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Gen. Vicente Alvarez St.

, Zamboanga City
Junior High School Unit
Local nos. (062) 991 – 4277, (062) 991 – 1676, Telefax: 992 – 3045

Student’s Activity Worksheet

Name of Student: _____________________________________
Ayianna Therese Tan Date: ___________________
Grade and Section: ____________________________________
7-MABINI Score: __________________


Instructions: Write the letter of the choice that best complete the statement or answers the question.

a 1. What is the world’s largest continent?
a. Asia
b. Europe
c. South America
d. North America

b 2. What is the highest mountain in Turkey?
a. Himalayas
b. Mount Ararat
c. Mount Everest
d. Altai Mountain

a 3. The Russia is situated in two (2) continents. What are the two continent situated in Russia?
a. Europe and Asia
b. Australia and Antarctic
c. North and South America
d. Africa and Europe

a 4. The South Asia has Mouth Everest. Where the mouth Everest can be found?
a. Aside Nepal and Tibet
b. Aside Nepal and Bhutan
c. Between Bangladesh and Nepal
d. Between Bangladesh and Brahmaputra

b 5. What is the largest country in the Asia and third largest in the world?
a. USA
b. China
c. Russia
d. Philippines

1 | S t u d e n t ’ s A c ti v i t y W o r k s h e e t i n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Activity Sheet no. 1 Quarter 1 Week no. 1
Topic: Geographical Division of Asia


At the end of the lesson, YOU CAN explain the causes of Asia’s geographical division: East Asia,
Southeast Asia, South Asia, West Asia, North Asia and North / Central Asia.


Checking for Understanding

Instructions A: Refer to the lecture, list down the different countries that belong to each geographical division.

West Asia North Asia Southeast Asia East Asia South Asia
Countries: Countries: Countries: Countries: Countries:
Afghanistan Armenia Brunei Pakistan
Cyprus Azerbaijan Laos South Korea India
Turkey Georgia Cambodia North Korea Nepal
Iran Siberia Burma China Bhutan
Iraq Russia Timor-Leste Taiwan Bangladesh
Syria Tajikistan Thailand Japan Sri Lanka
Lebanon Kazakhstan Vietnam Mongolia Maldives
Jordan Uzbekistan Singapore
Israel Kyrgyzstan Malaysia
Saudi Arabia Tadzhikistan Indonesia
Kuwait Turkmenistan Myanmar
Bahrain Philippines
United Arab

Instructions B: Describe the location, size, land form and water form, and climate of the standout region in

Country Location Size Land form and Climate

water form
Example: It is located on 198,456 sq. mi A plateau Its climate is
Indochinese and dominates the tropical.
Thailand Malayan Peninsula Northeast part of
in Southeast Asia. Thailand. Forested
mountains are on
the N with narrow
fertile valleys. The
southern part is
covered with rain

2 | S t u d e n t ’ s A c ti v i t y W o r k s h e e t i n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1. Turkmenistan Central Asia 188,417 sq. miles
2. Kyrgyzstan Soviet Central Asia 2,717,300 sq. miles
3. Tadzhikistan Central Asia 143,039 sq. miles
4. Maldives SW of India 115 sq. miles
5. Bhutan eastern Himalaya 18,147 sq. miles

Guided Practice:

Instructions: I will group you into five (5). You are tasked to make an outline map of the five regions in
Asia and identify the basis of the geographical division.

Group 1: West Asia

Group 2: North Asia
Group 3: South Asia
Group 4: East Asia
Group 5: Southeast Asia


1) Choose one (1) country in Asia that you are interested.

2) Create an infographics about it.
3) Please include the geographic conditions like climate, natural resources, people and its culture, and
significant water and landforms. An example of an infographics is below.


Instructions: Write the letter of the choice that best complete the statement or answers the question.

b 1. What sub-region does Turkey belong to?
a. East Asia b. West Asia c. North Asia d. South Asia

a 2. Which of the following nation is known for “Land of the Free”?

3 | S t u d e n t ’ s A c ti v i t y W o r k s h e e t i n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
a. Thailand b. Malaysia c. Singapore d. Philippines

_____ 3. How many countries have in west Asia?
a. 7 b. 8 c. 10 d. 14

b 4. Which of the following is the cradle of Chinese Civilization?
a. Yantze River
b. Yellow River
c. Huaiho River
d. Heilung River

c 5. What is the largest inland sea in North Asia?
a. Black Sea
b. Dead Sea
c. Caspian Sea
d. White Sea

Gen. Vicente Alvarez St., Zamboanga City

Junior High School Unit
Local nos. (062) 991 – 4277, (062) 991 – 1676, Telefax: 992 – 3045
4 | S t u d e n t ’ s A c ti v i t y W o r k s h e e t i n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Student’s Activity Worksheet
Name of Student: _____________________________________
Ayianna Therese Tan Date: ___________________
Grade and Section: 7-MABINI
____________________________________ Score: __________________


Instructions: Write the letter of the choice that best complete the statement or answers the question.

a 1. What is the largest population in Asia and in the whole world?
a. Asia
b. Europe
c. South America
d. North America

d 2. It is to measures the unequal treatment of women in terms of health, empowerment, and livelihood?
a. Multidimensional Poverty Index
b. Gender and the Gender Inequality Index
c. Gender Inequality Index
d. Human Development Index

_____ 3. The Russia is situated in two (2) continents. What are the two continent situated in Russia?
a. Europe and Asia
b. Australia and Antarctic
c. North and South America
d. Africa and Europe

a_____ 4. The South Asia has Mouth Everest. Where the mouth Everest can be found?
a. Aside Nepal and Tibet
b. Aside Nepal and Bhutan
c. Between Bangladesh and Nepal
d. Between Bangladesh and Brahmaputra

b 5. What is the largest country in the Asia and third largest in the world?
a. USA
b. China
c. Russia
d. Philippines

Activity Sheet no. 2 Quarter 1 Week no. 1

Topic: Human Resources of Asia

At the end of the lesson, YOU CAN appreciate the relationship of man and environment in shaping Asian
civilization is valued

5 | S t u d e n t ’ s A c ti v i t y W o r k s h e e t i n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Checking for Understanding

Instructions: Fill-out the graphing organizer to show the human resources contribute towards improving the
ecology and the present society based on development indicators

GDP per Capita

Population Growth
Life Expectancy

Human Development
Index Resources
Literacy Rate

Gender Inequality
Human Development

Guided Practice:

Instructions: Makes a poster showing the important of Asia’s human resources in promoting a
country’s development.


Content: 5
Mechanics: 5
Neatness: 5
6 | S t u d e n t ’ s A c ti v i t y W o r k s h e e t i n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Presentation: 5


Instructions: By three, make a video advertisement showing the relationship of a man and environment in
shaping Asian civilization.


Criteria Excellent - 4 Good - 3 Satisfactory - 2 Needs
Improvement - 1
Originality The project shows The project shows The work is an The work is a
significant evidence some evidence of extensive collection minimal collective
of originality and originality and and rehash of other or rehash of other
inventiveness. The inventiveness. people’s ideas, people’s ideas,
majority of the products, and images. products, and
content and many There is little images. There is
of the ideas are evidence of new no evidence of a
fresh original and thought or new thought.
inventive. inventiveness.
Writing The writing is The writing is The writing is mostlyHe writing is
legible, clear, and legible and clear legible and clear with
illegible and/or
grammatically with few some grammaticalunclear. The
correct. The writing grammatical errors. errors. The writing is
writing is
entices the The writing entices somewhere enticing. unenticing or full
consumer. the consumer. or grammatical
Presentation The advertisement The advertisement The advertising is The advertisement
is an aesthetically is aesthetically pleasing and is a is unoriginal and is
pleasing, creative, pleasing/creative/or satisfactory example not an example of
and original original and a good of the chosen format. the chosen format.
example of the example of the
chosen format. chosen format.
Advertising The advertising The advertisement The advertisement The chosen
Technique uses the chosen is good example of uses the advertising advertising
advertising the use of the technique technique is not
technique advertising satisfactorily, but not followed or no
creatively and well. technique. creatively. advertising
technique exists.


Instructions: Write the letter of the choice that best complete the statement or answers the question.

a 1. It is pertains to the estimated population increase every years?
a. Population Growth Rate
b. Population Density
c. Young Population
d. Old Population

7 | S t u d e n t ’ s A c ti v i t y W o r k s h e e t i n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
b 2. It is the degree of years that a country’s citizens will live?
a. Literacy Rate
b. Life Expectancy
c. Population Density
d. Human Development Index

a 3. Which of the following answer best describe to these skills that can read and write?
a. Functional Literacy
b. Educational Attainment
c. Expected Years of Schooling
d. Parliamentary Representation

c 4. What is the primary livelihood of Asians in East Asia, Southeast, and South Asia?
a. Mining
b. Fishing
c. Farming
d. Marketing

a 5. Measuring tool for the unequal treatment of women in different areas
a. Gender Inequality Index
b. Human Development Index
c. Population Density
d. Human Resources.

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

Frederick A. Ferrer Aileen Romano Bucoy Jomar S. Ejedio, LPT

Subject teacher Subject Coordinator Department Head, JHS

8 | S t u d e n t ’ s A c ti v i t y W o r k s h e e t i n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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