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Beside Jyothi Apartment, Nayanagar, Kodad, Suryapet (Dt.)

Class – VIII Lesson. 12 – Freedom Movement in Hyderabad State Marks – 50

1. The important princely state under the British paramountcy in Deccan, ruled by the Nizams
was…… ( )
A) Madras B) Travancore C) Mysore D) Hyderabad
2. Who supervised the policies of the Nizam state and also interfered in the administration from
time to time? ( )
A) British Emperor B) Viceroy to India
C) Resident appointed by viceroy D) Governor General
3. The Hyderabad state comprised of regions in which ……….were spoken. ( )
A) Marathi B) Kannada C) Telugu and Deccani Urdu D) All the above
4. Who was the initiator of nationalism in Hyderabad State? ( )
A) Swamy Ramanandha Theertha B) Aghoranatha Chattopadhayay
C) Mulla Abdul Kayyum D) Rev. Gilder
5. Who organised Anjumen – e – maref which aimed at developing social, intellectual an ( )
economic life of the people in Hyderabad state?
A) Salar Jung – 2 B) Shoaib Ulla Kahan C) Mulla Abdul Qayyum D) Syed Ahmed Kahan
6. Which of the following newspapers propagated the ideology of nationalism and reforms in
Hyderabad State ? ( )
A) Hyderabad Telegraph B) Deccan Standard C) Muslim – I – Safiq D) All
7. Which of the following missionaries of the Chaderghat Methodist Episopal Church, supported
Congress? ( )
A) Norman Miller B) Rev. Gilder C) Rev. K S Herald D) Father Daniel Murphy
8. Arya Samaj was establishsed in Hyderabad in the year of…… ( )
A) 1890 B) 1891 C) 1892 D) 1893
9. Which organisation served a training ground for workers inconstructuive activities & helped to
rouse public opinion and build socio – religious awareness in Hyderabad? ( )
A) Brahmasamaj B) Hindu Mahasabha C) Congress D) Arya Samaj
10. Which Nizam Opposed the Congress – led Nationalist movement and passed several ‘firmans’
or royal orders curtailing its political activity in the state? ( )
A) Mir Osman Ali Khan B) Mir Mahbub Ali Khan
C) Mir Tahniyath Ali Khan D) Mir Farqunda Ali Khan
11. The Nizam rulers of Hyderabad state were Muslims who spoke……. ( )
A) Persian B) Arabic C) Deccani Urdu D) Hindi
12. In 1941, the Nizam founded the ………as the state’s central bank. ( )
A) Andhra Bank B) Hyderabad State Bank
C) State Bank of India D) Nizam Stae Bank
13. The literacy rate in Hyderabad State in 1941 was ……. ( )
A) 4.3% B) 9.3% C) 12.2% D) 23%

14. Who was the last ruler of Hyderabad Sate? ( )

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A) Mir Mahbub Ali Khan B) Mir Tahniyath Ali Khan
C) Mir Fraqunda Ali Khan C) Mir Osman Ali Khan
15. Reservoirs, big irrigaton projects like Nizam Sagar, Ali Sagar etc. were designed by the famous
engineer…….. ( )
A) Mir Osman Ali Khan B) Sir M Vishveshwaraya
C) Nawab Ali Nawaz Jung D) None of the above
16. ………. Was the official language of the Nizam state of Hyderabad. ( )
A) Persian B) Marathi C) Urdu D) Telugu
17. Match the following: ( )
1) Hyderabad House a. Osmania Sikka
2) Town Hall b. Archaeology Department
3) Historical monuments c. Assembly
4) Hyderabad currency d. Delhi
A) 1-b, 2-c, 3-d, 4-a B) 1-b, 2-a, 3-d, 4-c C) 1-c, 2-a, 3-d, 4-d D) 1-d, 2-c, 3-b, 4-a
18. ……… was created by the Nizam with a capital of one crore rupees for the industrial
development of the state. ( )
A) Industrial Development Fund B) Industrial Trust Fund
C) Industrial Provident Fund C) Industrial Establishment Fund
19. In 1901…… was established in Hyderabad was established by Komarraju Lakshmana Rao
along with Nayani Venkataranagao Rao and Ravichettu Rangao rao. ( )
A) Sri Krishnadevaraya Andhra Bhasha Nilayam B) Andhra Mahila Sabha
C) Rajaraja Nadrendra Basha Nilayam D) None of the above
20. In 1921, in a meeting at ….. in Hyderabad, a person was insulted for bringing up a resolution in
Telugu rather than in English or Urdu and Telugu speaking people felt greatly offended by this
incident. ( )
A) Nizam College B) Osmania University C) Viveka Vardhini College D) City College
21. Who played a key role in the formation of Andhra Jana Sangham to establish libraries and
reading rooms, encouraged students and scholars? ( )
A) Suvaravaram Pratahap Reddy B) K V Ranga Reddy
C) Madapati Hanumantha Rao D) Visnuri Ramachandra Reddy
22. Andhra Maha Sabha was formed in the year ….. ( )
A) 1928 B) 1930 C) 1932 D) 1929
23. Which of the following is not a demand of Andhra Maha Sabha? ( )
A) Compulsory primary education should be implemented
B) Mother tongue (Telugu) should be the medium of instruction
C) The rights of the Jagirdars should be protected
D) Child Marriages should be discouraged
24. Which of the following is a demand of Andhra Maha Sabha? ( )
A) Child Marriages should be discouraged
B) Local self-Government should be introduced.
C) Untouchability should be eradicated and the untouchables should be given due place in the
society D) All the above
25. Who was the editor of Golconda Patrika? ( )
A) A) Suvaravaram Pratahap Reddy B) K V Ranga Reddy

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C) Madapati Hanumantha Rao D) Ravichettu Ranga Rao
26. Which of the following literary luminaries who did not fight for the freedom of Hyderabad
State? ( )
A) Kaloji Narayana Rao B) Dasarathi Krishnamacharya
C) Kandukuri Veeresha Lingam D) Dasarathi Rangacharya
27. The Hyderabad state congress was formed in the year…….. ( )
A) 1936 B) 1942 C) 1940 D) 1938
28. Seeing the rising tide of nationalism in Hyderabad, the Nizam banned the singing of
‘………….’, the popular nationalist song. ( )
A) Jana Gana Mana B) India is my country C) Vandemataram D) All the above
29. Swami Ramananda Theertha was the prominent leader of……….. ( )
A) Arya Samaj B) Hyderabad State Congress
C) Andhra Maha Sabha D) All the above
30. Which of the following Young Congress leaders later became the Chief Minister of the then
Andhra Pradesh? ( )
A) Dr. M. Chenna Reddy B) Jamalapuram Kesavarao
C) K V Ranga Reddy D) J.V. Narasinga Rao.
31. Which of the following Young Congress leaders later became the Prime Minister of India?
A) Dr. M. Chenna Reddy B) P.V. Narasimha Rao ( )
C) K V Ranga Reddy D) J.V. Narasinga Rao.
32. ……….began to became popular as a leader against caste ridden rural discrimination in
Hyderabad State? ( )
A) Dr. M. Chenna Reddy B) P.V. Narasimha Rao
C) K V Ranga Reddy D) Konda Lakshman Bapuji
33. Which incident sparked off the famous Telangana Armed Struggle? ( )
A) Killing of Bathini Mogiliah B) Killing of Doddi Komuraiah
C) Revolt by Chakali Ilamma D) All the above
34. The fanatic Muslim enthusiasts formed …………., an organisation to protect the ‘Muslim
domination’ of Hyderabad state and Nizam rule. ( )
A) Ittehadul Muslimeen B) Anjumen – e – maref
C) Muslim – I – Safiq D) All the above
35. Ittehadul Muslimeen set up a force of volunteers called …….. ( )
A) Karigars B) Rozgars C) Razakars D) None of the above
36. ………….was killed by razakar gang while hoisting the national flag in Warangal Fort. ( )
A) Doddi Komuraiah B) Bathini Mogiliah C) Chakali Ilamma D) None of the above
37. In an another incident of communal frenzy of the razakars, a large number of people were shot
dead in …………. village of Siddipet District. ( )
A) Visnur B) Bairanpally C) Kadavendi D) Bhuvanagiri
38. In 1948, the independent Indian government merged Hyderabad with India through… ( )
A) Peaceful agreement B) Revolt by people C) Police action D) All the above
39. Who set up squads to arm the people’s movement recruiting people mostly from Vetti workers?
A) Nalla Narasimhulu B) Konda Lakshman Bapuji ( )
C) Doddi Komuraiah D) Madapati Hanumantha Rao

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40. Who wanted even armed action to overthrow the Nizam’s regime and trained people in art of
throwing bombs to even physically eliminate the Nizam? ( )
A) Nalla Narasimhulu B) Konda Lakshman Bapuji
C) Doddi Komuraiah D) All the above
41. From 1929, Ryot sangams were established at Nalgonda, Pillalamarri, Karimnagar, etc. to fight
against the exploitation by ( )
A) The Patels, Patwaris B) Deshmukhs C) Police officials D) All the above
42. Who proposed constitutional reforms Nizam Hyderabad in 1936? ( )
A) Mukhum Mohinuddin B) Ravi Narayan Reddy
C) Madapati Hanumantha Rao D) Devulapallli Venkateshwara Rao
43. Who coordinated the village struggles with trade unions in Hyderabad Municipality and Praga
tools? ( )
A) Mukhum Mohinuddin B) Ravi Narayan Reddy
C) Madapati Hanumantha Rao D) Devulapallli Venkateshwara Rao
44. Who has taken militant stand within the Andhra Maha Sabha paving the way for armed
struggle? ( )
A) Mukhum Mohinuddin B) Ravi Narayan Reddy
C) Devulapallli Venkateshwara Rao D) All the above
45. Who was killed when he won a court case against Visnuri Rama Chandra Reddy? ( )
A) Abbas Ali B) Sheik Bandagi C) Miskeen Ali D) None
46. The woman who turned against the Deshmukh of Visnuri Rama Chandra Reddy for taking
over her land was…….. ( )
A) Chakali Ilamma B) Arutla Kamala Devi C) Mallu Swarajyam D) All the above
47. Who organised attacks on the rice mills, looted food grains at Bhuvanagiri, Mundrai, Jangaon
against forcibly collection taxes by Nizam government and distributed food grains to the
needy? ( )
A) Bheemireddy Narasimha reddy B) Bommagani Dharmabiksham
C) Arutla Ramachandra Reddy D) Baddam Yellareddy
48. Who had taken up Harijan upliftment programme in Hyderabad? ( )
A) Bheemireddy Narasimha reddy B) Bommagani Dharmabiksham
C) Arutla Ramachandra Reddy D) Baddam Yellareddy
49. Who worked as an underground activist, organised anti-vetti struggles against the landlords
and government officials? ( )
A) Bommagani Dharmabiksham B) Arutla Ramachandra Reddy
C) Baddam Yellareddy D) Bheemireddy Narasimha reddy
50. Who established a hostel in Suryapet for the poorer children and later became a prominent
communist leader in Nalgonda district? ( )
A) Bommagani Dharmabiksham B) Bheemireddy Narasimha reddy
C) Baddam Yellareddy D) All the above

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