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To change flag may be a complex process, depending on the previous scope of authorization of DNV and national
requirements of the new flag.

Thorough preparation is therefore required to ensure a smooth handling of the change of flag. It is recommended to
combine the change of flag with planned periodical surveys in order to avoid additional surveys and with such higher


Survey &
Preparation Approval

2.1 Preparation
2.1.1 Documentation by the new flag authorities
The following information by the authorities of the new flag shall be available on board:

- Confirmation of:
o name of vessel
o official number and/or signal letters
o port of registry
o name and address of new owners, if applicable
o MMSI, INMARSAT and call sign/official number
- Copy of the certificate of registration/certificate of nationality

2.1.2 Exemptions, equivalent arrangements and alternative design

All exemption certificates, equivalent arrangements and alternative designs shall be confirmed with the new flag. Note
also that MOs and content noted on certificates may need a similar acceptance by the new flag if categorized as one of
the above.
Upon your confirmation, DNV may assist with the process for acceptance of existing exemptions, please contact DATE.
If confirmation from new flag is not received/available at the time of change of flag, a condition (CA) will have to be
issued to stating that acceptance by the new flag is required and a corresponding short term certificate will be issued.
Some flags may require immediate compliance.

DNV Headquarters, Veritasveien 1, P.O.Box 300, 1322 Høvik, Norway. Tel: +47 67 57 99 00.

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2.1.3 Existing conditions of authority
Existing condition of authority (CA) should be rectified before completion of the change of flag-survey. If this is not
possible, the flag administration shall be contacted regarding acceptability.

2.1.4 Flag specific requirements

The new flag may have additional national requirements which have to be followed. For more information please contact
DATE or your dedicated DNV contact.

2.1.5 MED approved equipment

If changing flag from a non-EU/EEA flag towards an EU/EEA flag, an evaluation of whether equipment listed in appendix
A.1 in MED is wheelmarked or of an equivalent standard is required.
Please fill in form EU-MED 001a.
DNV may, against a charge, assist in checking whether the equipment's certification is of an equivalent standard or not.
Note that also other flag states may have specific requirements for approved equipment.
Equipment found not to be wheelmarked but of an equivalent standard, shall be listed by DNV in a declaration and
submitted to the flag for acceptance.
Equipment which is found not to be of an equivalent standard shall be replaced and, if not replaced before the survey is
concluded, a CA will be issued.

2.2 Approval
App.A contains a list of documents to be approved/endorsed for change of flag and requirements for documentation to
be provided. Note that more documents may be required to be submitted.
When the survey is concluded, if documents required to be approved have been submitted but not yet approved an MO
will be issued. If these have not been submitted, a CA will be issued.

2.2.1 Documents previously approved by DNV

If DNV did approve the documents on behalf of the previous flag, the surveyor may normally endorse these on board on
behalf of the new flag.
However, the national requirements of the new flag have to be checked. In case of additional requirements, full re-
approval may be required.

2.2.2 Documents previously approved by another IACS society

If an IACS society did approve the documents on behalf of the previous flag, the surveyor may normally endorse these
on board on behalf of the new flag. However, the national requirements of the new flag have to be checked. In case of
additional requirements, full re-approval may be required.

Please submit an electronic copy of the documents to DNV, latest upon survey.

Documents which have to be submitted for approval in any case:

- Documents for PSSC

- Documents for SPS
- P&A manual

2.2.3 Documents approved by another RO or flag state

If documents have not been approved by DNV or another IACS society, a full approval is required.

Please submit an electronic copy of the documents to DNV, latest upon survey.

2.2.4 IMO DCS and EU MRV

- DCS: Amend the SEEMP Part II with the new flag in the app in Veracity.
- EU MRV: Submit the fuel oil consumption report (FOCR) to DNV for verification.

2.2.5 Passenger ships

Note that:
— Arrangements accepted by previous flag administration as equivalent to a SOLAS requirement may not be accepted
by the new flag administration. (e.g. equivalences referred to in list of limitations)
— Exemption(s) granted by the previous flag administration may not be granted by the new flag
administration, especially if the trading area is changed.

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— The requirements in SOLAS 1974 as amended is dependent on the trading area. Major alterations may be required
in connection with any extension of the trading area or change to another trading area.
— A renewal PSSC survey shall be carried out. Whether or not to require a bottom survey will be decided upon in each
case and will depend upon the ship's status with regard to bottom survey.

2.3 Survey
2.3.1 Survey scope when DNV authorisation level remains the same
When the authorisation level of DNV remains the same, i.e. where DNV issued the last certificate, the scope of survey
required for change of flag corresponds in general to a full set of statutory annual surveys.

However, a renewal survey scope is required for:

- Safety radio
- Passenger ship safety
- Sewage

2.3.2 Survey scope when DNV authorisation increases

When the authorisation level of DNV increases, i.e. if the previous certificate was issued and surveyed by the previous
flag state, the scope of survey required for change of flag corresponds in general to a renewal survey for the respective

In case of doubt please contact DATE or your dedicated DNV contact.

2.3.3 Survey scope when DNV authorisation decreases

Make sure required statutory certificates are properly issued and available onboard.

2.3.4 Marking of new vessel’s details

- Hull:
o The vessel's new port of registry shall be permanently marked on the hull. Punch marks, tack
weldings and welded clichés steel letters are acceptable methods.
- Lifesaving appliances
o New call sign and new port of registry shall be permanently marked on all applicable lifesaving
appliances e.g. lifeboat, rescue boat, liferafts including its identification tags, lifebuoy, lifejackets,
immersion suit (if necessary)
- GMDSS equipment
o VHF/DSC, MF/DSC, MF/HF/DSC/Tlx, Inmarsat, LRIT, SSAS, AIS, VDR and EPIRB shall be
reprogrammed with new MMSI, Inmarsat and call sign. Request a radio renewal survey by a DNV
approved radio service.

2.4 Audit
2.4.1 Additional flag for company
If the new flag is also a new flag for the company, an additional office audit has to be carried out, before a DOC with the
same expiry date as for the other flags is issued for the additional flag. A copy of the DOC has to be available on board.

2.4.2 Pre-requisites / approval for management systems

SMS, SSP and DMLC have to be updated for the new flag including additional flag state requirements and approved /
reviewed by DNV

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2.4.3 Scope of audit
An additional or interim (depending on what the flag state requires) audit has to be carried out.

The SSAS shall be reprogrammed and tested.

2.5 Commercial implications

The price of a change of flag depends on the scope of survey and approval which are required. If DNV’s authorization
increases/decreases for the new flag, this might also influence the periodical service agreement, please contact your
dedicated DNV contact.



— intact stability booklet

— damage control plan and damage control booklet
— document of approval of stability instrument
— damage stability calculations
— shipboard oil pollution emergency plan (SOPEP)
— cargo securing manual
— grain loading manual
— procedures and arrangement manual (P and A manual)
— shipboard marine pollution emergency plan for noxious liquid substances (SMPEP)
— crude oil washing manual (COW manual)
— oil discharge and monitoring manual (ODM manual)
— ship structure access manual (for ESP tank bulk only)
— bulk carrier booklet (if not part of the loading manual/stability documentation)
— muster list (for passenger ships and HSLC)
— energy efficiency design index (EEDI) technical file
— ship-to-ship cargo transfer (STS) operation plan and records of STS operations
— VOC management plan
— vapour emission control systems (VECS) operation manual
— ballast water management plan
For passenger ships and HSLC:
— fire control plan
— safety plan showing lifesaving appliances
— muster list and emergency instructions

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