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Beside Jyothi Apartment, Nayanagar, Kodad, Suryapet (Dt.)

Class: VIII Lesson. 13. The Indian Constitution Marks: 50

1. The set of rules about how the country should be governed is known as ……… [ ]
A. Administrative Law B. Parliament Act
C. Assembly Bill D. Constitution
2. The right of every adult citizen, irrespective of gender, caste, religion, education, or wealth to
vote in elections. [ ]
A. Right to Equality B. Universal Adult Franchise
C. Right to Education D. All the above
3. Even before independence, in 1928 ………… and eight other Indian National Congress leaders
drafted a Constitution for India. [ ]
A. Jawaharlal Nehru B. Motilal Nehru
C. Chittaranjan Das D. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
4. In 1931, the resolution at the ……….. session of the Indian National Congress dwelt on how
independent India’s Constitution should look like. [ ]
A. Lahore B. Bombay C. Lucknow D. Karachi
5. Which of the following pairs is wrong: [ ]
A. A model constitution was drafted – Motilal Nehru
B. Leaders agreed that illiterate people should not vote – Universal Adult Franchise
C. Provincial Legislature – Constitutional adopted some colonial laws
D. Partition – large number of people were killed and forced to migrate.
6. India celebrates ……… on 26th January every year. [ ]
A. Independence Day B. Army Day C. Republic Day D. All the above
7. What were the sources of inspiration for framing our Constitution? [ ]
A. The struggle waged by the diverse kinds of Indian people.
B. The thoughts of Mahatma Gandhi and other national leaders
C. The people’s aspiration for a better world to live in
D. All the above
8. The President of the Constituent Assembly was……. [ ]
A. Dr. Rajendra Prasad B. Rajagopalachari
C. Dr. B R Ambedkar D. Jawaharlal Nehru
9. The Chairman of the Drafting Committee. [ ]
A. Dr. Rajendra Prasad B. Rajagopalachari
C. Dr. B R Ambedkar D. Jawaharlal Nehru
10. What was the source of ideas for framing our Constitution? [ ]
A. The ideals of the French Revolution
B. The practice of Parliamentary democracy in Britain
C. The Bill Rights in the USA
D. All the above
11. The elections to the Constituent Assembly were held in … [ ]
A. January 1946 B. August 1946 C. July 1946 D. December 1946
12. The first meeting of the Constituent Assembly was held in …. [ ]
A. January 1946 B. August 1946 C. July 1946 D. December 1946
13. The Indian Constituent Assembly had ….members [ ]
A. 399 B. 301 C. 299 D. 353
14. The Constituent Assembly adopted the Constitution on …. [ ]
A. 26 Nov, 1949 B. 26 Jan, 1950 C. 15 Aug, 1947 D. 9 Dec, 1946
15. The Constitution of India came into effect from….. [ ]

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A. 26 Nov, 1949 B. 26 Jan, 1950 C. 15 Aug, 1947 D. 9 Dec, 1946
16. Which of the following members of the constituent assembly was from the party other than
Congress. [ ]
A. Sardar Patel B. Dr. Rajendra Prasad C. Dr. B R Ambedkar D. Jawaharlal Nehru
17. The number of women members in the Constituent Assembly was… [ ]
A. 19 B. 18 C. 15 D. 16
18. Which of the following women was a member of constituent assembly? [ ]
A. Vijayalaxmi Pandit B. Durgabai Deshmukh C. Sarojini Naidu D. All the above
19. The first Prime Minister of India was… [ ]
A. Mahatma Gandhi B. Jawaharlal Nehru C. Sardar Patel D. Dr. Rajendra Prasad
20. Which of the following is not a part of the guiding principles in the Objectives Resolution?
A. India will be a Democratic, Sovereign Republic [ ]
B. India will have within several states with autonomous powers
C. India will secure justice, equality and freedom to all citizens
D. The interests of minorities, tribals and depressed classes will be not safeguared
21. The first Deputy Prime Minister of India was. [ ]
A. Mahatma Gandhi B. Jawaharlal Nehru C. Sardar Patel D. Dr. Rajendra Prasad
22. The members of the Constituent Assembly deliberated for ….. days spread over three years to
frame the Constitution of India? [ ]
A. 100 B. 111 C. 114 D. 121
23. The Magazine “The Young India” was associated with.. [ ]
A. Jawaharlal Nehru B. Mahatma Gandhi C. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar D. None of the above
24. The country in which the head of the state is an elected person and not a hereditary position as
in kingdom is known as…….. [ ]
A. Democracy B. Republic C. Secular Country D. All the above
25. The government that will not be run on the basis of any religion and will not favour any
religion is known as… [ ]
A. Secular country B. Democracy C. Republic D. Sovereign Country
26. The government where people enjoy equal political rights, elect their representatives to make
laws and run the governments and hold the representatives accountable is known as. [ ]
A. Secular country B. Democracy C. Republic D. Sovereign Country
27. Which of the following types of Justice is not secured to all the citizens of India? [ ]
A. Social B. Economic C. Environmental D. Political
28. Which of the following statement is correct? [ ]
A. Constitution determines the relationship between people and government
B. All Democratic countries should contain a Constitution
C. To make a Constitution to a diverse country like India is an easy task.
D. All are correct
29. Identify the incorrect statement from the following. [ ]
A. The Constitution defines powers of the Legislative houses.
B. The Constitution cannot be changed under any circumstances
C. Ideals that are in the preamble are reflected in the design of Institutions.
D. Laws for the entire country are designed centrally.
30. In the statement, “The ambition of the greatest man of our generation has been to wipe every
tear from every eye...” Who was Jawaharlal Nehru referring to? [ ]
A. Abraham Lincoln B. Gautama Buddha C. Mahatma Gandhi D. All the above
31. Match the Union Ministers, who signed on the original copy of constitution of India, with their
portfolios: [ ]
1. Jairamdas Daulatram a. Finance

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2. Rajkumari Amrit Kuar b. Labour
3. Dr. John Mathai c. Health
4. Jagjivan Ram d. Food & Agriculture
A. 1-b, 2-c, 3-d, 4-a B. 1-d, 2-c, 3-a, 4-b C. 1-c, 2-a, 3-d, 4-b D. 1-d, 2-c, 3-a, 4-b
32. Which of the following is a Directive Principle of State Policy? [ ]
A. Universalising literacy and education B. Protection of environment
C. Reducing income equality D. All the above
33. Till 2013, our Constitution has been amended ….. times. [ ]
A. 101 B. 100 C. 99 D. 103
34. Which of the following institution is not an independent one? [ ]
A. Election Commission of India B. Judiciary
C. Comptroller & Auditor General of India D. Planning Commission
35. Who supervises the expenditure of the governments? [ ]
A. Election Commission of India B. Judiciary
C. Comptroller & Auditor General of India D. Planning Commission
36. The members of Rajya Sabha are elected by ….. [ ]
A. All People of India B. The members of Lok Sabha
C. The state assemblies D. All the above
37. Which of the following refers to “a sense of bonding and unity among all people”? [ ]
A. Fraternity B. Liberty C. Sovereignty D. All the above
38. Which of the following refers to “no unreasonable restrictions on the citizens in what they
think, the religion they wish to follow, how they wish to express their thoughts’? [ ]
A. Fraternity B. Liberty C. Sovereignty D. All the above
39. Our Constitution does not promise equality in …… respect. [ ]
A. Status B. Opportunity C. Income or property D. All the above
40. In the constituent assembly, the ‘Objectives Resolution’ was moved by…… [ ]
A. Dr. B.R Ambedkar B. Jawaharlal Nehru C. Sardar Vallabhai Patel D. All the above
41. Every word spoken in the Constituent Assembly has been recorded and preserved. These are
called…. [ ]
A. Constituent Assembly Debates B. Constituent Assembly Speeches
C. Constituent Assembly Talks D. Constituent Assembly Discussions
42. Which of the following was not a member of the Constituent Assembly? [ ]
A. Acharya N G Ranga B. Sarojini Naidu C. Mahatma Gandhi D. T. Prakasham
43. Who said this, “I shall strive for a Constitution which will release India from all thraldom and
patronage…? I shall work for an India in which the poorest shall feel that it is their country in
whose making they have an effective voice”? [ ]
A. Mahatma Gandhi B. Jawaharlal Nehru C. Dr. B.R Ambekar D. Dr. Rajendra Prasad
44. “On the 26th of January 1950, we are going to enter life of contradictions. In politics, we will
have equality and in social and economic life, we will have inequality.” Who said this?[ ]
A. Mahatma Gandhi B. Jawaharlal Nehru C. Dr. B.R Ambekar D. Dr. Rajendra Prasad
45. Who gave his famous speech to the Constituent Assembly, “The service of India means the
service of the millions who suffer? It means the ending of poverty and ignorance and disease
and inequality of opportunity”? [ ]
A. Sardar Vallabhai Patel B. Jawaharlal Nehru
C. Dr. B R Ambedkar D. Dr. Rajendra Prasad.
46. The short statement of basic principles and objectives of the Indian Constitution is. [ ]
A. The Directive Principles of state Policy B. Fundamental Rights
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C. Fundamental Duties D. The Preamble
45. The people of India decided (resolved), as written in their Constitution, to achieve the
following objective: [ ]
A. To constitute India into a Republic
B. To secure to all its citizens Justice, Liberty, Equality and Fraternity
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above
46. Elections were held in …………….. to Provincial Legislatures and Ministries all over British
India. [ ]
A. 1935 B. 1936 C. 1937 D. 1940
47. Motilal Nehru and eight other Indian National Congress leaders drafted a Constitution for
India in ………. [ ]
A. 1948 B. 1949 C. 1928 D. 1938
48. All the civilians have …………. rights. [ ]
A. Adult B. Fundamental C. Children D. None of the above
49. The Socialist Revolution in Russia and had inspired many Indians to think of shaping a system
based on social and economic equality. [ ]
A. China B. France C. Afghanisthan D. Kajakisthan
50. During national movement people died because of [ ]
A. PovertyB. Famine and Epidemics C. Both A & B D. All the above

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