, of White Plains, N.Y., on motion
of Mr. William F. Kelly; Benjamin S. Kalnick. of New York, N.Y.,
and Michael Charles Kalnick, of New York, N.Y., on motion of Mr.
Albert E. Arent.
Walter L. Williamson, of Flemington, N.J., on motion of Mr.
Nicholas A. Addams John Leonard Hay. of Phoenix, Ariz., on motion

of Mr. James J. Bierbower; Douglas M. Moore, Jr., of San Fran-

cisco, Calif., on motion of Mr. Joe L. Johnson Claude L. Beaudoin,

of Wilmington, Del., on motion of Mr. James T. Corle; Mervyn

Loenell Young, of Washington, D.C., on motion of Mr. Michael Haley
Bader; Norton J. Cohen, of Detroit, Mich., on motion of Mr. George
Kaufmann; Helen Jacobs McDade, of DeKalb, Miss., on motion of
Mr. Wm. Ephraim Cresswell; James L. Crates, of Kenton, Ohio,
Charles Hopkins Welles IV, of Scranton, Pa., and William Calvin
Chesnut Barnes, of Baltimore, Md., on motion of Mr. Reid Franklin
Holbrook; Sherman E. Hollingsworth, of San Diego, Calif., Robert
A. Lawrence, of Fairfax, Va., Rodney Dale Parrott, of Houston, Tex.,
Peter M. Sflkas, of Chicago, 111., and Robert Dale Wootton, of Dallas,
Tex., on motion of Mr. Robert E. Redding; and Richard A. Block,
of Philadelphia, Pa., Dennis J. Carlin, of Washington, D.C., J. Ed-
ward Friedland, of Cleveland, Ohio, Charles Battle Lewis, Jr., of
Stone Mountain, Ga., William Glenn Prather, of Vienna, Va., William
A. Reutemann, Jr., of Wheaton, Md., Norman A. Segal, of Old Bridge,
N.J., Jerome D. Sekula, of Alexandria, Va., Walter Preston White,
Jr., of Atlanta, Ga., and Frank E. Wrenick, of Cleveland, Ohio, on

motion of Mr. K. Martin Worthy, were admitted to practice.

MONDAY, JUNE 1, 19 70 431


No. 768. The Boys Market, Inc., petitioner, v. Eetail Clerk's

Union, Local 770. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. Judgment reversed and case re-
manded to the Court of Appeals with directions to enter a judgment
affirming the order of the United States District Court for the Central
District of California. Opinion by Mr. Justice Brennan. Concurring
opinion by Mr. Justice Stewart. Dissenting opinion by Mr. Justice
Black. Dissenting opinion by Mr. Justice White. Mr. Justice Marshall
took no part in the decision of this case.

No. 79. Sandra Adickes, petitioner, v. S. H. Kress and Company.

On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Second Circuit. Judgment reversed and case remanded to the Court
of Appeals for further proceedings in conformity with the opinion
of this Court. Opinion by Mr. Justice Harlan. Opinion by Mr. Justice
Black concurring in the judgment. Opinion by Mr. Justice Brennan
concurring in part and dissenting in part. Opinion by Mr. Justice
Douglas dissenting in part. Mr. Justice Marshall took no part in the
decision of this case.

No. 2, Misc. Stephen S. Chandler, United States District Judge

for the Western District of Oklahoma, petitioner, v. Judicial Council
of the Tenth Circuit of the United States. On motion for leave to file
petition for writ of prohibition and/or mandamus. Motion for leave
to file petition for writ of prohibition and/or mandamus denied.
Opinion by Mr. Chief Justice Burger. Opinion by Mr. Justice Harlan
concurring in the denial of an extraordinary writ. Dissenting opinion
by Mr. Justice Black with whom Justice Douglas joins. Dissenting
opinion by Mr. Justice Douglas with whom Mr. Justice Black joins.
Mr. Justice Marshall took no part in the consideration or decision of
this case.

No. 13. William L. Maxwell, petitioner, v. O. E. Bishop, Superin-

tendent, Arkansas State Penitentiary. On writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit. Judgment
vacated and case remanded to the United States District Court for
the Eastern District of Arkansas for further proceedings in con-
formity with the opinion of this Court. Opinion per curiam announced
by Mr. Chief Justice Burger. Dissenting opinion by Mr. Justice Black.
Mr. Justice Marshall took no part in the decision of this case.

No. 103. United States, appellant, v. Armour & Company et al.

Appeal from the United States District Court for the Northern Dis-
trict of Illinois. Judgment vacated and case remanded to the United

Court for the Northern District of Illinois with

States District
Opinion per curiam announced
instructions to dismiss the case as moot.
by Mr. Chief Justice Burger. Dissenting opinion by Mr. Justice
MONDAY, JUNE 1, 19 70 432

Douglas. Mr. Justice Black took no part in the consideration or de-

cision of this case. Mr. Justice Marshall took no part in the decision of
this case.

No. 896. George K. Wyman, etc., et al., appellants, v. Edna Koth-

stein et al. Appeal from the United States District Court for the
Southern District of New York. Judgment vacated and case remanded
to the United States District Court for the Southern District of
New York for an opportunity to pass on the propriety of granting
interim relief in accordance with conventional equitable principles on
the basis of appellees' statutory claims, or, if the question is reached,
continuing the present injunction in light of this Court's decision in
Dandridge v. Williams, U.S.— —
(1970). Opinion per curiam an-
nounced by Mr. Chief Justice Burger. Dissenting opinion by Mr. Jus-
ticeBlack with whom the Chief Justice joins. Mr. Justice Marshall
took no part in the decision of this case.

The Chief Justice said :

"Today's orders of the Court have been certified by the Chief Jus-
tice, filed with the Clerk, and will not be announced orally."

Opinions Per Curiam

No. 1347. Floyd Bloss et al., petitioners, v. Steven L. Dykema,

etc.On petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Michi-
gan. Petition for writ of certiorari granted, judgment reversed, and
case remanded to the Supreme Court of Michigan for further proceed-
ings not inconsistent with the opinion of this Court. Opinion per
curiam. The Chief Justice and Mr. Justice White are of the opinion
that certiorari should be denied. Dissenting opinion by Mr. Justice
Harlan. Mr. Justice Marshall took no part in the consideration or
decision of this case.

No. 1394. Harold W. Follette, Warden, petitioner, v. Felix

Comacho. On petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit Motion of respondent for
leave to proceed in forma pauperis and petition for writ of certiorari
granted. Judgment vacated and case remanded to the Court of Appeals
for further consideration in light of McMann v. Richardson, decided
May 4, 1970. Opinion per curiam. Mr. Justice Marshall took no part
in the considerration or decision of this case.

No. 1426. Leitchfield Manufacturing Company, Inc., et al., ap-

United States et al. Appeal from the United States Dis-
pellants, v.
trictCourt for the Western District of Kentucky. Judgment vacated
and case remanded to the United States District Court for the Western
District of Kentucky for redetermination upon the basis of the record
of the Interstate Commerce Commission proceedings. Opinion per
MONDAY, JUNE 1, 19 70 433

curiam. Mr. Justice Douglas and Mr. Justice Harlan would affirm.
Mr. Justice Black would note probable jurisdiction and set case for
argument. Mr. Justice Marshall took no part in the consideration or
decision of this case.

No. 1183, Misc. Lynn Roy Higgins, petitioner, v. United States.

On petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Ap-
peals for the Second Circuit. Motion for leave to proceed in forma
pauperis and petition for writ of certiorari granted. Judgment vacated
and case remanded to the Court of Appeals for further consideration
in light of GutJcnecht v.United States, 396 U.S. 295. Opinion per
curiam. Mr. Justice Marshall took no part in the consideration or
decision of this case.
Appeals —Dismissals
No. 1267, Misc. Erma Jean Thomas et al., appellants, v. William
H. Burson, Director of the Georgia Department of Family and Chil-
dren Services. Appeal from the United States District Court for the
Middle District of Georgia. The appeal is dismissed for want of juris-

No. 1409, Misc. Thais Harris, appellant, v. City of Houston et al.

Appeal from the District Court of Harris County, Texas. The appeal
is dismissed for want of jurisdiction. Treating the papers whereon

the appeal was taken as a petition for writ of certiorari, certiorari is

Orders in Pending Cases

No. . California ex rel. Nathan S. Smith, petitioner, v. United

States et al. The motion for leave to file an original action is denied.

No. 36, Original. State of Texas, plaintiff, v. State of Louisiana.

The motion for the appointment of a Special Master is granted. It is
ordered that the Honorable Robert Van Pelt, Senior Judge of the
United States District Court for the District of Nebraska be, and he is
hereby, appointed Special Master in this case with authority to fix
the time and conditions for the filing of additional pleadings and to
direct subsequent proceedings, and with authority to summon wit-
nesses, issue subpoenas, and take such evidence as may be introduced
and such as he may deem it necessary to call for. The master is directed
to submit such reports as he may deem appropriate.
The master shall be allowed his actual expenses. The allowances to
him, the compensation paid to his technical, stenographic, and clerical
assistants, the cost of printing his report, and all other proper expenses
shall be charged against and be borne by the parties in such proportion
as the Court hereafter may direct.
It is furtherordered that if the position of Special Master in this
case becomes vacant during a recess of Court, the Chief Justice shall
MONDAY, JUNE 1, 19 70 434

have authority to make a new designation which shall have the same
effect as if originally made by the Court herein.
No. 179. William P. Rogers, Secretary of State, appellant, v. Aldo
Mario Bellei. The motion of the appellee to remove this case from the
summary calendar is granted, and a total of one and one half hours
is allotted for oral argument.
No. 977. George K. Wyman, Individually and as Commissioner
of the State of Xew York, Department of Social Services, appellant, v.
Barbara James, etc. The application to remove seal from the record or
permit reference in briefs to sealed material is granted.

No. 1058. Ida Phillips, petitioner, v. Martin Marietta Corporation.

The motion of Air Line Stewards and Stewardesses Association, Local
550, etc., for leave to file a brief, as amicus curiae, is granted.

Certiorari Granted

No. 486, Misc. Dennis Councle McGautha, petitioner, v. California.

Motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis granted. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of California granted limited
to Question 1 presented by the petition which reads as follows
"1. Does California's practice of allowing capital trial juries ab-

solute discretion, uncontrolled by standards or directions of any kind,

to impose the death penalty upon a defendant convicted of the crime of
murder violate the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amend-
Case transferred to the appellate docket and placed on the summary

No. 709, Misc. James Edward Crampton, petitioner, v. Ohio. Mo-

tion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis granted. Petition for writ
of certiorari to Supreme Court of Ohio granted limited to Questions
2 and 3 presented by the petition which read as follows

Whether the Ohio statute which provides that the trier of fact

shalldetermine both guilt and punishment in a single verdict in cases

of murder in the first degree violates petitioner's right to be free from
"3. Whether the Ohio statute which provides that the trier of fact

may grant or withhold a recommendation of mercy in cases of murder

in the first degree, and which provides no standards or criteria to

assist the trier of fact in making such determination, violates peti-

tioner's right to due process and equal protection of the law."

Case transferred to the appellate docket and placed on the summary

Ko. 780, Misc. John Harry Bruno, petitioner, v. Pennsylvania.

Motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis and petition for writ
MONDAY, JUNE 1, 19 70 435

of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, Eastern District,

granted. Case transferred to the appellate docket and placed on the
summary calendar.
No. 1022, Misc. Viven Harris, petitioner, v. New York. Motion for
leave toproceed in forma pauperis and petition for writ of certiorari
to the Court of Appeals of New York granted. Case transferred to
the appellate docket and placed on the summary calendar.

Certiorari Denied

No. 1274. William C. Kahl, petitioner, v. Thomas Breen, etc., et al.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 1301. Marion Edward Williams, petitioner, v. Iowa. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Iowa denied.
No. 1330. K. O. Sibley et al., petitioners, v. Rural Electrification
Administration et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.

No. 1348. Pacific National Insurance Company, petitioner, v.

United States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.

No. 1409. Meilah Bell, petitioner, v. Government of the Virgin

Islands. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Third Circuit denied.

No. 1411. Runette Turner, petitioner, v. Ronnie Thompson et al.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 1416. In the Matter of Bedford Aviation, Inc., Bankrupt, pe-
titioner. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the First Circuit denied.

No. 1417. Stanley Terry, petitioner, v. Williard K. Martin. Peti-

tion for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Oregon denied.
No. 1418. Arthur Vasquez, petitioner, v. California. Petition for
«rit of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California, Second Ap-
pellate District, denied.

No. 1419. Daniel A. O'Brien, Superintendent of Massachusetts
Correctional Institution at Warwick, petitioner, v. Anthony G. Saville.
etition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
or the First Circuit denied.

No. 1421. Iowa, petitioner, v. Bennett Cullison, Judge of the

fifteenth Judicial District of Iowa, Petition for writ of certiorari
o the Supreme Court of Iowa denied.
MONDAY, JUNE 1, 1970 436

No. 1422. Weltronic Company, petitioner, v. National Labor Re-

lations Board et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 1425. Broadriver, Incorporated, petitioner, v. City of Stam-
ford et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of
Connecticut denied.

No. 1428. Anthony M. Puchalski, petitioner, v. New Jersey State

Parole Board. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of
New Jersey denied.
No. 1431. William Corwin, petitioner, v. United States. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1436. Carter-Wallace, Inc., petitioner, v. Robert H. Finch,
Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare, et al. Petition for writ
of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth
Circuit denied.

No. 1437. Richard P. Mucie, petitioner, v. Missouri. Petition for

Supreme Court of Missouri denied.
writ of certiorari to the

No. 1438. Crown Central Petroleum Corporation, petitioner, v.

Myrtle Lucille Goodman Trexler, Administratrix of the Estate of
Robert W. Trexler, et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit denied.

No. 1439. Central Gulf Steamship Corporation, petitioner, v.

Grace Line, Inc. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 1442. Dean Foods Company, Inc., petitioner, v. National La-
bor Relations Board. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 1443. Robert Costa, petitioner, v. United States. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Second Circuit denied.
No. 1445. Insurance Company of North America, petitioner, v.
The First National Bank of Decatur, Inc. Petition for writ of cer-
tiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit

No. 1450. A/S J. Ludwig Mowinckels Rederi, petitioner, v. Dow

Chemical Company et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court
of Appeals of New York denied.

No. 1457. Northern Acceptance Trust 1065 by C. Jon Handy,

al., petitioners, v. William P. Gray, United States District
Trustee, et
Judge, Central District of California, et al. Petition for writ of
MONDAY, JUNE 1, 19 70 437
certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit

No. 1476. Margaret Wright, petitioner, v. California, Petition for

writ of certiorari to the Appellate Department of the Superior Court
of California, County of Los Angeles, denied.
No. 1495. Anthony Joseph Cimini, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 1380. James Horelick and Sandra Adickes, petitioners, v. New
York. Motion to dispense with printing petition granted. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Second
Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion that certiorari
should be granted.

No. 1391. Eussell Lash, Warden, petitioner, v. Roy Jacey Evans.

Motion to dispense with printing petition granted. Petition for w^rit
of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh
Circuit denied.

No. 1430. Terry George, petitioner, v. Louisiana. Petition for writ

of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Louisiana denied. Mr. Justice
Black is of the opinion that certiorari should be granted.
No. 1469. Time, Inc., petitioner, v. Jack Wasserman. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Dis-
trict of Columbia Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Black and Mr. Justice
Douglas are of the opinion that certiorari should be granted.
No. 1490. Time, Inc., petitioner, v. Mary Alice Firestone. Petition
for writ of certiorari to theUnited States Court of Appeals for the
Fifth Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Black and Mr. Justice Douglas are
of the opinion that certiorari should be granted.

No. 229, Misc. Frederick Gray, petitioner, v. Harold V. Field. Pe-

writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
tition for
the Ninth Circuit denied.

No. 383, Misc. James Leroy Tyler, petitioner, v. Maryland. Peti-

tion forwrit of certiorari to the Court of Special Appeals of Mary-
land denied.

No. 582, Misc. James Winton, petitioner, v. H. V. Field. Petition

I for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of California denied.

No. 827, Misc. Dewayne D. Wyant, petitioner, v. Lou V. Brewer,

Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Iowa

390-278—70 105
MONDAY, JUNE 1, 19 70 438

No. 881, Misc. Michael Killean, petitioner, v. Louis S. Nelson,

Warden and ;

No. 937, Misc. Thomas Joseph Leahy, petitioner, v. Walter E.

Craven, Warden. Petitions for writs for certiorari to the Supreme
Court of California denied.
No. 1133, Misc. Clifford Hundley, petitioner, v. Warren Pinto,
Superintendent, New Jersey State Prison Farm. Petition for writ
of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Third
Circuit denied.

No. 1258, Misc. Anthony Charles Durham, petitioner, v. United

States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 1344, Misc. James William Zitzer, petitioner, v. California.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California,
Second Appellate District, denied.
No. 1460, Misc. Samuel E. Bynes, petitioner, v. New Jersey. Peti*
tion for writ of certiorari to the Superior Court of New Jersey,
Appellate Division, denied.
No. 1579, Misc. Curtis Abbott, petitioner, v. Illinois. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the Appellate Court of Illinois, First District,

No. 1801, Misc. J ames Frederick Jones, petitioner, v. United States

District Court, Eastern District of Tennessee. Petition for writ of
certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit

No. 1846, Misc. Joseph DeBlasio, petitioner, v. John T. Deegan,

Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.

No. 1919, Misc. George Michael Weldon, petitioner, v. United

States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1921, Misc. Kenneth Frank Potts, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 1923, Misc. Bertha Mae Brown, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1926, Misc. Manuel Luis Cordova, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Ninth Circuit denied.
MONDAY, JUNE 1, 19 70 439
No. 1932, Misc. Millard V. Dedmon, petitioner, v. Walter E.
Craven, Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1937, Misc. Herbert Boyd Hayes, Jr., petitioner, v.United
States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Tenth Circuit denied.
No. 1940, Misc. Gilbert Edward Adams, petitioner, v. California.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California,
Second Appellate District, denied.
No. 1942, Misc. Ray Beckman, petitioner, v. United States. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Tenth Circuit denied.
No. 1951, Misc. William J. Leventhal, petitioner, v. John A. Gavin,
Commissioner, Department of Corrections, Massachusetts. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
First Circuit denied.

No. 1952, Misc.Howard Walter Williams, petitioner, v. Lake F.

Russell,Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 1954, Misc. Michael Biancofiori, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 1959, Misc. Johnny Lee Harris, petitioner, v. Louie L. Wain-
wright, Director, Division of Corrections, Florida. Petition for writ
of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Cir-
cuit denied.

No. 1961, Misc. Joseph Maggio, petitioner, v. United States, Peti-

tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1963, Misc. Raymond Eugene Huffman, petitioner, v. North
Carolina. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of North
Carolina denied.

No. 1970, Misc. Frederick Graham, petitioner, v. C. J. Fitzharris,

Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Cali-
fornia denied.

No. 1972, Misc. Thomas Henry Robinson, Jr., petitioner, v. Olin

G. Blackwell, Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 1976, Misc. George Anderson Hall, petitioner, v. United
States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
MONDAY, JUNE 1, 19 70 440

No. 1977, Misc. Albert Demeter, petitioner, v. Howard Yeager,

Principal Keeper, New Jersey State Prison. Petition for writ of cer-
tiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit

No. 1983, Misc. Xavier De La Cruz Bellinger, petitioner, v. United

States. Petition forwrit of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1988, Misc. Juan Jose Lopez, petitioner, v. New Mexico. Pe-
tition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals of New Mexico

No. 1994, Misc. Charlotte Milstead Carson, petitioner, v. Frances

S. Elrod, Superintendent, Department of Public Welfare. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 1997, Misc. Joseph Bertone, petitioner, v. Florida. Petition
Court of Appeal of Florida, Third
for writ of certiorari to the District
District, denied.

No. 1999, Misc. Eobert E. Benson, petitioner, v. United States

et al.Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 2008, Misc. Elton M. Brevik, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-
tition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Eighth Circuit denied.
No. 2011, Misc. Tommy Lee Holt, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-
tition forwrit of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Sixth Circuit denied.

No. 2014, Misc. Eobert Benson, petitioner, v. Frank A. Eyman,

Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.

No. 2022, Misc. William Vitoratos, petitioner, v. William A.

Morris, Judge. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court
of Ohio denied.
No. 2024, Misc. Lewis Andrew Flagler, petitioner, v. Louie L.
Wainwright, Director, Florida Division of Corrections. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Fifth Circuit denied.

No. 2025, Misc. Felton F. Stemley, Jr., petitioner, v. United

States. Petition forwrit of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 2028, Misc. Charlotte E. Hurd, petitioner, v. Eobert S. Hurd
et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the First Circuit denied.
MONDAY, JUNE 1, 19 70 441

No. 2058, Misc. Donald Bowman, petitioner, v. Arizona. Petition

for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Arizona denied.

No. 431, Misc. Robert Earl Williams, petitioner, v. Louie L. Wain-

wright, Director, Division of Corrections, Florida. Petition for writ
of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth
Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion that certiorari
should be granted.
No. 1635, Misc. Calvin Hudson, petitioner, v. New York. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals of New York denied.
Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion that certiorari should be granted.

No. 1957, Misc. Roy Jacey Evans, petitioner, v. Russell Lash,

Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of
the opinion that certiorari should be granted.


No. 2031, Misc. Time, Inc., petitioner v. Mary Alice Firestone.

Motion for leave to file petition for writ of certiorari denied. Mr.
Justice Black and Mr. Justice Douglas are of the opinion that cer-
tiorari should be granted.


No. 2007, Misc. Arthur Meyer, petitioner, v. H. V. Field and ;

No. 2174, Misc. Franklin Delano Wood, petitioner, v. M. J.

Koloski, Warden. Motions for leave to file petitions for writs of
habeas corpus denied.

Leave To File Petitions for Writs of Mandamus Denied

No. 1896, Misc. Angel Roberto Millan-Diaz, petitioner, v.

Anthony T. Augelli, United States District Judge, etc. and ;

No. 1956, Misc. Robert Montague, petitioner, v. Robert T. Hunter,

Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Washington. Motions for
leave to file petitions for writs of mandamus denied.

Rehearings Denied

No. 502, Misc. October Term, 1967. William Epton, petitioner, v.

New York and ;

No. 771, Misc. October Term, 1967. William Epton, appellant, v.

New York. Motion for leave to file second petition for rehearing
denied. The Chief Justice took no part in the consideration or deci-
sion of this motion.
MONDAY, JUNE 1, 19 70 442

No. 445. Standard Industries, Inc., petitioner, v. Tigrett Indus-

tries, Inc., et al.

No. 1146. American Art Industries, Inc., petitioner, v. National

Labor Relations Board;
No. 1256. Cincinnati Window Cleaning Company et al., peti-
Thomas B. Walker, Trustee
tioners, v.

No. 1276. Saul I. Birnbaum, petitioner, v. United States;

No. 1279. John J. McGrath, petitioner, v. William J. Kirwan,
Superintendent of the Division of New York State Police
No. 1303. Mary Louise Gripkey, petitioner, v. A. Gerty, M.D.,
et al.

No. 1320. Mary Louise Gripkey, petitioner, v. Sisters of Charity

of the Blessed Virgin Mary ;

No. 1335. Eugene Sand & Gravel, Inc., appellant, v. Raymond N.

Lowe et al.
No. 1336. Eugene Sand & Gravel, Inc., petitioner, v. Raymond N.
Lowe et al.
No. 1112, Misc. Shirley Lampton and Luethel Williams, etc.,

appellants,v. Garland L. Bonin, etc., et al. ;

No. 1200, Misc. Francis Marino, petitioner, v. Pennsylvania;

No. 1244, Misc. Edward Herman Smith, petitioner, v. Florida;

No. 1248, Misc. Charles Francis Frazier, petitioner, v. United


No. 1639, Misc. Reather Cummings, petitioner, v. J. D. Cox,

Superintendent, Virginia State Penitentiary

No. 1666, Misc. Thomas Mixon, petitioner, v. Penn Stevedores,


No. 1706, Misc. Freddie R. Moore, petitioner, v. United States

et al.

No. 1710, Misc. Eugene Hopkins, petitioner, v. California;

No. 1726, Misc. James Thomas Cox, petitioner, v. United States ;

No. 1747, Misc. Henry Ruiz Martinez, petitioner, v. California ;

No. 1762, Misc. Jerryl L. Keane, petitioner, v. John D. Cucurello

No. 1815, Misc. John F. Beltowski, petitioner, v. Jack G. Young,
Warden. Petitions for rehearing denied.
No. 41. The Choctaw Nation and The Chickasaw Nation, peti-
tioners, v. Oklahoma et al. and
MONDAY, JUNE 1, 19 70 443

No. 59. The Cherokee Nation or Tribe of Indians in Oklahoma,

petitioner v. Oklahoma et al. Petition for rehearing denied. Mr. Justice
Harlan took no part in the consideration or decision of this petition.
No. 1239. John Giagnocavo, appellant, v. Bucks County Commis-
sioners Joseph Canby, Walter Farley, Charles Meredith III. Motion

to dispense with petition petition granted. Petition for rehearing


No. 1620, Misc. Elroy Lewis, petitioner, v. United States. Petition

The Chief Justice took no part in the considera-
for rehearing denied.
tion or decision of this petition.

Mr. Justice Marshall took no part in the consideration or decision

matters on this order list.
of the

Recess Order

The Court will take a recess from today until Monday, June 8,

MONDAY, JUNE 8, 1970 444

MONDAY, JUNE 8, 19 70


Present: Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice
Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, and Mr. Justice
Admissions to the Bar

Benjamin Lazarow, of Tucson, Ariz.,John J. Mulrooney, of Los

Angeles, Calif., Herboth S. Ryder, of Tampa, Fla., Dennis M. O'Con-
nor, of Coral Gables, Fla., Joseph Riden, of Chicago, 111., William
Seth Shepard, of Franklin, N.H., Stuart R. Steinmark, of Maple-
wood, N. J., Robert M. Ornstein, of Belle Harbor, KY., Eugene David
Silverman, of Atlantic City, N.J., Marvin B. Gambill, of Memphis,
Tenn., J.Frank Hall, of Memphis Tenn., James R. Hastings, of New
York, N.Y., and James Franklin Vance, of Oxon Hill, Mcl., on motion
of Mr. Solicitor General Erwin N. Griswold Edmund L. Cogburn,

of Houston, Tex., Lowell E. Dushman, of Fort Worth, Tex., and

Arthur Gochman, of San Antonio, Tex., on motion of Mr. Ralph W.
Yarborough; Allen L. Donielson, of West Des Moines, Iowa, and
Keith E. McWilliams, of Des Moines, Iowa, on motion of Mr. Jack
Miller; Edmund A. Landau, Jr., of Albany, Ga., on motion of Mr.
Robert Grier Stephens, Jr.; Kenneth Byron Burns, of Cleveland,
Ohio, Bruce Herzbrun, of Cleveland, Ohio, and James Louis Oakar,
of Cleveland, Ohio, on motion of Mr. Charles A. Vanik Kenneth J. ;

Schneider, of Cincinnati, Ohio, on motion of Mr. Robert Taft, Jr.;

Pasco Louis Schiavo, of Hazleton, Pa., on motion of Mr. Daniel J.
Flood; Bertram L. Podell, of New York, N.Y., on motion of Mr.
Benjamin S. Rosenthal; William Hicks Morris, Jr., of Tulsa, Okla.,
on motion of Mr. Page Belcher; Ernest H. Rosenberger, of New
York, N.Y., on motion of Mr. Edward I. Koch Wayne LaMar Love- ;

less, of Pocatello, Idaho, and Albert H. Parisot, Jr., of Pocatello,

Idaho, on motion of Mr. Orval Howard Hansen.

Henry Clay Keene, Jr., of Ketchikan, Alaska, on motion of Mr.
James Francis Reilly Richard Anthony Hibey, of Washington, D.C.,

on motion of Judge William B. Bryant; Marion J. Rice, of Evans-

ville, Ind., and Jack N. VanStone, of Evansville, Inch, on motion of

Mr. William D. Ruckelhaus; Eugene Lester Shieffler, of 'West Helena,

Ark., on motion of Mr. Floyd Lee Williams Charles J. Williams, of

Martinez, Calif., William B. Burleigh, of Carmel, Calif., Lincoln N.

Mintz, of Oakland, Calif., Gerald Lee Skor, of Dallas, Tex., Albert
Joseph Emanuelli, of White Plains, N.Y., and Walter Louis Krone-
390-278—70 106
MONDAY, JUNE 8, 19 70 445
berger, Jr., of Torrance, Calif., on motion of
Mr. Briee Wilson Rhyne
Wilbur C. Bent-ley, of Little
Rock, Ark., on motion of Mr. Gordon A.
Ginsburg; Daniel Eugene Hayes, of Bay City, Tex., and Spencer
E. Lerch, of Lockport, N.Y., on motion of Mr. Vincent W. Ambrose
Patrick William Healey, of Lincoln, Neb., and Waldo B. Wetmore,
of Wichita, Kans., on motion of Mr. Lawrence Speiser; Victor J.
Rosenberg, of Washington, DC., on motion of Mr. Dominick Manoli
William E. O'Hare, of Cleveland, Miss., and Robert L. Lennon, of
Hattiesburg, Miss., on motion of Mr. Peter McKenzie Stockett, Jr.
Louis Berry, of Alexandria, La., on motion of Mr. Frank D. Reeves
Christine Yarrington Benson, of Raleigh, N.C., and Alexander Bunn
Benson, of Raleigh, N.C., on motion of Mr. Hugh Q. Alexander;
Stanley A. Stratford, of Louisville, Ky., on motion of Mr. Edward
M. Steutermann; Hugh A. Chapin, of New York, N.Y., on motion
of Mr. John Leslie White Richard A. Hyde, or Arlington Heights,

111., on motion of Mr. Mark J. Raabe; Howard Gross, of Miami Beacl^

Fla., and Leonard Rivkind, of Miami Beach, Fla., on motion of Mi\

Harold Rosen Henry Charles Wolf, of Wiliamsburg, Va., on motion

of Mr. Francis Stewart Elliott Blake Timothy Franklin, of Hillsboro,


Calif., on motion of Mr. George Alfred Tesoro; Bavid J. Nagle, of

Houston, Tex., on motion of Mr. John E. Stephen Walter C. Gillis,

of Washington, B.C., and Marvin Petry, of Washington, B.C., on

motion of Mr. Robert B. Larson Alexander H. Pope, of Los Angeles,

Calif., on motion of Mr. Melvin Spaeth.

Harold Bean Whipple, of Lebanon, Mo., on motion of Mr. Claude
T. Wood Lee R. Franklin, of Detroit, Mich., on motion of Mr. Joseph

Eugene Keller; William Byron Smith III, of St. Louis, Mo., on mo-
tion of Mr. Bart J. Carroll, Jr.; Julius Greenfield, of New York,
N.Y., on motion of Mr. Frank Cummings; Joseph Edward Brady,
of New York, N.Y., and William Peter Frost, of New York, N.Y.,
on motion of Mr. Patrick L. Wynne Bruce Aberg Poulsen, of Min-

neapolis, Minn., on motion of Mr. William F. Garcia; William C.
Evans, of Washington, B.C., on motion of Mr. Berl I. Bernhard Jeff ;

Davis Duty, Jr., of Rogers, Ark., on motion of Mr. Clyde T. Ellis

Ronald L. Stefani, of San Francisco, Calif., on motion of Mr. David
M. Bullock; Frank Rinker Clark, Jr., of Houston, Tex., on motion of
Mr. Vincent V. Dent; Geza Molnar, of Wheaton, Md., on motion
of Mr. Harry Day; Gary Ross Alexander, of Oxon Hill, Md., on
motion of Mr. Isaac N. Groner; David Robert Cashdan, of Wash-
1 ington, D.C., on motion of Mr. Russell Specter; John W. Mahan, of
I Helena, Mont., on motion of Mr. Bernard Waters; John David Her-
bert, of Columbus, Ohio, on motion of Mr. William M. Hoiles Ranier;

Leonard Weis, of Paynesville, Minn., on motion of Mr. Lome Dale
Mclver and Orval F. Baldwin, of Topeka, Kans., Thomas W. Brooks,

MONDAY, JUNE 8, 19 70 446

of Overland Park, Kans., Charles LeRoy Buehler, of Claflin, Kans.,

James P. Cashin, of Prairie Village, Kans., Marion W. Chipman, of
Olathe, Kans., William J. Dick, of Emporia, Kans., Adrian M. Far-
ver, of Burl in game, Kans., William L. Harris, Jr., of Topeka, Kans.,
Donald J. Horttor, of Topeka, Kans., Norman M. Iverson, of Arkansas
City, Kans., John J. Jurcyk, Jr., of Kansas City, Kans., Felix G. Kan-
cel, Jr., of Kansas City, Kans., Walter R. La Bunker, of Topeka, Kans.,

Garry W. Lassman, of Pittsburg, Kansas., Wilbur Pay ton McCool, of

Overland Park, Kans. Zenas Arthur Nevins, Jr., of Jetmore, Kans.,

Randall D. Palmer, of Pittsburg, Kans., Sam

G. Perkins, of Olathe,
Kans., Bernard Peterson, of Newton, Kans., James Leo Quinn, of
Topeka, Kans., John Allen Robinson, of Hutchinson, Kans., Francis
J. Rost, of Topeka, Kans., Robert J. Roth, of Wichita, Kans., John
Eric Royston, of Kansas City, Kans., Gary A. Savaiano, of Topeka,
Kans., Walter N. Scott, Jr., of Topeka, Kans., John S. Seeber, of
Wichita, Kans., William M. Shaffer, of Frankfort, Kans., Louis A.
Silks, Jr., of Shawnee Mission, Kans., Hall Smith, of Topeka, Kans.,
Hall Smith II, of Topeka, Kans., Lewis Carson Smith, of Prairie
Village, Kans., Walter F. Stucekemann, of Jetmore, Kans., Robert
Byers Wareheim, of Topeka, Kans., Randall W. Weller, of Hill City,
Kans., Roger K. Wilson, of Wichita, Kans., and James Oliver Yates of
Kansas City, Kans., on motion of Mr. Keith G. Sebelius, were ad-
mitted to practice.

No. 661. Hellenic Lines Limited et al., petitioners, v. Zaeharias

Rhoditis. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fifth Circuit. Judgment affirmed. Opinion by Mr. Justice
Douglas. Dissenting opinion by Mr. Justice Harlan with whom Mr.
Chief Justice Burger and Mr. Justice Stewart join.

No. 477. Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company, petitioner, v.

Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers et al. On writ of certiorari
to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. Judg-
ment of the Court of Appeals reversed. Injunction issued by the
United States District Court for the Middle District of Florida
vacated and case remanded to that court for further proceedings in
conformity with the opinion of this Court. Opinion by Mr. Justice
Black. Concurring opinion by Mr. Justice Harlan. Dissenting opinion
by Mr. Justice Brennan with whom Mr. Justice White joins. Mr.
Justice Marshall took no part in the consideration or decision of this

No. 267. Dennis Mullene Moon, petitioner, v. Maryland. On writ

Court of Appeals of Maryland. Writ of certiorari
of certiorari to the
dismissed as improvidently granted. Opinion per curiam announced
by Mr. Chief Justice Burger. Mr. Justice Black concurs in the result.
MONDAY, JUNE 8, 19 70 447

Mr. Justice Harlan would reverse the judgment below based on his
separate opinions in Desist v. U.S., 394 U.S. 244, 256, and in North
Carolina v. Pearce, 395 U.S. 711, 744. Dissenting opinin by Mr. Jus-
tice Douglas. Mr. Justice Marshall took no part in the decision of this

The Chief Justice said

"Today's orders of the Court have been certified by the Chief Jus-
with the Clerk, and will not be announced orally except for
tice, filed

two orders which I shall announce."

"On behalf of the Court I announce with regret the retirement of
one of its able and trusted officers, Mr. John F. Davis, Clerk of the
Court since 1961. For many years before he was appointed senior offi-
cer of the Court, Mr. Davis was one of the able advocates who ap-
peared regularly bef ore the Court.
"Your departure is an occasion for regret on our part, Mr. Davis,
but we wish you happiness and continued success in the years ahead."

"Today's order list announces the appointment of Mr. Davis' suc-

cessor who Mr. E. Robert Seaver of Virginia. Mr. Seaver has had

a long career of government service for more than 20 years, including

service in the Department of Justice, as General Counsel of the Fed-
eral Maritime Commission, and as a Federal Hearing Examiner."

"Today's order list also includes announcement of the appointment

by the Court of the Director of the Administrative Office of the United
States Courts succeeding Mr. Ernest Friesen, who resigned in Febru-
ary to become Director of the Institute of Court Management, at the
University of Denver. The new director is Mr. Rowland F. Kirks, a
member of the Bar of Washington, D.C. and former Assistant At-
torney General of the United States. Mr. Kirks will assume the duties
of the Office of Director July 1, 1970."

Opinion Per Curiam

No. 1491. Department of Social Services of the State of Iowa et al.,

appellants, v. Porter Dimery, etc., et al. Appeal from the United
States District Iowa,. Motion of
Court for the Southern District of
the appellees for leave to proceed in forma pauperis granted. Judg-
ment vacated and case remanded to the United States District Court
for the Southern District of Iowa for reconsideration in light of
Reetz v. Bozanich, 397 U.S. 82. Opinion per curiam. Mr. Justice Doug-
las dissents from the remand of this case. Mr. Justice Marshall took
no part in the consideration or decision of this case.
MONDAY, JUNE 8, 19 70 448

Appeal —Dismissal
No. 1463. National Advertising Company, appellant, v. County of
Monterey et al. Appeal from the Supreme Court of California. The
motion to dismiss is granted and the appeal is dismissed for want
of jurisdiction. Treating the papers whereon the appeal was taken as
a petition for writ of certiorari, certiorari is denied.

Orders in Pending Cases

No. 35, Original. United States, plaintiff, v. State of Maine et al.

The motions for the appointment of a Special Master are granted
and it is ordered that Honorable Albert B. Maris, Senior Judge of

the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit be, and
he is hereby, appointed Special Master in this case with authority
to fix the time and conditions for the filing of additional pleadings
and to direct subsequent proceedings, and with authority to summon
witnesses, issue subpoenas, and take such evidence as may be introduced
and such as he may deem it necessary to call for. The master is directed
to submit such reports as he may deem appropriate.
The master shall be allowed his actual expenses. The allowances
to him, the compensation paid to his technical, stenographic, and
clerical assistants, the cost of printing his report, and all other proper
expenses shall be charged against and be borne by the parties in such
proportion as the Court hereafter may direct.
It is further ordered that if the position of Special Master in this
case becomes vacant during a recess of Court, the Chief Justice shall
have authority to make a new designation which shall have the same
effect as if originally made by the Court herein.
Mr. Justice Douglas took no part in the consideration or decision
of these motions.
No. 900. United States, appellant, Fred Fancher. The motion
of the appellee for leave to proceed in forma pauperis is granted. The
motion of the appellee for the appointment of counsel is granted, and it
is ordered that Donald K. Shultz, Esquire, of Eapid City, South Da-

kota, be, and he is hereby, appointed to serve as counsel for the appellee
in this case.

No. 1192. Joseph Arthur Zicarelli, appellant, v. The New Jersey

State Commission of Investigation. The application for bail is denied.
Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion that the application should be
granted. Mr. Justice Brennan took no part in the consideration or de-
cision of this application.

No. 1289. Hazel Palmer et al., petitioners, v. Allen C. Thompson,

Mayor, City of Jackson, et al. The motion of petitioners to remove

390-278—70 107
MONDAY, JUNE 8, 1970 449

this case from the summary calendar is denied. However, 15 addi-

tional minutes are allotted to each side in this case.

No. 1922, Misc. In the Matter of the Disbarment of Earl W. Alli-

son. Ithaving been reported to the Court that Earl W. Allison of Co-
lumbus, Ohio, has been indefinitely suspended from the practice of law
by the Supreme Court of the State of Ohio, and this Court by order
of March 30, 1970, having suspended the said Earl W. Allison from the
practice of law in this Court and directing that a rule issue requiring
him to show cause why he should not be disbarred
And it appearing that the said rule was duly issued and served upon
the respondent, and that the time within which to file a return to the
rule has expired
It is ordered that the said Earl W. Allison be, and he is hereby, dis-
barred from the practice of law in this Court and that his name be
stricken from the roll of attorneys admitted to practice before the Bar
of this Court.
Appeals —Jurisdiction Noted

No. 1113. Stella Connell, appellant, v. James M. Higginbotham

et al.Appeal from the United States District Court for the Middle Dis-
trict of Florida. In this case probable jurisdiction is noted and the case
is placed on the summary calendar.

No. 1557. Ronald James et al., appellants, v. Anita Valtierra et al.

Appeal from the United States District Court for the Northern Dis-
trict of Calif ornia. In this case probable jurisdiction is noted and the
case is placed on the summary calendar. Mr. Justice Douglas took no
part in the consideration or decision of this matter.

Certiorari Granted

No. 1195, Misc. Robert Harold Lewis, petitioner, v. George A.

Kropp, Warden. Motion for leave to proceed in forum pauperis and
petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Sixth Circuit granted. Case transferred to the appellate docket
and placed on the summary calendar.

Certiorari Denied

No. 1364. Ralph Tropiano, petitioner, v. Connecticut. Petition for

: writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Connecticut denied.

No. 1408. Louis R. Jones and Billy Don Thompson, petitioners, v.

United States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit denied.
No. 1429. David Franklin Johnson and Diane Alane Johnson, pe-
Superior Court of California, County of Santa Barbara.
titioners, v.
MONDAY, JUNE 8, 19 70 450
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California,
Second Appellate District, denied.
No. 1432. Tom Okino, Circuit Judge, First Circuit Court of
Hawaii, et al., petitioners, v. Hawaii National Bank, Honolulu. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Hawaii denied.

No. 1448. John E. Farrell, Trustee of the Property of the Central

Railroad Company of New Jersey, petitioner, v. Manufacturers Han-
over Trust Company, etc. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit denied.
No. 1451. Herbert F. Wascher, petitioner, v. Randolph Lundeen
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Appellate Court of Illinois,
et al.
Fourth District, denied.
No. 1452. First National Bank in Dallas, Executor of the Estate
of George Pattullo et al., petitioners, v. United States. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Claims denied.

No. 1453. Mobil Oil Corporation, petitioner, v. Mary Katharine

Hughes et vir. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.

No. 1454. H. R. Johnson and John B. Johnson, petitioners, v.

United States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.

No. 1458. Barbara J. Abramson, petitioner, v. Myra Levinson. Pe-

tition for writ of certiorari to the Appellate Court of Illinois, First
District, denied.

No. 1459. Eugene P. Euehlmann, Executor of the Estate of

Frances Foster Wells, petitioner, v. Commissioner of Internal Rev-
enue. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 1460. Henault Mining Company, petitioner, v. Ed Zaidlicz, in-
dividually and as Montana State Director of the Bureau of Land
Management, et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.

"No. 1462. Sam Alta Dry den and Ray Bueiew Hutcheson, petition-
ers, v.United States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.

No. 1477. Glen Alden Corporation et al., petitioners, v. Alexander

Kahan, etc. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United Stats Court
of Appeals for the Third Circuit denied.

No. 1480. Richard A. Keefe, petitioner, v. City of Chicago. Peti-

tion for writ of certiorari to the Appellate Court of Illinois, First
District, denied.
MONDAY, JUNE 8, 19 70 451

No. 1482. Benjamin A. Stratmore et ux., petitioners, v. United

States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Third Circuit denied.
No. 1492. S.T.G. Construction Co., Inc., petitioner, v. Staten
Island Rapid Transit Railway Company. Petition for writ of cer-
tiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit

No. 1498. The Tunica County School District et al., petitioners, v.

United States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.

No. 1501. Joseph A. Maloney, dba The Apalachicola Times, peti-

tioner, v. B. Roy Gibson, Jr., et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to
the Supreme Court of Florida denied.
No. 1502. Wallace Eugene McGee, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 1506. Martin Whitcomb et ux., petitioners, v. The Sanitary
Commission of Anne Arundel County et al. Petition for writ of cer-
tiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit

v. Nebraska ex rel. Clarence

No. 1519. Michael J. Eyen, petitioner,
A.H. Meyer, Attorney General. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
Supreme Court of Nebraska denied.
No. 1528. B&L Sales Associates, petitioner, v. H. Daroff & Sons,
Inc. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.

No. 1541. Aram Ajamian, petitioner, v. The Township of North

Bergen et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court
of New Jersey denied.
No. 1464. Garland Knitting Mills of Beaufort, South Carolina,
Inc., petitioner, v. National Labor Relations Board et al. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Dis-
trict of Columbia Circuit denied. The Chief Justice is of the opinion
that certiorari should be granted.
Diana Kearny Powell, petitioner, v. Committee on Ad-
No. 1508.
missions &
Grievances et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit
lenied. The Chief Justice took no part in the consideration or decision
^f this petition.

No. 1577, Misc. Eaymond C. Nelson, petitioner, v. Illinois. Peti-

tion for writ of certiorari to the Appellate Court of Illinois, First Dis-
trict, denied.
MONDAY, JUNE 8, 19 70 452

No. 1612, Misc. Gean Elvin Van Voltenburg, petitioner, v. Lou

V. Brewer, Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme
Court of Iowa denied.
No. 1678, Misc. Dominick Abbatiello, petitioner, v. Harold W.
Follette,Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1848, Misc. William H. Eckels, petitioner, v. United States
District Court for the District of Oregon. Petition for writ of cer-
tiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit

No. 1903, Misc. Herman Dean Baughman, petitioner, v. J. E.

Baker, Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit denied.
No. 1904, Misc. James Arthur Jackson, petitioner, v. Walter E.
Craven, Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1906, Misc. Albert G. Hocking, petitioner, v. California Adult
Authority et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court
of California denied.

No. 1907, Misc. Charles Francis Johnson, petitioner, v. California.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California,
Fourth Appellate District, denied.
No. 1916, Misc. Charles Oscar Williams, petitioner, v. J. D. Cox,
Superintendent, Virginia State Penitentiary. Petition for writ of
certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit

No. 1938, Misc. Robert James Long, petitioner, v. Frank J. Pate,

Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied.

No. 1941, Misc. Robert K. Domer, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-

tition forwrit of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Sixth Circuit denied.

No. 1945, Misc. Douglas Lucas, petitioner, v. New Jersey. Peti-

Supreme Court of
tion for writ of certiorari to the New Jersey denied.
No. 1946, Misc. Stephen Kalec, petitioner, v. Russell Lash. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Seventh Circuit denied.

No. 1948, Misc. Samuel Pete, III, petitioner, v. Louis S. Nelson,

Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of
California denied.
MONDAY, JUNE 8, 19 70 453
No. 1949, Misc. Robert Allen Pelletier, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Ninth Circuit denied.

No. 1989, Misc. Paul Drew Haynes, petitioner, v. United States.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fourth Circuit denied.

No. 1992, Misc. Carlos Wheeler, petitioner, v. John Mummert,

Sheriff. Petition forwrit of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1993, Misc. John Thomas Hill, petitioner, v. Warden, Mary-
landHouse of Correction. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 2000, Misc. Carl Joseph Smulek, petitioner, v. Alfred T.
Rundle, Superintendent. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit denied.
No. 2001, Misc. Daniel Raymond Berriel, petitioner, v. Louie L.
Wainwright, Director, etc. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 2002, Misc. Sam Zimmerman, petitioner, v. Ex-State's Attor-
ney Bernie Wells et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 2004, Misc. Everett Gilles, petitioner, v. Minnesota et al. Pe-
of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Minnesota denied.
tition for writ

No. 2005, Misc. Chester Arthur Schultz, petitioner, v. Texas. Pe-

writ of certiorari to the Court of Criminal Appeals of Texas
tition for
No. 2006, Misc. Eddie Nance, petitioner, v. Maryland. Petition
Court of Special Appeals of Maryland
for writ of certiorari to the
No. 2018, Misc. Russell Nilsson, petitioner, v. Illinois. Petition for
Supreme Court of Illinois denied.
writ of certiorari to the
No. 2019, Misc. Paul David Kelley, petitioner, v. Illinois. Petition
Supreme Court of Illinois denied.
for writ of certiorari to the

No. 2032, Misc. Timothy Connors, petitioner, v. South Dakota

et al.Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Eighth Circuit denied.
No. 2037, Misc. Delia Carrigan, petitioner, v. Erich P. Karlsson
Builders, Inc., Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit denied.
No. 2044, Misc. David M. Levy, petitioner, v. J. Edwin LaVallee,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
MONDAY, JUNE 8, 19 70 454

No. 2061, Misc. Robert Conrad Bolin, v. United States. Petition

United States Court of Appeals for the
for writ of certiorari to the
Ninth Circuit denied.

Leave To File Petitions for Writs of Mandamus Denied

No. 2038, Misc. Harold Frank White, petitioner, v. George C.

Young, U.S. District Judge for the Middle District of Florida. Mo-
tion for leave to file petition for writ of mandamus denied.
No. 1463, Misc. John B. May, petitioner, v. Dona Ana County, Las
Cruces, New Mexico. Motion for leave to file petition for writ of
mandamus denied without prejudice to the right of the petitioner to
apply to the appropriate state court for the relief sought. Smith v.
Hooey, Judge, 393 U.S. 374, and Dickey v. Florida, 398 U.S.

Rehearings Denied

No. 1254. E. B. & A. C. Whiting Company, petitioner, v. Gilbert

Shaw et al.
No. 1531, Misc. Booker T. Hillery, Jr., petitioner, v. California;
No. 1696, Misc. Maria Lento, petitioner, v. Delaware, Lackawana
& Western Railroad Company. Petitions for rehearing denied.

No. 875. Johnny B. Dapper, petitioner, v. California. Motion for

file petition for rehearing denied.
leave to


It isordered that E. Robert Seaver be appointed Clerk of this Court

to succeed John F. Davis effective at the commencement of business
June 22, 1970, and that the take the oath of office and give bond as
required by statute and the order of this Court entered November 22,

It is ordered that Rowland Falconer Kirks be appointed Director of

the Administrative Office of the United States Courts, effective at
the commencement of business July 1, 1970, pursuant to the provisions
of § 601 of Title 28 of the United States Code.

Mr. Justice Marshall took no part in the consideration or decision

of the matterson this Order List.
MONDAY, JUNE 8, 19 70 455

Recess Order

The Court will take a recess from today until Tuesday, June 9,

No. 1195, Misc. Robert Harold Lewis, petitioner, v. George A.

Kropp, Warden. The order granting motion for leave to proceed in
forma pauperis and petition for writ of certiorari is hereby revoked.
The petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Ap-
peals for the Sixth Circuit is denied.

Adjourned until tomorrow at 10 o'clock.

TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 1970 456


Present Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice

Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice Stew-
art, Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice Blackmun.

The Chief Justice said

"In this special sitting of the Court, we will receive the commission
of the Justice-designate, and at this time the Court recognizes the
Attorney General.
"Mr. Attorney General."
Mr. Attorney General Mitchell said
"Mr. Chief Justice, may it please the Court
"I am happy to advise that the President of the United States has
nominated, the Senate has consented and the President has appointed
Judge Harry A. Blackmun of Minnesota, as an Associate Justice
of the Supreme Court of the United States.
"I bear with me the commission, dated May 14, 1970, signed by the
President of the United States, and attested by me as Attorney Gen-
eral, and with the permission of the Court, I will turn the commission
over to the Clerk of the Court."
The Chief Justice said
"The commission is accepted, Mr. Attorney General.
"Thank you.
"Mr. Clerk, will you read the commission."
The Clerk said:
"The commission reads as follows

"Kichard Nixon,

"President of the United States of America,

"To All Who shall See These Presents, Greeting

"Know Ye That reposing special trust and confidence in the Wis-

dom, Uprightness, and Learning of Harry A. Blackmun of Minnesota,

I have nominated and, by and with the advice and consent of the
Senate, do appoint him Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of
the United States, and do authorize and empower him to execute and
fulfill the duties of that Office according to the Constitution and

Laws of the said United States, and to have and to hold the said
office, with all the powers, privileges and emoluments to the same of

390-278—70 108
TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 19 70 457
right appertaining, unto Him, the said Harry A. Blackmun, during
his good behavior.
"In testimony whereof, I have caused these Letters to be made
patent and the seal of the Department of Justice to be hereunto
"Done in the City of
Washington, this 14th day of May, in the
Lord one thousand nine hundred and seventy, and of the
year of our
Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and
ninety- fourth."
Signed, Richard Nixon, and attested by John N. Mitchell, Attorney
General, with the seal of the Department of Justice affixed.

The Justice designate was then escorted by the Clerk to the center
of the bench.
The Chief Justice said:
"Please raise your right hand, Judge Blackmun, and repeat after me
(The following oath was administered by the Chief Justice and
repeated by J udge Blackmun :)
"I, Harry Andrew Blackmun, do solemnly swear that I will ad-
minister justice without respect to persons, and do equal right to
the poor and to the rich, and that I will faithfully and impartially
discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me as an Asso-
ciate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, according to
the best of my
abilities and understanding, agreeably to the Con-
stitution of the United States; and that I will support and defend
the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and
domestic that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same that
; ;

I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or pur-

pose of evasion and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties

of the office on which I am about to enter.

"So help me God."
The Chief Justice Said:
"Will you please robe the new Justice."

Justice Blackmun was assisted in putting on his robe and was

escorted by the Marshal to his seat on the bench.
The Chief Justice said
"Mr. Justice Blackmun, on behalf of all members of the Court,
I welcome you to this bench and we look forward to many years of
work together in our common calling.
"Today's order list contains an order designating Circuit Justices
for the several circuits of the United States Courts.
"The assignment of the Justices is as follows
TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 19 70 458

"For the District of Columbia Circuit, The Chief Justice,

"For the First Circuit, William J. Brennan, Jr., Associate Justice,
"For the Second Circuit, John M. Harlan, Associate Justice,
"For the Third Circuit, William J. Brennan, Jr., Associate Justice,
"For the Fourth Circuit, The Chief Justice,
"For the Fifth Circuit, Hugo L. Black, Associate Justice,
"For the Sixth Circuit, Potter Stewart, Associate Justice,
"For the Seventh Circuit, Thurgood Marshall, Associate Justice,
"For the Eighth Circuit, Harry A. Blackmun, Associate Justice,
"For the Ninth Circuit, William O. Douglas, Associate Justice,
"For the Tenth Circuit, Byron K. White, Associate Justice."

Whereupon the Court adjourned until Monday, June 15, 1970, at

10 o'clock.

THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 19 70 459


Present Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice

Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice Stew-
art, Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice Blackmun.


No. 1598. Kenneth A. Gibson et a!., appellants, v. George Kugler

et al.Appeal from the United States District Court for the District
of New Jersey. The motions to dispense with printing the jurisdic-
tional statement and to dispense with printing the motion to dismiss or
affirm are granted. The motion to advance is granted. The judgment
is affirmed. Mr. Justice Marshall took no part in the consideration or

decision of these matters.

390-278—70 109
MONDAY, JUNE 15, 1970 460


Present Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice

Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice Stewart, Mr. Justice White,
and Mr. Justice Blackmun.

Admissions to the Bar

Ignatius F. Parker, of Los Angeles, Calif., John F. Parker, of Los

Angeles, Calif., Gertrude P. Parker, of Los Angeles, Calif., Stephen
David Miller, of Los Angeles, Calif., Stephen Ryan Mulligan, of
San Diego, Calif., Walter Emory Warren, of Leesburg, Fla., Arthur
Roby Hadden, of Tyler, Tex., Michael A. Shore, of Cleveland, Ohio,
J. Wood Vance, Jr., of Glasgow, Ky., William Henry Stafford, Jr.,
of Pensacola, Fla., Samuel Rappaport, of Philadelphia, Pa., Beverly
Elaine Sylvester, of Chagrin Falls, Ohio, Leigh Buckner Hanes,
Jr., of Roanoke, Va., and William L. Wise, of Traverse City, Mich.,
on motion of Mr. Solicitor General Erwin N. Griswold; Walter J.
Price, Jr., of Huntsville, Ala., on motion of Mr. John Sparkman;
George E. Svoboda, of Fremont, Kebr., on motion of Mr. Roman L.
Hruska; Charles William Byer, of Anderson, Ind., Robert Yv arren
Miller, of Anderson, Ind., and Frank W. Murphy, of Norwalk,
Conn., on motion of Mr. David W. Dennis; William M. Peek, of
Denver, Colo., on motion of Mr. Donald G. Brotzman; Alexander
Downie Thomson, of Wkittier, Calif., on motion of Mr. Charles
Edward Wiggins; John Milton Richardson, of Dallas, Tex., Curt F.
Steib, of San Angelo, Tex., Glenn William Lewis, of San Angelo,
Tex., and Richard J. Hatch, of Corpus Christi, Tex., on motion of
Mr. O. C. Fisher D. Philip Falvey, of Washington, D.C., on motion

of Mr. Neal E. Smith; Todd H. Overton, of Tucson, Ariz., on motion

of Mr. Morris K. Udall; Norman L. Kevins, of Lubbock, Tex., on
motion of Mr. George Mahon; Chester Earl Darnell, of Houston,
Tex., and Leon Gilbert Halden, Jr., of Houston, Tex., on motion
of Mr. Robert R. Casey.
Eldon La Verne Bohrofen, of Ottumwa, Iowa, on motion of Mr.
Wiley E. Mayne; Thomas Eugene Curtis, Jr., of Baltimore, Md., on
motion of Mr. Brooks Hays; Donald L. Collins, of Birmingham, Ala.,
on motion of Mr. Armistead Selden Nordahl E. Holte, of Kansas City,

Mo., and William O. West, of Oklahoma City, Okla., on motion of

Mr. Brice Wilson Rhyne John M. Moelmann, of Chicago, 111., and

Thomas J. Weithers, of Chicago, 111., on motion of Mr. Charles E.

Pledger, Jr.; R. W. Payne, Jr., of Miami, Fla., on motion of Mr.

390-278—70 110
MONDAY, JUNE 15, 1970 461

John Nolan; Douglas Parker Painter, of Erie, Pa,, on motion of

Mr. William M. Hoiles Lentice M. Northington, of Northport, Ala.,

on motion of Mr. Wendell Mitchell; John Douglas Clark, Sr., of

Arlington, Va., on motion of Mr. Alfred William Trueax; Duncan
Hume Cameron, of Washington, D.C., on motion of Mr. Richard
Stephen Saltzman Robert J. McClear, of Detroit, Mich., on motion

of Mr. Reid C. Tait; Larry James Ritchie, of Columbia, S.C., on

motion of Mr. Addison M. Bowman III; Hilary P. Bradford, of
Buffalo, N.Y., and F. Harris Nichols, of Buffalo, N.Y., on motion of
Mr. Edgar Frank Czarra, Jr. Joseph Ronald Lynch, of Alexandria,

Va., on motion of Mr. James C. Cacheris; Harold Clark Thompson,

of Aurora, Colo., Feay Burton Smith, Jr., of Denver, Colo., and Ron-
ald C. Jaynes, of Denver, Colo., on motion of Mr. Joseph B. Blake;
N. Marshall Meyers, of Washington, D.C., on motion of Mr. Norman
L. Meyers Gilberto Gierbolini-Ortiz, of San Juan, P.R., on motion

of Mr. Matthew J. Faerber Leo J. Todd, of Grass Valley, Calif.,


and Brian A. Bishop, of Grass Valley, Calif., on motion of Mr. Jere-

miah C. Waterman; B. Dean Lorenz, of Arlington, Va., and Lau-
rence Jay Love, of Milwaukee, Wise, on motion of Mr. Richard
Grosgebauer; Roger Warren Titus, of Rockville, Md., and Charles
M. Chadwick, of Bethesda, Md., on motion of Mr. G. A. Chad wick,
Jr.; Oscar Baylin Goodman, of Las Vegas, New, on motion of Mr.
James H. Duffy Henry Gilfry Campbell, Jr., of Eugene, Oreg., on

motion of Mr. William Rountree; Elwood Dando Hooper of River-

head, N.Y., on motion of Mr. George W. Waters, Jr.
George W. Haley, of Kansas City, Kans., and Linda Louis Watkins,
of Washington, D.C., on motion of Mr. Joseph A. Blundon; John
S. Hoghland 2d., of Washington, D.C., on motion of Mr. Edward A.
McCabe; Joseph F. Cunningham, of Washington, D.C., on motion
of Mr. John A. McGuinn; Thomas T. Johnson, Jr., of Los Angeles,
Calif., on motion of Mr. Robert M. Lichtman and William T. Rich-

ert, of Fresno, Calif., on motion of Mr. Robert Wasman, were admitted

to practice.

No. 236. William Evans, etc., et al., appellants, v. Tillye Cornman

Appeal from the United States District Court for the District of
et al.

Maryland. Judgment affirmed. Opinion by Mr. Justice Marshall an-

nounced by Mr. Justice Stewart. Mr. Justice Blackmun took no part
in the consideration or decision of this case.

No. 655. Joseph petitioner, v. United States. On

Thomas Mulloy,
United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth
writ of certiorari to the
Circuit. Judgment reversed and case remanded to the Court of Appeals
for further proceedings in conformity with the opinion of this Court.
MONDAY, JUNE 15, 19 70 462

Opinion by Mr. Justice Stewart. Mr. Justice Blackmun took no part

in the consideration or decision of this case.

No. 175. Petsonella Moragne, etc., petitioner, v. States Marine

On writ of certiorari to the United States Court
Lines, Inc., et al.
of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. Judgment reversed and case re-
manded to the Court of Appeals for further proceedings in conform-
itywith the opinion of this Court. Opinion by Mr. Justice Harlan.
Mr. Justice Blackmun took no part in the consideration or decision
of this case.
No. 76. Elliott Ashton Welsh, II, petitioner, v. United States. On
writ of certiorari to theUnited States Court of Appeals for the Ninth
Circuit. J udgment reversed and case remanded to the Court of Appeals
for further proceedings in conformity with the opinion of this Court.
Mr. Justice Black announced the judgment of the Court and delivered
an opinion in which Mr. Justice Douglas, Mr. Justice Brennan and
Mr. Justice Marshall join. Opinion by Mr. Justice Harlan concurring
in the result. Dissenting opinion by Mr. Justice White with whom Mr.
Chief Justice Burger and Mr. Justice Stewart join. Mr. Justice Black-
mun took no part in the consideration or decision of this case.
No. 269. Earl Price, petitioner, v. Georgia. On writ of certiorari
Supreme Court of Georgia. Judgment reversed and case re-
to the
manded to the Supreme Court of Georgia for further proceeding not
inconsistent with the opinion of this Court. Opinion by Mr. Chief
Justice Burger. Mr. Justice Blackmun took no part in the considera-
tion or decision of this case.

No. 726. Charlene Mitchell et al., appellants, v. Joseph L. Dono-

van, etc., et al. Appeal from the United States District Court for the
District of Minnesota. Judgment vacated and case remanded to the
United States District Court for the District of Minnesota so that it
may enter a fresh order dismissing the complaint, this affording the
appellants an opportunity to take a timely appeal to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit. Opinion per curiam an-
nounced by Mr. Chief Justice Burger. Mr. Justice Black concurs in
the result. Dissenting opinionby Mr. Justice Douglas. Mr. Justice
Blackmun took no part in the consideration or decision of this case.

The Chief Justice said:

"Today's orders of the Court have been certified by the Chief
Justice, filed with the Clerk, and will not be announced orally."

Opinions Per Curiam

No. 701. General Electric Company, petitioner, v. Local Union

191, etc., et al. On petition for writ of certiorari to the United
MONDAY, JUNE 15, 19 70 463

States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. Petition for writ
of certiorari granted, judgment vacated, and case remanded to the
Court of Appeals for further consideration in light of The Boys
Markets, Ins. v. Retail Clerk's Union, Local 770, 398 U.S. decided ,

June 1, 1970. Opinion per curiam. Mr. Justice Black and Mr. Justice
Douglas dissent. Mr. Justice Marshall took no part in the considera-
tion or decision of this case.
No. 1470. Donald P. Walker, appellant, v. Ohio. Appeal from the
Supreme Court of Ohio. Judgment reversed and case remanded to
the Supreme Court of Ohio for further proceedings not inconsistent
with the opinion of this Court. Opinion per curiam. Dissenting opin-
ion by Mr. Chief Justice Burger. Mr. Justice Harlan would affirm.
Mr. Justice Marshall and Mr. Justice Blackmun took no part in the
consideration or decision of this case.
No. 1658, Misc. James Kay Bassett, petitioner, v. S. Lamont
Smith, Warden. Motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis and
petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Georgia
granted. Judgment vacated and case remanded to the Supreme Court
of Georgia for further consideration not inconsistent with the opin-
ion of this Court. Opinion per curiam. Mr. Justice Marshall and
Mr. Justice Blackmun took no part in the consideration or decision
of this case.
Appeals —Dismissals and Affirmances
No. 1358. Morris M. Cannon et a!., appellants, v. William H. Green
et al. Appeal from the United States District Court for the District
of Columbia. The appeal is dismissed for want of jurisdiction.
No. 1359. Paul Powell, Individually and as Secretary of State of
al., appellants, v. Robert E. Mann et al.
the State of Illinois, et and ;

No. 1444. Robert E. Mann et al., appellants, v. Paul Powell, Indi-

vidually and as Secretary of State of the State of Illinois, et al. Ap-
peals from the United States District Court for the Northern District
of Illinois. The judgment is affirmed.
No. 1456. Beeline Express, Inc., appellant, v. United States et al.
Appeal from the United States District Court for the District of
Colorado.The judgment is affirmed.
No. 1489. John J. Watermeier, Jr., et al., appellants, v. The
Louisiana Stadium and Exposition District et al. Appeal from the
United States District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana.
The judgment is affirmed.
No. 90. Michael Birnbaum, appellant, v. Illinois. Appeal from the
Supreme Court of Illinois. The appeal is dismissed for want of juris-
diction. Treating the papers whereon the appeal was taken as a peti-
MONDAY, JUNE 15, 19 70 464
tion for writ of certiorari, certiorari is denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is
of the opinion that probable jurisdiction should be noted.
No. 1471. E. S. G., a minor, appellant, v. Texas. Appeal from the
Court of Civil Appeals of Texas, Fourth Supreme Judicial District.
The appeal is dismissed for want of jurisdiction. Treating the papers
whereon the appeal was taken as a petition for writ of certiorari, cer-
tiorari is denied.Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion that probable
jurisdiction should be noted.
No. 1503. Milton M. Bergerman, etc., appellant, v. John V. Lindsay,
as Mayor of the City of New York, et al. Appeal from the Court of
Appeals of New York. The appeal is dismissed for want of jurisdic-
tion.Treating the papers whereon the appeal was taken as a petition
for writ of certiorari, certiorari is denied.

Orders in Pending Cases

No. 40, Original. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, plaintiff, v.

State of New York et al. The motion for leave to file a bill of complaint
is granted and the defendants are allowed sixty days to answer.
No. 67. Jesse Hoskins, petitioner, v. United States. The applica-
tion for bail presented to the Chief Justice, and by him referred
to the Court, is denied.

No. 730. Archie William Hill, Jr., petitioner, v. California. This

case is restored to the calendar for reargument and is to be reargued
with cases No. 1125 and No. 1142.
No. 1420. Joseph F. Young, petitioner, v. Ada M. Scott, etc., et al.
The motion of respondent Scott for allowance of attorney's fee is
denied without prejudice to the submission of a motion for such
relief to the United States District Court for the Eastern District
of Virginia. Newman v. Piggie Park Enterprises, Inc., 390 U.S.
Appeals —Jurisdiction Noted

No. 250. James Edmund Groppi, appellant, v. Wisconsin. Appeal

from the Supreme Court of Wisconsin. In this case probable juris-
diction noted and case placed on the summary calendar.

No. 1493. United States et al., appellants, v. Chicago & Eastern

Illinois Railroad Company; and

No. 1494. Illinois Commerce Commission et al., appellants, v. Chi-

cago & Eastern Illinois Railroad Company. Appeals from the United
States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois. In these
cases probable jurisdiction noted. Cases consolidated and a total of
one hour allotted for oral argument.

MONDAY, JUNE 15, 19 70 465

Certiorari Granted

No. 284. U.S. Bulk Carriers, Inc., petitioner, v. Dominic B.

Arguelles. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit granted and case placed on the
summary calendar.
Certiorari Denied

No. 83. Harry C. Schwartz and Abraham Siegel, petitioners, v.

Pennsylvania. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court
of Pennsylvania, Eastern District, denied.
No. 124. Barbara J. Fuhrman, Administratrix, etc., et al., peti-
tioners, v. United States Steel Corporation;
No. 172. Alice Marie Lamp, Administratrix, etc., et al., petitioners,
v. United States Steel Corporation
No. 201. Jean Cook, Administratrix, etc., petitioner, v. United
States Steel Corporation ; and
No. 210. Rita Radtke, Administratrix, etc., et al., petitioners, v.
United States Steel Corporation. Petitions for writs of certiorari to
the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 383. Ashton J. Mouton, Collector of Revenue, State of Louisi-
ana, petitioner, v. Sinclair Oil and Gas Company. Petition for writ of
certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit
No. 389. United States, petitioner, v. Urban Plumbing & Heating
Co. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Claims denied.
No. 401. United States, petitioner, v. Woodcrest Construction Com-
pany, Inc., et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Claims denied.
No. 498. United States, petitioner, v. Wallenius Bremen, G.m.b.H.,
Owner of the M/V Martha. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 1467. Wall Street Transcript Corporation, etc., petitioner, v.
Securities and Exchange Commission. Petition for writ of certiorari
to the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1468. Salvatore Vavolizza, petitioner, v. United States. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1472. Nationwide Theatres Investment Co. et al., petitioners,
v. James E. Thompson et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
MONDAY, JUNE 15, 1970

No. 1485. Fred De Maio, petitioner, v. United States. Petition for

writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh
Circuit denied.
No. 1487. Armstrong, Jones & Co., et al., petitioners, v. Securities
and Exchange Commission. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 1488. Carlos Marcello, petitioner, v. United States. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 1496. District United Mine Workers of America, et al.,
petitioners v. National Labor Relations Board. Petition for writ of
certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit
No. 1497. Paul Schmidt et al., petitioners, v. Archer Iron Works,
Inc. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Illinois
No. 1504. Cowden Manufacturing Company, petitioner, v. Kora-
tron Company et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 1505. Ocean Freighting and Brokerage Corporation, peti-
Marine Lines, Inc. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
tioner, v. States
United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit denied.
No. 1509. Gerald W. Eskow, petitioner, v. United States. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Second Circuit denied.
No. 1514. Alfonso Sabino, petitioner, v. Superior Court of Los
Angeles County, California, et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to
b the Court of Appeal of California, Second Appellate District, denied.
No. 1515. City of Warren et al., petitioners, v. Metro Homes, Inc.,
et al.Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals of Michi-
gan denied.
No. 1520. Margaret Ruth Horton, petitioner, v. North Carolina.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of North Carolina
No. 1524. Halsey L. Williams, petitioner, v. Burdick F. Williams.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California,
Second Appellate District, denied.
No. 1525. Henry I. Siegel Co., Inc., petitioner, v. National Labor
Relations Board et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
States Court of
No. 1529. Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen et

al.,petitioners, v. Gary S. Hansen et al. Petition for writ of certiorari

to the Supreme Court of Utah denied.
MONDAY, JUNE 15, 19 70 467
No. 1535. Richard W. Erickson et al., petitioners, v. Capitol Rec-
ords, Inc., Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of
California, Second Appellate District, denied.
No, 1539. Robert David Zmuda, petitioner, v. United States. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Third Circuit denied.
No. 1576. United Mine Workers of America, petitioner, v. Dean
Coal Company et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 173. American Boiler Manufacturers Association, petitioner,
v.. National Labor Relations Board et al. Petition for writ of certiorari
to theUnited States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit denied.
Mr. Justice Blackmun took no part in the consideration or decision
of this petition.

No. 621. Frederick Wiseman et al., petitioners, v. Massachusetts,

et al.Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Judicial Court
of Massachusetts denied. Mr. Justice Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan
and Mr. Justice Brennan are of the opinion that certiorari should
be granted. Dissenting opinion by Mr. Justice Harlan with whom
Mr. Justice Brennan joins.
No. 1026. Alfredo Esterban and Steve Craig Roberds, petitioners,
v. Central Missouri State College et al. Petition for writ of certiorari
to the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit denied.
Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion that certiorari should be
granted. Mr. Justice Blackmun took no part in the consideration
or decision of this petition.

No. 1481. Terminal Freight Cooperative Association et al., peti-

tioners, v.Bernard Samoff, Regional Director, etc., et al. Motion to
defer consideration and petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit denied.

No. 1513. Louis Edward Burgueno, petitioner, v. United States.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Ninth Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion
that certiorari should be granted.
No. 1533. Julius Epstein, petitioner, v. Stanley Resor, Secretary
of the Army, et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Douglas
is of the opinion that certiorari should be granted.

No. 1559. Stockham Valves and Fittings, Inc., petitioner, v. Ar-

thur J. Schmitt Foundation et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to
the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion that certiorari should be granted.

MONDAY, JUNE 15, 19 70 468
No. 1213, Misc. Melville R. Anderson, petitioner, v. Harold W.
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1793, Misc. Neil Whitley, petitioner, v. Ohio. Petition for writ
of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Ohio denied.
No. 1891, Misc. Charles Lee Jelks, petitioner, v. Arizona. Petition
Supreme Court of Arizona denied.
for writ of certiorari to the
No. 1909, Misc. James A. Kennedy, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Eighth Circuit denied.

No. 1913, Misc. Evelyn Buchanon, petitioner, v. Cullman City

Board of Education. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of
Appeals of Alabama denied.
No. 1967, Misc. Louis E. Landry, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-
tition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the District of Columbia Circuit denied.
No. 1980, Misc. Peter H. J. Rook, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 1995, Misc. Nathan Moore, petitioner, v. Harold W. Follette,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.

No. 2013, Misc. Norman S. Hatt, petitioner, v. New Jersey. Pe-

tition forwrit of certiorari to the Superior Court of New Jersey,
Appellate Division, denied.
No. 2034, Misc. Clifford Reed, petitioner, v. Harold W. Follette,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.

No. 2035, Misc. Larry Edward Stead, petitioner, v. United States.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Eighth Circuit denied.
No. 2036, Misc. Robert Joseph Smelser, petitioner, v. Utah. Pe-
tition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Utah denied.
No. 2039, Misc. Delbert Clay Curl, petitioner, v. John C. Burke,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 2045, Misc. John Parker, petitioner, v. South Dakota and
Don R. Erickson, Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit denied.
No. 2048, Misc. Leewood Alford, petitioner, v. J. D. Cox, Super-
intendent, Virginia State Penitentiary. Petition for writ of certiorari
to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit denied.
MONDAY, JUNE 15, 19 70 469

No. 2052, Misc. Arnold Helfend, petitioner, v. California. Peti-

tion for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California, Second
Appellate District, denied.
No. 2053, Misc. Paul Kenneth Bowman, petitioner, v. United
States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 2054, Misc. Marion Stevenson, petitioner, v. Vincent R. Man-
cusi,Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 2057, Misc. Damon Turner, petitioner, v\ United States. Pe-
tition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 2060, Misc. Dennis H. McNeill, petitioner, v. California. Pe-
Supreme Court of California denied.
tition for writ of certiorari to the

No. 2064, Misc. Lucious Jackson, petitioner, v. J. D. Cox, Super-

intendent, Virginia State Penitentiary. Petition for writ of certiorari
to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 2088, Misc. Walter Bibbs, petitioner, v. Illinois. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the Appellate Court of Illinois, First District,
No. 2091, Misc. John Ray, petitioner, v. Walter Craven, War-
den. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of California
No. 2094, Misc. Algie Prigeon, petitioner, v. Louie L. Wainwright,
Director, Florida Division of Corrections. Petition for writ of cer-
tiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit
No. 2096, Misc. James Alfred West, petitioner, v. California. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California,
Fourth Appellate District, denied.
No. 2100, Misc. James Morris Fletcher, petitioner, v. W. Bertram
Waychoff, District Attorney, et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to
the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Ciruit denied.
No. 2108, Misc. Fred Schmidt, petitioner, v. Russell G. Oswald,
Chairman, and the Parole Board of New York State. Petition for writ
of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Second
Circuit denied.
No. 2110, Misc. Robert N. Hayes, Jr., petitioner, v. Maryland.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 375, Misc. Charles Edward Matthews and Ezekiel Brown, pe-
titioners v. United States and

MONDAY, JUNE 15, 1970 470
No. 531, Misc. Raymond Cook, petitioner, v. United States. Mo-
tion for leave to amend petition in No. 375, Misc. granted. Application
for bail and for other relief in No. 531, Misc. presented to Mr. Justice
Douglas, and by him referred to the Court, denied. Petitions for writs
of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Cir-
cuit denied. Mr. Justice Harlan would grant the petition for cer-
tiorari,vacated judgment of Court of Appeals, and remand to that
court for further consideration in light of Leary v. United States,
395 U.S. 6 (1969). See Street v. New York, 394 U.S. 576, 586 (1969)
Stromberg v. California, 283 U.S. 359 (1931) and Desist v. United

States, 394 U.S. 244 (1969), dissenting opinion of Harlan, J. id. 256.
No. 2055, Misc. Thomas Franklin Clemas, petitioner, v. United
States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Eighth Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Blackmun took
no part in the consideration or decision of this petition.
No. 2059, Misc. Charles W. Patch, petitioner, v. Illinois. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Ilinois and for other
relief denied.

Leave To File Petition for Writ of Mandamus

No. 2148, Misc. Vernon F. Seymour, petitioner, v. Frank J. Pate,

Warden. Motion for leave to file petition for writ of mandamus and/
or prohibition denied.
Rehearings Denied

No. 513. In the Matter of Dan A. Spencer, appellant;

No. 1010, Misc. William W. Thompson, petitioner, v. New Jersey ;

No. 1817, Misc. Victor D. Vaughn, petitioner, v. Missouri. Peti-

tions for rehearing denied. Mr. Justice Blackmun took no part in the
consideration or decision of these petitions.

Order Adopting Amendments to the Rules of the Supreme Court

of the United States

The Rules of this Court as amended on June 15, 1970, have been
lodged with the Clerk, and it is ordered that said Rules shall become
effective on July 1, 1970, and be printed as an appendix to the United
States Reports.
It is further ordered that the Rules promulgated on June 12, 1967,
appearing in volume 388 of the United States Reports be, and they
hereby are, rescinded, but this shall not affect any proper action taken
under them before the Rules hereby adopted become effective.
MONDAY, JUNE 15, 19 70 471

Mr. Justice Marshall took no part in the consideration or decision

of the matters on the Order List.

Eecess Order

The Court will take a recess from today until Monday, June 22, 1970.

Adjourned until Monday, June 22, 1970, at 10 o'clock.

MONDAY, JUNE 22, 1970 472


Present Mr. Chief J ustice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. J ustice

Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice Stewart, Mr. Justice White,
and Mr. Justice Blackmun.

Admissioxs to the Bar

Donald DeVere Lettow, of St. Cloud, Fla., Charles Otis Baird, Jr.,

of Atlanta, Ga., Thomas Alwood Travis, Jr., of Atlanta, Ga.., William

B. Faust, III, of Hammond, La., Paul T. Demos, of Albuquerque,
Mex., and Carl D. Etling, of Portland, Oreg., on motion of Mr. So-
licitor General Erwin N. Griswold; Benjamin Louis Susman, of Bev-
erly Hills, Calif., on motion of Mr. James C. Corman; Warren Lee
McElvain, of Falls Church, Va., and John Leslie Wolfe, of Akron,
Ohio, on motion of Mr. Wayne Aspinall Lawrence Walter Crispo.

of Los Angeles, Calif., on motion of Mr. Charles E. Wiggins; Gerald

Daniel Stern, of Washington, D.C., on motion of Mr. William Eamsey
Clark; Sheldon A. Breskow, of Indianapolis, Ind., Wendell Chester
Hamacher, of Crown Point, Ind., Eichard C. Johnson, of Indianapolis,
Ind., and William Frank Thompson, of Indianapolis, Ind., on motion
of Mr. William D. Buckelshaus Paul Aaron ChernofT, of Washing-

ton, D.C., Henry Francis Greene, of Eeston, Va., and John George
Perazich, of Washington, D.C., on motion of Judge William Benson
Bryant; Edward Albert Arianna, of Dallas, Tex., and Joseph Mc-
Cabe Walker, of Philadelphia, Pa., on motion of Mr. Vincent W. Am-
brose; H. David Eosenbloom, of Washington, D.C., on motion of Mr.
Mortimer M. Caplin; C. Eobert Simpson, Jr., of La Habra, Calif.,
on motion of Mr. Edwin Shaffer Eockefeller, III Andrew F. Leoni,;

of Los Angeles, Calif., Houston Hunter Slate, of Los Angeles, Calif.,

James Michael Farrell, of Washington, D.C., and Carl Ziemba, of
Detroit, Mich., on motion of Mr. Daniel L. O'Connor Harold Howell, ;

of Birmingham, Ala,., on motion of Mr. Gordon A. Ginsburg; Henry

Brand Lasky, of Oakland, Calif., on motion of Mr. Lawrence Speiser
Lee J. Cohen, of Los Angeles, Calif., on motion of Mr. Earl Kintner
Thomas George Pitus, of Elgin, 111., on motion of Mr. David M.
Lewis, Jr.
Ealph B. Helm, of Los Angeles, Calif., on motion of Mr. Brice Wil-
son Rhyne Arthur L. Plevy, of East Brunswick, N. J., on motion of

Mr. Eoland A. Linger Eichard S. Miller, of Wayne, r\T. J., on motion


of Mr. Joel M. Mangel; Xeal D. Cannon, Jr., of Houston, Tex., and

David Yancey White, of Corpus Christi, Tex., on motion of Mr. Boe
390-278—70 112
MONDAY, JUNE 2 2, 197 0 473

W. Martin Linsey J. Freeman, of Richmond, Calif., on motion of Mr.


Harry L. Freeman Robert Edward Manley, of Cincinnati, Ohio, on


motion of Mr. Richard C. Hotvedt John T. Coyne, of Alexandria, Ya.,


on motion of Mr. Walter J. Bonner Carl H. Hoifman, Jr., of Miami,


Fla., on motion of Mr. J. Patrick Hickey Lowell E. Sachnoff, of Chi-


cago, 111., and James A. Hourihan, of Washington, D.C., on motion of

Mr. Stanley Sutherland Harris; Orland Harold Harris, of Dallas,
Tex., on motion of Mr. William O. Braecklein Tom B. Ramey, Jr., of

Tyler, Tex., on motion of Mr. Edwin B. Patterson John T. Allen, Jr.,


of Chicago, 111., on motion of Miss Amy Ruth Mahin Wm. E. Sloan, ;

of Lexington, Ky., and Charles Guthrie Wylie, of Lexington, Ky., on

motion of Mr. Louis H. Mann William Peter Roche, of Washington,

D.C., on motion of Mrs. Barbara M. Simons (Raymond Everett Lisle,


of Lynbrook, N.Y., on motion of Mr. Charles Nelson Brower; Harold

R. DeMoss, Jr., of Houston, Tex., on motion of Mr. Freeman W.
Sharp Jacob Philip Zand, of New Paltz, N.Y., on motion of Mr.

Howard Natter; J.O. Jarrard, of Bethesda, Md., on motion of Mr.

Stephen A. West Thomas Carl Hokinson, of Moline, 111., on motion

of Mr. William C. C. Barnes and Donald E. Bowen, of Indianapolis,


Ind., and John F. Neff, of Indianapolis, Ind., on motion of Mr. Doug-

las Whitlock, were admitted to practice.


No. 830. Frank Chambers, petitioner, v. J ames F. Maroney,

Superintendent, State Correctional Institution. On writ of certiorari
to the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit. Judg-
ment affirmed. Opinion by Mr. Justice White. Concurring opinion
by Mr. Justice Stewart. Opinion by Mr. Justice Harlan concurring in
I part and dissenting in part. Mr. Justice Blackmun took no part in the
consideration or decision of this case.
No. 188. Robert Baldwin, appellant, v. New York. Appeal from
the Court of Appeals of New York. Judgment reversed and case re-
manded to the Court of Appeals of New York for further proceedings
not inconsistent with the opinion of this Court. Mr. Justice White
announced the judgment of the Court and delivered an opinion in
which Mr. Justice Brennan and Mr. Justice Marshall join. Opinion
by Mr. Justice Black with whom Mr. Justice Douglas joins con-
curring in the judgment. Dissenting opinion by Mr. Chief Justice
Burger. Opinion by Mr. Justice Harlan dissenting in this case and
concurring in No. 927, post. Opinion by Mr. Justice Stewart dissent-
ing in this case and concurring in No. 927, post. Mr. Justice Blackmun
took no part in the consideration or decision of this case.

MONDAY, JUNE 2 2, 19 70 474

No. 927. Johnny Williams, petitioner, v. Florida. On writ of cer-

tiorari to the District Court of Appeal of Florida, Third District.
Judgment affirmed. Opinion by Mr. Justice White. Concurring opin-

ion by Mr. Chief J ustice Burger. Opinion by Mr. Justice Black with
whom Mr. Justice Douglas joins concurring in part and dissenting
in part. Opinion by Mr. Justice Harlan dissenting in No. 188, ante,
and concurring in this case. Opinion by Mr. Justice Stewart dissenting
in No. 188, ante, and concurring in this case. Opinion by Mr. Justice
Marshall dissenting in part. Mr. Justice Blackmun took no part in the
consideration or decision of this case.
No. 727. Donald J. Vale, appellant, v. Louisiana. Appeal from
the Supreme Court of Louisiana. Judgment reversed and case re-
manded to the Supreme Court of Louisiana for further proceedings
not inconsistent with the opinion of this Court. Opinion by Mr. Justice
Stewart. Dissenting opinion by Mr. Justice Black with whom Mr.
Chief Justice Burger joins. Mr. Justice Blackmun took no part in the
consideration or decision of this case.
No. 72. John Henry Coleman and Otis Stephens, petitioners, v.
Alabama. On writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals of Alabama.
Judgment vacated and case remanded to the Court of Appeals of Ala-
bama for further proceedings not inconsistent with the judgment of
this Court. Mr. Justice Brennan announced the judgment of this
Court and delivered an opinion. Concurring opinion by Mr. Justice
Black. Concurring opinion by Mr. Justice Douglas. Concurring opinion
by Mr. Justice White. Opinion by Mr. Justice Harlan concurring in
part and dissenting in part. Dissenting opinion by Mr. Chief Justice
Burger. Dissenting opinion by Mr. Justice Stewart with whom Mr.
Chief Justice Burger joins. Mr. Justice Blackmun took no part in the
consideration or decision of this case.

Appeals —Dismissals and Affirmances

No. 1356. Maria Gorun and Paraschiva Giurgiu, appellants, v.

Montana, Appeal from the Supreme Court of Montana. The appeal
is dismissed for want of a substantial federal question.
No. 1522. Jean L. Adams et al., appellants, v. City of Colorado
Springs et al. Appeal from the United States District Court for the
District of Colorado. The judgment is affirmed.
No. 1537. Southern Railway Company, appellant, v. City of Har-
rodsburg, Kentucky. Appeal from the Court of Appeals of Kentucky.
The appeal is dismissed for want of a substantial federal question.
Mr. Justice Douglas took no part in the consideration or decision of
this case.
MONDAY, JUNE 2 2, 19 70 475

No. 1588. Nola Camden Burnett, appellant, v. Kose E. Camden,

etc.Appeal from the Supreme Court of Indiana. The appeal is dis-
missed for want of jurisdiction. Treating the papers whereon the
appeal was taken as a petition for writ of certiorari, certiorari is denied.
No. 1379, Misc. Cyrus Khabiri, appellant, v. S. Bernard Coleman,
Judge of the Circuit Court of King George County. Appeal from the
Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia. The appeal is dismissed for
want of jurisdiction. Treating the papers whereon the appeal was
taken as a petition for writ of certiorari, certiorari is denied.
No. 1465, Misc. Ethel Stone Levy, appellant, v. John B. Orr, Jr.,
Appeal from the Supreme Court of Florida. The appeal is dis-
et al.
missed for want of jurisdiction. Treating the papers whereon the
appeal was taken as a petition for writ of certiorari, certiorari is denied.
No. 1467, Misc. Gene Kaymond Wood, appellant, v. California.
Appeal from the Appellate Department of the Superior Court of Cali-
fornia, County of Orange. The appeal is dismissed for want of jurisdic-
tion. Treating the papers whereon the appeal was taken as a petition
for writ of certiorari, certiorari is denied.
No. 1587, Misc. Gale William Nettles, appellant, v. Illinois. Ap-
pealfrom the Supreme Court of Illinois. The appeal is dismissed for
want of jurisdiction. Treating the papers whereon the appeal was
taken as a petition for writ of certiorari, certiorari is denied.
No. 1590, Misc. Francis James Murray, appellant, v. Virginia
Murray. Appeal from the Supreme Court of Ohio. The appeal is
dismissed for want of jurisdiction. Treating the papers whereon the
appeal was taken as a petition for writ of certiorari, certiorari is
No. 1612. John Harder, Commissioner of Welfare, State of Con-
Jane Doe et al. Appeal from the United States
necticut, appellant, v.
District Court for the District of Connecticut. Motion of appellees
for leave to proceed in forma pauperis granted. The appeal is dis-
missed for want of jurisdiction.
No. 1730, Misc. Marilu Taylor, appellant-petitioner, v. California.
Appeal from and petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Ap-
peal of California, Fourth Appellate District. The appeal is dis-
missed for want of jurisdiction. Petition for writ of certiorari denied.

Orders in Pending Cases

No Daniel E. Pitcher, petitioner, v. Melvin Laird. The ap-

plication for a stay of deployment is granted by Mr. Justice Black
until action by the full court is denied as moot.
MONDAY, JUNE 2 2, 19 70 476
No Cassius Maroellus Clay, Jr., petitioner, v. United States.
The application for a modification of the bail order presented to Mr.
Justice Douglas, and by him referred to the Court, is denied. Mr.
Justice Marshall took no part in the consideration or decision of this
No James P. Vale, petitioner, v. C. Murray Henderson.
The renewed application for bail presented to Mr. Justice Black, and
by him referred to the Court, is denied. Mr. Justice Marshall took no
part in the consideration or decision of this application.
No. 18, Original. State of Illinois, plaintiff v. State of Missouri.
Decree entered. Mr. J ustice Blackmun took no part in the entry of this
No. 153, Misc. October Term, 1968. Olius McCrory, Jr., petitioner,
v.Mississippi. The motion to implement the judgment is denied. The
Chief Justice and Mr. Justice Blackmun took no part in the consid-
eration or decision of this motion.
No. 553. Burton G. Hackney, Commissioner of Public Welfare of
Texas, et al., appelants, v. Margarita Machado et al. The motion of the
appellees to ret ax costs is denied. Mr. Justice Blackmun took no part
in the consideration or decision of this motion.
No. 905. Grove Press, Inc., et al., appellants, v. Maryland State
Board of Censors. The motion of the appellants to remove this case
from the summary calendar is denied. Mr. Justice Douglas took no part
in the consideration or decision of this motion.

No. 1189. Alton J. Lemon et al., appellants, v. David H. Kurtz-

man, as Superintendent of Public Instruction of the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania, et al. The motion of United Americans for Public
Schools for leave to file a brief, as amicus curiae, is granted. Mr. Jus-
tice Marshall took no part in the consideration or decision of this
No. 1337. Bernard M. Decker, United States District Judge, et al..
petitioners,v. Harper & Row Publishers, Inc., et al. Further consid-

eration of the motion of the petitioners for leave to supplement the

record and the motion of the respondents to strike portions of peti-
tioners' designation of record are postponed to the hearing of the case
on the merits. The material submitted with the petitioners' motion
may be lodged with the Clerk.

Appeals —Jurisdiction Noted ok Postponed

No. 1555. Eleanor Taft Tilton et al., appellants, v. Robert H.
Finch, Secretary of the United States Department of Health, Educa-
tion, and Welfare et al. Appeal from the United States District Court
MONDAY, JUNE 2'2, 19.7 0 477

for the District of Connecticut. In this case probable jurisdiction noted.

Case placed on the summary calendar and set for oral argument im-
mediately following No. 1189.
No. 1809, Misc. Paul Robert Cohen, appellant, v. California. Ap-
peal from the Court of Appeal of California, Second Appellate
District. Motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis granted. Fur-
ther consideration of the question of jurisdiction is postponed to the
hearing of the case on the merits. Case transferred to the appellate
docket and placed on the summary calendar.

Certiorari Granted

No. 1484. Organization for a Better Austin et al., petitioners, v.

Jerome M. Keef e. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Appellate Court
of Illinois, First District, granted and case placed on the summary

No. 33, Misc. Eddie Odom, petitioner, v. United States. Motion

for leave to proceed in forma pauperis and petition for writ of cer-
tiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit
granted. Review is limited to the retroactivity of North Carolina v.
Pearce. 395 U.S. 711. Case transferred to the appellate docket and
placed on the summary calendar. Mr. Justice Marshall took no part in
the consideration or decision of this motion and petition.
No. 240, Misc. Webster Bivens, petitioner, v. Six Unknown Named
Agents of Federal Bureau of Narcotics. Motion for leave to proceed in
forma pauperis and petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit granted. Case transferred to
the appellate docket and placed on the summary calendar.

Certiorari Denied

No. 1247. Union Pacific Railroad Company, petitioner, v. Hall

Lumber Sales, Inc. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 1317. Carlo Gambino, petitioner, v. Immigration and Natural-
ization Service. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1353. Dory Auerbach and Irving Gottlieb, petitioners, v.

United States and


No. 1478. David Prosser Randell, petitioner, v. United States.

Petitions for writs of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for Fifth Circuit denied.
MONDAY, JUNE 2 2, 19 70 478
No. 1483. Ho Vanderboom et al., petitioners, v. The City National
Bank of Fort Smith, Arkansas. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit denied.
No. 1518. J. Robert Huie, petitioner, v. Board of Commissioners
of the Alabama, State Bar. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Su-
preme Court of Alabama denied.
No. 1527. Joseph Fishman, petitioner v. City of Stamford et al.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Connecticut
No. 1534. Local Union No. 167, Progressive Mine Workers of
America, petitioner, v. National Labor Relations Board. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the Lmited States Court of Appeals for the Sev-
enth Circuit denied.
No. 1538. William E. Barth, petitioner, v. City of Louisville et al.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals of Kentucky
No. 1540. Ted Frederick Williams, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1542. Saul Cantor et ux., petitioners, v. Zoning Board of Ad-
justment of the Township of Madison et al. Petition for writ of
certiorari to the Superior Court of New Jersey, Appellate Division,
No. 1543. Iroquois Industries, Inc., petitioner, v. Syracuse China
Corporation et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1545. Frank J. Pate, Warden, petitioner, v. Joseph Sam Perry,
United States District Judge. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 1546. Louis C. Miriani, petitioner, v. United States. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Sixth Circuit denied.

No. 1548. Joseph Maiorani, petitioner, v. Kawasaki Kisen K.K.,

Kobe, et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1554. Johnny B. Dapper, petitioner, v. Municipal Court, San
Diego Judicial District. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of
Appeal of California, Fourth Appellate District, denied.
No. 1561. Daniel T. Fridena, petitioner, v. Arizona Osteopathic
Medical Association et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Su-
preme Court of Arizona denied.
MONDAY, JUNE 2 2, 19 7 0 479
No. 1570. Bally Case and Cooler, Inc., of Delaware, petitioner, v.
National Labor Relations Board et al. Petition for writ of certiorari
to the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.

No. 1584. Intra Bank, S. A., petitioner, v. Frank Wille, Superin-

tendent of Banks of the State of New York, et al. and ;

No. 1595. American International Underwriters Corporation et al.,

Frank Wille, Superintendent of Banks of the State of
petitioners, v.
New York, et al. Petitions for writs of certiorari to the Court of Ap-
peals of New York denied.
No. 1654. The Bendix Corporation et al., petitioners, v. Balax, Inc.,
et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 1011. Marietta Norton et al., petitioners, v. The Discipline
Committee of East Tennessee State University et al. Petition for writ
of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth
Circuit denied. Dissenting opinion by Mr. Justice Marshall with whom
Mr. Justice Douglas and Mr. Justice Brennan join.
No. 1075. Miriam B. Phillips, Superintendent, Kansas State In-
dustrial Reformatory for Women, petitioner, v. Edna Mae Booker.
Motion of respondent for leave to proceed in forma pauperis granted.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Tenth Circuit denied.
No. 1646. Roger B. Copinger, Warden, petitioner, v. Earl Leroy
Blackburn. Motion of respondent for leave to proceed in forma pau-
peris granted. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 1523. Americo Mosca, petitioner, v. United States. Motion to
dispense with printing petition granted. Petition for writ of certiorari
to the United States Court of Claims denied.
No. 1558. Theodore Zimmerman, petitioner, v. United States
Government et al. Motion to dispense with printing petition granted.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Third Circuit denied.
No. 1560. George Sommer and Nimrod Solomon, petitioners, v.
United States. Motion to dispense with printing petition granted. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 288, Misc. Remiro Reyes, Jr., petitioner, v. California. Peti-
Court of Appeal of California, Second
tion for writ or certiorari to the
Appellate District, denied.
MONDAY, JUNE 2 2, 19 70 480
No. 567, Misc. Eddie Pearl Clayton, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 705, Misc. Douglas P. Whitted, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 788, Misc. James Bradford, Jr., petitioner, v. California. Pe-
Supreme Court of California denied.
tition for writ of certiorari to the

No. 909, Misc. Walter Ronald McClain, petitioner, v. Louisiana.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Louisiana
No. 1053, Misc. Doyle Alva Terry, petitioner, v. California. Pe-
Supreme Court of California denied.
tition for writ of certiorari to the

No. 1214, Misc. Donald Howard Montgomery, petitioner, v.

Joseph R. Brierley, Superintendent, State Correctional Institution.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Third Circuit denied.
No. 1279, Misc. Gonzalo Yaldes, petitioner, v. Lmited States. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1295, Misc. Phillip Grant Gibson and Norman Allen Gibson,
petitioners, v. Washington. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Su-
preme Court of Washington denied.
No. 1336, Misc. Raymond E. DeJong, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Linked States Court of Appeals
for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 1385, Misc. William E. Agnew, petitioner, v. Nebraska. Pe-
titionfor writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Nebraska
No. 1397, Misc. Douglas L. Rhodes, petitioner, v. Maryland. Pe-
Court of Special Appeals of Mary-
tition for writ of certiorari to the
land denied.
No. 1496, Misc. Frank M. Williams, petitioner, v. Frederick
Reincke, Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1514, Misc. Frank Jones, petitioner, v. Lake F. Russell,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 1563, Misc. Jack Pigman, petitioner, v. United States. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Second Circuit denied.
390-278—70 113
MONDAY, JUNE 22, 19 70 481

No. 1752, Misc. George Victor Franklin, petitioner, v. Maryland.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Special Appeals of
Maryland denied.
No. 1775, Misc. Benjamin Blackwell, petitioner, v. James E.
Baker, Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit denied.
No. 1819, Misc. Richard H. Clinton, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1830, Misc. Edward D. Wallen, petitioner, v. Nebraska. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Nebraska denied.
No. 1892, Misc. Roy Alan Robinson, etc., petitioner, v. Board of
Supervisors, Pima County, Arizona, et al. Petition for writ of cer-
tiorari to the Supreme Court of Arizona denied.
No. 1918, Misc. Theophilus Charles Williams, petitioner, v. E. J.
Oberhauser, Superintendent. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Su-
preme Court of California denied.
s No. 1965, Misc. Malcolm R. Schlette, petitioner, v. Donald M.
Rosenstock. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1974, Misc. Gale Kenneth Nipp, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California,
for the Tenth Circuit denied.
No. 1984, Misc. Leo Kendall, petitioner, v. Harold W. Follette,
Warden Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1986, Misc. Frank Leroy Adams and Marion Leslie Hill, peti-
tioners, v. United States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit denied.
No. 1987, Misc. James Benjamin Grace, petitioner, v. California.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California,
Second Appellate District, denied.
No. 2047, Misc. Robert James Goodman, petitioner, v. James D.
Cox, Superintendent, Virginia State Penitentiary. Petition for writ of
certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Cir-
cuit denied.

No. 2051, Misc. Joseph Glennerster, petitioner, v. United States;

No. 2075, Misc. Robert Joseph Benanti, petitioner, v. United
States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
MONDAY, JUNE 2 2, 19 70 482
No. 2062, Misc. Raymond Leroy Devers, petitioner, v. California
et al.Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Ap-
peals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 2063, Misc. Jimmy Scott, petitioner, v. New York. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court
of New York, Fourth J udicial Department, denied.
No. 2068, Misc. Charles W. Seohnlein, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 2070, Misc. J ack L. Dougherty, petitioner, v. California. Pe-
Supreme Court of California denied.
tition for writ of certiorari to the

No. 2083, Misc. Paul Henry Marshall, petitioner, v. United States.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States court of Appeals for
the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 2084, Misc. Herbert Arthur Osterburg, petitioner, v. United
States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 2087, Misc. Billy Bruce Allen, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 2089, Misc. Ellis Lee Williams, petitioner, v. Illinois. Petition
Supreme Court of Illinois denied.
for writ of certiorari to the
No. 2098, Misc. Adinortey E. Puplampu, petitioner, v. United
States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 2101, Misc. Darnell F. Mosby, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Eighth Circuit denied.
No. 2112, Misc. Clyde Edwin Pickler, petitioner, v. S. Lamont
Smith, Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court
of Georgia denied.
No. 2116, Misc. Jesse Willard, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-
tition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 2117, Misc. George Albert Mills, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 2119, Misc. Arthur L. Thaxton, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the District of Columbia Circuit denied.
No. 2128, Misc. Peter C. Unger, petitioner, v. United States. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Ninth Circuit denied.
MONDAY, JUNE 22, 19 70 483
No. 2132, Misc. Robert Sewell, petitioner, v. Warden, Maryland
Penitentiary. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 2135, Misc. Larry Donald Verse, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 2137, Misc. Maurice X. Walker, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Third Circuit denied.
No. 2138, Misc. Patrick J. O'Shea, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the First Circuit denied.
No. 2140, Misc. Garnett Gilliam Webster, petitioner, v. United
States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of
Appeals for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 2143, Misc. James McParlin, petitioner, v. Rhode Island. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the First Circuit denied.
No. 2147, Misc. Harvey Stewart, petitioner,
v. George J. Beto, Di-
rector, Texas Department of Corrections. Petition for writ of certio-
rari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit
No. 2150, Misc. James Henry Rollins, petitioner, v. Missouri. Pe-
Supreme Court of Missouri denied.
tition for writ of certiorari to the

No. 2151, Misc. Fletcher House, petitioner, v. United States. Pe-

United States Court of Appeals for
tition for writ of certiorari to the
the District of Columbia Circuit denied.
No. 2171, Misc. Louis Teplitsky, petitioner, v. Associated Press
et al. Petition forwrit of certiorari to the United States Court of Ap-
peals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 2213, Misc. Thomas Edward Young, petitioner, v. United
States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Eighth Circit denied.
No. 2228, Misc. Virgil McDorman, Grant Jolley and J ohn Sosa, pe-
John W. Turner, Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to
titioners, v.
the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit denied.
No. 583, Misc. Walter Paul Albert Henderson, Jr., petitioner, v.
United States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Douglas
is of the opinion that certiorari should be granted.
MONDAY, JUNE 22, 19 70 484

No. 955, Misc. Charles Griffith Wright, petitioner, v. California

Department of Corrections et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied. Mr.
Justice Douglas is of the opinion that certiorari should be granted.
No. 1209, Misc. Steven Lee Stevens, petitioner, v. California. Pe-
Court of Appeal of California, First
tition for writ of certiorari to the
Appellate District, denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion that
certiorari should be granted.

No. 1406, Misc. Herbert Beasley, petitioner, v. Nebraska. Petition

for writ of certiorari to theSupreme Court of Nebraska denied. Mr.
Justice Douglas is of the opinion that certiorari should be granted.
No. 1688, Misc. Gerald Glen Boyden, petitioner, v. Federal Prison
Industries, Inc. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Douglas
is of the opinion that certiorari should be granted.

No. 1788, Misc. Johnny Williams, petitioner, v. Florida. Petition

for writ of certiorari to the District Court of Appeal of Florida, Third
District, denied. Mr. Justice Black is of the opinion that certiorari
should be granted. Mr. Justice Blackmun took no part in the consider-
ation or decision of this petition.

Leave to File Petition for Writ or Habeas Corpus Denied

No. 1960, Misc. William L. Van Cleave, petitioner, v. Louis S.

Nelson, Warden. Motion for leave to file petition for writ of habeas
corpus denied.

Leave to File Petition for Writ of Mandamus Denied

No. 2245, Misc. Jesse Willard, petitioner, v. Emory G. Hatcher,

Clerk, etc., et al. Motion for leave to file petition for writ of mandamus

Rehearings Denied

No. 156, Misc., October Term, 1968. Herbert A. Ellenbogen, peti-

tioner, v.United States. Petition for rehearing denied. Mr. Justice
Douglas is of the opinion that the petition should be granted. The
Chief Justice, Mr. Justice Marshall and Mr. Justice Blackmun took no
part in the consideration or decision of this petition.
No. 476. Sears, Roebuck and Co., petitioner, v. Carpet, Linoleum,
Soft Tile and Resilient Floor Covering Layers, Local Union No. 419,
AFL-CIO, et al. Motion for leave to supplement petition for rehear-
MONDAY, JUNE 2 2, 19 70 485
ing granted. Motion to defer consideration of petition for rehearing
and petition for rehearing denied. Mr. Justice Blackmun took no part
In the consideration or decision of these motions and petition.
No. 834. Sidney A. Grayson, petitioner, v. United States. Motion
for leave to file second petition for rehearing denied. Mr. Justice Black-
mun took no part in the consideration or decision of this motion.
No. 1374. Martin A. Beatty, petitioner, v. Randolph K. Ellings
et al;
No. 1935, Misc. Clarence Clayton Goff, petitioner, v. James F.
Pf au, Trustee and

No. 2033, Misc. Sherill E. Penney and George C. Hendricks, peti-

United States. Petitions for rehearing denied. Mr. Justice
tioners, v.
Marshall and Mr. J ustice Blackmun took no part in the consideration
or decision of these petitions.
Assignment Orders

An order of the Chief J ustice designating and assigning Mr. Justice

Clark (retired) to perform judicial duties in the United States Court
of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit beginning June 18, 1970, and end-
ing October 31, 1970, and for such further time as may be required to
complete unfinished business, pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 294(a), is or-
dered entered on the minutes of this Court, pursuant to 28 U.S.C.
8 295.

An order of the Chief Justice designating and assigning Mr. Justice

Clark (retired) to perform judicial duties in the United States Dis-
trict Court for the Northern District of California beginning June 18,
1970, and ending October 31, 1970, and for such further time as may
be required to complete unfinished business, pursuant to 28 U.S.C.
§ 294(a), is ordered on the minutes of this Court, pursuant to 28
U.S.C. § 295.
Recess Order

The Court will take a recess from today until Tuesday, June 23,

Adjourned until tomorrow at 10 o'clock.

TUESDAY, JUNE 2 3, 1970 486


Present Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Douglas, Mr. Justice

Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice Stewart, Mr. Justice White,
and Mr. Justice Blackmun.

Admission to the Bar

John Celia Christ, of Indianapolis, Ind., on motion of Mr. Andrew

Jacobs, J r., was admitted to practice.


v. John Anthony Green. On writ

No. 387. California, petitioner,
of certiorari to theSupreme Court of California. Judgment vacated
and case remanded to the Supreme Court of California for further
proceedings not inconsistent with the opinion of this Court. Opinion
by Mr. J ustice White. Concurring opinion by Mr. Chief Justice Burger.
Concurring opinion by Mr. Justice Harlan. Dissenting opinion by Mr.
Justice Brennan. Mr. JusticeBlackmun took no part in the considera-
tion or decision of this case.
No. 1066. City of Phoenix, Arizona, et al., appellants, v. Emily
Kolodziejski. Appeal from the United States District Court for the
District of Arizona. Judgment affirmed. Opinion by Mr. Justice White.
Mr. Justice Black concurs in the judgment and in Part I of the opinion
of the Court. Dissenting opinion by Mr. Justice Stewart with whom
Mr. Chief Justice Burger and Mr. Justice Harlan join. Mr. Justice
Blackmun took no part in the consideration or decision of this case.

The Chief Justice said:

"Today's orders of the Court have been certified by the Chief Justice,
filed with the Clerk, and will not be announced orally."

Opinion Per Curiam

No. 1507. Clyde A. Perkins, petitioner, v. Standard Oil Company
of California; and
No. 1556. Clyde A. Perkins, petitioner, v. Standard Oil Com-
pany of California. On petitions for writs of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. Petitions for writs
of certiorari granted, judgments vacated. Case No. 1507 remanded to
the Court of Appeals and case No. 1556 remanded to the United
390-278-^70 114
TUESDAY, JUNE 2 3, 197 0 487

States District Court for the District of Oregon for further proceed-
ings in conformity with the opinion of this Court. Opinion per curiam.
Mr. Justice Harlan took no part in the consideration or decision of
these cases.
Order in Pending Case
Xo. 33, Original. State of Arkansas, plaintiff, v. State of Ten-
nessee. Decree entered.
Recess Order

The Court will take a recess from today until Monday, June 29, 1970,
upon which day it will adjourn for the term unless otherwise ordered.

Adjourned until Monday, June 29, 1970, at 10 o'clock.

FRIDAY, JUNE 2 6, 1970 488


Present Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice

Douglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice

Stewart, Mr. Justice Marshall, and Mr. Justice Blackmun.


No. . Malcolm A. Berk, petitioner, v. Melvin Laird, Indi-

vidually and as Secretary of Defense of the United States, et al. The
application for a stay of deployment presented to Mr. Justice White,
and by him referred to the Court, is denied. Mr. Justice Douglas and
Mr. Justice Marshall took no part in the consideration or decision of
this application.

390-278- 70 115
SATURDAY, JUNE 27, 1970 489


Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr. Justice

)ouglas, Mr. Justice Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice
Stewart, Mr. Justice Marshall, and Mr. Justice Blackmun.


No. William P. Robinson, Jr., Commissioner of Education


if State of Rhode
Island, et al., and John R. Early et aL, appellants,
\ Joan DiCenso et al. The application for a stay of the order of the

Jnited States District Court for the District of Rhode Island en-
ered in Civil Action No. 4239 on June 17, 1970, which application
ras presented to Mr. Justice Brennan, and by him referred to the

)ourt, is granted, and the said order is hereby stayed pending the

imely filing of an appeal in this Court. Should the appeal be so

imely filed, the stay will remain in effect pending its disposition. In
he event the appeal is is to terminate automati-
dismissed, the stay
ally. Should jurisdiction be noted or postponed in the case, the stay
3 to remain in effect pending the issuance of the judgment of this
]ourt. Mr. Justice Douglas dissents from the grant of the stay,
dr. Justice White and Mr. Justice Marshall took no part in the con-

ideration or decision of this application.

390-278—70 116
MONDAY, JUNE 29, 19 70 490


Present: Mr. Chief Justice Burger, Mr. Justice Black, Mr.

Harlan, Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice Stewart, Mr. Justice
Marshall, and Mr. Justice Blackmun.

Admissions to the Bar

William Earl Emick, Jr., of Whittier, Calif., Harvey K. Hasson, of

San Diego, Calif., Joseph J. Ballior, of Boston, Mass., Chester Ciro
Paris, of Boston, Mass., Ignatius K. J. Piscitello, of Lawrence Mass.,
Eichard F. Fellrach, of Dearborn, Mich., Joseph I. McCullough, Jr.,
of Haddon Heights, N.J., Andrew New York, N.Y.,
E. Kuchinsky, of
Harvey S. Morrison, of Cleveland, Ohio,
Martin Joseph Welsh, of
Cleveland, Ohio, Robert A. Mangrum, of Columbia, Tenn., Joseph H.
Campbell, of Norfolk, Va., and Steven Miles Charno, of Arlington,
Va., on motion of Mr. Solicitor General Erwin N. Griswold; Joseph
Francis Meadow, of Washington, D.C., William G. Reid, of Austin,
Tex., and Patrick A. Hudson, of Dallas, Tex., on motion of Mr. Ealph
W. Yarborough; Earl S. Robinson, of Honolulu, Hawaii, Michael
David Hong, of Honolulu, Hawaii, and Jack Roberts Ruegg, of New
York, N.Y., on motion of Mr. Hiram Leong Fong; Robert Cecil
McCandless, of Hobart, Okla., on motion of Mr. Carl Bert Albert;
Thomas M. Dawson, of Leavenworth, Kans., on motion of Mr. Keith
G. Sebelius; Charles A. Intriago, of Miami, Fla., on motion of Mr.
Dante B. Fascell; Thomas H. Antonion, of Atlanta, Ga., on motion of
Mr. Benjamin B. Blackburn; James Patrick Darrah, of Stockton,
Calif., on motion of Mr. John J. McFall; C. Ernest McDonald, of
Dalton, Ga., on motion of Mr. John W. Davis James Peter Zarif es,

of Long Beach, Calif., on motion of Mr. Richard T. Hanna Y. Thomas


Fryman, Jr., of New York, N.Y., on motion of Mr. John H. Picker-

ing Alex F. Yarga, of Los Angeles, Calif., on motion of Mr. Thomas

H. Kuchel William C. Brashares, of Washington, D.C., and Harry


W. Cladouhos, of Washington, D.C., on motion of Mr. Endicott

Peter L. Maroulis, of Poughkeepsie, N.Y., on motion of Mr.
George Gordon Liddy; James P. Sohan, of Louisville, Ky., and
Herbert Yan Arsdale II, of Louisville, Ky., on motion of Mr. Neville
Miller; Robert Anthony Groves, of Reno, Nev., on motion of Mr.
James Henry Duffy; Milton J. Morris, of New York, N.Y., and
Harold S. Levy, of New York, N.Y., on motion of Mr. John W.

39O-278—70 117
MONDAY, JUNE 2 9, 19 70 491

Gray, Jr.; Paul F. McCaul, of Los Angeles, Calif., on motion of Mr.

Frederick J. Lees; Elvin L. Benton, of Tacoma Park, Md., on mo-
tion of Mr. Konald J. Wylie Robert E. Redmann, of New Orleans,

La., on motion of Mr. Wendell W. Mew Lutz Alexander Prager, of


Baltimore, Md., on motion of Mr. David R. Cashdan; Risley C.

Triche, of Napoleonville, La., on motion of Mr. Benjamin H. Dorsey
J. E. Wilson, of Atlanta, Ga., on motion of Mr. Ronald D. Hart-
shorn; John Barrington McGrath, Jr., of St. Paul, Minn., on mo-
tion of Mr. Robert Thomas Molloy Jay M. Finkelstein, of Washing-

ton, D. C, and Norman N. Kunitz, of Washington, D.C., on motion

of Mr. Harvey Kaye; Michael J. Roberts, of Salisbury, Md., on mo-
tion of Mr. William C. Evans William A. Wilbanks, of Tulsa, Okla.,

on motion of Mr. August Allen King; Richard M. Bussey, of Santa

Rosa, Calif., on motion of Mr. Glen M. Bendixsen; Donald A. Fur-
tado, of Washington, D. C, on motion of Mr. Philip F. Ziedman;
and Leonard A. Briscoe, of Baltimore, Md., on motion of Mr. Milton
B. Allen, were admitted to practice.


No. 7. Lester Gunn et al., Committee to

appellants, v. University
End the War in Viet Nam Appeal from the United States Dis-
et al.

trict Court for the Western District of Texas. Appeal dismissed for
want of jurisdiction. Opinion by Mr. Justice Stewart. Concurring
opinion by Mr. Justice White with whom Mr. Justice Brennan joins.
Mr. Justice Blackmun took no part in the consideration or decision
of this case.
Nos. 914, 916, 920, 1038 and 1057. New Haven Inclusion Cases.
On writs of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Second Circuit; and
Nos. 915, 917, and 921. New Haven Inclusion Cases.
from the United States District Court for the Southern District
New York. Judgments of the United States District Court for
in Nos. 914,
District of Connecticut reviewed on writs of certiorari
1038 and 1057, affirmed in part and vacated in part and
916, 920,
remanded for further proceedings in conformity with the opinion of
this Court. Judgments of the United States District
Court for the
Southern District of New York appealed in Nos. 915, 917 and
vacated and remanded to the United States District Court
Southern District of New York with instruction to abstain
the further proceedings before the Interstate
Commerce Commission
and the reviewing courts under § 77 of the Bankruptcy Act.
Black with
by Mr. Justice Stewart. Dissenting opinion by Mr. Justice
whom Mr. Justice Harlan joins. Mr. Justice Douglas took no part m
the decision of these cases. Mr. Justice Marshall
and Mr. Justice
these cases.
Blackmun took no part in the consideration or decision of
MONDAY, JUNE 2 9, 19 70 492

No. 1093. United States, appellant, v. Pliillipsburg National Bank

and Trust Company et al. Appeal from the United States District
Court for the District of New Jersey. Judgment reversed and case
remanded to the United States District Court for the District of
New Jersey for further proceedings in conformity with the opinion
of this Court. Opinion by Mr. Justice Brennan. Opinion by Mr.
Justice Harlan with whom Mr. Chief Justice Burger joins concur-
ring in part and dissenting in part, Mr. Justice Stewart took no part
in the decision of this case. Mr. Justice Blackmun took no part in the
consideration or decision of this case.
No. 305. United States, appellant, v. John Heffron Sisson, Jr.
Appeal from the United States District Court for the District of
Massachusetts. Appeal dismissed for lack of jurisdiction. Opinion by
Mr. Justice Harlan. Mr. Justice Black concurs in the judgment of the
Court and Part IIC of the opinion. Dissenting opinion by Mr. Chief
Justice Burger with whom Mr. Justice Douglas and Mr. Justice White
join. Dissenting opinion by Mr. Justice White with whom Mr. Chief
Justice Burger and Mr. Justice Douglas join. Mr. Justice Blackmun
took no part in the consideration or decision of this case.
No. 595. Louis S. Nelson, Warden, petitioner, v. John Edward
George. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Ninth Circuit. Judgment affirmed. Opinion by Mr. Chief
Justice Burger. Concurring opinion by Mr. Justice Harlan with whom
Mr. Justice Marshall joins. Dissenting opinion by Mr. Justice Douglas.
Mr. Justice Blackmun took no part in the consideration or decision
of this case.
No. 1089. Willie E. Williams, appellant, v. Illinois. Appeal from
the Supreme Court of Illinois. Judgment vacated and case remanded
to the Supreme Court of Illinois for further proceedings not incon-
sistent with the opinion of this Court. Opinion by Mr. Chief Justice
Burger. Opinion by Mr. Justice Harlan concurring in the result. Mr.
Justice Blackmun took no part in the consideration or decision of
this case.

No. 782. Phillip Morris et al., appellants, v. Hiram Schoonfield,

Warden et al. Appeal from the United States District Court for the
District of Maryland. Judgment vacated and case remanded to the
United States District Court for the District of Maryland for recon-
sideration in light of the intervening legislation and the decision of
this Court in Williams v. Illinois, decided today. Opinion per curmm
announced by Mr. Chief Justice Burger. Concurring opinion of Mr.
Justice White with whom Mr. Justice Douglas, Mr. Justice Brennan
and Mr. Justice Marshall join. Mr. Justice Blackmun took no part in
the consideration or decision of this case.
MONDAY, JUNE 2 9, 19 70 493
No. 81. Eector Simmons, Jr., et ux., appellants, v. West Haven
Housing Authority. Appeal from the Appellate Division of the Cir-
cuit Court of Connecticut. Appeal dismissed. Opinion per curiam an-
nounced by Mr. Chief Justice Burger. Dissenting opinion by
Mr. Justice Douglas with whom Mr. Justice Marshall joins. Mr. Jus-
tice Blackmun took no part in the consideration or decision of this

The Chief Justice said

"Today's orders of the Court have been duly entered and certified
and filed with the Clerk, and will not be announced orally."

Opinions Per Curiam

No. 241. Sidney L. Raskin, Executor of the Estate of Margaret

Curry, deceased, petitioner v. P. D. Marchessini, Inc., et al. On peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Second Circuit. Petition for writ of certiorari granted, judgment
vacated, and case remanded to the Court of Appeals for reconsider-
ation in light of M
orague v. States Marine Lines, Inc., —U.S.
(1970). Opinion per curiam.
No. 577. United States, appellant, v. Paul E. Sweet. Certified ap-
peal from the United States District Court for the District of
Columbia. Returned to the United States Court of Appeals for the
District of Columbia Circuit for further proceedings in conformity
with the opinion of this Court. Opinion per curiam. Mr. J ustice Doug-
las dissents. Mr. Justice Marshall took no part in the decision of this

No. 664. J. V. Dunn, appellant, v. Louisiana. Appeal from the

Supreme Court of Louisiana. The motion to dismiss is granted and
the appeal is dismissed for want of a substantial federal question.
Opinion per curiam. Mr. Justice Marshall would reverse the judg-
ment below for the reasons stated in his dissenting opinion in Williams
v. Florida, —U.S.— (1970).
No. 672. William Philip Morico, petitioner, v. United States. On
petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Second Circuit. Petition for writ of certiorari granted, judg-
ment vacated and case remanded to Court of Appeals for further
consideration in light of Welsh v. United States, —U.S.—, decided
June 15, 1970. Opinion per curiam. The Chief Justice, Mr. Justice
Stewart, Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice Blackmun are of the
opinion that certiorari should be denied.
No. 35, Misc. William Creighton Vaughn, petitioner, v. United
States. On petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit. Motion for leave to proceed in
MONDAY, JUNE 2 9, 19 70 494
forma pauperis and petition for writ of certiorari granted. Judgment
vacated and case remanded to the Court of Appeals for further con-
sideration in light of Welsh v. United States U.S. —
decided— ,

June 15, 1970. Opinion per curiam. The Chief Justice, Mr. Justice
Stewart, Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice Blackmun are of the
opinion that certiorari should be denied.
No. 88, Misc. Dennis Warren McQueary, petitioner, v. United
States.On petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. Motion for leave to proceed in forma
pauperis and petition for writ of certiorari granted. Judgment vacated
and case remanded to the Court of Appeals for further consideration
in light of Welsh v. United States, —
U.S. —
decided June 15, 1970.

Opinion per curiam. The Chief Justice, Mr. Justice Stewart, Mr.
Justice White, and Mr. Justice Blackmun are of the opinion that
certiorari should be denied.
No. 738, Misc. William Alan Callison, petitioner, v. United States.
On petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. Motion for leave to proceed in forma
pauperis and petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit granted. Judgment vacated and case
remanded to the Court of Appeals for further consideration in light
of Welsh v. United States, —
U.S. —
decided June 15, 1970. Opinion

per curiam. The Chief Justice, Mr. Justice Stewart, Mr. Justice White,
and Mr. Justice Blackmun are of the opinion that certiorari should
be denied.
No. 801. E. P. Perini, etc., Dominic Colosimo. On
petitioner, v.
petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Sixth Circuit. Motion to dispense with printing petition and
motion of respondent for leave to proceed in forma pauperis granted.
Petition for writ of certiorari granted, judgment vacated and case
remanded to the Court of Appeals for further consideration in light
of Chambers v. Maroney, —U.S. —
(1970). Opinion per curiam.
Mr. Justice Harlan is of the opinion that certiorari should be denied.
However, the case having been taken for review, he would affirm the
judgment below for the reasons stated in his separate opinion in
Chambers v. Maroney, —U.S. —
No. 936. Sherman H. Crouse, Warden, petitioner, v. William Nay
Wood. On petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit. Motion of the respondent for leave
to proceed in forma pauperis and petition for writ of certiorari
granted. Judgment vacated and case remanded to Court of Appeals
for further consideration in light of Chambers v. Maroney, U.S.— —
(1970). Opinion per curiam. Mr. Justice Harlan is of the opinion
that certiorari should be denied. However, the case having been taken
390-278—70 118
MONDAY, JUNE 29, 19 70 495
for review, lie would judgment below for the reasons stated
affirm the
in his separate opinion in Chambers v. Maroney, U.S. —
(1970). —
No. 1032. Preston Dial and Billy H. Cunningham, appellants, v.
Richard Fontaine. Appeal from the United States District Court for
the Western District of Texas. The appeal is dismissed for want of
jurisdiction. Opinion per curiam. Mr. Justice Douglas dissents from
the dismissal of the appeal.
No. 1195. Carl Hocker, Warden, petitioner, v. James A. Hemey.
On petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Ap-
peals for the Ninth Circuit. Motion of the respondent for leave to
proceed in forma pauperis and petition for writ of certiorari granted.
Judgment vacated and case remanded to the Court of Appeals for
further consideration in light of Chambers v. Maroney, U.S. — —
(1970) Opinion per curiam. Mr. Justice Harlan is of the opinion that

certiorari should be denied. However, the case having been taken for
review, he would affirm the judgment below for the reasons stated
in his separate opinion in Chambers v. Maronmj. —
U.S. —
No. 1385. Reginald Hutcherson et al., appellants, v. Laurie Leh-
tin et Appeal from the United States District Court for the North-

ern District of California. The motion to dismiss is granted and the

appeal is dismissed for want of jurisdiction. Opinion per curiam.
No. 1532. Jerry Allen Penner, petitioner, v. United States. On
petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Tenth Circuit. Petition for writ of certiorari granted, judg-
ment vacated and case remanded to the United States District Court
for the Western District of Oklahoma with instructions to dismiss
the indictment. Opinion per curiam.
No. 1544. Melvin Lee Hoyt and Joseph S. Lee, petitioners, v. Min-
nesota. On petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of
Minnesota. Petition for writ of certiorari granted, judgment reversed
and case remanded to the Supreme Court of Minnesota for further
proceedings not inconsistent with the opinion of this Court, Opinion
per curiam. Dissenting opinion by Mr. Justice Blackmun with whom
the Chief Justice and Mr. Justice Harlan join.
No. 1232, Misc. Stanley Edward Kelley, petitioner, v. Arizona.
On petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Arizona.
Motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis and petition for writ
of certiorari granted. Judgment vacated and case remanded to the Su-
preme Court of Arizona for further consideration in light of Chambers
v. Maroney, — T
.S. —
(1970). Opinion per curiam. Mr. Justice Harlan
would vacate the judgment and remand to the Supreme Court of Ari-
zona for the reasons stated in his separate opinion in Chambers v.
Maroney,—X5£>. —(1970).
MONDAY, JUNE 2 9, 19 70 496
No. 1886, Misc. John Roderick Peet, petitioner, v. United States,
On petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Ap-
peals for the Ninth Circuit. Motion for leave to proceed in forma
pauperis and petition for writ of certiorari granted. Judgment vacated
and case remanded to the United States District Court for the
Northern District of California for resentencing. Opinion per
No. 1969, Misc. Benjamin Thomas Guerrieri, petitioner, v. United
States.On petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Third Circuit. Motion for leave to proceed in forma
pauperis and petition for writ of certiorari granted. Judgment
vacated and case remanded to the United States District Court for
the Western District of Pennsylvania for findings as to whether or
not petitioner is in fact an indigent and proceeding in good faith
pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1915. Opinion per curiam.

Appeals — Summary Dispositions

No. 1371. The Reader's Digest Association, Inc., appellant, v.

George E. Mahin, Director of Revenue of the State of Illinois. Appeal
from the Supreme Court of Illinois. The appeal is dismissed for
want of jurisdiction. Treating the papers whereon the appeal was
taken as a petition for writ of certiorari, certiorari is denied. Mr.
Justice Douglas is of the opinion that probable jurisdiction should
be noted.
No. 1670, Misc. James Mears, appellant, v. Carl Hocker, Warden,
et al. Appeal from the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth
Circuit. The appeal is dismissed for want of jurisdiction. Treating
the papers whereon the appeal was taken as a petition for writ of
certiorari, certiorari is denied.

No. 1925, Misc. George Dober, appellant, Nicholas T. Elko and


Andrew Pataki. Appeal from the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania,

Western District. The appeal is dismissed for want of jurisdiction.
Treating the papers whereon the appeal was taken as a petition for
writ of certiorari, certiorari is denied.

No. 1568. Vivian E. Carlough, appellant, v. Eliot L. Richardson,

Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare. Appeal from
of Florida.
United States District Court for the Southern District

Judgment vacated and case remanded to the United States District

Court for the Southern District of Florida so that it may enter
a fresh
Court of
judgment from which a timely appeal may be taken to the
No. 1310, Misc. Michael Arthur Lee, appellant, v. Dave
Appeals of Oklahoma.
Sheriff. Appeal from the Court of Criminal
The appeal is dismissed for want of a substantial federal question.
MONDAY, JUNE 2.9, 19 70 497
No. 1889, Misc. William Gary Bettencourt, appellant,
v. Cali-
fornia. Appeal from the Court of Appeal
of California, Third
Appellate District. The appeal is dismissed for want
of a substantial
federal question.
No. 1525, Misc. Ruthie Mae Smith, appellant, v.
Scotland Urban
Enterprises, Inc. Appeal from the Supreme Court
of Louisiana. The
appeal is dismissed for want of a properly presented federal
Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion that probable jurisdiction should
be noted.
Orders in Pending Cases

No. . Florida ex rel. Earl Faircloth, Attorney General of

Florida, et al., petitioners, i;M&W Theatres, Inc., et al.
The application for stay of preliminary injunction issued by the
United States District Court for the Northern District of Florida
presented to Mr. Justice Black, and by him referred to the Court, is
granted pending the timely filing and disposition of an appeal.
Should such an appeal not be filed, this stay is to expire automatically.
Should such an appeal be timely docketed, this stay is to continue
pending this Court's action on the jurisdictional aspect of the case. In
the event the appeal is dismissed or judgment below summarily
affirmed, this stay is to expire automatically. Should the Court note

probable jurisdiction of the appeal or postpone further consideration

of the question of jurisdiction to a hearing on the merits, this stay is
to remain in effect pending the issuance of the
judgment of this
Court. Mr. Justice Douglas, Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice
Marshall took no part in the consideration or decision of this
No. . Florida et rel. Earl Faircloth, Attorney General of
Florida, et al., petitioners, v. John Newton et al.
The application for stay of preliminary injunction issued by the
United States District Court for the Northern District of Florida,
presented to Mr. Justice Black, and by him referred to the Court is
granted pending the timely filing and disposition of an appeal. Should
such an appeal not be filed, this stay is to expire automatically. Should
such an appeal be timely docketed, this stay is to continue pending this
Court's action on the jurisdictional aspect of the case. In the event
the appeal is dismissed or judgment below summarily affirmed, this
stay is to expire automatically. Should the Court note probable juris-
diction of the appeal or postpone further consideration of question of
jurisdiction to a hearing on the merits, this stay is to remain in effect
pending the issuance of the judgment of this Court. Mr. Justice
Douglas, Mr. Justice White, and Mr. Justice Marshall took no part
in the consideration or decision of this application.
MONDAY, JUNE 2 9, 19 70 498

No. . United States, petitioner, v. Ten Reels of a Motion Pic-

ture etc.

The application to vacate the stay heretofore issued by Mr. Justice

Black is denied, with leave to renew, however, if a trial on the ob-
scenity vel non of this film has not commenced by August 3, 1970,
unless any delay of the trial beyond that date has been occasioned
by the appellee, Grove Press. Mr. Justice Black and Mr. Justice
Stewart would vacate the stay. Mr. Justice Douglas took no part in
the consideration or decision of this application.
No. 4. Evelle J. Younger, appellant, v. John Harris, Jr., et al.
No. 6. John S. Boyle, Chief Judge of the Circuit Court of Cook
Comity, Illinois, et al., appellants, v. Lawrence Landry, et al.
No. 11. George Samuels et al., appellants, v. Thomas J. Mackell,
District Attorney, et al.

No. 20. Fred Fernandez, appellant, v. Thomas J. Mackell, District

Attorney, et al.
No. 265. Gladys Boddie et al., appellants, v. Connecticut et al.
No. 266. Lelia Mae Sanks et al., appellants, v. Georgia et al.;
No. 565. Frank Dyson, Chief of Police, City of Dallas, et al., appel-
lants, v. Brent Stein and ;

No. 1149. Garrett H. Byrne, etc., et al., appellants, v. Serafim

Karalexis et al. These cases are restored to the calendar for reargu-
No. 21. A. L. Dutton, Warden, appellant, .v. Alex S. Evans
No. 1632. Dennis Councle McGautha, petitioner, v. California;
No. 1633. James Edward Crampton, petitioner, v. Ohio. The So-
licitorGeneral is invited to file a brief in these cases expressing the
views of the United States and to participate in the oral argument.
The motion of the petitioner for the appointment of counsel in
No. 1633 is granted, and it is ordered that John J. Callahan, Esquire,
of Toledo, Ohio, a member of the Bar of this Court be, and he is
hereby, appointed to serve as counsel for the petitioner in this case.
No. 730. Archie William Hill, Jr., petitioner, v. California. The
motion of Keith C. Monroe for leave to participate hi oral argument,
as amicus curiae, on behalf of the Orange County Criminal Courts Bar
Association, is denied.
No. 1155. United States, appellant, v. Milan Vuitch. In addition to
the issues presented on the merits of this case, the parties are requested
to brief and argue the following three questions:
1. Does this Court have jurisdiction under 18 U.S.C. Sec, 3731 to

entertain a direct appeal from a decision of the United States District

Court for the District of Columbia dismissing an indictment on the
390-27S— 70 119
MONDAY, JUNE 2 9, 19 70 499

ground of the invalidity of the statute on which the indictment is

founded, where the statute, although an act of Congress, applies only
in the District of Columbia ?
2. Could the District Court's decision in this case have been ap-

pealed to the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit

pursuant to D.C. Code, Sec. 23^105 ?
3. If the decision could have been appealed to the District of

Columbia Circuit, should this Court, as a matter of sound judicial

administration, abstain from accepting jurisdiction pursuant to 18
U.S.C. Sec. 3731 because the case involves the validity of a statute
the application of whichis confined to the District of Columbia ?

No. 1189. Alton J. Lemon et al., appellants, v. David H. Kurtzman,

as Superintendent of Public Instruction of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, et al. The motion of Americans United for Separation
of Church and State for leave to participate in oral argument, as
amicus curiae, is denied. Mr. Justice Marshall took no part in the
consideration or decision of this motion.
No. 1198. Edgar D. Whitcomb, Governor of the State of Indiana,
appellant, v. Patrick Chavis et al. The motion of the ACLU Founda-

tion, Inc., et al. for leave to file a brief, as amici curiae, is granted.

No. 2242, Misc. T. Edward Austin, State Attorney, petitioner, v.

United States District Court for the Middle District of Florida, et al.
The application for a stay order or writ of injunction presented to Mr.
Justice Black, and by him referred to the Court, is granted. Mr.
Justice Douglas took no part in the consideration or decision of this

Appeals —Jurisdiction Noted or Postponed

No. 837. Leander H. Perez, Jr., et al., appellants, v. August M.
Ledesma, Jr., et al. Appeal from the United States District Court for
the Eastern District of Louisiana.
Further consideration of the question of jurisdiction in this case is
postponed to the hearing of the case on the merits and the case is
placed on the summary calendar and set to be argued with No. 4,
Younger v. Harris, No. 6, Boyle v. Landry, No. 11, Samuels v. Mack-
ell, No. 20, Fernandez v. MacJcell, No. 565, Dyson v. Stein, and No.

1149, Byrne v. Karalexis. In addition to the questions presented in the

jurisdictional statement the parties are requested to brief and argue
the following questions
(1) Was it an appropriate exercise of discretion
for the three-
judge court to grant the relief in paragraphs 1 and 2 of the judgment
of August 14,1969, in view of the pendency of the State prosecution
charging violation of Louisiana Eevised Statutes 14:106?
MONDAY, JUNE 29, 19 7 0 500

'(2) Was it an appropriate exercise of discretion for the three-

judge court in paragraph 4 of said judgment to declare the St.

Bernard Parish Ordinance No. 21-69 unconstitutional?
No. 1658. Virginia C. Shaffer, appellant, v. Anita Valtierra et al.
Appeal from the United States District Court for the Northern
District of California. In this case probable jurisdiction is noted. Case
placed on the summary calendar and set for oral argument with No.
1557. Mr. Justice Douglas took no part in the consideration or decision
of this matter.
No. 2300, Misc. Joseph McKeiver and Edward Terry, appellants,
v. Pennsylvania. Appeal from the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania,
Eastern District. Motion of the appellants for leave to proceed in
forma pauperis granted. In this case probable jurisdiction noted and
case transferred to the appellate docket. Case placed on the summary
calendar and set for oral argument with No. 1441.

Certiorari Granted

No. 1170. Guy v. United States. Pe-

Porter Gillettee, petitioner,
United States Court of Appeals for
tition for writ of certiorari to the
the Second Circuit granted and case placed on the summary calendar.
No. 1405. Willie S, Griggs et al., petitioners v. Duke Power Com-
pany. Motion of the United Steel Workers of America, AFL-CIO for
leave to file a brief, as amicus curiae, granted. Petition for writ of
certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth
Circuit granted and case placed on the summary calendar. Mr. Justice
Brennan took no part in the consideration or decision of this motion
and petition.
No. 1713. James E. Swann et al., petitioners, v. Charlotte-Meck-
lenburg Board of Education et al. Motion of the National Education
Association for leave to file a brief, as amicus curiae, granted. Motion
of the United Negro College Fund, Inc., et al., for leave to file a brief,

as amici curiae, granted. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United

States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit granted, provided that
the judgment of the Court of Appeals is left undisturbed insofar as
it remands the case to the district court for further proceedings, which
further proceedings are authorized, and the district court's judgment
is reinstated and shall remain in effect pending those
proceedings. The
decision on the motions to expediteis deferred. Mr. Justice Black dis-

sents from the Court's order which reinstates the district court's judg-
ment. He would grant the motion to expedite action in this Court and

set the case for hearing at the earliest possible date.

No. 1318, Misc. Edward H. Coolidge, Jr., petitioner, v. New Hamp-
shire. Motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis and petition for
writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of New Hampshire granted.
MONDAY, JUNE 2 9, 19 7 0 501

Case transferred to the appellate docket and placed on the summary

No. 1873, Misc. Preston A. Tate, petitioner, v. Herman Short,
Chief of Police, Houston, Texas. Motion for leave to proceed in forma
pauperis and petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Criminal
Appeals of Texas granted. Case transferred to the appellate docket
and placed on the summary calendar.
No. 1669, Misc. Louis A. Negre, petitioner, v. Stanley R. Larsen
et al.Motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis and petition for
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth
Circuit granted. Case transferred to the appellate docket, placed on the
summary calendar, and set for oral argument immediately following
No. 1170.
Certiorari Denied

No. 516. Irwin Ira Messinger, petitioner, v. United States. Peti-

tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Second Circuit denied.
No. 1115. Winfred Wisnieski, petitioner, v. Ohio ex rel. Adam
Kenclzia et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of
Ohio denied.
No. 1414. Richard O. Tilton et al., petitioners, v. The Cowles Pub-
lishing Company. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court
of Washington denied.
No. 1427. A. T. Garrett et al., petitioners, v. United States. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 1440. Jeremiah Opie, petitioner, v. Leonard F. Meacham,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Tenth Circuit denied.
No. 1461. Jay Richard Bergman, petitioner, v. United States.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals

for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1536. In the Matter of Joe Breck Gantt, petitioner. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Alabama denied.
No. 1551. Willie Ellis Lanier, petitioner, v. United States. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 1552. Bankers Mortgage Company, petitioner, v. United

States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of

Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
MONDAY, JUNE 2 9, 19 70 502

No. 1562. Samuel A. Longo and Robert Migliaecio, petitioners, v.

California. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of
California, Fourth Appellate District, denied.
No. 1563. Carl A. Coppolino, petitioner, v. Florida. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the District Court of Appeal of Florida, Second
District, denied.

No. 1566. Monroe Auto Equipment Company, Hartwell Division,

petitioner, v. National Labor Relations Board. Petition for writ of
certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit
No. 1567. Louie L. Wainwright, Director, Division of Correc-
tions, State of Florida, petitioner, v. Clinton William Baker. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 1571. Anderson Federation of Teachers, Local 519, petitioner,
v. School City of Anderson et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
Supreme Court of Indiana denied.
No. 1573. Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, petitioner, v.
Mary Louise Edwards et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
Superior Court of Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh District, denied.
No. 1585. Rudolph Izzi, petitioner, v. United States. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Sec-
ond Circuit denied.
No. 1592. B. B. Woodson, Trustee, petitioner, v. George Gilmer.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 1601. George W. Riley et ux., petitioners, v. State Farm Mu-
tual Automobile Insurance Company. Petition for writ of certiorari
to the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 1606. Harsh Investment Corporation, petitioner, v. Curtis B.
Danning, Receiver. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1638. Gennaro J. Coppola, petitioner, v. United States. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Second Circuit denied.
No, 18. Charles McLaurin, petitioner, v. William C. Burnley, Jr.,
Custodian of the Greenville City Jail. Petition for writ of certiorari
to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied.
Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion that certiorari should be
No. 1619. George M. Vasilj, petitioner, v. United States. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
MONDAY, JUNE 2 9, 1970 503
Ninth Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion that cer-
tiorari should be granted.
No. 508. Thomas Hanna, petitioner, v. Illinois. Petition for writ
of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Illinois denied. Mr. Justice
Harlan would grant the petition for certiorari, vacate the judgment
below, and remand the case for the reasons stated in his separate
opinion in Chambers v. Maroney, —
U.S. (1970)—
No. 683. Richard H. Ichord et al., Jeremiah Stam-
petitioners, v.
United States Court of
ler et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Marshall took
no part in the consideration or decision of this petition.
No. 1600. Steve Marston et al., petitioners, v. Ann Arbor Prop-

erty Managers et Motion to dispense with printing petition granted.


Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals

for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 1618. Joseph Curran et al., petitioners, v. James Morrissey
et al. Motion to defer consideration of petition for certiorari and
petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Second Circuit denied. Mr. Justice White is of the opinion that
certiorari should be granted.

No. 1753. The School Board of the City of Norfolk, Virginia, et

al., petitioners, v. Carlotta Mozelle Brewer et al. Motion to dispense

with printing petition and motion to advance granted. Petition for

writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth
Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Black is of the opinion that certiorari
should be granted and case set for oral argument at the earliest possible

No. 13, Misc. Manuel Oliveros, petitioner, v. United States, Peti-

tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Second Circuit denied.
No. 373, Misc. Eddie Pitts, petitioner, v. Ohio. Petition for writ
of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Ohio denied.
No. 389, Misc. Misc. Lillian M. Gelhaar, petitioner, v. Wisconsin.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Wisconsin
No. 907, Misc. Lamar Hearns, petitioner, v. Florida. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Florida denied.
No. 1304, Misc. Joe Morgan, petitioner, v. California Adult Au-
thority. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Cali-
fornia denied.
No. 1545, Misc. Rosa Gutierrez, petitioner, v. California. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Appellate Department of the Superior
Court of California, County of Ventura, denied.
MONDAY, JUNE 2 9, 1970 504
No. 1567, Misc. Eichard Hock, petitioner, v. New Jersey. Petition
for writ of certiorari to theSupreme Court of New Jersey denied.
No. 1572, Misc. Thomas Stack, petitioner, v. New York. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court
of New York, Second Judicial Department, denied.
No. 1592, Misc. J ames Carnell Wilson, petitioner, v. California.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California,
Second Appellate District, denied.
No. 1693, Misc. Eichard Baker, petitioner, v. Joseph E. Brierley,
Superintendent. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit denied.
No. 1829, Misc. Denzil Clarence Stout, petitioner, v. Ohio. Peti-
Supreme Court of Ohio denied.
tion for writ of certiorari to the
No. 1955, Misc. Henry Bell, petitioner, v. United States. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Tenth Circuit denied.
No. 1971, Misc. Alonzo Pena Caldera and Lois Virginia Saldana,
petitioners v.John N. Mitchell, Individually and as Attorney General,
et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 1981, Misc. Victor Frank Szijarto, petitioner, v. Louis S. Nel-
son,Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court
of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 2010, Misc. Edward Eichburg, petitioner, v. South Carolina.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of South Carolina
No. 2015, Misc. Booker T. Johnson, petitioner, v. George J. Beto,

Director, Texas Department of Corrections. Petition for writ of cer-

tiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit
No. 2016, Misc. Thomas Allen Cox, petitioner, v. John W. Wingo,
to the United States Court
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari
of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 2017, Misc. Allen Walker, petitioner, v. United States. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for
the Third Circuit denied.
No. 2020, Misc. Fred Dale Cragg, petitioner, v. California. Peti-
Supreme Court of California denied.
tion for writ of certiorari to the
No. 2021, Misc. George Clayton, Jr., petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 2029, Misc. Moses Andrew Jackson, petitioner, v. Iowa. Pe-
tition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Iowa denied.
MONDAY, JUNE 29, 19 70 505

No. 2030, Misc. Marion G. Adams, petitioner, v. New York. Peti-

tion for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals of New York denied.
No. 2040, Misc. Donald E. McGettrick, petitioner, v. United
States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 2041, Misc. John C. O. Hollom, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 2042, Misc. Joseph O'Fields, petitioner, v. Lloyd E. Eader,
Director, Oklahoma Department of Institutions, et al. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth
Circuit denied.
No. 2043, Misc. Honorio Adorno Lorenzana, petitioner, v. Ger-
ardo Delgado, Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme
Court of Puerto Rico denied.
No. 2049, Misc. Thomas Carlton Wansley, petitioner, v. Virginia.
Supreme Court of Appeals of
Petition for writ of certiorari to the
Virginia denied.
No. 2066, Misc. Marilu Taylor, petitioner, v. Superior Court,
County of Riverside, California. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
Court of Appeal of California, Fourth Appellate District, denied.

No. 2072, Misc. Otis Walter Williams, petitioner, v. Harold W.

Follette, Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States
Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 2079, Misc. Phillip Henry Sharpe, petitioner, v. California.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeal of California,
Fourth Appellate District, denied.

No. 2080, Misc. Raymond Leon Cully, petitioner, v. Alfred T.

Rundle, Superitendent, State Correctional Institution. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Third
Circuit denied.
No. 2090, Misc. Rudolph Henry Kruse, Sr., petitioner, v. United
States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 2092, Misc. Kenneth Headley, Bobby Sams and Charles
Huntley, petitioners, v. Vincent R, Mancusi, Warden. Petition for
writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Sec-
ond Circuit denied.
No. 2095, Misc. Dacie Bass, petitioner, v. United States. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the
Fourth Circuit denied.
MONDAY, JUNE 29, 19 70 506
No. 2099, Misc. Tyrone A. Horton, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fourth Circuit denied.
No. 2102, Misc. Alan Eay Mapys, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Tenth Circuit denied.
No. 2104, Misc. Kennety B. Moffett, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 2111, Misc. Jesse Lara Lopez, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 2115, Misc. Jo A. Hyleck, petitioner, v. Minnesota. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Minnesota denied.
No. 2122, Misc. Theodore Harold Clarke, petitioner, v. United
States Board of Parole et al. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit
No. 2123, Misc. Laurence Ray Yant, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 2127, Misc. Walter Groves, petitioner, v. Frank J. Pate,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied.
No. 2129, Misc. Edmund Marvin Brown, petitioner, v. Georgia.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Georgia denied.
No. 2131, Misc. Domingo Manuel-Baca, petitioner, v. United
States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 2133, Misc. John Thomas Lott, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fifth Circuit denied.
No. 2141, Misc. Jimmie O. Wooten, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Sixth Circuit denied.
No. 2146, Misc. Louis Cohen, petitioner, v. Louie L. Wainwright,
Director, Florida Division of Corrections. Petition for writ of cer-
tiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit
No. 2157, Misc. Antonio M. Briones, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fifth Circuit denied.
MONDAY, JUNE 29, 1'9 70 507

No. 2163, Misc. James William Hynes, aka James Burns, peti-
United States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United
tioner, v.
States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denied.
No. 2175, Misc. Gary David Nelson, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Ninth Circuit denied.
No. 105, Misc. Eobert Louis Jackson, petitioner, v. Georgia. Mo-

tion of Emory Community Legal Services Center for leave to file a

brief, as amicus curiae, granted. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
Supreme Court of Georgia denied. Mr. Justice Black and Mr. Justice
Douglas, being of the view that No. 72, Coleman v. Alabama, 397
U.S. — should be retroactive in this case (see Desist v. U.S., 394 U.S.

244, 255, dissenting opinion) would grant, vacate, and remand for re-
consideration in light of Coleman. Mr. Justice Harlan would grant
petition for writ of certiorari, vacate judgment of court below, and
remand to that court for further consideration in light of his con-
curring opinion in Coleman v. Alabama, 397 U.S. (1970). See —
dissenting opinion of Harlan, J. Desist v. United States, 394 U.S.
244,256 (1969).
No. 219, Misc. Virgil Lewis Turley, petitioner, v. Missouri. Peti-
tion for writ of certiorari to theSupreme Court of Missouri denied.
Mr. Justice Black and Mr. Justice Douglas, being of the view that
No. 72, Coleman v. Alabama, 397 U.S. —
should be retroactive in

this case (see Desist v. U.S., 394 U.S. 244, 255, dissenting opinion)
would grant, vacate, and remand for reconsideration in light of Cole-
man. Mr. Justice Harlan would grant petition for writ of certiorari
vacate judgment of court below, and remand to that court for fur-
ther consideration in light of his concurring opinion in Coleman v.
Alabama, 397 U.S. —
(1970). See Dissenting opinion of Harlan, J.
Desist v. United States, SMTJ.S. 244,256 (1969).
No. 509, Misc. Frank Edward Wetzel, petitioner, v. North Caro-
lina. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Ap-
peals for the Fourth Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Black and Mr. Justice
Douglas, being of the view that No. 72, Coleman v. Alabama, 397
U.S. — , should be retroactive in this case (see Desist v. U.S., 394 U.S.
244, 255, dissenting opinion) would grant, vacate, and remand for
reconsideration in light of Coleman. Mr. Justice Harlan would grant
petition for writ of certiorari, vacate judgment of court below, and
remand to that court for further consideration in light of his con-
curring opinion in Coleman v. Alabama, 397 U.S. —
(1970). See dis-
senting opinion Harlan, J. Desist v. United States, 394 U.S. 244, 256
MONDAY, JUNE 2 9, 19 70 508

No. 212, Misc. Warren E. Gilliam, Jr., petitioner, v. Stanley E.

Eesor, Secretary of the Army. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied. Mr.
Justice Douglas would grant, vacate and remand for reconsideration
in light of Welsh v. United States U.S.— (1970). —
No. 603, Misc. Kdbert Joseph Satter field, petitioner, v. United
States. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
United States Court of
Appeals for the Seventh Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the
opinion that certiorari should be granted.
No. 878, Misc. John McMillan Gregg, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Seventh Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion
that certiorari should be granted.
No. 1342, Misc. Fernando Sarabia, petitioner, v. Texas. Petition
for writ of certiorari to the Court of Criminal Appeals of Texas de-
nied. Mr. Justice Douglas is of the opinion that certiorari should be
No. 908, Misc. James Morgan, petitioner, v. Florida, Petition for
writ of certiorari to the District Court of Appeal of Florida, Third
District, denied. Mr. Justice Marshall would grant certiorari and
reverse judgment below for the reasons stated in his dissenting
opinion in Williams v. Florida, —U.S.— (1970)
No. 1201, Misc. Clyde Collier, petitioner, v. John W. Wingo, War-
den. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Ap-
peals for the Sixth Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Harlan would grant
certiorari, vacate judgment below and remand for the reasons stated
in his separate opinion inChambers v. Maroney, U.S. — (1970). —
Mr. Justice Marshall would grant certiorari, vacate judgment and
remand for further consideration in light of Chambers v. Maroney,
—U.S.— (1970).
No. 1399, Misc. Larry Carter et al., petitioners, v. United States.

Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals

for the Ninth Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Douglas would grant certi-
orari on the question whether a witness before a grand jury has
standing in light of Blair v. United States, 250 U.S. 273, to challenge
the constitutionality of a statute concerning violations of which he is
compelled to testify.
No. 1668, Misc. Herman Benjamin Ferguson and Arthur Harris,
New York. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court
petitioners, v.
of Appeals of New York denied. Mr. Justice Douglas and Mr.
Marshall took no part in the consideration or decision of
MONDAY, JUNE 2 9, 19 70 509
No. 1964, Misc. Larry Wayne Satery, petitioner, v. Texas. Motion
to dissolve stay granted. Petition for writ of certiorari to the Court
of Criminal Appeals of Texas denied.
No. 1978, Misc. Ralph Russell, petitioner, v. Martin P. Catherwood,
as Industrial Commissioner. Petition for writ of certiorari to the
Appellate Department of the Supreme Court of New York, Third
Judicial Department, denied. Dissenting opinion by the Chief Justice
with whom Mr. Justice Douglas joins.
No. 2113, Misc. James K. Newman, petitioner, v. Maurice Sigler,
Warden. Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of
Appeals for the Eighth Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Blackmun took no
part in the consideration or decision of this petition.
No. 2114, Misc. Judith Ann Whitney, petitioner, v. United States.
Petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals
for the Eighth Circuit denied. Mr. Justice Blackmun took no part in
the consideration or decision of this petition.
No. 2384, Misc. Lonnie McLucas et al., petitioners, v. Aaron J. Pal-
mer, J udge of the Superior Court of the State of Connecticuit. Motion
to expedite consideration of the petition granted. Petition for writ of
certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit

Leave To File Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus Denied

No. 2217, Misc. Henry McClendon, petitioner, v. Lamont Smith,

Warden. Motion for leave to file petition for writ of habeas corpus

Leave To File Petition for Writ of Mandamus Denied

No. 2130, Misc. Maurice E. Hardie, petitioner, v. Philip Neville,

LTnited States District Judge. Motion for leave to file petition for writ
of mandamus denied.
Rehearings Denied

No. 776, October Term, 1968. Utah Public Service Commission,

appellant, v. El Paso Natural Gas company et al. All petitions for

rehearing, motions and other petitions filed in this case denied. Mr.
Justice Harlan and Mr. Justice Stewart would call for responses to
petitions for rehearing and to other motions and petitions referred to
in this Court's order. Mr. Justice Brennan, Mr. Justice White and
Mr. Justice Marshall took no part in the consideration or decision of
this order.

No. 1345. James D. Sullivan, petitioner, v. Edward J. Choquette

et al. Petition for rehearing denied. Mr. Justice Blackmun took no
part in the consideration or decision of this petition.
MONDAY, JUNE 29, 1970 510

No. 1409. Meilah Bell, petitioner, v. Government of the Virgin

Islands; and
No. 1442. Dean Foods Company, Inc., petitioner, v. National Labor
Relations Board. Petitions for rehearing denied. Mr. Justice Marshall
and Mr. Justice Blackmun took no part in the consideration or decision
of these petitions.
No. 1488. Carlos Marcello, petitioner, v. United States. Petition
for rehearing denied. Mr. Justice Marshall took no part in the con-
sideration or decision of this petition.
No. Stephen S. Chandler. United States District Judge
2. Misc.
for the Western District of Oklahoma, petitioner, v. Judicial Council
of the Tenth Circuit of the United States:
No 1665, Misc. Charles Evans, petitioner, v. United States;
Xo. 1822, Misc. Albert Leroy Peterson, petitioner, i\ Missouri;
Xo. 2037, Misc. Delia Carrigan. petitioner, v. Erich P. Karlsson
Builders. Inc. Petitions for rehearing denied. Mr. Justice Marshall
and Mr. Justice Blackmun took no part in the consideration or decision
of these petitions.
Xo. 1622, Misc. John Oliver, petitioner, v. Alfred T. Eundle. Su-
perintendent, State Correctional Institution. Motion for leave to file

petition for rehearing denied. Mr. Justice Blackmun took no part

in the consideration or decision of this motion.

Xo. 1804, Misc. Bert C. Cushway. petitioner, v. State Bar of

Georgia. Petition for rehearing denied. Mr. Justice Blackmun took
no part in the consideration or decision of this petition.

The Chief Justice announced the following order of the Court

"ATI cases submitted and all business before the Court at this term
in readiness for disposition having been disposed of.
"It is ordered by this Court that all cases on the docket be, and they
are hereby, continued to the next term."

The Chief Justice then announced that the Court is adjourned to

the time and place appointed by law.

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