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March 20, 2023

The Honorable Christopher A. Wray

Federal Bureau of Investigation
935 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20535

Dear Director Wray:

The Committee on the Judiciary is continuing to examine the Federal Bureau of

Investigation’s (FBI) handling of domestic violent extremism investigations. On February 16,
2023, we wrote to you about the FBI Richmond Field Office’s document that linked “racially or
ethnically motivated violent extremists” with a “radical-traditionalist Catholic” ideology.1 You
have failed to acknowledge or respond substantively to the requests in our letter, and the
Committee continues to have questions about this misuse of federal law-enforcement resources.

Although the FBI withdrew this anti-Catholic document following severe backlash, many
questions remain about the genesis, review, and approval of this document, as well as the FBI’s
commitment to upholding First Amendment-protected activity. At a March 9, 2023, hearing
before the Subcommittee on Responsiveness and Accountability to Oversight, Assistant Attorney
General Carlos Uriarte stated that the FBI document “did not meet our standard at all. It was
offensive to me personally, and as the Attorney General said last week, it was offensive to him.”2
In addition, Mr. Uriarte testified that “being responsive to Congress” is a “significant priority to
[the Attorney General] and me personally” and promised that the documents related to our
February 16, 2023, letter are “forthcoming soon.”3

We reiterate our outstanding requests— itemized in our February 16, 2023, letter and
incorporated herein— and ask that you provide this information as soon as possible, but no later

See, Letter from Rep. Jim Jordan, Chairman, H. Comm. on the Judiciary, to Hon. Christopher A. Wray, Dir., Fed.
Bureau of Investigation (Feb. 16, 2023).
Compliance with Committee Oversight, Hearing Before Subcomm. on Responsiveness & Accountability to
Oversight, H. Comm. on the Judiciary, 118th Cong. at 39 (2023).
Id. at 21 & 40. Prior to the hearing, the Department of Justice represented to the Committee that Mr. Uriarte spoke
on behalf of the FBI for purposes of that hearing.
The Honorable Christopher A. Wray
March 20, 2023
Page 2

than 5:00 pm on March 23, 2023. Please be aware that the Committee may resort to compulsory
processes to obtain the required documents if necessary.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.


Jim Jordan Mike Johnson

Chairman Chairman
Subcommittee on the Constitution
and Limited Government

cc: The Honorable Jerrold L. Nadler, Ranking Member

The Honorable Mary Gay Scanlon, Ranking Member, Subcommittee on the Constitution
and Limited Government

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