Teaching Strategies in The New Normal - Gudes

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Tagum City, Davao del Norte, Philippines

1. Based on your teaching experience, how do you introduce a lesson to the class?
As a public teacher for more than one year, and teaching in face-to-face class for almost six
months, I introduce my lesson to the class following what I have planned for that day or
week written in weekly plan. Before I introduce the lesson, I provide preliminary activities to
my class, such as pre-assessment or reviewing the prior knowledge of my students, and
motivational activities to ignite their curiosity for the new lesson. Then, as I introduce the
lesson, I ask guide or thought-provoking questions, and examples for the lesson, and
sometimes I introduce it through a game and picture presentation. I also introduce the
learning competency and objectives that they need to achieve. After that, I provide the
learning activities of the lesson to the class.

3. For those of you having modular class;

     3.1 What are its advantages and disadvantages?
Based on my experience in teaching a modular class for one year and six months,
modular learning modality have advantages and disadvantages to both teachers and
students. It is advantage for teachers in the sense that it provides flexibility for us to do other
paperwork, we don’t have to worry about students’ behavior since they are with their parents
and guardian. It is also advantage for the students in the sense that they can learn in self-
pace, they have the choice when and where to study and answer the module, they have all
the resources for the correct answers of the assessment. However, it also disadvantage for
the teachers in the sense that it is rigorous for us to make and reproduce the modules,
especially if we have three preparations and full loads. We spend more time on checking the
outputs of a hundred of students in every week. We also need to deliver the modules of
those students who failed to get for their own, and most of them are far from the school in
which we need to cross rivers. For the students’ side, it is also disadvantage for them. It is
hard for them to learn on their own if their parents are not around or in work. They can’t
easily grasp the lesson by just reading the modules, and it is also tiresome for them.

     3.2 Are teaching strategies employed in modular class? 

In modular class, we can’t easily apply the different teaching strategies since the
students are just using their modules. However, there are still teaching strategies employed
in the modules. For example in Science subject, there are lessons that need to have
experiment to easily understand the concept. The experiment to be conducted is home-
based, in which the students will utilize what is present in their house.

4. What teaching approaches are relevant in this new normal set-up?

For the new normal set-up, there are different teaching approaches can be applied for
the delivery of instruction. The trends are blended learning in which you can opt to use
modular or online synchronous/asynchronous or face-to-face. Moreover, in the new normal
set-up of education, it is relevant to apply a mixed of student-centered and teacher-centered
Tagum City, Davao del Norte, Philippines
approaches of teaching. Students nowadays have large learning gap due to the pandemic,
in which for two years, they spent their learning activities at home. Most of them need to go
back on the basics, and by this the teacher-centered approach is utilized. Meanwhile, it is
also important to apply learning activities that are student-centered for them to be
independent in problem-solving and enhance their engagement in learning.

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