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Question No. 1 is compulsory.

Attempt any four questions out of the remaining five questions.
In case, any candidate answers extra question(s)/ sub-question(s) over and above the
required number, then only the requisite number of questions first answered in the answer
book shall be valued and subsequent extra question(s) answered shall be ignored.
Working notes should form part of the answer
Question 1
Answer the following:
(a) MM Ltd. has provided the following information about the items in its inventory.
Item Code Number Units Unit Cost ( `)
101 25 50
102 300 01
103 50 80
104 75 08
105 225 02
106 75 12

MM Ltd. has adopted the policy of classifying the items constituting 15% or above of Total
Inventory Cost as 'A' category, items constituting 6% or less of Total Inventory Cost as 'C'
category and the remaining items as 'B' category.
You are required to:
(i) Rank the items on the basis of % of Total Inventory Cost.
(ii) Classify the items into A, B and C categories as per ABC Analysis of Inventory Control
adopted by MM Ltd.
(b) SNS Trading Company has three Main Departments and two Service Departments. The
data for each department is given below:
Departments Expenses Area in (Sq. Mtr) Number of
Main Department: (in `) Employees
Purchase Department 5,00,000 12 800
Packing Department 8,00,000 15 1700
Distribution Department 3,50,000 7 700

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Service Departments:
Maintenance Department 6,40,000 4 200
Personnel Department 3,20,000 6 250
The cost of Maintenance Department and Personnel Department is distributed on the basis
of ‘Area in Square Metres’ and 'Number of Employees' respectively.
You are required to:
(i) Prepare a Statement showing the distribution of expenses of Service Departments to
the Main Departments using the "Step Ladder method" of Overhead Distribution.
(ii) Compute the Rate per hour of each Main Department, given that, the Purchase
Department, Packing Department and Distribution Department works for 12 hours a
day, 24 hours a day and 8 hours a day respectively. Assume that there are 365 days
in a year and there are no holidays.
(c) AUX Ltd. has an Annual demand from a single customer for 60,000 Covid-19 vaccines.
The customer prefers to order in the lot of 15,000 vaccines per order. The production cost
of vaccine is ` 5,000 per vaccine. The set-up cost per production run of Covid-19 vaccines
is ` 4,800. The carrying cost is ` 12 per vaccine per month.
You are required to:
(i) Find the most Economical Production Run.
(ii) Calculate the extra cost that company incurs due to production of 15,000 vaccines in
a batch.
(d) LR Ltd. is considering two alternative methods to manufacture a new product it intends to
market. The two methods have a maximum output of 50,000 units each and produce
identical items with a selling price of ` 25 each. The costs are:
Method-1 Method-2
Semi-Automatic Fully-Automatic
(`) (`)
Variable cost per unit 15 10
Fixed costs 1,00,000 3,00,000

You are required to calculate:

(1) Cost Indifference Point in units. Interpret your results.
(2) The Break-even Point of each method in terms of units. (4 x 5 = 20 Marks)

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(a) (i) Statement of Total Inventory Cost and Ranking of items
Item Units % of Total Unit Total % of Total Ranking
code no. units cost Inventory cost Inventory cost
(`) (`)
101 25 3.33 50 1,250 16.67 2
102 300 40.00 1 300 4.00 6
103 50 6.67 80 4,000 53.33 1
104 75 10.00 8 600 8.00 4
105 225 30.00 2 450 6.00 5
106 75 10.00 12 900 12.00 3
750 100 153 7,500 100

(ii) Classifying items as per ABC Analysis of Inventory Control

Basis for ABC Classification as % of Total Inventory Cost
15% & above -- ‘A’ items
7% to 14% -- ‘B’ items
6% & Less -- ‘C’ items
Ranking Item code % of Total Total Inventory % of Total Category
No. units cost (`) Inventory Cost
1 103 6.67 4,000 53.33
2 101 3.33 1,250 16.67
Total 2 10.00 5,250 70.00 A
3 106 10.00 900 12.00
4 104 10.00 600 8.00
Total 2 20.00 1,500 20.00 B
5 105 30.00 450 6.00
6 102 40.00 300 4.00
Total 2 70.00 750 10.00 C
Grand Total 6 100 7,500 100

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(b) (i) Schedule Showing the Distribution of Expenses of Service Departments using
Step ladder method.
Main Department Service Department
Purchase Packing Distribution Maintenance Personnel
(`) (`) (`) (`) (`)
Expenses 5,00,000 8,00,000 3,50,000 6,40,000 3,20,000
Distribution of
(12:15:7:-:6) 1,92,000 2,40,000 1,12,000 (6,40,000) 96,000
Distribution of
(800:1700:700:-:-) 1,04,000 2,21,000 91,000 - (4,16,000)
Total 7,96,000 12,61,000 5,53,000 - -
(ii) Calculation of Expenses rate per hour of Main Department
Purchase Packing Distribution
Total apportioned expenses (`) 7,96,000 12,61,000 5,53,000
Total Hours worked 4,380 8,760 2,920
(12 x 365) (24 x 365) (8 x 365)
Expenses rate per hour (`) 181.74 143.95 189.38
(c) (i) Calculation of most Economical Production Run
2 × 60,000× ` 4,800
= = 2,000 Vaccine
(ii) Calculation of Extra Cost due to processing of 15,000 vaccines in a batch
When run size is When run size is
2,000 vaccines 15,000 vaccines
Total set up cost 60,000 60,000
= × ` 4,800 = × ` 4,800
2,000 15,000
= ` 1,44,000 = ` 19,200
Total Carrying cost ½ × 2,000 × ` 144 ½ × 15,000 × ` 144
= ` 1,44,000 = ` 10,80,000
Total Cost ` 2,88,000 ` 10,99,200
Thus, extra cost = ` 10,99,200 – ` 2,88,000 = ` 8,11,200

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(d) (i) Cost Indifference Point

Method-1 and Method-2
Differential Fixed Cost (I) ` 2,00,000
(` 3,00,000 – ` 1,00,000)
Differential Variable Costs (II) `5
(` 15 – ` 10)
Cost Indifference Point (I/II) 40,000
(Differential Fixed Cost / Differential Variable Costs
per unit)

Interpretation of Results
At activity level below the indifference points, the alternative with lower fixed costs
and higher variable costs should be used. At activity level above the indifference
point, alternative with higher fixed costs and lower variable costs should be used.
No. of Product Alternative to be Chosen
Product ≤ 40,000 units Method-1, Semi-Automatic
Product ≥ 40,000 units Method-2, Automatic
(ii) Break Even point (in units)
Method-1 Method-2

Fixed cost 1,00,000 3,00,000

BEP (in units) = = 10,000 = 20,000
Contribution per unit (25-15) (25-10)

Question 2
(a) The following data relates to manufacturing of a standard product during the month of
March, 2021:
Particulars Amount (in `)
Stock of Raw material as on 01-03-2021 80,000
Work in Progress as on 01-03-2021 50,000
Purchase of Raw material 2,00,000
Carriage Inwards 20,000
Direct Wages 1,20,000
Cost of special drawing 30,000

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Hire charges paid for Plant 24,000

Return of Raw Material 40,000
Carriage on return 6,000
Expenses for participation in Industrial exhibition 8,000
Legal charges 2,500
Salary to office staff 25,000
Maintenance of office building 2,000
Depreciation on Delivery van 6,000
Warehousing charges 1,500
Stock of Raw material as on 31-03-2021 30,000
Stock of Work in Progress as on 31-03-2021 24,000
• Store overheads on materials are 10% of material consumed.
• Factory overheads are 20% of the Prime cost.
• 10% of the output was rejected and a sum of ` 5,000 was realized on sale of scrap.
• 10% of the finished product was found to be defective and the defective products
were rectified at an additional expenditure which is equivalent to 20% of proportionate
direct wages.
• The total output was 8000 units during the month.
You are required to prepare a Cost Sheet for the above period showing the :
(i) Cost of Raw Material consumed.
(ii) Prime Cost
(iii) Work Cost
(iv) Cost of Production
(v) Cost of Sales (10 Marks)
(b) OPR Ltd. purchases crude vegetable oil. It does refining of the same. The refining process
results in four products at the spilt-off point - S, P, N and A. Product 'A’ is fully processed
at the split-off point. Product S, P and N can be individually further refined into SK, PM,
and NL respectively. The joint cost of purchasing the crude vegetable oil and processing it
were ` 40,000. Other details are as follows:
Product Further processing costs Sales at split-off point Sales after further
(`) (`) processing (`)
S 80,000 20,000 1,20,000

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P 32,000 12,000 40,000

N 36,000 28,000 48,000
A - 20,000 -
You are required to identify the products which can be further processed for maximizing
profits and make suitable suggestions. (5 Marks)
(c) Following information is given of a newly setup organization for the year ended on
31st March, 2021.
Number of workers replaced during the period 50
Number of workers left and discharged during the period 25
Average number of workers on the roll during the period 500
You are required to:
(i) Compute the Employee Turnover Rates using Separation Method and Flux Method.
(ii) Equivalent Employee Turnover Rates for (i) above, given that the organization was
setup on 31st January, 2021. (5 Marks)
(a) Statement of Cost for the month of March, 2021
Particulars Amount Amount
(`) (`)
(i) Cost of Material Consumed:
Raw materials purchased (` 2,00,000 – ` 40,000) 1,60,000
Carriage inwards 20,000
Add: Opening stock of raw materials 80,000
Less: Closing stock of raw materials (30,000) 2,30,000
Direct Wages 1,20,000
Direct expenses:
Cost of special drawing 30,000
Hire charges paid for Plant 24,000 54,000
(ii) Prime Cost 4,04,000
Carriage on return 6,000
Store overheads (10% of material consumed) 23,000
Factory overheads (20% of Prime cost) 80,800

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Additional expenditure for rectification of defective

products (refer working note) 2,160 1,11,960
Gross factory cost 5,15,960
Add: Opening value of W-I-P 50,000
Less: Closing value of W-I-P (24,000)
(iii) Works/ Factory Cost 5,41,960
Less: Realisable value on sale of scrap (5,000)
(iv) Cost of Production 5,36,960
Add: Opening stock of finished goods -
Less: Closing stock of finished goods -
Cost of Goods Sold 5,36,960
Administrative overheads:
Maintenance of office building 2,000
Salary paid to Office staff 25,000
Legal Charges 2,500 29,500
Selling overheads:
Expenses for participation in Industrial exhibition 8,000 8,000
Distribution overheads:
Depreciation on delivery van 6,000
Warehousing charges 1,500 7,500
(v) Cost of Sales 5,81,960

Alternative Solution
(considering Hire charges paid for Plant as indirect expenses)
Statement of Cost for the month of March, 2021
Particulars Amount Amount
(`) (`)
Cost of Material Consumed:
Raw materials purchased (` 2,00,000 – ` 40,000) 1,60,000
Carriage inwards 20,000
Add: Opening stock of raw materials 80,000
Less: Closing stock of raw materials (30,000) 2,30,000
Direct Wages 1,20,000

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Direct expenses:
Cost of special drawing 30,000 30,000
Prime Cost 3,80,000
Hire charges paid for Plant 24,000
Carriage on return 6,000
Store overheads (10% of material consumed) 23,000
Factory overheads (20% of Prime cost) 76,000
Additional expenditure for rectification of defective products
(refer working note) 2,160 1,31,160
Gross factory cost 5,11,160
Add: Opening value of W-I-P 50,000
Less: Closing value of W-I-P (24,000)
Works/ Factory Cost 5,37,160
Less: Realisable value on sale of scrap (5,000)
Cost of Production 5,32,160
Add: Opening stock of finished goods -
Less: Closing stock of finished goods -
Cost of Goods Sold 5,32,160
Administrative overheads:
Maintenance of office building 2,000
Salary paid to Office staff 25,000
Legal Charges 2,500 29,500
Selling overheads:
Expenses for participation in Industrial exhibition 8,000 8,000
Distribution overheads:
Depreciation on delivery van 6,000
Warehousing charges 1,500 7,500
Cost of Sales 5,77,160

Working Notes:
1. Number of Rectified units
Total Output 8,000 units

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Less: Rejected 10% 800 units

Finished product 7,200 units
Rectified units (10% of finished product) 720 units
2. Proportionate additional expenditure on 720 units
= 20% of proportionate direct wages
= 0.20 x (` 1,20,000/8,000) x 720
= ` 2,160
(b) Statement of Comparison of Profits before and after further processing
S (`) P (`) N (`) A (`) Total (`)
A. Sales at split off point 20,000 12,000 28,000 20,000 80,000
B. Apportioned Joint Costs 10,000 6,000 14,000 10,000 40,000
(Refer Working Note)
C. Profit at split-off point 10,000 6,000 14,000 10,000 40,000
D. Sales after further 1,20,000 40,000 48,000 - 2,08,000
E. Further processing cost 80,000 32,000 36,000 - 1,48,000
F. Apportioned Joint Costs 10,000 6,000 14,000 - -
(Refer Working Note)
G. Profit if further processing 30000 2,000 (-) 2,000 - -
(D – E + F)
H. Increase/ decrease in profit 20,000 - 4000 - 16,000 - -
after further processing (G-
Suggested Product to be further processed for maximising profits:
On comparing the figures of "Profit if no further processing" and "Profits if further
processing", one observes that OPR Ltd. is earning more after further processing of
Product S only i.e. ` 20,000. Hence, for maximizing profits, only Product S should be
further processed and Product P, N and A should be sold at split-off point.
Working Note:
Apportionment of joint costs on the basis of Sales Value at split-off point
Total joint cost
Apportioned joint cost = × Sales value of each product
Total Sales value at split-off point

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Total Joint cost = ` 40,000
Total sales at split off point (S, P, N and A) = 20,000 + 12,000 + 28,000 + 20,000
= ` 80,000

Share of S in joint cost = ` 40,000 x ` 20,000 = ` 10,000

` 80,000

Share of P in joint cost = ` 40,000 x ` 12,000 = ` 6,000

` 80,000

Share of N in joint cost = ` 40,000 x ` 28,000 = ` 14,000

` 80,000

Share of A in joint cost = ` 40,000 x ` 20,000 = ` 10,000

` 80,000

Alternative Solution
Decision for further processing of Product S, P and N
Products S (`) P (`) N (`)
Sales revenue after further processing 1,20,000 40,000 48,000
Less: sales value at split-off point 20,000 12,000 28,000
Incremental Sales Revenue 1,00,000 28,000 20,000
Less: Further Processing cost 80,000 32,000 36,000
Profit/ loss arising due to further processing 20,000 (-)4,000 (-)16,000

Suggested Product to be further processed for maximising profits:

On comparing the figures of "Profit if no further processing" and "Profits if further
processing", one observes that OPR Ltd. is earning more after further processing of
Product S only i.e. ` 20,000. Hence, for maximizing profits, only Product S should be
further processed and Product P, N and A should be sold at split-off point.
(c) (i) Employee Turnover rate
Using Separation method:

= Number of employees Separated during the period

Average number of employees during the period on roll

=  100 = 5%

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Using Flux method:

Number of employeesSeparated +
= Number of employees Re placed during the period
 100
Average number of employees during the period on roll

50 + 25
=  100 = 15%
(ii) Equivalent Employee Turnover rate:

= Employee Turnover rate for the period  365

Number of days in the period

Using Separation method = ×365 = 30.42%
Or, = × 360 = 30%
Or, = × 12 = 30%
Using Flux method =  365 = 91.25%
Or, = × 360 = 90%
Or, = × 12 = 90%
Question 3
(a) The Profit and Loss account of ABC Ltd. for the year ended 31 st March, 2021 is given
Profit and Loss account
(for the year ended 31st March, 2021)
To Direct Material 6,50,000 By Sales 15,00,000
(15000 units)
To Direct Wages 3,50,000 By Dividend received 9,000
To Factory overheads 2,60,000
To Administrative overheads 1,05,000
To Selling overheads 85,000
To Loss on sale of investments 2,000
To Net Profit 57,000
15,09,000 15,09,000

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• Factory overheads are 50% fixed and 50% variable.

• Administrative overheads are 100% fixed.
• Selling overheads are completely variable.
• Normal production capacity of ABC Ltd. is 20,000 units.
• Indirect Expenses are absorbed in the cost accounts on the basis of normal
production capacity.
• Notional rent of own premises charged in Cost Accounts is amounting to ` 12,000.
You are required to:
(i) Prepare a Cost Sheet and ascertain the Profit as per Cost Records for the year ended
31st March, 2021.
(ii) Reconcile the Profit as per Financial Records with Profit as per Cost Records.
(10 Marks)
(b) PQR Ltd. is engaged in the production of three products P, Q and R. The company
calculates Activity Cost Rates on the basis of Cost Driver capacity which is provided as
Activity Cost Driver Cost Driver Capacity Cost (`)
Direct Labour hours Labour hours 30,000 Labour hours 3,00,000
Production runs No. of Production runs 600 Production runs 1,80,000
Quality Inspections No. of Inspection 8000 Inspections 2,40,000
The consumption of activities during the period is as under:
Activity / Products P Q R
Direct Labour hours 10,000 8,000 6,000
Production runs 200 180 160
Quality Inspection 3,000 2,500 1,500
You are required to:
(i) Compute the costs allocated to each Product from each Activity.
(ii) Calculate the cost of unused capacity for each Activity.
(iii) A potential customer has approached the company for supply of 12,000 units of a
new product. 'S' to be delivered in lots of 1500 units per quarter. This will involve an
initial design cost of ` 30,000 and per quarter production will involve the following:
Direct Material ` 18,000
Direct Labour hours 1,500 hours

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No. of Production runs 15

No. of Quality Inspection 250
Prepare cost sheet segregating Direct and Indirect costs and compute the Sales value per
quarter of product 'S' using ABC system considering a markup of 20% on cost.
(10 Marks)
(a) (i) Cost Sheet
(for the year ended 31st March, 2021)
(`) (`)
Direct material 6,50,000
Direct wages 3,50,000
Prime cost 10,00,000
Factory Overheads:
Variable (50% of ` 2,60,000) 1,30,000
Fixed (` 1,30,000 × 15,000/20,000) 97,500 2,27,500
Works cost 12,27,500
Administrative Overheads (` 1,05,000 × 15,000/20,000) 78,750
Notional Rent 12,000
Cost of production 13,18,250
Selling Overheads 85,000
Cost of Sales 14,03,250
Profit (Balancing figure) 96,750
Sales revenue 15,00,000
(ii) Statement of Reconciliation
(Reconciling profit shown by Financial and Cost Accounts)
(`) (`)
Profit as per Cost Account 96,750
Add: Dividend received 9,000
Add: Notional Rent 12,000 21,000
Less: Factory Overheads under-charged in Cost Accounts 32,500
(` 2,60,000 – ` 2,27,500)

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Less: Administrative expenses under-charged in Cost 26,250

Accounts (` 1,05,000 – ` 78,750)
Less: Loss on sale of Investments 2,000 (60,750)
Profit as per Financial Accounts 57,000
(Note: Solution can be done considering base profit as per Financial Accounts)
(b) (i) Statement of cost allocation to each product from each activity
P (`) Q (`) R (`) Total (`)
Direct Labour 1,00,000 80,000 60,000 2,40,000
hours (Refer to (10,000 Labour (8,000 Labour (6,000 Labour
working note) hours × `10) hours × `10) hours × `10)
Production 60,000 54,000 48,000 1,62,000
runs (Refer to (200 Production (180 Production (160 Production
working note) runs × ` 300) runs × ` 300) runs × ` 300)
Quality 90,000 75,000 45,000 2,10,000
Inspections (3,000 (2,500 (1,500
(Refer to Inspections × Inspections × Inspections ×
working note) `30) ` 30) ` 30)
Working note:
Rate per unit of cost driver
Direct Labour hours (` 3,00,000/30,000 Labour ` 10 per Labour hour
Production runs (` 1,80,000/600 Production ` 300 per Production run
Quality Inspection (` 2,40,000/8,000 Inspections) ` 30 per Inspection
(ii) Computation of cost of unused capacity for each activity
Particulars (`)
Direct Labour hours [(` 3,00,000 – ` 2,40,000) or (6,000 x ` 10)] 60,000
Production runs [(` 1,80,000 – ` 1,62,000) or (60 x ` 300)] 18,000
Quality Inspection [(` 2,40,000 – ` 2,10,000) or (1,000 x ` 30)] 30,000
Total cost of unused capacity 1,08,000

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(iii) Cost sheet and Computation of Sales value per quarter of product ‘S’ using ABC
Particulars (`)
1500 units of product ‘S’ to be delivered per quarter
Initial design cost per quarter (` 30,000 / 8 quarters) 3,750
Direct Material Cost 18,000
Direct Labour Cost (1,500 Labour hours x ` 10) 15,000
Direct Costs (A) 36,750
Set up Cost (15 Production runs × ` 300) 4,500
Inspection Cost (250 Inspections × ` 30) 7,500
Indirect Costs (B) 12,000
Total Cost (A + B) 48,750
Add: Mark-up (20% on cost) 9,750
Sale Value 58,500
Selling Price per unit ‘S’ (` 58,500/1500 units) 39
Question 4
(a) A Manufacturing unit manufactures a product 'XYZ' which passes through three distinct
Processes - X, Y and Z. The following data is given:
Process X Process Y Process Z
Material consumed (in `) 2,600 2,250 2,000
Direct wages (in `) 4,000 3,500 3,000
• The total Production Overhead of ` 15,750 was recovered @ 150% of Direct wages.
• 15,000 units at ` 2 each were introduced to Process 'X'.
• The output of each process passes to the next process and finally, 12,000 units were
transferred to Finished Stock Account from Process 'Z'.
• No stock of materials or work in progress was left at the end.
The following additional information is given:
Process % of wastage to normal input Value of Scrap per unit ( `)
X 6% 1.10
Y ? 2.00
Z 5% 1.00

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You are required to:

(i) Find out the percentage of wastage in process 'Y', given that the output of Process
'Y' is transferred to Process 'Z' at ` 4 per unit.
(ii) Prepare Process accounts for all the three processes X, Y and Z. (10 Marks)
(b) MRSL Healthcare Ltd. has incurred the following expenditure during the last year for its
newly launched 'COVID-19' Insurance policy:
Office administration cost 48,00,000
Claim management cost 3,80,000
Employees cost 16,20,000
Postage and logistics 32,40,000
Policy issuance cost 29,50,000
Facilities cost 46,75,000
Cost of marketing of the policy 1,38,90,000
Policy development cost 35,00,000
Policy servicing cost 96,45,000
Sales support expenses 32,00,000
I.T. Cost ?
Number of Policy sold: 2,800
Total insured value of policies - ` 3,500 Crores
Cost per rupee of insured value - ` 0.002
You are required to:
(i) Calculate Total Cost for "COVID-19" Insurance policy segregating the costs into four
main activities namely (a) Marketing and Sales support (b) Operations (c) I.T. Cost
and (d) Support functions.
(ii) Calculate Cost Per Policy. (5 Marks)
(c) Brick Constructions Ltd. commenced a contract on April 1,2020. The contract was for
` 10,00,000. The following information relates to the Contract as on 31st March, 2021:
• The value of work completed up to Feb. 28, 2021 was certified by the architect and
as a matter of policy, the Contractee has retained ` 1,30,000 as retention money
which is 20% of the certified work and paid the balance amount.
• The cost of work completed subsequent to the architect's certificate was of
` 30,000.

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• The expenditure incurred related to material purchase, wages and other chargeable
expenses were ` 5,10,000
• Materials of the value of ` 20,000 were lying on the site.
• A special plant was purchased specifically for this contract at ` 40,000 and after use
on this contract till 31st March, 2021, it was valued at ` 25,000.
You are required to compute the value of Work Certified, Cash received for certified work
and Notional profit of the contract for the year ended on 31st March, 2021. (5 Marks)
Dr. Process-X Account Cr.
Particulars Units (`) Particulars Units (`)
To Material 15,000 30,000 By Normal Loss A/c 900 990
introduced [(6% of 15,000 units)
x ` 1.1]
” Additional -- 2,600 ” Process-Y A/c 14,100 41,610
material (` 2.951* × 14,100
” Direct wages -- 4,000
” Production OH -- 6,000
15,000 42,600 15,000 42,600
*Cost per unit of completed units
` 42,600 - ` 990
= Total Cost − Re alisable value from normal loss = = ` 2.951
Inputs units − Normal loss units 15,000 units - 900 units

Dr. Process-Y Account Cr.

Particulars Units (`) Particulars Units (`)
To Process-X A/c 14,100 41,610 By Normal Loss A/c 1,895 3,790
[(#13.44% of
14,100 units) x
` 2]
” Additional -- 2,250 ” Process-Z A/c 12,205 48,820
material (` 4 × 12,205
” Direct wages -- 3,500
” Production OH -- 5,250
14,100 52,610 14,100 52,610
# Calculation for % of wastage in process ‘Y’:

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Let’s consider number of units lost under process ‘Y’ = A

Total Cost - Realisable value from normal loss
Now, =4
Inputs units - Normal loss units
` 52,610 - ` 2A
14,100 units - A
` 52,610 - ` 2A = ` 56,400 - ` 4A
2A = ` 3,790 => A = 1,895 units
1,895 units
% of wastage = = 13.44%
14,100 units
Dr. Process-Z Account Cr.
Particulars Units (`) Particulars Units (`)
To Process-Y A/c 12,205 48,820 By Normal Loss A/c 610 610
[(5% of 12,205
units) x ` 1]
” Additional material -- 2,000 ” Finished Stock A/c 12,000 59,726
(` 4.9771$ ×
12,000 units)
” Direct wages -- 3,000
” Production OH -- 4,500
” Abnormal gain 405 2,016
(` 4.9771$ × 405
12,610 60,336 12,610 60,336
$Cost per unit of completed units
` 58,320 - ` 610
= Total Cost − Realisable value from normal loss = = ` 4.9771
Inputs units − Normal loss units 12,205 units - 610 units

Alternative Solution
Dr. Process-X Account Cr.
Particulars Units (`) Particulars Units (`)
To Material 15,000 30,000 By Normal Loss A/c 900 990
introduced [(6% of 15,000 units) x
` 1.1]

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” Additional -- 2,600 ” Process-Y A/c 14,100 41,610

material (` 2.951* × 14,100 units)
” Direct wages -- 4,000
” Production OH -- 6,000
15,000 42,600 15,000 42,600
*Cost per unit of completed units
` 42,600 - ` 990
= Total Cost − Realisable value from normal loss = = ` 2.951
Inputs units − Normal loss units 15,000 units - 900 units

Dr. Process-Y Account Cr.

Particulars Units (`) Particulars Units (`)
To Process-X A/c 14,100 41,610 By Normal Loss A/c 1,895 3,790
[( 13.44% of 14,100

units) x ` 2]
” Additional material -- 2,250 ” Process-Z A/c 12,631 50,524
(` 4 × 12,631 units)

” Direct wages -- 3,500

” Production OH -- 5,250
” Abnormal gain 426 1,704
(` 4 × 426 units)
14,526 54,314 14,526 54,314
Working Notes:
@1. Units Transferred from Process Z Account to Finished Stock = 12,000 Units i.e 95%
of Inputs.
So, Input of Z or Output of Y is 12,000 x 100/95 = 12,631 Units and Normal Loss (5%)
is 631 units.
2. Let’s consider number of units lost under process ‘Y’ as:
For Normal loss =A
For Abnormal loss =B
Now, A + B = 1,469 [i.e. 14,100 – 12,631] …(I)
(A x ` 2 per unit) + (B x ` 4 per unit) = [ 52,610 – 50,524]
2A + 4B = 2,086 …(II)
Now, putting the values of (I) in (II), we get,
2(1,469 – B) + 4B = 2,086

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2938 – 2B + 4B = 2,086
2B = - 852 => B = - 426 units
Since, the figure of B is in negative, it is an abnormal gain of 426 units.
Further, A (i.e. normal loss) = 1,469 + 426 = 1,895 units
1,895 units
#3. % of wastage in Process Y Account = = 13.44%
14,100 units
Dr. Process-Z Account Cr.
Particulars Units (`) Particulars Units (`)
To Process-Y A/c 12,631 50,524 By Normal Loss A/c 631 631
[(5% of 12,631 units)
x ` 1]
” Additional material -- 2,000
” Direct wages -- 3,000
” Production OH -- 4,500 ” Finished Stock A/c 12,000 59,393
(` 4.9494$ × 12,000
12,631 60,024 12,631 60,024
$Cost per unit of completed units
` 60,024 - ` 631
= Total Cost -Realisable value from normal loss = = ` 4.9494
Inputs units-Normal loss units 12,631 units - 631 units

(b) (i) Calculation of total cost for ‘COVID-19’ Insurance policy

Particulars Amount (`) Amount (`)
a. Marketing and Sales support:
- Policy development cost 35,00,000
- Cost of marketing 1,38,90,000
- Sales support expenses 32,00,000 2,05,90,000
b. Operations:
- Policy issuance cost 29,50,000
- Policy servicing cost 96,45,000
- Claim management cost 3,80,000 1,29,75,000
c. IT Cost* 2,21,00,000

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d. Support functions
- Postage and logistics 32,40,000
- Facilities cost 46,75,000
- Employees cost 16,20,000
- Office administration cost 48,00,000 1,43,35,000
Total Cost 7,00,00,000
* IT cost
= (` 3,500 crores x 0.002) – ` 4,79,00,000 = ` 2,21,00,000

(ii) Calculation of cost per policy = Total cost = ` 7,00,00,000 = ` 25,000

No.of policies 2,800

(c) 1. Value of Work Certified

` 1,30,000
= = ` 6,50,000
2. Cash Received
= Value of Work certified – Retention Money
= 6,50,000 – 1,30,000 = ` 5,20,000
3. Notional Profit
= Value of Work certified – Cost of work certified
= 6,50,000 - 4,75,000* = ` 1,75,000
* Working Note
Cost of work certified = Work cost - Cost of work uncertified
= (Expenditure + Plant used – Material at site) - Cost of work
= [5,10,000 + (40,000 - 25,000) - 20,000] - 30,000 = ` 4,75,000
Question 5
(a) The standard output of a Product 'DJ' is 25 units per hour in manufacturing department of
a Company employing 100 workers. In a 40 hours week, the department produced 960
units of product 'DJ' despite 5% of the time paid was lost due to an abnormal reason. The
hourly wage rates actually paid were ` 6.20, ` 6.00 and ` 5.70 respectively to Group 'A'
consisting 10 workers, Group 'B' consisting 30 workers and Group 'C' consisting 60
workers. The standard wage rate per labour is same for all the workers. Labour Efficiency
Variance is given ` 240 (F).

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You are required to compute:

(i) Total Labour Cost Variance.
(ii) Total Labour Rate Variance.
(iii) Total Labour Gang Variance.
(iv) Total Labour Yield Variance, and
(v) Total Labour Idle Time Variance. (10 Marks)
(b) PSV Ltd. manufactures and sells a single product and estimated the following related
information for the period November, 2020 to March, 2021.
Particulars November, December, January, February, March,
2020 2020 2021 2021 2021
Opening Stock of 7,500 3,000 9,000 8,000 6,000
Finished Goods (in
Sales (in Units) 30,000 35,000 38,000 25,000 40,000
Selling Price per unit 10 12 15 15 20
(in `)
Additional Information:
• Closing stock of finished goods at the end of March, 2021 is 10,000 units.
• Each unit of finished output requires 2 kg of Raw Material 'A' and 3 kg of Raw Material
You are required to prepare the following budgets for the period November, 2020 to March,
2021 on monthly basis:
(i) Sales Budget (in `)
(ii) Production budget (in units) and
(iii) Raw material Budget for Raw material 'A' and 'B' separately (in units) (10 Marks)
(a) Working Notes:
1. Calculation of Standard Man hours
When 100 workers work for 1 hour, the standard output is 25 units.
100 hours
Standard man hours per unit = = 4 hours per unit
25 units

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2. Calculation of standard man hours for actual output:

= 960 units x 4 hours = 3,840 hours.
3. Calculation of actual cost
Type of No of Actual Rate Amount Idle Hours (5% Actual hours
Workers Workers Hours Paid (`) (`) of hours paid) Worked
Group ‘A’ 10 400 6.2 2,480 20 380
Group ‘B’ 30 1,200 6 7,200 60 1,140
Group ‘C’ 60 2,400 5.7 13,680 120 2,280
100 4,000 23,360 200 3,800
4. Calculation of Standard wage Rate:
Labour Efficiency Variance = 240F
(Standard hours for Actual production – Actual Hours) x SR = 240F
(3,840 – 3,800) x SR = 240
Standard Rate (SR) = ` 6 per hour
(i) Total Labour Cost Variance
= (Standard hours x Standard Rate) – (Actual Hours x Actual rate)
= (3,840 x 6) – 23,360 = 320A
(ii) Total Labour Rate Variance
= (Standard Rate – Actual Rate) x Actual Hours
Group ‘A’ = (6- 6.2) 400 = 80A
Group ‘B’ = (6- 6) 1,200 = 0
Group ‘C’ = (6 – 5.7) 2,400 = 720F
(iii) Total Labour Gang Variance
= Total Actual Time Worked (hours) × {Average Standard Rate per hour of
Standard Gang -Average Standard Rate per hour of Actual Gang @}
@ on the basis of hours worked

= 3,800 ×  6 - 3,840 × 6 
 3,800 


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(iv) Total Labour Yield Variance

= Average Standard Rate per hour of Standard Gang × {Total Standard Time
(hours) - Total Actual Time worked (hours)}
= 6 x (3,840 – 3,800)
= 240F
(v) Total Labour idle time variance
= Total Idle hours x standard rate per hour
= 200 hours x 6
= 1,200A
(b) (i) Sales Budget (in `)
Particulars Nov, 20 Dec, 20 Jan, 21 Feb, 21 Mar, 21 Total
Sales (in Units) 30,000 35,000 38,000 25,000 40,000 1,68,000
Selling Price per
10 12 15 15 20 -
unit (`)
Total Sales (`) 3,00,000 4,20,000 5,70,000 3,75,000 8,00,000 24,65,000
(ii) Production Budget (in units)
Particulars Nov, 20 Dec, 20 Jan, 21 Feb, 21 Mar, 21 Total

Sales 30,000 35,000 38,000 25,000 40,000 1,68,000

Add: Closing stock of

3,000 9,000 8,000 6,000 10,000 36,000
finished goods

Total quantity required 33,000 44,000 46,000 31,000 50,000 2,04,000

Less: Opening stock of
7,500 3,000 9,000 8,000 6,000 33,500
finished goods

Units to be produced 25,500 41,000 37,000 23,000 44,000 1,70,500

(iii) Raw material budget (in units)

For Raw material ‘A’
Particulars Nov, 20 Dec, 20 Jan, 21 Feb, 21 Mar, 21 Total
Units to be produced: (a) 25,500 41,000 37,000 23,000 44,000 1,70,500

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Raw material consumption 2 2 2 2 2 -

p.u. (kg.): (b)
Total raw material 51,000 82,000 74,000 46,000 88,000 3,41,000
consumption (Kg.): (a × b)
For Raw material ‘B’
Particulars Nov, 20 Dec, 20 Jan, 21 Feb, 21 Mar, 21 Total
Units to be 25,500 41,000 37,000 23,000 44,000 1,70,500
produced: (a)
Raw material 3 3 3 3 3 -
consumption p.u.
(kg.): (b)
Total raw material 76,500 1,23,000 1,11,000 69,000 1,32,000 5,11,500
consumption (Kg.):
(a × b)
Question 6
Answer any four of the following:
(a) Specify the types of Responsibility centres under the following situations:
(i) Purchase of bonds, stocks, or real estate property.
(ii) Ticket counter in a Railway station.
(iii) Decentralized branches of an organization.
(iv) Maharana, Navratna and Miniratna public sector undertaking (PSU) of Central
(v) Sales Department of an organization.
(b) What is Margin of Safety? What does a large Margin of Safety indicates? How can you
calculate Margin of Safety?
(c) Rowan Premium Bonus system does not motivate a highly efficient worker as a less
efficient worker and a highly efficient worker can obtain same bonus under this system.
Discuss with an example.
(d) What do you understand by Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) approach in Service Costing?
How is the Toll rate computed?
(e) Write a short note on VED analysis of Inventory Control. (4 x 5 = 20 Marks)

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Particulars Types of
Responsibility Centre
(i) Purchase of bonds, stocks, or real estate property. Investment Centre
(ii)Ticket counter in a Railway station. Revenue Centre
Decentralized branches of an organization. Profit Centre
(iv)Maharatna, Navratna and Miniratna public sector Investment Centre
undertaking (PSU) of Central Government.
(v) Sales Department of an organization. Revenue Centre
(b) Margin of Safety: The margin of safety can be defined as the difference between the
expected level of sale and the breakeven sales.
The larger the margin of safety, the higher is the chances of making profits.
The Margin of Safety can be calculated by identifying the difference between the projected
sales and breakeven sales in units multiplied by the contribution per unit. This is po ssible
because, at the breakeven point all the fixed costs are recovered and any further
contribution goes into the making of profits.
Margin of Safety = (Projected sales – Breakeven sales) in units x contribution per
It also can be calculated as:
Margin of Safety =
P / V Ratio
(c) Rowan Premium Plan: According to this system a standard time allowance is fixed for the
performance of a job and bonus is paid if time is saved.
Under Rowan System, the bonus is that proportion of the time wages as time saved bears
to the standard time.
Time Saved
Bonus = × Time taken × Rate per hour
Time Allowed
Example explaining highly efficient worker and less efficient worker obtaining same
Time rate (per Hour) ` 60
Time allowed 8 hours.
Time taken by ‘X’ 6 hours.

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Time taken by ‘Y’ 2 hours.

Time Saved
Bonus = × Time taken × Rate per hour
Time Allowed
2 hours
For ‘X' = × 6 hours × ` 60 = ` 90
8 hours
6 hours
For ‘Y’ = × 2 hours × ` 60 = ` 90
8 hours
From the above example, it can be concluded that a highly efficient worker may obtain
same bonus as less efficient worker under this system.
(d) Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) Approach: In recent years a growing trend emerged
among Governments in many countries to solicit investments for public projects from the
private sector under BOT scheme. BOT is an option for the Government to outsource
public projects to the private sector.
With BOT, the private sector designs, finances, constructs and operate the facility and
eventually, after specified concession period, the ownership is transferred to the
Government. Therefore, BOT can be seen as a developing technique for infrastructure
projects by making them amenable to private sector participation.
Toll Rate: In general, the toll rate should have a direct relation with the benefits that the
road users would gain from its improvements. The benefits to road users are likely to be in
terms of fuel savings, improvement in travel time and good riding quality.
To compute the toll rate, following formula may be used
Total Cost + Profit
Number of Vehicles
Or, to compute the toll rate following formula with rounding off to nearest multiple of five
has been adopted: User fee = Total distance x Toll rate per km.
(e) Vital, Essential and Desirable (VED): Under this system of inventory analysis,
inventories are classified on the basis of its criticality for the production function
and final product. Generally, this classification is done for spare parts which are used for
(i) Vital- Items are classified as vital when its unavailability can interrupt the
production process and cause a production loss. Items under this category are
strictly controlled by setting re-order level.
(ii) Essential- Items under this category are essential but not vital. The unavailability
may cause sub standardisation and loss of efficiency in production process.
Items under this category are reviewed periodically and get the second priority.
(iii) Desirable- Items under this category are optional in nature; unavailability does not
cause any production or efficiency loss.

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