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Name of Pre-Service Teacher: Nica Damayon Eurango Grade Level: 8 Quarter: Week 3/First Quarter

Name of Instructor/Evaluator: Presy Mae Muana

Academic Year: 2022 - 2023

Chosen Literature Assessment Task Specific Genre/s of Poetry to Title/s of Text/s and Activities Aligned to
Competencies Aligned to the be Taught Author/s Teach the Competencies
● Skim to determine ● Skimming to see ● Autobiographical ● The African Child ● Reading: Identify the
key ideas who can find the main ideas of the
mistakes in a given poem.
text first.

● Finding a word in a ● Copy a text, blocking

out everything but the
dictionary –
title, pictures, first
competition to see lines of each
which team does it paragraph, and the
the fastest. last paragraph. From
this information, ask
students to identify
the main idea and
why the author is
writing this story.

● Listen for important ● Autobiographical ● The African Child

points signaled by ● REFLECTION
● Reading by group
volume, projection, QUESTION:
pitch, stress, (The teacher will let Explain why these
intonation, juncture, her/his students read prosodic features of
and rate of speech the “The African speech are important?
Child” poem and
make sure that they Before you come up with
will read it with the the question above, ask
correct usage of the questions referring to the
prosodic features of important points which
speech. was signaled by volume,
projection, etc.


1 It is the rhythm or
intonation of a
2 The sudden stop that we
make when we
are speaking or reading is
called _______.
3 It is the degree of
highness of the tone.
4 The consonants are
stressed in
pronouncing words not
the vowels. True or
5. In two sentences
● Use context clues ● Separate students ● Autobiography ● The African Child
explain the importance
from the material into four groups, of the five prosodic
viewed to determine assigning each a features of speech in
the meaning of type of context clue. our daily lives.
unfamiliar words or
● Ask students to
create sentences
using unfamiliar
words (you can ● Let the students read
assign or they can the poem “The
create) along with African Child” and
the type of context then direct students to
clue they've been highlight unknown
assigned. words, then use
context clues to
determine meaning.
Have students
underline or circle
parts of text that
● Determine the ● Autobiography ● African in this
● Assessment: Write helped them define
meaning of idiomatic different land by the word.
expressions by noting A if you agree and Sam Bradley
context clues and B if you are not.
1. Idioms always have
a shallow literal
● List down all the
2. Collocations are idiomatic expressions
words that you put containedthat contains
together to form a in the poem “African
new meaning. in this different Land
3. Idiomatic by Sam Bradley” and
Expression have a try to explain what it
figurative meaning is.
conventionally ●
understood by
native speakers.
4. Using of context
clues in revealing
the meaning of the
idioms create
5. Idioms don’t mean
exactly what the
words say

Target higher order

● Describe the notable ● African by David
thinking skills in your
literary genres contributed assessment. Think of Diop
by African writers another assessment. ● A wall by Omotara

● In another world by
● Scaffolds for
Rasak Malik
Learning Observe
the following
● “Sizwe Banzi is ● Describe the notable
(Impression Check: Dead” by Athol literary genres
Based on the Fugard, John Kani, contributed by
pictures, evaluate and Winston African writers.
the following Ntshona
statements about Literary Description
● “My Children! My
Africa and write Genre
Africa!” by Athol
whether you agree
Fugard 1. Poetry
or disagree, and
provide realizations 2. Folktales
upon your answer. 3. Novels
Agree or Disagree) 4. Autobiography
5. Drama

●  Text Analysis.
Reread the poem
“Africa” by David
Diop and answer the
following questions.

1. Who is the one

speaking in the lines of
the poem?
2. To whom does the
● Generate ideas and speaker of the poem is
their relationships talking to (addressee)?
3. Cite a line from
the poem that describes
about the identity of
● Ask the students to ● Waka Waka by
complete the Shakira
graphic organizer
● African Child
with the ideas that
came to their minds
as they hear/see the ● Make two graphic
word Africa. organizersorganizer
and about the topic
(You can also use one of the African Child .
● Use the correct the literary pieces for
● Make an insight based
sounds of English your assessment in
generating ideas and on what you have
relationships. learned in the poem
“African Child”

● Oral test: The

● Use appropriate Vowel sound
(I think you can look for a ● Let the student’s
cohesive devices in little more complex than
composing an demonstrate ease in
vowel sounds.)
informative speech using the correct
vowel sounds of
● African Child English.
● Formative ● Write an informative
Assessment: speech about the
poem “African
What is Cohesive Child”. Use at
devices? leastatleast five
cohesive devices in
Site examples of your paragraph. (Use
cohesiveof a cohesive this one as your
devices or transitional assessment.)
words. (You can use this

one during the


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