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Clause 8.4

Suppliers (including providers and/or sub-contractors) are assessed on their ability to provide the
type, specification of product and quality required by the Organisation. On approval, details are
given to the relevant department, to arrange credit terms, etc.

The selection of suppliers is based on the consideration of some or all of the following criteria:

 Historical usage and supply performance

 Quality of product or service

 Specialist supplier

 Industry or management system certifications

 Medical ISO 13485 certification

 Customer specified

 Availability of supplies and items.

A record of suppliers meeting the Organisation’s supplier criteria is held. Before a supplier is
added, the Organisation’s approval procedure is followed.

Suppliers are monitored, reviewed and re-evaluated on a regular basis to ensure that materials
and/or services meet with Order requirements.

The specific areas applicable for monitoring and measurement processes may be selected from the
following aspects:

 Supplier Controls and Non-conformance Reporting

 Documentation failures

 Product quality & sustainability

 Price and delivery

 Benchmarking.

Suppliers are selected from the Approved List of Suppliers.

Purchase Orders are submitted to suppliers by e-mail, referenced by the Order Number, derived
from the job details, for traceability purposes. Information shown may include:

 Product and part number

 Type

 Specification

 Quantity

 Delivery Instructions
 Price quoted

 Additional information.

Whenever the Order cannot be confirmed in writing or inspected at the point of purchase, the
supplier is requested to read back the Order details in order to confirm that the requirements have
been clearly understood.

On receipt of goods, an inspection is carried out in order to ensure that they conform to the
original Order requirements and for any damage. Any discrepancies, i.e. shortage or damage, are
noted on the Delivery/Collection Note and reported for further action.

Whenever a requirement of the product specification, additional documentation may also be

requested such as:

 Certificates of Conformity

 Certificate of Testing

 Warranty

 COSHH Data Sheets.

Discrepancies of a significant nature are noted on a Non-conformance document that may be

forwarded to the supplier for actioning and then filed for review at IMS Management Review.
Continual issues that arise with suppliers may result in their removal as approved suppliers.

All new sub-contractors are required to undergo a sub-contractor appraisal process, which
includes, as a minimum:

 Insurance checks and verification

 Training records and evidence

 Certification/Accreditation/registration evidence.

Sub-contractors are monitored in the same manner as the Organisation’s own staff.

On receipt of the invoice from the sub-contractor, the details are cross-checked against the
Purchase Order details and once confirmed, the invoice is passed for payment.
Amendment History
Version Modified On Modified By Comments

0.1 20/10/2021 Mark Kirkman Document created

1.0 30/11/2021 Ash Puri Document created

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